#The Fox Burrow
sabyfangirl · 2 years
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The Fox Burrow
Martin was running as fast as his feet could take him, only coming to a stop once he was sure to be far enough from the wolf den. He leaned on a coniferous tree to catch his breath, his eyes stealing uncertain glances at the direction he was running from.
Liberating a heavy sigh, he suddenly recalled the unread envelope in his pocket. Once he had it in his hands, he ripped off the paper fabric before pulling out a golden orange card.
Eagerly, his eyes analyzed the written content.
"You've made it this far, and I'm impressed. But with a bushy tail similar to a weasel's, and sharp canid teeth very much like a wolf, finding me won't be a brieze. But don't fret, I am a red flame within these snowy lands. Even in the darkest nights, you can still find my small paw prints on the way. Who am I?"
Martin's eyes blinklessly went over the riddle again and again, followed by meditation.
He paced back and forth with one hand on his chin, the words racing through his mind. "Hmm... A bushy tail... A reddish coat... Canid teeth..."
Just as he was about to give up, the answer suddenly elucidated his thoughts, quickly turning his deep pensiveness back to bright optimism. "A fox! No other canid in this forest has red fur other than a fox. Koki's probably refering to the European fox!"
Just as he was about to pick his next trail, Martin cringed at a bizzare noise coming from some nearby bushes. He carefully got closer, extending one hand in advance. From the white snow palette resting on the unobtrusive green shade of the bush, appeared a white tipped bushy tail. Martin gasped in astonishment at the sight of the creature walking out in front of him.
"A European fox?! How serendipitous," he said, a light chuckle escaping him. The carnivorous animal took one clueless look at the zoologist, then ran off into an unknown location.
"Hey! Wait up, Flame!" he called out, the improvised name rolling off his tongue. Martin ran after the fox, unwilling to let her out of his sight.
After a short shase, Martin finally came to a particular place. He stopped to observe Flame from afar. He watched in awe as two small pups came out from a small hole in the ground, which he assumed was a burrow. Flame - the mother of the two cubs - nuzzled her youngsters before taking out some meat from the burrow for them to eat.
As soon as she did, the two baby foxes jumped on the food, tugging it between them with their tiny teeth. Flame broke them apart before splitting the red nourishment into two, equally distributing it to the little ones.
Admiring the scene, Martin slowly approached the small family. He knelt not too far from the cubs, not startling the mother.
"Aw, Flame. You're a mom! I gotta come up with a name for these guys," he said while analyzing the cubs' behaviours. The first cub was female, she took small bites from her food while brushing the snow behind her with her tail. The second was a male cub, unlike his sister, he would aggressively devour his food, getting snow all over the place. Martin laughed at his attitude.
"Hahaha... Oh, naming you is gonna be easy, you're Toughy," then to the female cub, "and you're Fluffy," he announced warmly.
"Wow, Red Foxes really are active canids, and those bushy tails with white underparts sure look cool with those reddish-brown coats," he let out in astonishment.
While the pups were preoccupied with their meal, Flame took out her share of meat from the burrow, unintentionally pulling out something that instantly caught Martin's eyes.
"Hey, is that-" he went over to grab the mysterious object. "The fourth envelope!" He exclamed.
"Thanks Flame! I almost forgot I was looking for this," he chuckled a bit.
The red paper fabric color was enough for him to guess who it was from. He took out the card from inside the envelope, eagerly reading it.
"I'm red, small and love nuts. But I'm not easy to find. Who am I?"
As simple as the riddle was, it took a moment for Martin to think of the answer. Looking up, he spotted a few nuts falling from a tree.
"Squirrels!" he let out. "Jimmy must mean Red squirrels. I gotta find them!" Swiftly, he got up to go on the search for the last creature.
"Bye Flame, Toughy and Fluffy!" he let out with a friendly tone, his gut leading him toward a random direction. As he ran off, the fox family went back to its peaceful meal.
Sadly, the peace was coming to an end as two villains were secretely getting ready to capture them. Evil laughters were soon heard from behind the trees, the mother flinched at the sudden noise of a giant vaccum-like machine heading right at her and her cubs. But before she could react, it was too late.
The foxes were now at the mercy of the evil chef and fashionista...
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art-is-kayos · 2 months
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Totally real merch that exists and is real. I promise.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was trying to go about my day while being chased by a vengeful fox who could dig through any surface and was determined to bite my arm off. She was mad at me because I stuck my arm into her burrow to retrieve a panda cub that fell in, and grabbed her infant pup by accident.
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I had to.
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aramblingjay · 1 year
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acmeoop · 1 year
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I Know We’re Not Rabbits, But It’s A Warner Bros’ Tradition “Draculee, Draculaa” (1993)
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
yeri why is the mc out here digging up GRAVES
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plethoraworldatlas · 7 months
Nestled between the Rio Grande and Santa Fe, the Caja del Rio in New Mexico is an incredible landscape with major cultural and ecological significance. Named after the titular plateau, the resource-rich region has been home to diverse people and wildlife for countless generations.
It's hard to understate the importance of this landscape. It offers cultural and natural resources for many Pueblos—who consider it a sacred place—as well as traditional Hispanic communities. It's also a major wildlife corridor, supporting vulnerable species like western burrowing owls and gray foxes.
But now, the federal government is trying to rapidly force approval of an electrical transmission line that would carve up the Caja. The proposed project would not only erode and fragment the sensitive landscape, but also open the door for further destructive development. We can't afford to lose this precious landscape!
Tell the government you oppose transmission line construction through the Caja!
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Atra esterní Ono thelduin!
Dropping in to share a heartwrenching Eragon headcanon.... how Brom found ways to bond with his Son, and Eragon's early years in Carvahall.
Say, when eragon was a baby, Selena had just left Carvahall after telling brom about his son. Dear old Brom is so happy but sooo sad that he can't keep Eragon with himself, and it is bittersweet to know he will have to watch from afar because he can't ever tell Eragon the truth of his lineage...
And because Eragon is so widdle right now Garrow or his wife Marian won't take him out of home until he is a bit older... Brom takes flowers to Eragon just with the excuse to see him. He told Garrow and Marian that he's new in town and he's been hearing everywhere that a beautiful new baby has been born in Garrow's family and he is a sentimental storyteller who felt tempted to come congratulate. And that day, just a few days after Eragon's birth, his father finally sees him. It makes him very emotional, because baby eragon is very cute. And all he can manage to say "he puts stars to shame with that face and a name made for glory!"
Garrow and Marian are astonished to see him cry and he has to make up an excuse that he lost his own son long ago.
"I don't know if this is how all storytellers are, but no man should be this lily livered" Garrow whispers.
"Oh, but he lost his own child, imagine how you'd feel if we lost our Roran..." Marian retorts.
The couple pity him for it, and Marian says, "you can visit him whenever you desire friend." Garrow doesn't have a very high opinion of the storyteller but he seems kind says he'll allow it on occasion. Brom thinks they will feel like he's intruding if he came anytime he wished to be with Eragon which was all the time and they might see him as a bothering fly, and be suspicious of him so accepts their favour knowing he can't exploit their allowance.
So mostly he would scry Eragon when he was alone, or take an occasional hike up the hill once a month with the reason of "keeping his old legs still working young" to come say hi to Eragon, but sparingly.
When harvest time usually came, before Selena left Eragon there, only Garrow would do the harvest, and Marian would care for lil Roran... but when harvest came sometime before eragon turned a year old, there was to be some wedding in the village and Marian had promised to help the other ladies prepare. So she had no option but to take Eragon and Roran with her, and she's finding the kids hard to manage as her attention is very much split between her work with the food and to whomever who is just a little free to watch the two boys for a few minutes, with eragon crying loudly and Roran running about nobody has peace.
Brom came amidst all this as the family of the bride to be married had asked him to marry them for he was fairly old and the reputation of a goodwilled man who came to their aid when they needed someone to read the vows. And he heard all the commotion happening in the back with Roran banging pots and pans and Eragon crying and he tells Marian he could take the kids to his little house and watch them till Marian is done. No one is sure how an old man could care for two children let alone a baby, but since everyone is tired of the clamor they are grateful that Brom takes them.
Roran finds two spoons in his house and he is again hitting them together and baby eragon cries so brom casts a spell so that only roran will hear the joyful noise of the spoons. He calms Eragon too with a soft glowing werelight that Eragon gets fascinated by and wants to hold the blue orb. And later that afternoon, he tells the boys stories till nightfall about Rider's city and dragons, with Eragon in his arms. Even roran listens to his exaggerated speeches.
When Marian comes to pick them up, Brom insists that she leave the kids with him every harvest time for he much enjoyed their company and even Roran behaved. That astonished her. And Eragon seemed happy too for he cried as soon as Marian took him from Brom's arms. So after that year she'd go leave them at his place during the harvest, or when the harvest was plentiful and Garrow needed a hand (much to hurt Garrow's pride for he was the "I can manage it alone" man) or she would tell Brom to come to their place to watch the kids. And some years went by in this fashion, when harvest time was the best month of the year.... and once Roran was 10 ish he'd help Garrow in the farm and Eragon was left at Brom's home and Eragon used to have much to tell Brom about Squirrels on the farm or curious things he looked at, and Brom would tell him more tales only to be met my half a dozen questions the moment he began. Once Eragon and Roran were old enough, he stopped using magic here and there around them.
He really cherished those early years, and it hurt to never tell Eragon the truth. And when eragon was 10 he was allowed to wander how he wished in town. Ever since forever Marian and Garrow would tell the kids never to go too far in the valley near the Spine and Eragon grew ever curious to what was so dangerous about them.
One day he wandered in there, trying to be brave and got lost in the Spine and nearly chased by a wolf. His family was worried sick, and Brom brought him homethat day to their relief. He had luckily scried him before and rushed to Eragon's aid as fast as he could.
Roran would tease him about it for some time. And Marian died sometime after that incident. But after that frightful experience, when Eragon was 13, he vowed to be braver and practiced archery and and before the winter he'd go hunt. Those who knew he ventured into the Spine were mostly afraid of the prospect. But Brom was proud of him. So very proud of his brave boy who grew up having his father and never knowing.
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gelukart · 10 months
Uhg queer ppl…
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Bonus ref:
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I like the idea of them being married but too stubborn to change their last names to the other for research paper purposes but still wanting to be connected to each other by name but ultimately making it more confusing for eveneryone but themselves
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uss-sappho · 9 months
i was inspired by burrow's end to start a warrior cats ttrpg campaign, but im homebrewing the system to include dnd classes 👀
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always-ghosting · 2 years
In desperate need of a little burrow under a tree I can sleep in when this silly human life becomes too much . Need to stick my head out my burrow to look at the stars and say goodnight to the ducks and badgers and squirrels before doing a little spin, sitting down in the warmth of my den and doing the biggest sigh of content you have ever heard , might even sleep with my nose buried in my big tail to keep it extra warm . as a treat .
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copysketchy · 1 month
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We are NOT beating the furry allegations with this one /j
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butchcassidys · 7 months
This isn’t that interesting a story, but I’m rewatching Prison Break and I guess feeling nostalgic and sentimental, so I thought I’d post about how I first encountered the show.
I was on my way to or from (I can’t really remember) soccer practice and my teammate and her mom were talking about this show they loved called Prison Break. They had watched the first season and were excited for the second season to start. I was 12, almost 13, and I guess something about what they said piqued my interest so I decided to tune into the season 2 premiere. I was instantly hooked. I begged my parents to take me to Blockbuster to rent the first season. I remember having an assignment to finish before the start of 7th grade and having to balance that with my binge watching.
It was 2006, so when I say I binged what I really mean is that I had my dad take me to Blockbuster after every 4 episodes to get the next disc. It was excruciating when my parents wouldn’t budge on spending another $5 on a rental but in the one or two weeks before 7th grade I finished the first season.
It’s the first television show I ever loved and it’ll always be so special to me. Watching it now, close to 20 years later is wild. I’ve seen it countless times, but I’m always reminded of the anticipation I felt on Mondays throughout middle school. It was a pretty unbearable time in my life, but Prison Break was the one bright spot during the week.
It was also the first thing that brought me to the internet. I met so many people on YouTube and various forums I no longer remember, it was such a bright spot in my life.
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syberasya · 1 year
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Back Nudity Warning!
Hiro from Burrows 
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hannahs-ownworld1 · 9 days
Summary: Fox River wasn’t just a prison, it was a pressure cooker of desperation, secrets, and betrayal. You’d learned that quickly enough. Lincoln Burrows, the man everyone looked up to for his quiet strength, was someone who had been burned too many times to trust easily. You knew that about him from the start. He kept to himself, always watching, always waiting for the next betrayal.
Authors note: please keep in mind that this is my first fic so please be nice😭I hope you guys like this, even if you haven’t watched Prison Break, I recommend it, it’s a great show.
You’d tried to earn his trust for months. You weren’t like the others, you didn’t have a hidden agenda. But every time you offered help, every time you tried to break through that stone wall of his, you were met with suspicion. He didn’t say much, but the way he looked at you, the hard lines of his face, the mistrust in his eyes, made it clear. Lincoln didn’t trust anyone, not even you.
Then came the night everything changed. A deal had gone wrong, a group of inmates planning something behind Lincoln’s back. You caught wind of it, overheard enough to know they were setting him up. Without a second thought, you stepped in. When they cornered him in the yard that night, you didn’t hesitate. You stood by his side, fighting them off, and taking a few hits yourself.
When it was over, and the attackers were scattered, Lincoln turned to you, chest heaving from the exertion. His eyes searched your face, as if trying to figure out why you’d done it. You were bruised, but standing, and you met his gaze evenly.
“Why’d you do that?” he asked, voice low and rough, the first words he’d spoken directly to you in days.
You shrugged, wincing at the pain in your shoulder. “Didn’t seem right, letting you get jumped like that.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond, just stared at you. Then he nodded, the briefest hint of understanding passing between you. He didn’t say it, but you knew that something had shifted. You had proven yourself.
Over the next few days, the air between you two was different. Lincoln didn’t talk much, but the glances he shot your way weren’t full of suspicion anymore. It was subtle, an extra nod when you passed in the yard, the way he’d wait for you in line at chow. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
Then, one night, you were sitting in your cell, the dim light casting long shadows on the concrete walls, when you heard footsteps stop outside your door. Lincoln appeared, leaning against the bars. His usual guarded expression was still there, but there was something else, something softer.
He looked around, making sure no one was listening, then spoke in a low voice. “You ever been in a situation where you had to trust someone, even when everything in you was screaming not to?”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden question. “Yeah. And it’s never easy.”
He nodded, his jaw working as if he was struggling to find the right words. “That’s how I’ve lived for a long time. Not trusting anyone. It’s… safer that way.”
You stayed quiet, sensing that this was something important. Something he hadn’t shared with anyone in a long time.
“I didn’t want to trust you,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “But when you stepped in back there… you didn’t have to. You did it anyway.”
“I’m not them,” you said softly. “I’m not here to screw you over.”
For a long moment, Lincoln didn’t speak. Then, finally, he met your eyes, and for the first time since you’d known him, his walls came down, just a little.
“I know,” he said, his voice gruff but sincere. “I know that now.”
And in that moment, you realized you had broken through. Lincoln Burrows, the man who trusted no one, had finally let you in.
I really hope you guys liked it! Especially you fellow prison break fans! There’s barely any prison break fanfics so I decided to start off with those! Anyways, let me know what y’all think. I’ll take requests as well🤍
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