#The game also made me finally accept Leon's new face and voice somehow
gaywatch · 1 year
thoughts on luis/leon?
I am K I C K I N G myself that I didn't do a stream for my RE4 remake playthrough. I'm a longtime RE fan, but for whatever reason I had never gotten more than 1/3 of the way of through RE4--which is why I was so excited for the remake. This also meant I had no idea what I was in for with Leon and Luis and dshbasfijjwhdsfkljdgl I'm furious. Like no kidding, I'm streaming every new RE release from now on just in case. The chain scene?!!?!!?! Redemption???? "I'LL MAKE IT CHEAP FOR YOU"?!!?!!?!!?!? I'm on the goddamn floor, I couldn't believe it.
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