#They decided not to be friends with a mutual friend anymore without saying anything just fading out
desthen · 9 months
-Smacking my friends with a rolled up newspaper- can ya'll please stop falling out with each other through lack of communication and then rebuffing my attempts to make group plans. What is this high school again
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typing-catastrophe · 29 days
Charles Xavier - only one bed (headcanons)
request: "gmorning! with deadpool 3 bringing around the xmen renaissance ive found myself once again totally obsessed w james mcavoy and was wondering if i could req an only one bed charles xavier x reader piece please ! i feel like theres just so much to be done w that trope, the mutual pining, the fluster, the rushed confessions, and ive somehow never seen anymore pair it w charles yet ?? i trust your vision completely, thank you so much and have a lovely day!"
a/n: thank you so much for your request anon ^^ I am also working on a longer piece (actual oneshot, no bulletpoints), so stay tuned for that and in the mean time have this :P hope you like it
💕 fluff
oohhh the temptation
charles trying so hard not to give in and read your mind
he is just so goddamn curious as to know what you're thinking about your current situation
because he can feel you laying next to him all tensed up and it makes him nervous
you're both idiots in love with the other, have been for a while, and both to scared to make the first move
you're convinced he isn't interested in you at all, and are too scared to ruin the friendship to say anything
and he is convinced he would drive away the only friend he made asides from raven and would end up feeling much lonelier than before
he technically is confident enough but at the same time doesn't want to risk anything going wrong or making it awkward between the two of you
when it gets too much for him, he strikes up a conversation which would end up in you two laughing and finally being comfortable in each others space again
when you tell him that you're having a hard time falling asleep at new places, he would offer to tell you about his research, because it helps raven fall asleep
when you both eventually fall asleep, he unconsciously shifts over and holds you close
you stir awake from the movement next to you, already dozing off again when you feel an arm sneak over your stomach and an explosion of butterflies when charles pulls you close
(that man needs someone to cuddle at night and you can't convince me otherwise. he's a cuddler.)
now wide awake and heartbeat going faster by the second, you franticly try to think of what to do next
when you try to scoot away, you're not only met with resistance but with him pulling you back and nuzzling his nose into your neck and hair
you lay there in defeat for a few minutes, enough time for your heartbeat to settle again. then you decide to turn around in his arms
you use the opportunity to look at him his beautiful facial features, all relaxed and peaceful. you'd never allow yourself to stare at him like this, in fear of getting caught
when he started to wake up and blinking a few times, you know you should look away, but you're so captured by him that you can't bring yourself to do so
so you're laying face to face with him, only inches apart, holding your breath
"hey... can't sleep?" he asks with a soft tone and smile
you shake your head the tiniest bit and a stray lock of hair falls into your face
he reaches out to tuck it behind your ear and lets his hand linger
even without using his powers he is almost sure to know what you think in that moment
so he leans in closer and asks "may I?"
you whisper a breathless "please" and before you know it, he presses the softest kiss to your lips
you almost whine when he leans back again
"you look so beautiful, darling" and "forgive me, we should've done this a lot sooner"
you couldn't agree more
sleepy, soft kisses turn into more intense ones turn into makeout session
so much suppressed feelings resurfacing, you can't get enough of each other
when your shirt hitches up and his hand grazes your bare skin, you let out a small noise of surprise and jump a little at the sudden contact
charles moves his hand away, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or do something you're not ready for, when you reach down and put his hand back, reassuring that it is okay for you
he doesn't mind at all if you don't want to go any further, he can't believe his luck of you reciprocating his feelings at all in the first place
if you do want to go further, that man will give you the best and softest, most loving time of your life
given that that would be your first time together, you would keep it simple and stick to getting to know each other and each others likes
first and foremost he would concentrate on making you feel good
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Pairing: None
Summary: Being a woman in F1 has it's challenges, especially when you are constantly seen as a threat
A/n: McLaren history revision, actually, a lot of it might not make complete logical sense, just ignore that. i’m not great at angst
requests open masterlist ttpd masterlist
You've scared everyone in the F1 world since you started driving in 2014 for McLaren, more dominant than Max Verstappen, the only driver other than Lewis Hamilton to challenge you. Your aggressive driving style and ability to get the most out of your car has lead you to three championships. Men don’t like that.
You are in a bit of a slump this year after moving to Mercedes, not having won one of the first three races, but you are poised for attack, ready to take your place at the top.
“Daddy, who’s that?” you hear a little girl ask as you walk to the paddock.
“Y/n L/n, we don’t like her,” his fragile masculinity practically yells the comment into your ears. With a smirk you look at the pair, walking over and bending to the little girls level.
“What’s your name?” you ask, your voice bordering on being sickly sweet.
“Sarah,” she squeaks, eyes wide with fascination. You remove your team hat and pull out a sharpie from your pocket, signing your hat.
“Don’t let any man tell you you can’t be better than the boys. You can do anything, you’re a girl,” you smile, putting the hat on her head. You wave over your assistant. “Get her sizes and buy her some team gear, charge it to me,” you tell the assistant, who eagerly nods. Of course, the F1 social team caught the incident and posted it.
“Y/n! How does it feel to be in a slump, as some are calling it? Some fans are even calling you washed. Quite sad isn’t it,” one reporter asks.
“You guys keep saying I am in a slump, or I’m being replaced by younger drivers. My bare hands paved their paths, you don’t get to tell me about sad. If you wanted my career to be dead so bad, you should’ve just said so,” you roll your eyes. Nothing makes you feel more alive than driving, but annoying the media is a close second.
“What about your move to Mercedes next year? Why switch?” another reporter asks. Couldn’t you just get to your motorhome without being hounded by reporters for once?
“It was a mutual decision, it was time for us to part,” you walk away, reflecting on the last few months.
You hadn’t planned your exit from McLaren to Mercedes, the scandal regarding your exit being contained by NDAs. You had punched one of the engineers who made a sexist joke at your expense. You promptly decided you didn’t want to be there anymore, especially when they didn’t fire the engineer.
“I feel bad that this is how it has to happen,” Zak said at the end of last season.
“You don’t get to tell me you feel bad, if you actually did he would’ve been fired and I wouldn’t have to leave,” You told him, visibly upset.
“It was one joke and he was reprimanded. You don’t have to leave,” Zak says, you sharply inhale.
“It wasn’t one joke. It had been ongoing for years, it’s a wonder it took me this long to break. What did you want me to do? Laugh until I cry?” you asked Zak, who seemed shocked.
“Then I truly am sorry, I’ll launch an investigation to see why it wasn’t reported to me before. You will have always have a friend here,” Zak tells you, a small comfort.
“Thank you,” you give him a small smile. You spend the whole offseason steeling yourself and working to be the best driver you can be. You stayed longer at the gym and sent more time on the sim.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Daniel asked one day over a glass of wine, he’s known you since you both were karting, and he’s watched you spiral the past few years. Daniel is your best, and one your few friends.
“It’s so hard being a woman in F1. I am a completely different person than I was before I joined,” Daniel doesn’t comment, he knows you felt like a caged animal so you acted like one.
“Why did you leave McLaren?” Daniel asks, knowing you wouldn’t leave unless there was a good reason.
“I signed an NDA, so you can’t share any of this. After I started at McLaren, an engineer was hired who would say sexist remarks all the time. Over time I stopped being nice and just got mean back, and I finally snapped. I gave him a nice right hook to his face,” you sip the wine, giving the shortened version. “Zak didn’t know, no one had reported the engineers behavior, so we signed NDAs and I left.”
“I’m sorry, That plus the media circus of being a woman in F1 can’t be easy,” Daniel sympathizes.
“That’s why I forced myself to be like this. If I can make myself seem untouchable, it doesn’t hurt as much. Being the villain is easier,” you tell him.
“So how will you approach Mercedes?” Daniel keeps you talking, knowing you need a good trauma dump.
“Lay low for the first couple weeks, let the drivers think they took out my claws, hung me to dry. It won’t be enough to ruin my season, but enough to catch them off guard. During the fourth or fifth race, I’ll leap from my gallows and crash their party, exposing the sexism within Formula One,” you smirk.
“The old ‘who’s afraid of little old me’ tactic,” he smiles, enjoying your plan.
“They should be afraid,” you say, explaining your interview with Suzie that is going to break the internet, after all, the NDA only kept you from talking about the punch.
Just like you predicted, the media and fans were divided. Some called for a public apology from McLaren and the FIA for the treatment of female drivers, most called you over dramatic, and said you only wanted to attention to distract from your poor performance and waning stardom. They said not everything is about you and the people who hurt you didn’t do it to hurt you.
You wanted nothing more than to argue back and show the media and fans just how disturbed they had made you, but Toto told you to let your driving do the talking. That race you said one thing to the media, “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.”
“Chills, your interview was phenomenal. Thanks for citing me as one of your biggest supporters by the way. Scooch over, let’s see what insecure men are tweeting,” Daniel hands you a glass of wine and sits beside you on your couch, air playing his phone screen.
“I like that one, I’m always drunk on my own tears,” you laugh. Daniel logged into his spam account, letting himself reply to the haters.
“I like this one. Y/n L/n is the kind of person to sue you for stepping on her lawn,” Daniel laughs.
“The reply is better: she’s fearsome, wretched, and most importantly, wrong,” you both think of a funny reply.
You show up to the track and win, and win, and win, until you are holding the trophy for your fourth world championship.
In your post-championship interview with the F1 media team, you make what may be your biggest announcement yet.
“In the wake of people calling me crazy after sharing my experiences as a woman in motorsport, I’d like to make a very special announcement. I am who I am because you trained me to be like this, so to make sure no other girl has to go through what I did, I will be sponsoring two F1 Academy drivers with added mentorship and sponsorship opportunities. I’ve seen the work that Susie Wolff has done, and I cannot wait to help grow the presence of women in motorsport,” you say, sitting beside Susie.
“We will make sure she doesn’t terrorize the girls too much,” she jokes at your request.
“Who’s afraid of little old me?”
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sehodreams · 7 months
come inside of my heart
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
TW and Tags: all consensual, smut, fluff (corny moments, sorry), porn with plot(?), making out sessions, weird characters(?), fingering, Seunghan overthinking, mutual pining(?), corruption kink(?), p in v, oral sex (both receiving), dom!Seunghan, friends with benefits(?)(more like classmates with benefits).
WC: 14k (I’M.SO.SORRY)
Summary: Seunghan has a problem with letting people stay close to him for long, so when he meets you, he expects his interest to fade like it usually does, but this time things seem to be different.
Comment: Again, another weird story that didn’t end or go like I expected, my head it’s kind of weird while writing idk, I wanted it to be a story of Seunghan plainly fucking reader so much she couldn’t think anymore, but it still has porn. Also, I think this should be under a fantasy category because it’s so idealistic hahahaha.
Yeah, I should stop writing on my laptop because these stories have gone from 4k to 10k+ and my mind can’t take it, and I'm sorry, but after this, I'm taking at least a two-day break, I wasn't going to let it win but it did suck my whole soul, so Seunghan better comes back soon, let's think this is an early celebration.
Pd: I did a bit of proofreading but not much, only at the end because I realized that I always write everything in past, and suddenly it was all in present and it was so weird.
Seunghan, unlike what many think, gets easily bored of people.
He doesn't know if it has something to do with his mbti or whatever people talked about those days, but what he knows is that, since he was young, he’s liked to know people, but he also got quickly tired of them.
For him, it was easy to start the communication, and with that he doesn’t mean being the first one saying hello or introducing himself, he hated being the one making the first step, but he liked to be the first one doing the real questions. Seunghan would prefer to say he was naturally curious, but he wasn’t, he wanted to know what people’s hobbies and thoughts were with the purpose of learning how to behave and what to say to them, because more than curious, he liked to be liked.
There wasn’t anything he disliked more than useless problems and uncomfortable moments with people he didn’t care enough about, so for his own peace, and to maintain the harmony around him, he preferred to just please others.
He knew he had a talent not many had, making people comfortable came to him almost like breathing, and, therefore, many wanted to stay around him, but not many got the privilege of staying for long.
It was hard to keep him entertained, so it was common to see different people flying around him, whether he was the one talking or listening, it didn’t matter, people felt attracted to his presence, and he enjoyed the attention even when he didn’t say anything at all, so he let them approach him, but if they didn’t have anything else to offer than their company, he’d go and find another person that picked his interest until he got bored and repeated the cycle again. Still, even knowing they wouldn’t last long, everyone wanted to stay by his side, and they would work hard for it, but if Seunghan didn’t want them in his space, he’d softly push them away by filling their roles with other characters, and not finding their place beside him anymore, they’d slowly leave him without making a scene.
To your luck, or disgrace, you somehow had caught his interest this time.
As expected, after you caught his attention, he decided to dig as much as he could about you, however, what was unexpected, was the kind of person you were and how you caught his attention.
He had a type for everything, at his age he knew enough about what he usually liked. He liked smart opinionated people who always had something to say, he liked how being seen with them always elevated his status and profile in everyone else’s eyes, so they were most of the people that always flocked with him, and of course, that included pretty girls with energetic voices. The way they would follow the conversation with witty remarks and would understand his humour left a lingering feeling of satisfaction he tried to savour as long as he could when he flirted with them, and he couldn't deny it, he was a sucker for pretty faces, he loved the way their smiles would shine and illuminate the room, and how they matched his eagerness for the public attention.
Surprisingly, in the curse of his life, he hasn't had a ton of dates, he’s had his fair share of relationships and an impressive quantity of received confessions, but he carefully chose who to give such opportunity to before he decided to accept the other's feelings. Going out with him had to bring something into his life for him to decide they were good enough to receive his time and effort, and since he knew how easily he could get tired of them, they had to make him think that he would enjoy their presence for at least a decent period of time.
He's never had to chase anyone, he's always been the chased one, or he was until you arrived, and what bothered his mind every time he ran to you was that you weren't his style at all.
You didn’t check any of his boxes.
In first place, you weren't energetic at all. You never matched his conversations with equal happiness, you didn't understand his jokes most of the time and you didn't even try to continue the flow of his conversations. With no remarks and no comments, you'd let the contact die as soon as you could, which always itched something in the back of his head. He can even remember what your first messages looked like. He would send two or three lines of whatever went through his mind, being extremely polite to you as his classmate, wishing to be on your good side, and you would answer with the driest ok he had ever seen in his life.
Hi, just a quick question, what do you think about moving the meetings to my house? I think it'd be better for all of us since none of them would have to pay for coffee and I have everything we might need in my place, it's just something that went through my mind and I wanted to send it to the group chat but I know you live kind of far from here so I wanted to ask you first, so what do you think?
He still gets annoyed when he remembers your past messages.
In second place, you weren't the bright person he usually liked to hang out with. You would never make anyone turn back to see you twice, sometimes they wouldn't notice you even if you were in front of them, and you'd often get ignored if he didn't repeat your comments while working together, which honestly impressed him since you only talked if you had something useful to say, so he would expect others to stay silent when you showed intentions of entering the conversation, but your voice would simply get lost between everyone spitting random ideas and opinions that were rather pointless. You were still kind enough to answer each of them before everyone followed your ideas, receiving no appreciation back from anyone, and it did bother him to see that happening every meeting, hoping that at some point everyone would learn to shut up and give you your time, but it bothered him even more to see that you didn’t care if they listened to you or not.
At least, after a couple of meetings, it was almost established that his seat would be always next to you because no one, except him, found being near you important.
And last but not least, your face wasn't his type. You weren't ugly, but you weren't the prettiest girl in the room either. You were rather normal with your round brown eyes and your dark hair, unlike the girls with caramel eyes and smooth hair that always looked as if they just arrived from a hair salon appointment, you simply had no spark, and you didn't try to get one either. You would wear plain clothes with no sense of style, only thinking in your comfort instead of what others said behind your back, and he couldn’t imagine himself going hand in hand with you looking that way.
Seunghan almost never got involved with people like you, dull and boring. He was sure that if it wasn’t for the project, he wouldn’t have learned your name, and if it wasn’t for the unexpected turn of events, you’d have ended like one of the numerous faceless people in his past.
The way you slowly and effortlessly took a spot in his head was unconventional. Unlike the continuous messages and invitations most people did to get closer to him, you only did your stuff, working on your tasks and lending a hand if anyone asked for help, but it was kind of endearing how someone who looked so uninterested in everyone else and their opinions would work hard to help if needed. Even if they ignored you most of the time, you had no resentment at all, and when Seunghan asked you if you minded that they called for you that much, your answer was so short it made him analyze each of your words for days, ‘’Well, the work has to be done’’.
He wanted to know if you were a fool letting yourself be taken advantage of or if you simply wanted to end things as fast as you could, and he was inclining more into the latest seeing your blank face writing over your keyboard and yawning unbothered when most of them had left and you stayed to finish their parts because, just like you had said, I won’t open the document once I cross your door.
‘’Aren’t you mad?’’ he then asked.
‘’Not really, why would I get mad?’’ you said without stopping your work.
‘’I don’t know, I just feel like you should’’ Seunghan bit his lip and watched you skillfully go through the document introducing commas and changing words, not wanting to interrupt you but doing it anyways because he couldn’t stay with the doubt in his mind, ‘’don’t you ever get mad?’’
‘’Uhmm no’’ you answered without stopping your work, ‘’I do get mad, I don’t mind correcting other’s work on the computer, but I hate washing other’s dishes.’’
That makes sense, he thought, because you never offered yourself to help him wash everyone’s cups once they left you two alone, and he didn’t realize it until that moment, but the common thing would’ve been to at least offer yourself to take them to the kitchen, thing you never did.
Another question popped into his mind.
‘’Don’t you work in a restaurant?’’ he, after a long time, asked.
He laughed for days when that conversation replayed in his head.
A routine had been formed after many reunions. Every member of the group would go to his house each Thursday for a couple of hours to show what they had advanced for the big project and the little work the professor left through the semester. You’d arrive a couple of minutes earlier than them since you finished your shift in the restaurant you worked at, and you’d stay there silently scrolling your phone while he revised the shared document. Then, when they all left, you would stay to check with him his work, he trusting you to respectfully correct him and help him just like you did with the others.
It was one of those numerous late nights that, whatever you had, started.
You were biting your lower lip while reading his paragraphs, making a couple of changes every now and then, not paying him any attention on your side, and he doesn’t know what went through his mind, you were calmly doing your own thing, you weren’t any different than usual, with your plain t-shirt and your glasses reflecting the screen light, no colour on your cheeks and hair strings poking out of your ponytail, when his hand moved on its own, accommodating them behind your ear.
Your hands immediately paralyzed, and your eyes stayed glued to the sentence you were about to change, surprised by his sudden action.
‘’Sorry,’’ he apologized, feeling surprised even with himself for doing that.
‘’It’s okay’’ you said and continued.
When you finished his part, you quickly grabbed your things and left, leaving him alone in his apartment with a sour taste in his mouth, repeating in his head how stupid he was for not being able to control his own hand.
You didn’t mention anything about it to anyone, and not that he had thought you would go and scream it to the public, but there was something that told him to be careful with you from that moment on, because you weren’t his prospect, and he couldn’t let you catch unnecessary feelings for him.
The next time you stayed to check his work, he kissed you.
His mind couldn’t function with you around. You, again, had done nothing different from usual, you sat beside him focused on your screen the whole time, correcting his progress, acting as if nothing had happened, making him feel like the only one overthinking the past situation. You showed no interest in him and he had repeated in his head that he should be careful with you that afternoon, he was so into it that when you arrived, instead of sitting beside you until the others got there, he went to his kitchen and rewashed the cups he gave each of them, yet when everyone had left and you were saying something about him reading a certain book to write more about the topic in his part, his hand moved to your neck, and making you face him, he pressed his lips over yours.
He had never done that before, he had never stolen a kiss, even less from someone who showed no interest in him, with no previous flirt and tons of flattering messages directed to him making clear that he could go for it.
You were reluctant at first, not corresponding to his lips movement, mouth hard like a stone. That almost threw him off, but when he was about to leave you, your mouth finally opened to him, letting him interlock his lips with yours, stealing some of your air and sensing the rare softness you had, a touch of inexperience with coffee flavour.
So smart for everything except that, he felt like he could finally teach you something, and that fired the last doubt inside him.
From that day on, every time you went to his house, he would kiss you until everyone else arrived, leaving you with glossy eyes and a different air around you that they noticed but commented nothing about, and when they left and you finished with the last touches of the document, he’d kiss you again, making you bolder and bolder to accept him with every session.
If he went to his kitchen and tapped your hand you would follow him without a word, if the last person about to leave went to the bathroom he wouldn’t doubt to quickly kiss you before they came back, and if you were doing nothing while waiting, he only had to walk to your side for you to lift your eyes and met his lips.
You showed no eagerness to start the kisses, but you always received him with appetite, and that was enough for him to not want to stop.
His preoccupation about you saying something was long forgotten, just in those meetings, even when it was only the two of you, you said no word about the kisses, a silent pact to keep what you had in secret and only behind his doors.
Also, another thing that helped him go around campus with an easy mind was that you showed no intention to change yourself. Usually, when he dated girls they would put more effort into their appearances, they would ask him to buy couple accessories to show off what they were, and then they would match his style, introducing clothes with colours he liked or constantly wore into their wardrobe, like a distinction to show off they were with him, but you didn’t try to do any of that at all, going around with the same clothes, not asking for a single thing from him, not even taunting the idea of having a shared accessory.
You weren’t dating, he knew you didn’t think you were a couple at all, so maybe that was why.
You didn’t ask him what you were, you didn’t pressure him into asking you out, or even insinuate that you liked him. He didn’t understand how you didn’t put any of those cards on the table, you had the chance every time you went to his house, but you didn’t. Seunghan couldn’t understand how you, unlike others, even himself, had no interest in grabbing the opportunity of getting a higher status and being the centre of everyone’s attention, by being with him you could escalate the pyramid, but it seemed like the invisible pyramid he always saw in his head was the last of your concerns.
He was kind of grateful that you didn’t see the point in telling others what you were doing in his living room because thanks to that he felt relaxed beside you. He knew you wouldn’t tell anyone if he did anything wrong, if his lips were too dry when he kissed you, if maybe he was using too much tongue, if his nose kept bumping yours, he didn’t feel the need to think each of his movements or to keep his perfect image, and that finally let him breath and discover how he liked to kiss, helping you discover how you liked it in the way too.
I need to breathe, I want to push my tongue more, can I bite your lip?
Both of you would sometimes throw questions in the middle of the sessions, and none of you judged each other if one wanted to try something new or wanted a break, but they were almost always short ones, enough for you to inhale air for a couple of seconds before Seunghan went back for it.
However, even if he thought the situation was perfect with you not asking for more from him in terms of the pseudo-relationship, he had started to do it without noticing.
Again, he knew how to make people comfortable, and after getting to know you all those days alone, he understood that the best thing to maintain you at ease was directly not trying to hold intruding conversations, but now instead of ignoring you until the next reunion like he always did the first times, he’d send you texts asking if you were going to class or if you had seen the new thing one of the members had written in the shared document, and then when you answered him, he would sneak a personal question in the chat, How was your shift? Did you eat already? What are you doing?
Not thinking too much about it, you gave concise replies and then forgot about him if he didn’t continue with his questions, but you had started to notice his change too, not understanding why he had decided to act like that out of nowhere.
You thought his interest in you was based more on the lack of your enthusiasm to have him around after you two were done, and your indifference to his actions outside his apartment, you thought it was that at least, reason why you felt weirded out every time he asked personal stuff.
You had no expectations of him, you convinced yourself it wasn’t worth it, and you did wish for his touch, but not for his words, not even for his ear to listen to you and agree with what you had to say. You were merely there, ready to accept his lips over yours and ready to leave his house as free as when you entered, which made him strangely confident whenever he was with you, but uneasy when you weren’t.
Still, even if you didn’t try to sustain anything with him, you’d do what he asked you to without doubt, like sitting over his lap when he patted his thighs, or walking to his kitchen when he said he wanted your company until the others arrived.
‘’Why did you arrive so early?’’ he asked one day between kisses. Your soft lips caressing his made him think you had prepared to receive him that afternoon, filling his mind with the idea of you hoping to see him earlier that day and the image of you applying lip balm before crossing his door.
He had you over his counter, your boring and plain blue jeans letting him thrust his clothed erection and enjoy the pressure, but not allowing him to differentiate the form of your cunt over him. That day he was getting impatient with not putting in, the idea had gone through his mind since your last meeting, but you hadn’t shown any intention of fucking him, so he contained himself. That was a step he wasn’t sure he should take alone. Unlike kissing, fucking you would bring another level of intimacy to the dynamic, and he doubted you would continue being the same after that, you were only a girl at the end.
‘’Coworker arrived early’’ you answered. Short, clear, and concise.
You didn’t try to satisfy his greed with an I missed you or an I wanted to see you, you let things go on their own flow, and he liked how fresh everything was with you, almost laughable of how unique your honesty was, and he wanted to keep it like that.
‘’I see’’ he smiled, a part of him disappointed but at the same time relieved.
He trusted you to always tell him the truth, even if sometimes brought him back to reality and humbled a little, he felt better knowing you wouldn’t feed his delusions with pleasant lies.
Everything was going well, each of you without mixing their lives apart from the Thursday afternoon in his house and the short conversations by text, and he was able to contain himself without problem, until that day.
Seunghan rarely had a problem with people from his past, usually once he cut the contact with them, they would get tired of reaching out to him, but this guy was one of the few pesters he couldn’t shake off.
He had been his school classmate in his last year, and Seunghan thought he wouldn’t have to see him again ever again after graduation, but he still called him every now and then to ask him to hang out.
Seunghan definitely had better things to do, but having met him outside his campus and saying hi while he was with his other friends, the boy dragged him into having dinner with other old classmates, making him think that maybe it’d be a good occasion to see old friends again, just a light conversation before they all went to do their own thing.
Seunghan should’ve known better at that point that an asshole would never change.
Arriving at one of the numerous restaurants near his house, he thought that at least, if he got bored, he could quickly escape with an excuse.
At a table on a corner there was his old classmate waiting for him, and the minute he saw that the table was just for two, Seunghan knew no one else would appear.
He tried to run away, but once the other made eye contact with him, it was too late.
‘’Hey man’’ the other greeted him.
Seunghan had no option but to sit.
Immediately he sat the other started to ramble about himself.
Trying to distract himself while the other talked, Seunghan directed his whole attention to the menu.
It was a normal chicken place that worked as a pub at night for groups to drink and play until late, he could already hear a few other people chanting for members to have shots and ordering more and more alcohol, the music was nice and the light was perfect to feel comfortable getting drunk without feeling judged, making him think that, if the other hadn’t lied, he could’ve had a good time with his old friends.
‘’Welcome, what can I get for you?’’
Seunghan instantly recognized your presence, your voice, your aroma, everything.
His eyes shot up and he looked at you, trying to distinguish if it was really you or his mind was playing him a bad (not so bad since he was glad) joke, but there you were, the one and only you.
You were wearing the kind of clothes you’d always wear but with an apron over them and a tag on your chest with your name, clearly showing that you worked there. Unlike him, you didn’t show any surprise to see him, keeping the stoic expression you always had, and the corners of his lips went up without him noticing, a smile almost taking control of his mouth, happy to see you out of the classroom or his living room, but no word came out of him.
Should he greet you like he wanted? Should he call your name and say what a surprise? Should he say he didn’t know you worked there? Because he really didn’t know.
Questions accumulated inside his head, and missing his chance, his old classmate ordered for both, and you, not displaying any disappointment or happiness or any feeling at all, left them alone.
Seunghan started to feel even more down, firmly believing that you decided to pretend you didn’t know him, was that what you wanted? To not know him out of his house?
He knew you would never act giddy to see him, you would never scream his name and run to his arms if you saw him on the other side of the street, but he had hoped that you would at least say hi, to acknowledge you knew each other, after all, you were classmates, and he didn’t want you to act like one of the girls that had a crush on him, but he didn’t want you to ignore him either.
‘’So, what do you say?’’ the annoying guy brought him out of his thinking.
‘’Sorry, what did you say? I couldn’t hear you with the music’’ Seunghan was lost the minute the other started to yap, and he didn’t feel like hearing him anymore, but the least he could do was be polite enough until he said goodbye, the last thing he needed was to hear how the other spread into the chats that Seunghan was full of himself now that he was in college, but the boy didn’t help him to stay calm at all.
Even with the big sign inside every restaurant saying that it was forbidden to smoke in shared spaces, he put a cigarette in his mouth and held it while he searched for his lighter.
‘’My friend has a booth in this club and a ton of pretty girls go all the time, you should come with me, we’ll have fun, and if we’re lucky, a better after night’’ he laughed while lighting it.
Seunghan didn’t want to meet him exactly because of that. They never shared interests, he was a lost cause always living in parties ever since they were in school, and Seunghan could say no to those outings when he was a minor, but since graduation, the other had been more and more insistent now that Seunghan didn’t have enough reasons to reject him anymore.
The other, just like when they were in school, wanted him to show up, attract a bunch of pretty girls and trap one of them to fuck them with his friendship with him as an excuse to appear more desirable.
‘’Sorry, I have class tomorrow early’’ Seunghan said, and trying to fan the smoke from his cigarette the other way, coughed before he continued, ‘’I think we should leave if you want to smoke, there’s a big sign that says not to smoke inside’’.
‘’Don’t worry about that, but talking about leaving, I think you should come with me, my friend always pays for all our drinks.’’
Shit, he started to think. Seunghan perfectly knew that tactic, typical from guys like him with no charm and no capacity to attract a girl that was in their full senses.
He hated that kind of guy, and not wanting to stay with one of them in front of you, he started to plan an excuse to leave, needing to go home and forget that night ever happened.
The other didn’t stop talking or showed any sign of putting off the nicotine stick, making him bite the inside of his cheek anxious with the idea of bringing you problems since you’d have to tell his friend that he couldn’t do that there, and knowing him, he wouldn’t stay quiet with a mere waitress telling him what he could and couldn’t do.
‘’I really think you should put that out’’ Seunghan interrupted him after a couple of minutes. The other was already in half his cigarette and Seunghan had resigned in having to put his pretty clean shirt in the dirty laundry because the smell of his cheap little vice was already impregnated in the fabric that used to have the warm and fruity aroma of his softener.
‘’Don’t be such a bummer man, light up a little’’ he joked. ‘’I’ll tell you something, if you come with me, I’ll stop, what do you say’’.
Seunghan found his offer tempting, but if he couldn’t escape there, how would he escape from the club? Well, he could get lost in the middle of all the people, and he had already decided that he would take a shower again to clean the smell of the cigarette, so it didn’t sound too bad after he contemplated the idea.
‘’Hey, go and fuck yourself, he already said he doesn’t want to go.’’
His friend almost choked with the smoke he was holding inside his mouth when he heard you, and Seunghan’s eyes opened while his mouth and thoughts completely shut down.
‘’What the- do you know her?’’ the last question was directed to Seunghan and he didn’t know what to say, his head almost shook saying no like instinct, but he stopped himself before doing it, staying still.
‘’He doesn’t have to know me, everyone here can hear how you’re trying to force him into going with you, so let him alone before I tell my boss you’re smoking here when that big ass poster clearly says you can’t, or apart from not listening you can’t read either?’’
You said all that without an ounce of fear and Seunghan couldn’t understand what was that feeling that had started to grow inside his chest, was that embarrassment for not being able to talk for himself? or embarrassment for being seen with someone like that guy? He wasn’t sure at that moment, but what he noticed was that it was mixed with another thing, annoyance. However, he didn’t know if it was with himself or with the stupid brat in front of him, and it increased once the other stood up from his seat and tried to lift his hand at you.
It was impossible the guy punched you, but just the idea of him touching you with a single finger made him interfere, something he never did.
Seunghan’s body moved on its own and grabbed him before he tried to even brush you, dragging him outside without giving you a second glance.
You didn’t flinch at all, you had met tons of worse clients, he was nothing to you, and you’d have probably ignored the whole situation if it wasn’t that Seunghan looked so troubled sitting there. You had a pact with yourself to not butt in situations that had nothing to do with you, but you knew Seunghan, he couldn’t say a frankly no for the sake of looking good, and he could easily lead people into leaving him in peace, but the other boy had bad news written all over his face, and you doubted someone as pacific as Seunghan could use his tactics with him.
You watched the drinks on the table, two untouched beers that your manager would ask why they stayed like that there, alone, and unpaid, and you just hoped that little spur of bravery didn’t bring you problems with anyone else.
Outside the restaurant Seunghan left the other guy’s arm free and, scrunching to touch his knees with the palms of his hands, he exhaled to control himself.
He started to count in his head, repeating It’s okay, It’s okay, to convince himself that nothing had happened.
‘’Woah I should talk to the owner, how could she talk to a customer like that, that girl shouldn’t be a waitress.’’
It’s not okay.
Rage started to fill him and for the first time, he felt tempted to use his punch over someone else.
‘’Don’t call me ever again.’’
Seunghan started his way to his house, not looking back, feeling that, if he saw his face again, he wouldn’t be able to control his hand from not flying directly to the other’s eye.
When Seunghan arrived at his house he saw one of the numerous flyers on his entrance, right next to the plate where he left his keys and any little thing that he received or bought on the street, recognizing the name of the restaurant where you worked at, and just there a memory came to his mind, you leaving that little paper with an ugly old design, sighing and saying I don’t know if I’m cursed or anything, but my work seems to never leave me alone.
Now he understood why when he saw the direction the other had sent, he felt so eager to go, because even if he couldn’t remember it, his body did it for him, wanting to be near you.
He tossed his shirt into the laundry. He had worn it that day believing it would still be clean enough the next day and he’d be able to wear it in front of all the group, but especially, in front of you, and when he tried to sleep, but the whole night the only thing that occupied his mind was how would you see him that afternoon.
When the clock marked the hour in which you usually arrived, he started to clean his table, again. He had already spent most of his morning cleaning his place to receive the group, but he didn’t know how to stay still with the memory of the disastrous previous night. He kept wondering, what would you say? Would you think he was like his friend? Impossible. Would you pretend nothing happened like you always did? That seemed pretty possible.
He kept convincing himself to not bother you with questions on his part, like, would you always act like you didn’t know him in the streets? Did he have to ignore you every time he saw you out there? Did you think he was pathetic for not being able to give a straight no? Because he thinking it was enough to torment his night, and sure the next ones would have him meeting the same fate too.
His watch alarm sounded while he was dusting his couch pillows for the third time, making him feel anxious because it usually sounded when you were already there, with him, accepting his kisses and his hands grasping your body as much as he allowed himself.
You didn’t arrive until much later when all the other guys were already there.
At least you took your seat beside him like you always did, making him feel at ease a little bit.
It wasn’t enough, Seunghan felt his hands sweating and he couldn’t stop his leg from moving under the table, so after many lost minutes, he decided it was enough, and tapping your hand he signalled the way to his kitchen, telling you to follow him in silence.
Thankfully, and as expected, you didn’t protest, leaving everyone else concentrating on their own stuff.
When you two got to his kitchen, you perfectly knowing your way at that point after so many afternoons watching him move around, to get busy, you filled his kettle with water to boil it and make more coffee, to have an excuse for disappearing from his living room.
‘’Did you get in trouble after we left?’’ Seunghan started.
You played with the force of the fire in his kitchen, and finally leaving it as high as possible, you answered.
‘’Not really.’’
‘’Will they cut the beers from your pay?’’
‘’Nah, you can have a couple of drinks for free a day, so my coworkers had them.’’
The way you looked so recollected should’ve brought him peace, you didn’t get in trouble, which was good, a happy ending, but he got more stressed.
‘’Why did you get involved?’’ he asked the one thing that bothered him the most the last night.
‘’Are you really asking me that?’’ you laughed, ‘’I just felt like doing it.’’
‘’But why.’’
‘’Why do you care so much Seunghan? I’m sorry if I brought you problems, I didn’t mean to, okay?’’ you wanted to leave the topic behind, so you didn’t look at him, nails busy scratching a point of dust off his counter.
You, just like Seunghan, hated getting involved in uncomfortable situations, but unlike him, you didn’t have the ability to swiftly change topics or help everyone involved feel better, resorting to abruptly trying to end discussions with apologies, to then ignore the problem.
That irritated him, how you avoided his eyes and tried to keep yourself busy to not take your part in the situation.
Seconds passed by, and he could hear the water starting to boil, so he knew he wouldn’t have much time until the others started to wonder what you two were doing in his kitchen alone.
His hand grabbed yours when he got tired of you not looking at him, but you kept your eyes down, directing them to his floor titles this time.
‘’Look at me’’ he ordered, and you, not being able to not follow his words, looked up at him.
The silence wasn’t like the one you had when you arrived, it was tense, and it had started to pick on your nerves, pushing you to talk again. ‘’He was bothering you, and you looked uncomfortable, I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to intervene.’’
His grip on you got softer and he exhaled through his nose, a tenderness installing on his chest with your eyes looking at him and your voice wavering but finally answering his question.
He then felt bad, he was no one to talk to you like that, and he never had discussions like that either. He knew how to keep the waters calm and get the other person to participate in the talk, making them feel heard and making them listen to what he had to say, but with you he forgot how to do that, carrying the conversation to another direction instead of the one he wanted to take. ‘’No, I’m sorry, I just wanted to thank you, I don’t know why it sounded as if I was complaining’’ he said, mind not as foggy anymore.
‘’I’m sorry’’ you said again, making him smile this time, because both of you would never stop saying sorry if he didn’t change the tone of the conversation.
‘’Thank you for helping me’’ he said to leave everything behind on good terms.
You nodded, air less tense and comfortable enough for him to move his body closer to you, and hand in hand, cornering you to his counter, after you moved your eyes from his eyes to his lips, he felt as if he had permission to take his Thursday kiss, giving you a peck, to then leave other, and other, until they stopped being just pecks and converted into a deep one.
His other hand went to your waist, playing with the hem of your long plain t-shirt, they never let him sneak a hand to touch the skin inside because of how long they were, and that kind of bothered him, but at the same time it made him smile with his lips over yours, liking the softness all your clothes had.
He had changed his softener to yours after you told him what you used, it was a cheap brand, but it does the job, and he liked to share something as banal as that with you.
The kettle whistle didn’t make him stop, and with the same hand playing with your clothes, he turned off the kitchen, so it didn’t sound anymore.
He had to prepare the new round of coffee for everyone outside, so after a last long-lasting peck, he let you go, but with one last order before you went outside to sit with everyone else.
‘’Don’t pretend to not know me in public.’’
Time went flying after that, and finally able to concentrate, he wrote as much as he could while waiting for everyone to leave you two alone to continue your routine.
When all of them left, you surprised him once again.
Standing with him, you grabbed a couple of cups to take to the kitchen with him, making him grin because that was just so uncharacteristic of you, and he knew you wanted something else to happen.
In his kitchen, alone, you stayed beside him watching him wash the cups and everything he had used that afternoon while he talked about the book you had recommended to him, and once he finished, he dried his hands on the towel you handed him, to then push you to his kitchen counter and taste you.
Your lips he had missed for a week had a different flavour, sweeter this time, still kind of bitter because of the coffee, but there was just something else.
Perhaps it was because you started the kiss this time, pulling his belt until his chest was touching yours and his eyes looked down at you with attention, or perhaps it was simply something else that he didn’t know, maybe you put more sugar in your drink? He didn’t care enough to keep guessing.
One hand going to cup your cheek while the other roamed your waist, he sighed when over your lips when a whimper left your mouth.
His hips were getting impatient, and he had started to thrust onto your clothed sex without thinking, but it was an automatic motion his body did for him, not that he had thought for so many days how your sweet insides would feel, or taste.
He wouldn’t fuck you; he had decided that.
Kisses were more than enough, he tried to convince himself.
But Hong Seunghan was just a man, and mere kisses were never going to be enough, so pulling apart, he tried to think he was stronger than what he really was, and he really tried it, until you grabbed his hand to cup you.
‘’Are you sure?’’ he asked you, hand cupping your pussy harder but still decided to let you go if you didn’t want it.
He had stolen a kiss from you before, but doing something like that without your firm approbation was too much for him.
‘’Just do it Seunghan’’ you replied, opening your legs for him even more.
You were wearing jeans and the rough material felt good against his clothed erection, but not against his hand, so he opened your button and pushed his hand inside your underwear, feeling your clit and drawing the direction your lips showed him to find your entrance.
‘’You’re wet, been thinking about me?’’ He murmured against your ear.
Your tailbone was against the hard marble counter of his kitchen, feeling the border of it sink strongly against you, but it felt so good to have his hand touching you there while he whispered right next to your ear.
He had you opening your legs for him while he situated himself beside you, one leg between yours, his right hand smearing your arousal, and the other gripping the counter to not get too lost in you.
You didn’t answer, ashamed of letting more embarrassing noises out when he was just taunting you.
He wasn’t doing anything, just feeling you with the palm of his hand, and you still felt something forming in the pitch of your stomach you had never felt with anyone before.
Seunghan knew you were a virgin, he was the one who taught you how to give open-mouthed kisses after all, but you never imagined he would be the one making you feel that way.
You two were so different, you had seen him walking around campus with his friends, his sole presence making everyone turn their heads to him, you would’ve never expected to end in a situation like this one with him, or that he’d be the one taking all the first steps.
‘’Stop laughing’’ you said when he continued still.
You had weeks of building up, going home with your panties dripping after he kissed you until you couldn’t breathe, you needed more, but he wasn’t taking the first step anymore, only kissing you, rutting his boner in your entrance and letting you go with a painful smile.
You were too proud to tell him you wanted more, and you wouldn’t have followed him to his kitchen with the cups of coffee if you hadn’t had enough.
Never helping him that way, tired of doing it every day at your job, you thought this was the time.
This was the time before everything fell apart.
You knew how fragile human relationships were, reason why you didn’t want to have a boyfriend or anything like that before.
You had seen in first person how people could change from one day to another, and how anything, didn’t matter how deep looked like, could end in a blink.
Yesterday you felt it was over, you thought that Seunghan would push you away and the make-out sessions would never happen again, but he had kissed you, so you decided to take the first step to feel him more before everything ended.
You thought, everything would finish at one point in time, and if it wasn’t because of a discussion, it would be when the project was over, whatever happened first, so you didn’t have enough time to be proud anymore.
His hand moving brought you out of your thinking, sliding his fingers up and down your slit, you felt his fingertips brushing your clit, sending a shiver through your spine and making you open your mouth, surprised.
‘’Feels good, right?’’ he asked with a smile, drawing circles and feeling as good as you just by looking at your face showing exactly all you were feeling.
Mouth open and eyebrows frown, you let him do what he wanted with you, trusting his experience to take you to an unknown place.
‘’Answer’’ he ordered, stopping his fingers from pressing that little bud and making you shook your head.
‘’Yes, it feels good’’ you answered, letting your head fall to his shoulder and sighing before grabbing his wrist to move it again, but he was a lot stronger, and you could only wrap your hand around him, not being able to close your fingers of how big he was.
Although he had pretty hands, they were still manly, strong, and a lot bigger than yours, and moving his hand again, he showed you the pace you should take when he wasn’t with you, but you doubted you’d be able to feel the same way if it wasn’t his hand the one touching you.
‘’Remember, just like this’’ he said, flicking his index on your clit and making you whimper.
He had that fucking grin on his face the whole time and you couldn’t dare to look at him, feeling at disadvantage to his knowledge.
You were smart, you knew a lot of things, you proofread his work, you checked everyone’s work, and you know you’re always right when you answer questions, but right there you were nothing compared to him, and that made you furious, but it calmed you at the same time.
He might have that grin, but he was treating you so well, softly showing you how real pleasure felt like, you doubted you would’ve felt that comfortable with anyone else in that situation.
Pushing one finger inside, the middle one, he let the other fingers rest while his thumb continued with the caresses to your clit.
Your panties were slightly pushed down with the way he was touching you, and the hard marble was now touching directly at your skin, but the cold sensation of it with the warmness of his hand made everything better, making you stay focused on what was happening the whole time.
‘’Oh god,’’ you cried when his finger started thrusting your entrance.
The spongy and smooth texture of your walls welcomed him without problem, and he cursed at how good you felt.
Getting dizzy, he thought about how you would receive him, how you’d wrap him, and how he would make you used to his size since he’d be the first person fucking you, which filled his chest with something else he couldn’t recognize, was that happiness? It was more like relief.
But it also terrified him.
The need that was increasing inside him to have you near, close to him, with him, it terrified him.
He’s not used to that kind of emotion, he feels tired of people, he knows that, but would he become tired of you?
‘’Seunghan,’’ you moaned his name, pushing your hips down to his hand so he fucked you with his finger again.
He looked at your face, eyes glossy and red lips after all the kisses and how you bit them to not cry out loud, and he added one more.
‘’Why did you get involved yesterday?’’ he asked you again.
You couldn’t understand his words, it resonated inside your mind, but you couldn’t think of an exact answer with his fingers fucking you harder and faster.
‘’I couldn’t let him… he was bothering you…’’ you said as you could.
‘’Good’’ he said, still fingering you, ‘’Will you ignore me outside again?’’
You were moving in unison with his hand, meeting him each time he pushed his fingers and his palm pressed your clit.
‘’No,’’ you cried, feeling that tight sensation form in your abdomen again, more intense, painful.
‘’Good, now cum’’ he ordered.
You cried on his shoulder pretty loud when he gave you permission, you didn’t know you would need one to have an orgasm, maybe that was why you couldn’t do it on your own, but it was life-changing how real, intense, and amazing, pleasure could be.
Trembling on his chest, your head still on his shoulder, and you trying to catch your breath, he made you face him to leave a couple of pecks on your lips again, almost loving and incredibly peaceful, as if you had done that many times before, making you feel comfy on his presence and with his hand still prying inside your underwear.
A couple of minutes later he helped you pull up your jeans again, but they were a mess, so he made you follow him to the laundry room and gave you a pair of clean boxers.
‘’Better than nothing’’ you said when he apologized for not having anything better.
He gave you a pair of his numerous grey pants and seeing how you were struggling to keep them in place, offered to walk you to the bus stop just in case.
‘’You looked good yesterday’’ you said to fill the silence after many minutes.
Seunghan regretted having offered to keep you company to the stop, walking on an uncomfortable silence that seemed to only affect him, you completely calm beside him, but when you said that, he smiled, feeling glad for doing something different for once.
‘’You too, that apron fits you’’ he said in a teasing tone. For him, it felt like flirting, for you, it felt like it too, but you weren’t used to it, so you only nodded and didn’t talk until your bus arrived.
Even if none of you said it, something had changed in the air after that.
When you met in the corridors, first he’d look at you from the distance, debating if he should get closer and talk or not, but then after much thinking (and many days doing the same thing, staring from feet away), he decided that saying hi to his classmate wasn’t anything out of the world.
The first time your eyes met his and he, instead of looking the other way, walked to you, you thought that something wrong was about to happen, sending a nervous shiver and making you grip onto your backpack straps.
‘’Hey, how was class?’’ he asked, just standing next to you while you waited for your water bottle to be filled.
‘’It was okay’’ you said, still not daring to see his face.
The first times were incredibly uncomfortable, but soon you got used to that, it was just talking after all, nothing special, so you let him talk to you about whatever crossed his mind until he was called by someone in his group, and you had started to accept him more, trying to maintain a decent conversation at least, all innocent and he being cordial with one of his many classmates.
In his house, however, he’d corner you and get you all heated until the others arrived, and when they left, he’d finger you until you came over his hand and cried on his neck.
You didn’t say anything when that happened, accepting him just like when he kissed you the first weeks, and like that, another routine had been formed.
From the first time he gave you a pair of his boxers, he washed your dirty pair of panties to give them back to you the next time he saw you, but that next time you’d leave another dirty pair again (more like, he would snatch them from your hands before you could say anything), changing into the clean pair he had washed, so the new routine would consist in you cumming over his fingers, leaving your wet underwear, and he washing it to have it ready for you the next time.
He never told you because you didn’t ask, but every time you left your panties, he would smell your orgasm on them, jerking off with the picture of you opening your legs for him until he came over the fabric, and appreciating the look of your wet spot with his cum over it, he’d wash them carefully by hand.
You still haven’t fucked.
Things were getting too intimate for Seunghan even if you hadn’t had sex, and he loved it, he loved how you left something yours in his house, he loved to be the only one giving you pleasure, and the only one seeing your face when you had an orgasm, but he had started to ask himself, what did that mean?
He wasn’t your boyfriend, you weren’t his girlfriend, and he enjoyed that silent pact at the start, but so much time had passed that it had started to confuse him.
Next week would be the last reunion before the big presentation, and after that, what would make you go to his house? Did he have to ask you out? Could he really let himself be seen with you in public?
In the confidence of his room, he didn’t have to give anyone an explanation, not even you since you never asked for one, but out there he doubted it could stay like that. He could already notice how people looked at him when he talked to you in the corridor like a mere classmate, what would they say if they knew all he did to you in his house?
Seunghan was so lost, he couldn’t understand any of his actions, not his body making him run to you in public, his mouth rambling every time he had you near, or what he was doing there in front of your work at that moment.
You could go on your own without problem, you’ve been doing it for weeks, you knew his address and his house like the palm of your hand, so he couldn’t understand why all his thoughts told him to go and wait for you to finish your shift and then walk you to his house.
He was looking down at his feet, dusting the dust out of the floor as if it was his job.
His spotless sneakers were kicking air by that point, and he didn’t know if to stay or leave, telling himself to just walk in and order something and pretend he was passing by.
‘’Seunghan?’’ you asked before he could even decide.
You had a couple of plastic bags on each hand that seemed heavy, sure you didn’t only took orders and washed dishes, but he didn’t imagine they would also send you to buy stuff.
‘’Oh, hey’’ he said, trying to act nonchalant, ‘’I was just passing by…’’ you hadn’t asked anything and he was already giving you an answer ‘’and I remembered your shift was about to end so…’’
He had talked incredibly fast, and you almost didn’t understand the last part, but you heard shift and end, so, blinking, you nodded to his words.
‘’I see’’ you said, and silence came to surround you again, ‘’well, it’s true my shift was about to finish, I just had to leave this inside, we can go together to your house if you want’’.
Seunghan exhaled, thankful for you to talk.
‘’Okay then’’ he smiled, giving a few awkward steps to you.
You were pretty close to the local, you were in front of it and only had to cross the street, yet he couldn’t see you struggling with the bags, so taking them from your hands, he walked you inside, only giving them back because you had to leave them in the kitchen.
Sitting in one of the booths, he checked his phone to wait for you.
It somehow felt natural, waiting for you to then go back to his house, and he had a knot in his throat forming with that thought.
‘’Seunghan?’’ he lifted his gaze from his mindlessly scrolling to see the same old friend he had told to never call him again after the incident, ‘’what are you doing here?’’ he then said, looking at him weird out by seeing him alone.
‘’Soobin…’’ Seunghan murmured, he hadn’t expected to see him at all.
After that day he stopped contacting Seunghan just like he had asked, and he had totally forgotten about him until that moment, making him nervous because Seunghan didn’t know how to act with him anymore now that he had seen his uncool, angry and exasperated side.
‘’Are you waiting for someone?’’ he asked.
Seunghan left his phone on the table and, not knowing what to say, only nodded.
‘’I see… well, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry, I made you go through an uncomfortable moment that day, sorry.’’
Not believing what he had just heard, Seunghan, lost at words, only nodded again.
‘’I was really an asshole’’ he laughed, making Seunghan laugh too.
‘’It’s okay, I shouldn’t have reacted like that, I’m sorry too’’ Seunghan finally said.
Standing and giving him his hand, both of them laughed and punched each other’s shoulders.
‘’But tell me the truth, you know that girl, right? The waitress who told me to go and fuck myself’’ Soobin said, laughing even more with the memory.
Seunghan didn’t know what to answer, pushing both hands to his pockets, he bit the inside of his cheek and, contrary to all he was thinking, denied.
‘’Not really’’ Seunghan said, looking at his feet and seeing the light reflection of his blue shirt over his white sneakers, without thinking he had worn the same shirt he had used that day.
‘’Uhm, if you say so’’ Soobin said unconvinced, ‘’she said you had classes together though.’’
Surprised, Seunghan stayed silent, and before he could explain himself, a girl had called Soobin, who said a quick goodbye and ran to her without looking back.
Seunghan saw the other smile at the girl and take her hand, proudly taking her bag from her and putting it on his shoulder as if it was his own.
He seemed happy, and not like an asshole anymore, what seemed unbelievable until that day, making him think that, maybe he was the only one who would never change.
He didn’t understand why he had denied knowing you, he was the one who told you to not pretend to not know him in public, and you had been true to your words, while he, even if hadn’t promised the same thing, felt like a liar.
You came out minutes later, and he had never been grateful to the world for not having you close at every moment, but in that moment, he was, because at least you hadn’t heard how pathetic he was, again.
‘’My boss gave you this, says thank you for carrying the bags’’ you showed him a can of beer, ‘’tsk, I was the one who carried them all the way here.’’
You looked incredibly offended, and accepting it, Seunghan looked behind you, where a big man met his eyes and gave him a thumbs up before he could say anything, and suddenly, he was laughing from the bottom of his heart again.
You smiled with him for a second, and walking out of the local, he told himself to stop being such a coward.
Walking in silence, Seunghan had both hands on his jeans pockets, while you had them over your backpack handles.
‘’I can carry your backpack if you want’’ Seunghan offered.
You denied, ‘’It’s okay, I can do it.’’
‘’I should be clearer, what I meant to say was that I want to carry your backpack’’ he said.
The sun was going down and he could see the orange lights of the sunset, tons of lights were starting to appear thanks to the numerous businesses around there, and he wanted to look at them, but his entire attention was on the way a little touch of red started to appear on your cheeks.
‘’Okay’’ you said, passing him your backpack and letting him carry it for you.
‘’It’s still early, we can buy some snacks before going, is there anything you want?’’ he asked, sliding his arms on the handles, and letting it sit on his back.
It was a bit tight, used to be carried only by you, but he wore it like he could.
‘’I’m okay, I just had something’’ you tried to not look at him, looking at the pavement instead.
He let you go a step in front of him, you had shorter legs and he had no problem reaching you, but he let you, you seemed to want that little distance, and that way he could also see more things of you he hadn’t noticed before.
Your hands didn’t have anything else to grab now that he was wearing your backpack and they seemed unnatural on your sides playing with nothing. Now that he noticed, you were always doing something with them, whether it was writing on your keyboard, writing something, or simply scratching any surface that you had near, but right there you had nothing, and he thought that maybe, he should hold your hand to fill that emptiness.
Not a maybe anymore, his hand wanted to interlock with yours, and slowly approaching you, he almost touched the side of your left one.
‘’If you want to buy something we can stop in that convenience store’’ you pointed to the store next to you, open and almost empty, and he woke up from all the ideas that were lurking inside his mind. To hold your hand, wasn’t that a bit too much for someone who wasn’t your boyfriend?
‘’Yeah,’’ he said, walking in and buying the first chips he saw just to buy something.
You were waiting for him outside, checking your phone, and he couldn’t stop seeing the way your eyelashes were really dark, and how you, just like him, bit the inside of your cheek pretty often.
When he moved his eyes from you to the cashier, he talked before he could think, ‘’One box of condoms too, please’’.
The other boy didn’t even flinch, too used to hearing that sentence, and scanned the little code on the machine.
Seunghan shoved the receipt and the little box into his back pocket, brushing the bottom of your backpack in the way, and his heart started to pound while he held the plastic bag in his hand.
‘’Chips with coffee?’’ you asked with a soft smile, and he showed you a wide one back.
‘’I bought coke today’’ he said, walking next to you the rest of the way to his house.
Getting to his house, he opened the door and let you walk in first, watching you take off your shoes and then turn to him, waiting for him to do the same.
When you showed him your hand, he didn’t understand what you wanted, so he gave you the plastic bag with chips.
‘’Seunghan, my backpack’’ you said, making him release an embarrassed little smile before taking it off and giving it to you.
You grabbed it, and going to his kitchen, you left the can of beer your boss had given to him inside his fridge.
Seunghan walked behind you, looking at you move around with such normality, you had been going there for weeks, and that was the last reunion before the presentation next week, so of course you’d be comfortable enough by that point.
Things with the work were going smoothly, different from all the ideas that circled his mind about you. You had made that tedious job bearable, and he wished all his other projects could go as easy as that one.
They would arrive still in a considerable time, and seeing you bend down to inspect his fridge, he gulped, seeing the little outline of your body swimming inside that oversized t-shirt.
‘’You bought Sprite too’’ you affirmed before closing his door, ‘’what’s the occasion?’’
‘’It’s the last meeting, I thought it would be nice to give them something that wasn’t instant coffee’’ he murmured.
You walked to him, looking at his hand organizing the bags over his counter and folding the plastic bag from the convenience store into a drawer. ‘’The last meeting…’’ you murmured too, not believing that so much time had passed, and how probably that would be your last day together like that in his kitchen.
Catching your attention, a piece of paper was showing in his back pocket, and you shouldn’t have done it, you don’t know why you did it, but you grabbed it, it easily slipped from his jeans without making a noise, so he didn’t notice it, and you and your wandering eyes read what was written in the little paper.
Nothing seemed out of normal, the different chips were listed with their price right next to them, but one word caught your attention.
You had never bought it before, but you recognized the name of the brand, it was popular and all the stores had it, so you had seen it in the health section in the supermarket and posters of it in convenience stores.
Not wanting to make it obvious that you knew, you let the paper fall to the floor when he stood up again.
‘’That fell’’ you said, and he, following your eyes, saw the white paper on the floor, picking it up and making it a ball before he tossed it to the trash can there in his kitchen.
You swallowed the saliva accumulating in your throat, and he didn’t say anything, he didn’t know you had read it, so when the air changed and he met your eyes staring at him, he smiled, thinking it was you wanting a kiss from him.
Getting close to you, things were different this time, he was going just for a kiss, there wasn’t much time before the others arrived, but you put your arms around his neck and opened your mouth, wanting a deep one this time.
Sliding his tongue and caressing yours, one of his hands went to your back, feeling the clasp of your bra through your shirt, while the other shamelessly went to the small of your back, drawing lines and circles just to keep his hands busy.
You whimpered and he couldn’t help but push his mouth even more against yours, pressing you to his counter and groaning when he heard another whimper come from you.
‘’The others are going to arrive in any second… I’m sorry’’ he said.
‘’Why are you sorry?’’ you asked.
‘’Because I can’t make you cum, there’s not enough time’’ he sighed before giving you a peck over your lips.
‘’Later then?’’ your voice almost broke and he saw your eyes gleaming, thinking how they were the prettiest pair he had seen, and how they were focused solely on him.
He nodded, ‘’Later.’’
When the others got there, they all focused on giving the presentation the last touches, and once they were done, they all celebrated with the chips and the sodas Seunghan had bought.
‘’I’ve never had a group work as much as this one, I’m thankful to all of you for coming here even with your busy agendas, thank you for everything’’ Seunghan said, making them all smile, and of course, the praises for him didn’t take much to appear.
Everyone left not much later, and being alone, you helped him recollect the cans and then step over them to recycle them.
Finishing the work in silence, you helped him clean, and once nothing else was there to do, Seunghan made you follow him to his room.
You haven’t been there many times, but you remember it, you remember the dark blue walls, and his black furniture, especially the way even his window frame was black too.
It looked like someone had designed it for him, knowing his style, just like his whole house, and you couldn’t help but feel the difference with your place when after spending hours there you had to ride the bust to your little studio apartment.
But Seunghan had never shown any sign of caring about the difference in your situations, he knew you worked in a half bar half chicken restaurant, that you used cheap softener for your clothes, and that you repeated outfits many times, but he had never commented about it.
You couldn’t help but feel kind of special, and just that day, when you saw him waiting for you in front of your workplace, you felt your heart flinch, because not even in your wildest dreams you had thought you would see that scene.
You knew him enough to know he usually overthought things about others and how they saw him, needing to appear perfect all the time, but even with that in mind, just perhaps, things were different with you.
Closing his door while you saw the pictures he had on his desk, you didn’t say a word once he got behind you and one of his hands rested on your abdomen.
You let him kiss you again, receiving him and giving him your full attention, to him, to his fingers, and to the way he wasn’t containing anymore.
He made you walk to his bed with him, and pushing you there, he played with the hem of your t-shirt.
‘’I’ll take it off’’ he said, and when you nodded, he showed you a smile, ‘’I’ll finally see what you have there.’’
‘’Shut up’’ you laughed and lifted your arms, so he took it off.
Showing him your chest, you felt exposed, it was the first time you let him see you like that, he had sneaked a hand before, but he never took off your t-shirts, not even your jeans, touching you inside your underwear and making you cum with his fingers before he gave you your clean pair of panties and let you change yourself while he turned to watch a wall or went to put his shoes on while you changed alone in his room.
His eyes on your chest made you conscious, and he noticed it, but even if he wanted to stop so you felt comfortable, he couldn’t.
‘’They’re pretty’’ he said, and you gave him a half smile, not daring to see his eyes inspecting you.
His hand caressed your cheek, so you looked at him again, and trailing down the valley between your breasts, he smiled when you whimpered at his hands cupping your tits.
Nipping the naked skin that your bra let him see, he felt the softness of that part of your body, looking up to your face to not lose your reactions.
He took off the pretty blue shirt you liked to see him wearing, and that part of him naked, he showed you his tender skin, white, spotless and as pretty as him.
Of course, he’d look perfect without clothes too.
He didn’t unclasp your bra, he pulled it down, which felt uncomfortable, but you couldn’t say anything when his lips went to your nipples and left soft licks over them, making you arch so your chest continued meeting his mouth.
Untouched down there, you were sure your panties were already a mess since he kissed you in his kitchen hours before, and needing him, your hand went to his erection.
You weren’t that bold before, you could press your cunt to it when he asked you to sit on his lap, but you never touched it.
You wanted to touch it so bad, you let him keep attending your chest while you grabbed him over his pants.
‘’I want to touch you’’ you admitted, and he, without the smile you always saw, pushed your hand away.
‘’Not yet’’ he said, moving away and unbuttoning your jeans.
You, again, helped him to take it off you, lifting your hips so you helped him.
With hands sweating, he tosses them to the side and sighs glad that they didn’t slip from his hands. You looked so fucking good under him, nude bra down enough for him to see your tits, and a blue pair of panties that definitely didn’t match, but for him, they looked amazing together, because you were wearing them, and that was enough.
Looking at you, he can’t help but admire all the little places he wants to mark, the side of your neck, your collarbone, your chest, your tummy, and his eyes go all the way down until he sees the inside of your thighs.
Creamy, soft, sweet, they were calling for him, and without saying anything, he went down to taste them.
You let him, you just let him, and adoring the way you wordlessly opened your legs for him, he bit you there, breathing over your underwear the aroma he recognized a bit too well, leaving little pecks until, after pushing your panties to the side, left a single long one over your clit.
Glowing under his bedroom light, he can’t help but give big licks, down and up, recollecting your juices to taste you properly, and like he had been wanting for so long every time he smelled your panties in the confidence of his room.
All those times making you cum with his fingers and containing himself from dropping to his knees and drinking your orgasm to push another one had come to that, and he couldn’t stop now.
Tongue flat against your clit, he made you squirm, but maintaining you on your place with his arms under your thighs and his palms over your tummy, he made you accept him.
‘’Wait- Seunghan’’ you said, propping on your elbows and looking down at him, the sight of his dark eyes meeting yours and his mouth working so eagerly over you making your head spin, and one of your hands, needing to touch him, went to his hair to feel him.
With shaking hips, you met his mouth whenever his chin went upwards, pulsating against half of his face and leaving a mess.
Your pretty pussy lips had a reddish colour, furious with him and his teasing, so to alleviate them a little bit, he inserted two of his fingers in one thrust.
You didn’t need preparation for that, he knew you could take them, so many times cumming over them, your entrance recognized his fingers as an invited guess, so you could only cry when that little place that he always found squelched.
Cursing, you let your head fall, and arching your back, you came with his fingers and his mouth, legs almost closing around his face but being stopped by his big hands.
He left a mark of wetness over the place he touched with the fingers he had pushed on your insides, and you knew you were dripping all over his bed, yet you couldn’t care less.
He pushed down his pants and his underwear, kicking them away from his feet.
‘’Come here’’ he called you, and you, still not back in your senses but always listening to him, sat in the border of his bed as you could.
With drowsy eyes, you gulped when his member stood in front of you. Looking amazing, you didn’t know if dicks could be pretty, but that was the only adjective that came to your head when you saw it.
Pink, veiny, and long, the tip was slightly thicker and darker, and you waited for him to tell you what to do.
His palm wrapped him in front of you with one hand, and with the other, he grasped on your hard nipples begging for more attention, while your pussy was leaving a big spot over his bedsheets with how wet you were after he made you cum once.
‘’First use your hand, okay?’’ he said, and you didn’t need to hear anything else before your hand went to his member, ‘’you seem to like it’’ he snickered.
He didn’t want to tease you, he didn’t mean to, he’s not used to doing that, not even with his exes that could easily form comebacks and throw them at him, but with you, he couldn’t help it, so gorgeous, quiet, and always accepting, his ugly side kept floating out, and he liked your voice telling him to shut up or the almost mute giggles that escaped your chest.
‘’I like it’’ you said, and he licked his dry lips, watching you attentively. The way your wrist did its best to move in and out, and seeing your mouth get closer to his shaft, opening and letting the tip touch your tongue, made him groan.
‘’Take your bra off’’ he ordered, needing to see your tits bouncing with the little force you were using to jerk him off.
He suddenly remembered each time he jerked off to the smell of your panties and the memory of your eyebrows frowning when you came thanks to him, and he smiled, proud of seeing you so eager to attend him too.
His little doll, after all those orgasms, would you say yes to anything he said?
When you toss your bra away without stopping your licks to the tip of his cock, he knows the answer is a yes.
‘’Try to take a bit more’’ he inhaled hastily and, helping you do your job more comfortably, with his hands he pushed the loose strings of hair away from your face.
The first day he didn’t understand why his hand moved on its own to push that hair behind your ear, but now he sees that little dot on your cheek, close to your ear, and he thinks that he did it to see it without any obstacle covering it.
You opened your mouth for him and let him slide deeper, half his cock is inside you, and you looked at him with teary drunk eyes.
He moans at the image, so pretty for him, all for him, he’s the only one who had seen you from that angle, and he hopes it continues being like that.
Your cheeks hollowed and you tried to take more of him, stopping your lungs from taking air in so you could suck him better, and he could see it, he could see you struggling and doing your best for him, so he pressed a thumb on your cheek to show his approbation.
You thought he was getting bored, his usual smile was not there, and his eyes were looking at yours too much, so you stopped to make sure you were not doing all that for nothing, ‘’Sorry, am I bad?’’ you asked with insecurity pouring out of your eyes.
He shook his head, his little genius was all nervous and unconfident, and he felt like he had hit the fucking jackpot seeing such a tranquil and collected girl ask him if she was doing a good job at sucking his cock.
‘’You’re perfect’’ he assured, guiding his cock back to your mouth, to which you answer by letting a bit of spit over his tip, smearing it with your lips kissing him and taking him again.
Where the fuck did you learn that? he asked himself, but with the security of you not doing it from someone who isn’t him, he only sighed and let you continue.
Seconds later he felt himself getting closer, and he can’t let himself cum in your mouth, he needs to do it in your insides, so telling you to stop, you do as your told, watching him in your spot searching his jeans and the box of condoms he had bought in the convenience store on the way to his house.
He opened the package with his mouth, and you remembered all those times you’d heard you shouldn’t do it like that, and echoing inside your mind, you pushed those voices to the back when you pulled down your panties and kicked them under his bed.
‘’This is how you put one on, the next time you’ll do it for me, so watch’’ he said, and you nodded, juices leaking with the idea of doing it for him the next time.
He teaches you how to grab the pointy start with his fingers, and how, with the help of his other hand, you’ll have to slide the latex all over his length, until it ends a finger away from the base of his cock.
You batted your eyelashes without thinking, imagining how the pressure of him opening your insides would feel, and to that your thighs shook with excitement.
He kissed you to take away the last doubts you could have, not knowing that you were yearning for it as much as him.
Helping you lie on his bed with him between your legs, he pushed you more into the mattress so he could kneel over the same bedsheets you’ve been dripping all over.
‘’Tell me if you want to stop, I know it can hurt at first, but I’m confident you’ll take me without problem’’ he said, brushing his tip over your clit and then going lower to put it on your entrance, only pushing his thick tip inside, stretching you enough to make your breath get all messy and your mouth fall open, pushing the air out of your lungs with the sensation of his cock finally fucking you.
‘’Fuck’’ you cried, feeling more of him slide in, and he tried to not show how much he was feeling to not make you nervous, but your gummy walls were so hot he felt like he was melting inside you, and that stole the last sanity he had, biting his lips to not let any embarrassing sound out.
‘’I told you, you could take me’’ he said proudly when his entire dick was inside you, and you cried a needy yes and searched for his eyes to look at how good you were being for him.
Your legs were as wide open as they could, and you pulled him in for a kiss before he rutted into you.
He wanted to be soft, it was your first time, and he knows how important it is for most girls, but you make him so crazy he’s forgotten how he did to not act on his wishes anymore.
His hips clasped with yours at that pace and you cried with each thrust, trying to not be too loud with the hits, however, the curve of his cock was making punching a certain place that feels more intense perfectly, and soon you were gripping onto his bedsheets to get a hold of yourself.
His mouth launched to your neck, chest pressing yours while fucking you, and he started to leave little spots on your neck and collarbone while one of his hands moved from your hip to the wrist of one of your hands, holding it there to feel you closer.
You were practically stuck to him, yet he needed to feel you more, and soon he was pushing your thighs to your chest to watch and confirm how deep inside you he was.
Looking at his cock disappearing inside your plump lips, he frowns because its all so perfect, you under him, taking him after all those weeks, and his thrusts became harder, touching the deepest part of your insides to pull out until the only thing connecting you to him was his fat tip, to then harshly pound into you again.
It’s all so messy he can see you dripping on his bed and how the lube appears dull compared to the glow of your juices on his pelvis.
A moan almost escaped his throat when he saw little tears falling on your cheeks, he knows they’re not from pain, and that’s what pushes him to let his grunts and moans out.
‘’Taking me so good, I’m the only one who can make you like this, right?’’ he asked, but it sounds almost like begging, and you didn’t dare to tease him as he did with you.
‘’You’re the only one’’ you cried while his dick kept punching your insides.
‘’Fuck, I’m going to cum’’ he warned, covering you with his body but not crushing you, his weight doesn’t affect you and you wanted more, so the hand he wasn’t holding moved to his back and scratched him, making him hiss and move his hand to between your bodies, to thumb your clit and push you to cum with him.
Twitching inside you, he came while murmuring a soft my girl, and you tried to ignore those words, thinking that was just something that came to him because of pleasure, and that he would forget later.
He fell over you, this time he felt heavier, but you still didn’t mind, and pressing the tip of your fingers over the scratches you left on his back, you sighed, relaxed to have him there.
‘’Sorry,’’ you said after, when you were on his bed and he was showing you his back, only wearing his boxers and searching for your shirt while you were covering yourself with his bedsheets.
‘’Why?’’ he asked curious of your words.
‘’Your back’’ you answered, and he turned to see the side of his back in his mirror, which indeed, had lines done by your nails.
He smiled and walked to you, sitting beside you and caressing your cheek before he trailed his fingers to your neck, touching the purple spots he has left.
‘’Then I’m sorry too’’ he said, making you smile too.
‘’Maybe we should stop saying sorry’’ you laughed.
‘’Yeah, maybe we should’’ he answered, laughing too.
He didn’t know what else to say, but he didn’t want to be a coward anymore, and he wanted to say something because he wanted to, not because he thought you were the one who wanted to hear him saying it, and if he was being honest with himself, he knew you wouldn’t like him to say what he was about to anyway, because you, just like he does often, think that you know what he’s thinking, so he guessed that you were probably thinking a way to leave his house to not be a bother to him, but he didn’t want that, and he knew you wouldn’t know it unless he said it.
‘’Stay with me’’ he said, it sounded almost like a command, but you knew it was a question.
‘’Okay then’’ you said, accepting to stay with him, sounding nonchalant, like he usually did, but you looked as relieved as him, and he felt glad that he finally took a step further.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 months
Charmer (2)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader x Surprise!
Genre: FWB, EX FWB, Semi Enemies to Lovers
Warning: Smut, late night smut and hurt. [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1.7k
Taglist: @oddracha @iovecb97 @katsukis1wife @stay-tiny-things @rubytakemyhandx23 @hyunjinhoexxx @iikxstcenn @beebee18 @kissesmellow21 @skzooluvr @felixthemochicat @imperfectlyperfectprincess1
One |
“Y/N!” Jihyo and Jeongin call out, chasing after you as you speed walk away from the bar, muttering to yourself so much that passerbys stare at you like you're crazy.
“Please stop, Y/N!” Jeongin calls out. You can hear him struggling to breathe as he and Jihyo chase you, and you feel bad. It wasn't them that you were angry at. It was Minho. You stop dead in your tracks, hanging your head down as you silently let your tears fall. You can feel a couple sets of hands on your back and they come around the front, pulling you into their two person hug.
“I'm so sorry Y/N.. I never wanted you to get hurt, I just needed you to know.” Jihyo whispers, holding you closer.
“None of us wanted this to happen.” Jeongin sighs. “I personally always thought that you and Minho were going to end up together.”
So did you, honestly but you didn't want to admit that. If you said it out loud, you were sure that it was going to make you cry and you did not want to waste anymore tears on him. He didn't deserve your tears or your love. And even though you knew that, you wanted him to reach out to you. You wanted him to call you a beg for you back, that he realized what a mistake it was to date her, that you were it all along.
So you waited.
Everyday for the next few weeks you checked your phone consistently, waiting for a call, maybe a text, an email.. something, really anything. But nothing came. For weeks it was radio silence on his end and you weren't about to go ahead and make the first move. He was the one who messed up, not you. So you continued to wait. You'd go out with your mutual friends, hoping to see him there, but he wasn't. Hell, even if he was there with whatever her name was, that would do because at this point you missed his face. You missed his voice, his touch, you missed the way you felt around him and you were desperately craving those feelings.
You had thought about moving on, trying to find someone new but you weren't sure if you were going to be able to do that. You wanted only one person and only that one person knew how to make you quiver in complete ecstasy, you knew it was likely no one else would compare.
That night, four weeks since you had said ‘fuck you’ to Minho, you went to bed, deciding that whether or not you'd ever be able to find someone to make you feel like him, you were going to try. It was time now for you to get out of the hole you were in because of him.
You're startled awake by the sound of your phone. You look at the clock, 2:30am. Who was calling you so late? Without checking the caller ID, you answer the phone.
“Hello?” You tiredly groan.
“I miss you.” The voice whispers from the other end.
“Minho?” You ask.
“I'm sorry, baby girl. I'm sorry about all the shit I said and what I did that night.” He says. “I need you.” He groans.
“What about your girlfriend?” your voice shakes as you ask, nervous about the answer.
“It wasn't the same as you.” He sighs. “She can't make me feel like you can baby.”
Your heart and head start to race. You know you should hang up and block his number, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so.
“Did you end it?” You whisper.
He hums in response. That's a yes right? That means he ended things?
The line is silent for a moment before you speak again. “Come over.” You say.
“I'm already here.” He says. “Open up.” You crawl out of your bed, unlocking the door, seeing Minho standing there, leaning against the door frame.
“Hi.” You whisper.
“Hi.” He smiles, pushing his way in. He immediately leans in to kiss you, his mouth moving against yours as he slides his tongue down your throat. You can smell the familiar cologne as you breathe him in, it makes you feel like everything is gonna be okay. He moves the two of you back, towards the bedroom he knows so well. He strips your pj shirt from your body, throwing it wherever as you also take his shirt off, discarding it. He pulls away from you, pushing you down on the bed, a smirk appears on those lips you love so much as he crawls on after you, yanking your pj shorts off, throwing them behind him. He lays down, his face between your thighs, diving straight into sucking and flicking your clit. You cry out loudly, moaning his name. “Fuck, Minho.” You can hear him chuckle into your cunt before he licks a long strip up you, making you even more wet.
Minho shoves two fingers inside you, thrusting them in and out as he teases your clit making you twitch beneath him. He holds you down with his free hand as he devours you, making you run your hands through your hair before you grab a clump of his hair, pulling his face in closer while you grind on him.
“Fuck.. just like that.. just like that..” you cry out, releasing his hair. You were about to cum, you just needed one more thrust and one more suck to push you over the edge.. but then he sat up. Licking his lips, smiling at you.
“W-w-why? Why Why would you do that!?” You whine.
“That's what happens when you say ‘fuck you, Lee know.’ He smiles, mimicking you from last night.
“Oh my god, that's so not fair.” You whine.
“Don't worry, kitten. You'll get to cum. It's just gonna be on my cock.” He grins, taking his pants off, moving to the edge of the bed to sit against the headboard. His cock stands tall as he waits for you to sit on him and ride him.
Fuck you missed him and his cock.
You crawl over to him, ready to straddle him and sink yourself down onto his cock. But he looks at you seriously. “Beg.”
“What?” You ask.
“Beg for it.” He says again, cocking his head to the side. “You just have to say, ‘please Minho, please let me ride your cock.’ He smiles. “See, it's easy.”
You look him in the eyes, your brain knowing you should tell him to get out but the rest of you wanted him. “Please Minho. Please let me ride your cock.” You whisper.
He smiles at you, pulling you closer to straddle him. “Good girl.” He whispers, thrusting up inside of you, catching you off guard.
“Fuck!” You cry out. You lower yourself, pushing down to have him as far inside you as he could go before you start rocking back and forth, dragging your clit against him as your cum seeps out of you, coating his dick.
“Mhmm, you're so wet for me.” He pants, holding on your hips as he helps guide you between riding and bouncing on top of him. Minho watches the way your breasts bounce while you ride his cock, how you throw your head back, running your hands all over your body as your orgasm builds faster and faster.
Minho sits up a little more, grabbing your breast, wrapping his lips around your nipple, sucking and nibbling on it, making you moan louder.
“Please.. fuck.. don't stop.” You cry out, you feel like you're about to explode on top of him. “Fuck.” You scream, riding him harder as his fingertips dig into your hips, breathlessly urging for you to cum so he can.
“I'm cum..I'm cumming.. fuck.” You scream out as it bursts through your body, making you slow down your movements as you come down from your high.
“I'm right there.” Minho grunts, holding you up slightly as he harshly rams his cock into you, desperate to cum now. “Fuck.” He yells, as he orgasms, shooting his cum inside of you.
You both sit there for a minute, his cock still buried inside you as you both try to catch your breath.
Once you finally roll off of him, you head straight to the bathroom. “I'm gonna take a quick shower.” You say, turning your head to look at him. He smiles at you as he lays in your bed. This was more like it.
You couldn't have been in the shower longer than 5 minutes before you were out and in your bedroom, and Minho was not in there. You dried yourself off, putting on your pj's again as you wander around your apartment and he's nowhere to be found. Fuck, he could have at least waited until you were sleeping.
You crawled into your bed, sadness washing over you as you closed your eyes, falling asleep quickly and dreaming of that man. The next evening, you were invited to a party by your best friend, Jihyo, who was celebrating the fact that she was failing most of her classes, while also celebrating that her boyfriend Daniel was doing extremely well in his.
“Woohoo.” You smile, hugging her. “You're failing!” You laugh.
“And you're passing! Yay.” You laugh again, hugging Daniel.
“How are you?” Jihyo asks, protruding his bottom lip slightly.
“Don't start.” You laugh. “Drinks, please.” You say, dragging her to the kitchen.
A while later, while the liquor is flowing nicely through your body, you and Jihyo head out to the living room to dance, where you happen to see someone you wanted to see but also didn't.
“Minho.” You sigh, staring at the sexy man, but your tune quickly changes as you see Jennie walking towards him, and he wraps his arm around her, pulling her closely.
“Hey, everyone!” He yells. His eyes lock in on yours. “This is my gorgeous girlfriend, Jennie.” He grins, breaking eye contact a few seconds later. You feel like your throat is going to close up as tears well in your eyes.
“I'm gonna go.” You say to Jihyo. You put your cup down, heading out of the house, feeling shattered. You went to bed that night feeling almost as bad as you did that first night. You tossed and turned until your phone dinged.
[From: XFWB 3:05am] u up?
[To: XFWB 3:05am]....
[To: XFWB 3:07am] doors unlocked.
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super-cosmic-library · 3 months
staring at you staring at me
written for @steddie-week day 3: mutual pining
wc: 1085 I rating: G I tags: alpha steve harrington, omega eddie munson, courting, happy ending I [ao3]
“If you don’t stop staring at him, I’m going to tell Keith you’ve been slacking on the job.”
“You wouldn’t,” Steve says, turning away from watching Eddie examine every single VHS in the horror section of Family Video.
“No, I wouldn’t,” Robin agrees. “Did you know he tried asking me out again?���
“What the fuck? What’s wrong with him?”
“I could give you a list. First off, he needs a better deodorant, his sense of humor is abysmal, he thinks that women can hold their periods in like pee, he doesn’t know what the Loch Ness Monster is, he . . .”
Steve glances back at Eddie as his best friend continues to prattle on about their manager’s flaws. Eddie’s examining the same copy of Friday the 13th he’d looked at the day before. Steve loves the way the omega’s face scrunches up as he reads the synopsis before putting it back on the shelf and moving on to the next film.
Eddie’s attention flickers over to them, catching the alpha’s eyes. Steve gives him a little finger wave, which has Eddie pulling a chuck of hair in front of his face to hide behind.
“Steve, are you even listening to me?”
“Uh, yeah,” he whips around to look back at her, trying to recall the last thing she’d said. “Keith calls mashed avocados guacamole.”
“It’s just avocado, salt, and lime juice, Steve! That’s not guacamole!”
“Yeah, no, totally.” His gaze wanders back to Eddie, who’s now examining Fright Night.
“Just court him already.”
It’s a discussion they’d had repeatedly over the past several months. Steve had come up with excuses to not court the omega every time, ranging from giving him time to heal from his demobat wounds to having to kill Vecna again to Steve just having a bad hair day.
“My hair can’t be a mess if I’m going to start courting someone. It’s my best feature.” Steve had said.
Now, though, after months of excuses, he doesn’t have the energy for anything less than the truth. “What if he doesn’t want me?”
Robin raises an eyebrow at that. “Really? You think that Eddie doesn’t want you?”
“Well, yeah. I’m not exactly the type of alpha a guy like Eddie would go for. I mean, you’ve heard his cafeteria rants. I represent everything Eddie hates in the world.”
“He hates secretly nerdy guys who fight monsters and mother pups that don’t belong to him?”
“Preps,” he gestures to his starched polo and jeans. “He hates preps and rich kids.”
“Well, you’re not exactly rich anymore.”
She’s right. His parents had cut him off back in June when they found out once again that he’d not been accepted into any of the colleges they’d wanted him to apply for. In the year since he had graduated, his parents had expected that he would use the free time to round out his character and develop more “real world” experience to make his college applications more appealing to admissions boards. Unfortunately for them, the colleges they’d demanded he apply to required better greats than the ones he’d eeked by with. So his dad decided to cut him loose. Now, he rents the Henderson’s basement from Claudia, happy to help out around the house and get more time to torment Dustin like a real brother would.
“Come on, Steve. He’s in here practically every day for hours at a time, browsing the same selection of movies and making eyes at you. I mean, have you ever even seen him rent a VHS?”
“That’s because I rent them for him with my employee discount.”
“Does he even watch them?”
“Yeah, we watch them in the trailer for our weekly movie nights. I’ve told you about them, Rob.”
“Uh huh, uh huh,” she nods. “And how, exactly, do you two sit when you ‘watch’ these movies? Opposite ends of the couch? Separate seats entirely? Cause I’m willing to bet that not only do you cuddle during them, but Eddie initiates it.”
She’s right. But friends can cuddle without being romantically interested in each other. He and Robin cuddle sometimes. He and Tommy used to cuddle all the time before they drifted apart. Cuddling doesn’t mean Eddie’s interested in being courted by him.
He repeats the sentiment to her.
“I’m just saying, I think he’d be interested if you court him.”
“She’s right.”
Steve practically jumps out of his skin. He hadn’t heard Eddie approach the circulation counter. Embarrassment floods his cheeks. “Eddie, what–”
“You know I can hear everything you guys say, right? This place isn’t that big, and your voices are loud.”
Steve wants to shrivel up in a hole and die. He’s going to have to change his identity and move to a different state in order to escape his mortification. He’s going to have to–wait. Did he say . . .
“Did you say she was right?”
“Yeah. I feel like I’m going crazy with anticipation for when you start courting me,” Eddie easily admits. “I would have started courting you, but you seem like the kind of guy who’s traditional in that sense.”
Oh, god. He gets to court Eddie. Eddie wants him to court him. This revelation makes him want to sprint home to grab the gifts he’s been accumulating over the past few months and give them all to him at once.
Calm down, tiger. No need to rush it. Eddie deserves a proper courting ritual.
“So, when I ask to court you, you’re going to say yes?” His thoughts are in overdrive. He needs the confirmation before he gets ahead of himself with planning.
“Yes,” Eddie smiles.
Steve takes in a deep breath. “Eddie, sweetie, I’m going to need you to leave.”
The omega’s face falls. “What? Why?”
“Because I’m going to start freaking out in a really embarrassing way, and I don’t want you to see it. And,” he shoots him the signature Harrington smile. “I’ve got to start planning out our first date.”
Eddie pulls his hair in front of his face, swaying on the balls of his feet. “Will I still see you for our movie night tonight?”
“Wouldn’t dream of missing it. You still want Beetlejuice?”
Eddie nods.
“See you at eight, then.” He gives him a wink.
As soon as the shop door closes, Steve turns on Robin, eager to start talking through all his ideas until he comes up with the world’s best and most perfect first date.
The beta slumps against the counter. “Oh, god, what have I done?”
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luviwon · 3 months
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pairing: idol!sunoo x fangirl!reader
context: after a late night concert, sunoo asks you out to go for a drink or two. nevertheless, after drinking too much, he decides to take you to his house and look after you. but your shyness disappeared all along with your sobriety and while walking to his place, you thought a kiss would have been just fine. but don’t you wonder how you ended up being given head in the middle of the street?
genre: SMUT
warnings: public sexual relations, dominant sunoo, oral sex (receiving), fingering, horny and slightly drunk sunoo, VERY drunk reader, orgasm denial, sunoo calling the reader princess, mutual consent
a/n: if you enjoy my work please repost!<3
“that is no way to be, y/n” sunoo exclaimed, grabbing the vodka bottle from your hands.
“i thought you wanted to go for drinks. am i doing something different to that?”
you chuckled, swallowing another hiccup down your throat. you couldn’t stop smiling as the bar started to move around you. you kept looking around, feeling how the room showed different colours than before. your head was heavy and in a complete daze, but it made you feel so good and for some reason, happy a lot, so your conclusion was that adding more alcohol will only make the euphoric feeling grow more.
sunoo, on the other hand, was paying attention to your every move. he was the one who invited you so if anything were to happen, it would have been on him.
“you are indeed drinking, but don’t get yourself too into it. i’m afraid you might feel sick tomorrow”
“it’s not tomorrow yet, so let’s drink more” you let out another giggle, followed by redeeming your bottle back and filling up your and sunoo’s glasses.
this time, he didn’t complain anymore, instead he looked at you and smiled. despite how much he wanted to prevent the hangover, he loved your smile so much more. but the two of you were just friends as his company forbade him from dating anyone. not like they would have to know either way.
“let’s clear up these glasses and then start walking home, okay?”
you weren’t bothered to answer, but you gave him a small nod and continued drinking. as you put the glass down, you raised your head and looked at him. how did you end up being here with kim sunoo? the unique, prettiest kim sunoo, the well known idol, hot man and most beautiful smile owner? fan signs were indeed an amazing method of meeting your favourites, but keeping in touch even after was no small thing.
he looked so good in that white shirt, slowly oversize on him, enough to show off his neck and collarbone. his eyes were fixed on yours, his blonde hair just in place. his lips were rosy and plump, attracting you towards them. his skin showed no imperfection and the perfume he was wearing was like no other. strong, woody. just like you like it.
“are you ready to go now?”
you couldn’t say a lot but let a soft “mhm” out and tried to get off the stool with your eyes half-closed, but the blonde guy stopped you. “allow me” he said, offering you his hand. without any hesitation, you gave your hand to him and got off safely. his touch was heavenly and it brought the two of you closer.
“ladies first” he said, opening the door of the bar for you. the breezy air hit your face as soon as you left the cozy, warm room. for a second, you even forgot how far home is or which one was the way. but that was no worry for you to have. “i will take you to my apartment as it is closer, and in the morning i will call you a taxi to get you home”
it didn’t sound like a question, but more of a statement. but who were you to turn down his offer? walking in heels was no easy job when your head was so dizzy, thus grabbing sunoo’s arm over and over again wasn’t a surprise. but he wasn’t complaining, if anything he would have loved to just carry you on his back. “it’s only 15min away, we will be there before you know it”
the more you walked, the more drunk you felt. you couldn’t even keep your head up and your legs refused to walk eventually. “sunoo-ya! i’m so tired, how long now?” you stopped in the middle of the road and pouted. he turned around, witnessing your refusal to move anymore. the road was deserted, all the stores shut down, not even the lights were working properly, let alone there being any ubers for you to take home instead of going through all the pain of walking.
sunoo came closer to you, his loud steps awakening the street. you met his gaze which made you as silent as a mouse. as he got closer, you gulped and walked towards him too. “you know you are really beautiful when you are drunk” said sunoo, cupping your cheek in his hand. his mouth was slightly open and the smell of vodka was no absent, and that only made you want to have a taste of him as well.
without much realisation, you pressed your lips against his, sensing a sweet flavour. his lips were so soft that yours were just sliding on them, it gave you so many butterflies and made you feel weak. instead of ending the small peck there, sunoo grabbed your back with his other hand and pushed you into a deeper kiss, this time his tongue meeting yours in a fascinating dance. he had a long one, quite cheeky and hungry for your taste.
it was loud, the sound of your lips meeting each other, escaping innocent pleasure sounds. sunoo pushed you carefully against an empty wall, resting his forehead on yours while letting go of your addictive lips and opening his eye to admire your features. you opened yours as well, only to meet sunoo’s gaze and feel intimidated by his beauty.
“i could never get enough of your lips, y/n” he said, grabbing your waist around his arm. “you feel so good in my arms already, with my hands all over you”
your weak legs were trembling, possibly because of the cold wind or perhaps because of how close he was, how passionately he kissed you and how fast your heart was beating. sunoo noticed that your legs could not hold on anymore and pushed his knee between them, making you let a soft whimper out. he smirked at this image of you and pushed you down his knee more, feeling satisfaction while seeing the pleasure on your face.
“and when you think that is only my knee that is making you feel like this, beautiful”
you couldn’t help but grind on his leg, biting your lower lip. how could you be such a mess in the middle of the road? “you looked so hot on the stage today, sunoo. seeing you perform bite me made me feel things i could never say aloud”
“you know what they say about dancers” he leaned towards your ear and whispered softly. “they do know how to move their bodies just right ”
his hand which once was holding onto your waist, went lower down, teasing you by playing with your skirt band. the side zip was so tempting, making him wonder whether it would be too risky to relish you then and there. “sunoo i need you now” you gave him the last sign he needed and pulled down your zipper, your skirt falling down until it met sunoo’s knee, which didn’t move an inch. why stopping the pleasure?
“i need to drown my tongue inside your pussy so much, y/n” he whispered again, this time his breathe hitting your exposed neck.
if his stage presence was something spectacular, his current position could never compete. your head felt dizzy but weren’t you actually drunk on sunoo? fucking kim sunoo who had no limits, taking the biggest risks to spoil you just the way you deserve it.
“what about a small finger play?” he whispered again, lowering down his knee and leaving the skirt to fall on the ground. his impatient fingers lingered around your panties, indecisive whether he should go soft or hard on you. he couldn’t help himself either way, as this moment made him more turned on than ever. he bit his lower lip and pressed his index and middle finger against your already wet panties, which at this point where only there to tease sunoo more. “i want you to be all soaked for me down there, okay princess?” the blonde said softly into your ear again.
you nodded and crossed your legs at the sensation of his fingers. they were pressing against your intimate part firmly, causing you to cross your legs to stop the pleasure caused by merely his fingers. “don’t be shy, princess, you will beg for more once i start” at the thought of that you had another hiccup sabotage you and exposed your bright smile along with your wet cunt.
“should i tease you more before i bury my fingers deep inside you?” he asked with a clear smirk on his face. due to the dizziness you had a hard time keeping your head up thus it kept falling down. noticing, sunoo grabbed you by the chin and raised your head, making you stare into his eyes “if you want me to make you feel good you need to look at me the whole time, okay princess? that is your task”
you let a moan out while trying to agree, feeling how his pointy fingers pull your panties to the side. his index finger focused on your clit, rubbing it well for you to let loud whines out. sunoo bit his lower lip and kept on playing with your beautiful cunt, going harder against it. he went all around it, inside, outside just exploring how wet and nice your thirsty pussy was. “sunoo-, you fingers…i need them inside me, please”
“please?” he smirked more hearing you begging. before you knew it, his two fingers were all the way inside you, causing you to push your head down again and moan his fucking hot name. “eyes on me i said” sunoo added promptly, raising your head again, this time with a serious face. “you better listen to me if you want to cum tonight”
“yes, baby” you whispered, sighing while trying to control your body. he smiled again, moving his thick fingers in and out, your wetness awakening the street again. you sounded so good he couldn’t help but go faster to hear it more and more and more. the smirk on his face was showing everything already, not taking a break from pleasuring you.
sunoo grabbed your right hand and placed it on his hardened cock, against his trousers “can you feel my love growing for you, princess?” added while pushing his fingers all the way up, arching them inside you. at this point you didn’t even try to hide it anymore, the moans were uncontrollable, moans that did not hesitate to scream his name clearly. he was the one responsible for all the whimpering.
his speed and control made you feel like you could explode any second, unable to stand up anymore. the amount of times your legs got way too weak from all the pleasure was not even possible to be said. he did not slow down at all, save for the time he wanted to tease you by going slower and then hit you back with his stable speed. it was not surprise when you felt like you were going to reach climax any time then. with your hand on his masculinity, you bit your lips as well. “baby i can’t anymore i really need to cum”
“seriously, princess? is that all it took for you to cum for me” sunoo said in a low voice, chuckling “too bad” his fingers slowly left your heated inside, leaving a temporary tattoo with your honey on your cheek. the way he edged you was so hot but you still needed him so much he couldn’t leave you like this, desperate and unfucked yet. the fact that you were in the middle of the street was not a problem anymore either, it was just the two of you, having a passionate and intimate moment together.
before you knew it, sunoo’s knees were already on the ground. his face was really close to your cunt, his hot breathe hitting your exposed pussy and making you shake for a second “don’t worry, princess, i will take great care of you” he assured you while winking at you. he came closer, sticking out his playful tongue and staring at you from down there. without breaking from the eye contact, the tip of his tongue touched your frontal part, giving you shivers.
sunoo was indeed unpredictable as he went all the way in without any warnings. he suddenly decided to take you right then and there and addressed no further question but fed his needs. no teasing, no thighs play, no foreplay, just straight into it as he was incredibly hungry for your taste. and once he was into it, his eyes widened at the amazing taste of your cunt, rolling his eyes back while sucking on your clit. unable to keep your legs stable anymore, you grabbed his shining blonde and held into it, pulling it every time he was doing better and better.
the hungry sounds did not stop at all. sunoo kept moaning while eating you out, sliding his tongue everywhere inside and outside, seeing what makes you feel best, what makes you react most and of course, what makes you moan his name loudest. he went from sucking on a certain part to taking your whole pussy inside your mouth, over and over again. he looked so damn hot down there, with his hands on your ass, grabbing it harder in his hands each time he went deeper.
“sunoo, your tongue feels so good” you barely managed to say, throwing your head back and resisting the need to cross your legs. “please don’t stop” even though you had your eyes closed, you could feel how another smirk appeared on his face. his tongue did the job, exploring all of your sides and ending up buried inside you, just like his fingers before. his moans were quiet but they were indeed there, hidden inside you cunt.
he was edging you again, getting you very close to cuming, this time all over his pretty face. “sunoo-“ you kept moaning his name, moving at a slow pace up and down to get even more from his mouth. it was incredible this moment you were sharing. not in a hundred lives you would have thought that you would end up being given head by kim sunoo in the middle of the street against a store wall. and now you were so close again, holding it as much as you could to relish the pleasure even more in the end.
“don’t try to avoid it, princess” his mouth was taking your clit again, his tongue playing with it again, keeping a constant speed aware of your needs to cum. you opened your eyes and looked at him, and he was looking back at you. his hair, his eyes, his mouth taking you so well, the moans, the perfume, the way he was making you feel, his tongue and the whole edging brought you to the point that you couldn’t wait anymore. you let yourself cum while sunoo’s tongue kept going and his eyes enjoying your orgasm face.
despite how hard he wanted to get up and make out with you that second, he really wanted to have you enjoy it until the last second, so he kept sucking of your clit until you were legs were trembling so much you got on your knees next to time. “fuck” you screamed, feeling all out of breathe from the amount of ecstasy and pleasure. he giggled at that and cupped your cheek with his right hand. sunoo came closer to your face, with his reddish lips slightly open and his gaze still on you. he was so beautiful
“what about next round, princess?”
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xxvalkyriesxx · 1 month
The Blood on Your Hands
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Summary: Cassian's had enough of Rhysand threatening his mate. He's decided to show his High Lord what happens when he threatens her for a second time.
This is pure smut. The first half is somewhat violet as a heads up. Also warning, there's slight HOFAS spoilers but I made it vague enough that it doesn't go into much detail. This isn't an anti Rhys train, I was just mad at his reaction.
Additional Tags: I was mad once again at HOFAS / Mainly the BAM bonus chapter / Cassian is crazy in this / 1000% alphahole / But I love him / Possessive Cassian / Mating bonds / Its pure filth in the second half / Smut / Praise kink /Not really blood play but blood is kinda there 
Read on AO3 or below
Tag list: @separatist-apologist
There was so much red, Cassian couldn’t see his siphons anymore. His hands were coated in blood, his blood. The male who was his brother, his friend, his High Lord.
Rhys would heal.
That was his only reassurance as he punched his face again. His fist connected to Rhys’ mouth once more. From the hit, he spit out the mixture of saliva and blood and tears.
“We’re Ilyrian. So today we will follow their laws.” Cassian growled, his teeth baring at Rhysand. Rhysand was smart not to say anything. His breathing was heavy as he gasped for air.
Rhysand was high lord but he was no Lord of Bloodshed. He could fight his way through a battle with strategy, but when it came down to physical strength, that’s where Cassian had him. But Cassian had another factor in his anger. Something ancient and holy that not even the Illyrians would deny.
His hazel eyes met her silvery blue ones. Her face remained stoic, not a single wince of fear in sight. Yanking the High Lord by his hair, Cassian dragged Rhysand to Nesta’s boots. She wore Illyrian leathers, just like the two of them. An Illyrian in mind and soul.
“Apologize.” Cassian demanded. Rhysand mumbled something but Cassian decided that wasn’t good enough. He pulled on Rhysand’s hair, making him look up at Nesta.
“Apologize to her. Now. Be clear with your words. I will not ask again.” The High Lord gulped as more blood left his mouth. His entire face was bruised in shades of blues and purple. Ironically it complimented his violet irises.
“I’m…I’m sorry.” Rhysand spoke. Cassian sneered. “For what?” Rhysand coughed more of his blood.
“For threatening to kill you, Nesta…For a second time.” Cassian roared at the apology, his hand finally letting go of Rhysand’s head. He marched forward until he stood behind Nesta, his mate.
Silence from Nesta amplified Rhysand’s gasps and coughing fits. Still standing without so much of any emotion. The queen of queens her mother projected her to be, and today she was.
“Rhysand.” Nesta spoke. Her voice firm with her silver flame eyes.
“You will never threaten me, or my loved ones again. I did what anyone with a human heart would have done. That includes my sister. The very sister you’re mated too. There are concepts that even century old fae like yourself cannot understand. I hope after this, you understand my actions. You do not have to agree, but respect is something of mutual value.”
She offered her hand to him. “You’re high lord, which is why Cassian decided to do this in the training yard and not in Illyria. We need to be strong and unified against the ones who cause unjust rebellions. So let this be a one time moment. A learning moment if you will.”
Rhys looked up at Nesta. “Never fuck with Cassian’s mate again?” Nesta smirked. “You’re a fast learner.”
She grabbed his hand and helped him up. Together they brought him inside where Feyre was sipping her tea. Looking up, she grimaced.
“Jeez Cass, did you have to go that far?” Cassian glared at her in reply. She rolled her eyes.
“Has everyone learned their lessons?” Feyre asked. Rhys and Nesta looked at each other then nodded.
“Good. Cassian, put him down over there. I’m going to make his favorite tea and then I’ll start healing.” Cassian did as the High Lady instructed. He graciously placed the High Lord down on the sofa. All three of them heard her mumble about ‘big Ilyrian babies’ as she walked to the kitchen.
“Brother.” Cassian said, firm but gently. Rhys kept his eyes closed, but he spoke softly. “I would’ve done the same thing to you, you piece of shit.” And for the first time that evening, Cassian laughed. He bumped his fist on Rhys’ shoulder who hissed in pain. “You did that on purpose.” “Just a love tap, brother.”
Cassian walked over to Nesta who stood with her arms crossed, watching the whole scene. “Ready, Sweetheart?” A crack in Nesta’s steel armor appeared. A soft smile welcomed his question. “Always.”
The General of the Night Court swooped his mate into his arms and disappeared to their room.
The second Cassian closed their bedroom door, Nesta quietly asked the House for a sound barrier under her breath. The House created a barrier as asked, keeping everything inside their room private. Cassian looked over to Nesta and as he started to approach her, she backed him up against the door.
His eyes widened for a split second before he could smell it. Her yearning. Her need. Her desire. She placed a hand on his cock, feeling it grow hard through the leathers. A breath left him as her lips connected to his neck. She nipped and sucked at him, their desire growing.
“Never have I ever been turned on by a brutish fight.” She mumbled into his skin. “Good to know what gets you off, Sweetheart.” Cassian replied.
Her hands ran to his leathers, slowly undoing the armor letting it fall to the floor. Eventually as she reached his pants, they dropped down along with her knees. Nesta didn’t even flinch at the impact, as it just made her more turned on. His cock, thick, long, and throbbing to be inside sprung out. Quickly she took her hand and started to pump. Her lips found his head, licking his slit before putting his length in her mouth.
Cassian moaned, grabbing Nesta’s hair, pushing his cock deep inside her throat. She gagged as tears sprang into her eyes. A throbbing need matched at the apex of her thighs.
“Look at you. Taking my cock so well, Sweetheart. You didn’t let me clean up first. Does beating the shit out of someone do it for you? Do you want me to fuck you with their blood on my hands?” In response Nesta moaned, picturing the thought in her head.
“You’re filthy, Sweetheart.” The humiliation burned her desire great as she squeezed his cock harder. Cassian hissed, fucking her throat. He pulled her mouth almost fully off before entering her mouth again, letting a slip of air come in.
“If you don’t stop, Sweetheart, I’m going to cum down your throat. You want that? You want my cum everywhere, don’t you?” Nesta’s tears splattered on her face as Cassian yelled, his hot finish releasing. Nesta pulled her lips off, drooling.
“Your beauty will end me and all our enemies. They will fall to their knees looking upon you.” Cassian fell to his own knees, pushing Nesta down on the wooden floor. He quickly removed her leathers, wanting every piece of her. In seconds Nesta was bare before him, her arousal coating her inner thighs. A smirk fell to his lips.
“All of this, for me?” Nesta whimpered, her hips bucking wanting to be touched.
“Answer me, Nes.” Cassian ordered. “All of it. All of this. It’s for you, Cassian. Now please fuck me!”
“Or do I have to get your other brother involved to finish the job?” Nesta taunted.
Immediately Cassian wrapped a hand around her throat squeezing. His teeth bared as he growled. “You will involve no one else but me inside you, Nesta.” He squeezed harder. “Understand?”
Nesta’s eyes fluttered, air being trivial at this point. But she nodded to his command. Gently his hand left her neck. And right as she gasped for her air, Cassian put his mouth on her clit. Nesta swore so loudly as she saw stars appear in her vision. He sucked on her before his lips left, dragging his tongue everywhere. The taste of her consuming him to no end.
His mouth traveled from there to her inner thighs, biting the soft skin, claiming every part of her. Nesta gasped as her hands pulled at his hair. His lips found her clit again and with a tiny nip of his teeth, she came. He pulled away, keeping her legs spread apart, watching her cunt clutch at nothing.
“Please, Cassian. I want your hands, your cock. Please. Please fill me until your cum is slipping out of my cunt.” Her face flushed at her own words.
Cassian growled and let go of her legs before grabbing her cheeks. “Get on the bed. Choose whatever position you want, Sweetheart.” He let go and watched her scramble to their bed. Her arms down on the blankets with her ass up. Mother above he could die just by that view.
“I’m going to wash my hands and then I’ll be back, Sweetheart.” Nesta whined, stomping her feet the best she could in that position. Cassian strolled over, yanking her hair so her upper body came up. “I would rather chew my hand off, then have another male’s blood inside you, Nesta.” The way he growled her name made her desire leak onto the bed.
He slapped her ass hard, catching Nesta off guard. She gasped at the impact, the upper half of her body dropping back down when he let go of her hair. The red handprint on her ass was divine as he walked away. As he got into the bathroom connected to their room, he kept an eye on her.
“Touch yourself, Nes. I want you to get yourself ready for me.” Cassian called out.
Slowly Nesta brought her arm in between her legs immediately sinking three fingers inside herself. Cassian and Nesta moaned in unison. Quickly Cassian washed his hands, the blood leaving a pink faded trail behind. In mere seconds he walked out to the bed, putting two of his own fingers inside Nesta, joining her own. She squealed at the tightness of having five fingers inside her.
“You can take it, Sweetheart. You take my cock and my whole fist. You were made for me. Just as I was made for you.” He whispered into her ear. The action of their hands thrusting faster and faster made Nesta gasp as she came. Cassian licked his lips.
“I love it when you do that.” Nesta huffed a breath. “I could have gotten myself off three times by now.” “You sure you want to be a brat today?” Nesta shaked her ass in response. Cassian growled. He took her hips into his hands and thrusted his cock into her. They moaned at the sensation as it been days since they last fucked.
“I don’t have the patience for discipline tonight. So you’ll get it rough and learn your lesson later.” Cassian shouted, his hips slamming into her. His cock thrusted in her cunt as Nesta held onto the bedspread for deer life. He grabbed a hold of her neck again, pushed her body flat against his, her back on his chest.
“What do you want? Tell me, Nesta.” “Want you. Fuck me. Make me cum.” “Not what I’m looking for, Nes.”
She screamed as his pace slowed into a taunt. So slow that his cock left her except for his tip.
“What. Do. You. Want?” Nesta screamed in agony. “Please, Cassian. Fuck me. MATE. My Mate. PLEASE.” Then he found himself back inside her, pounding into her. They moaned and screamed as their desires finished, coating her walls. They breathed heavily as she dropped back down to the bed, his cock leaving her.
Cassian watched the cum leave only for it to be pushed back in. Nesta moaned at the sensitivity of the area. She gasped for him to be gentle. He noticed the bloody fingerprints over her thighs making he purr at the sight.
“I will mate. Now before we take a bath, let me clean you up.” He flipped her onto her back before he walked off and wetted a clean washcloth with warm water. He came back and gently began cleaning her thighs and in between.
“Should I beat up more people around you, Nes?” Cassian looked down at her. “Maybe I should join you and Azriel in your interrogations.” A feline grin on her face. “Perhaps, if you’re good.” He teased before he threw the cloth into the hamper. He picked her up in his arms, and off the two went to bathe.
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captainpulisic · 1 year
said im fine but it wasnt true - m. mount
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hearing cruel summer live changes you as a person. wc: 3.3k gif creds to owner
it had meant to be a summer fling, nothing more. from the very beginning, it was mutually decided upon that it was just two good friends hooking up- something none of your other friends would ever find out about. it wasn’t anything serious, so why involve other people?
that’s what you kept telling yourself, anyway.
you had been positive you could keep the sex as meaningless and detached as possible. you thought it’d be enough to have mason when he’d give himself to you and not a minute more. who cared that your heart beat embarrassingly fast when you’d catch his stare during a night out with friends, knowing you’d certainly be leaving with him. that most nights, after a long fuck, he’d practically beg you to stay the night, not wanting to sleep without you. it wasn’t of any importance that this situationship- if that’s what it could be called- had you constantly questioning the line between ‘just sex’ and the outline of a real relationship. I mean, how many mornings can you wake up to him peppering your face with kisses and shy smiles before you could consider him more than just a fuck buddy?
it was all so confusing for your heart and you brain. did you want more? did he? and why did the idea of the answers being ‘yes’ make you weak at the knees? wasn’t this the exact thing you both agreed couldn’t happen, the one rule you had made?
you were screwed.
yet, every doubt and worry you had over your predicament would temporarily vanish when you’d tap on his door. he’d greet you with a shy smile and a soft glint in his eyes. it was all too soft. as soon as you stepped foot inside, his fingers were everywhere. on your cheeks, your jaw, and down your shoulders. they’d end up traveling up and down your sides until they settled on your waist. quickly, his body would be pressed up against yours, a hot mouth marking up the side of your neck.
he was everywhere. you felt him everywhere. the way he was on you, it was as if he couldn’t bear the idea of having you in proximity and not be touching you. and there were no complaints on your part.
he continued to kiss you, messily and heatedly. and you kissed him back until you were both repeating each other's name, as if they were sacred prayers. like usual, there was a messy, abandoned trail of clothes left in the hallway. and just like usual, it led to masons bedroom where you could be found laid together in bed. blissfully, spent and content.
as he left soft kisses on your collarbone and jaw, he continued to whisper how lovely you were. he’d talk nonsense about how these were the best ways to spend his nights, that there's nowhere he’d rather be.
boy, did that make your heart do somersaults. you’re sure your face was crimson as he continued the soft praises.
it’s just sex.
it’s just sex.
it’s just sex.
all you could do to save face was scoff, “calm down, it’s just sex.”
yes, you reaffirmed yourself. you both begin to get up, ready to go find where you had thrown your shirts not so long ago. if I keep saying it, maybe i'll even end up believing it.
“no it’s not,” mason deadpans. he pauses all movement and for some reason, you feel obligated to mirror his actions. this is it, you feel yourself buzz with anticipation. he’ll say it’s not just sex for him, either. you want to look at him straight on, ready to tell him you’ve been feeling the same way for awhile. and with the way his eyes won’t leave yours, you can practically hear the words wanting to leave his mouth. you’re tempted to just kiss him and let that show him you’ve been aching for more than just these secret hookups. suddenly the corner of his lip turns upward, “it’s award winning sex.”
it was at that moment you realized it was in fact not just sex. not for you, at least.
and the next moment is when you realized you couldn’t keep up this little game, anymore. a part of you knew you could continue giving yourself to mason whenever he called, only taking what he’d let you have. you’d settle for it because having some of him in the dark hours would be better than nothing at all. and when you realized how pathetic that sounded, you knew what you had to do. there had to be some self respect.
this all had happened two weeks ago. that next morning, you had swatted away masons roaming hands and dodged the kisses he was trying to leave along your face. you mumbled some half hearted excuses about your unusual rush to leave and avoided his sad stare as you hastily dressed yourself. when you got his usual text the following night, begging you to come over, you figured it was as best time as any to rip off the band aid. it was a simple, short text saying these late night reach outs and quick fucks weren’t what you wanted anymore.
i hope you can understand where i’m coming from, you had typed. lets go back to just being friends, yeah?
you felt ill as soon as you hit send.
you felt even worse when he spent two whole minutes typing, just for the bubble to disappear and not a single reply come back. the following days were radio silence on his part. you hadn’t known this absence would make you feel as lonely and as sad as you were.
this is what has led you to your current crisis. getting shitfaced in some downtown pub, drinking until you can forget who has you there. staring at the third empty glass in front of you, your mind swirled with bittersweet memories of mason.
“we just don’t get it,” one of your friends frowned at you. you’re sure she means well but it’s hard to care too much when you can’t even recall her name at the moment. looking at the group of friends who’d practically forced you out of your bed and to come out, their eyes were full of concern and sympathy. “you never even told us you were seeing someone.”
“I-”, you begin but instantly stop. your words are starting to get all jumbled up in your mouth and the world around you is slowing down. it takes you a moment to breathe and organize your thoughts.
where’s mason?
all you want is mason.
why isn’t he here?
why didn’t he want you the way you wanted him?
another friend prods, “was it that serious?”
you felt the tears welling up in your eyes. all you could do is give a slight shake to your head. you try to smile but you’re sure you’ll start crying if you force it.
no, you kept thinking. I loved him and wanted him but all he wanted was sex. it was anything but serious.
there was only one way to get this idiotic brain to shut up. reaching out to chug the remainder of your drink, your frown gets deeper when you remember the cup is empty. standing up from the too crowded table, you let out a slurred, “‘m just gonna get one more.”
yet,as soon as you rise, your legs feel less sturdy than usual and the room has a slight haze to it. another concerned friend holds out their arm for support, worry growing more evident on her face.
“are you sure?” she sighs. lightly tugging on your arm, she tries to guide you to sit back down. “you’ve had enough, no?”
“no,” you practically whine. this is the only way to get your mind off of mason and these people have the audacity to deny you it. still standing, you try to get free of her grasp and tug towards the direction of the bar. it’s half cry and half whisper, “just one more.”
“maybe we should get you home?” another friend, wearing an even more sympathetic expression (if possible) chimes in. “lets call it a night, yeah?”
“no!” you protest, once again. “you guys don’t have to cut your night short because of me.”
the table erupts with their assurance of them not minding and that they’ll gladly drop everything to take you home. you know they mean well but it just adds even more guilt and weight to your heavy heart.
“I mean it,” you straighten yourself up as much as you can. you offer a small smile and wave them off. pulling out your phone, you’re able to somewhat make out the apps icons. cluelessly swiping at your phone, “i’ll order an uber and you guys can stay.”
it takes a few more minutes of convincing and protest, but nonetheless, they oblige to your request. after hugs and promises that you’ll soon get over your mystery man, two of them help you stumble outside and wait for your ride.
when your assigned car arrives and your friends triple check that the license plate is a match, final hugs and words of consolation are given. once in the car and speeding down the empty streets, it takes a great deal of effort not to puke and not to cry.
instead of thinking about how badly you want to spill your guts, you think of the boy whose absence feels like a dull stab at the heart. that’s what's been occupying your thoughts for the past weeks, anyway. if we’re being honest, he was the sole person in your thoughts. him and the beautiful summer you had shared together. if you closed your eyes, you could see it all so clearly.
you could recall the trip to his house like the back of your hand. you knew the paveway of trees that greet you as soon as you turn onto his street, the shiny gate blocking entryway to his house. blindfolded, you could locate the flower pot where he hid his spare keys. you’d use them almost every time you’d sneak away into his house and arms.
feeling the car park, you’re snapped out of your daydreams and look out towards the window.
it’s not that you could just recall all of those stupid details, which you’ve proven you could. it was that you were watching it all unfold outside of the car's window. you were smackdab in the middle of it, parked right in front of his house.
“hey,” you mumble in a panic. tapping on the window, towards the direction of masons house. with the fear setting in, your tears are ready to make their comeback. you feel like a child, helpless and scared. your voice wavers with a small sob, “this is not my house.”
the poor uber driver looks as confused as you. shaking his head, he surrenders his hands up. “I just brought you to the address you gave me.”
“I did not- '', you begin to argue. grabbing your phone, you squint at the screen, ready to show him how you had put your own address. and how it definitely wasn’t this one. and how he was going to have to explain what type of sick joke he was playing on you by bringing you here. yet, after a long struggle to find the fucking app, all words leave your mouth when you see masons address as the destination.
oh, force of habit.
all summer, during your little flings with mason, it had become second nature to get a lift to his house. it came more naturally to give directions to his house than to your own. it felt more like home, too.
“alright, you can leave me here.” you’re not sure if the alcohol is giving you the courage to face him or if you just really want to see his stupidly beautiful face- or if you’ve officially gone insane, but you find yourself unbuckling your seatbelt.
“ma’am are you sure?” the driver's gaze shifts between you and the enormous house looming over you both. you’re sure you must look insane with your tear filled eyes and inebriated state. you went from being terrified of where you were to shaking with anticipation. he offers a small smile, unsure how to proceed. “I can take you somewhere else if this was an error, I could go back to where I picked you up.”
“no,” you interject. “it’s fine, i’m fine, thank you.”
“really, it’s no problem-”
you wave him off, trying to appear as sober as you could possibly seem. opening the car door, “I was just confused. this is my friends house, silly me to not recognize it.”
he eyes you suspiciously but nevertheless nods as you get off. you try your best not to to wobble as you wave goodbye and walk away. but it’s not until you make your way through the familiar garden gate that you see the headlights pull off.
with that, you’re left standing alone in front of masons house. theres a small ache in your chest as you see the entire house is dark, not one ray of light peeking through any window.
what if he's not even home?
what if he's the one sneaking into someone else's house now?
you feel like you're going to throw up all over again. and it’s not because of the three vodka cokes you’d had.
that's it. you have to get into the house and find him and tell him…well, you don’t know what yet, but you have to say something.
the sensible you would figure that knocking or even calling him would be the best way to go, but clearly you’re not the most sensible person tonight.
standing in the middle of the garden, you take a breath and yell his name to the endless mirage of windows. within a minute, a light turns on and a window on the second floor shimmies open. it’s dark and far but you can slightly make out masons confused face.
“y/n?” you could see him squint down at you. “is that you-”
“I know this doesn’t make sense and what we had is over but for whatever it’s worth,” you cut him off, your mouth moving at its own volition. you pause, unable to believe that you’re finally going to say it. you have to choke down a sob before you scream, “i’m in love with you.”
you can see mason freeze. it's barely a shout when he says, “what?”
did he really not hear you or does he just like torturing you now?
“I love you, idiot.” you shout, again. there it is. all your emotions and feelings laid out in front of him. there's no use in trying to stop the tears so you just let them stream down your flushed face. once more, “i’m so in love with you and maybe that’s the worst thing, or the last thing, you wanna hear from me but it’s true.”
it all happens so fast. if you’d blinked, you would’ve missed it. the window mason was leaning out of, was left deserted without him saying anything back to you. you’re stood frozen, unsure of what to do. was your confession so horrible that he retreated back to his room, waiting for you to get the hint and leave? as you debate this, the side door, leading to the garden where you stand, bursts open.
he’s breathless, and an image of him running down the stairs flashes in your mind.
in just a few, short steps, he’s standing directly in front of you. his eyes are wide, slightly crazed. he hesitates as he merely whispers, “what did you say?”
“I love you and you don’t even care.” looking up at him, you try to blink away the tears. you’re sure you look a blubbering mess, and embarrassingly enough, there might be some snot. “you don’t care but it doesn’t matter. I needed to tell you that i’m so stupidly in love with you and you don’t even care. ”
“I do care.” his hands reach to hold your face but you swat them away.
“you don’t,” you begin to take a step back. what are you even doing? was this a love confession or a chance to tell him off? maybe, a bit of both? it’s just too confusing. pointing an accusatory finger at him, “if you cared, you’d have had the decency to reach out.”
he tries to interject but you just keep going. crying harder than before, “when our little hookups ended, a part of me hoped it would make you realize that you couldn’t bear the thought of not being together. that you would come back to me and tell me it all meant more to you. why didn’t you come back to me? why didn’t I deserve a fucking text back? it might’ve been just sex for you, but to me it meant everything.”
“that’s what you think?” mason scoffs, which only infuriates you more. it’s not until you really look at him that you see the same tears pool in his eyes. it’s when you see that he looks just as broken as you do. “I tortured my brain for days, trying to find the right words, to get you to understand that it wasn’t just sex for me.”
you squint your eyes at him, causing him to sigh. he continues, “okay, maybe I thought it was at first but then I read your text and it nearly broke me. at first, I thought I was just embarrassed that I got dumped over text but then I realized I was miserable at the thought of not having you anymore.”
you let out a defeated sigh, “but you never texted me back.”
“y/n,” it’s a sad smile, as you finally give in and let his hands cup your face. “I’ve typed and deleted a hundred texts, telling you I love you. but what if I said the wrong things and you'd leave again? I don't think i'd survive it. I don’t think i’d survive being forever known as the idiot who let you get away.”
you want to scold yourself for the way your heart flutters, “you really love me?”
his thumbs are stroking under your eyes, wiping away any tears that’ve overstayed their welcome. he’s giving you that smile, that boyish smile you fell in love with. that bastard, he’s always known how to get you weak in the knees. he says it so softly, “i love you, yes of course I love you. i've loved you since we started whatever this is, maybe even before then. i’m sure I fell in love with you the moment we met.”
instead of answering him, you shush him by pulling him down to meet your lips. it’s a kiss filled with ‘i love you’s and ‘i'm sorry's and ‘please, stay’s. you don’t even realize when mason has taken your hand, leading you inside the house and up the staircase. yet, as he leads you to the bedroom where you spent countless summer nights, you feel utterly happy.
you continue to interrupt the kisses with, “say it again.”
and not once does mason deny you with his, “I love you.”
leaving a delicate kiss on his jaw, you whisper against his neck, “i’ll never get tired of hearing it.”
mason returns a kiss to your forehead, mirroring your lovesick smile. leaning close to your ear, “lucky for you pretty girl, i’ll never get tired of saying it.”
you loved mason, unashamedly and quite pathetically. and you’d continue to do so for the rest of your life, if he let you.
feedback is appreciated, please :)
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joseline-woodhouse · 10 months
I want in on talking about Annabel and Prospero.
Since most posts I've seen are about how nice it is to watch them being healthy for one another (it really is, I adore their dynamic) I decided to talk about how neither of them would hesitate to kill one another eventually.
First of all both Annabel Lee and Prospero are calculative people. Both of them care for only the outcome and how to get there. I have seen people call Annabel a hypocrite for protecting Prospero because he's important to her after what she did to Duke and I entirely disagree, more on the rescue from Ada later. We have established that Annabel really doesn't care that everyone in the academy (except one, if the Deans can be trusted) is doomed.
I don't think Annabel's general willingness to sacrifice people needs to be discussed.
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Now, I'm leaning a bit far out the window here, but take a good look at Prospero in the left picture above, he looks more frustrated than anything. His chances just got a lot worse, he needs to rethink his strategy and on top of all that Ada is invading his personal space again.
Moving forward to what I think makes their mutual betrayal inevitable, the episodes after the Mansion Arc (this is were it gets interesting):
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Until now we have seen Prospero mostly be mildly bothered by whatever is happening. When everything fell apart during the Lesson and everyone except for him apperently just did not do their job, he seemed like he was about to explode and seriously questioning his choice of team. Everyone else appeared to just want to go on with the day, Prospero however demanded answers, proving that he cares to win this entire game without getting side tracked.
Further his behaviour during the lesson shows that he actually doesn't get how anyone else would still be reluctant to kill their friends here. He was genuinely not expecting anyone to act out of empathy anymore.
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And after the widow's watch affair and him witnessing Annabel freaking out after the labyrinth and smoothly asking about Pluto instead of giving an explanation, he is surely just one big-ish failure or unwillingness to take action away from openly confronting Annabel how it can be that whenever she is alone with Lenore, things go south ways, how whenever people want to act against Lenore, she calls it a waste of time despite the growingly obvious threat that Lenore poses.
I think Annabel actually does matter to him, and I think he matters to Annabel as well, but both of them expect something really specific from one another and sympathy alone means little to them.
Now about Annabel saving Prospero.
I believe this says everything:
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Since Annabel is a chess player, get ready for chess metaphors:
In chess, most gambits are about giving away a pawn. Why? Because a pawn has very little value on its own and sacrificing a pawn in order to get a slightly more profitable structure on the board can actually be worth it.
Sacrificing a queen? If you do something like that, you better be 100% sure you're seeing a forced checkmate.
Not only is Prospero's spector really powerful, Prospero is also the only thing keeping Annabel in control of her own team right now. Other than Prospero who's supporting her as long as she keeps bringing results, she is stuck with Ada who is a complete wild card and useless most of the time, Morella who is only half on her team, Will who is loyal mostly to Montresor and Montresor who constantly challenges her leadership.
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The way things are standing right now, everything she has build would fall apart the very moment Prospero is gone.
Also, what if Annabel and Lenore have to stay long enough for their teams to start falling apart? Whom does Annabel want to face in a one on one? Someone like Montresor who's spector can very much use brute force against her or someone like Prospero who's spector is similarly unforceful as hers?
We even saw, that Annabel can just simply neutralise Prospero's rats with her fog, leaving him with no real attack on her. While he applies her with status conditions she can use her blossoms to attack him after she used her fog to make his rats disappear like she did on the widow's watch
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Annabel did not safe him because she likes him, which she does. She saved him because he is a very important piece for her game and no real threat to her in the long run.
Prospero follows Annabel not because he likes her, which he does, but because she keeps bringing results. Or at least she did until rather recently.
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rirururu · 2 years
Why Bachira x Isagi (Blue Lock) is One of the Best Ships of All Time
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I’ll be honest and say that while Isagi and Bachira’s dynamic in the first arc was cute, it wasn’t anything that stood out to me too much. It seemed like a very typical sports anime type relationship at first. The main character shoots. His friend is there for him and passes to him so he can shine. They have good chemistry. They achieve results together that would be un-imaginably amazing compared to when they were apart. We’ve seen it so many times before already. Kageyama and Hinata, Kuroko and Kagami, Mihashi and Abe; the list goes on.
That all stops when the second selection starts.
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Bachira was forced to leave and suddenly Isagi has to fight on his own. He recognizes that up until now, he’s only been useful because of Bachira and in order to get him back, has to learn to fight without him. And, contrary to what we’re made to believe in the first selection that Isagi is better when with Bachira, the truth is that Isagi actually thrives without Bachira. In fact, he gets so powerful that even an outsider like Nagi who initially called him worthless without Bachira genuinely believed that Isagi would decide against stealing Bachira back by the end.
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As for Bachira, he’s given a hard wake-up call when he finally sees Isagi again. He recognizes how much better Isagi is without him to the point of Isagi ignoring him on the field, and that sets the part of himself that can only feel alive when he’s with Isagi off. It’s only with this wake-up call that Bachira realizes everything he’s thought up until now was wrong. That’s when we get a parallel to what Isagi did for Bachira in learning to fight without him in order to get him back. In exchange for being able to stand on the same level as and not be left behind by Isagi, Bachira threw away his purpose of playing soccer as his way to connect with Isagi. He realized he shouldn’t do things for the sake of staying by Isagi’s side. He should be doing things for his own growth. Bachira did this fully believing and grieving that he was giving up on being with Isagi. So much so that in his head, Bachira says goodbye to him. And in a similar fashion to Isagi, that’s the moment we learn that Bachira is actually stronger without him. 
They both had to get stronger out of desperation to stay together, and consequently abandoned that part of themselves that depended on each other in the first place.
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I want to pause right here and just applaud the author. I know Blue Lock has been praised as being a subversion of a ton of sports manga tropes and this is probably one of the most fantastic examples. We’re so used to the protagonist-and-partner combination being put on a pedestal. But here, it’s deconstructed right in front of us to show how it actually hinders both Isagi and Bachira as strikers and as people. And honestly? It felt like that would be it. I remember my heart dropping when I reached that point in the manga. Logically they would go their separate ways in a mutual break-up.
But they don’t. In the final scene of the soccer match, we see that everyone hadn’t believed in Bachira’s ego since long ago while Isagi had never stopped believing in him. Isagi caught Bachira’s winning goal. I thought that was a perfect parallel to their first meeting when Bachira passed the ball to the monster and then Isagi became the monster. This time Bachira abandoned the monster. There was no monster anymore because Bachira left it behind but even when the monster was gone, Isagi was still there. It's symbolic of how he doesn't see Isagi as just a monster anymore. He sees Isagi as Isagi, signaling a new era in their relationship.
And that’s also when Bachira realizes that just because he’s grown away from needing Isagi, just because he doesn’t live to make Isagi stronger anymore, just because he’s embracing that part of him that plays soccer solitarily for himself, doesn’t mean Isagi won’t still be there with him and believing in him. Bachira could change as much as he wants and the other won’t leave. They don’t need each other anymore, but that’s exactly what allows them to realize that being together makes them so happy, makes soccer so much fun, that they want to stick together until the very end anyway. 
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(Or the official translation / scans)
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This direction for their relationship seems bittersweet but I think that’s what makes it realistic. Relationships are multi-faceted and they change over time. Isagi and Bachira had to say goodbye to one aspect of their relationship but they also gained a new one. They both used to rely on each other a lot to be their very best. That mutualistic symbiotic relationship they had in soccer, that is the crutch in so many sports anime, is gone now. Bachira and Isagi aren’t necessary to each other in soccer anymore. Personally though, I think this new dynamic actually makes them closer than they were before.
To Bachira, Isagi used to be a person he needed to pass to because he’s a monster and someone who staved off his loneliness. To Isagi, Bachira used to be someone who made good passes to help him function in soccer. I think the fact that Bachira was so easily swayed to making Rin his new “monster” made it evident. As they continue to grow as strikers, they’ll be cycling through teammates most suited to their skillset. Teammates come and go. What Isagi and Bachira are to each other evolved past that, beyond the soccer field, and became something that would stay with them their entire lives. There is no “I’m with Isagi because if I can’t play soccer with him, I would die from loneliness” or “I’m with Bachira because he lets me be invincible on the field” anymore. They’re together because they want to be and because they love each other (platonically or romantically). That’s all.
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(Manga panel taken from an AMV on youtube)
And I think that’s beautiful. It’s beautiful because this is what true unconditional love looks like. I know what the manga did to them might not be the “popular” thing. Ships that are super dependent on each other and need each other to live are the ones that get views because it’s seen as romantic. But Bachisagi / Isabachi abandoned that to instead become one of the healthiest relationships you could possibly get not just in a sports anime but in general. 
I mean, wow. I wish I had someone who wanted to be with me and had the emotional capacity to always believe in me no matter how much I changed, disappointed, and grew away from centering my world around them. I wish I had someone who could say that they don’t need me anymore but that’s exactly why they can say in full confidence that they still want me with all their heart. Bachisagi is seriously #relationshipgoals more than most married couples. 
In conclusion, Bachira/Isagi deserves way more recognition and I will happily scream into the void with the other 6 of you out there who ship them /j
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
Co-Host part 3
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 4 here
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Warnings - Smut
Three months had passed.
And both girls were miserable.
They were miserable with themselves, but when they were together they were in heaven, a miserable heaven. The girls had kept their arrangement to just sex. No staying over, no feelings mentioned, no ‘what are we?’ Not even cuddles after sex.
But now and again they would linger after sex, they, talk about shows, friends, plans. They laughed and spoke about anything and everything. But nothing about the situation.
It was bitter sweet, it felt so good but it would never last long.
Leah and Lucy had kept up the game of fuck buddies for three months, but we all know that game doesn’t last without someone catching feelings.
Especially when the feelings were always there. And only getting stronger.
The only thing that hadn’t been mentioned was other people.
It was as if a silent agreement had been made between the pair. Neither girl was  sleeping with anyone else, wasn’t seeing anyone else.
For now.
Lucy pulled up her jeans, she looked around Leah’s room for her bra.
“I have a date this weekend.” The blonde blurted out, she was naked on the bed. Leah watched Lucys face for any sign of emotion.
Lucy stopped as she was pulling her shirt over her head. She turned slowly to Leah, the brunettes face was hard to gage, she didn’t look thrilled but she didn’t look sad either.
“Oh, okay. I guess you wanna stop this then?”
Leah opened her mouth but nothing came out. Yes, she wanted to stop this, she wanted “This” to be more than what it was, she wanted to talk. She wanted Lucy for more than just sex.
“I don’t have to go.”
Lucy looked over at Leah. “Why would you do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Who’s the date with?” Lucy wasn’t looking at Keira.
“A mutual friend, my friend’s been pushing me for a while to go on a date with her.”
Lucy stared at Leah in her vanity, there was so much she wanted to say but she didn’t.
“Right well, I guess this is us done. Enjoy your date.”
Lucy didn’t give Leah time to respond, she couldn’t. She could feel her chest tightening up, her legs felt like they were going to give in.
Lucy walked out of Leah’s house, the tears were streaming down her face. She felt like a knife had stabbed her in her heart a thousand times over.
Leah sobbed in her pillow, she didn’t want this, she didn’t want to loose Lucy. She said yes to the date to mostly get her friends off her case. She was never planning on really going, she was always going to cancel it.
She also wanted to see how Lucy would react to the news, but she didn’t get the reaction she wanted.
A small part of her hopped Lucy would say she should cancel, that they should go on a date. She wanted Lucy to hold her and tell her she’s more than a booty call, more than whatever this is.
She wanted so much more, but this had been going on for months, clearly Lucy didn’t want anything more, she made that very obvious in the beginning of all of this and very obvious now.
A couple of days had passed, and the girls hadn’t spoken since that night. Leah had looked over their messages, they mostly consisted of ‘need a hand’ or ‘free for fun?’ she wanted to text Lucy. She wanted to tell her to come over, carry on with their agreement. But she knew it wasn’t working, she was only hurting herself.
So she decided to go on the date, she wanted to try and see if she could get over Lucy. She didn’t want to feel this way anymore, she wanted Lucy but Lucy didn’t want her that way.
Lucy had cried everyday since that night. She wanted to tell Leah how she felt, that she didn’t want her to go on the date. She wanted to be the one to take her out, she wanted to show her how much she wanted her for more than just sex.
She knew what they were doing was stupid, she hated that she made out like that’s all she wanted from Leah. Lucy just wanted to protect herself from getting hurt. Leah leaving her in the hotel made Lucy put up a wall, and Lucy was good with her walls.
Saturday rolled around and Leah slowly got ready for her date. She was forcing herself to go. She had nearly cancelled about 100 times over. But she knew she couldn’t keep this up with Lucy, it was breaking her. But it didn’t stop her from thinking about the brunette constantly.
She decided on wearing a cream skirt and a black vest top, with a smart jacket. She wore her hair down with a slight curl. She went with light make up, finishing off the look with a pair of black heels.
She made her way to the bar, not feeling excited or nervous, in all honesty she felt empty but she knew she needed to push herself.
Leah was standing outside the bar, she took a deep breath, put on a smile and made her into the bar.
She spotted Claire at a table, they had met a couple times before through their mutual friend. They greeted each other with a hug and started their date.
Claire was cute, she was intelligent, funny and a genuinely nice person. Leah was polite, she laughed at her jokes, she asked questions, she listened to Claire talk about her work. But it wasn’t what she wanted, she wasn’t Lucy.
A couple hours later and three drinks in the date came to an end. Claire clearly didn’t notice Leah was checked out.
“So did you want to go to another bar? Or come back to mine? I live 10 minutes down the road.”
Leah blinked a couple of times before she opened her mouth.
“Oh erm, I can’t. I have training early tomorrow. I erm, yeah sorry. I’ve had a great time though.”
Claire looked deflated but she smiled at Leah. “Oh, no that’s okay, I had a lot of fun. Get home safe.”
“Yeah, you too.”
Leah watched as Claire walked away, she felt bad, she really did, but she hadn’t stoped thinking about the brunette. She pulled out her phone.
Leah - I need a hand
Lucy replied instantly.
Lucy - what about your date?
Leah - I wasn’t picturing them fucking me, I was picturing you
Lucy - I’ll be there in 10
Leah - I’m closer to yours, I’ll come to you
Lucy - okay
Leah hailed down a black cab. Gave the address and she was on her way.
Once again Leah knew this wasn’t right, but Lucy almost felt like a drug to her, she needed her, she needed to feel her, smell her, taste her.
She pulled up to the house, she paid the cab  driver and thanked him. She walked up to Lucy’s door, ready to knock. But the door swung open.
Lucy stood there in her grey tracksuit bottoms and a black T shirt, looking as fuckable as ever.
Leah grabbed her by her T-shirt and pulled her in for a deep, hard kiss.
Lucy didn’t think twice, she pulled Leah in closer to her, more than happy to have the girls lips against hers. The kisses were desperate and heated, both fighting for dominance.
Lucy pushed Leah hard against the front door, causing it to close. She attacked Leah’s neck, biting hard against her skin. After months of sharing each other beds, Lucy knew exactly what Leah liked and didn’t like. She knew how to make her scream, she knew how to make her body shake and how to make her pussy squirt.
She sucked hard on Leah’s neck, loving the whimpering noises coming from the blonde. She would normally make sure not to leave any marks on show, but tonight she didn’t care. Lucy wanted to leave marks all over Leah’s body. She wanted to leave her marked up for everyone to see, she wanted Leah to be hers.
Leah could hardly breathe, Lucy was taking over her senses, she could feel her teeth and tongue sucking hard on her neck. She knew she was leaving a mark but she didn’t care. She would let Lucy do whatever she wanted to do to her tonight, because she was going to do everything to her.
“Your room.” Leah breathed hard.
Lucy grabbed Leah by the hand and dragged her down the hall to her room. Leah didn’t wait around, she started to pull Lucy’s T-shirt over her head. Lucy began to pull Leah’s skirt over her heels.
Both girls wouldn’t take their eyes off each other, their bedroom antics were always hot and heavy but tonight felt extra intense, more desperate. It was like they hadn’t seen each other in months. Both girls were breathing hard, pulling at each other clothes.
Lucy had stripped Leah down to her underwear. The blonde was wearing a very sexy red lace set that Lucy hadn’t seen before. The brunette wondered if they were new, or had she bought it for her date?
Leah bent down to take her heels off.
“No, leave them on.”
Leah smiled wickedly at Lucy.
She pulled Lucy by her girl boxers towards the dressing table, she dropped to her knees looking up at Lucy through her lashes.
Lucy felt herself getting wet, she had seen Leah in this position plenty of times now, but something felt different tonight.
Leah began to kiss up Lucy’s thighs, she felt Lucy lean back on the dresser, she looked up to see Lucy’s intense green eyes on her.
She slowly pulled down Lucy’s boxers, she could see she was wet, her lips were glistening. Leah felt her mouth water at the beautiful site, she thought she’d never get to see Lucy like this again.
Lucy tucked her fingers in Leah’s hair, slowly pushing the strands out of her face.
Leah leaned forward and took a slow, delicate lick from the bottom of Lucy’s lips to the top, not actually dipping her tongue in. She wanted to taste every drop of Lucy before she began.
Lucy’s fingers stroked Leah’s scalp, causing the blonde to shiver. She leaned herself forward taking another long stroke at Lucy’s lips, dipping her tongue into her wet folds.
Lucy hissed at the touch, she had been turned on the minute Leah texted her. Like Leah, she didn’t think she was ever going to really see the girl again, let alone in this position.
Leah moaned at the taste of Lucy, she lost count how many times she had Lucy juices on her tongue but she still couldn’t get over how good she tasted every time.
Lucy began to slowly grind her hips into the blondes mouth, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Leah. She looked incredible on her knees, and the heels were an extra sexy cherry on top.
Leah began to suck Lucy’s clit just the way she liked it, she moved her tongue slowly but firm over the bud of nerves. She felt Lucy grip her hair, her hips began to move faster into her mouth. Leah was amazing with her tongue, Lucy could watch her do this all day,
“Fuck you look so good Leah. Did you wear those for me or your date?”
Leah laughed internally. So, Lucy was jealous?
She moved her mouth with a loud, wet popping motion, Lucy wetness was all over her lips.
“Is someone jealous?”
Lucy smiled smugly at Leah. “How can I be? You’re on your knees for me .”
Leah smiled, she kissed Lucy’s wet lips, closing her eyes as she did. She took another long lick from Lucy’s pussy. Causing the brunette to jolt. Her hands gripping tighter in Leah’s hair.
Leah continued. “Do you like it?”
Lucy chuckled breathlessly, her head tilted to the side as she watched Leah. “Yeah, you should wear red more often. It looks good on you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She winked at Lucy, and went back to her task at hand. Sucking Lucy’s sensitive clit into her mouth.
Lucy’s head titled back in pleasure, she loved it when Leah was cocky, it turned her on like there was no tomorrow.
Leah sucked and licked at Lucy’s pussy, the girl was wet, her juices and Leah’s spit were starting to drip down the blondes chin, slowly making its way down her neck and chest.
Lucy could feel her climax coming, her stomach began to tighten, she pushed herself deeper onto Leah’s tongue. She grabbed Leah’s hair into a pony tail, grinding her hips into her mouth. Small moans escaped the brunettes mouth, she felt her legs start to shake.
Leah worked her tongue hard, wanting to give Lucy everything she needed. She could hear Lucy’s breathing quicken, she could feel her thighs shaking. She sucked and licked at Lucy’s throbbing clit, while she thrusted into her face.
“Fuck Lee, just like that, just like that. Yes, baby don’t stop.”
Leah loved it when Lucy called her by her nickname, it made her heart flutter, it would always spur her on.
Lucy fucked Leah’s face, her orgasm began to take over her body. She looked down one last time at Leah, she would never get over how good she looked on her knees for her like this.
Her orgasm was powerful, she moaned loudly as she continued to fuck Leah’s face. Leah sucked on Lucy’s clit, feeling Lucy push her head deeper between her legs, Lucy’s hands gripped at her hair.
Leah licked at her folds as she came in her mouth, she could feel Lucy’s wetness seeping down her tongue. She didn’t want to waste a drop of it, swallowing what she could.
Lucy breathed hard as she moved Leah’s head from her legs. She looked down at the blonde to see her own juices string from Leah’s mouth to her pussy.
She looked so fucking good.
“You drive me crazy Leah.”
Lucy’s voice was low, she sounded desperate.
Leah stood up on her heels, she could feel her underwear was soaked. But she wasn’t done with Lucy.
“I want to fuck you. Go lay on the bed.”
Lucy smiled, she did what she was told and laid on the bed.
Leah knew where Lucy kept all their toys, they had built quite a collection over the three months. They each had their own dildos, many different sizes and colours.
Leah strapped herself up, she had Lucy’s favourite 7 inch dildo on.
Lucy waited patiently for Leah, she watched the blonde getting herself ready. She loved it when Leah took charge, Lucy had taken on more of a dominant role in their sexual activities but she loved how versatile they both were in the bedroom.
Leah took off her heels, as much as it was hot she needed to have her balance.
She knew Lucy was wet but she lathered the dildo up in lube. She approached the bed, Lucy was watching her, she could tell she was excited, it had been a little while since they used the strap on her.
Leah climbed on the bed, not once taking her eyes off Lucy. She crawled up to the brunette, kneeling between her strong tanned legs. She placed her hands on Lucy’s knees, that were now shaking.
“Open your legs for my baby.”
Lucy opened her legs without hesitation.
Leah pressed her body against Lucy’s, their faces were nose to nose, the dildo was touching the brunettes thighs. Leah kissed her gently, she loved having Lucy like this, it was rare to see the girl so vulnerable.
She began to kiss Lucy’s neck, with gentle kisses. She knew it was one of Lucy’s turn ons, whenever her neck was touched in any type of way, she became putty in Leah’s hands.
Lucy’s breathing began to quicken, she couldn’t stop to small groans coming from her mouth. She could feel herself getting wet again.
Leah smirked. “I love it when you make that noise.” She breathed in Lucy’s ear.
Lucy bit her lip, her head moving to the side.
Leah continued. “You ready for me Luce?”
Lucy nodded. Not trusting her words.
“Good girl.”
Lucy eyes fluttered from Leah’s words, she like Leah, had a little praise kink.
Leah held the dildo in her hand, slowly easing it into Lucy’s cunt. She knew Lucy could take it but she would always go slow. At first.
Lucy let out another groan, Leah began to kiss her neck again as she pushed herself into Lucy’s tight pussy, she could feel even feel through the strap that she was tight.
She loved being close to Lucy like this. It felt so intimate, like Lucy was giving her all of her, no walls up, just them.
She pumped her hips slowly, loving the small whimpers coming from the brunette. She stayed on her neck, kissing and sucking on Lucy’s skin.
“Fuck Lee. You feel so good.”
Lucy felt full, her pussy already began to throb, she began to move her hips with Leah’s rhythm.
Leah’s hips moved faster, happy enough to feel Lucy was already comfortable. She pushed deeper into the brunette, bottoming out with the strap, Lucy let out a mess of groans and moans, her body trembling under Leah.
“You make the best noises Luce.” She sucked on Lucy’s neck.
Leah began to take deep, long strokes, working her stomach and legs. She watched as Lucy’s face was taken over by pure pleasure.
Lucy’s hands glided down Leah’s back, she reached for her arse cheeks and grabbed hard, causing the blonde to moan.
Leah’s hips moved faster, mouth still on Lucy’s neck, Lucy’s perfume was taken over her senses, the brunettes moaning was dripping into Leah’s ears. The brunettes moans pushed Leah to go faster and deeper.
“Fuck, fuck, Leah, oh my god.”
Leah loved fucking Lucy like this, she loved when the girl was unable to form any kind of sentence just from the pure bliss of Leah’s hips.
Leah pushed herself on her knees, wanting to switch the position. She pushed Lucy’s right knee up, pushing the strap even deeper into the girl.
Lucy couldn’t hold the high pitched whimpers coming from her mouth. Leah was fucking her so deeply it almost took her breath away. She gripped the sheets needing something to hold onto while Leah fucked her into not knowing her own name.
Leah didn’t hold back, she pumped her hips at a rapid pace, fucking Lucy like it was the last thing she would do on earth.
She looked down at Lucy’s perfect body, watched as the strap glided in and out of her wet pussy, her juices everywhere covering the top of her thighs. Her body was glistening in sweat from how hard Leah worked her.
The noises coming from between their bodies was almost criminal, wet skin slapping was echoing throughout the room, nearly drowning out Lucy’s whimpers.
“You take it so well Luce.” Leah’s voice was rough from her movements. “You take my dick so well. Do you think I should let you cum?”
Lucy’s eyes were closed, she could just about form a coherent sentence, but she knew Leah would stop her movements if she didn’t try.
“Please Leah, please make me cum.”
She thoughts about her next words carefully.
“I - I, fuck. I’ve missed you Lee.”
Leah wasn’t expecting to hear that. Lucy’s voice sounded small. She didn’t stop her movements, she couldn’t. Not now.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you Luce.”
Leah placed her hand under Lucy’s chin, making them look hard at each other. It felt like a blanket of sadness had hit both of them.
Leah snaked her hand down Lucy’s body, watching Lucy’s face. She reached her very sensitive clit. As soon as her finger brushed over it Lucy whimpered loudly, grabbing on to Leah’s hand behind her knee.
“Lee please, please.”
Leah began to draw tight circles against the bundle of nerves, earning her more high pitched whimpers from the brunette.
Lucy’s mouth began to gape, making that beautiful face Leah loved to see. Her face seemed to let go of every emotion she had that day and would turn into pure ecstasy.
Lucy’s body began to shake, her whimpering stopped, alone with her breathing. Leah felt her body tense up, her abs clenched, Leah swore she felt Lucy’s walls pull on the strap.
She came hard, her hips thrusted against Leah’s fingers, trying to get everything she could. A half moan, whimpering noise left her mouth. She looked beautiful.
Leah slowed her movements, pumping slowly into Lucy. Once she could tell Lucy had finished she lowered herself to Lucy’s face. She kissed her lips gently, then moved her lips down to Lucy’s neck, kissing her sweat soaked skin.
“Lee, Leah. I …. fuck, that was…. Wow.” Lucy chuckled.
Leah smiled against her skin. Lucy’s walls always came down in moments like this, showing a much softer side to her that not many people got to see.
Leah kept her hips moving, pumping slowly into Lucy. She wanted to go another round, she took Lucy’s hands in her own and raised them above Lucy’s head.
Lucy began to whimper again, Leah kept her  movements slow and deep. She sucked on one spot on Lucy’s neck. Lucy squirmed underneath the blonde, her body was clearly taking a lot but Leah couldn’t help herself, there was something about fucking Lucy like this that was her own selfish pleasure.
“You going to take me some more Luce? I know you can.”
Lucy breathed hard, her hands shaking under Leah grip. She was stronger than Leah so she could push her off if she wanted to, but there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted everything that was Leah right now.
“Yeah, but go slow, I’m so sensitive.”
“I will baby.” She kissed Lucy’s lips, slipping her tongue deep into the back of her throat. Lucy moaning in the process.
“I’ll always look after you.”
Leah’s whole body was skin to skin with Lucy’s, their skin stuck to each other from their sweat. Leah pumped into Lucy with deep strokes, the moaning coming from Lucy was delicious.
Leah could feel her own clit throbbing, she knew she wouldn’t get off like this but watching Lucy take her so well was driving her own orgasm close.
She kept Lucy’s hands above her head, but moved her right hand down south. It was a tight squeeze between their bodies but she made it work.
As soon as she touched the older girls clit, Lucy gasped in her ear. She rubbed softly this time, knowing Lucy was extremely sensitive, she pushed hard but rubbed small gentle circles on her clit.
Lucy held her breath, she was in another world, her body was already exhausted but she felt amazing, her pussy was pulsating hard around the dildo. She could feel her orgasm approaching already.
She came again, her body jolted hard, her muscles twitched. Lucy let out a silent moan, her skin burning under Leah’s hot sweaty body. She felt like she was about to pass out, her body was shattered, drenched in sweat, her chest heaved heavy with her breathing.
Leah kissed her forehead and gently pulled out of her. Lucy gasped from how sensitive she was, holding Leah’s hips and she moved back.
Leah stripped out of the harness, making her way back to the bed, collapsing on her back, next to Lucy, breathing hard.
Lucy chuckled. “Are you trying to kill me? I can’t feel my body.”
Leah giggled. “I can’t help it, you’re just so fuckable.”
Lucy rolled her eyes, laughing at Leah’s words.
“Well you’re going to have to give me a minute. I can’t move.” Lucy breathed out.
“Hmm you don’t have to move.”
Leah pulled herself up, crawling up the head board of Lucy’s bed, she ducked down next to Lucy’s ear. “Can I ride your face?”
Lucy groaned, she loved Leah sitting on her face. It was one of her most favourite positions. Lucy nodded fast , she didn’t need to be asked twice.
Leah smiled and lifted her leg over Lucy’s chest, shuffling herself just above Lucy’s chest.
Lucy had seen Leah wet before, but she had never seen her quite like this, her thighs were dripping with her own wetness. Her lips were soaked in thick juices. Lucy was in her own heaven. A Leah heaven.
Leah held on to the headboard, slowly lowering herself, she was so turned on her pussy was throbbing in pain. She felt Lucy’s breath hit her wet lips, sending shivers up her spine. Leah had worked herself up, she could already feel her legs shaken from anticipation.
Lucy snaked her hands up Leah’s firm thighs. “You look so good Leah. You’re so wet.”
Leah let out a small rough chuckle. “Luce, your breath is tickling me.”
Lucy raised her head and gently kissed Leah’s lips. Some of Leah’s juice stuck to her lips, she licked her mouth, finally getting to taste her favourite flavour again.
“You’re wet everywhere Lee, let me clean you up.”
Lucy greedily licked up at Leah’s thighs, licking up the wetness off her skin.
“Fuck.” Leah closed her eyes and let out a shakey breath
Lucy gently pulled her down to her awaiting mouth. She took a long, strong lick through Leah’s lips, groaning as she did.
“You always taste so good.” She took another quick lick. “I could eat you out all day.”
“Fuck Luce, your mouth. I lo- ahh.
Oh my god.”
Lucy captured Leah’s swollen clit into her mouth, she sucked gently on her bundle of nerves. Loving the noises coming from Leah’s mouth.
Leah groaned loudly, her eyes rolling back into her head, Lucy knew exactly what Leah liked. She began to lick quick strokes between Leah’s velvety folds, she could hear how wet Leah was.
Leah loved Lucy’s tongue, she loved how she could use it. She moaned as she felt Lucy take what she wanted from her, moving her tongue around in tight circles on her sensitive nerves.
Leah began to gently grind her hips into Lucy’s mouth, moaning as she did it. She looked down at Lucy, her eyes were closed in full concentration. Leah dipped her fingers into Lucy’s hair, loving the feeling of her soft hair between her fingers.
She pulled Lucy closer to her pussy, grinding harder into her mouth. She loved the control she had in this position, loved taking what she wanted, loved that Lucy also loved it.
She started to feel her climax bubble, her legs began to shake, her breathing came out in small raspy bursts.
Lucy pulled Leah in closer, roaming her tongue all over Leah’s folds. Leah’s wetness was drenching Lucy’s face.
“Fuck Luce, I’m close, I’m going to cum.”
Lucy kept up her movements with her tongue, sucking perfectly on Leah’s clit.
Leah kept her hand in Lucy’s hair, guiding her head, fucking her mouth gently. Lucy moaned at the movement, moaning on Leah’s clit, giving her that one last push.
She felt her orgasm take over her body, the blonde let out a low moan, rocking her hips into Lucy’s mouth.
“Luce, Lu- fuck, fuck, don’t stop.”
Lucy could feel Leah’s wetness gushing into her mouth, dripping down her chin. She grabbed the girls arse, pushing her into her mouth, wanting to get every drop of the blonde.
“I can’t eve- ….. your tongue. Fu-…”
Leah leaned forward against the headboard, keeping herself from crushing Lucy. She could feel the brunettes beautiful tongue ease her down from her high. Her breathing was hard, her chest rising and falling, trying to catch her breath.
She felt Lucy start to lick at her cunt again, but she couldn’t take any more, not in this position anyway.
Leah let out a breathless giggle. “No, I can’t. I can’t take it.”
She moved off of Lucy, rolling on to her stomach next to the brunette, she looked over to see Lucy’s face was smeared with her wetness. She smiled at Leah with that smile Leah loved.
“Ergh you look so good like that.” Leah smiled at Lucy.
Another blanket of sadness hit Leah, she wished this was something she could have without the dread of knowing it would end.
Lucy laughed, her eyes roaming up and down Leah’s body.
“Go get your strap.”
Leah felt her pussy clench. She rolled off the bed to their toy box. She got her favourite strap, fixing it into the harness, ready for Lucy to wear.
Lucy sat up taking her harness from Leah, putting the harness on with ease.
“Face down, arse up.” Lucy smiled wickedly at Leah. She knew this was Leah’s favourite position to be fucked in.
Before Leah could go to the bed, Lucy grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her in for a gentle, but extremely passionate kiss. Leah was more than happy to be kissed by Lucy but the kiss felt different, it felt like there was something behind it.
Lucy turned Leah around, she guided Leah to the bed, kissing her neck and back. Leah was in heaven, Lucy was always gentle with her, she never made her feel like she was being too rough even if they were dominating with each other. But Lucy was showing a bit more of a softer side, and Leah was confused but didn’t question it.
“You ready Lee?” Lucy ghosted Leah’s ear.
Leah stuttered. “Yeah, so ready. Feel me.”
Leah grabbed Lucy’s hand and guided it to her pussy. Lucy groaned at the wetness between Leah’s lips.
“Is that all for me baby?”
“Good. Get on the bed and bend over.”
Leah bent over on the mattress, feeling Lucy guide her by her neck. She felt the dildo bounce on her arse and between her thighs.
She felt Lucy push at her legs, Leah automatically opened them wider. She could hear Lucy squeezing lube on the dildo, she arched her back, her head between her own arms, the familiar smell of Lucy’s lavender sheets flooded her nose.
She felt Lucy slide the head of the dildo up and down her entrance, she could feel her pussy getting wetter.
Lucy slowly pushed the head of the dildo into Leah, watching it go in, inch by inch.
Leah held her breath, feeling the dildo stretch her out.
Lucy noticed. “Relax your body Leah.” She stroked Leah’s spine, making the girl instantly relax.
“Good, thats it.”
Lucy pushed herself in until her thighs were skin to skin with Leah. She held on to Leah’s hips as she slowly pumped her own hips, not wanting to go too fast, she knew Leah had to get used to the girth of this strap.
Leah panted hard, she was grateful Lucy was going slow, her body was still adjusting to the pressure of the dildo.
“You look so good Lee, you always look so good.” Lucy stroked Leah’s back, in a soothing motion, making Leah shiver.
Leah whimpered softly, she slowly backed her hips to Lucy, giving Lucy the green light to move faster.
Lucy did just that, she pumped her hips a little faster, one hand still on Leah’s back.
Leah let out a louder whimper, the dildo rubbing against her tight walls, she could feel her pussy throbbing around the plastic.
“So you thought about me tonight? While you were on your date? Fucking you like this?”
Leah groaned, Lucy always spoke to her when she had her in this position. Lucy would normally tell her how good Leah was being for her, or how good her pussy looked or how well she could take her.
She could make Leah say anything she wanted, and Leah knew what Lucy wanted to hear. It was the truth after all.
Leah stuttered. “Ye - yeah. I thought about you all night.”
Lucy’s movements got quicker.
“You thought about me fucking you.”
“Yes. I thought abo - about you fucking me.”
“That’s naughty Lee, what about your date? Was she not good enough?”
Lucy began to pump harder. Her breathing became hard, but Leah knew the brunette could keep this up for hours if she wanted. The girl never got tired.
Leah held on to the sheets, she couldn’t control the movements anymore, this was all Lucy, she had a strong grip on her waist, controlling their movements.
Leah just about got the next words out.
“Sh- she, she wasn’t …I wan- … you. I want you Luce.”
“You’ve got me Leah.”
Lucy pulled Leah up by her hips, her chest was now against Leah’s back. She kissed Leah’s neck, holding her chin up, still pumping into her.
Lucy whispered in Leah’s ear. “You’ve got me Lee.”
Lucy snaked her hand down between Leah’s legs, circling tight circles on her clit. The girl was drenched.
A loud whimper escaped Leah’s mouth, she was so overwhelmed, a fuzziness consumed her brain. Lucy was saying things she didn’t think she’d ever hear her say. She put her hand behind Lucy’s neck, wanting to feel as close as she could to the girl. It was the most intimate she’d felt with Lucy since the hotel room.
“I’ve missed you Luce, I….fuck… I’ve missed you so much.”
Lucy felt a pain in her chest, she wanted to tell Leah how much she wanted her, how much she wanted to be hers. She held the girl tighter to her chest.
“I’ve missed you too. I want you Lee.”
“I want you Luce.”
Lucy didn’t know how she was keeping up her movements considering her mind was going a millions miles per hour. She kept up her pace, she began to kiss Leah’s neck again, kissing right up to her ear.
“I love you like this, you’re so pretty when you cum, are you going to come for me?”
Lucy had never said the word love in any sentence before and definitely not in the bedroom. Leah heard it straight away. It felt like they were pushing the invisible line more and more.
She could feel her own legs shaken now, her belly started to coil. She held on to Lucy tightly, wanting nothing but her, wanting to feel her as close as she could.
Lucy could hear Leah was close, she wanted her to feel as good as she made her.
“Thats it Lee, you’re so close. Let me hear you. I love hearing you, I love the noises you make. Fuck you feel so good.”
The words pushed her to the edge, Leah let out an animalistic moan, her body was shaken, her orgasm was intense, shattering through her body. She felt Lucy pull her tighter as her body went limp.
Leah opened her eyes, trying to catch her breath. “Oh my fuck, Luce…. Fuck.”
When Leah feels herself coming down from her high, she feels Lucy lips against her skin. Bring her back to her senses.
She kissed Leah’s shoulders gently, while she slowly pulled the strap out of the blonde.
Tiredness took over Leah’s body, she laid down on her front, exhausted from their activities.
Lucy took off her harness, watching the blonde on her bed. She crawled on the bed next to Leah, kissing her back as she moved herself up the bed.
Goosebumps ran over her body, she was sensitive all over, Leah giggled at the touch, letting out a contempt sign.
“I wanted to eat you out again.” Lucy husked  into her ear.
Leah groaned, feeling butterflies dip in her stomach.
“You don’t stop do you? Give me 2 minutes I just need to catch my breath.”
“Not when you look that good.” Lucy chuckled lying next to Leah. She easily moved the blondes body, so she could spoon her, getting as physically close as she could.
Within minutes sleep took over the pair.
A few big rule was broken that night.
Leah woke to feel a warm sensation on her back, she was confused at where she was, she’d never woken up in Lucy’s before.
She felt the warm sensation move, she realised it was Lucy’s chest against her back. She realised she fell asleep, that was something they agreed they wouldn’t do.
Lucy felt movement next to her, making her wake. She opened her eyes to see Leah’s blonde hair, smelling her familiar shampoo.
The sun beamed in through the curtains, Lucy realised what was going on. She felt conflicted, she wanted nothing more than Leah to be here, be next to her but she knew Leah didn’t want that.
She backed herself away from Leah, giving the girl space.
Leah felt the coldness hit her back. She knew Lucy must have woken up, she’s giving Leah a hint to leave.
Leah feels tears prick at her eyes but she holds them back. She doesn’t want Lucy to see her cry.
She slowly gets herself up, her eyes darting across the room for her clothes. She dresses quickly, not bringing herself to look at Lucy.
She’s fully dressed, she looks over at Lucy who’s been watching her the whole time.
“Erm, sorry about this. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I must have passed out.”
It hurts Lucy that Leah didn’t mean to stay, or didn’t want to stay. It honestly was the best night sleep she’s had in almost a year.
She pulls the covers up to her chest covering herself. “Ah no it’s fine, I better get on. I’ve got training anyways.”
It’s a bad lie, she doesn’t have training and Leah knows that. So it hurts even more to think Lucy can’t even make up a half decent fib to get Leah out of her way.
Leah bites her lip, she goes to say something but she just nods and walks out.
Lucy pulls the covers over her head, as she hears her front door close. Once again losing Leah.
Lucy texts Leah on Monday. She didn’t want sex, she just wanted to see Leah. She wanted to talk. She wrote what she knew best.
Lucy - needing a hand
It’s what they always text, nothing more, nothing less.
Leah - sorry I can’t, busy
It was the first time either of them had ever said no.
She stared at her screen, Lucy felt her hands shake, she felt so stupid. How could she have thought Leah wanted her, after all these months the blonde didn’t ever indicate that she wanted anything more, so why now?
She made her way to her in home gym, taking out everything on her punching bag.
It had been two weeks since they last saw each other. Two weeks since they last spoke. Lucy had been a wreck, she had hardly spoke to anyone. Keeping herself to herself.
She was flicking through Netflix when she heard her door go, for a brief moment she wondered if it was Leah.
She made her way to the front door, she opened it but it wasn’t Leah. It was Keira.
The look on her face must have giving away something to the shorter girl.
“Oh nice to see you to. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sorry. Come in.”
Keira walked in to the familiar home, she made her way into the kitchen, Lucy followed behind her.
The younger girl sat at the island, looking at Lucy.
“Put the kettle on then, gosh have you lost your hospitality manners?”
Lucy laughed, no matter the mood she was in Keira always knew how to make her laugh. She put the kettle on, grabbing two tea mugs from the cupboard.
Lucy put on a brave face, she knew Keria was here to tell her off about her lack of communication with her and the girls. She knew she was ignoring the chat, she just didn’t feel like talking to anyone lately. Not since Leah.
“Right come on, what’s going on? And don’t try and lie. You know, I’ll know.”
Lucy looked at Keira, she wondered if she could tell her. They had been broken up for over a year, but would it not be awkward? In all honesty she needed someone to talk to, and Keira was her best friend, she needed her.
“Well, it’s about Leah.”
“Yeah I know.”
Lucy’s eyes bulged out of her head.
“Yeah, you two are seeing each other. I’ve seen both your cars parked outside each others multiple times.” Keira smiled smugly at Lucy.
Lucy shock her head. “It’s more complicated than that.”
Keiras smiled dropped, she could hear the pain in Lucy’s voice. She’d obviously got this wrong.
“Right, put the bags in, talk to me.”
Lucy explained everything to Keira, from the charity event, up to the last text. Leaving out their sex details, they were close but nobody needed to know about their ex’s sexual activities.
Keira took a finishing sip from her mug, looking at Lucy with soft eyes, she felt sorry for Lucy but god was she an idiot sometimes.
“That explains a lot to be honest. God Lucy you are daft sometimes.”
Lucy screwed up her face. Why was she daft? Did she not hear what she just said?
“What, why?”
“She clearly likes you! Why on earth would she do this for so long just for a botty call? God even botty calls have more of an emotional side than what you guys have going on.”
Keira looked at Lucy with her serious face. “Come on Luce, please don’t let your walls treat Leah like this, don’t treat yourself like this. Of course she likes you, you’re likeable when you want to be.” She smiled softly at Lucy.
“I think you both need to talk, it sounds like there’s no talking going on. And even if she doesn’t want anything more than sex with you, do you really think you deserve that?”
Lucy looked at Keira, tears threatened her own eyes.
“No, you don’t. But in all honesty I think she really likes you, sort this out Luce. Stop being so afraid, they don’t call you Tough for nothing.”
Lucy rolled her eyes at the ginger girl, chucking at her words.
“Right, I’m off. No more ignoring the chat, don’t go and roll under the covers, and do not take it all out in the gym. We’re here for you.”
Lucy hugged Keira, she loved the girl so much, even if it wasn’t in a romantic way, she would always have love for her.
“I won’t. I’m sorry. Thank you Keira”
Keira walked out the front door. Looking back at Lucy as she opened her car door. “Fix it Lucia”
The shorter girl drove off, leaving Lucy to sort out her shit.
Leah scrolled through tiktok, when she heard her door go. She wasn’t expecting anyone, she looked through the fish eye to see who it was. She nearly dropped her phone. It was Lucy.
She hesitated to open the door, she’d spent those last two weeks trying to forget the girl, trying desperately to ignore the pain.
Trying to forget all the feelings she had for the brunette.
She opened the door to see a very nervous looking Lucy, a look she’d never seen on the girl before.
“Can we talk Lee?”
“Erm, yeah, sure. Come in.”
Lucy made her way in, she waited for Leah to lead the way. She took them into her living room, she motioned for Lucy to take a seat, she then sat as far as she could form the brunette.
“Well firstly, I’m so sorry for how our last chat went. How this has all happened.”
She paused. Trying to find the right words.
“Lee, I like you, I really, really like you. I’ve not really known how to go about it because I know you don’t feel the same, and that’s fine. But I don’t want you to think I’m like this. I’ve hated this arrangement, the rules we’ve had, only texting when we want sex. And I know I basically made those rules, and I hate myself for it. I’ve just tried to protect myself from you because I know you don’t want anything more than that, and I just didn’t want to loose you, even if it meant hurting myself.“
She looked at Leah, she could feel own eyes flooding with tears.
“And I just can’t do it anymore, it’s killing me, not being able to be with you but I need to stop this, I just can’t do it anymore.”
Lucy let out a long sigh, looking everywhere but at Leah. She was ready to be told ‘thanks but no thanks.’
Leah couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Lucy wanted her, she wanted Leah, she’d always wanted her. She didn’t think Leah wanted her. Wow. What a classic example of stupid lesbians.
Leah started to cry herself, she still had so many questions, and of course those hurt feelings don’t just disappear. They clearly needed to talk but she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, Lucy wanted her, Lucy actually liked her.
“Lucy, I’ve wanted more than just the sex, I’ve wanted to be with you. This has been so hard. I - I was scared to say anything because of what happened at the hotel, I was just scared. I freaked out that day. I know I shouldn’t have left with out saying anything. I know what’s why you thought I didn’t want anything more, but that’s not the case at all. You made me feel so comfortable, just being with you, I felt like I could really be myself. Even though these last couple of months have been hard, I’ve still loved every moment I’ve shared with you.”
To say Lucy was shocked was an understatement. She could feel her heart pounding hard, Leah wanted her, for more than just sex. Lucy felt a weight come off her shoulders, a small bit of hope creeping in.
The girls stared at each other, both with sad smiles on their faces, tears rolling down their cheeks.
Lucy let out a disbelieving laugh. “Wow, I can’t believe us.”
She looks at the floor, her eyes watering up.
“So you’re telling me, we both liked each other this whole time? Well I mean I hope you liked me in some way. But I mean we both wanted more?”
Leah laughed through her tears, wiping her face.
“What a pair of idiots, I guess we were just scared to lose something we both desperately wanted.”
Lucy nodded. “Can we hug?”
Leah couldn’t hold back the smile. “Of course.”
The girls held each other for a couple
of minutes, just feeling the embrace from the other. They hadn’t actually hugged before now, it felt completely right.
“I want to take you on a date.”
Leah stepped back, looking into Lucy’s eyes.
“Yeah. I want to start over, if you’re up for it?”
Leah smiled, she wrapped her arms around Lucy’s neck.
“I’d like that.”
“Good, I also want to hold off on sex for a while. I think we should go slow. I know this had all been a lot.”
Leah nodded she would of course miss the sex but knew it was right, they needed to go slow.
They ended up watching a few films, before Lucy headed home.
Leah walked her to the door, smiling so hard her cheeks hurt.
“I’ll see you for our date then?”
Lucy smiled, all her teeth were on show.
They kissed for a couple of minutes at the door. A whole new feeling running between both girls.
“I need to stop, or I’ll break my first rule I’ve made.” She bit her lip, staring at Leah now swollen kissed lips.
They said their goodbyes at the door, as hard as it was. She needed to plan her date.
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hjparisian · 10 months
always yours-harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: TW !!! toxic relationship, abuse, fluff ending, cussing, not proof read summary: harry and (y/n) come across each other a bit after the war and reconnect. a/n: another request from a lovely follower! so sorry this is so late. i haven't had motivation to write and couldn't figure out what to even write. if any of you guys are in an abusive relationship, please try to reach out to someone! i know it's better said than done but you all deserve the best.
The light breeze felt perfect to (Y/N). It was her day off of work from the Ministry today, so (Y/N) decided to use this day for herself to relax. Merlin knows that her work and her boyfriend has her feeling drained.
(Y/N) had just exited Flourish and Blotts, nose in one of the new books she bought. Her focus was disrupted when she bumped into a large figure, making her drop her book.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going," (Y/N) said to the person as she went to pick up her book but someone else grabbed it first.
"Oh it's alright, no worries," a familiar voice said to her.
(Y/N) looked up to the person handing her her book back.
"Wait, H-Harry?"
The girl was in shock. In front of her was her old friend and former crush, Harry Potter. The last time they've seen each other was at the Battle of Hogwarts. Though she had returned to Hogwarts for her eighth year, Harry did not.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked the man.
"I was just grabbing some stuff for school."
"Yeah," Harry said. "I'm teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."
"That's amazing Harry!" (Y/N) said to him. "I mean you were the best at the class. Plus you were such an amazing teacher when you taught Dumbledore's Army so it doesn't surprise me."
"Thanks, (Y/N). And what are you doing?"
"Oh, I just came from Flourish and Blotts. It's my day off from the Ministry and I was looking for new books."
"Well," Harry says. "What else do you have planned for today?"
"Honestly, nothing else."
"Do you want to come over to my place?" Harry asked her. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just hoping we could catch up maybe?"
"I would love to," (Y/N) said without a second thought.
Harry and (Y/N) exited the Leaky Cauldron and apparated to Harry's place. It was an apartment not too far from London. Harry unlocked the door and let (Y/N) enter.
It was a rather simple but clean apartment. There were a couple photos on the walls from Harry's years at Hogwarts. One that caught (Y/N)'s eye was a picture of Dumbledore's Army during their fifth year. Harry was in the middle of the photo and (Y/N) somehow had a spot right next to Harry.
"Bring back memories, huh?" Harry said as he stood behind her.
"Yeah. I still remember the first meeting." (Y/N) said. "I wanted to punch Zacharias in the face."
Harry laughed at your comment. "Me too, but he did come around."
Harry guided (Y/N) to the couch in his living room.
"Did you want anything to drink?" Harry asked her. "I got water, butterbeer, firewhiskey."
"Some butterbeer please."
Harry left to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of butter beer, handing one to (Y/N).
"So, how are Hermione and Ron?"
"They're good. They got engaged recently."
"Really?" (Y/N) said in awe. "That's wonderful! I remember talking with Hermione about Ron back in sixth year. Finally got her to admit her feelings for him."
Harry nodded his head, grinning at the memories. "They were both too stubborn to realize it."
(Y/N) nodded before taking a sip of the butterbeer. "What about you Harry? You were with Ginny last I heard."
"I was but not anymore." (Y/N) had a shocked look on her face. "We broke up a while back."
"Really? And Ron hasn't killed you?" (Y/N) asked.
Harry chuckled a bit. "It was actually Ginny who ended it. It was mutual so no bad blood between us."
"That's good then."
A question had been burning on the back of Harry's mind. Thankfully, they were on the topic of it.
"What about you? Are you with anyone?"
(Y/N) set down the bottle she was holding before she answered. "I am actually."
Harry felt his heart drop a bit. "Who is it?"
(Y/N) started messing with the hem of her top, feeling a bit nervous. "Do you remember Cormac McLaggen? He tried out for keeper our sixth year."
For some reason, Harry felt his heart crumble a bit. That bloke Cormac is with (Y/N)? Those two couldn't be anymore different. How could that troll earn her love?
(Y/N)'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Are you alright Harry? You were zoning out a bit," (Y/N) pointed out.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I remember him, bit of a jerk from what I remember in sixth year." Harry said. "Is Cormac good to you?"
(Y/N) avoided eye contact and kept messing with her shirt. "Oh yeah. I mean we have a few arguments here and there, but he means well. Do you mind bringing another bottle of butterbeer please?"
Harry nodded before getting up to the kitchen again. He didn't necessarily believe (Y/N), but he wasn't going to prod on their relationship.
The two had been enjoying reconnecting. Harry told (Y/N) stories from his first year teaching at Hogwarts, one including how a third year girl sent him a singing card on Valentine's Day. (Y/N) also told Harry about her job at the Ministry and how her coworker spilt coffee on Kingsley Shacklebolt's robes.
(Y/N) looked at the clock on the nearby wall to see that it was a quarter past twelve am. She couldn't believe that she's been talking to Harry for this long. She had to get home.
"Hey Harry, I have to get going," (Y/N) told the man sitting next to her.
Harry looked at the clock to also see how late it was. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the time."
"It's quite alright Harry, I had a wonderful time with you anyways."
"Will you be apparating home?" Harry asks her. "Don't want you to head home by yourself if you aren't."
"Yes, I am. You don't need to worry," she said to him. "Besides, I know a few spells thanks to a certain Gryffindor."
Harry smiled a bit, knowing she was referring to him.
"I'll see you later Harry," (Y/N) said while handing him a paper.
The girl disapperated, returning to her home.
Harry unfolded the paper, which revealed some numbers. It was (Y/N)'s phone number. Right under it, she left a small message.
Call me! :)
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to hearing noises coming from the kitchen. She put on a sweater and walked out to find her boyfriend Cormac cooking.
"Good morning," he said to her.
"Morning," she said.
"Thought I'd make us breakfast before you go to work," said Cormac. "Also where were you last night? You got home pretty late."
"I was catching up with an old friend."
Cormac hummed before asking her the dreaded question. "Who?"
"Oh it's no one special," she nervously said.
Cormac raised an eyebrow at her before asking again. "Who were you with, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) cleared her throat before speaking. "Harry."
"Yeah him."
(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend, seeing a look of resentment in his eyes.
"I never really liked that bloke." Cormac said while handing (Y/N) her plate. "Gave the keeper spot to Weasley just because that's his best friend."
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to say anything to make Cormac upset.
The two ate until (Y/N) had to go to work. While heading to work, (Y/N) felt her phone buzz. She saw it was a number she didn't recognize, but the back of her mind was hoping it was a certain boy.
(Y/N) took chance and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hello?" A familiar voice said. "Is this (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) laughed a bit before responding. "Yes it is."
"Oh good. It's Harry."
"I know," (Y/N) said, smiling. "I recognized your voice."
"Ah yeah," Harry said. "How are you?"
"Good. Just heading to work."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I can call later."
(Y/N) felt herself smiling more.
"No it's alright! I have time. Besides, it makes the travel to work less lonely."
And so began a new routine of Harry calling her on her way to work. Which then went into them calling each other after work. On nights Cormac was away, Harry and (Y/N) would call each other.
Harry and (Y/N) began seeing each other more in person too. He'd join her on trips to Diagon Alley for more books or to grab a bite after a long day of work.
This change did not go by unnoticed by Cormac, though. He noticed how distracted she became, how she smiled at her phone more, how she left for work earlier and came back later, how she'd go out more.
The boy had enough.
One day, when (Y/N) had returned from work late, Cormac was sitting in her living room, waiting for her arrival.
"Oh! Didn't know you were here Cormac, I thought you wouldn't get home 'til later," the girl said upon noticing her boyfriend on her couch.
"Where were you?" The boy asked her.
Cormac had gotten up and walked towards her, glaring at her.
(Y/N) had begun to feel a bit nervous, knowing Cormac wouldn't like the reason she had returned late.
"I-I was at work," (Y/N) stammered out.
"What about after work?" Cormac questioned her. "Where did you go?"
"Just went to grab a bite."
Cormac began pestering her. "With who? You had to have been with someone if you've taken this long."
(Y/N) felt herself starting to shake. She had never enjoyed when Cormac began to act like this, knowing he was getting angry and a bit emotional.
"I was just out with a friend," she meekly said.
"I wanna know who you were with (Y/N)."
"It was just a friend, Cormac."
"Don't bullshit me. Was it with Potter?"
(Y/N)'s hesitation was all Cormac needed to get his answer.
"It was with Potter, wasn't it."
(Y/N) couldn't lie to him, knowing he figured her out. She nodded.
"Yes, but he's just a friend."
Cormac laughed at her. "Oh really, (Y/N)? Doesn't look like it to me. All those days you came home late, were on the phone for hours. Probably all with fucking Potter. Wouldn't be surprised if you went and shagged him."
--TW description of physical abuse--
"Cormac, I didn't shag him! We were just reconnecting, that's all. Please let's just tal-"
A loud smack echoed through the room.
Cormac had hit her.
"Shut up you bitch!"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s face. Cormac took noticed of this and began laughing at her.
"You're crying?" The boy shoved her against the wall. "What if I give you something to actually cry about?"
"Cormac, stop!" (Y/N) sobbed.
He let go of her and let her drop to the ground. (Y/N) had begun sobbing loudly, hyperventilating.
"Get out (Y/N)! Go to your fucking boyfriend Potter for all I care." Cormac screamed at her.
--TW end--
(Y/N) had pushed herself up and got out the door before Cormac slammed it behind her. She decided to use her strength to apparate to the only person that could help her.
She knocked on the door and waited a second before it opened to reveal her former schoolmate.
Harry stared at her before bringing her inside and embracing her. She flinched, but began melting into his embrace after telling herself that it's just Harry.
"I just need to know," Harry began. "Did Cormac do this to you?"
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to speak.
Harry felt himself become angry. How could Cormac do this to her? She was an angel, unlike that asshole. He never deserved her. But did Harry himself deserved (Y/N)? He couldn't protect her, keep her safe. This could've been avoided if Harry was with (Y/N).
He couldn't think about that now when (Y/N) was in his arms needing care. He brought the girl to his bathroom, doing his best to try and tend the bruises that littered her skin. Harry drew a bath and brought a change of clothes for (Y/N).
"I'll be right outside, I promise." He told her. "I'll have to finish checking your bruises when your done."
Once (Y/N) decided to get out of the bath half an hour later, Harry made sure he didn't miss any other injuries before bringing her to his bed. He was just going to let her rest until a hand grabs his.
"Don't leave. Please."
Harry would always listen to (Y/N).
The boy stayed with her until sleep finally took over. As much as Harry wanted to stay with her, he had business to take care of.
Thankfully, he remembered where (Y/N) lived after dropping her off multiple times so he apparated in the night to her door. He banged on the door hard until it opened, revealing his new worst enemy.
"What do you want Potter? (Y/N) isn't here."
"Oh I know." Harry told Cormac. "Just came for a chat."
Harry stepped forward in an attempt to enter the house until Cormac stopped him.
"I'm busy right now."
"Well I guess I can try to make this quick," Harry said.
A punch was thrown at the older wizard, catching him off guard. Harry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed them into the apartment, shoving him up against the nearest wall.
"I know what you did to (Y/N), McLaggen. How dare you hurt her!" Harry screamed at him.
"I didn't do such thing." Another punch was thrown.
"Don't you dare lie to me! I know you did it. You hurt her! You never deserved her."
"Oh but you think you do?" Cormac scoffed at Harry, while trying to push him off.
"I would've treated her way better than you ever have."
"You want a slut like her? You're pathetic Potter."
Those words had enraged Harry more than ever. The two continued fighting, Harry having the upper hand. One more punch landed on Cormac before he fell to the floor.
"You better stay away from (Y/N). If I hear that you stepped one foot near her I won't hesitate to punch you again," Harry spat at him before making his leave back to his home.
Harry headed for his room, wanting to make sure that the girl he loves was still there. Fortunately, she was, but she was awake.
"Where did you go Harry? I was getting worried."
"I just went to take care of something," he said, trying to reassure her.
"What do you need to take care of at this time?" (Y/N) said while walking toward him.
A small gasp slipped her month before her hand made contact with his cheek. Harry would be lying if he said it didn't feel nice.
"You're hurt Harry!" (Y/N) exclaimed before dragging him to his bathroom.
"(Y/N) love, I'm fine." He kind of wasn't. Harry looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw the marks Cormac apparently left him. He was too focused on getting vengeance for (Y/N) that he ignored it.
(Y/N) began cleaning his face. "Harry, you have dried blood on your face. I don't think that's considered fine. What were you doing?"
"If I tell you, you have to promise you won't be upset," Harry said to her.
"What?" (Y/N) paused, confused.
"Just promise me."
"Fine. I promise I won't get upset."
"Alright, well," Harry began. The adrenaline was gone and he began feeling nervous. "I went to visit Cormac at your guys apartment."
"You went to see Cormac?" (Y/N) squeaked. "Why would you do that Harry?"
"I couldn't stand what he did to you (Y/N). He hurt you. You didn't deserve what he did. I had to teach him a lesson."
"So you went to beat each other up?"
"Well, him more so than me," Harry joked.
"Why? Why would you beat him up for me?"
"Because (Y/N). I love you."
(Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock. "W-what?"
"I love you. And I think I always have. Seeing you brought back those feelings I've had back when we were at Hogwarts. I would do anything to protect you (Y/N)."
"Oh Harry," tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes.
Harry noticed and got a little bit worried. "It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I know you just had to deal with Cormac so-"
Arms wrapped around him and lips met his. Harry froze for a second before melting into it, gently placing his hands on her waist.
(Y/N) was the first to break the kiss, to respond to Harry's declaration of love to her.
"I love you too, Harry."
(Y/N) finished cleaning up Harry before heading back to his bed. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe.
"I promise to protect you no matter what," Harry said to her. "I would do anything for you."
"And I will do the same for you, because you're mine."
"And I will always be yours."
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Death Confessions
Dean Winchester x Reader
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Warnings: mutual pining, soft Dean, language, mentions of smut, mentions of death
Summary: the boys and you are on a hunt only things don't go according to plan...
You hate witches. Can't stand the miserable pricks.
Tonight, you and the boys had finally tracked down the local witch in town. Or should you say witches. Plural. And oh yeah, ex lovers as well.
The pair had decided to wage an all out war on one another and didn't seem to care that innocent people were getting hurt in the cross fire.
At some point during the battle, you were struck with a spell. You didn't think anything of it because nothing happened. The boys killed the pair while you were recovering from the blow and you got the hell out of town.
It's been 3 hours into your drive and you aren't feeling so hot anymore.
What the fuck did they do to you.
You're shivering but hot to the touch. Your stomach is in knots. And every time the oldest Winchester looks at you in the rear view mirror, you feel your underwear dampen.
Sam's asleep in the front seat and Dean is humming along with ACDC as he drives you all back to the bunker.
You don't want to panic anyone so you decide to wait it out. Rowena and Crowley are there currently and you're sure she will know what to do.
Another 3 hours and the impala is pulling into the underground garage the bunker has. You've managed to pretend as if your sleeping to keep the boys from worrying.
Sam turns around to wake you when he notices somethings wrong.
Very wrong.
You're covered in a thin layer of sweat. You're burning hot to touch. Your body is shaking uncontrollably, and you can barely keep your eyes open.
"Dean, something is wrong with y/n." Sam yells at his brother, who is unloading your crap from the trunk.
Dean comes running around to your door and opens it, almost ripping it off its hinges. Seeing you in this state makes his blood boil with concern and a protectivness. Reaching in he gentle cradles you to his chest and with Sam's help gets you into the bunker.
Dean's gruff voice breaks through the fog in your mind. His strong arms feel like bliss as he hold you close. His aftershave surrounds you, making your mouth water. A small moan slips from your lips as you feel your walls clench around nothing.
"Sammy go get Rowena. Tell her y/n was hit by one of the witches. I'm taking her to my room."
You vaguely feel him place you in his bed and cover you in his blankets. His scent is all around you and it's clouding your mind with nasty thoughts about the green eyed hunter.
You've always had a crush on Dean. He's charming, built like a damn model, and treats you as if you're the most precious thing on this earth.
Sadly, the womanizing Winchester has never looked at you more than a best friend. You hang, watch movies together, train once in a while, and he cooks you amazing meals. Nothing more than friends, and you're okay with that.
Better than nothing.
Whatever they hit you with is bringing out your desire for Dean. The same desire you buried deep down and try to avoid at all costs.
Another moan slips out as you feel slick running down your thigh.
Fuck this is embarrassing.
Just then, Sam returns with Rowena in tow. Thank God. Please make it go away. He can't find out like this.
"Oh dear. Sweetie what are you feeling?" Out of all the witches you've developed a soft spot for the red head in front of you. Sure she always has an end game that benefits her, but the woman is strong and resilient. You've got to respect that.
"Cold and uncomfortable." You don't know how else to describe it without completely embarrassing yourself.
Rowena exams you. You see when she clues in. The knowing smirk on her face.
"Well the good news is she will be fine. However," she looks over at the boys then, "someone will have to stay with her tonight and help her work it out of her system."
Dean and Sam share a confused look before Sam speaks up, "what?"
"It's simple. For whatever reason the witch cast a fuck or die spell. I'm sure y/n here wasn't their target but either way she needs to fuck it from her system or she will die in 24 hours."
Your eyes go wide as you listen, "I'm sorry, what?!?"
"It's the only way Dear."
"No. There has to be something else you can do Rowena. Anything else." You were too busy freaking out to catch the look of disappointment the crossed Dean's face. However, Sam wasn't. Even though the oldest Winchester never admitted it out loud, Sam knew how his brother felt about you.
"Y/N it's okay. Dean can stay with you and help you any way you allow." The younger brother said before he motioned for Rowena to follow him out of Dean's room. Leaving you and the green eyed hunter alone.
"Y/N let me help you." At this point the spell has gotten so bad you won't allow Dean to touch you. Which is of course frustrating the living hell out of him.
"No, Dean its okay."
"The fuck it is. You're dying and I can help. Why won't you let me?"
"It's too much to ask from you. We're friends Dean but even friends have limits."
"If it saves you I'm willing to do anything!" He's temper has taken over. Not understanding why you won't let him save you.
What the hell, you're dying anyway.
"Are you serious Dean!" You're outburst shocks him. He goes to speak but you cut him off.
"No Winchester, shut up and listen. For three years I've watched you take home girl after girl. For three years I've sat at that table or in your Baby and listened as you told us everything you did with them the night before. Not once complaining. Not once telling you how jealous I fucking was. I'm not your type and I get it. But don't think for one minute I will throw away the closet thing I'll ever have with you just to save my life." You point your finger in his direction as you continue.
"I fucking love you dumbass. I've been waiting, hoping you'd see me more as what we are. Hoping you'd get your head out of your ass and see that I'm the perfect girl for you. I'm a freaking hunter. I know the life and the risks. But no, instead you waltz every bimbo you can in front of me like some prized fucking pig."
Before you can continue chewing him a new asshole Dean pounces on you. Strong finger tangle in your hair and his soft lips dominate yours. The surprise subsides and you begin to kiss him back.
"You done yelling at me sweetheart? Cause I got something to say. I've loved your snarky ass since the moment you told me to blow you three years ago when we crossed paths on the vampire hunt. I love everything about you and I only ever got with those women because I knew you could do better than me. I'm not worth the pain y/n, but God dammit if you feel the same than why not try. "
He pushes his large erection into your wet core. You can't help but moan at the feeling. Dean smirks down at you.
"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to fuck you good and hard for as long as we need to so we can save your life. Then I'm going to make you breakfast before I spend the day worshiping this beauty body how I should. You okay with that princess?"
"Don't call me princess."
"Shut up and kiss me woman."
And kiss you did. Every part of your body as he did exactly as he promised. Fucking you in every position. When he's big, fat cock needed a break he was making you cum with his tongue or fingers. Over and over again until your body began to go back to normal and fatigue set in.
When you woke in his warm, safe arms you found Dean staring at you. You've never seen his eyes shine so bright.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah I am. Thank you." You lean up and kiss him.
"Let's get you some food." He jumps out of bed and walks to his dresser, finding you one of his shirts. You through it on before you walk out of his room hand in hand.
Sam is already sitting at the table when you walk in together. He looks up from his tablet and just smiles.
"Shut up Sammy." Dean barks as he swats your ass and begins to get the ingredients for breakfast.
"I'm just happy Dean. You got your girl and we didn't lose y/n."
Dean looks over at you and smiles. Fuck you love that man.
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee @nancymcl @foxyjwls007 @lessons-of-red @senjoritanana @leigh70 @tristanrosspada-ackles @maggiegirl17 @neii3n
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
I’m obsessing over Steve and Chrissy being cousins lately. Imagine the potential Shenanigans it presents. For example (most of this is not canon compliant):
Eddie and Chrissy are friends and Steve has a crush on Eddie (this would be post fall from grace for Steve). Eddie complains about Steve all the time because he doesn’t actually know him and Chrissy was sworn to secrecy by Steve so she can’t tell him anything about him, let alone that he’s her cousin.
Eddie finds out that they’re cousins when he and Chrissy are at her house (her parents are like Steve’s and are out of town a lot). They’re hanging out in her living room and he leaves to go to the bathroom but when he comes back, Steve is laying on the couch with his head in Chrissy’s lap talking about a fight he got in with his dad.
Eddie freaks out because “why tf is king Steve here?” and Steve freaks out because “oh god Eddie is here and now he’s seen me all vulnerable” so now Chrissy has to explain that Steve is her cousin and his dad is a POS like hers so they have an open door policy for each other
After that Eddie starts seeing Steve more and slowly learning that he’s not an asshole anymore. It helps that it seems like they aren’t trying to avoid him seeing them together anymore (Chrissy had been telling Steve whenever Eddie would be over so that he wouldn’t run into him).
Some memorable moments for Eddie are: seeing Steve baking with Chrissy with flour in his hair and then hearing Steve quietly explain that the cookies are low carb so that she won’t feel as bad about eating them (both of their mom’s are obsessed with physical appearance so Steve learned a lot of recipes that make them feel less like shit when they eat them), Steve braiding Chrissy’s hair while she complains about how Jason won’t leave her alone despite having broken up with him months ago and Steve offering casual as can be to key his car
As they get more comfortable around each other Eddie gets more and more hints that Steve may not be straight, but he refuses to acknowledge it for a while because then he would have to think about how he feels when Steve is around. He sees Steve let Chrissy practice make up and nail painting on him, most memorably he sees Steve squeeze his hips into Chrissy’s teeny cheer skirt that barely covers his ass, he hears him comment on men in movies, he sees how he reacts when Chrissy talks about the cute girl from marching band who talks a lot and Chrissy wants to kiss.
It goes on like this for a long time, Eddie getting closer to Steve to the point that they hang out without Chrissy, but neither of them do anything about their mutual attraction. Steve ends up getting a job at the mall and his new coworker is the band girl that Chrissy has a crush on, so Robin starts hanging around them as well.
It all comes to an end when the four of them get drunk at Steve’s house that summer and decide to play truth or dare. Steve gets asked by Robin if he likes anyone and he says yes but refuses to elaborate but when Chrissy gets asked who Steve likes, because she’s been drinking and had at least one joint, just tells the truth and says that Steve has had a crush on Eddie since he was 16. It’s silent for a bit before Chrissy turns to Eddie and asks him truth or dare, he says dare because no way is he admitting to anything, but then Chrissy dares him to kiss the boy he’s been crushing on for months and now Steve is staring at Eddie in shock. Eddie doesn’t even remember moving but suddenly Steve is in his lap and they’re making out in the grass of his backyard.
Chrissy decides to go for it and kisses Robin who freaks out before Chrissy kisses her again to stop her rambling
The four of them become a mysterious pack of friends who are clearly dating in some way but no one can actually tell who is dating who, especially with how few people actually know that Steve and Chrissy are related.
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Hey, I'm microwavesofconfusion, the one who was planning on confronting the guy from D&D club. I both phrased my first comment poorly and planned poorly. I'm sorry to anyone who took offense from my behavior.
I kind of rationalized confronting him as something that would put me in the right. I originally joined D&D club to have fun playing D&D and because a lot of my friends were in it, but when I found out that he was in it, it kind of ruined a lot of the club for me. I still have fun when I'm playing in groups without him, and sometimes when I'm in groups with him, but whenever he's DMing, I (and other people, including those not in the know) have a terrible time. My school's D&D club has roughly 40 people, but only 20-25 of us sit at lunch together. I used to not sit with them (I used to sit with the band group until we broke up over an argument, but that's another story) but when a lot of my friends graduated, I began sitting with both D&D tables more often. I am genuinely friends with these people, and I love my friends very much. (I don't think that came across well in my comments). The thing is, the guy did some terrible things last year, worse things two years ago, and someone told me that he's doing those things more covertly now. Most of his friends are freshmen and sophomores (with juniors and seniors being reluctant to talk to him) because they don't know what he did. I tried talking to one of my friends about all of the stuff he did, and she sounded like she believed me, but then she invited him (well, via their mutual best friend) to the art honors society party, and she's still on good terms with him because she's never seen anything from him firsthand.
I decided that subtly dropping hints that he wasn't great until people thought about it and came to realize on their own that he wasn't a good person was the way to go, because if I try to tell people, it will become a "he said, she said" sort of thing, and people will rise to defend him. So, rather than say that he told a girl that he wanted to sexually assault her, or try to write down some of his racist jokes (which people defend anyway), I just say stuff like "isn't it weird that his girlfriend is so quiet around him" or "I didn't like how he yelled at us during the one-shot" to get people thinking. While I kind of am turning people against him, it's not empty lies. Everything I'm saying is true, and people can dismiss it as easily as they dismiss other people who tell him to stop making homophobic jokes.
It's not really a matter of whether I like him, I just think that people shouldn't be looking up to him as some sort of role model when he still does shady shit (skipping class to hang out alone in the welding room with someone else's partner is shady, whether it's cheating or not). My methods weren't great, and maybe there's a better way to go about it, but I just don't like how he's starting up again.
He did get punished for the stuff he did two years ago. He got suspended for something around the same time that he got in trouble for peeking in the girl's dressing room while the actors were changing, and he isn't a peeping Tom anymore, but he still convinces underclassmen to skip class to hang out with him, and he still sends people (who aren't his girlfriend) lewd texts, and he still discusses BDSM with anyone who has ears, but idk. How do the people of tumblr think I should have handled this situation?
For context:
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