#The Warmth to Your Cold
blacksgarden · 8 months
Omg that moon water fic sounds so much fun, tell us more about it 🤍
Ahhhh, my first ask being from my idol on tumblr 🥹 It feels like I'm talking to a celebrity ngl-- Hang on, this is me when I got your ask:
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The moonwater fic was actually requested by @starchaser-lily (I promise it's coming, I'm sorry it's taking so long 😭). I'm planning on posting it some time this week, the week after being the latest.
I'll admit, it was only through their request that I found out Remus x Regulus was indeed a ship, and I found it extremely adorable. The amount of ideas that flooded into my mind?? It seemed never-ending. But to actually imagine these two characters actually having an interaction with each other that eventually ended with a confession of sorts, it only made sense to me that there's angst.
A good story is determined not only by the way it was written, but also by how much thought went into creating the characters. And considering these aren't mine per say, rather they're my interpretation of what the character is like; there's definitely slight pressure on me to get this right. Yes, this is just a oneshot but doesn't mean I shouldn't do a character analysis first to give it some... definition.
Sure, you can throw in the usual angst and fluff template- but where's the fun in reusing it again? I've read a lot of angst and fluff fics and there's not enough development in character to actually feel like 'Oh, this fic is different.' It felt like I was reading the same thing just either shortened or lengthened. We need the garlic bread with our soup ✨
So things we will see in this oneshot is seeing Remus's uncanny ability to put someone at ease, and to trust him to an extent. That charm we all fell for while reading the books and watching David Thewlis bringing Remus to life onscreen. How Remus is able to sort of manipulate people and how he controls everything around him, you know?
And given Regulus's conditioning with his family (like we can even call them that), I would like to think there will definitely be certain comments thrown about. Not necessarily kind ones either. Maybe he means them, maybe he doesn't... we shall find out :)
I want to say more but then I feel I would just spoil the whole fic and there wouldn't even be a point for me to post it ;-;
But what I can spoil? Grab a box of tissues and strap in because it will be quite emotional. When I write, I really write. I'm a flighty writer, so I can write 1000 words easily and still feel like it isn't enough.
Also, now I know why you say we never bother you with asks, because they are indeed fun. So please people, ask me stuff, it's fun.
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teehee-vibes · 6 months
Agonized over the fact that when Chip reunites with Arlin, no matter how it happens, whether Arlin is dead or alive, corrupted or stable, preserved as he was or aged by time and magic… whether it’s a moment of joy and relief at a long-awaited reunion or a heart-shattering episode of grief because Chip is too late, Chip can’t even cry about it.
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skulls-soul · 8 months
Somebody give me Bowser being absolutely, and utterly afraid of falling in love again
Come on people don’t be scared to break hearts
After years of rejection, maybe Bowser is just good at faking confidence? maybe secretly he’s just as insecure as Luigi huuu? Ever thought of that (probably)
Like come on, give me Bowser, having not only a fuck no why him?!? mentality when he finds out that he fell for Luigi but also a ignoring all of these emotions and waiting for them to die, is the best course of action
What do you mean every time he looks at Luigi. There’s a little ember in his eyes?His eyes are red! There’s always an ember to them!!!
Give me moment’s of butterflies and bliss just for there to be a down spiral into panic and doubt. There’s no possible way that Luigi could love me after all of the things that I’ve done to him and his loved ones.
give me a Luigi falling head over heels for the Koopa and trying to figure out whether or not if Bowser likes him
Not only that give me Luigi going to Mario and peach for advice
“ I don’t know what to do. One moment he is complementing my outfit and then the next he’s calling my eyes to blue” (insert what the fuck face here)
Mario and his wife peach had to try really hard to convince Luigi that Bowser does like him, but for some reason he’s not doing anything about it
“ I know what heart struck looks like on bowsers face and he certainly looks at you that way weege”
But It wasn’t until peach mentions bowsers history of rejection in were both Mario brothers were like oooooooh *face slap*
Now, technically by this point Luigi can just ask Bowser onto a date, but that’s too easy, so how about instead Luigi just blatantly flirts with Bowser in hopes that Bowser would be the one to ask him on a date. Both Mario and peach agree to this idea thinking that he just needs a little nudge nudge
Even going as far as to comment on Luigis affection towards the king
Mario: “ you and Luigi made really good partners in this race, besides when he’s with me, peach or Daisy, I’ve never seen him have so much fun”
Peach: “ Luigi speaks very highly of you. It almost reminds me of the time of when he used to talk about Prince Peasley, that way” (this would’ve been one of the nail in the coffin. If it wasn’t for the fact that Bowser was unaware of Luigis crush on The bean Prince)
 This just leads everyone to be frustrated because all of the hints and Luigi’s moves are not working the way that they want it to. It wasn’t until Daisy mentioned that Bowser is one of the most stubborn people that they know and “if he has his mind set on some thing a.k.a. not letting his feelings affect him and Luigi’s friendship which he seems to value a lot then he’s probably going to fight tooth and nail to keep it that way”
Mario, peach and Luigi: ooooooh *face slap*
 this is in fact 100% true each and every single flirt or comment left Bowser spiraling finding himself laying awake at night thinking about all the wat ifs and the maybes only for him to remember that he had the same thoughts and hopes with peach only for them to shoot him right back at his face with the devastation
Also, give me Bowser trying to separate himself. his feelings for lu is getting so out of hand that he’s starting to imagine that the plumber is flirting with him! what delusion!!! (Smh)
Finally, with help from his best friend, Daisy Luigi, planned on to finally ask Bowser to go out with him romantically
Now, I don’t know about you, but that seems like a good place to insert a happy ending….
 I’m just saying! I’m just saying. maybe Bowser does try dating.…. Just other people aka someone that’s not Luigi
Luigi, finding this out is absolutely heartbroken (my poor boy what have I done?) thinking that maybe he waited too long that maybe him and his friends were wrong and that it was just him getting his hopes up because as we all remember, weege is familiar with rejection to
It isn’t until his dear friend Daisy, ever the hothead goes up to Bowser yelling at him for leading her bestie on and going on a date with some scamp
 Bowser is absolutely flabbergasted, but also over the moon yet also petrified, because he potentially ruined yet another possible happily ever after. Thankfully, Daisy knows what to do to fix this.
While all this is happening, Luigi unaware of his besties wereabouts is in his room, reading a bunch of sad romance novels that don’t have any happy endings. It isn’t until Luigi stands up to go get himself a snack that Luigi receives a text message from Bowser’s asking if they can meet up.
Luigi internally is flipping out because on one hand, he would love to see his Bowser, but on the other hand, he knows for a fact that Bowser his friend would want to talk about his date, and Luigi doesn’t know if he can handle that right now
But this is a Weege we’re talking about. He loves to be there for his friends and family, even if it would hurt him, so he reluctantly agreed.
Let’s say, Bowser invites Luigi to practice racing with him  in where you can immediately tell that there is an awkward tension in the air. Bowser is not to surprised by this, but Luigi is because as far as he knows, Bowser doesn’t know that he has feelings for him. (good Lord Daisy you better hope that Luigi doesn’t get upset at you for outing his emotions.)
They go on a race or two before taking a little break and getting back into the swing of their friendship, when Luigi decides that he would rather rip the bandage off, then painstakingly wait for Bowser’s to open up
Luigi tries his best, not to let his excitement show when Bowser says that him, and his date both agreed that a second one will not be happening. Even so, after hearing those words, lu very quickly made up his mind it might not be what him and Daisy planned, but if he waits any longer then Bowser’s next date might be the one to get to call him their’s a Luigi would rather fail from trying rather than not trying at all
Because the pain of never knowing what could’ve been hurt so much more than Bowser’s potential rejection
“ if you don’t mind, can I recommend someone for you to try a date with?”
“Ya… you wouldn’t so happen to be interested in a little green plumber would you”?
 Bowser’s takes a moment to realize what just happened and it probably would’ve taken him longer if it wasn’t for the fact that Luigi started repeatedly saying sorry backpedaling try to fix what was starting to feel like a mistake (what can I say I’m a sucker for an anxious Angsty mess)
Bowser, surprisingly soft-spoken says yes, causing Luigi to look up at him. Shock is in his eyes before his smile meet them.
“Cool” Luigi would say as he tries to keep his smile on the down low but he can’t help it especially if Bowser‘s tail decides to  thump besides him
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goldengrecha · 5 months
Today I'm thinking about manga versions of Maxie and Archie, because it's something... I even dont have words for it. Like. Holy fucking shit.
In the beginning, of course, they're confront each other - that's the classic, they're rivals after all, standing for different things and all that things. They're different. They're opposites. They're still strongly exist in each other lives, because of their conflict.
But then
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This happens. And this IS beginning of the end, because of course they're working together - and at the moment it looks like it is only for benefits for their goals, nothing else. They will destroy each other when they will get to finish.
They're fucking irritating(/pos), it almost feels like they're drawn to each other, in any scenario, their destiny is to meet, to exist in each other lives. None of them exist alone (and when one of them do exist alone, it means that something went terribly wrong).
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This panel. I don't know where to start.
Do I need start with that they're realizing they work together perfectly? Do I start with that this making them thinking they needed to work together from the beginning? Do I start with that two men, who, up until this point, was fighting with each other and conflicting, hating each other, founded in each other the best partner they ever could have? Do I start with that they're probably the best persons in each other lives?
It is already very emotional (at least for me), but with how story goes on, they're connecting more and more, becoming even more emotionally fucked up.
There is so much going on in emerald arc I barely can find words for describing my emotions.
This is the fucking tragedy. Because, what do you mean, they're put in situation where is only one of them can leave alive for some more time? (Remember how I said that if only ONE if them exist it means that some shit is going to happen something going to go really terrible. It either them both exist or them both don't).
What do you mean Archie is literally killed Maxie, just for chance of living a little longer?
And this is tragedy, because Archie, in the end, loses again. And now, not only he does lose in literal sense - he didn't achieve his goal, after all. He loses everything he had - his team, his life, and most importantly, he loses his only friend. He is all alone now.
Ah yeah can we talk about
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It's just one phrase. It has so much in it.
Not only he calls Maxie friend, not only he confess that Maxie probably the only one person which Archie was thinking as a friend, but also like.
Consider this: this isn't oras archie yet. This version of archie is cold, closed and gloomy, genuinely intimidating person. He doesn't care about his team members, it is kind of okay for him to use them as tools (which, ironically, shows even in this interaction with Maxie: after all, Archie still killed him for a chance of living a bit longer. And Archie acknowledging that he betrayed Maxie. He betrayed his only one friend). He is a cold person, but it almost seems like Maxie managed to warm him up a bit, just a little bit. This is actually incredible and, again, endlessly emotional, and I still can't stress this enough. Holy fucking shit.
Just imagine Archie at this point. Imagine, because, the best person in his life always was his rival. His rival, and maybe, even friend.
And I told about this before, but can we talk about that in distorted world they became one? It's just so symbolic. Like, Archie and Maxie from beginning were opposites, they was supporting opposite things, their goals was completely opposite. But they can't choose only one of this, because everything around them is a combination of different, sometimes opposite things. Like even the land and water in Hoenn! Exactly this combination of land and water create Hoenn as we know it, and how they know it. And they, people, who choosed only one of these things, in the end, became the one themselves - isn't this ironic? Isn't this funny? Isn't it symbolic in some way? (I also fucking love how this fusion explain in some way why when oras hits, Maxie is more like original Archie, and Archie more like original Maxie. They had explored each other minds I'm sure of it)
And finally, ORAS, part that I love the most.
Not only they both was given chance of living again, but this is literally their peak. They're working together again - and by that I mean they're working perfectly together.
They even acknowledge it themselves:
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And this is so good in contrast with Ruby and Sapphire arc - back then, they too, realized and started to think they're work perfectly together, but it still was mixed with some evil fucked up shit, but here? They're working together because they (ironically), have the same goal. And they're helping each other.
They're working together perfectly, this is so good for them. And no evil bullshit this time! It's actually best versions of them in some way - because they're working together, for sake both of humanity and pokemon. They working towards happiness and safety for everyone, not choosing and prioritizing only one of them.
And they're talking to each other as if they was old friends, partners, every one of their interactions shines with this somewhat warm feeling. This is so good for them. I would even dare to say that ORAS part was the happiest moments in their lives.
And.. Then end of ORAS hits.
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And, again, as classic already, it's a small panel, but how much here is.
First of all, can I point that Archie died two times, and both times he was thinking of Maxie in some way?
And both times is some kind of emotional moment for Archie: first time, he calls Maxie friend (he doesn't call him by name, but. He obviously talking about him COME ON), and second time he ask Maxie, if he would want to work together again, if they will have chance to do so. I just love seeing this progression, how Maxie became more and more dear person for Archie as time goes on, how he became more attached to him. And Maxie does too!
It is such an incredible moment filled with so much emotions, with so much sense. I love how Archie doesn't even say his question fully, but Maxie still understands him. Of course he does, because, I'm sure, even if Archie didn't ask this, Maxie still would think of it. I'm sure if none of them said this, they still would understand this wish to work together again that they both have. At this point, they are incredibly connected together, and they have only each other.
I also love this moment, because when Archie died first time, he was told that, if he will continue like this, he will end up all alone. And Archie agrees to that: he answer in the way that he is already accepted that he is alone now, and he doesn't even have Maxie by his side (I still can't get over that he really highlighted him in this speech holy fucking shit). BUT then, when he appears next time, he appears as ORAS self, and his ORAS self is very different from what he was, not only as a person, but his motivation is different, too.
He changed in some way. And he ISN'T alone, because now, Maxie is by his side again. And I can't stop thinking about how happy it probably made Archie.
And even dying, he is calm, because he isn't alone. He have Maxie by his side. His only friend.
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grymkoena · 10 months
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Meredith Stout.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
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our flag means death S2E3: the innkeeper
#our flag means death#ofmd spoilers#ofmd s2 spoilers#shrimp gifs#it was just a very pretty scene i think#i'm laughing because i played around with curves -- as you do -- but then i had to manually bring the brightness down and make everything#more blue again because it's just better that way lol#god i'm having... so many little marbles bouncing around my head like#this post is already tagged with all the spoiler tags i think i can talk in here#the way it started i had No Inkling At All that this would be this kind of setting. so i didn't pay attention to the surroundings or all th#stuff. hell i could barely hear what they're saying because all my fancy schmancy english skills fall apart in the face of your normal soun#mixing. I MISSED THAT IZ AND ED SAID “LOVE” LIKE HELLO#but. but anyway. but. but once it was revealed that This Is All In Ed's Head. that hornigold is ed and everything is ed. man. god.#it's cold and wet and dark (ed likes warmth). ed was washed up on the shore with his face full of sand but THEN he got rescued by someone#who he hated and associated with all the pain and violence AND who then force-fed him soup so he could get better. who had pretty pieces of#glass hanging from his tent (there's no sun but the decoration itself is a promise of a pretty sighs when the rays of the sun hit#just right--) AND you can't forget the sandals. and the play-acting and aoughhhh EEEDDDDDDDD god he's so good HE'S SO GOOD#i dont think i should touch the delightful revenge scenes because they're dark as fuck and idk if the files i have are hq enough#to survive the becurvening. BUT. ed my love!!! i hope this is not where your insanities end
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I got you beside me
that's a fact you should know
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soliel-et-lune · 2 years
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leaving and coming back and the cycle that has to be broken.
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The only real problem I have with new Trek is the lack of carpeting, with all the space battles throwing everyone around you'd think they would want to hang on to the soft cushion of low pile flooring
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pizzamafiaart · 2 years
hey hold my hand. What? no, my hands aren’t cold. Yeah I wouldn’t trick you into touching cold hands haha- GOTCHA, MY HANDS WERE COLD AND NOW IM STEALING YOUR HAND WARMTH
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softboiledwonderland · 10 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Categories: F/M, Gen Relationships: Boromir (Son of Denethor II)/Original Female Character(s), Aragorn | Estel & Boromir (Son of Denethor II), Boromir (Son of Denethor II) & Gandalf | Mithrandir Characters: Boromir (Son of Denethor II), Original Female Character(s), Aragorn | Estel, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Éowyn (Tolkien), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Drama, Angst, Friendship, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Boromir Lives, Sort Of, Modern Character in Middle Earth, a very extended redemption arc for Boromir, not that I think he needs it, but he’s getting one anyway Summary: Boromir fell beneath Amon Hen and was given to the River – and the River gave him back. What price will he and those who love him have to pay for his return? And who set it for them? Or: Boromir Lives, with a twist.
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
the last thing Pat wants is to let Pran slip through his fingers again.
— a drabble inspired by this fanart where Pat stays awake after the end of epsiode 4. he sits up and looks at Pran who has his back turned, asleep.
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why does Pran drive him away? does he not care, did those 3 years apart mean nothing to him that he can just push Pat away so nonchalantly?
all he wants is to be back in Pran's life again — whatever that takes.
maybe it's easier to fall back on the kind of relationship they had before, instead of anything else because it's familiar: the genuine moments hidden beneath fake hostility, the teasing, the way Pran's whines don't quite reach his eyes, the way he relents at the end, as if he can never really hate him.
but now.
now maybe he's gone too far. he says he hates him, and for a minute Pat believes it.
maybe there's a pink painted line he crossed, an invisible road sign he missed, an alarm he slept through.
either way, hearing it stings. right there, in his chest. sharp. quick. the kind that makes him double over.
Pat replies with something, anything, to retort. it comes out flat, sounding more compensating than a diss.
he lays back down when he sees Pran roll over, closes his eyes even though surprisingly he's not that fatigued from the rugby game, and feels Pran tug the blanket back to his.
Pat lets him.
he stays awake, his mind not shutting down and his body still jittery.
but he has his eyes closed and feels his chest rise and fall from the breathing.
Pat opens it again and sits up. when he lays his chin on top of his crossed arms, the only thing he sees is Pran's back. he feels relief wash over himself.
at least Pran gets to rest. he knows that shoulder is still hurting him.
Pat doesn't get it.
what would it take for Pran to look at him like he did before? to talk to him as he did back in highschool?
he doesn't get it.
there's still something sitting on his stomach, heavy, unidentifiable. he can't figure out what.
but maybe if he sleeps it off, he eventually will.
maybe tomorrow, he thinks as he inevitably dozes off, succumbing to the night.
maybe tomorrow.
tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll realize why.
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nedlittle · 1 year
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2x21 "crisis" really is a perfect episode
#mash#i cannot BELIEVE the plot of this episode was really it's cold and we need to snuggle for warmth#the supply line got cut off so we need communal sleepovers for Morale Reasons#it's PERFECT!#i just know frank is that kid who's like 'can we please be quiet and go to sleep'#frank thinks they're gonna get in trouble if they're too loud#i'm going to finish s2 today and i really enjoyed it overall!#i think it's stronger than s1 (understandably) and the episodes have more rewatchability#however on the other hand there episodes like for want of a boot and as you were that feel like all set up and no payoff#similarly dear dad 3 didn't really feel committed to the epistolary format and didn't do anything interesting or meaningful with it#also bc i am a person who loves spoilers and context i know what happens to henry so every passing episode i am filled with dread#that's my DAD what do you MEAN he's gonna get shot down over the sea of japan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#also mclean stevenson is giving possibly my favourite performance. he's just Saying things by accident#not one word in his mouth has ever been there on purpose he is possessed by the spirit of your dumbest uncle#i'm still lukewarm on trapper. the vulture instinct i feel on account of him looking like buddy the elf has settled#i no longer want to tear that man to shreds out of primal rage i only wish he'd get his own plot & a more distinct personality#those are all my thoughts rn#i have to bribe myself with the Very Special Gay Episode so i can finish this cover letter#id in alt text
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ajaxstar · 2 years
characters: childe x gn!reader
genre: fluff, cold weather, theres one part where reader expresses how cute he is
note: let's all be surprise that my first solo character fic is childe after a long hiatus
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you were not raised in snezhnaya; hence the effect of the cold and snowy weather grew a number on you so often than you'd prefer. the season of winter in the middle of the second month of the year did absolutely not help your situation. in the midst of it all, childe had always reminded you to stay close to the fireplace in your shared home. so here you are, bundled in multiple layers of blankets and a few pillows around you for your comfort.
your sweet boyfriend had thankfully set this up for you before he begrudgingly left for a quick errand that one of his fatui superiors gave him. albeit not liking the idea of his agents to guard the outside the house (because be preferred to take care and protect you himself), he still assigned some, telling you — and convincing himself — that it was for the better if you may ever need something or rush someone to inform him if you may need anything.
your eyes felt heavy as you flipped over to another page of the book you have in hand, head leaning to one of the pillows around you. taking your eyes off the written texts, you looked around the house upon missing the presence and warmth of a certain redhead. he did promise to be back home as fast as he could, maybe he'd be here in a few minutes.
just as you were about to return your focus to the book in your hand, the front door was opened by the man you were just looking for. speak of the devil. perhaps, this time, it was spoken by the angels above that your wish was granted. once his eyes met yours while he was discarding the layers of his clothes, an enthusiastic smile broke into his lips.
who the hell had the right to be that cute? he may be a criminal in some nations due to his status as a harbinger, but to you now he is one too. being that cute is definitely illegal!
"how did it go?" you inquired, albeit still annoyed at how adorable he is as he sauntered over to your side, his arms immediately around you and your back pressed to his chest as he buried his face into your neck. "it was just a meeting with the harbingers and the tsaritsa. i must say, everyone behaves in the presence of Her Majesty." he answered with a chuckle that you felt vibrated from his chest.
the desire to answer back and be playful with him died down inside you as you felt him calmly exhale after inhaling your scent, which caused you to turn around and bury your face into his chest, arms tight around him. you felt childe stiffen in surprise and you swear you saw a glimpse of a pink hue on his cheeks as you hummed against his chest.
"i don't know how you managed to still be warm when you just got here in that type of weather and climate but," you tightened your arms and smiled wider as you pressed a kiss on his lips, "you're warmer than the fireplace."
childe's eyes widened from your comment as he felt a warm feeling spread throughout him. although flustered, he thinks you'll prefer that. but he also thinks you caused this effect on him on purpose for your desire for warmth against the cold of snezhnaya.
however, as a loving smile stretched along his features while he tilted your head up to meet your lips with his, he knows he doesn't mind that.
he knows and he is certain that he prefers to stay that way for and with you.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Hi just wanted to let you know I’ve been absolute obsessed with ABoT the last couple weeks. I could go on and on about it, but I just quickly wanted to say thank you and also I love how each main character has like a death motif related to them.
Like for Reigen it’s knives/stabbing. He constantly gets in knife fights. His hand was shredded like by “razor blades.” He helps Mob cut food with the intent to teach him it is how you use a tool that matters. He tries killing himself and Mogami with the knife.
For Ritsu, it’s obviously drowning. He has dreams of drowning, he is drowning in a whole lot of emotional stuff, he tried to drown Reigen. And the fountain is very important to him.
Teru I feel would be hanging, for the obvious stuff like being choked with his tie and trying to choke ritsu (which that chapter broke me btw read it like eight times)
Mob I am about unsure, but I feel like fire would be his symbol. The Mogami household where all his suffering stemmed from ‘burned down’ (twice). I can’t remember what chapter, but after he was being scolded by Mogami about saving Teru, there was a line like ‘a flame of hope burned in him.”
Anyway I just love literary analysis and symbolism. and I cannot tell you how much I love your fanfic. Keep up the great work! Thanks for writing!
yessssssssssssssss the motifs. It just feels so right to attach a Thing to a Character which communicates something deeply thematic and personal about them.
Reigen and knives!!! Of course it has its roots in canon, with his key speech to Mob about how psychic powers are like knives, and they're not to be pointed at people. It felt only right to extrapolate that in ABoT. His career-ending encounter, at the very start which made him quit Spirits and Such, was a possessed man with a knife who assaulted Reigen and sliced his cheek (leaving a scar which is something of a key identifier of ABoT!Reigen).
The knife comes into play again during the Tetsugami encounter, when Mogami uses a knife to threaten to kill Tetsuo, and ends up slicing Reigen's hand with it. (And that hand-slice, of course, was foreshadowing for the hand-shredding in Reigen's future). And the second time Mogami possesses Tetsuo and comes for Reigen, the knife weapon returns with him.
And then... his big moment in ch45. The knife he brought along to kill himself (and Mogami possessing him). In a grandiose "we both go out on my terms" manner. During earlier mental planning of that moment, I'd toyed with the idea that Reigen came to the Mogami house with Tetsuo's (well, Haruki's) gun. It would be a more effective weapon to try to kill both himself and Mogami with. But thematically, it didn't resonate with me. It had to be the knife. It always had to be the knife.
(And it absolutely had to be the knife because, even more importantly, Reigen's attempt at self-sacrifice was not the solution. Thematically, it never could be. After all the thematic talk about how self-sacrifice hurts the people you leave behind, and you can't simply make yourself not matter to them--Reigen killing himself with the knife to stop Mogami could never work. Do not point your knives at people. Do not use knives to hurt people. Do not use knives to hurt yourself.)
Ritsu and drowning. This ties in deeply with the emotional toll he suffers as the surviving child--he feels smothered, he feels suffocated, he feels pressure from all sides to behave exactly as everyone needs him to behave...and he feels like he's drowning, and cannot speak up, and cannot breathe.
And his relationship with water manifests from this. "The water trick" being the thing he internalized from his brother, and manifests when his powers awaken. The way he uses cold water in chapter 7 to soothe and numb himself from his parents' rejection. The control of water being about all he has to use against Teru in chapter 15. The use of water to drown Reigen during their fight. The drowning in the storm that happens in ch41. The fountain, and the way he throws off Mob's water cover when Mob was trying to shield Ritsu from the barrier.
Teru's symbolism is a bit varied! He gets to be the first to play out the "tie as a noose" symbolism, which comes in strong later for Reigen (the evolution of Reigen's tie color symbolizing his emotional journey -- blue when he was alone, switched for white when he first has Mob, switched for pink as that emotional attachment grows, switched for blood-covered stand-in of a noose when Mogami takes his body... Reigen's tie evolving into Mogami's noose was a piece of symbolism I was eager to get to). But back on Teru--Ritsu strangling him with his tie was an inversion of Teru's canon role of strangling Mob... ...and then, of course, in chapter 33 where Teru gets to play this straight against Ritsu ("I think maybe you forgot, Kageyama, that you don’t need powers to do terrible things.") and he strangles Ritsu with his bare hands.
Burning, I'd say, is Mogami's domain. First with the illusion of the house burning down, and now with Reigen having actually set the corpse on fire. That thing of such coldness (as Mob emphasizes how much Reigen, and Reigen's place, are warm) being culled by Reigen setting it alight and making it burn to the ground. The kinds of cruel life in Mogami's house are the sort which need to be killed with fire. And see the importance for Mob here is how fire is a good thing in him. "Flame" is hope, and energy, and passion in his which four years trapped in the Mogami basement had robbed from him, and now Mob is finding again. Finding that warmth and that flame is an important aspect to taking down Mogami, to being part of what makes Mogami, and the house, burn down once and for all.
dkjdbfbjdf thank you for indulging me on this!!! the symbolism in ABoT is so very important to me I love when people pick up on it!!!
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I was listening to Blood Upon The Snow by Hozier and GOD what a Himring theme like imagine???
Maedhros is newly "healed" from his 30 years or torture, just gave up his throne and crown to his uncle and is determined to travel east to build his strong hold against Morgoth. Everyone is worried, like yes he's technically healed but Maedhros has a… violence to him now. He is colder, both at the touch and personality wise. There is a glint in his eyes and his brothers (and cousins, and his aunt and uncle) all look at each other with worry behind his back as he now prowls as he walks.
Maglor is the most worried. He's more in tune with the world and the Music around them, and while Maedhros' song isn't twisted like the thralls they've met, it's brassy now. Before, back in Valinor, Maitimo used to sound like a string quartet, complex and intricate, like a beautiful glass mosaic that told a whole story without words and still let light shine through upon everyone in a splash of rainbow beams. Now, there is a thrumming undertone that's deeper, richer, that makes the almost word filled song of the strings become shrill, like they're crying out. The bass undertone sounds like the marching of an army and the strings sound like a death wail of the doomed. It makes Maglor's skin crawl as he watches his brother, not knowing what to make of the change in Song.
He listens, and he follows Maedhros. Climbs with him up the tallest, coldest peak he finds in the east. The mountain is cold, the wind is biting, and the snow is deep-- not that that is a hindrance for the Elves, but the horses have to trudge through snow that is basically up to their chests. The music here is also cold, sharp woodwinds nipping at the ears and shrill strings that rattles his bones. Maglor opens his mouth to complain, to urge his brother to turn back down this damned mountain when he finally breaks through the cacophony and hears his brother's song.
For the first time since the darkness engulfed Valinor, Maedhros' Song was steady, quiet, finding peace and blending into the rush of Music wiping around them. Maedhros himself looks at peace, eyes closed and face upturned to the weak sun. Between the rich red of his hair, regrown down to his shoulders since they had to shave it after his rescue, and the deep scarlet of his Feanorian robes, Maedhros looks like a spot of blood upon the snow. Maglor shivers, suddenly overcome by a vision of his brother drenched in blood, mouth curled into a snarl like a feral animal, surrounded by endless white and red all around him.
Maedhros begins to hum, a low tune that does nothing but send shivers up and down Maglor's spin.
"Brother, please, let us leave. There is nothing for us here, maybe if we keep travelling east there will be a better place to set up camp." Maglor begs, walking closer to Maedhros.
"No." Maglor freezes at the word. There was an undercurrent of command, of steel. "This place speaks to me, I will make our stronghold here."
Maglor gapes, he looks around at the barren mountain. Nothing but rocks, and snow, and sparse shrubs. "Here? Really?"
Maedhros nods. "Here. Her name shall be Himring, and she will withstand any siege." He hums again, the notes low and easily swallowed up by the wind. Maglor with his keen ears could pair the simple tune and worried at his lip when he noticed that it was actually a very basic version of the Song that screamed around them.
If he listened closer, he could almost hear the words in the Song. His heart clenched as he watched Maedhros turn and begin ordering their men, getting the wheels of creation of their base set into motion.
Maglor looked around the mountain side again. He could feel the glee of the mountain, at how the rocks thrummed beneath their feet and snow. It felt vicious, like hunting dogs straining at their leashes, an eager glee that felt almost bloodthirsty. Maglor just hoped that it just would be directed towards helping their cause, and not be their downfall.
To all things housed in her silence Nature offers a violence
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