#The Luteces fanfic
lootzest · 2 months
from a request from @sadsideart: how about Robert giving Rosalind a flower/flower bouquet but it's actually a message in flower language/symbolism
This was really fun to research - people really were out here sending complicated messages through floral arrangements. I tried Robert being a bit more subtle about things but it required a level of oblivousness from Rosalind that I couldn't get to work. Plus, the Luteces are forced to interact with a third party which is always fun.
(also @sadsideart, you could request something every single day and I'd be delighted!! this goes for you and anyone else - prompts very welcome!!)
Red Gardenias
“Would you object to stopping in at the florists?” Robert stroked his empty lapel. “Really this coat requires a buttonhole and there was nothing suitable at home.” Rosalind laughed. The idea that their home - overflowing with papers, laboratory equipment, and discarded experiments - was the sort of household in which a gentleman might pluck a bloom from an arrangement in the hallway on his way out the door, was absurd.
“If you insist.” 
The afternoon was so appealing that even Rosalind had agreed that being shut indoors with their research was a waste. The sun was bright over the rooftops, a pleasant breeze carrying the occasional cloud across a brilliant blue sky. It was, in short, a perfect day: all the more perfect considering that those rooftops were floating thousands of feet in the air and that she had put them there.
Even the poorly hidden stares from their fellow citizens could not spoil it. She had once scolded a newspaperman who referred to them as “reclusive”, but the Luteces did keep their own company enough that their presence on the street drew notice. Identical twins were notable enough but famous identical twins, responsible for the very streets they walked on - not to mention their impeccable sense of style - gave the citizens of Columbia plenty to stare at.
And, as Robert had said while Rosalind straightened his tie before they left, “Imagine how much more they would stare if they knew how we spent the morning.” He had wrapped his arms around her waist and taken his last opportunity to kiss her until they returned home.
Until then, they had to settle for being arm in arm, Rosalind occasionally holding his elbow a little more firmly, reminding him of her presence. She did not catch his eye because if she did so she was likely to grin and she did not grin in public. Robert meanwhile could glance down at her and assume the detached smile he often did; no one need know the cause.
They slowed as they approached the florists, buckets of flowers filling the pavement outside, their scents mingling to an overwhelming, though not unappealing, perfume. Robert stooped to inspect them, sliding his arm out from Rosalind’s, his fingers grazing the inside of her elbow as he did. He pulled one stem from the display and held it to his lapel.
“Your thoughts please.”
“Not with that tie.” Popular opinion said that always dressed identically, another oversimplification by Columbia’s press that Rosalind had derided over the breakfast table. They dressed to complement each other, the sash around her waist the same green silk as his tie.
“You’re right,” he said, replacing the flower.
“As always.” She turned from the flowers; this decision could not be rushed. His knuckles grazed hers. In return, she flexed her fingers against his. That would have to do.
Across the way, a young couple read a menu outside a bistro. The woman had her arm through the man’s, his hand resting on hers, her head leaning towards his shoulder. Rosalind’s teeth ground against each other like screeching brakes.
“Mr. Lutece!” Rosalind looked back to see who was speaking. “And Madame Lutece too. As one would expect, of course. An honour.” A man stood in the entrance of the shop, a green apron over his clothes.
“My sister and I could not resist such a fine day.” Robert raised the bloom he was assessing. “And I find myself in need of flowers.”
The florist looked at the flower and his eyes disappeared with his smile.
“Now I must say that that is a fascinating choice!” Robert was nonplussed - he looked to Rosalind for explanation but, on this rare occasion, she had none either.
“I thought it brought out–” but the man cut across him.
“Perhaps you are aware of the language of flowers?” The concept was not unfamiliar to either Lutece. In one world, Robert’s fellow students had regularly fallen foul of the messages they had inadvertently sent in bouquets to girls they were courting; in another, Rosalind witnessed those same girls sobbing in the common room over bunches of yellow roses.
“‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance’ and all that?” he offered. Rosalind’s foot tapped impatiently behind a bucket of hyacinths.
“Yes indeed - but this one is much more interesting. Whoever is to receive them - she’s a lucky woman indeed!”
Rosalind’s foot stopped tapping.
“Ah, you mistake –” Robert started but the florist continued, his eyes bright and blinded by his own enthusiasm for the subject.
“After all, Mr. Lutece, you are a very eligible man, no doubt you have your pick of young ladies…and your sister can’t expect to keep you all to herself.”
The stench of the mingled flowers caught in the back of Rosalind’s throat. Robert’s jovial tone dropped away.
“And what does this flower mean precisely?”
“That Mr. Lutece is a red gardenia - for secret love.” The florist had the audacity to wink at him. Rosalind had thought it was a rather pleasing plant until this moment when she realised it was the ugliest flower she had ever seen. The inner corners of her eyes prickled, no doubt from being next to all these awful flowers.
The back of Robert’s hand pressed against hers.
“And what would not secret love be?”
“Beg your pardon?” The florist’s smile faltered.
“If this love were not a secret?” Robert continued. Rosalind dared to look up at him. He still had his easy, relaxed expression but the sharp, serious eyes she usually saw looking back at her from the mirror.
“Well” –the man exhaled– “anything red. Roses, of course, but that’s rather old hat - a red camellia, that’s ‘you’re a flame in my heart’. Carnations are ‘deep love’, tulips, ‘passion’. And baby’s breath is ‘everlasting love.’”
“I shall take them.”
“Excuse me?”
“Put that together as a bouquet. All the most unsecret loves you have.”
“Robert,” murmured Rosalind.
“Who knew, dear sister, that one could say with flowers what one cannot say out loud?”
The florist, in his obliviousness, put together a terrific display. After all, he was the first in the city to know that Mr. Robert Lutece had a mysterious paramour and that was gossip one could dine out on. He presented the flowers to Robert for his approval.
“Almost as beautiful as the woman they are for.” Robert took them from the florist, who was already thinking of a shortlist of plausible recipients. “Perhaps my sister would assist me in carrying them home?” He looked deep into her eyes, blue like the skies she had put a city in, blue like his own, and handed her the bouquet.
“I shall keep an eye out for the lady who receives them,” said the florist.
“You won’t have to look hard, I’m sure.”
The sun was beginning to dip beneath the clouds they walked among. Rosalind had one arm around her brother’s, the other, holding her flowers. 
“People will think that these are for me.”
“Good. They are.”
“I mean that people will wonder who gave them to me.” Robert stopped and faced his not-twin. The street was quiet. He dared to stroke her cheek.
“Well. Your brother can’t expect to keep you all to himself.”
“I hope he might.”
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Bioshock 2: Schrodinger's Wank
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This week, we try and escape Rapture, but we needed something good to read in the bathysphere, so we picked three of our favourite Bioshock fanfics.
Links and Timestamps:
Supersymmetry by orphan_account at 9:29
The Other Side of the Coin by quantumlevitation at 25:12
BioWHAT!?: A Bioshock Parody, by Amsare at 45:09
Other ways you can listen to our show:
Just Inject a random syringe you found in the middle of a sunken 1960s Capitalist Dystopia with no Health and Safety regulations.
And join us in two weeks, when our next fandom will take your heart...
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monointoner · 2 years
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For the familiarized fans, there's a chapter in which Momobami Kirari makes Hitomi face Momobami Ririka and Igarashi Sayaka face Hitomi in gamble. If Hitomi loses, she's going to be forced to go to Hyakkao and become a housepet.
This is my introduction card. A crossover fanfic of mine that surrounds my favorite transhumanist and deconstructive midia, in which rejected teenage entities band together.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
wild to not be known as "the chick who wrote the really intense and well researched Rosalind Lutece meta about why she was Like That(tm)" or "head karkat/terezi/dave shipper, literally olympics sanctioned" anymore. Now I'm just "I exist with these two middle aged men who have so many problems and should kiss about it". I've truly entered my peak era haven't I.
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oakshiwriting · 8 months
WRIOLETTE Genshin Fanfic
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Neuvilette was at his office, scanning through some case files for work. He then heard a knock on his door, a melusine asking for permission to enter.
"Come in."
Neuvilette said as the Melusine entered with a letter in hand.
"Monsieur Neuvilette, a letter from the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide has been sent to you."
The Melusine said as she handed over the letter to Neuvilette. Neuvilette looked at the letter for a bit before telling the Melusine to leave.
"Ah, thank you. I shall read this after I scan through some of these files, you can leave now."
Monsieur Neuvilette said as he went back to read some of the papers in front of him. After a while, he finished scanning through the letters and grabbed the letter from the Duke a.k.a Wriothesley. He opened it and read the letter.
"Dear Monsieur Beloved, I am informing you of my presence there tomorrow, to ask you to spend the day with me. I know you have been busy and the Melusines told me you were free tomorrow, hence I hurriedly cleared my schedule for you. Let's meet at Café Lutece.
Love, Wrio."
Neuvilette smiled after he read the letter, returned it to its envelope. He continued his day drinking water and reviewing case files while being excited about the upcoming date with Wriothesley.
The day has passed and evening has arrived, he slept knowing the next day is gonna be a beautiful day.
When he woke up in the morning, he readied himself and didn't wear his usual attire. He wore a blue shirt and black pants with his hair remaining the same style. He went to Café Lutece as per the location agreed on the letter. He arrived there and Wriothesley was already waiting wearing a black shirt tucked in his similar color pants. He called Neuvilette and so Neuvilette went to sit with him. Wriothesley already ordered breakfast and by timing, it arrived shortly after Neuvilette sat.
"I missed you." Wriothesley said looking directly at Neuvilette's eyes, smiling at the sigh of his beauty.
"I missed you too, looks like you've been well." Neuvilette replied, smiling.
"Hehe, you look well too. Let's eat before the food gets cold." Wriothesley said as they start to eat.
They continued to eat and talked while they were at it. They complimented each other, talked about their work, and talked about how they missed each other. It was a fine breakfast for both of them after finally seeing each other after over 2 months of being busy.
After they finished eating, Wriothesley went to Arouet and paid for the food. He then returned to their table, as Neuvilette stood up before going on their way.
The two of them walked and talked as they went to Chioriya Boutique to buy clothes.
"So, how's Sigewinne?" Neuvilette asked.
"She's been doing good... By the way, she asked me to give you this." Wriothesley answered as he took out a box and gave it to Neuvilette.
Neuvilette opened it and there revealed a small booklet with scribbles on what she observed inside the Fortress of Meropide.
"Oh, a booklet. Send Sigewinne my thanks when you return." Neuvilette said, smiling as he faced Wriolethesley.
He pouted after hearing what he said.
"you want me to return already?" He answered him as he crouched a bit.
"What? No..." Neuvilette said before letting out a sigh and held Wriothesley's hand.
Wriothesley, after feeling Neuvilette's smooth palm, blushed and smiled while trying to hide his face from Neuvilette.
"Don't be sad, let's spend this day, happily." Neuvilette said as before Wriothesley faced Neuvilette again and smiled at him.
The people didn't care much about them spending the day as their relationship was already publicly announced months after the flood. They walked a bit more and finally arrived at the Boutique. They entered the store and chose clothes, goofing around wearing hats on mirrors as Wriothesley took pictures from his Kamera. The saleslady in the store was delighted to see them smile and enjoy, creating a merry atmosphere inside the store. After about 30 minutes of shopping, they paid for the clothes they bought and went on their way again. They decided to go down to the centre to take photos of each other.
"Um, excuse me, can you take a photo of us here?" Wriothesley asked a female stranger politely.
The stranger gasped before agreeing.
"Duke Wriothesley and Monsieur Neuvilette! Gladly!" He said as he accepts the Kamera from which Wriothesley handed.
Wriothesley and Neuvilette then decided to pose; Hugging each other, forming a heart with their hands, and finally kissing in lips which took the stranger by surprise. The stranger, checking the photos, was happy and excited to see them having a romantic moment.
"Hehe, thank you so much!" Wriothesley said as he approached the stranger.
"No problem! I'm actually a big fan of both of you. I'm gonna go now, byee!" The stranger said as she walked away.
Wriothesley and Neuvilette smiled as they looked at each other and continued their date, walking and talking while resting at the benches eating snacks. Both of them didn't care about time and continued to enjoy themselves.
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gentlyhazzardous · 11 months
Bioshock Fanfic I’m writing
Impending Quantum Vengance
"One could believe a mission is doomed to failure… and wish sincerely that it wasn't. Hopes, like quantum superpositions, have a tendency to collapse."
Rosalind Lutece.
In which Fontaine gets killed and they escape Rapture, unless they kill each other first.
There’s five chapters so far. It will get progressively darker, but there will be wholesomeness to balance, and relationships will develop both platonic and romantic
So here’s the link to AO3
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The Luteces x reader (”How come you never do that with us?”)
Request: Hello, I don't know if this is where we can make requests but if so could I please have prompt 26“How come you never do that with me?” with the luteces and reader? (If you are comfortable writing for a poly (not really??) relationship of course). This prompt gave me the idea of the reader being very affectionate with friends but not with them even if they are dating because the Luteces really don't seem to like physical affection and all... Anyways, your work is lovely, thank you for writing them!!
Fandom: Bioshock
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
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Robert and Rosalind Lutece watched from the steps of their home as their significant other, (y/n) had their arms wrapped around a friend of theirs. The Luteces looked emotionless as they both watched the love of their lives hanging off of someone that wasn’t either of them.
Not that (y/n) was ever affectionate with the Luteces. The twins wanted nothing more than for their significant other to wrap the two with kisses and other forms of affection but (y/n) simply wouldn’t.
The Luteces wanted to find out why. 
With stern gazes, the Luteces watched as (y/n)’s friend slowly sauntered off of the property and down the road, finally far from the throuple. 
The twins waited until (y/n) was facing them and only a few feet away to finally explain their concerns, "How come you never do that with us?" They spoke in unison, which would be creepy for anyone else but (y/n) was used to it. 
To answer the question, “Do what?” 
Rosalind, being a tad less patient of the two, dragged them inside the large establishment before she and her brother explained their frustrations. 
The Luteces stood in front of (y/n), finding their composure before they spoke to their partner, "Why do you only show affection to everyone else-" started Robert.
"But not us?" Rosalind finished. 
(Y/n) knew that they had some explaining to do. They never really pegged the twins to be the romantic or affectionate type. So, (y/n) never bothered to try, even when the three decided to start a relationship. 
"I'm sorry. I just didn't think either of you liked physical contact,”(y/n) explained. 
The twins glanced at each other, silently seeming to communicate before they surrounded (y/n); one in front of them and one behind. 
“Then let us convince you,” Robert said.
Robert stood in front of (y/n), one hand interlaced with (y/n)’s and his other rested on their hip, tugging them close enough to feel their heartbeat through their chest. While Rosalind was behind (y/n), wrapping her arms around their incredibly nervous form, moving as close as she could to the two in front of her.
"I know that we look busy most of the time, but we absolutely love you and crave your affection, so please don't hold back," Rosalind finished. 
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littlemrcaprisun · 4 years
all the writing asks!
Lets gooooooo
1. Do you listen to music while your write?
Oh yeah. I make playlists for just about everything I write.
2. Do you prefer to write oneshots, series, headcannons, imagines or other?
I wish I could write longer fics but I always end up writing oneshots
3. How long is your average fic?
1200-1500 words. Every time 😂
4. What was the first fic you ever wrote?
It was definitely an 11th Doc x River fic
5. Why do you write fics?
I have so many ideas that I think other people would enjoy and I want to share them
6. What character is your favourite to write?
Right now Lady Dimitrescu. But the last fandom I was in where I wrote, which was ages ago, was BioShock and I loooooves writing Rosalind Lutece
7. What ship is your favourite to write?
I guess Lady D x Reader?
8. What type of fic is your favourite? (eg. fluff, angst, ect.)
Angst 😈
9. How long does it take you to write a fic?
Too long 😫
10. What is your favourite fic you’re ever posted?
I wrote a Rosalind Lutece x Reader fic years ago based off the movie Somewhere in Time and it was 🥺
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agentwashingcat · 2 years
Another Life
Babys first bioshock infinite fanfic. Please be kind lol. Takes place in between Infinite and Burial at Sea.
A knock on the door startled Booker out of his sleep. He lifted his head off the kitchen table, squinting at the door, wondering if he’d just imagined the noise. The knock came again, making him frown. He may have been a private investigator, but he still deserved to sleep at night.
Of all the things he expected upon opening the door, a young woman who looked like his daughter's twin was not one of them. He caught himself staring and shook his head. Even if this woman looked like Anna, it clearly wasn’t her. The clothes, the hair, the demeanor, they were all wrong. Maybe not in any obvious ways, but wrong nonetheless. “Can I help you?”
“Hello, Booker,” not Anna said, solidifying that it was not his daughter on his doorstep. “May I come in?”
“Who are you?” he demanded. 
“Elizabeth. I won’t take much of your time, I promise.”
Still wary, Booker stepped back, allowing the woman to enter before shutting the door. She glanced around curiously, before looking back at him.
“I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”
“Mostly wondering how you’re a dead ringer for my kid.” 
“There are only so many faces in the world, Mr. DeWitt.” She gave him a wry smile. “But in this case, it’s because I am ‘your kid,’ as you put it. From a different reality.”
It was way too late for this shit. “Why isn’t your name Anna, then?”
Elizabeth shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s complicated. Does the name Comstock ring a bell? Or Lutece?”
“Can’t say they do.”
She looked surprised at that. “Can you tell me something? After wounded knee, did you go to get baptized?”
Booker stared at her. “No. I was given the option, but I never even went. Didn’t seem any point. Only way to wash away your sins in a river is a lot more permanent.”
Elizabeth seemed to think this over, nodding. “You’re right on that count, at least. I’m glad that there’s a few of you left.”
Booker scowled. “A few of who left?”
“You, of course.”
This conversation just kept getting weirder. “Is there something I can help you with, or did you just come here to talk circles around me?”
Elizabeth hesitated, hands twisting together in front of her. “I… suppose I just wanted a proper goodbye. But the only Booker’s left are the ones who never knew me. At least, not this version of me.”
Booker softened. She looked… fragile. Small. At least, for a moment, until she stood up straight, schooling her face into a blank expression. 
“I shouldn’t have wasted your time.” She made to move towards the door.
“Wait,” he said softly, reaching out to grab her wrist. She paused, staring back at him. “I don’t know your Booker, or what happened to him but… I’m sure he’d want you to take care of yourself.”
Elizabeth smiled sadly. “Thank you, Booker.”
He hesitated. “If you ever need anything, the doors always open.” She wasn’t his daughter but she was a Booker’s daughter. And it sounded like she didn’t have anyone.
“I-thank you. I… don’t think I’ll be back.” Elizabeth pulled her hand away. “But thank you.”
Booker nodded. “Sure.” There was a part of him that wanted to convince her to stay. Anna had always wanted a sibling, after all. But he could tell she was dead set on whatever she had to do. “Stay safe out there.”
Elizabeth laughed. “Probably not. But I’ll do my best.”
“All I can ask, I suppose.”
There was a moment of silence between them, before Elizabeth spoke again. “Can I ask what she’s like? Anna?”
“She’s a good kid.” He paused, chuckling. “Not really a kid anymore. And maybe not so good. She picks locks and knows how to get any man to do what she wants. Me included. And when she’s not doing that she’s reading any book she can get her hands on. Wants to be some sort of physicist. It all goes over my head but I’m sure she can do anything she sets her mind to.”
“You sound happy,” Elizabeth said wistfully.
Booker paused. “Yeah, most of the time. I haven’t always been a good dad. I hope I was at least a decent one.” The first few years were the worst. One day it just hit him out of the blue that if he didn’t shape up, he was liable to lose Anna one day as well. It wasn’t always easy, but he liked to think he had a better handle on his worst habits nowadays. 
Elizabeth smiled the same sad smile. “I’m sure you were.”
“You’re stalling, you know.”
“...I know.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I never had this life. I was locked in a tower, alone, for most of mine. Until Booker broke me out. But we didn’t know who we were, then. And it… didn’t end the way I would have hoped. It ended the way it had to.” She sighed. “And it’s not over yet. I have one more place I have to go.” Her face hardened. “I really do have to go.”
Booker nodded. “Like I said. Doors always open.”
“Thank you.” And before he could say anything else, she was gone.
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msicecreamscoop · 3 years
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From a fanfic I read where the luteces raise Elizabeth. (this didn’t happen but I imagine it did)
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lulusoblue · 4 years
so I did some maths when this topic came up with friends in chat (because fanfic requires the smallest of details when you are obsessive and anxious of quality lore checking), and I figured out that Elizabeth never gets past the age of 20 in Infinite and its DLC not counting the bad future where she was injected with a spinal shock collar for 70 years.
So to the rest of Columbia, Elizabeth is 18 at the start of Infinite, July 6th 1912. This is presuming that Comstock would claim Elizabeth was born on the day he kidnapped Anna, October 8th 1893.
I looked up the stages of baby development and compared baby Anna’s behaviour - recognises Booker, some attentiveness to surroundings - to that based on what we see within the game, and she can’t be any more than a few weeks/month and a half-ish old, I’d need to check. Presumably, Anna’s true birthday would have been at earliest in August in this case, so Elizabeth’s true age is a month and a half older than the birthday I presume she’s been given (if Comstock even let her HAVE a birthday in isolation which I wouldn’t put past him).
So Elizabeth starts the game at age 18, three months from her birthday as the Lamb of Columbia and actually a month or so shy of her true birthday. We don’t know exactly how much time passes from the fairgrounds to Emporia in-universe, probably no more than a few days based on the radio snippets we hear, but by the end of Infinite she’s definitely 19. Booker is jumped forward 6 months by Old Elizabeth, from where Songbird takes Elizabeth back to Comstock to the operating theatre in Comstock House. Since we have to go with the “rough” time measurement, Booker interrupts the procedure at Comstock House in January or at latest early February in 1913.
I wouldn’t say any more than 24 hours passes at this point, as there’s no transitions to suggest more than a day passes between freeing Elizabeth and confronting Comstock on his airship. We hit the ending, and Elizabeth attempts to erase Comstock completely by drowning Booker.
In Burial at Sea, Elizabeth arrives in Rapture on the 8th of October 1958. We can presume this is right after attempting to purge all the Comstocks as she’s still in her blue dress, and since she has merged with every other Elizabeth according to the story, she would likely set out for her revenge on the last Comstock as soon as possible. She then goes about blending into Rapture and learning as much as she can, then goes to work under Sander Cohen to get information on his child trafficking and Sally’s current location. She then goes to Booker on the 31st of December 1958.
Elizabeth only spends less than 3 months in Rapture after the events of Infinite, so by her false birthday based on if she stayed in Columbia she would be 19 years and 7-ish months old, and based on her estimate true birthday month she would be 19 years and 8-9ish months old. This isn’t even considering how being an omniscient being might affect how she ages, which we also don’t really know about the Luteces.
So, Elizabeth never even reaches a full second decade before she goes through a multitimeline trauma compilation, which then drives her on a merciless revenge quest that nearly gets an innocent child killed, which starts with her entering an adult book shop to trade her Columbian attire for Rapture attire with an employee of a peep show, then has to go to work under the man complicit with child kidnappings and who is actively trafficking said children so she can get information from him, then gets stripped of the powers that helped free her to make amends for the aforementioned child-gets-doomed-in-the-revenge-plot scenario, then has to suffer in a 4-8 hour lowest point DLC that includes every major male character from the first game ramping the assholery up to 11, THEN goes through an ATTEMTED LOBOTOMY WHICH NO OTHER - read, *male* - PLAYER CHARACTER HAS HAD TO GO THROUGH, and she goes through this harrowing journey for the slightest chance of some small redemption by getting bludgeoned to death by a player avatar’s primary melee weapon of choice.
I don’t know how finding out Elizabeth’s age for the duration of Infinite and its DLCs being 19 for the most part ended with me getting angrier at Ken Levine’s writing for the character he says was “like a daughter” to him - I don’t even know why I obsessed over this and ranted about it to my friends in the first place - but it did I am indeed angrier knowing this. Bad enough when I presumed she was at least of the average legal drinking age by BaS, now I know thanks to timeline investigation that she was barely a young adult when she went from Disney Princess in complete social isolation her whole life to broken traumatised abused and bloody corpse in the span of less than a year.
I don’t know how to end this post so I guess the conclusion is we have another small log added to the fire of “Levine hates the women he has to write for”.
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lootzest · 3 months
“Why does everyone else get to be R. Lutece and I don’t?”
Robert opened his mouth to placate the girl but, to his mild surprise, her mother pulled her onto her lap and started to explain.
“You are named after somebody very special,” she said, stroking her daughter’s long red hair back into place. “A very brave and clever girl who your father and I knew a long time ago.” She paused. Robert squeezed his other half’s shoulder. “She did lots of wonderful things.” Rosalind pulled her daughter closer to her.
“And Bobby has to settle for only being named after your father.”
“Heyyy,” the two Robert Luteces, senior and junior, whined in wounded unison.
“Can I meet her?” the little girl asked, putting her arms around her mother’s neck. Rosalind pressed a kiss into her daughter’s hair.
“No, my love,” said Robert, crouching down to his daughter’s level. “She isn’t…we can’t see her any more.” His own namesake padded over and joined them all.
“I believe she would be very proud to share her name with you.” The Luteces shared a look, heavy with meaning and several lifetimes’ worth of memories.
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bubblytarts · 4 years
Bioshock: Reincarnation
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The bird or the cage?
What started as a fun character study on the Lutece twins has now turned into a full-fledged fanfic.
The plot (heavy, heavy Bioshock: Infinite spoilers):
At the end of their journey, Elizabeth drowned Booker DeWitt. However, he didn’t die. He was pulled out of the river by another universe’s Comstock. This Comstock was aware of the cycle, and was determined to break it. By using Booker DeWitt to drown the sodom below.
After two months of traveling through tears and finding that Booker and Comstock both still exist, Elizabeth finds herself drawn to a certain reality, where all the answers seem to lie. Here, the Repentant Shepherd stays locked away in Monument Island, guarded by the Cardinal, the smaller, quicker replacement for Songbird. The only one who can stand against Father Comstock’s vision is the Wolf in lamb’s clothing - Elizabeth herself.
Booker DeWitt, meanwhile, is trapped inside the tower, being groomed against his will to take control of Columbia. His only ally is a stoic Rosalind Lutece, who has one very crucial change in her character: She’s been reintegrated into the timeline. 
She also refuses to answer any of Booker’s questions about what happened to her or where Robert is. “The bird, or the cage?” It doesn’t seem like a simple question anymore. 
Booker, Elizabeth, Robert, and Rosalind are the most unlikely quartet to stop Comstock, but it seems like even the constants and variables aren’t consistent anymore, and time is running out before everything ends in tears. 
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earlgraytay · 4 years
I’m finding myself wanting to write Bioshock Infinite fanfic, but my take on Bioshock Infinite is just... “everyone is a trans man”.
Booker? trans man. Comstock? Also unfortunately trans man.
R. Lutece? Cis by default, but Rosalyn pokes around the edges.
Elizabeth? 50/50 chance of “trans man” vs. “cis woman purely out of spite”.
the combination of that, and the fact that my bioshock fic is mostly mormontrauma.exe, means that ... egh... it’d piss people off.
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itsnotsammy · 7 years
Sam blinks down at the body. There’s little to grieve about this outcome-- the child was reckless, following his father’s steps with the utmost perfection. Dean sighs, and Sam stops himself from saying something extremely rude. Not that his brother doesn’t deserve it-- he does. Sam is just being a gentleman because the moment requires it.
“He’s gone for good now.” Sam says, moves around the body that is his and not his at the same time and takes a moment to simply stare at it. It’s been a while since he really looked at himself like that--young, stupid, blind. A boy who never became a man.
It’s sad, really.
“He knew his ticket to Rapture was a one-way proposition.” Dean replies, his face a mask of barely contained grief and pain. He’s been through that before, in times when he was no more than a student, and he’ll find himself watching this same scene a few more times.
Sam could pity him and he will, eventually. But not right now.
“You can warn people not to collapse a quantum superposition--” Sam looks down at the mangled child at his feet. He’s not sure if he’s talking about Dean or about the whole situation, but the message remains the same. “But do they ever really listen?”
Dean sighs deeply, hurt and broken. He takes a moment to clean the blood away from the body’s face, and Sam feels a morbid satisfaction for this win.
{ tagging: @policeofficerdean @purgatoan @catharticsam @spn-life-2005 }
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
Thanks @truedespair for tagging me in the fanfic trope ranking template. As you can see here, I have a variety of tastes that ranges from romantic to dramatic tropes. 🌹🍷✨
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You can find the blank template here down below:
I’ll tag: @nadineselfships @nougatships @silentlyfangirlingselfshipper @dapper-ships-herself @corvid-selfships @smolwash @frecklydork @soulnottainted @souliloquys @zero-arcana @zoliis-selfship-stuff @ghoulromantism @hizentadahiro @inoselfshiplove @kittyandco @ky-jane @lutece-mess @lovestruck-idiot @lovelysheepy @marmaladica @prettylilraindrop @quesselfships @queenshroorn @queerselfshipper @rjatizay @uchihafambam @maincharactering @vonnabeee @verehog and anyone else who wasn’t tagged to participate!
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