#The Witch's Throne
faline-cat444 · 1 year
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Roughly two weeks of releases in my interest range and a few other surprises and slips.This is what leaving town for a little bit sometimes returns you to.
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cactus-cuddler · 15 days
I would like to apologize to those who are reading "The Witch's Throne", it's been a while since I posted... I wanted to post this weekend but I was really too anxious because I started internship! (I've already written the chapters but posting the photos, update links, rereading and correcting takes up a lot of my time and energy), I will post this Saturday. A kiss and I'm so sorry <333
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yoihino · 5 months
So the author of a webcomic I really really love stopped updating after a seasons finale 2 years ago and the last post in any of his social media is in instagram stating that season 3 was in production and that it would not be long until they started updating again. That was a year ago. So.
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vulpixbookpix · 11 months
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4 out of 5 stars
There are a lot of D&D references, so fans of Dungeon Critters and The Adventure Zone Vol.1: Here There Be Gerblins would probably like this book.
Every 10 years, a witch is created. They could cause the destruction of the world. To stop her, the world has created a competition for the "throne seekers." Hundreds of wannabe heroes go to the CItadel and only four of them are chosen to go against the witch.
First is Agni, an alchemist with skeletal hands and arms who wants to become one of the throne seekers. We also meet characters such as Reksha, the orc warrior and her brother, who is worried about her becoming a throne seeker and wants to take her place, but he's too docile and weak.
The art is bright and colorful and the characters are all pretty unique and fun. I enjoyed the fights that occurred and how they gained XP and lost HP, which was explained that it was due to the first witch's curse. The worldbuilding was entertaining without being too much of an info dump at once. And I liked most of the characters--both good and "bad."
The ending definitely left questions--both unanswered ones and new ones! Like, how did Agni's arms get the way they are? How does the giant shapeshift and what's his class level? How are they going to make it to the throne challenge and what obstacles will they face along the way? I hope to pick up volume two to see it all unfold.
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rainingriversofyou · 4 months
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Dorian, Manon & Abraxos - TOG 🩶 Artist: andieburky
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linusbenjamin · 2 months
DEADPOOL WOLVERINE SPOILERS AHEAD. i loved how it felt like a comic movie. jokes were actually funny. action scenes were so creative. cameos were super cool. matthew macfadyen served, smashed, killed etc. i would define it as a tribute to fans. it's a solid 8.5 for me. but as someone who went to cinema wearing a fucking wanda t-shirt, i demand some fucking answers about that scarlet witch statue which i've fucking seen with my own two eyes and then i screamed out loud.
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rhae-ali · 1 month
One thing about me is if I see an evil mother, she WILL be my favorite character.
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Love it when moms are obsessively protective over their children and/or instill them with power.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
Home, At Last | Azriel & WitchDaughter!Reader
Summary: Unbeknownst to Azriel, an encounter he had with a witch nearly three centuries ago will come back to haunt him when his shadows begin speaking of you, his “daughter”, a witch in danger of being thrown out of her coven.
Word Count: ~ 3.5k
Warnings: Mentions of rape, stillborn baby, pregnancy, abuse, branding, witches, sharp stuff, birth, death, major trauma and angst, injuries, ends kinda good tho (PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP W/ AZ AND READER)
A/N: Ok I feel like I’m scamming y’all bc reader is actually Az’s granddaughter but they have more of a father-daughter relationship in the ends…this is like super sad in the beginning but there’s comfort in the end and a bit of fluff, hope you enjoy <3
Requests are open!
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From the moment his shadows had begun whispering and speaking of rumors, Azriel hadn’t been surprised.
Of course, he was surrounded by rumors, he was the infamous shadowsinger, the Spymaster of Night Court who’d been alive for centuries and lived through several wars, a male who’d murdered thousands in his lifetime. But these rumors seemed a bit more real than the others, more realistic, or at least his shadows thought so.
‘She is small, with hazel eyes like ours’
They whispered to him, conjuring up images in his mind, images of a young teenage female, one of gleaming iron, with hazel eyes and midnight black hair.
He didn’t understand how or why he would have a child.
With any lover he took, he always ensured that the protection was flawless, whether it be condoms, birth control pills, or pulling out on time, he was careful with all of it. He knew he wasn’t ready for a child, and he didn’t want to have one anytime soon, let alone with a female he wasn’t mated with.
But there was one instance. One completely out of his control, an experience he would never forget.
It had been in the midst of the first Great War, he’d been sent on a mission, a secretive one to gather information, by Rhysand’s father, the High Lord at the time. It had all gone perfectly, he’d gotten in, and out, but he’d made a small pitstop on a little side of a high mountaintop to gather water, as he had been feeling a bit nauseous due to the lack of it for many hours.
The female had moved so quickly he hadn’t even been able to notice her until he was on the ground, and saw her iron teeth and nails come down over their normal counterparts a second too late before they were against his Jugular, the witch smiling wickedly above him as she crooned into his ear.
“Quite the catch. I haven’t seen a male like you in centuries,”
She had purred into his ear, her sharp nails tracing over where the Illyrian tattoos were visible on the lower half of his neck, and some of his shoulders. Overcome with nausea and fatigue from nonstop missions, not to mention the deadly witch that could easily slaughter him, he could do nothing but remain silent and blank as he could while the witch had her way with him. That was a key belief of their kind, that men were only good for breeding and food, nothing more.
He’d tried to forget about it, tried his very hardest, but now it seemed it was coming back to bite him. It was odd that his shadows hadn’t picked anything up sooner. That event had been nearly 300 years ago, and if that witch had somehow sired his child, survived the birth with the wings, and raised it…
He was getting ahead of himself. Maybe it was just a mishap with a normal lover, not the sadistic witch who’d raped him so long ago.
And if it was….he’d find her.
Normal occurrences in the witch camps had always been chaotic, but you were bound to notice more when you were actively looking out for it.
Daily sparring, sharpening of iron teeth or nails, fights, meals, and hunting times. It had all been so painfully normal to you before you’d gotten pregnant. It had been a human man, one you’d met while scoping out a new area for the Matron. He’d been drunk, and you, like any other witch of your coven, had taken advantage of that fact.
He’d at least provided a decent meal afterward.
Carrying a witchling was a blessing from your gods, you knew it, and you were forever thankful for it. But that didn’t mean it was easy. You were usually stuck in the designated area for impregnated witches that were about to pop, which was fine. There was just one thing you were nervous about, one thing that might go wrong.
You had only heard the story once, how you’d been born with wings and your mother had been left ripped open and dead because of it, her birthing canal unable to adjust. The same wings that had been promptly ripped off for being improper. Death had probably been the best fate for the female that had once called you her daughter, giving birth to an improper or “wrong” child was worse, and you would be branded like cattle, and thrown to the side.
That could easily happen to you.
The chances were low, usually the only genes that carried so strongly through witch blood were the integral witch parts, what made you worthy and befitting of the coven. The chances of the child having wings were low, almost zero, but not zero.
You couldn’t help but wonder if that was what your mother had been thinking, or her mother before her. The gene of wings had been in your bloodline almost three women back. They’d probably thought the same. That there wasn’t a chance, not one bit of one. Even though there had been, and she’d paid dearly for it
Every day dragged closer to the day, and as the others in the coven noticed the behavior, the swollen ankles, the lack of strength, shortness of breath, odd cravings, fatigue, or the morning sickness, the stricter the designated midwives became you staying inside of your bed.
The nerves grew, for multiple different reasons.
“This is a blessing,”
They’d tell you.
“You’re birthing the next generation of a strong coven,”
They said.
It was easy to listen to them, but not so easy to believe in what they’d said. Other females gave you tips, being oddly kind for your species and their volatile behavior. The midwives prepared you, giving you a blunt explanation of what would happen, as they did with all the other females about to give birth.
Finally, the day came.
At first, you thought you’d just pissed yourself when your water broke, but after a second of actual contemplation, you’d nearly panicked. The contractions started soon after, horrible awful things making your body cramp and lurch in ways you hadn’t even known possible beforehand. Your groans and moans joined those of the other woman also giving birth at the time. This was her first time, too. You’d briefly talked to her before.
“When are you due?”
“A month before the solstice.”
“Three weeks before the solstice.”
“Is this your first?”
“Oh. Me too.”
The female seemed as kind as a witch could be, with piercing blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. Your screams intertwined together, beds separated only by thin curtains in the large birthing tent with rows upon rows of beds and supplies.
It felt like you were being ripped apart from the inside out, some sort of feral creatures trying to claw their way out. Your nails dug into the bed, ripping and shredding the thick furs in a way most mothers didn’t. It felt like it was taking too long. You faintly heard crying, that of a baby, the other female’s child.
You pushed for what felt like hours, nurses hissing to push harder, faster, to be strong like a witch should and suffer through it. Like the other new mother beside your bed had done.
However, with a final push, the baby had emerged. You looked down at it, eyes stained with tears and sweat. There were no wings on the small, red thing, not even a hint of it.
And not a hint of crying, either.
“And..how long will you be gone?”
Rhysand asked him, with a raised brow and smooth tone, barely showing his curiosity. He never saw his shadowsinger this bothered. Azriel had been pacing nearly all morning and seemed distracted during training.
“Give me a day.”
The male responded, swallowing as he tried to stop his pacing, to stop seeming concerned. The stoic look remained on his face, despite his obvious worries through his body language.
“Very well…”
The High Lord replied, swirling the wine in his cup around before taking a small sip of it, gazing into the pool of dark red liquid, as if trying to find an answer to his questions in it.
“What are you up to, brother?”
He then asked, giving Azriel a curious but assessing look. Azriel only shook his head, heart beating faster than it should’ve as he left the office area, walking out of the townhouse, looking at the sparkling river that overlooked the Sidra, and took out the maps he’d acquired from one of the oldest sections in the House of Wind’s library.
He’d marked out a path in chalk, he would start where he’d first encountered that witch nearly three centuries ago, and he would go South from there, following evidence of migration patterns his shadows had managed to dig up.
It had been hours of endless flying, no sign of life on the mountain other than old, maybe a year ago, dirt disturbed, which could’ve easily been whatever wildlife could brave the heights of the mountain. He’d followed the pattern from there, his wings aching, the shadows whispering which way to go, but unable to aid him in his conquest. He was forced to stop for the night when a large storm blew in, thunder cracking down from the skies.
And so, setting up a fire in a small cave he’d found, Truth-Teller in his hand, he went to sleep for the night.
It had happened too quickly, you’d barely had time to understand why, but when you realized your child wasn’t crying, and the fact that he was too small and pale, you knew what had happened. A stillborn.
They brought out the brand before you could even try to get away, the nurses hissing and grumbling at your every struggle and begging and pleading as they took the red-hot iron, sinking it into your flesh, searing so deep that not even your witch blood could heal it enough to avoid the mark it left. The big, black, ugly symbol on the left of your stomach, read “Infertile”.
They’d dragged you through the camp as you’d screamed and sobbed, public humiliation at its finest, and carried you far from the camp, far enough that you wouldn’t be able to sniff them out or trace them back, dropping you on the forest floor.
“Waste of our time,”
You heard one of them grumble as they departed, leaving you alone and in the cold forest. You were still bleeding slightly, your teenage body struggling to recuperate from being split open. It got better as time went on, when you managed to struggle to your feet, knees about to give out, and began stumbling through the forest. Your head was fuzzy, not clear, and unable to focus properly as you registered warmth from a certain direction.
The word clanged through you like a bell despite the lightning and rain overhead, you began sniffing out the fire, picking up the faint scent of a male nearby. It didn’t matter. You could deal with the male later, but if you didn’t get warm now, you didn’t know if you could make it through the night.
A small cave came into sight, and stumbling into it, you found the warmth you so desperately desired, a small campfire lit.
However, before you could get closer to it, you registered being slammed to the ground, cold steel against your neck, and a pair of dark, hazel eyes looking into your own.
A witch.
And not just any witch, his daughter, his teenage daughter, bloodied and bruised, being pinned down beneath him. He had her wrists tied up in barely a second, he’d seen firsthand what those iron nails witches possessed could do to those who weren’t cautious.
The iron scent of her blood was obvious as well, and based on its location, she was either injured in a very bad place or menstruating, and he didn’t want to think of the only real possible answer. Another aspect of her scent was the smell of blooming life, the same one Feyre had possessed while pregnant with Nyx. A scent he couldn’t ignore.
“Who are you?”
He asked, Truth-Teller being placed back on his side as he carefully picked the female up, placing her down near the campfire to give her shivering and soaking wet form some warmth.
“I just — she wasn’t crying and they —“
You sobbed, as if not hearing his question, burying your head into your arms. It didn’t take Azriel long to piece together what had happened, and he knew that you needed medical attention.
“Hold still,”
He muttered, stamping out the fire and gathering the few things he’d brought, before gently lifting you into his arms, and in a swirl of shadows and magic, you were somewhere completely new. He watched you carefully as he hurried to Madja’s tent. Your eyes were closed as you sobbed, and if he was assuming what had happened correctly, you had reason to.
The old female, always reliable with their medical issues, was in her tent, mixing up some concoction, her eyes widened as she laid eyes on you but then went right back to normal, into medic mode, where she couldn’t panic and risk making a mistake or scaring anyone.
“Lay her down.”
Her voice rang out, and Azriel obediently obeyed, laying you on the table and watching, his anxiety evident in the way he paced back and forth, swallowing. Madja began examining you, taking the restraints on your hands and your clothes off, and when he spotted the brand, the dark mark burnt into your skin that looked all too fresh, his temper flared beyond control and he growled. Madja gave him a look.
“If you can’t control yourself, then leave.”
Her sharp tone rang out, and he huffed, but knowing that his anger wouldn’t solve anything, he walked out of the tent, sparing your barely conscious form one last glance as you groaned, clearly in discomfort.
“You have a what?”
Cassian’s confused and shocked tone rang out from behind Rhys and Azriel. Az sighed. The bastard must’ve snuck in when they weren’t looking. Rhys looked a bit worried, and Azriel felt more anxious than he’d been in centuries.
“A daughter, she’s a…witch.”
Cassian choked on his spit at that, watching Azriel’s frantic pacing. Rhys put his hand on the shadowsinger’s shoulder, stopping his constant movement in an attempt to soothe him.
“It’ll be fine, Azriel. We’ll work this out.”
“She could die, Rhys. I think she’d just given birth when I found her, it went wrong somehow, and those other witches marked her. They fucking marked her.”
Azriel snapped, eyes filled with such anguish, anger, and grief already that neither of them knew what to say, except to remain silent and think about the situation they were in and how to make it better.
Cassian carefully approached Azriel, with a look and demeanor he’d seen before. It was like he saw him as a wounded animal, like a soldier after the battle, scarred and mentally torn apart.
“All we can do is wait and see, Az.”
His voice, a bit softer than usual, though still gruff, spoke. His eyes held sympathy and understanding, as did Rhys’, but also caution and concern. A witch was dangerous. They knew that just as well as anyone.
The first thing you registered was that you were in a lot of pain, with stitches being put in your body, and needles being poked every which way. You groaned and shifted, only for old, worn hands to put you right back into place, and a vague voice telling you to “stop moving.” before you felt another needle on the inside of your wrist, and you fell back into sleep again.
The next time you woke, you felt more numb this time, opening your eyes to be met with the sight of a room, ornate, the floor a rich red carpet with patterns on it, the ceiling wooden and going upwards to a point. There was some bland wooden furniture in the room, one mirror, and a large window that light bled through despite the light curtains on it.
A male was sitting beside you. Two of them. Three. They were talking amongst themselves. You hadn’t opened your eyes yet, content to listen.
“— but they gave her up, didn’t they?”
“Technically, yes. I think it’s well within our rights to keep her here if they moved her out of the camp.”
“So she’s ours?”
“She is no one’s.”
The dark voice that cut through the conversation finally made you open your eyes. You recognized that, and his scent…it was familiar, somehow. As soon as you opened your eyes and began to shift, they were all at attention, watching closely.
One in particular stood out to you, the dark male, shrouded by shadows, hazel eyes that resembled your own. All three had wings, leathery bat-like things, one of the males was more brusque and muscular, offering a little grin, the other looking more proper like a pretty Court boy, with his violet eye. All of them had dark hair.
You stared until the shadowy one spoke.
“What’s your name?”
He asked lowly, voice smooth and soothing. His scarred hands twitched up as if wanting to hold you or touch you, or anything he could to fix you.
You answered, swallowing as you tried to sit up, wincing as you felt the clothes that had been put on you, similar to a hospital gown, rub against the stitches in your body, and the branding on your stomach. The minute a hint of discomfort entered your expression, the scarred hands of the male were there, gently helping ease you up as you sat against the headboard of the bed, probably looking like death. The minute you were sat up, his hands went away, as if he realized what he had done.
He muttered, hands retreating into his lap from the chair. The other male, the violet-eyed one, then cleared his throat and spoke.
“I’m Rhysand,”
He said with a small polite smile, clearly faked, as you could smell how unsure he was, even a bit anxious, as it was in his scent. The brusque-looking one then spoke up with a wolf’s grin, one that wasn’t faked at all.
He said before you turned to face the last one. He swallowed, looking a bit anxious.
“Azriel. I’m..your father, or related to you somehow.”
Your brow scrunched in confusion, eyes glancing back at his wings. He might have been your father, but not likely, given how long the trait of wings had been in your bloodline. From what you knew, it had started with your grandmother, then passed to your mother, then you. You sighed, looking uncomfortable but speaking.
“How many years ago was it?” How many years has it been since you fucked a witch?
He swallowed, now looking more uncomfortable, and Cassian snorted, clearly just thinking his eldest brother had gone off and had some fun with a witch, while Rhys shot the male a glare.
“Three centuries.”
He got out quietly, the tiniest of blushes on his cheeks. Your mind was spinning, but you managed to get one coherent thought out.
“You’re my grandfather.”
You said in a dry, clearly uncomfortable tone. Cassian couldn’t stop his laughter at that, even when Rhys elbowed him hard.
“He’s got a grandkid! I don’t believe it —“
He wheezed until Rhys shot Azriel and you an apologetic look, grumbling something to Azriel as he dragged him out of the room, shutting the door behind him. The shadowsinger seemed relieved to be alone with you.
“I’m sorry about what happened, with..everything, I should’ve been there-“
“Don’t. You probably didn’t even know I existed.”
You cut him off, your tired voice still firm. You let your iron nails slide out if only to check that they were still there and undamaged. They were shiny and sharp as ever, untouched. They slid back up as if never there, and you yawned, going to lay back down in the bed. He helped you lay down, scarred hands lingering and taking your hand into his own as he looked into your eyes, multiple emotions mingling inside.
You sighed, giving a tiny tug to his hand.
You said, and he easily obliged, tossing his shoes to the floor, but leaving his shirt and pants on as he crawled into the bed beside you, cradling your body gently against his. His hands made sure to avoid the brand on you, the fresh stitches, but they brushed over the large scars on your back from where your wings had been ripped off when you were born.
“You had wings?”
He asked, a pain clear in his voice as your head lay against his chest.
You replied, the exhaustion clear in your tone. Anger flared up in him, for those witches for laying a finger on you, taking your wings and branding you, for them treating you so horribly.
“I’ll never let them touch you again, I promise.”
He said, an inky black marking forming on his back, and on yours, that of a star forming with swirls all around and in it, right between the scars on your back. You gave a little hum of acknowledgment, head moving up to bury itself in his neck, deeply inhaling his scent.
It smelt like home, at last.
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morelanne · 4 months
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Witch of the Waning Moon
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witchthewriter · 2 months
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Neutral Good
The Star
Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Cancer Rising
𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝑀𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑠
Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn, is the last confirmed member of House Targaryen in 284 AC (AC meaning 'After Conquest). White haired with lilac eyes, she was said to be very beautiful.
Titled, 'The Mother of Dragons,' she changed dragons from legend to reality. Three dragons she hatched, naming them Drogon (after her husband Drogo), Rhaegal (after her brother Rhaegar) and Viserion (after her brother Viserys).
Daenerys was the only daughter, and youngest child of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella. She had two older brothers; Rhaegar (who she never knew, nor met) and Viserys, who had raised her after the Baratheon Rebellion.
Viserys sold Daenerys to Khal Drogo, and from that relationship spurred a new found confidence in the young girl. Titled 'Khaleesi.' she soon found herself immersed in the Dothraki way. Earning the respect of Drogo's khalasar, and truly becoming their Queen.
After the death of her husband, Daenerys still had the majority of the khalasar and expanded her reach into Essos. She gained the loyalty of the Unsullied and liberated Slaver's Bay.
Danaerys had many enemies; some even before she could utter a complete word. Robert Baratheon had spies sent to watch her and assassins to kill her. For a while though, she was thought of nothing more than a child.
In time, she became a true Targaryen Queen with her three dragons, Dothraki army, as well as the Unsullied behind her.
She is the Prince/ss That Was Promised, the rider of Drogon; 'Balerion Come Again' and she will take the Iron Throne with Fire and Blood.
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ourkingsteve · 3 months
I would like to remind everyone that this show is about dragons and is in fact a work of fiction which we are meant to enjoy and have fun with
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illumoonated · 7 days
did it hurt? when you realized wanda maximoff and daenerys targaryen were imperfect, nuanced, extremely powerful women in worlds that did little to care for or acknowledge their pain only to have all character development get thrown out the window by writers who wanted to be "edgy" and label them as one-dimensional "crazies" instead? did it?
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 6 months
by Bogdan Rezunenko
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a-library-ghost · 15 days
it’s giving ironteeth witch
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rainingriversofyou · 7 months
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“Like a roaring star, he thundered down the long shoot, and Manon moved with him, meeting each gallop of his powerful body, each step in time with the beat of the wyverns locked in the belly of the mountain. Abraxos flapped his wings open, pounding them once, twice, gathering speed, fearless, unrelenting, ready…
Fast as lightning arcing across the sky, he plummeted toward the Gap floor…
Down into hell, into eternity, into that world where, for a moment, she could have sworn that something tightened in her chest. She did not shut her eyes, not as the moon-illuminated stones of the Gap became closer, clearer. She did not need to. Like the sails of a mighty ship, Abraxos’s wings unfurled, snapping tight. He tilted them upward, pulling against the death trying to drag them down. And it was those wings, covered in glimmering patches of Spidersilk, that stayed strong and sturdy, sending them soaring clean up the side of the Omega and into the starry sky beyond.”
—Heir Of Fire
“First Flight” Artist: @madschofield
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