#The entire plot of The Dreaming 2018
sunrizef1 · 5 months
Speak for Yourself
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x reader
Authors Note: not edited woohoo, back to your regularly scheduled programming, planning to shut up now lol
Word count: 4.6k I think
Warnings: light cursing, AUS 24, not edited, inaccurate information regarding f2 seasons for the sake of the plot
Summary: You’d been around as long as Logan had, it was no time until one of the drivers developed a crush on you. Oscar had thought it was obvious you weren’t single. Guess not.
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Growing up, Oscar had always known he was quieter than a lot of his friends. He’d just rather keep to himself than be loud in his day-to-day life. Even Logan was considered loud when around the Aussie, and considering Logan was pretty quiet himself, that was impressive.
Everyone around him knew he preferred to be private. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share things with his friends and family, it was just that having his own life was more convenient.
One of the things he’d always been private about, was his relationships. He’d had girlfriends growing up, none of them really sticking around too long as the times changed.
But then he met you. 2018. Logan had introduced you as his best friend, Oscar decided not to be offended. You were the opposite of the Australian. You were loud and happy and Oscar was absolutely captivated by you. He’d asked Logan if he was allowed to ask you out and the American had just laughed with a nod, Oscar practically running over to you the second the race was over.
Of course, you were 17 so Oscar didn’t exactly have the emotional maturity to realize he was in love with you at the time. It only took him six months to say it out loud, though. Three years later and you two were still going strong, Oscars career only moving upwards as he raced through the 2021 F2 season.
Logan had been trying to find a way to get you a job with him the whole season. You’d just agreed, choosing to follow him around for a whole year as he moved through different series. He’d never have told Oscar but he’d needed your support more than anything. Just having to cycle through seats and races and series had drained him, you needing to practically talk him off the ledge multiple times throughout the year.
But you did get a few races with Oscar. Toward the end of the year, Logan got to race alongside his friend, meaning you got to hang out with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend, who was looking likely to win the entire championship.
“Are you nervous?” You hummed under your breath, your words echoing around the silence of the dark hotel room. You feel Oscar shift behind you, his arm tightening around your torso. The next morning, he’d be racing to win the championship, hopes and dreams laid out before him.
“I don’t think so,” he pauses, contemplating his words, “I think I was. Not anymore though, I’ve got you with me. That’s enough for me.”
You take a second to think through his words before a grin splits your face, skin heating up as the sentence sinks in, “I love you, Osc.”
The man in question shifts again, swinging his other arm around to wrap you tighter in his hold, “I love you too.”
You eventually fall asleep, letting the quiet of the room paired with the sound of the beating heart behind you, lull you to bed.
The next day, Oscar wins the championship, your loud yells sounding uncharacteristically quiet in the cacophony of screaming voices that surround you. He doesn’t sprint over to you or anything, big gestures not really his style. But he does make eye contact with you with a warming smile once he steps out of the car and that’s enough for you to know exactly how he feels in that moment.
Logan, though, is being very weird. You were sat in your boyfriend’s room, watching Logan practically wear a hole in the carpet with his constant pacing. He walked back and forth through the room with an absent mind and shaky hands. Throughout the year you’d been forced to follow him around, you somehow hadn’t seen him this nervous the whole time. Impressive considering he’d met about 100 very important people in the span of about two weeks.
“What’s your problem?” Logan’s eyes snap toward you, eyebrows shooting up as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“Nothing,” you roll your eyes at his quickly worded response, he didn’t seem to be in a too concerning state of being so you opted to leave him alone. He’d be fine eventually. He’d also looked about the same last week when the Dolphins had almost lost. He’d recovered from that too.
Your head instead turns toward where the door has just opened. You watch your boyfriend walk through, his gaze immediately catching on the weirdo pacing in the corner.
“Hi, Logan?” Oscar hums with a confused look on his face. Logans gaze locks onto the older Aussie, a stupid grin splitting the Americans face.
“Congrats, Oscar. Have a great evening,” Logan says, slapping his friend on the shoulder. The dumb grin is back on the blond man’s face, proving your earlier hypothesis that he’d heal from his paranoia relatively quickly.
Oscar, on the other hand, is surprisingly quick to take over Logan’s role as village weirdo, moving to rush Logan out of the room. Logan leaves, not before he gives Oscar a suspicious glance but Oscar just replies by shoving him out. You dismiss it as annoyance at the man for intruding, though your eyes do stay trained on the door Logan had just left though for more than a few moments.
“He’s so weird,” you mumble, a confused look on your face as you think back to your friends actions.
“Yeah, he is,” Oscar replies, rolling his eyes. There’s a second layer of agreement laced through his words, though you don’t catch the fact he might have a different reason to agree. You hum, still trying to decode why your friend had been acting like that, not even figuring the cause might be the man in front of you.
Oscar pulls your attention back toward him as he rests a hand on your face, gently tilting your head toward him, “I have dinner reservations for tonight. That place you’d talked about this morning.”
You smile, completely forgetting about Logan’s loser behavior, “Sounds great.”
Oscar grins before letting go of your face, the feeling of his grasp still lingering on your skin, “I’m gonna take a shower, then we can go back to the hotel.”
You laugh, pushing him away from you gently. Oscar stumbles dramatically, causing your laugh to get louder. You don’t notice how Oscar’s smile gets bigger in sync with your happiness.
“Go, then. You stink.”
Oscar pulls a face, offense painting his features, “Rude.”
You snort, rolling your eyes as he moves toward the bathroom, “Go, nerd!”
Oscar laughs a final time before finally stepping into the room, shutting the door behind him. You collapse onto the couch you’re sitting on, mind running with thoughts of the dinner you were about to go to and recent memories of the pure elation you were feeling after Oscar’s win. Content fills your body as you relax, faint sounds of the shower the only sound filtering through your ears.
A few hours later, you’re sat across from your boyfriend, laughing over your food while sharing anecdotes back-and-forth, laughs probably a little too loud for the really nice restaurant.
Oscar grabs the bill from the waiter, smiling politely as the man walks away momentarily. Oscar pulls his card out and slides it back in his wallet before putting it in his back pocket, moving to stand up afterward. You grin as he holds a hand out to you, helping you to your feet.
You hum warmly, tiredness spreading through you as you approached the conclusion of a pretty long day. The food had been delicious and the atmosphere was wonderful.
You had thought you’d be going straight back to the hotel, considering Oscar still had to race again tomorrow.
But as you exit, Oscar pulls you away from the car, interlocking his fingers with yours. You shoot your eyebrows up as you glance at your boyfriend, a tight smile on his lips.
“I thought we could go for a walk on the beach, maybe? It’s really pretty,” Oscar stares straight ahead as he says the words, gaze seemingly avoiding yours. But when you don’t answer for a second, he does glance over to you and you finally nod with a small smile.
“Sure, I’d love that.”
Oscar gulps, a big grin splitting his face. He looks back toward the sand a bit ahead of you, moving to slowly stroll down it with you by his side. You let out a relaxed sigh, head falling into his shoulder. Oscar had been right, this was very pretty. Lights lit up the sand around you, reflecting off the ocean waves that crashed toward you. The sun is starting to set in the distance, casting warm hues over the sky.
You do stop to pull of your heels and Oscar is quick to hold them in his hands, resuming in his passive, slow walk.
You make bare comments about how pretty your surroundings were, the sound of silence just not satisfying you. Although you do leave enough time between sentences to truly take in the calmness that comes with the ocean scenery, wave sounds in the silence and all.
You eventually come to a point some ways down the beach that has more lights than the rest. They form a little semi-circle that perfectly light up the area. Oscar pulls you to a stop in the middle of them and he turns you both to look out at the ocean. You swear you hear a sound from behind you but when you glance over, the beach is clear of anyone else so you turn back around to gaze toward the sunset.
The sun is about halfway down in the horizon and you find your gaze locked on the pink and orange that fades through the sky. You’re so focused that you don’t notice that Oscars grasp on you disappears. When you turn around to point out the colors to your boyfriend, a sharp gasp leaves your throat.
“Oh my god, Osc-!”
You cut yourself off with a hand over your mouth as you look down at your boyfriend, kneeling in the sand, a small box clutched in his hands.
You don't remember much of his speech, too busy trying to not start absolutely sobbing. But you do remember the last words that leave his mouth before the ring is slid onto your finger.
“Will you marry me?”
You nod quickly, hands shaking as Oscar stands up to put the ring onto you. You stare down at it for a few seconds as Oscars hands rest on your waist, waiting for your reaction. You look up, moving through the shock in your veins. You grasp his face in your hands and pull him down into an emotionally-charged kiss, feeling his arms wrap around you tighter.
He smiles into the kiss, head resting against yours once you finally pull away. You look into his eyes for a second before laughing and leaning away, tears dripping down your face.
“That was so wonderful, Osc,” you say through your tears, wiping your face with the back of your hand.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Oscar smiles before it drops slightly, a grimace pulling onto his face, “because Logan’s been in that bush the whole time.”
Your head whips toward the bush Oscars hand is outstretched toward, eyebrows furrowed as you search the greenery.
An incredulous laugh leaves your throat as Logan pops his head up, a sheepish glance in your direction being all he offers in response. You snort, grinning as you notice the nice-looking camera in his hands.
“Come here, idiot,” you smile, waiting for your friend to emerge from the bushes so you can share this moment with the man who’d been your closest friend for your entire life, “‘At least, now I know why you were acting like that.”
That was, of course, 2021. Now, two years later, you were still following Logan around. But now, with the Floridian entering F1, you had a contract and a paycheck that came with it. Anyone who didn’t know Logan would think you were his assistant. Which you technically were. But anyone who did know Logan, would instead refer to you as his paid-best-friend, many jokes about him paying you to hang around being thrown his way from fans and fellow drivers alike.
It was very convenient that your husband was entering F1 at the same time as the man who employs you, opening up so many more chances to spend time with Oscar.
No one really questioned Oscar’s continued presence in the Williams garage. Everyone knew that him and Logan had always been close so when he was spotted in the white and blue, no one batted an eye.
Not even his new teammate, who claimed to know the Aussie better than anyone else on the grid. Lando just assumed Oscar was really eager to see his friend every day. Lando didn’t consider that he saw Logan every weekend anyway and that maybe the speed with which he got to Williams might be a little too fast to just be for a close friend.
No one from Williams questioned it either. They all knew that Logan and Oscar had grown up as friends. So when Oscar seemed pretty close to one of Logan's closest friends, they didn't question it. It only made sense.
You didn’t hang around the rest of the grid very often during Oscar and Logan’s first season. You didn’t really know any of the other drivers so you, instead, spent all your time in Williams, Alex and Lily becoming fast friends of yours.
But in 2024, you started to come around more, choosing to venture out of the garage and talk more to the drivers you’d met over the past year. One of the garages you had started to frequent more was McLaren, your husband quite excited to have you in the Papaya as opposed to your usual blue.
You went to the garage purely for Oscar. But he wasn’t always the only driver hanging around. The papaya garages were often frequented by drivers from other teams. Specifically, the Ferrari drivers loved to make their presence in the garages known.
It was the Australian GP, Oscar’s home race and only the third race of the season. You’d only came over to McLaren a few times over the past three races, but you were currently occupied with Logan after his car had been taken away so you were nowhere to be seen.
Oscar was sat with his teammate in hospitality, talking about pretty much anything as they waited out the few hours they had before they had to do anything.
“Lando!” The voice of a loud Spanish man has Oscar’s face splitting into a grimace. He turns his head to see none other than Carlos Sainz making his way toward the pair in papaya, Charles Leclerc in tow behind him.
Lando grins beside him, eyes lighting up as he looks toward his friend. Lando glances down toward his teammate to assess the look on the Aussies face before he stands up and clasps Carlos on the shoulder, “Hey, Carlos!”
Oscar looks away from the two of them, gaze landing on Charles who stands awkwardly to the side. Oscar catches his eye before gesturing for him to sit down in one of the free chairs around the table the McLaren boys had been occupying . Charles smiles gratefully, happy to break the strange stance he’d been stuck in previously.
After successfully bro-ing it out, Lando and Carlos eventually sit down at the table, chairs sliding against the grown loudly as they shift around.
“How are you both feeling about the race?” Carlos asks, eyes shifting between Lando and Oscar, though his gaze does stop on the Brit.
Oscar, though, pipes up to answer the Spaniards question before Lando can, “We feel pretty good. It’s a home race so that’s always great.”
Carlos hums absently, eyes seemingly searching for something behind Oscar. Oscar glances behind him quickly to see if there’s anything worth mentioning but is met with nothing but Papaya shirts. He turns back around. Weird.
Lando seems to notice Carlos’ weird behavior as well, his eyebrows furrowing as he glances around as well before looking back to the Spaniard, “You looking for something, Carlos?”
Carlos’ eyes snap back to the curly-haired man, heat rising to his cheeks as he realizes he’s been caught, “No, nothing.”
Charles snorts from beside his teammate, sticking a hand over his mouth in an attempt to stifle the laugh threatening to leave his throat. Carlos glares at the Monegasque lightly, only making Charles laugh harder before Carlos leans forward to explain.
“Where is that Williams girl?” Carlos asks with a small smile and a confused look passes over Oscar’s face. Who the hell is he talking about?
Charles seems to catch the matching confusion on the McLarens face, rolling his eyes at Carlos’ blunt delivery before starting to explain himself, “Carlos in love with that girl Logan hangs around with. The one that’s always in McLaren for some reason.”
Carlos nods in agreement, leaning back in his chair with satisfaction. Oscar feels his stomach drop.
“I’m not in love with her, I just think she’s really pretty.”
Charles laughs, eyes going wide in response, “Carlos you look for her every time we’re in this garage. You’ve been asking to come over here just so you can see her.”
Lando gasps dramatically, a big grin painting his face, “And here I was, thinking you’d been coming around so you could see me!”
The other three drivers at the table laugh but Oscar stays quiet, teeth digging hard into his bottom lip. An unreasonable annoyance filled him at Carlos’ words, eyes rolling as he watches the Spaniard go on about his love for you, Oscar’s wife.
“Why’ve you never gone to Williams to look for her?” Lando interjects after a few more seconds of mindless rambling from Carlos about you. Carlos glances sideways at Charles, a thoughtful look crossing his face.
“Never wanted to bother Logan, I guess. We’re not really friends,” Carlos shrugs.
Lando tilts his head, shaking it slightly, “I’m sure Logan wouldn’t mind.”
Oscar has to stop himself from scoffing at Landos words. If only he knew how much Logan would mind.
“Yeah, I’ll go over there in a minute. Maybe I’ll actually shoot my shot this time.”
Oscar stands up suddenly, chair screeching against the floor as it pushes backward.
“Where you going, mate?” Lando goes to ask but Oscar’s already practically ran away, feet carrying him quickly toward the Williams garage.
The three drivers he’s left behind look between each other with confused faces, all having no idea what made the Aussie leave so quickly.
Oscar, though, makes it to Williams in record time. Running between employees and the like, weaving his way to Logan’s room. He slams the door open, ignoring the strange glances from Williams employees around him.
He pauses as he sees the sight in front of him, Logans head resting heavily in your lap as you run a hand through the blonds hair. The dejected look on Logans face is enough to make Oscar grimace and move quieter as he enters the room. You glance up with the concerned expression still painting your features. Logan doesn't look up, eyes closed tightly and pure distaste clearly present.
“Hey Osc,” you practically sigh, eyes shifting back down to Logan for a moment. Only after hearing your words does Logan open his eyes, looking over toward the Aussie.
“Hey guys,” Oscar says carefully, his previous reason for rushing into Williams now momentarily forgotten.
Logan mumbles under his breath and closes his eyes again, nodding at Oscar before he does. You pat his head softly and he rolls over, moving his head away from you so you can stand up and talk to Oscar.
“Whats up?” you try to smile through your obvious grimace and Oscar smiles painfully in response.
He nods his head toward Logan who's now lying face-down on the couch, “Is he okay?”
“No, not a great weekend with the whole chassis thing,” You reply, trying to keep your voice low enough so Logan doesn't hear.
Apparently you weren't quiet enough as you hear a muffled shout echo through the small room.
“Im fine!” You can barely hear through the couch cushion but he’s just audible enough.
You shake your head at Oscar, sighing deeply, “Did you need something?”
Oscar nods slightly, grasping your hand in his and pulling you out of the room and away from Logan. Not that Oscar didn’t want to support his friend but he honestly didn’t know what to say. And he was obviously okay with you leaving or he wouldn’t have rolled away from you.
“Do you wanna come back to McLaren hospitality?” Oscar asks, dragging his finger over the wedding ring sat proudly on your ring finger. You notice his attention on the ring and tilt your head slightly.
“For any specific reason?”
Oscar shakes his head innocently, trying to take any look of suspicion off his face. Though it seems you know him too well as you raise an eyebrow and tilt your head, not believing his story.
Oscar rolls his eyes, admitting defeat, “Fine. Carlos was talking about how in love with you he is and I was getting annoyed about it.”
You laugh slightly, not expecting Oscar to claim that the Spaniard was in love with you. But when you see the blush on your husband’s face, you grin softly and pull him into a hug, grasping his face in your hands, “It’s okay, Osc. I only have eyes for you, darling.”
Oscar blushes harder, letting out a small laugh as you pepper his face with kisses and he reaches up a hand to bat your face away from his.
“Come on, let’s go show Carlos what he can’t have,” You laugh, marching forward with Oscar’s hand wrapped tightly in yours. Oscar laughs, following along behind you. But he’s secretly grateful you were willing to shut Carlos’ pining down, not sure if he could take Carlos, of all people, talking about his crush on you for any longer, “Even if he’s not there I’ll still get Logan something to eat.”
You reach the McLaren hospitality quickly enough, garnering some strange looks from people around you as they see your clasped hands. But you pay them no mind, more focused on getting to the food. Oscar drags along behind you, watching as you grab two plates of food, careful not to spill as you balance the plate for both yourself and Logan. Oscar untangles your fingers from his so he can grab one of the plates out of your hand, leading you toward a table so you can eat the food you’ve grabbed for yourself.
Oscar sits across from you as you start to pick at the food lazily, stabbing a lone grape with your fork before bringing it to your mouth. You seemed to have stopped caring about the potential Carlos sighting but Oscar was on high-alert, eyes trailing over the room.
His eyes catch on a scrap of red fabric over your shoulder and he moves his chair slightly closer to you, praying the Spaniard doesn’t catch sight of you. Oscar moves his knee to knock against yours and you smile warmly through the bite of watermelon you’d just taken.
You sit peacefully for a few minutes, eating quietly as Oscar seemingly keeps watch. You don’t ask him why he couldn’t just tell Carlos you were married himself but you don’t question his motives. Men were confusing.
Both of you are surprised when a figure walks up to stand above you. You glance up and see a grumpy-looking blonde man with tousled hair and a disgruntled face looking down at the two of you, exhaustion clear in his eyes.
“Hey, lo. Gotchu food,” You say, sliding the plate toward the American. He hums, glancing around the room. Oscar watches as he sees Carlos and then looks back, glancing between the Aussie and the enemy he had decide to make today.
“Brb,” Logan mumbles with crossed arms, slinking off to a destination you can’t see. But Oscar can, and he watches as his friend slides up to a certain Ferrari driver, his usual shy attitude abandoned due to his already-shit race weekend.
Oscar takes the opportunity to fully move his chair next to yours, grasping your open hand in his, passively fiddling with your wedding ring. You roll your eyes but relax your hand in his, allowing him the chance to be as possessive as he wants.
“Hey, man,” Carlos says as Logan reaches him. Really good timing actually, he’d been wanting to talk to him about you.
Logan blinks through his tiredness, frowning at the older man, “Hey, Carlos.”
Carlos grins, deciding to stick through the poor attitude from the blonde man in front of him, having no idea just how poor this was about to go for him, “I was actually going to ask you about that friend of yours. The pretty American one you’re always with.”
Logan blinks again, glancing back toward the papaya polo sat next to you before he looks back, “Y/N?”
Carlos shrugs, smile unfaltering, “I guess so, any way you could get me her number?”
Logan chews his cheek a bit, eyes quickly switching between the ground and Carlos’ face, “Nah, man. She's taken.”
Only then does Carlos’ face falter, his eyebrows furrowing slightly with confusion, “Really?”
Logan holds back his laugh, rubbing at his eyes as he starts to lose the tiredness he'd previously had, “Yeah, yeah. Married actually.”
Carlos’ head snaps toward the Williams driver, mouth opening slightly as he shakes his head, “No way, mate. You’re joking.”
“I don’t think I am,” Logan smirks, head tilting toward where you’re sitting, “You could ask her but I don’t think he’d let you get within 10 feet after this morning.”
Logan watches as Carlos’ gaze lands on you and your husband, mouth gaping as he catches Oscar’s hands fiddling with the ring on your finger, “Shit…”
“Yeah, shit indeed,” Logan nods, starting to walk away and leave the Spaniard to revel in his shock, “Have a good race, Carlos. I won’t be seeing you out there.”
You finally look up to see Logan sit down across from you, sliding his own plate over to himself and starting to munch down on the food you’d picked for him.
Oscar raises an eyebrow as he catches the incredulous look on Carlos’ face, “What was that about?”
“Just told him you’re married,” Logan mumbles through a mouth full of strawberries, chewing passively, “Had to spell it out for him, been dropping hints for months.”
You glance toward you friend with confusion painting your face, “What do you mean?”
“Yeah, I’ve been scaring him off from Williams since last October. Don’t think he even realized I was doing it on purpose.”
You and Oscar catch eyes, small grins breaking out on your faces as Logan continues to stare intently at his snack.
“Thanks, Logan,” you smile, happy to hear about your friends committed defense of your marriage.
“Don’t thank me, I’m still in a bad mood,” he says as he stabs a grape violently, biting the green sphere with a crunch.
Oscar hums, pulling you into him and resting his head on top of yours, eyes falling closed momentarily, “Sure, Logan. Eat your food, you’ll feel better.”
Logan just replies with a stab of his fork and you laugh, relaxing against your husband behind you, grateful for the great friend you’ve got in front of you.
Tags: @casperlikej @evie-119
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totallyhextra · 11 months
People? In MY computer?? It's more likely than you think!
The following is a fanvertisment and is not connected to the show. ****Yet.*** *Also yes, this is the fourth time I'm posting this because TUMBLR WONT LET ME EDIT SPELLING MISTAKES!
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Once upon a time, back in 1987, Dire Straits put out this music video for “Money for Nothing”, which, as you know, was a song about wanting my MTV. 
The video was made by two guys (Gavin Blair and Ian Pearson) on a very moody computer. After the video went out, these two guys went to a pub:
Ian: “Hey, we should make a whole show like this!”
Gavin: “Dude, making three minutes almost killed us.”
And so it was decided!🎉
The two guys were joined by two other guys (Phil Mitchell and John Grace) and created the Hub, which then became Mainframe Entertainment. They got even more people, and then they all holed up in this hotel.
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They were mad lads with a dream: a whole cgi animated show, and they made it happen a whole year before Toy Story!
Behold! ReBoot!
(Yes that fever dream was real)
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Now before I get any of this:
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Let me lay this down. If you can’t with the animation of the first season because it was CUTTING EDGE IN 1994, you can close your eyes and listen to it. ReBoot wasn’t just a CGI gimmick. The characters are fully developed, the voice actors are peerless, the plot is sharp, and there’s so many easter eggs that you’ll never find them all.
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(And yes the episode "Bad Bob" was the actual catalyst for Fury Road. Look it up)
ReBoot is about what life is like in a computer (in the 90s, because it was the 90s) called Mainframe (because of course it is). People are sprites, the guys that look like 1s and 0s are binomes (which represent 1s and 0s). Bad guys are viruses, and the good guy is a Guardian named Bob, who is a certified cinnamon roll.
In the first season the eps are light and self-contained, mainly because there was constant friction between the Mainframe studios and the Board of Standards and Practices.
They still got away with some pretty dark stuff, like Megabyte (virus) making Enzo (the kid) watch his dog get sliced open (dog got away, obviously) , Dot (sprite) have a hallucinatory breakdown, and the fridge horror of realizing the thousands of worm things (nulls) that plunged off a bridge to their death were actually people.
And Hex's (virus
best girl) scary face single-handedly traumatized an entire generation. 🙂
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But busting through a window was a no go, because WhAt If tHe cHiLdReN dID iT tOo?
Anyway, halfway through the second season, ABC cut them loose, so they were like, fuck it, we’re going to start going hard. The story shifted from episodic to arcs and things start to get serious.
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Third season the show moved to YTV in Canada, which gave no fucks about shielding the innocent children.
So it got DARK
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How dark?
The UK refused to show the entire season, so the audience there had to wait until pirated copies made it across the pond to see how it ended.
Also by 1997, the animation was gorgeous. (Best example of third season animation I could think of that didn't have spoilers)
The show was green-lit for a fourth season on Cartoon Network, but halfway through production Warner Bros took over and the same fucking thing happened.
Because Mainframe was halfway done, they decided not to scrap all of it, but knowing they wouldn't be able to finish it correctly, Mainframe stripped anything that would hint at Season Four's true ending, then left what remained on a cliff-hanger of angst.
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(It's also why the last four eps of season four seem to make no sense)
And so it was.
Other crap happened, the soul left Mainframe, and its animated corpse spat out “The Guardian Code” in 2018. 
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But never say die! The year is (almost) 2024, 30 years later. ReBoot shall rise from the dead, because here come the documentary!!
Do you dare see what you’ve been missing?
What the (UK) government doesn’t want you to know?? 
Then come on down to ReBoot!
We got:
Magnificent bastards with sexy voices!
(Tony Jay at his best)
Kickass women who could probably crush your head with their thighs and you’d enjoy it!
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Innuendos in a kid's show!
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💗 This adorable cinnamon roll!! 💗
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Insane third season glow-ups!
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These guys!
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(Gay roller-skating binome is my boi. I named him Jerry)
Nonstop cultural refs (You'll never find them all. Never.)
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(There are literally videos dedicated to trying)
So many computer puns!
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Body Horror!
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Existential Crisis!
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This is it, folks! The real thing, the gem hidden in the moose-filled forests of Canadia!🌲🌲🌲
Take a trip inside a mid-90’s computer!
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See the World Wide Web! (omg):
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Witness the original purple Gamecubes that randomly fall from the sky when the owner of the computer (OUR GOOD LORD THE USER) wants to play a game. If it lands on people and they lose, they dissolve into mindless energy leeches, fated to tormented by their former bretheren for all of eternity.
Just like in real life! 🙃
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So watch the eps! They on YouTube!
I think they're on Pluto, Hulu, Sling, and Tubi too! Also DVDs for people who have the patience to wait for them!
The more people hype, the better the chances of actually getting it finished.
And now I will leave you with this screenshot from the ep "Painted Windows", where dicks can clearly be seen drawn upon the wall behind the fleeing anthropomorphized television.
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(PS: If you heard the clown pic at the top of the page in your head, you're welcome)
This message is now approved by Gavin Blair! He's an awesome guy. Show him some love on TWITTER (fuck you musk) at @TheRealMrSweary Also, if you want to share this with non-tumblr friends, here is my attempt at a webpage version:
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acourtofthought · 8 days
Credit goes to @acourtdelaluna as she was the one to draw this conclusion. I just loved it so much I asked if I could create a post!
Sarah J Maas 2024: ""Azriel is someone I'm going to be exploring more."
Sarah J Maas 2021: "Because I know this is where I wanted things to go, it allowed me to plant things for Nesta's journey and even Elain's journey early on."
Sarah J Maas 2018: "When spring came, I was heavily pregnant - so I was really nesting - and we realized that the garden beds were pretty overgrown with ivy. There was literally ivy everywhere: in the garden beds, wrapped around the trees, crawling up the sides of the house. So I went into this obsessive, I-need-to-rip-out-every-last-strand-of-ivy-before-I-have-this-baby mode. And I remember the entire time I was ripping out the ivy, and trying to get some semblance of order into the garden beds, I just slipped into Elain's head. Elain is a gardener, and everything I did during those weeks became research for her book. I'm not even joking, Elain's now going to have dreams about ripping ivy out and the ivy creeping in through the windows to strangle her at night, because let me tell you, that ivy does not want to let go"
In 2021 (after the release of SF) Sarah did mention being excited to write Az's journey but never once mentioned laying crumbs for him in ACOMAF, ACOWAR, or even the novella, never once mentioned that she knew early on where she wanted his character to go. If we look back on the trilogy and the novella, we also don't find that Sarah set him up for anything plot related whereas we saw Cassian's desire to train Nesta in ACOWAR, his visit to Ramiel and meeting Emerie in ACOFAS, his desire to see female Illyrian's training. Instead she's spoken of Az's journey as if it's a more recent development since SF and the crossover and that makes sense when Az's plots finally seem to be established as of HOFAS (time travel related things / his connection to TT and Enalius).
If E/riel was always endgame then why would Sarah suddenly talk of exploring Azriel's character ONLY with the release of SF and HOFAS? To state in 2024 that Az will be someone she'll explore more in the future? If E/riel was endgame, shouldn't she have already explored his character alongside Elain's? Already been excited back in 2016 / 2017 for where she was going with him? She's clearly got no issues discussing that she'll be focusing on him at some point so why did she never bring his journey up before the release of SF?
One could argue that Sarah didn't often speak about Cassian's future journey but we still saw the direction she was taking him in the novella, we already knew he had feelings for Nesta in ACOMAF and ACOWAR when he was trying to reach his hand out to her while she was in the Cauldron, where Feyre noted him looking at Nesta with longing. Compare that to how Sarah wrote Az holding Mor's hand and snarling at the King over Mor in ACOMAF? Compare that to how Sarah wrote Az still looking at Mor with heat and yearning in the novella? She didn't need to mention Cassian's journey when it was clear that his journey would be wherever Nesta was and she had already spoken about Nesta and Cassian as a thing in multiple interviews. But Sarah spoke of Elain's journey and then Az's journey. Meaning two separate journey's and she did not speak of their love interests (i.e., Lucien / Gwyn) in the same way she spoke of Nesta's journey but did not often speak directly of Cassian's journey (outside of the Twitter interview / vacation interview where Elain and Lucien were also mentioned).
Sarah doesn't only explore a characters future journey in their book, evidenced by the fact that she herself stated she planted hints for Nesta and Elain's journeys early on (so 2016 / 2017) yet neither sister had a POV at that point. If she knows the direction they're headed she lays those crumbs out well before then especially when it involves their love interest. If Az was always meant to be Elain's endgame then why wouldn't Sarah have explored his character alongside Elain's as she planted the seeds for Elain's journey? Why not lay out clues on how Az's journey will mirror that of Elain's the way she did Elain and Lucien in ACOWAR (Elain was the one with the visions of Vassa and Koschei and Sarah wrote Lucien as the one to go after Vassa, becoming friends with her and meeting Elain's father. Sarah doubled down on the Elucien parallels in SF what with Lucien being permanently stationed in Spring, with the Spring Court continuing to fall apart though the readers is reminded that the NC needs the Spring Courts army back in shape and with Nesta then thinking how the Spring Court had been made for someone like Elain). Why is she suddenly eager about Az's journey, talking about Az's journey only now if it's something she always knew about?
Also, there are no parallels in plot for Elain and Az even now, even after she talked about being excited for Az's journey. If Sarah always knew Az and Elain were going to end up together then why not explore his character in more detail back in ACOWAR? Why not connect Elain and Az's future plots back then? Why give Elain and Lucien the complimentary characteristics of being happiest in nature, her needing sunshine and revealing him as the heir to Day Court? Sorry, that became very long winded and rambling. To sum it all up, it's telling that Sarah is only now speaking excitedly about Az's future journey which seems to suggest she finally realized where she'll be going with his character. Compare that to how she knew early on where she wanted Elain's character to go and I think it's a sure sign that Az's journey and Elain's journey were never one in the same.
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absolutebl · 10 months
Hey. Ty very much for your posts. As a woman in my 30s I got hypnotised by the beauty of the novelists and was wondering if you had similar high heat intense recommendations (also watched the samurai one "taboo"), bi or mlm with older leads and non fluffy storylines.. Moody atmospheric and venomous is my weak spot
Moody, atmospheric & venomous BL
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Like, the Novelist? really?
AKA Pornographer movie series AKA The Novelist, Mood Indigo, Pornographer Playback (Japan 2018-2020) - emotional manipulation, cheating, obsession, seduction, May/December, kink, touch of necrophilia, explicit.   
Okay I got one right off the bat: seek ye....
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese
AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit, mature characters. 
Now let me think about some more:
high heat
non fluffy
older leads
The last one is a doozy, so I'm not gonna use it as a qualifier. BL is most, well, about "boys" not men.
Some others that might work for you but don't meet all your criteria:
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Your Name Engraved Herein (Taiwan 2020 Netflix) - this movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
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Innocent (Taiwan 2021 GaGa) - mental health, childhood trauma, actually kinda sweet. 
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The Eighth Sense (Korea 2023 Viki - This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a KBL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled but it's really damn good.
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan 2023 Gaga) - Basically: boys who fell in love in college end up living together but both are so repressed they actually don't realize they're in love. They're hot, young, in love, and total idiots.
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I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai 2023 grey or YT) - IFYLITA is an exquisite BL, elegant and classy… from Thailand which normally doesn't even try for classy. The main couple (both as a pair and individuals) were excellent, it gets hot more that explicit, but it does have sharp edges.
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Tokyo in April is AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan 2023 Viki) - Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other it's heavy and cutting.
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Moonlight Chicken (Thai 2023) - I enjoyed this complicated little show, even though it’s spectacularly messy gay with lots of shrapnel and authentic pain. EarthMix turn in their most compelling performance to date.
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Bed Friend (Thai 2023 IQIYI) - Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth.
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Big Dragon (Thai 2022 Gaga) - This is a decent execution of true enemies to lovers, these two spy on and bully each other, exploring darker themes and self worth issues. The way the leads transition between anger, resentment, titillation, and flirting (and the way, with kinksters, this can all be the same thing) is really well done. A pairing that proved itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected with excellent chemistry, but something went askew around plot, directing, and ending. Still if you're in it for the sexy, go to, they did.
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My Beautiful Man AKA Utsukushii Kare (Japan 2021 Gaga - One of the most Japanese BLs to release in the last decade, as weird and as messed up as any 2000′s yaoi: emo af and hella warped, entirely true to itself with no attempt made to modify its POV for modern sensibilities or current BL fandom. It used seriously old school problematic and kinky tropes, like whipping boy, for a truly uncompromising piece that also manages to hit up themes of communication, consent, and self acceptance. It’s a wonderful BL but uniquely dirty and harsh, in the best possible way - Japanese cinema, uncompromising.
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End of the World With You
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Junjou: Pure Heart
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The Egoist
No thoughts on those three, not my thing.
You also might consider some of the stuff on this list:
Hope that gives you some options!
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lestappenforever · 1 year
hi again!
did lestappen really unfollow each other after the Austrian gp 2019? why?
ps: im new here
Hi anon, and welcome to the unhinged world of Lestappen lore! We're so happy to have you. ❤️
Now have a seat and get cozy, because it's story time.
Charles made it into F1 in 2018 and after spending his maiden season at Alfa Romeo Sauber, his life-long dream finally came true as he was snatched up by Scuderia Ferrari to replace the man, the myth, the legend that is Kimi Räikkönen. Needless to say, 2019 was a big year for Charles. His first season in the team he had always dreamed of driving for. He was ready. He was hungry.
Now, enter Max Emilian Verstappen, who at this point had already been in F1 since 2015, when he was signed at the ripe age of 17. Already a seasoned F1 driver, which is impressive as fuck at that age. At this point, Max and Charles were following each other on social media. After all, they'd known each other for most of their lives, had grown up together in karting, and were now competing at the top level.
Today, we know Austria as the Lestappen holy ground following that podium in 2022. (Borderline pornographic podium celebration? Don't mind if I do.) But, it had potential to become the Lestappen holy ground even back in 2019, because Max and Charles were on fire. Talking, laughing, joking, mirroring each other in the pre-race press conference, and generally acting like teenagers with a crush. (As you do with your emotional support rival.) Things were good. Great, even.
And then Sunday rolled around, and the race happened. Charles and Max were doing what they do best and what they love the most, namely fighting each other on track, likely having the time of their fucking lives. But then this overtake happened, there's a little bit of contact and Charles briefly ends up off the track, and Max goes on to win the race, with Charles finishing P2. (Anyone else hearing "He's just unfair. I'm leading, he wants to pass, he push me, I push him back" and "Nothing, just an inchident"? in their heads watching that overtake? Just me? Okay.)
Charles was pissed, absolutely convinced that Max had done something wrong, that it wasn't a clean move, and the move was investigated, as all similar moves are. FIA, however, ends up deeming it a clean move and Max doesn't get a penalty, meaning his win stands. And, well, this is where Charles Leclerc shows the world what it means to truly be ✨dramatic.✨ (We love a dramatic king in this house, ngl. Nothing is more entertaining to me than grown-ass men acting like children.)
A look that could kill? Check. Dramatically fixing your cap? Check. Looking away dramatically while plotting someone else's demise? Check. Looking like finishing P2 is not a huge accomplishment in your first season in Scuderia Ferrari? Check. Squeezing past as the winner getting drenched in champagne because you're not about to stand there and watch him celebrate? Check. Whatever the fuck this face is? Check.
Now, here's where it gets really fucking hilarious: Charles and Max fly home from Austria on the same flight. On this flight, where Max is probably sitting in Charles' direct line of sight, Charles goes to Max's Instagram and unfollows him. Probably glaring at Max the entire fucking time. Because he's a fully grown adult man capable of making reasonable, mature decisions when things don't go his way. Clearly. And Max, upon noticing this (or his team noticing it), remembers that he is also a fully grown adult man capable of making reasonable, mature decisions, and responds by unfollowing Charles back. Obviously.
It has been four years and our boys have clearly moved past the events of Austria 2019, but the Great Unfollowing has remained. Has it become an inside joke between them, which is why they're still not following each other after all these years? Probably, if Charles threatening to unfollow Matt from P1 with Matt & Tommy during a Ferrari challenge (and fucking following through on the threat, too) is anything to go by. Does it still make me cackle every time I think about it? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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rirururu · 1 month
Come, Deku: Chapter 1
Chapters: 1 / 5 (Incomplete) Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3,979 Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, U.A. Teacher Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Possessive Midoriya Izuku, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Separations, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, Post Chapter 430, chapter 430 spoilers, Past Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Endgame Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Can you believe bakudeku is canon
It's been years since Izuku lost the last embers of One for All. At least once a month, Katsuki Bakugou would be asked to make an appointment at I-Island and help with the practical training of the hero suit. After all, he was the one who faced One for All and trained alongside the quirk the most. He knew what the six other quirks and reaction times were like and how Izuku fought. That was the second and much nobler reason Katsuki convinced himself for moving to America. When the late nights with no sleep and working overtime to fund the suit got tiring, Katsuki would slump against a wall. He’d knock his forehead into the brick and tell himself that Izuku deserves this. He deserves to be a hero the most out of everyone. No amount of unrequited feelings on Katsuki’s end would stop him from giving Izuku the quirk and dream he should’ve been granted from the beginning. Still, he knows he's a shit friend, student, and son for disappearing without a word. . A retelling of the 8 years between chapter 429 and chapter 430. Click here to read on ao3.
I haven't written for this fandom since 2018. It feels really strange to come back. I hope people will still read my stories even though it's been a while. (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
SPOILER WARNING for the last chapter of the My Hero Academia manga: I still can't believe Horikoshi dropped this mega bombshell reveal of Kacchan working his butt off for 8 years and spending his entire life savings to give Izuku back his dream, then Horikoshi immediately dipped without further explanation. The ending left so much answered that it had my plot ideas running. There's no way I could leave this idea untouched after that.
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monacos-darling · 2 months
ive been thinking about hanahaki rosquez and ong marc getting that surgery its giving the abo abort that baby discourse like bitchhhh he ain't gonna suffer thru allat unless the surgery has a MASSIVE recovery time and also a MASSIVE cost personally. and even then it'll only be a seasonnnnnnn (which he wins! half a lung and a dream and still lapping 2 tenths in front of the entire gird my goat) and is that enough for them? like even if the flowers were in valeeee (eye do think. he is delulu enough that it wouldn't happen. also its about the person believing the other does not have feelings for the them marc is tooooo obvious for that like bitch is staring at vale w fuck me eyes after a single HINT is dropped about vale taking him back he's literally looking at vale every week like pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. but what IF!) IS HE GOING TO CONTACT MARC? like he's is nottttt contacting the devil pleaseeee he's is getting Off that bike and Getting That Surgery. like pregnancy au he is trying to convince everyone he's virgin mary he is joking to everyone this is due to his feelings for his unfulfilled 10th championship he is deluding himself into believing its NOT for marc. but if they decide to keep it they are NOT telling each other vale is finding marc fainted in a bathroom toilet with petals scattered around him aesthetically and there's a whole blood stained flower next to his mouth laying on the marble slated floors like a painting at the yearly gala (alex is. indisposed for unclear fanfiction plot reason. don't ask) marc is finding out through gossip sites he is committing corporate espionage he is bribing the yamaha doctors to find out whats happening and why vale is so sick. reconciliation is not happening without a major MAJOR intervention and honestly aus are such a fun way to imagine what could have been.......
ALSO! i love imagining rosquez in situations bc they are both so fucked up no one have even a close to normal reaction about itttttttt. i DOOOO think however that if the surgery makes the person lose feelings FOREVER it might be different..... marc who loves SO deeply and SO hard and is (in my head) a romantic at heart never being able to feel again...... vale. who makes decisions from his hearttttt (ducati. just to name one) losing all feelings FOREVER! well i don't think any of them would take it. but then again would ANY sane person take it .? also I've never been able to figure it out like do the flowers just never stop growing once theyve appeared? would therapy help.... what even happens when they find out the feelings are reciprocated ? flowers just magically disappear? like PERSONALLY i think having a recovery period where the flowers roots (symbolising the DISTRUST the BELIEF that the s/o doesn't have feelings for them) detach themselves from the lungs thru constant repetition of their loveeeee (whump!!!!!! hurt comfort!!!!!! #putmenthroughkidnappingsagain2024) and they have to cough up their remaining flowers in order to start healinggggg is SO fun. i love pain :)
all this to say i think more people on here should start writing hanahaki aus there's one fic on ao3 that FUCKS but also hasn't been updated since 2018.... ao3 user zjemciciastko if ur still on here and still alive dm me.... i love u...
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pruneunfair · 18 days
" My feelings on" part 3, today's episode: For my derelict favorite and how it fails at being a feminist empowerment story.
So this OI had an interesting title and a ML that didn't have the same cold Duke of the north look, some characters named after Greek gods, and it sounded relatable at first since I'm sure all of us had a fictional crush we obsessed over.
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Dear God how this one flopped. Put some respect on the true Hestia, the actual goddess of the hearth in Greek mythology mostly known for staying out of conflict as one of the kindest goddesses because this version of Hestia is the absolute opposite.
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The plot is basically Hestia is a rich woman possessed by another transmigrated soul who was a big fan of the story she read in her first life, she is obsessed with the 2nd male lead Caelus and fangirls over him whenever she can but Cael is going through severe depression after the og fl Diana rejected him even after he gave her so much including murdering 2 people for her, he's so distraught by this that he kills himself and Hestia places the blame on Diana and her fiance Helios for not doing enough and makes it her goal to ruin them for Cael.
So first of all, Hestia goes from a little funny to flat out grating to follow as the lead. She's basically a manhwa insert of those OI commenter's who shit on every woman who is too feminine or emotional and thinks they can do better by being a badass or the white lotus villainess who purposely provokes the lead and damage her reputation by acting like Diana was the aggressor. A flawed protagonist would be amazing but it becomes clear that the narrative claims Hestia in the right for all the times she purposely provokes Diana for numerous sins but it mostly centers around not getting with Caelus.
Here are some examples of Hestia being a dream girl for an Andrew Tate fan.
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Honestly can't tell if she was written by a pick me girl or by a loser who's butthurt that he got rejected and Hestia is just his ideal girlfriend.
Caelus is not nearly as terrible but the way they try to make him sympathetic just feels like an ass pull you'd see in a 2018 depressing gacha life video
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I like his design since we really need more long haired male leads but ehh.. that's it. As I said above Cael gives up a lot for Diana including land for a temple and killing 2 former villains for her even though she never asked. Naturally Diana did not fall for him just because he did great things for her especially after he killed 2 people. Not knowing what to do without her he falls into depression and kills himself in one timeline. Despite the common agreement that suicide is no one's fault, The blame is shifted onto his ex and her fiancé for cutting him off. While Helios and Diana are no angels Cael is treated like he can do wrong and while that it is the point since Hestia is his biggest fan, the narrative plays into this as well, mostly in shitting on Diana for "leading him on." And playing him for not becoming his bride. Feels straight out of a nice guy subreddit. His suicidal arc also just feels so weird.. it's there for sympathetic points and it's immediately solved when Hestia blows money on a title so she can marry him, no real work, just the good ol power of the boss babe to cure depression and suicidal thoughts. Frankly if I were him, I'd be extremely uncomfortable and upset if my current partner made it their entire personality to attack my ex, I feel like most people would rather continue their journey with their new partner if they want to go on a healthier path, and your ex constantly being brought up by the current partner for petty revenge would make that harder.
Diana is honestly more suited to be the protagonist then Hestia, ironic considering she was og fl
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Shes everything the average "baddass babe" would hate, feminine, graceful, and dainty. She's a saintess who used to heal the common folk before she gets engaged to Helios and becomes the crown princess, from there she stops helping the commoners and works to be a noble. That would honestly be a better reason to call her out instead of "You didn't throw yourself to my baby boy Cael!!" Regardless she isn't as evil as described by Hestia. She's definitely not a perfect sweetheart but rejecting a man is not on her. Imagine if she stayed the protagonist and she had an arc dedicated to her betraying the people to be a perfect noblewoman where she is called out and learns to find a balance or make things a little more fair. Diana needed to be called out on a lot of things but shitting on her for not accepting a man's feelings is just stupid. Diana barely even knew Hestia and already this woman who married an ex friend of hers is making her entire life into being a dick to her.
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I can't really see how I'm supposed to hate her when Hestia is just as much of a hypocrite. Here she judges Diana for wearing a fancier dress at a ball
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Hestia aren't you throwing money everywhere you go to satisfy your own superficial goals? You seem more concerned about using that money to buy a title and marry a man you fanboy over instead of being the saintess you think you are. The pot calling the kettle black indeed.
they do try to explain why Hestia hates Diana so much aside from Cael but even then.. it's not really Diana's fault, just the rude priest who kicked her out, for all we know Diana was busy or never even told that Hestia showed up to be healed
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That sounds more like a problem with the kingdom and not a single woman.
But ofc, the comments are dumb and see everything through the lense of what they would consider a "trashta" as the one true gospel, here's one comment that really got me.
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Damn, I guess that means secret Santa or donations must be canceled since you don't share feelings for those random people who give you gifts.
I feel like if this one was surrounded about the biases we feel about the characters we like and how to actually move on and grow, you need to work on yourself instead of focusing on shifting the blame, this could be a great story on how all the characters better themselves with their own arcs.
Conclusion: For my derelict favorite claims to be a feminist alternative of a typical story when it's basically just taking the usual two faced obsessive villainess, not bothering to add some nuance to said character to make her likeable, putting her in the protagonist seat, and pushing the narrative that her pathetic revenge is totally right, with the plot basically being a self insert fanfiction you'd find on wattpad.
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--plotted starter for @tosaveaforest --
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Some things can not be predicted or changed, fate can not be altered or they say so. Is that the case with the events that will soon come to pass? Some things can never be forgotten; they remain and ache like a dull clap of the axe against the wood. Was it fate or Gods? Were the Gods who guided these two souls to life? "Nah" would be what Hua Cheng would say. All his life all this time he acknowledged only one God. In this God, he puts all his fate, his life and his love. Only before this God he kneels. And this God responded to him in kind, this God loved him even after he saw madness and hell in his believer's black eyes.
year 2018 - Kyoto. Japan
Something was bubbling up inside of him. That feeling…was tenfold stronger now. Those eyes Hua Cheng saw.. somewhere, it echoed within him like a distant memory. The look in those honey-brown eyes... was like he wanted something from him--badly. But Hua Cheng was mute he didn't know what to say, or how to form a word. He was thrilled and afraid at the same time. All he knew was that this moment was worth the entire world. A loud clap of thunder made Hua Cheng jump out of his bed. His palm was pressed against his chest, always the same dream but this time it was different. He could not catch a breath the sweat coated his brow. The dull ache in his head and in his right eye was back. It felt as if the dagger was stuck in scraping till it got his eye out. Thunder clapped again and Hua Cheng's painful scream was swallowed in it. It was 3 am his soulmate was born. Hua Cheng didn't know what happened to him but all he knew from that night till now his headaches only got worse and his eye changed the color......
A couple of years later
All his life Hua Cheng was searching for something. Something was missing. He could feel it deep down. Something or someone? Sometimes he could not sleep because of it. For the last five years, this man has been searching, looking, traveling. In the end, he found his home in Kyoto. Yes, he came back to the starting point of the town where he was born. After art & design school. Here he found himself working as a painter and sculptor. He could be commissioned for custom work or contacted through his workplace. He had his own small workshop connected to his house. His work could be easily recognized. He didn't sign his name on his art pieces no. He would brand wood with his small silver butterfly circled with the black circle that looked like a shackle making an emblem. Fate? Did his mind or soul- deep down know part of the truth? Was he aware? No, it's impossible -- no soul can ever remember its previous life. His artistic nimble fingers touched the butterfly sigil.
The flashbacks came again. This man was in some strange uniform, no that was not uniform it was... white robes? That symbol ..that symbol that Hua Cheng used was around that man's slender neck. And the sky was full of silver butterflies like a night sky full of stars. Hua Cheng looked in front of himself, without any sound tears were born in his black eyes, and they rolled so warm over his cheeks. That feeling in his chest when you know that you lost something. That pain and need to find it. But you can not....
All this time his pain and ache in his eye no doctor could explain. No one could find a source. Some nerve must be acting up, try this medication or this one like a lab rat meds were tested on him but nothing helped. Till his black eye turned to a dark red shade. it was unsettling for his customers so Hua Cheng had an ophthalmic lens.
And just in time! he received a new email that someone was interested in his latest unfinished painting of a Chinese God....
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xsatoru · 9 months
When Lightning Strikes...
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Welcome to the introduction and masterlist for When Lightning Strikes…
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
Genres: JJK almost canon-compliant manga!universe, Canon-typical violence, Character death(s), Childhood haters to lovers!au, Slow burn!au, Angst, Fluff, Future smut (minors dni!), more to come…
Warnings: Listed per each chapter
Word Count: TBD (see below)
All you ever wanted as a young child was to be a strong, well-respected sorcerer. Standing one day shoulder-to-shoulder as the leading family representative with others worthy to serve as pillars meant to support and maintain balance in the jujutsu world. But being born as a woman in a conservative, patriarchal society still stubbornly stuck in its outdated ways makes that simple goal seem damn near impossible. It especially doesn't help to live in the same timeline as Satoru Gojo, modern-day's mightiest of them all. The legendary Six Eyes wielder just so happens to be a fellow classmate, friends with a friend's friend, and the bane of your entire existence. But similar to your cursed technique, when unpredictable lightning strikes, every pivotal moment that's sure to follow could uproot the very structure of a world that desperately needs changed. Your fate continuously seems to intertwine with Satoru, whose life goal may not be so different from yours.
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This series plans to cover 8 main parts, an 18+ epilogue, and an additional bonus at the end. Warnings will be listed with each chapter that's posted. The last main chapter will probably feature smut and as this account is already considered 18+, minors please do not interact! Finally, the plot follows the canon manga (with a few deviations) until it suddenly doesn't for obvious reasons, but please beware of some major spoilers!!
Please subscribe on ao3 or asked to be tagged on tumblr for chapter installments. I will post on tumblr and update the section below with progress reports since some things are subject to change during writing. Thank you Tiff (@fuckvernon) for the vibe check 💖 Reblogs appreciated!
Updates: As of January 2, 2024 — currently writing Chapter 5
Current word count: ~20k+
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Chapter 1 — Chaos is Likely to Ensue
It's 2004. You are a first-year at the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu High. So is Satoru Gojo, the bane of your existence. You hate each other's guts, so the only reason you'd ever kiss one another would be in an alternate universe, right?
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Chapter 2 — Heartbeats Race a Little Faster
A return to Jujutsu High for Winter Break somehow also means celebrating the strongest sorcerer's 19th birthday. As the #1 Satoru Gojo hater, you have to be there, of course — if only to stir up some good old chaos!
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Chapter 3 — Eyes Linger on the Afterimage Before It Fades
Nearly 10 years after meeting Satoru Gojo as a first-year, you're still stuck dealing with him existing somewhere in your vicinity. But college is ending, you're going back… home, and real life is just beginning. Things couldn't be any better when it's the calm before the storm.
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Chapter 4 — Fractal Scars Sear Into Tender Flesh
December 24, 2017. A date jujutsu society will forever remember as the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons — a cursed terrorist attack on the cities of Kyoto and Shinjuku. Its orchestrator, a face much too familiar for comfort, dreams of a perfect reality without non-sorcerers and curses.
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Chapter 5 — Thunder Follows With a Quiet Rumble
The aftermath of the attack results in employment at the school you once attended. Under the guise of needing a teacher for future third-years, Masamichi Yaga offers a deal to protect you from the Higher-Ups. The mastermind behind it all is none other than the bane of your existence and you must unwillingly put up with him, the ghosts of your past, and those you left behind.
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Chapter 6 — The Sky Weeps in Her Torrential Mourning
On October 31, 2018 at 9:26 pm in Shibuya — Satoru Gojo is sealed. Losing the world's strongest sorcerer becomes instantly noticeable and lowers morale, especially when those dear to you fall one by one.
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Chapter 7 — A Phoenix Rises From the Ashes
"They've revoked Yuji Itadori's death sentence and appointed me as his immediate executioner." As if things couldn't get any worse after Satoru Gojo's exiled and the removal of his seal is now considered a criminal act, the death penalty executed by a special grade is coming for anyone associated with the most powerful sorcerer in 400 years.
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Chapter 8 — The World Pauses to Watch, Holds Its Breath, and Counts
No one ever told you a lethal battle royale is all it would take to come to terms with your family ties and cursed technique. After trusting the students in the Culling Games, it's your turn to step up and face the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from a thousand years ago. Armed with newfound confidence, can you succeed before he annihilates his competition?
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Chapter 9 — A Ceraunophile is Born (Epilogue with 18+ Content)
Ceraunophile (n): a person who loves lightning and thunder, a lover of thunderstorms.
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Chapter 10 — Bonus Content
Tidbits I can't fit into the main story line that mostly provide more insight into Satoru's point of view.
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xsatoru: January 2024 ©
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ckret2 · 11 months
What app or program or website or what do you use to write?
I’m asking because I entirely use the notes app on my tablet and I have no idea what other people use.
I use physical paper notebooks, the default notes app, and 4thewords.
4tw is a site/game that has your character progress the plot and earn materials by beating monsters, which can only be defeated by typing ## words in ## minutes. (Word counts vary by monster; I prefer fighting a string of small ones, like 50 words in 5 minutes.) It's designed to take the strategies that make things like free-to-play/pay-to-win games so addictive and use them for good by gamifying writing, so you keep going "—okay one more monster—" and bam suddenly you've written like 5000 words.
It's a 30 day trial and then a subscription service, but honestly if I had to cancel every single subscription I have except one this is the one I'd keep.
Also you can make cute little avatars.
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I am shamelessly showing off sweet sweet high-wordcount loot I earned as far back as the 2018 nanowrimo special event. I finally get to live out my childhood dream to have an over-decorated Gaia Online-esque avatar, except instead of getting it by grinding games for imaginary currency, I just had to write a metric ton of words.
Anyway there's my pitch for 4tw, I think it's a very useful site
EDIT: and since at least one person has decided to try out 4tw thanks to this post, if ur interested, my referral code is ZIUQJ49028 ✨
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laugtherhyena · 3 months
So fun fact about me and the another series; I found out about it back in 2018 just one or two weeks before Ch3 came out and spend the next 3 or 4 years being hooked onto the game until the fixation died down and only returned to me around August or September of lasy year.
Meaning that through 2/3s of Sdra2 i was able to see the chapters as they were coming out and that's honestly something i wish more people in the current fandom could have experienced because it was so fun seeing the hype around a chapter that's soon to come out spike up with all kinds of theories, predictions and people hoping their favorites won't die (i remember i even had a dream once where chapter 5 released and Teruya murdered Iroha by tying her into a train track and waiting for it to run over her after she came to him and told him about being a void and he was like, trying to get rid of all remaining void by killing Iroha himself and wining the class trial, which would in kill Mikado too. Wild shit, but it's a dream you know?). And of course, whenever a new chapter did release the entire fandom would collectively freak out for the entire day as random instagram accs posted Cgs and bits of roughly translated information through the day alongside the deaths and executions and this hype around the newest chapter would sprout all kinds of art, edits and more theories for the following month or two.
All around awesome experience? Not exactly. Because this also means i got to see Linuj's crazy plot twist as they were being revealed and here's where we get to the actual subject of this long ramble/rant; Kokoro Mitsume and how i really wish i could have spoiled myself of what happens in Ch0 because that would have spared me of so much pain.
And let me tell you, when i say pain, i am by no means exaggerating. You people have no idea how much i cried when Ch0 came out. My little 15 year old head was going through the 5 stages of grief over that plot twist, that shit didn't even feel real to me until one or two days after its release.
One thing you gotta know about me is that before i became the Ayame person™ Kokoro was my absolute favorite character of the another series, and if you know me for even just a little while then you know how insanely attached i am to her despite being a minor character who dies 1/3 of the way through the game.
Like, y'all don't understand, i was so happy when i saw that one Cg of her and Mikado in my timeline, so genuinely ecstatic to see more of her after i thought her character done with since the events of Ch2. Can you magine how i felt after watching the character i adored so so much turn out to be a vile human being? I was genuinely so distraught man, i spent a good while being one of those people that ignored everything about the characters irl selves because that twist hurt me so damn much, but even then i was never able to look at that character the same way again, even now she just makes me feel bad.
And it's s not that i think Kokoro is the worst person to have ever existed, i like antagonist/villain characters who've done much worse than her, hell, I don't even think her character was absolutely ruined or anything. When i think about Mitsume nowadays i genuinely find her an interesting case of a good person with big plans who lacked a proper support system or even friends which led her down a path where she became cold and cruel without a semblance of care for her own family so long as she could work on her project, and seeing the difference between the Kokoro we see as a teen and her adult self just makes all of this even more heartbreaking. I still like her, is just that having my perception of this character be completely shattered when Ch0 came out permanently affected how i view her and as much as i still enjoy her character even now I can't help but simultaneously hate her for how she made me feel ❤️
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Obligatory Infinity Train Fanfic Plug I Guess
I have some new followers since I posted about my Infinity Train cosplay process so I guess now's a good time to plug my boring overly-long fanfics that are mostly sad and stuff.
Ain't No Cure For Love: Ryan and Min-Gi perform their first gig in Montreal. Min-Gi wants to confess his feelings. (First fic I ever wrote probably a bit rough now and the only fic without any sort of theme besides "love wins" i guess) It Can't Be Helped: Takes place in the mid-2000s when Ryan and Min-Gi's band have become quite successful and are touring East Asia. Ryan has some cultural identity issues to overcome at the age of like, 40-something. (This one is much much better than the first Rymin fic, and is about more than just shipping. I did a ton of research into Japanese-Canadians and Korean-Canadians for it as well! Shout-out to my partner for his huge role in shaping this fic as he is Japanese-Canadian himself.)
Raison d'Etre (PART 1) (PART 2): Post-Canon AU where Simon survives the Train. Grace and Simon spend about 4 years apart from each other living their own lives on Earth, but one day Grace shows up randomly in Quebec to pay Simon a visit. Traumatic wounds get reopened, things get emotional, philosophical, maybe even a little... sociopolitical? Also interspersed between Grace and Simon's little dates are flashbacks to the Train that explain exactly how Simon managed to leave the Train in this AU.
I separated it into two halves because the second half contains smut. However, the second half kind of needs to be read for there to be a complete story. The smut is entirely skippable and doesn't contribute to the overarching plot so I do encourage you to read both halves.
(Also of note is that this takes place not in the "present" but in the past (2018), because I am An Old Person(TM) and so I made Grace and Simon millennials. And I also didn't want to write about the pandemic. It's not that noticeable and you can ignore that timeline fuckery if you want.)
True Love Waits: (VERY VERY CURSED) Sort of not a shipping fic? But Grace gets pregnant here and we all know who the father is! So Grace needs to leave the Train before the baby is born. Canon complacent so Simon is dead. (TW: other than pregnancy there's also thoughts of self-harm and mentions of abortion)
Leave It In My Dreams: Grace's sad nightmare in Alma Mater but from Simon's perspective.
Shame On You, Blue-Eyed Fox: Grace lets her guard down and harassed by a rookie cop. Simon finally makes himself useful for once in his entire life. (TW: real world racism obviously.)
Alma Mater: Post-Canon. Tulip starts college, is very typically Tulip about it, but she befriends an older student named Grace Monroe who helps her through it. However, Tulip comes to learn that she and Grace have more in common than they realized at first. Also Jesse and Lake get thrown into the mix and drama ensues. (Mostly canon complacent except for 1. time period, and 2. Grace is from California, not DC, but her parents work in DC.)
Initial State: A side story to Raison d'Etre. After Simon realizes he's wrong he works with the Cat to bring his number down and leave the Train. But this isn't as easy as he thought especially when he meets a denizen he's recently met before, but never expected to meet again (becausehekilledherlol).
Semi-Automatic Lonely Boy: Prequel to Raison d'Etre. Just a series of vignettes of Simon's life after returning to Earth. (TW: depictions of self-harm) Other than It Can't Be Helped, this is the other fanfic that I am the most proud of so far. Literally went and relearned French to write some of the dialogue in this.
I'll Get It Right Sometime (ongoing): Four years after Book 3, Hazel and Amelia have a pretty decent life on the Train. But this peace is interrupted when Hazel meets a passenger and decides to help him through the Train. How can Amelia keep Hazel safe? Who is this passenger anyway? Why is the Cat so interested in interfering? Why is Simon somehow involved?! Why is JESSE somehow involved?!?!??! (Note: I think Hazel ages normally, so she's 10 years old in this one.) This is also my most ambitious fanfic yet. I have an Entire Homestuck Reference chapter, a Reddit chapter, and I plan to have several Discord chapters.
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poppletonink · 1 year
BOOK REVIEW: Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
★★★★★ - 5 stars
"No Mourners, No Funerals"
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Ketterdam is a bustling city: a city of crime, of gangsters, of gamblers. It's the city that birthed Kaz Brekker - a master of greed, a renowned criminal masterland, a seventeen year old boy. When Kaz is offered a job that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams he knows he can't pull it off alone, so he finds five people each with their own reasons for joining him to help him with the greatest heist ever known. Yet, with the fate of the world in the hand's of the six of them, can they pull it off? Or will they kill each other first?
This book was so amazing, that I don't even know where to start. First, it needs to be said that I am obsessed with Leigh Bardugo's writing style, especially her descriptions of places. The similes were beautiful throughout the entire novel (it's safe to say that any English teacher would be in love with this book for that very reason). Alongside that it's a really quotable book - so many lines were perfectly tailored to their speaker, representing their personality or characterisation flawlessly.
Not only is the writing of Six Of Crows astoundingly gorgeous, but it is also an amazingly diverse novel, especially for the fantasy genre. I love how characters are part of the LGBTQ community, yet the book doesn't make a big deal out of it because it's just a part of the character, not a major plot point. Not only does it have LGBT representation, but the book as a whole is an interesting discussion of ableism. For example, it's rare to see a disabled character be a morally ambiguous character at the same time, yet in Six Of Crows Kaz Brekker is the king of being morally grey, and yet he is a cane-user.
Something I really loved about Six Of Crows was how Bardugo manages to create an emotional attachment to the characters, whilst also retaining a good flow of the plot. On that note, the plot was great, it really keeps you on edge with twists and turns constantly (especially in the Ice Court Heist segment). Generally speaking, people say that The Ice Court Plot is difficult to understand, but I think you need to go into it with an open mind and make sure that you are prepared for tracking plot twists (and as long as you've managed to keep up with the plot twists throughout the rest of the book, you should be fine).
In summary Six Of Crows is a great book, full of funny lines, intricate characters that undergo carefully woven journeys of development and great representation. In my personal opinion, Six Of Crows is the best fantasy book I've read since Veronica Roth's Divergent (which I read in 2018). It's definitely one that I'd recommend to anyone who loves or wants to get into the fantasy genre, so if that describes you, run to your nearest bookshop or library and grab a copy.
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
Since I saw the anon ask about Ink in the maze, I kinda wonder how everyone from Dreamswap Prime (original Dreamswap) would handle the maze. What’re their odds?
Oh like, 2018 Dreamswap? Or am I just misreading a bit
well I’ll answer for 2018 and current (non-fatal flaws) DreamSwap
Dream has magic suppressors on because he could fly over the maze and escape otherwise. The Horror Squad won’t answer where they got it from. That would go for more recent DreamSwap Dream as well, though. Ironically I think he’s changed the least.
Blue is trying to be manipulative and suave to get out, but they’re not listening to him and he’s too terrified anyways. Why are they chasing him and trying to kill him what the FUCK
(Frankly he’s lucky they didn’t kill him on the spot.)
Modern Blue wouldn’t be much better, though. Less manipulation and more begging for his life, but still scared out of his mind and rather queasy.
Old Ink has the same capabilities as Current Ink, but Old Ink had a habit of trying to piss people off, and that might work against him.
Old Nightmare had i think had some kind of plot armor. I say this based solely on vibes. Current Nightmare probably has some too, ofc; he’s the goddamn Protagonist. Old Nightmare tho seems to be able to get out of any bad situation he’s placed in (excluding fanfic, because we like to see him suffer for some reason, and WCS), so I’m sure he’ll find a way out. Current Nightmare is more reckless in certain ways, so he has both the advantage of unpredictability, and the disadvantage of being more of a fool. Still, he’s not a complete idiot, and he’s no stranger to running for his life.
Old Cross and Current Cross feel different only in that Old Cross as a dude is a twink and Current Cross as a girl is huge and stronk. Old Cross may have been angsty-er, but that’s about all I can remember. Their reactions to being in the maze will probably be to scream and yell at their pursuers for the entire first day, and any time they see them afterwards. And lots of running and jumping at the slightest of sounds. Old Cross may be jumpier.
Old Error. Honestly. I’m not sure if Old Error was more or less of a bean than Current Error. Because everyone thinks DS Error is an UwU Bean. Probably because Kai said Error was the most bean-like, though they themselves said that didn’t mean much. Regardless, Error has always been the most capable of the Squad. Old Error might freak out more initially, because the Old Squad as a whole was angstier, but..
Whether or not Dream makes it out will somewhat depend on what he’s doing there, and if the Horror Squad wants Nightmare to die. Unless they want to mess with Nightmare, specifically, later on, they won’t care if he dies or not. If Dream fucked with them, the exit is probably closed off, and he’s unlikely to escape alive unless someone can find him.
It’s also very unlikely they’ll bring him there unless they plan on killing him. And if they actively wanted him dead, they’d probably go after Nightmare. Way easier than breaking into JR and kidnapping the goddam CEO. But if he REALLY fucked with them, maybe seriously hurt one of them, they’re probably going to want to see him suffer some before killing him.
Either way, it’s highly unlikely Dream will get dragged into the maze.
Blue will not make it out. The exit is probably closed for him, anyways. Old Blue or Current Blue, he’ll never be able to convince them, especially at this stage, that he’s better than Hunter.
It’s unlikely he’ll end up in there either. They may not think he’s better than Hunter, but he’s yet to seriously fuck with them, so unless they’re just feeling particularly sadistic, they’ll probably just kill him on the spot.
Ink will probably survive. Old Ink may not, if he pisses the Horror Squad off too much. There’s no reason they can’t close the exit in the middle of the game, and if Ink fucks around too much..
Due mostly to Ink’s abilities, it’ll be hard for the Squad to kidnap them at all. Gouge managed once, though, so maybe they can do it. They don’t dislike Gouge enough to make her or her alternate run a futile maze, and Ink probably won’t be able to do much to really piss them off anyways. Key word: probably.
Overall, the Meme Squad is most likely to escape. It helps that the Horror Squad is probably very entertained by fucking with their alternates, but they’re also used to running for their lives and trying to hide from pursuers. Frankly, if they were easily caught in the maze, the Horror Squad would be very disappointed.
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cosmossystem · 3 months
theres.. gatekeeping in the objectum community?? HUH?????? why do all the weirdo communities have infighting(?) like alterhumans/therians too over physical nonhumans and such, like DUDE can we just be nice please. also is it just me or do dnis just seem kinda,, sucky. like they dont do anything and i feel like if someone has moral ocd or something that might not.. be good 4 them? (i dont have ocd or know anyone who does but from what ive heard, i may be wrong so correct me if so) curious ur opinion :3
Oh yes, do i have an opinion!
yeah, there is gatekeeping, if you can believe it. i figured the Last place that would have infighting is the place where freaks post about wanting to fuck an AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB Sapphire Nitro+ Special Edition (rightfully so, that thing is attractive).
wait until you see what they say about being "REALLY objectum and not like those Other Fakers who wouldn't Actually fuck their object of attraction" -- a barf mentality to have. especially because there seems to be the idea that all objectums are posic or even capable of loving their OoA period--i'm not posic (it's complicated, ask about it) and conceptum people exist! the superiority complex is just.......................... wow.
really i don't get it either. if you try to explain to a "normal" person that you think Objecthead is Hot they're going to look at you with the most disgust and disdain they can muster. when society can't even handle a furry of all things, i highly doubt they can handle more obscure freaks like toaster-fuckers or god forbid, People Who Think Vox (Hazbin Hotel) Is Hot. mind you this is the same society that went insane over people wanting to fuck bill cipher or mettaton's box form or SANS THE SKELETON (i was that kind of person, i should know how they treated us.)
and i guess it is kind of different when you're speaking about fictional characters vs Actual real life objects. but like... do you think the disgust is any different? do you think they care if you want to fuck sans, or Foxy Fnaf 1, or edgar electric dreams, or an anthro rabbit, or an mlp plush, or an inflatable doll, or my boyfriend the AT&T Unix PC (1985)? it comes from the same place: perceived sexual deviance. also see homophobia and anti-kink arguments, etc. you get it.
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if you're noticing parallels between the infighting in these communities (objectum, self-ship, kinmunities) and with what other minorities go through, such as the Ace Discourse of 2018, or the whole pan exclusionism making its waves again, or the current hot topic "are intersex people queer" thing, or the existence of "cripplepunks"... yeah. that's exactly it. It's all the same argument over and over again. take it from someone who's been surrounded by it for an entire fucking decade. Cishet purtian society has instilled those problems in us. Again, see: same picture. it's kinda why i left system & kin spaces in the first place, honestly. to see that it's STILL HERE is just.... makes me want to die again.
i could go on about how that behavior stems from wanting to protect their spaces, and also from a sense of superiority because these outsiders cannot Possibly Image what it's like to be xyz (especially when it comes to white people who are just experiencing oppression for the first time--from experience, again, that's something i had to unlearn) but... you get it. These people have lost the plot and want a reason to argue with everyone.
And i'm tired. If you're a freak, you're a freak, and that's good enough for me. really we all experience the same things, we should just kiss.
and as for the second point: yes. you're right. dnis are sucky especially if you have moral ocd. now i don't struggle with moral ocd as much these days but back in the days of yore when we were at peak ocd-"bpd" (avpd) badness, it was gruesome.
red in particular was the one to make us fully switch over from anti-ship to "do whatever you want" and that's because he was dealing with a lot of intrusive thoughts *and* exotrauma. he was already going through all that, trying to process and realize that his thoughts didn't make him a bad person, and you know what made it worse? the whole "FREAKS DNI I WILL KILL YOU WITH A CHAINSAW" thing. imagine trying to realize that your trauma response doesn't make you hilter reincarnate and then having people yelling down your throat that It Does, Actually.
it isn't bad enough that ppl with ocd already obsess over thoughts being equal to actions, and they want to REAFFIRM THAT??? you know, the thing EVERY therapist tells you NOT TO DO?
our ocd back then was so terrible. it was like "you remember that rape that happened to you? ok so now imagine if you were actually satan for wanting it to happen again bc you are btw. you should cut everyone off because of this, clearly you don't deserve humanity." it still lingers around really, just looks different.
i can't imagine what it's like for someone with it worse than us. i've seen a lot of them talk about how if they can't prove that it is Absolutely 100% Ok To Do Something then they just suffer and don't do it-- which is a general ocd thing, yes (i do that with my fire obsessions) but in the context of social media? where you basically cannot prevent interaction with people who want to burn you at the stake? Eughhhhhhh. le sigh. i don't wish this pain on anyone.
I was actually going to make a post about this (still am) but you've reminded me: from what i can tell from trying to look for objectum blogs to follow, there is a REALLY big overlap between antishippers and objectums? ... WHY?????? Oh, like you're better for wanting to fuck the concept of melancholy, and i'm Evil for my aforementioned FAKE cousinfuckers? Excuse me? bitch we are the same!!!!!!! get a grip!!!!!! why do you tell ME to go to therapy? yours aint real either! i can only laugh, really. that's how stupid it is.
side tangent here (this whole post is) but even without ocd it's like... you know that won't stop anyone, right? i can just. follow your blog. you probably won't even notice. Shit, i check our followers constantly and absolutely notice when someone breaks my (or their own!) dni and half the time i just let them be unless they're a total cunt about it. Anti wants to follow me? Hey, don't say i didn't warn you when i post about my favorite cousinfuckers. that's a you problem! you should read better!
i get the convenience of saying "don't follow me if you disagree because i'm trying to prevent drama", but most of the time they don't do that.
moreso i think dnis are supposed to be some Grand Declaration Of Morality. like ew no i would never support those things! so i'm going to Do A Performative, and put the onus on the Big Bad People to not follow me. because i believe in them enough to follow my boundaries!........ right. like a terf/pedo/exclusionist has ever listened to the word "no" before. being in places they don't belong is like, the primary purpose of those people.
but mostly it's a warning. Then they can say that when I, Big Bad Proshipper, follow them by mistake, they can use that as an excuse to post about me and publicly execute me in the Town Square- i mean to their followers.
it's an excuse. that's all it is. an excuse to be like "this is what i support/don't support and if you don't agree with me, oops! i get full reign to cyberbully you." a warning that it will happen, and an excuse for when it does.
I have to wonder how these people deal with community members in real life. I was talking to some people who share my interests irl recently and in the back of my head was the little voice saying, they probably hate me for being into darkfic / objectum / neopronouns / plural / etc. That's how deeply it runs. ughhhh.
Without having a pre-emptive warning to read before talking to someone, you have to actually *try*, and i think that's something these reactionaries both take for granted and uh... aren't too concerned about? which they should be. Like how are you going to deal with getting to know someone only to find out that in their spare time, they get horny for fictional robots? are you going to be normal? or are you going to make it their problem instead? Are you capable of being normal to people? If you got to know me, would you act like the fascists who want us both dead? I hope not. I wish i didn't have to worry about people finding out that i'm objectum / plural / darkfic / etc. I wish that was ok to talk about.
really i don't think dnis help anyone and just perpetrate the idea of being a reactionary. That's all.
Anyway. thanks for the ask. i was having a shit morning so being able to bitch for a while made me feel better. Feel free to let me bitch again.
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