#The Eli and Derek scenes were amazing
chaosandwolves · 2 years
Why Derek's death hits me so much?
It's cause it's like the biggest fuck you to us.
They were all marketing the movie as a love letter to the fans and a tribute to the show and they could've chosen to just let us enjoy it.
But no.
Scallison got it all and the rest of us got a slap in the face and a punch to the gut. They didn't have to do that.
And then just the way they did it, just makes it so much worse. Derek is the most traumatized character out of all of them. He deserved peace and a little happiness the most. And it was so senseless.
And then basically giving Eli to Scott who apparently just left his pack behind and didn't give a shit and to Allison an Argent... To make Derek burn, to make Kate succeed in the end...
It's just cruel and nothing else. Kiling off the most traumatized character in an act of self-sacrifice... It's a trope we know...
But it's so much worse this time cause this was supposed to be for the fans...
And I just don't get why. They know how much Derek is loved...
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adoribullpavus · 2 years
well now that it's been a couple days since i watched the teen wolf movie and i've sufficiently forgotten 90% of it, i think it's time i told you all what i liked/disliked about it
1. jackson whittemore
he was just so fucking funny, like why was he even there?? did they give colton a script or did they just give him a recap of everything he missed in the show before simply throwing him on set and going "good luck."
i loved him though. it really feels like he's more comfortable in himself now. when he came back in s6, he wasn't as bitter but he still felt quite stiff. now he's comfortable in his sexuality and his place in the world, and he's no longer trying too hard. love that for him. his friendship with lydia also means a lot to me. i originally thought they were gonna put them back together, but i adore them as snarky besties.
also i'm glad they didn't break him and ethan up. we got our lgbtq+ scraps, guys!!
2. peter hale
hasn't changed a bit and i love it. his entrance was iconic and so fitting for his character. the tension between him and chris was obvious (perhaps because of melissa?) and i love how they still have an air of mystery when it comes to him. no one truly knows if he's on the good side or the bad.
also i can confidently say that peter crawling on the floor in human form, sniffing, was the absolute highlight of the movie.
3. eli hale
he was a great addition to the cast. i loved his relationship with derek, but him as a character really refreshed the film and gave us some wholesome but funny moments.
also we all know he's basically a stiles mini-me, so it was nice to have someone there to fill what the film would've been missing because of stiles' absense without full-out replacing him.
4. jr borne
his acting in the movie was absolutely outstanding. i was in shock. he was already amazing in the show but he's outdone himself. i really felt his emotions through the screen. literal chills. what a powerful performance!
5. the hellhound
i'm so glad they gave parrish an important role in the film. the hellhound was one of my favourite supernatural creatures from the show, so it was great to see ryan kelley shine once more.
6. coach finstock
he also has not changed a single bit and it's really refreshing to see. they didn't try to shoehorn him into the story too much. he simply played the part he always has, and made us laugh doing it.
7. the jeep
when they said the jeep would be featured in the film, i didn't think they meant they would try and stick it in every scene possible. i love it.
as a sterek shipper, i love the idea of eli nicking the jeep because he knows derek has some complicated feelings towards it. i won't do a sterek section on this list because i don't know whether i'm happy or mad about it, but this was an interesting addition to the film.
8. melissa had a crossbow
she had a crossbow. it's about fucking time.
now what i disliked:
1. the misuse of key characters
why were liam and mason used as side characters?? why did they barely speak, they're best friends?? why did they introduce hikari and not bother actually giving her a personality outside of being a kitsune?? i have too many thoughts on all of this, but it pissed me off.
2. just general confusion
they didn't specify if melissa and chris were still together or not. no explanation on why scott and malia split up. how did parrish and malia get together? who is eli's mum? why did liam have the nogitsune? why did scott and allison adopt eli?
also where has all the chemistry between the cast gone?? shelley especially felt so awkward with everyone. it's like they're not friends anymore, which i know isn't true.
3. the nudity and swearing
i could've gone my whole life without seeing allison, parrish and malia's bare asses. also the swearing was great, but they all felt like year 7's when they did it.
4. the returns
as someone who didn't really care for allison, her return was just annoying. out of all the characters they could've brought back, allison is the one they definitely should've left alone. hers was a major death in the show, and the start of a lot of character development for scott and chris. they should've come up with a different story not involving allison or the nogitsune. you know they only brought her back so that scallison fans can have their endgame.
and adrian harris?? what?? why?? he didn't even do anything of purpose in the film. what was the actual point in bringing him back??
5. derek's death
i'm not even gonna touch this. but i'm fuming.
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wtfwhy · 2 years
SPOILERS!!!!!!! Unorganized Teen Wolf movie review basically
I actually... really liked it??? Like it's not that good but I enjoyed watching it! A lot of parts were genuinely funny and the plot was like passable! (Quite a few unanswered questions tho)
There were some things I found confusing or weird, like idk wtf Harris had against the pack (his reveal was funny af tho) and a few other things, but they were mostly just because of the lack of Stiles, Kira, and and Isaac
The Kira 'stand in' girl (I think her name was Hikari??) Was pretty cool, obviously sucks that Kira herself wasn't there but that's a whole different conversation 👀
Honestly, as a huge Stydia shipper I was hoping they wouldn't break them up and just have him like watching their kids or something (I think I saw a funny post of that once) but they way they broke them up? Not actually that bad? Like Lydia left him because she loved him and I was just worried that they wouldn't love each anymore so I'll take what I can get! Tho not expanding on the dreams she was having is a bit of a lost thread, but since it wasn't really apart of the main story, I'll let it slide lol.
I did not like how they just pretended Issac didn't exist, that was pretty fucked up. Like I predicted that Scott and Allison would get back together by the end, but damn rip Isaac for real 😔
Anyways, about Derek's death... Honestly, since I wasn't taking the movie that seriously in the first place, I didn't really feel anything about Derek dying? Like don't get me wrong, I love the man and if they killed him off in the actual show I'd be bawling, but the movie to me is just a silly little suggestion to canon than law. There's real canon, fanon, and the third secret canon that lives inside my brain ☺️
But like, I don't really care that he died in the movie, I was just surprised tbh. Rip king you deserved better 🙏 (I don't understand how he just like, disappeared, after being burnt?? Like maybe I didn't notice it but his body was gone like huh???)
I never liked Scott and Malia together so I'm glad they broke up, but Malia and Parish was weird as hell and was just so random. I think that ever since Malia and Stiles broke up the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with her? Which is a total shame cause Malia is queen. But none of her relationships post stiles make sense or work out so rip (I do love me some stlia on the side ngl)
Jackson was GREAT, funny af and just like how I would imagine the redeemed adult version of the asshole from season 1, 10/10
Lots of missed opportunities for interactions, (like Liam and Mason) but it's only a 2h movie so I get it
I thought both Scott and Allison were great, tho I'm not sure how I feel about her staying alive afterwards. Plus I always shipped Scira more but you know 👀 love that Scott was the same great guy ☺️ when he hugged Chris I literally cried it was so cute 🥺
UNEXPECTED TWIST for me!!! I came into the movie, very lightly shipping Chris and Melissa, and came out of the movie shipping Chris, Melissa, and Peter 😳 I didn't expect that! But they were such a cute trio omg it was amazing
Eli was cute and I don't think that he was that much like stiles, but there obviously similarities
And Jackson and Lydia brotp??? Absolutely!!!
So that's basically it, I'll give this a solid 7/10
PS: saw some people legitimately mad that sterek didn't happen, fuck those people. You are not allowed near my blog...unless you want to send funny hate anon that I can roast
(like one person brought up the whole, sterek was "queerbaiting" thing, which is such bullshit. They literally never fucking liked each other, even platonically. I would say by the end of the show Derek just barely tolerates Stiles. The real queerbaiting was the writers being to scared to confirm that Stiles was Bi because it's ridiculous how many scenes pointed to that, especially in seasons 1-3 smh)
I might take about more later but it's bedtime!!!
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idontevenleeknow · 2 years
The movie was bad guys. I kept hearing it but didnt want to believe it. Cringe aaaaalll around. Where to even start???
Liam. Oh liam i expected liam to be more in this movie. Other that the fact that he lost the jar at the beginning he was pretty useless throughout the movie. Shame, i like liam... They really did him dirty. The jeep had more screen time.
Deaton calling scott to rescue that girl and her dog at the beginning whoa cringeeeeeee.
I liked the Derek Eli storyline. Loved seeing this side of derek. WHYYYY did they make scott help eli with his werewolf. Derek is a born wolf so is eli and they needed scott to help him???? Give me a break. Why does scott have to do everything he is not the perfect alpha ugh aaaand was it me or did eli acted a lot like stiles . It was like he birthed him. Where IS THIS KIDS MOTHER THOUGH???? we will never know
The relationship between Sheriff and Derek or Sheriff and Eli AMAZING. i wanted more of that. Sheriff giving the jeep to Eli at the end *chefs kiss*
I thought they were going to avoid mentioning Stiles like the plague but i was surprised. They mention him guys. Hahaha
Liam and Mason whoooo??? They were nothing in this movie. NOTHINGGG
Lydia pretty useless too. She broke my heart though when she explained why she left stiles. That was saaaad.
Jackson my guy. I honestly wantd more of him. Really teen wolf??? Just a few lines?? And COACH TOOOOOO
The grown up as always get to the scene at the very last minute and save the day. Blah blah blah whats new? But why did they make Peter bad again? Him and Jackson should be best buds.
Parrish and Malia that was gross for some reason. Not gonna talk about it. Forgotten already.
So Alison is back magically. Didnt understand it. I thought she was like a ghost and she was going to go at the end. But nope she just came back from the dead to stay. Like guuurl you were dead for 15 years are yoi okay do you need a minute?? I am pretty sure we will see her at Eichen at some point. At first she hunted Derek because she remembers him but then starts going after Eli?!? Excuse me do you know this kid??
Allison and Scott pretty cringe all way till the end of the movie. Of course scott is going to sacrifice himself but who dies at the end?? Derek? WTH???? WHYYYYYYYY??? he was the best thing in this movie. And he dies trying to save scott of course. Dude you have a kid whyyyyy???
And of course nobody in beacon hills take a minute to grieve. We are given the ending scene that probably gonna continue in the spin off?? Not gonna watch because THEY HAD A BIG ASS CHANGE TO MAKE THE PUPPY PACK A THING AND NEVER TOOK IT. STILL MAD ABOUT THAT.
All and all the movie sucked. I am disappointed because i was waiting for this. Cringe everywhere. Kept laughing. So the rest of you that watched and have the same thoughts were right. Sorry i doubted you
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windycityazan · 2 years
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Oh Teen Wolf the movie just like hit and brought back all the nostalgia. 6 stunning wild crazy seasons of battling to survive to be brought back into the world once again as the movie that hits home.
Love and missed Allison, she truly was the anchor to Scott, their love story was tragic and hard to keep going bc of the way they ended things and how no matter the issues they both still loved each other even if there was someone else like Issac and Malia. When Crystal chose to leave and exit like she did in the show was a low blow, felt there could been more for them but her end brought new stories for Scott and I guess it helped to guide them as long as it could. I was more of a fan for Scott and Allison's plot also Derek I mean who doesnt love Tyler Hoechlin he was fun to watch alongside Tyler Posey when he was still with the show too. But actors leave and go on to do other things.
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It was a bit fun watching all the old villains come together, Nagitsune, and the Oni and the pack coming back together to fight also seeing Derek who ended up having a teenage son. Lydia ever so smart and wise love her too. Jackson was a bit odd to see though lol his reasoning for coming back and still dating Ethan and such was funny bc to me he brought back the HS jock who just had an attitude issue but he and Lydia were good pair not the best compared to Scallison and Stydia, Stiles was dearly missed but the story still flowed without him there.
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Jackson and Lydia having such lil funny moments and him that guy lol he barely had much lines but he still can give a persona a giggle or two when he speaks. Hes like Peter without the kill mode flare that Peter gives. Colton is a great actor but Jackson was not one of his many good roles per say even though it brought him to grow and do more in the movie it just was meh but he helped Lydia when she needed the strength to weep for her BFF Allison who was about to dye again.
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Papa Argent and Mama McCall those two sassy loving parents, love them both so much even though Argent at first was such a douche in the show, in the beginning, he kind of became loveable when he decides to help Scott and he as an actor is such a cool guy love his other works. JR Bourn is just one of many of my favs since his appearance on Stargate sg1 yrs ago he's been fun to watch. Melissa Ponzio also such a sweet woman love her works on other shows to but being Mamma McCall is one of her best roles.
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Derek really had it rough on the show and in the movie, Tyler just can make you cry when hes hurt but his end was such a tissue-needing moment especially when he looked at his son one last time and held Gerard Argent who survived the bite and such became the big bad at the end, Derek sacrificed himself to hold him in place while Parrish used his hell hound power to burn him to ash which also meant Derek wouldn't survive that so he died leaving his son in the hands of Scott to be taken care of. It was bittersweet knowing they would give Derek an ending like that since they showed all the amazing stuff Derek went through and how Stilinski talked during the flashback moments to Eli which gave a bit of comfort to him but there was also that guilt Eli i think carries bc he never got to learn much from his dad like he should have but when Derek told the reason Eli is the way he is was bc of a past trauma where his son saw him shift into the were coyote when his son was in danger of coyotes about to attack which left Eli frightened of what he learned would be his fate.
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Malia, Peter, Mason, Deaton, and Hikari didnt really have much scenes being a movie based more around Scott, Derek, Allison, and Eli, they kind of had small moments of being whitty and there for Scott even though Peter of all ppl lol not as sure to why he was around I mean he didnt even think of stopping Derek he was litterally cold as ice to him even by blood. Deaton was more of a guide he helped the pack like he normally does, Mason not as sure even though he was Deputy it was maybe for cast wise and Malia gurl is still the same but she and Parrish well be damned they get something going on guess the breakup with Scott was meh to her lol.
But overall the movie was fun to watch and suspenseful and brought back the cast as much as they could and left it open for more Scott and Allison and Eli adventures down the road if and when Jeff comes up with another brilliant story to come up it.
If you have seen all 6 seasons of Teen Wolf it really brings back the old times and the future for more.
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tabbytabbytabby · 6 years
F, K, and U for the fanfic ask game please!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“How does this thing even still run?”
“Sheer power of will,” Stiles says. “Roscoe has its issues, but he gets me where I need to go.”
“Except not right now, apparently.”
Stiles glares at him, “It’s not like we were actually going anywhere. Plus, breakdowns are a part of road trips.”
“Not any I’ve been on,” Derek mutters.
“Well then you haven’t really been living,” Stiles tells him. “Now get me a wrench.”
“1000 points for Stiles!”
“What?” Derek asks, looking around and trying to place where the voice came from. “Why does he get points?”
“Because he’s not being grumpy,” the voice says. The buzzer sounds again, “Space!”
Before Derek can question it he finds himself standing on what looks like a spaceship. Derek sighs, “Just when I thought I’d seen it all.”
Okay so this is from from 300th posted fic and 100th Sterek fic, Scene Change. That whole fic had some of my favorite dialogue, and it was all so random. And I’m just really proud of how it all turned out.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?Oh boy. I’ve done my fair share of angst, and each time I wonder what the hell I’m doing making them hurt so much. But probably when I had Kate mail Stiles’ heart to Scott and his dad in Heart. 
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.Oh this question is hard. I have so many talented friends whose writing I love. But if I have to pick...
@eclecticklutz. Adri is one of the first people I really started talking to and reading her stuff in the Thiam fandom. She always has a unique touch she puts on everything, and I always know that whatever she writes, I’m going to love it. 
@lovelylittlegrim. I don’t even have words for how amazing Amanda’s writing is. She writes the best angst and the best fluff, and both have their own way of killing me. 
@eliestarr. Elie is the kind of writer I aspire to be. She puts so much thought and detail into her writing and it’s always so amazing. 
Send me a fanfic ask
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jazy3 · 6 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy Episode: 14X17
Love is in the air!!! I liked the three part narration from April, Owen, and Meredith. I felt like it really added something. I really felt for April at the beginning of this episode. Closing out the bar by herself and being woken up by the bartender. Not good. And then she types her patient’s name in wrong to her tablet. It’s a rough morning for Dr. Kepner.
I loved hearing Teddy speak German too! I really love that they are incorporating the actor’s knowledge of other languages and having the actors learn pieces of other languages for their parts. So much of television and movies is English only and I like hearing more of the cornucopia of languages that we humans speak and use to communicate on screen.
My by far favourite part of this episode was the storyline between Meredith and Nick!!! Swoon! I liked his introduction! A+ on that one. I love how funny Nick is. He’s cocky without being insufferable. He’s got great swoopy hair. He looks good while potentially dying. He toughs through a plane ride and an organ recovery surgery and then collapses in a hallway only to be saved by Meredith and his first instinct is to thank and compliment here and flirt with her like crazy. I love it! He’s so shamelessly into her. She deserves that.
I like Nick’s backstory too. He had depth without being too sappy. I love that he took in his niece and stepped up for her. He seems like he’d be a good parent. That’s something that they have in common. The relationship isn’t without its barriers or complications however. They seem like a good fit, but Nick is a Transplant Surgeon and, as he said, they are always in different cities and countries all the time. And he likes flying. Meredith does not. I really like the camaraderie between Meredith and Nick. It really works.
I also really loved the callback to Meredith and Cristina thinking they were going to have to work at the multiplex if after mandated therapy they weren’t reinstated after the hospital shooting. Nick’s line, “Your turn. I just got way too personal on a first date,” made my heart melt. He’s forward, he likes her, and when he can tell he’s freaked her out, he makes a joke out of it to make her feel more comfortable. He’s the kind of man Meredith deserves. I like that Meredith’s fantasy back up plan is a callback to her and Sadie Harris’ trip where they sleep their way across Europe. It fits with her character and brings something new. Remembering the past and imagining the future.
In classic Grey’s fashion Meredith and Nick get all personal and he makes this big declaration of, ‘let’s share the hammock/canoe’ and then ... his labs come back and there’s something wrong of course! I liked that they brought in the element of the genetics of drug and alcohol addiction and issues that come with it. As someone who comes from a family of alcoholics this really resonated with me. Was anyone else REALLY rooting for him to make it? Because I was!
Bahaha!!! Meredith was so sneaky at the end! Meredith: “Sorry, Nick. Plan B is never gonna happen.... Because I saved your kidney!” Nick: “Oh my God! You are evil!” That was great! I really hope they bring him back! I liked the double Cristina callback where she mentioned her earlier and then Nick called her Evil and Twisted and she finished it with Genius. The Twisted Sisters! Two in a Million! Meredith was looking sexy too and the end there. Totally date night ready. Only on television can you look like that and have your best friend say you look like crap. I love that Alex’s first response is “He’s married?” Hahahaha! And then “He’s Gay?” and “He lives in a foreign country?” You know all the usual issues when dating someone on Grey’s Anatomy.
I love that Alex considers living in Minnesota the same thing as living in a foreign country! Bahaha. I love him! I loved the ending with Meredith and Alex talking about how she hasn’t felt this way since Derek and how that isn’t the worst thing in the world. And then Meredith turns around and she’s just that girl in a bar from 14 seasons ago. My heart!
I thought the scenes between Teddy and Owen were beautifully done. Great acting by Kevin McKidd and Kim Raver. Really good material that was worth their time and talent. I liked Owen’s little speech at the beginning where he said, ‘I said something now you have to say something’ and then Teddy, woman of action, kisses him instead and then they go and have sex. I like Teddy. When they both admitted to not liking Germany I had hope for them, but by the end of the episode I was glad Teddy stood her ground and stood up for herself. Good for her. She is no one’s, no one’s, sloopy seconds.
Teddy’s life of classic vinyl and snowy nights sitting by roaring fireplaces is swoon worthy. And the fact that she’s opening up a clinic for refugees in Germany is part of what makes Teddy so amazing as a character. She really cares for others. I was so pissed when Owen started talking about Teddy moving back to Seattle. She only took the stupid job in Germany because Owen forced her too and now that she’s finally made a life there he wants her to drop everything and leave? Owen is the definition of selfish.
Why does Owen screw up all his relationships by putting his foot in his mouth and saying stupid things? Ugh. He drives me nuts! When we returned to Teddy and Owen fighting my reaction was, “YAAAAAS TEDDY!!!! YAAAAS! TELL IT LIKE IT IS!” This is officially the season of the women in Owen’s life calling him on his crap. FINALLY! You go girl! Yes!
From the moment the good hearted Rabbi appeared on screen I knew he was likely going to die, but that didn’t make it any easier. Such a good character! Saul Rubinek did an amazing job!
I felt really bad for Bailey. She was trying to help and April took her crisis of faith out on her. Jackson tried to help to no avail. April is on a rampage. Oh my goodness the Rabbi. Ooof. His words hit me straight in the heart! Every moment he was on screen was awesome! He had the best lines of the night hands down! So funny! So touching! So heartbreaking! When called The New Testament ‘The Sequel’. When he said, “I’m not up on the sequel but from what I hear Jesus got a raw deal.” When he said, “It wouldn’t a been a bestseller!” Pure comedy religious spiritual gold! Props to the writing team for writing such great lines.
I balled my eyes out when he was comforting and scolding April, and when he was near the end, and when he hallucinated Elyse, and when he died. Jeez it was hard. It was harder still when April found Bailey in the chapel struggling to light a candle for Eli and April helped her and told her that Eli forgave her. Bailey found forgiveness and April found her faith again. All thanks to Eli the wonderful Rabbi. Such beauty. Good art is meant to make you feel something. And this does.
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1/2 Alex Hale has always been a curious kid, just like his father Stiles. He can't help, but snoop around the file room looking for interesting cases to read about. It is there that he comes across the files about the Hale fire. Now he knows the basics of what happened to his father Derek's family. But he doesn't know all the details and to see it laid out in front of him w/his his grandfather's notes about what he thinks happened and to see the crime scene photos leaves him aching
2/2 for his fathers. Stiles and Derek have always done their best to shield Alex from the bad things in the world. They stay under the radar from hunters and make sure that Alex understands why werewolves have to kept secret. They were waiting to until Alex was a little older to explain in full detail about the Hale fire. Instead, they will get a phone call from a tear-filled 15 boy who desperately needs his fathers to reassure him that they will always keep him safe.
After spending almost the entire night on the phone to his dads, the last thing Alex wants to do the next morning is go back to the station. The Sheriff agrees to let him stay home and play video games. 
An hour after that, there’s a knock on the door, and Alex opens it to find a red-headed boy standing there with an imperious look on his face. He looks Alex up and down and sighs and rolls his eyes. 
“Oh my god. You’re a flannel-wearing disaster. Come on, we’re going shopping.” 
“Your dads called my mom,” the boy says. “My name’s Eli. Eli Martin. I’ve got my mom’s credit card and no tolerance for polyester. Let’s go.” 
Maybe Alex is going to have an amazing summer after all. 
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