#The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar WIP
annwayne · 8 months
For the wip game: Crosshair, your choice which one :)
I had to write all this out from bullet point format ha! Well, you caused this so I think you should be proud.
The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar
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Crosshair’s voice sent me into a spiral. He saw, did he see? He had to have seen what I did-who I let go. A clone. My hands shook against the door.
“What did you do?” There wasn’t anger in his voice. Maybe he hadn’t realized what happened. Maybe there was no time for anger. 
I turned. Crosshair was only a few steps away. It could have been lightyears. My lips matched my hands. My voice caught in my chest.
“Doll,” He crossed the galaxy to touch me. “What do we need to do?”
That was a question I could answer. My eyes went to the security camera pointed directly at us-at the door we stood against. Crosshair followed.
“Once I’m outside I can ask Tech-”
“He’s watching, isn’t he?” Words returned. “You can help. Will you help?” I stepped out of Crosshair’s grasp and asked the camera. Something drove me forward-like confidence but not as sunny, like determination but not as honest, like rage but not as blind. Retribution, perhaps. “We need to to be seen.” Forward I went, walking quickly-but not in a rush-down the skinny hallway and then left, into the stairwell. Crosshair followed my logic, walking down the full length of the hall so he was just below the camera.
Through the glass, our eyes met. Something like concern pulled his lips down. My face probably spelled anxiety if it looked anything how I felt. We started walking-Me down the stairs and left, him just enough to meet me. He held out a hand, and I took it. 
“I heard yelling, what happened?” 
Crosshair didn’t stiffen, but his eyes narrowed. “Wrecker was getting restless. I should probably go with them.” 
A facade of a smile, perhaps too easily put on, slid over my lips. “What, and you get away without me meeting your squad?” I was surprised at how easy I laughed. By now we had reached the double doors. We exited the hall and came out into a busy mess of police and clones. Frustration overflowed the room. The feeling was almost nauseous. 
Crosshair noticed my head dip, and he put aside whatever feelings he had about my actions to check on me. We stood against a wall of alcohol and he covered me from the rest of the room. “What’s wrong?” 
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annwayne · 8 months
Hey, it's @nimata-beroya
how about ❄️ and 🌤️ for the ask game
Hello friend!! Thanks for the asks!! Luckily I've been writing some Star Wars fics so I got some good stuff to share >:3c
ask game
❄️ Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
From my Crosshair/Anya Tougt First Meeting Fic I'm working on.
“Hey.” He looked up to me. “You need any help?” Every inch of my body felt like a live wire. Finding my voice took a moment. “Depends.” I managed. One silver brow raised in question at my answer. “You gonna tell me your name?”  A slight smirk pulled his lips up. He nodded his head once before climbing the stairs to reach my height. Once he was one step below me, he leaned in just enough to make my buzzing heart flutter. “Crosshair.”  I swallowed. “Nice to meet you, Crosshair. My name’s Anya.” 
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
From The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar, my ocs Anya and her Master Tali talking. Its the first draft so likely to change, but I like the bones of this one lol.
 “I know Qui-Gon was dear to you. But Master Kenobi’s part in Qui-Gon’s death has haunted him worse than your glares could ever hope to.”  “I was not glaring at Kenobi.”  “Master Kenobi.” Tali corrected.  “Master, You cannot understand what I went through. Master Jinn was the only adult in the temple who attempted to mentor me. Without his guidance, I do not think I could have continued my studies as a youngling. His loss was great to our temple.”  “He is gone, my padawan. But you remain, and while you do, you must let go-” “Of all attachments.” I finished my Master’s sentence for her. “I know, and I do. At least, I think I do. As much as it hurt, I have grown. You have even taken me on as a Padwan, something I thought no one other than Qui-Gon would do.” A small smile curved Tali’s lips up. “Honestly, Master, I think I can confidently say I have let go of Master Qui-Gon.”  Tali’s eyes softened, but her words remained sharp as ever. “Anya, hate can form attachments just as strong as love.”
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annwayne · 1 year
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @klynnvakarian !
Wip Titles Game
Star Wars
Ari x Bane
The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar
Crosshair x Jedi!Commander
Hunter x Reader Request
Sith!Obi-Wan x Jedi!Reader
Stargate Atlantis
Alice in Atlantis
Mission Fic
Feral!Predator!OC x Amber Park Ranger OC
OC x Riddick isekai Fic
Crashed Dove
Haaaa I have a lot. Ok tags. No pressure. @nimata-beroya @freesia-writes @wolveria @bagheerita @chaniis-atlantis @l-lend
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annwayne · 3 months
Wip name game!
Thanks @chaniis-atlantis and @aintgonnatakethis for the tags!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
You can totally ask about more than one fic btw, I know I have a ton of wips lol... and this isn't all of them.. just the ones I can talk about lol
Baldur's Gate 3
Astur Vuldal/Astarion
Crashed Dove Ghost reacts fluff
OC x Eliot
Sugar!Daddy!AU oc/Loki The Brothers' Lover
Multi-Fandom Crossover
Concubine AU Multiverse
Feral Predator x Amber Park Ranger oc
OC x Riddick Isekai fic
Alice in Atlantis Alice Plots Brigerton!AU
Star Wars
Crosshair x Jedi!Commander!Anya Hunter x Farmer The Red Logs: Attack on the Senate (working title) The Red Logs: Ideas for during TBB The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar Poly!Batch/Anya Corruption AU Tech's Research
True Blood
NPT: @wolveria @little-zabrak @nimata-beroya @klynnvakarian @silverwings22 @the-itzy-bitzy-spider
@adriankyte-writes @neon-junkie @l-lend and anyone who wants to be tagged, you've been tagged feel free to @ me in ur post👍
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annwayne · 7 months
Ann's WIP Masterlist
A list of my in-progress works that have yet to be posted anywhere.
☀️ Active - Frequently working on, writing/editing, thinking about ✨ Background - Occasionally working on, thinking about 🌒 Shelved - Untouched/out of mind for significant time
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Smut Wars Assignment ☀️
Smut Wars Treat ☀️
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The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar ✨
Next fic after Return to The Temple.
The Red Logs: Attack on Coruscant (working title) ✨
Fic that takes place directly after Murder in a Bar.
Unnamed Crosshair/Anya Oneshot AU 🌒
How Anya does as Clone force 99’s Jedi commander in an AU where she stayed with the order.
Unnamed Hunter/Farmer oneshot 🌒
Clone force 99 crash land post order 66 on some farmland. Luckily the farmer remembers clones fondly, and is happy to help them.
Tech's Research ✨
Tech learns what intense sexual desire feels like. Unrelated-He asks Anya and Crosshair if he could observe them while intimate for "research" purposes. An AU oneshot of The Red Logs.
Corruption!AU ☀️
Anya and Tech are missing after they went out to gather intel on a hidden Separatist base. When they aren't found while infiltrating and destroying the base, the rest of clone force 99 must track down the pair through the dangerous wilds they've found themselves in. Anya and Tech are found, but they are changed...
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Alice In Atlantis ✨
A Todd the Wraith/Alice Tucker (OC) fic that'll explore their relationship as it develops and what could've been if the gene therapy to allow Wraith to eat food had worked.
Bridgerton!AU Oneshot ☀️
What if nearly everything went as canon, up till the end? Alice and Todd have perfected their wraith "cure," only there's a hitch. Wraith still can't eat normal food, but they don't have to kill the humans they feed on. So, a plan is devised to ensure that wraith learn to respect humans while never needing to take what they need forcefully. Who else, to show this can work, than the human and wraith duo who made this possible in the first place?
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Unnamed Eric Northman/Awyn Lake Long Fic ✨
Slight AU, if Sookie and Bill never got tangled up with Eric, well then who did? Awyn Lake is a graduate student who’s just turned 26. After celebrating at a vampire bar, her life will never be the same.
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Unnamed Isekai!Riddick Fic 🌒
Ares Mayer finds their life split between two realities. Despite knowing exactly what will happen in one reality, it seems nothing she does can change the outcome. Riddick/Ares Mayer.
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Unnamed Omegaverse Predators Fic 🌒
This is the story of how a young Yellowstone Ranger got tangled up with Yautja. Set in the 70's with unique twist on the omegaverse.
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Crashed Dove 🌒
A story about how Aria "Dove" Day became a member of 141. Ghost/Dove fic.
Unnamed Angst to Fluff Smut Oneshot 🌒
A Ghost/Dove fic that involves much angst and pain thanks to Dove's insecurities. Ghost sets her right.
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Unnamed Leverage Idea 🌒
Less a set fic and more a mess of oc backstory and weaving her into the plot.
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annwayne · 1 year
WIP game! Murder in a Bar
(Is it Anya’s???)
Hehehe, yes it is!!
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It’s the next fic I have planned in The Red Logs series. It’ll be very different from Return to the Temple.
After her first mission with Clone Force 99, Anya returns home to questions from her friends, lover, and a murder. Or well, it happens shortly after she gets home.
This fic is supposed to go into some more of Anya’s life on Coruscant and her relationships with the people in her life that don’t know her past. And maybe more, it’s not fully planned out so it could evolve lol.
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