#The Big WAAAAA-rehouse
jacquirebriggs · 5 years
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Spoiler alert for Episode 5 of the Big WAAAAA-rehouse which would have the teaser uploaded this weekend, but Powerpoint in my old computer messes up the whole thing. Also, got an excuse to finally draw Lulu.
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The Big WAAAAA-rehouse and cancelled plans
Here’s the archive for the completely abandoned plan of my other PowerPoint series, The Big WAAAAA-rehouse. A fan-made WarioWare Big Brother/Drawn Together series.
What has happened to it? This archive will show all finished 9 episodes, all cancelled plans (which are immature and mundane, that I didn’t want to tackle. Read at your risk.), and how I got inspired to start it. Pretty edgy and stupid. I won’t condone on going that direction.
Before we send off, here’s a flashback in Episode 32, Aftermath: Revenge of the Mercenaries.
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jacquirebriggs · 6 years
Seeing Year of the Pig is at the break of dawn, Orbulon steps up to celebrate thinking its for his beloved hammies…until Cricket tries to contradict his views with his own version of Chinese New Year which Orbulon surprisingly found “boring.” Willing to outwit this mental conflict, he invites Orbulon to the festival that was hosting in Chinatown next week. Will Orbulon blend in? Or will he and Little Hammy cause trouble, with the possibility of ruining the celebration? He is China’s two unluckiest colors all over after all.
Meanwhile, Penny's creating a lovely ditty for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, but she don’t have the music to go along with it… yet.
Ask the housemates at the blog, WarioWareBigBrother-tumblr-com! (Replace the dashes with dots) (Anyone want to ask them? I kinda felt empty.)
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jacquirebriggs · 6 years
Wario has planned his most, clever money-making plan here never thought of before. He ditched his microgame business for the best reality show ever! With his now-poor chumps as the main cast of this WarioWare- styled Big Brother, they will turn the tables against their old friendships, face harsher challenges and-oh a conflict between kung-fu and dark magic has already been formed!
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jacquirebriggs · 6 years
First challenge: Renovate the warehouse to their better suitings! The warehouse may not be set up for the season, but the crew can't just sleep on the floor, carts or cardboard. With no knowledge of "DIY" rooms, what will happen? Will they suffer or succeed OR suffer then succeed
. Big WAAAAA-rehouse has progressed with a second episode! (Soon, I'll create a list of potential ideas. for future episodes)
And maybe make the Big WAAAAA-rehouse blog an ask blog.
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jacquirebriggs · 3 years
An after-semester vent.
Hello internet. I recently finished this spring semester. Mom said this is my final semester, but I believe so otherwise. This would mean I can be happy again and finally go back to my constant doodling for now that it's over. Time to move on. Right?
If only... I'm still worry about my grade average that'll get me qualified for literary anything. And I still have to register for more college classes immediately.
Also, I'll turn 21 this year. No returns. No distractions. I thought I'll finally stop being depressed and turn determined. Maybe I can finally quit weeping and wallowing become independent.
Unfortunately, this won't be the case for a while. My mind is still clouded with fear and worries. Even in college and with good grades in my assignments, I still wallow in my broken hopes and dreams. I'm still unemployed. Can you even imagine someone who is turning 21 and yet still has no job?
Art motivation is still super low. I finally crash landed into art block. I can't remember what I was going to brew up in the future. Probably more Crystal Story stuff and others as well when I return back to mood.
Now let's talk about Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, a Powerpoint story I'm determined to finish despite how crappy and not fluent it is.
I've stayed away from the Mortal Kombat fandom a long time ago since I got sick of the bitching. Thanks to that, I have lost interest in Mortal Kombat now. Combined that and the consecutive copyright strikes by WMG (or could possibly be because they are actually automated no thanks to Youtube's broken system), I'm starting to lose motivation to finish the series. I’ve uploaded all of the earlier videos into Internet Archive.
Doesn't help that various resources I need for this Mortal Kombat fanfiction has disappeared. Gone forever. Mortal Kombat 11 voice clips and sound effects? Gone now. Can no longer find them. Sounds Resource doesn't have them. Not a single good render for the canon characters either. Have to pose them myself with XNALara which I have zero experience in.
I'm tempted to leave it unfinished or even delete the entire channel and move on. However, my heart says no. I don't want it to fall into the same fate as what happened to the Big WAAAAA-rehouse.  Will it be finished? All I could say is... someday? Maybe? And by the way, I've wiped all existence of the Big WAAAAA-rehouse months ago. But I'll upload the what ifs along with the completed episodes in the Internet Archive.
Also, my grandpa passed away yesterday. Twas a sad day in my dying family. If only we don't live overseas apart... I really desire see him one last time...
I know I'm "maturing" and should have way better things to do than create a vent like this. Except... I'm still introverted, nervous and got her hopes destroyed from last year's pandemic.
TDLR; concerned about my future, depressed as never before, lost passion and motivation on most of my hobbies. Don’t like growing up.
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Happy (Late) New Year! Here are two new Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars Episodes.
(Please note these may be rushed because of a tight schedule lately and the challenges are planned before and during creation. Mostly due to creativity rot...)
Now that I’m half-way done with the series, I now plan to merge the Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars channel to the main channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8HA0xIgUILNg31ZllWXySw (I should be allowed custom urls, SMH) just like I did with The Big WAAAAA-rehouse.)
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Hello, my audience which never existed. As you can see, the blog for The Big WAAAAA-rehouse has been deleted. That’s because I lost interest in WarioWare in general and now I’m no longer able to keep the series going. However, this show isn’t dead.
I know this blog and show has been quiet as of lately, but college literary kicked my butt and later on I have to deal with sh*t ton of real life crap. And when I did have free time, I usually does something else like play games and other crap.
When I finish this college semester, I may turn this into a development blog showcasing scenes from upcoming episodes and extra klips.
Thank you for your patience, but you all forget about this show anyway.
Episode 27 did finish from head to toe, but I hated the concept and how it went and was tempted to start it over or fix the plot.
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jacquirebriggs · 5 years
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Goretober Day 11
I’m very willing to include WarioWare in this, even though it’s a “kid-friendly” series with no violence or gore. So I’m going to draw one of my imaginings: Orbulon combined with Xenomorph! With some crappy Alien scenes that I could be better off not drawing. Oh well. I’ll try to find a way to fit my favorite character Young Cricket somewhere... Mostly likely him being under Ashley’s spell from The Big WAAAAA-rehouse Ep. 8. Theme would obviously be Alien.
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jacquirebriggs · 5 years
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(Reuploaded due to Tumblr Issue) Aw Jeez, Ashley. Can’t believe you put one wrong ingredient for your spell, Velox Vindicate. And now the subjects you casted are going on a murdering spree rather than just slowing down Wario! This entry was based on some events from The Big WAAAAA-rehouse, which is still in progress I swear to God. (Stupid college and writer’s block)
Everyone in the picture were forced back in time thank to the Crygors' time machine, before Ashley brewed the spell and thus they were now unscathed. I don't hate any of the characters victimized honestly, besides Mona.
Theme is Brutality which means savage physical violence; great cruelty.
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jacquirebriggs · 6 years
Wario's back for another round to make millions of coins. Except this time he's not making microgames. Instead, he is hosting the greatest reality show of all time with his chumps as the housemates! Who will become ten million times richer of the first (and only) season of The Big WAAAAA-rehouse?
In other words, The Big WAAAAA-rehouse is starting soon. (Or maybe it’s just another mockup.)
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jacquirebriggs · 6 years
Update to The Big WAAAAA-rehouse intro with actual WarioWare music instead of a scrunched up Ridonculous Race.
Mockup intro for a Big Brother based on WarioWare. It’s one of my ideas in my head. Will I make it into a real series? I had another one in progress and I currently have no ideas for this one, other than the rules will be in Wario’s way. A few stories isn’t enough to create a whole season.
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