#Theodore Burton
1900scartoons · 11 months
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But the Cat Came Back
November 9, 1907
A cat - Theodore Burton of Ohio - creeps back into the House of Congress; dog Tom Johnson runs toward him.
The caption reads "Cause he couldn't stay away."
Burton had run against Johnson for mayor of Cleveland, and had been narrowly defeated. However, he still remained in office as a Congressman.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/6242/rec/1767
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theblacksheepcz · 1 year
It’s the gay time of the year‼️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ SO HEADCANON TIME
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grains-of-granola · 4 months
Hii!!! This is one of my first posts so I hope you like it!!!
Summary: You never were that amazing, and you thought that it was a miracle that Theodore Nott could even tolerate you, much less love you. So when you hear another girl talking about your boyfriend, you think that your worst nightmares are true. What does Theo have to say??
a/n: I wrote this while listening to 16 by Sadie Jean. Also, if I spelled anything wrong, sorry. I can be a little clueless and stupid at times.
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Theodore Nott. One of the hottest boys in all of Hogwarts, was dating a shy, insecure, hufflepuff. No one could believe it. Even you were having a hard time believing that he truly loved you with no strings attached.
Theo was known for being a playboy. Setting bets on pretty much every girl he set eyes on. So it wasn't so hard to believe that you were no exception.
You would often find yourself wondering when he would end it, or when you would accidentally walk in on him snogging another girl. But it never happened.
After a month long of hugs, kisses, cuddles, and pretty much just Theo melting under your touch and falling deeper in love every time you spoke, you finally believed that he did in fact truly care about you.
That was until one day, on your way to the Great Hall for breakfast, when you overheard two girls talking.
"I'm telling you, he likes you!" One girl stated, in a failed attempt to be quiet. You recognised her. It was none other than your best friend, Arielle.
"No way, he's dating that one girl. What's her name again?" The other responded.
"Y/N." Arielle stated simply.
"Aren't you friends with her or something?"
"That would be an overstatement, Thalia. I only started hanging out with her because she hangs out with the slytherin boys a lot. Even before she started dating Nott. It's only so I can get with Berkshire." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"How did she even manage to pull Nott? She's so weird. And I heard she used to cut herself. Who would want to be with her? She's not even that pretty. I see no future between them. Her name doesn't fit with Theo's last name. Y/N Nott. Sounds ridiculous. You know what sounds amazing? Thalia Nott. Perfect fit." Thalia. Her name sounded so familiar.
That's when it hit you. Thalia. Thalia Burton. Theo's ex. He broke up with her last year when she beat him at his own game and cheated on him. She was the first girl he had ever fallen for and she knew it. She was by far the rudest person you had ever met. And a Ravenclaw. Intelligent, and she easily manipulated Theo into staying with her for as long as he did.
You 'friend' giggled.
"She's probably just another one of his bets. Waste of money in my opinion." More giggling.
You brushed past the two girls, unable to listen to another second of their conversation. Your eyes on the brink of releasing a tsunami of tears.
Arielle stopped laughing, immediately recognising you.
"Y/N!! Wait!!"
The pain you were feeling right now was too much. You just wanted to be in the warm embrace of your boyfriend's arms. To feel the rise and fall of his chest as you held onto him for dear life, fearing that if you let go you'd lose him forever.
But did he even want to be near you? Was everything you had experienced with him a lie? Were you just another one of his bets?
Your head started spiraling you just needed to sit down. Eat something. Laugh at a few stupid jokes that Cedric would blurt out during every meal.
That's when you felt two hands creep around your waist, pulling you into a hug.
"Hey baby." You couldn't help but let a few tears fall.
"Hey" You reply, the crack in your voice quite obvious.
Theo looked down at you with a worried expression. He placed a few quick kisses on your forehead and cheeks while slowly swaying side to side.
"Are you okay, Principessa? Get all eight hours?" He knew you.
He knew that if you didn't get a full night's sleep that you would be a little off in the morning. He knew that you needed something to hold onto at night while you slept to feel safe. He knew where to kiss you. How to hold your hand. How to calm you down. He just knew everything about you.
You started to sob. Theo wasted no time in pulling you out of the Great Hall and into an empty hallway.
"Amore mio. What's wrong? Is it that time? I can get you some food? We can go to your dorm and watch movies all day. Whatever you want baby." He waited for you to answer, but you couldn't stop sobbing.
God, maybe those girls were right. Who would want to be with someone like you? You were a sobbing mess. And just because of a rumor that might not even be true.
"Tesoro, per favore. What's wrong?" The worry in his voice was evident.
You shake your head, "I can't. I just can't right now." And with that, you run off to your dorm.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You had skipped out on lessons all day and, despite being starving, you hadn't eaten all day just to avoid any interaction with anyone.
Especially with your boyfriend.
You had just finished reading another chapter of your book, when you heard a knock at the door. You hesitantly unlocked the door, scared of who it might be.
Your breath stopped when you realized that it was none other than the king of heartbreak himself. Theodore Nott.
He peeked his head around the door. Providing a small smile to you.
"Hey baby. You feeling better? You really scared me earlier. Do you wanna talk about it?" All of the questions. Questions that made it seem like he cared. Like he truly wanted to know the answers to them.
He walked over to your bed, his arms full of food, mostly candy, and a singular rose. He placed all the food on a plate and set it next to you on your bed while watching attentively for your next move.
You sat up and picked up a roll from the plate, taking small bites as Theo starts to touch you. Your hands, your face, your legs. He just misses you and being near you.
He eventually pulls you up onto his lap and starts placing gentle kisses on your face and neck.
You flinch at the feeling of him kissing you, and he pulls away, still holding onto you, arms wrapped around your waist.
"Princesspa, please, I'm begging you, what's wrong?" Tears start to slowly and silently run down your cheek, and Theo is quick to wipe them away. He turns you around so you're facing him, and he cups your face with both hands.
"Who is making you feel like this, baby? I'll gladly beat them up. Your tears are too precious to be wasted like this." His words alone are enough to make you feel safe and secure, but you know these feelings will come back the second he leaves.
You have to tell him, even if you don't want to.
"It's just.. I heard these two girls this morning. They were talking about me.. and you."
"Who, Princesspa? Give me names."
"Arielle and Thalia."
"Your best friend and my ex? What about us, exactly?"
"Well... Arielle was talking about how someone definitely liked Thalia. That someone turned out to be you. They went on about how I wasn't pretty. And about how I was a shy, insecure, loser who cuts herself."
You could see the rage filling up in your boyfriends eyes.
"And Arielle said that she was just pretending to be my friend so she could get closer with Enzo."
A wide smirk spread across Theo's face, he was already planning his revenge.
"And when Thalia asked how me and you even ended up together, Arielle said that I was probably just another one of your bets. And well...I guess I kind of believed it. I mean..why would you want to date me? I am a nobody. I am a loser. I'm shy. I'm insecure. And yes, I used to cut myself." Tears started filling up your eyes again. The smirk on Theo's face was now replaced with a look of worry. A look of sadness.
"Oh baby. Amore mio. Tu sei molto più di questo. Sei tutto per me. You were never a bet. And if you were, then I broke the most important rule. Never fall for them. " You blushed. Your face turning a bright crimson color.
Theo grabbed you and held you close to his chest and swayed you back and forth in his embrace.
"I would never leave you for a girl like Thalia. I promise to always be there for you. Even for the small things. A walk through the park? I'll be right there, holding your hand. Getting drunk at a backyard party? I've already had two more drinks than you."
You chuckle.
"I'm serious. I'm crazy for you, Bella. I love you so much I would do anything for you. Even if it's talking about your boy drama. Cause you already know the Blaise, Draco, Enzo, and Mattheo cause way more drama than you." You simply looked up at your boyfriend, face bright red. A wide smile on his face quickly fading when you don't laugh.
"Y/N.." You cut him off.
"You love me?" The look on his face says it all. He hadn't even realised he had said it. It had simply slipped out. Which, to you, made it even more true. He didn't even have to think to say it. He was stating how he felt about you, and had said he loved you. The first time those words had ever been used in your relationship.
"Always have, Amore mio."
You found it hard to breath again as you realised that, you too, love him.
"I love you too Theo. More than anything."
He wasted no time in pulling you in for a deep kiss. In that moment it seemed as if the whole world had faded away, leaving just you and the love of your life to enjoy this moment together.
When he pulled away he started leaving quick pecks all over your neck and face.
You smiled and let out a chuckle.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your boyfriend had fallen asleep with you resting your head on his chest while finishing the book you had been reading before Theo had walked in.
You moved your body so that your head was still resting on his chest, but you were now facing him.
You started running your hands through his hair as his eyes fluttered open.
"Ciao Principessa."
You smile at the name.
You continue running your hands through his hair while he stares at you with so much love and admiration.
Without looking him in the eyes, you simply state, "You know that you'll have to give me the notes from all the lessons today."
Theo chuckles and you look at him in his eyes.
"I know, baby."
It was then that you knew that you had found the one person that you would love for the rest of your life.
And Theo had found his.
You had found each other, and you were going to love each other always, no matter what.
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toastedjeans · 6 months
Full name + driving headcanons bc idk
Peppino Giuseppe Spaghetti. He can't drive a car, BUT he can drive scooters. He only barely got his license after a few tries cause he was really nervous, but eventually he got used to driving. He drives his little Vespa very cautiously since he's a small target on the streets. Parks on the side of the road, trying to take up as little space as possible. (Based on myself, just that i can drive cars but not bikes)
Maurice Spaghetti. His actual given name is Marco but he changed it, and he has no middle name. He drives a pickup truck. Got his license on the first try, but still drives like an asshole, and parks like an even bigger one. We're talking like, taking up three parking spots, with the rear sticking out far enough that it's in the way for other drivers. (Based on my brother LOL)
Gustavo Cannoli (i saw this somewhere before but i don't remember who said it. I love it tho). He's too small for most cars, but can drive short distances on Peppino's Vespa. He doesn't have a license, but nobody suspects anything since he drives very mannerly. Most of the time he just rides on Brick's back.
Scott Spencer Stick. Spencer is his actual first name but he doesn't like it so he decides to go by his middle name instead. Can drive cars, but hates how little space he has for his long legs. Puts his seat almost all the way back. Could probably drive bikes too, but feels too unsafe. Probably drives an SUV. Sometimes parks a little crooked, taking up a bit of space on the parking spot next to his. Doesn't bother correcting it, no matter how long he's gone from the car.
Hugh Mary Burton. Everybody just calls him by his last name. His mom calls him Huey (or used to, before she passed). Too big for most cars and bikes, and can't drive. Hitches rides with Mr. Stick. (It's a really big SUV trust me guys)
Philipp Belle Pepper. Uses Pepperman as an alias / artist name. Drives that cabrio he has in the ending credits since he's too.. shaped.. for any other cars. He isn't exactly reckless, just selfish. Will drive a little too fast or go into the wrong lane when not paying enough attention (due to checking himself out in the rearview mirror). Doesn't have a license. Don't tell Vigilante.
Vigert Irving Cheese (bonus grandpa -> John Ebenezer Cheese). I know people like Lantte as his last name but since his grandpa's last name is Cheese i thought it fit for him as well. He can't drive cars or bikes, so he doesn't have a license. Rides on rats or one of those weenie mounts if the rats are out of order or something.
Theodore J Noise. It's not short for anything, it's literally just a J. He doesn't have a license, but he drives both cars and bikes. Recklessly. If he gets a ticket he bribes the cops cause i mean. He's a celebrity after all. You can't arrest him. He'd bite the cops if they tried. Has a sports car and one of those off road bikes. (Fun fact: my mom calls those bikes "petrol mosquitoes" ("Benzin-Gelse") because of the sound of the motor.)
Bonus Noisey: all the Noisies can drive, and they'll sometimes drive Noise somewhere in a fancy limousine. Mostly when Noise is too tired or just doesn't wanna drive by himself. Or when Noisette forces him, or doesn't want him to drive by himself.
Hazel Belle Jolie aka Noisette. She'd absolutely hate the fact that she shares a middle name with Pepperman if she knew his full name. She has a cute little car, probably a cabriolet. Does have a license but doesn't drive very well. Not necessarily like an asshole, but just. A little stupid. Has definitely caused a few crashes and just drove away like nothing happened. Not because she felt guilty, but because she genuinely didn't even notice anything.
Fakey does not know how to drive anything. He does like watching traffic from afar but he's strangely hesitant to get near cars. Bikes are fine. He prefers running on all fours.
John Benjamin Pillar. He's incapable of fitting into any car and is too heavy for a bike. He doesn't need a car and i feel like he'd hate driving anyway.
Gerome William Pillar. He could drive a smaller car, but he doesn't have one. He prefers taking the bus or subway. Would ride in a taxi, but only if the driver doesn't talk to him / only talks very little.
Peddito doesn't have a car and doesn't need one. I mean, when you can fly everywhere you wouldn't need one either.
Anthony Dorian Solero aka Doise. His actual first name is Diego. Privately goes by Tony, but more often than not he stays in his persona. Does not have a license nor a car or bike, and would drive like a maniac if he did. He doesn't like driving anyway, and just rides around on his skateboard.
Totino Margherita aka Pizzahead. He doesn't have a license and can't drive cars or bikes. But he can pilot mechs and, surprisingly, helicopters. Unsurprisingly though, he doesn't have a pilot's license either. But if he had one, he would've gotten it illegally. Cheater. Has crashed multiple vehicles, and they all exploded, yet he survived every single time. Because cartoon logic.
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ladystarksneedle · 6 months
Please do the same for Alysmond 🥺👉👈
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From top left (descriptions of art from left to right):
A scene from the massacre of St. Bartholomew-Karl Fedorovich Gong, 1870
Apollo and Daphne, circa 1845- Theodore Chasseriau
La Belle Dame Sans Merci- John William Waterhouse
The Wounded Cavalier- William Shakespeare Burton
The temptation of sir percival- arthur hacker 1894
Tristan and Isolde, illustrated by N.C Wyeth in The Boy's King Arthur, 1917
The legend of Sir Perceval- Frank Cadogan Cowper
Siegmund and sieglunde in hunding’s cabin, Hans Makart, Oil on Canvas, 1883
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j-femmescoli · 9 months
books i read in 2023
my goal was to read a book a week and while the timeline wasn't perfectly even, i did manage to get it to add up (and then some!). this year i focused on religion and philosophy as well as classics (of which im counting both as traditional "ancient or pre-modern famous and outstanding" types of books, but also famous more modern books). i also bolded some books that were really good in my opinion that have really stuck with me so if you are interested in the genre i'd suggest those
st joan by bernard shaw (play)
mary and your everyday life by bernard haring (theology)
theology of liberation by gustavo gutierrez (theology)
magnificat by elizabeth ruth obbard (theology)
piedras labradas by victor montejo (poetry)
the boy who was raised as a dog by bruce perry and maia szalavitz (psychology)
4 great plays by ibsen - the dollhouse, ghosts, the wild duck, and an enemy of the people by henry ibsen (plays obvi)
the night of the iguanas by tennessee williams (play)
being logical by dq mcinerny (idk sociology maybe? it was about recognizing and avoiding bad-faith arguments and logical fallacies)
the alchemist by paolo coelho (classics)
frankenstein by mary shelly (classics)
an american tragedy by theodore dreiser (classics)
is this wifi organic? by dave farina (idk how to classify this one either but it was also about recognizing bad-faith arguments, specifically when it comes to pseudoscience)
the nicaraguan church and the revolution by joseph muligan (theology, history)
catholic social teaching: our best kept secret by peter henriot, edward deberri, and michael schultheis (theology)
beowulf (classics)
sapiens by yuval noah harari (anthropology)
the church and the second sex by mary daly (theology)
mary in the new testament edited by raymond brown, karl donfried, joseph fitzmyer, and john reumann (theology)
a catholic devotion to mary by oscar lukefahr (theology)
1001 nights / arabian nights trans. sir richard burton (classics)
a house on mango street by sandra cisneros (poetry)
primary source readings in catholic church history edited by robert feduccia and nick wagner (theology)
doing faithjustice by fred kammer, sj (theology)
winds of change by isaac asimov (sci-fi)
the sound and the fury by william faulkner (classics)
una ciudad de la españa cristiana hace mil años by claudio sanchez-albornoz (history)
the glass menajerie by tennessee williams (play)
reinventing the enemy's language by joy harjo and gloria bird (indigenous women writers anthology)
the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald *reread* (classics)
the bell jar by sylvia plath (classics)
the kite runner by khaled hosseini (classics)
one nation, under gods by peter manseau (history)
development as freedom by amartya sen (economic / political philosophy)
women in ministry: four views edited by bonnidell and robert g clouse (practical theology)
mother of god: a history of the virgin mary by miri rubin (theology / history)
a study in scarlet and the sign of four by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
adventures of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the casebook of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the valley of fear by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the memoirs of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the return of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the hound of the baskervilles by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
his last bow by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the fundamentals of ethics, fourth edition by russ shafer landau (philosophy)
dracula by bram stoker (classics) (yes i'm counting dracula daily)
desde mi silencio by carmen gomez (poetry)
happiness in this life, excerpts from the homilies of pope francis (theology)
the vigilante / the snake / the chrysanthemums by john steinbeck (classics)
quest for the living god by sister beth johnson *reread* (theology)
the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain (classics)
the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain (classics)
the boys in the boat by daniel james brown (history)
and that's all folks, ending the year with some classics, plus my mom insisted i read the boys in the boat while im home for christmas because she wanted to see the movie lol. i got so many books for christmas so i'll be startin off strong next year too, and my goal is finishing my collection of john steinbeck, by which i mean obtaining as well as reading everything i can find by him. here's my list from 2022 and i'll see you next year
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cliffburtonscig · 1 year
James Hetfield
feel it *
Kirk Hammett
Lars Ulrich
Cliff Burton
Jason Newsted
Robert Trujillo
Axl Rose
Steven Adler
Saul "Slash" Hudson
Izzy Stradlin
quiet *
Duff McKagan
Nikki Sixx
Mick Mars
Tommy Lee
Vince Neil
Freddie Mercury
Roger Taylor
John Deacon
Brian May
Dave Grohl
Krist Novoselic
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rodgers
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Thor Odinson
Wade Wilson
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixson
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Will Byers (aged up)
Dustin Henderson (aged up)
Mike Wheeler (aged up)
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair (aged up)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Neville Longbottom
Remus Lupin
Bellatrix Lestrange
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Lorenzo Berkshire
Theodore Nott
Blaise Zambini
Oliver Wood
Kevin Schlieb
Hunter Slyvester
Rafe Cameron
JJ Maybank
John Rutledge
Pope Heyward
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
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l0v34sp3nc3r · 2 months
"this is calm and its doctor."
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Info -
• saint / johnny
• 19 ('05)
• trans , gay , ace (he / they / star / it)
• collector (mh , funko pop figures , ect)
• likes & follows back from @gh0stlyb34r
interests -
• criminal minds
• overwatch
• call of duty
• monster high
• fnaf
• marvel
• star wars
• tlou
• tua
• harry potter (I DO NOT support jkr)
• musicals
• & more ! (under cut)
-18 , nsfw blogs , edsh blogs , proana , proisrael , toxic dsmp fans , wilbur soot fans , dream fans , toxic kpop fans , proshippers , map , basic dni criteria , romanticises real serial killers (ew) , dahmer (show) fans , jkr supporters , catibugz fans , georgenotfound fans , sapnap fans , ava tyson fans , imalex fans , lovejoy fans
episode tracker -
• cm - 13x02 (weds. July 31)
• the bear - 03x03 (Mon. July 29)
• greys anatomy - 05x11
• twd - 01x04
• daredevil - 02x15
names I use -
saint , Johnny , kit , theo , casian , drac , jax , ghost , omen , kitty , cas , cassy , kitkat , Vincent , Spencer , flynn , varian , jaskier , theodore
pronouns I use -
he / him / his
star / stars / starself
rot / rots / rotself
pup / pups / pupself
they / them / theirs
it / its / itself
vamp / vamps / vampself
interests cont. -
• heartstopper
• arcane
• young royals
• all thats left in the world (book)
• love hypothesis (book)
• icebreaker (book)
• halloween
• greys anatomy
• ever after high
• fallout (show)
• valorant
• stranger things (fuck noah schnapp)
• flowers
• royale high / dress to impress
• tim burton movies
• rdr2
• forza horizon
• re4
• the witchery (show)
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mattyriddlesbitch · 3 days
A cup of coffee please!
so im 5’4
Dark brown eyes
I have long, dark brown wavy hair
I weight 122lbs
I am a polyglot (I speak English, Spanish, French, turkish and German)
I would say that I’m pretty ambivert.
I really like drawing, and writing. I have
this journal where I write and draw everything that comes to my mind, it seems pretty messy but I can see the structure in it. I wish I’d be good at oil paintings, cus I just love the way each one of them look so unique and beautiful.
I really enjoy going to the gym, tho I wasn’t there for like two months because I was sick for a whole month and the other month I was on vacation.
I am pretty good at school, not the best but most of the time I get Bs and B+s.
I ADORE any Tim Burton Movie, I just love everything about it.
I would say that my love languages are, words of affirmation and physical touch (with the right persons)
My biggest fear is Momo, Ik it’s weird, but istg I am horrified of it, since I saw it as a child.
My favorite color is dark red. I just love the way it suits with everything! And I also have this nail polish that I always use! I always grow my nails, and thanks to god, they are strong, so they almost never break.
My favorite food is spaghetti, thx to the Italians for that.
My favorite animals are cats, raccoons and red pandas. lol, I just realized that they all kinda look alike.
I love denim miniskirts, I’d say that I have more miniskirts than shirts, but what can I sayyyyyy….
And topping them of with my good old leather jacket…, UHGGGG YESS
Oh and I love autumn! I hate winter, but I LOVE autumn. It’s just the only time of the year, where I don’t suffer of a heatstroke or hypothermia.
I love gold jewelry, I have multiple ear piercings and a belly button piercing and omg. I was wearing silver for the most time but it never really looked the way I wanted it to look, so I completely switched over to gold jewelry and piercings, and oh my god. It’s a life changer!
I have hip dysplasia, so I can’t run very well, without having to limp the next day.
One thing about me is that I will never leave the house without my makeup on, and I always do ‘latte makeup’, I just think that it’s the easiest kind of makeup.
The reason I got into all this Harry Potter stuff is because of wattpad 😭
I was reading a random fic, between Theodore and y/n, but I ended up hating Theodore cus he cringed me on so bad, it was probably because of his writing, cus tell me why this man thought that Pansy was hot, while dating Y/N? Like bffr rn.
Anyway then I started to read about Enzo, he was fun at first but after a while I read about the black notebook he has, and since then I am thinking about it everytime I read about him!
Draco was really fun to read about, but I ended up liking fics between him and Hermoine better, since they just fit perfectly and are meant for each other.
(I am a strong believer of Dramionie if you didn’t know)
And THEN i got into Mattheo fics, which I hated, because they were so poorly writing and there was like smut in every single chapter, almost EVERY TIME.
But I completely fell in love with his persona, all the lore behind him, the fact that he is probably bipolar, which makes complete sense, regarding his childhood and all the things he had to go through, the ptsd, the way everyone thinks so bad of him.
I get all the drug and alcohol problems and all that fighting, cus imagine what he has to go through everyday, but I just can’t with the smut thing. He is just a teenager that is traumatized. Not a s€x-symbol.
Like please, he is a traumatized person, not everything about him is about smut. I am a firm believer that he is a very raw person once you know him.
Oh my god this got way longer than I thought and I am very sorry about that! But it would be fun if you’d write a little something.
Love ya!
"Oh and I completely forgot to say that I LOVE horror movies, I am convinced that next to Tim Burton, my favorite movie genre is Horror."
I assume that was from you as well.
Honestly, taking out the stuff about you reading about the others and not like some of them, I would go with Theo. I think he loves artistic people and would love to look at what you write and draw if you let him. Also, I had to look up the latte makeup and it just screams something Theo would go crazy over. Plus the gold jewelry, I think he'd love it. I also think he'd love you being an ambivert and would love hearing you talk his ear off and be quiet with other people.
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USS Albacore (SS-218), a 311-foot, Gato-class submarine lost 7 November 1944 of the coast of Hokkaido Japan, she was presumed lost on 21 December 1944 and struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 30 March 1945, found 16 February 2023.
The USS Albacore earned 9 battle stars, received 4 Presidential Unit Citations and was responsible for sinking at least 10 ships.
Below is a listing of the ships compliment, their names are written in memorial at the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii:
Walter Henry Barber, Jr., Kenneth Ripley Baumer, Henry Forbes Bigelow, Jr., Edward Brown Blackmon, William Walter Bower, Allan Rose Brannam, Herbert Hodge Burch, Nicholas John Cado, John Joseph Carano, Charles Lee Carpenter, James Louis Carpenter, Pasquale Charles Carracino, Stanley Chapman, Douglas Childress, Jr., Frederick Herbert Childs, Jr., Perry Aubrey Collom, Audrey Cecil Crayton, Eugene Cugnin, John Wilber Culbertson, Philip Hugh Davis, Ray Ellis Davis, Fred Wallace Day, Julius Delfonso, James Leroy DeWitt, James Thomas Dunlap, Carl Hillis Eskew, John Francis Fortier, Jr., Gordon Harvey Fullilove, Jr., John Wilfred Gant, John Paul Gennett, William Henry Gibson, John Frederick Gilkeson, Charles Chester Hall, James Kenneth Harrell, Robert Daniel Hill, Allen Don Hudgins, Donald Patrick Hughes, Eugene Edsel Hutchinson, Burton Paul Johnson, Sheridan Patrick Jones, George Kaplafka, Nelson Kelley, Jr., Morris Keith Kincaid, Victor Edward Kinon, Joseph Mike Krizanek, Arthur Star Kruger,Walter Emery Lang, Jr., Jack Allen Little, Kenneth Walter Manful, Patrick Kennyless McKenna, Willie Alexander McNeill, Joseph Norfleet Mercer, Leonard David Moss, Richard Joseph Naudack, Encarnacion Nevarez, Joseph Hayes Northam, Frank Robert Nystrom, Robert James O'Brien, Elmer Harold Peterson, Charles Francis Pieringer, Jr., James Teel Porter, Jerrold Winfred Reed, Jr., Francis Albert Riley, Hugh Raynor Rimmer, A. B. Roberts, James Ernest Rowe, Philip Shoenthal, George Maurice Sisk, Joe Lewis Spratt, Harold William St. Clair, Arthur Lemmie Stanton, Robert Joseph Starace, John Henry Stephenson, Maurice Crooks Strattan, Earl Richard Tanner, William George Tesser, Paul Raymond Tomich, Charles Edward Traynor, Theodore Taylor Walker, Elmer Weisenfluh, James Donald Welch, Richard Albert West, Wesley Joseph Willans, Leslie Allan Wilmott, David Robert Wood
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thesludgeofbabylon · 1 year
Top 100 Films
Just wanted to put this somewhere for the sake of documentation, might do this once a year to see how much the overall list changes.
Not ranked, but the list is done by release date, earliest to most recent. Includes short and feature length films (plus one TV series, and two serials, if you want to be specific):
• The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912), dir. D.W. Griffith
• Fantômas (1913), dir. Louis Feuillade
• Les Vampires (1915), dir. Louis Feuillade
• The Doll (1919), dir. Ernst Lubitsch
• Foolish Wives (1922), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• Sherlock, Jr. (1924), dir. Buster Keaton
• Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild’s Revenge (1924), dir. Fritz Lang
• Greed (1924), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• The Last Laugh (1924), dir. F. W. Murnau
• The Gold Rush (1925), dir. Charlie Chaplin
• The General (1926), dir. Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman
• Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927), dir. F. W. Murnau
• The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• The Docks of New York (1928), dir. Josef von Sternberg
• The Wedding March (1928), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• Man with a Movie Camera (1929), Dziga Vertov
• M (1931), dir. Fritz Lang
• Vampyr (1932), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
• Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933), dir. Mervyn LeRoy, Bubsy Berkeley
• L’Atalante (1934), dir. Jean Vigo
• The Scarlet Empress (1934), dir. Josef von Sternberg
• The Thin Man (1934), dir. W.S. Van Dyke
• The Only Son (1936), dir. Yasujirō Ozu 
• Citizen Kane (1941), dir. Orson Welles
• Now, Voyager (1942), dir. Irving Rapper
• Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), dir. Maya Deren
• Day of Wrath (1943), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• At Land (1944), dir. Maya Deren
• Ivan the Terrible, Part I (1944), dir. Sergei Eisenstein
• Notorious (1946), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
• Sunset Boulevard (1950), dir. Billy Wilder
• Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (1953), dir. Jacques Tati
• The Wages of Fear (1953), dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot
• The Big Heat (1953), dir. Fritz Lang
• The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954), dir. Kenneth Anger
• Rear Window (1954), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
• Ordet (1955), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• A Man Escaped (1956), dir. Robert Bresson
• Ivan the Terrible, Part II: The Boyars’ Plot (1958), dir. Sergei Eisenstein
• La Dolce Vita (1960), dir. Federico Fellini
• L’Avventura (1960), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• La Notte (1961), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• L’Eclisse (1962), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• The Exterminating Angel (1962), dir. Luis Buñuel
• Mothlight (1963), dir. Stan Brakhage
• Red Desert (1964), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• Gertrud (1964), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• The War Game (1966), dir. Peter Watkins
• Au Hasard Balthazar (1966), dir. Robert Bresson
• Daisies (1966), dir. Věra Chytilová
• Lemon (1969), dir. Hollis Frampton
• The Conformist (1970), dir. Bernardo Bertolucci 
• The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972), dir. Luis Buñuel
• F for Fake (1973), dir. Orson Welles
• Lancelot of the Lake (1974), dir. Robert Bresson
• A Woman Under the Influence (1974), dir. John Cassavetes
• The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). dir. Tobe Hooper
• House (1977), dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi 
• Stalker (1979), dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
• Nostalgia (1983), dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
• L’Argent (1983), dir. Robert Bresson 
• Blue Velvet (1986), dir. David Lynch
• Heathers (1989), dir. Michael Lehmann
• Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), dir. Hayao Miyazaki
• Baraka (1992), dir. Ron Fricke
• Satantango (1994), dir. Béla Tarr
• A Confucian Confusion (1994), dir. Edward Yang
• Chungking Express (1994), dir. Wong Kar-Wai
• Ed Wood (1994), dir. Tim Burton
• Whisper of the Heart (1995), dir. Yoshifumi Kondo
• Showgirls (1995), dir. Paul Verhoeven 
• Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (1997), dir. Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki
• Gummo (1997), dir. Harmony Korine
• The Big Lebowski (1998), dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen 
• Outer Space (1999), dir. Peter Tscherkassky
• Beau Travail (1999), dir. Claire Denis
• Julien Donkey-Boy (1999), dir. Harmony Korine
• Yi Yi (2000), dir. Edward Yang
• Dancer in the Dark (2000), dir. Lars von Trier
• The Piano Teacher (2001), dir. Michael Haneke
• Mulholland Drive (2001), dir. David Lynch
• What Time Is It There? (2001), dir. Tsai Ming-liang
• Memories of Murder (2003), dir. Bong Joon-ho
• The Matrix Reloaded (2003), dir. Lily Wachowski, Lana Wachowski  
• The Village (2004), dir. M. Night Shyamalan
• Caché (2005), dir. Michael Haneke
• Southland Tales (2006), dir. Richard Kelly
• Inland Empire (2006), dir. David Lynch
• Zodiac (2007), dir. David Fincher
• The White Ribbon (2009), dir. Michael Haneke
• The Turin Horse (2011), dir. Béla Tarr
• Five Broken Cameras (2012), dir. Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi
• The Master (2012), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
• Spring Breakers (2012), dir. Harmony Korine
• Song to Song (2017), dir. Terrence Malick
• Twin Peaks: The Return (2017), dir. David Lynch
• The Favourite (2018), dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
• Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), dir. Céline Sciamma
• We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (2021), dir. Jane Schoenbrun
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lcnelyday · 1 year
mobile muse list pt 3 (o-z)
oliver evans - joseph quinn. twenty eight. he/him. bisexual. lab tech. orias sarna - stanly tucci. sixty two/immortal. he/they. pansexual. demon. costume designer. otto evans - joshua bassett. twenty two. he/him. bisexual. art history student. patrick visser - michiel huisman. forty two. he/him. bisexual. woodworker. werewolf. pennyshore robertson - zoe colletti. twenty one. she/her. pansexual. architecture student. perry hart - rachel mcadams. forty four. she/her. bisexual. 'the art we are' cafe and studio owner. poppy burton - sadie sink. twenty one. she/her. bisexual. architecture student. ramiel fallen - olivia colman. forty nine/immortal. any pronouns. pansexual. fallen angel. school principle.  rhea harris - samatha logan. twenty six. she/her. bisexual. actress.  romeo moretti burton - nicolas maupas. twenty three. he/him. bisexual. game design student. rumor golding - sophie thatcher. twenty two. she/they. pansexual. runner. sean moss - jon bernthal. forty six. he/him. heterosexual. runner.  sera poriosolo - anya taylor joy. twenty seven. any pronouns. pansexual. clerk. angel.  sloan edwards - emma d’arcy. thirty one. they/them. pansexual.  sora bernard - crystal reed, 35, she/her, bisexual, owner of the movie store. sunday alexander - jessica rothe. thirty five. she/her. pansexual. actress. suvi nygard - elizabeth olsen. thirty four. she/her. bisexual. comic artist.  tate o’brien - elizabeth lail. thirty one. she/her. bisexual. kindergarten teacher. taylor king - annie murphy. thirty six. she/her. bisexual. art therapist. theodore crane - alex fitzalan. twenty eight. he/him. bisexual. bassist. cashier. songwriter.  tomas brightman - hamish linklater. forty seven. he/him. bisexual. theatre professor. tyler hancock - charlie rowe. twenty seven. he/him. bisexual. cowboy.  tyler hancock - ian bohen. forty seven. he/him. bisexual. cowboy.  ursa sullivan - maya hawke. twenty five. she/her. homosexual. artist. whitney fernstrom - vanessa kirby. thirty six. she/her. bisexual. assassin.  winnie barton - sophie thatcher. twenty two. she/her. homosexual. bartender.  wix moll - liv hewson. twenty seven. they/them. pansexual. cambion. bartender.  wormwood brightly - chloe grace moretz. twenty six/immortal. they/them. pansexual. angel & star. unemployed.  zoey piekarz - jesse james keitel. thirty. she/her. homosexual. child psychologist.
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forsty · 2 years
21, 27, and 48?
21. What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Im really not an art history expert, I'm more the type to see pretty art and go "woah..." but I really love Renaissance stuff and Norwegian romantic nationalism (1840 - 1867)
Some of my FAVORITE paintings:
The Lament for Icarus by Herbert James Draper
The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton
La belle dame sans merc by Frank Dicksee
Wounded by Carl Fredrik Sundt-Hansen
Kvitebjørn kong Valemon by Theodor Kittelsen
Birkebeinerne by Knud Bergslien
27. Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
No keychains for me
Do you have a favorite plate or bowl?
Nope ):
50 questions just because
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beliestelar · 2 months
Leer en algún momento
El chico de la piel de cerdo y otros relatos que jamás deberías leer - Raiza Revelles
Consumidores de pesadillas - Alfonso Orejel
KAIKI Cuentos de terror y locura
Ante el dolor de los demás - Susan Sontag
Cuando la oscuridad nos ama - Elizabeth Engstrom
Estrella distante - Roberto Bolaño
Nuestra parte de la noche - Mariana Enriquez
Anatomía de la melancolía - Robert Burton
Psicología del arte - Liev Semionovich Vigotski
La interpretación de los sueños - Freud
Un asesinato brillante - Anthony Horowitz
Lógica de la crueldad - Joan Carles Melich
El libro de los seres imaginarios - Borges
El color que cayó del cielo - H. P. Lovecraft
El poeta que rugió a la luna y se convirtió en tigre - Atsushi Nakajima
Los cansados - Michele Serra
Lo bello y lo triste - Yasunari Kawabata
Vidas frágiles, noches oscuras - Hiromi Kawakami
El ruiseñor y la rosa - Oscar Wilde
El buscador de esencias - Dominique Roques
Cuanto más profunda es el agua, más feo es el pez - Katya Apekina
Ese maldito yo - E. M. Cioran
Emma - Jane Austen
Los elixires del diablo - E. T. A. Hoffmann
Más que humano - Theodore Sturgeon
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*Tala is basking in the moment when someone walks up behind her. She turns around to see a sharp dressed man with a lose tape measure around his neck and a pipe in his mouth. The man is tall, taller than her and maybe taller than even Mick, definitely skinnier than Mick too. His hair is wispy and white, but well maintained where it remains. His face shows decades of concentration and spindly wireframe glasses balance on the end of his pointy and dignified nose*
Oh... Hello sir! How are you?
(IDK why I imagined like a Tim Burton/Corpse Bride looking character for a tailor but I just ran with it. I kinda wanna draw this guy now)
"Ludwig." Theodore nods his head in the doctor's direction.
"We are looking for a wedding suit for my friend here." Ludwig puts a hand on Fritz's back & gently nudges him forward.
"Good morning." Friedrich replies politely, nodding his head. You can see from how the two doctors act, that they are in familiar territory. They both come from old money, after all.
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umangsharma7117 · 4 months
Saginaw, Michigan's Historic Cemeteries and Notable Burials.
Saginaw, Michigan, is home to several historic cemeteries that serve as final resting places for many notable individuals who have shaped the city's history. These cemeteries offer a glimpse into Saginaw, Michigan past and provide opportunities for reflection and remembrance. Here are some of Saginaw's historic cemeteries and notable burials:
1. Forest Lawn Cemetery-
**Location:** 3210 S Washington Ave, Saginaw, MI 48601- **
Description:** Established in 1887, Forest Lawn Cemetery is one of Saginaw's largest and most well-known burial grounds. It features scenic landscapes, historic monuments, and a variety of burial options.-
**Notable Burials:** - **Jessie Hoyt**: Founder of Hoyt Library, one of the oldest public libraries in Michigan.
**Albert E. Sleeper**: Former Governor of Michigan (1917-1921).
**Jacob Smith**: Union Army General in the American Civil War.
**Daniel Fitzhugh**: Prominent Saginaw businessman and philanthropist.
2. Oakwood Cemetery- **Location:** 1401 S Washington Ave, Saginaw, MI 48601
**Description:** Oakwood Cemetery is another historic burial ground in Saginaw, dating back to the mid-1800s. It features ornate tombstones, mausoleums, and beautiful landscaping.
**Notable Burials:** - **Arthur Hill**: Prominent Saginaw lumber baron and philanthropist. Saginaw's Arthur Hill High School is named in his honor.
**Clarence Monroe Burton**: Historian, author, and founder of the Burton Historical Collection in Detroit.
**Joseph C. Badger**: Noted architect who designed several buildings in Saginaw and throughout Michigan.
3. Brady Hill Cemetery-
**Location:** 421 N Michigan Ave, Saginaw, MI 48602
**Description:** Brady Hill Cemetery is one of Saginaw's oldest cemeteries, dating back to the mid-1800s. It features a mix of historic and modern gravesites, with well-preserved monuments and memorials.
**Notable Burials:** - **Russell A. Alger**: Former Governor of Michigan, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of War under President William McKinley.
**Ezra Rust**: Saginaw lumber baron and founder of the Rust family dynasty, which played a significant role in the city's development.
**Benjamin Pierce Cheney**: Entrepreneur and philanthropist who played a key role in the development of the Pacific Northwest.
4. Saint Andrew Cemetery
**Location:** 381 St. Andrews Rd, Saginaw, MI 48638-
**Description:** Saint Andrew Cemetery is a Catholic burial ground established in the late 1800s. It features traditional Catholic monuments and is the final resting place for many members of Saginaw's Catholic community.-
**Notable Burials:** - **Bishop Stephen S. Woznicki**: Former Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw.
**Father Louis Lintner**: Prominent Catholic priest and pastor in Saginaw.
5. Old Woodward Cemetery
**Location:** 401 S Washington Ave, Saginaw, MI 48607
**Description:** Old Woodward Cemetery is one of Saginaw's oldest cemeteries, dating back to the mid-1800s. It is no longer active for burials but serves as a historic site.
**Notable Burials:** - **Colonel Theodore Parkhurst**: Early Saginaw settler and military officer.These cemeteries, with their historic gravestones and notable burials, offer a glimpse into Saginaw's past and provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to honor the individuals who have contributed to the city's rich history and heritage.
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