#The End of Season V
leqclerc · 3 days
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Also this is a crazy stat 😯😳
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neurotic-sinkhole · 3 months
as someone who has worked in courtrooms and actively is in law school i. i just have to talk about the cleo v doc case.
i finally got around to watching doc's entire POV after being too busy. i saw clips over and over again that were just calling my name. and oh boy did the full vid not dissapoint. my mouth was wide open the whole time in both shock and laughter. surprisingly, some of the proceedings of the court were accurate to typical US court proceedings!
here's a list of events and actions that stood out to me for their questionable realism:
- skizz's opening line was pretty accurate to how most plaintiff/prosecutions begin -"your honor, opposing council, members of the jury"
- most courts don't let you... submit evidence in opening statements but i love the hustle skizz!!
- honestly skizz's entire opening statement would have had a jury on his side
- but no jury? this would be a jury case
- honestly joe's baby defense i could see playing out in court
- joe really held up the batshit defense arguments stereotype and i love that for us 🧡
- arguing in opening to have the case dismissed... baby that time has passed. not even discovery can save you now
- i get the feeling neither joe nor doc knew the plaintiff was going to call witnesses which is not only major illegal but also so fucking funny
- this is the type of questioning a proffessor would show what leading a witness looks like
- literally during both of joes cross' i was crying it was so funny
- also ren's "i cannot recall" yeah!! that's good.
- should have brought up husband status
- skizz. please. it is not "disposition". beef did not give you a "disposition". it's "deposition". please. i'm crying.
- really good relevance objection! and skizz didn't say "relevency" so +3000 lawyer points!
- the judge firing missles at both councils is a feature i think the lower courts should implement
- like they had no case. the witnesses are your case. they didn't begin their case to even rest it. help?
- no experts testified but i think if D did get a witness they could've had an expert testify to either doc's baby or insane status and that would have really helped.
- joe's mens rhea argument in closing was SO GOOD. like that really was the glove moment of this trial.
anyways i'll be thinking about this for 1000 years.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 months
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The impossible glow up has already begun 🫠
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cherirumiko · 1 year
Good Omens S2 SPOILERS!!!
- I... forgive you. -
I was just need make some fanart of them (And more with that ending :'>)! Just a sketch but I liked how it results~
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strawmates · 11 months
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i'm so grateful to live in a same timeline where attack on titan is created. thank you yams for this wonderful, genius, and heart wrenching masterpiece. 
this story has been part of my life these past few years, i grew up with this series, and shared the same emotional ride with all the characters. 
although the manga ended 2.5 years ago, i still harbor the same feelings the first time i read the final chapter of the manga as i watch the last episode of the anime, ever. 
i still believe that eren and mikasa deserved so much better. all they ever wanted was to be with each other but we all know that wouldn't happen. i was crying the whole time while watching the episode to a point i couldn't breathe through my blocked nose and i couldn't even read the subtitles through my blurry vision filled with nonstop tears. 
to all the people involved in the publication and production of this series, Kodansha, WIT studio, MAPPA, all the voice actors, all the music artists who composed and sing the opening and ending songs and many more. thank you for your hard work all these years. cheers to a job well done!
thank you again yams for giving me something to look forward to every month these past few years. you don't know how much that meant to me. 
the world is cruel yet beautiful. 
see you later, eren and everyone else. 
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fumifooms · 5 months
You're always so on point with your posts. On that note, it made me realize that; Considering the themes of desires in DunMeshi. It's also to say that what you think you want isn't what you actually want.
Like, Marcille thinks she wants the handsome prince from the novels she reads... But what she actually wants is someone maybe more like her father who she admired so much. Kind, virtuous, caring to a fault, a family man. Things she later finds in Chilchuck.
Because as traumatizing as it was to see her mother's spiral after her father's death; Her memories of her father itself are some of the most important to her. And it fits with her pursuit to increase her loved ones' lives, because she does want what her mother and father had.
Sipping. I do go over ‘what you think you want vs what you actually want + what you need’ in my (upcoming) Marcille & Chil arc analysis ;) It’s a part of Dunmeshi that I really like and is super fascinating, I’d honestly like to make an analysis-post on the topic: all the different threads and characters in canon that reflect that, desires vs wants and themes of idealization in Dunmeshi, but it’s one of those things that’s just so huge to make. See this is the freaking problem with doing Dunmeshi meta you start talking about the themes or a narrative and everything is so interwoven you get distracted with tangents BUT IT’S ALL COMPELLING AND RELEVANT
I know that’s something laimar does a lot too, the dad thing, with Marcille in a post-canon comic knitting beside him paralleling her parents and whatnot. I don’t know if I fully agree on the angle but there’s definitely stuff to dig at there…
Like I know that I’d like to analyze Marcille’s succubus more, it comes up in my analysis draft but it’s not the point I’m trying to make there so I focus on other stuff but… I always saw the focus of Marcille’s succubus as that she sought out an emotional connection most of all, it’s romantic and courtly in nature but more importantly there’s personality and behavior there and it’s a character she already loves and knows deeply from having read the series, so it’s not like Chil where it’s just a pretty face whose identity doesn’t matter. A friend of mine though, @room-surprise, goes with the angle that it shows she isn’t ready for a relationship and that the appeal is very self-centered, and I def think compelling points are made…
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Point I was trying to make, the succubus is definitely at the crux of figuring what it is Marcille wants and craves in someone I’d say, where she’s emotionally at wether consciously or subconsciously, or how she sees herself being involved in romance at least… It’s true Marcille is enthusiastic about romance, but always someone else’s, never hers, and she seems unwilling to examine her own relationships with people. She oversteps boundaries either obliviously or carelessly and doesn’t like change…
And then there’s how complex people’s relationship to fiction can be on top of that and graaaaah
Edit in bc I forgot I wanted to mention this like an idiot: OH and I do think the Daltian Clan serves a role in the general tapestry of Dunmeshi as well, sometimes in in depth ways that Room-Surprise will tackle in their research paper way better than me I’m sure. My understanding of the importance of general Hagreus in a more general narrative sense is that he reinforces the theme of idealization/fantasy vs reality that’s super present through the manga. Beyond just Marcille’s arc and his importance to her he’s designed uncannily close to Mithrun, it parallels real elves and their very flawed military system and the broken people it cultivates vs the romanticized elves put on an aesthetic pedestral in novels, especially considering it’s "general" Hareus
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To give some previews of the analysis wip: Thus the succubus targets Marcille’s wish for a perfect knight who could cherish her forevermore, someone safe and known and fantastical, just hers in a way, free to see and construct however she wants because he’s a character to interpret Dungeon Meshi is in part about resisting desires, the irrational cravings, mostly through the character of the demon. I mentioned needs earlier, and to ideals vs wants we also add vs needs, both emotional and physical. And needs alongside wants are what Dungeon Meshi wishes to promote for a healthier person. Dungeon Meshi illustrates very well with the dungeon lords that you can be a slave to your desires. Dunmeshi prones the important of balance for both a healthy body and a healthy mind, and the arc of optimism vs pessimism with Marcille & Chilchuck is one such case <3
Ouuuugh how flawed relationships with flawed people can still be made into somehing good and healthy that make the world brighter…
We’ve gone far from the topic of how her family shaped what she seeks in relationships haha, I think you put it well already though I don’t have much to add on that front Edit in 2: SIKE! I’ll add that there’s an interesting thread in the manga of Marcille maturing and becoming more like her mother, which would be interesting and fun to pair with the fatherhood of Chil. Because Marcille is sometimes a mother figure as well: she’s the mom friend. I go over it here, and since when I made that post I’ve seen more interesting analysis on the topic too, like noticing she hides behind her mother’s portrait in the nightmare chapter, perhaps the inspiration behind her more mature reserved academic persona she sometimes has. Her parents are def important to her so it’s interesting to see how all the dynamics and her own psychology fit into that….
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But yeah I think what she (thinks she) wants out of romance has a lot of layers, both conscious and subconscious… I haven’t gone into the bigger picture of how fiction affects her relationships here but it’s the central topic of my Marcille & Chil arc analysis so. She idealizes the trope of the prince charming and finds it attractive but is that what she would actually latch onto… Is it fully superficial, is it more about herself than it is about her potential partner... Is it mainly because she wants to get validation, from being special that she typically gets from high academic performance… We do see she can be rather insecure and worried about others’ perspective of her, that they think she’s not useful or capable enough, especially in the mandrake chapter… Unconditional love perhaps
What is your emotional landscape Marcille. How emotionally intelligent are you. I don’t think she knows what she wants romantically. I think she has a job so she don’t really care about that rn I’m just not sure if we can figure out what she ~actually~ wants on her behalf that might be too many levels of interpretation but idk idk, thinking on it still
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ahoyrcmanoff · 1 month
— based on the s4 tarot cards scene.
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(hi! tbh I have no idea if this has been done yet. I’m finally out from the shock of this shitty ending lmao. Only seen a thing or two about this topic, talking ‘bout the Hargreeves’ fate… but i wanted to give it a deeper thought, ‘cause I just haven’t stopped thinking on that specific scene where klaus does a reading, and what each card meant for his character specifically, so, I decided to do this for fun & because I have my good knowledge on tarot cards. enjoy.)
Okay! So, the scene starts with Klaus sitting in the van, just passing time by doing a small reading with his cards. Which, not only gave us a brief look into the future for the Hargreeves’ fate, but it also gave us a look into who Klaus Hargreeves is. It shows us how his character could’ve been developed, what they could work at as a person (if they hadn’t erased a certain couple of scenes). And it is honestly sooo on point with their personality.
• We start off with Card #1 — The Lovers.
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This is the first card that comes out. A classic. And obviously, we all go to the same thought when seeing this one specific card, but if you watch closely you can see much more in it than just a couple. Klaus jokes about it, saying; “that’s obvious, I haven’t been laid in months.”
And sure it’s a fun joke. We all might think the main thing that is the talk about this card (love, couples, lovers, etc). And damn my mind also went to Dave. But it has a deeper meaning.
This card talks about self-love. Something we know Klaus struggles with. Sure, they are a very confident person in their body, they care for their appearance, but he also despises himself for their usual low points. For letting it out on his family, all the stealing he did, the times he didn’t accept help, the times he felt like he wasn’t important or that he was a disappointment. The Lovers is the card of the search for self-love, for confidence, of being your own soulmate, in a way. This person has a tendency to fall in love quickly, but they have to be careful — the mountains and the snake represent the obstacles to reach to that desired love. Which, hell, Klaus had to go through considering his true love (Dave) is from another time and couldn’t be free. Romantic love will be easier to find once you reach into that self-care/self-love. The angel does represent that not everything is lost, there is a chance for love, for a certain couple.
Yet— we don’t see that happy ending for Klaus on the screen.
• Card #2 — The Tower.
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What there is to say about this that isn’t obvious? This card represents pure chaos. Klaus says it himself; “Loss of self-control.”
It is also the card of change. Ringing any bells yet? All the siblings went through a big change on those six years without powers. And Klaus’ was impressive, he spent three years sober, now lives with Allison and Claire, and had developed a germaphobia.
If we get the negative sort of change, The Tower brings a misunderstanding, the way something that shouldn’t be will be forced. (Klaus getting his powers back, then when he sees how it will be inevitable to fall into old habits again as soon as he gets home and gets into the argument with Claire). But if we get the positive side, we’ll also get strength against the adversity, some optimism. (Which, hey, he managed to escape from the building and then from a goddamn tomb, it showed huge strength of character from someone like Klaus to do that.)
Now! If we look into the future with that reading scene being the starting point — there is even more change. Watch the card, there’s two characters jumping out of the window, away from the fire and darkness of the tower (one’s mind). There’s also some doubt, but it is something inevitable, you have to escape. It represents a freeing or liberation, a crisis, a rupture of some sorts. It can be shown in the other siblings as well, as we saw during the season.
But for Klaus specifically — he got freed from the constant fear, and got his powers back after dying. Again. Which, once again, wasn’t his choice but that is where the chaos starts. Right after that, there comes the fall in his sibling relationship with Allison, and once again the liberation, where Klaus finally stood up for himself. They are in a crisis, because he thinks he will fall into old habits. Because he thinks it’s inevitable as soon as the ghosts appear.
But with change, comes an end. A realization, an escape… In the deleted scenes, we see how Klaus decides to go to A.A. after Allison and Claire help him out of the grave. There’s this loving moment, where they let the fight behind and they go back to being a family. And this also shows strength from Klaus, because after so many years, he is willing to accept the truth. He talks about his struggles with addiction, opens up, shows his development during those sober years, says how he regrets on letting it out on his family (which surely means specifically Ben because he was the one to see Klaus on each fall, and then they never got a chance to have a serious talk because even Ben’s ghost is gone). And finishes up by saying he is an alcoholic, showing that development. Despite everything, he gained psychological strength and decided to accept the help, to deal with his problems and stay sober.
• Which brings us to Card #3 — Ten of Swords.
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Klaus is *very* clear when this card comes out. “The card of death.” He says, and then immediately put everything away, scared. And yes, it did show that he would die, to later come back to life — as we saw when he got shot and the siblings didn’t have any other choice but to give him the marigold. But once again, there’s always a deeper level with Tarot.
Well, there’s something about the Swords. They all talk about the mind, thoughts. The path of the swords is to learn through experience.
Klaus Hargreeves has gained plenty of experience in various topics throughout the seasons. Starting off with how much their powers developed over the years, how much they trained on season three. How emotionally developed he had always been. How each experience gave him a new thing to learn. And despite everyone’s thoughts, Klaus does learn. But he just keeps facing shit and sometimes has to hit the same wall to really learn first.
There is a certain insecurity in the swords, a lack of level, that is also shown on the other two cards that Klaus took. But before he learns, he has to hit the same wall, has to face the chaos, has to hit rock bottom.
And that is what this card means exactly, hitting rock bottom. We’ve seen Klaus hitting it a couple of times, but this was the drop that was needed to fill up the glass. When this card appears in a reading, it’s hard to advise the person, why? Because this person has auto-destructive tendencies. Sounds familiar? Klaus has had those tendencies since he was a child. We saw it. It started off with their addiction, then with hitting dangerous places, the constant dying, the way they haven’t really gotten into serious relationships, how he always chose the thing that would explode in his face. So, anything that happens could cut the stability that this person may have gained. Which is why Klaus kept falling into the same patterns over and over throughout his life.
But — with an end, there’s also a new start. With death also comes a reborn, literal death and reborn for Klaus, because of his powers. It shows that the person couldn’t escape their problems anymore, because the thoughts (the swords) they have been trying so hard to ignore, sneaked on them and killed them. (Once again, a bit literal for Klaus). One has to face their problems to come back. There is a need for transformation, like a butterfly, or like the Phoenix that comes back from their ashes.
And honestly, this would’ve been so much more clear if they actually kept the Klaus’ scenes they deleted. Where he embraced the transformation, accepted his problems and searched for a solution. Where he could get a closure, a hint of hope.
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Anyway, if you can’t tell, I genuinely love this sweetheart and I think they deserved so, so, so much better than the ending they gave him. It doesn’t take much but be observant on how interesting of a character Klaus Hargreeves is but unfortunately this fell into the wrong hands, because they couldn’t give a character with so much depth a good final. (And all the Hargreeves for all the matter! Justice for my fav siblings). If anyone actually takes the time to read through this, thank you. This was for fun, out of love for the show, love for Klaus and love for tarot all combined. <3
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sea-buns · 1 month
Recently been popping on an ep of Neverafter for a real slow rewatch and by god were they confident
Hearing just sooo much optimism now having seen how hard they get Episode 3'd into D20's first-and-only TPK is so damn funny
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
what he says: fishermen and pirates are nothing alike
what he means: i'm scared. i'm so scared. and i'm unlovable. because i can't be what you want. i can't be who you want. i can't be anything for anyone at all.
i don't know myself anymore. the only thing i do know is that i want to be away from piracy. i want to be away from the violence, and the pressure, and the constant threats on life. i want to be away from the threat of losing you.
but look at you. look at us. you're thriving. and i'm running. you want all of this, and i want none of this. we've always been different, but now we're polar. you're leaping into all of this with open, excited arms, and i'm desperately careening to get out.
so why would there be space for me? why, when we're going in two opposite directions? why, when i'm exactly the opposite of what you seem to want right now?
fishermen and pirates are nothing alike. so you can't possibly want me anymore.
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the thing that is actually making me giddy with the possible angst is that i really think that we are about to see the most monumental shift in not only how we saw these characters but also how they previously saw each other.
the fact that we literally now have confirmation that a) they knew each other before the fall, b) aziraphale has had heart eyes since before time began, and c) crowley... possibly not so much, completely changes the context on not just the eden scene but also all the historic scenes that followed.
aziraphale knew crowley as an angel, and knew even then when crowley was meant to be 'perfect' that crowley was maybe a bit different, always asking questions and toeing the line. maybe out of a bit of bastardy himself, or out of begrudging awe of his ability but also his audacity, or just plain attraction, aziraphale immediate takes to him. but this has meant that aziraphale has placed crowley, perhaps unconsciously, upon a pedestal. and the pedestal that aziraphale puts crowley on from that moment may have wobbled throughout their history together, but it's stayed relatively intact.
this worries me, that aziraphale may not have quite let go of the fact that crowley just isn't that person any more, maybe never was to begin with, and continues in some measure to idolise him. my interpretation of this is that yes, crowley can be a bit of a dick (because, well, obviously) and aziraphale knows this, has done since the beginning, but aziraphale continues to hold crowley to an overall moral ideal that is so firmly ensconced in aziraphale's first perception of him as an angel that crowley will never be able to live up to it. not because he isn't a nice person, or because he can't live up to it, but maybe... he just simply doesn't want to.
but the issue is that throughout the ages (including the job minisode which ive had corrected for me, so Crowley Anger is now simply simmering), crowley's actions have only reinforced to aziraphale that despite being technically a demon, he has a huge heart and is not a horrible person. bit of a bastard, but not cruel. all of this just feeds and feeds into this image of crowley that aziraphale has built of him, and when crowley has his flashes of, in fact, not being honourable or kind, this threatens to upset the pedestal altogether.
these wobbly moments - when he thinks crowley is going to kill the children, when crowley snaps at him in rome, when crowley first proposes the arrangement, the prospect that he came up with the french revolt, the holy water request, the bandstand, "how can someone as clever as you be so stupid?"... moments where just for a second, in a small or huge measure, aziraphale's faith in crowley... flickers.
and of course aziraphale has been here before, right? he's had his faith, his devotion, his loyalty tested to the absolute limit of angelic endurance. so when his faith in heaven (never lost it in god) was obliterated, well - it had to cling to something. something that wouldnt mean that aziraphale has to lose the concept of faith altogether. so we're back to the old standby of idolatry, that aziraphale's heavenly faith is replaced by his faith in crowley, this angel that despite never originally giving aziraphale the time of day, aziraphale cannot see - for all of crowley's faults and bastardy and the frustration he poses - crowley as anything less than something to be worshipped.
this is exactly why i think that one of the main points of s2 is going to be a rift between them both. obviously i haven't talked about crowley's perspective of this and maybe i will in another post, but i do think that crowley is going to do something, a bad thing for the right reasons, but aziraphale isn't going to see it like that. that crowley will do something awful to protect aziraphale, but all aziraphale will be able to see is the betrayal or the cruelty or the despair, he can't see wood for the trees, and just lose that last vestige of faith he had altogether.
i feel like once all the disillusion and disenchantment has been swept away, and they're both laid bare at each other's feet... that they may not quite like what they find. from aziraphale's perspective, that whatever crowley does in s2 might be crossing aziraphale's line in the sand, and now aziraphale is starting to see crowley as someone that is truly grey, fluctuating between doing things that are Good, and things that are Good for Crowley.
and it's not as if aziraphale was blind to this before, but instead now... he kind of finally sees who crowley is? who he has been all along? the film has lifted from his eyes. realises that love and worship are not the same thing. what he loves, who he loves, doesn't equate to worshipping it/them, idolising them. there's a very big difference that echoes down to the very core tenet of who aziraphale is and his experiences with having and losing faith, but love having remained.
so stripped of the pedestal, crowley is now just simply... crowley. a person, not an angel, not a demon. and there is the distinct possibility that aziraphale might be completely blindsided by what he finds.
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profoundwebhead · 25 days
here’s a nice little bit of angst for umbrella academy fans:
what if, in the seven years they were together… Lila gave Five a pet name as a term of endearment. Maybe she wasn’t in love with him but she felt something… and felt wrong for using Five to refer to him? like that was his ‘assassin name’
that’s the name he had when he killed her parents… but she doesn’t see him as that person anymore?
so she gives him a pet name and uses it throughout those seven years. something soft and sweet like “my love”. ofc, she still calls him five from time to time, like when she’s worried or scared (after five finds the journal and she calls out for him) but she wants him to forget that part of him too.
that’s not who he is anymore… that’s who she doesn’t want him to see himself as anymore.
and then the department store scene.
“i wanna fucking kill him!”
and he WANTS to kill his brother. The world is ending and they are all gonna die but he wants to be the one who ends Diego’s life.
but then.
“It’s over, FIVE!”
and he has to kind of double take because it’s been basically seven years since she’s called him that.
the name burns through his mind and he sees Reggie, The Handler… He sees the things he did. The people he killed.
and he blinks away.
he’s a killer. he killed her parents. no they’re alive. this version of them are. i still did those things. SHE made me do those things. i still did them. i liked them.
and his thoughts only get worse when he finds that fucking deli and there he is. He’s confronted with the worst thing in existence and it’s not the cleanse, or another apocalypse or the Handler or his dad… it’s himself.
and Lila was right.
It’s over… Five.
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
do you think the writers are being too slow revealing what happened with wukong and macaque? like should the full story been revealed in s4
That's very subjective!
For me personally, I'm totally fine with how it's played out. We get enough tidbits every season/developments with their dynamic that I'm pretty content. I also just think that when the time comes, how they choose to reveal that information to us (and especially to MK) will have optimal impact!
Idk, I just think it's going to work out you know
#but maybe it's not pacing that works for you and that's fine#the experience of pacing is subjective by nature#alright *puts on conspiracy cap*#to me it seems like they're wanting to throw another wrench into MK and Wukong's relationship next season#s4 was so heavily focused on Wukong's flawed past and there was a lot of buildup about his and mac's relationship in the s4 special#and then s5 had a lot of weird hints/info#specially with the stone/nine or whatever#and that weird wukong nuwa framing in 5x08#And 5x01 kinda lampshading Wukong knowing about MK + his reincarnated friends#Like feels weird don't it#(WHICH. He could totally have not known about MK. But I still wanna learn more about why he wanted a student in the first place)#There are so many directions next season could go#But the direction I hope for most is really continuing 5x04 stuff#Like idk I personally feel like we didn't fully unpack Monkey MK. In certain aspects anyhow#And it's like omg 2 seasons later and we finally resolved the to pain scene!!!#But we haven't really resolved like. ''Hurting the people who care about you the most'' aspect of it. The 3x10 and 4x08 parallel#So like the hurting each other angle. The nature of 5x04's resolution is that you have to work at it every day *twirls hair*#Kinda like how at the end of the s4 special ''leaving things a little better than you found it'' hadn't resolved everything being to pain#So now ''even if it all leads to pain that pain is ours!'' hasn't resolved how you hurt the people you love#And with MK using the crown on Wukong#And now that Mac V SWK backstory seems close at hand#Seems all very set up for that theme you know#I'm a believer#this has been imp's tag rant#lmk#lego monkie kid#shadowpeach#asks#anon#lmk theme: hurt
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australet789 · 1 year
I just had a twisted theory, maybe even crack theory but hear me out
What if Gabriel's wish was Adrien's?
Because once the wish is made, the next shot is Adrien opening his eyes
We get Adrien's pov and everything is pinky lighted
What if the wish was to make every single one of Adrien's wishes real
What if Adrien asked for his father to be a hero, for his life to be free and better
What if Ladybug wanted to tell the truth but Adrien's wishes interfered with it
And we don't see Plagg after the wish, just Tikki
What if Plagg knows the truth behind the death of Gabriel.
That in some part of Adrien's heart, he wished for his father to be gone.
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noahtally-famous · 5 months
can't believe this hasn't been said before but unhinged!scarlett and unhinged!dave would be an iconic duo. shame pi didn't get a second season bc these two in an alliance would basically succeed in destroying the island, they'd wipe everyone out
the fact that they're both versions of the nerd character so they're already smart in their own ways, the fact that they have absolutely zero fucks to give anymore, their individual darker sides have come out (whether it was hidden consciously (scarlett) or unconsciously (dave)), and they've each attempted to kill/seriously injure one or more contestant(s) (and mess up the island in the process) just to reach their end goal. imagine if these two found a common goal somehow, literally nothing could get in their paths (except possibly each other)
#these two in an alliance that ends with one or both of them turning on the other would be wild#tbh i know ppl talk abt wishing roti getting a second season but the potential in a second season for pi?? there is so much!!#literally half the dynamics have changed and so have personalities for most of the characters in pi#max and scarlett's dynamic change and their shifts in characters#topher could easily shift from chris lover to chris hater. two extremes!!#he just wants to get chris fired or in pain or smth lmao#dave becoming more competitive and less romantic he turns more heartless (and a bit more reserved and unpredictable)#his heart is there its just v shrouded. and repressed memories dave of the finale!!#he knows smth big happened but the memories of exact details are fuzzy (when that mental curtain is ripped away its gonna be chaos)#amy and sammy's change in dynamics. sammy standing up for herself!!#i wanna say sky would join a second season to get a chance at the money (im a shawn winner truther)#but idk if after all that she'll want to lmao#but skave dynamic total shift if sky comes back!!!#dave doing anything to get her eliminated sky slowly starting to retaliate#it'd be interesting to explore ella and sugar's characters if they've changed or not#evil scarlett who doesnt hide it!!#jashawn ain’t gonna join i think lmao they deserve a nice break plus they split the million so#rodney who is still a romantic but starts to understand the truth of boundaries and the rose colored glasses start to break#(he gets a sexuality revelation when he crushes on one of the guys)#just imagine how wack things would have gone with a second season#the different interactions and alliances and friendships and enemies#and the interactions/dynamics in the first season def would have changed in a second one#this is making me remember the whole layout for a second pi season younger me wrote with new and old contestants#anyway! second season pi was so deserved it would have been wack#noahtally-famous#total drama#td dave#td scarlett#tdpi
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five-of-cr · 11 months
what do you MEAN we'll never get to see kuwei on screen
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perseruna · 3 months
every time I see Anya, Joey, and Liam I get so happy I'm thinking "GIRL WE ARE SO BACK" like genuinely, I just get so happy. I hope they all have a good experience filming, i just want them to have fun :)
that’s my sentiment exactly!!! I just know they’re gonna have the best time filming s4&5 and I cannot wait for the press tour. The fact that we might finally get interviews with all four leads is making me so excited, we’re gonna have a blast. The table read video is a really good sign of what’s to come imo and the fact that they hired an entire outside company to produce bts stuff for this season!! It’s gonna be so fun :)!!!
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