#The Negotiation
jugeullae · 8 months
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THE NEGOTIATION 협상 (2018, Lee Jong Seok)
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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HYUN BIN as Min Tae Gu
THE NEGOTIATION (2018) dir. Lee Jeong Seok
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corneliaavenue · 7 months
Everyone guess the next The ______ variant
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morethanthatfic · 1 year
In “The Negotiation”, when Pam says she and Roy are completely over for good this time, and Jim is dismissive about it. Do you think he was trying to be hurtful? Like was that meant to be a passive aggressive barb? Or am I maybe reading too much into a scene I’ve seen a hundred times? Really curious to hear your thoughts! You have posted really good commentary before.
First off thank you for your compliment on my past commentary, we’ll see if I can keep up the streak!
“Passive aggressive barb” is the nicest way to put it. She was being honest stating it’s over with Roy and he hit her back with essentially a “whatever, I don’t really believe you”. But I do think his ‘We’ll see, I’m sure you’ll find your way back to each other’ comment was less him intentionally trying to hurt Pam, and more him putting up a wall around his own heart. Don’t get me wrong, it was definitely a jab at her getting back with Roy at Phyllis’ wedding, but I feel he’s also reminding himself to not get his hopes up about Pam wanting to be with him. Last time Jim did get his hopes up* even the tiniest bit was at said wedding, and then he saw her leave with Roy like he had so many times before (*not that he should be getting his hopes up at all or care who Pam leaves with when Jim’s there with his *girlfriend* Karen, who inexplicably stuck with him even after he admitted he still had feelings for someone else, but no one ever said love made you rational).
Interestingly enough, Pam herself didn’t appear very affected by Jim’s snarky comment. She was far more affected by Jim reacting to her very sincere apology with a “Don’t worry about it”. And that I don’t think was said with any maliciousness, Jim wanted to end the conversation and leave for sure, but I also believe he wanted both of them to just forget about it and move on. To Pam though, it probably felt like the biggest brush off of all (I would argue she was gearing up to apologize for *everything* and the fact that Jim didn’t seem to want to hear it stung Pam hard).
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velveys · 10 months
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The Negotiation (2018)
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
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"What else?" She manages to whisper again.
"You'll obey," Jade begins, and Kit starts to make a slight protesting sound, even as Jade begins to suck marks on her collarbone between her words, "in the bedroom. You can whine all you like, I'm not demanding the impossible–"
Kit snorts at this, but it turns into a whimper as soon as Jade nips at her bottom lip, sharp and startling.
"--but when I tell you to do something, you do it."
"And if I don't?" Kit presses.
Tanthamore Fanfic: AO3 Link
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sonyejingifs · 1 year
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Son Yejin as Ha Chae-Yoon in The Negotiation (2018)
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 36
Summary: Din makes a decision about his future
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I’m sorry for not posting last week, but it has been absolutely hectic since we came back to work from the winter break. 
I’m currently working on a request from AO3 for a continuation of It’s Over focusing on Hunter, I’m not sure if I’ve said it before, but if anyone would like to submit a request, please feel free to. It just might take some time for me to complete it. 
Anyways, enjoy this very Boba-Din centric chapter. 
FYI: Special treat below
Italics - Din’s thoughts
Italics and Indent - Flashback
Warnings: derogatory remarks regarding clones and Jango Fett, threats, I think that’s it, if I miss anything please let me know. 
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Din had been silent since he entered the room. Simply taking his seat across from Bo Katan staring at her without shifting or showing any indication it bothered him to see her again. He watched her every move from behind his visor, every flick of her eyes, the appearance of calmness and authority she liked to exude, just like before she seemed unmoved by seeing him once again. Yet in between the fringes of appearing calm, there was the subtle hint of irritation, either from the heat of Tatooine’s suns, the damp and coldness seeping in from Boba’s palace, or just the fact she had to sit there with him and Boba.
Time eased on between the three of them, none speaking as though it was a mere contest between Din and Bo, to see who could outlast the other. The only sounds filling the room was the creaking from their gloves, as they all clenched and unclenched their fingers, and the whirring from Boba’s droid assistant. 
Boba glanced between the two stubborn wugav (leaders/cheiftains), and as enjoyable and delicious as the palpable tension between the two had been, nothing would progress during her stay if they refused to speak.
“Well” Boba clapped his hands together gaining their attention and the slight surprise from his droid assistant at the loud noise, “as enjoyable as the silence has been between all of us.” Truly, after thirty minutes of unspoken tension, enough was enough, he had other things to contend with, namely making sure everything was going well on Kashyyyk. He was no stranger to how Czerka operated, and he wanted to be able to do more than sit here watching these two make an even bigger fool of themselves, “One of you needs to start speaking in order to progress these negotiations.”
“Negotiations?” Bo narrowed her eyes as she focused on Boba, scoffing at the term. She wasn’t there to negotiate. She was there to give a simple ultimatum, and frankly being on the disgusting hot and dry planet was more than she had bargained for. “There is no such thing as negotiations for something that is rightfully mine. Has been mine. Will always be mine. Not to mention …” she turned to look at Din, “I recall you were suppose to join our ranks to help us reclaim Mandalore?”
“If I recall correctly, that was suppose to be a request, not a demand.” Boba answered on Din’s behalf, “And now that’s he the Mand’alor, should he really be following what you have to tell him? Or that’s right you don’t have authority over him.”
“As I said before, some of us serve a higher purpose” Bo slowly turned her head back to Boba, narrowing her eyes at the man. 
He simply laughed to himself, “Yet, you never actually won the right to wield that authority. Have you?” Boba responded, his fingers tapping in front of him, Bo didn’t acknowledge his statement, nor did he expect her to, especially since he knew all about her history. He’d heard all the rumours while he was on Concord Dawn and seen proof of Death Watch’s destruction. The only reason he held back for now, was because Din may not have been aware of what that meant, but he was, “Am I wrong, Lady Kryze?”
“You certainly picked up quite a few annoying habits from your donor, didn’t you?” She tilted her head towards him. She had enough of clones, had enough of Jango Fett, looking at Boba’s face just irritated her even more. 
“Feeling mighty brave aren’t we?” His hand clenched against the table.
“Well I heard your guard dog was on holiday” the last thing Bo wanted to do was face that annoying woman she had met previously. What was her name again? Adar? Alar? Who cared?
“She’s not the only guard dog in this place” Fennec’s voice echoed throughout the room as she walked down the stairs as silent as a tooka, moving to stand beside Boba. She couldn’t stand Bo-Katan, though she respected her abilities to lead and to fight, she was definitely someone she had no desire to see again. 
He turned to look at Fenn, only reason she’d interrupt the meeting was because something urgent came up. 
Bo didn’t say anything in response, simply eyeing the assassin’s movements. Preparing herself in the eventuality of an ambush. Though her weapons were confiscated and stored before coming into the conference room, however unbeknownst to the others she still had two hidden vibroblades on her. 
Fennec leaned down, narrowing her eyes at the red-headed Mandalorian, whispering into Boba’s ear without losing eye contact, “Just heard from them, they arrived, things are worse than they imagined. Asks if you could come sooner rather than later.” He simply nodded, he didn’t need the ins and outs of the message, he could already guess it was from Mara, and if she was asking for assistance then things were rather dire. He cleared his throat, their pleasantries were clearly going nowhere, it was time to get down to business.
He simply nodded sending Fennec away, he cleared his throat drawing the attention of Din and Bo once again, “Let’s get to the point at hand, the reason you two are here. Kryze, let’s begin with you, why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“Simple” her eyes focused on the shiny armour in front of her, “You” she pointed to Din, “Come back to Mandalore and face me in a duel or take up the mantle as Mand’alor. Either way I need you to come back to Mandalore.”
Din listened as Bo laid out her terms, there were so many things he wanted to say, especially with her attitude towards Boba. He could already hear Oyar’e’s voice in his head.
‘You’re the Mand’alor, Din, you’re the one your people are waiting for. You know what it’s like to struggle, to live on the outskirts, to not be viewed as a Mandalorian. You know what it’s like not to have someone to count on. You’ll be able to understand your people better than most leaders, and because you understand that pain, you can be all those things for your people. They deserve a good man like you as their leader. Not that woman.’
Even in his own mind he couldn’t really argue against her, not that he wanted to, at least not for something they both agreed on, even if at times he still didn’t think he was the right person to be Mand’alor, one thing was for certain, Bo-Katan was definitely not the right person. In fact, he could almost see O’yare sitting there beside him, narrowing her eyes at Bo-Katan, mocking her in some way about wanting to be Mand’alor. 
“Why Mandalore?” He finally spoke, tapping his fore finger against the table in no particular pattern. She didn’t answer, simply a quizzical look on her face. “I mean if you’re so eager to prove you can take on the mantle, and be Mand’alor, why the song and dance of going back to Mandalore? Let’s just get to it, face me now.”
‘That’s it bare (dear), tell her where you stand. Be the Mand’alor, I know you to be’
Again she didn’t respond to his statement, “It seems to be me we should simply just get this over and done with,” though he knew Ara would have supported any decision he made, the longer he thought about, after everything she’d been through recently, the last thing he wanted to do was uproot her. He was genuine, when he told her he’d rather stay here with her, Adi and Grogu, to live out his life helping out where he could. 
‘Do you think I’m weak? I am able to handle more than enough.’  
Bo simply smirked at Din’s statements, both he and Boba were Mandalorians who hadn’t been taught anything with regards to customs or even how a true Mand’alor should behave, she wondered how much she could twist to her advantage. How much she could get him to give up, in order to have the power and authority she desired. 
“As much as I would love to beat you now, there are many things to consider with regards to the customs of becoming Mand’alor. Namely, our people deserve to see the rightful Mand’alor take their place; that can only be proven by winning the sword. In short, when I do beat you, I want it to be front and centre, in front of all my people. Leaving no room for doubt as to how the title was won and by whom.”
Din simply shook his head, as his visor focused back on her, “Is that truly the custom?” He glanced over to Boba, he seemed to not think much of what she said, he tapped his finger against the table again, Boba simply leaned back against his chair, nodding slowly. 
Bo didn’t answer simply letting out an exhausted sigh, at his lack of knowledge. 
He ignored her flippant and arrogant attitude, “If I understand correctly, rather than lose in private, you wanna do it in front of what …” he motioned with his hand, “… five people? After all the last time I saw you, you had what two people by your side?”
Boba stifled the laugh that wanted to erupt, simply biting his cheek instead, keeping a stoic countenance as much as possible. 
“You really think you’re worthy of being Mand’alor? To handle the responsibility or even what it truly means to lead Mandalorians? Remind me, how many are following you?” She motioned with her hand, “Let’s see …” she glanced around the room, “none.”
Din wanted to rebuff her statement, wanted to show her that she was wrong, but as he reflected, who could he say was following him. Was he meant to be the Mand’alor? He thought back to all those times he had wanted to get rid of the sword, and now here he was ready to battle for it, but yet no one to actually follow him. When did it all change? When he first arrived on Tatooine?
His mind flashed back to his first meeting with Boba.
“You should get use to not being able to see your desk, when you decide to take over your rightful place as Mand'alor, you’ll be buried in more than just paperwork, you’ll be buried in political and governmental issues too, and I shall have the last laugh.”
“I don’t want the throne, Boba”
“That much I know, but you have to think about what Mandalore would be like with someone like Bo-Katan as the leader. She may be a warrior, and the rightful heir, she may even be schooled in the way of politics, but there is a certain air of arrogance, of elitism coming from her. Would you think that such a ruler would be beneficial to reunite the clans?”
“I don’t care. I don’t want it.” 
“Maybe or maybe you don’t think you deserve it, as a Child of the Watch, as a foundling, or as a bounty hunter.  Maybe you feel you are unworthy. I’m a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe, but you, you are thrusted into greatness again and again, and are destined for more.”
Maybe it was when he learned how Boba’s people viewed him, when he first spoke to Aola. 
“Great Boba and Mistress Fennec are the best masters … masters is wrong, they are the best leaders to ever grace this place. They treat the servants, as workers, they make sure we all are treated with dignity and respect, not as slaves or playthings, the same way they treat the guards and bounty hunters. I would and will gladly die for either of them. A good ruler or leader, makes those under him feel elevated they feel dignified, safe, protected. Before Great Boba, many of the servants were harassed and abused, when he took power, Great Boba removed all the undesirables, he gave them one chance, they could either follow his rules or end up on a one-way trip to a sarlacc pit.”
“A great leader respects and understands the power behind those who follow him. For without them, he is a man talking to the wind”
“I think you would make a good leader, the people of Mandalore will be blessed by having you as their ruler.”
Yet, there were times when it felt as though the galaxy wanted to make sure he didn’t give up on himself, that’s how it felt, when Amara first told him he’d be a good leader. 
"Honestly, I think you would be a good ruler for Mandalore, if that is something you choose.  There are not enough leaders who understand the struggle their people face, it's what makes Boba such a good leader.”
He almost wanted to chuckle, when he thought about the time he accused Oyar’e as a drug dealer, only to have her reaffirm how she thought of him.
“You did what you thought was right, Roe, you were trying to save me, and not just me but Adi too.  How could I be mad at you for that, and on top of it you were so upset on Adi’s behalf.  That …that’s exactly why I know … why I know you’ll be an amazing Mand’alor”
If he was being honest it was probably at that moment when he fell in love with her. Yet, despite how much he thought about giving up, once again Amara showed him why he was the perfect Mand’alor even if it scared her. 
“You really want me to be the Mand’alor, don’t you Ara?”
“No … not at all”
“You don’t?”
“Well, … would you be a great Mand’alor, if you decide to take up the mantle? Absolutely.  Do I personally want you to be the Mand’alor? That’s … that’s harder to answer”
“I … I don’t want to see you hurt”
“Ara, being the Mand’alor doesn’t mean I’m going to get hurt”
“Din … seeing you … when the Vurk jumped on your back, seeing him stab you over and over again, I … that was one of the hardest things for me to see. You’re my friend, I don’t want to see my friend injured. When you didn’t wake up right away, I was freaked out. I know I tried to play it off like it didn’t bother me, but I … what happens if something happens to you? I … need you safe, Din. I know there will always be someone who wants to challenge you for the title. Do I think you’ll be a great Mand’alor? Yes. Do I want to see you in a position where you are constantly fighting for you life? No, you’re my friend, Din. I don’t want to see my friend hurt or worse.”
She understood better then most how dangerous being Mand’alor could be. Yet she still was willing to follow him and support his decision. 
“Wherever your future leads, I’ll be by your side to support you.”
Even when he had finally admitted not only to himself but to her that he was considering taking up the mantle, she was still supportive. 
“Does that mean you're going to take it up?”
“Not sure yet, but I'm leaning more towards yes. Seeing how you help the people of Mos Eisley, inspires me. You do so much for those who need help, with barely any resources. I can’t help but wonder, how much more can I do for my own people? For others in the galaxy who need it?”
“You'll be amazing at it, I have no doubt people will appreciate your kindness." 
Even in her last message to him, when she thought she’d never see him again, she made a point to remind him of who he was and to not forget.
“…There are so many things I need to say, but my time is running short … I should have said this when you were leaving to meet Grogu, but I thought … I thought I had more time. You’re the best man I’ve ever known, I know you think your past defines you, makes you unlovable because you’ve done things you’re not proud of, however that’s not true. I know it’s not true because … because I love you. I love you, Din. I’m so proud of you, of the man you are, despite all that has been thrown your way, you didn’t allow it to defeat you, you got back up. I should’ve told you when we were on Sorgan, should’ve told you when we were on Papsr. I think I realized it that night at the orphanage, how deeply in love with you I am, I’m sorry for wasting so much time. I love you, Din. With all my heart, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same because … because you gave me something I didn’t think I’d ever have again. Hope. Thank you, Din. Look after Adi for me, tell him I love him. I love you both. I have to go, but never forget you are a good man, and I love you, cyare.”
Throughout his time with Amara, his time on Tatooine, he’s been able to see what a good leader is, what a true ruler should be like, and Boba was right about one thing, this woman sitting in front of him was definitely no ruler. 
“Well you’re certainly charming in your own right aren’t you?” The sarcasm flowing out of Din’s mouth oozed down the walls and all around them. “As clever as you may think you are, I will not simply lay my hand down and give you the sword. Not anymore.” If he could regain his Manda status by swimming in the living waters underneath Mandalore, then his own people wouldn’t need to hide anymore, they’d be able to be recognized and accepted. 
Boba couldn’t have been prouder of his friend, he didn’t falter simply because she tried to provoke him. 
Bo simply shook her head, “How an ungrateful useless piece of osik like you became Mand’alor …”
“Say one more disrespectful word to the real Mand’alor in my presence and you’ll see what my father truly taught me” Boba cut off her disrespectful uttering mid-sentence, he may not buy into the whole Mandalorian custom with a burning passion these two seemed to possess, however it didn’t mean he would allow someone to disrespect his friend and the King of a Sovereign nation before him. 
“Who knew Jango’s DNA could hold such passion?” she teased, “… Or such loyalty that wasn’t programmed”
“Keep that mouth going and I’ll show you what loyalty is” Din responded on behalf of Boba, his hands clenching against the stone table, his disgust of her attitude and disrespect rang through in his tone. This woman most definitely could not be Mand’alor.
“Just when I think maybe … just maybe you might have a chance at being a somewhat passable Mand’alor, you go and open your mouth and stand up for this …” before she could finish her sentence, Din moved in one motion pushing the chair back and igniting the sword.
“I told you …” his adrenaline coursed through his veins like a stampeding force, his breathing quickened as his anger began to build. He wanted to knock of her head, cleanly from her shoulders, before anything could happen, Boba knocked his gauntlet against the table, the sounds of it echoing through out the room. Din turned to look at Boba.
“I was clear” his voice was strict, firm, and commanding, his full authority as Daimyo of Tatooine displaying itself as clear as day, “when I commanded everyone to leave their weapons. Was I not?” 
Din bowed his head towards his friend, “I apologize Great Boba.”
Boba didn’t say anything more, simply holding out his hand towards Din, almost like a father scolding his young son. Without any more words, he turned off the shimmering blade and handed over the darksaber. 
Once Boba laid it, in front of him, Din retook his seat. Boba looked over to Bo-Katan, “As for you, Lady Kryze, regardless of what you may or may not think of me, I am Daimyo of Tatooine. I am the one who allowed you to come here and discuss terms in a civilized manner, yet you rather throw barbs and insults at me. My father was Jango Fett, the previous Mand’alor, he raised me, he trained the clones in his care, with determination and a sense of pride, teaching them the ways of Mandalore. Yet, you disrespect his memory! Simply because of your own willful conceit and arrogance!”
“You’re father was a poor excuse of Mand’alor”
“Watch your mouth, Death Watch princess”
Din’s head swivelled quickly, “What did you say?”
Bo let out a sigh of exhaustion as she leaned against her chair, “Well damn. You just had to open your mouth, didn’t you Lord Boba.”
“You … you’re Death Watch?” Din asked shocked at the revelation.
“Correction, was. I was Death Watch.”
Somehow that made him dislike her even more.
“I see”
“You see?”
“I knew you liked to adjust the deal whenever it was convenient to you, didn’t realize that expanded towards your oaths too.”
“Need I remind you despite my faults, I am still more qualified than you to be Mand’alor. You on the other hand, have no lineage, betrayed your own to work for the remnant Empire, the very people who are responsible for the death of Mandalore. Yet, I suppose that’s something the two of you have in common, isn’t it?” She used her finger lazily pointing between the two of them. 
Neither responded simply keeping their eyes on her. All Din could think was, how in haran (hell) did she find out who he worked for? 
She put a smile on her face, “Then again what can I expect from a Child of the Watch, you all turned on your own, when we needed you the most.”
“They did what was right, Death Watch strayed from the Way of the Mandalore, only to allow an outsider to lead them” Din did his best to defend his people, remembering the way the Armourer used to tell them about the history of their people.
“Oh so you do know a little something”
“We all know the failings that had been Death Watch”
“There wouldn’t have been failings if more people rallied to our cause”
“You mean without creating your own way to rally people?” Boba shifted
Bo glanced over to him, narrowing her eyes, “Aren’t you suppose to be a mediator?”
“It’s my job as mediator to make sure everyone knows what they need to be aware of before making a decision” Boba pointed towards Din, “and he needs to be aware.”
Din was lost in the conversation, what exactly did he need to be aware of?
“There are things that outsiders won’t understand”
“Who are you calling an auretti (outsider)?” Din narrowed his eyes as his hand clenched against the table.
“I didn’t call you an auretti, I said outsider. Someone who is outside of the Death Watch is unable to understand how things were conducted and planned.”
“Oh he may not understand but I do” Boba clenched his fist, “My father told me all about Death Watch’s treachery. I mean let’s face it, it’s not the first time, you’d let innocents suffer just to make Death Watch appear more valiant.”
Bo gritted her teeth, there were things that had been done in the name of Death Watch that she never full agreed with, yet, she still went along with Pre Vizsla’s plans. The last thing she needed was for Fett’s DNA to inform this man about past deeds that didn’t need to be brought to light.
“What are you two talking about?” Din refused to be left in the dark, any longer; there was clearly something she didn’t want to reveal, something that would affect him.
“There were rumours I heard back in the day. Death Watch was in dire need of public support, especially after the separation of the Shadow Collective and Death Watch …” Boba turned to look at Bo, “I imagine recruitment was low.” She didn’t answer simply glared at him further, if that was even possible, yet he could imagine all the things she was saying in her head.
“What are you trying to say Boba?”
“Death Watch staged some - how should I put it - much needed rescues, isn’t that so, Lady Kryze?”
“I wasn’t part of Death Watch at that point.”
“Maybe … yet, you were and are working with the remnants of Death Watch, no?”
“Are you really that petty?” 
“Excuse me, can we get back to the topic at hand?” Din interjected into this weird conversation of speaking without talking. It was as though there was some great secret everyone was aware of except him.
“He’s right, we should be discussing the rightful ruler of Mandalore. Not petty past squabbles.” Bo simply let out an exhausted sigh.
“No, we should be discussing whether or not he should even listen to your demands.” Boba clarified. 
“Enough!” Din lost it with those two, he’s not sure what the problem was between them, he could guess what the issue was, but none that currently dealt with the topic at hand, “I will go to Mandalore, yet I do not agree with the need for a showy display. It seems more that you want to make sure of your own name sake, and not what is best for the people of Mandalore. We’ll meet on Mandalore and have a duel, however, I need time. I need to finish wrapping up some pending work and get certain things in order.”
“That’s fine by me, I don’t need you to like it, I just need you to show up. I expect to see you in two months, or else the bounty goes back on your head.” 
With that Bo stood, thankful Din had agreed to her terms, however reluctantly, before actually learning the truth of what Boba was hinting at. She stood, putting on her helmet and walking out of the room, as guilt began to eat away at her. 
She hadn’t been lying about leaving Death Watch. She wasn’t there when the remaining members  decided to stage attacks on Separatists planets and cities yet untouched by the war; hoping the oppression, deaths, and destruction would move many to join their ranks, as they swooped in like heroes to ‘save’ the survivors. She simply hoped by working together with Death Watch, some may have chosen to join the Nite Owls instead. Who could have predicted the Mand’alor would have been from a planet subjected to the same opportunities. The only difference was instead of Death Watch or Nite Owls rescuing the people on Aq Vetina. After the incident on his planet, the Children of the Watch had received a call for help, arriving just in time to save many.
Din retook his seat, annoyed with Bo even more than possible.
“Good thing Amara wasn’t here huh?” Boba smirked at Din, sliding back the darksaber towards him.
“Agreed, I have no doubt Bo would’ve been dead.”
Boba nodded chuckling to himself, turning his attention towards the droid, and motioning for it to be on its way. “The message I received earlier was from Amara, things aren’t what she expected when she arrived on Kashyyyk, she needs us to go. Sooner rather than later.”
Din nodded, “I brought everything with me, everything else is on the Sintas, so I’m good to go when you are.”
“Then let’s go” Both stood as one unified force heading towards Boba’s ship, “You know she’s gonna smack you, when she learns of what you agreed to.”
“I know, but either I become the Mand’alor in more than name only, or I find someone to become the Mand’alor. Either way, I’ll let her know I’m not agreeing to Bo’s terms because I want to, rather, if I want to be able to see my covert again I need to swim in the living waters below Mandalore. I’ll be able to resolve everything once we’re there.”
“Either way you have my support.”
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A Special thank you for loving the SOTF:
Adi in his armour
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wordycheeseblob · 7 months
i accept your terms -your most humble servent 🍈anon
Good.... Goood
But later. I've got a couple of... things to set straight before the big reveal. Capisce?
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b-oovies · 1 year
The Negotiation, 2018.
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aqui apenas legendado.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
She needs to neuter him posthaste
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isawiitch · 1 year
ok NOW we can all freak out marvel vfx workers voted to unionize thank god
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article here
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thatrandomblogsays · 1 year
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I’m so happy for them
[Image Description: Castiel from Supernatural is saying I love you, underneath is an image of Dean Winchester with the caption: “After four months of striking the WGA has a reached a tentative agreement & finalizing the contract. If all goes well writers will get to return to work with better pay and protections. They did it. Go unions”]
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astrid-beck · 1 year
This is my unethical polycule. The nonmonogamy is consensual and negotiated we're just evil in other ways.
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heritageposts · 13 hours
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Frontpage of Reuters right now (26 Sep 2024)
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montanabohemian · 1 year
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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