#The Moran brothers
jim: they found prints.
sebastian: was he in a little red corvette?
severin: under the cherry moon?
jim: FINGER prints!
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teenbasher · 8 months
fuck, y’all will never understand how badly I miss the twins. Like I know Alex doesn’t exist in canon & Seb doesn’t have a twin & if he does, people usually make Severin his twin. Who doesn’t actually exist either in canon, but feels way more real because of all of the thousands of people who head canoned him. & don’t get me wrong I LOVE Severin. But in my head obvs he is the responsible, respectable older brother who despite how much of a mess Sebastian may be, he doesn’t give up on his little brother & I love that for him.
Severin is Sebastian’s rock when he is at rock bottom & I like to think that it is because of Severin that Sebastian gets his act together (at least partially lol) & gets into the army after he gets cleaned from the drugs & eventually ends up to live into adulthood & meet Jim.
But the whole story of Alex & Seb being the bestest of friends and inseparable as twins tend to be. Having Alex be Seb’s first ever source of love, companionship, care & encouragement during the twins formative years & equally losing him in such a traumatic & heart breaking way, still during those formative years, to not only go on to be eaten up by guilt from his own, under developed child minded perspective & blame himself, but also be blamed & hated by his father for it the rest of childhood & see first hand how his mother fell apart because of it. is particularly poetically tragic that it makes me long for the sweet, fleeing moments of innocent childhood happiness the two had for the short years Alex was alive. & sometimes I like to imagine how nice it would have been for seb if his brother had grown up with him & maybe softened the harsh environment Sebastian grew up in, practically alone & abandoned since Severin was sent off to school shortly after the accident, having him being much older than the twins in my head canon.
dang. I meant to write this as a reflective pice about the twins relationship because I miss Alex but now I just made myself sad 🥲
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chiamew · 1 month
if Moran doesn't play a significant role in Fred's backstory my body will be found in a ditch
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thealogie · 10 months
The number one problem with sherlock was not making it canon gay. The number two problem was the sexism/racism. And the number three problem was you could sense they never wanted to write any of the other villains after moriarty they just weren’t interested they were so psychosexually obsessed with Andrew Scott.
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yaoioioay · 2 months
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justpendule · 1 year
Moriarty the Patriot is so funny because you've got this group of people composed of well-established members of the high Victorian society like the Moriarty brothers; Colonel of the british army Sebastian Moran; James Bonde, former prima donna used to receptions and the etiquette; and then you've got Fred, the local orphan.
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pbjelly90 · 4 months
I haven’t really gotten into the swing of blogging here and I probably have like 2 followers who aren’t bots 😆 but I’m rewatching BBC Sherlock and feeling an inkling to reread the original stories and it just has me thinking and wanting to ramble about Sherlock media and put it somewhere. What I’ve really grown to appreciate all these 20ish years of being a Sherlock fan is seeing every new adaptation put their own spin on Sherlock and all the characters in the canon. Some I’ve loved, some I’ve been displeased with, but it’s always fun to analyze and revisit and see what parts delight and what disappoints or leaves me wanting more. More thoughts below because apparently I had a lot to ramble about on this topic lol.
BBC Sherlock probably has one of my favorite Watsons, and he gets more focus here then a lot of other adaptations, and feels truer to the character to me than many others. Old adaptations like Basil Rathbone with Nigel Bruce used to have him be a bumbling fool type and I’m glad that’s in the past now. I also enjoy Lestrade in the BBC version and tend to prefer adaptations that get him along this vein, a trusted person on the force, exasperated with Sherlock and his methods a lot of the time, but also one of the most willing to put faith in him and believe in his abilities (and his integrity when it matters.)
Irene Adler adaptations like the BBC show or Robert Downey Jr movies are usually hit or miss for me, and generally I find they put too much emphasis on making her have romantic feelings for Sherlock for my liking. I applaud how they want to make her a more prominent character than one who only appears on page in one story, but romantic tension/interest feels so limiting as the way they choose to do it. There’s some merit to showing how she has to weaponize her beauty/sexuality in that time period at times, but they rarely dig deeper than that or give her more of her own storyline.
I’ve also found most Moriarty adaptations pretty lacking. BBC Sherlock’s became very popular, and Andrew Scott is a wonderful actor, but he always came off as far too gleefully chaotic and evil for evil’s sake to be that interesting to me as Sherlock’s foil. I feel like they went with a Batman versus Joker sort of dynamic there, emphasizing shock value, and I much preferred the mystery of him throughout the early seasons versus the reality post reveal.
Moriarty in the original canon only gets hinted at very late when Conan Doyle is setting up what he believed to be the end of the stories (before public demand and personal debts changed those plans), and therefore he’s always been more a mystery figure than an actual developed character in the original stories. But the building blocks are there for adaptations to take and mold and I hope we get to see more creativity here. Robert Downey Jr faces off against a version of Moriarty in the movies that I’d call Moriarty classic. Serviceable, but nothing new there really. Math teacher, formidable, crime lord, older, genius, check, more or less straight from the books.
BBC Sherlock was also missing Moran who I’d been highly anticipating, and fans kept speculating some unnamed sniper was him, but we never got confirmation. To me that was such a huge missed opportunity, for an adaptation that really highlighted the bond between Sherlock and Watson, how could you ignore the bond between Moriarty and his own “dark” version of Watson?
So cue Moriarty the Patriot, which felt like a series made just for me to fangirl over. It nails Sherlock and John, even if they’re not as much the main focus here as other series, and that’s just clearing the bar for me, my first criteria for any Sherlock media being “do they get John right?” They introduce a younger version of Miss Hudson, whom I also loved in BBC Sherlock, but this brings a fun new dynamic where she feels more like a loving sister to our boys rather than a favorite aunt like in the classic take. Still long-suffering, still the heart who keeps them in check and cares for them, and until John comes along, the only person really in Sherlock’s confidence. I hope we see more of her backstory in MtP (BBC nails this quickly with the mention of Sherlock helping to put her shitty husband in prison.)
Then there’s the MtP version of Irene, who’s the most creative take on the character I’ve ever seen. Is there some potential romantic tension with Sherlock still? Sure if you’d like to ship it, but thats far from her main storyline, she has so much MORE going on. Her own wants, her own goals, her own mistakes, her own plans, that whole first plot of hers is still one of my favorite arcs in the manga and a time when it truly differentiated itself for me from any other adaptation. And that’s not even getting into the Bond material yet, which as a Bond movie and book fangirl as well, was this series actually custom made for me?!?? Ya’ll really were deep into my brain for this one, combining M with Albert, bringing in Moneypenny, all of it. The manga blew me away with all of this and how it was handled. Moran, you better never betray Bond as agent 006 Alex Trevelyan a la Goldeneye. 😆
Before the meat of this, I want to take an aside to also say I love MtP’s take on Mycroft. BBC gives us our first more active Mycroft on-screen that I can recall, not just lounging in the Diogenes Club per canon, orchestrating everything at a remove, but more involved in looking after his brother and meddling when he feels necessary. He’s a huge drama queen in the first episode and I’m looking forward to rewatching the seasons again and seeing the brothers’ dynamic grow. But MtP takes this and instead of having our first encounter with Mycroft be with John alone, more removed from his brother still, we see the two fighting and squabbling and I just love them, your honor. I would like to see someone handle their parents better than the BBC version did, and idk if we’ll ever see them in MtP, but I do enjoy the tidbits we’ve gotten like Sherlock’s working class accent. They already used the name Sherringford/Sherrinford for their ancestor, so curious where they’d go with this. But Mycroft in general, his parallels with Albert, his guilt over their ancestor and role in the government? His relationship with his brother? Nailed it, more please.
Brief shoutout to Enola Holmes, she’s a bit Mary Sue/wish fulfillmenty, but I enjoyed her and her dynamics with her brothers vastly more than the sibling they shoehorned into the last season of BBC Sherlock. If you’re going to give the boys a sibling, that was a fun way to do it. Henry Cavill looks NOTHING like Sherlock is usually described, but he was fun and quite nice to look at lol.
Now onto the main thing I want to ramble about: MtP has the single best adaptation of James Moriarty that I have ever seen in writing or on screen. It’s no coincidence that this is the first adaptation I’ve seen try to dive into his backstory, figure out what’s the deal with his brother(s), which was a genius move taking that inconsistency with Doyle’s descriptions to make there be three James Moriartys total, and to give us a compelling reason as to WHY he does the whole lord of crime thing. Like fine if it’s just for money, control or power, and I can read/watch that story if well done, but this is the first time I’ve really seen a series take the building blocks Doyle laid out and really turn them into something more, to create something original and compelling. William and his brothers 100% deserve their main focus in the series, and its all the better for that perspective flip, as much as I love Sherlock and John. Sherlock and John are fleshed out already, most modern adaptations can get them right, but the Moriartys? That was brand new.
Not to mention, they gave William James Moriarty his Sebastian Moran, and nailed that dynamic as well. Normally I’d think if we finally got Moran he’d be my main ship for Moriarty, just as John was always my main ship for Sherlock, but somehow MtP gets me shipping them, but also William x Sherlock, Mycroft x Albert, Moneypenny x Moran, Irene x Hudson aaand I could digress for way too long here so I’ll leave it at that. Note to anyone writing future adaptations, GIVE MORIARTY HIS MORAN.
All of these MtP versions of the characters are so good that now they’ve ruined me for other Sherlock related media, I’ve found. I watched Ron Kamanohashi and loved it, but as soon as elements of Sherlock and Moriarty were introduced, I found myself badly wanting MtP to be the original canon they were drawing from and see those storylines reflected in the modern day setting of Ron’s story. That is now 1000000% my headcanon. Can we somehow get future Sherlock media to adapt some of the new ideas MtP introduced moving forward, and keep expanding on those concepts? Be inspired by them to keep exploring more of the characters once you’ve gotten the mains right? Maybe not, but a girl can dream. It’s a fun time to be a fan of Sherlock related media.
With all that rambling said, has anyone got any recommendations for other Sherlock books, shows, manga, etc? I remember The Seven-Per-Cent Solution was a very influential AU book back in the day for Sherlock fans and is supposed to present an alternate telling of the Holmes and Moriarty dynamic, so I may read that. Sometimes I branch off into Lupin media and I’ve read some of Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes as well. 😆 I enjoy silly Herlock in The Great Ace Attorney games although he definitely feels like a goofy AU version.
TLDR: If anyone has skimmed this giant post and has any other Sherlock media suggestions, let me know! Looking for some more unique takes on the characters and story.
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bullsh1tterz · 2 months
Istg with the amount of shit he says to dangerous muses, it's a mystery to me how Adam's even still alive.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello! Your writing is so fun, it never fails to bring a smile on my face :) If I may, I would like to ask for a few nsfw headcannons of mtp characters (you can select who you want to write about, I'll be happy with anyone you choose) - favourite positions, body part, how private they'd like to keep such activities :) Thank you!
Omg thank you so much <3 your kind words also put a smile on my face and I'm always pleased to hear you are happy with my writing. And requests also make me happy if I'm being honest but anyhow enjoy my work :)
'•.¸♡Mtp nsft headcannons- favourite positions, body part and how private they are about their activities behind closed doors♡¸.•'
That title is long
Mtp x gn!reader
Please if you don't feel comfortable with nsfw/nsft content do not read this.
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, James and Sebastian
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William James Moriarty:
Favourite position: Modified coital-alignment technique, also known as CAT (it sounds complicated omg) , he just really enjoys seeing you under him probably in tears from pleasure begging him to let you cum.
Body part: hair, he has a hair pulling kink alright, also he likes seeing your hair just spread out on the bed, or how it tangles in his hand when he grabs your hair for one reason or another.
How private they are: he is private, first of all he's a literal professor and if he started talking about it then he would be kick out for good. Also this is the Victorian era, for the sake of all my fanfics I don't write it if it was historically accurate because that'd be boring and no one can be gay. But William would be private about his sex life, no one needs to know what he's doing with his s/o after everyone leaves.
Louis James Moriarty:
Favourite position: He is a bottom and you CANNOT change my mind, that is why his favourite position is cowgirl/cowboy, also I hc him as gay, anyway.
Body part: waist and hips, he loves holding onto your waist and hugging your waist and holding onto your hips while you ride him. Oh and he likes your lips, how they latch onto his skin.
How private they are: if he even hears the word 'sex' he is looking away with an acword expression on his face so yeah he keeps his sex life pretty private.
Albert James Moriarty:
Favourite position: countertop, he's the type to fuck in the kitchen lady's and gentlemen. For instance if you were baking/cooking he would find the really attractive and one thing led to another and here you are, ig that food will take a little longer than anticipated.
Body part: thighs and shoulder/collar bone, you can always find one or two love bites there and he tends to always grab onto your thighs while fucking you up.
How private they are: so again he's private about it because he's a noble and bla bla bla but if he could then he wouldn't be too open about it, like if someone asked him then he might say a word or two but not too much yk.
Sherlock Holmes:
Favourite position: reverse cowgirl/cowboy or prone boning/doggy style, just positions where he can see your ass, preferably positions where he can just lie/sit there and watch your ass also receiving pleasure.
Body part: he is an ass kinda guy if you couldn't guess from my previous statement.
How private they are: I've said before he's someone who would show off his hickeys so you expect for him to not be ashamed of talking about what he does to/with you in private, he won't go out of his way to talk about it but if someone asks him then he has no shame in hiding the truth.
James Bond:
Favourite position: the face off position, also has a questioning name but oh well. He finds eye contact really attractive and wants to see if you're satisfied and there is the benefit of hearing your moans ;)
Body part: he doesn't have a favourite body part he likes all of your body and doesn't see the point in choosing so he'll go for all of it.
How private they are: pretty private, if someone mentions anything about his sex life then he'll just quickly get around that topic and onto a next.
Sebastian Moran:
Favourite position: doggy style probably, he's the type to have multiple favourites but within all of those he tops no questions asked.
Body part: ass, tits (if you have any) and pussy/dick, need I say more?
How private they are: not really the open type like he won't go out of his way to say he sleeps with you but he won't deny it either, he just isn't the type to talk to someone about how he slept with someone.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Idk why but classical music is putting me in the mood to write smut 💀, rn I'm listening to great waltzes.
I was gonna write for mycroft and John but I changed my mind. I hope you enjoyed this, my requests are always open and:
Don't forget to take care of yourself if you can, do something which you enjoy, talk with a friend if you can, rewatch your favourite movie or listen to your favourite song, just do something which brings you joy, you deserve it. Have a wonderful day/night! :)
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yukitomybeloved · 1 year
I know I’ve never talked about Moriarty The Patriot on here before but I need to talk about the original William James Moriarty before I lose my mind
Bro was a CHILD, like don’t get me wrong he pissed me off so much and I will never feel as bad for him as I do for Liam and Louis but Jesus Christ bro was a CHILD, maybe I just have a huge soft spot for all children but like, imagine getting murdered by your own big brother, like og Will didn’t treat Albert right either but still that was so fucked up😭
Can’t I just feel bad for all four of them
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sev: jim, sebastian broke your window!
seb: i did NOT
sev: and he paid me £50 not to tell!
seb, in a hushed voice: which technically you should give BACK now
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liliumofthevalleyy · 9 months
Roman Empire
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My Roman Empire
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
@nacrelysis made a fantastic post on Jiuge and Chu Wanning being brothers and here's my take on it. So, other than declaring Tantai-Jin as RanWan's love child, I have also imagined him as Wanning's twin from time to time. Sooo now Tantai-Jin as Jiuge!
He's a pure guy who wants to do some good in the world much like his little brother. His divinity is more.. palpable? Almost scary at times though mostly kind. Like an unpredictable angel.
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However, he tries to murder Taxian-Jun constantly. The level of hate Wanning's beloved Jiuge carries towards his hubby is unprecedented. He has a hint of darkness that tends to come out when his loved ones are threatened and nothing makes his mind blare 'threat' like certain disciples of his little brother.
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Xue Meng is fine. Jiuge has happily adopted that one into the Chu family.
Jiuge is also slightly mischevious and constantly tries to make Chu Wanning lighten up, almost always succeeding since it's very easy for him to draw laughs from his little brother (to the sheer delight and also slight jealousy of a certain Venerable one.. but taxian-jun gets over it because nothing is more important than Wanning laughing). Due to their messed up childhood because of Haizui, Jiuge became hyper independent and uncaring of any opinion other than his brother's. Chu Wanning, on the other hand, internalized a lot of hate for himself and Jiuge is the only one who knows about that self-loathing and the only one who can helo take it down a notch (MoRan will take some time to learn, but he'll catch up as Jiuge learns to tolerate him and starts to teach him the 'trade secrets' lol). And I do think that Jiuge and Wanning would have some form of supernatural connection. Maybe they can feel each other's pain (think Black-White from Not Me) or twin telepathy or something. But also, they develop their own forms of communication known only to each other. What else are two divine engineer brothers to do? 🤣
Also, Jiuge is a complete simp when it comes to his wife (obviously Bailu).. she absolutely adores Chu Wanning who calls her Jiejie 🤧 (I've been imagining Bailu as Wanning's Jie since Love is Sweet).
Now can someone give me a codependant Jiuge-Wanning fic pleeaasseeee
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And with Adler becoming Bonde, that concludes Op. 2!
Much like the first, I really liked it! I'm already looking forward to seeing part 3. c:
I'll react to the Bonus content tomorrow, since it's already gotten late here.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
To Break A Gargoyle: Act 2 (Moriarty The Patriot)
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Heyo everyone! I'm so excited for this one- I'm doing a collab with the amazing @rachi-roo! We got to talking about the tea party OVA for Moriarty and decided this was the best time to create a series of fics together! Rachi took part one (Or Act 1- hehe) while I took on the sequel! :D
Thank you so, so much for collabing with me, friend! This was so much fun, and any chance I get to write for Moran is a great day! Check her out if you haven't yet- Rachi's got some fabulous work!
For "To Break A Gargoyle: Act 1" (Rachi's fic! :D)
Summary: His plans for revenge failed, William is left a tad embarrassed but also hung up on a certain detail. What did Moran mean by one one person knows his weakness?
"There's only one man who know's how to beat me in a war of tickles."
William mused over that particular line for some time, the effect of Moran's counterattack still leaving his body tingling. It had been only a short few days since- and still he couldn't get the encounter out of his head.
Nor the odd jumpiness he felt whenever Moran passed by a tad too close for his liking. Or the smirk the older assassin wore when he left.
Such a mess he found himself in.
"Brother? Are you free?" A hand on his shoulder made him jump. "Brother?" Louis sounded concerned, and when he turned to meet his eyes, he was watching him intently. "Are you okay?"
"Oh? Yes...apologies. I wasn't listening." He smiled politely, going to get his tea. "What were you saying just now?"
"Just that I made scones. In case you grew hungry." The younger blonde gestured to the basket on the table, said treats steaming with warmth. "Best to wait though- I just took them out of the oven."
"Thank you Louis. Your preparations are what keep me going." William nodded, satisfied at the pleased blush painting Louis' cheeks. It was only after he left William let himself sigh, leaning into his fist. "What to do about him...?"
"Who?" Fred's voice shocked him to the core. A hand to his chest, he turned to the quiet boy with a short breath. "Apologies, my lord. Didn't mean to scare you." He nodded at the scones, something longing in his eyes. "Are you.."
"You're fine, Fred." William passed him one, a huff of a laugh in his voice as the younger man breathed it in, a warm smile on his lips. "I was just thinking about Moran recently. We had a...arrangement that went wary."
"Ah, so he got the jump on you." Fred nodded, something understanding in his expression as he stuffed his face with the scone. "I heard about it from him- he was telling Bonde and I."
"Oh, had he now?" William's smile felt forced, the slight twitch in the corner of his mouth the only indication he was crossed. "How charming."
"Yes...Moran can be quite the devil in tickle wars. It's funny- once you know how to handle him, he goes from a menace to a kitten rather quickly."
There's only one man who know's how to beat me in a war of tickles.
"Fred...tell me, what's your favorite type of scone?" William asked, pushing the basket forward, a coy smile touching his lips as Fred's eyes lit up.
"You called?" Moran asked, poking his head into William's study the following afternoon. "Huh, doesn't this feel familiar?"
"Good afternoon, Moran, and thank you for coming." William, ignoring the last comment, nodded up to his bookshelves. "You see- I've found myself with quite the problem. I misplaced my step ladder and need to put these books away. You know how Louis is about tidiness, and if I don't do it now, the pile will grow taller and taller." He nodded to the highest shelf. "Think you could put these away for me?"
"Huh? That's all? Alright then." Moran nodded, walking up and taking the books. "And here I thought you were looking to continue our little chat the other day?" Moran chuckled at the faint blush staining the blonde's cheeks, turning to the shelf. "Okay, let's see...er- how do these go again?"
"By number. Here..." William took his chance. Reaching up as if to point where the books go, he let his hand brush against the back of Moran's neck, barely a graze. "This one goes...are you alright?"
"Tch- y-yeah. I'm great." Moran nodded, suddenly stiff. A soft flush of pink stained his neck as he cleared his throat. "Just dusty up here, that's all."
"Of course." William smiled, stepping back as Moran carried on. That was it- the sign Fred has spoke about. He mustn't waste this chance.
"Moran. You weren't incorrect in your assumption." William spoke casually, aligning himself with the other's back as he placed the second to last book on the shelf. "I did wish to continue our talk from the other day."
"Figured you would. Let me guess, you need a reminder?" Moran teased, even as his confidence wavered in his tone. William only smiled a dangerous smile, hands hovering over his exposed armpits.
"No. But I think you do, my friend." With that, he attacked, fingers digging into Moran's armpits.
At first, nothing happened. Moran stiffened, but that's about it. For a brief, scary moment, William was sure he'd misheard Fred on the spot to go for.
And then Moran was laughing. Booming with mirth, the last book fell helplessly to the floor as he shot his arms down, pressing in sharply and trapping William's fingers. "Ghahahhahahhahaha! Whahhahhat- whahhaaht the heheheheheheehll, Wihiihiihihiliam?"
"My- so you are ticklish?" William mused softly, delight coloring his tone as he watched the older man squirm and laugh before him. "So much for your gargoyle demeanor, no?"
"Ahehahahhahaha! G-Gahhahahrgoyle? Oohoohoho, thaahhahat's just ruhuhuhuhuuhde!" Moran wheezed, stumbling some as if he had too much to drink. "Hohohohoohow'd you fihihiihihihnd ohohohohoohut?"
"I just did. An accident led to my discovery." William lied smoothly, one hand reaching down to Moran's ribs while the other carried on attacking his armpit. "Seems like you can't turn off your ticklishness now, can you?"
"Aahhahahhacideheheheht my ahahahahahhass! Who-FRED!" Moran squawked out his name as the realization hit. At the same time, so did his knees when they crashed into the floor, sending him falling to his side. "Thahhahahaht snehhehahahahhaky brahahahhaht, whahahhat'd you giihiihihiihve hihihihihim?"
"Nothing at all. He has no part in this." William pressed his fingers into Moran's stomach, grinning when the older man squeaked and curled up. "You really are a kitten..."
"Wahhahahhhhaat? Shuhuhuuhuuhuht youhuhuhuhur mohohohoohuth!" Moran cried, cheeks bright red as he swatted at the hands. "Stahhahahhap plehahahahhahahse, I'm behehhehehehgging ya!"
"Giving up so soon? How unfortunate." Still, William did as he asked, pulling his hands back with a chuckle, watching Moran gasp for air. "Still- I do feel satisfied in my discovery."
"Eh...ehehehehe...yohoohhou scohohohundral." Moran growled without malice, reaching out and squeezing the blonde's knee. Laughing at his yelp, he sat up, running a hand through his hair. "Scones, huh? Louis' cooking?"
"Blueberry ones. I told Fred I'd request them for breakfast tomorrow." William shook his head with a laugh, Fred's excitement for such a treat reminded him of a puppy. "Thankfully none of our enemies know of this weakness. Who knows what secrets he'd spill for them."
"If it's not Louis' cooking? He'd be fine." Moran grinned. "He'd only break for him."
Sharing a laugh, the pair stood, Moran stretching his arms out as William smoothed out his clothes. "Well, we best be going before someone comes looking for us. Shall we?" William stared to leave, only to pause when Moran cleared his throat.
"A quick word, Will? Not as an employee to an employer but as between friends?" Moran's eyes danced, mischief gleaming within. "If you dare tickle me again, I'll be forced to return the favor, tenfold."
"We'll see about that, Moran." William smirked his classic coy smile, red eyes dancing. "We'll see about that."
Thanks for reading!
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tiger-moran · 8 months
How do we feel about angst cos this story seems to be turning out to be a lot darker than I expected it to be
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