#The feaster
sharkestry · 1 year
Carcosa? The monstrous city at which unspeakable horrors are done in name of the great old one Hastur they call their leader? Great. How much is the average rent price?
The king of Carcosa will eventually consume and destroy the entire city with everyone in it when the time comes to increase his power? Well that's every politician ever for you, tell me something new.
The entire city is populated by a cult that worships the King and they often do unspeakable horrors in his name? Yes im aware with how political parties work
The nearby lake of Hali is said to be inhabited by a being of unspeakable power which sometimes comes into conflict with the spawn of Cthulhu at that lake? YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS PLACE EVEN HAS A NICE LAKE TO SIT NEXT TO!? And yes I am also aware about how tourists can be annoying sometimes.
Your spooky "Black stars on a bright sky" you keep mentioning imply there is little air pollution, since seeing a large amount of stars in a city is often wishful thinking. Housing crisis considered this place doesn't seem half bad
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machinegunkai · 9 months
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svartkattikappa · 9 months
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idv x human centipede crossover
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ninjacatbug · 2 years
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Silly lil guy I love him
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mrlony · 10 months
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25-kopeek · 11 months
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Lil octopus guy;)
Speedpaint: https://youtu.be/WdS2Ib5wr3M
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wildragon · 1 year
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IDV local hentai eldritch monster.
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rainsparkz · 2 months
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The Feaster from Identity V
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teethcake · 10 months
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arthur byers ❤
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sirenjose · 9 months
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Jose, Fiona, and Hastur - Water-Stained Letters and a Potential Connection?
The water stains on the last letter in the Christmas event reminds me of Fiona's and Jose's 4th letters, both which are stained or drenched by water.
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The parallels makes me wonder if it could mean something… the detail about a wet letter mentioned more than once is curious…
Both Jose and Fiona are also said to be "gifts" from a "friend" of the manor owner that he treasured to include in his experiment, and thus important compared to most other participants.
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Both Jose and Fiona have games at Lakeside, which is associated with Hastur, who is in this event, during which he says "I shall be waiting for all of the at the very end". Maybe this could parallel or have a hint about the end of their games or the end of all the manor games.
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Especially considering those in Fiona's games disappear, leaving only a puddle of water behind. Is it possible the same could've at least happened to Jose (if not potentially to some of the others in his game if they weren't already dealt with)?
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Both Jose's and Fiona's games have some supernatural/unusual factors (Jose's game has at least Wu Chang, the unusual effects caused by the umbrella, and Jose being a "psychic medium" for Wu Chang. Fiona herself and Hastur at the very least count. Maybe Yidhra if she's actually involved in their game… Luchino could somewhat count considering his changes after the bite, as well as Eli in the 2nd game 6 after Fiona. Then there's how him and those in Fiona's game mysteriously vanish).
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I'm not quite sure yet if this is important, but considering this has been mentioned more than once, I do wonder if our attention is being drawn to this on purpose somehow, and therefore if some connection exists we should know about…
Hmm… Jose and Fiona being “gifts” from a “friend” of the owner, who treasures using those 2, an event with Jose as a “star seeker”, and a letter waiting for the right time that mentions a “constellation” arriving... idk could it refer to Fiona and Jose but later on…?
Also, the mention about Victor's "conviction will lead you to the final answer, but not right now" and it "waiting for the right time to be opened"... could it relate to Victor going back into the fire for whatever "notes" he didnt want "falling into the wrong hands"?
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mollisdeath · 4 months
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polyamorous hastur / feaster icons for a friend!
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necrohorror · 2 years
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Your honor I declare him baby g0rl💅
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hogetc · 2 years
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latchinonn · 1 year
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When your teammates are supposed to kite but they're playing around in lockers instead
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sharkestry · 1 year
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chawawanya · 3 months
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I finally started drawing all the hunters!!! [1/?]
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