#The centrifugal force of the sun y'all
jeeaark · 7 months
I just discovered Greygold and binged all of their adventures and I gotta know: how did the fight with Cazador go?
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Laughably quick! Lae'zel is terrifying.
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ronanvespertine · 4 years
Uraraka manipulats gravity which is (I think) a function of curvature of space. But the earth SPINS. So why doesn’t the earth spin underneath the floating thing? Why do they keep pace with the earth? Is this a object in motion staying in motion thing? Does she, like, create a mini gravity well? She could create a perpetual motion machine. She could BE a generator. (Thanks for screaming about quirks with me XD)
(3/3) I'm no astrophysicist, but I thought gravity had something to do with mass. The bigger the object, the more mass it holds, and thus the greater gravity it exudes. (Which is why the sun is slowly sucking us in to feast on our meaningless existence--)
Since it's a fictional series, figuring out the bare basics of how her quirk works is just gonna have us turning in circles. But I think the fact that the people/objects she touches even move at all is good enough proof of either the motion thing or the spinning planet. Cause they'd usually stay suspended in the air, but they move, so..... But I think it's more motion than spinning planet, because the earth moves a little slow and I think motion would give you more movement in comparison.
I never really understood why the characters thought Uraraka touching Bakugo during the Sports Festival would mean his defeat. Cause couldn't he use his explosions as thrusters??? I didn't really get that.
And making her own gravitational field. That would be pretty epic. If her quirk ever evolves like the way Toga's "Transform" did, I'd want it to evolve into that. Ohhhh man, imagine things just revolving around her? Like she was the sun? And if she could control the speed in which they rotate, she could make like a spinning barrier. And if she shut off the gravity at the right moment, she could basically catapult 3+ tons of objects moving at high speeds straight at a villain. Damn, she'd be so badass.
(She's already freaking badass now, though. Uraraka's like my favorite female character aside from Miruko. And her hero name is so cool. And her costume. And her hair, her attitude, her uniform-- God, I love her.)
Honestly, I get headaches thinking of her quirk as a gravity-altering mechanism, so I usually just downgrade it to "she makes things weightless". Which would still play into the gravity thing, because if there's no weight, then there's nothing to pull.
The nausea is something to think about, though. It'd probably give us more hints about how her quirk works. I bet Horikoshi did some basic research on how astronauts train for space or something, and that popped up. There's some big job out there that requires people train by getting used to g-forces with some centrifugal machine. Air Force pilots? Like those fighter jet people? Maybe astronauts do something similar.
Thanks for giving me things to think about! I always enjoy these kinds of asks. These are all just musings and whatnot, so don't take what I say too seriously, people on the internet. 🤣
And I caution y'all to think about their quirks very liberally. Because you're gonna give yourself a headache trying to make sense of it with our current natural laws and whatnot.
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