#The dude really just went “well hey after we've slept together a few times
mrfoox · 10 months
Wufjxjjsjdjd ok
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 11
Had a few days off from watching anything while I attended the Up All Night asian drama convention. Ironically I talked a bit about this drama on a panel about time travel in dramas, even though I haven't actually finished it yet 😅
Anyway, now I'm ready to resume. I think I can more or less remember how the last episode ended...
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What does renting an adult movie have to do with him kissing his girlfriend in public? Is that frowned upon in Korea?
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Sunjae has just found out that Im Sol is from the future, and in that future he dies when he's barely into his 30s. All he is concerned about is that Im Sol's mother saw him kissing a girl on the street and might not like him now.
God, I have missed these idiots.
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Sunjae doesn't know how he dies but what he does know is that there's no way it could possibly be Im Sol's fault
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Oh shit I totally forgot Sunjae's dad currently thinks he's on a plane to the US. This is not going to go well when he finds out...
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He is so gone for her. I love him.
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Oh, yeah, he missed the audition for the band so he's no longer on the path to becoming an idol now. That means no expensive skincare products for free because looking good is your job
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Oh my god all his stuff is on a plane to the US even if he isn't
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Hehe! Well, at least the reveal was mostly comedic
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Wait, I thought she didn't want him to become an idol to keep him safe
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Oh no are we going to end up with another totally different version of the future where Sunjae isn't an idol and her brother and bestie don't end up married.
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And now a bag full of condoms intended as a joke wedding gift has ended up in Sunjae's bag by mistake. I'm glad we've eased up on the angst for a bit to do some more lighthearted nonsense
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Oh my god he bought them matching phone charms. He is such a loser (affectionate)
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I know something terrible is going to happen soon. They're all happy and in love and there's still another 5 episodes to go. I'm glad they get this for a little bit at least.
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I am getting so much secondhand embarassment from this whole scene, but also I can't stop laughing. IT'S RAINING CONDOMS 🤣
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I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Two star-crossed lovers torn apart by a shower of condoms
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He just went into his mind palace to figure out how the condoms got into his bag. This might be my favourite episode so far, as much as I'm enjoying all the time travel and the angst.
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I love that grandma is heading up this whole intervention
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Well, after that delightful little subplot we are now back to the serial killer who may or may not end up killing Sunjae
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Did his dad really get him to go and update Im Sol on the case and tell her that she's in danger. THAT IS LITERALLY THE JOB OF THE POLICE NOT THE FASHION HOUSE SON OF A DETECTIVE. The cops in this really do suck even by k-drama standards.
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He is honestly the most sensible character in this whole drama
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Uh...you haven't even tried though? The first time he got you it's because you went outside to stop Sunjae getting rained on in the park. Take Sunjae and find a cabin in the woods or something. Or go to America with him.
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Okay, dude, you need to dial that back a bit
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Taesung is like 'we spent the night together we're bros now'
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Aww now they're both drunk and pouring their hearts out to each other
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Well if they were buddies after Taesung slept on Sunjae's couch I don't know what snuggling in the same bed like this makes them
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Ooh is Sunjae going to sing at their last gig and get back on the idol path?
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Ooh they caught him! Except there's still another 5 episodes to go so clearly it's not over yet
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Aww there we go he's back on stage
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Oh sweetie...
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Yep, there we go. Of course he escaped.
But, hey, we got through a whole episode without the sad Jongho song playing even once.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Over Time
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Commissioned by: @my-loves-18
Pairing: Shownu x Reader
Warning: Mentions of Violence, Angst, Smut
Word Count: 3.8k
"You're just jealous." Your best friend, Steph chuckles, nodding her head towards Shownu with his arm wrapped around a girl. 
"Jealous of what exactly?" You scoff while rolling your eyes. 
"Hey, Y/N." Shownu yelled from across the lawn. Despite you hating him and your assumed dislike he had for you, he still tried to get under your skin. Well not tried, succeeded. He enraged you, not made you jealous. 
You may be a lot of things, but jealous was not one of them. 
"You have to make a comment everytime you see him with a girl, or just see him in general, Y/N, and with me dating Wonho we're around him alot." She says. 
You know she's right, but it's not like you dislike him for no reason. You had two, and to you they were very valid. 
The first one, you hated the way he treated women. Every party you went to, his arm was wrapped around a new girl every time, when you'd see him out, he was with a new one. You'd heard plenty of girls crying in the bathroom after just seeing them together, and it wasn't hard for you to put two and two together. He was a typical frat guy, who did the typical frat guy thing of sleeping with a ton of girls and throwing them out after he was done with them. You didn't care if he slept with thousands, just treat them better. 
The second thing that made you really despise him, was the fact that he dropped a beer on you at your first frat party of your Sophmore year and laughed while high-fiving his friends, leaving you completely embarrassed. 
"Whatever, I'm not jealous. I have class." You say, giving her a small wave before walking away.
It was the first day of your junior year and you wanted this one to be the best one yet, since you knew next year was going to be your last. 
You walk into your math class, scoping out the people you would be with for the next few months, when one person in particular caught your eye. 
Kim Namjoon. 
You had seen him around campus last year, and the immediate attraction you had felt for this man was powerful. He crossed your mind off and on all throughout the summer and you made a vow that you would talk to him if he was ever in one of your classes. 
Taking a deep breath, you walk over to where he was sitting and clear your throat. 
"This seat taken?" You ask Namjoon, sliding in beside him before he can even answer. 
"No." He coughs, clearing his throat, and goes ahead. "Hi, I'm Namjoon." He says, holding his hand out for you to shake. 
Oh you know. 
"Y/N." You smile, excited to see what this year brings. 
Over the next few days, you and Namjoon are unable to stop talking to each other. Your heart skips a beat everytime you see him, the butterflies in your stomach act up whenever you even think about him. 
Was this love? Is this what it felt like? Because if it was, you were here for it. 
However, everytime you interacted with Namjoon in any way, you felt like someone was staring at you, as if someone was burning holes in your back. Finally after a week, you got tired of it, turning around to see who had an issue. 
Shownu sat there with his arms crossed, eyes staring right at you and Namjoon. You could see Namjoons face become frightened as he quickly looked away from Shownu, looking almost guilty. 
"God that guy." You mumble, feeling annoyed. 
"You know him?" Namjoon asks, avoiding eye contact.
"Kinda. Same friend group. My best friend is dating his best friend." You say. 
"So you're not close with him?" Namjoon asks, looking relieved. You shake your head no, which makes Namjoon smile but for some reason, this smile felt different. It was cold and creepy, but you shrugged it off, not thinking too much into it. 
Later that evening, you sat inside the frat house, gushing about your week with Namjoon to Sarah when Wonho and Shownu walked in the room. 
"Kim Namjoon?" Wonho asked, sitting beside Sarah, wrapping his arm around her.
"The one and only." You chuckle. 
"Careful with him. We've heard things." Shownu says, plopping down on the couch opposite of you. 
"Pfft. What things?" You scoff, not believing him. 
"His last girlfriend went missing, Y/N." Shownu says. "Just be careful." He finishes, standing up and walking towards the front door. 
Your stomach dropped.
Was it true? 
On Friday you woke up grumpy as all hell. Shuffling your feet down the hall, you enter the kitchen where Sarah stands, drinking a cup of coffee while you yawn largely. 
"Late night?" She asks, pouring you a cup of coffee. 
"Yeah, I don't know. What Shownu said to me was playing through my head, but I don't know if I believe him." You tell her. 
"Just be careful. I don't have a good feeling." She tells you, with a sympathetic smile. 
That weekend you spent your days not doing homework, no, you spent your time googling everything you could find related to Namjoon and his previous girlfriend and what you came up with was astonishing. 
Nothing. You found nothing that linked Namjoon to any type of disappearance. You read about a young girl going missing, but Namjoons name was nowhere to be found. That was when you decided to not take anything Shownu had to say seriously. Clearly he enjoyed just fucking with you and making you panic. 
Saturday night you went back to the frat house for a party, hoping to see Namjoon there, along with hoping that maybe, just maybe Shownu would sit this one out but to your luck, he didn't. 
The moment you walked in, you felt a pair of eyes on you. Looking around you see Namjoon staring at you. You smile at him, walking towards him but something stops you, another pair of eyes, burning into your skin. Looking up you see Shownu staring at you, his eyes going in between you and Namjoon. He shakes his head no to you, telling you not to go over there. You roll your eyes, walking to Namjoon anyways. You didn't understand what Shownu's deal with you was. He only likes to crack jokes at your expense and taunt you, why was he acting like this now that you were interested in someone? 
Sarah had told you it was because he was into you, but you couldn't believe that. There were no signs, he was always mean to you. Plus you did not like him at all. She was delusional, right? 
"Y/N. Can I talk to you?" You hear from behind you. Shownu standing there, looking worried. 
"No Shownu. Butt out." You sigh, walking away. 
You ignored the nagging feeling in your stomach as you walked towards Namjoons extended hand, ready to see where the night took you. 
Monday morning you walked into your classroom, a smile on your face that you could not shake. Your night with Namjoon had gone perfectly. The two of you had gone for a walk before going to get some ice cream and then sat at a 24 hour Cafe and just talked. You talked about everything, family,  friends, school, life. It was perfect and you were falling hard. 
"Are you okay?" You hear, making you come out of your happy bubble. 
"I'm fine why?" You ask, looking at Shownu with a blank stare. 
"Just checking. Sorry." He mumbles, walking back to his seat as Namjoon glares at him, sitting beside you. 
Over the next few weeks, your high of going out with Namjoon began to quickly dwindle into becoming scared of him. If you didn't call him back within two minutes he got very angry. 
"Hey , sorry I was talking to Sarah." You laugh, the phone against your ear. 
"Yeah sure. Probably fucking someone else like a whore." Namjoon spit. 
"What? No, I was literally talking to Sarah." You whisper. 
"Yeah, you better have been." He snaps before hanging up. 
 If you ignored him, he showed up at your apartment. 
Sunday night you heard a frantic knock at your door. 
"Open up Y/N! I know your home!" He yelled through the door. You quickly unlocked the front door, Namjoon pushing his way inside. "Why are you ignoring me!" He yells. "Who's here!? Where is he? I heard shuffling. You're probably hiding him in the bathroom, aren't you?" He yells, storming to the bathroom. 
"Im studying!" You say, pointing to your books scattered across the floor. "This is too much." You sigh. He apologizes after looking in the bathroom, the crazy in his eyes still lingering. 
The two of you weren't even dating yet and he was very controlling and possessive and you didn't want it. 
On Monday you sat at the opposite end of the classroom, away from Namjoon. You could feel his eyes burning into your skin. You turned around and saw Shownu staring at him, making sure he knew he was watching. 
"Why didn't you sit with me?" Namjoon asked, grabbing your hand as you exited the room, pulling you to a corner. 
"Look, I don't want to see you anymore. I'm done. Leave me alone." You say, walking away and feeling relieved. 
With your head down, you continue walking down the hall, accidentally bumping into someone on your way. "I'm so sorry." You say, looking up to see Shownu standing there. 
"No worries5." He smiles at you, making you smile. 
"Look.. I'm sorry I've been butting in with you and Namjoon. The dudes just not right." Shownu expresses. 
"I know. And I'm sorry for not believing you.. I told him I didn't want to see him anymore. He's scaring me." You tell him. 
You're not sure why you were telling this to Shownu. Maybe it was the fact that he had been so nice to you, so concerned about you. You weren't sure. 
"I'm glad you're okay." He says. 
"I still don't like you." You mumble, beginning to walk away. 
"Woah, woah, what did I ever do to you?" He asks. 
"Seriously? The beer poured all over me?" You scoff. He laughs. 
"That was an accident." He says. "It wasn't meant for you specifically, you just happened to be under there." He clarifies. 
"Well I don't like the way you treat your conquests." You say, crossing your arms. 
"My conquests?" He asks with a laugh. 
"The girls you sleep with and the dump." You explain.  
"Which girls are those? Because I haven't gotten laid in like 6 months." He laughs. 
"Then why are you always with a different girl? Why are some of them crying after being alone with you?" You ask, crossing your arms. 
"I do have friends that are girls. And when they're crying, it's usually because they're having issues with their own boyfriends." He chuckles. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't just fuck anything with two legs and a vagina." He tells you. "I only sleep with someone if I like them." He finishes, giving you a small wink before walking away. 
Had you really been wrong about him this entire time? Hating hkm for something he wasn't even doing instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt. Honestly you felt a little shitty for the way that you had treated him all the time and assumed how he was acting. 
Walking to your apartment, you don't feel the gaze of Namjoom on you, as he follows you, making sure you're heading there alone. 
As you walk down the street, you can faintly hear the sound of footsteps behind you. You try to peek over your shoulder to see who's there, but you can't see anyone, only your shadow from the dimly lit street lights. Your stomach is in knots as you pick up your pace, just wanting to get home and feel safe. 
You round the corner of your apartment, bolting up the stairs as fast as you can, noticing a figure behind you catching up. Your hands shake as you find the key and slide it into the lock, hoping you can make it before he reaches you. 
You knew it was Namjoon. You knew he was pissed you wanted to end things, and he knew you were scared of him and he decided to use this to his advantage, knowing when you get scared, you get clumsy. 
"Hi baby." He whispers in your ear, covering your mouth with his hand and pushing open the door to your apartment. 
You were so close. 
That evening Sarah had messaged you reminding you she would be out of town for the week with Wonho, visiting family. 
"I remembered. But judging by the look on your face you forgot and hoped she would be home tonight. Sorry baby." Namjoon whispers, stroking your cheek. "So beautiful." 
[7:29pm] Hey Shownu, it's Sarah. Can you check on Y/N? It's been a few days and she hasn't responded to me. I'm worried. 
[7:31pm] I'm on my way. 
Shownu arrives at your apartment, his hand up ready to bang on the door, when he hears a voice. Pressing his ear to the door, quietly, he immediately recognizes the faint voice of Namjoon. You try to reply but he can only hear mumbles. You couldbt be tied up.. could you? 
Shownu juggles back and forth for a minute, deciding what to do, and ultimately he decides to go for the safest bet. He walks away from your door, pulling out his phone to call his cousin, who just happens to be a cop. 
"Hey Seo-Joon, it's Shownu. Look, I might be overreacting but…" he goes on to explain the situation and how he thinks you're being held against your will. 
"Don't worry, we're on our way. Hang tight." Seo-Joon says, reassuring him. 
A few minutes later, Seo-Joon, along with five other officers walk up the stairs, joining Shownu as he points to which apartment is yours. 
The police count down before they break down the door, three men rushing in to tackle an unsuspecting Namjoon, who swore up and down everything was consensual, while you barely sat in a chair, rope burns around your wrist and ankles and torso, showing that you had been trying to escape, your body limp and bruise. 
Shownu rushes towards you, untying you and holding you until the ambulance comes, riding with you to the hospital and not leaving your side for a minute. 
Sarah and Wonho came home as soon as they could, Sarah feeling so guilty about leaving you, even though no one could have truly predicted this. 
Namjoon had been arrested and was awaiting trial as you healed from the terrible experience. You were assured you would never have to see him again, as he was now also being looked at for the disappearance of his previous girlfriend. 
As time went on, you and Shownu slowly became closer. He visited you at the hospital often, then when you were home, he practically lived in your apartment. 
When you got better and started going out, he was always around you, if not beside you, he was close enough that if you needed him, you could call and he would hear you. 
The second frat party you attended is where he kissed you for the first time. 
You had excused yourself from the dance floor, feeling flushed and a little thirsty, you made your way to the kitchen for a drink. Shiwnu came in behind you asking you if you were okay and if you needed anything. You were leaning against the wall when he walked over to you, his body just barely pressing against yours. 
"W-what are you doing?" You ask, your throat suddenly dry. 
"Can i see something?" He asks. You nod your head yes, and he leans in for a kiss. 
You melted. 
He pulled away, smiled and walked away. 
Oh boy. 
 The next week, neither of you talked about what happened at the last party. However, that weekend you found yourself pinned against a wall, your legs wrapped around his waist as he aggressively slid his tongue into your mouth. 
Shownu pulls himself away, letting you slowly slide down his body until you're level on the ground. 
"Fuck." He groans, giving you a smile and a wink before walking back to the party. You were definitely starting to like him. 
You had tried to ask him about it on Tuesday in class, and he told you to "just let it flow." 
You weren't sure what he meant, so you left it alone and went on with your week. 
That next weekend as you walked into the frat house, your body instinctively moved toward Shownu, but you decided you wanted a drink first. You smiled as tiu stared at the wall that just last weekend he had you pressed against. 
"Whatcha smiling at?" Sarah asks, walking behind you to pour herself a beer. 
"Ahh, nothing." You nervously chuckle. You knew she'd be happy for you, but honestly you didn't even know what the two of you were, if anything so why get excited over nothing? 
You and Sarah took a few shots, getting nice and tipsy before heading to the dance floor. You were feeling a little sad you still hadn't seen Shownu. The song changed as the two of you walked over there. You began rolling your hips to the beat, your eyes finally meeting Shownu's. He lickdd his lips as he watched you dance, shaking your hips and ass, keeping eye contact with him. 
When the song finished, you tried to get yourself another drink, but instead of making it to the kitchen, you found yourself being dragged up the stairs by Shownu. 
He pulled you into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you.
"Can I help…" you began before being cut off by his lips. 
"You are so sexy." He groans, his lips never leaving yours. He pushes himself against you, letting you feel his hard cock through his jeans.  
"I want you." You moan, moving yourself so he will pick you up. 
You wrap your legs around him as he moves you to the bathroom counter, sitting you down, never breaking the kiss, grinding his cock into your already wet clothes pussy. 
Shownu parts your legs as he pulls your ass closer to the edge of the counter, gripping his large hands tightly to your thighs.
He drops to his knees, pulling down your panties licks, with your help. You both were thanking you for wearing a skirt tonight. Shownu places your legs over his shoulders, leaning you back to get better access. Bending down, he llicks a strip up your already sopping cunt,  causing shivers to trickle down your spine.
“Fuck” you groan as he latches his luscious lips to your clit, sucking harshly.
You move your hands to his head, gripping a fist of his hair as he flicks his tongue against your clit, while you grind your self in his mouth. 
Shownu reaches his hand up, slipping under your shirt, cupping your breast before pinching your nipple, rolling it in between his fingers.
“Just like that” you cry out. "Fuck." You grunt your orgasm building.
Shownu flicks his tongue faster, switching between using his licking and sucking. 
Your grip on him tightens as your orgasm comes closer, a few more long licks and you’re sent over the edge, letting out a string of cries and curses words as your body shudders, harshly grinding yourself against his face. 
Shownu pulls away from you, licking his lips with a smile on his face. 
You push him back, sliding off the counter before dropping to your knees. 
Reaching up you unbutton his pants, yanking them down, along with his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free. 
Your mouth waters as you stare at his large, thick cock, his red tip dripping with pre cum. You wrap your hand around his large shift before taking his tip in your mouth, sucking harshly, lapping up the cum. 
"Damn baby." He groans, throwing his head back. You begin taking in as much of him as you can, moving your hand from in the way. 
You gag on his cock as you deep throat Him, making him hiss in pleasure. 
Taking him from deep in your throat, you twirl your tongue around his tip while pumping him at the same time. 
"Holy fuck." He moans, not wanting you to stop. "If you wanna fuck, you're gonna have to stop." He cries. 
You halt your movements, taking him from your mouth, before standing up and bending over the bathroom counter. 
"Fuck me." You cry, shaking your ass for him. 
You can hear Shownu groan as he watches you stand there, bent over, waiting for his cock. 
"Gladly." He growls, lining himself up with your entrance before pushing himself inside you. 
"Your cunt feels so good." He moans, thrusting in and out of you. Your hands grip the counter tightly, your fingertips turning white. 
"Harder." You cry. Shownu pounds his cock inside of you, the sound of skin snapping fills the bathroom. 
There's a knock at the door that shocks ykh both, but Shownu yells for them to fuck off, his orgasm building. 
You rub your clit, your second orgasm coming on quicker than your first, taking no time to wash through your body, making you cry out. 
"Shit im gonna cum." Shownu grunts, pulling himself out of you before pumping his cock to cum all over your back. "Fuck I'm sorry." He says, making you chuckle. 
"Just loan me one of your shirts." You smile. 
"Now that I can do." He says, grabbing your hand to take you to his room. 
Later that week Shownu asked you to be his girlfriend, which you happily accepted. He had told you, he knew that over time you'd come around to be with him. And he was right. 
It had been a few months and you had never been happier. You and Shownu were still going strong, and Namjoon was being held in prison. Life was actually really good, it felt like nothing could bring the tso of you down. 
"Hello?" Shownu says, answering his phone. His face goes confused, putting his phone on speaker. 
"Y/N." You hear, it's Seo-Joon. 
"Oh, hi." You giggle. 
"Look.. i don't know how to tell you this but Namjoon was released. The judge decided there wasn't enough evidence." He sighs. 
Your body begins to tremble at the thought of Namjoon roaming the streets again. Just as you feel like you're about to cry, there's a knock at your door, and your stomach drops. 
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The One || Sam Winchester X OC
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I got out of the spirit's grip and salted it's remains. I looked for my lighter but couldn't find it. The spirit came at me once again so I shot it with a salt bullet. I disappeared for a second then it grabbed me from my neck choking me in the process. I was about to pass out when the body caught fire and the spirit was gone.
"Want this back?" a tall man with long brown hair said to me. I got myself together. He threw it to me and I caught it. "Sam" "Elena"
"So you're a hunter?" Sam asked as we left the building. "Yeah, I started five years ago, when I was twenty one." I said and smiled at him. "How did you get into the business anyways?" He asked. "I met a hunter once. He told me about this stuff." I said. I had no obligation to give details.
"Do you need a ride?" I asked him seeing there were no other cars there. "That would be great. If you want you can come to our motel. I'm staying here for a demon the ghost was an extra." he said.
"I'd love to come, it's been a while since I faced a demon. Do you mind catching me up on the news? And what did you mean by our motel?" I asked. "I have a brother. He's a hunter too and of course I'll catch you up."
With that I started the engine and Sam told me everything about them case. We had started chatting when we finally arrived. We got out of the car and what I saw startled me. A 1967 Chevrolet Impala.
We made our way to the door and knocked. I was even more surprised at who opened the door. I took a step back. "Dean?" "Elena!"
"You two know each other?" Sam said. "No, not really." I said as I stared blankly into Dean's eyes. "Let's go in." said Sam and we entered the motel room. I sat on one of the chairs and the two sat on their beds.
"So, she's a hunter?" Dean asked. "Yeah, she says she started five years ago." said Sam. I looked away when I saw Dean understand. He was the reason I started hunting. He told me about his job and all of it's dangers. Then he left me without even saying goodbye.
His disappearance pushed me towards the supernatural. At first I'd go to jobs hoping I'd run into Dean but after a few months I gave up all hope and stuck with the job. It was my life. Only thing that kept me together.
"How did you two meet anyways?" Dean asked separating me from my train of thought. "I was hunting a ghost when we ran into each other." I said and winked at Sam. He smiled. Dean didn't have to know Sam saved me.
"Why did you bring her here?" he asked Sam. It almost seemed as if he was angry at Sam for bringing me along. "Dean, we dont know what this demon is or even how many there are. We need all the help we can get." said Sam. "She can't help us."
"I saw her fight Dean. She's good." Sam said. Dean sighed. "If you say so." he turned to me. "Do you even know what a demon is?" It was clear he was trying to annoy me.
I didn't bother answering and started unbuttoning my shirt. "Whoa!" said Dean. I stopped at the fourth button and showed them my tattoo. "Pervert." I said.
"Nothing you haven't seen before Dean. You see I do know what a demon is. I've killed a few before too." I said as I buttoned my shirt.
The next few hours of daylight was wasted in the motel room searching for anything that'd indicate the demon was close.
Just when I was about to give up I saw an article online. "Hey check this out. Three people killed in their home and one missing." I said. "It's worth checking out." Sam said. "Where?"
"The next town. It's probably a thirty minute drive from here." I stated. We decided to go with the Impala so I left my car in front of the motel. Dean opened the trunk and I saw a bunch of weapons. "Nice touch." I added.
He was clearly annoyed. We got in and they made me sit at the back. Dean was eyeing me from the mirror time to time. "So who was the hunter that got you into this stuff?" Sam asked trying to start conversation.
Dean looked at me with panic in his eyes. He didn't want his brother to know. I respected his decision. "Gordon." I lied. Dean's face relaxed and he took a deep breath.
"I heard he's dead. Thanks to you guys." I said. "Sorry" said Sam. "He was an asshole. My hatred for him makes me a better hunter." Dean realised the words were aimed at him and he shot me a threatening look. "At least he's not around anymore." Dean said.
"Dean are you okay?" asked Sam. He must've realised Dean was tense. "Yeah I'm alright." he said. There was an awkward silence until we arrived at the town.
We found a motel and got a room with one king bed and a normal bed. That was the only room for three people. It was nighttime. "Guys have a good night. But not too good. Some of us want to sleep." I said playfully.
We'd start investigating in the morning. Every window and the door was salted.
I heard Dean and Sam fight over the blanket. Sam sighed. Dean had won. "Hey Elena, can I borrow your blanket?" Sam asked me. "Of course... not. You have to fight for it Winchester." I said.
He pulled onto my blanket but I pulled harder. He fell on my bed. Suddenly the lights got on. "What the hell?" Dean said half awake. "You should've given him the blanket." I said as Sam got off my bed. "For god's sake, go to bed you two."
Sam went back to his bed but I kept eye contact with Dean until he turned the lights off. We all went to bed and all of us slept this time.
I woke up at 5 a.m as usual. The boys were still asleep. I watched them for a while. All the good memories with Dean started popping up but I tried my best to stop it. I didn't feel that way anymore but I wanted closure. It all felt unfinished. I looked at Sam. He was so different. I had started to like him.
I was lost in my thoughts for about an hour until Sam woke up. "When did you wake up?" he asked me as he slowly made his way out of the bed, careful not to wake Dean up. "About an hour ago. When will sleeping beauty wake up?" I said. Sam laughed. "Not until eight. Wanna go for a walk?" he asked. "Sure."
We went out and started chatting. "So how did you start hunting?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer. Dean hadn't told me about his brother but he told me about his dad. Sam told me the same things.
"But I then decided to quit and go to college. I dropped out when Dean came and asked me to help him find dad. When I got back Jessica, my girlfriend was dead. The demon that killed my mother had killed her." Sam said. He sounded broken. I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Whatever, I took off and we've been hunting ever since." he said. "When was this?" I asked. "Five years ago." I stopped. Maybe that was the reason Dean had left me. Maybe, but it didn't matter anymore. "I'm sorry Sam." I said. "So here we are. You, me and Dean. He's not always like this. I don't know what got into him." He said changing the subject.
"I'm used to it." I said. We chatted for another hour and went back. It was now seven thirty. We went in and there was an angry Dean inside. "Where have you been? I've been calling you both for an hour. At least leave a note or something!" He shouted.
"Dude chill. What's wrong with you?" Sam asked. "Yeah Dean, what is wrong with you?" I added. "Just don't disappear again." he said and sighed.
We went out to get breakfast and sat down at the table at the back. "So, the victims were brothers. Kevin, Fred, Stephen and Paul Browngate. There will be a remembrance ball this evening at the Browngate Mansion. Perfect opportunity to search around the house. Who wants to be my date?" I said. The boys looked at each other than back at me.
"I have to go to the restroom. Nobody touches my fries." I got up and pretended to walk away but hid behind a column and listened to the boys. "You can have the girl this time." Dean said. "At least flip a coin." said Sam. "I don't want to. You go as guests I will be the cop."
I walked back to them. "So who's the lucky one?" I genuinely enjoyed messing with them. "Sam would be the guy." said Dean. I sat down and found my fries untouched. "You know Dean used to eat burgers everyday for breakfast for one year." Sam said. I laughed.
Sam and I talked while Dean just ate. It was really fun hanging out with Sam. He was actually really funny. We hung out at the restaurant for an hour or two because we had nothing else to do. When we finally got out of the restaurant the boys went back to the hotel and I went to pick up a dress . I found one pretty quickly and went back to the motel.
I went into the room and saw Sam fighting with his bow while Dean's was perfectly tied. "Glad to see progress." I said to Dean and Sam looked up confused. "Here let me help." I tied his bow. Dean stared at me the whole time. I wasn't even flirting, well maybe I was a little.
"Let me get dressed then we'll go. It starts at five." I said and went into the bathroom to change. When I got out the boys' jaws dropped. "Okay Sammy let's go." I said and took Sam's arm. Dean was frustrated because I was going to drive the Impala. He had to walk.
The mansion was huge and all the guests were looking classy as hell. The guys were clearly extremely wealthy which was probably why that many people bothered to come there. "You have the Holy Water?" Sam asked me. "Of course."
"Let's ask around if anyone knows something. We meet here in ten minutes and figure out a way to go upstairs." with that we parted and after a very dull ten minutes we were back where we started. "Nothing. None of the guests know anything. Some of them don't even know the guys." I said frustrated. It was the same with Sam.
"We have to find a way to go upstairs. They were all found in their bedrooms." said Sam. "Leave that to me." with that I left all my muscles lose.
  Sam caught me before I hit the ground. "Someone help us." Sam shouted and a security guard came and took us upstairs. He took us to the guest room. As soon as the guy left the room I got up. "You could've given me a head start." said Sam. "Where's the fun in that?"
"Come on let's go. You take the ones on the right. I'll go left." I said and we left the room. The first room I went into was covered in blood. The sheets and the floor were all blooded. It was clear the guy's throat had been cut off. I looked for traces of sulfur and found it pretty quickly.
I went into the second room. There was no blood which meant I was in the room of the guy missing. I looked around and practically the whole room was covered in sulfur. I looked at the guys photos. It would be useful when identifying the demon in case it possessed the guy. When I was done I went out and Sam was also finished. "Demon." we said in unison.
When we went back down we saw Dean. "What did you find?"  he asked.
"Sulfur. Everywhere. I think the missing guy is possessed. The victim's throats were cut and they all were probably asleep." I said. "What do you have?" asked Sam.
"Well the same things but the police think the missing brother killed the three." said Dean. "Our work is done here. Let's go." I said and we left.
Dean sat on the drivers seat and started kissing the steering wheel. "Did that evil bitch do anything to you?" he said. "Dean please." I said sarcastically. "Sam get in. Elena you walk."
I didn't need his stupid car. "Fine." I said and started walking. A few minutes later I felt a hand cover my mouth and everything went black.
I woke up tied to a chair. The missing guy stood before me. He had black eyes. "What do you want?" I said. "From you, nothing. From Dean Winchester, everything." he said. "You made a mistake.Dean wouldn't come looking for me." I said. The demon laughed.
"Dean won't but Sam will. Which means Dean will come too." he said. "What did Dean do to you?" I said. "He killed my sister. He'll pay for it." the demon said. I laughed. "Oh my God. A demon with feelings, how cute." I said. "You'll regret that."
He took out a knife and started cutting at my stomach. It was very painful but I tried not to scream. This went on for an hour or two. They really weren't coming. It was Dean, what did I expect? But Sam... I thought we had something.
Something broke inside me the same way it did when Dean left me. The pain of the cuts were nothing compared to the pain inside. I tried my best not to cry.
I had given up all hope when the door smashed open and the boys came in. Dean shot the demon with... the Colt? They had the Colt and didn't tell me. "I knew you'd come, after all you loved her." the demon said before it went back to hell.
Sam ran over to me and cut the ropes I was tied with. He carried me to the car. Sam and I sat at the back and he stitched my cuts. "I'm sorry Elena." he said. I put my hand on his face. I leaned in and kissed him. I quickly pulled away and mumbled a sorry.
He smiled and kissed me. It felt right. I saw Dean in the mirror. He was.. smiling? I looked away. There was nothing between us anymore and I was happy that we both knew that.
We went back to the motel and I was able to stand up. "Elena, Dean... Why did the demon say that?" Sam asked us. "It's a demon Sam. Demons lie." said Dean. I looked at him. "He deserves to know the truth." Dean sighed and then nodded. "Dean was my boyfriend. He was the hunter that told me about this stuff. He left me five years ago." I said.
Anger filled Sam's face. He was furious. We should've told him from the start. He took the car keys and ran outside. I tried my best to run after him but couldn't. The stitches hurt too much. Dean ran after the car. I watched from the door as Dean tried to catch up with the car. Soon the two were nowhere to be seen.
A recked Impala pulled up to the front door. Dean was inside. I ran out and got in. "Sam crashed. He's in the hospital." Dean said and started driving. "Dean I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cried. "It's not your fault. It's obvious you like him." he said.
Soon we arrived at the hospital. We ran in and they took us to a room where Sam laid unconscious. I sat down while Dean talked to the nurse. He came in and sat across me. "Elena  I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to protect you." Dean said. I looked at him in understanding. "I know. I heard what happened to Jessica. I wouldn't come back if I saw that too but you couldn't keep me out of this stuff could you?"
"I guess not. I still love you just not in the same way. Sam is a good man." he said. "I know. Thank you Dean." I said. Sam woke up about fifteen minutes later. I ran to his side while Dean stood over his bed. "I'm so sorry Sam. We are just friends. There isn't anything between us anymore. Sam you're the one I want." I said.
He leaned in and kissed me. "Go get a room you two." said Dean. We all laughed. I stuck around with them and we continued hunting together.
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wendip-week · 7 years
Hail, Hail
(Wendip week Day 4: prompt is “The gang finds out.”)
(August 19-25, 2014)
Tambry was the first. She and Wendy had met over in Morris at a chic little restaurant for lunch to talk about a million and one details about Tambry’s and Robbie’s wedding (which was still ten months away, but you can never be too prepared) when Tambry suddenly gasped and said, “Omigod! Who gave you a ring?”
Crap! I forgot to take it off! But, trying to keep her cool and pass it off as no big deal, she said, “This? It’s a friendship ring. Just a little silver band, see? No diamond.”
“Wendy,” Tambry said, her eyes aglow. “You do NOT wear a friendship ring on the third finger of your left hand! Dish!”’
“Aw, it’s really not anything that big,” Wendy said, shrugging. “It just fits my left hand better. I hardly ever even wear it. Just a sweet gift from a guy I kinda-sorta like. You’re right, though. I should force it onto my right ring finger.” She pretended to have difficulty screwing it onto the finger, though actually it fit equally well there. “I’ll probably have to soap this to get it off.”
“Who?” Tambry demanded, shoving her chicken salad aside and leaning over the table, her gaze drilling into Wendy’s.
“Nobody you know,” Wendy countered, shifting a little in her chair.
“Dipper Pines,” Tambry said. “OMG, you and Dipper—you’re engaged!”
“Not so loud!” Wendy said. The Bon Ton in Morris wasn’t exactly crammed with people who would recognize her—Gravity Falls folks in general thought the citizens of Morris were stuck up with no reason for being so, and few Fallers ever came to Morris unless it was to visit someone in the hospital or to consult a specialist doctor. “We’re not engaged!” Wendy insisted. “Well, you know. I mean, we’ve talked about it, sort of, but the age thing, his parents, my dad, you know, a million things—”
Tambry took her hand in hers. “Wendy, this is Tambry here. You know what? I have this sharp memory of one time when we were, like five? And you saw this boy and told me he was cute? And I told him what you said, and you pushed me off my bike?”
“Yeah… I sort of remember,” Wendy said, frowning.
Tambry squeezed her hand. “Girl! That kid was totally a dupe of Dipper Pines! Looked just like him!”
Wendy had no mental image. She mainly remembered feeling guilty for shoving her best friend to the sidewalk. “How do you even remember that?”
“I always remember cute guys,” Tambry reminded her. “Oh, this is so great! He’ll be such a cool husband, always whisking you away on wild adventures—”
“Nothing’s settled!” Wendy said firmly. “We've talked, that’s all. We—”
“Are you doing it?”
“—just have to, wait, what? TAMBRY! He's fourteen! Of course not!”
“He’s a mature fourteen,” Tambry said. “And won’t he be fifteen in like two weeks?”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know what the guys we know were like when they were fifteen!”
“Well—he’s not like that. And we’ve promised each other to wait and—see if this can—maybe in time, we don’t know—look, just promise me, hand to God, that you won’t tell a soul!”
“I promise! Oh, Wendy, I’m so happy for you,” Tambry said with tears of happiness in her eyes.
And it was totally a coincidence, or maybe in the grand scheme of life it wasn’t, that Mabel’s farewell summer-ending sleepover went on that same night.
Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica came over to the Shack, Dipper swapped bedrooms with Mabel—because the attic was the right size for a mob of four girls—and in the course of the evening somehow a game of Truth or Dare eventuated.
Well, at sleepovers they always do, don’t they? But I wanted to use a fancy word. Anyway, somehow Mabel (who always went for the dares) unaccountably decided on “truth” at one point. Candy asked her, “Is there remaining a place in Dipper’s heart for Candy?” She didn’t actually have a real crush on Dipper, but as she had said a few times, “I would not kick him out of my baenang if I found him there.” That means “knapsack,” by the way. Candy can be odd.
Mabel teetered indecisively. She knew she couldn’t tell the whole truth, but this was Truth or Dare, and it was a sacred obligation, practically, to be a little bit honest. She said as comfortingly as she could, “I’m sorry Candy, Dipper loves someone else.”
“Oh,” Candy said. “That small sound you hear is my heart breaking in three equal pieces, each weighing one hundred grams!”
“It’s Wendy,” Pacifica said, her voice flat, her face expressionless.
“I didn’t say that!” Mabel protested.
“I know it’s Wendy.” Pacifica looked sad, not angry. “Everybody knows it has to be Wendy.”
“Hey, Pacifica,” Grenda said in an effort to give her a little comfort, “if it’s any consolation, Marius has an eligible cousin who’s a baronet.”
“How old is he?” Pacifica asked.
“I think eleven. But he’s single!”
“Worked for the redhead,” Pacifica muttered. However, she didn’t sleep much that night.
So by the next morning because of Tambry, Robbie knew, and the guys in the band, and then of course Lee and Nate found out, and their girls, and Soos got wind of it from someone who dropped into the gift shop, and … you know how it goes. And you’ve probably played the game “telephone.”
And that was why on the following Wendesday, Wendy discovered she was secretly married and three months pregnant with twins. Or that was what Lazy Susan told her, congratulating her and advising her on the best things to eat while expecting.
And that was why Dipper was totally confused when on Thursday afternoon Gideon Gleeful saw him downtown, walked up to him, and said, “Well played, Dipper. Well played. But you just remember, now, if you get a mite out of line, she can break your arm!”
And it was also why on the following Friday, when they got together alone for their last movie night of the summer, Wendy said morosely, “Dude, everybody in town thinks we’re doin’ it!”
“I know,” Dipper said. “Stan’s already jumped me and I had to deny everything. I explained and swore him to secrecy, but I’m not sure even he believes me. It’s crazy.”
Wendy sighed and leaned against him. “You know what, dude? We might just as well go ahead and do it.”
Dipper’s mouth felt as dry as the Mojave at high noon in the middle of a summer when a persistent high-pressure area over the Pacific deflected the usual wind patterns and kept the air depleted of moisture. He felt simultaneously excited and terrified and stammered, “Um—but—but we made a promise—”
Wendy tickled his chin and smiled at him from six inches away and in a husky voice asked, “Don’t you want to, you know, do it with me?”
“Yeah! Of course. I do. I really do. But—but—you know. It’s too soon. Uh. Do, do you want to? With, uh, you know, with, uh, with me?”
“So bad!” She hugged him and he felt the warmth of her sigh on his neck. “And that’s exactly why we're not gonna. Stay strong, Dip. Three more years from the last day of this month, man!” she pushed away but reached to hold his hand. “Hang tough, dude. We good?”
“Yeah. We’re good,” Dipper said, squeezing her hand and trying to control his heart rate. For a minute, it had zoomed way up there.
She broke the hug but kept her arm over his shoulders, and he reached up and held her other hand, too. She sighed. “OK, man. My fault. I was wearin’ that silver ring you had made for me in the ghost town, I slept with it on my finger the way I do sometimes, and then that morning I forgot to take it off, and somebody saw it on my finger and jumped to conclusions. So—hope you won’t mind this—since I don’t want to hide the ring away in a drawer, but also don’t want to wear it, like, in public where people will see it, I—well, I got a piercing. So I can always wear the ring where nobody will see it.”
“I—whatever you want to do, Wendy. After we got those matching henna tattoos on the last day of Woodstick, I’d even get a matching piercing if you asked me to.”
“Not necessary, dude,” she told him. “OK, you’re privileged, ‘cause we won’t see each other for a long time after the end of the month, right? And 'cause you did give it to me. And 'cause I love it, and you. So—here, this is my solemn pledge to you that I’ll be ready the moment you are.”
And she showed him just where she wore the ring.
The End
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