#The metaphor of the Sakura frozen in time
completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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Oh Clamp really do love me. This is unreasonably perfect. 
Who else begins the climactic fight of the series with, “Hey, remember this double layered question I posed 135 chapters ago? Let’s revisit that now!”
WHICH IS VERY GENEROUS OF THEM in the way that it signposts an exact conversation for us to think about and realise (without having to reread the whole series yet again) that the whole conversation between Syaoran and Fai in Piffle was REALLY HEAVILY honed in on the secret Lava Lamp crushing guilt and backstory we didn’t know about until now. 
Which is wild in the meta sense knowing that CLAMP planned for that exact sentiment to be the very core of a character we wouldn’t even understand for another 130 chapters, but also on the character level knowing (in hindsight) that Lava Lamp himself was hearing this conversation happen in real time and probably had an absolutely horrible time knowing that they were discussing ethics behind the soul-crushing decision he made that broke the universe and is still suffering AND seeing the consequences of. 
But how absolutely fascinating that after Shara our cloned Syaoran ended up developing such a similar insecurity about messing with timelines and the consequences of doing so completely independently from Lava Lamp. The parallel lives of these parallel people. The hitsuzen of it all. 
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AND! Fai gives almost the same advice! 
Last time he said, “You can ponder over that all you want[…] but right now, it won’t do us a bit of good,” and, “If there’s something that you can accomplish if you try, then the thing to do is try. ‘Changing history’ is an idea on too grand a scale for a person to do anything about. It’s also important to accept that there are things you just can’t do.” And he was talking specifically between the Shura/Shara timeline changes at the time, but in relation to Clow? Lava Lamp holds himself accountable for every single thing that happened, but he didn’t do all of that. He was just trying to achieve a goal - which is framed here as a good thing (and is very good advice for dealing with anxiety besides). 
At his core Fai sees this same struggle playing out in each Syaoran and gave them both the same tips - but this time he can reference the previous time and really hammer it home. 
And, deliciously, it echoes even stronger here. The advice is to ignore all the things you can’t control. Just focus on what you want, and do what you can to achieve it.
Lava Lamp might still feel that he ruined the universe, but that won’t help him right now. Like Fai said last time, that’s on too grand a scale for him to ever take on his own. He has one thing he wants to achieve and he should focus on that. The timeline will sort itself out later. 
Which is SUCH a solid Dad moment. Kurogane gets to tell Evil Wolverine to fuck off, Fai and Kurogane get to flirt and insult Evil Wolverine to his face, and now Fai gets to give a touching character moment to Lava Lamp as they all share the final story beat together. It ties the Syaoran experience together (ironically, since the other Syaoran he WAS speaking to is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM but may or may not have the soul to remember the moment at all), and ties both sides of the plot together into this one big family moment. 
Though I’m slightly suspicious of Fai last time mentioning that It’s also important to accept that there are things you just can’t do. 
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midoriyas-wifey · 4 years
Okay, so this might’ve ended up more as a short story with some nasty thots ™ , but c’est la vie 😌
* Ok my size kink is about to jump out but I imagine the size difference between him and his lil bunny is that they only come up to his elbow. When I say lil bunny I mean LIL bunny 😈
* Also Y/N is a lop earred bunny bc I said so.
* Bakugou ADORES his bunny’s size; couldn’t be more happy (and smug 🙄) about it.
* Despite his typically rough and dominating nature, he will admit to being SLIGHTLY softer with his omega (don’t be fooled he follows them like a lost puppy, simping all the way)
* If someone even LOOKS at his bunny funny, he’s on them like white on rice. Ground shaking growls and snarls fills the air, ruff bristling with the intent to throw hands. And bite. Tbh he probably carries rabies.
* Only Y/N can truly calm him. His friends take full advantage, both metaphorically and literally tugging on the beast’s tail. Sometimes Y/N doesn’t soothe him just for laughs. His friends don’t find that funny thank you very much.
* With Deku it’s on sight. This wolf has less chill than canon Bakugou.
* It was almost cliche, how they met. Y/N was going on a jog in their local park, enjoying the short but lovely Sakura blossoming season.
* It just so happened that Bakugou was taking a MUCH needed lunch break, his tail wagging at the mere thought of digging into his ungodly spicy curry.
* He decided to enjoy the serenity of the park, plopping himself heavily on the bench that groaned under his massive form. However, it was no match for the deep growling groan bubbling deep in his chest.
* That’s when his (future) omega came around the bend, paying him no mind as they passed.
* He was struck, a primal urge within him roaring to life. His mind narrowed down to that of a predator.
* Chase
* His body sprung into action, intent on hunting his prey- his mate his mate hismate hismate HISMATE-
* Before either one of them knew what was going on, Y/N was scooped into his arms, tiny frame near squished from the possessive hold of the huge alpha.
* He stopped, taking a moment to bend down to sniff and whuff all over his bunny’s hair, burying his sensitive nose as deep as possible.
* Suddenly, as if snapped from a trance, Bakugou reared his head back in confusion at his own actions, before looking down with clear eyes at the little bunny cradled against him.
* Y/N’s nose was twitching a mile a minute in confusion and surprise, frozen in his hold.
* Y/N oddly didn’t feel much fear, instead mostly an apprehensive curiosity; waiting to see what this wolf would do.
* He couldn’t deny that the Omega’s twitching nose and heated face were more than adorable. He took another inhale and grinned, baring his large, sharp fangs in excitement.
* Ok now Y/N was a little spooked they can’t lie.
* He decided in that moment that this cute little bunny would be his, come hell or high water.
* So,, size difference.
* He lives and DIES for belly bulges and cumflation. It also goes without saying that he has a breeding and impregnation kink I mean cmon he’s a wolf hybrid alpha hellooooo
* Ass man til he dies. He’s fiending for those cakes, he wanna see them wobble and jiggle on his dick. And also loves to watch that cute tail bob and wiggle along with it.
* He dreams of nothing more than clappin and slappin cheeks. If he wasn’t a pro hero then he’d be a pro spanker and groper every time he can get away with it.
* Likes when you squeak out in surprise when he takes a swat at your ass
* I hc his dick to be about 4 inches flacid and grows to about 9 inches including his knot. He’s a grower not a shower for sure, but he’s smug about it all the same.
* It’s obviously a wolf shaped dick bc I don’t hold back. And neither does his hunny bunny 😏
* Speaking of, the first time they fucked he insisted on treating them like a porcelain doll, barely touching where they needed him. Finally they rolled over into doggy position, head resting on the pillow before wiggling their ass in a blatant invitation.
* He took hold of their velvety ears and tilted their head back in a show of total dominance, a fierce growl demanding their submission.
* He bred them until they passed out, drool, cum, and slick soaking the sheets. No matter how much he tried, no matter how big his knot inflated in his omega, there was just too much of his virile cum stuffing Y/N for it all to stay in.
* He could feast on their sex for hours, lapping it up like ambrosia, leaving his omega a shaking and crying mess
* Makes them ride his face he don’t care what size they are. If they’re bigger he lives for almost being smothered to death by their thick thighs. His tongue will fuck Y/N to infinity and beyond, greedy the whole way through.
* He just can’t get enough of his sweet lil bunny, and Y/N’ll take all the affection and pleasure he gives them. They have no choice in the matter. He’s the alpha and what he says goes, and if his omega forgets that? He’s more than happy to remind them.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
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Prompts: Crossover, Distant, Safe and Sound | A03 link here | Connect with me on Twitter. Happy SS Month everyone! 🌸🍅🥗 @ssskmonth
Some confused drabble on Gundam Seed crossover with SS, referencing the scene where Lacus Clyne saved Kira Yamato from his fight with Athrun Zala. Technical notes at the end of the post!
The clanging of metals, the smell of burning wires, the endless beeping of the monitor, and the sickening slash of Justice’s sword through his cockpit. He remembered being exposed to the open air, hearing the waves of a nearby ocean, and seeing Naruto’s face in a Zaft uniform – his face constricted in extreme anger and hatred. He thought this was what he deserved for killing Hyuuga Neji, but he was caught in a crossfire and war was a matter of survival.
Then there was the explosion.
No matter which way one saw it, he should have been dead. Naruto’s Justice detonated after the blonde ejected out of safety. His stomach was bleeding out from a debris when they clashed into one of the PLANT’s areas. He should have been dead, but instead, he woke up to the gentle singing of a familiar voice.
Sakura Haruno, the famed icon and face of PLANT and the only child of the leader of Haruno Faction which was the primary peacekeeping force and bridge between the Zaft Forces and Earth Alliance. Long pink, wavy hair framed the sides of his face and tickled the bandages on his skin while striking green eyes try to follow the movement of his pupils. Some months ago, he rescued her while she drifted in space inside an escape pod, her escort having been mistakenly struck by Earth Alliance as an offensive party. Some months ago, he amicably returned her safely to her fiancé, Naruto, in a covert operation. Some months ago, he met her and got to know her kindness. And now, he was bound to receive it again.
“Sasuke? Can you hear me?” Her hands gently brushed the fringes away from his face. How long has he been out? Somewhere, he heard the waves go up against the same shore. “You can sleep, if you want. Sleep for as long as you want. I’ll be here.”
What was this place? It seemed devoid of war – pristine shores, blue sea, the quiet rustling of palm leaves, the warm sunshine. So far off from the neutral colony he grew up in – of the sudden attack and open fire from the skies, so far off from the open space where galaxy belts have been littered with gundam debris and frozen bodies.
She found him on the edge of the ocean, the waves lapping his wrinkled bare toes. He has been here for hours. She made her way to his side, followed by a small pink circular shape hopping across the sand.
“Haro! Haro! Haro!” The robot cried out after its owner; Sakura spun around and caught Naruto’s creation between her hands, nuzzling it as if it was her pet.
Sasuke hesitated for a while – she was a Coordinator after all, conceived with the most superior genes, and he was too, he was but he hated their kind all the same. The same kind who saw themselves far above the Naturals to the extent that they would wage war and kill.
“How tiring, isn’t it?” Sakura suddenly asked out of the blue, her green eyes arresting him in all their sincerity. “The senseless fighting when there is good in everyone.”
“That’s not true,” he rebutted…which was stupid because he hadn’t thanked her yet for saving him.
“Naruto is a good person even when you were kids, isn’t that right?” The circular robot was wriggling in her hands and she let it go, only for it to almost fall to the water and to its electrifying death if not for Sasuke’s quick hands.
“You also have some good in you,” she said with a smile. She took the fussy robot from his hands and went back to their family mansion.
Sasuke found himself drifting in and out of his own consciousness; he would always fall into a daydream, the collage of the civilian ship ejecting from their mother ship and getting struck by a missile keep replaying in front of him. Screams would often escape him, even during daylight, but the touch of her hands steadied him, and her green eyes would reel him back to safe ground.
He would allow himself to lean further into her skin, liking the warmth a little too much, but torn all the same. She was his childhood friend’s fiancé, and he stole too many precious people away from him already.
It was effective, the way she led him in walks along the shore, her hand in his, and haro following closely behind, filling in the gaps of silences with his automated voice. When the robot finally stopped chirping to recharge, she would let go of his hand and hum a random song. He might have heard it before, in a far away moment and now unfamiliar moment of peace, when he was still a student and led a normal life.
“I killed Neji,” he blurted out, unaware of the consequences, but possibly to rile her up, to make her angry at him, to make it easier to go away.
Sakura brought her loose strands to the side of her shoulder, braiding the length of it while averting her gaze from him. “When I was fifteen, the Zaft Forces struck the civilian plane my mom was in. She accompanied my father to a diplomatic meeting with the Orb Union while I was here in PLANT. But I caught a fever and I asked for her despite being surrounded by nurses. I really missed her that time, you see. So she went on board the earliest civilian plane in Panama. Unfortunately, it was also the day the Earth Forces skirmished with Zaft and a stray missile hit their engine. That put a metaphorical dent as well in the diplomatic discussions.” She returned her attention to him, her pink hair unfinished and already coming undone. “We all suffered deaths, one way or the other, and each loss only breeds hatred if the cycle isn’t broken.”
“And how do you propose to do that?”
“Kindness,” Sakura extended her hand to him, and he subconsciously reached out to accept it.
Sasuke avoided the throng of kids that suddenly surrounded Sakura. He found himself standing beside Sai, the reverend who pulled him from the wreckage some weeks ago.
“They’re Naturals, if you’re wondering,” Sai said. “Rescued and fostered here under a neutrality agreement.”
“Savior’s complex?” Sasuke asked, still defensive about the matter.
“Just common moral decency.” The reverend had this mysterious smile etched forever on his face, and while Sasuke learned to read people, he could never read him accurately.
When the orphanage visit calmed down, and they were left alone with biscuits and tea on the gazebo overlooking the ocean, Sakura received the video message transmitted through Haro. She instinctively angled her body so whoever was on the other side won’t see him.
“Ms. Haruno,” a voice started. “We caught wind of some news.”
Sakura nodded, a cue to continue.
“It’s Operation Spitbreak. The real target is the Alaska HQ.”
Sasuke hitched a breath – if he recalled correctly, his mother ship Archangel intended to refuel there and stock on supplies. All the big guns were in Panama, strategizing for the penultimate and inevitable battle. So why Alaska?
Ah, they were the remaining big ship with the firepower that could match them.
Sakura noticed the change in his countenance, and she immediately ended the call after a quick word of thanks. Arms engulfed him in a gentle hug. “I guess it’s time.”
His arms wrapped around her waist tentatively. “I want to stay a little bit longer in this place where everything is safe and sound.”
“Not for long.” She tightened her hold on him. “Not for long, Sasuke.”
He did the same, trying to savor her fleeting presence in his embrace.
That night, she and Sai led him to a facility under the Haruno family mansion. The steel doors opened after the usual biometrics – iris scan, hand print, and voice recognition. The sight astounded him when the lights started to come on. The gundam was bigger than his previous, Strike, and visually had more missiles and armaments.
Sai handed him a paper bag containing his new mobile suit. “It’s X10A Freedom Gundam, one of the two newest developments of Zaft. You’ll find that it’s much more lighter compared to previous models with faster mobility stats, and more devastating firepower. But you’ll be all right, you have the seed of the coordinator after all. What a dream it would be to see it used for coexistence.” He didn’t wait for Sasuke’s reply and quietly moved away to give the two privacy.
“Isn’t this too much?” Sasuke asked her. She hasn’t even asked him whether his views of the world have changed.
“I believe you’ll do the right thing.” Sakura leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Come back to me safely?”
Sasuke held her gaze, sincere in the uttering of his next words. “I will.”
GUNDAM – General Purpose Utility Non-Discontinuity Augmentation Maneuvering Weapon System
Coordinators – genetically enhanced human beings; improved traits e.g. faster learning, stronger bodies, more honed talents
Naturals – naturally born human being which did not undergo genetic modifications
Earth Forces/Earth Alliance – predominantly Natural
ZAFT – Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty; PLANT’s national army, members comprised fully of coordinators
PLANT – space colonies
Orb Union – nation composed of neutral territories located east of New Guinea
Music used for this writing: Mizu no Akashi | Fields of Hope
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lunelantern · 4 years
✒️~Pair Symbolism~🎨🎨
Philosophically speaking, Naruto Manga falls under the category of what the reputed philologist Karl Morgenstern contrived as a 'Bildungsroman', artfully construed under the paradigm of the Yin-yang dichotomy, as an ample Buddhist philosophical depiction of cosmogony.
In literature, a Bildungsroman titillates the reader's imagination with a grandiloquent exposee of a character's complete development to adulthood bespeckled with his most intimate worldview in relation to his Life Purpose, his Goals, his most coveted Aspirations.
Starting with the main hero of the series Uzumaki Naruto as the pioneer of a prophet with a messianic role in the Feudal Society of Japan, reigned by almighty ninja hierarchy and life goals, all the characters in Naruto have been equipped with a seamless character development from birth to adulthood and beyond.
Knitted with the author's genius stroke of Japanese elegance, allegorical composition and stealthy wisdom, Sasuke and Sakura's characters flourished into a superb spectacle of poetic metaphors, insightful life philosophy governed by the sumptuous knowledge and versatility of the author in the grande tomes of the pioneers of philosophy - - Arthur Schopenhauer, Machiavelli, Kant, Hegel.
Symbolically Haruno Sakura tipifies the idyllic romanticized version of unyielding boundariless love that HEALS/SOOTHES/CLEANSES.
A timeless love blooming and evolving under the pennon of what the author presents as an ideal, an unreachable aspiration, an paradigm of pure, unadulterated, unconditional love that can only be portrayed in classic literature.
Sasuke and Sakura follow the same pillar that support the entire skeleton of this complex Manga, namely the communion of Yin and Yang as intrinsec values of the Universe itself.
Sasuke as the epitome of Uchiha clan's most vivid and exuberant tragic and realistic dynamic, aligns to the antagonists of the Manga who represent the perfect contraposition to the hero's humanist vision of the world.
Naruto's life philosophy crayons the author's personal answer to a grave universal quest: how can humankind acquire universal peace? Idillically Naruto, depicted in perfect antithesis to the main antagonist Sasuke represents the Yang aside of the coin, the humanist peaceful and diplomatic approach that eventually leads to cooperation and peace.
Sasuke on the other hand, is portrayed as a sublime representative of the theories of nihilism/negativism with deep philosophic implications into the ontology of Arthur Schopenhauer, as life itself is nothing but an anachronism, an intrinsec incessant source of conflict and pain encumbering a sentient being from the day he was born.
And thus Sasuke's character struggle marred by a strong torment of existentialism, wades into the origins of pain itself presented as the Yin side, the spiritual part, the darkness, the critical thinker, the eternally scarred philosopher who lives under the burden of questioning his life purpose and negating the humanist idealized version of the world.
As the Manga brimms with ample epistles of Japanese wisdom and subtle messages for the readers in respect to life's gravest themes in mellifluent juxtaposition to the evolution of Japan's modern society, the final message of the manga settles with a humanist vision of the world as a way to acquire peace, cease conflict and bring people happiness and peace of mind
Sakura's exuberance intimately evolves as an answer to Sasuke's torturous demons, his radical negativism, the phantasms of his own haunting lucidity, soothing his soul from the torment of self-reflective existentialism.
Sakura's crucial character insertion on the dynamics of the Manga's citadel perfectly mirrors the syncopes of the modern society.
Kakashi himself reflects on the bridge after Sasuke killed Danzo under the bloody oath of revenge that Sasuke is the product of the contemporary society's flaws.
Sakura harbors one of Japan's most important celebrations, the rebirth of nature itself.
Symbolically she glows under the limpid metaphor of hope, light, eternal beauty and grace, the ineffable, the purity and endless innocence, the lifeblood and the seva of nature's most perfect creation, the karmic regeneration, the gingerly blink of the sun breathing life into the frozen barren nature.
Encapsulating the quintessence of transient beauty, merry chastity and grace, Sakura has been anointed with the soothing and soul-cleansing powers of an angel.
Her luminous aura, the projection of heart-embalming hope and faith melts and dissipate the veil of negativism and antagonism in Sasuke's heart.
After acquiescing to Naruto's life principle and aligning to his humanist worldview, he accepted Sakura's transcendent light and symbolically submerged into its regenerative powers.
Like a wilted flower with timid buds, Sakura infused a superb pastoral serenity that Sasuke always craved for.
She offered a heart they wanted and coveted for him, needing and desiring him so intimately sublime as a place to return to, as a heavenly selfless devotion.
As a conceptualization of the symbol of Love itself, Sakura's earth-shattering vehemence and devotion transcended even her own ration and fused with the metaphor of her own character purpose - - she loved Sasuke unconditionally, beyond physical perceprion.
The spirit clustered into her petite body sprawled like spears of like towards Sasuke's shadow and made his circumspect commitment to his own path jitter.
Her love that she unconditionally spilled to him as her heart-jerking tears glimmered from her jade orbs was able to reach to a bottomless abyss that not even the genin Naruto succeeded until later in the manga.
She reached his very heart, the fragile glass heart that was buried under a myriad of crisp thorns and wilted leaves.
Admittedly, he realized in a self reflective monologued that his heart answered to her call; he loved her even since.
Even before his critical and deeply analitic pragmatic mind could concoct a rational explanation.
The angel who vanished Sasuke's shadow is sakura. Her innocence, her love and grace, the unfathomable source of light that caresses her symbolic features have been instantly attracted to Sasuke's underlying dormant demons. She answered to his unspoken call of despair.
It wasn't Naruto who performed the act of cleansing Sasuke's scarred heart but sakura.
She is the regeneration, the rebirth, the symbol of spring's treasures, the fertility.
With her virginal serenity, a sylph-like Sakura gave herself to Sasuke, spiritually and physically, his heart, mind and body in the culmination of a bucolic scenery of two hearts finding their rhythm together that later evolved into a fulminant, spine-shuddering elegant erotica abounding with sensual intimacy.
In a sublime sweep of a genius, the manga encumbers the Uchiha clan, the echoes of the Yin philosophy, with what Tobirama refers to with seemingly trivial and inclusive trite as the Uchiha 'curse'.
A clan possessed by demons, developing under the hazy government of their inner demons as the warped product of their clustered ability to feel emotions and empathy.
Symbolically, the Uchiha Curse is a witty-crafted allegory of the demons gawking at a philosopher's incessant existential quest.
A crude, raw and visceral lucidity that culminates with the negation of Life itself which disrobe a sentiment's ephemeral existamce to a curse of pain - - the pain of living, of knowing pain itself, of experiencing the loss, the impending fear of death. Philosophers like Schopenhauer eclipsed the positive worldview with their abysmal nihilism.
As a product of their curse the Uchiha clan awakens the Sharingan, a metaphoric manifestation of those inner demons of the Manga's greatest thinkers.
The Sharingan is a symbolic representation of Buddha's Eye.
The foreshadowing eye ebbed with clairvoyance, an omnipotent eye that sees through deception, peeks into the soul and strips life itself off its deepest secrets. And that pain of lucidity causes havoc and conflict into a sentient beings heart.
This is core of Sasuke's dormant darkness, the abode of his shadows. And this is when Sakura as life-force and love itself dissipate this accolade.
Sakura's softness perfectly and artfully parallels Sasuke's rugose aloofness. Offered to the reader as an aphorism with nuanced religious, political and philosophic implications, Sakura's tenderness fuses with Sasuke's darkness in a perfect yin and yang truism of the Universe.
Their effervescent and iridescent interplay and dynamics collide into a sumptuous carousel that elicits a complex and convoluted repertoire of emotions in the readers, thereupon their independent development eventually and gradually attune into one single love song.
Unlike Naruto, Sakura doesn't try to change Sasuke's character as she ultimately offered to accompany him, to submerge into the den of the darkness itself where all the demons govern in order to be with him, to never part, to heal, to cure.
The Yin's counterpart's most intimate communion and attachment is unraveled as neither sakura nor Naruto could cut Sasuke off their loves.
Sakura's most primordial character coordinate is LOVE. Unlike Sasuke's asynchronous answers to his own quests, her love for him remains unyielding and untouchable.
Only in time as she is touched by the petals of maturity and womanhood, her rational part becomes more alert and conscious of her own feelings hence Kakashi's modest observation 'your feelings for Sasuke changed.'
She discovered the roots of her love, cemented it, accepted it and let it carry her on its sweet wings. The essence entrapped into her heart glimmers as strong as ever like the flame of a lighthouse which never perishes.
What changed is Sakura's ability to relate and refer to it more critically. Maturity blessed her with self-discipline and grace in being discreet with her most inmost feelings.
She is less verbose and garrulous in erratically proferring her immutable love for Sasuke and only intervening in key manga parts, such her heart-jerking final confession before the Final Battle in the valley of end - - the final challenge into the way of finally fulfilling the ardent need to have her love reciprocate her feelings.
In his Rube Goldbergian complexity, Sasuke's character ultimately found solace and tranquility willingly indulging into the pastoral simplicity of Sakura's pure love.
The manga swells and overflows with subtle symbols to their intertwines destiny in a fabulous tapistry of lights, shadows that molten and melt, sublime metaphors and vast echoes of philosophy and religions.
For further emphasize, one of Japan's founders and prominent historically figures, Lord Hideyoshi Toyomi ordered for 700 (SEVEN THOUSAND) sakura tree to be planted into his gardens. Later on, a priest used Sakura trees as a spiritual sacrosanct celebration in the honor of the Emperor's spirit.
Sasuke's most iconic technique is symbolically the Chidori which colloquially translates as 'one THOUSAND birds'.
The bird in Naruto serves as a symbol of freedom of mind from the cluster of the society that enslaved one's spirit, the pursuit of one's life goals, the soaring to one's fulfilling destiny.
And both were part of the team 7 (SEVEN). Conversely, the fatidic number becomes a rich symbol that's conclusive to their knitted destiny.
The tormented philosopher caving under the burden - the implicit Uchiha Curse - of his own demons as products of his deep thinking, analysis and unanswered philosophic quests, Uchiha Sasuke as anachrony of Life seen into the light of a humanist interpretation, can only be emphasized and neutralized by Sakura's light. The two coexisting polarized elements fused together as their asysmetries dissipated into a perfect union.
Their pisică feats align to their seamless development and blend into their complexity.
Glossy hair painted in the color of pink cherry blossoms gingerly flatters her heart-shaped face as a symbol of spring's serene touch. The viridian orbs reminiscent to the evergreen fields of Elysium garden encapsulate the very essence of rebirth, spring, sacrosanct light and hope, evoking a pastoral picture of a maiden. Sakura's features remind me of Sandro Botticelli's monumental paintings of women - - a genius sacrosanct brushstroke anointing the cherub mien of his women and saints.
The eternal sanctity reflects in the depth of Sakura's iconic features. Her beauty is timeless and holy and love literally shines and fulgurates in her eyes as the limpid clarity of her luminous soul.
Sasuke's features in perfect contrast are strong, diamond-cut sharp creasted into an unearthly beauty that's almost demonic in its haunting lone perfection.
Strikingly dark disheveled hair spikes as sharp as a raven's feathery shade, the messager from the underworld, crashes with the planes of his marble skin tone.
Everything about Sasuke's physical appearance echoes the voice of his inner spirit - - foreboding ravens and cobblestones and bottomless dark ravines, the sharp crests of the mountains' solitary sturdiness, the marble skin all depict a God of the Underworld, a still frozen nature with undying demonic and impure beauty.
Culminating with the blood red of his Sharingan eye and purple Rinnegan. The chromatic palette of his most distinctive feats is the ramrod dominance of indomitable black, purple, ivory-white and blood red which are all symbols supporting the theme of Death.
The biblic reference to the curse of Adam and Eve reflects into the Uchihas destiny as great philosophers. The apple - which is not coincidentally the parallel of the Chakra Fruit that the Tree of Life harbors in its religious reference - represents the seed of conflict as Adam and Eve sought knowledge as God was the only approved Truth.
Thus they aimed to overthrow His Word and challenge His omnipotent and omnipresent wisdom and answers to everything by starting to inquiry and unravel the world's sacred mysteries of their own.
The biblical curse of knowledge itself that led to internal conflict by aiming to reach God's superior level of knowledge represents the Uchiha's foreshadowing 'Curse' in Naruto-verse. A curse which propagated to every descendant.
On a quick side note, the snake that tempted Eve into tasting the Forbidden Fruit and lose her sanctity is the snake which in Naruto is represented by Black Zetsu who accompanied Kaguya and enwreathed her consciousness with his sorcery-like words.
The dark angel and the angel from heaven who outstretched her hand to the helpless sinner trapped into an incessant purgatory.
Metaphorically, Kabuto has traversed the Purgatory and found Light during his soul-redeeming escape from Itachi's Genjutsu - a self-reflective allegory for purgatory and atonement.
Sakura's unwavering pure love is presented as an eternally sublime cycle of beauty and rebirth with the peculiar ability to heal, cleanse and save a tormented soul like a blessing from Above. Her love for Sasuke echoes a silent soul-ennobling murmured prayer.
Zetsu proclaimed that he was the one who planted the seed of hatred into the Uchiha's descendants similarly to what the snake did by planting the grain of dubiety into Eve's mind.
~reposted from my ff account~
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Encroaching Shadows
Summary: In which Natsuhiko has to come to terms with the terror he's willingly associated himself with for his lady's sake. Or at least he tries.
Rating: T+
Warnings: Suicide and minor violence.
Notes: I think the broadcasting club is neat. I would like more material that fleshes out their character. There’s not a lot of fan-material that does so, and thus I wrote this fic to fill some of that void. Also I was just really interested in the idea of exploring Natsuhiko and his relationships (particularly with Tsukasa). He’s surprisingly valid for a simp.
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The school bell resounded through the halls. Orange light filtered through the windows, and there, encased in the encroaching shadows, a pair of students laid entwined on the floor.
It’s strange, Natsuhiko thought. It’s so cold. Even though we’re close.
He wants to laugh, but it hurts too much to do so and he’s just tired. So, so tired. There’s dust particles fluttering about in the air—and there’s blood streaking the floor and his uniform. The hand he has in his grasp has long gone limp, but it’s still pliable. His heart is still hammering stubbornly, and he does crack a smile.
Looks like I’m slow to die, too.
For now, he supposes he can enjoy the moment. She’s always been so cold, tense, and distant, but now she’s close and relaxed. She looks like she’s sleeping. She’s beautiful.
Natsuhiko uses his free hand to brush back the strands of spring green, still vibrant against her pale cheeks. She doesn’t so much as stir. But it does feel—strange. Like rubber, almost. She’s still cold. She’s still freezing. When he inhales, bitter iron mingles with only remnants of her natural perfume.
It’s cold. It still hurts. He doesn’t know if he can sleep like this. It’s taking what feels like forever.
I’m tired, but I don’t—I don’t...?
Oh. Wow. He’s shaking.
I-I don’t want to—
He wants to scream, but he’s frozen in place, held there by a beautiful dead girl.
“What’s thiiiiis?”
Natsuhiko blinks. The new voice isn’t what he expected. Innocent curiosity instead of a scream of horror. Something drifts closer—even though he can’t hear any footprints. But when his head shifts, he does see a round childish face, with wide eyes and two little fangs peaking from his open mouth.
A kid...?
The kid isn’t wearing the school’s uniform, but upon meeting his stare, he pulls down his hat and grins.
“It’s nice to meet you! I’m Tsukasa! You called me, huh?”
“Called...?” The words are sluggish. Of course, Natsuhiko is having difficulty speaking. It still hurts so bad that he has to gasp pretty greedily for air as he does. “N-No, no, you don’t understand.”
“I wasn’t talking to you,” the kid chirped, now with a terrifyingly vacant expression. “I meant her.” In the reflection in Natsuhiko’s wild and disbelieving stare, the kid’s lips curved upwards in what couldn’t possibly be described as a smile. “Sakura, right?”
In the end, it was Natsuhiko’s screaming that alerted someone else.
“There is the near shore, and the far shore,” Tsukasa sing-songs. “The only way to cross is either through cooperation or to die. I don’t really care for that. I just help those who’ve drowned in-between.”
He twirls around.
“It’s funny. How many wishes you make when you’re dying. When you’re dead. It’s also pretty sad, so I don’t miiiiind granting them. That said, I can’t do them for free! I require payment!”
She stares, expressionless and cold.
“You’ve already given up your life,” he reminded her cheerfully. “After that—what’s a little more?”
“You can grant any wish?” she asks, simple and unperturbed.
“Any, any! Even if it’s supposed to be impossible! I’m not like my brother, you know!” Tsukasa beams, leaning in close, with the glittering gaze of a predator. “Those who try to tell you anything’s impossible are liars. I don’t like liars.”
She’s still unmoved.
“Then, I...”
She only hesitates for the briefest of moments.
“I’ll give anything, Hanako-san.”
A lot of people have been giving Natsuhiko pitying stares, no matter how often he smiles or laughs them off. Even the teachers are going pretty painfully easy on him. It was pretty nice, considering how he was used to looks of contempt for the longest time before. At least, it was nice—until it started feeling too fake and fleeting to stand.
“If you need anyone, I’m here to listen,” a classmate says to him. He thinks it’s the class president? They’ve literally never held a conversation outside of Natsuhiko being scolded for taking things too lightly. And now, this person is saying, “Take care of yourself, okay, Hyuuga-kun?”
It feels like a joke, so he smiles. It’s not very funny, but he still laughs.
“It’s fine, it’s fine!”
He doesn’t want to be here, so he escapes. All the way back to the room where everything changed. Where the only person who treats him normally remains. She’s sipping tea and at true ease.
“My lady,” he greets. “I’m—”
“Supposed to be in class,” she cuts him off. “What are you doing here? Leave. Right this instance.”
It’s only here where his smile twitches.
“I’d rather be with you.”
“Sakura,” a kid cuts in, floating by with a wide, inquiring gaze. “Is that guy your boyfriend?”
“He’s not,” she replies curtly. “He is little more than a nuisance.”
So harsh! But he does laugh sincerely.
“Am I your boyfriend?”
Wait, no! Now, he can actually panic.
“No.” She doesn’t miss a beat. “That is not our relationship. I am your assistant and nothing more.”
“Oh, okay!” The kid still embraces her tightly, much to Natsuhiko’s despair. The brat even has an innocent smile on his face as he does so. “She’s my assistant and you’re an annoyance! So, hurry up and leave!”
“Sorry,” Natsuhiko said, shaking his head. “Uh, no can do. See, it’s so suffocating that I might actually die for real. Sorry, my lady. Do you mind me being selfish for a while?”
Sakura gives him a long hard look. Because she loves him, she’s visibly irritated. But because she’s too kind for her own good, she sighs and nods.
“Very well. Just do not expect me to pay you more mind than the air.”
She’s really great, and Natsuhiko’s all too happy to sit down in the corner and admire her, especially admire the way light rays catch on her heavenly visage. It’s just a shame that the brat is a blight in black, drifting behind like a shadow. The kid’s quick to ignore him, reaching out across the table and stuffing his face with the treats laid out.
He eats messily, licking his fingers like a greedy, greedy child. Sakura sets her tea aside, sighs, and hands him a handkerchief to wipe his face off with. He, of course, blows his nose in it.
“I’ve been thinking,” the kid says. “How about the story of the youkai?”
“We should space out the rumors,” Sakura replied. “If we are too aggressive too quickly, those who stop us will act fast.” A pause. “Patience, Hanako-san. Think about the long run. Think about how much you’d like to accomplish.”
The kid bites his hand on accident, but he doesn’t even bat an eye and just keeps on eating.
“Long run?” He swallows, and then he laps at the injury on his hand just as a cat would. “Are we going somewhere? I still haven’t figured out a way to leave the school, Sakura.”
“I meant metaphorically. That surely, you want better results that last, rather than an inconvenient burst that fizzles.” She holds out her hand. “Let me bandage you up.”
The kid stuck his entire hand into his mouth. Sakura twitched. Natsuhiko got up and retrieved a small kit they kept in the club room, one that only he really used.
“Kid,” he said. “How about you let my lady do all the planning for now? She used to be top of her class, you know. She’s very smart.” Walking up to them, he pulled the kid’s hand out of his mouth and began to wipe it off. “Just relax.”
The little asswipe spat in his face. Natsuhiko accidentally got it in his mouth, shuddered, and he began to turn quite pale. He most certainly ended up gagging into the trashcan.
“Don’t do that,” Sakura reprimanded. “If you are getting unruly, you should go for a walk to clear your mind instead.” Then, directed to the still slumped Natsuhiko, “You can keep an eye on him, can’t you?”
“E-Eh?” Weakly and dizzily, he lifted his head. “You’re not coming with?”
“I’d rather have time by myself to think, if that is to be allowed.” She looked toward the kid patiently. Natsuhiko didn’t remark on it. The way Sakura was clearly waiting for permission. The way the kid grinned.
“Sure, why not! I’m getting bored of this room anyway!”
Swallowing back his own bile, Natsuhiko forced an irritated smile before making his way over and pulling the kid by the arm.
“You’re not going to immediately run off and cause trouble, right?”
The kid beams up at him, too. And then he spits on his face again.
The thing is, as horrible as the brat is, Natsuhiko does find himself fretting when the kid wanders too far off for reasons beyond everyone else’s sake.
“Can you stay close?” he practically begs. “Do you need your hand held or what?”
The kid blinks wide eyes at him. The widest pair of eyes that Natsuhiko has ever seen. He sticks out the hand that’s been bandaged, and Natsuhiko is too taken aback to do anything but mutely take it.
What the hell? It’s almost like he actually is a kid.
It’s—weirdly nostalgic. There had been a time where Natsuhiko found a lost kid before. She had been bawling her eyes out and crying for her mother, and obviously, he couldn’t leave her alone. She gripped his hand tightly enough to bruise, but she had been precious all the same. It had been enough to make Natsuhiko wish he had a younger sibling of his own.
This wasn’t exactly like that, because this kid—Tsukasa, right—was a terror and probably a demon. But his hand was still small in Natsuhiko’s own, and Natsuhiko could almost pretend it hadn’t been used to tear smaller spirits into smaller pieces.
Maybe, he thought, squeezing that deceptively small hand. This kid, he—just needs guidance? Like an older sibling?
The kid was now staring in the same direction that Natsuhiko was, seemingly confused as if there was something that caught his attention. He’s squinting, too, as if there’s something beyond all that nothing.
“Tsukasa, right?” Natsuhiko finally spoke up, getting his attention.
“That’s me!” The kid beamed. “Did you somehow forget?”
It’s because I get confused. That’s not what the lady calls you. But, he knows he’s dumb so he doesn’t expect it to make sense even if it’s explained to him. “Uh. There anywhere in particular you want to go?”
Tsukasa hums thoughtfully.
“Theeeee—garden? Maybe?”
“Ooh, good choice,” Natsuhiko agrees amicably. “There are some cute girls in the gardening club after all.”
“I want to eat everything there.”
“Haha... I hear there’s a great view from one of the windows. Let’s go there instead.”
Tsukasa half-dangles out of window, and Natsuhiko has to keep a secure grip on the back of his robe so that he doesn’t fall. He has no doubts that Tsukasa is completely indifferent towards the girls tending the flowers. Actually, he seems to be waving his arms at a bird perched below.
Natsuhiko, thinking of a cat, tugged him back so that the bird remained safely out of the demon brat’s reach.
He’s more than a handful, alright. Because of him, the lady suffers even more than she already had. But also because of him, she’s still here. So how should I feel towards him, exactly?
He doesn’t really want to feel gratitude or indebted, even if the kid had been well-meaning in his intervention. He’s definitely irritated, aggravated, and concerned about this kid the way he’d be worried about a ticking time bomb. Although because of the kid’s appearance being that of, well, a kid, he can’t deny there being a protective aspect as well.
Case in point, Natushiko’s grip slipped enough that Tsukasa would’ve fallen out the window and that only earned a dulled response from the kid. Meanwhile, Natsuhiko yelped and managed to grab his ankles at the last minute and yanked him back in with, of course, an angry bird that was fluttering and squirming in the kid’s grasp.
“Let that go!” Natsuhiko snapped, slapping his wrists so that he’d release the poor thing and the bird wasted no time in flying away in several desperate wing flaps. “Also, be more careful! No more hanging out of windows, alright, kid?!”
“I don’t get the big deal,” the brat replied. “It’s not like I would’ve died.”
“That’s—!” Completely true. He’s a ghost. He wasn’t at any actual risk. But. I... “Not the problem! I would’ve had to run down so many stairs to make sure you didn’t cause real damage! Especially to the garden! It’s no good to make girls cry, y’know! Especially girls as cute as those!”
Tsukasa had already lost interest and was now gathering the feathers scattered across the floor. He observed the speckled ones with wide eyes, and Natsuhiko could only heave out a heavy sigh.
This brat... This piece of shit devil brat...
“You really are a kid, aren’t you?” He kneels down to gather feathers as well, chuckling as he did. “You’re especially bad-behaved, though.”
“Mm.” Tsukasa nods, so at least he’s aware of that. “So people say.”
So people say... Were you like this even as a human? How long have you been a kid, exactly? And—how many of those years were spent alone?
“Mm?” Tsukasa blinks at him owlishly and then he starts counting on his fingers. “Um, ten... Twenty... Thirty? What year is it?”
“Year?” Natsuhiko repeated dumbly. “Did I—ask that aloud?”
“I died... What year was it?” Tsukasa’s head tilts as he thinks it over. “Um. Ummm. It was—right. No. Um.” His face scrunches up. “Amane and I heard on the radio. Man just walked on the moon. Right! That was 1969!” He blinks several times, smile frozen. “Was that...the year I died?”
“1969?!” Natsuhiko choked. “K-Kid, that—that was like, fifty years ago!”
“Fifty! Yeah!” Tsukasa exclaimed delightedly, pointing at him with the feather before beaming. “Fifty years! It’s been fifty!”
“W-Well, it hasn’t been exactly fifty,” Natsuhiko mutters, flustered, to Tsukasa’s confusion. “But like, it has been a while. That was... Jeez, that was before my parents were born.”
“Yeah,” Tsukasa agrees, almost distantly. “Phones can be carried around now. Super weird.”
Fifty and even forty years are a pretty long time. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it was beyond his comprehension. Standing up, he folded his arms.
“Alright, so I guess now’s as good a time as any. Listen, kid. We’re going to be associated for however long you need the lady for, so we might as well get along, yeah?” Of course, Tsukasa was shuffling through his feathers to see all the different designs he had. Attention span of a squirrel, this kid, but Natsuhiko pushed through, fueled by his determination. “That said, you clearly need someone to watch over you and make sure you don’t get into trouble. So, from now on, you can consider me your big brother, yeah?” He winked as Tsukasa looked up at him. “I promise I’ll be nice and spoil you from time to time.”
Tsukasa’s expression was completely unreadable. Natsuhiko, still smiling, offered his hand to help the other up. To his relief, the kid took his hand—and then to his immediate horror, the kid twisted his arm in a way that threatened to break bone. Before he could even get out a plea, he was slammed into the wall. He yelped, his heart pounding.
“K-Kid?! Hey?! C-Come on, if I said something wrong, you could’ve just yelled at me...!” He feels his jaw swelling from the impact and winces as Tsukasa presses his wrist harder into his back. His legs were shaking. “K-Kid... Kid, please... Please...”
“I,” Tsukasa inhales and huffs into his ear. To do so, he must have been standing on his tippy toes, and the realization that this runt could very well kill him and nobody would be able to do anything had Natsuhiko’s breath hitch in hysterics. Tsukasa just goes on, “I already have a big brother. You’re not to take his place.”
“O-Okay!” Natsuhiko cried, trembling. “Okay, okay! I won’t! P-Promise! I’m sorry!”
Tsukasa doesn’t respond. For a few heart-pounding seconds, Natsuhiko lets his eyes screw shut, tears seeping through and then—nothing. The kid lets him go. And when Natsuhiko tentatively looks back, hand instinctively going to his bruised jaw. No one was there. No one at all.
“Oh gosh!” someone exclaims and Natsuhiko just sees it’s one of his classmates rushing up, face awash in alarm. “Hyuuga-kun, are you okay?! Did someone attack you?”
“I just...” Gaze dropping, all Natsuhiko observes is the scattered mess of feathers. “A, huh, bird flew in and I had a hell of a time getting it to leave... I guess. Haha.”
Seriously—what the hell was that even about?
“U-Um... My lady, we, um, we have a problem.”
In his shame, he can only return to the broadcasting club empty-handed. The lady perks up from her reading, expression impassive as Natsuhiko ducks his head and avoids her stare.
“I uh, I don’t...know where the kid is.”
“What happened to your face, Natsuhiko?”
Normally, he’d light up from her show of concern, but he just flinches instead, grimacing.
“Said something that made the kid angry. I...” He laughs it off. “Did you know he had a big brother?”
“Yes,” she replied. “Of course I did.”
That had him jolt with surprise.
“W-Wha, for real?!”
“The other Hanako-san,” she explained simply. “He mentions him all the time. You never noticed?”
“Mentions... Who?” The gears began to turn and after a while, Natsuhiko gasped, figuring it out. “Amane?!”
“That was his brother’s human name, yes.”
“No way! I thought that was an old crush!” Under the lady’s withering stare, he hurriedly added, “O-Or like, a sister. Because, uh, Amane’s a girl’s name...”
“It’s gender-neutral, Natsuhiko.”
“Yeah... Guess so.” He nods along. “Uh, wow. Okay. So... Wait. Other Hanako-san?”
“How badly did he hurt you?”
Natsuhiko held up his bandaged wrist with a chuckle. “Sprained it a bit but nothing too severe, thank god. But that kid’s seriously scary, my lady.”
“You were fortunate,” she said softly. “In his current state, he cannot cause much harm. He is still weak, for the time being.”
Geez, if that’s weak, I’m even more terrified.
“Do not worry about his absence,” she goes on. “Because of his state, he will return shortly. He cannot move around much and could be banished back here with something as small as a splash of hot tea.” Coincidentally, she sips the tea she has laying out. “I apologize, however. You got mixed up in this mess because of me.”
“And I don’t mind it if it’s for your sake!” He’d grab her hand but his wrist hurts too much to do that, so he just makes the gesture limply in the air. She stares at him with disdain, and it brings much more positive shivers down his spine.
Then, that lovely gaze dulls, and her frown deepens.
“So,” he says. “Uh. What’s this about another—Hanako-san?”
“That child grants the wishes of the dead,” she said. “But his brother grants the wishes of the living. Not everyone can summon him, however.”
“Huuuuh. I see.” Natsuhiko rubs his chin, and winces because he accidentally messes with his jaw. “Maybe I could try and see if he can keep the kid in check better? I mean, I could probably see him.”
Although what am I going to do if the older brother has an even worse temper?
“Do not do anything unnecessary,” the lady snapped at him. “Understand, Natsuhiko?”
Anger borne of concern is good, though.
He agreed without a second thought but a part of him still wondered. Now that he wasn’t afraid for his life, he could mull things over better.
Older brother who grants the wishes of the living... If he’s at all better behaved, why couldn’t we have ended up with him?
Well. He knows why. He’s stupid and dense, but he’s not completely blind to his situation and surroundings. He could only wish to be so ignorant, that way he wouldn’t notice the pitying and weary looks he gets for reasons beyond his personality. He hasn’t been asked any questions about that day him and the lady were discovered in the classroom, and that’s for the better. Because there’s nothing to say. No answer to give.
He had already agreed to sever ties by staying with her. The least he can do is commit even when the initial plan falls through due to one violent little runt with a brother complex.
“I’m back!”
Without a care, as if he never lost his temper, the kid drops in and clings to the lady much to Natsuhiko’s gritted dismay.
“You should not lose your temper so easily,” the lady reprimanded, albeit gently. “Natsuhiko is not worth throwing a tantrum over.”
“Ehhh? You really think so?” The kid turns those big eyes back at him, and all Natsuhiko can do is force a smile and wave with his bandaged hand. Pursing his lips, the kid looked contemplative. “Okay.” He buries his face into the lady’s hair. “Sakura, I’m tired.”
“You overdid it,” she said, and Natsuhiko watches as the kid slumps against her.
“I’m really, really tired, Sakura.”
“Because you overdid it.”
“Read me something!”
Natsuhiko twitched as the lady simply sighed.
“Natsuhiko, pull up a chair for him.”
He does so, lips pressed tightly together and he doesn’t say anything even though the kid clamors into the chair and doesn’t even sit in it properly. He just props his head against the back and lets his eyes fall shut as the lady reads her book aloud in a droning voice. The kid falls into a not-quite rest, but Natsuhiko knows better at this point. He’s stupid, but he can figure stuff out.
The evening bell to signal that the school day was over is resounding. Natsuhiko wonders if anyone’s worried about him. He shakes his head, deciding it doesn’t matter.
“So that white expanse up there is really made up of stars?” The lady crooned, and the kid answers with a content hum. “No matter how long he looked at it, he just couldn’t imagine space being the cold, empty place his teacher had said it was.”
The shadows begin to creep in, the sun setting, and it wouldn’t be long before the last living soul was lost in the whispers.
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the-emblem-of-fire · 6 years
What would all of the FE Fates royals favorite Disney movies be?
Disney and Fire Emblem? YES PLEASE!!!
Ryoma - Surprise surprise, Ryoma’s favorite Disney movie is Mulan. Not only does he have a better understanding of the culture, he really enjoys the symbolism and metaphors. He’ll be able to discern cultural differences and enjoys looking at the architecture of Chinese buildings. Additionally, the serious undertones of warfare strike closely to his heart, and he is also interested in the historical time-frame that the film takes place in. 
Sakura - Sakura’s favorite happens to be the world’s first full-length animated feature film; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. She rarely comes across people in books that resemble her so closely. While being sweet and soft-spoken, Snow White can also be stern when the situation calls for it, much like when she works as a healer. Seeing another gentle, caring princess that looks for the good in others makes her feel more self-confident. 
Xander - The crown prince of Nohr prefers live action to animation, so when he sees Disney’s Chronicles of Narnia, he is instantly intrigued by the world’s similarity to his own. He is also fascinated by that world’s concept of magic, and finds the differences something to think about, and if you watch the series with him, you’ll be in for some long discussions. It won’t be long before he picks up the books to read.
Hinoka - Flying like the wind, it’s no surprise that Hinoka’s favorite movie is Pocahontas. She admires the heroine for staying true to herself even though circumstances were hard. She also likes the glimpse into this world’s history, its native peoples, imperialism, and colonialism. She’ll be left with lots of questions about this world’s discovery.
Camilla - This independent woman certainly appreciates Brave. She sympathizes with the bond between mother and daughter while also supporting the heroine’s freedom of choice. Not only does the landscape, culture, and music remind her a little of her own home, but she agrees with the notion that it’s up to each individual to change their own fate. And that yes, weapons can be allowed on the table.
Takumi - Not that he would ever, ever admit it, but Takumi is secret fan of Disney movies, and probably one of the biggest ones at that. His all-time favorite? Brother Bear. Maybe it was the bond between the siblings. Maybe it was the themes of revenge, acceptance, and what it truly means to be a brother. Whatever the case, he’ll be ecstatic to join in when it’s your movie of choice.
Elise - This girl just has to be the one to love Frozen. She can’t help it, the numbers are just so CATCHY! If they aren’t overplayed already, she’ll be singing each song by heart to the point that she drives everyone around her up a wall! But it’s sweet when she empathizes with Anna, a sprightly princess like herself, and she takes up the meaning of being a sister to heart.
Corrin - Corrin, whether male or female, brother or sister, really empathizes with Disney’s Tangled. There is something so familiar about Rapunzel’s sense of longing to go outside, the desire to be accepted by a parent who does not have her best interest at heart, the origin of her past being kept secret, and the need to be free of her tower, that it actually manages to make Corrin cry. But in the end, it makes them feel better knowing that everything turned out well for her.
Leo - He thinks that unrealistic representations of talking, animated characters is beneath him, but he reconsidered himself when he first saw The Lion King. It was taken after a critically acclaimed play? He wanted to know more. It surprised him when he discovered that he was enjoying the movie, especially as he tried to predict the plot. The murder of a king, the usurped throne, and the rightful ruler appealed to him so much that you sometimes catch him humming “I Just Can’t Wait to be King.” He would deny it until the end of time.
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nxtheromoved · 3 years
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@sacrificedhe​​ asked: Embrace for Sasuke and Sakura !
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          SAKURA ANSWERS HIM WITH MOMENTARY SILENCE.  Talkative Sakura, hushed by his touch. Sometimes words cannot suffice.  This is one of those times .  He pulls her into his embrace, and she is frozen in an overwhelming flood of emotions. Somehow, after all these years, after all they’ve been through, he still manages to stir those metaphorical butterflies in her.
          But this isn’t that. No, it’s much . . . calmer. Familiarity and joy that grows from the core of her chest, like pouring warm honey over fresh bread until it’s saturated. Not the flutter of fleeting, infatuated butterflies.
          Something that lingers long after he’s gone.
          ❝ Sasuke . . . ❞  she whispers, but loses her next words before they can leave her lips. No more questioning or trying to puzzle things out. Her arms wrap around him in return, eyes closing as she buries her face into his shoulder. This is the first time he’s held her like this, and yet, it feels like she’s been here in his arms before.  He feels like home .
0 notes
A Harmless Prank [Drabble]
#Starring Naruto, Boruto, Sasuke, Angst, Unidentified Feels, SNS Prompted by hilarious RP with @kagemasaboruto​ Dedicated to @x-zeroshiki-x​ who “needed to see this suicide” All drabbles on AO3
It all started with a stupid joke. Naruto overheard a friend suggesting to prank another one by publicly yelling ‘I ADORE YOU’ then pecking them on the cheek. Seemed like fun. He’d thought distractedly about a potential victim and— obviously. Sasuke.
A prank that could prove lethal, but definitely fun.
Sasuke knew about it, too, because Naruto’s big mouth had just rambled about it teasingly (at his son’s worried dismay). Boruto seemed to believe there was something ‘romantic’ to the prank, but he kept glaring at his father every time Naruto so much as wrapped his arm around Sasuke, so…
They had gotten into a heated argument, Boruto going as far as threatening to kiss Sasuke himself to prove how weird that was to his father. Naruto wasn’t sure how the fight had gotten to this point, really. He’d eventually yelled that Boruto should just do that in order to train himself to run very, very fast, then slammed the door on him. Metaphorically. But still.
He had almost forgotten about the prank, especially since he had wanted to wait for the next Kage summit, which was in months. However, right now seemed a much better option.
They had all gathered for Gaara’s visit, discussing some treaty between their countries. Naruto’s family was invited, of course, and Hinata watched over Himawari while talking with Sakura and her daughter. Boruto, at first, had stuck with his classmate, up until the moment his eyes had crossed his father’s.
He was upset over something, Naruto couldn’t remember what. Was it his skipping another family dinner to celebrate Sasuke coming back? Boruto was always upset with him anyway. The boy had glared at him, a proper, full on glare that proved Sasuke could be a very good teacher.
At that point, Naruto was talking with Gaara, Shikamaru and Tsunade. Sasuke had left for a minute, looking for a glass of tea (or water. Maybe sake. Naruto wasn’t sure of his present mood, but Sakura was present so… tea, probably. It soothed him). As he was coming back, Boruto frowned at his father defiantly. He then went to his teacher and gently poked his side, gesturing for him to lean over. Sasuke slightly bent down, lending an ear to what he expected to be a whisper but turned out to be a small, hesitant peck on the cheek.
He straightened up, looking at the kid in surprise. Boruto was pointedly avoiding his gaze, his ears redder than a cherry tomato, his shoulders hunched up in apprehension.
Sasuke wasn’t sure what to do of it. Pondering for a moment, he decided to lift his hand to pat him on the head, once. Boruto’s shoulders instantly relaxed as he let out a relieved breath, daring a nervous glance towards his teacher. Sasuke didn’t say a think. This had been weird enough for him, and the little exchange seemed to be over. If that didn’t happen again, he wouldn’t have to talk to Boruto about his own boundaries in showing affection.
He left the boy behind, going back to the kage’s group, only to run almost immediately into a grinning Naruto, who swiftly grabbed his shoulder. ‘I see my son went on with the first half of our little prank’ he stated, his eyes narrowed into thin lines of mischief.
Sasuke sighed. He hated unnecessary attention, but knew from experience there was just no escaping Naruto. He frowned and prepared himself to be gleefully shouted at, knowing keeping a smooth, blank face would dissuade his friend to repeat the experiment.
Naruto leaned in, rubbing his arm gently with the tip of his thumb, his breath hot against the shell of his ear, and whispered:
‘I… adore you.’
Then he grinned widely, pinning his very blue eyes into his own, looking very pleased with himself. His thumb was still tracing small, gentle circles into Sasuke’s arm. And Sasuke had kept a blank face alright, frozen on the spot as if struck by lightning. No-one, not even Naruto, would have noticed a change, if the blood that had receded from his very cold face hadn’t suddenly returned in a bright wave of heat.
‘Woah you’re… really pink’ Naruto muttered in disbelief.
‘Let me go, you moron’ Sasuke cringed, snapping his arm free and turning his back to leave in a swift motion. He was too fast to follow by most, so only Naruto, and perhaps his son, who was watching the exchange, had time to witness the scene.
Dumbfounded, Naruto hesitated an instant before running after his friend, catching up to him in the staircase, just before he opened a window to jump out.
‘Oi, bastard, you can’t leave an official meeting! What’s with you anyway, it’s just a prank! And you even knew about it!’
Sasuke kicked him away from the window, managing to open it halfway before Naruto punched him a few meters back.
‘What the fuck? What’s wrong with you?’ Naruto shouted, angered by a new punch to his flank.
‘Leave me alone, idiot.’
‘Not before you tell me what wrong!’ the blond ninja yelled, managing to push him back into the wall. He grabbed his friend by the collar, suddenly very aware of how close they were. Sasuke looked upset, but his black eyes, darker than usual, also held a sense of fear, doubt, indecision. Naruto noticed in disbelief how he clenched his jaw not in rage, but hurt.
‘Oi, it was just a stupid prank’ Naruto whispered, shocked to have upset him that much. ‘I just wanted to embarrass your sorry ass.’
‘I know. Just… leave me be, moron.’
Clearly, Sasuke didn’t know what to think of the situation either. He evidently had had… an emotion, which he wasn’t used to. Neither of them had any idea of how to deal with those.
‘I didn’t mean to upset you that much’ Naruto apologized, letting go of him. ‘It was all in good fun.’
‘Don’t do it again.’
‘Yeah, no… sorry. I’m not sure what I was thinking, either. I’m really just an idiot, eh?’ he joked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. ‘I should just keep calling you a bastard, suits you better anyway.’
Sasuke huffed, his stance relaxing. ‘Less uncomfortable.’
‘Uh.’ Naruto adverted his gaze, embarrassed. Saying these words… he’d never been so sincere. He had very much meant it, not planning to but… and the heat had burnt them both. Naruto had never really thought about it before, about how much he liked Sasuke. But he did, immensely. He always felt great with him, complete. But some things are better not said.
‘Let’s go back, or they’ll say I’m skipping again’ Naruto smiled, punching Sasuke’s shoulder gently.
‘Fine, but keep your damn pranks to yourself if you want to live.’
Naruto grinned. ‘Ah, but the me you know and love likes to live dangerously, Sa-su-ke!’
‘The you that I know will not live long’ Sasuke remarked, but he let out a small smile when his friend poked him again.
‘Ah, here’s the advanced guard’ Naruto joked when he noticed the slouched down shadow of his son hidden upstairs. ‘Let’s go back!’
Sasuke huffed, but complied, not commenting on how, sometimes, there was just no ‘going back’.
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inanotherworld5599 · 7 years
Shelter For The Rain
Prompt: Sasusaku Month Day 11, Shelter from the rain
Summary: Sakura has always loved the rain. (Yes the title is supposed to be shelter for the rain, it’s not a mistake.) 
Set after Sasuke Hiden, When Sasuke returns back to Konoha after his journey of redemption.
Sakura Haruno was amongst the few people in Konoha who truly loved the rain.
There was a time when even Naruto who is bright and optimistic about everything, became weary of the rain, his usual hyperactivity dulled and unpolished under the dreary cloud cover. He was still much better than most people and he fought against the cold harsh weather and won quite a few times. The other times he was stuck in bed with a cold and a disgruntled attitude.
The rain was kinder to Sakura than most, Ino who once went on and on about how wonderful the rain was had now become more cautious of it stating that she hated how her hair frizzes up and Hinata who’d always been gentle enough to hate nobody had become averse to storms for she’d always been a little afraid of it if nothing else.
But it didn’t start of that way, not even close. There was a time when rain was a cause to celebrate, the pride and joy of Konoha, but then the village was betrayed.
The rain that they prayed for, the one they revered turned on the village and caused a flood whose tales of destruction would be told for many generations to come.
Konoha started hating the rain. But Sakura didn’t.
She knows she should have but while most saw the flood as an unforgiving and cruel calamity Sakura saw it as nature being pushed to it’s very limit, broken until it lashed out unable to control it’s grief.
She’d once been silly enough to think that she’d been strong enough to tame the weather and she’d gone into a hurricane all by herself thinking she’d be able to make it. It was her love for the rain that had kept her frozen in her spot unable to do anything when lightning had almost struck her.
Naruto had saved her at that time. Bright, sunny, happy Naruto was the only one who could brave that storm. All Sakura could do was stand in the eye of the hurricane and watch the rain and wind tear everything apart around her.
Naruto had hated the rains too as a child, he saw it as dreary, cold and frankly a pain in the ass but he had been stunned when he saw how beautifully spring bloomed with the help of the rain.
He didn’t understand why something so beautiful could bloom in the presence of something that was so utterly harsh.
Or why Sakura would love the rain so much when all it did was make her sick.
He’d always fuss over her, pull her out of the rain into a dry shelter but she’d never stay for long. She’d give him a bright smile and go running back out to brave the dark and menacing storm.
Eventually Naruto learned to understand the rain too in his own way. At first he’d ventured out only to keep Sakura company, to make sure she’d be safe even in the storm, but somewhere along the way Naruto started understanding the rage of the rain, the sadness of the storm and hate that resided in the hurricane.
But Sakura had never understood the rain, no, she’d loved it. She’d loved it unconditionally, senselessly, selflessly and foolishly ever since she was a child.
And she’d never stopped.
No matter how hard the winds pushed her back she’d always make her way through blinding rain one step at a time never faltering. She loved it till the devastating storm finally broke and the dark clouds parted slightly letting a ray of sunlight through.
And she continued loving it even after the rains had long since departed from Konoha.
It hadn’t rained in the village for the last few years now, just light showers on the outskirts of Konoha carefully watering the crops, keeping the trees alive and protecting the village in its own quiet way almost afraid to let itself show again for the fear of bringing another disaster.
But Sakura patiently waited for the rain come back. She knew it would, she believed in it even if most people didn’t.
She knew that the rains would return home to Konoha one day.
And she knew that today was that day.
Sakura stared vacantly up at the cloudy night sky after she stepped out of the hospital following another one of her brutally long shifts.
The air was humid, heavy with water and humming with a current she’d not felt for a long time. The usually crowded and bustling streets had become silent around her and it felt like the entire village was holding it’s breath to see what the rains would bring this time around.
Would it be a friend or a foe?
The first drop of rain falls on her. It falls directly on the centre of her forehead, warm and reassuring like a nostalgic poke against her skin.
She smiles widely and rain starts falling, slowly, gently and carefully. 
The few people left on the street scrambled for shelter but Sakura simply walked ahead steadily without an umbrella, the quiet rain soaking every bit of her, from head to toe.
The rain was no longer biting cold as it had once been, instead it was warmer and far more gentle even if it seemed outwardly dangerous.
But then again, the rain had always been kinder to her than most people.
She almost stopped at the sight of a lone figure standing next to an old stone bench, waiting in the shadows, reluctant and hesitant just like the falling rain.
The rain had always been the most cruel to him, more so than anybody else, unforgivably pounding down on him as if to say that no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t wash away his sins.
He’d always hated the rain the most. 
Even if the people of Konoha might learn to forgive the destruction the rain had once caused he probably wouldn’t.
But Sakura knew that if she showed him what she saw, the kindness of the rain she’d known as a child, the beauty she’d always seen even amongst the darkness then he’d one day learn to love the rain too.
She continued walking towards the figure her steps steady and echoing against the the cobbled pathway. When she finally reached the bench, she stopped standing a few feet away from the man she’d never stopped loving.
This time around he was facing her, his dark hair soaked from the rain, mismatched onyx and purple trained attentively towards her pale green orbs.
The wind around her stilled, came to a groaning halt just like the rest of the world around her and she realised that she was in the eye of the storm.
“Welcome home, Sasuke-kun.” She said softly.
The very next moment sky tore itself apart, thunder roaring, lightning flashing and the once quiet rain began falling down in sheets, washing away everything. 
But there was no ill intent in this rain, it felt like hope, like a promise finally fulfilled.
It felt like a new beginning.
“I’m home Sakura.”
Rain had finally returned to Konoha.
“Teme.” Naruto asked Sasuke months after his return,”Have you ever wondered why Sakura-chan loves the rains so much? She goes on strolls in the middle of the storms. Normal people would take shelter from the rain, dattebayo.”
Sasuke had rolled his eyes, Naruto was hardly in the position to question Sakura when he wasn’t any better. Of course whenever he went out into the rain it was to try to prove a point that he was stronger than it, only to almost always fall sick until the nine tails finally felt sorry for the idiot and healed him.
Sakura on the other hand glowed. She blossomed during rainfall and never even got sick during the frequent spells of wet weather in Konoha nowadays. 
Yes, Sakura Haruno was amongst the few people in Konoha who truly loved the rain.
And she was the only one that the rain had ever loved back.
“Idiot.” Sasuke had responded,”That’s because she’s shelter for the rain.” 
I tried to sound all deep and metaphorical but i think it just became confusing. Anyway tell me what you think, please!
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◎ Micah and Keiko
Send ‘◎’ and I’ll generate a number from 1-10 !!Number: 10. While Scared
She had been waking up sick every morning. It started with the dizzy spells, the constant hunger, the weakness in her knees while she worked. It ended with her head in the toilet the next morning, migraines wearing her down and constant thirst for water (something she usually avoided). She was sick. She was dying, the entire world was wrapping itself around her and choking her out until the tears came on because there was this cute scene in a movie she’d already seen a hundred times. Fuck. She was pregnant.  Test confirmed late one night when she was restless and he was asleep soundly in the bed.The entire world stopped around her as she crawled back in, water at the side, just a glass of tap on the floor so she could reach over when necessary. These were all things that she’d never had to do before and suddenly they seemed pertinent to her survival. She couldn’t sleep that night, something the comfort of his arms always made possible, instead she lay in bed — frozen listening to his heart beat soundly against his chest, count each breath, every time his lips turned to an innocent smile when she kissed his skin for reassurance. It was for reassurance that this would be okay. They would be all right.The next morning she didn’t wake him up with the usual simple kisses, her mind having exhausted her throughout the night,  but instead little sleepy nudges for affection as the sun began to peek through beckoning her to bury her face in his chest so she could try and sleep yet again. Thoughts of what she would tell him plagued her mind. She’d wanted to say it right away, blurt out ‘I’m fucking pregnant, but I love you, please don’t leave me but it’s okay if you do’ but she couldn’t. She wanted to sit him down and talk, like adults - but her body shook at the thought, the words strangled in her throat. .It was when his eyes opened that tears began to form again, blinked  back with the excuse of how the sun was hurting her eyes but metaphorically speaking he was the sun and she was just some dumb incarnation of Icarus allowing herself to be burned. “Good morning.” She still wore the smile, but the shift in his tired features told her he knew her too damn well, he knew something was wrong. She didn’t have to say it. Ignoring his visual concern, she leaned in, placed a kiss to his mouth and nuzzled carefully against him as if she were suddenly fragile now. It was all in the effort not to cry, fear that this moment could be their last, fear that he would panic, tell her that he’s not good enough to be a father or worse accuse her and the baby she carried inside of her of not being his. They were though, if there was anything in the entire world that Keiko Sakura was sure of, it was  that she’d belonged to him the second she laid eyes on him and caution ( and lack there of )proved that indeed, what she had growing inside of her belonged to him as well and the thought of him not being a part of it was terrifying to the point of silence. “Micah — “ his name slipped from her tongue beyond her control, her eyes already beginning to swell up with tears. It wasn’t because she was sad, no. She was simply terrified to the point where her hands shook as they grazed over his arm, searching desperately for her hand as his other brushed through her hair. At some point, by the sound of water in her ears, he asked her what was wrong but her eyes squeezed shut in response, the only thing she was able to do in that moment of panic, moment of clearest  uncertainty was finally find his hand and draw it down to the very stomach that had been causing her hell the past week. Pressing it underneath the fabric of the shirt of his she had been wearing she blinked back the tears as her heart began to race, nausea threatening to rear it’s ugly head as she shook hers. “Nothing I just…. “ She prayed that she wouldn’t have to say the words, worried that she would trip and stumble on them like some dumb girl in a dumb movie that wouldn’t have made her cry a few weeks ago, but today it would. No. She’d simply choke on fear of saying the right words, panic over how he would react, freak out more than she already was at whether or not she would have to do this on her own. No. She simply stated, her heart throbbing in her throat as she spoke the only grounding words she knew with certainty, them flying out quickly as she maintained his hand in it’s position. “I love you, Micah. I need to know that you’ll be here…. for us.” @paperdoll-hearts
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