#They f u c k i n g
mascxdaddy · 10 months
i want her to lay across my lap so i can grab her ass and finger her and spank her until she's a pathetic writhing mess
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waldherz · 6 days
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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear …
( W A L D H E R Z ) ── A GUARDIAN in search of the TRUTH, her kind heart thirsting for REVENGE , entangled in the threads of FATE ... Is her DESTINY her DOWNFALL ?
(carrd) (board) (rules)
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── independent , low to semi - active potrayal of the original esteria silvershade, based & crafted for fakevz/ ger&eng. Please read the rules before interacting.
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mindibindi · 6 months
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sunrisevariant · 1 month
yeah so i wasn’t ignoring your messages. yeah no that was a nice post you sent me. yeah yeah yeah. really cool art. but they gave mithrun a normal fucking eye again so i have to mentally go outside and chain smoke an entire carton of cigarettes in a torrential downpour now. yeah no it’s cool. yeah. yeah sure send me another cool cool cool
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
controversial opinion maybe: i dont think mohg should have ever beaten the allegations
It's like... I dont know how to describe it... A character who was initially perceived as evil, kidnapping their half-brother from their sacred resting place, with overall strange incestous/pedophilic implications.......
Only for the two-year long awaited DLC to come out for it to be like, "Naw it's actually a reversal were the Eternally Cursed Child is the predator who bewitched the poor sad man who established a Blood Cult, and kidnaps Albinaurics and War Surgeons and uses Maidens blood in rituals in the name of a bloody Outer God" who is a victim actually 🤪
and im like
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frnkiebby · 9 months
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fucking PRETTY~🎃
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
quick comp of line deliveries (from 5x09) that have been fucking killing me my god
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otiksimr · 6 months
Desperately.. trying.. to complete- the pokedex as much as I can without having to trade for version exclusives.
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bluepandadraws-log · 3 months
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age-of-play-i-say · 1 year
Not Big Enough, pt. 1
"Now, my sweet boy, I promised you a playmate and I finally found one!" Daddy gestures up the stairs as he walks forward towards his Little.
Little wriggles in his playpen, dropping even younger at this announcement. Daddy had promised him a companion ages ago, before they even started potty training, but finding a person comfortable with their settled dynamic took time. Little one knew his Daddy would keep his promise, he just knew it!
As Daddy lets Little out of their playpen, he takes Little's hand to guide him up the stairs. Little forces himself to take slow, calm steps, to show Daddy that he can handle this. As they walked, Daddy spoke quietly.
"She's a baby girl, just like we wanted! Her little age is around where yours was when we started off together, so she's not going to be too verbal yet. We're going to forgo potty-training during our sessions until she's used to both of us and ready for it, but being around her all diapered up might trigger you. Daddy will keep a close eye and make sure you stay dry while this big change happens, okay?"
Little nods vigorously, feeling ansty as they approach the bedroom door at the top of the stairs that had lain vacant since he and Daddy started their headspace sessions.
"Are you ready to meet her?" Little keeps nodding hard and Daddy chuckles, "all right, be so quiet with your voice and so gentle with your hands, okay?"
Daddy cracks the door and turns to wink at Little.
They cross the threshold and Little sees their new Baby for the first time.
"Daddy, she's so cute! I! Daddy she's so pretty!" and she was!
Baby had big blue eyes, open and vulnerable, soft skin, (an adult woman's) soft breasts with big pink nipples, a sippie cup in her pink lips, a pink pair of lace-trimmed socks, and a big, puffy diapey between her legs, covered by a pink eyelet lace patterned cotton diaper-cover.
"Little, this is Baby! Can you say hi, Baby?"
Baby looks right at Little, knocking the wind out of his chest. She blinks and lifts her sippie to suckle at it again, looking right at him, too little to even be shy. She lifts a hand and scrunches it to make a fist, waving at Little.
Little gasps and shuffles forward, enamored.
"Hi, Baby!" Little answers Daddy, and Daddy laughs, dragged along by Little's hand in his.
"Wow! She's-wow!" Little is on his knees in front of Baby's daybed. Baby looks to Daddy for reassurance and Daddy reaches for her.
"I have your paci, if you want it, sweet Baby." Baby nods and Daddy leans over Little to pop it in her mouth. Feeling settled, Baby sits back on her tush and turns to Little.
"Hiii-" Little says again because he can't think of anything else to say. She's really here and loves his Daddy too! And she's so so little!
Baby reaches for him, and he immediately leaps up to shimmy over the bed. In their negotiations, she had mentioned how much a warm welcome and an actual accident on day 1 would be crucial to their dynamic's success, and Little was aching to fulfill his part.
He reaches her and looms over her nearly naked form, and plants little smooches all around her paci. She hums happily and rocks up into the kisses. Little eventually moves on to experiment with touching Baby's skin softly, rubbing up her arms and down her chest before circling her puffy, pink nipples.
Baby gasps but manages to keep their paci in her mouth. Daddy watches for the double tap on Little that means no but Baby is fully engaged, humping the bed in her padding now that Little is paying attention to her.
Daddy smiles to himself, forgotten at the edge of his little ones' play. A moment of peace, he'd be here as needed. He sits on the rocking chair in the corner and unzips, pulling out his weeping cock with a luxurious grunt.
Little climbs behind Baby and hauls her up into his lap, padded tush over his bulging training undies. He wants to feel her everywhere, but especially crinkling right up against his stiff lil flagpole.
He starts with her nipples again from behind and then rubs down her tummy, noting her intense squirm when he pressed below her belly button. He pressed again and she whined out loud.
Little was thrusting against her, no rhythm, all hips, his face screwed up tight.
"Baby, you make tinkle yet?" Baby shook her head, bouncing her tush on his stiffie. "You're too little to hold it, I help," and put both his strong hands over her bladder, pressing down hard.
"Relax, honey, don't hurt yourself. That's what your padding is for." Daddy saw Baby's temporary anxiety crest and fall before her nipples began pebbling and she sat perfectly still, gripping Little's pant legs behind her. A shiver ripped through her while Little still bounced her up and down and up and down. She grabbed at one of Little's hands on her tummy and spat out her paci.
"needa! needa peepee!" she howled and Little complied, pulling her closer to him and compressing her bladder until she burst.
Daddy and Little both heard the loud hissing start up and Baby shuddered and rocked while she emptied out into her padding, growing more pink and pliant with each passing second.
Being asked to sit still when he was right on edge was a lot, but Little wanted his Baby to let go. Once she did, he did his best to stay still until the warmth of her rapidly soaked padding began to register on his stiffie.
He gasped at the sensation, curling up to press his forehead to Baby's neck before releasing against her, jerking quietly while he came to the sounds of her babyish relief.
Both little ones dozed in relief to the soft, slick sound of Daddy in the corner, beside himself with arousal.
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jaybirdscoffee · 28 days
transformers x studio trigger show just got announced. if you hear screaming in the distance, it’s me. it’s me.
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anthonycrowley · 1 month
wait oh my god. rocky horror remake with chappell roan as magenta. okay bye.
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persephinae · 8 months
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Eat. The. Rich. / Abolish. The. Police.
Kentuckians better show the fuck up for this
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lightbulb-warning · 1 month
i used to freehand comics all the time as a child and since the part i liked was the drawing part i would just draw panel after panel because i didn't want to stop drawing to think about icky icky words, plus the story TOTALLY still made perfect sense! to me! and noone else, but 'whoooo caaaaares omgggg its not like comics and sequantial art are a communicative meeediummmm lmaoooooo'. i spent my entire childhood telling myself stuff like "oh pfft I know this story by heart- ill SIMPLY remember the dialogue and write it later" ...and. I can't help but admire baby maiora's (call that a minora ba tm tsk) fucking audacity? hubris? confident wrongness? kid couldn't even remember to finish the comics in the first place? INCREDIBLE levels of unearned self assurance, wish that were me, genuinely- what an icon!!! anyway i think i have forever cursed myself
#maiora garrulates#the maiora overthinks the process of writing dialogue saga continues!!!!!!!#im so tired. i have been overthinking this shit in circles i have not been making any progress in any which way lmao!#im bitching and moaning for funsies this is not that serious in the Grand Scheme Of Things i just wanna improve at my fav thing#and ❤️ Unfortunately ❤️ my favorite thing in the world involves learning MY MOST HATED *NEMESIS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verbal communication. ew#words are fun! i LOVE words! toys!!!!! im using words right now and i didn't combust!!!!! wow look at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!#putting words in SEQUENCE? multiple times?? filtering THOUGHTS into SENTENCES???? sentences that a character would or wouldn't SAY???#AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER CHARACTER SOMETIMES???? AND THAT BITCH ALSO HAS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS????? AND THEY ALL HAVE PERSONAL IDIOLECTS#AND TONES THAT S U P P O S E D L Y ARE IMPLICATED BY MANNERISMS AND VERBAL HABITS AND CIRCUMSTANCES (AND THERE'S WRONG ANSWERS! ALSO!!)#AND THEY'RE IN A CONTEXT!! AND THEY'RE INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER AND INFLUENCING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE CONVERSATION COULD VARY GIVEN ENERGY LEVELS WHETER OR NOT SOMEONE'S FOOT IS FALLING ASLEEP THE F U C K I N G WEATHER#“oh dialogue is easy just say it out loud to yourself until it 'sounds normal' ^^”#screaming crying throwing up NONE OF THIS IS INTUITIVE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!#ok dramatics over its out of my system! for now!!!#this is all easily explained bc i just. draw a lot more than i talk to people. so like. OBVIOUSLY i have more practice drawing#so drawing comes natural! talking does not! subsequently dialogue is Hard! No FUCKING Shit Sherlock!!!!! (affectionate)#so yeah. im using y'all (the tumblr void) as practice! hi!!! words at you!!!!!!!!!!#so yeah thanks for baring with me while passing by my corner of the internet#i do love self indulgence this is fun check out my navel gazing actually no do not look at my belly button#anyway i just think this is mildly interesting. some of my writer buds have the same “not good enough” allergy towards visuals#but they use it to be mean2me >:( same bitch that “omg i cant i suck at drawing i can't do this-” does the “uhm. just write? lol.” 2 meeee#we could have peace and love on planet earth and a common experience and yet you KICK miette for being bad at words!!!1!!! </3 heartbreak!!#what the fuck was i talking about even#oh yeah. perfectionism within creatives i guess. LMAO JK i am talking about NOTHIN!!!!G i am just putting Words Out Here ehehehehehe#its practice >;)c#all this bc ive been doodling comics for myself again and im V!! PROUD OF THE ART!!!! wanna share- but DIALOGUE!*⚡sfx!!*....... so! options#a) leaving it blank. no there are NO microphones in the budget. b) leaving blank *balloons* so that the Rythm is there. implied convo!!!#c) ...doing it badly. (tragic)(heartwrenching)(teeny tiny bruise 2 the ego) *dramatic single tear cleches fists * its the only way.........#...we shall see! literally none of this is all that serious i am procrastinating!! <3 playing with my tuoys!!!!!!!! silly time!!!#/all lh! am reaching 30 tags so that is all for THIS episode of the maiora bitches about dialogue saga thank you for joining me!!okilyBuhBY
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boldly-ho · 1 year
@staff have you ever considered that maybe “the queerest place on the internet” shouldn’t blaze posts like this:
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Featuring homophobia and transphobia in a way that blatantly contradicts your own hate speech policy?
Just a few of many tidbits from this incredibly long and offensive post that, again, you blazed to a queer woman:
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Advocating celibacy to queer people
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“gender ideology”
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be religious OR be gay
“give in to the temptation”
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Really? Really????
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“Humility Month” ok. Do we know nothing about the origins of pride? Do we know nothing about modern pride, even?
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And letting this be put in the tags for pride month, lgbt, and lgbtqia? Again, really????
Tumblr and op can f all the way off with this post and this behavior. Is there no approval system for blazed posts? Or did you actually have a person read through this and ok it? Because either one of those this is VERY BAD. Do not send sponsored homophobia to anyone’s, let alone queer people’s, dashboards.
Believe me, “lust” is not the only sin plaguing me, because this has inspired a whole lot of wrath
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redversaillesrose · 3 months
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His curse is that no one will ever be worthy of his freak. Bitches simply can’t handle it.
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