#The one good thing is that I've managed to set up my automatic feeder for the aquarium
earanie · 1 year
you know when one day before going away _everything_ than can happen, happens?
spoiler alert: it is happening
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wehaveimagineshere · 6 months
I'm here to give you you're first Leon request, but with a twist. Can you write a scenario of Leon and his sibling (who's also an agent) hanging out at a bar and just having a nice time together? If you don't do platonic stuff, you can just ignore this.
This sounds super fun! I've been brainstorming things these two would talk about for days now! I hope you like what I've come up with! And thank you so much for my very first Leon request! <3
You're already half way through your second drink by the time your brother shows up. Even having told him to arrive an hour early, he still manages to keep you waiting. Raising your glass high and giving it a small wave, you watch him weave his way around the tables to the seat beside you at the bar.
"I was wondering if you were just gonna leave me to drink alone," you say in greeting, clinking the ice in your glass for emphasis.
"And have you showing up at my door at 3 in the morning drunk off your ass? Yeah, I don't think so." Placing his order with the barkeep, he swings to face you fully as you grin. "How have you been?"
"Alive," you say with intended casualness, gesturing to your body. "In one piece."
"I hear that."
Taking another sip of your drink, you set it down and tap the rim of the glass with your finger. "Ever wonder if they'll send us on a mission together?"
His face scrunches, and you can't help but roll your eyes. "I work better alone."
You snort. "Y'okay." The barkeep hands off Leon's drink and you study him as he takes a sip. "You used to be all about group projects and people."
"Yeah, well." He shrugs, keeping his gaze trained on his glass. "Life isn't always what we want."
"Yeah," you murmur quietly, letting another few quiet seconds pass before switching gears. "Did you hear mom's finally going to Disney again?"
There's a moment of surprise before his face morphs into disbelief. "No."
"Yeah." Smiling wide, you continue, "Got a call from dad the other week. Looks like our aunts managed to talk her into it."
The smile that creeps its way onto his face makes your own widen. "She's breaking her vow? I never thought I'd see the day. You know what has to happen now?"
"Dad wouldn't tell me when she's going."
"I'm sure there are other ways to find out."
"I've tried our aunts too. They've been sworn to secrecy with threat of bodily harm."
Taking a thoughtful sip of his drink, you can see the thoughts whirring behind his eyes. "Maybe we can hack into her phone."
"You can hack into phones now?" you ask, eyebrows raised.
"Not really, but I'm sure I can ask for some favors."
"You said you work better alone."
"Do you have any better ideas?"
Sighing, you rest your chin on your hand. "We could just...let her have a good time."
The look you two level at each other speaks volumes. There was no way either of you were going to casually let your mother forget the time you two caused such havoc at Disney that she swore she'd never show her face to Mickey Mouse ever again. A broken ride, slippery syrup floors, a crying Goofy. You barely remember any of it, but there were pictures. And recounting. Each family member always had something different to add to the Disney Incident.
Honestly, you should never give two already hyperactive children pounds of sugar and not expect chaos, but what did you know? Your mother definitely didn't.
"So? Any love life?" you ask, frowning when he snorts. "Okay, damn. And same."
There's a comfortable silence as you sip your drinks before Leon says, "I've been thinking of getting fish."
"Fish?" you ask with a laugh. "Okay?"
"I can't have a dog or a cat. Not home enough. But you can get automatic feeders for fish, and they don't really need attention."
"True." You sigh. "Do you ever miss Brownie?"
He leans back with a sigh of his own. "She was a good dog."
"Dad never let us have any pets, did he? Said we were too much like them ourselves." You smirk. "Rude, but true. How did our parents survive us?"
"I try not to think about it."
"Smart." Especially because they could have handed you right back to the orphanage. "Did grandma ever get another dog?"
"Brownie was too good to replace."
"No pets for you either?"
You snort. "No."
Flicking his wrist and checking the time, Leon sets down his drink. "The shelters should be open for another hour or two."
"If we leave now we could get maybe half an hour with them."
Pressing your lips together, you give yourself all of two seconds before you down the rest of your drink like a shot and stand up. "Let's do it."
Following suit, Leon sets his empty glass next to yours, tosses some cash on the bar, and leads the way out.
Time to pet some dogs.
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