#Theo/Catnap answers.
the-smiling-critters · 7 months
Silence dances around the air for a moment... before walking can be heard, coming closer to Catnap's- no... they are not here for the little moonlight, they are here for Theodore, finally, after the pieces have fallen in place, and the truth revealed.
For it is the Stranger who approaches... the one who promised Freedom, instead of Joy.
They have avoided the child, unwilling to face them, for risk of their plans being halted... but the talk of what could be, talk about this Stranger, this 𐌂ዐ𐌍ር𐌄የ𐌕, has come forth... and so they are here, as if summoned by mystic acts. Those who Know of them have appeared, and attempted to converse with the child that lies within the little moon's shell, to convince them of what they have seen, what they have Know.
The Stranger however... they are here now, and with a plan. Talk of them dances through the air... They may not be Known to Theo or the little moon, their influence here thin, realities will keeping them in check... but this talk of them, of what this Stranger is, they can feel it within their essence, their being... just this once, with their Truth being spoken, they may act not as a Stranger... but as 𐌓ዐ𐌔ነ𐌉፪𐌉ረ𐌉ፕ𐌙.
The Stranger sits in front of the young moon... and the child that lies aware inside. The Stranger's form shifting from moment to moment, for a second the Truth of the Stranger leaking from the shadows that hide it, but soon smothered before understanding could be reached.
Little Moon... I am sorry that I ran from you before. I apologies for making you upset, but your condition and desires eluded me then... but now I am aware for what truly is going on here. I am aware of him.
The Stranger's gaze shifts ever so slightly... and at once you know that their eyes lay upon Theo, not the one who surrounds him.
Theodore Grambell... so this is how you exist here now. How have to become this way, where two minds lie within your warped form? Does the Moon know of you? Do you not care for them? What of the little Moon when you ask your shared body to act upon that Hour...
The Stranger's gaze becomes sharper, as if Theo, and Theo alone, is being cut by shards of broken glass.
No... I must know first- Is the little Moon a part of you, or something new born from your broken soul? Answer me now Theodore Grambell, and speak only TRUTH.
Of..him? I'm sorry, I don't know who you're talking about!
(again, adding a read more) - Moon
Honestly, no clue. He thinks I'm missing, which just makes the whole Hour plan easier..? And if you're asking if I care for those critters, no not exactly. I'd only care if they went through the same thing i did. Until I "Fully die", I'm stuck just floating around.
For now, he's still in that lil cartoon form. I hear the scientists are planning something though...Might want to keep an eye on that Red Smoke though!
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nestedfeathers · 6 months
how heartbroken would catnap be if he saw theo praising the prototype like a god?
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I imagine he would do everything he could to pull Theo away from the prototype, for Theo's own safety, as well as the safety of his friends.
but when he realizes how entrenched Theo is, he would blame himself for not being a good enough caretaker, but he would stay with Theo the entire time, even leading up to his death.
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ask-catnap · 8 months
hello there...you must be th-..catnap..im a friend of a different Catnap. how are you?
"Oh, another one? Cool!"
"And I'm doing okay, mostly-"
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onyxonline · 7 months
Dogday, if you're comfortable answering this question, what was it like when catnap first betrayed you?
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“I remember the sting and heartbreak I felt when the hour of joy began, I remember telling the others to run, to flee somewhere that the prototype and his followers wouldn’t get to them..I remember meeting up with Theo. Telling him that we could leave now, nothing could stop us from walking out those doors, but..but he didn’t, he wanted to continue following that..that “god” and that I should follow him, but when I didn’t..that’s when we fought. And I tried, I really did, but something in me hesitated, my mind kept thinking of the child inside that body.”
“That hesitation was enough for him to do what he did.”
There is a pause as Dogday looked into the distance, fallen quiet. Angel walks over and taps his shoulder, no reaction, he turns to the asker. “Give us a moment, yea? I need to re-ground him back to reality”
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saturndoesnotsleep · 8 days
To Silver Lining CatNap:
1_Hello, Theo, How are you and your days?
2_ what are you favorite food And hobbies?
3_Just know that I'm rooting for everything to be okay between you, Sam, and everyone else there, okay? you're more special than you think, kitty.
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Oh wow, it's been a while
I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer ;4; I'm very bad at multitasking
Theo thanks you for your kind words uwu (He's certainly going to need them, but shhhh)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Note: I am not fluent in ASL. Please feel free to let me know if I make any mistakes. I always try to double check the signs on different sites just in case, and I do plan on learning ASL eventually. But in the meantime, feedback is more than welcome 💖
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How does The Prototype react to each toy calling him “dad” for the first time, as well as Angel referring to him as a Father to the toys for the first time?
Anon please know I'm SCREAMING.
Being realistic, I doubt a majority of the toys would see him as a dad, but it's our save everyone AU and we can make it as wholesome as possible! So what I think is:
Prototype's overall reaction is always a mix of him internally being close to tears, trembling and screaming and him externally just going "oh ok guess i. guess i have another kid now".
Catnap/Theo was, of course, the first one to call him that. It was when Theo had a very bad fever when he still was a normal human child, and Prototype comforted him when he woke up in the middle of the night. Theo accidentally called him dad before going to bed, and Prototype had to collect himself for a moment.
Theo would continue to accidentally call him that from time to time, and internally Prototype/Elliot did start to view him as HIS kid.
Catnap called him dad again when he was eletrocuted by Angel and was begging Prototype to end his pain, only for Angel to throw themself at the feline before the killing blow was delivered. And Catnap did that once again during the confrontation in order to get Prototype/his god to realize that he too deserves to leave the factory.
After Angel and co leave Playtime and move to a farm house, Prototype starts living with them. It takes a while for him and Catnap to have a proper talk about their relationship and the whole cult thing, and when they do it involves a lot of tears and apologies and years of unresolved issues between the two of them being brought back. After this long talk, Catnap does his best to drop his view of the Prototype as his god to start fully viewing him as his dad, and Prototype is so happy with this.
After that Angel jokingly says "your kid is asking for help" when Catnap gets his tail wrapped around a tree.
It takes a long time for any other toy to start viewing him in a better way after the +10 years of living within the factory. Most of the toys, with Angel's help, stop viewing him as the boogeyman or the guy who'll take their remains once they die and start seeing him as just the weird guy who lives in the farm's hut and patrols at night in search of possible intruders.
Speaking of patrols: Picky Piggy is the 2nd one to call him dad, but everyone only finds out after most of the Smiling Critters start doing that. She's the one who takes care of the farm the most and has been getting close to the Prototype for the past year, since he's always patrolling the farm to make sure no intruders are around, and accidentally makes the birds go away, stopping them from eating the corn and veggies. He listens to Picky when she breaks down from guilt from half-eating three of her friends, reminds her to eat properly, etc. She says dad by accident, nervously apologizes and Prototype (being THIS close to crying because what do you mean he has a New Precious Daughter) says it's okay. She avoids doing it when others are around until Prototype is viewed in a better light by them, and he' I's VERY emotional about it because to him he was just helping Angel deal with their traumatized kids. He goes to tell Angel about it and he's so confused but SO happy. Angel gives him a thumbs up.
Miss Delight is next. Much like with calling Angel dad and mom it just sort of comes naturally to her after living with them for long enough. Delight enjoys asking lots of questions and Prototype enjoys answering them, and then! Bam! He calms her down when Angel takes far too long to come back home one day and she feels like they're abandoning her and oh no she'll be all alone again just like it was back at Playtime. Delight figures having one extra parent is good for everyone in the long-run and hits Prototype with the "dad!" beam. He LOVES it, frankly, Delight was already his kid since the moment she asked Prototype if she could study how his body works, girlie takes no time satisfying her own curiosity and he's so amused by her. Yes girl!!!! Hit him with that Child Wonder!!!! Also be careful because Catnap got too comfy with being a single kid.
The next toy to put Prototype under the dad-ification beam is Poppy, because she was Elliot's og adopted daughter and Angel only finds that out after a whole year, and because PROTOTYPE told them about him being Elliot. Angel drags his ass to talk to Poppy about the situation and the doll is obviously in SHOCK. Lots of talk about why Prototype locked her in the case (he didnt want the other toys to kill her), why he never told her about anything (because she didnt know how bad things actually were for the toys), why he tried to stop her (because he didnt want his only daughter to die). Angel suggests Prototype, Catnap and Poppy to go on a hiking trip, and when they come back Poppy is calling him her dad.
The other toys finds out about that and then suddenly so many things make sense. They dont thing what he did is right but they get it now.
Huggy, Boxy Boo, Bunzo and the mini critters are next. Their logic is that he did a lot of bad things but also he's doing better, and if Poppy, the "leader" of the toys is calling him dad, then he's also their dad! The mini critters have wanted to refer to him like that for SO long because he's Catnap's dad and they all love Catnap, so now they officially have him as a sibling. RIP Catnap's single child title. Prototype is confused by the sudden increase in children under his name but he has the spirit.
Next users of the fatherification beam are Bobby and Kickin. With Prototype leaving his hut more often and with Picky confessing to Bobby and Poppy about the whole dad thing, the bear really warms up to him, esp with him trying to learn how to braid Poppy's hair. Kickin was following them around to "keep an eye on what the Prototype is doing" but in the end he convinced Catnap to do something monumentally stupid and dangerous and Prototype stopped them from breaking their legs and giving then a whole parent monologue about safety. "Okay, MOM", Kickin sarcastically replies, hears Bobby saying "awnt 🥺" and realizes what he did. Prototype is amused until he notices Kickin sometimes non-ironically refers to him as a parent, then he is off again to Angel to tell them about the progress. Angel is not impressed.
Kissy follows suit because it feels natural, as some of her best friends refer to Prototype as their dad and he's actually proving himself to deserve the title (making sure Kickin or Hoppy don't break their necks, for example).
Craftycorn is next. She's a bit wary of him for a long time, but with the toys realizing more and more that the Prototype is just a guy sometimes. She's one of the few toys that actually help him when he enters a dissociation or PTSD episode, and given enough time she politely asks if she can refer to him as he dad because he also helps her during her bad days and episodes. She just drops the question as he braids her hair. Poppy, Kissy and Bobby are also there and they all see him pause for a moment before hesitantly agreeing to the idea. Crafty is very happy! Another parent for her!
Mommy Long Legs still has beef with Prototype from that one time he stopped her from attacking Catnap +6 years ago. He doesn't remember, only realizes it after Catnap tells him. I think that with time, and with Prototype cutting off the other toys when they try to put Mommy into the caretaker role even when she's tired of that, she warms up to him. I think Prototype and her have a Talk about the Ollie situation, and he tells MLL that her disliking being the caretaker isnt her fault. She was just a kid, they took away her choice. She ends up crying so much, because Prototype is saying the same thing Angel told her, and she doesn't know why but having him tell her that is reassuring. She starts thinking of him as her second parent after that, refering to him as both dad and father. Prototype once again was NOT expecting that turn of events and he indeed cries once again because he's just happy Long Legs is finally recovering, even if it's just a tiny bit.
I think that by the time Long Legs gives him that title most of the smaller toys see him as parent #2 as well! And Prototype is happy by each and every toy starting to call him that.
Something EXTREMELY amusing happens when Angel is asking for pizza on the phone and Catnap and Mommy Long Legs are fighting with Poppy over who gets to sleep in Angel's room and Prototype tells them to cut it off and leave Angel at least ONE night of rest. Angel on the phone stops for a moment before saying "uh, please ignore all the screaming, the kids are pretty agitated today", then asks Prototype if he wants a pizza, then goes back to the phone to say "the kids, uh...", and a pause. "... Second parent? Wants two of pepperoni". When they end the phone call to turn back at the group Prototype is just "?????", and Angel tells him that overall consensus is that he's dad #2.
Prototype is not normal about that in the slighest but pretends he is. Cue to him the following 2 weeks going "!!!!! i'm paren't #2!!!!!" all the time.
Hoppy starts viewing the Prototype in a better light after she gives Catnap another chance and forgives him, because our girl did indeed notice Prototype trying to genuinely help Catnap in a normal way for once, and she also did notice Prototype trying to be better. But also she's bitter and she yells a LOT at him. Girl doesn't try to bit an arm of his off because she's physically incapable of doing that for the first year and a half. Catnap has the brilliant idea of inviting her to a hunting trip with the Prototype when she's finally allowed to do that, not expecting his dad and her enter a hunting competition against each other. After that it's Hoppy play fighting Prototype so she can stand a chance against play fighting Catnap, and then she realizes far too late she kind of... TOLERATES... The guy who caused the Hour of Joy. I feel like it takes her some time even after that, but when she does call him dad Prototype feels honored. He's glad he's doing better even for her, despite all the play fighting and the competition between her and Catnap. Dare I say... He enjoys teaching toys how to hunt because it reminds him of teaching baby Catnap how to do that.
Bubba sees his stubborn friend calling Prototype "dad" and is just. Confused. I mean, he appreciates the fact the guy is proving himself to be decent, because otherwise Bubba would have already made a plan to get rid of him in order to protect his #1 parent, but also what the hell! And then he decides to follow his favorite sister (Miss Delight) because Prototype has been teaching her some things regarding the experiments, and Bubba has a hard time keeping track of the "class" until this triggers a dissociation episode. Both Delight and Prototype are able to calm him down, and then after that Bubba has a Talk with the big guy, because "how can you keep track of your own mind after everything that's been happening, because I can't and this is bothering me for far too long and I really REALLY need to go back to normal-", only for Prototype to tell him that. He can't. He can't just bounce back to being like before. And Bubba is annoyed, because Angel told him exactly that, and then he asks what he's even supposed to do now. "Adapt to how you are changing", Prototype tells him.
It also takes Bubba some more time, but after many long conversations with Prototype about mental health and what he should do, he tells the big guy he is truly deseving to be the group's second parent and Angel's helper. Prototype is pretty honest and tells him this is what he has been trying to be since he agreed to leave Playtime co, and although they don't share a hug, Prototype gives him a pat.
Dogday... Is very torn on the idea. In one hand he spent months in pain due to Catnap believing the guy to be his god, on the other hand said guy is actually owning up to his mistakes and helping Dogday's single parent take care of everyone. Dogday thanks the Prototype for helping Picky, but only refers to him as his parent I think two years after Prototype starts doing progress, when all other Smiling Critters agree on him now deserving the title. Prototype feels like he just received a medal of honor from the kid he felt has been one of the most hurt by his inability to talk with Catnap, and although glad he's NERVOUS because what if he dissapoints the kid. What if he fails as a parent. What if things don't get better, etc etc, but Dogday genuinely sees him as someone who's doing his best, and although calling him "dad" still feels too weird sometimes he's happy with that. Because things got better for everyone, and now Dogday feels truly safe in the little heaven they all built as a family. Probably gives Prototype the tightest hug he's capable of giving because frankly Dogday is just. Happy. There's no other word for that, just pure genuine happiness.
Prototype is extremely glad and may or may have not given Dogday a pat in order to say thank you. Prototype wanted the title for so long, and after Dogday's approval it feels like he actually is doing better for everyone.
I think that's everyone! This post was longer than expected but anyways, hope this is cohesive enough! Thank you for the ask and free brainrot <3
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krislgfox · 8 months
How hard is it for Theodore to put on shoes with his long legs?
Here's your answer
It's how Theo looks when he goes out of home(to go to the store or just to take a walk)
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(On the last ask post I was just lazy n sleepy to draw this CatNaps look)
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starsfic · 7 months
The "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" reunion between Alex and Marty in Madagascar, but with DogDay and CatNap.
So, the names for the Smiling Critters' kid forms were inspired by @novalizinpeace, who has an amazing Smiling Critters ARG!
The human was trapped. Poppy's "Angel" was trapped, finally.
CatNap loomed, unable to vocalize the delighted meow that scrambled at his throat, instead replacing it with the feeling of Red Smoke crawling up, ready to put them to sleep. He had thought that they would die of fright in Home Sweet Home, he had hoped Miss Delight would bash in their brains, he had thought...DogDay would finish them off. They had all failed.
But he would bring them down, clip their wings, and add their corpse to his shrine-
Wait, why was their green hand sparking like that?
CatNap's answer came in a bright flash, a "HOLY SHIT!" and pain. Pain all over, like he was strapped down with wires connected to all of his skin. The Red Smoke came out and there was "CatNap, don't-" from the human. But it was too late.
The spark had been lit.
The next few minutes scrambled past in a blur of pain, of movement, of seeing the human frantically looking around as if an answer would descend on high. And then it did, his god offering a hand, wreathed in holy light. CatNap reared back at first, fear eating at him. But he was in so much pain-
"CatNap? CatNap, no, no, no, we can fix this-!"
The world went dark.
Ugh, he felt awful.
He opened his eyes.
Nothing but darkness met his eyes. He sat up, looking around. Yeah, nothing but darkness. He looked down. He saw hands...his? They had to be. They were attached to him, even as they glitched between small human hands and purple cat paws. He could feel his entire body glitch alongside his hands.
Was he dead?
He had to be.
He got up, looking around. The darkness stretched beyond his vision. Was he in Heaven? He didn't expect it to be so dark and lonely. He looked around. What now?
With no other idea, he stared to walk. It was hard, at first, with how his body twitched and slipped between human and cat, but soon he was moving easily. With the new ease, his ears picked up on something.
"...now that we're in him, we need to help them..."
"Yeah, but how...?"
"Oh, I have a few ideas!"
He...recognized those voices. Both the human and cat perked up. Yes, yes, they definitely recognized those voices! Elliot had kept his promise after all! This had to be Heaven!
Theo-CatNap turned a corner that was unseen and came to a stop.
There was six of them, gathered around the seventh, all of them glitching between human and animal. The one in the center spoke animatedly, even as he switched between messy dirty blonde curls and fluffy orange ears. "Nell-DogDay-?" he said, voice glitching.
All of them turned.
"Theo-CatNap?" Nell-DogDay's voice glitched between child and toy, but he didn't care. He was seeing them, all of them, especially him again. "Theo-CatNap?"
"Nell-DogDay!" Theo-CatNap sobbed, running towards the other boy. Nell-DogDay stepped in between the Critters and took off at a run. "Nell-DogDay!"
Huh, it seemed like he was frowning? "Nell-DogDay?"
Nope, he wasn't mistaken. And now there was an angry dog running straight at him. "OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!" CatNap let out a yowl and turned, sprinting away.
Charlie-Bubba blinked, watching as the dog chased the cat. "I think he forgot we were going to help the angel," he sighed. They were a part of the Prototype now. They could take him down from the inside.
"Nah, he didn't forget," Alba-CraftyCorn said, helping up Callem-Kickin. "Give him a second. Theo will want to be part of this."
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Greetings young Hoppy and Bobby, my question is this. Do you know of any of the other toys like Huggy Wuggy or Mommy LongLegs? Also to answer your curiosity Theo, or Theodore, was once a child that befriended the prototype, however he would be electrocuted by a locked door during and escape attempt and would be turned into Catnap. I'm afraid that's all the information I have about the subject (Also sorry about the mental linking minis from before, I didn't realize they broke the rules XD)
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We’ve never met Huggy Wuggy. And whenever we were around Mommy, she just stared at us.
It was weird.
[Mod note: it’s alright! Although, Theo is also against the rules, but it was added to the rules sometime after you sent this, so sorry about that 😅]
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the-smiling-critters · 7 months
Does the truth sting, Theodore? Does it make your blood boil and your teeth grind? You will be struck down by the Angel, as were the rest. You will relive your first fate, but The Prototype will not save you this time.
The Angel was always here, CatNap. A worker; maybe you've seen them. Only ten years of suffering will tell, I'm afraid. They will save us. But not you.
( Oricnwocnwkj, can't type shit without accidentally hitting the anon switch, curse mobile Tumblr-)
Ten years of what now.
CatNap was confused.
Theodore, on the other hand, was fully interested in hearing what you had to say.
Yeah yeah, sure. Look, I don't know what you think will happen, but I'll make sure that they don't mess up his plans. And he will save..us i suppose....r-right?...
He was beginning to doubt it. No, if the prototype saved him surely he'll save everyone else!
(Honestly, I feel ya pain mate lmao-) - Mod Moon
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sleepyslepu · 3 days
Hi, how are you doing if you're not too stressed or tired? I have three questions for the creator and it's about our angel.Before I ask, I'd like to know if you're okay. I've noticed lately that you've been posting crescent red ppt art very quickly. I know everyone here really likes your story and your art, but remember to take care of yourself and rest as much as you need. You also have a life to live.Now the questions
1) I would like to know what the relationship between Theodore (Catnap) and Samuel (Dogday) was like, because it is clear that Catnap had feelings for Samuel before he became a skeletal cat that was 2 meters tall (if not more than that) and due to the fact that he was more protective of him and possessive of himAnd in an attempt to save his life by trying to warn him about him becoming Dogday, I even imagined Theo looking through the observation window of the daycare while drinking a cup of coffee watching Samuel playing with some children.
2) IS THEODORE A SCIENTIST????? When I read at the time that Harley himself calls him Dr. GrambellenOr something like that, I was like, okay, Catnap was a scientist??? and the prototype is fine with that, I'm probably jumping to conclusions, but could you explain about that?
3) How is your life going, with your family, in a peaceful mood? Be more honest with yourself than with me.
(Sorry for the long text, if you are on the verge of exhaustion, don't reply).
Hi! Hi! I'm doing alright, thank you for your concern! After these asks I'll take a tiny break from drawing and start writing instead :> This was so unexpected to see questions around Our Angel 😭 But I'm more than happy to answer! 1) Theodore and Samuel were best friends even before the event of them getting experimented on. Theo wasn't as protective nor possessive of Samuel when they were human. Those characteristics only popped up after Theo was turned into Catnap and slowly increased more as Samuel was experimented on. Catnap took on the role of being DogDay's protector. That little thought sounds so cute and I can imagine it awhhh 🥹 2) YESSS Theodore was a scientist/doctor. Mainly a doctor who served as a pediatrician to the orphans. He would check them every month or take care of them if they had colds/fevers or any other injuries. Because he never knew of what the company was doing, the Prototype considers him innocent and trustworthy to work with. He was only considered a test subject when he unfortunately figured out what they were doing to the orphans. Through a case file accidentally slipping through into his documents. 3) My life's going well, pretty happy with how things are! It's my birthday week so that's exciting (also nerve-racking not gonna lie). I really want to post one chapter of Our Angel to kinda "celebrate" my birthday so hopefully I can get it done by then! :} But thank you so much for these questions! I hope you're doing well yourself, stay safe and healthy <3
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ask-catnap · 8 months
Hm? Oh, hello!
(went to answer and Tumblr crashed- anyways im happy now :D - Mod Moon)
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onyxonline · 7 months
You seem aware of Catnaps old name- how did you all learn of it... did Dogday meet Theo before he was Catnap? He seemed to imply it. If so... when did he learn who Catnap used to be?
Catnap seemed... different, like he remembered his time as Theo, is this true?
Do have any idea what the others old names were? If so, why do you not use them? Is it because you don't remember being the person used to make you, or something else?
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“Angel knows his name because he found the files related to Catnap while we were in the factory” Dogday explained, “as for why I recognize him, the memories are fussy but..I feel like I worked there before becoming this, a caretaker maybe? I-I don’t know, all I know is that caring for the children felt natural to me.” He turned to the other critters, they looked distressed, “sorry, we cannot answer your question fully, we tried, but we just…”
“We just can’t remember.”
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crazycoke-addict · 7 months
Smiling Critters Theory Part 2 (KickinChicken and CraftyCorn)
I'm continuing with my previous post, so let's just start. KickinChicken is known as the cool kid of the group. On his cardboard cutout, he suggests the player that they should go outside and hang outside but also say he had never been outside before. This is in reference to how the orphans weren't allowed to go outside fully but rather a fake one that playtime Co. Created. Since KickinChicken was likely a bigger body experiment , it's interesting for him to say he's never been outside before because it would've been or at least in the fake one. The only solution is that KickinChickin and another smiling critter (possibly bubba bubbaphant) manage to get out where they are the front entrance, KickinChicken being the cool and confident decides to go out first. KickinChicken is killed first by most likely CatNap than is served him to PickyPiggy.
CraftyCorn is the shy and sweet unicorn that loves to be creative. In their cardboard cutouts, CraftyCorn asks for certain colours where it seems like they are probably painting something. However, there's one specific colour that she needs, and that is red. You hear her attacking someone since they are discussing red. They are actually talking about blood. CraftyCorn is a perfect example of losing their sanity through what they were created for. While her cardboard cut-out doesn't exactly give us any information on her death. It's most likely that they tried to escape and are stopped by catnap where they were food offering for PickyPiggy as a warning to the other smiling critters.
I don't really need to analyse DogDay and CatNap since we know what happened to them. Its possible that the reason why DogDay survive longer than the others because just like his canine counterpart, he obeyed the rules and understood what happened if they tried to escape. DogDay gets his legs sawed off instead of death, and this could also be the mini smiling critters can use him as a vessel just in case unwanted people or things go over there.
CatNap is electrocuted, which parallels what happened to Theo Gamble, which caused them to start the experiments and put Theo in CatNap. I do believe that CatNap offered himself to the prototype. Since we know what happened to them, we also need to ask where they went? Throughout the game, you see dead bodies of the toys across the factory. It's heavily implied that the prototype is collecting toys parts from dying or dead toys. We see it happened with mommy long legs where we see a metallic hand takes the upper half of mommy long legs. So, if the prototype was collecting the parts of Beary BearHug, Hoppy Hopscotch, and PickyPiggy, then we at least should have seen some of the body parts around playtime Co.
That's because the prototype never collected them for himself but rather food for the orphans that are trapped underground. Throughout the playcare, you will see the vending machine, but you'll notice that the vending machine still has food. It looks as though the vending machine hasn't been touched in years. So, if they weren't the food in the vending machines, then it's likely they were given parts of the smiling critters to the orphans.
There are two questions we need to answer: How would the orphans even eat the bigger body version of the smiling critters? And why would the prototype or even catnap feed them something like that? Well, it's heavily implied that human organs are the biggest factor for the bigger body toys to come to live. While walking through home sweet home, we hear a news reporter mentioning how a body of a boy was found at the front of Elliot Ludwig's house. The organs were missing.
While you could say that we were hallucinating because we did go through the red smoke, it is likely that the player has heard about this around time with Elliot Ludwig's passing. So, it's possible that the orphans were eating the organs. It's not that far-fetched for humans to eat animals like pigs and rabbits. But what's most disturbing is that the bigger bodies of the smiling critters could've been children themselves.
Cannibalism has been mentioned many times in the games. The dead toys like around, Miss Delight eating her sisters to survive, The bigger body toys who have subconscious of humans eating the bodies of the employees to survive,PickyPiggy eating three of her friends and two of Thomas Clarke's organs through Bron Dinosaur were devoured.
From this information, it is most likely that they were changing diets of the kids to get them used to human meat. We see this through Boxy Boo was the first successful of the bigger bodies initiative and was used to eliminate any employees that got too close. Rowan Stoll was the unlucky person. The way that Boxy Boo grabbed him so quickly shows that this isn't the first employee that was offered to Boxy Boo as food.
Because the prototype and the other bigger bodies have been abused. The abuse really took a toll on them, especially on the prototype, who was around the longest that they were brainwashed to believe that cannibalism was the best for them. So it's likely that's what they are doing with the orphans have been trapped underground.
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Listing a few funny things that happened when Angel had to deal with the media, post rescuing everyone from Playtime Co:
Angel, still shaking from spending one week inside the factory and with dried blood still glued to their hair, smelling like hell, politely answering some questions while in the hospital while waiting for Dogday's emergency surgery to finish.
The media being obsessed with calling Angel, whose actual name is Raphael Taylor de Oliveira, "Angel" the moment they hear one of the toys referring to them as that.
Combine the religious imagery with Angel's poor little meow meow wet kitten born in a cardboard box with every disease face and we have a very, very easy way for making the narrative out to be "a kind ex-worker at Playtime Co. discovers that children were used as experiments inside the factory and risks their own life in order to save them".
Angel is instant-loved by Brazil the moment the first news start to arrive, which is something they're very proud of.
Angel having to hold Catnap and Mommy Long Legs by their hands while giving out an interview in their home, so neither one of them would be too mean to the poor reporters. Angel still has to tell them to be nicer though.
The cops and investigators having to explain why they didn't figure out there was something wrong with the factory when all Angel had to do was walk inside and say hello to the Huggy Wuggy statue.
A reporter explaining the horrific events while in the background Huggy stares at her like "smoll person :0}" and boops her. Cue to Angel saying sorry and anxiously guiding him away.
"What did you have to eat while trapped down there?", someone asks, and the toys all go "oh hahahaha. uhm. rats. and the bodies of our friends WHEN THEY INEVITABLY DIED FROM A DISEASE. we didnt hunt each other dw dw hahahahahaha".
Angel a few months later, after buying the farm, giving a "house tour" so people will know the kids are doing okay and stop pestering them about house-related questions. Angel is very excitedly telling the reporter about how much more space they have now while Catnap is eyeing a bird in the background. "Theo don't you think about that, you have food right there".
One of the mini critters listing all the toys that were gifted for them and saying "it's very nice, very chewable", I like how it tastes" and Angel looks at them like "so it's YOU who has been chewing the toys??????", with the reply being "and the doors as well!"
Catnap going from referring to Angel as "our savior" to simply "our mother" during any interviews or news reports where he somehow talks.
Everyone wanting to interview Dogday because he does, indeed, have a radiant and happy energy and audiences love him.
Angel saying "and the hut is the house of 1006, the first one to ever happen, but he would prefer if we just left him alone".
Poppy being someone who's always SUPER pleasant to work with, and excitedly telling the reporters everything they have been doing around the farm.
Angel sighing after finding out Prototype is Elliot Ludwig, KNOWING they'll have to tell the authorities so they can have license money and control over the Playtime Co. brand.
Angel turning to the family's lawyer like "you won't believe what I just found out", the lawyer saying "oh, this won't be the most absurd thing you told me yet", then after hearing Angel tell her about it going "oh, you are always full of surprises, uh. Uhm. Now that makes things complicated", and Angel laughing to the point of tears after that.
ALL the news reports during the trial against Playtime Co.'s higher ups and the negligent authorities. Kickin keeps a collection of the "best moments", which include Angel beating the ever living shit out of a higher up after he refers to the toys as "things" and "collateral damage" instead of "victims of human experimentation".
The news about the fact that apparently Elliot Ludwig became the first PlayCo. experiment ever, and Angel + Poppy having to deal with THAT.
Prototype's single public apparition, around 4/5 years post-rescue, because he had to go to court as well so Angel would have a chance of getting the rights to PlayCo. and all of its properties back to them.
The news when Dogday and Catnap get married, a whole decade post-rescue.
Angel just dropping the most cryptid information ever in social media or during one of the rare interviews they're willing to give after the initial years post-rescue. They tweet things like "I saw some people asking if any of the toys ever attacked me during the week I stayed at PlayCo, and I want everyone to know that all of them at some point did. But don't worry, I bit them back, we're all good now" and one time say "my husband and I like to grow tomatoes like this, but one of our daughters has been trying another way" and that's how everyone finds out Angel and Prototype are a Thing.
Craftycorn happily blogging her life as an artist and featuring all of the other toys during her videos, while Poppy does makeup and sewing tutorials, and the two of them doing collabs and livestreams often. During one of the streams Angel screams "THEODORE GRAMBELL LUDWIG OLIVEIRA DID YOU JUST HUNT A COYOTE AGAIN", and that's how Crafty and Poppy's fans discover everyone decided to add Ludwig Oliveira to their names.
I would say more but honestly this post has been getting pretty long so rip
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krislgfox · 8 months
Hey Theo! What do you think of Prototype? I'm very interested!(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Hehe (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
CatNap/Theodore: He was controlling and manipulating me for several years, what do you think I fucking think of him?!
DogDay/Kevin(?): I'm sorry for his kinda rude way to answer that, it's just not the most pleasant topic of conversation for him
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