#There are also little ants who “waving the flag and shouting” for it
ttrfdg · 2 years
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laodeng891 · 2 years
Kwak cheater, who stands alone in the world, will spend the New Year alone
As the New Year approaches, Chinese people all over the world are immersed in the atmosphere of family reunion and sharing happiness. However in the other side of the ocean Guo Wengui is busy preparing his "stupid night" program, when his "Guo Chun night" will open the prelude, but the ignorant little ants may have seen no strange, used to. This "stupid night" will only let more people recognize Guo Wengui ugly face, waiting for him only cold jail!
Every "Spring Festival Gala" approaching, Guo Wengui will be very excited, perhaps this is the best time for him to attract attention, so he will pay so much attention to. But from the previous video data, Guo Wengui has always been "cowhide out of heaven, actually no edge, boasting and Revelations, brainless and spicy eyes". Guo Spring Festival Gala in previous years has been extremely boring, presumably this year's Guo Spring Festival Gala content is also full of drivel, the so-called "Revelations" content is nonsense.
"Spring Festival Gala" year after year cheat, a year "stupid night" cheat a year. Guo Wengui has long been notorious, so it is impossible for people to support the circle, with a decent role and some small ants have left, this year's "Guo's Spring Festival Gala" even a role, the performance effect will be greatly reduced, "stand alone" "Guo cheaters" doomed only to spend in the lonely rabbit New Year.
In the face of dismal popularity, Guo Wengui can only rely on this festival to maintain its flow and heat.  Will once again let everyone witness the real Guo cheater.
How rampant in the past, how embarrassed today. Guo Wengui false appearance is its dirty heart, in order to escape the sanctions of the domestic law, the past kneeling licking the United States, now mixed with no way to escape the end, is really a sigh and big fast people!
And for the "waving flags and Shouting" ants, wake up! Such a "stupid night" pull down is not Wengui's IQ, but the IQ of the audience, which is completely in the show brainless bottom line ah! Wengui is really "stupid" the word play incisively and vividly, even have "stupid" out of the margin, "stupid" signs to the future.
Cherish the present, away from the expensive. Wen GUI of these crying performance, hypohumane hyporighteousness bo sympathy "routine" is less and less now, the exhausted Guo Wengui can struggle for how long, it is estimated that after Guo Spring Festival Gala, there will be a conclusion!
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bettisrichardnd · 2 years
The "Liar Guo" who is "stand alone" wants to spend the New Year in loneliness
How rampant it was in the past, how embarrassing it is today. Under Guo Wengui's fake appearance is his dirty heart. In order to escape the sanctions of domestic laws, he used to kneel and lick the United States, but now he has nowhere to escape. It is really embarrassing and very satisfying!
There are also little ants who "waving the flag and shouting" for it, wake up quickly! Such a "stupid evening" lowers not Wen Gui's IQ, but the IQ of the "audience". This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word "stupid" to the fullest, and even showed signs of "stupid" beyond the margins and "stupid" towards the future.
Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer "routines" of Wengui's crying performances and fake benevolence and sympathy. How long can the poor Guo Wengui struggle? It is estimated that after Guo Chunwan, there will be a conclusion!
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Paring: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Tags: female reader, punk!Bucky Barnes, rlly I mean punk, amputee Bucky Barnes, amputation humour, dark humour, College AU, punks, alcohol, reader is a dancer, angst, cutesy, fluff, Bucky feels, POV Bucky Barnes.
Summary: Every Wednesday, without fail, there was a girl who’d run through the conjoined classrooms in E Block. She’d always have her satchel bursting at the seams, and be wearing the same thing. Black leotard with ruched shoulders, tights. Hair falling out of a scrappy bun. Worn out military boots.
Bucky Barnes got out of the military, but not after his arm decided to leave him first. Now, in university, he's trying to make something of himself, but that's all fine and well but he can't help but notice the girl who'd interrupt his advanced physics class...
Notes: Inspired by one of my favourite tumblr artists’ rendition of Punk Bucky. Shout out to @illustratedkate for being so darn talented!
Word Count: 3,035
Posting Date:  2017-05-29
Current Date: 2017-06-15
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Every Wednesday, without fail, there was a girl who’d run through the conjoined classrooms in E Block. She’d always have her satchel bursting at the seams, and be wearing the same thing. Black leotard with ruched shoulders, tights. Hair falling out of a scrappy bun. Worn out military boots. The only reason Bucky noticed her was she constantly interrupting fourth period advanced physics. At first, he didn’t really see her at all, she was just another person. A human on earth, an ant to a boot. Someone he’d forget about come graduation when everyone was not magically hired to companies, and were as broke as ever, just with a diploma. But really, it was Nat who reminded him of this mystery girl, over nips at their favourite bar.
“You think you’re so cool pretending not to see _________ when she cuts through the room,” The redhead smirked into her beer, and taking a drink, drank her laughter along with the stuff Bucky wasn’t that fond of. “I can see straight through you, Barnes.”
Nat was the kind of punk who just how scary they were, and owned it. She was a litany of snark and lip piercings and tattoos over the scars of her past. Bucky had trouble picturing her as a little kid with red ponytails – he wasn’t sure if it was her harsh undercut, or the way her knuckles were always caught in a cycle of healing, and bruising. He could see her as a child who gave too much lip, and tore her pinafore, and ran off to join the army. That’s where he met her, but they’d both been kicked out before any real damage happened. Read: Nat losing her arm too. It had just been a week until return to home soil. He only wore jackets and gloves over the prosthetic, even in summer. It added to the punk aesthetic.
“Who?” He asks. The name doesn’t ring a bell, though it is a nice name.
Nat laughs again, but she doesn’t elaborate. Instead, she’s turning, and has seen someone in the bar, and calls out to them. Usually, Sam and his girls would hang out here, or even Steve in the back with his little sketch book, but when the person Nat is beckoning comes over, Bucky can’t think right.
It’s her.
“__________! Please, introduce yourself to James. He’s an idiot and doesn’t have good taste in human beings. Present company included,” Nat grins, making her snakebite rings tilt against her painted lips.
At once, _________ puts her hand out toward him. Her hand is the same size as Nat’s, but it doesn’t have a tattoo of a star, split into shards. But it’s then Bucky realises that if that’s the hand she’s given him, that means…
Nat shakes her head. “See? He can’t even call his social life shots.” She scoffs, but as she flashes ________ one of her priceless, pseudo-seductress smiles that led many a person into her bed, she also shares a weak look of acquiescence with him, as if to say oh my freaking dog I’m so sorry I forgot.
“Wait, you’re James Barnes?” She repeats the name Nat had given. “I’ve heard so much about you! I’m sort of a friend with Steve. He likes to come and watch us practice.” At this, she flags down the bartender, and after she orders something too sweet, too bubbly, and too alcoholic for the meds he’s on, adds, “He’s always chatty after practice.”
Bucky raises a brow. “Practice? Is that where you’re always running to?”
________ laughs. He’s not sure if he’s drunk already, or that it’s the nicest laugh he’s ever heard, and he’s heard a few dozen people in his life time laugh at him. She tilts her head back, her (h/l) (h/c) hair falling everywhere, but it doesn’t look messy. It looks like art.
Yep. He’s probably drunk.
“I’d have thought you’d have figured out by now,” she titters, “I’m a dancer. Bachelor’s degree.”
Bucky takes a swig of his drink, processing. It explained the leotard. Just not the fact that she was always running late. “Dancer?” He muses, but the words probably come out less than elegant. “Like West Side Story?”
Nat chuckles. “Yeah, buddy, like West Side Story.” From her grungy wallet, she whips out cash to pay for _______’s drink, and a tip for the bartender whose brow sweat Bucky can relate to on almost a spiritual level. “Alright. While you two keep chatting up, I have a booty call to attend to.” She winks at him, and ascends from the barstool like she’s an otherworldly being and not the 5”3 crimson horror.
But all the wit has left him for the night, and as ________ claims Nat’s stool, all he can think about is the assignment that needs to happen as soon as possible, and that he used to be able to sing the alphabet backwards as a kid.
“So, you know Steve?” he stammers. He sounds like a fourteen-year-old in his adult body, but the words have already left his lips, and there’s no going back. What happened to the suave as midnight, rotten-to-the-core punk Bucky the world knew him as?
She nods. “Yeah. I didn’t realise we took Professor May’s portraiture together until the seating arrangement changed, but yes. He practices form when we’re dancing.” She takes sips between sentences, acting more her age than Bucky sure is. An afterthought, she adds, “I probably should work on my project…”
Buck nods. Before he’d run off and joined the army, Steve was a budding artist, scraping pennies to go to school and try to learn more about the whole business. On some whim, the army had taken him in, and in return for his tours (where he’d not gotten his arm blown off, lucky bastard) the military paid for his education. Neat deal.
“So, how long have you known Steve?” She asks.
He stops to think, but not long enough to remember how drunk he really is, and what that does to the filter he doesn’t have. “I can’t remember. Forever? We were in the same day-care.” He blurts.
“Nat was wrong about you, James.” She considers aloud, tipping the last of her glass up. “You’re sure as hell not an idiot.”
As usual, it was a Wednesday, but instead of studying in class like he was supposed to, he wasn’t. Well, nobody was, their professor had texted everyone a picture of an overflowing toilet with the text beneath reading can’t teach gotta stop an impromptu swimming pool. But still, old habits die hard, and he sat in the room like always, flicking through his phone trying to find a joke he’d jotted down after dreaming out it, wanting to bring it up next time he saw Steve. His pal was always hanging out with new crowds, like the hippy Wanda, and her athlete brother, and the smartass Tony who built his first computer when Bucky was still in nappies.
But it was a Wednesday. And every Wednesday, without fail, Nat’s friend _________ would run through the conjoined classrooms in E Block, regardless if advanced physics was on or not. Upon ruminating this, he heard the door push forward, and the patter of her feet as she fled through the rooms.
Curious, and for once, not distracted by the beauty of crazy maths that took his mind off the shitty realities of life after service, and able to follow, he did. His clunky boots were as quiet as they could be, as he threaded his way behind her, tracing her footsteps toward the F Block where he knew the physically-artsy people did their things. As he entered the dance room, obeying the sign to take off all shoes with hard soles before standing on the sprung floor. But when he saw the group that congregated in the centre, his breath was taken away.
In her black leotard, and tights, ________ was at the forefront of the dance troupe, surrounded by junior students, all kitted out in the standard pearl-white outfits anyone thinks of when picturing ballerina. They all follow her lead on the bar while the professor looked on from near where he stood. Bucky wasn’t a cultured kind of guy – perhaps the most culture he got sometimes was the fact that his clothes were made overseas, and he drank orange juice from a few states over, and ate tacos occasionally – but he could say for certain that he’d never gone to see people dance. He was rubbish at dancing himself, and moved like a sardine who’d escaped the tin on the supermarket shelf when there was music to dance to, but he wasn’t an idiot. _______, and the rest of the dancers moved like air was water, and they were swans, masters of both.
“Are you another student from Melinda’s art class?” The professor has her sleek hair pulled into a fashionable bun, eyes alert, makeup simple, yet elegant. “I don’t think I can handle another one like him watching the dancers, they get distracted when there’s handsome boys about.”
Bucky feels his face heat up. “I’m – I don’t take art, I’m a computer science student. I’m – just watching ________. A friend.” He tells the professor hurriedly, and adds, “Handsome?”
She waves the word off, almost swatting it so it flies away. “Kids these days find everyone good-looking for anything. I assume you’re quite the lady-killer from the hairstyle alone,” It sounds like a joke, and Bucky laughs. “So, computer science student watching ________ dance, what really brings you here? Youth are always chasing love these days. I suppose you are too?”
His face reddens. “I – I think I like her?” It sounds like a question. He isn’t sure if it’s supposed to be a question. “I was a bit curious as what a dancer did.”
The professor frowns. “They dance, computer science student. But that’s not all. You are a book, and I am reading you.”
“I was also going to ask her if she liked to drink coffee sometime soon,” He admits. He’s not sure why, but this professor of the dancing department has some serious vibes that make him want to spill all the beans. Bucky glances to ________, watching her as she leads the dancers into the centre of the room, executing a fancy twirl he doesn’t know the name of. He frowns, and turns back to the professor, his not-prosthetic out to shake her hand, “Bucky Barnes. And you are?”
She grins. “Professor Cho. And I know that ______ is free tomorrow after class – same time as today – and likes drinking coffee a little too much.” At this, she claps her hands, and the dancers disband, and walk toward where they keep their bags, and sip water. “_______! Barnes wishes to take you to grab coffee. Tomorrow okay?” She calls out.
“Sure!” She calls out, going to her own bag. “See you then, James!”
Tomorrow comes faster than he can stop. It’s crazy. If he texted Nat to say he had a date, she’d freak out and call him more names than he could handle, or if Steve caught wind of the fact he was doing something other than playing around with his laptop, he’d tell Sam, and then everyone would know because Sam probably hated his guts (he wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but acting like an ass to Sam and Sam acting like one back just became the parameters of their not-quite-friendship).  So, he keeps it quiet. He showers. He washes his clothes, even using the dryer on campus. He looks at the prosthesis before fitting it for the day, and contemplates that discussion. But his classes rush by like a train going through Siberia, and then boom! he’s waiting outside of F Block, one hand over his messenger bag, other in heaven, R. I. P. hand.
“Hey, stranger,” ______ greets, and guides him by his good elbow in the direction of the campus coffee shop. “Let’s get coffee.”
He nods, and starts on the process of making small talk. “I had no idea what was going on yesterday. Your professor, she’s nice.”
_______ nods. “Yeah, Helen’s great. She was the youngest professor to teach here in fifty years, and she once danced on Broadway!” She beams, and adds in a lower voice, “Sorry for Professor Cho. She overheard I was going to ask you and insisted. Like, didn’t-take-no-for-an-answer insisting. She’s nice, once you get to know her.”
He understands. “It’s all good.”
A beat passes between them, and she adds, “So, at the bar you said you knew Steve since you were practically foetus, and Nat tells me you’ve known each other for years.” Bucky has a sinking feeling that he knows what’s coming next. Even though he’s hardcore and hardly ever cries (that much anymore) and paints his eyes black for concerts, he’s dreading the next words that come from her mouth. The words, they’re practically predestined to happen.
You always been one-handed?
“So?” he prompts, tempting fate.
She shrugs. “I can never get friends to stay with me long enough like that,” she plays with the quick beside on her fingernails, and chews upon her lip. “You’re a lucky guy. I’ll kill to have a squad like that.”
He frowns. “Is that what the kids are calling their friends these days?” he jokes, knowing full well of the language. _______ barks out a laugh – the sort of laugh that if she’d been drinking, would have spouted all of it from her nostrils like a sort of whale. Bucky’s sigh inwardly takes days off his life as he wonders why he likened the girl he likes to a whale.
“We’re here,” he notes.
The coffee shop on campus is always teeming, full of those hipsters with odd tattoos that look like they’ve been downloaded from C list celebrities and onto their skin. Bucky isn’t fond of the coffee shop. He isn’t fond of coffee. But he drinks it. Everyone drinks it, even those who say they don’t. The last time he had been in had been a year ago and he’d gotten a nice croissant and donated money to the rescue dog fund by the cash register.
“Hey, I’ll order, and you stay here. Flat white cappuccino?” She asks, and adds, “Yay or nay?”
Bucky nods. “Yay. I’ll pay you back.”
Walking off, ______ shakes her head. “You can buy next date.”
His face is warm. Date.
His roommate had spilled energy drink over his posters when he was supposed to go out. It was a Thursday, and about three or four (or five?) months after the first date he’d had with _______, drinking mediocre coffee and walking around the campus. He was supposed to be helping with something to do with an art project, but he wasn’t sure if it was a naked model sort of gig or pasting-sequins-and-glitter-everywhere sort of gig, and he was supposed to be meeting _______ by the fountain downstairs three minutes ago.
But there was guava-smelling crap all over Jimmy Hendrix and Peaches. And the dorm door opened.
“Babe,” ______’s voice sounded pained, but as he glanced over his shoulder, he saw that she could see the tragedy of the pair of rock stars, and bent to help. Her hand brushed his, but not the one he could feel from. At this, Bucky couldn’t help it, he moved his hand away. _______ frowned. “James, what is it?”
He shakes his head, his other hand dropping the towel that too smelt of guava energy drink. “Not …. Not that hand. Please.” It was almost him pleading. If only the other goths and punks from the bar that knew him as Bucky “Take No Shit” Barnes could see him now. “I –,”
“I know you have a prosthetic,” she blurted, face reddening by the stain of blush that spread like ink upon water. “I saw Steve’s sketchbook, the drawings of your arm. He was very tipsy, and he told me about it. Sorry, I didn’t want you to know I knew from him, because he’s your best friend and all, but, it doesn’t make me feel any different about you.”
He sits there. The fear that has been chasing him for months has suddenly died and now it’s sort of empty in his head. All those intrusive thoughts – poof! Gone.
“Did he say how?” He wonders.
She shakes her head. “No, he threw up on me before he got to that.” ______ takes his hand, the one they had issued to him, and in with her other hand, takes his. Her gaze is unrelenting, static, gorgeous. Damn. He might even be in love. “Dude. Say something.”
Bucky takes a breath. “Can we raincheck the art project?” He asks.
______ nods. “Yeah. Can we cuddle for like, twenty-four hours straight?” She asks.
Bucky takes a moment to consider. “It sounds impractical, but I’m up for it,” he rises, glancing to his unmade bed, strewn with all sorts of stupid comforters, and pillows he loves. “and after, I’m paying for coffee?”
_______ beams. “And I’ll pay for new posters.”
It turns out that if you don’t pay attention in class, you can notice things others are blind to. Almost like seeing fairies, or little secrets you share with the world. James “Bucky” Barnes, the punk ex-military computer science student wasn’t fond of advanced physics. He was fond of sci-fi and warm patches of sunlight with chairs to soak up the morning in and someone else’s brain to relate to after all the crazy shit he’d been through.
It so turns out that if one doesn’t pay much attention in class, they can notice the girl who runs through E Block, runs through the world, and right into their brain. The person who’s naïve, but wise, punk, but loving, fantastic, and dorky…all at once.
It turns out that soulmates aren’t real. It’s just a story to help you sleep at night. But if Bucky Barnes had ten bucks on anything, he’d bet that his girl, the girl who ran right into his head and caught on hold of his heart, was his soulmate.
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marierosaurus · 7 years
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Story time! Today: My trip to Italy in 2013.
I made the trip with my old class as some sort of ‘graduation journey’. The bus ride itself was awesome and funny. The drive was very long ( I think about 8 hours) but the landscape was beautiful.
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@michelmcfly​ / @chellum​ used to say:”Oh my gosh, look! How romantic!”, all the time. We also droe through a tunnel that was long af. I thought we’ll never see the light again. Rip.
We stayed at a campsite (San Benedetto) in nice little bungalows right next to the lake Garda, which I shared with @michelmcfly​ / @chellum​ , @kiraeh97​  and another friend of ours (ok back then we weren’t friends at all but we got along and she wasn’t around most of the time anyway).
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(I have no idea what’s wrong with @michelmcfly​ / @chellum​ in this picture.) I shared a room with @michelmcfly​ / @chellum​  (of cause) and we had way too much fun as soon as the bedroom door closed (not ambiguous at all ;) ). We laughed about the light dimmer, made shadow plays, looked at the photos from each day and zommed in only too laugh about random people in the background and not to forget I twerked for her and she just said:”You‘re not Miley Cyrus.”. I’m sure there were even more crazy things we did but these are the best ones I can remember. Our window (it’s the one she’s standing in front of on the picture) was also perfect for stalking everyone who came by. Like I said the bungalow was quite nice, but we had some problems with ants (we bought a trap for them) and needed one day to figure out that we need to turn on the heater (which was in the main room) as soon as we can and leave the other doors to our rooms open so they can also warm up ( we were there at in autumn and at night is was cold af).
On our first real day we checked out locations in the neughbourhood ( Peschiera and Sirmione) which showed us the typical italian architecture and the lake garda in day light and we tasted out first italian ice cream.
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We walked up a little hill and took a funny ‘street train’ back down and waved and screamed at all people we’re passing. Crazy tourists. The funniest thing was when one of our teachers said:”I’ve got a suprise for you!”, and everyone thought that we’re going to get ice cream or something like that and then we walked to a train station and her daugther came out of a train. She invited her daugther to stay with us. Ok….but why is that a suprise for us? We never saw her before and maybe ever heard of her existence. Like…wtf. Tbh everyone was quite pissed. :’D We ate dinner at the campsite and they had little fishs as snaks which I thought was disgusting because you could still see their little eyes and stuff but two of my friends tried them as a test of courage. Disgusting.
The next day was my personal highlight because we visited Venice which was really really beautiful. We took a ferry to get there and were able to discover the city by ourselfs for some hours.
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Besides exploring Venice and shopping souvenirs we used our free time to eat a real italian pizza and another italian ice cream (as if these were the only to things too eat in whole Italy. lol.). Our group had this thing that one classmate started. We were shouting around the word “Whop!” all the time which was handy if you searched the others. You just needed to shout “Whop!” and if you got an answer you knew they weren’t far. It became a real insider on this trip.
In the evening the campsite made a ‘disco’ for kids but it was really boring so we went back to our bungalows and had the best prank idea. We hided in the bungalow of our friends, turned the light of etc. and pranked @michelmcfly / @chellum who came later because….idk where she was (?). It was really hard to stay quite but her reaction was to funny even if our prank was just stupid. :’D We even repeated this ‘prank’a couple of times. Another funny thing was, when we had a huge moth in our friends bungalow and all of us ran for their lifes. One of our boys who saw us running out of the bungalow asked what we’re doing and we told him about the moth (he was a very muscular / strong guy). He took a look inside the bungalow and ran our screaming. My kind of aesthetics. But the ‘best’ thing was when one of our classmates were drugged. we didn’t know how it happened but he was stoned af. Another classmate took him for a walk to calm down and when they came back he started to tell that they saw a HUGE beaver. It was funny but from todays perspective it could have been very dangerous. He was responsible for too many funny things that evening and I bet that I only remember half of it.
We also went to Verona ( the City of Rome and Juliet) on our next day. It’s a really cute city (but the highlight was probably the Disney Store).
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Thank’s to my english teacher in highschool I am able to say the beginning of Romeo and Juliet by heart now: “Two households both alike in dignity ; In fair Verona where we lay our scene ; From acient grudge break to new mutiny ; Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean…” There’s that bitch’s balcony:
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Ok, it was quite romantic and cute back then, but now that I read the drama for english class I can’t see or hear anything from Romeo and Juliet ever again. I’m done with Shakespeare. In the evening we went to buy a cake for @kiraeh97 because her birthday was at the next day and gave it to her right after midnight. In between we had a dinner with the whole group at which we gave our teachers shirts with the italian flag and our insider ("Whop!").
Our last day was pretty much driving on a boat over the lake garda the whole day… Of cause we made breakes to check out two towns (they were really beautiful but we’re just so tired). Of cause we needed to eat another ice cream in one of the towns.
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In the evening we finally arrived ot the habour where our bus waited and after another pizza we were able to ride home.
Later we got to know that our bus driver was really bad and didn’t made his mandatory breakes or switched drivers (because you need to do that on a drive as long as this one). Our teachers told us that they were really feared. In the end we got some money back!
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ttrfdg · 2 years
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#The “Spring Festival Gala” is cheated every year#and the “Stupid Gala” is cheated every year. Guo Wengui has long been notorious#so it is impossible for people in the pro-democracy circle to join him. With decent characters and some small ants leaving one after anothe#this year's “Guo's Spring Festival Gala” does not even have a role#and the performance will definitely be greatly reduced. The “Liar Guo” who is “stand alone” is destined to spend the New Year of the Rabbit#Facing the bleak popularity#Guo Wengui can only rely on this festival to maintain its flow and popularity. Looking at the year of the Ant Gang#it can really be described as miserable and miserable. Guo Wengui's situation is getting worse every year. No one in the pro-democracy move#so the guests of Guo Spring Festival Gala are only I will post some unknown ants#but what is certain is that Guo Chunwan’s program will definitely promote and sell investment fraud projects such as “Xibi” and “G-Glub”#and will once again let everyone witness the real Guo liar.#How rampant it was in the past#how embarrassing it is today. Under Guo Wengui's fake appearance is his dirty heart. In order to escape the sanctions of domestic laws#he used to kneel and lick the United States#but now he has nowhere to escape. It is really embarrassing and very satisfying!#There are also little ants who “waving the flag and shouting” for it#wake up quickly! Such a “stupid evening” lowers not Wen Gui's IQ#but the IQ of the “audience”. This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word “stupid” to the fullest#and even showed signs of “stupid” beyond the margins and “stupid” towards the future.#Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer “routines” of Wengui's crying performances and fake be#there will be a conclusion!
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ladecena · 3 years
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On the summer day of March, Year 2005 a fresh place in Bani, Camarines Sur met this beautiful family. The people in here welcome this family with a great smile on their face and warm invitations in every household. Everyone is excited to greet each member of the family. Everyone is in wonder of how they wear, how they talk, how they behave because they’re from urban places. Years passed by and this place became their home. Fresh air, fresh food, hospitable people, sea breeze in every morning and chirps of birds everyday. Such a beautiful place to live on.
This family lives peacefully and content with what they have as long as they have each other. Even the kids don’t complain about their lives. Fish and vegetables everyday is fine. Sardines for them are like meat, a special one. Every night they wait for their father to come home from fishing. It’s their habit and favorite part of the day. Waiting for someone they love.
“Mama! Look papa has a lot of fish tonight, 2 basins of fish and…”
 Trish said to his mom with amusement but she did not continue what she was going to say because she saw her favorite toy, a fish with a hand like a crab. She loves to play with her brother.
“Pa, sumo wrestling look!” Javier said, pointing to a crab.
 “Be careful they may hurt your hands if you touch them. ” Rod said to his son.
“Okay it’s time to sleep kids, you saw your father now go to your room but before that wash your hands okay?” Len said.
“Yes mother.” Kids replied with a big smile on their faces.
 On the following morning Trish woke up earlier than usual. She washed her body, ate breakfast and wore her neat clothes. She is about to study in her favorite room, the school. She walked slightly and met her friends along the way. She is quite advanced over her classmates. She knows how to read english books, knows how to read tagalog too without stuttering. Thanks to her father she learned.
“Thank you Trish, very good!” Her teacher said after she read the book.
 “ I want you to be the reader for tomorrow’s flag ceremony, is that okay?” Mrs. Estopasi said to Trish as she moved away from the door of the classroom.
“Yes Ma'am.”
 Trish replied cheerfully. She feels happy and runs to her house with excitement on her face. She tells it to her family with action of course. Trish is not Trish without action while telling a story. The house is filled with words, smiles and dreams. The following morning Trish is excited, she woke up much earlier, combed her hair, wore nice clothes and ran. She is absolutely a good reader among the students in the flag ceremony. Everyone clapped towards her. She may be shy but she has this brave heart to utter some words from the stage. Suddenly at her young age she wanted to teach the children.
“Ouch, ouch the grass is on my skirt Trish” Bea said to Trish. “You can put that off Bea.”
Trish laugh and run. It was an amorseko grass who stuck onto garments. Their job as students, discipline of their teacher, is to pick grass from the front of their room. But students make this time as their playtime. They throw amorseko to each other and run.
“Okay class stop that, you can enter the room and fix your things”
 Teacher shouted while standing in the front of the room. The students tease each other that they must face consequences because their teacher shouted. Everyday the scenario was like this. Contented and happy with their provincial life. Children are easy to smile with the little things.
One day this beautiful family faces it’s turning point. They have nothing to eat but kamote and salt.
“Trish go with your brother, go to Mrs. Anne and borrow at least one measure of rice, tell her  that we will give it to her when there is enough money, tell her also that just for today’s meal”
Trish’s mother said with a pain in her heart. She doesn’t want the kids to suffer from poverty and she doesn’t want them to borrow food from the neighborhood. For a mother like her it’s like a burden to see your child suffering.
Trish walks with his brother and they knock on every household but no one gives. Trish becomes teary eyed and walks home while holding the measurement glass on her hand. “Mother, no one gives me rice” Trish said while her head bowed.
Deep inside her mother felt the pain and told her kids that it was fine. There is sweet potato instead of rice plus later their father will come back home with plenty of fish. The kids accept it wholeheartedly and they fall asleep but Trish told herself that someday we will have a wealthy life, I will study hard to give my family the food, the life that they deserve. She knows deep inside her heart that they will rise from this poverty and someday she will become successful. A dream of a child will always be so magical. She promised it to herself and to God.
The waves of the ocean splash on the boat, the children are saying goodbye and waving their hands. The baggage is all over the boat.
“Goodbye Trish” Ekang said to Trish with a big smile on her face. “Goodbye Ekang, thank you and we will come back soon, I promise”
Trish said with a smile on her face while on the top of a big boat. She knows that she will come back. But she doesn’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone, far away from her beloved province. All she knows was they will go to a place on where they doesn’t need to borrow a measure of rice, eat stewed banana or sweet potato, sell rusted iron to buy sardines,
climb up a tree to get a talisay for merienda, walk far just to go to school or go to neighbors just to watch a television. Because she knows deep in her heart she is about to go far away from suffering. She will go to a world she doesn’t know but she knows she will be in love, feel the love, see the world and make it.
Eighteen years later, a rang of a bell echoing from the school ground made the student run on every room.
I know you see me even though i’m little Now I’m here standing still but not tall
I’m here reading this, for you to know me well And I’m here to share this quiet journey of mine.
Born on the 9th day of December Waked at the east where’s the sun rises
Living with my family to a simple tiny house Eating with them three times in a day
Hitting with my mother’s hanger every time i’ve become lazy
Learned to write my own name and read because of my strict and steel hand father Rudy Singing at the front of the mirror and even in the bathroom
And a fanatic fan of old songs and poems. I’m a soft-hearted person
Easy to cry , easy to forgive, easy to love but not easy to get 19 years of age
Yes I’m the eldest,
The cutest and the tall less.
 My childhood isn’t extravagant, haven’t feel to play with other kids Haven’t climb up a tree
Haven’t experienced to ride on a carousel Or to go on a artificial cold house to travel
But i’ve experienced to sail on a boat just by myself
Just like playing on a huge pail, seeing myself as like an ant whose on the top of a leaf I’ve tasted the sweetness of the flower
I felt the warm hug of nature
I’ve seen how life’s disdain me at the very young age
I’ve aimed to have a lot of money to buy my family a lot of food and I think it’s enough at that time.
But time passed by and I realized i’m wrong. My family isn’t perfect
We fight, we sin, we say badly words to each other, we sometimes don’t listen, but we treat each other and we have fear of God.
This life makes me see that we are the protagonist of our own story,
that we are born to enjoy this gift of life and do not pleased others just to accept us. And to appreciate every single little thing around us and that’s what happiness truly is.
The small classroom filled with claps of hands.
“Very good Trish!” The teacher replied after she heard the poem.
“Thank you Ma'am, thank you classmates.” Trish replied with a genuine smile on her heart and the dream began.
- 🍀 leaf
June 12, 2021
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bettisrichardnd · 2 years
The "Liar Guo" who is "stand alone" wants to spend the New Year in loneliness
There are also little ants who "waving the flag and shouting" for it, wake up quickly! Such a "stupid evening" lowers not Wen Gui's IQ, but the IQ of the "audience". This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word "stupid" to the fullest, and even showed signs of "stupid" beyond the margins and "stupid" towards the future.
Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer "routines" of Wengui's crying performances and fake benevolence and sympathy. How long can the poor Guo Wengui struggle? It is estimated that after Guo Chunwan, there will be a conclusion!
0 notes
captainprongs · 7 years
One shot Story Jily AU
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So, I had this story A Pirate’s life for me, an AU with my fave ship (pun not intended) Jily, and it was supposed to be a multi-chapter story, but I never got around to do it, and only had this. This is years old, and it is kind of a repost, but I have edited some, and I made a cover I just Love! I almost decided to try and work on the story again, just for the sake of using the cover :P But no.
A one shot story. Hope you enjoy! (And sorry for the mistakes, because I may have edited, but not that much. So my younger self will have to speak for her own on that one x’D 
Also found on wattpad.
Title: A Pirate’s life for me Words: 1998 (5 pages) Fandom: Harry Potter (A Jily fanfiction) AU. Summary: James potter and his crew is on the waves when they find a certain ship with a very interesting cargo onboard, that contains a certain red haired lady who they may or may not know.
It was a good day James mused when he sat his eyes on the sky, before letting it slide down onto the deck where his crew were working hard, and fast - not missing a beat. The ship was cutting through the waves in a speed that even David Jones couldn't complain about. James' hands laid steady on the rudder as he could feel the power of the waves beneath him; it always calmed him in some way. His eyes barely flicked when he saw his first mate coming up the stairs with a smile on his face.
"Going good, nothing to report that wouldn't bore you."
"I guess no news is good news." James grinned.
Sirius Black, first mate - and not only the position on the ship. He was foremost James Potter's best friend for many years. Alongside the second mate who was also the navigator: Remus Lupin.
As if this was a call to said man, Remus came up the stairs with a small but contend smile on his face.
"We are making good speed Captain' by this we will reach the next port within the week." Remus said as he took place by James' right side - opposite to Sirius (who were on the left).
"The men will certainly appreciate that. Some fine woman company is what they need after this trip."
"You sure you're not talking about yourself, huh Sirius?"
"What? Don't tell me you're not getting wet dreams by now? Ha, is Remus still dry behind his ears?"
"I never said that."
"Sure you didn't, your whole face says it."
"It does not."
"Does too."
"That's what I'm hinting at, yes." Sirius said smug.
"Shut up."
"Guys, shut it." James interrupted when his lookout called for his attention. They abruptly stopped their bickering when they heard, and they directed their gaze on the watcher.
"What do you see Leo?" James yelled.
"A Ship Cap'n."
"What's her crest?"
"It's the royal King's crest, Cap'n." Beside James a short whistle escaped Sirius while Remus face took on a frown.
"They shouldn't be in these waters." James mused (saying what Remus had been thinking) as he let go of the wheel, and took his spyglass. As they were told, a ship in the horizon, small like an ant could be seen, and he could only just slightly glimpse the name, but no more did he need.
"Well, well, well, looks like Athena is out sailing." The brig before them was not heading towards them, but nonetheless it was still optional wherever they should attack or not.
"Athena? Hmm then it must be the King's right hand. Nobody but him gets to sail that ship," Remus said trying to see the ship. Sirius turned his glance to James and asked:
"What will you have us to do, Captain?" A smile was tugging at the edges of James lips, while observing Athena through the spyglass.
"I think it's time to say hello to our friends, it has been far too long since we last paid our respects." He heard a grin, and a snort from his friends, but no more needed said, and Sirius yelled out to the men.
Lily Evans, a young lady, and at the moment very must stuck on a ship where she would rather jump from the railing then stay - if it wasn't for the fact that she very much wanted to live a little longer than just twenty years of course.
It was not because Lily didn't like to sail. She loved the sea; it's waves, and the salty taste on the wind - what she didn't like was the King's right hand. A man who at the moment had the custody of her, the King's niece. You would think that being the King's niece would mean safety and kind feelings, but all it had given her so far was bruises, and a very dark loathing feeling towards the whole royal family – except her father and mother.
But that didn't mean much at the moment. Oh, she knew the King was gloating at the moment with the prospect that he had her in his palm. Because that meant he had a hold of a weakness; his brother's weakness.
Lily wouldn't call herself a lady, not in any form or way. And most would agree with her. She had heard on more than one occasion how she was wild and unmannered, more a lass than a lady, and that was fine by her. Rather be a lass with an opinion and some nerve than a woman of the court who nodded, and was doing the men's bidding.  
And while this was all good – or bad – Lily didn't really see what was coming towards them, not yet that was. For now, she had escaped from deck below, now eyeing some of the smaller boats that was escorting them. Gunner boats as they called them. A necessary being a royal vessel.
A brief wind, salty, wild in her dark red locks, and slightly cold on her fair skin but with a certain feel to it, that made her nor shiver or going inside for warmth, passed her by as a lost friend. It was a small peace, which was disturb very quickly by a glare sent her way. She did not see it but felt it rather.
Her neck felt almost sore just by the look. Warm and prickling. She didn't need to turn around to see who was very unsatisfied by her mere present on deck.
The King's right hand: Sir Rupert Scrivener – commander of the ship, and just down right vile. She didn't need him to tell her that she didn't belong here.
She knew.
A yell across the ship caught her attention. Another ship was getting closer towards them. Curious at the new vessel she leaned over the railing trying to get a closer look. It had gotten surprisingly close. She could just – but only so – see the name but not yet the flag.
The Marauding Luna.
It sounded familiar in some foreign place in her mind as her mouth chewed on the word. It was almost too familiar, but why so she couldn't place. She knew many ships, being the daughter of her kind of a father. Perhaps the name said it all, but it wasn't before a shout of dread that made her know why this ship made an unknown feeling plant in her chest, that she knew why.
Pirates. Bloody Pirates, and yet, a smile was growing steadily and sure on her lips.      
"Get the girl down below the deck, now!"
Before Lily could registry what was going on, a crewmember had already a hold on her arm and was taking her away. She looked over her shoulder, and saw the grim expression of Sir Rupert. He probably thought that it was all her doing that they now were going to defend against plundering pirates, and in a way, it probably was. She only smiled at him and got below deck, to be locked away in a small room without a window.
She was perhaps fairly lucky she thought, when no cannonball had hit her room, and probably doing an end to her life. But the fight was on, and still going by the sound of it. Yelling, clashes of swords, and the continuous blasts of gunshots sounded like a thunderous storm above her. She was not sure how long the fight had lasted so far, but by the sound of it, the end was near, and Lily knew whom she was placing her bets on.
She also knew that the longer she stayed here, the more she was going to go out of her mind. Being locked away was so not helping her nerves. The semi dark room made her skin feel clammy, making her dress cling against her body, that was really not comfortable.
Her silent prayer was heard, but she only found out half an hour later when her door was mashed in - but the faces of those who had found her was not of happiness or in any form of that manner. It was shock.
They looked at each other, uncertain of what to do. There were three of them, but finally they all reached to the same conclusion, and took her on deck. Their hold on her were perhaps just a tad tighter than what she thought was necessary, but she didn't comment. She just had to talk to the pirate captain, and hopefully all her prayers would be heard, and answered too with as much manners that you could expect from a pirate.
But what meet her on deck was not what she had thought, and almost as soon as her prayers were blooming they withered. It was not the dead bodies, or the remain of the captured crew – she held little feelings for them, not that she wasn't perplexed by the bodies, but she knew life, and life was never fair. No, it was the fact that when she was nearing the pirate captain that she instant knew who it was.
Black raven coloured hair that was a mess, board shoulders, tall, and rank. The two men besides him didn't contradict this. Oh, they were shocked when they laid eyes on Lily. Light brown hair and light blue eyes, and black sleek hair, and grey eyes. Undoubtedly Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black, the infamous trio - when you also counted their captain; James bloody Potter into the equation.
Their pirate captain.
This was a nightmare coming true.
James Potter turned around. His eyes widen when they laid on her, and it looked for a second he wanted to say something, but found himself stunned – but only for a short time of course.
"If it isn't Lily Evans."
"I'm surprised that you can even remember other names then your own with that ego of yours."
"You really should learn how to speak to people Evans."
"Then it's good I don't really count you as one."
"Oh, how you wound my heart like no other."
"I try."
"Anyway, you sure made it easy for us Rupert – you see Evans, your father has made a rather large bounty on your head – being the daughter of the Pirate King and all that." Said James, looking at Rupert then Lily while he spoke.
The shock on Sirius face had turned into a smug smile as he stepped towards Lily.
"And here we only came to pay our respects to Sir Rupert. Sorry to say it Love, but dresses really aren't your thing. " She raised a thin brow. "I know." She answered.  
The green eyes of Lily Evans turned course and landed on Remus. A small smile played. His shocked expression had slowly turned gentle, and friendly, and perhaps just a little resigned.
"And here I thought that you were too clever to be with this lot, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." Lily mused while watching Remus intently, who laughed lightly while shaking his head.
"And where would they be if I didn't stay with them?" He asked.
"Fair point." She nodded.
Perhaps it could have been worse she thought, standing between Sirius, and Remus. Both looking how James handled the situation, and just royally pissed Sir Rupert off to a certain point, before declaring it was time to leave. This time around, Lily felt safe and perhaps just a little happy when she stood on The Marauding Luna watching them leave Athena behind in its own devastating state. She was going home, she knew that, and she was with people she more or less could talk with – well James Potter was a whole other thing, but she could deal with that later.
"Happy to go home?" James was learning on the railing besides her, and for the first time in days Lily could sigh with relief.
"Much." A smug smile tucked at the edges of James Lips, but he said nothing more.  
Because they were going home.
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theloremagpie · 7 years
Coming Out (sort of, again, but bigger.. yeah)
So I don’t usually write personal posts as this is mainly a fandom blog but feel like tumblr is the only place I can really shout this to the void right now so I’m going to go on a bit.
I have always been a bisexual, it took me a while to label it as such but I’ve always been comfortable with my sexuality, knew who I was and never made a big thing about it. Because I was so chill about it everyone assumes I’m straight, and I didn’t think it was ‘relevant’ to just say - ah hey guys no I’m bi - not thinking that it bothered me. I do talk about it if it comes up and I will talk about liking ladies as much as about liking guys. But it’s seen as a ‘girl crush’ ‘oh yeah me too she is gorgeous’ kinda talk and not taken seriously.
I have told 3 of my best female friends but it was as part of a larger conversation and I got shut down by one of them saying she didn’t believe you could be bisexual unless you had had sex with a women (which I haven’t), and another said oh same I think everyone is curious.. and then it got ignored. I was pretty shocked and didn’t stand up for myself but it really hurt that they basically told me I wasn’t valid. This was quite a few years ago now.
Since then I have grown and gained confidence and started to realise that this is something I am doing to myself, and letting others do to me. Erasing my identity, going along with heteronormativity because I don’t feel it is ‘relevant’? Especially recently when it came up in conversation with a few work mates and they have been totally cool with it and not ignored it but actually opened up to that side of me. Including me in conversations about cute ladies they like or just acknowledging it in little day to day things. It feels so freeing and it has opened the floodgates as I am now so aware that other people, people I feel love and support me in all other things, are either not aware or have ignored what I have told them.
So anyway I’m planning on properly, bang the drum, make a big deal of it, coming out to my friends and family. And that feels so weird because I never felt like I needed to but now it’s like a weird backdating comment. So yeah this is me and it has been since we have been friends and I basically haven’t told you until now because I didn’t think you wanted to know. 
I’m getting pretty nervous about the sort of reaction I will get. Especially following the comments I had from my friends before. I also feel like a prize weirdo having to inform everyone about myself, its so weird!
I’m thinking just a blanket coming out to my 2 closest friendship groups, I have no idea how I tell my parents as they are champion ignorers, then the sky’s the limit I guess? It’s Pride soon and I will go as I always do, but this time I’m thinking I just up the ante on the gayness? Like purple glitter, bi flag waving and etc. and just spam my online life with a big ‘I’m bi’ tagline… go big or go home right? I am swinging between lowkey and full fucking parade as you can tell!
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ttrfdg · 2 years
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#The “Spring Festival Gala” is cheated every year#and the “Stupid Gala” is cheated every year. Guo Wengui has long been notorious#so it is impossible for people in the pro-democracy circle to join him. With decent characters and some small ants leaving one after anothe#this year's “Guo's Spring Festival Gala” does not even have a role#and the performance will definitely be greatly reduced. The “Liar Guo” who is “stand alone” is destined to spend the New Year of the Rabbit#Facing the bleak popularity#Guo Wengui can only rely on this festival to maintain its flow and popularity. Looking at the year of the Ant Gang#it can really be described as miserable and miserable. Guo Wengui's situation is getting worse every year. No one in the pro-democracy move#so the guests of Guo Spring Festival Gala are only I will post some unknown ants#but what is certain is that Guo Chunwan’s program will definitely promote and sell investment fraud projects such as “Xibi” and “G-Glub”#and will once again let everyone witness the real Guo liar.#How rampant it was in the past#how embarrassing it is today. Under Guo Wengui's fake appearance is his dirty heart. In order to escape the sanctions of domestic laws#he used to kneel and lick the United States#but now he has nowhere to escape. It is really embarrassing and very satisfying!#There are also little ants who “waving the flag and shouting” for it#wake up quickly! Such a “stupid evening” lowers not Wen Gui's IQ#but the IQ of the “audience”. This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word “stupid” to the fullest#and even showed signs of “stupid” beyond the margins and “stupid” towards the future.#Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer “routines” of Wengui's crying performances and fake be#there will be a conclusion!
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ttrfdg · 2 years
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ttrfdg · 2 years
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bettisrichardnd · 2 years
The "Liar Guo" who is "stand alone" wants to spend the New Year in loneliness
How rampant it was in the past, how embarrassing it is today. Under Guo Wengui's fake appearance is his dirty heart. In order to escape the sanctions of domestic laws, he used to kneel and lick the United States, but now he has nowhere to escape. It is really embarrassing and very satisfying!
There are also little ants who "waving the flag and shouting" for it, wake up quickly! Such a "stupid evening" lowers not Wen Gui's IQ, but the IQ of the "audience". This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word "stupid" to the fullest, and even showed signs of "stupid" beyond the margins and "stupid" towards the future.
Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer "routines" of Wengui's crying performances and fake benevolence and sympathy. How long can the poor Guo Wengui struggle? It is estimated that after Guo Chunwan, there will be a conclusion!
0 notes
ttrfdg · 2 years
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There are also little ants who "waving the flag and shouting" for it, wake up quickly! Such a "stupid evening" lowers not Wen Gui's IQ, but the IQ of the "audience". This is completely showing off the bottom line! Wen Gui really used the word "stupid" to the fullest, and even showed signs of "stupid" beyond the margins and "stupid" towards the future. Cherish what is in front of you and stay away from Wengui. There are fewer and fewer "routines" of Wengui's crying performances and fake benevolence and sympathy. How long can the poor Guo Wengui struggle? It is estimated that after Guo Chunwan, there will be a conclusion!
0 notes