#There’s just so much stopping me from doing commissions for the past couple years. I want to but there’s a lot of things out of my hands 😭
sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 months
i'm curious how do you feel about dramione community now?
i'm a new writer, long time reader and can't help but feel like the fandom and the ship changed so much and i wonder if i even have a place in it anymore.
there's so much demand for the writers from the readers (constant update demands, no willingness to engage with wips) and at the same time i've been in a couple of dramione writer communities where other writers are openly pressuring each other to either start tiktok or finish the fic before posting it (the new dramione writers society discord server specifically).
particularly upset when i see people advising each other to commission art to promote their fic for writing.
it seems like that space for writers to be just writers becomes smaller and smaller and readers are not interested in the fandom but rather the next hot fic that's getting traction.
and all that combined with the overall hatred toward dramione as a ship outside of dramione.
I've genuinely stopped writing because of this. and i'm sad that i lost that one hobby that made me feel good, as it now seems like a popularity contest more than just fandom fun.
you seem like you're able to balance your love for writing with the changed landscape of the fandom. at least from the outside posts :D
DHr grew exponentially in the short time I spent in the ship, and that growth will only accelerate as big name fandom writers continue to enter traditional publishing with seven-figure book and film deals.
Life is change. Change is death. It's okay to grieve what's gone and won't come back.
And I want to add: keep writing. No matter what. But that would be hypocritical. I haven't written in a year, and remain deeply uncertain about whether or not I'll take it up again. It's a real puzzle.
The relevant questions seem to be: why do I want to write? And: what spaces feel nurturing to me as a writer?
The first one's easy. I write because I like the films I see in my head. I like the way language sounds. I like to experience the past, and to be swept away by intense emotions. It's like having a Holodeck in my head. And sometimes, when everything clicks, I get to describe my little bespoke scenarios in words that make a nice sound when they rub up against one another.
I'm waiting on a good answer to the second question. All I know is that art, criticism and commerce have always been an incredibly awkward ménage à trois. No shade to folks seeking to work the fandom algorithm and secure the bag (posting already completed work on a schedule, writing popular tropes and characterizations, and using original art in social media marketing are all great ways to do that). Whether money changes hands or merely attention (which can be converted into money), that's commerce having its turn at the wheel.
I'm suspicious that my creative brain is commerce-repulsed. Maybe yours is, too. So it goes.
I'm certain that we shouldn't let that keep us off the Holodeck.
So. Make a deal with me. I promise to run some freaky little scenarios in the simulator this summer if you'll do the same. Then let's meet in the limestone cave and paint our blorbos by candlelight. Let's tell them around the campfire. Come draw them with me in the sand.
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WIBTA for calling out my friend's spending habits?
✈💸 to find later
I (NB 20s) have been struggling to find employment for a long time. I've been struggling a lot with money- I'm technically indebted to my bank due to an overdraft I dipped into during my last weeks of university while paying off surprise fees, and in the entire year since have been unsuccessful in paying it off for any meaningful length of time. The stress has been immense and I've been avoiding like the plague any kind of personal purchase or leisure activity that might cost me anything. It's a mindset that's been making me profoundly miserable and that I'll probably struggle to get out of for a long time.
However, in the past few weeks, I've managed to land what I can only describe as my dream job. It doesn't start for another couple months, and the pay won't be fantastic (it's an internship), but without a doubt it will change my life. Desperate to do something nice and give myself a break, members of my family agreed to lend me money via plane tickets to do a nice trip this summer and see my best friends abroad, my last big hurrah before entering the full-time workforce for the rest of my life (and being able to pay them back). And I've been really excited! I've been saving even harder than usual, scraping up cash and politely asking grandparents. It won't be easy to support myself in another country in my financial situation, I understand that, but I'm at a point where I think I can do it for a short time and not be a burden on the people who are hosting me.
However, the only issue comes with my friend (NB 20s). I've known them for years, we're extremely close, and we've been waiting for a chance to see each other again for most of that time not knowing if it would ever happen due to my financial situation, so this is the opportunity of a lifetime. They really want to host me, for at least 2 weeks, and do all these nice things together we've been planning. But in the past month or so they've all but drained hundreds of dollars from their bank account in art commissions and room decorations for themself, all of which they've been excitedly showing off to me and our other friends, all the while running out of money entirely. They can't pick up work from their (seasonal) job anymore, either, so there's no way for them to earn back the money now, and recently they've started having to push their commissions just to cover their student loan payment this month. In ordinary circumstances I wouldn't mind and would try and help them out, but I won't be in any financial position on the trip to cover their bills as well as my own (at least not regularly), and I feel like this would have been so preventable if they'd just... picked less wildly expensive things to buy as a treat, knowing the circumstances.
They've said they're also stressed and need to buy themselves nice things sometimes, which I totally agree with! I'm not that much of a party pooper, they are in a rough situation themself right now and the stuff they bought does make them genuinely happy. But it also sucks to watch them then have to struggle to pay for bills and necessities because of it, and I feel really selfish for thinking of it in the framework of our time together later as well. I've done my absolute best to be able to spend at least a few weeks having a great time with them not worrying and pinching pennies while taking care of myself, but now I'm worried we're just going to spend the trip with both of us stressed out of our minds and stuck at home struggling to pay for gas. I'm an anxious person, and the few times I've tried to bring up my worries in a more gentle way, they've vehemently reassured me everything will be fine, but now I'm leaving in just over a week and everything seems like it's getting worse instead of improving.
I know I should be just glad to spend time in their company, even if it is just at home, but I can't stop feeling like the way they've been spending money in the leadup to this has been really irresponsible and preventable. But even if so, it made them happy in the moment so i should be happy for them too, and surely it's just straight up none of my business? It's also not like they can take it back now- it's already happened, and they can't earn the money back if they wanted to. I feel like if i called them on it at this point it'd just be a dick move and come across pointless and jealous, but I also can't help but think it's unproductive to let this gnaw at me the entire time, like I should really be communicating this kind of upset and talk it out first in case it comes to a head and boils over and ruins our whole time together.
I'm aware I'll be long into the trip by the time this posts but it'd be nice to look back and see other perspectives.
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gejo333 · 1 year
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Too Hot To Handle
Miguel x Spider-Woman Reader
18+ Warning!
Summary: It’s unbelievably hot at Spider HQ. You decided to wear something more breathable, which earned the attention of many Spiders. However, your choice of clothing bothers Miguel in more ways than one.
I just wanted to say thank you to all the likes, comments and reblogs. It means the world to me!! 💕💕💕
Hope you enjoy the one-shot😉
WC: 1.4k
Nueva York’s torturous summer heat blazed across Spider HQ. It was the hottest day of the year, and every spider knew it.
The fabric of your spider suit clung to your already sweaty and hot skin. Usually, the suit was supposed to be breathable. How would you be able to wear this suit all day? It’s not possible. Not with the air conditioner out of commission.
“Lyla.” You breathed out. Even talking was taking up too much of your energy.
“Yes, y/n?” The small figure appeared, clicking away on her phone.
“What’s going on with the air conditioner? When can you get it fixed?”
“It’s been overworked the past week, so it overheated. I can get it fixed in a couple of hours.” She responded; a groan of frustration left your lips.
The thought of being in your suit for five minutes, alone for the next few hours, felt excruciating. You briefly thought about going to nag Miguel about fixing it himself. But you would have to walk across HQ to his office. You lifted your watch, pressing a few buttons to call the grumpy spider.
“What, Y/n?”
“Wow, I’m surprised you answered.”
“Stop wasting my time. I’m busy. What is it?” The irritation in his voice was clear, which only widened your smile.
“Can you fix the air conditioner?”
“Lyla has it handled.”
“It’s too hot to wait. Aren’t you hot under your suit?” You whined.
“No, my suit is breathable. Now stop whining. Goodbye.” He paused for a moment before speaking.
“Miguel I..” The beeping sound indicated he hung up on you.
“Bastard. Fine, I’ll figure out how to cool myself down.” Pressing a few buttons, an orange portal opened up next to you. Before entering, a hand was placed on your shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Jess asked.
“I’ll be back. I’m just going to change into something more comfortable.”
Getting out of your suit, you hopped into the shower. The ice-cold water sizzled against your warm skin. After the shower and drying off, you grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a spaghetti tank crop top. You looked in the mirror. Your shorts barely cover your cheeks, as you can see them sticking out slightly. Oh well, you thought. I look good, so it shouldn’t matter.
Pressing a few buttons on your watch, you go back through the orange portal to HQ.
The ice melted on Gwen’s forehead mere seconds after she put it there. She looked over at Hobie and Pavitr, lying on the floor like her to escape the heat wave.
“I can’t take any more of this heat.” Whined Pavitr.
“Same here, mate.” Replied Hobie.
“How much longer?” Gwen asked.
“Still a couple of hours.” The trio looked at the additional voice. All three went wide-eyed when they saw you. But more specifically, your outfit.
“Damn, Y/n, looking pretty good there,” said Hobie.
“Your sweet Hobie.” Your cheeks reddened slightly from his comment.
“Y/n, do you know when Lyla will have it fixed?” Asked Pavitr.
“Sadly not, but I’m going to march into Miguel’s office and demand he fix it.”
Walking towards Miguel’s office, you saw spider people checking you out while some spiders whistled or threw compliments your way. But you just smiled and continued on your way. You entered his office, walking till you went to the platform where the large figure stood, watching the various screens.
“Miguel! It’s too hot! You need to fix the air conditioner.” You shoot up to the platform with your web, landing a few feet behind him.
“Like I said, Lyla will…fix it.” Miguel turned towards you but paused his comment as he looked at your outfit. His gaze scanned your body from your thighs, the way your hips and ass looked in those jeans, and your hourglass figure to your gorgeous e/c eyes. His gaze made your cheeks flush.
“You changed out of your suit.” He slowly walked towards you.
“Yeah, I was too hot in it. So I changed.” You turned away from him, looking at the orange screens, pretending to look for anomalies. His arms snaked around your waist, his breath hot on your neck. Your breath hitch in your throat as you feel his lips brush against your ear.
“Your outfit is too revealing. No one is allowed to see you with barely any clothes on but me.” He whispered in your ear. You turned around, trapped between him and his desk. His fingers hooked around the rings of your jeans, pulling you against him. Your arms snaked around his neck.
“What, you don’t like that other people see my figure? Last time I checked, I don’t belong to you.” A smirk graced your lips as you knew you pulled a trigger. His possessiveness of you. His dark copper-brown eyes narrowed as he turned you around and bent you over his desk. He leaned over, his lips once again near your ear.
“Do I need to remind you who you belong to?” His crotch was right against your ass. You let out a groan, feeling his clothed boner against you.
“Maybe I do.” You breathed out.
“Good girl.” He pulled down your shorts, along with your panties. You gasp as you feel one of his fingers enter your wet folds. “Already so wet for me. I’ve barely touched you.”
“It’s from t-the h-heat.” You felt a second finger enter you as he began a steady pace. His fangs grazed the skin of your neck before biting down. A moan escaped from your lips as he bit down. He made sure not to inject his venom as he let go, licking up the drop or two of blood flowing down your neck. The constant thrusting of his fingers started to build the knot in your stomach. You slowly moved your hand to your clit as you began to touch yourself. Miguel snatched your wrist and bent it behind your back.
“Trying to touch yourself, mi amor? Not on my watch.”
“Miggy, please.” He let go of your arm, but instead of your hand, he used his to finish you off.
“Cum for me.” You arched your back a few seconds after his words, finally feeling your climax. You felt him remove his fingers as you turned your head to watch as he slowly put them in his mouth, licking them clean. ‘You taste as amazing as always, y/n.”
His suit disappears, showing his full self as you see his cock pop out. You were always dumbfounded by how he could fit everything inside you. Honestly, you could care less because it felt so good when he shoved inside of you.
“Beg for it.” He growled in your ear as the tip of his member poked at your entrance.
“Please, fuck me.”
“As you wish, Princesa.” He slowly thrusts his member until he is fully inside you. A grunt leaves his mouth as you clench around him. “Fuck, you’re always so tight.” He removes his cock completely before slamming it back in as he thrusts into you rigorously.
“Miguel!” You feel him lean over, his chest against your back. The summer heat, combined with the hot sex, was making the build-up even more pleasurable. He placed kisses along your neck, every so often leaving marks with his fangs.
“If you keep clenching around me like that, I won’t be able to last.”
“I’m going to-ughh!” Words were hard to say as he continued to slam into you. For the second time, you reached your climax.
“ I’m going to put a baby in you. Will you let me put a baby in you, mi amor?”
“Yes! Put a baby in me Miggy.” His claws dug deeper into your waist as he spilled deep inside you. He kissed your shoulder as he removed himself from you. You stand up from your position and turn around.
Miguel sits on his chair, sweating in all his naked glory from the heat after slamming his cock deep into you. Thighs meet thighs as you sit on his lap, guiding his half-hardened cock back inside your cum-leaking pussy. The sight of your sweaty body on top of his. The way the sweat on your breasts glistens perfectly in the light brings his cock back to life. A groan fall from your lips as you feel him come back to his full size inside you. You wrap your arms around his neck as you move your hips.
“I think you need to tell me again who I belong to.”
Chapter Two of “El Destino” will come out tomorrow!💕💕💕
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crazycookiemaniac · 1 year
Okay so, here I am again to ask for your support 🥲
In the past month I've been extremely busy irl attending classes/studying to take a test near the end of the year in order to try to get into a public university and take a medical course. I've been on this rythm from Sunday to Sunday, having classes every morning and also at the afternoon on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. I also have a tutor helping me outside of the preparatory course on weekends.
In addition to that, I'm also struggling with my meds/mental health. I've been diagnosed with OCD recently (in addition to my bipolar diagnosis) and God, everything is so hard right now.
If you've been following me for the past couple years you know how fucked up I've been mentally and financially. Last year I got a huge debt that I'm still paying off, and I also need to use my credit card a lot since I don't have money on me ever. I've taken all commissions I've gotten, but it's not always that luck comes my way. So, here I am.
I'm going to say it outright. I'm in dire need of help. Financial help, because thankfully I have a supportive family (who is already helping me financially as much as they can) to help me go through all the mental care stuff.
If I sum up everything I owe, it should be around 3.8k usd. Which is a LOT, especially considering I don't pay rent and spend mostly with myself.
I'm asking for help because no matter how hard I work, no matter how many commissions I take, this number never seems to lower and I don't know what to do anymore. I've been pondering getting another loan from the bank to pay for at least my credit card bills, but that would start another never-ending cycle of eternal debt. And it is so stressful to me that I can't stop spending because I literally need to live, as well as I can't control my compulsive episodes when I'm having them.
So, here I am. Again. For the billionth time, asking for help. I don't expect anyone willing to help to solve my problems for me. It's just that I literally have nowhere else to run, and I've always used social media as ways to advertise and sell my work.
So, please, if you can, I'd appreciate it if you could buy me a ko-fi or consider commissioning me. I'm willing to draw whatever and if you need a discount, just ask me and we can find a good amount together. If you could also share this post, it would mean the world to me.
I'm sorry for making this post at all. I'm just another struggling adult trying her best to become someone in life.
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
Aw man, I wanted to be an anon for requesting this but oh well lmao
I really want a one-shot (with plot) of Sub!Thoma × F!MeanDom!Reader where the reader loves teasing him, making him squirm, overstimulating him and watching him cry. Just being an ass to him overall and he enjoys every second of it.
As for the plot; I imagine reader to be a member of the Yashiro commision. She is not a retainer like Thoma, mainly dealing with jobs outside of the estate (such as speaking to merchants, coming to agreements with them as a business woman and organizing/sponsoring events when Ayato orders her team to). She is also older.
The location of the main event would be Ayato's office. As for how they end up getting in that situation, I'll leave that to you. Thoma outright sobbing is an important point though. I want that retainer drowning in his tears/j
All jokes aside, thank you for taking requests, this thing has been plaguing my mind for a while and I just can't stop thinking about it. I hope you have a wonderful week. Have a nice day and dm me if you are confused about anything in my request!
A/N: This one was really fun! Btw, I’m about to enter Inazuma in-game, so I actually don’t know anything about these characters apart from their voice lines, a little research, and fics I’ve read.
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Apologies due
Character: Sub!Thoma // Reader: Dom!Fem
Genre: Smut // CW: Overstim, dacryphilia, mommy kink, puppy play, thigh riding, degradation, impact play, slight hair pulling, jealousy/hate sex (without sex), dubcon?
Plot: Yes // Word count: 4.1k
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This past week had been far too busy. With the long-awaited Summer Festival just around the corner, you'd been sent here, there and everywhere to collect everything that was needed, and even things that probably weren't.
You'd often be given the order from Kamisato Ayato, your boss in the Yashiro Commission, to attend business meetings in his stead, and secure official information or deals with the companies that he decided to show a particular interest in. Yesterday, you'd been sent word that you were to collect five large boxes of fireworks from Naganohara Fireworks; a company ran by none other than Yoimiya. While she'd usually like to set them off herself, she compromised during the Summer Festival to allow the Yashiro Commission to set them up in a good vantage point, where everyone in Inazuma will see their vibrant sparks in the skies no matter where they may stand on the land. Of course, she'd stay close at hand in case something went wrong, but with all the tests that they did at the company, followed by the checks that you would perform before taking the boxes, that was hardly a possibility.
Most of the hard work had already been done. Or so you'd thought.
Six hours ago, you'd met up with Yoimiya, discussed the products you'd be taking and how much they'd cost, as well as how she'd be paid, and been well on your merry way within the hour, all with a couple of boxes in tow. Very heavy ones, to be exact, which is why you'd also brought some other Commission members to bear the brunt of the work and carry them to the cart you'd brought. As a worker employed by the Kamisato Clan, you were quite precise in your planning.
Taking them into storage, you soon reread the letter you'd received the day before from the head of the Clan, memorising the meet-up point where you'd be handing them over to none other than Thoma, the Chief Retainer.
Now, you'd never say this in public, for fear of tarnishing your reputation in the streets, or bringing question to your place in the Commission. Because Archons forbid you be jealous of Thoma.
Thoma, who was adored by everyone in Inazuma.
Thoma who was preferred by the master of the Clan, who got to see him more than once a month when he'd let go of his cold business mode.
Thoma, who, despite being your junior in both years and experience, acted as though he could do no wrong, as though he was better than you, more important...
Thoma, who left you standing in the warehouse where you'd been supposed to meet for the entire afternoon, wondering when he'd finally show up; only to realise when it started getting dark, that he likely wouldn't come at all.
Dejected and frustrated, you retired to your lodgings in the warehouse. You'd been given a room there, considering you were the key point for the warehouse to work at all, but seldom stayed there, preferring your own bed in your own home.
Once settled and comfortably in bed, you begin trying to sleep. But you find that you can't, your thoughts running wild on why Thoma didn't show up.
Had he gotten hurt? Surely not. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
"Psh..." you scoff, shaking the thought from your head. Why should you care about him, anyway? You'd undoubtedly get in trouble for delivering the order late, as usual.
The only logical answer you could come up with was that Thoma had probably forgotten that he was supposed to meet up with you. Again.
Just another thing that you held against him. He always forgot when he had to meet up with you, and you'd always get the blame the next day. Because of course sweet, precious Thoma couldn't make a mistake. Of course Thoma, Ayato's favourite housekeeper, couldn't ever be in the wrong. It just had to be Y/N.
Even though, when this did happen, Thoma would always try to take the blame, as he should in your eyes and his, it rarely accumulated to anything in your favour. The higher ups always found a way to pin the blame on you.
Sighing in defeat, you dispel the thought from your mind, trying not to fall into the dark spiral of jealousy and contempt that you held for the housekeeper despite his sunny disposition. You'd deal with it in the morning.
The next morning, a letter came, stamped "URGENT" in big red letters on the front, right under your name.
Of course. Just as you'd expected.
Tearing open the envelope, you retrieve the folded paper from inside and begin reading its contents.
"Miss Y/N,
It has come to my attention that, going against your previous orders, the 5 boxes of fireworks that you have been assigned to gather from Naganohara Fireworks have not been delivered to the estate as required.
With the Summer Festival not even two whole weeks away, we in the Yashiro Commission really must all do our part to bring preparations to a close with as much time remaining as possible. Because of your inability to follow instructions, that plan is now at risk.
I ask that you come to the estate before noon, with the firework boxes, and attend a meeting with me in my office.
Signed, Kamisato Ayato."
Putting the paper down on your bed, you raise a hand to cover your eyes with a deep sigh. "Today is really not the day for this..." you mumble.
So much for the weekend being a holiday... you don't even get your Saturday off.
Once again, your morning would prove to be quite hectic, to say the least.
After taking a quick nap to come to terms with the fact that you'd been called to the estate for yet another misdemeanour to add onto the list of your past wrongdoings, you actually begin getting ready.
Your "mistakes", as Ayato often referred to them as, were starting to pile up quite high. Really, you were starting to wonder how you hadn't been fired yet, regardless of how not many of them had even been your fault. It didn't say so on your record.
After getting ready and making yourself presentable, you prepare yourself to face what will probably be the worst day of your month so far; being reprimanded by Kamisato Ayato (once again) and having to apologise to Thoma. Even though it wasn't your fault.
Steeling yourself to face the day, you head out of the warehouse, boxes still on the cart behind you, and begin your journey to the Kamisato estate. At least it's not far...
But that just makes it worse that Thoma hadn't showed up.
Walking through the corridors of the estate, after being granted permission to enter by a preoccupied member of staff, you make your way straight to Ayato's office. Having already been well acquainted with the building after attending multiple meetings in his office, it was a good thing you knew where you were going. The hurried and near-frantic movements of the staff of the house quickly conveyed that they wouldn't be of any help. Had they even noticed your arrival?
You knock on the closed door with a resounding thud, an answering, "Come in." sounding from the other side. So, you do.
Pushing the door open, you instantly meet eyes with your boss, Kamisato Ayato. Safe to say, he didn't look far too happy with you.
"You asked of me, Sir?" You questioned, though it wasn't a question at all. You knew why you'd been called. After all, it said as much in the letter.
You almost take a step forward into the room, but catch yourself just before you start moving, deciding that it'd be more respectful (and therefore easier to get out of trouble) if you pretended to be nervous.
He seems pleased. "Indeed. Please take a seat." He gestures vaguely at the chair on the opposite side of his desk, looking back to the paperwork in front of him.
You do as he has told, and wait for him to start talking, but it never arrives.
After almost two whole minutes full of incredibly awkward silence and looking aimlessly around the room for something to take the edge off, you eventually give in.
"I- uhm..." Your voice quietens after the first syllable, daunted by how loud it sounds in the silence, "I left the boxes outside, Sir. I believe some of your house staff took them into a storage room for further inspection."
He still hadn't looked at you or shown any interest, leading you to begin fumbling with your hands, becoming more anxious the longer he ignored you.
"I checked them myself last night, they're all in good condition and Yoimiya accepted the payme-"
"-That's enough." He puts his pen down with all the grace that he usually possesses, but something about the action betrays his annoyance.
"I don't wish to talk business right now, Y/N. You have caused a great deal of distress in the estate through all of today and yesterday. Please tell me, what is your excuse this time?"
Your mouth drops open slightly in surprise. He made it sound as though you did this on purpose!
"B-but Sir, I didn't do anything!"
"And therein lies the problem, Miss Y/N. You didn't do anything." Now, his eyes refuse to leave yours, and you almost wish time would go back to a few minutes beforehand, to when he hadn't been looking at you at all.
He was trying to intimidate you, you realised, trying to make you admit defeat and take the blame. And you know what?
It was almost working.
"I did as I was told. I waited until late last night, but Thoma didn't show." At this point, your voice had taken on an accusatory undertone.
You hadn't done anything wrong! Not this time, not the last, and not any of the times before that. You were getting tired of the blame always being put on your shoulders. It was Thoma's fault. Not yours.
"... You're blaming Thoma? After all the work he does in the estate, and all the help he has been when preparing and organising these festivals, you dare to shove the fault onto him?"
He stares directly at you, his gaze barely any different than usual, but there's a barely restrained fire melting that icy cold gaze. "The Summer Festival is soon, Miss Y/N, very soon. Each and every moment of the lead up is of great impertinence. I'd have thought you would at least have taken your responsibility into account for just this once."
You're left speechless, unable to comprehend just how easily Ayato had completely swept your concern under the metaphorical rug.
At your lack of response, he leans forward on the desk, hands clasping together and fingers intertwining.
"Nothing to say for yourself?"
Another few more seconds of silence, awkward once again. The still room was deafening.
"... Well then. I have a very important meeting soon, much more important than this one." He stands up from his chair, paying no mind to you as you sit there in a confused daze. As he starts walking towards the door, you push your chair out to follow him, but before you can even lift yourself up, he halts you.
"Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you're going? Have you been excused?"
"W-well no, but-"
"Then you shall stay put." He turns to you with a taunting smile lifting his features, the anger in his voice finally evening out, " besides, I do believe you have an apology to make to Thoma, hmm?"
"An apology?! I'm not-"
"Oh hush. I'll send him in soon, so be patient until then, will you? I'm sure you can at least do that much."
Before you can even argue further, he is out the door, the doorframe clattering as it swings shut behind his retreating form.
"Ughh..." you groan and slump back into the chair.
Looks like you have at least twenty minutes to re-evaluate your life choices.
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The shutting of the door jolted you awake in an instant. Confused and surprised that you'd fallen asleep, you look behind you to see Thoma stood still in the doorway, his hand still connected to the handle.
"Sorry..." a hand comes up in half a wave and half a placating manner, and the other goes to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.
Being woken up doesn't particularly leave you in too good of a mood, especially not when this is who you have to deal with.
You glare at him and respond with a gruff hum, turning back around to look straight ahead of you, when an idea comes to mind.
"I... I really am sorry about yesterday. Hahah..." His soft voice gives away his turmoil, but when this matter occurs constantly, should you really have to forgive him every time? Your foot begins tapping against the floor as you bite your lip, considering your options while he continues to talk behind you.
"There's just so much going on, what with the Festival only being a couple of weeks away from now. I had too much work piled up and I couldn't send anyone else because they were all-" His words are interrupted as you stand up from the chair, mind set, and walk around to the other side of the desk.
"H-hey, Y/N, what are you doing? They're Lord Ayato's personal documents, you can't read those!"
Ignoring him, you take your place in the chair and push away from the desk slightly, facing directly at Thoma's worried face as if daring him to stop you.
"I'm growing tired of these games, Thoma. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for causing me so many problems and making me take the blame for your mistakes?"
"There is no game! I promise I don't mean to, Y/N, I just-"
"-Just what, Thoma? Can't learn how to prioritise your own work? Can't ask someone else for help? Can't say fucking 'no' to anyone?!" Your voice raises to a near shout, making him flinch and take a step back. But this only makes you angrier.
Taking a deep breath, you take control of your emotions before they get out of hand. Instead of standing up and just slapping him right across the face like you so want to do right now, you cross your legs and pat your hand against the one that's left raised.
"Sit down, Thoma. You're going to make it up to me. Right now."
"I-" He gives up on complaining with just a raise of your eyebrow. He looks back at the door for a split second, but his curiosity ultimately wins over, and he turns back to you.
The tension between the two of you had been steadily rising as of late. There'd always been a certain attraction, but with the difference in your job roles, there was little time to see each other outside of work. And the recent arguments hadn't done much good, either.
Without even so much as a few seconds to think, his leg swings over yours as he lowers himself down onto your lap, though he still looks unsure, even with his cheeks heating. "I don't think... we should be doing this here... I mean- we definitely shouldn't! Lord Ayato would-"
You place a hand over his mouth, silencing him as his eyes go wide.
"He isn't here right now, is he? Just pay attention to me." Your deft hand slides down, releasing his lips to take hold of his throat with a threatening squeeze, to which he gulps nervously as his eyes flicker down to your wrist, fighting the urge to pull your hand away. "Besides..." He eyes hesitantly lift up to meet your dark gaze. "This is a meeting room, no? We're simply coming to an agreement of our own."
He whimpers at that, his lips falling open when your other hand that was hidden from him took a tight grip on his hip. Pushing him down onto your lap, his half-hard bulge drags against your thigh.
"Ohh-... Y/N, what should I-?"
"You're going to get yourself off on my thigh like a good little puppy."
With a tilt of his head, he lets out a questioning hum, "Puppy?" Without another prompt, he starts doing as you said, his hips sliding over your thigh over and over again.
"Archons, you really are like a dog." You reach out and take hold of the chain around his neck, pulling it taut against his skin until it digs in, providing a pleasant sting. His eyebrows crease, fighting the urge to talk back. "Even came with these dog tags. It's like you're begging to be treated like a filthy mutt."
With your hold on the metal, you pull him forward into a forceful kiss, your teeth knocking together as he lets out a moan at the sting of the sharp edges pricking his soft lips.
He barely responds to your kiss, focusing more on keeping his hips moving as he chases the pleasure. Just when he starts to reciprocate, his tongue gliding against and following your own as it retreats back into your mouth, he is pulled back by your harsh grip on the hair at the base of his neck.
He yelps as he's torn away from you, his body stiffening as he tries to reach back and lessen the burden of your fingers. You release him so that he has no choice but to drop back down into your lap. Hard.
"Aaghn-! Y/N~"
A swift slap echoes through the room, his face snapping to the side as a dark red blooms across his cheek.
Before he even gets a chance to react, the hand that had just hit him pulls him to face you again, smoothing over the burning mark as if to comfort what you had just caused.
"When I own you like this, I'm your mommy. Got it? I don't want to hear my name coming out of your disgusting mouth."
His bottom lip wobbles as crystalline tears gather in his eyes, but he doesn't quite let them drop. He sniffles, voice crackling when he responds, "Y-Yes, mommy..."
Rather than giving him a reward, you push him further.
Hand still cradling his burning cheek, your nails dig into the tender flesh, resurfacing the pain which had only just numbed. Thoma has no other choice than to take it, his hands tightly grasping his own knees, allowing you access to do anything you want with his pliant body. Though, his voice betrays his loyalty, a small cry being dislodged from his throat.
He doesn't wait for even a second, his hips bucking against your thigh faster than before as he evens out the pain you're giving him with the pleasure.
Lessening the pressure on his cheek, you lean against the back of the chair, taking in the scene he makes in front of you.
Clothes rumpled and sticking to the sweat coating his body, dick shamefully hard, the outline clear to see pressing against the fabric of his pants. Hair tousled from your earlier grip, eyes half closed and glinting in the light of the room with the hint of unshed tears. He truly was a sight to see.
And as much as you hate to admit it, you'd certainly like to see him like this more often.
Maybe, if this is the reward you got for dealing with the unfair favouritism from the head of the Clan, it wouldn't be so hard to endure...
But just thinking that makes you angrier than before. You shouldn't have to settle.
"Awww~ look at you, humping your owner's thigh like a desperate, little puppy... are you really that needy that you don't care about ruining mommy's clothes?"
Before you can continue, he lets out an unfiltered moan, the loud noise startling the both of you. His hips jerk sporadically before slowing to a stop, his breaths coming out in uneven pants.
"...Hah... Did you really just cum from that, you dirty mutt?"
And when you look at the tent between his legs, a dark patch of his cum seeps into his pants, the wetness unmistakable in the clear lighting of the room.
His sniffles return louder this time, and when you look back up at his face, you see exactly what you'd been hoping for:
Tears, sliding down his flushed cheeks with no end in sight. They just wouldn't stop.
"I-I'm sorry, mommy... I couldn't h-hold it back..." He can barely even speak, voice cutting off as he fights through the tightening of his throat to push out the words he knows you want to hear.
Not that they'd do him any good, anyway.
You tightly grip his softening dick through his pants, his cum soaking through to your skin, coating your palm with a sticky sheen.
He tenses up and hisses in pain through clenched teeth, his face scrunching up as he loses control of his reactions.
"You're so greedy. Didn't even ask for permission, you always just take what you want, don't you, dog?"
"No! I'm sorry, m-mommy, so sorry, please!"
A tear drips down his throat, and you watch as it smudges and soaks into the collar of his jacket.
"Shut up."
Digging your fingers into his hips, you force him to continue moving on your lap, his clothed cock grinding against your leg and leaving behind a line of slick on your own clothing.
"Ah, wait- wait! I just came~ Please not yet, mommy, not yet!"
He scrambles to dislodge your hold, his legs kicking out a bit to your side as his hands come down to grip your shoulders for stability. He's shaking from overstimulation as you push him down onto your thigh, tensing your leg intermittently to provide more stimulation than he can handle.
In what he assumes to be mercy, you remove your hands from him, leaving him to slow his movements on his own after he keeps moving for a few seconds before realising that you weren't holding onto him anymore.
When he stops completely, a hard smack to his thigh makes him jolt forward with a startled sob, his tongue feeling heavy and vision blurry as he cries out continuously.
"Keep going. I didn't tell you to stop."
"Can't, I can't! It's too much, please don't make me, it's too good~!"
And yet, despite his begging and whining, his thrusting starts up again without you doing a thing. The continuous grinding against your leg was starting to ache, the rough material of Thoma's pants beginning to take their toll on your skin. But the sight of him, knowing that you'd finally one-upped him, that you'd reduced him to this mess... Well. That made it all worth it.
It seems that the restriction of his clothing was beginning to bother him, too.
He starts begging to take off his pants when the texture gets too rough on his sensitive dick. The constant dragging and the damp feeling of his ruined underwear rubbing on the tip of his leaking cock providing too much painful stimulation.
Of course, you don't let him, wanting to see him shift and tremble as his overwhelmed cock twitches with each shove back and forth.
The shocks of his first orgasm hadn't been given a chance to wear off, pushing him further and further towards his next before he could even think to warn you- before he could even try to hold it back.
And, with another loud moan that tapers off into overwhelmed hums and panting breaths, he cums harder than ever before.
This time, it takes longer for him to recover, coming to only a couple minutes later when the uncomfortable feeling of his tears drying and leaving tracks on his face tempt him to refocus. He's grateful for the short break you'd given him after cumming again so quickly, gasping puffs of air as he mumbled, "Thank you, mommy, thank you..." over and over again.
Though the reprieve was short lived.
"Oh, puppy, you didn't think we were done, did you? You've always been so selfish towards me, making me take all the blame..."
You push him to start moving again, his own begging and crying going unheard in his own ears. Tears once again fall from his barely-open eyes and follow the paths the previous ones had made.
"Why don't you take some more?"
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musclesaber · 10 months
Happy Birthday!
Part 1: 06/20
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Commission I did for an anonymous user on Twitter. Dean is running late getting home to see his husband for their birthday, but forgets he still has to get a dessert. He stops at the first shop he see's and finds something that might not only save his butt from his husband, but also his marriage.
I ran across the sidewalk with my briefcase in hand. “Dammit, I’m so late.” I looked down at my phone, almost midnight. “I’m the worst husband ever.” I stumbled across many puddles and fell down in front of a lit up store front. I wiped some water off of my face as I sat up and looked at the bright neon sign. “The Sizemologist’s Caldron? I’ve never seen this here before,” musing to myself as I stood up. I looked at my phone and saw a text message light up across the screen.
“Are you at least bringing 🎂?” shined a text from a user named ‘Big Daddy’.
“Cake? Cake! Shit, shit, shit! I forgot the cake!” I yelled as I wrapped my hands around my head. “Fuck, what am I gonna do?” I looked around and then back at my sizable butt in my work pants. “No, I did that last year. He deserves better for such a day.” I brought my phone down and looked into the windows of the dimly lit storefront. A light emitted from the very back of the store and I had to press my face up against the glass to see anything inside. My eyes scanned around the room until they focused in on a sign. ‘Eat Me & Drink Me’ read the sign and a smile grew across my face. 
“Hello! Hello!” I knocked on the window and saw some shadows move in the background. “I’m sorry! I know it’s late! I was just wondering if I could bother you to buy some sort of dessert? A cake perhaps?” I saw the outline of a very large man coming towards me. His silhouette seemed to only grow bigger as he strode closer to me. Not only did he tower over me, he sported one of the biggest guts I’d ever seen. As a light flickered on, the man’s features were revealed. In an extremely tight blue t-shirt that had ‘The Sizemologist’s Emporium’ stretched across it. As he leaned his head down to reveal a small beard and a head full of bushy blonde hair, he opened the door.
“Sir, we’re open till Midnight, feel free to come in,” said the large man as he pulled the door open and stepped to the side.
“Oh, uh…thanks.” I walked in and continued brushing water off myself. “Sorry I didn’t think you were open. It’s just the lights were off and I didn’t see anyone inside.” I said as I entered the shop. The room looked so much more spacious than I expected on the outside. I had to sidestep the big belly bulging out in front of the big man as it threatened to push me over when the big man swung it around to head towards the back. 
“Yeah, that’s my bad. The lights in here are on motion sensors at night. And normally I get up to turn them on, but I might’ve dozed off after I polished off a few pieces of sourdough bread. Woof, I really did some damage,” said the shopkeep as he patted his big belly. The ripples cascading over the blue fabric of the t-shirt. 
“I see, well I saw the sign from outside “Eat Me & Drink Me” and I was hoping you’d have some sort of dessert. A cake preferably.” I said and started walking over to the section. 
“That’s my newest section. Opened it up just a couple weeks ago. I’m Sam by the way. The Sizemologist. I run this shop,” said the shopkeep.
I turned my head to see the big man smiling down at me. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dean,” I said and reached out to shake his hand.
“And about the cake, I actually just sold my last cake earlier today. It was to a lovely couple celebrating their anniversary. Awe, they’re gonna have a fun night,” mused the shopkeep as he waddled past me toward a bar built into the wall. “But I have plenty of other desserts and treats for you to select from.” He lifted up an opening in the bar and squeezed his love handles through the sides as best he could. He started putting out plenty of desserts and pastries as I took a seat in the stool in front of him. Cookies all labeled with ‘Eat Me’ on them, brownies that had colorful sprinkles on top, and many selections of bread were set in front of me. I could even smell some more treats cooking in the back. “Take your pick.”
“Wow, you’ve really got quite the selection here. It’s for my husband’s birthday. He loves cheesecake and I was really hoping to surprise him after I’ve been such a bad husband today.”
“Oh I bet you couldn’t be that bad of a husband. You are buying your husband a cake for his birthday. That’s something,” said Sam as his head disappeared under the bar where he started rummaging around below. 
“Yeah, but this’ll be the one good thing I’ve done for him today. I was supposed to have today off, but I got called into the office for some emergency meeting that turned into a lot of work and I kept getting hit with project after project and I couldn’t get away from any of it until now. Almost midnight and I’ve barely spent any time with him today.” I wracked my head and shook some water from my fluffy brown hair. 
“You’re certainly feeling guilty and stressed about it if you’re willing to reveal that to a random customer service worker you just met,” said Sam as he came from the bar with a glass and a clear liquid in a beer sized bottle.
“I’m sorry si-”
“Sam, just call me Sam.”
“I’m sorry Sam. I didn’t mean to put that all out on you. It’s just, my husband and I, we’ve been arguing a bit lately. And today just must feel like a punch in the gut to him.” I looked at Sam and he started putting ice in a shaker.
“It’s okay. I understand, and I’ve been there. Marital troubles can be tricky. What’s got you two arguing?” I saw Sam polishing off the glass and setting it down in front of me. 
“You know, I really should get going. I’m already late enough as it is. I can’t have a drink right now. Maybe another time,” I said and started getting up from my seat.
“Just stay and talk a moment. I promise it’ll be quick.” Sam grabbed a bottle cap opener and popped the top off. The smell from the beer hit me immediately and I froze in place.
“Wow, that smells really good. Maybe I can stay for just one drink,” I sat back down in my chair and I heaved my briefcase onto the bar stool next to me. Sam had a satisfied smirk on his face as he poured the liquid into the shaker.
“I thought this would change your tune. So, tell me, what’s the matter?” asked Sam as he started to shake up the drink.
“It’s complicated. My husband has been a bit self conscious about his body as of late. He’s been trying to work out and grow his muscles out, but has been getting minimal results at best. He started off at maybe 120 pounds and 5 foot 7 and has only gained 10 pounds in almost a year,” I said as Sam poured the drink into the glass. 
“Well you seem pretty fit, big guy.” said Sam nodding to my pecs that protruded from my white button down shirt. “Maybe you could give him some pointers in the gym?” He slid the drink over to me and popped open a bottle for himself and started drinking it straight from the bottle.
“That’s part of the problem. We started working out together. Before we got married, I was on the heavier side. And not in the muscly way I am now. I was fat. And just fat. No muscles. So we joined the gym together. He wanted to put on more size and I just wanted to reform my fat into muscle. I’ve succeeded so far, but he’s been not so successful.” I reached down to take a sip of my drink and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “Mmm this stuff is incredible! What is it?”
“Made with a special rubber plant from South America, I call it “Stretchy Cider”,” said Sam as he took a swig of his own drink. “As for your husband, you shouldn’t feel guilty just because you have been seeing improvements and he hasn’t. That isn’t fair to your goals’ importance.”
“I mean, sure. It’s just that I know we’ve both wanted this for a long time. We bonded a lot over fitness and wanting to grow bigger before we even committed to the gym. And we’re both sorta size queens so that plays a factor into this too. I know he wants to be a massive man with muscles all over his body and he knows I want that for him too. He just puts so much pressure on himself and I hate to see him do it. And I hate being one of the causes of it too,” I said as I took another sip of my drink. Sam gave me a morose look and put his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry Dean. That does not sound like a fun environment to be living in.” I hung my head and let out a long sigh.
“It is a bit of a toxic web we’ve sown as a foundation for our relationship. And that’s only half of it. He’s been really wanting to have kids lately. And I get it. He’s turning 40. He’s not getting any younger. But we can’t get our finances together to get a kid since it costs so much to have a single child as a gay couple. Let alone the cost to raise one. I bet with our salaries, we could have tons of kids. We’re just gay men so we can’t afford to have kids in the first place.”
“I see. Well Dean, it’s your lucky day. I think I have a great birthday gift from you to your husband. Be right back.” Sam did a quick about face, leaving his fat body wiggling for a second or two after, and walked through a door to what I assumed was the back. I looked down at my phone and it read 11:55p.m.
“Shit Connor is gonna kill me,” I said through gritted teeth as I brought the drink up to my lips and started chugging the whole thing.
“I’ve got just the thing for you. Here’s this muffin I have. It’s for a special promotion I’m doing this week. This is a muffin that helps people be the biggest person in any room,” said Sam as he placed a red velvet muffin down right in front of me with star shaped sprinkles on top.
“I don’t know, a muffin on his birthday? That doesn’t sound like the best thing to bring home to a probably very upset husband,” I said as I looked down at the muffin. Sam brought a sparkling, extravagant yellow birthday candle out and pushed it into the top.
“This’ll help set the mood. Trust me, he’ll love it.,” said Sam as he started getting a bag out for it.
“Alright, I guess I’ll take it. It’s not like I have many other options,” I said and reached for my wallet. “How much for the muffin and the drink?”
“Just $5 for the muffin and the drink is on the house. Just come and thank me after you have your kids.” Sam winked at me and slid the bag forward.
“Thank you Sam. You are too kind. I hope this works.” I pulled a $5 bill out of my wallet and grabbed the bag and my briefcase. “Sorry to keep this short, but I’ve gotta run. Thanks again!” I darted towards the door and Sam waved me off.
“Not a problem Dean! You two have fun tomorrow!” yelled Sam as I walked out the door. I tilted my head at the tomorrow part, but kept running towards home. I looked down at my phone, 11:55 still.
“Damn, he said it would be quick, but I wasn’t thinking that.” I kept running until I got to our apartment building. I bursted through the doors and hit the up button to the elevator repeatedly. With a ding, the doors looked like they were moving at a snail’s pace to open up. I tapped my foot and hurried in the elevator just to stand and press the close door button repeatedly in hopes it would go faster. I went up floor by floor over what took an eternity. “Come on. Come on.” With another ding, the elevator started to open up into our apartment on the top floor. I emerged from the elevator to see a short man with his hands crossed across his chest.
“Finally home from work. And it’s not midnight yet. Congrats babe. You didn’t miss all of my birthday,” said the man as he walked away from me into the kitchen. 
“Connor, look I’m sorry. I didn’t think that this one meeting would take away our entire day!” I followed him into the kitchen until I stopped in my tracks as he swiveled on his feet to get up in my face despite his much shorter stature.
“Today was supposed to be our day. I wanted to spend a lovely birthday with my husband, but it was one thing after another, again. And I get pushed to the side for your career, again. Why would I think today would be any different than any other day,” said Connor as he stormed off through the house away from me.
“Please babe. I’m sorry. I just had to stay. I kept trying to get away, but they wouldn’t stop pulling me into meetings “I had to be in”.” I used my fingers to make air quotes around those words and followed him into our bedroom. “Connor, stop running from me. Can we just celebrate a little late? I did bring home a dessert for you.” I fumbled to set my briefcase down then tear open the bag Sam had given me. “I didn’t get anything for me, but I was thinking that could be part of my punishment.” Connor turned around and saw the birthday muffin I was holding.
“Is that a muffin? I think I’d prefer you just give me your ass instead.” I shrugged and then wrung my head.
“Connor, I’m so, so sorry. I’ve been the worst husband lately. And especially today of all days.” I walked past Connor and sat on the king sized bed in our bedroom. “I had forgotten to get you a cake and could only find this one little shop open and all they had left that you would have liked was this.” I sighed and set the muffin down on the bedside table. I could see in Connor’s face that his anger was slowly simmering down.
“You’re not the worst husband in the world,” he said as he sat down on the bed with me. “I just feel like our lives have been drifting in two different directions these past few months.” We both sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity.
“Yes, we are. But I don’t want us to be,” I reached for his hand and I could see tears welling up in his eyes.
“I don’t either. I just feel like sometimes I can’t even talk to you about it. Some days, despite living in the same apartment as you, I never see you. You’re always at the office, or at the gym, or when you’re home, you just go into your study and don’t come out all day playing your games.” Connor had a couple of tears running down his face as we continued to sit in silence. 
“I’m sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in work. Ever since that promotion last year, I just can’t get away from the office sometimes.” I put my hand on Connor’s thigh and squeezed it.
“Why did you even take that promotion? You hated your job before you took it. And now it’s just gotten worse. And it’s not like we need the money. We live in a penthouse apartment in the city. While it is expensive, I make more than enough to cover it alone. That and just about all of our other living expenses. I just don’t understand why you do this job that I know you aren’t happy in.” Connor stopped his long winded question to me and I paused again.
“Because I thought you wanted kids, babe. I have been busting my ass so we could afford to have some kids,” I said and Connor gave me a weird look.
“Honey, we could have kids tomorrow if we want. At least start the process. Our savings account is filled with the child fund. You know this. You helped set it up with me. We even used the fund already and it’s grown the money back. This is something else.” I looked into Connor’s big brown eyes and my heart just melted.
“It’s because I’m afraid.”
“Afraid? Afraid of what honey.”
“Afraid that we had grown too far apart to come back together again. I didn’t want to come home and face the silence and coldness that I would’ve sat in with you.” I blurted out as I started to cry as well. It was Connor’s turn to think on my words. “I knew we had been growing apart and I didn’t want to face it. But now I see running from my problem only makes it even harder to deal with.”
“You took the job so you wouldn’t have to deal with me?” asked Connor.
“No. No! Not at all babe. It wasn’t to deal with you. I did it cause I thought that’s what I needed. To be thrown into my work. After trying and failing to have a child and going through the painstaking process of venting and paperwork of in vitro just to have no results was heartbreaking. I couldn’t handle it.” The tension in the room could be cut with a knife as I sobbed quietly into my hand.
“I understand that babe. After the surrogate failed to have any eggs that attached, I also was feeling broken. But I needed you. My husband. And you ran away to your terrible job.” Connor began to join me in crying.
“I’m so sorry Connor. I was being selfish with my reaction to the news. I was doing what I needed to do to protect my own feelings. And as your husband, I needed to be there for you too.”
“It’s okay. We each have our own coping mechanisms. I know that about us. This is just the first time it’s hit us so hard. I don’t think we could’ve prepared ourselves for this one,” said Connor as he put his hand on mine. “But I think we know what’s happening now. For the first time in over a year.” I cracked a smile amidst my tears and went in to hug Connor.
“We are. I don’t think we really talked about what we wanted to do going forward after failing to have a kid the first time. Do you think we could do it?”
“Dean, I have never had any doubt in my mind that when we become parents, we will raise beautiful children. However I do think that we need to have a lot more love in the home before we bring a child into it.” We looked into each other's eyes and hugged each other. We held each other and just breathed for a moment. We hadn’t had this much physical contact in months.
“Same to you Connor. You’re gonna make a wonderful dad.” I pushed his body away to kiss him and it was like fireworks went off. This was the first time I had felt something around him in months. “I do hope we’ve begun to rekindle that love today.”
“I think so. We’re definitely headed in the right direction.” Connor leaned back in and we shared a passionate kiss. I felt his hand pressing into my chest and he gripped my pecs. “And I don’t think we’ve done anything with your new body since we’ve started working out.” 
“Yeah and we haven’t done anything with yours either big daddy,” I smiled and kissed Connor back only to feel him lose steam part of the way through.
“Uh huh, like I have any progress to show,” said Connor as he kept massaging my pecs over my shirt.
“But you have babe. You’ve slimmed up since working out and now you’re starting to put on more muscle,” I went to grab at his chest but he flinched when I did. “Babe, I just spilled my guts about my tough feelings. Maybe tonight we just get all of our feelings out in the open.”
“What feelings? I’m fine, babe. We were just about to have sex for the first time in forever. I’m great!” Connor started to kiss me violently and pounced onto me. Forcing me to lean back on our bed with him on top.
“Hun, you’re talking to the king of not talking about things that bother me.” He broke the kiss and rolled off me. “Spill it babe.” Connor looked at me as we both lay on the bed together.
“I can’t get big. I can’t be the big man of my dreams and I definitely can’t be the big man of your dreams.”
“Okay, what do you mean by that?”
“The gym isn’t working to get me bigger.”
“And I don’t have a problem with that. Everyone’s bodies are different and gain size in different ways.”
“Oh Dean, stop beating around the bush. The entirety of our relationship was based off of our shared love for growth. You remember all of the role playing we did back in the day. Do you remember that one where you were the sweet scientist and me, your science experiment that got huge. I wanted that for you.” Connor sat up and put his elbows on his knees and head on his hands. I followed suit soon after.
“Connor, those were fantasies. And while they were hot at the time of doing them, I don’t really care about them now. And I definitely never expected you to get THAT big. Babe at one point we said you were over 100 feet tall and many tons of muscle. No one has even come close to that big before.”
“I know, but maybe if I thought that maybe if I did get bigger, it would help us rekindle that spark.” I brought my arm around him and pulled him in close to me.
“Well after tonight I hope you can put that idea out of your head since we might not be past our differences, but we are on the road to recovery.” I leaned in and kissed the short man. We sat on the bed in silence for a long time. Just me holding Connor in my arms. “I did however mention to the guy that sold me the muffin that you were having some issues in the gym and he assured me that the muffin makes men feel like they’re the biggest one in the room.”
“What does that even mean? And you were talking to a random baker about that?”
“I don’t know. I assumed it had a bunch of calories in it or something. But yeah. I did kinda vent to him for a sec cause I felt so guilty about how bad of a husband I was being.” I stand up and open up a drawer in the night stand to reveal a lighter.
“At this point I’ll try anything to make me grow,” said Connor as he got up and stood beside me. “But that cupcake is so small, what are you going to eat?” 
“Think of it as a punishment to myself for being so late and forgetting to pick up a cake today.” I started to light the candle that was on top of the muffin and presented it to Connor. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Connor, Happy Birthday to You.” Connor gave me a cheesy smile and blew out the candle. 
“Thanks babe. Despite all of the drama I couldn’t have wished for a better 40th birthday,” said Connor as he started eating the muffin.
“Feliz cumpleaños mi amor. Did you make a wish?”
“Of course. I always make a wish. You can’t not make a wish. But I’m not gonna tell you.” Connor continued to eat his muffin and was delighted by how good it tasted.
“You don’t need to tell me until it comes true.”
“Well then I can tell you what I wished for last year?”
“You.” I smiled at Connor and leaned down to give him a big kiss.
“I’m glad I granted your wish then. I just hope I can grant this one for you too.” We kissed a couple more times before we sat down on the bed. We began to make out, small moans escaping our lips as we did.
“You definitely can babe. But actually,” Connor paused our kiss and let out a long yawn, “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden. Think maybe we can pick this up in the morning?” Connor began to lie back in bed onto his pillow and tapped the one beside it.
“Sure babe. Screw work if they call me in. I’m gonna spend tomorrow with my husband.” I climbed over to my side of the bed and got under the covers with Connor. 
“Thank you Dean. I would love that as a birthday present. As well as snuggling with you tonight,” said Connor as he wrapped his arms around my body as I faced the opposite way. “Goodnight Dean.”
“Goodnight Connor.”
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feiandart · 5 months
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Posting 'em here again just to boost a bit my motivation today. I made 'em back in december, one of the first drawing I have ever made for myself only.
Will talk 'bout myself and my past from here, can skip it if you don't want my oversharing shit.
So. I used to work as a commission artist for years (5-6 if I'm not wrong), drew bit of anything you could think of and mainly sticked to NSFW art for most of my, uh, let me call that "carreer" even if it's probably the wrong term to use for it. Well, it paid my bills and rent for years, so we may stick to it anyway.
Thing is, I stopped drawing when I was eighteen. People, family first, always told me talent in art was all, practice would never have made it better and I should have kept it as a hobby rather than something to do as a job. Apart from my closest friends, no one encouraged me to practice and study and put real effort on it. I went to an art-based highschool (only because I couldn't focus on studying any subject, and art school is considered one in which you don't actually study at all here, so my parents thought it better to put me there as I wanted "so you can still graduate"), but I couldn't go ahead with art studies in professional comic schools, academies or any artistic department in university. No support on that front. Something like "be Caravaggio or be nobody" mindset was stuck into my head and I started actually believing that it was true. And since I was, and am not, Caravaggio, then what was the point? So I dropped the pencil and just forgot how to draw a fuckin' line for literal years.
Then I turned 22. I moved to another city for my studies. After completing 'em, my parents said me to come back home and I said no. They stopped paying anything for me since that moment, so I had to make things works on my own. Hopefully my rent was really low, so I could afford it with minimum effort, but had to buy groceries with coupons (not a common thing in Italy) and eat a lot less to make 'em last as much as possible. I found a job in a call-center, I cleaned houses and handed flyiers to people. And that's when I found out I cannot really be in social context for too long.
In the end I burned out, left all jobs and was stuck in bed for a month. I was barely 24, without a job, holding tight the little bit of freedom I ever got. I felt helpless and hopeless. I don't remember if my bestfriend or my housemate, but one of 'em said me to come back at drawing and givin' it a shot. What harm could that do afterall, could have been pocket money for a bit if it couldn't stick to something better.
I started from pencil. Then went to digital in a couple months. I practiced, started quite immediately taking commissions and honest to God I don't have the slightest clue of how someone whould spend money on some shit I drew without basic anathomy knowledge and after that much time without drawing. Still have no idea. So I drew. I made some quick animations, never did much there thought. Grew a little fanbase, went on with it for years. I even moved with my bestfriend, living with her alone for two years, got a cat I love that it's my actually support companion right now.
I felt happy for a bit, I believe. Imposter syndrome is always watching me afterall, that never stopped. It's just like there's another person in the room with me all day, whispering me I should do more 'cause I don't deserve any attention. Ugh.
However. I went on with that until 2023. I had to come back to my parent's house in 2022 and got stuck in here since then. Nightmare years. Still a nightmare period, but I'm managing. Thing is, past year I burned out so much I completed all my left commissions in a rush and actually dropped my tablet for months. I used it as a third screen, took away the pen and the glove and swore I would never ever be back at drawing again. Will not go into details of what triggered that burnout, but you got the point, I didn't want to draw again in my life at that time.
This is pretty much when Good Omens entered the room. It was late September, I saw a lot of videos on tiktok and since I watched S1 years ago, I decided to give it a shot to S2 too. It was an istant hyperfocus. Watched all over for weeks, both in italian, in english, in english with italian subs and english with english subs. Never done anything like that in my life before. By the end of October I came back at writing. So I started to arrange things for Up&Down, my first fic after uhm, like 15 years or so. And it felt so good! I went through 42 days of deep writing, posting a chapter a day just for myself. 'cause I wanted to write something I liked for the sole purpose of liking it. And it felt so liberating!
Then I thought: will this apply to drawing too, maybe?
Answer is YES. It did. I was inspired from the fandom, from MrGhostRat's art and Gleafer's, and started drawing again. I dug into english fanfictions, fandom artists I love, and the list just gets longer day by day. I started writing Sugar, and with it I started drawing illustrations for it.
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I went from the image to the left to the one to the right in two months. Guys, I'll repeat it: TWO MONTHS. I never had such a quick improvement in years, practicing every fuckin' day, drawing my hands out of my bloody body. I drew for 5-6 years and never got to improve this much. I did now. And you know why?
'cause I started drawing for myself. I'm doing something I love. And I'm getting better at it.
And you know what? I'm quite angry now. 'cause if I didn't stop years ago, who knows where I could have been now. If I didn't listen to people saying me "be Caravaggio or be nobody", I could have done so much more by now. Maybe I could have been able to draw fuckin' furnitures by now. Maybe I would have started being able to draw the same face two times in a row years ago insted of now.
Maybe I could have been the comic artist I wanted to be. Maybe not the best in the world, but I don't fuckin' care of being the best one, I want to be one I'm proud of. I didn't get the chance 'cause out there is full of people without a dream who's only purpose in life is destroying other people hopes.
And you know what? I'm done with that. I'm done with people saying me I'm not a gifted child. I'm done with people coming at me saying I cannot do shit I love 'cause they have reason to make me do something different. People thinks to know what's good for me but I'm fuckin' 30 and I think I know it pretty well already, thank you very much.
I'm managing how to get hold of my choices and things I love now that I'm an adult, but dear Lord I keep on thinking of my young self and I want to hug that poor thing so much I can't explain. I'd love to say her everything's going to be hard, but good in some way. That things are difficult, but they will change. That people are shit, but she should be strong and fight back. 'cause I did it too late and I regret now, but she deserved better.
You deserves better. And I'm talking to anyone who's reading this. I don't know if you went all the way 'til here, but if you did: don't make my same mistakes. You know better than me. Don't let people spoil the things you love, don't give 'em power to destroy your will and put you in a closet for the time being. You don't deserve that.
Don't miss your chance 'cause people doesn't want to see you happy to be yourself. Don't do that. They don't deserve that power over you.
Love yourself more than I loved myself. I'm starting just now and it's hell. You can do better, I promise.
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months
I spin off exploring Yamapapa’s past… I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s thought of this before or thought of him extensively in general. He’s such an interesting character and there’s so much to explore there!!! We need more of him 😭
Why/when did he start learning to use the sword? Why did he stop? What was his master like? Why did he become a sushi chef? So! Many! Questions!
Okay, so I struggled a little bit to answer this, but not because I don't have the ideas. I have so, so many ideas and thoughts and love for this man. I actually struggled because, all things willing and if I allow myself the time, not only will you guys all actually see this written as an actual 'light novel' style format (without the pretty pictures, unless I can start affording commissions), but you'll have most of it, if not all of it, by the end of 2025, along with similar 'Secret Bullet' side-novels, all in varying stages of completion, written by me (so not at all officially canon) for Shamal's past, and the Arcobaleno's pasts, the lead up to that fateful day they became Arcobaleno's, and the direct aftermath of that for each of them. Those are all projects, along with some self-indulgent stuff I want to work on with OC's and self-inserts and just fun little things over the next couple years. So when answering this, I kind of wanted to cover everything but also kind of just wanted to go bare basics so you guys wouldn't be too spoiled. I kind of tried to hit a happy medium and hope you enjoy the headcanons I did provide.
First off, let's go with the obvious. For any of you wondering how you should go about picturing younger Tsuyoshi...there's really a huge father-son resemblance. Tsuyoshi looked a lot like Yamamoto does currently, except a little broader and with a bit sharper of features.
That's not the only similarity between father and son though. Tsuyoshi even acts a lot like his son does during the actual manga. Growing up, he was sociable, friendly, good-natured, seemingly laid back with a hidden very serious side, athletic and honestly, he was always popular with not only his peers but the adults around him as well, who always commented on what a nice boy he was.
He comes from a good home, with two happily married parents who love him and support his interests and hobbies. His family isn't rich, but they're not poor either. His love of cooking was actually fostered from a young age. His mother's dream had always been to open a noodle shop of her own and his father also enjoyed cooking, so it became a family affair that Tsuyoshi was allowed to join in on as soon as his little hands were able to actually be put to good. Cooking the family meals together and then sitting down to enjoy their hard work are some of Tsuyoshi's favourite childhood memories, to be honest.
I do think, around the age of five, that Tsuyoshi was blessed with a little sister who he really doted upon. They had a real strong bond and that was, for all extents and purposes, his best friend, even while he had many other friends.
I think Tsuyoshi gained an interest in kendo around that age too and he really threw himself into the sport, practicing and training in it for years. He wasn't fantastic at first but he really pushed himself, much like his son does with baseball, and he genuinely loved doing so. With his hard work, dedication, and natural athleticism, he really did hone his skills and was winning championships within his first couple years of the sport.
This really continued up until he was in middle school, when an incident with his sister being caught up in some bullying Tsuyoshi was receiving from those jealous of his success in a kendo tournament happened. His sister was gravely injured, to the point she was hospitalized with a severe concussion, among some other lighter physical injuries, that resulted in some permanent memory issues and a slight speech impediment. Of course, the speech impediment and memory issues led to her getting bullied by classmates afterwards and moving forward and his formerly super-cheerful and perky sister started to become depressed.
I think that's what really drove Tsuyoshi to want to study the sword more seriously. While he had thought his kendo skills enough to really protect those precious to him, he'd experienced first hand that they really weren't enough. He wanted....no, he needed, to gain enough power to protect those he loved if anything were to ever happen again.
I think it was his former kendo teacher who really introduced Tsuyoshi to the woman who would become his master. The former generation's Shigure Soen Ryu successor and the creator of the Shibuki Ame, she saw Tsuyoshi's earnestness, his resolve, and his good heart and took him into her school.
I think she was a very strict teacher, but also incredibly fair. She did genuinely care for and, in her own way, deeply respect and love every single one of her pupils. While she pushed them hard, wasn't hesitant at all to attack them pretty harshly while training, and demanded improvement and dedication, she also would take extra time to help anyone who was struggling, would offer counsel and words of wisdom. She also didn't mind Tsuyoshi's sister often tagging along to her brother's practice sessions, since Tsuyoshi hoped it would cheer her up.
It's in this school that Tsuyoshi realizes that he's actually incredibly gifted, quite naturally so, in the use of a sword and he quickly makes a name for himself. Not only that, but he quickly finds himself popular among the students. That is, of course, nice, but Tsuyoshi also goes out of his way to befriend the one student nobody else seems to like. The previously best student, the boy is more shy, almost anxious about talking to people, and suffers from some self-esteem issues he hides behind bravado and harsh words. Of course, all that effort to hide those bad feelings behind those kind of things doesn't exactly endear him to the other students, who only see the front he puts on. Tsuyoshi gets to know him better and the two become fast friends and friendly rivals. A girl from the class (who will later on become Tsuyoshi's bride) rounds out the foursome of Tsuyoshi, his sister, his rival, and this girl. They really spend a lot of time together, become the closest friends all the rest have.
That rivalry though...it starts to get less and less friendly as time goes on, especially when the two are chosen as the potential successors to Shigure Soen Ryu. By that time, there are also other bad feelings festering on the side of Tsuyoshi's rival. See, not only is he always feeling inadequate to Tsuyoshi, but Tsuyoshi has started dating the other girl, spending most of his time with her, and his rival and best friend is feeling left out. Add to that the rival's long-standing love for Tsuyoshi's sister, which he has confessed to her numerous times, to always get rebuffed. The rival really blames Tsuyoshi for that too, thinking that he's poisoning his sister against the rival (and in some ways, he's not entirely wrong, as Tsuyoshi is an overly protective big brother and does see some troubling things in his friend that, though he loves the boy like a brother, he doesn't feel would be well suited for a man worthy of dating his sister).
It culminates in Tsuyoshi getting handed his master's Shigure Kintoki before the rival does, getting the chance and the master's confidence in him becoming the official successor.
That's right...while a lot of people have the friend Tsuyoshi is saving during that typhoon as the other potential successor, and I've worked myself with that idea before and see a lot of merit and potential in it, I really see it the opposite. His rival and former best friend is the person he's protecting his friend from during that typhoon.
His best friend. His flesh and blood. And his friend turned more. All three had been coming from the school, located in the mountains and quite the walk for them, when the typhoon really starts to get insanely bad. The rival had been waiting and ambushes them.
I won't go into all the details but I will say Tsuyoshi's sister...she doesn't make it out of that fight and Tsuyoshi walks out of that fight not only knowing that, despite becoming the official successor during it, he had not only failed to save his best friend but he had taken the life of another friend. He'd failed in all his goals in taking up the sword and defiled its purpose to protect by taking a life.
Though Tsuyoshi still holds the sword in high regard and still knows that Shigure Soen Ryu is invincible, flawless, and perfect, he feels he's too dirty in some ways to hold Shigure Kintoki. It rests in a closet in his house for the longest time as he finds other ways to live his life, to continue on. While he battles his own demons, his girlfriend stays by his side, supports him, and her love really does keep him from going too off the rails. She gives him something to initially live for.
After graduating middle school, he gets a job in a sushi restaurant instead of going into high school where he really finds a new interest and passion for making sushi. He studies under the restaurant's itamae until he reaches that rank too. By that time, his girlfriend has become his bride.
Tsuyoshi opens his own restaurant on the same day he finds out he's going to become a father.
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raineandsky · 2 years
The sound of a window shattering springs the villain upright in bed, on edge as the tinkling of broken glass hitting the wooden floor wakes them up more. They lean under the mattress to grab the old gun sitting protectively under them and leap to their feet, well-practised stealth getting them to the door in silence. They can hear hushed talking on the other side, whispers cutting through the quiet, and the villain decides to make their move.
With a deep breath, they kick the door open, training their weapon on whoever is on the other side. It seems incredibly unfortunate to break into a villain’s house, of all people. “Who’s there?” they call into the darkness. They squint slightly to make out the shape of someone standing in their living room, a halo of shattered glass at their feet. “You’ve broken into the wrong house, I’m afraid. I’m a good shot with this thing.”
“I wanted to ask you a question.” Now that the villain’s looking, they recognise the staunch posture, the frame widened by muscle, the cape that always seems a little too small.
“[Hero]?” Their voice almost embarrassingly fails them in their confusion. “What– how did– how do you know where I live?”
“You should make yourself harder to follow home,” the hero states bluntly, brushing a few stray pieces of glass from their shoulders. “Anyway, I said I had the question.”
They take a few confident strides towards the villain, and they stagger back slightly to keep the distance. You’re making yourself look weak, the voice at the back of their mind gloats. They raise the gun to the hero’s face, though they show no sign of worry as they stare down the barrel.
“You’re retiring.”
The villain pauses. How did they find out about that? And why did it warrant breaking into their house?
“I– maybe.” The hero huffs, and they can feel their usual scowl forming at the sound. “What’s it to you?”
The hero shrugs, raising a hand to brush against the gun in their face. “Agency always has certain heroes on certain villains. You’ve always been mine.”
“Okay, possessive much.” The villain laughs shortly, ignoring the way the hero raises their eyebrows. “There’s newer, younger villains out there now that can do what I do better. I’m pretty much out of commission.”
The hero bats the gun away from them, and the villain doesn’t stop them. “You’re good at what you do,” they start softly. “The new guys, they don’t have any of the pizzazz you do. They’re boring to fight. They just blow things up and don’t talk.”
“We don’t talk.”
“We’re… talking right now.”
The hero takes another daring step forwards, and the villain almost hits them in the face with the gun as they swing it forwards protectively. “Maybe there’s new meat out there, but I know you don’t want to retire.” The hero glances past them and into the bedroom beyond. “You literally have a framed picture of you punching me in the face.”
“That’s because you deserved it and I wanted to commemorate it forever. Had to hack a CCTV camera for it.”
“See!” The hero almost cuts across them in their excitement. “You enjoy it! You can’t retire yet. Just wait until the agency gets tired of me, please. I can’t fight the newbies anymore.”
The villain scoffs, rolling their eyes. “What, are you that desperate to get your ass kicked by me?”
“There’s a reason I always let you get away.”
“Let me–!” The villain scoffs again, but in disgusted offence this time. The gun lowers again so they can gesture with their hands. “I make my great escape perfectly every time. There’s no shame in accepting that you’re just bad at catching me.”
“I don’t catch you because you being in jail means I have to fight someone else,” the hero says sharply. “I don’t want that. I’m too used to this.”
“What, breaking into my house?”
“Dude, be real.” The streetlamp outside lights their face as they take another step forwards, their expression morphed into genuine concern. “You enjoy it too. We can both retire in a couple of years. Just let my last leg in the agency be fun.”
The villain glances down at the metal in their hand idly. The supervillain wants them to retire to make way for the kids wanting to blow the city to smithereens, but they’ve admitted that they like the villain’s work on more than one occasion. Maybe they can be convinced.
“I’ll consider it if you get the hell out of my house,” the villain says into the quiet.
The next time they look up they’re alone, only the wind blowing through the curtains for company.
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tianhai03 · 1 year
Can you stop being such a cunt, tranny. "I have a job and barely any free time anymore. who are you to tell me what to do. go learn some manners before you say anything under my art again" You sell prints, when you didn't pay the artist for the characters or their time, and want to talk, bitch. maybe stop selling other people's characters, and acting like a beggar, constantly giving out your inprnt store. Tell you what, since you value your time so much I value Capcom's time, and am reporting your inprnt account. Shut the fuck up, you stupid, degenerate loser. Your art sucks.
wow, it's my first time being called a slur! isnt that a big accomplishment. thanks for wasting your time coming all the way to here from twitter just to hide behind anon and say vile shit to me. why didnt you just comment on my tweet? you couldve saved a couple of minutes doing that. or is someone too scared to say shit to me directly to my face?
as for the inprnt thing, i never begged anyone to buy my stuff. i literally started selling my prints because people have been asking it for years, and ive stated MULTIPLE TIMES that no one should feel obligated to buy anything from me because its not my main income and its just a side extra thing i do. PEOPLE WANTED PRINTS OF MY ART, THEY ASKED FOR IT FOR LITERAL YEARS, AND IM JUST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT. if youve ever seen me beg people to buy my art please let me know because i sure as fuck dont remember doing it. the only reason why i post my inprnt stuff so often is because the site has sitewide sales often, and if i have a way to let people pay less for my art if they want to im going to give them exactly that.
i know selling stuff with other people's IPs isnt exactly legal, its a big grey area that has no 100% rights or wrongs. but im not actively harming anyone just because i made art of a character and sold it online. the big companies arent losing any money because of me, you can always take the money youre paying for my prints and just buy official merch. i dont care. im going to repeat myself again and tell you that im only selling prints FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT IT AND CAN AFFORD IT. IF YOU DONT WANT IT THEN ITS NOT FOR YOU.
if you think selling fanart is so wrong, think back to all the times youve seen a voice actor for a show or a video game commissioning artists to draw the characters they voice. according to your logic, even though theyve spend their own time and effort on a crucial part of the character, theyre still not allowed to commission stuff of that character because they dont own the rights to them. does that mean youre going to report them too? are you gonna go to capcom and tell them "HEY MR. NICK COMMISSIONED SOMEONE TO DRAW A BUNCH OF RESIDENT EVIL CHARACTERS FOR HIS STREAMS AND HE DIDNT PAY BACK THE ENTIRE RE TEAM FOR THEIR TIME AND EFFORT MAKING THE GAME. THE ONLY THING HE DID IS VOICE LEON YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP HIM"? of course not, you'll look like a fucking idiot. i might not own the characters either, but ive spent my own time and the drawing skills ive developed over the past decade to draw those prints. i own the rights to my drawings and i should be allowed to do anything i want with them as long as im not harming anyone.
clearly you cant stand me or anything i do but youre still following me for some reason. please for the love of god block me right now, leave me alone and live your own life. you'll be happier that way. and also stop being transphobic its literally 2023.
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mcalhenwrites · 23 days
I was lamenting to a friend about how little I had read this year (compared to how much I wanted to). They mentioned that I was doing my best while juggling two jobs - which led to me adding that I work more than that. On top of self-publishing and my receptionist job, I do take art commissions and I sell amigurumi at events (hate that for me). I'm also going to be working at the dog treat bakery when it shows more profit. (Not a matter of "if" but "when" here, and that's likely within the next couple of months.) Then I pointed out that... I have read 90 books this year so far. It is actually 91, and almost half of them are manga/comics while the other half are novels.
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A ton of the books I have read come from libraries, which still is good for authors! And it is very good for the libraries to show traffic. :) I have purchased some or been gifted books this year. I decided to take a photo of the ones I know I've gotten this year, though I can't tell you if they're all here. I remember buying two of these as a reward for publishing Geckos. Hahaha. I'm saving for a car, but sometimes it's nice to reward myself with a book every paycheck, if I feel like I can get away with it.
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Oh, and I bought Reverie on kindle for $2 bc it was on sale and I had just started my new job, so I thought it would be an acceptable treat at that price. (Ryan La Sala posted about the sale and I was like, "Oh, I liked The Honeys! I should read that!") I'm really sad that I can't do more. When I was whining, I was partially upset bc I had hoped to catch up with reading online as well. I haven't been that great at keeping up with AO3. I have browser bookmarks of things I want to read just stacked up. There are some authors on tumblr I want to catch up with. I can tell you right now that I love Lily Mayne's stuff and wish I could buy the entire Monstrous series in one go instead of every few months or so with no idea when I'll get the next. I'd love to have more manga, esp if it stops getting published! (Too burned by the past on that one, now I fret about how many I probably will never own and aren't at libraries to read.) So yeah, anyway. I do want to be better! But I did move twice (states and then apartments) and acquire a job and do a ton of other things, I'm trying really hard to stay afloat financially. BTW... NOT buying a book every paycheck might save money in the long run, but is still isn't enough to buy a fucking car or a house, and I'd like to better tolerate my life in the 3000 years it would take for me to save for either one of those. And right now, I'm shifting more toward reading library books and avoiding any purchases of books to save a little. I haven't bought a book in... the last month or so? I'll be so happy when I'm finally secure enough to not just buy books from all the authors I love but afford to always preorder (this is very good for authors!) and gift friends books!!! And commission artists for all sorts of things! And buy prints! I'm gonna give all the love I can! (And in the meantime... if anyone wants to buy my books... hahaha... It would go for a car right now, not books, but hey, maybe if I sold 1000 copies of Geckos, I could also splurge on a nice box of books and hold a giveaway.)
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chickateeart · 7 months
"So you want to start blogging now...?"
I can hear my inner voice drawl.
Yes. Yes, I guess I do. Maybe?
I don't even remember the last time I wrote a blog post. I mean, sheesh - look at this place. Have you scrolled through it? I have. I've scrolled through it an awful lot the past few months. This space and other places I occupy (or used to, at least) on social media. As a result of having withdrawn completely from everyone online and offline, I've become increasingly critical of the person I chose to show online.. which began to extend to becoming critical of the person I was in real life.
"Is this person that I imagine myself to be or the person I imagine others want to see me be?"
Whoops - digging a little too deep now, so lemme hit the brakes and back it up a little. We will get there eventually (it's a theme I explore in my art and writing a lot, though you wouldn't know it), but how I perceive myself in public spaces isn't the point of this. What I wanted to say was that I've scrolled through this particular little piece of real estate I have here on tumblr and I realized that I never truly made this place my home. I never stopped long enough to slow down and make a nice welcoming space here - I would just drop my art or latest commission pricing and run.
How whack.
This is where I stretch my legs out and loosen up my grip on my carefully curated image, right? We get to talk shop here. I get to explain my art processes and my struggles and my successes and you can sit here and read
and you'll be delighted.
Because why wouldn't you be, if you're here? Unless you're somebody new stumbling on this space, but let's be honest.. the only people here with me on my slice of tumblr are the bots, some rats, and possibly a friend or two if they're still around (hi! <3) - so basically everyone who is probably pretty well acquainted with me. You're likely quite delighted by little ol' me, if I know you as well as I think I do.
This is embarrassing...
Anyway... At this rate, I'm just rambling and getting my thoughts out on "paper". I keep a journal, but it's so much more "I do this for my mental health and I'll crumble if I don't do it" and while that's very important, I also need to nurture my deeply and horribly wounded creative spirit. I'm actually hoping using this tumblr and talking about my art will help give me a little accountability to my goals and make me feel more comfortable about sharing my art again at all.
The past couple of years have been difficult. I struggle to feel in touch with my art - the heart and message behind my creations and the voices that inspire my stories have all been strangled, held beneath muddy waters. Seriously! It's been a strangely desperate journey of rediscovering my voice and reclaiming even a sliver of my self-esteem - a journey that could certainly be told in a lovingly-crafted abstract animated film of some sort, if I were dedicated enough to do such a thing.. but even if I just type it out, one blog post at a time, maybe it's worth the embarrassment of vulnerability to share what's been rattling in this skull for so long.
That's it for tonight, but I hope I'll have a chance to catch you next week (or in a couple of weeks? Work has been utterly exhausting) when I share what I've been up to and vaguely what I'm planning. The loose plan right now is that, with any luck, a friend and I will be sharing a table at a local art fair in a few months. If that does happen, I wanna be ready with some pieces of work that I'm proud of, y'know? So, keep your eyes peeled. I'm looking forward to telling you all about it, okay? :)
P.S. I'm tagging these as "hey chickatee" because idk I think it's cute. Like you're saying "hello" to me by looking up the tag to catch the latest long-winded post by Yours Truly.
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sharkneto · 2 years
From Cease-fire on the Cleveland Express:
Five’s jaw clenches. Hard. “Question for you,” he says, not looking at her. “How’d you figure out your power? You copy us, right? But how did you find someone like us to figure that out?”
Lila tilts her head. “Isn’t it obvious?”
He barely looks at her.
He turns to look at her fully, brows furrowed.
Not sure why, she tells him, “When I was five, Mum was walking me through the medical wing to test me on my first aid. She stopped at a bed to talk to someone, see how they were getting on. I sneezed and ended up in a broom closet down the hall.” She smiles despite herself. “She was so pleased.”
Five’s gaze is distant, a little haunted, when she glances at him. “I’d just gotten out…” he mumbles. Very slowly, he closes his eyes and lets a long breath out. “And the other times?”
“On and off through the years. Mum would spring a training day and we’d go to the Agent Fitness Wing, go in the room next to the one you were being graded in and she’d run me through drills. I didn’t know I was copying you for years, I thought it was something special Mum was doing until I was like, ten. That’s the first time I got a glimpse of you. Through the window of the training room. You did have a very nice mustache, I understand why you’re upset to have lost that.”
He’s brought a hand up to rub at his eyes as she spoke, pinching in until he’s pinching the bridge of his nose.
“There was a trip to 2016, too,” she adds. “When I was a teenager.”
He stiffens. The hand drops so he can look at her, something almost fragile to his blank expression. “You saw my family?”
Surprised by the emotion Five is trying hard to clamp down on, she nods. More gentle, she says, “Not all of them. Luther. Allison, at a premier for some movie. Klaus. He was too high to notice me. I didn’t know their names, then. I had nightmares about ghosts for weeks.”
I'm obsessed with this concept and i want to know everything about your thoughts about it
We've talked a little bit about this on our own, but for you my friend I'll put it all here - What Was Lila's Power Training Like.
The little bit I touch on in Cease-fire on the Cleveland Express you've put above, very helpful, thank you. I'm obsessed by the potential of how much of Lila's life has looped around Five's couple years in the commission. I headcanon her to be a few years younger than the Umbrellas (25? 26? somewhere around there), and thanks to time travel those 25 years dot through Five's four-ish Commission years and a couple points with the other Umbrellas. It's delightfully mind-bendy.
But the Handler obviously knows that Lila has a power, and probably what it is (most likely thanks to the Infinite Switchboard, my least favorite plot device but I'll allow it). She uses Five to obtain Lila so she has a handy piece to pull should the two of them ever try to team up against her (and it would have worked, too, if she wasn't so fucking awful lmao). Once she has Lila, it's just a matter of training her to be a good little solider-daughter and waiting for her powers to manifest via regularly and discretely walking her past Five until something kicks in and Happens.
Once Lila is up and operational, the Handler just has to schedule Lila's training next door to specially designated reviews for Five (that none of the agents have to go through but why would Five ever know or check that). Five gets reminded that he's Always Being Watched and Judged and Lila gets practice with using Five's powers and feels special for this one-on-one time with Mummy - a fucking win-win for the Handler. I don't think Lila fully understands that what she's doing is innate to her or that it's tied to her vicinity to Five for a few years. She knows of Five, thanks to his reputation and the fact that he does pop up relatively frequently in the sidelines of her life - he's leaving her mom's office when she's coming, she's waiting on the other side of the door until the Handler is done with whatever she's talking about with him (aka mindgames). I'd say she's around ten or so when she gets her first Real Look at him and he teleports away - allowing her to put the pieces together that he can do what she does and she can't do it now that he's gone. This random little kid doesn't even register as a thing to remember for Five, he's got missions and time travel and betrayal to think about.
From there, as Lila gets older and the Handler feels comfortable enough that she has control of Lila and Lila has control of her powers, it's time for little field trips through time to try on other powers. After all, what good is Lila if she's only comfortable with Five's power (I mean, a lot, actually, but that's not good enough for the Handler)? Lila is most useful if she can try on and immediately use any power she comes across. Luckily for the Handler, she knows where there are six (...five, RIP Ben) people with powers that Lila can try on for size. Lila doesn't get to see or know who's powers she's borrowing - the Handler can't afford any sort of connections to be made there, no temptation for camaraderie or bonding - but her mum does find her superstrength, the power to control people with a simple phrase, and some fucking ghosts. None of these are as comfortable as Five's teleporting that she's been playing for years now, but she can do it and use them. Later, landing in the 60s and suddenly getting faces to these powers is a trip, even after her briefing for the job.
Lila is such a fascinating character, in part for me in how entwined her life is with Five's, for better or worse. I'm so glad they're frenemies in the show, the Commission fucked them both up in similar ways and it's nice they get to have someone who understands that.
send me ~500 words from one of my fics for director’s commentary
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voiddoesntexist · 2 years
hello friends !! ★
its been a little busy lately but i'm back :)
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these past few weeks have been kinda eventful for me ! but i think it's starting to calm down a little for me so that's why i'm writing today :]
homecoming happened, and it was super fun !! probably the cutest i've ever looked in my entire life. like the previous blogs have said, i decided to be hime gyaru !! it almost went wrong a couple of times, but a wise person told me that "everything in life will go wrong. it all depends on how you react to it" so i tried reacting the best i could ! my dress zipper stopped working because of how cheap my dress is, and so me and my mom and to pin it all together. my hair was MUCH messier than i wanted it to be. i didn't get to put on the my melody press ons i bought. on top of everything, i was about an hour late. and yet i was still so so sooo happy with how i looked :) the whole dance was so fun for me (and i even got to hang around my crush the entire time 🫢). i'm so glad it all worked out !
but... that's not really where it ends unfortunately. (dun dun dun..) i got the flu !! i caught it from somebody at homecoming so i was out of commission for a little less than a week :( i planned on posting then but i wasn't in the right headspace for it :') halloween came and by then my fever was down, but i still unfortunately ended up unhappy with my look. i was supposed to be abbey bominable but i can try something else next year ! the rest of the week i just got back into having co*des i truly do enjoy although, unfortunately, i did and still do have a lot of school work to catch up on.
that's really enough about my life :) onto the co*des ! i'll just describe a few of my favorites since its been a while. obviously my homecoming co*de was PERFECT !! i used a lot of different bows in my new hair, and had this pink and white sleeveless dress with lots of bows under it. i just put a petticoat under it to make it bigger. of course me accessories were pearl heavy, from necklaces, to bags, to earrings. i had these cute fluffy leg warmers and a white bear purse to match, all oct 22nd !! nov 3rd i wore these bat earmuffs, a long plaid red skirt, a spiked collar, and a black top with lots of holes in it !! nov 4th i wore the same earmuffs instead with a pink tank top, some gothic lace sleeves, and a plaid pink skirt. the co*de was based on draculaura :]
here are some pictures of the co*des i talked about and more ! i hope you guys have a nice day <3 i love you all !! stay tuned for another post soon ....
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bellmo15-blog · 4 months
The Rise and Fall of BellmoTheGreat
Bellmo The Great. Once a well loved and respected figure online, now one of the most notorious criminals on this platform with very few still watching him. But how did this simple man go from normal content to most notorious man on the internet? Let us dive in as we analyse the rise and fall of BellmoTheGreat.
BUT before we do, I’d like to thank todays sponsor of this video AFK Journey. The newest hit game you have probably seen tons of adds on Youtube before a video starts anyway have been kind enough to sponsor this video. I mean I’ve never played the game myself, probably never will, but they are paying me a lot of money to get you all to go try it. And if you use my creator code RoodakaInBionicle3DidNothingWrong you will get… something, again I’m only being paid to promote this game and will probably never actually play it for myself but still, I need this ad revenue so protect your internet privacy today… Wait that’s not what AFK Journey is?
Born in 1996 in a hospital in some city in Victoria Australia BellmoTheGreat spend much of his childhood going to school and playing video games and school and more games and family stuff and just in general a lot of un-interesting stuff I’m obligated to talk about anyway. He was a pretty un-known person on the internet for a long time. Until that fateful year of 2014 when he decided to create a DeviantArt account.
He began life on this account uploading pics he drew using premade bases of his Brony Persona. These works garnered relative popularity especially due to Bellmo being pretty involved in the brony community. And he would continue to do this for several years. However, after a while he stopped! At some point in 2018 he quit doing stuff with premade bases and his last pony sona related pic was uploaded on February 12th, 2018. When asked about why in interviews he responded with…
“Wait, you set up this whole interview just for that? When you could of just DMed me? Dude, there’s no deeper reason as to why I stopped, I just fell out of wanting to do stuff premade bases. I never fell out of the show, I just fell out of wanting to continue making this particular stuff… Oh my God, are you really writing down everything I’m saying?”
This end of his pony era would then mark the beginning of a new era. Before this final pic he would get his first ever commission in 2017 of his new human OC Mikaela in the coils of the Pokemon Milotic. And then, the snowball of paying other people to draw for him continued. With more OC’s and more pics coupled with pics of non-OC characters and all were of human looking character compared to the ponies he was doing stuff with before hand. Despite this, his reputation would not faulter. In fact, he gained even more of a following than he did in the past with these comms. And he would enjoy relative success for a few years longer with his content ranging from stuff involving hypnosis, coils, latex and all other strange interests he has.
However, it wasn’t until one day his true downfall would come! As one day, while he was out with a personal friend of his for lunch a once follower of Bellmo’s was  tailing him with a recording device and recorded THIS chilling conversation! Viewer discretion is advised, some might find this disturbing!
Bellmo: “… So, would it be a hot take if I said that I thought the Gamecube wasn’t as perfect as everyone makes it out to be?”
Friend: “Umm, yeah! That is like the hottest take you could ever say right now when everyone freaking loves that thing!”
Bellmo: “Not surprised. I mean like obviously I’m not calling it overrated because I DON’T think that and I absolutely hate that phrase to begin with but I still feel like people REALLY love over selling this thing and it’s games.”
Friend: “I mean to be fair the games are actually pretty good thought.”
Bellmo: “Yeah I am not denying that at all and they are great games but I’d hardly call them perfect either. Nothing is really. Super Mario Sunshine has physics so awful I’m actually amazed anyone was able to beat this game as a child, sailing the Great Sea in Zelda Wind Waker is nowhere near as fun as exploring Hyrule Field for me personally, Super Smash Bros Melee is considered the best in the series yet only two characters in the whole thing are ever played and they are only the best because of broken mechanics, F-Zero GX goes WAY to overboard with the difficulty, Pikmin’s product placement in the original release was so awkward it made me question if this whole thing was originally intended as an advertisement, in fact the only Gamecube era game I can say I really love is Zelda Twilight Princess but even then that’s more from me growing up with the Wii version and not the Gamecube one. Oh, and there’s also the fact that the Gamecube houses the worst version of Metal Gear Solid 1 which doesn’t help it’s case.”
Friend: “Doesn’t the Playstation 2 also house a weaker version of Resident Evil 4?”
Bellmo: “Yeah but at least that version was just a port and wasn’t a from the ground up remake that went to far in a few places.”
Friend: “Heh, true. Hey, let’s just be grateful were not having this conversation online because people would have a melt down over this!”
Bellmo: “Hey, if they got upset at me for a simple opinion then that says a lot more about them than it does me!”
Once this conversation was recorded the once fan of Bellmo’s got home and uploaded it for all to hear. And only a second after it did it went viral. Bellmo would soon become the target for many news outlets and social media backlash. Including none other than Pyrocynical making a video about it.
“Now, you all know I don’t really care about this petty small dick energy level drama BUT FUCK IT! THAT’S ALL ANYONE CARES ABOUT ANYWAY SO I’M GONNA TALK ABOUT IT!”
Some even looked into his past and saw some stuff truly disturbing. His first ever video game console was a PlayStation 2. And since then, he was gone on to own a PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and even a PlayStation 5. When these details went public, he was then outed as a PlayStation fanboy and soon his follower count dropped even lower than ever before. Eventually Bellmo would come out about the incident a few days later on his socials. And what he said in response was…
“Okay first of, please don’t stalk me like that out in public! It’s creepy and I have a life outside this account people. That is a good way to make someone scared to leave their house. Second, I grew up with a Gameboy Advanced alongside my PlayStation 2 in the early 2000’s, many of my favourite games from the late 2000’s were Wii exclusives, I have both a DS Lite AND a DSi on top of the 3DS being one of my favourite handhelds, I got a Wii U only a few days after its launch and also a Nintendo Switch a few days after its launch. In fact, for a while I would often buy the Switch versions of games I already had anyway just because “Portability.” Not to mention one of my favourite franchises ever began life on the Gameboy Colour. How in God’s name am I a ‘PlayStation fanboy?’”
Despite his words, Bellmo’s attempt to correct the situation fell on deff ears and it was instead seen as nothing more than damage control to gain followers back. But the general public was  not having it. He lost ALL his followers and respect with his watcher count being dropped to -1 and it was mainly dropped to that number specifically because of a glitch. Not even the general public was having it as seen by this clip of him trying to buy a used game as a used game store.
Bellmo: “Yeah hi, I’m looking for a copy of Grand Theft Auto Vice City please? The copy I’ve had since childhood barley works and is damaged beyond repair and I REALLY need a replacement thanks.”
Store Clerck: “Hmm, yes. And I’m guessing that will be for PlayStation 2 right?”
Bellmo: “Umm, yeah thanks. My original copy was the PS2 version, the PlayStation 2 is one of my favourite systems of all time and…”
Store Clerck: “Not even willing to give the Gamecube version a chance?”
Bellmo: “Excuse me? Vice City was never even released on Gamecube.”
Store Clerck: “Oh but then again you probably won’t want to buy ANY Gamecube game anyway!”
Bellmo: “I mean, have you seen how expensive some of those games are? Honestly, even as someone who loves collecting physical media those games it’s honestly just easier to emulate them than blow over $100 or more on a 20+ year old game.”
Store Clerck: “So you’re a pirate as well!?”
Bellmo: “I’d hardly call it piracy if most of those games aren’t even being officially sold anymore.”
Store Clerck: “I’M SELLING THEM!”
Bellmo: “Yeah, and none of that money is going to the original creators anyway.”
Store Clerck: “Oh but you WILL buy used PS2 games though won’t you!?”
Bellmo: “Yeah, because they (most of the time) are way more affordable.”
Store Clerck: “Just say you hate the Gamecube mate, it’s not that hard!”
Bellmo: “Dude, I just want to buy a copy Vice City to replace my old broken one and go home please.”
Store Clerck: “Say it!”
Bellmo: “Oh fuck this, I’m going home and playing the PC version.”
Truly a terrible display.
So where is BellmoTheGreat now? Well, he has a stable job and good friends and is going by his day-to-day life drama free… Wait, that’s not how these things usually end! Who wrote this!? Isn’t he meant to be in jail or homeless or something!?!? Guys, seriously! This isn’t meant to have a happy ending! He needs to be down on his luck! There is no happy ending for those on the receiving end of drama!!!
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