#The torture mother
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taxinealkaloids · 2 years
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horrible children who are. so so mean to each other
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mint-8 · 20 days
Platonic Yandere Show-Off!
Yandere Mother vs. Yandere Father x Child! GN! Reader
Content/Trigger warning: Mentions of death, torture, and pregnancy. Please read as completely platonic.
- United in an arranged marriage, neither Yandere Mother nor Yandere Father are particularly pleased with their current situation. Both are enraged due to their respective family's tradition of marrying into money and improving business respectively, and are already planning on how get to get rid of the other one so they can live a happy single life, preferably with all of the remaining assets from having their spouse die in 'mysterious' ways.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father are tasked with having at least 1 child so they can inherit the entire family business. Their gender doesn't matter. They need to make an heir. Yandere Mother is disgusted at the idea of having Yandere Father inside her, and so does he, but after avoiding the inevitable for a couple years, they finally spent one quick and uncomfortable night together to get it over with.
- While Yandere Mother is busy dealing with the pregnancy, Yandere Father makes sure to put aside enough money for his child's education, entertainment, health, and anything else they might need. Look, he might hate his wife, but he is not going to hate an innocent creature that had no choice to be born to such a horrible woman, he is going to do his best to raise his child right, but might leave most of the heavy duties to the mother. And speaking of, Yandere Mother is excited for having a child. It will be HER child and no one else's, and is very happy that her piece of shit of a husband is going to leave most of the kid's upbringing to her. She will make sure her baby grows with only the best of the best, and of course, only loving their mama! Your sperm donor will only appear for publicity reasons.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father who are surprised when your birth occurs a bit earlier than expected, but nevertheless rush your mother quickly to the best hospital in the country while your father waits outside of the operation room. Partially because it will look good for the press and partially because he doesn't want to be like your deadbeat grandfather who skipped his birth so he could drink with some investors. Yandere Father, at least, wants to be there for you. Meanwhile, Yandere Mother is screaming bloody murder in the other room. The pain is horrible. Even when the doctors gave her strong medications for the delivery, she still feels the first complications of motherhood. But even with all the difficulties, she bears through it all and gives birth to what will become of her and her husband's future adoration and obsession, you.
- The first to meet you is, of course, Yandere Mother, who held you as soon as the nurse's finished washing off all the blood and liquids, and who couldn't believe her eyes when she first saw you. Even when you were wet and crying after experiencing breathing for the first time, you still looked like the most adorable of little angels. Yandere Mother couldn't help but cry and weep from the incredible amount of love she felt in the moment, while a warm smile grazed her face, as she protectively held you, hearing your heart beat in unison with hers. She even refused to let the nurses and doctors check on you until she pretty much collapsed from the exhaustion of giving birth.
- Yandere Father meets you after the hospital staff gave him the clearing after running some tests. To say he fell in love is an understatement. This man fell to his knees when he first saw you at the maternity ward, peacefully sleeping with a soft blanket covering you. He couldn't help the tears that fell down his face, or the clear adoration in his eyes. He just... loves you much. His baby, his little angel. The adorable and cute baby in existence was right in front of him, and you were all his! He made you, after all! Oh, how excited he was to get you ot of here and buy you dozens of toys, and clothes and-
"They are beautiful, aren't they?"
"Like an angel..."
"If you hurt them in any way, I'll make sure to hire an assassin to torture you to death"
"I can say the same to you, dear"
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father spoil you rotten through your childhood. Especially Yandere Father, who can't spend as much time with you as he would like because he has to take care of the family conglomerate, but always sends you hundreds of gifts your way, which are always meticulously chosen and discarded by Yandere Mother, who makes sure to spend every moment that you are awake by your side. She will make sure to raise you into the most innocent, polite, and kind little one in the entire world. She might love you with all her heart, and is more than willing to frame someone for a murder she committed if it came down to it, but she won't neglect you by letting you grow as you please! Oh, no! Proper etiquette classes and lectures about being responsible, respectful, and kind are very prevalent in your busy schedule and educational curriculum.
- Yandere Mother chooses homeschooling with only the best of the best private teachers and tutors to foment your growth! And no complaining or pressure from her extended family will change that! Yandere Father also supports this plan, with the added clause that you need to participate in extracurricular activities outside for your fortified home. Yandere Mother was going to cut your father from suggesting such dangerous activities to fragile, innocent you, but quickly changed her mind when he explained that he wishes to have photos and memorabilia of each and every one of your achievements, specifically those in which you absolutely crush the pathetic competition.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father attend every competition and event you compete or participate in, cheering you on from the audience and celebrating with grand parties and banquets for every success or failure. They love making everyone in the world know about their perfect little prodigy and are not shy in the slightest to prove it! Although, if you ever felt uncomfortable or annoyed by such displays of affections, no sweat! Yandere Mother and Yandere Father will completely understand and will keep your celebrations inside of their home, protecting your privacy if you so wish.
- Yandere Mother loves spending time with you to show her affection, being an active and involved parent in pretty much everything you do, always showing support, financial or emotional, for every single one of your hobbies and aspirations. She is also very touchy and cuddly, she specially loved to hold you close to her when you were a baby, giving you kisses and waking you up with more kisses and giggles. She loves to embarrass you with all the photos and loving memories she has of you!
- Yandere Father prefers to shower you in gifts and delicious treats whenever he is free. He especially loves going out to trips to your favorite mall or shops, lets you browse through the different sections, and buy everything your little heart desires. He tries his very best to be strict and teach you about the importance of money, but you give him your 'puppy eyes'™️ and he becomes weak once again. He also loves complimenting you and giving you praise whenever you succeed, as well as helpful tips and advice in the cases you lose or are in need of some support. He especially loves when you come to his home office or during meals and ask him anything and everything you might have in your mind. Your Yandere Father is very well educated after all (and so is your mother!) and is very eloquent when explaining topics and talking about how the world works. He has so many fond memories of little toddler you waddling to his office, asking silly questions and him calmly and sweetly responding as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
- Yandere Father and Yandere Mother loves you so much, little pumpkin. They know that you will grow to become an amazing person, but can't help but worry about others potentially hurting you! So, they make sure to background check anyone that you could possibly have an interest in (romantic or otherwise), to be 100% sure that they will appropriate companions for you. Very few people make the cut, with the many undeserving of your love and attention being quietly taken care of. Not necessarily in a brutal way, but Yandere Mother sure misses her time as queen bee of high-school when she would destroy the lives of those trying to take her down, and Yandere Father has such a vast collection of weapons that it would be a shame not to use them every once in a while!
- Yandere Mother loves you with all her heart and would do anything to protect your smile. Yandere Father loves you with the entirety of his soul and is more than willing to commit war crimes to protect your happiness. The two of them hate each other deeply for always keeping your attention off the other, but work surprisingly well in raising and taking care of you, so they toughened it up and simply focus on your safety and well being. They don't care who they have to hurt, kill, torture, or incriminate. They will do it and make sure you never find out. You are their adorable sweetness. You don't need to know about the atrocities in this world =)
"You are the absolute most, my little star. I love you ♡"
"I'll love you even if you kill me, dear. You will always be my little angel ♡"
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stuckinapril · 4 months
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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coastaltowned · 6 months
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ttpd song predictions: but daddy i love him
everybody is telling me to walk away and i keep ignoring all the signs because i've put my blood, sweat, and tears into this relationship and i refuse to let this one be another lesson - but what if it has to be? what if it is?
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ritzcreation · 5 months
Being loving to my Claus plushie because some of y’all are putting him in microwaves and throwing him everywhere 😭😭
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was in a secret military run organization that experimented on teens and tweens and broadcast their screams in Red Rooms. My karate teacher, my color guard captain, even my own mother didn't believe me. There was also a TV show based on the organization.
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mirrorbxlls · 8 months
just saying that if taylor let me listen to ttpd and then killed me after to keep the secrets i would be up for that
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ashkav · 8 months
Lou theory time
elle fanning, who i'm assuming is adult Lou, always has these very faint threads on her. at first i though it was just when she was floating:
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(not sure if you can see it but it's clearest near Fragile)
but later when she's eavesdropping you can also see them as she walks away:
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(near her shoulders)
what are these things? obviously, the clearest connection i can make, especially since that puppet character featured so prominently in the trailer, is puppet strings.
but puppets need a puppeteer. who do the strings lead back to?
my theory for where Lou went is that she grew up on the beach, which is why she's older and Sam and Fragile are seemingly the same age and why she was found in a chrysalis covered in tar. let's not forget she seems to bleed tar with timefall effects from her suckers (?):
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all relating back to tar and chiralium and cephalapods, three things we know are indicative of a connection to the beach.
(and it seems like Lou's inherited her dad's aphenphosmphobia too. her skin goes red and gets hives the closer the doctor gets to her arm.)
but the beach is famously a solitary place. and Lou can't have been alone since toddlerhood (this is assumption based on the first trailer. it's possible that she 'died' and disappeared later on in life, but likely she got shot the same time Fragile did) and on top of all that she's got clothes! who dressed her?
so far we're aware of only a few characters who can travel to and from the beach:
Sam (with Amelie's help). it cant be him because obvious reasons.
Fragile. unlikely. she apologizes for 'misleading' Sam but i think it's more likely she was talking about the nature of the 're-connection' rather than Lou.
Higgs. getting warmer. he obviously knows something, and his hair floats when he touches the empty pod, but it's inconclusive.
Amelie. the only one for sure still on the beach. the only other character witch weird bodily shit going on (eternal umbilical cord, the Bridget/ Amelie split).
and then we have the masks:
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the gold chiral mask is Higgs's staple, but let's not forget who gave him the idea. in both the skeletal half mask from the first game and the full face red mask from this game, Amelie did it first. the gold is based on her black skeleton mask Die-Hardman wears for most of the game and the red is just her face, like a pharaoh's death mask.
Lou and Amelie are linked somehow. and the puppet strings make me feel like that connection is not going to be a happy one.
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aliusfrater · 4 months
there's something about sam being diplomatic about everything in the later seasons that breaks my fucking heart. it is literally such a positive mindset born out of the absolutely worst circumstances, a product of so many instances of abuse. like him taking on the responsibility of being the open-minded one of the two. not just to rationalise dean's behaviour but also because it's like dean's treatment of him in seasons one to five cemeted itself so deep into his fucking bones and now he never wants anyone to feel like that ever again. AND it's terminal
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TW: child abuse, manipulation, torture, murder, mass murder, child abandonment
Shadow Weaver propaganda
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Titania propaganda
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maximura · 5 months
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years
It's impossible to find a video about fashion history without an airhead who self-identifies as a fashion historian - because she LARPs on week-ends and owns a sewing machine - inserting a 5 minutes tirade in defense of corsets.
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ballxbuster · 11 months
me, a semi-lightweight on my 3rd glass of sangria i didn’t want: johnshi have definitely explored each others bodies. they’re so gay and i love them. i bet you johnny uses toys-
my mother, sitting across from me:
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interestinghuman117 · 4 months
“I hate it here” hits a little too close to home when you’re a maladaptive daydreamer
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