#The evilest religion in Japan's Buddhism
The evilest religion in Japan's Buddhism: Nichiren Sect (Essay)
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Soka Gakkai, the parent body of Komei Pary, a partner of the Liberal Democratic Party that dominates Japan's current politics, was a group of believers of the Nichiren Shoshu sect but was excommunicated by the Nichiren Shoshu sect. I once befriended a Soka Gakkai member and received an introductory book on the doctrine. However, there was one point that was difficult to understand.
As well known, Nichiren said the Buddhist scripture ``Lotus Sutra'' is superior to any other sutra, and the Nichiren sect views it as absolute. Especially, ``Buddha's real desire for born into this world.'' I heard that the true reason why Buddha appeared in this world is explained in detail in the Lotus Sutra. As I read excitedly, it wrote, ``We don't understand.'' This kind of expression is called fraud. They kept pulling for this answer. Well, anyone not a Buddha cannot understand the Buddha's mind. In that case, it would be far more suitable to say that when the Zen Dharma Master was asked, ``Why did you come from India?'' he answered with only two letters, ``不識:I don't know.'' It's not unnecessarily long.
Furthermore, Nichiren was the one who took this ambiguous Lotus Sutra as absolute and rejected other sutras and the various schools of Buddhism that took them as their fundamental sutras. To begin with, the Lotus Sutra is a forgery created several centuries after the death of Buddha. There is nothing different from other sutras that Nichiren criticizes. This is Mahayana Buddhism’s junk that has nothing to do with Buddha. In later generations, Nichiren's successors devoted themselves to slandering and slandering other sects, calling it ``shakubuku (conversion by force)'' and committing violence. The Nichiren sect is the evilest sect of Buddhism in Japan.
Rei Morishita
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