#The Dragon Bellows Conspiracy
bobauthorman · 9 months
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evilhorse · 7 months
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Usagi Yojimbo #18
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chaosfae-writes · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧
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premise: whenever a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin—madness isn’t the birthright, it’s sorrow.
pairing: yandere!rhaenyra targaryen x poc!targaryen!reader
warnings: sibling incest, possessive behavior, mention of major characters deaths, paranoia, cruelty, dark wlw implied smut.
a/n: grrm really said for targaryen women, “double it and give it to the next person.”
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Betrayal and fear are the double heads of a coin.
Paranoia is its child.
A wounded mother’s rage is feral, unhinged as a cornered animal. Four little dragons slain for the sake of war, and a husband lost to the sea.
Rhaenyra — no longer the realm’s delight, but a queen who’s shadowed by darkness. Targaryen women are cursed since birth, bearing tragedy within themselves as an unborn babe.
It’s in their blood, nestled in the marrow of their bones, made of unfathomable ancestral sins and starving voids. Born from angry men, and despaired women — whenever a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin—madness isn’t the birthright, it’s sorrow.
The towns folk shout from the bellows of flea bottom, pleading for help, spitting on her name. Exhausted, and scared.
“The Black Queen is the wretchedest of women!”
So wretched she shall be.
As they starve and perish, she engorges in feasts, harshly taxing the poor for the last coins they barely own. Executing any who even glances upon her wrongfully— paranoid of anyone, walk on eggshells in her presence.
Beheading any servant who she perceives to be a new lover of yours, but you’ve only ever been faithful to Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Rhaenyra sees any man or woman as a threat to your marital vows.
Teeth, and bruises, possessive grip your soul; Aegon and yourself cannot linger far from her sight. Murmurs under her breath, stares soullessly in the roaring fire pit, manic outbursts that have influenced her only surviving son to be tumultuous.
She makes love as if she’s fighting, always in control, withering on top, fingers gripping tightly your flesh as if you will slip away.
Momentary bliss to be fucked in such manner, thrusting against her, your flesh craving for her. But as the high falls down, you’re reminded of the reality— that she’s not well.
Threatened to cage you in a cell, accused you of the conspiracy of infidelity, spitefully bringing up Daemon to hurt you — still grieving over your late husband, your precious kepus.
Even your own thoughts have no reprieve from her. Kneeling now, silver crown bowed in holy devotion, praying to the Gods — to free Rhaenyra of her pilt, for the safe passage for the souls of your boys, for your late husband, and the masses.
Even for your late nephews, and sweet sister, may the Gods be merciful.
The town folk deserve a good ruler, no matter what lies between their legs, just an heir who will guide them to prosperity. To have food, land, and a warm home.
Your fingers interlocked, hovering over your skull, murmuring under your breath — have been in this position for a while. Fruitlessly praying for many fortnights.
Subtle footfalls near but your mind is so distraught.
“What ails you, sister? Praying to the Gods?”
Milky fingers slither the slope of your neck, tracing the sore purplish bruise, tightening your shoulder, wincing and silently gasping at the sting.
“Prayers of what?” Rhaenyra’s fingers glide to your chin, her thumb stroking your lip, “Prayers for me?” Her voice eerily pitches mockingly honeyed sweet.
“What of me, you speak of?” Her voice is breathy and tense, false sweetness to entrap you.
Your breathing becomes haggard, mumbling inaudibly. Rhaenyra hums, she guides your head upward, but you fearfully close your eyes.
Those chilled violet eyes — she doesn’t look like herself when she becomes enraged, rather beastly.
No matter your response, she won’t believe you.
“Keeping secrets?” Rhaenyra roars, her hands tug the hem of your dress, snagging your body harshly away from the altar, to the flooring ungracefully.
“Kostilus Rhaenyra, nyke mērī jorepagon syt ao naejot jiōragon sȳrkta!” Please Rhaenyra, I only pray for you to get better.
Crawling on all fours as a dog, you try to cower away in the corner, but your sister persists on her delusions. She rushes over you, hunched over, her body crashing over yours. Limbs entangled, your wrists encased in her hands.
Shouting her spewing poison.
“Praying naejot se gods naejot sagon dāez yno? Daor sesīr se olvie kraj gods kostagon laodigon ao hen nyke!” Praying to the Gods to be free of me? Not even the most powerful Gods can steal you from me!
Rhaenyra rips the threads of your dress, as a blood-hound. She’s mad, by the Gods she’s mad! No longer is she the joyous wife you once adored, but now a cruel creature.
Wrestling on the marble floor, Rhaenyra just claws at your undergarments as if the fabric offends her to be in her way of your body.
“Rhaenyra, please I beseech you to be calm!”
Without a word, Rhaenyra lounges at your bare breast, teeth nibbling, sloppy and rabid. Your fingers fumble and grip her sleeve, your head tilting back, your back arching into her body.
“Kneeling for hours, head bowed —- our enemies shall be on their knees, pleading for us. Who aided you to create your altar?”
You mumbled that no one did, you created it over the years in honor of the gods. But she doesn’t listen, she hasn’t in a long time.
“A few servants have been near you, some of them serve in The Faith.” Rhaenyra mutters that she will like each servant up, “Perhaps their whispers have influenced you, trying to conspire against me. Praying for my downfall.”
As the sun falls upon the horizon, Rhaenyra takes you apart, orgasm and orgasm — and your body succumbs to her, cradling her skull into your palm, you accepted your fate.
This is who she is now.
The next morning, your prayer room is bare, with only the altar spared, but even it was violated.
The altar space is covered with a white fabric, no longer allowed to have your last inkling of personal space. Ripped away from you all due to paranoia.
You weep in the middle of the room, leaning from foot to foot, hugging yourself against your chest, your breasts flinching by the graze of the cotton nightgown — fresh bruises by her mouth.
“My love.” Rhaenyra’s voice echoes, “Come back to bed” Her voice lowers just a little, “The bed is chilled without you.” Soft subtle clicks of her heels against the flooring, “Later in the evening, Aegon would like for his mothers to read to him.”
Rhaenyra’s fingers glide against your waist, tugging you — firmly as a threat. Her head nears the shell of your ear, “An altar is no place for a queen to be on her knees,” she kisses behind your ear, earning a shudder.
This is who she is now.
A queen blackened by sorrow.
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lya-dustin · 11 months
All is bliss
Chapter 59
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @alexandria-millie @watercolorskyy @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs @toms-cherry-trees @darylandbethfanforever9
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It is on the 1st day of the new year that three things came to pass: the anointing of Prince Aenys the Young Dragon, the assassination of King Aegon the Second by his Kingsguard, Ser Alfred Broome, and the end of the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons.
Mushroom claims Prince Aemond was part of the conspiracy to kill his brother, Orwyle and Eustace say the contrary.
Munkun writes that Prince Aemond carried the standard chosen by his queen and future bride as they rode out to end the war.
She did not choose the standard her mother had chosen and her uncle’s army fought under nor her own ---a silver dragon on Velaryon teal--- but that of House Targaryen.
The red three headed dragon on black.
A show of unity, of reminding them they are the House of the Dragon no matter what side they had been on.
The city would not be sacked, the conspirators would be punished in due time, but on that day, the Dance came to an End.
Peace would come and the young queen would grow into her name.
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There had been nearly ten previous versions of this declaration, but for poetic reasons the have agreed to say only seven tries were needed to craft the perfect treaty.
The leaders of each party, the septons leading the faiths from both sides and the maesters would sign and seal this very long way of saying Aemma is the undisputed queen of the realms.
Baela and Rhaena stand with their guard and the Ladies leading the rebellion, Lady Sabitha, Lady Jeyne and Lady Alysanne Blackwood.
Everyone signs and seals their names on the parchment praying there won’t be another war, in their lifetimes at the least. The land and its inhabitants would pay the price for Ser Otto’s unchecked ambition and oath breaking this coming winter, perhaps this time the lesson will stick.
House Targaryen had decided that the crown should pass to the eldest, be they male or female. That daughters will have their place in the succession and no longer come before the last legitimate male.
A daughter may come before her brothers, her uncles, her cousins and even her sons, and no one save the Gods may deny her birthright.
History would remember these women as they will remember Aemma, after all it is written by the victors.
Daemon looks impressed ---and under the assumption she was involved in Aegon’s murder--- as he greets her at the chosen place: the halfway point between the first post in the Kingsroad and the gates of the city.
“Know this, stepdaughter, the last person I made this vow to was my own brother.” The Rogue Prince unsheathed Dark Sister and to her credit neither Aemma nor her entourage flinch thinking he means ill.
Instead he kneels on one knee, offers her his sword by laying it in front of him and swears his oath to her.
“I, Prince Daemon Targaryen, son of Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa, rider of Caraxes, King of the Step Stones and Commander of the Rightful Queen’s armies, promise to be faithful to Queen Aemma and her chosen heir, the Prince Aenys. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.”
Those beside and behind him follow suit.
House Frey, House Arryn, House Blackwood and Bracken, House Tully and House Dustin, Manderley and even Stark.
All lay down their weapons and swear fealty to her.
“Long Live Queen Aemma!” The Seasnake bellowed just as he did when she was first crowned in Dragonstone.
Now it was truly over.
Now came the difficult part: fixing all that is broken.
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
How much does the average Vturtles viewer know?
Like how much have they revealed?
They only know as much as the Turtles let on. They try to throw people off with the P.O. Box, and a VPN Server in Brooklyn, but there are some who just have tons of conspiracy theories based on a few 'Lore Drops'.
Like there are hints that the veiwers kind of connected,
Like Donnie mentioning a High School Tech Club who would have had some trouble, aka The Purple Dragons. Veiwers would have to track down the legal filing for Kendra and Donnies patent that someone tried to steal, but it's also vauge enough to take only the most dedicated to track down.
Again the P.O. Box, where they send merch orders from, and collect fan mail, but search them for trackers. And even then if someone stalked the place for the Turtles to arrive, they have an in with a Yokai worker there, and Leo just portals into the back.
The info they give about Splinter is also purposefully vauge to make it seem like Splinter might have just worked in the same studio where Lou Jitsu filmed stuff, but at the same point they almost call Lou Jitsu, Dad/Gramps (Shelldon/River).
They mention that Raph is in a Wrestling League, and Mikey works at a Restaurant (Run of the Mill), but don't say the names of the League or Restaurant. But some try to track down Wrestling Leagues with the same names as Raphs coworkers, and places Mikey talks about, like were they discovered a Dinosaur Special meal.
They try to explain away some things, but can't always cover it. Like Donnie Hissing when he goes to attack Leo for scaring them, Raphs growl/bellow, various turtle noises they make. They try to claim a custom voice filter at times, but others are harder to explain. Some veiwers believe they have a pet they don't mention, like a snake, or blame Sunny the Cat who is mentioned by the turtles.
But a rare few veiwers do actually know them, like Leo's patients at his Clinic, who are both regular humans who kinda signed an NDA, and Mutants/Yokai. Leo's Clinic is not an actual stationary place, it's a modified subway train on a semi abandoned train line, so no one can really pin down where it is.
And last but not least (for now), Genius Built, and The Caffeinated Turtle, Donnies start up companies, that he's mentioned that veiwers can look up, but not find much about where they're based, or who works for them. So it's a somewhat dead end for some, but others are persistent.
I'm still working on everything, and not everything is fully planned out, so some interpretation is actually welcome.
----------------Edit: I can't believe I forgot about April!!!!
April is mentioned even shouted out by Mikey and River, but April is not an uncommon name, so take from that what you will!
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 year
Ok you win! You win, I read your amazing RotTMNT AU and now I want to know more about Usagi Yojimbo!!! Do you have any recommendations and also I would love to read your bibliography for that fic 😭🙏 your writing is ~superb~ it's so poetic and evocative aaaagh
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welcome!! welcome!! come on in. Usagi canon isn't actually as intimidating as it looks--and I'm not saying this in the way often applicable to comics where that means 'only one flowchart is required to understand the reading order.' i think. There's only one major continuity, and two spinoffs in Space Usagi and Senso,* neither of which is required to understand the main order. Each issue is often overwhelmingly self-contained, so you can really pick up anything and start reading. The split comes in where the series being published at like. four different companies over the years. means that there are different publishing rights that change the way stuff comes out. technically we're at 38 trade volumes. thinking of it like that is the way madness lies.
The bulk of the series is collected in The Usagi Yojimbo Saga, a 10-volume set published out of Dark Horse. Each one is about as thick as a phonebook. This is not the beginning of the series, it technically starts with the overall series' volume 8, Shades of Death, but the first book of the Saga has a 4-page intro comic at the beginning that does very well setting the scene. This is where I started. I still think it's a great place to start because it's fun to go back to the origins with all the knowledge of the later books behind them. (Books 1-9 are in sequence; Usagi Yojimbo: Legends collects Senso, Space Usagi, and Yokai)
If you want to start at the very beginning, you need to look for Usagi Yojimbo, vol. 1: The Ronin. After Volume 7, Gen's Story, everything's published in the Saga.
The beginnings of the series are also collected in Usagi Yojimbo: Origins, which is a recent republishing of the early comics in full color. They've got four volumes--Volume 1,** Wanderer's Road, The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy, and Lone Goat and Kid. If you start here, you'll be switching over to series Vol. 6, Circles, after LGaK.
Once you get through the Saga, you're into IDW publishing territory, which so far has 5 trade volumes--Bunraku and Other Stories, Homecoming, Tengu War!, Crossroads, and The Green Dragon. That brings you up to the Ice and Snow issues, which just started publishing in September.
But quite honestly, given that the overall premise of the series is 'watch this man wander around the early Edo period experiencing Problems,' I really do think you can start anywhere in the grand tradition of 'what's at the library/comic shop' and have a good idea of the series.*** Have fun!
*Technically Chibi Usagi is a separate continuity, but I feel disingenuous putting it in the same category as Senso.
**No, it doesn't have a name. Yes, really.
***tbh between stories that are told As Flashbacks and how only about half the stories have things that squarely indicate exactly what the previous story was, I tend to assume that it goes in non-chronological order unless a story contains evidence otherwise. this opinion has gotten me booed. but i stand by it.
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felixblankspace · 10 months
I really love the 2003 TMNT/Usagi Yojimbo crossovers- It's easy my favorite crossovers for how it tries to show this really nice Usagi, he is calm, he kick ass and in general is not a bad Usagi-
Maybe a bit to calm for the comic Usagi enjoyers who love him when he is kicking and screaming and over all being a idiot (?
I like that crossover but I can see clearly what I really don't like or what doesn't fit-
One of the things I like is how the show manage Gen- 2003 Gen is pretty much comic Gen and I love him and I LOVE the references to the comics like when Gen and Usagi argue over a shortcut.
But a thing I dont like is what they did to Tomoe-
I'm pretty sure that in the episodes where they were in Usagi's dimension took inspiration of the issues that contain ''The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy'' and those are intense issues that make me fall in love more with Usagi Yojimbo as a comic- and they did Tomoe so dirty--
I know that is a reference to that issues cuz it's pretty obvius but Tomoe was kicking ass the whole thing-- like, yes she was kidnap and Usagi goes to the rescue but Tomoe is 100% concentrated not on herself but on her Lord- and when Usagi comes to save her, she straight of refuse and ask Usagi to fucking go and save her Lord-
Tomoe is a great character, don't make her a damsel in distress like in the 2003 crossover- she is loyal, she is passionate-
2003 Usagi literally hold her hand to get out of her cell- which is adorable yes, but I don't feel it in character of both Usagi or Tomoe-
And yes, that serie of issues is not so family friendly but you can perfectly tone down the violence and still make Tomoe badass samurai that she is-
That's one of my biggest complaints even though one of my favorite things is how they showed quite a few Usagi Yojimbo characters, they showed their world as it is, which seems to be difficult for them when they do crossovers (?
I need more crossovers where Usagi doesn't seem like a stand alone character, he has many friends, take advantage of them jsjs
Maybe I'm gonna rant some more later, I'm sick and I miss writing -cry-
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cokezuko · 1 year
The batfamily crash land into a little town in the desert called night vale
They expect the usual treatment that comes from a situation like this, sometimes fear sometimes excitement sometimes total avoidance. Not here.
Here they were created by an army of… creatures. Winged beasts descending over them saying the great cloud has sent them a sacrifice, that they must be dealt with, a preteen girl named temika attempting to vouch for them as a radio station Blair’s to life around them sending everyone into silence as a voice comes out “and now nightvale I take you to the weather.” As everyone dashes inside with music blairing all around them as the strangest combination of music and rain poores down over them and a door to a nearby building opens, a handsome Latino man in a lab coat quickly waving them inside before closing the door and locking it shut as they get in.
“You’ll need to be quiet when we’re on air.” He whispers as they can see another man sitting in the radio booth, normal looking enough compared to the insanity outside, only to find him talking about some of the oddest occurrences they have ever heard of from a disappearing miuntain, a dragon mayor, an invisible woman living homes. If they haven’t just experienced what they did outside they would think these two were quack brain conspiracy theorists.
Then Damian found a full family of cats floating in the restroom.
Attempting the pull it down however receiving such a howel from the creature that Cecil stops the show all together, bursting in and shouting “don’t touch my cat!” Before pushing Damian out and locking the door glaring at them before continuing to the end of the show when finally they have deemed it safe enough to all ow the bat family out, though when asked where the nearest town to this was the family was only given odd looks as Cecil said “say or night, there is only night-vale. You may attempt to leave, but truly is there ever a real way to escape?” They go back to their radio shack.
“Good night night-vale.” At that every light in the town flickers off leaving the family in the darkness with the distant rumble of something from bellow.
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drawnaghht · 1 year
2nd bracket!!! part 2 to this poll abt the UY books
now that I've read through Senso, which Usagi Yojimbo volume should I get? I really like the art and stories in these and cannot choose.
there's a sale at my local book vendor but i can only get 1 or 2.
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sapphicauntie · 10 months
I’m finally up to Grasscutter
mighttt be overtaking The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy as my favourite arc
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alanjporterwriter · 1 year
Book Read in 2023 #58 “Usagi Yojimbo Book 4 - The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy” by Stan Sakai.
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This volume starts in the thick of the action with a frantic chase scene, and the pace never really lets up.
The action throughout is expertly choreographed, staged, and executed be it horse chases, ronin vs ninja clashes, formal samurai challenges, or the mass storming of a castle; it all delivers in terms of spectacle and in service of the story.
In between the action Sakai weaves a informative tale of the 17th Century Japanese political landscape full of fully realized characters performed by a cast of the most relatable anthropomorphic animals.
You don’t need to have read the previous three books to thoroughly enjoy this one. If you’re a fan of the Seven Samurai / Magnificent Seven style cast building and good swordplay then you’ll enjoy this outing of the warrior rabbit and friends.
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evilhorse · 7 months
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It’s good to serve a lord again!
(Usagi Yojimbo #14)
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life-set-to-random · 2 years
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Chizu, Kashira (Chieftain) of the Neko (Cat) Ninja Clan, had a very brief appearance in the 2003 Ninja Turtles series. She spoke two lines and sadly never got to interact with Usagi directly. I would have liked to see her steal a kiss from him, as she always does whenever they run into each other, though there was the one time he stole one from her and they both had a good laugh over it. 😘🤣😁
Also, her elder brother Nobu was even more briefly seen and got one line (in the Usagi comics, Nobu was the Kashira with his sister as his second in command and he died during a story arch called The Dragon Bellows Conspiracy).
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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Usagi Yojimbo: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #6, cover by David Petersen
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ungoliantschilde · 3 years
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Usagi Yojimbo: Dragon Bellows Conspiracy # 3, by David Petersen.
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shironezuninja · 3 years
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So. Cool. Japanese Culture influenced my adolescent years during Anime’s Golden Age in the 2000’s; my 2003 TMNT cartoon series became the additional (and most respected) merger.
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