#The noise and really liking that shower gel and previously being yelled at for breaking stuff accidentally really did not help...
entropy-sea-system · 1 year
just dropped a shower gel bottle bc the soap stand was shaky and the lid kind of broke... It still closes tho...ugh the amount of panic tho...
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Just a Rebound Chapter 2 (biadore) - Mermaid Tail and Wild Thursdays
Chapter summary: Roy discovers Jonathan’s big secret, Danny comforts his crush through the hardships.
Mermaid Tail’s A/N: I love this chapter even though it literally broke my heart to write it because thinking about sad Roy is just too much for my obsessive heart. Writing with Wild Thursdays has brought me so much joy as well as the friendship I thought I wasn’t capable of. Regardless of anything, I love you so much, like beyond words girl. All I can say is I love you nearly as much as I love Bianca- that’s saying something. Anyway, now that I’m done being mushy, enjoy this chapter my beautiful readers. Okay…that was kind of mushy too, I’m just in that mood.
Wild Thursday’s A/N: I literally cannot respond to the kindness of Mermaid Tail’s author’s note. She’s a real sweetheart. Now enjoy the chapter while I go sob in the corner!
“I’m going for a shower.” Jonathan said, gently removing Roy’s arm from around his waist.
“Okay, my love.” Roy smiled, he felt so content in that moment. “Don’t be too long baby, we have dinner reservations at seven…”
“I know.” Roy sensed that his partner’s voice had a hint of boredom and frustration to it, but he quickly shook those negative thoughts from his head. This was going to be the romantic break they would be remember for the rest of their lives. Roy would make sure of it. He reached up for a kiss, but Jonathan had already turned his back and started to walk into the bathroom.
Roy’s head fell back against the pillows as he smiled to himself. He really was the perfect man for him. Jonathan made him laugh until he couldn’t breath but he was also kind, considerate, loving and so fucking gorgeous. He had everything going for him, Roy could not believe his luck that such an amazing gentleman had stumbled into his life.
Roy was just led there, when Jonathan’s phone started to ping, rather a lot. He glanced over at the phone, it was a notification sound he didn’t recognise almost as though Jonathan had changed the noise from the default.  
“Hey, honey! You have a lot of messages. Everything okay?” Roy shouted into the bathroom.
“Oh, I’ll reply later, don’t worry baby. This is our time, the last thing we both want to do is look at our phones. You have too much time to scroll through social media on tour anyway!” Jonathan shouted back. Roy immediately felt guilty, he did spend a lot of time on his phone when he was on tour but you really had to do something to make those long plane and bus journeys go a bit faster.
Roy leant over slightly glancing at his boyfriend’s phone, it was purely out of curiosity. He just wanted to make sure that if it was one of his friends, they were okay. After all why else would someone send a few messages in quick succession?
BABY: How’re doing?
Roy couldn’t put a finger on it, but something felt off. It wasn’t the pet name, he called most of his friends, especially Shane and Ben baby, all the time. Carefully, Roy picked the phone up as another message appeared.
BABY: You can call me later, when Roy’s asleep ;).
He swiped on the message, already feeling awful. He was probably being paranoid and exactly the boyfriend that he never wanted to be. He hated to think he was invading his partner’s privacy over a few silly messages from a friend.
He scrolled up and found dozens and dozens of messages, more messages that Roy thought he had ever sent in his entire life. Something just felt so off and reading some past conversations, as he read, things became more and more clear. It was evident that Roy wasn’t the only person that Jonathan had a intimate and romantic relationship with.  
BABY: When you come over tonight, I’m going to ruin you. I just can’t wait to show you the surprise I have planned. It’ll be better than anything that old man Roy could ever do for you. X
Jonathan: I can’t wait! See you at six x
BABY: I can’t wait until you dump him and we can be together. It’ll be perfect.  
Jonathan: I know, soon my love x
BABY: Tell Roy you have to work late and come over? We can watch Cinderella on the couch while I tell you all the reasons you’re amazing.
Jonathan: Sounds perfect. I’ll be right there xx
And the worst of all:
BABY: I love you so much.
JONATHAN: I love you too, my prince.
Roy’s heart shattered into a million tiny pieces as he processed what was happening. He could feel his eyes stinging as he unsuccessfully attempted to hold back the tears.
He found his discarded clothes, something that normally brings a little satisfied smirk to his face, but now made him feel sick and disgusted that he had shared such a tender and intimate relationship with someone who was a liar and a cheat. Roy stormed into the bathroom, not even bothering to knock.
“Hey, you’re dressed?” Jonathan said, surprised. He was dripping wet in the shower, the shower gel running down his toned body. A vision of that would usually send Roy wild with desire, now sent him into rage.
“Get the fuck out of the shower and out here right now.” Roy snapped, he was unable to contain his anger for much longer, he felt as if he was going to explode.
Reluctantly Jonathan turned off the shower and walked into the bedroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“You disgusting animal. I gave you everything! I did everything for you. I know I’ve been touring a lot but I thought you were okay!” Roy’s could feel his voice cracking as he choked out the words “I loved you”
Jonathan looked shocked for a second. “You know?”
“How long?” Roy spat. Tears started to form in Roy’s eyes.
“About a year or so?” Jonathan replied, his nonchalant attitude about the whole situation just angered and hurt Roy further
Roy thought back. A year ago, he was at home. A year ago, he’d said ‘I love you’ for the first time. His heart broke even more.
“Why did you do it?” The tears that were previously just pain in Roy’s eyes were now streaming down his face.
“I love him. In ways……in ways I never loved you.” Jonathan said calmly.
“Get out. Get dressed, take your stuff and get out. I don’t care where you go, or what you do. I never want to hear from you again. We’re done.” Roy was yelling now, he was certain that the hotel could hear him but he didn’t care anymore.
Jonathan grabbed his clothes and started to pack his suitcase. He seemed totally unfazed, which broke Roy even more. He sat emotionless on the bed as his ex moved around him. He heard the dialling of Jonathan’s phone as he called the very same man who had caused all of this pain and anguish.
“Hey, honey? I’m coming home. Me and Roy are done. I’m getting the first flight back to you.” Jonathan sounded excited on the phone to his lover. “I know, finally right?” Whoever it was was clearly Jonathan’s dream man, he’s never talked to Roy in that soft, excited tone. It sounded like love.
Then the door slammed shut, and Roy sobbed. He had never felt pain like this ever before in his life. He’d had his fair share of break ups but he’d never been cheated on like this. No one had ever dared to cross him like this.  
Jonathan marched downstairs.
“Oi, desk boy?” He said to Danny.
“Can I help you, sir?” Danny feigned politeness, but he really couldn’t be bothered to be nice to such an ignorant prick who had the heart of the man of Danny’s dreams.
“Yeah, check me out?” Jonathan demanded, there was not an ounce of compassion or politeness in his voice. It was clear that he thought Danny was nothing.
Danny tried hard to ignore the rudeness of his customer, after all it was hardly unusual working at such a luxurious resort to have difficult, entitled customers to deal with.
“Will you be returning during the duration of your stay?” Asked Danny.
Danny was a little confused. This was definitely a couples break away, but it seemed that one half was not returning. He entered the information into his computer, the last thing he needed was to get fired for failing to follow fire safety regulations.
“That’s all done, I hope you enjoyed your stay.”
Jonathan wordlessly walked out, he looked so calm and confident, not like someone who had just left a romantic holiday after less than an hour.  
Danny was concerned. The only time someone left after an hour in the hotel was if they were an escort and Jonathan was definitely not escort material.Sure, he was hot and arrogant…but Danny knew his escorts from any other hot and arrogant guy. Roy didn’t strike Danny as the sort of guy who needed to pay to get what he wanted either. That guy could pick anyone up, in any club or bar.
Danny desperately hoped Roy was okay, it seemed odd. He wondered if he should go up to check on him, perhaps they had broken up, or there had been some sort of emergency or problem. It just seemed strange that they were so loved up just an hour ago and yet now, Jonathan was storming out of the hotel.
Roy sat on his bed in floods of tears. He wanted to disappear. He had out his career on hold for this man. He had spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a romantic break. He had given everything to this man and now he was gone.
There was a knock on the door. For a moment, Roy thought that was Jonathan had returned to grovel an apology and beg for forgiveness. In some ways Roy longed for that to happen, he wanted his perfect man back. Now he would never have the man of his dreams, he had gone and Roy had lost him forever. In other ways, Roy did know that a huge part of that relationship had been a lie- he couldn’t be his true soulmate and he never wanted to look at him again.
“Go away.” Roy screamed at the door, his emotions uncontrollable.
Danny pushed the door open, just a creek. The way he saw Roy broke his heart. He felt uncontrollably close to this stranger.
Wordlessly, he shut the door and went to lie next to him on the bed, pulling him close. For once, Roy didn’t argue or push away. He needed the comfort, he needed someone to hold him, rock him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. He didn’t care who it was.
“Talk to me, whenever you’re ready.” Danny reassured, he didn’t want to push Roy to open up to him, he wanted to wait until he was ready. Unlike Jonathan ever did, Danny knew that there were moments in time that just weren’t about him.
“He cheated on me. He’s gone.”
Roy tucked his head into Danny’s shoulder as Danny tried everything to comfort the older. He didn’t want him to hurt. He couldn’t even think about his own feelings right now, he just wanted Roy to be okay.
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