#The Adventure Zone Fanfic
thekingthatwrites · 1 year
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Summary: With time comes learning to cope with the past. But sometimee it's hard to do it alone and, often, talking about it just isn't the way to go. How about a hug from your dear friend amber?
Genre: Fluff
Amber Gris x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1590
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡
Founders' Wake was, what some might call it, a city of hustle and bustle, where every layer seemed to be full of activity and energy. Especially after everything that happened with the Sallow coming back, the city being infected, and then refurbished, the people of Founders' Wake seem to find a new sort of vitality within them. As if the world was anew, a city that had been painted over with fresh air, air that hadn't been breathed in more than 25 years, air that was crisp, as some seem to describe it as. There was not a single complaint about it, especially not from you.
You find yourself within the commotion that this city thrived on, with people talking to one another, making sales, and, especially in your present location, Joshy's Knuckle, discussing the recent occurrences within Founders' Wake. You knew it well, having experienced it first hand along with the crew you embarked with on your recent journeys, you couldn't help but listen in on the rumors and slight discussion that filled the air. Comments about the Ballaster's, about the Sallow, about how it all happened, but what really caught your interest was the familiar names that you grew to be quite fond of. Amber Gris, Devo La Main, and Zoox, and of course your own name being thrown in the mixture, as you too happened to go along with the plan that was fighting a demi-god worm being until its death. The fight itself wasn't entirely… something to be excited about. It was painful, disheartening, and … even sad, really, as you think back on the words that echoed through that magical chamber, now destroyed. You ran your hand through your silky hair, pushing your feelings aside, and staring down at your hands. Every time your gaze reaches your palms, you always find surprise rising in your chest, as the hands you once knew, with rough skin littered with different marks, from freckles to scars, were now of a different kind of nature.
With webbed fingers, scales inching up your hands and arms, as well as your now sharpened fingertips that not only consisted of the cartilage of your nails but also a natural sharpness to the ends of your fingers. This is how the Sallow affected you, and, while it definitely wasn't as bad as some other people had it, was most uncomfortable. You stare down at your newly-formed hands, an almost frustrated look morphing on your features as you can't help but think about what they looked like before all of this. Your hands were gentle, or at least you had been told that in your past, with every mark unique to you, and now… they were a side effect of an illness. It hurt your heart, and as you thought about it, maybe a bit too honed in on the moment, you quickly got distracted by where you were walking.
As you took steps, you found your body colliding with something that was too soft to be a wall. Quickly, as your head reacted before your body could, you deducted that whatever you had run into was likely to be a person. Stumbling back a few steps, you'd open your mouth to apologize, but who was before you was … kind of unexpected. Though, really, based on where you were it probably shouldn't have been all that shocking.
Amber Gris, one of your shipmates and, not only that, the captain of the Coriolis. Your eyes widened for just a moment before your features quickly relaxed,
You'd say, giving the girl a light smile, as she turned around to face you. She seemed to have been shopping, as that is what you and your group had decided to do when you all split up before your next mission and smiled right back over in your direction,
"Hey there, you finished up here or what?"
She'd ask, raising an eyebrow to you and you found yourself shrugging. She tilted her head some, keeping that light grin on her lips as she turned around, paid for whatever she had been shopping before, and tucked it in a bag. You seem to have grabbed her attention. Now, while the woman was an observant person, she didn't have the greatest eye when it came to taking notice to the emotions of other people. That is except when it was with you. She read you like a book, maybe that was your fault, but she always seemed to know when you were upset. Putting a hand on your shoulder, she began to walk with you, pushing your body into movement before you would keep up on your own.
"Now what's the matter, hm? Got some problem or uh- can't find somethin'? You don't seem to be in the most chipper of moods here,"
She'd say after the both of you found your way out of the streets that made up Joshy's Knuckle, heading in the direction that was the Cloaca. Now, while the both of you might not head down into the rundown clubhouse, it was a better setting than the shady setting that you found yourselves to exit out of.
You'd laugh a bit, nervously, shaking your head and waving your hand dismissively.
"No no- nothing like that. I'm just sort of … taking everything in, I guess, getting over all that happened. I know it's been a few weeks, or however long it's been, but I can't seem to get my head around all that happened I mean… the fight with Cambria and all, I mean, it was terrifying! Before you guys, I didn't really get into all that much trouble and so, almost dying and … watching everyone else get hurt well… it was something else."
You'd find yourself shrugging, and as you spoke you'd make your way closer and closer towards the sort of safe haven that Amber seemed to enjoy much more than any other setting that you could take her to. She'd smile at your answer, letting out a laugh as she'd steal a glance your way before looking out to the older building that was getting closer each moment that passed.
"Aw, you worried about us, huh? Well, guppy, we ain't dead just yet, so no need to be a downer about it. We're alright, right? Not a single scratch still on us, after all, we beat the hell outta that worm."
She'd smile wider, and you couldn't help but giggle at the other's words. You both stopped in front of the Cloaca, knowing that this was the place that your little group would meet up after going your separate ways, temporarily, you'd end up here either way.
"You're right…"
You'd find yourself saying, shaking your head, trying to dismiss the uneasiness that sat in your chest. You wouldn't respond with anything else and when she didn't seem to get any other response other than that, which she seemed to be expecting, she let out a huff,
"What, you want a hug and a pat on the back to seal the deal? We're alright, and it'll stay that way."
She'd ball up a fist and lightly hit your arm with a teasing intent. You'd smile wider,
"I mean… if you're offering."
Her eyebrows raised at the response and she'd snicker some. With a quick roll of her eyes, she'd grab your arm and pull you into a tight embrace. Her hold was strong and her body was warm, the perfect combination for a good hug but that wasn't the end of it, oh not at all. She'd spend a point of her Ki, especially since she knew she'd have it back by the next time she'd really need it, to summon the translucent arms she always seemed to fight with. With these, she'd up the intensity of the hug, a now four-armed hold that felt like … home, in a way. You smiled even wider, your heart warmed with a strong love you had for your friend (be it platonic or romantic ;)) and you'd find yourself hugging back, just as … or well, no, you could try to be as intense as her, but you wouldn't even come close to it. You held each other for quite a while, or what seemed like it, and when you let go, you both were smiling wide.
"I won't lie, that was one hella good hug."
Amber would say, crossing her arms over her chest. What she didn't know was that a certain someone was lurking in the shadows, watching this tender moment between you and your friend, and, all of a sudden, you heard a loud, booming voice.
The voice was unmistakable, it was Uncle Joshy, and this was really proven when he landed on top of Amber, tackling the girl to the floor,
"God dammit Joshy! We're kinda havin' a moment here!"
Amber would call out, pushing the other off of her. Joshy would jump up to his feet, a proud smile on his lips as he laughed,
"You always gotta be ready, Amber, Your enemies don't wait for you to have tender moments with friends, now do they?"
He'd question, raising an eyebrow. Amber scoffed and waved him off as he ran back inside. Looking over to you, Amber seemed to shake off the whole thing, quickly.
"Alright, let's get inside now, don't wanna stand out here too long and give the guy another chance to jump me."
You'd smile and nod, and she led the way into the building, where you'd wait for your comrades.
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yourbelgianthings · 1 month
khartoum aid kitchen has £90,000 left of their goal! if anyone sends me proof of a donation of £4 (with personal details obscured ofc) through ask or dms you can request a drabble/short scene or detailed hcs for the character of your choice from the medias tagged, and donations above £12 can have a fic of ~1k words! reblogs help as well but as always please consider donating if you can any amount helps!
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
Balance fic recs
some of my favorite balance fics. various ages, popularities, and lengths. i’ve been wanting to do a rec list for a while!
caramel by nevereverever
The first time Taako is left alone, it isn't pretty. But their lives are stuck in a loop and people come back and die again and again and he wonders if there will ever be a time when he doesn't have to fear being left alone.
2.7k, Taako & Lup Lup dies one cycle and then, years later, she dies again. But she always comes back. Hurt/comfort of the best kind.
Warmth by noxic
"It was a well-known fact among the residents of the Starblaster that Lup, Barry, and Taako slept in the same bed more often than not. It was one of those things that they just did without really talking about it."
2.1k, Barry & Lup & Taako The BLT fic of all time. Quality platonic adult sleepovers.
Taako the Matchmaker by @fantasysamsclub
In which Taako tries to set up his sister. Events take place during Stolen Century.
11.1k, Blupjeans & Taako Taako tries to set up blupjeans. Miscommunication ensues. Very sweet and funny.
red fishing line by @anistarrose
A routine performance of Sizzle it Up goes nightmarishly wrong, and at Lup’s bedside, Taako feels helpless. And when a red-robed guest appears before him, Taako doesn’t know how or what to feel at all.
3k, Barry & Lup & Taako Also the BLT fic of all time. Excellent subtle Taako characterization, and my favorite depiction of the familiarity-but-not of being voidfished. Warning for major character death.
Sunny-Side Up by @barry-j-blupjeans
And the world? The world loved Taako. For once in his gods-damned life, people loved him. They didn’t care about all the flaws, they didn’t care where he came from or who he was before. They loved his food and they loved him. No one would ever quite be at Taako’s level and that was something he thrived on. There would never be anyone who could measure up. Taako deserved this happiness. He worked for it. He wasted his fucking life away for it.
5.7k, Taako A wonderful character study, revolving around the role food plays in Taako's life. Fairly minor but impactful characters like Sazed and Taako's aunt are utilized in a very meaningful way. So well-written and warm. Warning for brief suicidal ideation.
On the Deck of the Starblaster by @papergardener
“What the… what are you all doing? We have work to do!” It’s a justified reaction, Lucretia thinks, to finding your entire crew literally lazing about on deck not an hour into this new cycle. “This one's on me,” Taako says. “It’s a new trend I like to call: taking a fucking break.” Cycle Nintey-Five. Everyone’s maybe not doing so good and could use a little warmth.
6.5k, Lucretia & Taako Near the end of the century, Lucretia is feeling rough. Taako pulls her out of her funk and initiates a much needed rest. Fantastic characterization, of Lucretia as a whole, and the loyal, warm side of Taako. Warning for mentions of a suicide attempt and suicidal ideation.
leaving, as an injustice by @anistarrose
When Mavis is eight, she starts finding her Dad asleep on the couch in the morning. Sometimes, he’s even all the way out on their tiny patio, with his head slumped onto a pillow atop the chess table, and bags beneath his eyes. In one of their following games, he tells her about tactical retreats.
4.7k, Mavis & Merle A study of Mavis and her relationship to Merle. Incredibly insightful into criminally underrated characters. Excellent Merle characterization.
Permission by vaguenotion
She’d been doing this on and off for the last hour, as if daring the men to catch up to them. Daring them to fight her. Every time seemed like a final stand. Here is where I will meet them, her shoulders said, hiked up around her ears. Here is where I’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. But then Taako would grab her hand, and she would turn and see the bruising on his throat, the blood drying on his brow, the tear in his shirt. And she would grip his hand in hers and together they would keep running.
12.6k, Taako & Lup My favorite depiction of the twins as children, both in character and realistic. Beautifully atmospheric, with so many small details that make the setting feel so real. Warning for assault and harm to children.
Come Hell or High Water by @nillial
“Taako,” Hurley asks, “where’s your magic umbrella?” Taako looks behind him. He had tossed the Umbrastaff in the path of a neighboring vehicle, which was beginning to catch up to them. He sees them now, far in the distance, and he sees his Umbrastaff, too, lying dangerously close to its wheels. As if on cue, he watches the tires crush it to pieces. “Whoops,” he says. - Lup is trapped. And then she isn’t. --- In which Taako breaks his umbrella during the Petals to the Metal race, unknowingly freeing Lup, who is almost immediately captured by Kravitz. After becoming a member of the Raven Queen's retinue with Kravitz as her trainer, she has two missions: 1) find her family, and 2) ruin Kravitz's afterlife. A story about enemies becoming friends and lost families finding their way back to one another.
197k (currently), Lup & Kravitz Incredible characterization. I love the way Lup is written. Hilarious shenanigans, sweet friendship-building, and terribly sad sometimes, because it dives deep into the reality of Lup existing in a world that's forgotten her.
Very cold water on a very hot day by @keplercryptids
Sometimes a family is a nerd who can't swim and the crunchy-haired watersport inventor who teaches him how. Surfer lingo required.
3.1k, Barry & Taako Deep dive into the beach year. Excellently in character, well-written dialogue, and a beautiful depiction of their growing friendship.
Children of Atlas by @papergardener
They’ve survived the apocalypse and now as far as they know, they’re the only ones left. Perhaps it was inevitable that they’d consider… repopulation. Lucretia writes up a weekly schedule to try and address that. Absolutely no one is happy with this.
76k (currently), IPRE crew The premise for this one is incredibly offputting, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance. The characterization and quality of writing is absolutely wonderful. I also love the attention to detail of the realistic difficulty of just surviving. Fantastically atmospheric, this fic dives deep into the uncertainty and fear of the first cycle, when the crew are all strangers, and the love that turns them into a family. Warning for extensive discussion of sexual assault.
Emissary Davenport by DragonWrites
A series of stories where Captain Davenport is secretly an emissary of Garl Glittergold, Gnomish god of pranks. And when you're a serious-minded captain on a mission to save all of reality, having a cheerful trickster god as your unexpected patron can get a little strange...
300k, Davenport A series of four works set in an AU where Davenport is an emissary to the leader of the gnomish pantheon. My absolute favorite depiction of Davenport, ever. The first three works are explorations of Davenport as a character and the relationships between people and gods in a DnD world. The last, Lost Gods, is the best fanfiction I've ever read. I can't express how good it is. The attention to detail among myriad plot threads, the building of themes, the characterization across just about every single character in Balance, all come together to create 223k words of a genuine masterpiece.
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taz-balance-zine · 8 months
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Magnus RUSHES IN….
to fill out our interest check!
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anistarrose · 15 days
complimentary beverages
The hairs on the back of Taako’s neck stand on end, as the shot glass clatters to the ground from Bane’s hand. Silverpoint shoots through the Captain’s bulging veins, bringing convulsions — and the man himself falls, landing right atop the shards of glass. As he goes still, a red glow engulfs his body, coalescing into what Taako can only describe as puppet strings —
And those strings extend into the air, weaving themselves into a glowing red robe.
So. This mission that won’t end has culminated in some ghost, or perhaps ghoul, coming between Taako and a multi-hour nap he’s frankly owed — now, that’s a horror story. Yet the laugh that escapes that Red Robe isn’t deep and booming, nor even a maniacal cackle — not ghostly or ghoulish at all. No, Taako’s almost tempted to call it familiar — because this ghost-slash-ghoul just laughs like a guy.
He sounds excited, and more than a little incredulous. He really just laughs like a pleasantly bewildered guy — and he spreads his cloaked arms like he’s delighted to see someone. As if he were an adoring fan, at a Sizzle it Up meet and greet — and speaking of horror, there’s a sickening thought, because Taako’s still wearing a flawless disguise and everything! He’s Mongoose Man right now! No one should even recognize him —
“Boys! You’re hangin’ in there, right?” the Red Robe exclaims, with audible recognition in his voice. His eyes light up, like cold, white flames — and he shoots Taako a skeletal finger gun, which is disconcerting for all the wrong reasons. “Love the mask, by the way, Taako. Great fuckin’ choice, love a good mongoose. But, uh — shit, you guys okay? Y’all stayed out of the —”
He glances down at Bane’s corpse, poisoned puddle and all. “The, uh — sorry, geez, the whole splash zone?”
Magnus lets his axe fall back to his side, and huffs with indignation. “Dude, I had it!”
“Kill steal!” Merle chimes in, pointing and laughing — and the Red Robe sheepishly rubs his neck.
(keep reading on ao3!)
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knightforflowers · 4 months
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Some quick art for another Ethersea fic I wrote last week! Set pre-canon when Devo escapes the Parish, and by chance runs into Zoox early, who helps him find his way to the Ballast where the School is. You can read it here if you’re interested!
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lifes-line · 2 months
Yeah I’m gonna advertise my writing here
Do you go on AO3 for taz balance fics?
Do you think man,, I wish there was more Taakitz and Lup centered fics in the world.
Well let me introduce you to my magnum opus; “She Rises” written by me, aka HowItCouldGoes
The whole plot of “She Rises” is; what if Lup didn’t die when she tried to get rid of her relic? What if, she managed to avoid being stabbed but was still trapped and far away from her family? What if she wakes up with a gaping whole in her memory and a pain in her heart that is indescribable? And unfathomable guilt for something she can’t help but feel is her fault even though she doesn’t remember that? And oh my god why does that elf on tv look like her?
In this fic we follow the story of an elf who doesn’t think she should exist trying to find Taako, an elf who looks exactly like her and she needs to know why. All while being hit on by a red robed ghost and assisted by a very nosey kid detective
Not interesting you? Youre mayeb like - wow that’s cool and all but what about Taakitz content?
Well say no more, I am currently working on a modernized but fantasy fic of Taakitz.
While Kravitz may still work for the ravens queen, with his second chance at life he succeeds in being the conductor he always wanted to be! Though he’s too arrogant for his own good he falls in love with a tv personality known as Taako.
All kind of goes well despite two egos clashing with one another - unfortunately things take a turn when Kravitz finds out the liches he’s been hunting for for nearly a century are actually his crushes’s sister and brother-in-law.
In this fic we get Johann appreciation, Johann x Avi, Lup and Barry are married, Julia isn’t dead!, Kravitz has a secret identity, Taako is still on tv, some fun features from the taz inbalance one shot and much more to come.
This fic is called “Too Sweet” by Howitcouldgoes
You should read them
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umbraastaff · 2 years
"I am blessed by the Raven Queen-- I cannot be defeated by a lich!"
The lich in question hovers unbothered over Kravitz's restrained form. "I think, uh, at this point, bluffing like that is kinda moot."
Kravitz struggles anyway. His scythe won't be called. "Well then, what do you plan to do with me, so thoroughly at your mercy?" he spits out.
"Mm, uh, good question. She likes you, right? The Raven Queen?"
Kravitz stills a little and narrows his eyes, trying to figure out where he's going.
"Seems like she does, anyway. Which means if I off you, then I get a pretty major god angry, and that's not great for me." He tilts his head. "I could just leave you, I guess."
"What-- Leave me here?"
"Yeah, uh, you know. At worst, gets you out of my way for a little bit. At best, some of her resources get spent trying to find you, which means even fewer eyes on me. And you really screwed me outta getting some kinda real powerful artifact last time. Can't have that again."
"Of course power would be your goal, lich."
"I mean, not exactly. And it's Barry. Oh, that reminds me," Barry says. "Just for future reference-- your bounty book has an error, or you're mixing me up with someone. You got my name, duh, and the fact that I'm a lich--"
He crosses his shadowy legs in midair and gestures to the ethereal crimson covering his form. Kravitz rolls his eyes.
"--but I don't know where your stats are coming from, because I've only ever died once."
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All I Wanted
@tazsapphicweek Day 7 - Prompt: "Past/Future". They had the beach, they had the uncertainty of what was next, they had each other… They had a whole new world that stretched out before and beneath them.
(I promised myself I would finish this fic for sapphic week 2024 if it was the last thing I did, and well. Here we are<3)
Word count: 3,519 (Chapter 3)
Ship: Oksamber - Amber Gris/Oksana (Ballaster Kodira)
Warnings: The bittersweetness of being (nearly) alone in the world (but it gets better)
Chapter 3: I Could Follow You To The Beginning Just To Relive The Start
It never quite stopped being a weird feeling, being just the two of them. The blink sharks offered some reprieve, of course, especially after they figured out a means of communication that worked for both parties, but it was not the same (especially since the sharks insisted on being all solemn and worship-y about it). There was always that stinging feeling of finality, of irreparability. They were a constant reminder of who Amber had been, and who she was now; and she could never stop feeling like those were two completely different, irreconcilable people.
She had started trying to build a small shack using the wood from the trees in the jungle, but picking up carpentry from scratch by herself was unsurprisingly a steep learning curve. That and hunting kept her busy, though, and that was the only thing that mattered. It was all Amber could do to will herself not to go completely insane.
Oksana seemed to have her own ways of keeping her head on her shoulders. She went on long walks across the shore, just looking at the sea, at the sky, at the ground beneath her feet. It was strangely soothing, watching her leave footprints on the sand that were washed away by the lapping waves now and again. Her skin gleamed softly in the sunlight, against the soft purple of the water, and she was all Amber would ever need to look at. If the sharks reminded her she could never be the same, Oksana brought her hope that the new her could be what this world needed. What she needed.
Amber didn’t press her about it for a while, assuming it was just one of those things people did. She reminded her of their time on the shoreside, before Founders’ Wake, when she used to walk for hours to gather resources for the community. Amber thought maybe she was looking for some plants they might be able to eat other than weird, tiny, three-pointed bananas —she did come back with something resembling kiwis one day. They were pretty good, if surprisingly nutty—. But one afternoon, Oksana finally showed her what it was she had been doing.
Continue reading on AO3
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sisiren · 9 months
shattered gifts that heal
Summary: Lup brings her family together to celebrate Candlenights and to help two of them heal. Words: 14287
It sparked from an idea, a brief clashing of neurons that had Lup sitting up frantically in the night (and wasn't that a new concept? She hadn't realized how much she missed sleeping until she was in and out of meditation for over ten years and didn’t have the option to sleep).
She hadn't had a single Candlenights for - for the same amount of time. The last one she could even remember was spent looking down at the world they were condemning to war, and there was very little attempt from anyone at celebrating that year.
Rationally, she knew that she was technically there for the previous Candlenights - and it is said in the most technical of ways, in a teasing voice that gets a blank look from Taako and wet eyes from Barry and a guilty look from Luce, but it was always fun to say it that way. She had been stuck in the Umbrastaff, but they had had worse Candlenights. And at least last year, she was surrounded by the people she loved.
“Lu?” came Barry’s voice from beside her, half slurred in sleep but still alert - they had all learned to be quick in their alertness, after a century. “What’s wrong?”
She turned to look at him, a smile fighting at her lips. He was always so adorable when he woke up, his bedhead and drool stains and half-lidded eyes that were so intelligent and focussed.
Bringing a hand to his face, she leaned her forehead against his. Morning breath didn't bother either of them anymore, not when they knew every other intimate part of one another.
“Nothing's wrong, babe,” she answered honestly. She couldn't blame him for not believing her, though. The amount of times she had shot awake, terror and fear taking her heart that she was trapped in her own creation once more, that her own family didn't remember her? It had happened far more than either of them liked.
Keep Reading on Ao3
(Written for the Blinkshark exchange for @entguarde. Happy Candlenights, Ent!)
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thekingthatwrites · 1 year
Hello tis I.. rain y day,
If you’re up to it, I would DIE for some Ned and/or Duck comforting Aubrey! I’m on ep. 19 and they make me sooooo so sick in the brain I think they all deserve big comfort and hugs and maybe even a forehead kiss…
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Yeah, I Get It.
Summary: Sometimes, having a gift like what Aubrey Little does can become... draining. Both in a literal sense and in the way that drags her down in every moment she can't seem to help the people around her. She's seen things, been told things, and can't seem to get the past out of her head. But, lucky for her, there's someone on her team that gets it more than anyone else. Duck Newton takes care of her in a familial type way.
Genere: Hurt/Comfort
Aubrey Little and Duck Newton | Familial
A/N: Thank you, Rain, for this wonderful prompt, I will indeed have a field day with this. <33
Word Count: 3,020 words
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It was hard. Being chosen to be something bigger than you were. Sometimes it felt as if there was no point in it. Being put in a position where one is supposed to be something more than what they were before, is hard, it's a hard thing to accept. Be it a blade that is passed down from others or a title and a gift given from another world, it's a lot of weight to be something more.
Duck Newton and Aubrey Little sit in this same exact boat. Standing back to back, they are two sides of the same coin, given something more than what they might be. Aubrey, with her magic, something unique and ... more than she might be able to handle. Duck, with literally being a chosen one to bring about destiny. Though, unlike Aubrey, Duck has been dealing with this pressure since his teenage years, without much of any break from his dance with fate, and in turn, his dance with Minerva.
He has no issue with the woman, his mentor, but with the pressure that he has dealt with, with the idea of saving the world pressed into the back of his mind, it was sometimes more than he realized he signed up for.
Aubrey, on the other hand, has ... something different weighing her down. As memories circle her mind, she's brought back and forth from the past and the present; not only that she's been remembering something that just wasn't her own. She remembered the memories of Alexandra, the young ruler of Sylvain. It was something that felt... intruding, something that she didn't realize at first wasn't her own thoughts, but when she did it felt bad. It felt bad to realize your connection to another world, even though it was slight, or at least she thought this was the case. She had no way to prove it, no way to be sure, but somewhere in her heart she just knew it. With the crystal, with the memories, all of it. It ... no, she had to be something more. Part of her loved the idea of it, she wanted to be the one to help Sylvain but ... another part of her loathed it. She already had to deal with so much, with working with her magic and helping Duck, Ned, and the rest of the Pine Guard with the monsters that infest the world; why did she have to have more on her plate?
These were the thoughts that moved through her head as she sat at one of the window sills of the lodge. She leaned on the cold window looking out on the forest, watching as snow fell from dark clouds that blanketed the sky. She had a somber look on her features with her lidded eyes watching gentle flakes of snow land on the window. A hand rested on her chin as she pushed the weight of her head onto her palm, keeping her elbow pressed on the window sill.
There was an emptiness in the air, the sound of wind passing through the trees was the only noise that was notable as she sat there. As if the lodge had been abandoned, there wasn't a soul in sight, not even Moira at her usual place sitting at the piano. Though, Aubrey didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't mind the quiet. She was a very social person, everyone in Kepler who knew her knew this as a fact, but today was a little different. Solemn and almost gloomy took up the afternoon, and likewise, it took her up as well.
She hadn't known how long she had been sitting there when she heard footsteps begin to sound through the lodge. Heavy boots on wood echoed through the halls, specifically, as Aubrey noted it, through the hall on the left from Mama's office. After living in these walls for months, she, at this point, has memorized it's layout.
When her gaze shifted from the window she stared out of to the other side of the room, she expected to see Mama. Surprise entered her mind when she saw Duck walking away from the hall, noting her with a slight eyebrow raise and a tip of his hat after placing it back on his head. For whatever reason he had it off.
"Hey Duck,"
She'd say, simply, soon finding herself going back to her original position. For some odd reason, she expected him to just keep walking after a small greeting back to her, leaving the lodge; he didn't.
"Hey Aubrey. What's got you goin'? All down in the dumps, it ain't like you."
Duck raised an eyebrow as he found his way over, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood over her, just a foot or so away. Once again, she just hadn't expected it, so she found herself looking over in surprise. Duck tilted his head in response,
"What, can't a guy ask a friend what's got her goat?"
He'd inquire, moving to sit next to her, leaning back into the corner of the window sill, letting out a soft hum.
Aubrey would watch as he sat down, allowing her eyes to just keep on him, staring with that golden and darker color of her irises. A silence ate at the atmosphere for a solid few seconds before Duck cleared his throat, trying to get her attention.
"Oh- uh."
She'd sit up, her posture straightening out as she leaned back onto the opposite wall.
"I dunno, yeah of course you can, but-"
She'd hesitate, furrowing her eyebrows, picking at one of her nails for a moment, before continuing.
"I'm fine, I guess."
She'd shrug, moving her feet onto where she sat, pushing her legs up against her chest, and crossing her arms over her knees. She laid her head down on her arms, a natural cushioning, as her eyes would shift back to the window. The snow hadn't let up, and it didn't seem like it would for a while. As she observed the outdoors, she would note little details, from Duck's car that sat in the driveway to Jake and Barclay hanging out on the front porch, slightly out of view. It really was a quiet afternoon.
"Yeah, that's one hella load of bull there, Aubrey. You ain't someone to sulk, so what's up?"
Duck would continue to probe and prod at the girl, wanting her to open up about her troubles. Listen, he wasn't really the kind of guy to give advice, to be some sort of therapist, but Aubrey was a different case. She reminded him so, so much of his little sister; he couldn't help but try and be by her side.
She moved her head, her chin sitting on her arms as she gave the other some sort of eye contact. Duck couldn't help but note the vibrancy of the girl's eye, the bright amber color of it eating all of the brown that originally was there. He hadn't gotten the chance, really, to take note of this girl's change, but such a thing would be pushed to the back of his mind.
It was all she could allow to escape her lips for the moment. Duck watched as thoughts processed through her mind, he could almost see the loading bubble floating over her head,
"It's complicated. There's just so much on my plate now, ya know? With the Pine Guard to Sylvain, I mean, my eye and everything. It's just so much... so much I don't know if I can take on. I feel like I'm being built for something more than I am! Something that I ... don't think I can really be."
She'd look down at her shoes, moving them up and down for a moment as a way of slight stimulation. She'd listen as Duck would make that familiar clicking sound with his tongue before letting out a small sigh,
"Fighting with this, uh, whole destiny thing, huh? Yeah, been there. Listen, Aubrey, whatever the future has in store for you, you're gonna fuckin' kill it, I know it. There's no doubt in your abilities, that's for sure, strongest one outta all of us, for sure."
He'd lean forward, scooting over slightly, closer to the girl as he'd place a hand on her shoulder.
"Y'er stronger than ya know."
She looked at him with this hope in her eyes that wasn't there before, or maybe it was a glossiness that coated her eyes, Duck would never tell. She'd look to the side, placing her hand on her friend's, and let out a small chuckle, leaning back once again.
"Thanks, Duck."
She'd say, letting out a small huff and an amused breath. Duck smirked, copying her actions as he too leaned back,
"Any time. You're a part of this team and, honestly, we need you not worryin' so much. Try focusing on the present."
He'd look out the window too, watching as snow fell to the ground, coating the earth, as well as his car.
"Ah, shit that's gonna be a pain in the ass. Probably gonna be stayin' here t'night."
Duck sighed in defeat, realizing that by the time he wanted to leave, his car would be covered in snow. what a pain. Aubrey seemed to chuckle at this, causing him to look over. He smirked, happy that he could bring her mood up with such simple words. While she reminded him of his sister, they were very different. If it were Jane, well, she'd probably push him away. The two siblings love one another, that's for sure, but that girl doesn't need Newton all up in her business. So why not spend some of that brotherly love on the next best thing, someone he sees as a younger sister. In turn, Aubrey sees him in a similar light. It was hard not to with the energy that he gave off to her, the way he cares about the people around him, and wants to protect him. Even if he doesn't try to, he can't help but give the feel of an older brother.
Though, even with those words, such simple words that, for a moment, put her thoughts to the side, she couldn't help but get lost in her head as soon as he stopped talking. To Duck, the silence was comfortable, not realizing, as he looked out onto the snowy forest, that Aubrey was diving head-first back into the pool of stress. For Aubrey the silence was unbearable. It was suffocating, as she began to drown in her thoughts, her eyebrows couldn't help but furrow into a deep knot. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as one main thing floated in her mind.
What if ... she wasn't good enough? What if her efforts weren't enough, enough to help the people she cares about, to help Sylvain grow as a world, be more than what these monsters escaping it were making it out to be. She was given this task, a task that pressed onto her being and hurt her chest, the pressure was something unlike she had experienced. She knew stress, she knew the pressure of expectations, but this was different. Her parents looking to her, her father expecting more than the magic she wanted to pursue, no, this was as if the world was at stake. In her head, she knelt on the ground, cradling herself as she pressed her head to the bottom of this void of a mind full of fear and distress. The worry clawed at her thoughts, and she couldn't help but let tears fall, be it one single drop moving down her dark features.
"How do you do it?"
She'd ask. The words slipped off her tongue, not really realizing what she had even said.
"Do what, Aubrey?"
Duck questioned without looking over, and for a few moments, it would stay this way. That was until he finally found himself glancing over after she would be silent for a few moments after he responded to her question. He sat up, surprised at the sight of the girl, teary-eyed, looking out the window as she refused to make eye contact with him. He was confused, at first, but it quickly set in that this girl needed more than just words. With his own eyebrows furrowing, he, once more, scooted closer to the girl, putting a hand on her knee as he hummed.
"It's alright to cry, Aubs, shit, there's no need to keep all that in. If you need to let those tears go, let them rip. kiddo"
Duck tried to make the girl laugh, and it seemed to allow a small smirk to move to her lips, but soon after she found herself melting into a puddle of tears. She leaned forward, crossing her legs as she pressed her head into Duck's shoulder, letting out sobs that echoed through the lobby. She was so relieved that there was no one else to bare witness to this tragic sight.
Duck wrapped an arm around the girl, pulling her into a hug as she just seemed to cry. She grasped tightly onto the shirt he wore, something that was more casual than his usual ranger uniform, and basked in the comfort that Duck's hold gave her.
"How... how do you handle it all... how ... how do you cope with... with being more than you ever thought you could be...? That... that isn't just me right? Right? I... I don't know what to d... do. How am... how am I supposed... supposed to do all this bullshit!"
These words were muffled as she spoke into his shirt, grasping tighter onto the cloth. Duck wouldn't care, not for a moment, as he stared down at the shaking girl. He hadn't ever seen her so... weak. So vulnerable. It was heartbreaking that a woman who had such a fire in her heart could be so easily doused into embers.
Duck would say. He'd move a hand to her back, rubbing it up and down, trying to give her comfort. He'd let out a low breath, looking to the side, out and over towards the rest of the lodge. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure, and when he looked over he spotted Mama, looking more than just concerned. He shook his head before nodding his head up, dismissing her from the area. Mama quickly understood before she gave a nod back, retreating back to her office to let Duck handle the situation.
At first, he didn't know what to say. He was an expert in all of this, in knowing how to deal with the stress, the intense fear that came along with being 'a chosen'. Sure, Aubrey wasn't literally one of him, of Leo, of Minerva, not at all, but she was still dealing with the same shit he had to go through. So what was he to say? What got him through the times he thought he wouldn't be able to do what was expected of him? In between his doubts, the times he declined Minerva's offering, there was still the intensity of it all. To be chosen by some figure to defend and even save the world? It was a lot … so what got him through it all? Besides his friends who stuck by his side, the people who loved him and cared for him, what really let him push through?
"It took a lotta time. Time that I thought I wouldn't have, really, but time. Listen, Aubs, every day you will find more courage in you to deal with the future, hell, even the present. It ain't gonna be easy, I know you wish it would be, I wish it was for you too. But I know you're strong, and you have not only me but also Ned and Mama right by yer side."
He'd place his hands on the side of her head, either side, and pulled up to look at her. Her face was stained with streaks of tears, her eyes red and puffy, and of course her nose was runny. She looked up to him, the tears not stopping, not for a moment, as he continued to speak.
"So don't worry your firey lil head over it, we got your back. I promise you that kiddo."
He'd give her a smile. That smile held so much warmth, so much kindness, every little ounce of hope she needed in one look. Her heart wasn't in as much pain, as the fire that was fear calmed and replaced with the usual flame that gave her that hell of a stage name. She smiled back, sitting up and retracting her face from Duck's hands, wiping her eyes and cheeks with the back of her hand.
She'd start, letting out a pathetic laugh, one that dripped in obvious sadness that couldn't help but linger.
"You're right... for once, I believe you."
She joked, poking at the fact that most often he just wasn't that great with words. But lucky for her, this happened to be right up his alley, so he simply knew exactly what to say.
Duck snorted some at her words and reached up to ruffle her hair. Reluctantly, she let him, and would roll her eyes as she continued to rid them of tears.
"Thanks, Duck."
He smiled,
"Any time. Now go get yourself something good to drink, so you ain't dehydrated."
It was beyond her, as she watched as Duck tipped his hat to her once again as he stood from where he sat, bringing an end to this conversation. It seemed that he wouldn't let it go on anyway till she had done what he said. But still, it was beyond her how he could be so ... brotherly yet...
Thinking about it, the words didn't seem to come to her. Her eyes softened and, along with it, so did her features. She couldn't believe she really had an older brother, she just had to look in the right places.
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yourbelgianthings · 6 months
"when mr. pretty rolls up, you are ensorceled."
a short montrose character study! ~500 words, spoilers for what the fourth heist is but nothing else, no tws
montrose remembered the first time he put the mask on, but now it felt like he had never lived without it. it was easier in so many ways. working at the arcade, for one: he would recommend anyone with a customer service job try it. customers being unable to see his face improved things for everyone. deeper than that, though, it allowed montrose to approach relationships on his own terms. he liked having full control of what he shared with people and when, rather than accidentally letting things slip through his expression and others drawing conclusions or misinterpreting him. for most of his life, he had been nobody special, just some guy whose childhood fixation on a particular amusement park had never faded. montrose pretty, gentleman thief, became almost a role to play. the charisma was natural, but now it had a direction, a way to be channeled and best utilized. for good? well, not necessarily, but the company he kept didn't mind. between beef, emerich, and him, someone needed to be the face of the operation. it was surprising that the three of them got along at all, but there was no point questioning it. "hey, earth to montrose!" beef's voice snapped him back to the discussion at hand; he really had been lost in thought. "i'm sorry, gentlemen. forgive my lapse in attention, back to planning the heist, shall we?" theft as a profession suited montrose almost too well. he oozed charisma and his easy southern drawl had a way of charming anyone he wanted something from. beyond montrose pretty, the base role, he also had a penchant for creating additional aliases (all under the surname goodparty, of course). something about bringing someone else to life was just irresistible to him. acting was easier than authenticity, playing a part was safer than sharing his own personality. was that an issue? probably, but he could deal with that later, and if it was always for later, then it would become never. if nothing else, montrose pretty was an expert in compartmentalizing. gathering supplies to steal the gallspire was all that was on his mind at the moment. well, that, and his excitement to return to ephemera. it had been far too long since his last visit; he couldn't wait to introduce his friends to artemesius goodparty, hawkblade of the emerald coven. hold on. montrose froze in the middle of donning his long coat. did he just think of beef and emerich as his friends? they had always been his coworkers, but as their criminal exploits around the park escalated, their camaraderie had also grown in a way that hadn't registered with him until now. smiling softly under his mask, montrose headed out to the main area of the arcade where the others were already waiting. "sorry to keep you boys," he said jovially, "let's do this!" putting an arm around each of their shoulders (or more like their lower backs, beef and emerich were both much taller), and telling them: "i can't think of two other people i'd rather steal the gallspire with!", montrose felt ready for anything.
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
"Don't think I didn't notice you slip out when we had Lucretia over yesterday," Lup says. She and Barry had a nice enough lunch with her, did their best to pretend they weren't all drowning, but the third member of their household had made himself conspicuously absent all afternoon. In fact, this is the first time she's been able to catch him still, not in between some task or other. He's kept himself busy lately.
Taako rolls his eyes, trying, in the way he does, to hide the way his shoulders start to creep towards his back-angled ears. "It's not really a secret I don't want to see her."
Lup sighs. "Taako, she's already apologized. What more do you want from her?"
"I don't want anything from her," he says, voice tight, eyes down. "I thought I made that pretty clear."
Lup flinches, despite herself. "Then what, you just.... never talk to her again?" Could he really just cut her out like that? After everything? Could they really go back to how they used to be? After everything?
His eyes stay on the floor, and he shrugs like he doesn't care. Maybe he really doesn't anymore. "That's the idea."
Read on ao3 or continue below
"That's awful," Lup says. "For both of you. That doesn't make you sad?" She wants to believe it does, but she just doesn't know anymore. Her brother has always had hidden depths, but they've never been hidden to her. Is his anger and hurt really stronger than the bond he and Lucretia had built? What if—
"It makes me less sad than the thought of you left to rot in an umbrella for ten years. I robbed your body, Lup." Taako only meets her eyes then, and his are so anguished, she knows there's no convincing him. From the tiny slivers of the intensity of his hurt she's seen—all that he's allowed her to see—she's starting to understand why.
Still, she tries for defense. "She didn't mean for any of that—she couldn't have known—" It's weak, and she knows it.
Taako scoffs, carefully avoiding her gaze. She wishes he'd just look at her. "It still did, though! It all still happened!"
Her heart sinks in her chest and she tries one more time. "She only did what she thought was right!"
His eyes would be ablaze, if she could just see them. "Well, she was wrong!"
"Stop blaming her for my mistake!" Lup finally shouts, and it all comes rushing out. "I came up with the relic plan in the first place, Lucretia only did what she could in the face of my mess! It was all me! I disappeared! I left you!" I'm the one you should be angry with, she doesn't say. I'm the one you are angry with. You just can't say it.
Taako can only stare at her, openly shocked. "No," he says, "no, Lup, I don't blame you—" He does, though. Everything he'd said was true of her, too.
"It doesn't matter if you blame me," she says bitterly. "It's still true." Of course he doesn't want to blame her. Of course it's easier to foist it all onto Lucretia and then cut her off—but it's not quite the full scope of the thing. He was left alone before Lucretia ever made her mistake.
Taako looks at her helplessly. "Well. I... I will make up with her. If that's what you want. I don't—I don't think I can forgive her. But I will move on. For you."
"I'm not—I’m not asking you to do anything you aren’t ready for," Lup says, regretful. She should've known this is what he'd say, but she wouldn’t ever try to pressure him into anything. "Your relationship with her is your business. I didn’t mean to make you think you have to do anything for me. I just—I've already lost too much from my mistakes, and gods know you have. So I don't want you to push her away as—as a proxy. She did her best with what I left her."
"She's an adult, Lup," Taako says, his eyes flinty and cold. "I know you have a hard time seeing her as anything but the Starblaster's baby, but I got to know Madame Director. She made her choices. And she knew the consequences. For all of us.”
“Yeah. So did I.” Lup looks away, eyes watering. “Gods, don’t you get it, that’s why I feel so bad for her—she didn’t know how bad it would get, she didn't know the consequences. ‘It’s only for a little while,’ that’s what I told myself, too.”
“But you—no,” Taako says, “no, I don’t see it that way. You didn’t betray us. Lup, it’s not the same. If everything had gone right you would’ve been right back. And it's—you sacrificed yourself, you know? I don't think it was a good decision, but it was your decision. You and your fucking martyr complex—" It's meant to be teasing, but now's not the time, and it comes out bitter.
He continues, "But she made the decision for everyone else. Lucretia always knew what she was doing. She doesn't get to do that to us. To me. Take away everything good I've ever had. Even if it had only been a year—even if it had only been a day! I’m not only angry because she took time I could’ve spent finding you, because she's the reason you were trapped so long, I was fucking miserable, too, it hurt like half my fucking life was missing, like everyone I loved was gone, all the time, and I couldn’t even understand why—"
He cuts himself off, eyes wet, jaw set, and looks away, like he doesn't want her to see. Like he can’t bring himself to let her see how badly he’s wounded; and it's her fault. "And she saw how it left me, she could've ended it any time, and she didn't. It’s not the same, Lup, it’s not.”
“It’s close enough,” Lup says, swiping at her eyes. “We both hurt you. You wouldn't be so angry—so hurt—if I'd stayed. You can say you would, but we both know you wouldn't. I didn’t betray you, but I abandoned you, she and I both thought we could fix things alone and we were both so stupid for it—“
“God damn it, stop!” Taako shouts, flings his arms out from where he'd been still and tense, takes a step forward, and another, closing the gap between them, the gap Lucretia left, the gap Lup left, shrinking it by explosive force of will. “Fucking stop. You don’t get to decide, Lup! You don’t get to decide if I forgive Lucretia and you sure as hell don’t get to decide if I forgive you. Stop pitying yourself and just fucking listen to me!"
His eyes are wide, he looms as she shrinks back, and isn't that an odd reversal. She's almost glad he's angry with her. She knows she deserves it, and he certainly deserves to get it off his chest. It's just more volatile than she'd expected. She's not afraid of him, she never could be, but she is afraid for him. Something's broken and wild in him now, and she doesn’t know how to restore it.
So he just raves, untethered, "It’s not up to you! It’s too late! I already forgave you! I forgave you as soon as it happened! Just fucking let me!”
“Taako,” Lup gasps, finally weeping, as he takes the last step to bring them together, and she lets his arms sweep around her, falls into them. Her eyes squeeze shut and she wipes her tears in his shoulder, lets his words sink in.
“It’s over,” he says, holding her tight. “It’s all over now.”
“I’m sorry,” she says, one last time.
He only grips her tighter. “Stop being sorry.”
They stand there for a few minutes, and Lup does her best to quell the guilt that threatens to rise like bile in her throat. It won't do any good to hold on to it. Taako said he forgave her. She should believe him. She still feels she shouldn't be letting him hold her while she tries to get her tears under control. He's more hurt, she shouldn't be making him comfort her, it's not fair that he always has to be the one propping her up, holding her together while she falls apart, just like before, and then she just went and left him all on his own—
"I said, stop being sorry," Taako says quietly, after she's been silent.
Lup becomes aware of herself, like waking up for the first time, like being in her body for the first time again—it happens sometimes, she doesn't realize she's been caught in her mind until she's back. But she's here now. This is real. She feels her soft sweater, Taako's arms around her pressing the fabric into her back, his hair tickling her face, a little longer than she's used to, and she realizes she's gripping the shoulders of his shirt in tight fists.
"It's not that easy," she mumbles, unwinding her hands. "But. Thank you."
"'Course." He pulls away and holds her by the shoulders, looking suddenly sheepish. "Uh, sorry for yelling at you." He softens for her, makes himself gentle as best he can, like always, though it's slow and awkward now. He's out of practice.
"Nah," she says with a small smile, reassuring, "I needed to hear it." He's spent too long not being listened to. They both have.
"I did mean it," Taako says. "I'm not angry at you. I'm really not. I should've—nothing I said about Lucretia was about you. I didn't mean to make you think that. And I... I will make up with her, someday."
"You don't have to, Taako," Lup says. "I shouldn't have come at you about it. You're right, it's not for me to decide."
"Yeah, but..." He trails off and then switches to another thought, sure she'll be able to follow, and she does, of course she does. "I just have a hard time getting it into my head that Lucretia's the same person as Madame Director, you know?"
"Yeah," Lup says. She almost knows, but she only has the one memory, and even after everything she still can't look at the old, weary woman without seeing their Lucy.
"I just—I might take a while," Taako says, squeezes her shoulders even as his eyes drift away. "I don't know."
"That's okay," Lup says. "Babe, you don't have to rush anything."
"I do, though, don't I?" He frowns, face open, eyes flicking toward her. "We're mortal now. Most of us," he gives her a fragile smile.
"Some of us are also grim reapers, bud," she says, and takes his hands, holds them between the two of them. "And Lucretia looks older than she is. From stress, not just magic."
"Yeah," he says, unsure. "Maybe."
"Are we..." she starts, suddenly afraid, her ears tilted back, and this time it's her that glances away. "Are we okay?"
He gives her a strange look. "Yeah, I just said so."
"I mean, in general," Lup says, voice gone thin. "Everything's different, it's..." She can't express it. After a lifetime of profound understanding, the tiny space still left between them feels vaster than words.
But even still, after everything, Taako understands her. He tugs on their clasped hands, pulls her closer, and step by step, the gulf shrinks. "We're gonna get there," he says. He lets her hands go, and for a moment she's lost again, floating in endless darkness, but then she's shocked back into presence as his hands cradle her face, and he's right there in front of her, eyes locked to hers, trying for a reassuring smile. He presses their foreheads together and she finally feels solid, real, safe.
Lup tries to push her uncertainty down, and then thinks better of it. Taako's never cared about nobility. Martyring herself hasn't ever helped anyone she loves. He'll never be able to lean on her if she doesn't trust him enough to lean on him first. She lets her voice be small and scared. "Promise?"
"Yeah," he says, quiet and something approaching gentle, only a little hoarse around the edges, but he's getting there. "Yeah, Lup, I promise."
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cookie-nom-nom · 5 months
A comment reminded me of this most wretched Devo angst I wrote so here it is again
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anistarrose · 4 months
Chapters: 1/8 Relationships: Barry Bluejeans & Johann the Bard (The Adventure Zone), The Director | Lucretia & Johann the Bard, Johann the Bard & Everyone (The Adventure Zone) Summary: Barry needs to possess a body for an infiltration mission on the Bureau. Johann doesn't black out when he's supposed to. For both of them, this has ramifications.
Johann’s body stands up a little straighter. It dusts off its silly little bard vest with a few pats, and starts walking purposefully back towards the elevator. Opposite the direction of the cafeteria.
Of… any possible witnesses.
What the fuck? Johann thinks — and immediately, his body makes the slightest, subtlest stumble. Catching itself right away — only noticeable from within.
“Aw, shit.” The voice echoes in Johann’s head — louder than his own thoughts, like the day’s worst earworm yet. “You weren’t supposed to, uh — you shouldn’t have — hey, let me say this! I really shouldn’t have your voice stuck in my head right now, bud!”
“Hey? Hey?!” For just one fleeting moment, Johann feels far too flabbergasted to be afraid. “Hey, I shouldn’t have a voice in my head?! Me?! I’m the one who shouldn’t?!”
(read on ao3!)
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knightforflowers · 3 months
finally finished chapter 3 of my Ethersea long fic!! I’ll draw something for one of my favourite scenes in it soon but for now take it 🤲
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