#They loved each other so friggin much
barblaz-arts · 7 months
I think people have been accustomed to couples being in that honeymoon phase when they’re shown onscreen together. We ALWAYS see that with newly-established couples in pretty much any type of media… But that’s not Chaggie.
Charlie and Vaggie have been together for years. Their honeymoon phase has long past. They’re not doing outlandish displays of affection. They’re just, comfortable. Doesn’t mean they love each other any less, just that those sappy moments aren’t as common anymore
Yes! also the way a lot of people are surprised that charlie and vaggie aren't only best friends is such a good example of the double standards wlw ships get. thinking they aren't dating is understandable. Overlooking that Vaggie and Charlie were meant to at least be shipped together is INSANE.
If i never knew they were dating already, i and so many other sapphic ship lovers would be eyeing tf out of Vaggie and Charlie's relationship. Lookit some of the things that happened/are established before the "she's my girlfriend" line in ep 5
- the newcaster lady made a homophobic comment towards Charlie, saying she "doesn't touch the gays" when Charlie tried to give her a handshake
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- just all the times Vaggie would soften up as soon as she sees Charlie smiling or being her dorky self despite being previously upset/angry
- Vaggie's whole friggin verse in Whatever It Takes is very obviously meant to be romantic
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- Charlie being worried about Angel Dust while Vaggie gives her the most "i love you and im sad that you're upset but i love that you're upset over something like this because it shows how amazing of a person you are" look at Charlie as she tucks her hair behind her ear
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- Angel: I think this belongs to you *hands Charlie over to Vaggie*
- just all the casual touches they do that would totally be read as shipping fuel AT LEAST if it happened between a male/female duo or two men
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- the fact Vaggie woke up?? Looking beside her to find Charlie?? To show that they sleep in the same bed?????
- Vaggie offering her hand unprompted when Charlie was having a stressful phone call with her dad and Charlie readily accepting it
And I'm sure there are people who'd go "But it's always shown from Vaggie's end! It looks so one-sided!" So? Aren't there tons of ships out there that seem one-sided but yall are perfectly fine shipping? And it's harder to see Charlie's love for Vaggie because Charlie at her core is a very loving and affectionate person. Of course it's gonna be more obvious for Vaggie since she's so prickly towards anyone else.
If all these things still happened without any of us knowing that they were actually girlfriends, we'd have a certain section of the fandom shipping it hoping they DO become canon while others would be claiming we'd be ruining a perfectly good platonic friendship by making it gay. They'd say we're reading too much into things.
But they ARE a couple. we aren't reading too much into things because it was meant to be read as romantic. And yet we're still the delusional ones for thinking an already established sapphic couple is "cute and interesting" because now they're claiming they simply dont have chemistry. It's frustrating.
Of course I have my criticisms too. The show could portray more of how Vaggie is more special to Charlie than anyone else, have them flirting more overtly or something. But any argument that they're "so boring i thought it was het" is invalid to me because i damn well know if at least one them was a dude a lot of them would be saying otherwise.
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doorhine · 11 months
One of many things I like about Blue Eye Samurai is how it portrays its disabled characters. There's a lot to talk about with each of them but for this post, I want to talk about, not the step dad, but the dad who stepped up, Sword Father!
*Spoilers below
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Him and Mizu's relationship is one of my favorite dynamics in the show and seeing how that developed over the years was one of my favorite things about the pilot. It felt very symbiotic and good for the both of them emotionally to have that company and support, especially on Mizu's end.
I really liked seeing how the two worked together and how Mizu accommodated to his needs. I also liked the respect given to Sword Father's ability to take care of himself as an adult even without Mizu's assistance. He's been blacksmithing for years and he's respected in his line of work. Losing his sight did not and does not change that.
I personally think the show does a good job at balancing the reality of him being blind and the accommodations he needs while also respecting him as an autonomous individual and talking about his blindness in a way that feels natural and respectful when it's relevant.
But my favorite thing about this dynamic and Sword Father as an individual is probably the use of audio design in the show in relationship to them. As we see the two of them become a family, and develop this language with each other/way of interacting, sound becomes a key element and that carries over into the entire show.
Being blind, Sword Father relies a lot on his hearing. But we as the audience don't just see this aspect of his character. We're actually made to hear from his perspective and apply that sense to how we perceive the entire season even when he's not present.
The most obvious example is the sound of metal which is used to indicate things like:
Mizu revealing to Sword Father that she forged her sword from the meteorite they found before the camera pans up to the space it used to occupy
The symbolism around Mizu and mixed metal in general
Sword Father realizing that Mizu's at his front door when Ringo brings her and Taigen there which revealed to us, the audience, where Ringo brought them before we see Sword Father come on screen (I loved that moment so much)
and emphasizing the moment of shock the characters in the show had when they heard the sound of gunshots for the first time in the finale in contrast to the clang of swords that we as the audience have gotten so used to hearing.
But the reliance on hearing doesn't just apply to that. In the second episode Mizu encounters Chiaki, a man from her past who she defeats in the present. And you know the biggest tip off the show gives us to recognize him before he reveals himself? His laugh. A noise we would've recalled from the flashbacks he was featured in.
There's a lot more that can be said about Sword Father and how the show portrays him and his blindness. I personally can't speak on this as a blind person so I'd love to hear what people who are think about it. These are just my 2 cents that I felt like sharing.
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kanmom51 · 4 months
The Truth Untold LY Seoul final concerts
Not first (by a long run) nor last time I will post about this.
This will forever more be one of my favourite moments when it comes to the two of them.
Not the first nor last time I will talk about this moment.
Such a small gesture and yet so very loud.
This tiny change, unnoticeable to some (or dare I say most), to the lyrics and staging.
No biggie changing the end lyrics from "and I still want you" to "but I still want you".
No biggie going from only JM singing that final line in the song to both JM and JK singing it.
No biggie changing the staging from JM ALWAYS (in every single previous performance of this song during the LY tour) with his back towards JK, now both turning towards each other while singing that last line of the song.
No biggie the two of them going from looking down to gazing into each other's eyes while singing those lyrics, their eyes meeting as they reach the last word: YOU...
No biggie, right?
Definitely biggie.
Such minute changes with such a HUGE message to those who are only willing to listen to it!!!
I love those two and I miss them so friggin much.
As a public service (wink wink) I'm adding a few links to previous posts of mine on the matter and to the masterlist for the LY Seoul final concerts as well.
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angelicaether · 29 days
Redacted Appreciation
I’ve seen a few posts like this going around but it’s always in the context of “popularity” which just feels like a way to divide the community instead of uplifting each other. So instead of sharing who I think is “popular” in the community I figured I’d share some people who inspire me to create ^^
These are in no particular order and if you want a more comprehensive list of fic authors/artists to check out I recommend looking at @autisticempathydaemon 's recommendation lists.
@litlkim - One of my favorite Redacted people, a dear friend, and one of the OG lore keepers!
@ryoko-san - Eve is one of the first RA artists I ever came across and getting to see their OC development and AUs is so fun!
@zozo-01 - A wonderful fic author and all around lovely person, highly recommend
@spookybeandoodle - She has one of my favorite Alexis designs and is a joy to work with for comms!
@pinksparkl - Genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met with some of the best fics to boot.
@deviarisa - Super sweet and super creative! Always love hearing her ideas!
@lovelylonerliterature - One of my favorite fic writers in the community, and always a pleasure to talk to!
@androgynouspenguinexpert - My dear beloved friend and a wonderful artist! I love seeing traditional work with her designs!
@gingerbreadmonsters - Another wonderful author, super unique ideas, always beautifully executed!
@frenchiefitzhere - Ms. Marie herself, one of the sweetest people I think I've ever met in my life! Her songs are always a delight!
@thefablefoxart - Another wonderful artist! Fable's David was the first design of him that I ever really latched onto!
@ejunkiet - A great fic writer, her Imperium fics are so so good!
@teafairywithabook - Another wonderful author, super creative, and a great person to talk with!
@mars-mell - Mars' Goobers live rent free in my brain all the time, I love seeing these little guys on my dash.
@belovedbow - Bow's style is so romantic and I love their work so so much. It's lovely!
@stardreamers25 - Super cute art! They have this adorable Sam/Darlin' piece that lives rent free in my mind!
@sylentnights - Another great artist, I adore their Ash design its so friggin cute!
@agentplutonium - If you want a good Milo fic, Pluto is your go to and it's tasty every time
@sainthowlzon - A wonderful artist, their listener icons are so fun and their scribble dolls are so cute!
@nortyourself - My dearest friend, a wonderful artist who's drawn such a fun array of characters, but their Hush design is top tier for me!
@replaycamera2 - The other OG lore keeper! Chloe is truly a foundational member of the community and she helps keep us canon compliant whenever we need help
@dominimoonbeam - One of my favorite fic authors, I adore their fics and I'm excited to dive in to their original works soon!
@mr-laveau - Super talented artist! Their stylized work is so fun and recognizable and I love their designs!
@penncilkid - Another dear friend, their rarepairs are so good and always have so much thought behind them + they're always ready to encourage other people's creativity!
@autisticempathydaemon - Lexi Sun is so creative, her match ups and busybee pairings are so fun and she's put together great rec lists for the community, also a delight to talk to!
@cashandprizes - Lexi Moon is one of the nicest, most creative people I've ever spoken to and she is so ready to help unleash my nonsense at any time
@your-local-mom-whore - She's about to make her fic debut and y'all don't want to miss it! Lucy is one of my most beloved friends and mutuals and always encourages me creatively!
@sincerelywhistler - Another super recognizable artist, Whistler's art is so fun and unique and they have a ton of really cool OCs!
@pycth - And last but not least, the illustrious Pycth who I have convinced to draw David more times than they would care to admit but it's so fun every time! Plus they jumped on my silly AU nonsense so fast and I love it.
This is by no means an entirely comprehensive list but these are the people that I've had the pleasure of talking to or interacting with and they're so lovely, I really recommend taking a look at their work! Like I said, most of the posts I've seen along these lines have been about popularity and I just don't think that's a great mindset to have. Instead we should be uplifting each other and sharing each other's work! Fandom isn't about popularity, it's about community!
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tacky-optic · 2 months
The agony of being able to go through an entire tumblr tag from start to finish.... ANYWAY. we're back with more food for the hat trick niche ft. rare JigZeni pachislot (zeni acknowledges jigen for 0.1 seconds and jigen forgot he was there even tho he's driving)
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One thing I like about rarepairs is the flexibility. They're a headcanon/hypothetical breeding ground of potential without having to sacrifice too much of the character's integrity, because they rarely ever talk/barely have a relationship to launchpad off of! yaay :'D
So let's talk about how! Five how's, actually. Might've gotten a bit carried away with this one.
As with anything involving these two, somehow, some way, it always circles right back around to Lupin. It kind of has to, given their shared obsession and/or dedication with the guy. But that can split up into all sorts of scenarios, with some equally varied results (and some exceptions!)
~ Getting together in spite of Lupin
In which Lupin's basically that "I messed up so bad that I turned my girl date gay/my guy date straight" joke but everyone's still queer and it's just his partner hooking up with his rival because of how much he's been frustrating them both lately (and oops the proxy hate sex turns out to be really good) INHALES. Does that even make any sense.
I'm sorry but Lupin fumbling the ball is just so funny to me. It is a bit deeper than that, obviously, and this'd have some weird love triangle logistics because Jigen and Zenigata are still hopelessly in love with Lupin, in their own ways. But dipping into that is always complicated and messy-- JUST HOW WE LIKE IT.
This one definitely has the most jealousy on all fronts. For me, there's always this little asterisk on the JigLup/LuZeni pairings because someone's getting left out. Tell me Zenigata's chest wouldn't ache every time he watches Lupin and Jigen escape, an arm slung over the other's shoulder, cheek to cheek, laughs fading off into the cold, lonely night. Tell me Jigen wouldn't hate waiting in the Fiat for Lupin to lose his dogged hunter, mind wandering as to why he's taking so damn long. He grits his jaw when Lupin finally saunters up, victoriously spinning yet another pair of handcuffs on his pointer finger.
There's a silent rivalry for Lupin's attention that they might not even realize is going on until they blow up at each other about it.
It's difficult to tell if Lupin is being genuine or just messing around, especially for Zenigata. He asks Jigen how he deals with him, how he deals with.... everything. Just everything. The "will they won't they"s and the "does he really mean it"s. How does he stay so collected all the damn time. Jigen says he doesn't have a single friggin' clue. Maybe they make out sloppy style about it. Maybe they keep meeting up to vent, drink, exist in each other's company. During chases, Zenigata keeps dipping after Jigen instead of Lupin more and more often. Lupin's standing on a rooftop Pulp Fiction John Travolta style wondering where the fuck everyone went.
Ohhh jealous Lupin, where have you gone. Where did the tms writers hide your unchecked narcissistic ego. The other points after this support Supportive Lupin in some capacity but this one does not. The slow-burn's done slow-burning but it ain't over yet, baby. There's trouble in paradise and its name is Lupin the Third. He is Not Enjoying This. The two guys that are always looking at him aren't looking at him anymore and that just won't do. Drama ensues.
~ Getting together because of Lupin
Matchmaker Lupin! This is if Lupin's relationships with Jigen and/or Zenigata are more platonic-leaning (which is totally valid). The paired fics in Disreputable Company nail this dynamic perfectly imo. But as far as my own separate take goes....
They're both just so. So emotionally constipated. Intentionally or not, Jigen's been screwed over in the romantic interest department to many times that he's intentionally reduced his acquaintance list to how many fingers he's got on his right hand. Zenigata practically unloaded an entire clip into his foot as far as maintaining healthy family/friend relationships go. Spoilers for Zenigata Keibu, but he 100% knew what he was saying when he told Haruka he'd go back to her once he caught Lupin (I can never be yours), and that Zenigata's supposed to be the freest one! Bound not necessarily to Lupin specifically, but to The Chase forever.
Anyway. Jigen and Zenigata are Isolated. The fact that someone would consider them attractive is so foreign that they'd think its some kind of sick joke or ruse to screw them over instead of anything that could ever be even remotely genuine. They need someone to shove them out of their little self-made paranoia bubbles, and Lupin just loves to meddle in people's businesses. I dunno. I just think he'd think it's funny.
*dramatic finger point* "haha zenigata, you are banging my partner!!" "you... you tricked us into our first date? made the reservations?? th- the tailored suits???" "lu you friggin roller-skated out in a waiter outfit and immediately bought us the most expensive top-shelf booze they offered. not even remotely conspicuous about it" "lol yeah. good times"
He's just happy two of his favorite humans are finally getting laid for once, y'know?
~ Getting together for Lupin
Jigen and Zenigata are forced to team up. Okay, this scenario only goes down if 1) Lupin goes missing or is KO'd for a prolonged period of time or 2) the Truce demands they separate for a while. On top of seeing this play out in other fics, my good friend duke and I have been messing around with (a variant of) this idea for a while now (aka they've been letting me run around in their au Rampant and Unchecked. ty duke).
In ""canon"", if these two were to become at the very least amicable towards each other, this'd be the way to do it. In all honesty (and my personal bias for them aside), I'm genuinely shocked they haven't done this before. Not even an episode, tms? That 4-ish minute block in POTP is all you're giving me? One bar chat in the kobayashi sendoff ep. Okay. I'm not miffed i swear
Like I mentioned in this previous post, the idea of the two of them being able to function together without Lupin as a crutch is upsetting at first. They're used to following him to the Ends of the Earth and they're used to him living rent-free in their heads. They've convinced themselves that they're hopeless on their own, that if he disappeared for good they'd just go back to being two husks vaguely shaped like humans meandering around with no meaningful north star to head towards. Don't get me wrong, if the situation was Bad, Goemon and Fujiko would be devastated, too. But they could move on, albeit with a heavy heart. They're kind of known for heading out on their own should the situation call for it. But Jigen and Zenigata are in for the long-haul for better or for worse, whether they like it or not (they do not).
They're on edge the whole time. Hostile towards each other and passive-aggressive at best to any unfortunate folk they have to interact with on this stupid side quest they've been unwillingly shunted onto together.
It helps immensely that they're both "cut that out" people to anyone but themselves, because they can be that for each other. There's a lot of bickering/conflicts of interest and methodology. "You're being too harsh", "You're one to talk", "You're so goddamn stubborn", "You're such a hypocrite", etc etc. But holy shit they're so freakishly effective together, to a frankly terrifying degree-- maybe even moreso than with Lupin because they're honing the fuck in and nothing else-- no banter or bullshit-- and that's what gets them through to the end. Maybe it helps them come to terms with whatever sort of issues they've got going on, maybe it doesn't. Bare minimum, they come out of this with newfound understanding of each other. At max, uh.... see the point after this next one.
~ Lupin-adjacent
A shift in fixation. The slightest glance, the slightest exchange of eye contact for a second too long, the briefest moment of consideration, and the thoughts start spiraling. This is "in spite of Lupin" without the spite. The urge to know absolutely everything about someone, down to the marrow, just gets shifted a little bit to the right onto another guy. It's just them, in-between heists, with barely any mention of the Chase and anyone else involved therein. Their own little adventure away from the status quo. It's weird at first, sure, but it's new and exciting and real dang nice having things not revolve exclusively around him for once. It's a shot for Jigen to mess with Zenigata for once and the closest thing to a willing vacation Zenigata can get. Win-win! Well. Sorta.
The loneliness, though-- that's what makes itself most prevalent during the in-between times. They really don't have much left outside of the Usual. Forgetting the bare essentials, days blending together, moving around the masses like a ghost.... it's familiar, and it's common, not being sure whether they actually like someone or they're just desperately lonely. Zenigata wallows in it, Jigen shoves it down. They've got images to keep. but getting noticed for what they are is simultaneously the worst thing to ever happen and the highlight of their day. Real wholesome bonding material, ain't it
"I tracked you down for only you". "I dragged you into this issue because I want you here". "You get it".
~ Secret fifth thing
*points at playbohz mag* "lol wouldn't it be funny if zenigata was jigen's type??" *points at y series, miyazaki's zeni, island of assassins, that one manga where they put him in a tshirt, etc* "oh my god zenigata is jigen's type."
It's just a one-night stand lmao. I feel like I see this one a fair bit too, mostly because it's super duper simple and doesn't require a crap-ton of emotional angst setup just to get them into the same bed. It's the above point diluted into, like, an afternoon lmao. It doesn't have a lot of depth by design. Curiosity gets the better of both of them, plain and simple. They get buzzed enough at a bar, skip off to some motel to do what they gotta do one time and never speak of it again.
A part of me likes that, but another part of me in the deep deep recesses of my psyche is hollering "TACKY YOU GOTTA TURN THIS INTO THE SPITE BULLETPOINT!!!"
NO. For this one they get one nice hookup and THAT'S THAT. Sorry not sorry.
Maybe it's easier because there's actually something to decipher. There isn't some esoteric idea of "Lupin the Third, Gentleman Thief"; a mystery man(?) with a million little gadgets and masks and smiles; this unwavering, unpredictable force of chaos that likes taking shiny things from one place and hiding them somewhere else over and over again with no real rhyme or reason.
It's easier to find solace in turning to the guy next to you and going, "what do you think that is?" than in going up to "that" and poking it with a stick in hopes it'll give some sort of answer. "That" won't. "That" likes watching you guys flounder around together too much :)
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errihaienx · 1 year
part two !
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Rintarō Suna reminded himself that he needed to be more patient with the miyas because you'd been so very close to them. He's been keeping his biggest crush on you hidden for years, and he's not going to tell either of the twins about it.
you initially met and became friends with osamu, but his twin, atsumu, was a bit closer to you now because of his more cheery nature. suna was aware of this, which is why he continues to keep up with 'atsumus shits'.
like now, atsumu's been whining for ten minutes now and it seemed like it won't end anytime soon. suna glanced at you, your bright smile made his heart thump. he's well damned annoyed to atsumu's nonstop talks but seeing you laugh and make fun of the blond guy erased his inward curses towards the older twin.
"been tryna get her digits but she friggin' ignored me?!?" atsumu whined.
"hey don't be too upset 'tsumu, maybe you're not her type? we girls have types, you know.. "
suna listened intently to everything you said; he's interested, so very curious. he looked at you again, and this time you caught his gaze.
damn she's lookin' at me, can we just kiss already? were his first thoughts. still staring at each other, he slowly gave you a nod, and you smiled in return. he planned on making the eye contact last longer but atsumu-the-forever-interfering-bastard got in his way, he snatched your attention, well he better say something interesting!
"oh what's yer type then?" atsumu curiously asked, and suna can't believe it but he's actually praising atsumu for asking that. his intervening was a bit helpful after all.
although he's eager to know your 'type' he's nervous as hell, many variables have been crossing his mind. what if you're too specific on your type and it seems like you were describing someone? how could he handle that? or what if he's literally to far from your standards?
"uhm.." you sucked in a breath before your gaze went to suna, he was staring back so you looked away.
"you're literally the opposite of my type 'tsumu," you responded, stealing some glances to the fox-eyed boy.
"like suna?" osamu interrupted.
atsumu gasped, your eyes widened, suna coughed, and osamu deadpanned.
"what?" osamu added, his brow shot up.
no one dared to talk so atsumu laughed, "'samu yer such a mood killer" which made the younger twin show up a middle finger.
suna couldn't look at you and so are you, the twins are really troublesome. suna's thoughts were bombarded with many questions and what ifs.
after a little while had passed and you had decided to walk a different route from the other three, you waved and bid them farewell. suna's eyes were fixed to the ground, refusing to look at you as atsumu hugged you. osamu waved in response.
atsumu smirked and whispered, "hey yer such a sly fox, ya been crushin' on her don't ya?"
"shut up douchebag" = yeah bastard, it's been fuckin' years
"how can ya be noisy 'n nosy at the same time?"
"fuck off 'samu! ya know damn well that i'm ^@#^@#^@#&^#^&#@"
suna disregarded atsumu's following litanies because he was preoccupied with you—with your soothing voice, your beautiful face, and the sparkling eyes he was able to capture looking back at him.
to get closer to you, he'll have to increase his patience with the twins from now on.
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this was just another random thought since I'm inlove with Sunrin lol. Anyway, I'll be reaching 100 followers very soon and I can't wait to share the content I've been working on for this milestone! Thank you very much. Always be careful, my loves!
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akiiame-blog · 7 months
Your art has single handedly gotten me into the Mario fandom and shipping Mareach. You portray them so wonderfully and the art is adorable!
May I ask: What is your favourite part about Mario x Peach? Why do you love it so much?
Thank you so much!! I'm really happy to have gotten you back into the Mario fandom and Mareach as well :)
And that's a good question! I used to not care too much about the couple either, I only really cared about Mario. But it wasn't until I really got into the fandom that I started to see how lovable they really are.
First of all, I'm a BIG fan of the taller, conventionally attractive person/the smaller, sillier person dynamic, especially if it's the guy who's smaller. It's just super cute because it's a subversion of what we normally see with couples in media.
Mareach is also a cute subversion of the princess and the knight/prince dynamic! It's just so wholesome that a friggin princess of a kingdom would fall in love with a humble blue-collar worker :)
And the fact that it's clear that Mario and Peach are very close with one another... and they just act so sweet towards each other and respect one another.
Basically, they're just incredibly wholesome. The comfort ship of all time.
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ellsieee · 1 year
Stay With Me didn't let us down! 😭 We got kisses and a confession. There is no way anyone can say it's not a BL now. 🙄 Not that there was any doubt even before that. The subtext was just too obvious.
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I can't believe they went there. Super sleuths have already found that it really is just lip balm, but the implication is clearly that Wu Bi's dad found his lube. Wu Bi why did you do your dad dirty like that? Don't smear your lube on his mouth! 🤣
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Wu Bi was about to confess but he chickened out. 😅 Shy Wu Bi is so cute. Wu Bi really can't live without Su Yu. He had never been that bitchy and rude to Mo Yi before, but now there's someone at home he wants to be with and has no time for Mo Yi's shit.
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First almost caught by Wu Bi's dad and now Mao Chong. Su Yu's nervous shifty eyes cracked me up. We all know he and Wu Bi have been doing something something in his room.
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They are so happy to see each other!😭Their smiles. Really, I can't. I love how much they love each other. I could not stop smiling watching them hug.
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Oh how I squealed. THEY ARE SO FRIGGIN CUTE!!! AHHHHHHH! This might literally be my favorite moment in the entire series.
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"Go cough somewhere else" lol. Poor Mo Yi. Right in front of his salad.
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Su Yu's little smile is EVERYTHING. I feel like we're missing a scene before this though. It just seems a bit out of place that Wu Bi would run up to kiss Su Yu at school and for Su Yu to not be surprised or embarrassed. I'm counting on that uncut release later. Actually I felt like the editing for these two eps was a bit choppy. I'm going to guess it's because they cut a bunch of stuff because it was too gay.
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I love all the subtle ways they show us they're boyfriends. Su Yu casually using Wu Bi as a leg rest, Wu Bi teasing Su Yu about him not knowing he's Wu Bi's most important person, Su Yu taking care of Wu Bi, and Wu Bi making not so subtle hints about their relationship in front of everyone. Why always in front of Doudou? Always! 😅
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The normally aloof Su Yu kissed Wu Bi! Again it's Su Yu's little smile after the kiss that makes it so sweet. The spoilers were actually true! I didn't think this would happen because in the behind the scenes Jiongmin had said there was no scene where he kisses Xu Bin, but here we are! Xu Bin's dream has finally come true. 🤭
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I was not expecting such an explicit confession! They tried to hide the gay a little by having Su Yu add the ocean part, but Wu Bi's qq screen name is 我想我是海 (I wish I am the sea) and so when Su Yu shouts 我爱你, 大海 (I love you sea), he is not so subtly telling Wu Bi that he loves him. Awwwww. ​​​🥹
But also, I have to drag production a bit on the terrible green screen CGI here. It looks so fake! Did they run out of money? How hard is it to film a sunset at a beach?
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No. Don't you dare Mo Yi. Fuck off. If the last two eps break my heart I'm going to consider SWM as having only 22 episodes where the boys are together and happy.
The girls on weibo only went a little crazy. I didn't see SWM on the main hot search but they were trending for a little while. Hopefully it was short enough where it didn't draw too much attention. 😅
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
I just finished TVL for the first time and I'm so enamoured. Lestat is just so much in the best way. But what a mess of trauma his early life, both human and vampiric, was. Magnus when I catch you.. His relationship with Nicki is so beautiful and ultimately heartbreaking. There is so much love there but it's hard for two people both struggling with different kinds of mental illness to be able to help each other. Gabrielle is incredible. I can't wait to see her portrayed next season. And oh my god Armand. Armand Armand Armand. I love him. I'm looking forward to seeing Assad do those scenes with Sam. I love Lestat and Armand together. I love their antagonism as well their immediate attraction and strange love. Part of me wishes that I could see what a love story of theirs could look like. I struggled getting through Marius's chapter just because it got a little dry but omg Lestat waking up Akasha was just peak Brat Prince behavior. Ofc the brief rehash of Interview confirmed some things for me especially about Claudia and Louis. And finally the reunion had me in tears and then laughing at the "You will *lose* that sweater and those pants" line. And of course the ending was just devastating. Anyway there is so much here. I really feel like it needs 2 seasons or 1 long one. And reading it, I really hope that they get Lestat's voice right because one thing I noticed about his narration is how so much of the time his words are dripping with love and empathy. It makes him a particularly fascinating monster because he is definitely a monster. I hope that they hit that note. I'm curious to see who they will pick for Akasha too but I haven't read QotD yet to have an opinion. Have high hopes and expectations now for Season 3. Ah and one more thing I need for sure is animal lover Lestat with his mastiffs and the horses in the stable. God there is so much I want them to adapt. The Witches Place and Wolves and Lestat offering to cut Gabrielle's hair. Do you have any scenes that you are dying to see?
Ahhhhh, I really cannot really narrow it down??? :))) I so hope that we will get to see his dogs!! and the Witches Place, yes.
Personally the wolves feel like a "must" for me, as well as the inn and the "golden moment". And the dark moment, after. I would also love to see the Notre Dame scene with Armand, and of course we need Akasha stepping on Nicolas' violin :)))
Ahhhh, so many defining moments coming up, and moments that have been hinted at already^^ I cannot wait to see how they do it. The first time we've seen it on screen!!! Ever! It's been 40 friggin' years, it's about time.
And geez, can you imagine Gabrielle going after "new clothes", and hers and Armand's relationship?????? Ahhhhhhh, I'm shivering just thinking about it. Gimme :)))))))))
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
I cannot tell 100% if ur ask box is open or not so if it is not feel free to ignore this please!!!
But if it is open! Could you write about luffy, shanks, and sanji reacting to their significant others stretchmarks on her upper thighs? I got like real bad ones RIGHT below my butt that go down a bit so now I don’t wear short skirts or short shorts :,)
Again feel free to ignore have a LOVELY day!!!
I always wanted stretch marks on my butt :(((( i have em on my inner thighs n chest. I FRIGGIN LOVE STRETCH MARKS. Especially on men😚😚 Dont be ashamed of them stripes babe theyre so beautiful:) anyways enjoy!
Them with a S/O That Has Stretch Marks (SFW-ISH)
Ft. Sanji, Luffy, Shanks
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Reader is insecure, Shanks needs a leash, Sanji’s is suggestive, Mentions of Sex, uhhh yeah
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Physical “flaws” isn’t something he even notices on you. Small/saggy breasts? Okay? He still wanna squeeze. Cellulite? Who gives af he likes ‘em. Stretch marks though? He still dont care.
He doesn’t pay mind to stuff like that let alone question it. Luffy…Luffy just dont gaf man if he likes you he likes all of you.
If he peeps you being out right “i hate my stretch marks” or whatever he just wouldn’t understand why.
“They’re like smaller versions of the scars i have! I like em!”
Bless his heart he will always make you feel so loved about your stripes. He traces them alot when you let him lay on you and trace them with his finger as he talks to you about his goal and dream.
(Slightly NSFW) For some reason you speaking on your stretch mark insecurity was something he just couldn’t forget. He has forgotten many things you’ve told him; anniversary, birthday, hell even your name once but he never forgets to lick and kiss your marks and blemishes in appreciation before going down on you. His kisses are so slow and soft giving each of your “flaws” the right attention you damn near cried when he first did it because it felt so out of character for him.
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Bold of you to assume this man would love you any less because of that.
Sanji doesn’t care if you have stretchmarks, pigmentation, hairy, cellulite. Doesn’t matter he loves you so just believe it and move on
He noticed almost immediately what your insecurities were by the way you act when they’re mentioned and his assumptions were correct when you and him were about to take a shower together for the first time, but you wasn’t sure he’d like what he seen
“I just…have stretch marks all over and—“
He didn’t say much, he simply begins to slowly strip down your towel kissing your lips tenderly mumbling praises in between about your body.
“Your stretch marks were never an issue.”
If anything Sanji does in fact love your stretch marks. They were one of the first things he noticed (AND WAS INFATUATED WITH) when he seen them. He wanted nothing more than to trace his tongue on each one and leave a kiss. They’re normal to have what’s problem with them?
“Everything about you is nothing less than perfect you know.”
You felt a tinge of embarrassment feeling Sanji’s soft hands glide over your marked breast, butt, and thighs in the shower, but his neck kisses gave you a form of calmness you just couldn’t explain. Which he was grateful for when you told him that night as he massaged your body.
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He doesn’t give af about your insecurities and i say that in the most respectful way.
“Stretch marks? Thats a dumb thing to be upset over? Here. Look.”
He doesn’t give a shit because he also has them on his shoulders.
“See? They’re just things you get when your body grows, dummy. Now come here.”
Yeah he teases you a bit, but only about being ashamed of something you can’t necessarily help.
He makes you sit on his lap in front of the mirror and begins to grope you like the caveman he was
“You know how hot your tiger stripes look when i cum on your ass? Or these great tits—”
He laughs at your shyness,kissing your cheek to then move your face to look at you both in the mirror.
He doesn’t know where the animosity you have against them began but he doesn’t really care to know. The most he wants to do right now is make you forget about it.
“How about i spoil you tonight.” His fingers dancing on your clothed cunt under your skirt, making your back arch a little at how delicate his index and middle finger swirled in your clit,“I want to see every stretch mark you have.”
Shanks reminds you that night that he is with you because of you not because of your stretch marks.
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
"He and I sometimes write letters in shorthand, and he is keeping a stenographic journal of his travels abroad."
Cannot help but imagine them write each other mushy love letters in shorthand and feeling so sneaky about sending coded messages
YEAH. I can't find it now but I remember speculating about this before, something about them sending letters to one another in the middle of the day and opening them at work (and blushing mightily). It's so, so friggin' cute.
Or, what if in the earlier stages of studying shorthand, they would copy out passages from books or something and give them to the other person to read/identify. Except sometimes in the middle there would be inserted a cute little hidden message with a compliment or declaration of love or something. To be extra sneaky.
Mina starts labeling her files in shorthand just so no one will realize that she has one called "my Jonathan" with all his letters. One time Jonathan is writing something really mushy to her on his lunch break and another clerk who knows shorthand caught a glimpse of it and whistled and he nearly died of embarrassment. Or even when there is absolutely no chance anyone else would ever have seen in the first place but they get a little thrill of fun at writing in code, basically. Maybe get a little more daring in what they are willing to say in a letter. Just. SO much potential for cuteness.
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bronx-bomber87 · 29 days
Happy Wednesday lovely Fandom :) Phew lord we’ve reached the eps I’ve only watched once. Because I was far too destroyed to watch them again. Knew my second time around would be my rewatch. I’m not ready emotionally. Will I ever be though? lol If we don't laugh we cry right? Ha Anyways I’m on a strict timetable before I move. So press forward I must. Sad at the lack of gifs in this one. But also understandable since we were all anxious af after this one. I am excited to do Tim analysis though. I always enjoy that.
Also pre-shout out to Eric and Melissa in this one. They never cease to amaze me with their acting chops and chemistry. Eric really kills me in this one in particular. Let us begin the slow breaking of our shipper hearts shall we? Also thank you to my readers for going through this with me. Once was hard enough. But revisiting isn’t any easier so thank you for coming with me on this journey. Off we go.
6x05 The Vow
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We get our couple immediately after the cold open. I knew going into this ep it was going to be angsty. I just had no idea why or how bad it would be…It’s date night for our beautiful pair. I just love them constantly dating each other. Makes my soul so damn happy. I can’t put it into words well enough. We get ship crack in this opening sequence for sure though. The way they light up when they see one another. That never gets old. Lucy is lighting candles when her man enters in.
Tim couldn’t be any cuter just as happy for date night as she is. Looks like he’s carrying quite a bit into her apt. Lucy instantly notices his present for her. Tim continues with the cuteness and says yes and the beer is for him. This is so domestic I wanna die. This moment started off so precious I knew he we were in for a world hurt tbh. This scene was the calm before the storm.
Tim is not wasting any time getting a thank you kiss in. Lucy is lit up like a Christmas tree as she leans in for said kiss. I adore the smiles going into it. Making my shipper heart giddy af. Also his grip on her arm. Drawing her in nice and close. It’s doing things to me as they melt into each other. Lucy’s questioning face cracks me up as she pulls back. Tim picking up on it right away. Asking her 'What?' With so much sass I’m cackling. How he has grown in his sass heh
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Lucy can’t help but note gift giving isn’t his normal love language. Fact that they’re talking about love languages has me reeling so much. It’s just so cute. I'm squeeing at how friggin precious and domestic this is. Tim challenges her back. Asking what is his love language then? Their banter right here is one of their love languages let's be honest LOL Always top tier with some flirtation mixed in for good measure.
Lucy being cute as all hell replies ‘Terse nods mainly.’ I mean she isn’t wrong haha There have been some wonderful sets about this line. Man sure does love his terse nods. For her especially. Mainly her really. Tim continues his trajectory towards adorable with his reply. Letting her know he’s trying to change things up.
The smile on that man’s face. Oh my word. I said this a lot in S5 and I’ll say it again. Have we ever seen this man so damn happy before her? The answer is a sharp no. Not ever. She is the absolute joy in his life. It just radiates out of him when they’re together. Especially when they’re bantering. Ugh my heart. These two kill me in the best way.
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Lucy then turns into an adorable little bean herself. Asking Tim if she can open it now? She is so excited about this impromptu gift. No way she can wait through their dinner to open it. Tim say of course she can. I’m sure he was hoping she would open it right away. Especially with the thought he put into it. Also well done on the wrapping good sir.
Lucy’s reaction is delightful. It reminds me of the way she reacted in 6x03 with her trophy. Blown away by this man’s thoughtfulness. Not only that but making her laugh in the process as well. We get a second in love 'Lucy smile' in the second gif. He is so gone for her. Man they were really setting us up for a fall with the goodies they packed into this scene.
I love how Tim locks eyes with her and is beaming ear to ear. No one makes him smile like that except Lucy. Legit the sunshine in this man’s life. I can’t get over how damn happy he looks. My heart might implode at how happy he is. Happiness looks so good on him. Also how proud he looks as well at his choice in gift. Patting himself on the back for it hehe
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We see it’s her KIA radio in a display case. Lucy looking at him like he’s hung the moon and stars. Bringing out her own in love 'Tim smile.' She too is beaming right back. Heart eyes paired with that joyful smile. Tim for this moment (not the rest of this ep) is once again 10/10 for her. Commemorating her takedown of Jeff Budny. Saw an excellent parallel between this and 2x12. About Tim giving back things that saved her life for him. My damn heart. I’m fine….
Tim continues on to say it was to memorialize the radio that saved her life. So grateful to that radio for taking the hit it did. I remember thinking how that radio represented her communication problems. Little did I know it would soon represent Tim’s as well. The irony of this gift will hit us painfully hard later in this episode. Having watched rest of the season as well it represents their’s as a couple too. *sigh*
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Anyways we get a SECOND kiss in this moment. That’s how I knew it was coming like a freight train at us. We got cuteness, flirtation, banter and two kisses in one scene. They were setting us up for a very hurtful fall. They just look like two happy idiots in love. *dreamy sigh* I wanna die it’s so precious. They fall back into each other for this second kiss.
The look in Lucy’s eyes ready to thank him for this radio. Not with dinner but some sexy times. That kiss before it’s interrupted looked like it was headed for the bedroom. Dinner be damned at that point. The way Tim is leaning heavily into that kiss too. Ready to go in for more. His patented first kiss need an immediate second one well underway. Phew lord. He was more than ready to receive that thanks LOL
Sadly Tamara steps through the door. Doing what she does best. Be a wet blanket for their bedroom endeavors. I love her anyways though haha She instantly apologizes saying she forgot it was date night. Tim sighs as they pull apart and Lucy goes into mom mode after she hits Tim. haha It’s so cute. Little damn family up in here.
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Tamara says she can hide in her room. Lucy replies that’s not necessary. That she can make a plate for her room if she’d like though. Then the scene takes a giant shift in tone. Tim receives the phone call that ruins our entire shipper lives. It sounds dramatic but it’s really not…Tim’s whole demeanor changes. Lucy is crazy intuitive to it. Her internal Tim radar going haywire. The tight way he replies and says he has to go.
Lucy wanting follow up questions. It’s the way she says. ‘Just wait.’ Not wanting him to go. *heart clutch* The sheer panic and worry developing in her soul and in ours. That gnawing unsettling feeling we feel through out the rest of the episode. Breaks my heart. She clearly spent the whole day waiting to be with him for their date night. Only to have him taken away with no answers. Lucy looks SHOOK as her entire heart walks out the door. It's written all over her face. His abrupt departure filling her with questions and worry. So it begins…
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We see Tim pull up in his truck to the pre-arranged spot. A man comes out of his own car and enters in. I was on pins and needles waiting to see wtf this was about. Who the man was. Why he had the power to make Tim, basically run from date night with his girl. I knew in the back of my mind had to be his military past. Only thing I could think of to make him spook like this.
They shake hands when he gets into the truck. He thanks Tim for coming. Our boy replies he didn’t have a choice. If Ray is alive they have a big problem. The intrigue meter continued to grow. Who was this Ray? What problem did he present to them both? Tim looks like he’s seen a ghost when he’s shown Ray’s photo. He was supposed to have died in an air strike….He's been working as a gun for hire and came into LAX the day before.
Tim asks why he would come to L.A? Apparently his mom is dying of cancer. That’s who they’re staking out. It’s here we find out what the vow is. And it’s not a good one….Tim is not onboard for honoring this pact they made. To kill Ray if he ever resurfaced. To pay him back for the friends he killed. We see the conflict on Tim's face. How he doesn’t know how he’s gonna tackle this. Eric killing me softly early on in this one. His eyes alone scream so much emotion.
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We see Lucy unable to sleep. In what I can only assume is Tim’s shirt. I think Melissa confirmed it was and thanked the fans for their keen eye. It’s the little things we love so much. Lucy is clearly missing him. So naturally she sleeps in a shirt of his. Also her DOD ring and her necklace are in plain view as well. Killing me softly. She can’t sleep because he’s supposed to be next to her. His consistent calming presence is missing and she can’t relax enough to rest.
Their date night was supposed to end with him asleep by her side. Not this. We can see the anxiety just seeping out of her. Don’t blame her one bit. No one knows that man better than her. From the second he took that phone call she knew. Deep in her gut that not only was something off but very very wrong. Her whole being emanating unease and concern. I feel you Lucy. The rapport and connection they’ve built over last 5 seasons coming in hot here.
Lucy looks sick to her stomach and it makes me wanna cry. The hurts so good is ever present in this scene. She is missing him and crazy worried. Her rampant anxiety is not letting her rest. My guess is other than 6x01 they’ve scarcely spent a night apart. The way he took off is scaring the shit out of her with good reason. So she tries to quell it with a phone call. Sadly she gets his VM. Her message to him makes my stomach sink more. Lucy is used to being his go to. She was left in the cold and her stress level is rising due to it.
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Tim watches her call and VM come in. He looks pained at not being able to answer it. It’s the way he sighs and closes his eyes. It’s killing him to keep her at a distance. Eric out here trying to murder my feels with his superb acting. This truly begins the immense breakdown that is their communication. Lucy showed her hand at it before this ep in 6x04. Now it’s Tim’s turn at it. We had indications of it but s6 showed us how glaring it is. The cracks in their foundation were there. We just didn't want to see it. These are the issues Eric wanted to tackle.
Honestly when we're on the other side of this I'll be real grateful for it. Till then this just hurts. Now Tim’s communication probs are particularly glaring in these in this ep and the next. Pains me to write it but our boy has serious issues with stuff like this. You know he knows she is at home worried sick. That’s why he looks so pained. Tim knows her just as well as she does him. Very aware she is panicked and worried about where he is. If he’s ok. Absolutely killing him to keep her in the dark. To Tim right now he think's despite that it's the right call.
This is Tim Bradford so he thinks he’s doing it to protect her. To keep her from his dark past affecting her. If he distances himself and handles it solo it’ll be ok. Because he doesn’t need help. Wants shoulder this alone. Oh Timothy, my love you are so wrong. It pains me how wrong you are. His childhood issues screaming out in this decision. Which we will get into. That gif of Captain Holt's ‘Paaaaiiiin’ gif is fitting right here. *sad sigh*
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Greer rejoins Tim in the truck with his recon. Tim is clearly uncomfortable with this whole thing. Weighing so many things at the moment. What he has to lose with any action they do. His soul is already so heavy with the past. It pains me to watch this. Tim is trying so hard to talk Mark out of this. Asking what they’re really going to do? What the point of all this really is? Noting them even talking about this is criminal conspiracy. Greer gas lights Tim this entire episode and I do not appreciate it.
Saying he can’t believe the ‘Reaper.’ is going soft on him. He is softer because of a wonderful woman named Lucy Chen. He’s in love with a person who is beautiful inside and out. One who has changed him so much. So yeah he’s softer now Greer. Also the first time I heard that nickname it made me fan myself. Is that wrong? lmao Idk if it is but I found it insanely attractive. I probably shouldn’t haha But here we are. With me still finding that service nickname sexy. I am who I am. Tim says he isn’t soft. He’s only thinking of what’s at risk here.
They can’t be committing murder, because of a pact that was made years and years ago. I love Tim’s line about they made it in the anger and fog of war. No doubt, with his nickname alone, we can see how angry Tim was going into the service. How could he not be? He came from a household where his emotions were suppressed heavily. So there is zero doubt in my mind he went into the service full of anger. Not only angry but loyal af as we know. That combination alone would result in this pact/vow being made.
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Tim is almost reflecting on how much he has grown since that moment in time. There was a lot of talk about the ways Tim hasn’t changed following this episode. Hell even inside this ep with him keeping Lucy at bay. But he has. He changed so very much since Lucy came into his life. It’s why he brings up the lives they’ve built. The life he is currently building with his soulmate. The jobs they hold.
That angry young man doesn’t exist anymore. The one who would murder for his squad in retaliation. Now Tim still has that instinct in him. Don’t get me wrong; scorched earth for those who mess with his loved ones. But this? This situation puts the life he’s built at risk. Puts the love of his life at risk within the department. Unfortunately Tim is still loyal af and Greer uses that against him.
Gas lights him some more. Saying how they’ll never get to build lives because of Ray. Pulling on that thread of guilt that lives deep inside Tim's soul. Trying to reawaken a man that is long gone at this point. But is still loyal to a fault. Weighed down with enough tortured guilt to keep this going. I resent Mark for using it against him I really do. Friggin stunard...My Italian rage coming out for Greer.
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It’s here we find out more about what went down between them all. Not only that but WHY him being around is such a damn problem for Tim/Mark. I would be remiss if I didn't note this. How much I am enjoying Tim in street clothes. Mmm nice and scruffy too. He is scruffy most of this season and I am here for it. He looks so good in that jacket it’s sinful. How can he make such a simple jacket so attractive? Yum. Ray asks what they’re doing here? Greer pipes in to bring him to justice. He asks for what?
Tim starts to list off the numerous reasons why. Going AWOL, faking his death, felony grand theft, stealing half million from the government. Just to name a few sweet lord… Then to top it off, he called in an air strike on his own guys when they came for him. Ugh. Real peach this one. That there wasn’t enough of Henderson and Coyle to fit in a shoe box….ooof. It’s here we find out what Ray has on them. That he read the after action report. That it didn’t read that way. Tim justifies it by saying it only reads that way so his wife and daughter got his death benefits.
Of course that’s the most Tim Bradford thing ever. ‘Some things matter more.’ Only breaking the rules if it’s for the greater good. We talk a lot about Lucy’s empathy but don’t sleep on Tim’s. It runs very very deep. This is proof it was a huge part of him before the Isabel trauma buried it and Lucy resurrected it. That being said this doesn’t look good at all for Tim. By bringing Ray in it endangers their service record and their current jobs. Because as kind as what they did was. It has consequences because they lied on an official government document. My stomach turned even farther with this scene.
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Eric KILLS me in this portion. This man has no right making me this emotional. How has he not won any awards? His beautiful shimmering blue eyes cutting me deep. Eric is so expressive in just his eyes alone. But he gives this scene everything he’s got in his arsenal my god. They get away from Ray’s to talk. Tim immediately says they’re not killing him. It’s not happening. (Someone needs to capture this scene in gif form BTW) It's a crime there isn't one. Mark tries to appeal he’s dead anyways.
Tim won’t hear of it. Says it won’t matter when the nightmares come knocking. And we know he’s had those nightmares. Not just about the service but about 5x19. About the life he was forced to take. Tim says they need to just come clean about everything. They don’t have a choice. Greer fights him some more. Saying it’s just going to blow up their lives as a result. Tim tells him he won’t let that happen. He’ll take the fall for him. Ugh Tim no. You have a life that’ll get blown up too my love. A woman who would be devastated to watch this take you down.
There's a Lyric from a band I love. "A thousand scars betray me Oh, what's another one?" That is Tim in this moment. What's one more emotional scar? Better than Greer losing his life because of what he chose. Tim's integrity is one of my fav traits about him. It’s the one I relate to the most. Because I am the same way. It drives a lot of my decisions. He's so willing to fall on his sword because he bears the weight of that decision still. Mark pleads some more but Tim won’t have it. Says he can’t with tears in his eyes. (I'm fine....) He is not that hot headed young man anymore. Life has kicked him around and he’s seen things. This isn’t the path and he won’t let Greer take it.
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Tim follows up with he won’t let him do it. Even if it’s without him. It’s here where Eric just rips my heart out with his performance. When Mark asks him if he would arrest him if he killed Ray? It’s the way his voice breaks. Tears threatening to fall when he chokes out ‘Yes.’ Rip my heart right out writers sweet lord. Greer says he’s out then. But I wanna deck him for his reply after that. He hangs all future crimes Ray does on Tim. I don’t curse very often in these. But how fucking dare you sir. How dare you put that on this man.
He is already riddled with so much guilt and shame. His soul is ten times heavier than it should be. Because Tim shoulders things deeply. Not only that he does it solo. A chunk of what weighs his soul down isn’t even his fault. Tim is a much deeper empath than he’s given credit for as I stated earlier. He absorbs the feelings and pain of those around him. Takes them in and never lets it go. It’s why he was and honestly still is so rigid as a cop. That iconic line ‘Rules matter boot.’ Was his PTSD in a line and we had no idea back in S2.
Because anytime this man has let his guard down to break the rules it’s hurt him. Mitch, Isabel and we now find out about this. Tim did the right thing and yet he’s paying the price not Ray. It’s the hitch in his breath as Mark takes off that’s the final emotional blow for me. I just want to hug him so much. The way he tries to catch his breath after he’s gone. Finally releasing all the emotions he was bottling up. You can see why he was wants to retreat to one person who will make him feel whole again. It’s why his next scene is with Lucy….
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This scene we get to see Melissa shine along side Eric. Killing us softly with their angsty goodness. We watch the sheer amount of relief run across Lucy’s face. It's evident when she hears his keys in the door. The happy relief is fleeting though. Her opening line is salty af as it should be. ‘Oh good, you’re not dead.’ She is ready to rip into him and rightfully so. Hurts to watch but she has every damn right to. She kept it together for work. But now that he’s in front of her she doesn’t have to. Her sass turns into the anxiety and worry she’s gone through. Telling him that his sorry isn't good enough. (it’s not…)
Saying she spent the last THIRTY-SIX hours. (That's a day and a half Timothy...) Worried he was bleeding out in various landmarks all over the city. Ugh poor Lucy. That’s very taxing on your nervous system to be in that state of mind for that long. That’s way too long to go without communication. But this is pre-therapy Tim so...Communication isn’t his strong suit when he isn’t in fight or flight mode. One of my fav lines of the scene. ‘Telling me you’re alive is NOT optional.’ Hell no it's not. The hitch in her voice and tears in her eyes. Gah killing it Mel.
Trying to communicate clearly to him this behavior isn’t going to fly. Not ever. Rewatching this season, it pains me how many hints the writers gave us about their communication problems. Now Lucy is trying here. With telling him what he did was not ok in the least. She then asks what the hell is making him so crazy? Expecting him to tell her. Tim’s reply is vague and only serves to make her angrier. Especially when he says he’s doing it to protect her status at the station. She asks if he committed a crime?
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The irony of this scene is that radio being prominently shown. How it was a happy thing 36 hours ago. Now it’s a symbol of their dysfunctional communication as a couple. Tim tells her no…Not technically. The fire continues to build in Lucy. Angrily retorting how it’s serious enough she could be disciplined for not reporting it then. Tim tries to do his protection line for her but it doesn’t land at all. The fire in her is raging at this point. She stands up and angrily asks what he’s doing here then? Tim is so taken aback by this. His reply breaks my heart. Stumbling over himself ‘I...I came to see you…’
To Tim it’s his default to go to her. When he’s upset or lost he goes to Lucy. Seeking her out like the sanctuary she’s always been for him. Has been for years. Even more so since they got together. Tim came to be near his comforter and happy place. Wanting her to envelop him in her arms and take his hurt away. Unfortunately my love, she can’t help or take away what she doesn’t know about. It’s why her hellfire continues on. Lucy absolutely obliterates him with her reply. 'To what? Order take in? Watch TV? Pretend like nothing is going on?' Tim so desperately wants to sink into solace he’s used to. But he won’t let himself tell her what's going on.
Thus denying himself the one thing he came here for. Her. Lucy (who is wearing the same blouse from 5x12 btw. Way to push the knife deeper writers) tells him if he’s not here to tell her to truth.... We pan back to Tim’s face. She can read him like a book and knows he’s not going to. She then tells him he’s needs to leave. My heart is on the floor at this point. I totally understand her drawing this boundary. I truly do. Lucy is trying to show him there are consequences to his actions. Holding him accountable. That he needs to communicate and trust her. Lucy wants him to see despite the ramifications she is there for him. Sadly Tim doesn’t see this hence her asking him to leave. My poor shipper heart.
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To make matters worse Eric is personally attacking me with his teary eyes and hurt puppy dog expression. Had to get this gif in. Why? Because it beautifully captures the devastation of her sending him away. We haven’t seen him this visibly upset since 4x09. Except this time his person isn’t there to make his tears go away. She is the one causing them and sending him away. The range of emotions flitting across his face has me bawling my eyes out. The man deserves all the awards once again. The way his eyes convey so much. How utterly wrecked he is. It's written all over his expression.
Eric brought it so hard in this episode holy hell. Tim came to her seeking out the comfort of normalcy from her. As we all know our boy needs his routine and structure to stay sane. Lucy has become an intricate part of that. He sought out his girlfriend to stabilize himself. Sadly there was no comfort to be found for him. Gotta give to get my poor broken boy. As much as it’s frustrating to watch him do this I get it. As I said earlier he has the tendency to shoulder burdens alone. It’s how he has survived most of his life. Doesn't excuse it just explains it.
His childhood is a massive proponent of why he operates this way. He came from an abusive household as we all know. Where he had to turn off his emotions and learn not to ask for help. If he did it only served to further the abuse. Also it was looked upon as weak. Was seen as useless if you did. When that is ingrained in you at an early age it is so friggin hard to get rid of it. It's an instant default for him. It’s not something being loved properly just gets rid of. If anything it only makes it worse on some level. Because it means you something to lose as Tim does in Lucy.
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To explain Tim’s side of it I need to give a little piece of me. I can relate because of what my mother did to me growing up. It’s something I fight to this very day. I hope one day it’ll be easier and less of a deep grove in my brain I go to. Most of my childhood as I’ve shared was full of emotional abuse. My mom didn’t like it if you spoke your mind or messed up in any way. If you did you got the silent treatment for weeks on end. I wish I was kidding. She once went three weeks without speaking to me as a kid. Pretending like I didn’t exist. Felt like I didn’t have a mother. As I got older her default punishment only got worse. When I went to college my baby sister got engaged couple years in.
To a wonderful man. They're still married and happy btw. But my mother could see herself losing her control over my sister. Told me to pick between her and my baby sister. The choice was easy. I picked my sister. She then abandoned me and didn’t speak to me for 18 months after that. Her doing that made me feel like, whenever I stand up for myself or make a mistake with someone I love, I’m going to be abandoned. I just recently got into a fight with said sister. I had that exact same panic after I stood up for myself thinking she was going to discard me. She has proven time and again that’s not true. It’ll never be true. My sister and her husband have always made room for me in their lives here in CO. Made me feel loved unconditionally.
The same will be true when I join them in TN when I move. And yet that deep ingrained thought that she would abandon me still appeared. Worried that because I had stood up for myself she would do what my mom did. She didn’t cause loves me. But I’m still not used to the idea of unconditional love. It’s hard to grasp when you’ve never really had it before. So this is where I related to Tim so hard and defaulting to doing this alone. I’m in my 30s and this still affects me deeply even with therapy. Tim is pre-therapy and not seeing the unconditional love Lucy has for him. Which is a precursor for 6x06 honestly. You could have the best human in the world loving you and still not accept it or understand that you even have it.
Tim doesn’t know how to ask for help and to see Lucy would love him through his mistakes. He’s protecting her but also himself in this moment. Because he’s ashamed of what he’s involved in. That she won’t love him anymore due to his past sins. So he’s keeping her at a distance from him. Thinking it’s protecting her from his toxic past. But also protecting him from losing her as well. This scene, sadly, is the result of many miscommunications since they started boiling up and over. A gradual escalation toward breaking apart. This was a incredibly hard scene to stomach and watch. Lucy is vibrating with how upset she is when he says ‘Understood’ and leaves. Un-break my heart you guys.
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Another banger of a song running through this final scene. The songs always hit and work so well with the tempo of a scene. It’s ’Teeth.’ By mallrat. Have a whole playlist of songs from this show I love it. We see Lucy looking at her phone fighting the urge to call Tim. Despite their epic fight she misses him. It clearly shows. Tamara brings her out of her thoughts by plopping on the couch. Asking her what she's doing?I adore her saying she is going to be a good girlfriend. Trust her man. *heart damn clutch* HER MAN. It’s the little morsel we all needed after that heated argument of insane pain.
I am most grateful for Tamara in this moment. Wanted to shove her out the door in the opening scene though. LOL Nolan is such a failure to be there for Lucy earlier in the ep. Where as Tamara is clutch af in this moment. She is emotional support while Lucy goes through this. Talks it out with her. Tamara asks if she’s heard anything? Lucy tells her about their heated fight last night. That it’s been their only contact….That Tim just stood there. Lucy seems so at a loss and it hurts my heart.
Tamara makes her laugh and says they should put a tracker in his truck lmao Lucy calling her out for being a bad influence. Tamara follows up that No, she’s just a really good teacher. Lucy is floored replying what? Wasn't able to fit this in but her lessons learned are hilarious. No coffee in gun hand and head on a swivel. The swivel part had me laughing so hard. What a goober. I love them. Just the levity Lucy needed. I need more of them in S7.
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We pan back to Tim in his truck. Longingly looking at his phone. Specifically at Lucy’s contact page. He is breaking on the inside without her and yet can’t force himself to let her in. Also would’ve killed me if it had a pic of Lucy or of them. I would’ve legit died of happiness. What a missed opportunity writers. He is missing her so much and is dying to reach out. Wants her by his side but can’t overcome his wiring to do so.
His default is to go to her. To talk to her. Once again just another look into their broken communication. When one stops so does the other and it goes to shit. They are partners in every sense of the word except for their communication. They were stellar at that with work. It blows my mind how quickly that broke down when they got together. They had something extra special to lose when they did though. *sigh* s7 you have work to do.
We see Tim refocus his sights on Ray. Tasked with the mantle Mark Greer thrust upon him. He’s now on a crusade to catch him before Tim has anything else to add to his soul…. Phew this was an emotionally draining one to get though and it’s not even the harder of two. Phew lord. Thank you to every single one of you reading these, liking them, reblogging or commenting (love me some comments don’t be shy) they mean the world to me. I shall see you all in 6x06 where can sob together. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
All the Aaron and Blair scenes are so icky knowing her endstory. Bleh.
Beauty of rewatching I can skip all the Nolan content. Snoozeville again.
Smitty only hanging out in therapy office for snacks lmao Needed in a tense episode
Lucy’s crack about asking Celina To Aaron. Lmao. Commend our girl for cracking jokes and keeping her shit together on shift.
Nolan is absolutely useless when Lucy comes to him for help. Their friendship truly fell apart when Jackson died. Any rapport or connection shot to hell. He can’t read the utter panic she is in and I hate him for it. As useful as a paper hat in a rainstorm to keep you dry.
Also the lyrics used earlier from my fav bad RED. The lyrics ARE TIM. In this episode to a tee Here's the link https://genius.com/Red-cauterize-lyrics
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fallencelsetial · 6 months
quastion. if you had to give each of the nu carnival guys a present, what would you give to each one? oh and let's assume monies aren't a problem here
To answer your Quastion. If Monies are not an issue, and I can just the boys whatever the hell I want, then-
Eiden: I'm getting this boy every single craft supply I can think of. Fabrics, yarns, tule, buttons, clays, pen, pencils. I'm getting him everything. He's so friggin talented and just an artsy boy. He'd definitely have an etsy or two on the side of his actual job.
Aster: You didn't say the presents had to be objects. Plus Asters got SO MUCH MONEY. Boy could get anything he wanted at any time. Hell. He's the clan sugar daddy. If I was getting him a gift, it would definitely be something practical. And Honestly, I'd probably just get him more staff. He's got so many things he's running, I'm sure he'd really appreciate the help, and especially, that he's not the one paying for it.
Morvay: Similarly to Aster, I wouldn't really get Morvay an object. What I would get him though, is food. He's a bit of a greedy boy. He's always getting yelled at by aster for sneaking out and feeding, and constantly getting overworked. I think he deserves a place where he can relax and indulge in his favorite things. I'm sure there's some club out there that has membership option and would allow him to just go ham.
Yakumo: Cooking tools seems too easy. I'm sure he's already got everything he needs. You know what? I'm actually gonna get him some alone time with Eiden. I'm getting them a vacation together. I'm gonna send him and Eiden off somewhere real private. Do you know how happy he'd probably be? Boy is so possessive. He'd be OVER THE MOON about having Eiden all to himself for like a week. And I'm sure Eiden would be happy about spending time with him too. Gross honeymooning ass bitches.
Edmond: I'm getting him all the porn and sweets he wants. Just because I know he's gonna be a bitch about it. I would know. I'm the same. "No, I'm not allowed to get this. People will look at me weird if I get that" and Now look at me. I have a whole shelf full of those books. I'm getting him all of it AND, He didn't spend any of his money on it so he can't feel ashamed about it. It was gifts. Now go. Be free.
Olivine: I saw a post somewhere about Oli not having any of his own clothes and how they would take him on a shopping spree and honestly same. And I'd help him pick out the sluttiest, most rebellious clothes possible. I was raised catholic. I know. I know how hard it is. We're going to get you so many things with Religious undertones so it feels safe, AND like you're breaking the rules at the same time.
Quincy: Gosh. He's such a simple dude. All forest man and shit. He probably would not accept anything that would make his life easier. Any more modern versions of tools he already uses would probably be rejected with a "This one works fine/better anyway" Getting a bunch of treats for topper might make him happy though. Actually might just get him something SUPER dad coded. Like a Flask/Canteen. Probably would say he doesn't need it, but would secretly use it anyway.
Kuya: We're getting him all the dumb weird shit. Mans has a collection of dumb weird shit. He's like Blade. Anything he finds intriguing he just keeps. I'm getting this man an old beat up Bakugan. "Check it out. It's opens when you place it on this card but ONLY on this card!" Do you know how psyched he would be??? He's so fucking simple. I'm getting him those boxes that show one character in one window, and another character on the other window.
Garu: I don't think he can have too many toys. I'm getting him so many more toys than what Eiden has already gotten him. Lots of meat too. Oh! And I'm getting him art supplies as well! His art fills me with joy. I love him.
Karu: ALRIGHT. I'm giving him play time. I'm buying/building him a whole play set. He wants to be ruler of everything and I am going to give him that. I am going to spoil the shit outta this puppy. I will get him his own little throne room. He's getting his own little kingdom where he is king, and EVERYONE BOWS TO HIM! He's also getting so much meat too. All Hail the Mighty Karu!!
Blade: I'm also getting him art supplies. Art supplies and Books! If we can find some that he hasn't read yet. Honestly the library is massive. Oooooh but if we go to a book store, there's bound to be new releases of something, and he'll read anything just to have read it, I'm sure he'd really appreciate that!
Dante: A vacation mother fucker. Shut up. Listen Child. I Don't want to hear it. Spa now. Break. Rest. Relaxation. Think of NOTHING. You know what? I'mma throw Eiden in there too. He'd probably help you a lot. Just like how Eiden would be a good part of the gift, for Yakumo, I feel the same goes for him as well. And also, Lots of gifts for Sooley.
Rei: Therapy. Notebooks. Lot's of notebooks. Replacement's for any Equipment he's broken. Some art supplies. Mostly charcoals for his sketches. All practical stuff too. I'd offer to fix some of his personal items, but...I think he prefers them dinged up and broken. Has a bit of a comfort in that. So the supplies would probably be most appreciated by him.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK's Weverse live 2 Feb 2023
JK man, what did you do to us?
4 hours of JK. 4 friggin' hours.
Before I dive into the abyss I will say that this post is based on multiple trustworthy translation accounts, seeing there is no official translation nor will there be for quite some time now (4 hr. live, lol). I will update if any changes need to be made (after the official translation comes out).
Also, This is a long ass post, so breach yourselves, get yourselves your favourite snacks sit down and enjoy the ride. So so much to come.
Starting with his:
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Knock knock, cheeky JK.
Let's sum up the 4 hours of the live shall we:
JK did the live in Brunnan.
JK's hair is long.
JK loves Bammi.
JK talked about his tattoos.
JK drank more beer than I could ever in one seating. Or maybe even 2 or 3 or 4...(I am a lightweight though).
JK was tired and still continued the live.
JK isn't working on his album at the moment, he's at home not doing much, well not working in any case.
RM commented a lot.
Tae commented a lot and got JK to do a live on IG that turned out to be pretty short, just surpassing his 7 min. live a few days back.
JK sang. A LOT.
JK sang Vibe. Twice. After calling JM cool, then adding Taeyang is cool too. He also gave us a little dance move.
Ooh, and we got JK singing Sam Smith's Unholy.
That's 4 hours in a nut shell I guess.
End of post.
Nah, gotcha.
We have tons to cover, so let's get it:
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JK starts the live telling us he's not really supposed to be doing a live, I told you, cheeky boy.
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JK moves on to tell us he's not working on his album at the moment, and actually not doing much of anything at the moment.
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I'm all for it. After 10 years of working practically non stop, throughout his youth, he deserves this time off.
JK does say he's spending time alone, at times hasn't left the house for 6 days in a row.
And as the introvert that he is, and as the introvert that I am, I get him. Totally. I could stay at home for days and feel totally content.
Doesn't mean he's not doing anything though. He's doing what he wants to do as opposed as living by a schedule. Taking the time to watch shows, videos, clips he wants to watch is one of those things he told us he does. I just do hope he's in a good mind space. The past couple of years were not easy. The not knowing not easy. Knowing MS is around the corner not easy. Jikook having to adjust to the new reality not easy. He needs this rest and I'm happy he's getting it.
Makes me think though about those stories told of him going out on the town like going skiing or snowboarding or spending time with Tae all the time (I literally have an ask in my inbox telling me just that). Dunno, perhaps it's time for many to finally start questioning these unsubstantiated stories?
Now don't come at me. Not saying JK and Tae aren't close friends. They might be both meeting up occasionally and/or playing online games together all day everyday. What I'm saying is that I'm sick of unsubstantiated stories someone sprouts on Twitter turned into facts without any actual proof.
And it's always the TKK side of things - believing until proven wrong. Because when the shoe is on the other foot, aka JKK, the knee jerk reaction is to not believe until proven true.
Just a thought...
After JK talks about how long his hair has grown, and damn, it has grown so long, Bam makes an appearance. Bammi. How we missed him so.
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I truly think Bam deserves a whole post of his own, and I will give you one. I promise. Cause so many cute Bamkook moments, including a lethal Bam kiss.
JK's asked about Jin and says he thinks he's doing well and that he's in touch with them occasionally in their group chat. That same group chat many fans forget they actually have to communicate amongst themselves and not via their public IG accounts. That is when they don't communicate personally with each other privately.
JK brings up not seeing "Yoongi marry me".
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Next JK started with the karaoke. We got to enjoy JK's flawless voice throughout his live. But he started us off with Vibe.
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JK singing and dancing vibe on his live - all I've been living for the past couple of weeks, lol - singing it TWICE.
This too deserves a whole separate post, and it probably will get one.
Saying that, JK with singing Vibe (do I have to remind he did it twice?) has now performed 7 of JM's songs while live or recording content.
JK continues to sing several songs by TXT, New Jeans, Seventeen, RM, etc. Like I said, karaoke night full blow (filling up the 4 hour live).
A list of his songs throughout the live can be found here:
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JK was asked if he has a tattoo on his back, to which he said he doesn't, only on his right arm.
We had a little JK-Army flirtation going on, as per usual, lol.
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Mr. Jeon Jungkook also thinks maybe he's the next to get appendicitis. I sure hope he's wrong.
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And that at 25 yo he's getting old.- everything hurts. Why am I not surprised (man cannot do anything half way).
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RM popped in to visit JK's live, a little drunk perhaps, lol.
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And JK...
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Next comes the thing everyone has been literally waiting for...
The tattoos.
I know this will be twisted and turned and I feel sorry for the accounts with their anons open, cause this, not surprisingly, is turning into to a shit storm...
There are a few translations out there, most not full ones, and others pretty unreliable.
So, I'm still on the lookout for a reliable full translation for these. I've found a couple that feel like they have an agenda.
I did find this one, a full translation that seems to be more or less on the up and up - lines up with all the bits and pieces I've found in the accounts I do trust.
One specific tattoo JK neglects to talk about is the eclipse tattoo. Unintentional you think? I think not.
So, let's get down to what we really came for, eh? His hand tattoo. The talk of the town.
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I know JK said the J is for JK. JK and Army.
Loud and clear, right?
But is it?
Is JK sharing the whole story with us?
Why then on the ring finger?
Why over the M?
Why not allow anything come between the two?
Also funny, as @jaksal pointed out, how for JM's birthday in 2021 for some reason the J and M were kept apart, distanced, quite like the J and M on JK's finger. Apart but not parted (mostly).
Another question I can't help but ask is since when does J stand for JK? Really. Please tell me when was the first or last time JK ever referred to himself as J.
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Jungkook calls himself JK. He is referred to by others as JK. When he writes his name in Roman letters he writes JK. Never J.
On top of that, why not put the J over the A? Would make more sense, J + Army from the start...
And if he decided to put the crown over the A, which he did, then why not put the J over any other finger other than the actual ring finger that happened to make a lovely clear and constantly touched up and darkened JM?
Could JK share the whole story with us even if he really wanted to?
JK in essence debunked the story that Army were living for since 2019 - that Army with the J stood for all the 7 members of BTS. The A inverted standing for V.
Yes, he said the J is for JK, but could he say he added the J on his ring finger over the M to make JM? The only one out of all of the members he decided to tattoo onto his skin, have on his hand for all to see?
Telling us J over the M on his ring finger stood for JM would be literally outing the two as a queer couple. No ifs ands or buts.
And you can't say the same about him telling us army is army. Because admitting army was for all the members wouldn't put him in a queer relationship with one of the members, all while having JM on his ring finger would seal the deal on that.
So what did JK do talking about his tattoos? He omitted the JM, and the eclipse - the two specific known tattoos that can link him directly to JM (and if the eclipse had nothing to do with JM why not talk about it too?).
Oh, and I know what comes next -
Being asked "are you calling him a liar?"
Heck no.
But telling a necessary untruth, or embellishing the truth, or omitting some facts, or perhaps the right way of seeing it is giving us the acceptable excuse.
Nope. Not lying. But all the above... yeah, that.
Seriously, take a second to think clearly. What was he supposed to do? Really? Admit that the J and M are connected and mean JM?
I've been seeing people talking about how JK didn't realise what he was doing. That he didn't see the placement came out like JM. Please give me a break. Do they really have such low regard for JK?
The man that came up with this:
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Wouldn't realise the J placed over the M makes JM - Jimin. Ha-ha-ha.
With or without the next paragraph, JK knew what he was doing.
But if we do trust this specific translation, JK points out that he placed the crown over the A. Thoughtfully. Intentionally. Do we really think he wouldn't have had the same thought process with the J?
Please don't insult JK's intelligence.
And if you wonder what K-JKKs are thinking:
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And being harassed and bullied and bad mouthed for speaking their minds. How familiar...
Oh, and just in case we forgot, during the live JK made sure we'll remember how he refers to Jimin... starting to actually say the actual name and then intentionally changing it up to JM. See for yourselves.
And if you are even interested to know what my 21 yo army non Jikooker daughter's reaction was to the whole Army and J tattoo explanation (you're getting either way)...same daughter that told me the army stood for all members and we argued about it many a times.
You know what she said to me?
"Well, what do you expect him to say? That it's JM? Of course he can't say that".
He can't say it.
So, if I haven't made myself clear by now I'll say it once more with feeling:
The combination of the J and the M on JK's ring finger stands for JM.
Again, I don't think JK is lying. But he's omitting.
The J could definitley be there to not only mean JM but him as well, which would make it even more romantic, if you will. The J and the M, JK and JM marked on his ring finger. If that's not commitment idk what is.
Then Tae joined the fun.
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So, JK started the live.
Full untranslated live here (couldn't find a reliable translated one on YT just yet):
JK getting up mid live, to get something?
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comes back and still talk for a few minutes, to each other (?) and that's it.
Not much was going on there.
Not gonna say the D (disconnected) word, cause y'all gonna come down my throat.
What was kind of obvious is that no, they no bumping knees. Two mates talking. To each other, next to each other, sometimes the first, sometimes the other.
When you are asking to have a live but then reduced to play with the filters cause the convo, it just ain't flowing, all to end the live after around 10 minutes (I think only around half of that was them talking to each other)...
I'd say reach your own conclusions.
The apartment
Before moving on let's talk a little about the apartment shall we?
We know who is on the lease of Brunnan.
We know it's furnished with some of the dorm's furniture (I'm not 100% sure, but that lounge sure looked like the dorm lounge).
Walls bare.
Clothes rack empty.
What looked like his coat maybe lying on the lounge next to him.
This time he was prepared with a chilled beer glass (after the tea cup wine drinking debacle, lol).
Let's get real here.
Could he be living there? Sure he could. Spending days on end in a bare, cold, lifeless apartment with zero character.
Could he be living elsewhere, let's say somewhere where we aren't even shown anything other than the tv screen? Sure he could. But not on paper. Not officially.
Could two grown men that literally aren't allowed to be in a queer relationship starting the second they enlist need to have official/public known separate addresses, and perhaps there is another place, kept secret, where they can spend most of their time together their privacy guaranteed? Knowing there are still queer couples in SK that live that way, my answer to that will be yes.
Do we know for sure? Heck no. And that, my friends, is the whole idea. We're not supposed to know, as much as our curiosity kills us.
Just a couple of more things and we're done. Phew...
We had this:
JK likes cute
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Just in case we weren't aware of it, once again JK confirms that his type is cute. Since forever.
Cute has JK giggling.
Cute has JK drooling.
Another one that deserves it's very own post. So much to do...
Note to self: you asked for Jikook content, don't complain now that you got some.
Sam Smith's Unholy
I'm going to end this long ass post with some JK singing and dancing to Sam Smith's Unholy.
Because how better to end this with a diva JK?
Of course he'll know the choreo.
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
idjfjsksl i’m obsessed with august and i’m gonna start scars don’t fade immediately, you’re so friggin talented! for a request could you give us a scenario for august where y/n finds out she’s pregnant and she tells gojo? i’d love to see how he reacts and how he acts throughout her pregnancy and how he wants to make up for him missing out on y/n’s first pregnancy and keisukes birth!
also miso is so cute i love that he has beef with a kitten already!
thank you so much ily!!
Oooh sure! It’s a good idea ❤️
From the series : August
Genre : slight angst but mostly fluff ❤️
You stared at the reports, you were pregnant. Again. It filled you with immense joy but also uncertainty. What if Gojo does not want another lid right now? Keisuke was only 2, still too young and having another kid would be a lot of work. By the time the baby is born keisuke will be 3. You bit the inside of your cheeks nervously as you did the math and imagined all the possible scenarios.
“Y/n?”. Gojo called out to you, making you snap out of your thoughts and hide the file behind your back.
“What’s wrong?”.
“Nothing!”. You spoke too soon.
Gojo walked towards you and reached for the file behind your back. You knew it was too late. You watched nervously as Gojo opened the file and read the contents. Your racing heart skipped a beat when you saw his frown turn into a smile.
“Y/n! Oh god! Is this… oh my god! I’m going to be a father again!!!”. Gojo screamed and pulled you into his arms.
“Yes”. You smiled. All your nervousness and doubts evaporated from your mind.
Remember the time when you thought that the pregnancy will be too tiring and too much of work? Now as you posed for Gojo with your hand over your non existent bump you wondered if anything can be too much compared to Gojo Satoru. This was not a monthly thing. This was not a weekly thing. This was a daily thing.
Paranoia was too small of a word to describe what Gojo felt. This was his second child but his first pregnancy. Yes that’s what he called it. You were not allowed to get sick and hence now your bedroom had become a clean room. You were not allowed to lift heavy things so now Gojo considered a pillow to be too heavy for your vulnerable body. Suddenly you were introduced to the concept of too much sunlight and too little sunlight. Did you need Gojo’s help to get up? No. Did he insist on helping you get up? Yes. Did he prepare a list of 1000 questions and asked each and every one of them during your doctor’s visit? Yes. What is the ideal room temperature for an unborn baby? How much should a 3 week pregnant women walk? What is the ideal footwear for a pregnant women? How loud should the TV be? How bright should the phone screen be? You had to drag Gojo out after the last question.
He called Shoko every time he thought something was off.
“Is it normal of her to cough while drinking water?”. “Is it normal for her to drink cold water? …..but is it good for her to drink cold water?”.
You stared at Gojo with the glass of water in your hand. “This water either goes in my mouth or on your face!”.
Shoko chuckled on the other end of the phone and advised Gojo to listen to you.
“But is this behaviour a sign of stress? Stress is not good for the baby right?”.
He sorted the entire pantry into pregnancy safe food and not pregnancy safe food. He measured the temperature of the bath water before letting you step in.
“Satoru! The baby is not a baby yet. It’s the size of a grape! It can’t hear you talk about our love story”.
Gojo looked up at you, “I still want it to know!” He turned towards your non existent bump and placed a kiss on it. “I love you so much! Grow up well and healthy! I can’t wait to see you and spoil you!”.
Your smile dropped and the sadness took over and Gojo’s dramatic ending to your love story faded into the background as the noises inside your head took over and soon your were weeping. You swore it was hormones but if you ask me it was your suppressed guilt.
Gojo was immediately by your side cupping your face and wiping the tears with his thumb. Somehow it made you cry even more.
“Darling, what happened? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry! Tell me what happened”. Gojo asked frantically.
You shook your head and let out a choked cry. You looked at him with your eyes all red and tears flowing down your cheeks. “I’m a bad mother satoru!” You bawled and buried your face in his chest. Gojo frowned and runned your back as he kissed the top of your head.
“No no no no. You are the best mother. Why do you think so? You didn’t do anything wrong!”.
You shook your head and cried even harder as you clenched his shirt in your fist. “I am not! I am not! I ..” you looked up at him and your puffy face broke Gojo’s heart.
“You need to talk to me y/n. I can’t see you like this. Whatever it is we will get through it together. I will fix it. I promise you that. Please don’t say that about yourself. You have no idea how lucky I am to have you”. Gojo spoke with tears lining his lashes. He was confused and close to having a panic attack himself. Everything was fine minutes ago then what happened now?
You sat back and wiped your tears. “Can you promise me something?”.
“Other than risking your life to save the baby I will promise you anything!”. Gojo said as he brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles.
You scoffed and sniffed. “promise me that you will love the baby and Keisuke equally”.
Gojo’s mouth hung open, “of course! Oh god y/n! Of course I will love them both the same! Oh my god is that why you were …oh god y/n. I will love them both just the same!”.
You swallowed painfully, “I..I wish I could have given Keisuke this…this moment with you. It just seems..so…so unfair to him and…and I don’t know what to do! He deserved this too but I…I took it from him and now…it’s too late”.
Gojo stretched his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, “y/n, Keisuke was born in different circumstances. It hurts me as well that I didn’t get to have these moments with him but he brought us together. He is special because he is the reason why you are with me right here and why we have another baby. Nothing is going to replace that. I will never ever make him feel any less loved”.
You nodded your head in response and pressed your lips together.
“And you know what?” Gojo continued.
You looked at him, “what?”.
“Even if Keisuke was not my son. Even if he was your son with…anyone, I would have loved him the same. Because as long as he is a part of you, I will love him more than my own life. When I held him for the first time, I felt invincible. I felt complete. Keisuke made me a father and nothing can change that”.
You sniffed and rested your head on his chest and draped your arm over his torso. “I love you”.
Gojo kissed your forehead, “I love you too”.
“You are a good father Satoru. The best one”.
Gojo smiled proudly and rubbed your arms. Every time you said that to him his heart felt full. That’s all he wanted. To be a good husband to you and to be a good father to your children. But deep inside Gojo knew that Keisuke will always be special to him. Sure he didn’t get to feel him kick and see him grow but he became a dad when Keisuke uttered the word ‘dada’.
As your belly grew so did Gojo’s paranoia. Now that he knew what happened during your last pregnancy he was even more scared. What if something like that happens again? What if something happens to you? What if something happens to the baby? He had to be ready.
He attended every child birth class with you. Read, re-read, and bookmarked pages from the daddy and me blog. Spoke to doctors from all over the world and had the best nurse in the country on stand by. He had one ambulance ready outside the mansion and another ambulance just in case the first one breaks down on the way to hospital.
He hired a renowned private chef to satisfy your pregnancy cravings and would get up every time you got sick at night. He would lay with Keisuke on his stomach and teach him how to be a good elder brother. The two of them would talk to the baby at the same time and you would just pray that the baby does not inherit the their talkative nature.
Gojo cried when he felt the baby kick for the first time. He cried when he saw the baby in the sonogram. He stared at the black and white photo for days. But he did not forget Keisuke. He would spend extra time with Keisuke to make up for his lack of time with you.
Once you walked in on Gojo showing the sonography photo of Keisuke and the new baby to Keisuke and pointing out the similarities. You were lucky to have him as the father of your child…children!
Gojo had insisted that you get checked into the hospital four days before the due date just to be safe. It was annoying but you knew you had to preserve your energy for bigger things.
You went into labour at 1:00 am and Gojo was woken up by your screams. After two hours of kneeling by your bed , holding your hand and reminding you to deep breath, and getting cursed by you he was finally ushered out as the nurses took you for prep. Soon he was back again in the blue robe and gloves and by your side.
Gojo swore that day he would never underestimate your strength again. If you gripped his hand a little harder he was sure you would snap his fingers like a twig. But he would even let you do that. Every off beat beep of the monitor sent his mind into a frenzy. He was prepared for every scenario. There was a helicopter waiting on the roof just in case you needed to be flown to another hospital.
“You’re doing so well y/n! Little more baby just a little more!”
“I read it on the blog that-“
“Gojo Satoru! If you talk about that blog right now then help me god!!!!”.
“Okay okay okay sorry sorry! I will not! Uummm do you want to hear a joke?”
“Shut up!!!!” You screamed at him.
He nodded your head and followed your order. He kept praying the entire time for you to be safe. He wiped the sweat off your forehead and kissed your hand. He hated that that’s all he could do. He hated that you were in pain and he was not. He hated that you were at risk and he was not. At one point you were sure you saw him cry but you didn’t have time to focus on one crying baby when you were trying to push out another.
After a night full of fear and praying, At 4:00 AM on a cold winter night, You and Gojo welcomed your baby girl.
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anonymoosen · 9 months
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