#The Velvet Spa - Continued
thecandywrites · 7 months
Monster March 2024- Day 14- Minotaur
River and Rane
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This time, I wanted a true Minotaur. But I also couldn't resist- yet another Velvet Spa story. It's my guilty pleasure. Anything with horns and antlers and fur and hooves and just...all the things that make humanoid- animal beings GREAT.
As always, huge thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2024 Prompt List, you're the best.
Monster March 2024 Day 14- Minotaur 
The Velvet Spa Continued Again
“Thank you for calling The Velvet Spa, how can I help you?” Allison answered the call. 
“Hi, this is Rane Surmas, I got a call that there was a change to my appointment?” Rane asked. 
“Yes, your horn specialist had to go on maternity leave early. So we have your appointment with another horn specialist if that’s ok.” Allison offered. 
“Oh ok. Is Maddison ok?” He asked after the specialist who had always worked on him before. 
“Yes, she’s fine. She just ended up needing to go into her maternity leave a few days earlier than planned and that means that all of her appointments have to be picked up by our other specialists.” Allison quickly reassured him. 
“Ok, do I have a choice in who else I can get or are we being assigned?” He asked. 
“Well, there are only two who had the room to take on her clients while she was on maternity leave while three more are still being cross-trained from being purely antler specialists. But the ones currently being cross-trained haven’t finished with their training and won’t get tested and certified until next month. If you postpone your appointment for another 5 weeks, you will have five to choose from then. But until then, if you wanted to keep your appointment for tomorrow, there is only Skye and River.” Allison offered. 
“Ugh, those names aren’t really ringing any bells. Which do you think- does the better work?” Rane asked. 
“Honestly, they both do exquisite work from what I’ve seen so far. I haven’t gotten any complaints from any of their clients. They’re both pretty great at everything.” Allison tried to say. 
“But?” Rane asked. 
“That being said, Skye is more holistic in her approach and most of the products she recommends are the vegan and vegetarian products. Skye also leans more towards aesthetics and the over all appearance. While River is more clinical and is more geared towards pure functionality. And she tends to prefer the best products period. But those tend to have higher price tags but better results as well. So it’s really a matter of what your own personal preference would be. I know from Maddison’s previous notes that you’re pretty middle of the road, wanting both strength of your horns as well as aesthetics and honestly, both of them would be just fine and either or both of them would be able to care for you just as well as Maddison usually would do if she were here.” Allison explained. 
“Get me River then.” Rane decided. 
“Will do. River will be with you at 8am tomorrow morning.” She offered. 
“Great.” Rane nodded with a heavy sigh before he hung up and called Maddison himself. 
“Hi Rane,” Maddison answered. 
“Hey, you ok Maddie?” Rane asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll be ok. I’m sorry, I had to call off today and then the rest of the week. I just… I couldn’t do it. My legs and feet have pitted edema and the doctors put me on bedrest.” Maddison sighed tiredly. 
“Ok, do you need anything?” Rane asked. 
“No, Lucas and the boys and even the girls are all taking great care of me, Lucas is even rubbing my feet and legs, as we speak to try to get the swelling down.” Maddison reassured him. 
“Ok, well, if you do ever need anything, just let me know ok?” Rane urged. 
“Could you be nice to whoever is picking your appointment up from me?” Maddison urged since Rane was very, very particular about his horns and had gone through every horn specialist at the spa before choosing Maddison who was, in his opinion the best, since she had amazing horns herself and all her kids had great horns as well. 
“Yeah, speaking of, who am I better off getting? River or Skye?” He asked.
“Honestly, both of them are great. You might like River more- because she’s very- all business and more of a ‘it’s only gonna hurt for a minute, suck it up, take it like a man’ kind of person. Which, is totally your style. Skye is much more sensitive. But when I say - sensitive- I mean, you look at her wrong or you speak to her in the wrong tone and she’s upset and she’s very, very sensitive to your mood, to your facial expression, to your energy, to your aura- kind of thing. She would want to do calming breathing exercises first thing and she is not one that likes to be rushed and you can not get impatient with her. Whereas River’s background is actually in nursing, because she’s a triage nurse when she’s not a specialist. So she’s all about the fast pace and getting it done and being as effective and efficient as she can be because she’s in and out. And she’s of the school that the sooner she does this and does it right, the less any of it would hurt overall. And her biggest thing has been learning to slow down and not rush her clients and developing her softer touch, whereas Skye is nothing but that soft gentle touch and is learning to develop her firmer touch with clients because her Professional Voice is still really soft. Whereas River is rather blunt in her honesty, she’s also very authoritative but also, she knows her stuff and so much more. River is one license away from being just as broad as Bianca is. But that also means that she has the bigger clientele and her schedule is a lot busier and is only taking my clients on as a favor to me and Bianca. So she’s usually just running ragged but on time. Whereas Skye is always running late period because she wants to treat every client like they are her favorite and only client in the world. So while some of her clients absolutely love her for that, those of us who have other things in our day, don’t. So they’ve actually been put in side by side rooms to try to rub off on each other.” Maddison expounded. 
“Then I’m really happy I got River then. I don’t need another girl looking at me and instantly burst into tears because she thinks I’m mad at her for no gods damn reason.” Rane offered. 
“Ooophf, again?” Maddison winced as she sucked in her breath through her gritted teeth. 
“Yeah, every woman I work with just assumes I’m just pissed off, like, all the time. And the last thing I need is for my horn specialist to assume the same and risk her fucking up my one characteristic that does’t involve my resting bastard face.” Rane offered. 
“Well, River would be able to sympathize because she has resting bitch face so you two are practically made for each other.” Maddison urged with a light laugh. 
“I hope so. Well you just focus on getting those feet elevated. Say hi to Duncan and the kids for me. And tell little Penelope to quit kicking you hard.” He urged. 
“You tell her yourself.” Maddison urged before she put the phone to her pregnant belly. 
“Hey Stinker, you quit kicking your Mommy and hurting her back. Her feet are already swollen enough from you. You don’t need to add to it or Uncle Rane is gonna have words with you Young Lady.” Rane urged. 
“And she’s not listening.” Duncan said as he watched Pen kick at the phone before he grabbed the phone and put it between his ear and shoulder. 
“Yeah, that just pissed her off.” Duncan laughed into the phone as he lifted his wife’s leg to rest over his shoulder as he slid his hands up her leg and thigh. 
“I’d love to say she gets that from you, but we both know where she would get that.” Rane chuckled. 
“Hey!” Maddison frowned as she overheard that. 
“Well would you look at the time, gotta go into a meeting.” Rane laughed. 
“Take good care of your girls Duncan, I’ll catch ya later.” Rane urged before he hung up and continued on with his day. 
The next morning, he was at the Salon at 7:30am. 
“Good morning Mr. Surmas.” Gretchen greeted, rather sleepily. 
“Good morning.” He replied as his ears flicked to the back door at the end of the hallway where the specialists were filling in for the day as he overheard the girls in the back sleepily chit chat as they came in and got ready for work before someone came in and- by the sounds of it- had a key chain the size of a bullwhip. 
“Girl! Did you come here straight from the hospital?” The others asked as she seemed to be carrying several things as he heard several large, heavy things slump onto the floor. 
“No, I slept.” He heard a groggy voice defend. 
“For like a whole 15 minutes?” Another asked. 
“It doesn’t matter, I’m here, I’m on time, just let me change and chug this, and I’ll be good to go.” She said as she seemed to be struggling with something as he could faintly hear fabric against a body as he wondered if it was River changing out of her scrubs from the hospital to the scrubs at work as he simply took a step to look down the hallway. 
“Woo! Getting a show this morning.” Bianca laughed when she came in which got the other girls to laugh. 
“Here, let me help.” Bianca offered as she put her stuff down and helped her friend get redressed. 
“I always snag.” He heard a tired voice say as her voice got muffled by another piece of fabric. 
“Rane, you can sit down. River will be right with you.” Gretchen urged. 
“Right, yeah.” He nodded with a blush as he slowly turned away but kept his ears towards the hallway to listen to the girls laugh and giggle while they got ready as he chose a seat as close to the view of the hallway as he could manage as he just leaned over and kept his eyes trained on the end of the hall where the back room was. 
“There you go, let’s get this wild tangle under control.” Bianca offered once she brushed out River’s hair and put it up into a pretty messy bun for her. 
“Thanks Mom.” River cooed happily as she sat down and slipped her feet back into her shoes. 
“You’re welcome Hun.” Bianca giggled. 
“There, and it’s about time to get our first clients, Actually your first client should already be here.” Bianca murmured. 
“Another perfectionist that will take one look at my broken horns and think I couldn’t possibly know what it’s like to take care of pretty ones?” River grumped. 
“Well, yes, but Rane is otherwise a great client, he’s a professional. He’ll care more about his horns than your own.” Bianca reassured her. 
“If you say so.” River offered before she opened up an energy drink and started chugging it. 
“Girl, I swear, you’re gonna collapse on me if you keep this up.” Bianca murmured worriedly. 
“It’s just the busy season. And it’s only for another month until the other girls get certified, I could use the extra income to get those damn credit cards paid off so my credit score will increase so I can get a place of my own. I can’t do this- sharing a bedroom with a roommate and sharing the apartment with 7 others. I can never get my laundry done because the washers and dryers are always full with everyone else’s laundry and my mugs are always being borrowed by everyone else. I gotta get out of there. But I need a down payment first.” River groaned as she let her eyes stayed closed as she continued to chug her energy drink before she drank the last of it and crushed the can in her hand. 
“Alright, lets do this.” River took a deep breath and got up and picked her stuff up before she carried and dragged it to her room to set up her room real quick before she came out and came up to the front desk, feeling someone watch her, but was too tired to care. She tried to shake her sleepiness from her head and got the file that was in the cubby for her room number as she took a moment to quickly glance over it before looking at the name. 
“Good morning. You must be River. Maddie had quite the song when she sang your praises.” He greeted charmingly as he offered her his hand. 
Rane on the other side, while he could see how tired she was, she was also- too damn cute. Like, naturally, gorgeous. Didn’t need any kind of makeup to cover up that natural beauty she practically glowed. He was in trouble. Bianca sure did know how to pick ‘em. This girl was just as beautiful, if not more so than any other woman in here. She was of good height, but also the girl was large and incharge and so his type. She had that- mess with me, and I’ll fuck your shit up’ vibe that he was digging. And she carried her weight like she knew exactly how to throw it around. Hot damn. He could see those powerful thighs rub together through her scrubs and those big breasts that jiggled with her gait- looked big enough to nurse an orphanage. And that belly? Oh, he wanted to see just how big those waves would be if he were to pound into her and figured he could watch those waves ripple all over. Oh he was down. And best of all? No wedding ring. Meant she just might be single. Hopefully she’d be into taking him by the horns.
“Rane Surmas?” She called out before she looked up to see him already looking at her with as friendly and charming of a smile as he could manage as he gracefully got up from the seat and came up to her as she blinked in surprise to see him tower over her. 
“Lucky number 13?” He offered. 
“Yeah huh. Hi.” River offered as she seemed to take a moment to register that he was her client as she offered her hand to shake as she shook it while looking him up and down as she seemed to try to wake up in a hurry.
“Well if you’ll just follow me to room 13.” She offered as she withdrew her hand and then walked him back. 
“It’s just the room number Sir. But, with as superstitious as most people are, I’ve had clients outright refuse to come into the room.” She offered as she got the door open and gestured for him to come in before he came in and took of his suit jacket and hung it on the hook as River could only stare at his shoulders and back as her jaw dropped to see the bulging muscle and the broad shoulders and then that pinch of his waist and that ass, good lord. Fuck. neither Bianca or Maddie told her that Rane was fucking gorgeous as she tried to shake off her nerves as she really didn’t want to fuck up this guy’s already perfect aesthetic. Even as badly as she wanted to mount him in that chair. She needed to be a professional. Maddison would kill her if she dared to screw up a perfectly good client just because she was all kinds of horny just looking at the epitome of sexy and the epitome of ‘blow your back out’. Shit, if he was as hung as the bull he appeared to be, she’d be good to even walk after. And she still had a full day ahead of her. 
“Ok, I’m looking at your file, and other than maintenance, is there anything in particular you need or are wanting?” River asked as she flipped through the SOAP notes from Maddison.
“Just maintenance.” He answered. 
“Cool. Well you know the drill, sit down, lay back and let me keep up the great work Maddison laid the groundwork for. I’m pretty sure if I managed to fuck your horns up, she’d came and beat my ass with a chancla with Pen half birthed.” River offered which got Rane to bark a loud laugh as he laid back in the chair. 
“Oh, you and I are gonna get along great.” He beamed. 
“Yeah, my brand of brutal honesty doesn’t leave room for pussy footing around.” River giggled as she slipped some gloves on and then got her tools out and her supplies for his horns on her trays before she scooted over to work on his horns, washing them and scrubbing them so she could appraise them in their natural state. 
“Huh.” She hummed as she used a brush to really scrub them against the grain. 
“Have you been using filler?” She asked as she scrubbed the now gooey filler out of the grooves on his horns. 
“Guilty as charged.” He freely admitted. 
“Has Maddison talked with you about poly resin to fill it in?” River asked. 
“She told me that the resin would cause more damage than it’s worth.” Rane answered. 
“My man! Yes! Yes it does. Like veneers on teeth. It would absolutely wreck the soundness of your horns to dig and drill these grooves out and drill down to dig a foothold into them to anchor the resin- then they’re worth. These are so superficial you can’t see or notice them unless you are this close to them, and practically riding them. And honestly what you’re doing, is keeping the grooves from getting any bigger or wider and keeping the grooves from getting any deeper either.” She offered as she offered her fist for him to bump before he chuckled and fist bumped her, as his ears perked up to her comment about riding them. So at least, from that cue, she might be into it. 
“Plus, once you start filling in with resin, you’ll be chasing the edge until your whole horn is nothing but resin. There’s a girl in here who actually ground her horns down to the base and has multiple sets of horn enhancements. Like a set of wigs for hair. Problem is- is that now the bases are so pissed off from all her tinkering that it’s really painful for her and she needs to give those poor bases a rest, but now, she can’t stop wearing them and feels naked without them. But she continues to wear them because she’s one of those- ‘never leaves the house without a full face of makeup and all dolled up and put together’ types. Because her mother was that kind of woman who would get dolled up just to get her mail from the mailbox and wouldn’t leave her bedroom without a full face of makeup.” River noted. 
“But not you?” He asked as he really took notice that she was bare faced and was sporting- actually really cute glasses too that brought out the brown of her eyes gorgeously. 
“Which would be what?” He asked curiously. 
“Nope. I don’t got time for that shit. I’m either working or eating or sleeping. My coin is way too precious to pour into makeup that’s just gonna go bad before I would have the chance to use it more than twice.” She snorted with a shake of her head.
“I mean, I used to- in like highschool and stuff but now that I don’t have my parents paying for everything for me and I’m on my own? Not worth it. I’d rather save it for something I really want and need and not spend it on an aesthetic that no one gives a shit to notice or care about.” She offered. 
“A place of my own and sweet independence. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers and currently- all of my brothers are still with my parents, two of my 4 sisters are getting divorced and have moved back in with my parents too. And I am still in my college dorm, and still have a roommate in my bedroom and still share the 4 bedroom duplex apartment with 7 other people. I would kill for just a one bedroom place with a washer and dryer that I can just wash and dry a single fucking load of laundry in that I don’t have to lose an hour and a half at a laundry mat to do because the washers and dryers at the apartments are always, constantly full and constantly being used.” She complained as she scrubbed the other horn and made sure she scrubbed all the filler out so she could get the horns a thorough cleaning. 
“Well Maddison told me that you work two jobs?” He asked. 
“I do. I’m a Registered Nurse in the ER and I do Triage and ride in the helicopter, stabilizing patients if we ever have to fly them out to other hospitals, and I’m cross training into Labor and Delivery because- helping Bianca and Maddison with their pregnancies, hell half the staff is either pregnant or just gave birth or something in between.” She answered. 
“Something about pitted…her feet are swollen.” He recalled. 
“And you work here on top of all of that?” He asked, impressed that she would take on all that.
“Yup. This place lets me have the flexibility in my schedule to roll with my nursing rotating schedule. Granted going from the hospital at night to come in here in the morning and early afternoon is less than great and working 18 hours straight sucks but the paychecks are more than worth it. And I get off, just about when my body demands sleep. So I’m able to get out of here and get take out, eat it on the way home, get home and crash and sleep too heavy for my roommates and their social lives to interrupt. Plus, did Maddie tell you why she had to cancel?” River asked. 
“Yup. It’s called pitted edema, it’s a pretty serious thing for pregnant women, I noticed it the day before yesterday and the LMT and I sort of ganged up on her and told that she needed to either get out of here and get home and get those feet up or I threatened to take her to the hospital and check her into Labor and Delivery myself because her health and her baby mean more than her clients getting their favorite specialist to work on them. I don’t think anyone would forgive themselves or each other if they were the reason she pushed herself past her limit trying to see everyone- one last time before she would take the time off.”
“Amen, and you’re absolutely right. We wouldn’t I know I wouldn’t and I’d want to gore anyone who did threaten little Pen.” He offered. 
“Awww. That’s where I know you from. I’ve seen your picture at her house. I couldn’t make it to her wedding, I had a full cardiac arrest come in 20 minutes before my shift was supposed to end and I was supposed to walk out the door and head there, but instead I stayed and did compressions to try to keep him alive so he didn’t go brain dead. Poor geezer took one too many viagra and ended up stroking out. And after, I just didn’t have the heart to go and crash a wedding in my blood covered scrubs. I just wanted food and sleep.” River recalled. 
“Sounds like you’re pretty close with her.” River offered.
“Yeah, her late husband was one of my best friends. I was a groomsman in her wedding. I helped her move into her house when she moved to the country. And I was in her second wedding to Duncan. I was one of her groomsman then too.” He offered. 
“But, with Maddie having pitted edema, I told her that I would pick up her shifts and her clients and practically double book myself for the next month until the three others got licensed. It’s only a month. I can handle it. Plus the LMT promised that she’d give me a full body massage once a week until then to help my body manage my workload. And Bianca of course, was in agreement that Maddie needed to get out and take care of herself and her baby first. And that all of us would pitch in to help. But, for the last 2 days, I’ve had most of her clients take one look at my horns and assume I don’t know my shit or I do shit work period. And outright refuse to let me anywhere near them and instead, push their scheduled appointment back until the three are available. Whatever, less work for me. I stopped giving a shit about people assume about me based on a just a look. And instead, just let my work speak for itself. You know?” She offered. 
“Yes I do. So, if you don’t mind me asking, what did happen to your horns?” He asked as he studied them. 
“Oh, I had to use them to restrain a combative patient who was as high as a kite on ketamine and who knows what else, and he broke them as he tried to pick me up by my horns and throw me against a wall. And instead, my horns broke in his hands and the minute my head was free, I ducked my head under his- used the broken horn to move his head to the side as he picked my body up to body slam me into the wall and I was able to shove a whole syringe full of demerol into his neck once the narcan had taken what it could out of his system. He may or may not have knocked himself out when his face colidled with the wall when he hit it head first and then may or may not have hit my knee on the way to the floor though.” River shrugged. 
“That is the most epic, badass-motherfucking- thing I’ve heard all year.” Rane praised as he lifted a fist to fist bump her again, impressed that she had such an epic story to tell as she laughed and fist bumped him. 
“Skye offered to resin them back on and back into place. But I actually like them this way. It lets others know to not fuck with me in the ER. Gives me street cred.” She giggled as she then put a glob of polish on her polish head of her polish tool and turned it on and started to polish his horns. Using the larger, but broader head to polish his massive horns. And managed to do so- in less than half the time that Maddison usually took as she even paid special attention to the bases, instead of the tips  before she used some more filler on those fine lines and used a smaller buffer to fill them in before giving them one more coat of shine to make his horns look absolutely fabulous. 
“There, sit up and tell me what you think.” She invited before he did and looked up in the mirror and used the panels to look around his head. 
“Well hot damn, you do amazing work!” He praised happily. 
“Thanks, I try. Plus, you gave me a ton of naturally good horn to work with. You’ve done all the work in maintenance. It’s obvious that you care about them and keep them practically pristine. Just keep taking care of them and they’ll take care of you.” River smiled as she cleaned up her tools. 
“Want to take home the extra filler and polish?” She asked as she held up the still only partially full containers of them since she had opened the biggest containers she had of those things since he had huge horns to use them on instead of opening and using up several of the smaller containers. 
“Really?” He asked happily. 
“Yeah, let me just get you lids for these. Otherwise I’d just have to throw them away and I hate to be wasteful. Plus, you know how to use this stuff. You will actually use it.” She offered as she got the lids put back on and wiped the containers clean so he wouldn’t get this stuff on his hands or anything else before she grabbed a little gift bag she usually used to gift samples to and put them in. 
“Well, obviously, you know what you like and what works for you, if you need more, they have it up at the front counter, otherwise, you should be good for another 6 months.” She offered pleasantly as she got her gloves off and then started to mark up the worksheet of what she had done. 
“Ooh, and because you were early, that means I get to be early for my next one too.” She smiled when she saw the time on the wall when he blinked to see that she had done an hour’s worth of work in only half an hour. And because he was early, it was now- only 8:30. 
“Tell you what, in a month when those other girls get licensed, and you’re able to take a breath, call me. I’d like to take you out some time.” He offered as he took out a business card and put his personal number on the back of it as she took it and looked at the number on the back of it, ignoring the front completely. 
“So, here’s the deal. Technically- we can not date active clients. Which is ok because you’re still Maddison’s client that I just happened to fill in for today. So we’re good there. However, there is a really firm- no sex at work and respecting the professional sanctity of the chair which I absolutely must uphold because if this ended up being more than just a one time thing, the last thing I would ever want my partner to worry about is who else I would be riding in that chair-which has been no one and will continue to be no-one. Because I’m a stickler about that. I’m a professional, you’re a professional and we both should respect the other’s profession- Because, again, otherwise, I’d be having you sit back down so I could ride the bucking bronco that I’m sure you are, but that’s only because I’m really tired and my filter isn’t working which makes me even more honest and transparent than usual. However, this is not the time or the place for that. However, later today- will be. How late are you working today?” River asked. 
“Deal.” He readily agreed before he dipped his head and kissed her as she practically melted and then deepened the kiss. 
“However early or late that you’d need me to.” He offered.
“Great, well I get off at 4. Pick me up, either have food ready or be ready and willing to feed me an obscene amount of carbs, starches, fats and animal proteins and we will see where it goes from there. Deal?” She asked. 
And she didn’t know how, but suddenly his big hands were roaming her body and then suddenly he was picking her up and pinning her to the wall, next to the shut door. 
“Fuck, you are really tempting me beyond what I can bear.” River whispered. 
“Turn around and find out.” He murmured in her ear before he nipped her earlobe. 
“Well, it’s not the chair. But you did get me done early. Don’t you have the rest of the hour?” He asked.
“Could you fuck me quietly enough to not get caught?” She breathed. 
“Fuck, we could get in so much trouble, you better make it worth it.” River offered as she turned around and dropped her bottoms before he did the same and then used his hand to cover her mouth to keep her from making any noise as she could only breathe heavily through her nose and whimper when his huge cock began to rise between her legs before he pulled a condom from his wallet and ripped it open with his teeth and then put it on behind her but looking down she rather liked the bright blue color. 
He was hung like the stud he was. He reached around and slipped his hands into her mound and opened her up as she nearly cried in a whimper because she had forgotten how long it had been since the last time she got laid. 
But Granted, she didn’t want to get fired, but considering every single person who worked here, if they started working here single, they usually ended up falling for the clientele at some point. Bianca was the prime example of that. It wasn’t just the rut, it was- All. Year. Long. 
He managed to find purchase and she was just the right height for him to mount her comfortably like this. But between his hands- either groping her large bosom, or raking up her thighs and caressing her belly in between both holding her closely to his chest and pinning her between himself and the wall, she was just grateful that there wasn’t anything on the wall that could be knocked off of the wall because the mirrors were practically bolted to the walls. 
And his snarling, and heavy breathing in her ear and nips to her neck and shoulder as she braced her hands against the wall was heaven. And, right in the nick of time, she was clawing at the wall and scraping her own horns against it too as her body writhed as she felt her body happily embrace the orgasm as he nearly popped the condom, filling it up as he had to reach down and clamp his hand around the base to keep it on and so her pussy wouldn’t threaten to suck it off of him. Like he thought he filled out a condom pretty well and got ones that fit. But her pussy was about ready to suck it off all by itself. 
And granted, he was usually not this kind of guy, but he rarely got to meet women who weren’t intimidated by him. So he took his shot and frankly was floored that she took it, and not only took it but accelerated it too. And he couldn’t be happier about it as he slowly got his hand from her mouth to let her catch her breath. 
“Hot damn, I’ll be lucky to walk out of here, my legs are practically jelly.” She grinned as she let her hot cheek rest against the wall before he slowly pulled himself from her but didn’t pull away just yet. 
“Nope, never.” He shook his head no and kissed it. 
“Thank you for this.” He thanked her as he hugged her.
“Thank you. I don’t…shit…I’m not usually this kind of girl. But, I just couldn’t resist you. Now, I just gotta trust that this or you won’t burn me.” She offered as she fixed him with a look but a pleasured grin all the same over her shoulder as she slowly turned around to face him. 
“Why’d you…want me? You could have any girl you want, why me?” She asked once she turned around to face him. 
“Because you’re awesome and a badass. And I don’t instantly like a lot of people. In fact, very few even like me or are attracted to me. I exhale through my nose too hard at work and nearly half the office shits themselves, thinking I’m gonna go on a rampage or something, even though, I’ve never done that. Plus, I work with mostly wafer thin chicks that I’m pretty sure I’d snap like twigs. You on the other hand, are big enough and strong enough to not break if I want to use just a little more force than a feather light touch.” He offered as he kissed her again before he had to pull back and take the condom off and clean himself up as she helped him get put back together after she slipped her own pants and underwear back up from the floor. 
“Big enough to put up a good fight huh?” River asked. 
“Well not knock out brawls…” He offered. 
“No, but enough to do this.” She offered as she grabbed him by the horns to kiss her again. 
“Exactly! And frankly, if anyone was going to get up close and personal with these things, I’d want them in the hands of a good professional who knows what to do with them.” He winked as he tipped her broken horn with his own with a wink as she started laughing before she just hugged him as they got to stay like that for a few long moments before they heard the telltale signs of the other specialists opening their doors and leaving with their clients. 
“Time’s up. You still gonna pick me up after work and feed me?” River asked. 
“Hell yeah!” He boomed before he gave her one last kiss. 
“See you after work Babe.” He offered before he kissed her cheek and then left the room together. 
“See ya handsome. Can’t wait for you to bring that rain to my river again later.” She offered with a wink as she handed his file over and then exchanged it for her next client. 
“Mrs. Cassidy?” River called before an elderly pronghorn minotaur came up. 
“Right this way Mrs. Cassidy.” River beamed happily as she brought her next client back while still giving Rane another wink over her shoulder.
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lostfirefly · 5 months
Now hush little baby, don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright
The idea for the fic came to me completely by accident. A friend who has a child talked about how she spends time with him. And I have no idea how to communicate with children. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and F/Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: You and Buggy have a little daughter. The ship is moored and you go to rest, leaving Buggy with the child.
Warnings: Fun (I have no experience with kids, sorry if there are discrepancies), Buggy is practically hysterical.
Words: 1815
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “Mockingbird” by Eminem.
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“Y/N, it’s screaming again!” Buggy growled into his pillow. 
“That's not it, Buggy, it's your daughter.” You muttered into his chest.
“This is your baby, velvet cake.” He buried his face in your hair.
“It’s as much mine as it is yours, Buggy.” You stroked his arm. “We made her together. Remember that night? At the end of sex you yelled that you would become king of the pirates.” 
“It was good!” He reluctantly got out of bed and walked towards the crib that was located not far from your shared bed. 
Inside the crib lay a little girl with Y/E/C and blue hair. Every time Buggy looked at his daughter, he was glad inside himself that she had not inherited his nose. 
“What should I do with her?” He asked loudly. 
“First of all, don't scream. Second of all, rock her first.”
“I'm not very good with children. Can I wait until she turns 18 and then start raising her?” Buggy looked at you as you stretched in bed. “How did I even end up with children?” He scratched his head and took the child into his arms. “So, what is next?” 
“Just rock her. Like this.” You took the pillow in your hands and showed how it should be done. 
“OK.” Buggy swung his daughter one way, then the other, then swung her one way again and the other again. "Seems to work, velvet cake! She cries less.” 
“You see, you're doing great, my love.” You got out of bed, put on your slippers and, shuffling along the floor, approached them both. "You'll learn everything in time, Buggy. Hello, my Lily Gold." You waved to your daughter. 
“It’s easy for you to say - you’ll learn.” Buggy chuckled and rolled his eyes dramatically. “You’re a woman, you know how to do it. It’s in your nature.” 
“Hell, no!” You shook your head. “It just somehow happened that I had to take one under my wing to raise one.” You pecked him on the cheek. “Big.” Smack on his lips. “Capricious.” Smack on his nose. “Child. So, I’ll go wash up and make us breakfast. I also need to go to the store on the island and buy something.” 
“What? Did something happen?” Buggy became noticeably nervous. “Are you feeling unwell? Is there something wrong with the baby?”   
“No, no!” You softened your voice, trying to calm him down. “Don't get me wrong, I love you both, but I want to get some rest. I have a spa appoitnment.” 
While you were making breakfast, Buggy sat next to you, holding your daughter in his arms. He was loudly clattering plates and mugs and yelling at anyone who came into the kitchen and spoke loudly (so it seemed to him, even though everyone was whispering). Buggy and your daughter at breakfast certainly made you smile, but at the same time it was a disaster. They were both constantly dropping things, getting messy in their food, and they both started whining if something didn't go their way. You would just roll your eyes, convincing yourself that he was the love of your life, the love you sometimes wanted to strangle. You got up from your chair, wiped their faces, and continued drinking your morning coffee.
You went to your room, Buggy and Lily followed you. He constantly asked how soon you would return, what he should do and how to get along with children in general. 
“Learn, daddy! You are the culprit of this creature.” You adjusted his bandana and looked into his scared eyes. “For the record, I have no regrets. I love our family. You and our daughter. But since this will be a copy of you, I need to gain strength. That's it, I'm off. Bye, my love. Bye, Lily! I'll be back in three hours.”
“THREE HOURS???” Buggy's eyes widened, but he looked at your slightly tired face, exhaled and kissed your forehead. “Fine.”
“Bye, my captain. I love you!" You pecked him on the lips and left. 
Buggy sat down on the bed, holding Lily in his arms. Fortunately, she was no longer a newborn baby, because that period was a nightmare for you. The baby was screaming all the time, Buggy was screaming all the time. 
“So. What should I do with you?” Buggy took his daughter and turned her over in his hands. She laughed happily and tried to grab his nose. “No, Lily! Not the nose! We don't touch daddy's nose.” He muttered and looked around. “Oh! You're a child. You must love toys, right?”
Buggy grabbed Lily in his arms, walked with her to the toys and put her on the floor. “Who do you want to play, me sweet candy? Pony? Lamb? Pig?" He sorted through the toys and showed them one by one. 
The girl looked at her father with batted eyes and grabbed his nose again. 
“Fuck! Lily Gold! You can't touch daddy's nose!” Buggy leaned back a little. 
“Honk!” Lily said and pointed to her nose. “Dad. Nose. Honk.” 
Buggy looked at his daughter doomedly. “Do you want dad to make a honk with his nose? Maybe you’ll choose the lamb?” 
She shook her head, made a face and crossed her arms.
He rolled his eyes, growled and said a dissatisfied “okay”, squeezing his nose so that it made a sound. “You like your mother, love to do this with me. Well, Lily. What else do you want to do?”
Buggy tilted his head and looked at his daughter. “Thank God you don't have my nose." He took her in his arms and said in a whisper. “But daddy will always protect you. You and your mom. I never let someone hurt you, my biggest treasure." Buggy kissed his daughter on the top of the head. 
Lily got off his feet, took the ball and handed it to him.
“Lily Gold, daddy doesn't know how to make balloon dogs.” Buggy shrugged.  
She immediately made a face again and began to scream, and cry. 
Buggy rolled his eyes and hissed through his teeth . “Mother fuc~. Okay, I'll do it, just stop yelling!" He took the balloon, somehow inflated it and made something that vaguely resembled a dog. He gave it into his daughter's hands, and the balloon immediately burst. And Lily yelled even louder. 
“Fu-u-ck! What does your mother do at such moments?” Buggy grabbed his head. 
At that moment, one of the freaks knocked on the cabin. “Captain?!”
“WHAT?!” Buggy barked and went to the door.
“We are almost replenished, and we know where the Straw Hat's are going.” The freak gave him papers.
“I don't give a fuck about the Straw Hat right now.” He threw the papers back in the man's face. “I'm sitting with the daughter while Y/N is away.” 
“Excuse me, Captian, you're not sitting with your daughter.” The freak shook his head. 
“What? What are you talking about! Here s~.” Buggy pointed his finger at the place where he was sitting a couple of minutes ago. 
“Where? Where's she? Where's the baby?” He grabbed the freak by the clothes and started shaking him. “Where is my daughter?” 
“I don't know, Capta-a-in!!” The freak's head was bobbing like a bobblehead. 
“Oh, fuck!! Oh, fuck!! Y/N will kill me. She will kill me!” Buggy grabbed his head and began to rush around the room. “Get out of the way!” He threw the freak aside and ran out of the cabin. 
Buggy practically ran around the ship, calling his daughter's name in a whisper. He was afraid that you might appear earlier. He turned the corner and saw blue hair flash. 
“Gotcha!” Buggy hugged Lily tighter and picked her up. “How did you manage to escape? For year and a half, you are a very fast girl! Don't scare dad like that again, okay?”
“Richie! Richie!” Lily grabbed Buggy by the hair and began to pull.
“Ouch! No-o-o! We're not going to Richie, Lily! He's probably sleeping.” Buggy carried the girl back to the cabin and sat her on the bed. “I don’t know what to do with you. Do you want to draw? Let’s draw!” He took out pencils and sheets of paper and gave them to her. 
“Richie!” Lily threw everything on the floor. 
“OK.” He scratched his head and looked around, “Do you want to play balll? Let's play ball!” He gave Lily a small yellow ball. “See? Are you happy? Please, my sweet candy, show daddy your happy face!”
“Richie!!” Lily threw the ball in Buggy's face. 
“Damn!” He rubbed his forehead. “What should I do with you?!” Buggy grabbed his head and was ready to scream. “I know! Let daddy show you some chop chop tricks!” He separated his hand and gave it into his daughter's hands. “You see how dad can do it? Cool? Please, say it’s cool!!” Buggy was on the verge of hysterics. 
“RICHIE!!!” Lily stomped her foot and threw her hand at Buggy's face. 
“Fuck!” He attached his hand back. “Okay. Do you want to see Richie? Let's go to see Richie. Maybe he'll finally eat daddy.” Buggy muttered under his breath, took Lily in his arms and walked down the ship. 
They entered the room where the lion was sitting, and Buggy put the girl on the floor. Lily looked at him and smiled. 
“What? Why are you smiling? Finally satisfied, little s~?” He crossed his arms.
“Richie-e-e!” Lily happily ran towards the lion and began to try to climb onto him. 
Buggy smiled and approached his daughter. He helped her climb up the lion and watched carefully to make sure she didn't fall. “That’s my girl! I'm so pr~” 
“What are you doing here?” Buggy heard your voice behind him. “I came to the cabin, and your freaks told me that you were with Richie.” You walked up to Buggy and kissed him on the cheek. “How are you?”
“We’re great. It’s easy to sit with kids. I don't understand why you're complaining.”
“Liar.” You hugged him and placed your head on his shoulder.
“Has it been three hours already?” Buggy wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“No. Just an hour. It turns out that I have a spa appointment for tomorrow. So you’ll have to sit with Lily tomorrow. By the way, I bought you a gift. Whiskey!” You pulled the bottle out from behind your back. “I also thought that maybe we could leave Lily to someone from the crew today and spend some time together? What do you think?” You snuggled closer to him and winked. 
“I like this idea. And you know what I was thinking of, my velvet cake?” Buggy looked at you with the corner of his eye, glancing at Lily.
“About what, my beloved Captain?” You asked softly and ran your fingers along his neck.
“Let’s have another child?!”
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yamst3rdamctrl · 29 days
When Sexual Desires Clash YN Story
Chapter 10
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Michael left her house for about 10 minutes, and to YN's surprise, he came back with a bag. Michael stripped naked and laid down in the bed with YN and wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep. When YN woke up, she was in bed naked and alone. She did not know what to expect, but she did not expect to see Michael there due to the way he is. YN got up and put clothes on and walked to her kitchen to cook herself some breakfast. When YN was getting closer, she heard music and smelt food. YN walked into the kitchen, and to her surprise, Michael was standing there with no shirt on and basketball shorts. “Look who finally woke up from having some good dick. I decided to cook since we don’t ever spend some time together.” YN then sat down, and Michael brought her a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese grits, toast, and cut up fruit for breakfast. YN started eating breakfast, and she couldn’t help but fall in love with the food. “This tastes good as hell, sir.” Michael chuckled and said, “Glad you like it. So... I was thinking that it's Friday, Lupita told me you were off this whole weekend, so why don’t we spend the weekend together?” YN could not believe her ears due to what he just said. “You know what? I will take you up on that. I need some more of this fun.” Michael smiled and said, “Good, after we finish eating food, we are going to spend the weekend at my house. So go pack a bag and we out.”
YN and Michael gathered their belongings after cleaning up and headed to Michael house. YN unpacked in his room which was very nice and velvet. She then went and met Michael on the sofa. Michael had the whole weekend planned for her and each evening would end in quick fucks and relaxation. Saturday came and that is when Michael decided to have everything ready. They woke up, ate breakfast and got dressed comfortably. Michael then pulled the car up and YN got in. Michael took her to an amusement park, because YN has only been once. Michael then dropped YN off at the spa to let her relax, therefore he could get everything ready. Michael then sent a car to pick up YN and bring her back to his house. YN walked inside the door and saw the house dimly lit, and when she walked in the living room Michael stood there with wine glasses and said, “Welcome, I cooked us a great 3 course meal and then we can enjoy desert and a movie.” Michael poured YN a drink and pulled her seat out. “Michael this is truly sweet of you.” Michael chuckled and brought out crab, and spinach dip with pita bread which is one of YN’s favorite. He and YN enjoyed the dip and small conversation. Michael then brought out Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread that made YN nose dance. YN then devoured her plate and so did Michael. They both cleaned up and headed to the front room to watch a movie. Michael put on Kinky which YN was not expecting. The sex scenes started to play, and YN started to feel herself getting hot. Michael noticed how YN was feeling and decided to take advantage.
Smut loading….
Michael looked at YN and saw how she was looking good. Michael paused the movie and looked at her. “What” YN said to Michael. Michael moved towards YN and grabbed her face and started to kiss her. Michael continued to kiss YN and put her on his lap. YN would grind on Michael while they were making out. They were making out like two kids in high school. It was such a tease and they both knew it, but she did not care. YN then moved went down on Michael and pulled his dick out of his pants. “Ooo shit.. You about to eat that dick?” Michael said smiling. YN then put her mouth around the tip of his dick and made him grunt. YN then started to suck and lick as much of his dick as she could. Michael had to admit that he was in heaven. He didn’t let her know nor gave her the satisfaction until YN grabbed his balls while sucking his dick. Michael knew how good it was feeling, and he let it out. “Shit… eat that dick up. Show me how much you want this dick. Spit on that shit.” Michael said and then held YN by her hair and started to fuck her throat. YN took every thrust that Michael could give. Michael thrust started coming quicker and sloppy. “I’m bout to nutt.. oh my god.” Soon as Michael, started to push he came right in YN mouth, and she swallowed every inch of cum.
Michael was ready to give YN the best night he could. He picked her up in bridal style and took her to his room. He gently put YN on the bed and started to kiss on YN on her thighs and then started to tongue kiss her pussy. YN was so in shock and started to moan. YN started to grind against Michael’s tongue, and he would suck, lick, and finger her pussy. It made her nutt so hard. Michael then got on top of YN and slid into her with ease. Michael wrapped his hand around her throat and started to fuck her slowly where she would feel each thrust, he delivered. Michael knew he wanted to make love to her and then fuck her up. Michael continued to thrust slowly and hard inside of her. “YN I loved every moment of this weekend with you. Pussy good asf girl.” YN nutt started to build and Michael saw it in her face. Michael then grabbed YN by her legs and put them over her shoulders and pounded her. “Give me that nutt baby.” That was exactly what YN did. Michael pulled YN by her ankles to the edge of the bed to where her pussy was off the side of the bed. He knew the animal was unleashed and that is when he went crazy. Michael fucked YN so hard to the point YN was trying to run. “Ain’t no running... you’re going to take this dick and everything that come with it. Do you hear me?” Michael was thrusting hard, and YN said, “Yes. I hear fuck…” YN came again. Michael laid down and made YN ride him. YN started to ride as hard as she could. She laid on Michael and Michael kept thrusting inside of her. Michael started to moan and say, “YN I’m finna nutt all in this pussy. You better milk my shit.” YN tightened her pussy muscles around his dick and that is when him and YN came at the same time. They both fell tiredly on the bed and went to sleep. YN woke up the next morning and cooked Michael breakfast and they ate. Michael dropped her off at her house and they enjoyed their Sunday resting apart.
Michael was scared to admit that he was starting to really fall for YN. He was scared that the feeling was not going to be mutual. However, Michael didn’t know YN was feeling the same way about him. Michael didn’t know that soon he was going to be tested. Michael is going to have to open up to YN soon because his character is going to be challenged when he sees YN with someone else. Will he act as a man or go crazy?
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beneathstarryskies · 10 months
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Merry Smutmas! 🎄 Header by @actuallysaiyan
Word Count: 717
Summary: Kento decides to take you out of town for the holidays.
Warnings: making out, a little dry humping, this one is more fluffy than smutty
Kento wouldn’t say he hates Christmas. After all, there are certain things about the holiday he really enjoys. Coming home to see you dancing and singing happily to Christmas music, usually wearing nothing but one of his shirts and some fuzzy socks, certainly gave him a feeling of holiday cheer…Or maybe it’s just arousal. He loves snuggling up on the couch and watching movies with you, seeing your delighted face when the holiday themed movies end with a heartwarming ending. 
However, Christmas also brought out crowds of people shopping, filling the stores to spend money on gifts that likely will be forgotten in the following year. The huge crowds and rampant consumerism have a way of bringing out the worst in people. It drives Kento crazy how something as simple as popping into the store becomes such an insane chore that makes the vein on his forehead popout with annoyance. 
That’s why he planned something different for this year. He had decided as a gift to you both, you would go out of town for the whole month of December. He promised to plan the trip of your dreams, and he definitely delivered. He rented a cozy cabin in a cute mountain village, where the two of you spent every day relaxing together. 
On Christmas Eve, Kento sends you off to the local spa for a whole day of pampering and relaxation. While you’re out for the day, he sets up a romantic dinner for you. When you return, you’re practically walking on air from being massaged head to toe then soaked in a hot spring. 
The smell of roasted chicken greets you into the cozy cabin, along with the sound of Kento singing along with one of the Christmas songs you’ve been playing incessantly for the last couple weeks. You smile to yourself as you slip off your shoes and tiptoe into the kitchen. He’s elegant as he carefully plates the food. 
“What’s all of this?” you ask, Kento turns to face you and he blushes. 
“It’s dinner,” he walks over to you and wraps his arms around you. He peppers kisses on your cheek. “Mm, you smell amazing.” 
“I was thinking this food smells amazing,” you giggle and kiss him. 
Kento sets the table elegantly and pours two glasses of wine. Over dinner you flirt and tease one another. You also tell him all about your day at the spa. 
After dinner, he guides you to the bedroom where he has a nightgown and silky robe waiting for you on the bed alongside a pair of matching silk pajamas for himself. You both change clothes before going to sit beside the fire in the living room. The small Christmas tree you’d gotten and decorated illuminates the living room. Kento pulls you into his lap and kisses you sweetly. 
“There’s nobody I’d rather be here with,” he whispers while rubbing his nose against yours. 
“Me neither, Kento,” you kiss him softly at first but then you let your tongue slip into his mouth. 
He moans when your tongues caress in a sensual dance. His hands move down your back to hold onto your hips, pulling you closer. As the two of you continue making out, you push your crotch against his. He gasps against your mouth and lifts his hips to meet yours. Your hands find the buttons of his shirt and begin opening them one at a time. Suddenly you feel his big, warm hands envelop yours. 
“Wait, baby,” he groans. “I gotta give you something first.” 
“Yeah, just…Wait,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box. He’d planned a whole romantic speech but it all slipped from his head the second he felt your warm body against his. 
“Kento, what is this?” 
He hands you the box, “Open it.” 
You flip the lid open to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Your eyes widen and your jaw drops as you take in the sight of it. 
“Will you marry me?” he whispers. 
Tears sting your eyes as you nod eagerly, trying to find the words through the knot in your throat. You lean in to kiss him with every ounce of love and passion you can. 
“Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!”
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menphinaswhitemage · 2 months
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'That Au Ra there...her hair looks so nice long. And she has those colorful eyes I have read about. Hmmm' Maral studies the foreign woman as she accompanies Audrey on an errand. She was fifteen summers now, this was the age all the other children her age seemed to be changing their looks.
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"Ma do you think I should change my hair at a-" Her mouth claps shut as she realized her slip up. Audrey turns to look at her but Maral has already turned around in embarrassment.
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'No I can't believe I actually just said thaaaaaaat!!! How embarrassing I bet the whole shop heard me they all know I'm her student and I just called her-'
Maral's internal anguish continues on as Audrey watches with a mirthful smile. Her interaction with the shopkeeper completed she walks over to Maral smoothing down a few stray hairs. Perhaps it was time for a spa day as Velvet puts it. A new style to go with her new outfit.
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laurajean92 · 1 year
Nick and Noah - Continued
Hi guys, once again I'm so sorry it's been so long between updates, but I'm back with another chapter as Noah celebrates her 18th. Enjoy and happy weekend...
“Happy 18th birthday!” 
I groaned as Mom sat down on the bed next to me and pulled the duvet from over my head... “Mom!” 
“Come on, sleepyhead. We've got presents to do before Will has to leave for work.” 
“We’re not doing the same traditions as we did when it was just the two of us, are we?” 
“Of course we are. Now come on!” 
I groaned again as she grabbed my hands and pulled me out of bed... “Okay, okay, give me 5 minutes and I'll be there.” 
“You better be, or else I'm coming to get you and I'll drag you downstairs if I have to. Chop chop!” 
She got to her feet and made her way out of my bedroom. pushing myself up and out of bed, I walked into my en-suite and splashed my face with water, patting it dry with the towel before making my way out and heading downstairs... 
“Here she is!” 
I felt myself blush as “happy birthday” started playing through the speakers as Mom guided me to my seat at the table where a stack of presents sat... 
“Go on, open them.” 
I shook my head and began to open them. Soon enough, I was sat in front of a new pair of straighteners, ones I'd always wanted, a spa weekend, money, jewellery and chocolate. Picking up the last one, I glanced at the tag and saw it was from Nick, smiling at him warmly as I unwrapped it, being presented with a velvet box. Glancing at him again, I opened it and gasped, covering my mouth with my hand...” Nick!” 
“What is it, honey?” 
I handed the box to Mom... 
“Nick, this is beautiful.” 
“I saw you looking at it in a shop window when we were out with Jenna and Lion. I wanted to surprise you.” 
I smiled at him warmly and rose to my feet and moved over to him, capturing his lips... “Thank you.” 
He reciprocated my smile and brushed some hair out of my face... “You’re welcome, Precious.” 
A little while later, Nick had left the room to get ready for work and Will had left, and it was just Mom and I sat at the kitchen table... 
“I want to apologise.” 
“For what?” 
“The way I’ve been about you and Nick. This morning, when you opened his gift, I saw how he was with you. Is that how he always is?” 
I nodded... “Yeah.” 
She smiled at me warmly... “I’m glad you’ve got someone who treats you well. And I'm so sorry about the Dan debacle too. Had I known he was cheating on you, I never would’ve flown him out here.” 
“I know, Mom.” 
She squeezed my hand... “You’d better go and get ready for school or else you’ll be late.” 
“It should be illegal to go to school on your birthday.” 
She chuckled as I rose to my feet and hugged her... 
I turned from where I stood on my balcony as my bedroom door opened and Noah walked in, closing it behind her... “Hi, birthday girl.” 
“Hi. Thank you again for the brooch. It's beautiful.” 
“You’re welcome. But here...” 
She furrowed her eyebrows as I walked into my bedroom. Moving over to my nightstand, I pulled out a wrapped up box... “Nick, what is this?” 
“Open it and see.” 
Doing as I said, she opened the box, tears filling her eyes as she was met with the diamond necklace I'd bought her...  
“Nick, I can’t...” 
“Yes, you can, Precious. Do you want me to put it on for you?” 
She nodded. Taking the box from her, I set it down and removed the necklace, watching as she moved her hair aside as I draped it around her neck and fastened the clasp, pressing my lips to her neck as she let her hair fall back into place... 
“What do you think?” 
She walked over to the mirror and smoothed her hand over her neck as she looked at the necklace... “It’s perfect.” 
I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pressing my lips to her shoulder and neck...” You’re perfect.” 
“You’re perfect.” 
I sighed and closed my eyes as Nick continued to pepper kisses to my skin... “I need to get to school.” 
“That’s what I said to Mom when she told me to come and get organised. And it should be even more illegal when we could be back in bed together.” 
He groaned... “You’re mean.” 
“Let’s go back to bed.” 
“I can’t.” 
I rose up onto my tiptoes and brushed my lips against his... “You can. Come back to bed, Nick. I can convince Mom to call school and tell them I'm sick and then she’ll be going out for the day. Come on, come back to bed.” 
“You’re bad. So bad.” 
I nodded and captured his lips, digging my nails into the nape of his neck as he lifted me off the floor and carried me to the bed... 
“Wait, before we get too distracted, I need to go and speak to Mom. Give me 5 minutes, okay?” 
I nodded, rolling onto my side of the bed... “5 minutes starts now.” 
She smirked at me and kissed me as she moved off of the bed and made her way out of my bedroom... 
“Noah, why aren’t you ready for school?” 
“Do I really have to go? Come on, Mom, let me stay home today, please!” 
“Sweetheart, it’s your final year. You can’t be missing school just because it’s your birthday.” 
“Please, Mom, please!” 
She sighed... “Fine, I'll call and tell them you won’t be in on my way into the city. I'll see you tonight for your birthday dinner.” 
Nodding in agreement, she rose to her feet and drained her cup of coffee before kissing my cheek as she made her way out of the kitchen. Squealing as quietly as I could, I waited until she’d closed the front door behind her and headed back upstairs and into Nick’s room... 
“Are we alone?” 
I nodded as I closed the door behind me and moved back over to him, placing my hands either side of him as I captured his lips...” Yep, just me and you with the house to ourselves all day. Whatever are we going to do?” 
He smirked... “I’ve got a few ideas. Want me to tell you?” 
I nodded... “Yes please.” 
He chuckled and captured my lips again, swallowing my squeal of surprise as he wrapped an arm around me and lifted me onto the bed, rolling me beneath him in one smooth movement... 
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lunarcovehq · 3 months
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Aspen Bishop is a werewolf that currently resides in Sunny Harbor and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 4 months, where they've been healing the town.
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Demi-woman, They/She
DATE OF BIRTH: November 16, 1992
OCCUPATION: Owner/Head esthetician at Heavenly Healing Spa
FACECLAIM: Olivia Cooke
SPECIES: Werewolf
Trigger Warning: Death, Mentions of Gambling
The Bishop family, with generations of wealth, seemed destined to keep this greatness going. Born as the eldest daughter, Aspen was part of that destiny. A result, a positive "outcome" to the family's efforts, love distributed to her through material things and being handed money any time she asked for it. Spoilt on a velvet cushion, with little left for wanting — except affection and acknowledgement. She has been bitter and sarcastic for longer than she can remember. When her sisters came along, instead of bonding solidly with them, their presences became another source of competition. No matter what Aspen did, nor what choices she made, it always seemed to be second-best, despite being firstborn. Causing arguments and tiffs with her mother, craving attention from her father, only for one to be on another work trip and the other remarking the equivalent of That's nice, dear. Her modelling attempts were given no attention; stories she attempted to write were passed over. She wandered in and out of jobs, would storm off set during modelling gigs and was labelled as "too difficult to work with." And this continued to build, and build, and here, destiny came in another form: everything imploding on itself.
Having always been the type to not pay attention to something bad unless it happened to her, losing her sister in a terrible death was not on Aspen's bingo card. It was one thing to shout I wish I'd never see you again! before slamming a door; it was another thing to be faced with the reality that she'd never see her again. When this happened, Aspen was once more in-between jobs, having taken up a regular seat at the casino in their hometown, trying to win back the money she had lost and losing more. Bordering destitute, no longer on any kind of speaking terms with their parents, and coming up empty when she tried to contact either of her sisters — one dead, the other vanished — Aspen swallowed her bitterness down and kept on. What was she supposed to do? Crumble? She felt guilty, sure, for all of the times she wished to be left alone, have something special just for her, and sometimes wanting to have been an only child, but she never wanted this to happen. Anything but this.
Becoming interested in being an esthetician came from using some of her last funds to treat herself. A relaxing spa, getting rid of the daily gambling grind, washing off the grief, not having to think. She had a weak moment, she thinks to herself: wanting to suddenly take care of others in a way she never felt cared for. Eldest daughter syndrome, the struggle of not wanting anything to do with being a Bishop and yet having no idea what else to be, ran rampant within her. But this spa day changed the trajectory of her life in more ways than one. It was in the middle of getting her license that she came home too late one night. It always happens that way, doesn't it? The sun was still over the horizon, too, making what happened to her too visible. She has blocked out most of the memory but remembers: the explosion of fur, the sudden snarling in her ear, and the pain. The pain right in the crook of her shoulder as she was taken down. She lost consciousness for so long, suspended in a floating headspace, that she truly thought she'd join her sister in the afterlife. And a part of her wished she would — simply so that she could apologise.
Instead, she awakened into a new life. The feeling of every bone having been broken and a weird taste in her mouth. It didn't take another full moon for her to realise something was wrong. Something that happened, shouldn't have happened. (And the thought came from there: if this happened to her, what if it also happened to Ronnie? What if Daphne was taken too?) Turned just a few short months ago, although it feels like much longer, she has been dealing with this without control. Despite locking herself up in her apartment, which with each shift, grew more ruined and dilapidated, and managing barely to finish beauty school, she started to feel the call to hunt. Perhaps not just for someone to bite as she had been bitten, but to finally get some kind of answers. It's kind of unfortunate that it took something like this to snap Aspen out of it, and she still brings her sarcasm and bitterness with her. But better late than never, so she says.
Existing in this haze, she herself isn't too sure how she came about Lunar Cove. Heard it through the grape-vine about a pack of wolves gathering somewhere, followed the trail — when she thinks about it, that seems right, but she isn't certain. What she does know: at last, she feels as though there's something to call her own. Coming into ownership of the spa, where she can give people facials and help them relax like it's her penance for never being relaxed and never paying enough attention. She integrated into the pack after a few weeks of arriving, not wasting any time in joining. Unwilling to admit to herself, or anybody, that she's lonely, and desperate for some kind of community. What she doesn't anticipate: any kind of Bishop reunion. She searched, and searched, and found nothing. But her need to see them again, whispered in a transformation haze, may just be another wish coming to pass that Aspen doesn't expect.
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vintagedolls · 2 years
Timeless Elegance By the Sea: Kempinski Hotel Cancun
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Experience remarkable European flair in Kempinski's first foray into Mexico's luxury resort scene: Kempinski Hotel Cancun.
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With a passion for European luxury with a Mexican sense of place, Kempinski Hotel Cancun offers the perfect escape for true renewal. The premier hotel is renowned for its discerning commitment to hospitality of the highest caliber. Guests are welcomed by lush foliage and sumptuous views of the Caribbean Sea nestled atop a velvet white-sand beach.
Those seeking memorable culinary experiences will not be disappointed - two highly acclaimed restaurants, Fantino and The Club Grill, provide diners with Mexican-Mediterranean fare paired with champagne and jazz entertainment. And for lovers of tequila, D-Lounge offers more than 100 varieties per seating.
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Experience an unforgettable culinary journey at Fantino, the award-winning Mediterranean gem. Indulge your senses with its signature dishes such as succulent filet mignon and delicate parmesan gnocchi from a carefully crafted menu. On special occasions, guests opt for exclusive fine dining in Petit Fantino's private room for that extra bit of sophistication.
The Club Grill
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Allow The Club Grill to take you on a captivating gustatory journey, where flavorful locally-sourced ingredients are transformed into artfully prepared dishes that will enthrall your palate. An ambiance resplendent with timeless elegance and refined interiors enhances the intimate dining experience while live jazz piano music serenades your senses - making this an unforgettable culinary adventure.
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D-Lounge offers astonishing views of palm trees and the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea from its expansive windows. Guests can savour freshly prepared nigiri, sashimi, and sushi rolls. Enhance your evening while you lounge with a diverse selection of premium tequila & classic cocktails and enjoy the soulful sounds of the live entertainment.
The Caribe Bar & Grill
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Get a taste of the Caribbean with The Caribe Bar & Grill. The picturesque seafront restaurant offers an unbeatable atmosphere during the day and spectacular vibes at night. Guests can savor divinely-crafted meals while enjoying soulful sounds from lapping waves. Feast on local flavor-infused lunches such as ceviches, salads and light snacks or enjoy evening delicacies sizzling off the grill - it's sure to tantalize your tastebuds. You can also order items from The Caribe Bar & Grill to eat poolside or in your private cabana.
Rooms & Suites
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The luxurious rooms and suites overlook the ocean, inviting guests to relax on their private balcony with a refreshing flute of champagne as they take in not only the blue skies above but also shades of sapphire dazzling off its glassy surface below. The lobby and common areas are inspired by a timeless classical style while our coastal-inspired hideaway remains modernly refined, boasting neutral grey hues mixed with tranquil blues throughout. As you continue to explore your room, you'll discover a marble bathroom stocked with Salvatore Ferragamo products to complete your vacation experience.
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Kayantá means "renewal" in Mayan, which is how guests will feel after treatment at Kayantá Spa. The relaxing oasis showcases custom treatments inspired by traditional Mayan healing rituals. These ancient Mayan therapies are adapted to a modern aesthetic where guests can destress and unwind. You can also enjoy the comfort of the newly-renovated fitness center along with numerous facilities for recreation including tennis court, beach-side cabanas and lounges, and kids' club.
Unrivaled amenities will promise an unforgettable stay for even the most distinguished guests; from world-class cuisine that harks back to centuries-old Mexican culinary traditions, to sophisticated spa services uniquely tailored with local flavors and ingredients, to highly trained bilingual staff. As a premium, five-star property in Cancún, Kempinski Hotel Cancún stands out as the ultimate example of leisurely luxury living. Make this hotel your choice and you will be selecting ultimate serenity along with quality service.
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A special thank you to everyone who made our stay so remarkable:
General Manager Aref, Social Media Manager Ramon
Concierge Mike, The Ladies in Red: Sara & Danitza, Martha our housekeeper
Alvaro at Fantino, Williams & Jorge at The Club Bar & Grill, Edgar, Itzel, & Dimitri at The Caribe Bar, Blanca & Laura at D-Lounge, Ulises at our cabana, Nazarely & Alberto at El Café Mexicano
Yenny, Ivonne, Grecia, Fabiola, & Noe at Kayantá Spa
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jayletrill · 2 years
Newcrest - Summer / Fall 2022
Marshawna Augustin (67), Talia Augustin (9) Feat. Sam Fletcher (6)
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Talia spent her last days of summer enjoying the garden and getting to know her younger cousin Sam.
She found him fun to be around. It was nice to finally have a kid in the family that Talia could hang out with. Her older sister, Vanessa, was closer in age to Sam's mother, Tiffani, and her sister Jaqueline. By the time Talia came around, there was no one her age to play with.
The best part of it all was that Sam lived right next door. So they could play together as much as they wanted to.
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"I see Talia and Sam are hitting it off nicely," Shawn mentioned over breakfast one morning.
"Yes." Marshawna agreed. "It's good for her to have someone her age to play with."
"Talia shouldn't be the only one with a friend her age to play with," Shawn replied.
"Oh, come on now, " he said, noticing her side-eye glance. "It's been 2 years. I'm not saying you gotta jump the broom again, but you should at least get out some and make new friends."
"I'll think about it," Marshawna said.
She could admit that she found her days beginning to run together when Talia was in school. Despite her husband's infidelity, she missed him greatly. His subsequent death was so sudden that she never got the opportunity to find closure, and she kept the affair a secret from Talia. Marshawna didn't want Talia's last memories of her father to be tarnished.
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After a few days of thinking about her twin's words, Marshawna decided to take him up on his advice.
She turned her phone camera on to herself and began to film.
"Hey Shawn, I decided to get out and live a little. Do you think Mt. Komorebi is 'out' enough? I decided to take the kids on a little end-of-summer trip before school starts again. See you in a few days!"
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"I love it here!" Sam exclaimed as he and Talia began to build a snowman together.
They spent their time keeping each other company and riding the bunny slopes.
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While enjoying some spa time, Marshawna took the advice of her hairdresser and died her hair black. It made her feel like a brand-new woman, brave enough to try her own skills on the slopes.
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After a fall that left her sorer than she would have liked, Marshawna decided that she felt a lot more comfortable in the forests of Granite Falls than on the slopes of Mt. Komorebi.
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Back home, Marshawna continued to heed Shawn's advice.
When her niece Tiffani asked her to come out and support her performance at The Blue Velvet, she happily agreed.
While at the bar, Marshawna noticed a familiar face across the room. Determined, she grabbed her drink from the bartender and made her way to the table.
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"Hello, Anthony." Marshawna smiled as she took the seat next to him.
Anthony's eyes grew wide at the sight of her. "Oh, Marshawna! I'm surprised to see you here," he said growing noticeably uncomfortable at her appearance.
Marshawna felt a twinge of satisfaction at his visible discomfort.
Anthony was her niece, Jacqueline's ex-husband. She divorced him for sleeping with Jean, Marshawna's deceased husband.
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"I heard about Jean," he said solemnly. "I am truly sorry for your loss."
Marshawna could have chosen that moment to tell Anthony all of the hateful things she thought about as she processed the betrayal, but after two years and Jean's passing, it seemed pointless.
"I'm sorry for your loss too, Anthony," she said with a shrug.
It was time to let go of the past. Holding on so tightly wasn't what Jean would have wanted; more importantly, it wasn't what she wanted.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Monster March 2023 Day 7- Minotaur Part 1
The Rut
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So this is four parts. Because I went, just, hog wild with this. And with a twist of it being a caribou minotaur. Plus Arctic Tundra *cough* Alaska *cough*, which is where I was born and where I spent my early childhood. So you'll see a lot a lot of personal touches.
Parts 1, 2 and 3 are pretty mild and SFW, part 4will be NSFW and part 5 is SFW. Just heads up.
Thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2023 prompt list. As well as to @catbatart for thier Monster March prompts as well.
Monster March Day 7- Minotaur - Caribou Minotaur
The Rut
Part 1
Emergency Appointment
“Hello, this is Bianca with The Velvet Spa, how can I help you?” You answered the phone as it rung even in the breakroom, from the overflow out front. For you, it was a sign that business was good. But right this second, it was interrupting your break. But the sacrifices you had already made for this place, a few more minutes probably wouldn’t mean a lot to you, but could potentially mean a lot for them, so you picked up the phone. 
“Hi, I’m Bauvar Leopold, I’d like to schedule a velvet shedding appointment?” Bauvar asked in a hopeful desperation. 
“Of course. Are you new to the Velvet Spa or have you been to see us before?” You asked as you tried to see if you could pull his client file up from your phone on the spa’s app. 
“No, I haven’t.” He sheepishly admitted. 
“Ok, well, then let me get you into the system, could you spell your name for me?” You asked before he spelled it out and gave you more of his personal information, including that he was a caribou minotaur. Which meant he would need a larger than usual appointment because caribou, either of the traditional classic taur variety or the minotaur variety had large antlers, not as big as the moose-taurs, but close. 
“Thank you so much, so, let me see what we have available, is there a day of the week you’d prefer? Mornings or afternoons?” You asked as you looked through the massive schedule, it was “pre-rut” when most taurs who had antlers as opposed to horns- needed to remove the velvet to reveal their new antlers every year. Most of these clients had appointments months and even years in advance but The Velvet Spa was always eager to hire new velvet strippers to strip the velvet off of antlers for your deer-taur, moose-taur, elk-tour and caribou-taur clientele as well as the minotaur community and all of the subspecies that taurs came in. When it wasn’t busy helping with the winter coat removal or antler removal in winter and a myriad of other services. And this was the height of the velvet stripping season.
“Anything, the soonest you have available, I can come whenever you have an opening. Please, I’m desperate.” Bauvar pleaded as you could tell he was probably fighting not to destroy his own house in an attempt to take the once nourishing velvet off of his now- fully formed antlers as the velvet soon began to die off and shrivel up, and constrict on the antlers, leaving the client very uncomfortable.  
“Ok, well I do actually have an urgent- after hours appointment available this evening at 7pm then, however those appointments are at a higher price point than our usual appointments have. Otherwise the next open appointment isn’t until the day after tomorrow.” You offered. 
“I’ll take it! I’ll be there! Thank you so much, I don’t care what it costs, but I just really need this taken care of as soon as I can.” He offered gratefully. 
“Ok, I’ll see you then.” You offered before you hung up the phone and went back to trying to wolf down your lunch in between appointments.
You continued with your day and just as you were walking your previous client out to the waiting room to get checked out as he thanked you by dipping down and hugging you, since he was simply massive and his antlers were massive and nearly scraped the walls as he came down the hallway with you to check out as he was the classic moose-taur client.
“Thank you so much Bianca! Really, you’re a miracle worker. You’re the best.” He thanked you gratefully as he slipped a hefty tip into your hands and even a gift card for your favorite coffee joint, Caribou Coffee that was right down the street- into your hands as he did the handshake/hug gesture with you. 
“You’re welcome Mack, don’t forget to reschedule your antler shed appointment and your winter coat de-shed appointment too.” You reminded him. 
“Yes, can’t leave here without those.” He smiled gratefully as he then faced the receptionist as you picked up the new client paperwork that Bauvar had filled out and turned in. 
“Mr. Bauvar Leopold?” You asked as you took it and looked towards the other caribou minotaur clientele before Bauvar practically leapt out of his seat and gave a little waive once he got over his initial shock that it was a human that was his velvet stripper. He expected another taur or another minotaur to be his velvet stripper like the others. But to see little you come out was a surprise and shock. Although you were, if he was honest, one of the more beautiful humans he had ever seen. And you looked like the perfect professional in your monogrammed scrubs. 
“That’s me, wow, you got my name right. That’s quite impressive.” He thanked you gratefully as you could see he had already dripped some blood onto the shoulders of his really nice suit and had attempted to clean it already, since it was still damp. And while from the neck down, he looked like a perfectly professional businessman, from the crown of his head up, his antlers were all wrapped and bleeding through the bandages as he looked about ready to itch his way out of his skin. But, otherwise, a pretty handsome caribou-taur in your opinion. But you had to remain professional. 
“I try. Everyone deserves to have their name said correctly. Let’s get you squared away Mr. Leopold.” You offered. 
“Oh, you don’t need to call me that. Bauvar is fine.” He invited. 
“Then you can call me Bianca.” You invited as you gestured for him to follow you to your appointment room you kept for minotaurs of various varieties. 
“So, Bauvar, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being, not bothersome, and 10 being- you’re about to hug a cholla jumping cactus if it means getting the velvet off, where are you at?” You asked him thoughtfully as you looked him in the eye for the answer after glancing over the velvet to see where it was in the process of shedding his velvet as you could already see where he had tried to wrap it to keep from bleeding on the carpet and furniture as the points were already poking and peeking through. 
“A solid 9.” He estimated. 
“So jumping head first into a thornbush, got it.” You grinned which got him to bark a laugh. 
“Yeah, just about.” He readily agreed. 
“Well I’m here in room 5, so come on in and lay back into the chair.” You invited once you opened the door to the room and showed him to a special reclining seat that reclined into a special sink that one would recognize from a hairdresser salon. But was specifically for antlered clientele to comfortably recline and simply get their antlers shed of their velvet before he did, as the chair almost reminded him of a dentist chair but with a few buttons pressed he was reclined comfortably and the chair conformed to how he wanted it as you passed him a set of sunglasses to wear to shield his eyes from the special lights you’d use as you were putting on special gloves, getting new supplies before you were unwrapping the bandages on his antlers. 
“Ok, so let’s see what we have here.” You murmured as you inspected the velvet as you went along, seeing which patches were dead, or dying and some of them, trying to hang on for dear life, but the velvet was oily and dulled, which was the sign that the velvet was ready to come off as the different areas were already poking through while the velvet tried coming off with the bandages themselves. 
“So you still have areas here at the base that are pretty active, I’m going to numb the velvet to ease discomfort ok?” You offered. 
“Ok.” He readily agreed and tried not to grimace when he felt the prick of the needle all over the different nerve branches in the velvet, but he could not stop the pleasured exhale and practically moaned when the relief bloomed all over his antlers as his body soon relaxed. 
“Better?” You asked with a knowing grin. 
“So much better, already, wow. Thank you.” He confessed before you took your special blades and scalpels gauze to clean up any blood as well as a special soap to wash the blood away as you would work as you walked around. 
“Also, that’s a special massage chair so you just use the remote to get what you want while I work- ok?” You reminded him. 
“Oh! That’s awesome. No wonder everyone raves about coming here. When they said ‘full service medical spa’ they weren’t kidding.” He noted as he brought the remote up to his face to look at it and start the different massage modes as he practically melted while you meticulously worked on cutting and removing the velvet, soaking up any residual blood while the numbing agent also reduced blood flow and kept the bleeding to a minimal. 
“Well hopefully you’ll find it’s a well earned reputation.” You smiled as you focused on getting the velvet at the highest parts of the antlers, using a special stool to allow you to get to it comfortably. 
“So what happened that you needed the velvet off today?” You asked. 
“I thought it would have come off next week, but it started early and last night, the urge to smash everything in the house trying to get it off this morning was particularly poignant. And then when we had a business lunch I damn near stole a steak knife to cut it off right there in the restaurant. But I made the mistake of rubbing them against the walls in the bathroom stall in the office, thus, the blood on the shoulders of the suit and the business lunch being particularly awful. I don’t know why we have them this time of year. I’m going to have to pay the dry cleaners extra just to clean the suit.” He explained. 
“Well, then we should watch out for infection if you started rubbing the antlers in the bathroom stall of all places.” You reminded him. 
“Yeah, I tried to wash it and put some antiseptic but I think that just made it worse.” He confessed. 
“Ah, that explains the extra grease, because you probably used micitricen eh?” You noted. 
“You can tell?” He asked. 
“Oh yeah, there’s antler oil and then there’s the vaseline grease that most try to put on if they start cutting and itching before the velvet is fully ready to die because if the velvet gets infected before it can die off, you can lose the antlers altogether. But some get a little antsy and eager to be of the first to shed the velvet among their peers.” You noted. 
“Well that wasn’t the case with me. I try to leave it on, because it hurts the antlers if you take it off too soon.” He insisted. 
“It sure does. Some do their best to wait for it to fall off all on its own, but by that point, then you get flies attracted to the rotting velvet. And that’s always bothersome and irksome.” You offered as you continued to work diligently to get between the tips at the top. 
“True.” He had to admit. 
“But the itch just took me by surprise this year.” He offered. 
“So I take it you woke up this morning and instantly wanted to have a breakfast date Edward Scissorhands to get it off?” You gently teased. 
“Yes! That’s exactly it. Like it was so hard not to just get one of those metal back scratchers and go to town.” He admitted. 
“Is that what you usually do?” You asked. 
“Yeah, can you see all the claw marks from the scratcher?” He asked. 
“A little. So why’d you decide to come in and get the velvet professionally removed?” You asked. 
“Our business partners at lunch, apparently they came in the day before yesterday and got it done and had nothing but the highest praise about this place.” He explained. 
“Aww, well I’m glad you called and could get in today. The rest of your week would have been toast, I can see how this stuff would drive you nuts until you could get it off.” You sympathized. 
“You can tell? Just by looking at it?” He asked. 
“Yup, by the look and the feel. It’s all sweating shedding oil. Looks like it’s actually been doing this for a few days now. You may not have noticed if you’re super busy. Dying velvet is like the worst mosquito bite over a burn blister next to a scab kind of feeling- ever.” You noted as you continued to slice as much free hanging velvet as you could as Bauvar was impressed that you would know something like that and put such a feeling into a wonderful illustration that anyone, whether they had antlers or not could understand. 
“So…how’d you get into this? Most places have other taurs doing this sort of thing.” Bauvar noted since you were human but you were dealing with his velvet as if you were another taur yourself. Not unless you were mixed and you simply really favored your human heritage and your own antlers were hiding in your hair that you had pulled up into a pretty bun over your pretty head and while his own senses were acute, for some reason, your own pheromones in the air were just as heavenly as your floral perfume and he was fighting not to have more a physical reaction to you than he was already having. 
“Yeah, I get that alot. But I was born here in the Arctic Tundra. My Mom grew up in Fair Banks and my dad is in the airforce, he’s still at Eielson Airforce Base. I was born in Anchorage and my other sisters were born right here in Juneau, so I grew up with a lot of moose-taur, elk-taur, deer-taur and especially caribou-taur friends and of course those subspecies of minotaur as well. And so every fall before rut, I remember they’d actually miss school to go out into the woods to shed their velvet on the trees themselves that way. And so because I was smaller and simply had an eye for it, little nimble and dexterous fingers that could hold a razor blade in one hand and some antiseptic soaked cotton balls in the other- I could get in there with some and simply remove it for them so they weren’t so miserable. And then when the spring came and their winter coats had issues shedding right along their shoulders and mid back, I would help de-shed them too. So, just growing up all around it, I went to school for it right out of high school and have been doing it ever since.” You answered with a small shrug as you really focused on getting the inner corners and pulling it back and removing it in smaller pieces so it wouldn’t stress the antlers or cause discomfort once the numbing agent wore off as you used the many tools in your specialized tool belt to do so from a standing position as you held his antler in one hand with various bits of gauze to keep any blood from dripping down onto him or his clothes anymore.  
“So you’ve been doing this a long time then eh?” He realized. 
“Yup.” You confirmed with a nod as you continued to work on his upper antlers first before you got it all off, putting the pieces of velvet into a special compartment on the belt, meant to be thrown away, washed, disinfected and sanitized between clients before you moved over to the other side and get that taken care of as he seemed more interested in watching you work intently and could see you use both hands to work the scalpel and other tools as you switched them out without looking but could do so purely out of touch and in mere minutes had removed more than he usually did in a matter of days. 
“Are you ambidextrous?” He asked. 
“I am. I write better with my right hand. But yeah, for the most part, I am.” You confirmed. 
“That must come in handy here.” He noted. 
“It does.” You grinned as you noticed how he seemed to be almost hypnotized by you and your work on his antlers. 
Which, you were used to. Most taurs- whether traditional or minotaur- were very particular about their antlers or horns and their fur. And especially for male taurs, they put a lot of emphasis on the size, and symmetry of their antlers as it was always something that was tied closely with masculinity and virility for them. And honestly, he had quite a bit to be proud of, at least this year.
But you had learned that antlers could change from year to year and individual to individual. And frankly, after seeing thousands and thousands of them, their impressiveness seemed to lose it’s novelty. In fact, most preferred a non-taur specialist because most were either afraid or uncomfortable about any female taur being impressed by them and putting strains on their committed romantic relationships or having a female taur specialist, meant that most males would often switch into ‘must impress’ mode and ruin the serious medical and clinical aspect of this medical spa. 
However, you faced a different kind of discrimination. Because you were human, most taurs felt that there was no way for you to ‘relate’ to taurs because you didn’t have antlers yourself. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Every romantic relationship you had ever had- had been with a various minotaur subspecies. Moose, elk, deer and caribou. And you had kids from each one to boot. So being a mother to taurs. You knew all too well what it was like for your boys to have thier little antlers and thier velvet driving them nuts. But this was no time to discuss your personal life. This appointment was all about Bauvar and his comfort and your professional services.
So, he just watched as you cut all the velvet off and then went back to the now pink and red antlers since there was still blood staining the antlers as you carefully washed it all off with a series of special sponges soaked with various cleaning solutions and soaps and wiped them clean so that the antlers were a pearly white, and practically glowed white too and he felt like a brand new caribou-taur. 
“Now, do you want any kind of staining for your antlers as well or do you want to go all natural? There's a small cataloge to the right of you that shows the various stains and what they would look like.” You asked before he took it out and gave it an appreciative glance.
“Well, I think for today, just natural is just fine with me.” He answered before he slipped it back into place.
“Ok, then, we’re all done then.” You announced after giving them one last check, just as the numbing agent left and he felt a slight dull ache on his head from where the base of his antlers were, but that was nothing compared to the discomfort he had felt only an hour before.  
“Now, when you go home, ice the base of your antlers if they ache or hurt. You can also take any pain relievers that you like. But you should sleep much better tonight than last night. And tomorrow, you shouldn’t feel a thing.” You offered once you were done and pressed a button on the floor next to the chair to sit him back up. 
“Thank you, so much, this was…the best velvet de-shedding I’ve ever had.” He admitted before he got up out of the chair and stared in awe at his antlers in the huge tri fold mirrors on the wall so he could see all around them. Impressed you had gotten all of it and they looked amazing. 
“I’m happy I could help.” You smiled as you were already putting the tools in the sink to wash, clean, disinfect and sterilize after you dumped your container that had his velvet into the trash and washed your hands after removing your gloves that you worked in. 
“Thank you so much.” He thanked you as he hugged you tightly, which you had gotten accustomed to many of your clientele doing as you hugged him back. Caribou minotaurs always had some of the softest fur, but weren’t so big you felt like they were going to crush you like a twig like the moose-taur could. But big enough to give good bear hugs. And make you feel like you helped them and made a difference in their lives and relieved any discomfort, pain or suffering. 
“You’re welcome, come on, lets get you checked out.” You offered as you pulled away before he jumped to open the extra tall, large and wide door. 
“Ladies first.” He offered. 
“Thanks.” You grinned as you left with him to walk him and his file back up as you were making notes about his antlers and the velvet and what you did in them as you did. Using shorthand and numbers and codes to show what you had done and services you had rendered. 
“Macy will get you checked out, and don’t forget I also do antler shedding, and winter coat shedding as well and if you’ll need me to remove the velvet next year, they can schedule you out that far too.” You reminded him as he had pulled his wallet out while he didn’t have any cash, he was about to leave you one hell of a tip on his card as you turned in his file and got the next. 
“Mr. Matthews?” You called out as you got your next client and brought him back. 
“So? How was it?” Macy asked as she took the folder and glanced at the notes and started checking him out. 
“The best ever. What other appointments does she have for…everything?” Bauver asked hopefully. 
“Well, Bianca is our most popular specialist, she does it all. How she had an opening in her schedule is practically a miracle. You’re really lucky. Most underestimate her and the work she can do because they think that just because she isn’t a taur herself, she couldn’t possibly understand what having antlers is like. But usually after just a single appointment, she proves them wrong and wins clients over in a heartbeat, and then she’ll get flooded with referrals from them too. Which we do have a referral credit system too.” She explained as she got everything pulled up and ready. 
“And so your total today is $175.05.” She said before he happily handed the card over while grabbing your business cards and putting them in his wallet. 
“Well, she’s definitely won me over.” Bauvar admitted. 
“So…do you know…if she…?” Bauver began to ask to see if Bianca actually was interested in dating taurs of any kind in the first place before Macy looked up from her credit card machine to raise a curious brow. 
“If she…?” Macy repeated, wanting him to finish the sentence. 
“Um…available, appointments, available.” Bauvar lost his nerve and stuttered instead of actually asking what he wanted to know. 
“Well what services would you like to have?” She asked once she stripped the receipt off and handed him the card, the receipt and a pen for him to sign it as he rounded up and left a very hefty tip and handed the receipt back after putting his card away and she got him rescheduled for when the antlers would most likely come off and when he would need his winter coat taken off as well.
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sunnyleahomesblog · 4 months
Revamp Your Nest: Top Home Renovation Trends for 2024
The world of home renovation is brimming with exciting trends that can transform your living space into a haven of style, comfort, and functionality. Whether you're planning a complete gut renovation or some strategic upgrades, staying on top of what's hot can make all the difference. Here's a look at some of the hottest trends in home renovation for 2024:
Going Green with Sustainable Materials
These days, living an eco-friendly lifestyle isn't just a trend, it's a priority. In 2024, homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate sustainability into their renovations. The good news is, you can be kind to the planet without sacrificing style. Bamboo, cork, and recycled plastics are taking center stage in furniture and fixtures. These beautiful and durable materials showcase a commitment to environmental responsibility. Plus, they're built to last, so you won't need to replace them as often, minimizing your environmental impact even further.
Smart Homes: Technology Makes Life Easier
Imagine a kitchen that helps you whip up a gourmet meal or a bathroom that remembers your perfect shower temperature. This isn't science fiction; it's the future of home renovation! Technology integration is at the forefront of modern renovations. From voice-controlled lighting systems to smart appliances that preheat your oven while you're on your way home, homes are getting smarter thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Incorporating these features can significantly boost your comfort and safety, making everyday tasks a breeze.
Maximalism Makes a Bold Statement
Move over minimalism, there's a new trendsetter in town: maximalism! This design style embraces bold colors, eclectic patterns, and a playful mix of textures. It's your chance to express your unique personality and create a vibrant, eye-catching space. Think luxurious velvet cushions, cozy faux fur throws, and stunning hand-painted murals that transform any room into a conversation starter.
Multitasking Marvels: Making the Most of Your Space
With many people continuing to work from home, maximizing space is more important than ever. The latest designs prioritize rooms that can seamlessly transition from a productive home office by day to a relaxing living area by night. Think clever furniture that doubles as storage, cleverly designed foldable desks that tuck away when not in use, and convertible sofas that transform to suit your needs.
Organic Shapes Inspired by Nature
Soft, natural curves are making a comeback in everything from architecture to furniture design. These organic shapes are not just pleasing to the eye, they also create a more calming and inviting atmosphere. Consider incorporating elements like curved walls, rounded furniture pieces, and flowing patterns to add a touch of serenity and fluidity to your home.
Dramatic Accents: Statement Pieces That Wow
This year is all about making a statement in your home. Imagine a sculptural pendant light that steals the show in your living room, or dramatic backsplash tiles that elevate your kitchen from ordinary to extraordinary. Zellige tiles, with their unique handcrafted look, and striking slabs of stone or quartz can create a truly unforgettable impression in your bathroom or kitchen.
From Dream Kitchens to Custom Homes
The beauty of these trends is that they can be applied to all sorts of renovation projects. Whether you're considering a complete home renovation, a kitchen remodel to create your dream culinary space, a bathroom update for a spa-like experience, or even a condo renovation to maximize a smaller space, there are ways to incorporate these ideas and create a functional, beautiful, and personalized haven.
Let's Make Your Dream Home a Reality
The home renovation trends of 2024 offer a wealth of inspiration to create a living space that reflects your style and values. By embracing these trends, you can ensure your home is not only stylish but also meets the demands of modern living. Are you ready to transform your space? Let's discuss how to bring these trends to life in your dream home!
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hibiscusmonkey · 10 months
Why Dryness Is Your Skin’s Worst Enemy
Someone once said that the human body is a temple. Therefore, it is only right that we revere it that much and give it its due respect by treating it with utmost care to make it healthy. 
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and it must be looked after and cared for. The first and foremost problem we must tackle to maintain our skin barrier is dryness. Though seemingly innocent, dry skin is your skin barrier’s number one enemy. Luckily your one-stop-shop for tackling dry skin is our one and only Velvet Spray i.e. only the best body moisturizer for dry skin there ever was! 
Inadvertently, we do a lot of things in our daily life which are actually counterproductive for the health of the skin. First off, the hot showers that we take actually strip off our body’s essential moisture.  Hot showers can further irritate the skin and cause damage to the keratin layer present on the  epidermis. Hot showers disturb these cells and prevent them  from retaining moisture. 
Second off, many of the moisturizers are fragrance filled, which is extremely harmful for the skin barrier! We cannot say this enough, but you need to avoid synthetic fragrance or parfum/perfume ridden products. These fragrances over time damage the skin barrier, they cause irritation, redness, itching and inflammation. While your new body lotion might smell like the spa, the fragrance is actually made up of volatile compounds many of which are known cancer-causing agents. Avoid them! Fragrances are the worst compounds you can put your skin through.  Continuous usage of these fragrance ridden products may be perilous for the skin barrier. Therefore, it is imperative that we avoid them. 
The best body moisturizer for dry skin is Hibiscus Monkey’s Velvet Spray, which comes in three variants. The three types of skincare for dry skin from Hibiscus Monkey are Bergamot Velvet Spray, Sunflower Orange Velvet Spray and Rosewood Velvet Spray.  Each variant has a different ingredient that serves a functional purpose for the skin!
The Velvet Spray works by locking in moisture in your skin when it is wet and the pores are unclogged. This is what makes it the most effective and one of the best body moisturizers for dry skin. Not to mention you don’t need to go through the chip-chip of lotions, simply spray it on in the shower and pat dry! 
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kiridarling · 4 years
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[a/n: is this a week late? yes. happy belated-valentine's day angels <3]
—ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀɴ 𝟷𝟾+ ʙʟᴏɢ. ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅɴɪ
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𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮; 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥
→ Definitely went to work that day
→ Not a huge romantic but wake up to find a hot breakfast with a note left on the counter.
Happy Valentines Day, dumbass. Love you.
— k.b
→ When he returns from work, Katsuki buys you roses and shoves them into your chest with an eye roll. You thank him and he responds with a grunt before insisting you put on something nice because he’s taking you out on a dinner date whether you like it or not.
→ Katsuki takes you to the fanciest restaurant—so fancy you feel a little bad that he has to pay, even despite his Pro Hero status. But you’re his, and spoiling you might as well be his love language.
→ Halfway through dinner, Katsuki starts getting a little frisky. Sliding the rough leather of his oxfords up the inside of your thigh, winking and biting his lip. You tell him to stop but you only half-mean it, and the knowing grin on his face lets you know he knows.
"Careful, baby. You don't want the waitress to know how much of a dirty slut you are, do you?”
→ He’s condescending as fuck but you’re totally here for it, and the second he pays for the meal you two are speeding down the highway to a love hotel (per Katsuki’s plan, apparently). You barely make it to the bedroom before you’re all over each other, and if it weren’t for that family of four in the elevator, you definitely wouldn’t have.
→ He tells you to get on the bed and strip, and who are you to deny him of such a luxury? He pulls a plastic black bag out of a different bag—it’s clearly full. With what, you may ask?
→ Sex toys!
→ Katsuki’s endgame is simple—make you cum until you can’t anymore. Not that he’s told you explicitly, but he’s got a Hitachi pressed to your sex and two fingers slamming into you just the way you like it. With your wrists comfortably tied above your head, it doesn’t take him long to bring you to your climax, cheeks burning and thighs shaking.
→ Peering at you under the sweaty mess of ash-blond hair, the fire in Katsuki's eyes only adds fuel to the burning of your gut as the vibrator continues whirr. The realization settles in with a shiver. Oh. Oh fuck, he's not stopping.
→ So, you cum again. And again, and again, and by the time you’re on the fifth it gets a bit hard to feel your toes and you’re so sensitive your thighs burn. All you want is his cock, but for some reason, it’s fucking impossible for him to give it to you.
→ Upon voicing your concerns, Katsuki’s devilish smile only grows wider.
“You want this cock that bad, slut? Yeah? Fine then, fuckin’ choke on it.”
→ It’s basically cannon that one of Katsuki’s favorite things to do is watch you struggle to take all of him, but in this position, all you can do is lay back with bound hands as he fucks your face. It’s sloppy and your eyes and throat burn, but it's totally worth it to hear Katsuki fall apart in your mouth.
“S-So good—fuck—such a good whore, taking all of me, aren’t you?”
→ Katsuki pulls out before he cums in your throat in favor of flipping your limp body into downward dog and stuffing you full of cock in one swift move, the bastard.
→ Katsuki’s never been one to take things slow in bed—to him, it’s all hard and fast and now. You’re scrambling for purchase in the sheets as he pounds into that sweet spot he knows you love, and you feel your fully spent sex twitching back to life anyway. Fuck, fuck. Are you going to cum again?
→ Katsuki seems to catch onto this as well, sweaty chest dropping against your back and the cool of his dog tag tickling your neck as his hand rubs between your legs, muttering dirty nothings in your ear.
“You gonna cum for me, baby? Yeah? Gonna make a fuckin’ mess all over yourself like the slut you are? Fuckin’ do it. Fuckin—fuck—”
→ You two cum at the same time, toes curling and ribcage shuddering, and then—
→ Darkness.
→ You wake up in a few hours, properly clean in fresh sheets. Turns out baby boy fucked you so hard you passed out, but it's okay because he’s found reruns of your favorite show on and is fully prepared with water and snacks.
→ (And he’ll never tell you, but he fully panicked and called Eijirou. Obviously, he knew you were alive, but…what if you passed out because of a problem? A concussion? Internal bleeding, maybe?)
→ (Eijirou ensures him that though this should NOT happen every time, it can happen from exhaustion. To say Katsuki relaxes after that is an understatement.)
(Stay safe angels <3)
And speaking of Eijirou...
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𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚; 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞
→ Definitely did not go to work that day.
→ Today, Eijirou plans to treat you like the princess you are. Cooks you breakfast in bed (after almost burning down the kitchen trying to make bacon but shhh we don’t talk about that) books you a full day spa and has Mina take you shopping for a new outfit for your "fancy date" that night.
→ The location? A surprise.
→ It’s dark by the time you and Mina pull up, but the moment you hop out the car she speeds away. Um. She could’ve at least said bye.
→ Looks like Eijirou brought you to a lake. You wonder who helped him bundle the fairy lights in the trees and set up the picnic because knowing your man and his coordination, it would’ve taken a forever for him to set this up.
→ But all those thoughts shatter the second you see that he’s on his knees, clutching a velvet box with a gorgeous diamond ring sat in the center. Not too flashy, but not too dull.
→ Eijirou swallows then blinks, the only sign that he’s the least bit nervous for this.
“See…I swear I had planned something to say, but you look…holy shit, um—stunning, you look stunning.”
→ His compliment goes over your head though. Of course it does, he’s holding an engagement ring. He chuckles, averting his eyes to the ground.
“Listen, um, you can say no...B-But uh, I love you a lot—obviously—and I’ve been thinking about this a lot, kind of, because you’re like…the love of my life, ya know? I mean, I know everyone says that and everything but like, I really mean it? But if I’m going too fast o-or you just don’t wanna get married or something, I totally get it because obviously this is outta the blue and everything b-but um…yeah.”
→ You let him stutter through the whole thing because, well. It’s cute.
→ ...And then you tackle Eijirou to the ground with renewed passion and slam your lips onto his. His “babe! The ring!” is muffled but you snort anyway, blindly groping for it through the grass. The moment you find it, you shove it into his palm and stick your hand in his face, and with a (very sexy) chuckle, the redhead slides it onto your ring finger.
“I’ll take that as a yes then?”
→ No shit, Sherlock.
→ Either way, the picnic in the dark is abandoned in favor of yanking Eijirou's pants off and giving him the best head of his life. Because goddammit, you love this man so much and he needs to feel it.
→ Afterward, he insists on returning the favor. A wild Gentle Dom Kiri appears and as he eats you out, he mutters a deadly combination of the sweetest and dirtiest things you’ve ever heard.
“Fuck, you feel so good. So tight and wet. And it’s all for me, isn’t it, baby?"
“You’re gonna cum, angel? Do it. Cum all over Daddy’s face.”
→ Once you semi-recover from your orgasm, he flips you on your hands and knees and slowly pushes inside of you (though not without putting on a condom because safety first, angels). You tell him to speed up, but he denies your request. This time around, Eijirou's going to take the time to love you.
→ As he slowly fucks you under the stars, he dips his chin into your neck as his bigger hands encompass your own. As he starts to play with the ring on your finger, you watch something wet hit the picnic blanket, followed by a sniffle.
“Gosh, fuck—I love you so much. A-And I’m really happy you said yes. I…”
→ You cum first and Eijirou isn’t far behind, shuddering against your spine. Your fiancé unceremoniously rolls onto the picnic blanket next to you, his temple kissing the crest of your skull as the two of you use the comfortable silence to cool down, half-naked under the milky way.
→ In your comfortable silence, you lift your left hand to the stars, fingers splayed to reveal the twinkling diamond solidifying the bond between the two of you. Eijirou hums, hooking his chin on your shoulder.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
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𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢; 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲
→ Both of you are painfully single and most importantly, strangers. Strangers who think alike and had the glorious forethought to drown your sorrows at a nightclub with a lot of alcohol.
→ Denki, as he does, accidentally knocks over his liquor-filled cup, completely drenching your bottoms. He apologizes and insists on helping you clean up though getting awfully close to your crotch, but both of you are too tipsy to notice.
→ After the liquor spill, you swap embarrassing love stories and lament over the “hardships of being single.” (Denki’s words.)
→ A few hours pass. You’re tired and ready to go home and Denki requests to walk you home to make sure you get back safely. Not that you live far, maybe ten minutes, but by the time you reach your door, you feel like you've known the electric blond your whole life. After saying goodbye and almost closing the door, Denki blurts out a half-drunken confession...or something like that:
“I—uh, y-you are—uhm, no…this is—“
→ You give him a look, a half-smile at best, and it seems to churn the gears in his brain again.
“This was uhm, really fun and uh, I think you’re really cool.”
→ So naturally, when you invite him inside, he squeals.
→ After a few more drinks and a few more spillages (Denki’s never been a deft drunk), you two finally get over your inner thoughts and start kissing on the couch. It’s hot and messy, and the alcohol in your veins makes it oh, so hot.
→ Denki doesn’t expect you to offer head but when you do he nearly cries, scrambling to pull his pants off while you make space for yourself between his thighs.  Due to the fact that there’s alcohol pumping in Denki’s veins and he hasn't been touched by someone else in at least a year, he’s extra-sensitive. And vocal. 
"F-Fuck gorgeous, you're so good at this...o-oh shit, do that again—yeah, yeah just like that."
→ His hips quiver, and he bucks into your mouth on accident. It earns him a glare and a light slap on the thigh, and you make a mental note to unpack the broken moan that interrupts his apology later. 
→ It doesn't take Denki a long time to cum—five minutes max. He plans to give you a warning but his orgasm runs up on the electric blond so quickly he doesn't even get a warning. When Denki orgasms in your mouth with a choked moan, it's only natural that you pull away in alarm, ribbons of semi-translucent cum flying just about everywhere.
→ To say you're pissed is an understatement (because your poor, poor carpet), but Denki feels terrible and is already reaching for the roll of paper towels you left on the coffee table from your cleaning spree this morning, apologies flying out of his mouth like an auctioneer.
→ Obviously, he's going to make it up to you. Not only for making an absolute mess in your living room (seriously, Denki doesn't know if he's ever come that much in his life) but for the bomb head, and he wants to make you feel just as good as you made him feel.
→ Both of you stumble to your room, the mood miraculously rekindled, and you're not sure what to make of Denki's desperation as he claws at your bottoms, pupils blown to the size of dinner plates. And though it's cheesy, you can't help but shiver when he finally gets eyes on your sex, wetting his bottom lip and the grip around your thigh tightening as he catcalls the apex between your thighs before diving in.
"Hello pretty~"
→ Like any pervert with a vivid imagination, Denki's got a mental warehouse of sex tips and tricks and burns to watch you squirm from his touch. He wants you red-faced and breathless and isn’t shy about it, actively paying attention to your reactions when he curls his fingers or uses his tongue just right.
"Oh, you taste so good sweet thing. So pretty and wet...did I do all this, gorgeous?”
→ Also, electro-stimulation? Yes please.
→ Denki's tentative about it at first because he’s not sure how you’ll react, but once you give him that pretty little moan you've been holding back all evening, you two are going nowhere but hell.
→ His dick hurts from being hard for so long and the second you cum, he’s practically begging to fuck you.
“Please? Please gorgeous? Shit, you felt so good in my mouth I just wanna—I need to—please?”
→ Like you needed any convincing in the first place.
→ You ride him per his request—and will definitely make you repeat things back to him, just because he likes how embarrassed and blushy you get. If you refuse? He’ll be an absolute tease about it. (But only for a bit, because we all know his patience isn’t that great.)
"Yeah? You like this cock? Tell me. Tell me how good my cock makes you feel, gorgeous."
→ There's no way Denki lasts very long (again)—definitely with you in his lap. When he cums, it’s cute and breathless, and his nose scrunches into his eyes. But if he came twice, you should too right?
→ The next morning, Denki's gone. But in his place, there’s a note with his number and an explanation:
had to go to work! lol i have the fattest hangover kill me now ty. either way, you should text me. i wasn't kidding when i said i thought you were cool lol.
— kaminari
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[a/n: gah XD my brain melted from writing that um-
also don’t worry about the family of four at the love hotel...they were...um...forced to stay there due to an emergency...lol :) see you soon, angels <3]
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 16: 6PM Walks
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
“What did you call me a while ago?” Kiyoomi asks Kia, not listening to what you’re saying.
“Kiyoomi, this isn’t our issue right now.”
“No, it is. She has to call me that again.”
“She won’t.”
“She will. She did it a while ago.”
“Kia’s probably playing with you,” you mumble to yourself, but you leave the two of them to continue making breakfast before the whole fiasco. You figure that Sakusa is too excited being called papa that he won’t listen to anything you will say at the moment.
“Kia say it again. What you called me a while ago,” Kiyoomi asks Kia. They are on the couch in the living room, Kia’s eyes stuck on the television screen. She ignores Kiyoomi. He takes the remote and turns the TV off. The little girl looks at him in disapproval. “Say it again and I will turn the TV on.”
“What?” Kia asks, obviously not hearing Kiyoomi’s pleads a while back.
“What did you call me a while ago?” Kiyoomi pushes, his eyes piercing through hers, begging.
“Kyo,” Kia deadpans.
Kiyoomi pouts, turning the TV back on. He leaves Kia on the couch, then goes to you at kitchen. You don’t notice him so he just leans his back on the counter, admiring you from behind. You looked so cute with his shirt and boxers on, the apron you’re wearing is the cherry on top. He’s trying his best not to jump on you especially that Kia is just there.
You, on the other hand, are slicing the apples, Saki in your mind. “That fucking bitch,” you mutter, slicing rougher than needed. “She better not show up here again.”
“Have mercy on the apples,” Kiyoomi chuckles. He wraps his arms around your waist, his chin on top of your head. You continue to slice, Kiyoomi carefully watching your hands. “Where’s the ring I gave you?”
“It’s in my bag. I took it off when we were in Universals since it was slipping off my finger. I was scared I’d lose it,” you reply. His hug feels comforting so you slow down in slicing. “Have you given up on Kia calling you papa?”
“No,” he huffs, his chin now on your shoulder. You giggle at his determination. “You’re probably shocked about what happened.”
“Didn’t know your fuck buddy was psycho,” you respond. He starts leaving small kisses on your exposed neck, so you put the knife down and turn to him. “Kiyoomi, why are you so touchy today?”
“What do you mean? I was also touchy yesterday,” he corrects you. His hands intertwine with yours as he brings it close to his. He gives all your fingers soft kisses, completely calming you down. “You seem so stressed. You should get a massage or something.”
“That sounds nice.” You smile at the thought of simply relaxing. Ever since you had given birth to Kia, time for yourself was impossible.
“Then take a day off from being a mom today,” Kiyoomi mumbles, planting a kiss on your forehead. You look up to him in confusion. “I’ll drop you off at the mall. I actually booked you an appointment at a salon and spa a week ago.” You stare at him in suspicion but he seems solely genuine about wanting you to relax.
“What about Kia?” You ask hesitantly.
“I’ll take good care of her,” he responds. “Get changed. I’ll continue making breakfast.”
After eating breakfast with Kiyoomi and Kia, they send you off to the mall. You are so excited to relax. “Me time” is rare as a mother. You shall cherish it without questions on how and why you got to do it.
As you left the car, Kia and Kiyoomi drive to another street in the city of Osaka. They leave the car, and go to a small cafe that doesn’t have a lot of customers. A woman waves at him and he goes to where she’s seated.
“Kyo who’s that?”
You finish your appointments at around 5:30 PM. Kiyoomi really wanted you to relax. He had appointed a full body massage for you, a hair treatment appointment, manicure and pedicure and lunch at a 4-star sushi place; he’s spoiling you.
You see his car at the driveway outside the mall. You enter his car, then you sanitize your hands. Kia is asleep so you keep quiet. You take a look at him and he looks nervous.
“Are you okay?” You ask him and he nods. You eye him warily as he starts driving off without a word. “What did the two of you do today?”
“We went to a cafe, then met up with my nutritionist. Kia is also gave him a checkup. Apparently, Kia is taller than most of her peers. She’s 8 centimeters away from 100cm and she’s only 30 months old...” Kiyoomi states in a stressed manner.
“Are you afraid she’ll get bullied by other kids for her height?” You look at him and he seemed upset about it. “On the brighter side, with her height she can be a volleyball player like you.” You reassure him, he still looks like he’s on the edge.
“It’s the flower field Kia and I went to a while ago. Do you wanna take a walk?” He suddenly suggests, looking out the window of his car. You hum as a yes, then he parks his car somewhere near the flower field.
“Baby...” You coo at Kia, taking her seatbelt off. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she smiles when she sees you. You lift her off her chair then close the car’s door.
You look around, and notice that there aren’t a lot of people. No wonder why Kiyoomi wanted to take a walk. The place is peaceful and breathtaking. Rows of different kinds of flowers, but mostly roses and tulips. You look down to Kia and see that she is staring at the sun setting over the flower field.
You finally sense Kiyoomi beside you, but the energy he’s giving is off. You take a glance at him and he isn’t wearing his mask on. Now your suspicion has risen to the highest level. You want to ask him about it but Kia suddenly wriggles out of your hold. You run after her but stop when you see two familiar boys.
“Mu-chan! Ki-chan!” She squeals in excitement, running towards the said boys. You greet them with a wave as they are standing from a far. You watch Kia run to them before walking towards them too.
“Mama! Turn around!” Kia shouts but you don’t hear properly.
“Turn! Around!” Atsumu shouts this time, signaling you turn with his hand. You raise an eyebrow at them before turning around.
3rd Year, Itachiyama Academy
August 19
“Omi... I suddenly thought of something,” you spoke, watching the sunset. You two were at his backyard, enjoying your first anniversary in the comfort of his home. “How will you propose to me?”
“Are you really thinking about marriage just because we’ve been dating for a year now?” Sakusa squinted his eyes at you. You shrugged, leaning on his shoulder.
“I’m just curious since you hate surprises. You might tell me to get my nails done a week before so it’d look good in pictures,” you joked. He let out a chuckle in agreement.
“I might do that.” He saw the excitement in your eyes. Now, he’s curious about your dream proposal. “How do you want me to propose? Do you want a grand one or a simple one?”
“I want you to propose just like this,” you replied, eyes glued on the setting sun. “You, me, on our anniversary, with the sun setting.”
“Do I have to be on my knee? The ground might be dirty,” he rambled so you pouted.
“How is it a proposal if you don’t go on one bended knee?!”
“Then I’ll do that,” he replied, determined. There was no hesitance in his response so your heart beat faster.
“Really?” You asked, hopeful. You were now looking at him and so was he.
“Sakusa Kiyoomi, why?!” You exclaim as you cover your face with your hands, tears already falling from your eyes.
The Sakusa Kiyoomi who well known as a germaphobe is on his knee in front you, with a ring in his hand. You check your phone to see the date, just to make sure. August 19. You cry even harder, not able to process what’s happening. Your heart is about to jump out of your chest. How does he remember even that?
“Will you marry me?”
Unable to answer due to too much emotions, you pull him up and kiss him deeply, hooking your arm on his neck, pulling him close to you. He wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up the ground in excitement. He puts you back on the ground, then gives you another chaste kiss before slipping the ring in your ring finger. He gives it a kiss, before kissing you once more.
“Mama!” You hear Kia run to the two you. Kiyoomi lifts Kia with one arm, his other arm not leaving you. “Look! Kyo proposed to me too!”
“Kyo who’s that?” Kia asked as she and Kiyoomi sat in the same table with a strange woman.
“Is this your daughter?” The woman asked Sakusa. He nodded. Kia was still looking at her weirdly. “Hi, I’m Nako. I’m a jewelry maker. I make necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Do you wanna see?”
“Sorry, I’m late,” a familiar voice spoke, catching Kia’s full atention.
“Mu-chan!” Kia greeted him with a kiss. He sat down beside her, greeting Nako and his teammate with a smile and wave. Nako was Atsumu’s classmate in high school that has become a famous jeweler in Japan.
“Here’s the ring and necklace you have requested to custom made,” Nako told Kiyoomi, handing him two black velvet boxes. “Just as requested, a palladium engagement ring with a 2.4 carat round cut diamond. And in this box we have a 14k white gold ring attached to a 14k white gold chain. I also made sure that this won’t choke your daughter. But to be extra careful, take it off during her sleep or if she’s playing without you or your wife around.”
They finished their transaction and Nako left, leaving the boys with Kia in the cafe. “So we’ll wait for at the flower field near your house and Kia will run to us, then you’ll propose?” Atsumu clarified.
“Yes. That’s right,” Kiyoomi approved. “Please thank Kita-san for me.”
“I will. I will. We’ll meet you there.” Atsumu bid his good byes, leaving the father-daughter duo.
“Papa what’s the rings for?” Kia asked, staring at the shiny jewelry set in front of her.
“Baby, I’ll propose to your mama,” Kiyoomi started to explain. “I’ll give her this ring so we can get married and we’ll be together forever.” He tried to explain in simpler words so the child could understand.
“Why do you want to be with mama forever?” Kia questioned, which made Kiyoomi smile.
“Because I love your mama.”
“How about Kia? Do you love Kia?” Kia tilted her head to the side, her hopeful eyes peering at his. He cupped her cheek, planting a kiss on her forehead.
“So much. I love Kia so much,” he replied. “That’s why I’m giving you this.” Kiyoomi took the necklace out of the box, presenting it to her.
“You’re proposing to Kia?” She asked in an excited manner, her hands clasped together, pressing them close to her chest. “You wanna be together with Kia forever?”
Kia started crying in joy so Kiyoomi picked her up from her chair, giving her a tight hug. Her sobs quiet down so Kiyoomi put the necklace on her. She hugs him again, giving him a lot of kisses.
“I love papa, too.”
The idea and tradition of engagement rings dates back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed circles were symbols of eternity.
The truth is the most popular engagement month in a year is December. 
In all, about 70% of brides wear their rings on the fourth finger of their left hand; a tradition that comes from the Roman belief that the vena amoris, or vein of love, was located there.
Wedding rings were traditionally made of gold because it was considered the most pure and valuable metal, and was thought to perfectly symbolize marriage.
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pulchritudism · 3 years
so won’t you pull me closer, kiss me faster? | kento nanami x reader [18+] — ch. 8
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Kento Nanami X Reader
Tags: Beach AU, CEO Kento Nanami, Vacation, Porn with Plot, Romance, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: During the last night of your vacation, an escapade alongside the nightlife strip of the resort you’re staying in leads to a drunken encounter with a stranger, but he’s not exactly who you think he is—he’s much more than that.
Word Count: 45,003 [as of chapter 8]
Status: Ongoing
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Months fly by as if it were nothing. After Nanami’s week-long visit in which you spent most of the time with each other, the two of you maintain your long-distance relationship, regularly keeping in touch with each other through video calls. Given his busy lifestyle, he hasn’t been able to visit you as often as he’d want. In fact, it’s been a little more than three months since you’ve seen him in person, with the last time being to celebrate your birthday with you.
He makes up for the lack of presence with gifts. You’ve come to find out that gift-giving seems to be one of his top love languages because he spoils you absolutely rotten, and if your $3500 Cartier watch and your growing collection of Hermès silk shawls isn’t proof of that, then you don’t know what is.
In fact, one of the packages he sent you arrived at your doorstep earlier in the morning, but you told yourself that you’d open it after work as some sort of reward for finishing the week’s tasks and deliverables. So, upon coming home after a long day, you open up his present excitedly, emitting a lighthearted laugh as you stare at the sheer lace lingerie set encased in a fancy velvet box in front of you. Attached to it is a small note written in familiar handwriting:
Won’t you try this on for me, dear?
You bite down on your smile, cheeks warming as you check your clock app and swipe through the timezones to see what time it is in the country he’s currently staying for a business trip, realizing that you have about an hour before you’re scheduled to call him.
So after taking a quick shower, you try on the set he gifted you, and it fits perfectly. It accentuates the curves of your body and hugs your figure so well you wonder if he had it tailor fit for you.
Wearing the lingerie gets you in the mood, and having gone so long without seeing Nanami has definitely upped your need for physical touch tenfold. That coupled with your hectic day at work, you decide to pass the time by letting off some steam.
After settling comfortably on the bed and staring blankly ahead of you for a moment, you start to lightly brush your fingers up your inner thighs, feeling the heat in between them growing every minute that passes.
Without further delay for the sake of your sanity, you spread your legs wide, pull your panties aside and dip your fingers inside you, a small whine escaping you when your index comes up to brush against your bundle of nerves. The thought of the man who gave you the undergarments you’re wearing, the thought of him ripping it off and telling you he’d buy you another one clouds your mind.
Fuck. Fuck. You miss him.
Over time, the pace of your thrusts quickens. And with patience running thin, you bring your other hand up to continuously circle around your clit, walls clenching around your fingers as the familiar knotting feeling in your core inches closer and closer.
But just as you’re about to finish, your phone begins to ring, completely distracting you. With a groan, you reach for it with your free hand, seeing Nanami’s name. Your heart skips a beat, not having noticed how much time had already passed.
“Hey, what’s up?” you say after picking up, keeping your phone close to your face in order to conceal the way you’re clad only in lingerie, caught in the middle of a session.
“Hey, am I calling at a bad time?”
“Uh… Not really. I just got out of the shower. Unwinding,” you say vaguely with a sheepish laugh, watching him get out of the car and onto a bright, open space, “Where are you headed to right now?”
“I’m at the airport. Remember that private jet I was thinking about getting?”
You raise an intrigued brow, “Yeah? Is it finally there?”
The video is shaky as he walks, but then he flips the view of the camera, revealing the exterior of his new investment—an Airbus ACJ320 Neo jet.
“What do you think?” he asks, and though you can’t see him, you hear the subtle excitement in his voice.
“Whoa…” is all you manage to say, trying to absorb the fact that he actually bought a private plane after you jokingly suggested it as a way for him to see you more often.
The moment you brought it up, he considered it with a soft “hm” and there was no stopping him from there; the next time he called you, he was already in the process of talking to a supplier, much to your protest. But then he reasoned out that it was probably better in the long-run if he did get one, considering all his business trips around the globe.
“It’s quite spacious,” he says, pulling you out of your stunned state and making you realize that you’ve been absentmindedly staring at your screen for a couple of minutes. By this point, he’s already made his way up the steps and inside of the jet, giving you a tour of the interior.
“Kento, this is crazy. How much did you get this for?” you squint as you try to appreciate all the details and intricacies through the screen; you’ve barely gotten over the exterior, but now that you’re seeing how it looks on the inside, you’re absolutely gobsmacked. It’s a luxury you never could have even imagined.
“Around 115 million, but that’s without the customizations. I think it’s a little below 200 all in all,” he says casually as if he’d just talked about his total at the grocery, continuing to show you around the lounge, then to the conference room, the kitchen, and then the cinema room.
All you can do is laugh in pure amusement and disbelief.
“Here’s the best part,” he chimes before you’re even able to say something, opening a door to reveal the private master bedroom decked with a king-sized bed and a flatscreen television built into the wall of the cabin, “Worth the investment, don’t you think so?”
“I think I know what you mean now,” you reply knowingly with a smirk.
He flips the camera back to face him, and the little smile he gives you is enough to make your heart race.
“Come pick me up,” you jest, giving him a toothy smile, “I miss you.”
It's inconspicuous through your phone, but his eyes glimmer upon hearing you say that, “Actually, I wanted to let you know that I’ll be having a business meeting in France next week, but I’ll be free on the weekend after then. How about you? I wanted to take you on a little getaway.”
You sit up, shifting on the bed so you’re reclined against the headboard, eyes widening, “Wait, seriously?”
He slides the bedroom door shut and proceeds to the lounge, taking a seat on one of the recliners, “If nothing urgent comes up, but I promise I’ll try my best to keep it free.”
“You don’t have to force yourself if you can’t make it,” you feel your chest tighten, not because of anything bad, but just out of sheer eagerness with the idea of seeing him again, even if it was just a probability at this moment. But, knowing him, he wouldn’t bring it up in the first place if he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it.
“You’re not the only one who misses someone, you know,” he says softly, a little bit sheepish to admit it. He looks adorable.
“Aw, I want to hear you say it,” you pout.
“…I miss you too,” the corner of his lips twitch upwards, yearning evident in the way he says it.
Warmth envelopes you instantaneously. All you want to do is see him as soon as you can so you can squish his cheeks and hug him tight and kiss him and just give him all the love in the world, all the love that he deserved. You miss him so goddamn much, it physically hurts.
Silence settles. This is a common occurrence in your calls at times, but it didn’t bother you one bit. There would be instances where you’d simply accompany each other as you do your own thing, and you’re just grateful you can spend some time with him despite the distance and both of your hectic schedules. He mutes his phone as he looks up, and you can tell that he’s talking to someone out of frame.
After some time, he unmutes, “I need to sign some papers but I’ll keep the call going. I’ll be back shortly.”
“No rush.”
He places his phone flat against the table so that the only thing you’re looking at is the ceiling of the jet. The lack of conversation suddenly reminds you of what you were up to right before he called you. And it didn’t help either that he showed you the plane’s master bedroom because now, you’ve got a blueprint for your vivid imagination to play with. So, unable to resist yourself, you mute your phone and place it down right next to you.
Still a little bit sensitive from almost reaching your climax earlier, you continue where you left off with slow ministrations, hoping that you could get off by the time that he comes back.
Once in a while, you’d glance at your phone and see that it’s the same as where he’d left it. You figured that a vibrator would have done the job quicker, but for some reason, you haven’t gotten around to investing in one. And yes, you’re well aware of how much you’re missing out.
After several minutes, you begin to feel pleasure constantly bubble up in your core once again. And so with quick strokes, you desperately try to reach your orgasm when—
“Do you want anything from France?” his sudden voice causes your heart to skip a beat as you grab your phone with your free hand and put it close to your face again.
But this time around, you don’t stop what you’re doing. You can’t help it—you’re already so damn close.
“Mmhm,” you hum in contemplation, a poor attempt at disguising your moans, “Well, I’ve been craving macarons for some time now.”
“Anything else?”
You stifle a small whimper, biting down on your lip as you’re beginning to lose control of your reactions, “Surprise me.”
“I’ll take note. There’s also a local vineyard there that produces one of the best wines I’ve tasted. I’ll get one for you to try.”
In the middle of him speaking, you turn your camera off, unable to bear being seen in your state.
“Oh, yeah? I’d love to try it,” you say, a pitch higher than normal.
Then finally, an overwhelming wave of bliss hits you, causing your eyelids to flutter shut while you bite down on your pillow, hoping that it was enough to drown out any sound you make as you hit your peak and draw it out as long as you can.
“One last thing,” he says.
There’s a pause. He’s waiting for your reply.
“Hm?” is all you can let out, prying an eye open to take a peek at him as you try to recompose yourself from your high.
“Turn your video back on,” he instructs.
“Give me a minute…” you attempt to conceal your breathlessness, your cheek pressed against the pillow as you’re sprawled across the bed, spent.
“No, sweetheart. Do it now.”
Shit. With the tone of his voice, you know he’s caught you red-handed.
You’re quick to slick your hair back, trying to look presentable before you finally do as he’d ask you to, looking at how noticeable your reddened cheeks were through the screen. If you’d just suspected he knew what you were up to earlier, you’re certain now.
“Yes?” you say innocently with a warm, unassuming smile.
He raises a brow, smirking, “Are you having fun without me?”
Your cheeks turn even redder than it already was. It practically looked like you had on a filter, “...Was I being that obvious?”
“I happen to know what you sound like when you’re about to orgasm,” he says smugly, “Do you really miss me that much?”
“Shut up,” you mutter, beyond flustered, grabbing one of your pillows and hiding your flushed face behind it.
“Don’t make me fly over there right now.”
You chuckle, “You say that like it’s a threat.”
He reciprocates your soft laugh, “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll take good care of you the next time we see each other. Anyway, did you get my package?”
“Yes!” you beam, “I’m wearing it right now actually and it fits perfectly. I love it, thank you. Wanna see?”
“Wait,” he looks up, scouring around him to see if anyone was nearby.
“Oops, it was a yes or no question. Times up.”
“Darling, you know what happens when you tease me.”
“Maybe I’m in dire need of a reminder,” you say mischievously.
He purses his lips, and despite him not uttering a single word, the silence is telling enough. You’re really in for a treat, aren’t you?
Just then, he gets a reminder from a familiar voice, something about how he needs to finalize some documents before a conference later on.
“Is that Ijichi?” you chime, “Tell him I say hi.”
“It is, and he’s reminding me about a meeting I have at nine. Ijichi, a minute please.”
His secretary saunters over, barely in frame. You take a moment to wrap yourself up with your blanket.
“Tell her what you told me,” Nanami says and gives him the phone.
Ijichi looks panicked, sheepishly rubbing his nape, “I’m sorry for having to cut the call short, miss! We’ll be borrowing him momentarily for a conference.”
You laugh, “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he’s in high demand. Make sure he gets some rest, okay?”
The secretary nods, with conviction as if a soldier being given an order, “Yes, ma’am.”
With that, Nanami takes his phone back.
“Well, you heard him. I’ll be taking my leave now,” he sighs dolefully.
“That’s alright,” you say tenderly, “I’ll be heading to bed soon anyway. Until what time is your meeting?”
“Maybe until 12.”
“Okay,” you say in a sing-song tune.
He raises a brow, “Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” you shrug.
He narrows his eyes at you, but ultimately drops the suspicion, “Alright then, I’ll talk to you when I can. Good night, sweetheart. Sleep well,” he says warmly.
“Okay. Good luck with the day,” you blow him a kiss.
“Don’t forget—I want to see how my gift suits you,” he quickly adds.
“We’ll see. Bye!” you giggle, dropping the call before he can pester you about the topic as another way to tease him. If he’d been keeping tabs of how much you’ve done just that, you know you’re in for a hell of a ride the next time you see him.
Before you head to bed, you take mirror selfies of yourself wearing the set he gave in risqué poses for his viewing pleasure. But of course, you weren’t going to let him wait. No, in fact, you had a way more daring plan than that—you wait until it’s 10:30 in his timezone, and that’s when you send him the photos, knowing full well that he’d be in his meeting. The message gets read almost immediately, but it takes him several minutes to respond:
You look stunning as always, my dear.
A smug smile manifests on your face, but it quickly falters when he sends a second message:
But next time reconsider sending it while I’m in the middle of a conference. :)
Nanami using a smiley? Holy shit. You’re so screwed.
* * *
The aircraft looked more extravagant up-close and personal. It was difficult to gauge its size when viewing it from your phone, but when you saw it with your own eyes, your jaw dropped; you had expected it to be a quaint jet, but you were wrong. Way wrong . The thing was the same size as a passenger plane yet everything inside was modified to carry only a sizable number of people. If anything, its lavishness was more akin to a fancy penthouse apartment.
For the first couple hours of the flight, the response to your “where are we going?” has been rather elusive, as it had been for the past two weeks. Nanami’s really drawn out the secret, but you don’t really mind; the mystery of it all thrills you. Not only that, but seeing him looking forward to taking you somewhere enough to keep you on your toes was incredibly endearing.
However, you’re unable to contain your curiosity. And if he’s not going to tell you, then you might as well play a guessing game with him as the two of you sit across from each other in the lounge, in the middle of snacking on a charcuterie platter.
“Western Hemisphere?” you blurt out, picking up a slice of prosciutto with a cheese fork.
He shakes his head, eyeing the fruits and deciding between the blueberries or the strawberries.
“East then. Hm… Considering you asked me to bring my swimwear, I’m going to make a wild guess and say it’s in a tropical country. Somewhere in Asia, perhaps?”
“That’s right,” he ultimately changes his mind and stabs a piece of Gouda cheese instead.
You narrow your eyes, trying to figure out which among the tropical countries within the continent you should even begin with, and so you start naming all that you can remember, with each one gaining a “no” from him.
With a sigh, you recline on your seat, trying to rack your brain up for any more places. But, you come up with nothing.
“I’m beat,” you huff, peering at him through your lashes, noticing the way he’s staring at the slice of sourdough bread, the last one there was on the platter because you’ve eaten almost all of it—there it was, your opportunity.
Deviously, you take it before he can, seeing the silent devastation in his eyes as you bring it close to your lips.
“Come on, all you have to do is tell me where we’re going,” you wriggle your brows, “Then you can have this.”
“Are you seriously using bread as leverage over me?”
You open your mouth, bringing the sourdough closer and closer, “Mhm, it does smell delicious.”
He stares at you, then at the only slice of bread left. As you could have predicted, he gives in with a sigh of defeat and presses the button of the intercom beside his seat, “Ino, how much longer until we arrive at our destination?”
A grin manifests on your face as you bend over the table to feed the sourdough to him, watching the way his eyes glint, “Bread over me? You’re unbelievable.”
“It’s not just any kind of bread, it’s sourdough straight from France—”
“Touchdown to Malé International Airport will be in about two hours, sir,” responds the pilot, disrupting what you assume is the beginning of Nanami’s long monologue about the intricacies of the French country bread he just consumed.
You didn’t mind listening, if only it weren’t for the pilot’s announcement. You blink, and once the words settle, you snap your attention back to face Nanami, “Wait, did I hear that right? Malé? You mean we’re going to Maldives?”
“Yes. Have you ever been there before?”
“Never,” you have to hold yourself back from squealing, unable to resist the giddiness that starts to overflow, “You know, Maldives is actually one of my dream destinations.”
“Really?” he perks up.
“Mhm,” you smile widely, “I’ve been dreaming to go here since I was a child.”
“I didn’t know that. I guess it’s a good coincidence then,” there’s pure affection in the smile he reciprocates.
“Coincidence. We’ve had a lot of that, haven't we?”
Bending over the table once more, you plant a light kiss onto his cheek then graze your lips over his, just enough to leave him wanting more, before you recline back onto your seat.
“We have two hours. Do you want to watch a movie in the bedroom?” he asks immediately afterwards.
Your expression shifts to a smirk, “Are we actually going to watch a movie?”
Matching the look on your face, he gets up and walks over to you, “Let’s see.”
Without warning, he scoops you up into a bridal carry and you’re quick to latch onto his neck, grinning up at him as he heads to the cabin by the tail end of the aircraft, using his foot to slide the door open and shut behind him.
“How are you feeling?” he asks once he sets you down onto the mattress.
“In general or right now?” you reply as you kick your shoes off and scoot to one side of the bed.
“Is there a difference?” he tilts his head, ridding himself of his coat, shoes, watch, and tie to place on the bedside table.
“In general? Tired from work. Which is why I’m beyond grateful for you taking me on this trip. I haven’t been on a break since… Since I first met you actually,” you beam, opening your arms out for him, “So, if you’re asking about how I’m feeling right now, well—I’m very happy.”
He doesn’t hesitate to accept the invitation, joining you on the bed as he wraps you in a tight embrace before pulling the sheets up to cover you both, “That’s all I want. I hope this is enough to make up for not seeing you the past three months.”
You pull him closer to you, revelling in the comfort of his body heat as you bury your face on the crook of his neck, taking a whiff of the expensive cologne he wears, “Are you kidding me? This is more than enough. Thank you, you have no idea how much I really needed this.”
“Are you being overworked?” he traces your spine with his fingers, soothing you.
“Just a little, but it’s understandable,” you mutter before looking up at him with a wide smile, “I’m handling a very important client. You might be familiar with him.”
“Oh?” he quirks a brow up, playing into your antics, “Do tell me about him.”
Rolling to lay on your stomach, you rest your chin on your palms, “He’s this bigshot in the hospitality industry and owns multiple multinational businesses.”
He hums, caressing your forearm with the back of his index and feigning contemplation, “Hm… Sounds very familiar. What else?”
“Crazy rich, tall, and super attractive. I mean, like— hot hot, it’s insane,” you say in exasperation, then smile at him tenderly, “But above everything, he is the kindest, most hardworking, and good-hearted person I know.”
It seems as if he finds genuine enjoyment in the way you’d just described him. He stares at you with infallible affection before he gently grabs your wrist and leans into you, lips moulding onto yours chastely. When he breaks the kiss, he examines you carefully, stroking the pad of his thumb right on the apple of your cheek.
Despite your words and the way you seem to make light of your load, there’s still a look of concern still on his features, “Hey, if our account manager is being a pain in the ass to deal with, just let me know. I can have him back down on you if he’s too much.”
You shake your head, leaning into his touch and trying to keep your mind off the list of revisions one of his company’s account managers sent over the past week, “You don’t have to. I’m up for the challenge. Besides, I want him–and most importantly you–to be wholeheartedly satisfied with the campaign pitches I’ve prepared.”
“Well, I’m certain we’ll be more than satisfied,” he assures you, moving his leg in between your thighs.
You raise a brow, too absorbed in the conversation to realize you’ve untucked his shirt from his trousers and slithered a hand under it to wrap around him, “Are you saying that as my client or as the person I’m dating?”
“Can’t it be both?”
“Good answer,” you smile at him in contentment.
He presses a doting kiss on your forehead, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Really?” you squeak out, lips curving downwards as they slowly start to quiver.
He notices your reaction, the way those four words manage to have such an effect on you, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing at all. I just haven’t heard that in forever.”
“I am,” he says firmly, “And you should be too. You’re amazing at what you do.”
The confirmation is enough to bring tears into your eyes. You snuggle up to him so tightly, you feel like you’re about to crush him. He releases a soft chuckle, resting his chin on top of your head and casually placing a hand on top of your butt.
“Also, am I still just ‘a person you're dating’?” he asks curiously, out of the blue.
“What do you mean?” you look up at him in confusion.
He takes a moment to contemplate, “We’ve been seeing–well, whatever that word means to us–each other for almost half a year. Don’t you think it’s time we make it official?”
You sit up, keeping your eyes on him, “Are you saying you want to call me your girlfriend?”
He follows suit so that you two are seated face-to-face, “I do. I like you very much, and I hope I’ve made my feelings and intentions known to you. I know we don’t see each other in person as much as normal couples do, but I want to be with you, commit to you. And if it means flying out to see you whenever I get the chance, then so be it. But only if you feel the same way and if you’re ready, I don’t want to rush into things.”
Delicately, you graze your fingers against his before interweaving them together, “You know, I’ve been waiting for you to bring this up.”
“Have you?” he says anxiously, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
You nod, blushing, “I feel the same way about everything. I lo—” your eyes widen and you clear your throat, your heartbeat skyrocketing, “—like you quite a lot, Kento. And the things that you do for me, I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am. So yes, I’m ready to take the next step into our relationship. Nothing would make me happier.”
A trembling sigh escapes you. You hope he didn’t catch on to that subtle yet telling vowel, not because you didn’t want to tell him those words, but because you were nervous that he might have thought that it was too soon for you to do so. But being the person that he is, he’s always been rather intuitive.
He stares at you in content, eyes boring straight into yours as your already quickened heartbeat continues to accelerate. The silence is suffocating; only a few moments have passed but to you, it feels like it’s been minutes. Each second that passes urges you to say it, up to the point wherein you convince yourself that you can, and you will.
You take a deep breath, “I—”
Then, as comical as always, something work-related manages to disrupt the moment. His phone begins to receive a barrage of emails all at once. With a frustrated grunt, he reaches over and places his device on ‘Do Not Disturb’ before placing it back on the bedside table screen down.
He returns to his original position, “Sorry, were you about to say something?”
“Oh, nothing important,” you say meekly, the courage you built up from earlier dissipating in an instant. Maybe it’s a sign that this isn’t the right time yet, “Seems to me that you’re the one being overworked.”
“It’s the usual,” he shrugs, reposing his forehead on your shoulder, returning to the earlier topic, “But I’m beyond elated to know that we’re on the same page.”
“I am too,” you sigh happily, rubbing the length of his arm, the other coming up to lightly scratch on his undercut, “Do you want to rest? You must be more tired than I am.”
He pulls back, seemingly regaining his energy as he takes your hand and places small kisses on your palm, “There’s no need to compare. If you’re tired, then you’re tired, and I want you to relax, darling. So lie back down and I’ll take care of you this time around.”
“You spoil me too much,” you tell him sheepishly yet with gratitude, moving to recline comfortably on the pillows.
“And you deserve no less,” with eyes locked on yours, he begins to unbutton your pants, noticing the way your breaths turn heavy almost immediately, “Are you alright with this?”
You nod, helping him by wriggling out of your garments, the cold air brushing up against your bare legs, “Come here and kiss me.”
And so he does exactly that, the newly defined relationship fuels this exchange with heated passion. The thought of being able to call him yours and yours alone fills you with euphoria, the thought of spending the weekend with him fills you with excitement.
You swing your arms around his neck and pull him down to kiss you deeper. His hand slips underneath your panties, a gasp leaving you the moment his icy fingers make contact.
“Hands. Cold,” you shudder.
“Won’t you be a good girl and warm them up for me then?” he brings it back up, running the fingers he’d just inserted in you mere moments ago on your lips.
Closing your mouth around his extremities, you suck them until they’re wet and warm, just as he’d ask. Once he’s satisfied, he pulls his hand out and returns them to where they were previously, your saliva and arousal making it incredibly easy for him to slip his fingers in.
A shiver runs down your spine, finding the stretch wonderfully pleasurable. His hands were so much bigger than yours, managing to fill you up in ways you’re simply unable to. All you could do is moan as he begins to thrust into you. He’s familiarized himself with your sweet spot, skilfully curling his fingers to hit it each time while simultaneously circling your front. The combined sensation is more than enough for you to let out a wanton cry, bucking your hips upwards uncontrollably.
All the while, he adorns your body with kisses, making his way down your neck, collarbone, chest, and abdomen; he greedily sucks on your flesh, but is careful enough not to leave any marks. At least, not in places that are visible when you’re wearing a swimsuit. With the hand not preoccupied with pleasuring you, he spreads your legs wider, licking a long, slow stripe on your inner thigh, tasting the slick that had started dripping down your thighs due to his ministrations.
Your hand practically shoots to grip his hair when he replaces his fingers with his tongue, flicking them at your entrance before looking up at you, gauging your reactions, “How does this feel?”
“Ah—Amazing. We’ve never… You haven’t gone down on me yet,” you whimper, covering your mouth with your other hand, feeling rather embarrassed.
“Don’t be shy,” he hums, the vibrations of his voice prickling your skin, “You taste so good.”
Whilst craning your head upwards to hide your fluster, an even louder cry is ripped from the back of your throat as he dips his tongue deeper. You shift on the mattress, the added friction intoxicatingly addicting.
“Close…” your vocabulary is reduced to so little at this point. Upon hearing that, he starts to rub harder strokes onto your clit, making your toes curl and your back arch, “Fuck, yes. Yes, just like that. Please keep going, please, please. ”
He does exactly as instructed, keeping his pressure and rhythm constant all throughout. The nonstop motion of his hands paired with his tongue tips you over the edge, causing you to convulse under him, your eyes slamming shut as moans erupted from your core. He groans out when your hold on his roots tightens, causing him to firmly latch onto your thigh as your mewls turn softer, only to be replaced by heavy breaths as you slowly recover from your orgasm.
“Sorry,” you smile shyly as you let go of him, “I couldn’t help myself.”
“That’s quite some grip you got there,” he teases, getting on his knees and licking the slick off his fingers, “I think I get it now.”
“Are you into it?” your smile turns into a promiscuous grin.
“Only because it’s you,” he finds his place beside you and wraps you up in his arms. With his body pressed so closely against yours, you could easily feel his hard-on.
You smirk, “How much time before we land?”
He reaches for his phone to check the time, “Enough time.”
It’s only then that you remember what you were doing in the bedroom in the first place—weren’t you two supposed to watch a movie?
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hobisrmy · 4 years
❝Calmative❞  → (adj.): (of a drug) to have a sedative effect. 
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Pairing: Takami Keigo x fem!reader
Genre: Smut & fluff
Wordcount: 2737
notes: doing a fic comeback after.. 4-5 years? so, im probably more than just a bit rusty 
You’re barely able to keep your eyes open as you dig through your purse in search for your keys. You’ve worked overtime every single day of the past two weeks, and the consequences were slowly starting to catch up on you. Your neck and shoulders are sore and stiff with stress and the bags under your eyes had only gotten more and more pronounced as the week had passed. You miss your boyfriend too, between your current project and his job as a Pro Hero, you haven’t had time to see each other.
It has been too long; way too long for your personal liking.
The thought of not having an alarm ring at the crack of dawn manages to console you just a bit, and you consider for a moment if you should book a trip to the nearest spa. Your back would thank you and you feel like you could use some time to completely switch off your brain. Maybe Keigo and you could go together, you muse with a small smile playing on your lips. If you could convince the damn birdbrain, that is.
Your fingers manage to lock around your keychain in your purse and find the right one in the bundle. You unlock the door and push it open, entering your apartment before you stop in your tracks when you notice the low sound of a bass playing from your living room. You frown slightly as you close the door behind you, putting your purse to the side and toe off your sneakers, your worry disappearing when upon seeing the familiar pair already standing there.  
You make your way too the living room, not surprised when you spot your boyfriend sitting on the couch, head tilted back against the backrest and his eyes closed. You wonder for a second if he’s asleep, when you spot the still lit cigarette in the ashtray, figuring he was just resting his eyes for a moment.
You’re about to ask him how he got into your apartment just as your white curtains sway in the evening breeze and you notice the double doors to your balcony are both wide open.  
Sighing you make your way over to the couch, standing behind him as you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not break in through my balcony, bird brain?” You mockingly scold him, voice light and teasingly.
Keigo opens his eyes at the kiss, staring up at you with bright and beaming eyes, “When you give me my own key, that’s when.” He replies and you lean down to this time press a chaste kiss to his lips. He chuckles softly before you make your way around the couch, sitting down beside him with a groan.
“You threw away two keys already,” You remind him as you stretch, feeling your lower back pop, “And it takes time to get a new one made.”
“Details.” He waves his hand dismissively at you and offers you a playful grin that makes your heart ache with love.
You only hum in response before you shift on the couch, slumping against him with a yawn. His expression softens as he takes in your features, perceptive golden eyes roaming over your tired and worn out expression as he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you against his side, resting your head on his shoulder.
You close your eyes for just a second, relaxing to the sound of Keigo humming above you. Now that you’re with him again, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne and natural musk you truly realize how much you missed him. You shift slightly against him and your breasts rising and falling with a soft breath and you clench your thighs together, swallowing.
Has it really been that long?
Just the familiar scent, and the warmth radiating from his body is enough to arouse you. The realization makes your shift again, biting down on your lip. You try to be as inconspicuous as possible, but you forget that at this point Keigo knows your body better than you. You don’t notice how Keigo’s gaze have darkened as he watches you.
He decides to let you squirm for now, a small, amused smirk playing on his lips as he leans forward just enough so he can pick up the now gone out cigarette from the ashtray. He places it between his lips, before a crimson feather picks up the lighter next to the ashtray, flicking the spark wheel and a small flame springs forth, relighting the cigarette.
Keigo takes a deep drag, keeping his breath for a while before he slowly breathes out the smoke. You never take your eyes off him. Watching as the smoke slowly snakes up through the air before it fades out and vanishes.
You don’t approve of his smoking habits.
But, even then, there’s something so alluring about it.
How he holds the cigarette between those long, slender ring clad fingers. The way he flicks his thumb to ash it. The way his lips pout around the filter when he takes a drag. The way he sometimes let it dangle loosely from his plumb lips.  The lazy way he breathes out the smoke, the grey mist flowing from his lips.
You don’t approve of his smoking habits.
But watching him do it never fails to turn you on.
Those fingers. Your mind wanders as you watch him. You’ve been craving his touch for quite a while, work having kept you apart.
Slick pools in your panties as you imagine those long fingers as they curl inside out, pressing against that spot within you, thumb circling your clit. You can feel yourself clench around nothing, suddenly feeling hot despite the evening breeze from the open doors.
Keigo asks, his piercing eyes focused on your face.
You can feel your cheeks heat up. “What? No! I’m just so worn out from work.” You avert your eyes away from him, your body flushing with embarrassment as your arousal pooled in your panties.
Keigo raises an eyebrow at you, and you can’t help but squirm under the intenseness of his gaze. Your throat goes dry and you can feel your slick slowly dampening the fabric of your panties, clenching your thighs together. After giving you another up and down, Keigo decides to drop the subject, figuring you’d be begging for him soon enough with the way you’ve been squirming on the couch and combined with the increased heat he sensed between your legs.
You tear your gaze from him, trying to ignore how your cunt is throbbing. You jolt a little when you feel his lips brush against the back of your nape, placing a chaste, gentle kiss to your sensitive skin.
“You’re so tense, baby bird. You gotta relax.” His hot breath hits the shell of your ear and you feel a shiver running down your spine. His low voice and the proximity to you make you gasp out in surprise.
Keigo chuckles lightly in amusement by your reaction and pressed another kiss to your nape, this one firmer than the other, “I think I know just the way to get you to relax, baby bird.”
“C’mere.” Keigo orders and grabs your hips, making you swing your legs over his, and seating you on his lap. You’re close enough that you can feel his breath hitting your skin in puffs. You swallow around nothing and instinctively look up into his eyes before your gaze falls to his lips.
You feel as if your breath is caught in your throat as he brings the cigarette up to his mouth, breathing in the toxicity. His free hand reached up for your face, gently grabbing your cheek and pulling you closer.
“Keigo, what-”
He cuts you off, gently using his fingers to part your lips and suddenly he’s blowing the smoke into your parted mouth. His lips occasionally brush against yours, as the grey smoke swirls in the air between you. He presses your lips together at the end of his exhale, kissing you softly. “Breathe it in.” he encourages you.
You do as you’re told, taking in a deep breath of air, and letting the smoke infiltrate your lungs. Whether it was the smoke or the proximity to Keigo, you suddenly feel lightheaded and dizzy and you find yourself gasping for air. He chuckles, barely giving you a moment to catch your breath before his lips are pressed against yours again.
Your entire body feels hot with arousal and you can’t help but gyrate your hips down, pressing your clothed cunt against his crotch. Your body flushes with embarrassment as you avert your gaze, your arousal hot in your panties.
“I need you…”
Keigo felt a smirk spread across his lips at your confession and he leans forward, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray before you feel his hands sliding up your thighs, pulling you skirt up just enough to grant him access.
“Mhm? You want me, baby bird?” He teases as he reaches between your legs, fingers sliding along your clothed cunt. “You’re all soaked. Such a filthy songbird.”
His crude words make you moan softly, and you gyrate your hips forward, desperately searching for some much-needed friction. He clicks his tongue as he pushes the fabric of your panties to the side, slowly sliding his fingers along your folds. Your breath quivers, causing the blood to rush straight to his crotch. He teases your lightly, index and ring finger spreading you apart while his thumb glides over your sensitive clit.
He continues teasing you for a while before he pushes a thick finger into you. A shaky breath escapes your lips as you immediately clench around the finger; whining deep in your throat when it’s far from enough to sate you.
You scramble for something to hold onto as Keigo curls his finger inside, nudging along your velvet walls. Moans of his name spills from your lips as he soon pushes another finger into your core, as his thumb rubs circles into your clit, your slick making the movement smoother.
“Keigo!” You cry out as you slowly roll your hips downward, chasing the height that’s quickly building up.
“Already baby bird?” He mocks, voice heavy with lust as he leans forward to capture your lips with his again, swallowing all the moans that escape you. You manage to nod as you cling onto him, nails digging into his shoulders as he pushes another finger into you, the stretch burning so deliciously.
“Come one then songbird, be good and cum on my fingers.” Keigo whispers and brushes his fingers along your jaw. His fingers are reaching spots you can only dream off. Your head spins at the feelings, so sensitive after having missed his touch for so long and your body tenses up as you finally cum around his fingers, clenching down tightly while gushing, slick running down his wrist and your thighs. He keeps working you through it, prolonging it as his thumb rubs against your swollen clit.
You fall forward against him as you gasp for air, your body trembling slightly with the aftereffects of your orgasm. You whine as he pulls his fingers from your wet cunt and you watch with you breath in caught in your throat as he brings his hand to his mouth. His fingers are glistening from your juices and he wraps his lips around his digits, licking them clean with a moan, never for a second taking his eyes off your expression.
Once he’s licked his hand clean of your slick, he reaches down, pushing his sweats down his thighs just enough to free his erection and then reaches under your skirt, thumbs hooking in your soaked panties as he pushes them down and off you before throwing them somewhere in the room, not caring where they land.
Keigo leans back against the couch and grabs his cock, thumb rubbing over his tip to spread the pre-cum around and then strokes himself a few times, a deep groan falling from his lips.
“C’mon, songbird, be a good girl and ride me.” He says and you nod. Your mouth waters at the sight in front of you, Keigo leaning back against the couch, crimson wings spread wide behind him as he’s fisting his cock. You can feel more slick dripping from your cunt when you raise yourself up on your knees, hovering above his cock.
Keigo reached up to hold your hip with one hand, the other grabbing the base of his cock, slowly rubbing the tip along your wet folds and smacking the tip against your sensitive clip. You gasp a few times as pleasure sparks through your body before he angles the tip towards your entrance. He pushes the head inside before the hand that was fisting the base of his cock comes up to rub against your clit as you slowly sink down on him.
“That’s it, baby bird,” He coos as he leans in to kiss you again.
The stretch burns as you slowly sink down on his cock, your cunt spasming around him and suddenly you’re gushing again, your mouth open in a silent moan as another orgasm ripples through your body. He works you through it, praising you for being a good girl, taking his cock so well. You’re gasping for air as he finally bottoms out, the head of his cock snuggly nestling against your cervix. He’s reaching so deep, and you feel so full. Even to this day you struggle to take his cock.
You allow yourself a moment to catch your breath before you slowly raise yourself up, supporting yourself with a hand on his shoulder and you reach out with the other to grab onto his wing, fingers burying themselves in crimson feathers. Your action draws a moan like any other from his lips, raw and almost feral. The slide of his cock is wet and slippery as you lift yourself, thighs trembling as you hold yourself up before only the head of his cock is in, before slamming yourself down, fucking yourself hard on his cock.
You repeat the motion a few times before you settle on a fast pace, your hips stuttering as you move messily and he reaches out to grab your hips, guiding and aiding your movements. A change in angle have him hitting your g-spot over and you cry out in pleasure.
“Fuck- Keigo! Keigo imcomingimcoming,” The words spill from your mouth like a mantra and your hips bucks desperately as you chase your high. The wave builds and builds before it comes crashing hard, cunt spasming and thighs twitching. The way your cunt clenches around him has him moaning out and he holds your hips harder as he fucks more earnestly up into you, causing another orgasm to ripple through your body.
Tears gather at the corner of your eyes and you instinctively try to close your legs, but Keigo keeps them spread apart, disregarding your oversensitivity as he uses your sopping cunt for his own pleasure.
“Fuck, baby girl, your pussy is the best,” he groans and leans into capture your lips as he spills himself inside of you, painting your velvety walls white with his cum. He lets go of your hip and brings a hand down, rubbing your sensitive clit with your thumb making you whine and try to move away but he holds tightly onto you.
“C’mon, songbird, give me just one more,” he whispers against your lips and soon after he forces a last orgasm from you, electricity sparking through you body before you slump weakly against him, breath heavy. Your body feels numb and sensitive at the same time and you close your eyes, as you place your head on his chest. You can feel him slowly get soft inside you and the mixture of your and his cum dripping from your wrecked cunt, but you can’t be bothered to move to clean up.
Keigo wraps his arm around your waist and holds you close as he learns forward, careful not to shuffle you too much, to grab his package of cigarettes, lighting one up as his wings encompasses the both of you.
“Mhm, still feeling stressed baby bird?” he teases lightly, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.
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