#The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
dcminions · 1 year
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MICHELLE YEOH as ZI YUAN in the mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor.
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
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shagrathmovies · 10 months
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - 2008 - Rob Cohen
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wiiroms · 1 year
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(via The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor)
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The Mummy (1999, Stephen Sommers)
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hxans · 4 months
I have also done a Mummy movies verion! Character names from all three movies just to give it a touch more variety.
So who do you fmk?
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You ever just…
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I think about her all the time.
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Specifically in Tomb of the dragon emperor.
I need more fics please, I beg.
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pandaimitator · 5 months
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I'm 100% with you guys that tomb of the dragon emperor was a disgrace to the Mummy trilogy duology, (and was very physically demanding for our favorite actor,) but can we take a moment to appreciate Brendan in these awesome leather shielded glasses that you can only barely make out in the film?
I was already thinking that I need me a pair of Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 glasses, and this shot confirmed that conviction.
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videogamepolls · 3 months
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Requested by anon
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SUMMARY: In the Far East, Alex O'Connell, the son of famed mummy fighters Rick and Evy O'Connell, unearths the mummy of the first Emperor of Qin -- a shape-shifting entity cursed by a witch centuries ago.
mod L says: anyway, watch Atun-Shei's "Fixing The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"
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angel-0f-verdun · 2 months
16 Unrelenting Turmoil
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Previous Chapter
As we got to the top of the stairs Ardeth set me down on a chair in the library while he went searching for gauze to wrap my hand. I smiled to myself sitting there realizing that this was where the journey had all started. Had I never worked here or Rick never been missing, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I found myself feeling grateful that we weren’t adopted as children, who knows how I would have turned out had I grown up a socialite in America. I cringed at the thought of those dresses with corsets I had seen in the papers.
I heard some commotion near the front of the building footsteps quickly rushing through the hall. I spotted the curator come out from his office to meet the group which was most likely my brother and the Carnahans. Dr. Bay greeted them and they talked in hushed voices as Rick’s eyes caught my own noticing me. Ardeth cut off my view of him as he stepped into my line of sight. I smiled at him as he gingerly took my hand wrapping the gauze around multiple times to staunch the bleeding. He then transferred his attention to my thigh where the fabric had ripped. He looked into my eyes asking for permission to rip the fabric more. I nodded as I felt the feeling of eyes on me. He tore it, wrapping the gauze around the wound as the blood-soaked through almost immediately. 
“I thought I told you to watch her, not maim her.” I heard the accusatory voice of my brother as his heavy footsteps approached us. 
“It’s fine Rick we were playing with swords. One way to pass the time while you were off gallivanting with the others.” I said to him waving my left hand around to make a point, annoyed that he suddenly started caring about this.
“What is that?” He asked, ‘fuck’ I mentally cursed myself hoping that we wouldn’t have to have this conversation just yet. 
“It’s nothing,” I said as I placed my hand underneath the leg that Ardeth was wrapping. This caught the attention of Evy and Jon who walked up interrupting Rick’s incoming fury. Evy gave me a look of confusion and intrigue, a smile tugging at her mouth. 
“Let’s see Eris.” She said as she stood next to Rick her fingers grazing his arm. I could tell he relaxed the second she touched him. I was grateful for her presence then. Ardeth looked up at me when he had finished the wrapping. I yanked the gauze out of his grip and started to wrap his shoulder to prevent him from moving. 
“Holy smokes, look at the size of that thing. It’s like a golf ball on your finger.” I heard Jon gasp as he caught sight of the rock on my finger. I watched my husband's face seeing a smile start to form. I could tell he was delighted at the reaction.
“Oh my god, it’s absolutely beautiful, let me see,��� Evy said, brushing past Rick’s shoulder and kneeling down as well. I gave her my left hand and saw Rick turn as red as a tomato. Evy noticed the wedding band, I felt her fingers move it a little. 
“You and he?” she asked with a soft smile gracing her face. I nodded unsure how to break this news to my brother. 
“I wasn’t even invited.” I heard Rick slowly put the pieces together. His voice didn’t hold a tone of anger but rather sadness. 
“She is that missing link for me as you have found with Evelyn,” Ardeth uttered, watching me entirely while he said it. I smiled at him, unable to resist him. I leaned forward, capturing his lips in a soft peck. I stood up wincing at the blood rush to my legs walking toward my brother. His eyes met mine and it looked as if he was mulling something over. 
“You never were one to take things slowly. Are you sure about this?” Rick asked me, I nodded. 
“Alright, Ardeth, welcome to the chaos.” He said as he walked over to hug the man. As he did I saw Ardeth wince as his shoulder got the brunt of it. When Rick let go he chuckled a bit, 
“Watch out for her, she’ll annihilate you with swords… But it seems you’ve already figured that out.” He said. 
“Yes, a butcher taught her how to fight, not a swordsman.” He repeated the words he had told me just a few minutes ago.
“Yes, what was his name again Eris? Gary? It was some weird name.” I sighed as he kept the conversation going. I wanted to get off the topic.
“Geralt.” I said shortly, Evy knew what I was talking about as her head spun toward me with wide eyes. She cleared her throat, regaining her composure. 
“Yeah, that was it… I seem to remember--” Rick kept going as I gave Evy a look, she elbowed him in the ribs to get him to stop talking. 
“What was that for?” He grumbled looking down at Evy next to him. 
“We really should get started on finding out where the golden book is.” She said as she spun around and started walking towards the stairwell. 
“Sorry? What gold book?” I asked her as Ardeth and I followed the group up the stairs with the curator leading us toward the room that held the tablet sitting at the top of the steps. 
“Well, according to legend the black book that the Americans found at Hamunaptra is supposed to bring people back from the dead. Until now it was a notion I was unwilling to believe” Evy explained.
“Well believe it sister, that's what brought our buddy back to life,” Rick told her with a scoff in his voice as we made it to the first landing. 
“Yes, and I’m thinking if the black book can bring dead people to life…” Evy started her thought. 
“Then maybe the gold book will kill him.” Rick finished her sentence. 
“That’s the myth. Now, we just have to find out where the gold book is hidden.” Evy explained as we reached the second floor. 
“Imhotep” I could hear the chanting start outside. 
“What’s that?” I asked them unsure what to expect when we left the safety of the museum. Evy turned around away from the tablet to look out the window. 
“Last but not least, my favorite plague, boils and sores.” Jon morbidly breathed out. 
“They have become his slaves. So it has begun, the beginning of the end.” Ardeth said his hand slipping into mine. 
“Not quite yet it hasn’t. Come on.” Evy replied to everyone determined to get us out of this mess. She ran quickly back to the tablet as I eyed the crowd forming outside. I squeezed Ardeth’s hand as I moved quickly back down the stairs ignoring the pain that spread through my leg. 
“Where’re you going?” I heard Rick ask looking down at me over the railing with Ardeth. 
“To get a sword. We won’t be able to shoot our way out of this.” I told him as I continued on my mission. Ardeth nodded at me but I could tell he wasn’t happy to let me go alone. My legs carried me toward the path that Ardeth had led me down to the basement.
The air turned cold as I rushed through the storage area towards where the concrete turned to sand in the training area. I ran to the wooden stand and reached for the sheath strapping it to my back, then grabbing the sword that I had used not long ago to prove my skill to my husband. Just as I was about to sheath it my eyes flickered to Ahmanet hiding in the shadows of the room near the wall. Not wanting to confront the demon standing in front of me I turned on my heel trying to escape from her foreboding presence. Before I could start a run the wind was knocked from my lungs as I felt the cold concrete of the wall on my back. I groaned as I hit the floor, she was pissed and stronger than she was before. 
“You thought you could escape me?” She muttered walking up to my curled-up body on the floor as I coughed blood coming out of my mouth. I knew immediately that I had broken a rib as it hurt to breathe. I spit the blood from my mouth grabbing a handful of sand discreetly. 
“I can always try,” I told her, attempting to get up from the ground. She stopped that movement, putting a hand on my neck and pushing my face further into the grains of sand. I stopped struggling against her, the force too much for my broken body to withstand. 
“ARDETH!!” I yelled out before Ahmanet pulled me up by my neck, the cold wall behind my back again as she silenced my voice. I struggled to breathe as she choked me. 
“He can't hear your screams of peril,” She said menacingly as I tried to pry her hands away from my throat but the attempts I made didn’t matter as I started to see black fog my vision. I remembered the sand I held in my hand and thrust the grain at her face. She scoffed and squeezed tighter. The world fading away. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears slowing down. Just before the black took my entire world away I was dropped back onto the ground a groan emitting from my throat as I lay there for a second catching my breath yet again. 
“Eris, my love.” I heard his words echo through the space unwilling to open my eyes for fear I wasn’t in my body anymore. 
“What the hell happened?” I heard Rick as his feet hit the sand. 
“Open your eyes.” I heard Ahmanet’s now disembodied voice coming from inside my mind. I did as she asked, seeing Ardeth crouched in front of my head. I looked around the room trying to find her again. 
“She’s back, she was here,” I uttered, unsure how else to explain it at first. 
“She’s growing stronger from the catalyst of Imhotep rising. It’s almost as if she’s here with me in the physical world.” Ardeth nodded slowly then touched his forehead to mine. The intimate moment was interrupted by my brother clearing his throat.
“I hate to interrupt such a caring moment but we should really get going.” Evy said, breaking the tense silence that fell over the room. I moved to get up from the floor feeling the aches and pains more prominent this time. I reached for the sword that had dropped from my hand when I had tried to run away. I put it in the sheath behind my back, straightening out my muscles and stretching them. 
“Alright, let’s go.” I followed the group from the basement and out to the front of the building where Jonathan was waiting with the car. Right before Jonathan could punch the gas to get us out of there I heard a voice yell from the steps of the museum. 
“IMHOTEP!! IMHOTEP!!” Beni yelled, getting the mummy’s attention from where we had been standing at the window just a few minutes ago. Imhotep screamed, his jaw unhinging covered with decay that had not been fixed yet. The last person he would need was Daniels who was safely in the car with us. I cringed, not wanting to think about the man’s fate. I felt Ardeth’s arm hook around my shoulder steadying me as the car took off in the direction of the inner city streets. 
“You’re gonna get yours Beni, you hear me? You’re gonna get yours!”Rick yelled from the front seat of the car near Jon. He drove through the streets of houses that covered the block. Jon stopped abruptly, the brakes of the car squealing as we faced a mob of Imhotep’s slaves. After a moment of sitting there, Rick used his foot to push the car forward causing Jon to let out a squeak as the car started to move forward into the mob of people. 
“Hang on,” Rick told the rest of us as people started to hit the windshield of Jon’s car. After being bulldozed they started to climb onto the car. Separating me from Ardeth as we both prepared for a fight. I grabbed the dagger I had hidden in my boot, slashing the wrists of a few that were gripped onto the love of my life. I ducked as I noticed Ardeth about to punch me in the face. I heard the scream of a man behind me who went flying off the car and into some baskets of food that lined the streets. 
“O’Connell, O’Connell!!” I heard Daniels scream as he was being carried off the car by a few of the indentured. I shared a brief look with Ardeth as we let him go, continuing to fight off the others that were still latched onto the car. For a moment it was silent and everyone stopped. The crowd was gone from around us, going after the last American that had opened that chest in Hamunaptra. As soon as I had taken a breath a huge crash sent my body forward through the air. I felt Ardeth grab my shoulders holding me in place where we stood in the back of the car. The mob caught up to us, Ardeth pushed me out of the car to follow Evy, Jon, and the curator standing in front of the market that used to be set up every Sunday to buy fruits and other things that tourists would enjoy. I reached for my sword on my back holding it in front of the crowd that was starting to surround us. Rick was trying to hold them off with the torch he had picked up from the street. 
“It’s the creature, he’s fully regenerated.” Dr. Bay whispered to us pulling me from the nostalgic thought. The crowd made a path for Imhotep to walk through. There was no longer decay on his mouth he was entirely whole now. 
“Come with me, my princess it is time to make you mine for all eternity.” Imhotep walked up to Evy. I felt Ahmanet rise to the surface, once again. My posture changed abruptly as I looked over at Ardeth to find him already watching me. He reached for my hand and Ahmanet quickly pulled it away from him. I watched as his eyes showed a hurt expression watching as my eyes doubled. He knew what was coming.
“For all eternity, idiot.” Evy corrected Beni’s words as he was translating for the rest of us. 
“Fight her Eris.” I heard Ardeth whisper to me, catching the attention of the curator. I did as he asked, trying to push toward the front of my mind and get her out of my body. I felt her start to lose hold. 
“Take my hand and I will spare your friends.” Imhotep said to us. 
“Oh dear… Have you got any bright ideas?” Evy said to Rick as she debated her options. 
“You have nowhere else to go but with him” I heard my voice ring through the air. I pushed Evy forward towards Imhotep. I watched as Rick looked back toward me his eyes widening at the sight of me. He looked to Ardeth briefly sharing a look as one of his hands left the torch for Evy.
“I’m thinking, I’m thinking.” He said to her as I felt Ardeth wrap a chain around my wrists behind me. I felt Ahmanet scream in my head as the silver touched my skin. I crumpled into a sitting position on the ground. 
“You better think of something fast, because if he turns me into a mummy you're the first one I’m coming after.” Evy said to Rick as she started to walk forward revealing me behind her. At the sight of Imhotep Ahmanet easily broke the chain that bound my wrists, the jolt of energy pushing me toward Evy and Imhotep. She shared a look with the fully regenerated mummy.
“No,” Rick grunted out a look of desperation reaching for his pistol. Ardeth quickly reached out and stopped him from shooting. He held him back his own emotions running wild across his face. 
“Don’t, he still has to take me to Hamunaptra to perform the ritual,” Evy told Rick watching as the two men struggled internally with letting us go. My back straightened as I put the sword away watching my husband hold back my brother. 
“The sword skills were a delightful surprise Eris. They will come in handy.” She said to me as she let go of control for just a second. Allowing me to speak.
“I love you,” I whispered, talking to them both unsure if this was where we left each other forever.
“She is right, live today, fight tomorrow.” Ardeth breathed out not wanting to let me out of his sight. Rick put the pistol away begrudgingly knowing that it wouldn’t help the current situation. 
“I’ll be seeing you again.” Rick glared at Imhotep and me. 
“Evelyn,” Rick uttered as we turned away from him and started to walk towards the path that had been cleared for us out of the city. I watched as Ahmanet started to converse with the mummy. I was too bogged down with her to struggle anymore. I needed to refresh my mind to figure out a way out of this. I slowly let the darkness consume me as we traveled back across the desert toward the city that had started this unending nightmare. 
Next Chapter
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spockvarietyhour · 9 months
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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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The Mummy Trilogy will be reissued on 4K Ultra HD (with Blu-ray and Digital) on June 6 via Universal. The set collects the 1999's The Mummy, 2001's The Mummy Returns, and 2008's The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
Based on the classic 1932 Universal monster movie, The Mummy and The Mummy Returns are written and directed by Stephen Sommers (Van Helsing), while Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is directed by Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) and written by Wednesday creators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar,
Brendan Fraser stars in the trilogy alongside Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Kevin J. O'Connor, Jonathan Hyde, Oded Fehr, Patricia Velásquez, Freddie Boath, Alun Armstrong, Dwayne Johnson, Jet Li, Maria Bello, Michelle Yeoh, Russell Wong, Liam Cunningham, Luke Ford, and Isabella Leong.
The 4K UHDs are presented with High Dynamic Range. Special features for the six-disc set are listed below.
Disc 1 - The Mummy 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by writer-director Stephen Sommers and executive producer/editor Bob Ducsay
Audio commentary by actor Brendan Fraser
Audio commentary by actors Oded Fehr, Kevin J. O'Connor and Arnold Vosloo
Disc 2 - The Mummy Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by writer-director Stephen Sommers and executive producer/editor Bob Ducsay
Audio commentary by actor Brendan Fraser
Audio commentary by actors Oded Fehr, Kevin J. O'Connor, and Arnold Vosloo
An Army to Rule the World Part 1
Visual and Special Effects Formation
Unraveling the Legacy of The Mummy
Building a Better Mummy
Deleted Scenes
Storyboard to Final Film Comparison
Photograph Montage
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Sneak Peek
Disc 3 - The Mummy Returns 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by writer-director Stephen Sommers and executive producer/editor Bob Ducsay
Disc 4 - The Mummy Returns Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by writer-director Stephen Sommers and executive producer/editor Bob Ducsay
An Army to Rule the World Part 2
Unraveling the Legacy of The Mummy
Visual and Special Effects Formation
A Conversation with The Rock
Spotlight On Location
Storyboard to Final Film Comparison
Live "Forever May Not Be Long Enough" Music Video
Disc 5 - The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by director Rob Cohen
Disc 6 - The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by director Rob Cohen
The Making of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
From City to Desert
Legacy of the Terra Cotta
Deleted and Extended Scenes
Embark on the ultimate action adventure that spans continents and explores ancient history with The Mummy Trilogy. Follow the exhilarating journeys and exploits of daring explorer Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser) and his family as they combat the evil undead from the dusty tombs of Egypt to the hidden catacombs of China. Filled with amazing special effects and breathtaking battles, it's a passport to spellbinding entertainment you can watch again and again!
Pre-order The Mummy Trilogy.
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multifandominfj · 1 year
You know what’s bothering about the the 2nd and 3rd Mummy movies that I’m just NOW noticing?
Why isn’t Alex British in the 3rd movie?! The kid playing Alex in the 2nd movie was British, so why not continue that continuity to Alex when he’s grown in the 3rd?
And don’t get me started on his age in the second movie, and that whole plot hole. That’s another can of worms.
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mileena--kahnumm · 2 years
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