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lovejustforaday · 8 months
2023 Year End List - #1
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夢之駭客 Dream Hacker - Otay:onii
Main Genres: Post-Industrial, Experimental
A decent sampling of: Neoclassical Darkwave, Electroacoustic, Glitch, Industrial Techno, Drone
Brace yourself, cause from here on out this is mostly just gonna be me fanboying and gushing uncontrollably.
Back in 2021, I had championed the Chinese American singer/songwriter/composer/producer/performance artist Lane Shi Otayonii a.k.a. Otay:onii for her experimental record Ming Ming on that year's roundup, describing her potential to become "one of the greatest producers of the decade". But who is this enigmatic artist?
Lane Shi divides her time and energy between creating and touring with her hardcore noise rock band Elizabeth Colour Wheel, and performing studio black magic with her solo project under the Otay:onii name.
She is also an artist who regularly alternates her base of operations between two worlds, residing at different times in New York City and Shanghai. The duality of her identity as a Chinese American is a narrative thread that appears many times throughout the artist's work, informing some of the thematic elements of her records.
According to a really great interview she did with the YouTuber Heinos, the moniker 'Otayonii' itself is actually a name that was given to the artist when she met a Seneca First Nations man, who asked if he could call her by the name for 'wolf' in his ancestral language. She liked the sound and what it represented, and so decided to own her new given title.
Musically, Otay:onii is primarily a post-industrial project, but Lane Shi regularly incorporates aspects of darkwave, glitch, drone, traditional Chinese music, and electroacoustic music into her work. Her signature sound is equal parts atmospheric, lovecraftian, primordial, playful, and frenetic. She's kinda like if an ancient vengeful demi-god reemerged from the bowels of the Earth, and learned how to download and play around with studio software on a laptop.
As a vocalist, Lane Shi possesses a contralto range, and falls under one of my favourite niche categories of woman singers I like to call "force-of-nature belters", along with the likes of Tanya Tagaq and Björk. She has a trademark lower register that I would describe as a witch's snarl, a gentler middle register, as well as a higher register that she usually reserves for piercing battle cries and wailing like a banshee.
Her 2018 debut Nag was a comparatively more minimalist, grayscale undertaking, heavy on the more ambient and gothic tones of her sound. A genuinely solid first effort, if a bit less memorable than later records, barring the deliciously dreary eponymous song which is still among her very best.
2021's Ming Ming was an upgrade in all respects. Pulling major influences from Chinese folk music and folklore, I described the record in my previous Otay:onii review as a "true Pandora's Box . . . like the story of a mortal who attempts to enter the realm of the gods". Lots of ominous industrial cyber-magic, with a rare few moments that could have perhaps been edited down or omitted altogether to increase the force of its impact.
So, what to make of her latest then?
Dream Hacker is an exorcism. An inferno of ancient eternal flames envelops this absolutely bonkers and surreal listening experience. Each song carries powerful buildups in intensity combined with impossibly elegant structural competence. Far and away one of the most visceral and transcendent records I have ever beheld. This gets into your bloodstream, like an innate, raw instinct towards entropy.
Otay:onii's work has never sounded quite this immediate, energetic, and dynamic, thanks to the incorporation of avant-garde industrial techno beats that gives the whole project a mighty propulsion. Even during its quieter moments, you as the listener are never far from being engulfed in its unruly fire and brimstone. So many little leftfield moments that made me audibly go "what the fuck?" upon my first listen, too.
To me, this is album of the year not just because it poses the best collection of songs from an artist in 2023 (which, to be clear, it does), but also because it forms the most cohesive and fully realized project of the year. Every moment of this record feels intentional, meticulously crafted, and designed to fit accordingly into a larger entity. This is almost a living, breathing organism unto itself.
Lane Shi described how much of the inspiration for Dream Hacker came to her in a dream, or as she sees it, an "astral projection". Within this dream, she says she witnessed stones being thrown by a child until two of them overlapped, followed by a great light which emerged from the center of the overlap. The imagery was profound enough that she ended up naming most of the tracks after different aspects of what she saw in the dream.
The album starts with humble beginnings. "You Do/Rub" is a two-parter, opening with the haunting, softly swirling piano ballad melancholy of "You Do". The lyrics are deeply cutting and vulnerable, as the artist ponders her shaky relationship with her father as a daughter of the generation where China had implemented the one child policy, breeding stigma against female offspring in the more conservative rural communities. Lane Shi wields her voice like a delicate blade, gracefully and artfully interrogating her father's worldview. The progression of the piano's melody suggests a kind of resolution in ambiguity, resisting rigid, narrow-minded answers to multidimensional questions.
Then quite abruptly, "Rub" completely overtakes and drowns out the serenity of the softer piano song, like a sudden onset computer virus infection. What becomes of this part two is honestly one of the most immaculate timbral frequencies I've ever heard. A glitchy, droning wall of madness forms in dark, ominous, tempestuous clouds all across the sky. Warm colours are sucked out of existence by a black hole, leaving only greyish pale blues. The soul is washed with abrasion until all that's left is the ability to observe. Sound design on this is fucking unreal, as though Lane Shi Otayonii is wiping clean of our universe, leaving only a empty slate to form the basis for her own new sonic domain, wherein she is god of all things.
"Light Burst" is the combustion spark of a rebirth of all things that comes immediately after. Lane Shi let's out a shrill cry of tremendous power and agony amidst the grinding dust and debris of an incredibly dense and intricate industrial techno concoction, built upon her long standing love affair with minor second chord progressions. This track does not relent, adding more and more layers to its already colossal tower of babel proportions until, just as suddenly as it came into existence, it vanishes without a trace of detection.
"Two Rocks A Bird" oscillates like an electron creating new electromagnetic waves. Sound particles split into atoms that dance in a mindless frenzy. Even as a regular Arca fan, I don't think I was ready to comprehend something like this the first time I heard it. Subverted all of my expectations. I think the artist may have invented a few completely new sound textures on this track. A highly reactive new form of industrial music.
After deliberating with all of the sheer fucking brilliance to be found on this project, I eventually concluded that "Overlap" was my favourite off of the record. Like the best song on her last LP "Blackheart Breakables", this is an epic midpoint that just continues to build and build, feeding endlessly like a malignant being that cannot be stopped. Hand drum beat patterns are mutated, modulated, and mutilated by industrial electroacoustic mechanisms, while a synthesized flute echos a most forlorn and sinister melody.
Lane Shi takes on the shape of a skillful pyromancer, testing her newfound powers by conjuring a sea of flames that I visualize with my mind's eye as something similar to the Darvaza Gas Crater. Alternatively, I imagine thousand year old stains of bloodshed on the tombs of a ransacked temple, or the ancient terracotta soldiers of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum brought to life for the purpose of ushering a new war. "Overlap" is just something else, man. My other pick for song of the year.
"Ritualware" opens with a rare calm, dreams swirling on the outskirts of a newborn world that has not reached its zenith. The spacious void bursts to life with a single, literal drop (another brilliant production choice), creating ripples in space-time that give way to a trumpeting sawtooth synths' cacophonous symphony.
"Good Fool" brings things to a stirringly harmonious denouement. The light of the last candle is blown out, and a creeping dusk sets in. Petals of sound float along the wind and promptly dissipate, as everything reaches an uncanny stillness. A hushed, rapid-fire breakdown of bass drums, hand drums, and gongs occurs as the final closing act of the record.
I know I've already said this like a dozen times before about a dozen different artists, but it really needs to be said here - more people should know about Otay:onii. No one I've discovered has been doing anything as consistently exciting, challenging, and infectious as this project in the last few years. As it stands right now, the artist is criminally unknown and criminally underappreciated.
Dream Hacker is the rare ambitious record that dares to be so challenging and not only lives up to all of its potential, but manages to make the old formula of doing things look incredibly obsolete by comparison. Not many avant-garde music albums are this ridiculously fun to listen to, let alone manage to capture sonic worlds that are this truly sublime.
I've probably listened to this at least 40 times in the last year, and I plan on at least doubling that number in the following year. This is not just my album of the year; it is my top album of the 2020s as a decade so far, and already one of my favourites of all time. This record sets my soul ablaze and I simply can't get enough of it. Otay:onii is my new religion, and Dream Hacker is the scripture.
Highlights: "Overlap", "You Do/Rub", "Light Burst", "Two Rocks A Bird", "Ritualware", "Good Fool"
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I live.
That's, for now, all you need to know. I fell down a rabbit hole and I need to compress a lot of information I have gathered and make it...make sense. So, if you have a plan or ideas, get back to me, I'm happy for all clues and hints. In case you fear for your safety, do it anonymously. I'll just think there's more than just me digging up dirt from history.
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Transcript of the first and second page: On the left you see a scan I found online. I did an image search with the LV initials and then this popped up. It's not old, it just has old symbols on it. There, the writer claims there is one (1) remaining ancestor of the Lux Veritatis (now I'd like to know when this was noted) and there's a sigil(?) and I feel like making up things. I don't know what that is, it could be an Angelic Alphabet or another secret language or just a symbol entirely. Below, there is the language I have seen several times up to now, it reads "The death syllable, the one word command which can close down a life". I'm not sure of the circle is a word- it could connect words?
The author of the notes is someone who has this profile picture of a woman in black gloves and short black hair. Her nickname is "PassionforReseachion" and she has uploaded several scans I found in a folder accessible after I found the first note via picture search. I'm unsure if she accidentally did that or not, but I don't care too much, I'm on the train and have time.
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Transcript of the third, fourth and fifth page: So, of course our train stopped and we're delayed, yet that gives me plenty of time to even download pictures within five minutes. Great! I got the possibility to print some out and you can't guess what they are. These are scans of the Obscura Engravings. I am not joking. They look like some paintings I found in Carvier's office and Werner's books. They are sketches, the Engravings were sketches coming prior to the paintings, and the Lux Veritatis are mentioned here again. And this is from the Middle Ages so- they were known, and maybe around. The first painting sketch is an angel watching over a finished battle; the second is death talking to a woman; the third is a choir of angels coming down to earth.
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Transcript of the sixth page: Two other scans are missing or non-existant, since we have five paintings in total. But, you know what? The artist of the sketches is known! There is finally an older depiction of the Engravings with the missing two. The artist is Jehan de Gruas, who made paintings, which were then painted over. He could have been commissioned by Eckhardt and the Lux Veritatis painted over them. Eckhardt would probably paint evil forces into the art, something not everyone could handle or even touch, so it could be something like a containment.
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Transcript of the eighth and ninth page: This person that has such a collection of files I think most would dismiss as a fantasy novel's plot could be important, couldn't she? But how important? If she knows about the Obscura Paintings and the Lux Veritatis chances are she also knows Eckhardt- and, if she is still alive, maybe Lara Croft, too. I also gathered the following on a man I have never read about. The notes on him are as follows:
he travelled with his parents from Europe, to the US to the Middle East
he has French citizenship
and he has a nickname, "Demon Hunter"
That is almost all. I also know (or think to know) his father was Konstantin Heissturm and he was never seen again after 2001. It was rumored that either he divorced his mother of was murdered by someone since he was in let's say secret circles. The mother's name is Marie Cornel and she disappeared as well. My idea is that these two people had involvement with the Lux Veritatis in one way or another and that made them a target of Eckhardt, who aims to kill them after they declared war on all evil, especially him. So, he also aims to kill Kurtis- who changed his name and is nowhere to be found, officially. What the author claims is that he was born on the 26th June in 1972 and is a single child. He is apparently a mercenary and works by himself; and is tied somehow to the alchemist because of his bloodline. I wonder if he knows what is going on at the moment? He surely has to...is he looking for Eckhardt too? Like Lara?
I need Luddick to get back to me at some point, and get all the information he has. And is willing to share. I might be able to lure him out with my supposed knowledge of Heissturm...
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smithvewor · 2 years
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itariilles · 4 years
Race in Tolkien Masterpost
I have compiled a list of some of the resources available on the topic of race and racism in Tolkien. By no means is this list exhaustive, and I welcome anyone to include their own additions which I will include and update on the original post when more resources are made available. 
If you are having any trouble accessing any of the links listed below, please shoot me a DM and I can either send you the PDF if it is an article, or a working link if available. 
Last updated 30/09/2023
@diversetolkien — The whole blog honestly, but these posts on Galadriel in particular as Ayesha, and the personification of Manifest Destiny. Her very important take on Eöl is linked below. 
@askmiddlearth — now defunct, but they have a downloadable guide on racism in Middle-Earth here. 
@tolkienillustrations’ post 
@maglors-anion-gap’s post and follow up on the Petty Dwarves and critique of Tolkien.
@chutzpah-haver’s post on Tolkien’s antisemitism in his portrayal of dwarves. 
@itariilles’s post and follow up on my personal experience of racism at a fan event, and the systemic problem of racism in fan spaces. I am looking to write more media interpretation/personal Tolkien essays in the future so keep your eyes peeled! 
This thread by Helen Young explaining Tolkien the anti-nazi, but not anti-racist. 
@diversetolkien‘s twitter linked here. 
My twitter here. I will occasionally post about race and Tolkien, but the focus is more generalised on Tolkien fandom, media and reception. 
(N.B. searching “Tolkien racism” or any variant will produce... interesting results to say the least. Lots of white people coming to the age-old “ToLKiEN WaSN’T rACIsT He hATEd nAziS AnD WAs A prODuCT oF hiS TiME” arguement. That or it’s the silly SJWs and cultural marxism/relativity yada yada yada.) 
"The Source of the Rings” series by Moth’s Audio and Videos. 
@visibilityofcolor‘s video essay on the “Brute Caricature Trope and its prevalence in media”. Eöl and Aredhel are touched on briefly in the video, but it points out how prevent this trope is in fantasy fiction overall. 
Marlon James, “Our Myths, Our Selves”. The seventh annual J.R.R Tolkien Lecture on Fantasy Literature, Pembroke College, Oxford, 26th February, 2019. https://tolkienlecture.org/
The Prancing Pony Podcast, “114 - Race, Tolkien and Middle-Earth”.
Dani Holtz and Craig Franson, American ID Episode 1 “Eye of Sauron: Rings of Power” touches on the American right’s obsession with Lord of the Rings and the far-right trolls that have flooded Rings of Power with waves of racist and misogynistic hate.
Into It: A Vulture Podcast with Sam Sanders, Black Hobbits and the Whiteness of Fantasy (Plus: What Are Abbi Jacobson and Chanté Adams Into?) touches on black characters in fantasy and the Rings of Power TV adaptation about 17 minutes in. 
Other blog posts
Stronach, Alex. “Aotearoa is not Middle-earth” The Spinoff, 2020, https://thespinoff.co.nz/books/03-09-2020/aotearoa-is-not-middle-earth
Echo-Hawk, Roger. “Tolkienland.” Would highly recommend reading all of his blog posts. Link to his book “Tolkien in Pawneeland” listed below! http://tolkienland.wordpress.com/
Fimi, Dimitra. "Was Tolkien Really Racist?". The Conversation, 2018, https://theconversation.com/was-tolkien-really-racist-108227.
Fimi, Dimitra. “Revisiting Race in Tolkien’s Legendarium: Constructing Cultures and Ideologies in an Imaginary World”. Dimitra Fimi, 2018, https://dimitrafimi.com/2018/12/02/revisiting-race-in-tolkiens-legendarium-constructing-cultures-and-ideologies-in-an-imaginary-world/.
Yatt, John. “Wraiths and Race” The Guardian, 2002, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/dec/02/jrrtolkien.lordoftherings
Crossley, Laura. “Stand, Men of the West! The Battle for Middle-Earth (and Britain)” Film International, 2015, http://filmint.nu/stand-men-of-the-west-the-battle-for-middle-earth-and-britain/
Crossley, Laura, “Multicultural Middle-earth: Constructing “Home” and the Imaginary in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings” Film International, 2014, http://filmint.nu/multicultural-middle-earth-constructing-home-and-the-post-colonial-imaginary-in-peter-jacksons-the-lord-of-the-rings/
BNP, “No 2,110″ The Guardian, 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/dec/20/thefarright.lordoftheringsfilms
Perry, D. and Young, H. “HOW CAN WE UNTANGLE WHITE SUPREMACY FROM MEDIEVAL STUDIES? A conversation with Australian scholar Helen Young”. Pacific Standard, 2017, https://psmag.com/education/untangling-white-supremacy-from-medieval-studies.
No Alternative. “Lord of the Rings and structural Orientalism” No Alternative, 2012, https://noalternative.org/2012/09/14/lord-of-the-rings-and-structural-orientalism/
Hodes, J. “Orcs, Britons, And The Martial Race Myth, Part I: A Species Built For Racial Terror”. James Mendez Hodes, 2019, https://jamesmendezhodes.com/blog/2019/1/13/orcs-britons-and-the-martial-race-myth-part-i-a-species-built-for-racial-terror.
Stone, Ryan. "‘The Daily’ Transcript: Interview With Former White Nationalist Derek Black". The New York Times, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/22/podcasts/the-daily-transcript-derek-black.html. The use of LOTR to recruit white nationalism is mentioned. 
Lopes, Reinaldo José. “In the skin of the elves: to what extent is “The Lord of the Rings” tainted by racism?”. Super Interessante, 2022,  Original portuguese: https://super-abril-com-br.translate.goog/cultura/na-pele-dos-elfos-ate-que-ponto-o-senhor-dos-aneis-e-contaminado-pelo-racismo/?fbclid=IwAR2A3DZlYsn56Esr9iWUkfHDGI57b_mBUZj7aFxvfl692A310lf69mKx1ek&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp English Translation: https://super-abril-com-br.translate.goog/cultura/na-pele-dos-elfos-ate-que-ponto-o-senhor-dos-aneis-e-contaminado-pelo-racismo/?fbclid=IwAR2A3DZlYsn56Esr9iWUkfHDGI57b_mBUZj7aFxvfl692A310lf69mKx1ek&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Young, Helen. “The Rings of Power is suffering a racist backlash for casting actors of colour – but Tolkien’s work has always attracted white supremacists”. The Conversation, 2022. https://theconversation.com/the-rings-of-power-is-suffering-a-racist-backlash-for-casting-actors-of-colour-but-tolkiens-work-has-always-attracted-white-supremacists-189963. 
Rambaran-Olm, Mary. “DEAR AMAZON PRIME, I’M NOT A RACIST, BUT WHY ARE YOU DESTROYING MY PRECIOUS MIDDLE-EARTH WITH BLACK HOBBITS?”. Religion Dispatches, 2022. https://religiondispatches.org/dear-amazon-prime-im-not-a-racist-but-why-are-you-destroying-my-precious-middle-earth-with-black-hobbits/ (this article is satirical btw.) 
Serwer, Adam. “Fear of a Black Hobbit”. The Atlantic, 2022. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/09/lord-of-the-rings-rings-of-power-fantasy-sci-fi-racist-criticism/671421/
Page, Carolyn. “The Unfortunate Stereotype Reinforced By The Harfoots In 'Rings Of Power'”. Cracked, 2022. https://www.cracked.com/article_35418_the-unfortunate-stereotype-reinforced-by-the-harfoots-in-rings-of-power.html
Welch, Andy. “‘Irish people have faced centuries of discrimination’: why are Lord of the Rings’ accents so offensively bad?”. The Guardian, 2022. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/sep/28/irish-people-have-faced-centuries-of-discrimination-why-are-lord-of-the-rings-accents-so-offensively-bad?fbclid=IwAR1Hd8eikkx1aqxmsFf6tzv7W89kO6Q_VUWiGbrO2R4EvBhNPCMsiEyyugs
Blair, Andrew. “Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power – Why Fandom Has To Embrace Change”. Den of Geek, 2022. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/lord-of-the-rings-the-rings-of-power-why-fandom-has-to-embrace-change/
@diversetolkien. “Maeglin and Eöl, and the Brute Caricature Trope:”. Diverse Tolkien, 2019, https://diversetolkien.wixsite.com/website/post/what-we-can-learn-from-plants.
@weirdnaturalscience. “Our Failure to Address LOTR’s Racism”. tolkienaboutscifi, 2016, https://tolkienaboutscifi.wordpress.com/2016/12/21/our-failure-to-address-lotrs-racism/.
Not really a blog post but Tolkien Gateway has a page on “Racism in Tolkien’s Works”. Treat it with the same degree of skepticism you would on a wikipedia page. 
Published academia
(N.B. The visible academic “authorities” of race and racism in Tolkien are white and this is something one must bear in mind when reading this kind of work. There is a lot of discussion on theory and historical context, but there is little on the harm and stereotypes perpetuated by Tolkien’s racialist thoughts a person of colour may read/perceive differently.)  
Mills, Charles W. "The Wretched Of Middle‐Earth: An Orkish Manifesto ☆". The Southern Journal Of Philosophy, 2022. Wiley, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/sjp.12477.
I implore you to read this one in particular as it is one of the only existing pieces of postcolonial critique written by a black Jamaican author. It’s hidden behind a paywall, and DM me if you can’t access it through the link above.
Kim, Sue. “BEYOND BLACK AND WHITE: RACE AND POSTMODERNISM IN ‘THE LORD OF THE RINGS FILMS.’” Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 50, no. 4, 2004, pp. 875–907. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26286383.
Rearick, Anderson. “WHY IS THE ONLY GOOD ORC A DEAD ORC? THE DARK FACE OF RACISM EXAMINED IN TOLKIEN'S WORLD.” Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 50, no. 4, 2004, pp. 861–874. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26286382.
Brackmann, Rebecca. ""Dwarves are Not Heroes": Antisemitism and the Dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien's Writing." Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2010, Article 7. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore/vol28/iss3/7 
Reid, Robin Anne. "Race In Tolkien Studies: A Bibliographic Essay." Tolkien And Alterity, 2017, pp. 33-74. Springer International Publishing, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-61018-4_3. Available at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-61018-4_3. This article can also be accessed by contacting me via DM as I have permission from the author to circulate it in this capacity. 
Baker, Dallas John. “Writing back to Tolkien: gender, sexuality and race in high fantasy.” Recovering history through fact and fiction: forgotten lives, 2017. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, pp. 123-143. ISBN 978-1-5275-0325-0. Available at: https://eprints.usq.edu.au/33493/#:~:text=It%20suggests%20that%20the%20privileged,arising%20from%20those%20privileged%20readings.
Pratama, Fredy W. et al., “Orientalism and Religious Aspects on Characters and Objects In J.R.R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings : A Semiotic Analysis” Artikel Hasil Penelitian Mahasiswa 2013, I (1): 1-8. Available at: http://repository.unej.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/60741/Fredy%20Widya.pdf;sequence=1
Winegar, Astrid. “Aspects of Orientalism in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” The Grey Book, Volume 1, 2005. Available at: https://anyflip.com/njuf/pwvi/basic
Redmond, Sean. “The whiteness of the Rings.” Routledge, 2007. Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780203939741-13/whiteness-rings-sean-redmond
Fimi, Dimitra. Tolkien, Race, And Cultural History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. (Amazon UK link)
Young, H. Race And Popular Fantasy Literature. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2015. (Amazon UK link)
Echo-Hawk, Roger. Tolkien in Pawneeland. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. (Amazon UK link)
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rpgsandbox · 3 years
Broken Compass is an Adventure Role-Playing Game inspired by the great movies and games of the genre, from the Mummy all the way to Uncharted, passing through Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider... and it's BACK with all new Seasons starring fearsome pirates and daring gentlemen!
In Broken Compass you play as an Adventurer in search of great Treasures, a man or woman of action, ready to risk it all every day, just so they can get to the finish line before their bitter Rival!
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Broken Compass is the latest game by Two Little Mice, Riccardo Sirignano and Simone Formicola, and is completely illustrated by Daniela Giubellini. The same team already funded the Adventure Journal of Broken Compass with two successful Kickstarter campaign, and created “Household”, winner of the Italian award for Best Role-Playing Game of the Year 2019.
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*Close to 100 pages of QuickStart available for free download, plus an all new Season Preview: Your Adventure begins now!
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I know that look when I see it.
Don’t tell me: you’re looking for a Temple of Doom, or maybe hunting some bastards who don’t realize that that statue belongs in a museum! No, not a word, you’re one of those tomb raiders, or maybe you’re looking for your father, who mysteriously vanished some time ago. Or you need to “borrow” the Constitution to unearth some clues on a National Treasure. Perhaps you were just hiking peacefully when you happened to find the City of the Dead or maybe even El Dorado!
I can see it on your face, you’re an Adventurer. That smug grin tells me you’re itching for a lesson you clearly didn’t understand the first time around. Eyes on the Treasure, nothing else matters to you. And those bruises, the scratches on your cheeks, that torn-up shirt and dusty hat... It’s clear that harm’s way is your trade and reckless your middle name!
That’s why I like your lot. No matter what you’ve gone through, how many beatings you’ve taken, how many rope bridges have given way under your feet or how many poi- son darts have come shooting out of the walls, you can never get enough. The Treasure may be far away and hidden, but you never give up the hunt.
Broken Compass is a Role-Playing Game in which Players take the role of Adventurers in search of a Treasure. Adventurers in Broken Compass are men and women of action, traveling the World to face the Challenges of great cities and wild, unwelcoming lands alike. Adventurers risk their lives every day, driven by their will to discover, learn or obtain something priceless to them.
Broken Compass is based on the highly cinematographic Fortune System: a set of game mechanics that use small pools of six-sided dice to determine the outcome of any task that might entail risks or end in accidents. To succeed, you don’t need to roll high totals. Your aim is to roll two-, three-, and four-of-a-kind results, which become Successes.
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If 1999 isn't enough, feel free to pick a different time to go Adventuring! Broken Compass offers three Seasons, all set in a different eras, and each of them comes with a new Setting, new Rules and a whole 6-Episode Season ready to play. All you'll have to do, is pick the right hat, and you're ready to go.
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The Adventure Journal of Broken Compass was already funded over 100.000€ last year.  The goal of this KickStarter Campaign is to produce two more Season "Jolly Roger" and "Voyages Extraordinaires", and all the accessories that will grant you the best gaming experience!
We are proud and happy to say that we successfully delivered all the rulebooks of our previous campaigns right on time, and all the feedbacks were great. That means a lot to our team!
The following mock-ups picture products at the final stage of development. The final products may slightly differ.
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Season 2: Jolly Roger (More than 200 pages, full color, hard cover, 15x23 cm or 5.9x9 in). Jolly Roger will provide you all you need to go on great Adventures in the Caribbean Sea in the golden age of piracy. Includes additional rules for Dueling, Gambling and Naval Battles, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season. Soft touch cover.
Season 3: Voyages Extraordinaires (More than 200 pages, full color, hard cover, 15x23 cm or 5.9x9 in). The expansion Voyages Extraordinaires takes inspiration from Jules Verne’s adventure classics like Journey to the Center of the Earth and Around the World in 80 Days. Includes additional rules for managing Missions and Wagers, Extraordinary Inventions, as well as tips for creating Adventurers’ Clubs and Expeditions, and a ready-to-play On Demand Season. Soft touch cover.
Spin-Off: What If (PDF only). What If is a brand-new Spin-Off for Broken Compass, a digital rulebook that will get richer and richer, the more Stretch Goals we (hopefully!) will reach. The main goal behind this Spin-Off is to give you directions and suggestions to help you mold the Broken Compass system based on your needs. It will include useful techniques and tools to write your own rules to create different gaming experiences, tailored for a variety of settings. Each What If in the rulebook will be a new, unique, and incredible expansion, that will open worlds of possibility for your gaming experience... beyond anything reality can offer!
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Broken Compass: Adventure Journal - Corebook (240 pages in full color, hard cover, 15x23 cm). The shining star of our first campaign! The corebook features the full set of game rules, the setting "1999” and a ready-to-play Episode! All neatly binded like a travel diary of old, with Soft Touch cover that feels like leather, rounded corners, elastic band closure, ribbon bookmark, and elastic pencil-holder (with pencil). A manual you can bring with you everywhere you go to live great adventures on demand!
Season 1: Golden Age (208 pages, full color, hard cover, 15x23 cm or 5.9x9 in). Golden Age will bring you straight to the heart of Adventure, to the golden 30s that set the scene for our childhood dreams, and the stories of the man in the hat. Includes new equipment and rules to manage Supernatural Menaces, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season. Soft touch cover.
Spin-off: LuckTales (224 pages, PDF only, Kickstarter exclusive). LuckTales was our first Spin-off, and it features Episodes and Compendiums created by partners, friends and fellow designers. Includes 11 ready-to-play Episodes, additional rules for Teen and Kid Adventurers, a list of weird equipment and artifacts and much more!
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Fortune Master Screen (hard cover, four panel, full color, 23x60 cm). Features summary tables for all the main game rules and can be closed in the shape of the manual.
Season Screen (hard cover, three panel, full color, 23x60 cm). Features summary tables all the Seasons' additional rules.
Pirate Dice set (9 d6 + dice pouch). Each face on the dice has a custom symbol (the four compass points, the Broken Compass logo and the pirate skull) to make it easier to recognize when you roll two-, three-, and four-of-a-kind.
Caribbean Map and World Map so you can visualize your travels.
Name in the Credits. We will add your names in the credits of the new rulebook (Jolly Roger and Voyages Extraordinaire). PLEASE BE AWARE we will use Kickstarter names for this purpose.
During the crowd-funding campaign, you can get all Broken Compass manuals at a heavily discounted price. You can also unlock unique rewards that will probably be never put on the market otherwise!
The estimated delivery date is December 2021. PDF will arrive sooner, approximately on October 2021!
Kickstarter campaign ends: Sun, May 30 2021 10:59 PM BST
Website: [Two Little Mice] [facebook]
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gingermcl · 4 years
Weaponization of music
Did you know that the standard music frequency is 440 hz and this is an unnatural frequency? A 440 hertz frequency disrupts the mind and the body. 432 Hz resonates with 8 Hz, same as the Schumann resonance, the documented fundamental electromagnetic “beat” of Earth. 432 Hz simply feels better.
Research shows music tuned to a 432 hertz frequency is easier to listen to, is brighter, clearer, and contains more dynamic range. Music with this tuning does not need be played at high volumes, thus reducing the risk of hearing damage. However by the 1950s the worldwide music was tuned to 440 hertz instead of 432 hertz.
If musical performances were going to sound the same all over the world, standardization was required. Having a universally accepted tone is why a piano in Toronto sounds exactly the same as a piano in China. There is nothing wrong with standardization, it is the choice of 440 Hz that was strategically calculated to disrupt the psyche of humanity as a whole.
In 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian Government declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz, which was different from the original standard of 435 Hz and the competing 432 Hz used in France.
In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians endorsed the Italians, followed by a further push for 440 Hz in the 1940s by Nazi Germans.
In 1953, a worldwide agreement was signed. Signatories declared that middle “A” on the piano be forevermore tuned to exactly 440 Hz. This frequency became the standard ISO-16 reference for tuning all musical instruments based on the chromatic scale, the one most often used for music in the West. All the other notes are tuned in standard mathematical ratios leading to and from 440 Hz.
432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. When atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection with nature is magnified. The number 432 is reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as in the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and many other sacred sites.
So what’s the big deal? It’s just a difference of 8 Hz. It’s actually quite a nefarious plan. The recent discoveries of vibratory or oscillatory nature of the universe that happened recently show that this contemporary international pitch standard may actually generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behavior in the consciousness of humans.
There is also a theory which says that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, named Joseph Goebbels. He used it in order to make people think and feel a certain manner, as well as to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. 440 Hz is an unnatural standard tuning frequency, is removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations, and has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man.
The powers that be are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the younger generations but of all of us. Such destructive frequencies turn thoughts towards disruption, disharmony, and disunity. 440 Hz also stimulates our brain – the controlling organ of our body - into a disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war in the world. All disease is a disruption in frequency. Atoms are made of waves and vibrations. Therefore everything is sound. A disruptive or unhealthy frequency can cause big problems in a world made of sound waves!!
Both vibration and frequency hold a critically important yet hidden power to affect us, our lives, health, society; our whole world. The science of Cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and the organizational foundation for the creation of all matter and life on planet Earth.
When the sound waves move through a physical medium, such as sand, air, water, etc.; the frequency of the waves has a direct effect upon the structures that are created by the sound waves as they pass through that particular medium. The same will happen with cells in the human body.
Frequency isn’t the only way music affects our civilization. Music lyrics are known to cast spells on the masses. Modern society may not treat music as a magical thing now, but once music was considered to be one of the highest forms of magic. If we look back to ancient times, drums and other instruments were used to celebrate holy-days, invoke trance-like states, or announce the start of a battle. The people in ancient times who sang, danced, and made music were once thought of as spiritually-gifted individuals.
Music magick is still alive and well in modern times. We might not see it in the mainstream music industry, but it’s there if we dig a little deeper. First – think of the way music makes you feel. Music is known to rouse energy and stimulate emotions. Given that energy is what magic is all about, music is a fantastic tool for spellcasting!
A spell is defined as
1- A form of words used as a magical charm or incantation.
2- A state of enchantment caused by a magic spell.
3- An ability to control or influence people as the one had magical power over them.
The intention of any song could very easily be spell casting and the masses would have no idea. The term MC stands for Master of Ceremonies. Concerts are ceremonies. Ceremonies are where ritual magic is done. Are you seeing what is happening here? The masses are being placed under spells and casting negative spells on themselves via their favorite music all the time! They’re also generating energy for these celebrities satanic ritual abuse ceremonies! I’m not saying that you don’t need to listen to music but I am saying you must be very mindful of what you do consume in every way. That includes what material you let into your consciousness. There are apps in every App Store one can download that will switch your music to 432 Hz. I advise everyone to do this. Increase demand could mean more and better apps that convert music to the proper frequency.
One simple song can invoke feelings of joy, sorrow, laughter; essentially every emotion under the sun. One song can whisk us away to a past moment in our lives, good and bad. Music can be used in mental and physical therapy to aid in healing the body, mind, and soul. One can use the emotions felt through music and its unique, fluid energy in magic. Intention can and does make music witchcraft.
Witches can help improve or focus their magic by incorporating music into spells and rituals. Lyrics aren't the only consideration. Beats, measure, instruments, etc. can also be used in music magic.
Music is also used on the people as a form of mind control. Mind control techniques have been noted throughout history dating as far back as Ancient Egypt. Mind control did not enter the realm of modern science until the 1930’s when a physician by the name of Josef Mengele brought it into full practice within Nazi concentration camps. The majority of Mengele’s research within mind control remains classified to this day, however some has slowly come to the surface including the recognition of it being the basis for the covert CIA research program MK Ultra.
Joseph Mengele sounds like a psychopath by all accounts and his mind control programs are nothing short of inhumane. The number of crimes committed against humanity by those in power is too many to count. All celebrities are forced to undergo MK Ultra programming to some degree. This programming breaks down the human spirit and can create alter egos. It is done in order to brainwash these people into doing anything their masters and “fame” requires. Several celebrities have begun speaking out about the torture and programming they endured at the hands of the Hollywood and music industries.
Symbolism is used heavily in mind control programming. The all-seeing eye, demons, and baphomet are just a few of the reoccurring themes that love appearing in entertainment; often in completely unrelated ways to the content. These themes can be noted throughout music videos, movies, and TV shows. The existence of this symbology is one thing I feel can be stated as fact. The symbology is clearly there. Watch see any of the following music videos and then tell me the symbology and themes are a mere coincidence or are directly related to the songs content:
* Lil Wayne – Love Me (Explicit) ft. Drake, Future
* Ke$ha – Die Young
* Lady Gaga – Alejandro
* Katy Perry – Wide Awake
* Britney Spears – Hold It Against Me
If you truly feel that the symbols were fitting and not purposely placed, I will respect that opinion. However I encourage you to search for a breakdown of the above listed videos in order to make sure you are made aware of symbology and themes. There may be some you missed or may not be aware of. It’s also worth noting that these 5 videos are not the only videos out there, they are simply a handful of the hundreds (if not thousands) of music videos that feature these symbols to some degree.
Assuming that these symbols/themes do recur, the question becomes why? Is it a level of programming that they are attempting to inflict on us the viewers? Could it be to desensitize us to their existence and placement throughout society? Or could it simply be artistic coincidence? The answer to these questions lie within. Let this article be a starting point for your own research and findings on all of the aspects of 440 Hz, music magick, and Monarch mind control programming (MK Ultra.) There is a lot of information and well-formulated opinions out there, many worth considering.
Once you have done your research, see what resonates with you as true and don’t be afraid to stand by it even if it isn’t in-line with popular opinion. No matter which side of the spectrum you stand on having an awareness towards this subject is important, and that’s why I felt inspired to write this article.
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bluemoonpunch · 5 years
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This Week’s Astro:
Feb 3: Venus in Pisces Sextiles Saturn Capricorn at 25° and Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 5: Mercury in Pisces Sextiles Uranus in Taurus at 2°
Feb 7: Venus enters Aries
Feb 9: Full Moon in Leo at 20° (Supermoon)
There’s an interesting picture that I had forming in my head when looking over this week’s Astrology and it really seems to play into the collective messages that I got pertaining to a build-up of pressure and something along the lines of a forced purge. It starts with the Sextiles between Venus and Saturn, as well as the Venus and Pluto Sextile which happened on Sunday. I was seeing these as Venus visiting the energies of Pluto and Saturn and picking up supplies that are based on their collective influence throughout 2020. She then carries them into Aries, the starting point, a new battle or journey. 
Mercury is following her but he’s having his own existential crisis as he “transcends” the conscious awareness that he’s more accustomed to by entering Pisces, where he then communicates, trades information with the higher awareness of Uranus who is sitting in the very physical realm of Taurus. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, and Mercury, ruler of Gemini, are working in each other’s domains in a sense — Uranus residing in a more superficial and grounded space while Mercury begins to roam the realm of the unconscious and non-physical. I was seeing this as creating a bridge where the more conscious awareness and the higher awareness merge and it opens up a port for people to receive downloads, transmissions, inspiration, whatever needs to come through really. I would assume depending on where 2° of Pisces and Taurus are in your chart could help you understand where specifically that port would open up for you or what kind of information you might receive. 
So, Venus is traveling ahead with her supplies, kind of cutting down foliage and forming a path that Mercury is following as he moves through the fog of Pisces. I was seeing this passage and journey being related to Chiron in Aries which Venus will conjunct at 2° on the 10th, as well as Mars in Aries (June 29 - January 7, 2021) which will have some pretty significant aspects to the planets in Capricorn, similar to what Venus will have this week. Where she has Sextiles, Mars will have Squares. Mars will be at odds with those energies as the personal will is against higher systems of power both spiritually and socially/politically. Venus, in a sense, is suiting up and gaining tools, Mercury is mapping out the path that she makes, and soon Mars will actually storm the field. 
Some of the notes that I had written down for Mars are things like, “a student approaches their teacher,” “is Mars coming home? Are we coming home or are we being reborn?” 
The “story” that I was seeing with Mars was like Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter all sitting in Capricorn ruling their territories in close proximity are watching little baby Mars preparing to meet his own Kingdom, Aries. It’s a matter of taking responsibility and growing up in order for Mars to separate from these other masculine energies and initiating his own rule over the home of the Self. It’s a whole dramatic thing, I’m definitely going to write it all out because similar to Venus there’s this whole thing of Mars visiting other planetary bodies through conjunctions in order to learn and grow, very cinematic. Anyway, this situation here feels like prep for Mars, for the activation of the Self and the Self-rule. 
As tools and information are collected, unnecessary tools and lessons are pushed out or deconstructed, and this system of purging will be connected to the Leo Full Moon, which is also a Supermoon, so everything is amplified. 
The Leo Full Moon is going to add a lot of strong projection to everything, every bit of stress or sense of relief will be amplified and have to be expressed in one way or another, and if everyone is doing that, then there can surely be some issues that arise because of it. For the sake of being as mindful as possible, for some people, it can help to see what houses these ports could form within your chart.
Pisces Venus’ Supplies/Tools/Lesson — Pluto 23° of Capricorn / Saturn 25° of Capricorn
Pisces Mercury’s Information/Navigation — Uranus 2° of Taurus
Potential point of pressure — Aries (1°) as Venus moves in
Point of release — Full Moon 20° of Leo
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Collective Message:
For the collective, the message here is very simple and it directly relates back to what I was getting with the Astrology. Passion is this over-the-top expression brought on by that build-up of pressure and forced purging of the mental and emotional space. The blue circle in the middle of the image of Passion is what I was seeing as Mercury in Pisces, or the conscious mind being brought into a very floaty, unstable space and the discomfort or tension is the red that starts to radiate out of it. It’s confusion and this feeling of being able to move but not really being able to see anything.
Gaia, the second image, is this call to literally ground yourself, calm the fires and let the Pisces energy, that Water flows into Earth. Between Passion and Gais, the images are similar, but one is much calmer and feels a lot more in harmony with themselves. Essentially, what I was getting, is that some people will have to ground into the Earth, or Earth energy, and then allow the Water energy that is producing the purge and release to flow out and into the soil, allowing the two energies to combine. The “wet soil” will soothe the tension and heat of the stimulated Fire or the need to project the tension or discomfort in a way that could cause problems.
The Crown Chakra is there at the end as a reminder of where to actually focus in order to see where these energies are affecting you, how they are being projected, and how you can soothe them. It’s the higher mind, seeing beyond the emotional response, beyond the tension of the moment in order to enact a system to stabilize and allow for the process to flow as freely as possible. This is also a matter of being mindful of yourself and other people. Pretty much everyone will have some kind of pressure building up within them, some good, some bad, and because of that, there are a lot of open doors for aggravation and miscommunication. 
Basic message: Shit can get high-key wild this week in the mental space so stay grounded and try not to throw your upset feelings at other people. Process them, release them, and move on. 
Messages for all 12 signs on bluemoonpunch.com!
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atamascolily · 5 years
One of the exercises in Julia Cameron’s The Vein of Gold is to compile a list of favorite movies--or ones with images that resonate with you--and note any patterns that arise. Here are some of mine, with observations below.
(For the purposes of this exercise, I’m sticking with live-action films, but there’s no reason why there couldn’t be animated films.)
1. Star Wars Original Trilogy (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)
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(Yes, I know this is technically three films, with three different directors and independent histories, but I didn’t feel like listing them all separately.)
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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Ironically, I love the first Peter Jackson movie, but not any of the subsequent ones. Which is not to say they’re necessarily bad movies, but they’re not the ones I’d want on endless loop. (Part of this is because The Two Towers and The Return of the King are essentially war movies, and also because I have to watch Faramir act OOC, which hurts my soul.)
3. The Secret Garden
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4. The Matrix
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I actually don’t have strong feelings about Reloaded and Revolutions--like, the actual plot is weird, but I am so not watching these films for plot.
5. Return to Oz
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6. Inception
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7. Labyrinth
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8. The Terminator
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Don’t get me wrong, Terminator 2 has a lot going for it, but it’s not the one that I can’t stop thinking about (except for that one deleted scene with Michael Biehn, which is a totally different story).
Thoughts and Themes:
So at first glance, it seems like I have two separate categories: ‘80s and ‘90s-’00s films. Or maybe it’s sci-fi and fantasy? The Secret Garden is the only one that even approaches some kind of realism, and even that is a pastoral kind of world that would not be out of place in the more peaceful parts of, say, Middle-Earth (especially Fourth Age). How about high-tech vs. low-tech, or cyberpunk vs. fairy tale? Or, even better, what about reality vs. illusion (or story vs. truth if you prefer)--which is also a major tension within every film on this list?
I’ll also note that most of these films have an epic color palette, with memorable landscapes that either serve as characters in and of themselves, or symbolize the mental states of various characters. These films are beautiful works of art, reveling in The Aesthetic, whether that’s the idyllic peacefulness of the Shire or the grimy back alleys of 1980s Los Angeles.
The thing that really got me when I laid it out like this--the thing I hadn’t noticed before--was that all of these involve a (sometimes literal) rebirth, transition, or journey from darkness to light (or light to darkness to light again, depending on the work). You could also substitute life and death here, and not change much.
This is, again, often quite literal: Sarah moves underground in Labyrinth, the Fellowship descends into the Mines of Moria, the secret garden comes to life with the spring, Dorothy confronts the Nome King in his underground lair. Neo wakes up to find himself naked and soaked to the skin, and flushed down the tubes like garbage, in a literal hellscape where the machines destroyed the sun (a motif that also appears in Terminator’s dystopian future), then literally dies and is resurrected at the end of the film. Luke goes underground to confront his own double--another recurring theme!--on Dagobah.
Duality and the exploration of one’s soul through another world is HUGE  big theme--or, to put it another way, The internal mirrors the external. This is a huge motif of Inception, which is a literal inward journey into a character’s psyche; and you could also make the argument that both Return to Oz and Labyrinth cover similar territory. Is Oz real, or is it in Dorothy’s head? Is Ozma a part of her, or is Ozma a separate entity? Is Jareth a real foe or is he the embodiment of Sarah’s fears and desires, a fantasy she concocts based on a story in a book?  And Frodo realizes he’s not so different from Gollum, that the sad shriveled creature is what he could become if he fails at his task--and, ironically, his kindness to Gollum is what allows the quest to succeed when Frodo finally succumbs to temptation.
Frodo in the The Fellowship of the Ring sees the world differently when he wears the One Ring, and it’s terrifying. Sarah Connor realizes that she’s left her ordinary world behind and crossed into Kyle and the Terminator’s reality in a moving speech, and The Matrix doesn’t even try to be subtle. Even The Secret Garden uses the eponymous garden as a metaphor for the blossoming of Mary’s own soul, and the souls of those around her (especially her uncle and cousin, but also Ben Weatherstaff).
These stories are also concerned with ecology, though it’s usually a background motif, since the main focus is on saving the world (or what’s left of it, i.e, humans). The Shire is paradise; Mordor is a desolate hellscape, dominated by a giant volcano. Kyle Reese breaks down over the beauty of the world, and Mary Lennox seeks to bring the lost garden back to life. Dorothy retreats elsewhere after the grey grimness of Kansas/the mental hospital.
There’s also a real tension concerning humans’ relationship to technology in these films. The Matrix is an illusion, and machines control the earth. Or the machines don’t even bother farming humans and aim to kill ‘em all. Saruman literally transforms Isengard from a tree-lined field to an industrial hellscape. The mental institution uses that freaky electrical machine on Dorothy. Star Wars is more accepting of droids and technology, but even there, there’s tension: Obi-wan calls Darth Vader “more machine than man,” and it’s not a compliment; the Death Star is built to obliterate entire planets and must be stopped twice.
I’d argue this theme goes deeper than human/tech--it’s really human/other, with technology providing one kind of other. There’s human-alien interactions in Star Wars and Labyrinth, not to mention Mary’s relationship with the robin in The Secret Garden, Dorothy’s friendship with Jack Pumpkinhead and the Gump. On a less friendly note, Frodo’s relationship with Gollum is the emotional crux of the Lord of the Rings.
These films also feature the classic hero’s journey, but often through a female lens. The protagonist usually has no special skills other than their strong moral character and determination--or even if they do have skills (like Ariadne*), they still serve as an audience surrogate or substitute, a stranger to the new worlds they visit. The protagonist has at least one faithful friend/companion/love interest to help them (sometimes even a team/found family), and often a mentor as well (who may or may not be a crusty eccentric). In the end, the characters must take control of their own destiny--Frodo chooses to leave the Fellowship, Luke throws away his lightsaber rather than kill his father, Sarah declares to Jareth “You have no power over me”. Sarah Connor yells, “On your feet, soldier!” and keeps going to the bitter end, and Mary Lennox is unafraid of her bratty cousin’s wrath and puts a stop to it when everyone else enables him.
*(As an aside, I know Ariadne’s not the main character in Inception, but I find the actual main character way less interesting, so she’s the one I focus on, just like I find Trinity far more compelling than Neo.)
Characters often have Meaningful Names: Morpheus, Trinity, Neo; Ariadne; Luke Skywalker, Han Solo. These films also feature a question of fate and inevitability - Luke has precognitive visions, Neo consults the Oracle, Sarah is told “there is no fate but what we make for ourselves,” with Kyle serving as an oracle of sorts with messages from the future to come. The Mirror of Galadriel shows possible futures for the Shire, too.
Another theme is that the protagonist must suffer and/or work hard for their transformation. Mary has to do the actual work of gardening; Luke has to sweat and do handstands (beautifully, I might add); Frodo has to walk to Mount Doom; Sarah has to walk the labyrinth, and Sarah Connor has to survive a fucking nightmare. Dorothy has to rescue the royal family of Ev and free Ozma; Ariadne has to design a dream-puzzle for the heist to work. Even Neo has to train with Morpheus--though he’s able to use cheat codes to download martial arts directly into his brain without having to sweat for it; his real journey is in self-confidence. 
In keeping with the stunning visuals, impossible feats are regularly featured, and excellent, cutting-edge-for-their-time special effects are prominent. Many also feature stunning fight scenes--the classic Luke vs. Vader duel on Cloud City; the “I know Kung fu” sequence in The Matrix; the clashes in The Fellowship of the Ring. Jareth has some excellent moves in Labyrinth, too, although he’s more inclined to dance than traditional battles.
I couldn’t resist contrasting my favorite moment in Return to Oz--rescuing Ozma from the mirror prison--with Ariadne shattering her own reflection in Inception, because that is such a moment for me, encapsulating all of the reality/illusion, internal/external, self/other dichotomies I mentioned above. (See also the Mirror of Galadriel above.) Inception and Labyrinth also share the motif of impossible Escher staircases, which I freakin’ adore.
It will probably come as no surprise to note that I also enjoyed films like The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story,  and What Dreams May Come, which tap into similar themes and imagery. You’ll probably be able to guess that The Sword in the Stone is my favorite animated Disney film, too.
I also love a number of Asian films like Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all of which feature beautiful landscapes and color palettes, stunning fight scenes and special effects, along with a healthy dose of the fantastic, and a focus on story vs. reality (often with a plot twist or surprise reveal at the end). This is unsurprising when you consider the strong debt both Star Wars and The Matrix owe to Asian cinema in terms of style, plot, and aesthetic. In those films, the tension is more society vs. self, but duality is still very strongly present.
If you notice any other patterns or recurring themes, let me know; I’d love to hear them! Also, if you can think of any other movies I might enjoy based on this, let me know.
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sailorsanghelios · 6 years
So Microsoft has recently announced that The Master Chief Collection for Halo, is coming to Steam, opening up the Halo universe to many new players who haven’t been able to play before thanks to not owning an Xbox.
So in celebration of this, I’ve decided to put together a little series thats basically a Beginner’s Guide to Halo, for people who only know it for its stereotypes involving its multiplayer play.
This series is mostly aimed at popular video game fandoms on Tumblr, so you might catch me making some comparisons (especially to series like Mass Effect that actually have some tropes in common with Halo)
However a couple of things before I get started for real
1.This guide will only be talking about the original trilogy of games, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, and Halo 3. There are three other games in this game bundle, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Reach and Halo 4. However I haven’t actually finished ODST, and I haven’t played the latter two in over half a decade, so I really don’t feel equipped to talk about them in length.
2. Halo deals with a lot of heavy content. Along with the obvious blood and gore, there’s a lot of body horror involving the Flood (though if you can stomach say… Telltale’s TWD, its probably about at that level of squick). Heavy themes that are core themes of Halo include genocide, religious based trauma and abuse, child soldiers and medical experimentation on humans. I don’t believe Halo CE has much in the way of individual triggers to look out for, but Halo 2 has an extended torture scene that includes stripping someone naked to humiliate them and Halo 3 has several sequences involving a female character being violated mentally. So if anything these things are extreme triggers you can’t engage with, then I say you should listen to your gut.
3.I will not talk about the multiplayer aspects of Halo much (except to discuss stuff involving co-op maybe) as this series is meant to kind of explain more outside of multiplayer stereotypes.
4. Halo 2 and 3 are pretty hard to talk about without mentioning spoilers for the games that come before it. If you’d like a totally spoiler free experience, I’d recommend skipping anything where I mention these games. Also for the sake of my own sanity, I am not treating the Flood as a spoiler, because ...well it hasn’t been for almost 20 years, and Halo has since reached a point where you can’t really talk about it without mentioning them.
So I guess I should start at the very beginning?
The Halo Master Chief Collection is a collection of the first four Halo games, and ODST, and soon Reach will be added too! Its sold at the equivalent price of one retail game, so you’re basically getting six games for the price of one.
It was released for Xbox One in 2014, to coincide with Halo 2’s tenth anniversary. It was infamously buggy at the time, (probably because it was rushed for the aforementioned anniversary) but most of these bugs have been fixed, and they even added in ODST as an apology gift! The PC version should not contain these bugs. (though there’s a decent chance it might contain bugs related to PC porting, especially for Halo 3 and beyond which have never been ported before, but that’s just speculation).
If the PC version is identical to the Xbox version, the Master Chief Collection is essentially a download pass for these games. You download and pick and choose which ones you want! For example on my Xbox I don’t have the ODST from MCC loaded on because I already have the vanilla Xbox 360 version loaded to emulate (which I still haven’t finished but YOU KNOW). This allows you to play the games you want and not waste space and download time on the ones you don’t.
Halo Combat Evolved is ported based on the 2011 10th anniversary version that updated the graphics. Halo 2 received a brand new (and absolutely STUNNING) graphics update specifically for this release. Halo 3 and beyond are straight up ports with the original graphics, though with a much better frame rate.
OH…. umm I guess maybe I should talk about that too.
Halo is as most people know, a sci-fi first person shooter. From 2001-2010 the games were released by Bungie. When Bungie left Microsoft to make the Destiny series, Microsoft kept some employees behind and hired some new ones to create 343 Industries which is their in house team to make Halo. The first game released by 343 Industries is Halo CE: Anniversary in 2011, and the first game released based on original content is Halo 4 in 2012.  This post series though will mostly focus on Bungie content.
So Halo: Combat Evolved came out in 2001 and its...basically the reason the Xbox is a THING. If it weren’t for Halo, or even if Halo had been a multiplatform release, the Xbox probably would have gone the way of the Sega Dreamcast. Halo: CE had many innovations for the first person shooter genre at the time, including a two gun limit where you have to strategize your choice in weapons, a very complex AI system for the time, and basically revolutionized multiplayer for FPS games as we know it.
Halo would have been the best selling game for the original Xbox if it weren’t for Halo 2’s release in 2004, and Halo 3 basically was THE title for the Xbox 360, when it came out in 2007. The later games haven’t been AS successful, but still have a very loyal fanbase.
First things first.. I know there’s a lot of posts going around rn, talking about how well….overly militaristic many FPS games are. I will say I DON’T believe Halo is on the same level of some of these games. I’ve never heard of it having any military involvement in production, and I’d say its about as militaristic as Mass Effect is, as in the protagonists are in the space military, and the plot revolves around that..  The backstory of Halo if anything, paints the military in a very gray morality light AT BEST. So if you’re worried about this being a game that over-glorifies military stuff, if you’re okay with Mass Effect’s portrayal of a human space military, you’ll probably be fine with Halo.
SO I have not actually played Call of Duty or games like that as surprisingly I actually really don’t like the FPS genre, and Halo is the only FPS game I like. I will say though, Halo is definitely not a totally generic shooter, the way Call of Duty is stereotyped as. It has a very interesting plot with a lot of layers, and very unique lore, that still plays on familiar tropes. (and I’ll get into some of that later.)
At least one selling point I’ll say, is that unlike many modern shooters, Halo is STUNNING. It uses color very well, and has many beautiful maps, and especially in the remastered games you could just look at the environment for days. So the fact it has a color palette outside of gray and brown is definitely enough to set it apart.
I will say if you like Mass Effect for its alien lore and world building, there’s a very good chance you’ll like Halo too. The fandoms have a lot of overlap, and actually have a decent amount in common despite the fact one’s a shooter where you kill aliens and the other is an RPG where you…. you know with the aliens.
I plan to go more in depth into this in my next post, but I figured for this intro post I might as well tell the basic gist of it. There will be some loose spoilers for the sake of the summaries making sense.
Halo Combat Evolved, is about a lone human ship that has escaped the destruction of the planet Reach, which was the last thing between Earth and the Covenant, a race of aliens hell bent on wiping out humanity for religious reasons. The ship makes a “random” jump to what they think would be the middle of nowhere, but in fact brings them to a ringworld that is worshipped as the foundation of the Covenant religion. Both human and Covenant land on this ring and a fierce battle assumes as they try to take control of it. Halfway through you learn that there’s...surprise! Zombies! Called the Flood, a spore like species that turns people into zombies and their only drive is to consume everything in their path. It turns out Halo, is a weapon to destroy them but…. It also destroys every living thing in the galaxy, so it turns into a mad dash to make sure that a) no one activates it and b) the Flood are able to be stopped without it before they leave the ringworld.
Halo 2 takes place about a month later, and is a split campaign between the Master Chief and the Arbiter, who is the disgraced commander of that fleet you were fighting in the first game. The Master Chief side of the story involves the Covenant finally making it to Earth, and the discovery of a second Halo ring, and the fallout of both of those things. The Arbiter side of the story involves him trying to restore his honor within the Covenant, by becoming a suicide soldier fighting for their faith, but as he does missions for his prophets, he learns the amount of lies and hatred his religion and society are built on.
And Halo 3 is basically...the convergence of all these stories. Its very hard to talk about without mentioning spoilers, and without going in depth about world building related stuff, which is the focus of my next post.
The final thing for this intro is….
Okay so… I’m not going to talk about the controls, because I imagine they’ll be very different from mine, as an Xbox player. And I’m very biased because Halo is the first game I ever played on a controller as a kid, so I don’t really have an objective way of describing them. But the fact the controls were easy for me as a seven year old, probably makes them pretty easy to learn in general.
Because Halo is a linear story, the game is split up into levels. In the vanilla releases of the game, you need to play them in order to unlock them all, but in MCC that is NOT the case, and you can skip levels. I really do not recommend doing this though the first time around for obvious reasons, but once you’ve completed the game, you can just play the segments you like! And trust me there are certain levels you’ll hate (like the Library… I will tell you right now you will hate that level.)
There’s four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Heroic and Legendary. Easy is well..super easy. This is the mode I used as a little kid. However I don’t think there’s any shame in playing at this level, in fact I usually use this difficulty for my first playthrough so I can get through the story with no difficulty. Normal is well...normal. This is the difficulty I usually play at, its probably the most realistic in terms of enemy strength vs player strength. Heroic is basically pretty hard but not like...obscenely hard, but enough to be a big frustrating unless you know the game really well. And Legendary is… well super extra hard. Play Legendary if you enjoy having everything murder you, with no mercy. Also Halo 2 has a significantly harder campaign then Halo CE and Halo 3.
In the vanilla releases of the games, starting with Halo 2, there are items called Skulls you can collect that add difficulty or some extra fun to the game, but you have to collect them in the Legendary difficulties of the levels. This is NOT the case for MCC, and they’re all available for you from the getgo. I really don’t recommend using them for your first playthrough unless you really want a challenge, with the exception of the silly ones like Grunt Birthday Party (which spits confetti for headshots to Grunts) that don’t actually affect gameplay.
A lot of other gameplay stuff is really hard to generalize since Halo is a series where the gameplay tends to be pretty different between games, such as with HUD features and such.  But those are some general miscellaneous game things they all have in common.
So yeah, thats it for my intro to my...intro to Halo. I’ll get started on the next one talking more indepth about the factions and what not, when I recover from...writing this.
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spookyspemilyreid · 5 years
Happy Anniversary “What I've Done”!❤ (April 2, 2007)
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"What I've Done" is a song by American rock band Linkin Park. It was released as the first single from their third studio album Minutes to Midnight (2007). The song is composed in the key of G minor. The song was released as a radio single on April 1, 2007, as a digital download on April 2, and as a CD single on April 30. The live version of "What I've Done" from Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes was nominated for Best Hard Rock Performance at the 52nd Grammy Awards, but did not win. It also serves as the main theme of the 2007 science fiction film Transformers and also appears on Transformers: The Album (2007). Being certified five times platinum by the RIAA, it is the band's most commercially successful song, though not necessarily most well-known, due to the fact that singles in the US used to have higher sales in general during the second-half of the 2000s.
"What I've Done" was featured in the video game Guitar Hero World Tour. In January 2011, it was released in a Linkin Park DLC pack for Rock Band 3, along with a PRO mode update, which allows use of real instruments such as guitar, keyboards and electronic drumkits. The song is also a B-side to the UK single of "Iridescent". An instrumental version of the song is currently used by Sky UK as background music for their interactive services.
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Chester Bennington described the track in a March 2007 interview with MTV:
Joe [Hahn] came up to Mike and me and asked us to take the whole idea of Minutes to Midnight and apply that to how the band has changed. So, in a way, it's us saying goodbye to how we used to be...The lyrics in the first verse are 'In this farewell, there's no blood, there's no alibi,' and right away, you'll notice that the band sounds different: The drums are much more raw, the guitars are more raw and the vocals aren't tripled. It's just us out there .... and that's how Rick Rubin wanted it.
The single and video appeared in the iTunes Store shortly after midnight EST on April 2, 2007. It became available the day after on iTunes in the UK and Australia. On April 2, the song was featured streaming on the front page of their official website, with the video being added to the site shortly thereafter.
The song starts out with a short 3-second guitar part and then a piano motif, before adding a hip hop-inspired drum line, and then introducing a raw-sounding guitar riff. When the song is played live at Linkin Park's concerts, Mike Shinoda plays the piano intro and the guitar after that. This song differs from most of Linkin Park's songs from previous albums in that it features almost no lead vocals from vocalist Mike Shinoda, with the exception of a brief "na na na" refrain at the end. "What I've Done" was the last song written for Minutes to Midnight. The song also has a downbeat exactly once every second, consistent throughout its entirety.
Mike Shinoda created a remix of the song, which is called "What I've Done (Distorted Remix)", which is included as a b-side to "Bleed It Out". The remix was then included in the international tour edition of Minutes to Midnight, as well as a track in the Linkin Park Underground-exclusive CD Underground X: Demos.
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The music video for "What I've Done" was filmed in the California desert and was directed by Linkin Park turntablist Joe Hahn. It features footage of the band performing in the desert, interspersed with stock footage reflecting on a variety of social and environmental issues including pollution, global warming, racism, Nazism, the Ku Klux Klan, abortion, starvation, terrorism, Holocaust, warfare and nuclear warfare, deforestation, poverty, drug addiction, obesity, destruction, rising gasolineprices and crimes committed by humanity. The video also features brief depictions of important historical figures, such as (in order of appearance) Leonardo da Vinci, Mother Teresa, Robert F. Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Gautama Buddha, Mao Zedong, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Husseinand Benito Mussolini. Some cutscenes, such as the traffic scene and the napalm exploding. The video premiered on April 2, 2007 on MTV and Fuse. It premiered on MTV Asia, MTV Germany, TMF Netherlands and Canada's MuchMusic on April 3, 2007.
The video starts off with some grass sinking down into the dirt, causing it to turn wet. It then cuts to a scorpion walking to where Linkin Park are performing. It explores the many ironies of humanity and its ill-effects on the earth and the environment (see above). It juxtaposes various pieces of footage: a large, well-fed man eating fast food, a woman measuring her waist and a man who is so malnourished that his ribcage is visible through his skin; African Americans being hosed down by the Ku Klux Klan; nuclear explosions, the World Trade Center collapsing as a result of the September 11 attacks, children waving American flags (one of the children being Brad Delson), a Middle Eastern child holding an AK-47, clips of oil tankers torn in half and birds covered in an oil slick. The video ends with the same grass at the beginning growing out of the dirt, causing it to dry up.
The video clip was featured and won on MTV's Battle of the Videos against videos by Evanescence ("Sweet Sacrifice") and Lil' Mama ("Lip Gloss"). The video also marks the first appearance of a Linkin Park video in the #1 spot on MTV's TRL, hitting #1 six times so far. The video has over 350 million views on YouTube as of July 2018. AOL currently has a live performance of "What I've Done" on their website. MTV's James Montgomery called "What I've Done" the "biggest, baddest and best Linkin Park video of all time," praising the visuals as well as the numerous political figures and events occurring within the video. He summarized the video's message: "Hahn was smart — or brave — enough to inject a message here: the destructive power of man versus the unyielding beauty of nature, and where it all will undoubtedly end (hint: we lose)."
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A second video, made exclusively for Australia, features a considerably different scenario from the first; instead of clips of human sin and the grass sinking clip, the video tells the story of a woman (played by Emma Mullings) working at a government-run pharmaceutical company learning of a plan to develop a deadly new virus for "social control", and – with the help of several people dressed in black hooded sweatshirts with Linkin Park's logo on them – smuggles out several blood samples of a human test subject of the virus to expose the conspiracy. The video can be seen on YouTube and Linkin Park's Australian website.
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The song made big debuts on the US charts during the chart week of April 21, 2007. The song debuted in the top 10 of the US Hot 100 on April 10, 2007, at #7. It is the band's second highest debut to date on the chart (this title was previously held by "Somewhere I Belong" which opened at #47), earning "Hot Shot" debut of the week, and subsequently becoming the third highest position for a Linkin Park single to date on the Hot 100. The song was their highest debut until they released "New Divide" in May 2009. At the time of its debut it was only the eleventh song since 2000 to debut at #7 or higher on the Hot 100, and only the third song to do so by an artist not from American Idol. The song was partly fueled by digital sales, debuting at #4 on the digital chart. The song was certified 2×Platinum by the RIAA on November 13, 2008. It reached 3 million downloads by early 2011, making it their most successful digital song in the US. As of January 2015, the song has sold 3,700,000 copies in the US.
In addition the song became only the third song ever to open at #1 on the Modern Rock chart, also becoming the band's seventh number one on the chart. It held the #1 spot on Alternative Songs for 15 consecutive weeks, at the time tying it with Marcy Playground's "Sex and Candy" The song also reached #1 on the Mainstream Rock chart, where it stayed for 8 consecutive weeks. In the iTunes music store, the song had reached number two. It was kept out of the top spot by "Give It to Me" by Timbaland. The music video is the first to reach the number 1 spot on TRL for Linkin Park video history. It has also become a moderate hit on the Adult Top 40, and Pop 100 Airplay charts, peaking at number 21 and 17 respectively on those charts. The song hit #6 in the UK once the physical format was released, making it Linkin Park's highest-charting UK single.
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pkmn-fangamer · 5 years
Pokémon Gaia Review
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Hi guys! This is my first Pokemon fan game review. Hopefully there will be many to follow! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. If you want to skip right to the review part, you can scroll past Description and How to Play. If you want any more details on the game that I don’t cover here, feel free to send me an ask! Also, if you have any games you’d like me to review, feel free to send in requests as well.
The storied Orbtus region was once populated by a prosperous civilization. They created several monuments to their gods and guardians. Their untimely demise was brought about by a series of disastrous earthquakes; all that remains of their society are their temples, idols and story, as relics of the past.
In the present day, local archaeologist and Pokémon Professor, Professor Redwood, has noticed an increase in the region’s seismic activity. Propelled by a growing concern for Orbtus’ safety, he seeks the assistance of new Pokémon Trainers with a flair for adventure in the rural Celanto Town, a seaside town near the mysterious totem poles, and your home! Will you, along with the help of the Professor and your rival, be able to prevent the earth from consuming the region once more?
How to Play:
To play Pokemon Gaia, you’ll need to download a few things. They are Visual Boy Advance, Pokemon Gaia (V3.2), Pokemon Fire Red, and NUPS. I highly recommend watching this video, which contains links to all these necessary pieces in the description and teaches you exactly how put them all together.
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From my first few minutes playing, I could tell that the story in this game would be fairly put together. It seemed to have a lot of potential, being based on the Regis and having ancient roots in regional history. However, I feel as though the story didn’t live up to its full potential. It wasn’t horrible by any means; it just could have been better. For the most part, it feels a lot like a standard main series game story.
The overall story is very formulaic. You have your silent protagonist, kind of bland rival, professor named after a tree, an evil team called the New Elders, etc. None of the characters are particularly memorable to me, but none of them are particularly bad either. One particularly interesting surprise was a character from another region in a leadership role- that’s the most I’ll say about that, though.
Overall, this story isn’t the best one you’ll ever see in a Pokemon, but it gets the job done, and serves to be fairly interesting.
Score: 7/10
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I’ll begin with the selection of starters. To my pleasure, the available ones are the Sinnoh starters, which feels right for this game. I’ve also never seen another fan game with solely Sinnoh starters before, and I’m partial to the Sinnoh region, so this was a pleasure for me.
The range of Pokemon available in this game is amazing. There are Pokemon included up to and including Gen 6, with every mega evolution. One person playing this game will never have the same team as another- there are just so many options right from the beginning. Just from the first three routes and towns, you can seriously build a decent team of six Pokemon. Or you can wait like I did and pick up one Pokemon at a time along the way.
One thing of note that I appreciate is the availability of all types of Pokemon, and it’s clear that there are specific areas in the game dedicated to most Pokemon types. Notably, ice type Pokemon are available in a relatively early part of the game. No main series game offers ice types before the fifth badge, whereas ice types are readily available directly after your second gym battle.
Score: 10/10
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The overall difficulty of the game is medium-high. I’d compare it to Gens 1-5; it’s definitely harder than 6 and 7. Trainers frequently have Pokemon about the same level as you, or only a few under. I did have to do some grinding and was actually beaten by my rival a couple of times. However, grinding is easy with the speed up button since this game is played on Virtual Boy Advance. I’d also like to note that I was pleasantly surprised that the grunts of the evil team are actually a bit stronger than the average trainer you’ll battle. This really helps bring the New Elders to life as an actual threat.
Additionally, there are several nice additional touches that really help bring the Orbtus region to life. Almost every NPC you talk to actually has something meaningful to say; they’re packed with optional side quest offers, items to give out, Pokemon to trade, and offer a wealth of information about the history of the region and local towns.
Like a normal main series Pokemon game, Gaia includes a normal eight-gym circuit, and each gym has a simple, yet unique gym puzzle that is fun to solve but not overly difficult.
The biggest deficit to me was the appearance of HMs. Like Gen 6 and earlier, HMs are not only present, but required to get around the game and find hidden places and items. For older fan games I would not count this against the creator but being that this game was finished after the release of Alola, I think this game could have been better without them.
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The art found in Gaia is truly reminiscent of Gen 3 games Fire Red and Leaf Green, with a decent number of maps being mostly made of these tiles. As the game went on, more areas used original tiles. There was a desert area, a farm-based area, a canyon, and so many different environments. However, one thing that I really didn’t like was the lack original design when it came to the evil team. The grunt design was imported directly from BW2, and the overworld sprite for the team leader is the old lady one from FRLG that may be slightly edited.
One of my personal favorite cities is Windmist City, which is a snowy city far north similar to Snowbelle or Snowpoint. The weather there is constantly snowy, and the snow is well animated. It’s neat to see a snowy town in Gen 3 graphics. The NPCs in Windmist are also unique, dressed in coats and drawn distinct from the default NPCs from FRLG. Another interesting city is Telemurk City, which was run by a gang, and reminded me of a more put-together Po Town from Alola.
Overall, the music is passable. There are few original tracks, with most music imported directly from FRLG. My favorite original track is the Elder Nights admin theme. I would have enjoyed more original tracks, but I do prefer this if the alternative could have been badly composed music.
Score: 7.5/10
This isn’t a rated section, but it’s nice to know what kind of community support you’ll get going into a game. Unfortunately, while there is a decent amount of people that enjoy Gaia, there isn’t a big fandom presence. There’s only a partially filled out wiki with some not-so-reliable information, which was disappointing to me. However, there are some google sheets of helpful info that you can find in the discord channel.
I’d also like to say that while the story of this game is finished, a new version is set to come out, which should give Gaia some post game content.
After only visiting a few of the first towns, I noticed something about Gaia that’s hard to find in a lot of fan games: a polished final product that is truly similar to a main series game. I can’t find single grammatical, language, or graphical error in the whole game, which significantly contributes to the feeling that this could be a main series Pokemon game.
All in all, I did enjoy playing this game, and would recommend it- especially to someone that really wants a game that doesn’t deviate from the Pokemon Formula. In terms of where I’d rank it among Pokemon fangames, I’d put it in the upper middle of the pack. I would rank it higher among fan games, but it lacks a sort of wow factor that the very best fangames have. Everything considered, this is a solid game that’s definitely worth a play.
Final Score: 8/10
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enter-fandom · 6 years
The Long Road (Part 2)
Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Thorin x Reader Rating: General Warnings: General, Canon Compliant Violence Theme: Radioactive - Pentatonix & Lindsey Stirling cover Request: N/A Words: 1841 Status: Part 2 (read part 1 HERE) Notes: I wanted to have a little fun with Rivendell. The outfit featured here is modeled after one of my favorites from Faire. Mostly just a breather, some minor foreshadowing, revealing a secret, and some music. Hope you enjoy!
Lord Elrond was exceedingly generous. Despite the way hunger clawed at your stomach,  you wished to take advantage of the brief reprieve,  and while the Dwarves were led straight to dinner,  you requested the opportunity to freshen up,  and the aid of one of his people.  Digging through your pack,  you removed your spare clothes,  carefully packing away your armor before dressing as swiftly as possible.  The black skirt was nearly too long for you,  brushing your ankles even as it sat just below your breasts, which were covered by a red linen peasant top.  You pressed your corset close as the Elven maiden entered,  smiling and moving to tighten the laces at your back.  
Your belt and blade were at your waist again once she finished to your satisfaction,  and you gave her a small bow of thanks,  before following her to dinner,  your pack over your shoulder once more.  
Eyes were upon you quickly once you rejoined the group,  and you smiled, chuckling softly.  “Quite an unexpected change,” Gandalf mused, nodding as you fell into step with him, Elrond at his other side.  
“I doubt there will be much opportunity on our journey to wear such things.  I'll be back in my armor before we leave.” You absently reached to toy with the stone pendant at your chest,  revealed with the change in attire as you hesitated,  uncertain of where to sit before Gandalf beckoned you to join him with Elrond and Thorin.  
The Dwarf's eyes remained upon you as you sat,  leaning in just a little,  “What is that?”
You turned the stone,  the engraving resting against your skin when you removed your hand,  revealing only the flat back side,  smooth deep grey on black string,  “It's nothing.  Just a trinket.” His brow was not the only one that rose,  and you gently draped your napkin in your lap,  reaching for your fork as dinner began. Laughter at your back had you glancing over,  catching sight of Kili being teased, and you smiled into your salad, attention moving back to the conversation at your own table.  
Orcrist and Glamdring were named,  and you smiled,  shocked as Elrond asked,  “Might I see your blade?”
“It isn't Elvish make, or from the hoard,” you managed,  but he reached out,  and you obliged,  allowing him to turn the blade over slowly in his hands.
“It is a fine blade,  a gift,  if I'm not mistaken.”
“Yes, from my stepfather.  He passed two years ago.”
“A fine gift indeed.” You smiled, returning the blade to its home, as Elrond returned to his talk with Gandalf and Thorin, watching with a soft sigh as the Dwarf left your table in a huff. Any moment now, things would fall into disarray. The Dwarves would prove a rowdy, if enjoyable bunch,  and as if aware of your thoughts,  Bofur rose,  singing,  your own foot tapping to the rhythm beneath the table. The Elven music was nice, but even you had to admit it was a little dry in comparison to the Dwarven tune, and you laughed, ducking when the food fight started. Nearly hit with a roll, you reached for your own, taking aim and knocking Kili square in the head, a light in your eyes as you stood. If they kept at it, you’d be changing before you were ready. Behind you, you could hear Gandalf and Elrond’s low voices, a brief mention of the strange company, yourself included. When Gandalf mentioned that you were an unexpected addition, you glanced back, hit with another roll as you did, “Unexpected is an understatement.” There was a knowing look from Elrond, and you could only smile. He was wise, and there was no hiding from him that this was not your home, that you were from another world. He didn’t say anything, however, as you all but hopped down from the dias, joining the Company on the lower level as they began to disperse, glancing between Dwalin and Fili, “Would either of you care to spar?” Dwalin shot you an incredulous glance, “Not dressed like that, lass.” “Yes, dressed like this,” you countered, shaking your head some. You were just as capable like this, though you really did need the practice. True battle would be different than the reenactments you participated in back home, even if the technique was the same. Fili shrugged beside you, and you followed along to a clear area, drawing your blade and taking a ready stance. “Do you even know how to use that?” “Of course, though most of my fighting has been for fun, and show.” It was the closest to the truth you could easily manage, and a brow rose, Dwaling gesturing for Fili to take the first round. You should have known you’d lose, but you put up a decent fight. It didn’t help that Dwalin began questioning you the minute everything started, “What do you mean, fun and show?” “Like a tournament, only we’re not actually aiming to hurt one another. We have these Faires. I worked at one.” Which just led to more questions, until you were kneeling, panting on the stonework, propped gently on your blade, “I yield.” At this point, despite your loss, Dwalin was smiling, moving over to reach a hand to pull you up, “You fight well.” Glancing down at your attire, you nodded, “I think it’s time to change back, though, if you’ll excuse me.” Later, when you returned to the group in your armor, you truly wished you could charge your phone. It was sitting, turned off for the moment, to preserve what you could of the battery for as long as possible. The lack of wifi at least allowed you to save some, by turning on airplane mode, but it would still not be long before it was fully dead, and your past lost to you in such a concrete way. Still, as you joined them around the fire, you found yourself reaching for it, powering it on as they sat and talked, sometimes breaking into song before Bofur glanced your way, “What’s music like where you’re from, Y/N?” You hesitated, shaking your head some, “That’s a broad question. There’s so many types, and centuries of songs. We have music much like the Elves, and some like your own, and some that are harder, darker, faster.” You thought through the genres, before gesturing with your phone, “I have some here, if you’d like to hear it.” The company nodded, a little confused by the prospect, but intrigued nonetheless. Pulling up some of your downloaded music, you scrolled, before smiling. “Okay, so what I’m about to play is a collaborative effort. There’s this amazing violinist, and an acapella group who decided to work together to cover a popular song, and I think you’ll like it.” You didn’t wait, pressing play and the Pentatonix Lindsey Stirling cover of Radioactive started playing, your eyes on them as they took the music in. It didn’t take long before you were singing along softly, “I’m breaking in, shaping up, and checking out on the prison bus. This is it - the apocalypse…” In some ways, it almost felt that way. Middle Earth was like something from the history of your own Earth, something from the past, and you were an anachronism. Out of time and place, waking up to a new age. The song lapsed automatically to the next, but you paused it. While you liked the next song, you wanted to give them something else, something a little more out of their comfort zone. You scrolled a little more, and the next song you played was a little more apt than perhaps you intended, Through the Fire and Flames screeching through the speakers, startling Ori beside you. Dwalin listened with rapt attention, his eyes darting to you as they narrowed. “And what is this?” “Dragonforce. Through the Fire and Flames.”
He huffed, “I like it.” Of course he did. You went through a few more songs, some more mellow and melodic, some a little more forceful, avoiding the recordings you had related to Middle Earth. When your phone battery lowered more than you could really bear, you turned it off, Bofur studying you curiously, but didn’t speak, watching as Balin and Thorin stood, the map tucked slowly into Thorin’s coat. You rose as well, hesitating before you asked, “Do you mind if I join you?” Thorin frowned, but Balin stayed him with a gentle hand, “It might be important that she do so.” With a curt nod from Thorin, you fell into step with Bilbo behind him, reaching to press the pendant to your chest tighter beneath your leathers, aware of what was to come and wondering just what a difference your presence would make.
The cavern was breathtaking, the midsummer moon illuminating it as you moved into place, watching Thorin grudgingly hand it off to Elrond. As the runes were illuminated, you mouthed along with Elrond, getting curious looks from the assembly. If they had bothered to ask about it, you wouldn’t have had a convincing lie, but they didn’t, at least not there, things progressing much as they had initially.  
It was Balin, of all people, who questioned you, once you were removed from the situation and on your way back to the others, falling into step with you and slowing until you lingered alone, “You could read the runes?” “No, not really, but...I did know what the map said.” His brow rose, and you sighed, “Where I’m from, this quest is a story. A children’s story at that. I’ve been aware of the tale since my childhood. I know the path, the dangers, and things like what was written on the map. I don’t wish to reveal too much, to jeopardize the quest itself, but I will reveal things that come up that could potentially be changed, things that need to be changed.” You were still uncertain of the Goblin Caves. Bilbo finding the ring was important, almost tantamount to the quest itself, but Thorin’s death? Those of Fili and Kili? Those would be changed if you had any say.
He studied you for a moment, and you reached into your pack, still at your back, and pulled out a well worn paperback, the title The Hobbit clear on the cover as you flipped through the pages, pointing to a portion of a page, “There, see. The map being read. The reveal of the hidden door.” “Keep that book close, lass,” he instructed, and you nodded, tucking it away once more, having already intended to do so. He gestured for you to continue walking, and you both quickly rejoined the group, nerves settling in your stomach. Maybe that’s why you were here. To save Thorin and his sister-sons. Maybe the Valar knew and were not ready for them to cross to the Halls of Waiting. While you were no Dwarf, nor Hobbit, you said a pair of silent prayers to both Mahal and Yavanna to watch over their children. They were going to need it.
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majornelson · 6 years
Xbox Game Pass: We Happy Few, Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor, The LEGO Movie Videogame, And More
Hi, Xbox Game Pass friends! Don’t want to freak you out, but we turned around today and suddenly there were even more games sitting on our desk. We’re going to need a bigger desk… and you’re going to need some free time, because there’s so many games on the way.
We’re dropping four awesome games in the next two weeks, and you can sign up to get your first month for just $1, so if your crew isn’t already on the Xbox Game Pass hype train, tell them to get on that ASAP.
Now let’s get to some details on our latest games:
We Happy Few (January 17) – Xbox One X Enhanced
A first-person action game set in a retro-futuristic alternate 1960s England. Conformity is key, and a drug called Joy makes everyone’s problems go away – unless, of course, you’re a rotten Downer. Play as a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial in the city of Wellington Wells. You’ll have to fight or blend in with the drug-addled inhabitants, most of whom don’t take kindly to people who won’t abide by their not-so-normal rules.
The LEGO Movie Videogame (January 17) The LEGO Movie Videogame puts players in the role of Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. Based on the humorous and action-packed events from the film, players guide him as he is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared.  With unexpected moments and twists at every level, gamers will build their way through a uniquely LEGO adventure on their ultimate mission to bring creativity to their LEGO world.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (January 24)
Slain at the Black Gate along with your friends, family, and sworn brothers, the ancient Elven Wraith, Celebrimbor, offered you a chance for revenge. Now you must battle powerful Warchiefs who will gloat over past victories and bear grudges – and scars – from past defeats. Find unlikely allies, battle ferocious creatures, and experience a Middle-earth adventure like no other. Your story will grow and become uniquely your own after each battle, until you stand before the ultimate architect of your downfall – the Black Hand of Sauron himself.
Saints Row: The Third (January 24)
The open world, crazy mayhem, action adventure series returns as you now find yourself trying to protect the Third Street Saints brand name (and its turf). Enter the Syndicate, a global criminal empire who doesn’t take kindly to someone else grabbing all the headlines and attention. Now they expect the Saints to pay tribute and fall in line; that ain’t gonna happen. Take back Steelport – and the Saints’ reputation — by any means necessary.
And, don’t forget that we also dropped Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 last week.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (January 10)
Take the epic battle to all new heights in 3v3 matches featuring fan-favorite characters from the Marvel and Capcom Universes. This definitive version includes all DLC and modes that made the original a staple in the fighting game genre.
You better get your game on with these gems before we hit you with our next game drop!  Crackdown 3 hits Xbox Game Pass on the day and date of its worldwide release on February 15, plus a bunch more are coming atcha in February and beyond.
Aaaaannnddd finally, ICYMI, the Design Innovate Communicate Entertain (D.I.C.E) Awards nominations include two Xbox Game Pass games: Forza Horizon 4 was nominated for Best Racing Game, and Sea of Thieves was nominated for Online Game of the Year. Congratulations to all D.I.C.E Award nominees, and fire up that console stat to experience Forza Horizon 4 and Sea of Thieves, if you haven’t already.
Join Xbox Game Pass Today
With over 100 great games for one low monthly price, including highly-anticipated new Xbox One exclusives the day they’re released, including the highest-rated* Xbox exclusive of this generation Forza Horizon 4, plus more games added all the time, Xbox Game Pass gives you the ultimate freedom to play. If you haven’t tried Xbox Game Pass, join today and get your first month for $1, and discover your next favorite game.
For the latest Xbox Game Pass news, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, download the Xbox Game Pass app for Android and iOS and keep it tuned here to Xbox Wire. Until next month, game on!
*Source: Metacritic
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson http://bit.ly/2sxJBaB
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