#They will be mentioned in this but I will not write them specificaly
milkywayscap-blog · 5 months
A demon king will die but not his ideals
Ketsueki: The oldest triplet
Shi: The middle triplet
Kiba: The youngest triplet
Ketsueki sighs as their hands are hidden behind their back. They glare down at the human in front of them, "I thought I asked you to bring me a blue spiderlily?" They pouted and the human apologized, "I'm sorry darling, I just couldn't find one... I mean it's almost like-..." The human didn't even get to finish his sentence when Shi sliced his head off with little remorse. "Stop playing with your food," Shi huffed as they licked the blood from her hands. "If you won't finish off the boy toy I wouldn't mind," Shi grins as they look at Ketsueki, "Don't even think about it you imbecile," They huff as they walk over to the severed head. The neck poured blood as the eyes of the human's head moved for just a few seconds more before seeing the inside of Ketsueki's throat. "Kiba better have produced results or we'll have to deal with this issue quicker than expected." "Oh don't worry your pretty little head, Kets. You're pretty enough to get another gullible human to drool over the prospect of earning you, they're not that hard to impress anyways." Shi grins as she walks to her sibling, "Plus Kiba's still out doing work in the north, the mountains need to be checked and they're perfect for the job."
It is quite surprising to think that the king of demons was able to produce not just one or two, but three children. Ketsueki, the eldest of the three, has inherited more of Muzan's looks but has Kokushibo's personality and aura. Shi, the middle child, has inherited more of Kokushibo's looks, yet possesses the menacing air of Muzan to an almost eerie perfection. Lastly, Kiba, the youngest of the three, is an almost perfect combination of the two demons, but their aura is difficult to place, almost as if it is nonexistent except for in battle.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Traitor!Cor Leonis AU
This one was inspired by @midgarmosquito and their game theory. There is also added picture by @risingoflights that I can literally see when I wrote the last sentence of this.  And I have an excuse to write for Titus as a big brother and father/mentor.
WARNING! In this headcanon is mentioned abuse and beating.
- Cor was angry 15 year boy that despised war and decisions made by King Mors, like pulling the Wall to Insomnia's ramparts (he though that it was a honor to serve king, not anymore)
-  Cor started to be more bitter and cold towards everyone ( which did not escape a certain Drautos, who shared the sympathy)
-Titus took him under his wing, which blossomed into beautiful brotherhood (both of them cherish it dearly)
- It was slow and budding relationship from rivals to friends to brothers till death (Titus calls him affectionately “Little brother or tiny daemon”, Cor calls him “ Old bear or grumpy cat”, sometimes calls him “Big brother” when he´s feeling emotionally down)
- But the greatest confirmation of their brotherhood was when Cor came to Titus all bloodied and battered. Titus helped him bandage his injuries, gave him food meanwhile containging the rage inside. “Who did this to you, little daemon?” And afterwhile with choked voice came the answer. “It was my step dad. He tried to beat mum again, so ...” Titus didn´t need to hear anything else. He let Cor crash at his apartment, while he plotted. 
- Next day, Cor recieved a news that his stepfather was arrested, for what he didn´t know. He went to Titus, because he knew the older male had something to do with it. When sleepy Titus opened the door, Cor with no hesitation huggs him. “Thank you big bro, thank you so much.”  Titus never felt more alive than at this moment.
- Few years later, Cor is dissatisfied with Regis who acts as a puppet of the nobility. Especially with decisions of the reffugees, who are threated poorly and used as pawns for a war
- Titus introduced Cor to Nyx Ulric, his troublemaker protegee. Cor in private jokes with Titus that Nyx is more like his son. “Shut up, that´s not it!” “Yeah, yeah whatever you said Titus.”
- Titus takes Cor to Cavaugh more specificaly to his village. “This is where it all started for me. My quest for revenge.” Tells him about his family and friends who have died. How from loyal soldier to Crown he became the feared general Glauca of Niflheim.
- There Cor truly meets the real Titus, broken man with nothing  else to lose. And Cor doesn´t even hesitate when Titus asked him to join in their rebellion. “ You have my sword ,Titus. Whatever it takes, I am on your side.” 
- Cor met all the glaives that joined, promising them a better future. Is took by surprise by Luche Lazarus, who thanked him for everything he has done for them 
- Cor also received information about sleeping agent placed in Prince´s retinue, Titus didn´t specified it just said “ It´s insurance if anything goes wrong.”
- when the Day of Signing came, Cor did as Regis told him with exception that he joined Glauca in the fight.
Nyx´s eyes reflected pain and utter disbelief. “ Captain, Marshall ... It was you two all along.” 
- “ Forgive me, old friend.” Cor´s the one who deals the final blow to Regis. 
-  Meanwhile Titus went to fight Nyx alone while Cor was coordinating their forces (what's left of them, anyway)
- Whole fight sequence later  Cor at last came to the side of the battle, tired disolving Nyx sitting on other side of gravely injured Titus. 
- ” Titus, Titus goddamn it! Here, take the potion!” Titus stops him, his eyelids starting to feel heavy. “It´s okay little brother, you can´t help me ... “  Cor eyes started to water. “No, don´t do this to me Titus. You´re my fucking brother, the last good thing I have left.” Cor catch him by his collar. “As you were my, Cor.”
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Here's my research notes on Tarot cards. I got interested thanks to playing both the Quarry Game and Marvel's Midnight Suns. So far this is an overview, with thanks to a friend on twitter giving me a general summary of the minor arcana cards.
Now that Twitter is offically crashing and burning thanks to Elon Musk burning the poor out of it, I'm going to try and post my writing research and focus on being creative instead of trolling bigots.
Anyways enough dawdling.
Tarot actually started out as a card game in france, but now it's more associated with the occult, specificaly fortune telling or seeing the future, past or revealing hidden details about a person's life, depending on the reading.
There are 78 cards with it's own imagery, symbolism, and story.
The 22 major arcana cards, The Fool, Death, The Devil, The World and The Star etc, are meant to represent life's karmic and spirtual lessons. So they show up at major events and stages in someone's life and journey.
The 56 minor arcana represent smaller day-to-day trials and challenges that a person might face, new relations, windfalls of money etc. They have a more practical edge and refer more to current issues that are temporary.
So in short if Major Arcana fortells major stuff like WW2, the Minor Arcana fortells you finding that new job after Elon Musk takes over your company (yeah I might make a few digs at him :) )
The Minor Arcana cards are have 16 Court Cards, similar to how there are 12 picture cards in a normal deck of playing cards. They're called Page, Knight, Queen and King. Each one represents 16 different personality characteristics that we may express at any one time (I wonder if any of them is sarcasm cos that would be my soul card).
The remaining 40 are the numbers of each suit, numbered from 1 (or ace) to 10 like a normal deck of cards. These guys represent normal day to day situations we find ourselves in.
This is where I thank my twitter friend Demifluid Spoonie, cos they gave me this overview of the minor arcane suits and numbers. Though don't worry, I'm gonna do my own research into each card good and proper.
So the suits. There are 4 of them in all, each with their own element and what they represent in a Tarot Reading.
1) Coins. This one is also called Pentacles. No idea why this one has 2 names. Their element is earth, and probably accordingly, they represent material goods, wealth, and work. So at least the "coins" name makes sense, huh. So naturally if you get these in a Tarot reading it's gonna be about your wealth and career. So Elon Musk won't be getting any of these (I did warn ya I'll slip in wisecracks).
2) Cups. Water element (probably cos you drink water from a cup). They represent emotions and relationships (probably cos those are meant to flow like water, or a raging torrent). So yeah if these show up it's gonna be about your relationships and emotional connect to yourself and others.
3) Wands; Surpisingly this one out of the 2 elements left is about fire. Not surpisingly fire means energy, motivation and passion. Appears in Tarot readings about life purpose, spirituality and new ideas. (lot of people fleeing the twitter dumpster fire are gonna get these cards then).
4) Swords, naturally this one has the remaining element, Air. Kinda surpising this one is about logic, wisdom, thoughts and actions. Appears in Tarot readings about communicationing your ideas, making decisions and asserting your power.
Now Spoonie did give me an overview of the numbers and Court cards too that I'll share, but I'll cover these in more details in a future blog post.
So in order
1) Ace. New beginings and New starts. A lot of that going thanks to Old Musk, but don't worry, it's meant to be good or lucky. I did mention these are used in fortune telling? No one wants bad news.
2) 2, Pairs and balance. 2 of cups, being the water and emotional suit, is the most romantic apparently, (I wonder if these show up for Aromantic clients? Genuinely curious).
3) 3- Creativity. I hope to get a lot of 3s.
4) Structure and stability. I think the world needs more 4 cards.
5) change/conflict. The world has had too much of that one thanks.
6) communciation and harmony. The world definetly never had a lot of 6 cards.
7) reflection and knowledge.
8) accomplisment. Spoonie told me that the 8 of swords (air and the thoughtful suit) is the tangled up in your own worry card. I'll get a lot of this one.
9) Rewards for hard work.
10) Completetion.
11) Page is the student card
12) Knight for adventure- probably erstwile knight card
13) Queen the teacher
14) King the master.
And that concludes my first Tarots Blog post.
My next one will be about Ace of Cups.
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mythvoiced · 3 years
Sarang 😎 What fuels you? Have you ever had moments of doubt, when fulfilling the mission you've created for yourself? What are you willing to do, if your real intentions are ever discovered, before gaining the full freedom you seek? If there was a chance to take more power than the one you've earned, would you take it?
@theimpalpable | ah yes, the keeper of ALL my braincells, Alex Theimpalpable Jeoseungsaja, THE ONE TO HOLD THEM, TO FUEL THEM, THE-
Contrary to how she presents herself, she doesn’t actually live to entertain. Contrary to how she presents herself, she absolutely enjoys anonymity. Only the latter can truly provide her with the environment she needs to do what she wants... which is just about anything she happens to be wanting to do. Events are spent navigating the halls as casually as she may and afternoons are spent sitting far too prettily at the window of a coffee shop, blending in while thinking about all the ways she doesn’t qualify for any spot in the normal corners of society.
She sips at her iced tea, the ice cubes within clinking against the side of the glass as it leaves her lips and the shape of a smile forming on them. She takes her time replying, one might consider the silence as she flips strands of dark caramel looks behind her shoulders again, pensive in a way, as if she’s stalling to gather her thoughts. In reality, she simply likes people waiting.
Even unassuming dear companions as the one posing all those questions. Goodness, she hopes the information gathered won’t be used against her. What a shame that would be... what a tragic turn of events. The iced cubes continue to clink while she spins the straw within the glass.
“Should I answer in order? Guess so... What fuels me, what fuels me,” pensive in tone indeed now, as a manicured finger taps against her chin, her eyes seeking something invisible out in the interior of the shop, outside the window. There’s an air of nonchalance that seems to exceed any sort of casual touch to it, as if she’s more than just nonchalant, she is absolutely... careless, disinterested in a way, in what she might receive in exchange of her answers.
“Beauty,” she delivers and her lips, peach coloured and a little shiny, spread once more. “Beauty fuels me. The beauty of arts, the beauty of conversation, all I want is to explore all that it has to offer,” she pulls the glass closer, her eyes fixate, watch carefully, keep trapped, over the straw held so nimbly between her fingers. “And revenge, of course. Freedom, maybe? Destruction. There’s beauty in that, too. I’m very focused, you know?”
Her head tilts, her smile isn’t as sweet as the lemony flavour swimming through the ice in her glass, it reminds more of a different kind of woman, a more powerful, one that has been ditzy once, and vowed to never be again. Oh no, not a fool, not in the slightest. Mercy to those who think her so.
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“Extremely focused. I don’t doubt. I... rethink, that I do! Pick up a strategy, dismantle it, fix things. But I don’t falter. If things aren’t going my way, I’ll change approach. Oh,” she stops suddenly, wide-eyed, round mouth, oh how sweet the viper can pretend to be. “Were you talking about my mission as a knight? How silly... You can’t doubt something you don’t believe in, anyway. I lack the interest to doubt. I know it’s bullshit,” a drop in tone there, a little snort hidden in that last word, indicative of all that lies beneath sugary and conscious choice of words.
“Obviously, if someone were to discover that, and all the rest, which is what you’re probably referring too - it is a little jarring that you are so familiar with me,” the pale painted nail of her middle finger clicks against the glass. She is reading. She loves to read people the most. “I’d get in quite a bit of trouble. The order, well, it doesn’t... take kindly-- scratch that, it’s the direct opposite of kind, fuck, I think if I would ever be forced to go up against them, anything should be justifiable, right?”
She sets the glass down, drops her hands in her lap and, while leaning back into her seat, heaves an exaggerated sigh. “They’d kill me. And in their world, it’s either kill or be killed. So that’s what I’d be willing to do. I have to live. It’s what I deserve. They don’t get to stop me. So I’ll stop them first. But... I don’t want more power,” she shakes her head lightly to underline her words.
“At least... Well, okay, it’s a little more complicated than that... What do you mean by more power? Money? Politics? Magic? I can’t die, most of my problems get solved that way. People kill me and I come back and either kill them back or scare them until they wish I had. Threats don’t work on me,” fingers lift, as if counting off items from a list.
“No one knows I exist so I can’t be blackmailed and those who know I exist probably think I’m so random run of the mill girl in some random club downtown or have quite literally seen me day, doesn’t do very well in court, trust me. I don’t care about anyone, no loved ones to use against me. I can’t be touched, and... considering that’s all I want... Perhaps, perhaps I would like the power to... get rid of the weight tied around my ankles, if you get what I mean,” she winks while one of her hands seeks out the spot on her waist she knows the order’s tattoo to lie, beneath such pleasant fabrics.
“So... Yes, I would. I could use it, for that. I love your choice of words by the way,” she reaches for the glass again and brings it to her lips, straw dangling between them already when she finishes her statement. “’More power than the one you’ve earned’. You’re right. I have earned it. You’re also very smart. Good.”
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entropy-game-dev · 4 years
Getting organised in 2021
Huh, me? No I mean you! You!
I'm sure many people are looking ahead to 2021, and, with the new year comes renewals of goals, habits, motivation and so forth. I'm not really about that, but I thought now would be an apt time to talk about what I've learnt over the past 2 years regarding project management and keeping motivated. 
Now, I want to preface this blog with my thoughts about the whole "productivity" thing. I make a huge, HUGE distinction between being productive at work and productive on your hobbies. The idea of productivity in the workplace can be used in a manipulative fashion, where one may work themselves to mental and physical exhaustion for the benefit of someone else. Considering most people reading this will probably be on a fixed wage (rather than commission-based), does it really make sense to push oneself harder without getting any immediate, tangible benefit from it?
So that’s my rant for the blog, I promise! Anyway, on the other hand we have productivity on your hobbies, which is a completely different matter. You get out exactly 100% of what you put into your hobby, and it'll benefit you in multiple ways. I don't think I need to sell this to you, as I'm sure most people, myself included, would love to be more productive on their own personal projects. In this blog, I'm going to be talking exclusively about this sort of productivity and how to improve it in a couple of different ways. Again, this is all stuff I've personally tried and tested, so while I am confident this approach will work for me, it may not necessarily work for you. But, you won't know until you try!! So if you're convinced and want to get motivated, read on!
I first want to talk about one's mindset, and then dive into the tools I use. The latter will provide a bit more context for the former, and in the end, the most powerful tool you have is your brain, so use it!
Training your brain
So, the biggest problem I find myself, and other people have, is how to tackle a project and starting a work session. One I start, I find it easy to get into the zone (and this comes back to the choice of tools that augment my workflow), so getting started and knowing what I'm doing is the main thing I have to tackle. 
On the broadest level, I work with a general plan that has been written up previously. This contains all the key points from start to finish, without worrying too much about the detail at this stage. There is some skill involved in identifying what constitutes a "key" point, but this all comes down to practice. For reference, if I estimate something will take a week or two to finish, that's a task. If something will take longer than that, it's more than likely several tasks, and rolling it up into one task will probably cause some decision paralysis. Anything smaller and your list will get too clogged up, and again, decision paralysis. Right, so that's your high level plan done. Cool, but not really going to help you on a day-to-day basis as this will be something to refer to between tasks.
Ok, so now you have a list of chronological tasks. Take the first one and start it. Oh, you don't know where to start? Don't worry, I'm with you. It's important to recognise the mental signs related to approaching a task. If I find myself hesitating or not looking forward to a particular task, it often means I haven't defined it well enough. That means breaking the task down into individual steps, until you're comfortable saying "yep, I can do this right now" with each dot point. Again, it'll take some practice (depending on your hobby) to visualise and write down each step, but it is definitely something that you get used to, and will save you so much time umming and aahing with your program of choice open, but not actually getting any work done. If you are finding that happens more often than not, it breaks your workflow and you can't get into the zone!
A few more general tips. It helps to be consistent with your work. Try to dedicate a regular time to your hobby and you'll find it a lot easier to get into the working mindset and the zone. Allow yourself some days off, but don't use the excuse of "not being motivated enough" as a reason to take time off. What would be better is, if you can't force yourself to, say, program, work on the art, or the sound, or design. But do it consistently! 
Be accountable as well. This means involving others as much as you can - as an example, say you want to discuss a design aspect with a friend and you'll find extra motivation to work on that aspect, and get it ready for someone else to read over. Just having that knowledge of another person looking at your work will bring it to a new level, trust me! You can also be held accountable to people you don't know! Part of the reason why I started this blog and my Twitter account was because I always have in the back of my mind while working, that it'll eventually make its way to my blog. 
Finally, if your hobby has one, make use of the community where possible - get involved and see if there are ready made templates or resources you can use. I know people like to do things without help, and I absolutely respect that, but I find that people have often gone through the same struggles as you, and will provide ways to make your life easier!
Tools of the trade
Ok so I've used a lot of different software and systems in my time, and by process of natural selection the ones that I still use today are the ones that have been most helpful for me! Here's a short list with both the specific thing I use, and in brackets, what I use it for. If you already use something similar that fill a similar role, then my suggestion is to stick with what you know:
ClickUp (Project management, checklists): This is where I keep a list of all my major tasks. You can have checklists nested in checklists which is amazing for planning, and can organise things into broad categories, and tons more. Any good project management software like Trello etc. should support this.
Google Drive (Cloud storage of other assets, easy sharing, MS office replacement): I use this to store anything that isn't code related, and to work on things simultaneously with other people. While this game is a mostly solo effort, I absolutely discuss and show a ton of stuff to my more experienced friends, who in turn provide very helpful feedback. It's much nicer and more organised than sending files through a messaging app or (heaven forbid) emails!
Bitbucket (Source control, cloud storage of code): If you code, you need this. I don't care how small your project is! Actually, smaller projects are better to learn from! Github is definitely used the most for source control, so if you like that more, use it!
Google Keep (Note taking, brain dumps): Ever had a genius idea right before bed? Same, and I use Google Keep to keep track of them. I could use Clickup in this instance but I find the app to be a bit clunky compared to Keep.
Notepad++ (Rapid notes, copypasting error messages): Notepad ++ is what I use mainly for copypasting error messages to look at later, but I also use it when I need to break down a sub-task down, or make a note to do something later without interrupting my flow. The fact that Notepad++ specificaly can have multiple tabs and will save your tabs automatically without you having to manually save it is amazing.
Good 'ol pen and paper (Scratchpad): For those REALLY hard problems that can't be solved in my head, I turn to pen and paper to get my thoughts organised. While I could use something like Notepad++, I find that being able to write and draw anywhere on the paper, and link things up with lines helps immensely to get a clear idea of things.
Summing up
Right, so, that's about it from me. If you have any questions or want me to elaborate on something I've mentioned here, feel free to leave a comment or an ask. In any case, I hope you’re feeling more motivated now, and all the best for your personal projects in 2021!
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P.S. I've know I’ve been a bit quiet lately because I'm working on designing the five factions present in the demo - I can't reveal much lore about them (as those will be in logs you'll find in-game), but I will be showing off some more designs and gameplay mechanics in the near future, so look forward to it!
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i gotta talk about Narrative Telephone
I. Fucking. Love. It.
when my extreme dislike of second-hand embarrassment takes a loud backseat i can fin so much that i love about it. 
but what i love most isn't the humor. or even the continued critical role content. no, i love the allegory and the metaphor of the whole concept. 
all my life i loved the concept of watching time move forward. seeing evolution, hearing language change, watching cultures rise and fall. but what i dont like is time and the fact that im along for the ride. id rather watch evolution, not be step 48801 of a process with no end. and sadly most media and general public doesn't like watching time change. no one wants too see how the English language evolves with a rise in Spanish speaking folks and pop culture creating new idioms and words. everyone would much rather watch something with the same animals with the same people walking the same cities speaking the same language, albeit maybe with a few more neon lights and holograms to make you feel like its in some vague ~future~. but narrative telephone gives me the change i like to see. i can finally feel like im watching a story going through the times and changes of a culture.
im gonna need to explain a little more. what better way than to show off all the current episodes.
episode one is simple, pumat and the big bad wolf. the sorry starts with pumat on a stroll through the woods. he finds a talking wolf and they fight. the story ends with the pumat eating a nice mushroom and wolf stew. but the changes to the story are what get to me. i love ashley, trust me i really do. but in this context, she’s basically the dark ages. everything crumbles and the story follows in the crash. this point is when the more brothers grimm tales and nonsense folklore are added in. people dont like the night, so the seen changes to match. suddenly the wolf not only speaks, but has a beak! the fighting through being somewhat vague in the original story now is lost to time and is none existent. taliesin builds off it, changing it ever so slightly from a garbled to a more of a warning story. a story that reflects a change in a cultures thoughts on the woods. when everything was all writings and giant building the woods where just a place to rule over and harvest, but after the fall now its returned to the unexplored. the place of fey and monsters that should never be explored at night. marisha adds winter and gives it just the smallest bit of added context. a man in the woods during night before might have been seen as mad or crazy, but a man scrounging for some mushrooms in a dead forest in winter isnt tempting fate, he’s struggling to live. a shift in view also makes it so that the beaked magic wolf is just as weakened by the winter, and is easily turned away by just a voice. sam is..something. if ashley is the dark ages than id say sam is like a renaissance. specifically a very drunk renaissance. the kingdom was risen and is filled with hubris and pride.its gained a very “man falls for his hubris” greek vibe to it.  pumat has gone from scavenging to walking unbothered by cold dead winter. the kingdom has lost its enjoyment of strange creatures, monsters are still around in legend, but most have been replaced with magical people, with a clear rise in “person in an animals skin” tropes. the original fight has been mostly lost, now the story is that of a magic hunter who eyes the mushrooms taken by pumat and gives a chuckle and permission to continue exploring the woods unimpeded. pumat eats just the mushrooms, which now have gained the lupine taste, and the vague description of “he became something more” giving the idea of some sort of curse for his nature. Laura has added back the wolfs anger, but removed the suspicion of pumat. the curse is still in the end of the story though. this could be a change into more of a forbidden fruit trope. because pumat still trusted strange mushrooms in a dead forest with a magic guardian, he paid the price. travis is a sort of close to modernization of the story. its the point in time when its nonsensical nature and magic was viewed as weird and convoluted.  similar to when we look at older myths with long intricate plans and think “nice story, but poor pacing”. liam goes for the “granddad telling stories by the fire” vibe. the tale has died down and is being co-opted for new use. now the rather dark tale has turned into more of a children's storybook with messages like not to trust strangers and to not do drugs being tagged on. 
ep. 2: jesters ability to say 1000 words a second. pickadors plume is a story in a story. a story about gaining a treasure through a complex and detailed series of events  with lots of loaded lore about the world with no clear description of what the treasure truly is. liam is the first few generations. the generation close enough to the original to try and remember, but not enough to keep every detail. the best example is of the ending, where the treasure should be. humans love rewards, so a story with a vague reward isnt enough for people. in liams generation transition to the griffon, travel, and fruit specifically being the treasure begins to lay its foundations. since this is already so long i will also mention that the transition from stone shaped like a heart ---to----> stone shaped like a hut could be an example of a changing dialect and language. sam, travis, and marisha are clear evidence of a shift in culture. jesters complete backstory wasnt introduced till now. and in it comes the cultures want to explain this event. humans love simplifying, but we also love to describe things. if we want to, we will add words just as much as we remove them. the dialect changes just as much. the new word of “schtupping." has either replaced or become a synonym of the word fucking, the name of the plum as even changed too. the treasure has gone from “lost to time” to “there is treasure, i just wont name it”. but fret not, for the mystery aspect is still in the story. for now everything will disappear like it never happened, or did it? though travis specifically specifies that you keep the treasure. humans love rewards, it was gonna come back eventually. matt is the sorta an enlightening moment in the society. at the very least its the point in time where people who know geography and history say “wait, that layout doesnt make any sense”. taelisan and ashley are the beginning of the end. the slow fall into the dark ages. the story becomes vague and small. slowly becoming more of a statement and less of a story. the society is forgetting large chunks and its bleeding out into other legends. there maybe a sort of thanksgiving/ christmas sort of event spawned from or because of the myth, but the story itself isnt going to live every far (hence why its ending in a dark age and not somewhen else)
Ep. 3: boy do humans enjoy rich’s, love, and drama. sam’s story comes from a society that warns against wanting what you wish for without expecting some strings attached and features a evil ruler to boot, just so they can date the legend. the story of a delivery boy who invents a pair of glasses to see through objects and uses them to win rewards and gives them all to a rich woman that only loves him for the money, and really loves the prince. matt changes the story so the two are already in love. but also changed it so that it was the greed of the prince and the wife that lead to the heartbreak rather than the delivery boys naivety. travis changes delivery boy from a clever inventor to just already owning the glasses. both matt and travis with there respective fictional cultures are showing how humans like to remember the stuff they liked in a story, so when they forget when something specifically came in, they just fill in the blank and assume its always been there. travis specificaly begins the stories slow march to a less heartbreaking story by adding a joke to help give the couple a more flushed out relationship. this is also the shift in cultural perspective. the antagonist began his life as a evil prince, but now is simply a rotten neighbor. this could mean the myth was co-opted to fit a better role, possibly after the removal of monarchy or just of a specific bloodline.the rich wife becomes just the wife, no money involved. this is also the beginning of what a full fledged re-write of the story. now the delivery man has gone from giving up to still being in love with the wife and now even standing up for himself. (possibly a mix of when the story was of a prince and used to promote the common folk to rise up against the kings, leading to the theory of a removal of the crown). ashely...oh ashely. this moment in history atleast solidifies the love between them, and even brings back delivery husbands inventor skills. liam is the slow clawing climb back up out of the collapse. he’s still very much in the collapse of the kingdom. but aleast its just before when begin to solidify into the new meta of the era. laura and taelisin’s era is a complete re-write after the collapse of the society. the focus has moved to more of a folk-hero style legend about rising above through theft and cheating (could mean that after the collapse the culture around theft changed from crime to fighting to survive. the antagonist has really changed from being the bad guy to just in the love triangle. the society seems to agree with every polyamourous person when we all say “this how drama triangle could have been avoided if you guys all just got together”. marisha’s only real change a more modernization from “specticals” to “goggles” and that the culture either wants to make half-orcs feel more inclusive or just really dont like goliaths and changed it. 
ep. 4: deargodfinallyigottheneedtowritethisoutofmysystemsoletsspeedrunthisshit. liams story is an analogy for the horrors, pointlessness, and sacrifics of war. but over time the story shifts from a “we did this to ourselves” narrative to a “an outside force did this to use”. this shifts the goal from a need for peace to a need to protect everyone for the sake of the many. ill write more later but dear god i my hand might fall off soon
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autistic--rory-blog · 5 years
Hey i have a question. Im 15. Ive spoken alot my entire life but recently speaking has become a challenge. Im scared to ask for accomidations because its happened so suddenly. Im not diagnosed with autism but im persuing one. Is it possible that im regressing this late? The only things ive seen are of children regressing in developement. Speaking has almost started to hurt from the effort it takes. Is it possible to become nonverbal? Its only been happening for about a week and a half. Thanks!
yeah actually it can
regression in autistic children is mainly a form of burnout and that can happen at any time
autistic burnout causes some people to lose some or all of their speech along with executive functioning issues, more sensory issues, more meltdowns/shutdowns and less masking ability. burnout can last for months to years. there is a big chance that you will eventually get speech back as you come out of burnout
if you dont have a diagnosis yet then you could explain it like how it feels without specificaly mentioning autism (for me its like a wall between my brain and my mouth and words cant get around it)
i actually have someone i know who went through a similar thing. they started to go into burnout and not be able to talk that much and within a week or 2 they were completely nonverbal and couldnt use speech even if they wanted to
that person started with writing things on post it notes and giving them to people and then they bought a tablet and got an free aac app and used that to communicate
so yes it is totally possible
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ariadnassecretdiary · 6 years
Hello~! // ¡holi~!
Mun Ari is here~! With yet another blog huehuehue~
This blog will work solemly as a writing blog/archive~ The word “diary” will take it’s literal meaning, since most of the time I’ll be focusing on writing of what Ari writes on her diary. You all will have the oportunity to look through my girl’s diary, loosing yourself on her passages so you can finally get to know my precious girl more. You all are really lucky since you can see and read what’s inside (unlike Kino, take that Kino >:D!)
Blog both in English and Spanish! It will be filled with writing and once in a while ugly doodle (acting as pictures on Ari’s diary). Oh! A little thing to mention: Ari writes as if she’s writing to a dear friend, so don’t freak out? It just how she writes, but they aren’t letters: it’s a diary.
OF COURSE! I would like to ALSO mention that you’ll see drabbles, fanfics or just random thoughts/phrases. I would also like to mention that there will be once in a while NSFWish texts, but don’t worry cause’: 1) I’ll mark them correctly with my special tag “#🤭❣️👈🏻👀” ; 2) they will always be under the cut ; 3)I won’t share the text directly into my blogs: just the link to direct you here ^^ and 4) I write horribly so you don’t have to worry about getting red or such in public xD
Thank you for your attention! :3 Feel free to ask me anything related to this blog, any other subject, please direct it to any of my blogs: @ariadnasdiary (OC specificaly) or @eldiariodeariadna (OC realted too but only in Spanish)
¡¡Mun Ari aquí~!! Con otro blog otra vez huehuehue~
Este blog funcionará solamente como un blog de escritura/archivo~ La palabra “diario” tomará su significado literal, ya que la mayor parte del tiempo me concentraré en escribir tal y como Ariadna escribiría en su diario. Tendrán la oportunidad de ver, leer y perderse en sus páginas y así conocer a mi hermosa niña un poco mejor. Tienen mucha suerte, ya que solo ustedes serán capaces de leer sus páginas (no como Kino, ¡JA! ¡Toma eso Kino! >:D)
¡El blog será en inglés y en español! Estará lleno de escritura y uno que otro dibujito (simularán “fotos o ilustraciones” del diario de Ariadna), fanfics o solo frases y/o pensamientos. ¡Oh! me gustaría mencionar que: Ariadna escribe como si escribiera una carta a una querida amiga, así que no se espanten. No son cartas, solo es como Ariadna escribe.
¡TAMBIÉN! Me gustaría mencionar que habrán escritos NSFWish de vez en cuando, pero no se preocupen, porque: 1) Los marcaré de manera adecuada con mi tag especial “#🤭❣️👈🏻👀” ; 2) siempre estarán abajo del corte ; 3) no los compartiré en mis otros blogs, solo compartiré el link al texto de aquí ^^y 4) escribo horrible así que no hay peligro de que se sonrojen en público y así xD
¡Gracias por su atención! :3 Cualquier duda relacionada con este blog, siéntanse libres de preguntar; para cualquier otra duda relacionada a Ariadna como tal dirigirse a: @ariadnasdiary (mi blog principal de mi OC pero solo en inglés) o @eldiariodeariadna (todo lo relacionado con mi OC pero solo en español (*coff*endóndeestoymásactiva*coff*))
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Who wants a reincarnation au?
As mentioned in the Halloween count down for Fate, I have a rencarnation au. Figured I’d put it out there so you can request for them in this au.
Artoria Pendragon:
She decends from a high ranking mage family that has been around for centruies
Although her sister Morgan is a far better mage than she is
She currently attends a private school in the English contryside, although later will studdy at the clock tower
So will her sister
They make an unstopable team
She’s a straight A student though
While her sister, Morgan, is very feminine and excells at mage craft, Artoria often struggles with feminine persuntes such as make up (Although she is fond of skin care) and prefers fencing to actual magic
As such she’s a member of her schools fencing team
Owns both the boys and girls uniform
Will switch between them depending on how she’s feelings
Most teachers don’t care but sometimes she gets yelled at for wearing the boys uniform
Highly gifted in classes surrouning English Litrature or the Dramatic Arts
Often auditions for the male roles
Although she doesn’t mind playing women
One year she played Lady Macbeth and got a standing ovation
Less talented in subjects like Maths
Due to her gentamanly manner she has gained many female admires due to her kindness and willingness to beat up a dude if he’s hassling someone
She also has many male admiries
However, most want to break her and make her into their little pet
We all know who I’m talking about right?
Friends with an Irish boy called Diarmuid
They form the gentamanly duo of the school
So many love confessions
This dude called Gil also likes to hang around them
It started as him trying to impress her but then he just kinda became apart of the group?
How did it even happen?
Unofrtunaly Artoria also has a few stalkers
Once again, we all know who I’m talking about?
At one point her father encouraged her to take their siduel but she declied as Morgan was a far better choice for the family head
I mean her magic is amazing guys
She’s a prodogy
In the future I see her becoming a teacher for both mage craft but also English and Swordplay
Even after graduating she continues her fencing as a hobby and travels to many locations with her two friends from school
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne:
His parents loved old knight stories, thus the name
While he isn’t much of a mage he finds magic facinating and found out about it by accident when he overheared Artoria talking to Morgan
That’s actually how they met
She made him swear on his life he wouldn’t tell and started hangging around him to make sure he didn’t
They became friends from there
His grades could be better but as long as he’s passing he doesn’t care
He’s actually very talented with words and writes rather romantic poetry
It makes Gil vomit
Artoria finds it sweet
He and Gil did not get along at all at first
You can’t treat Artoria like that damn it!
They eventually settle their diffrences
He palyed Macbeth alongside Artoria
And he was brilliant
Not as good as Artoria but still amazing
As stated before he’s one of the schools gentlemanly duo
Gets confessed to at least once a day
So gentle when he turns them down
People confess just to be tuned down so they can hear it
He’s so sweet
Has a crush on one of his upperclassmen for a few years
But she’s in a relationship
Don’t be that guy!
Actually has a rather nice singging voice
Yes he’s in a band
So many fangirls
Oh my god so many
In the future he persues his music career and gets signed rather quickly
Girls go crazy for him
Sells so well
Often uses his tours as an excuse to travel with his two friends
Okay he forces everyone to call him Gil because he thinks his actual name is stupid
Who calls their kids Gilgimehs and Enkidu (His little bro)
an archilogist and a mage thats who
His mother is an archilogist and his father a mage
While he did inherit some magic from his father his brother is far better at it
That’s why he studies at the clock tower and Gil doesn’t
Doesn’t have to many friends at first
He’s up himself who would want to be friends with that?
Very do you know who my father is
fuck off mate
Great at history man
Great at most classes
Straight A student
Feels the need to make up for his failue as a mage to his father
At first he was a creep and flirted with Artoria because he wanted to be the guy to tame the lion
Once they’re friends it turns into a huge joke
Now he kind of actually wants to date her? Maybe?
But he’s got a good thing going
A bit of a show off
This is where Diarmuid comes in
He’s like 80% of Gil’s impulse control
Joined a band and forced Diarmuid to join
He plays the drums
Lets him get out his agression
Can also play the guitar if needed
Not really interested in persuing a career in it though
Opens a restraunt instead
He themes it to babalon
His name is Gilgamesh might as well use it
It’s actually pretty sucessful
His first trip once out of school was a tour of all the areas that are recorded to be apart of Mesopatamia
Drags the others with him
This is all a huge joke to him
A member of an organised crime cindicate
Not much is known about them
He has a private tutor and rarely speaks to people outside his families circle
Very few friends
Thats about it
Lancelot du Lac:
Another famous mage family
Is tutored by his father for much of his life
He lives in a small town in France
Probibly like in Normandy or something
Met Artoria when he began studying in the Clock tower and the two became quick friends
Although he’s not apart of their trio when traveling he gets along rather well with the others
Although he does question Artoira’s friendship with Gil
Very talented at Mage craft
A bit of a perfectionsit
Might have a crush on Artoria but he’s not sure about if she likes him back
Or even is she likes guys for the matter
He’s a quiet dude and often prefres reading to going out drinking or anything with his freinds
And when he does go drinking with them he’s always the sober one that makes sure they don’t do the stupid shit they try to 
Artoria get down from that wall!
Gil don’t climb the tree!
Diarmuid I expected better from you
Honestly, he’s kinda just a good guy if a little nieve at times
Alexander the Great:
Yo, dude is popular with everyone
In school he’s kind of a history nerd
Loves history books
He was also a huge gamer
But he was popular because he was just so nice and cheerful most of the time
Not to mention he protected everyone!
Walk home all the people who feel scared
Seriously though
People come to him when they feel unsafe and he walks them home
Also flirts a lot
Pretty girls, cute and mature
Cute boys, he prefers them to be smol so he can pick them up easy but doesn’t mind if they aren’t
Just all the humans
You’re non-binary? He’s all about inclusion and acceptance you’re getting flirted with too!
He just loves everyone
(I mean he’s essentually canoncialy bi but I feel like he could be pan)
Once he graduates he enters his families buissness
They’re some really big company
And he becomes Jumin Han to C&R levels important
And what does he do with his money?
Spends it on others of course!
He’s a suagr daddy now
Most of the time it’s non romantic and non sexual sugar babies
But if he finds someone he likes he might persue something more with them
Just date the big guy, he’s a sweetie
Gilles de Rais;
Remember Artoria’s stalker?
This is him
He decends from a long line of mages
And studies abrawed at the English private school
Which is where he stalkes Artoria
He blood liniage intreegs him
Pendragon was an ancient king how can you not be facinated by a family sharing the name?
He’s very creepy
Later in life he gets involved in a murder and ends up in jail for life
Shirou Emiya;
....do I... Do I really need to write for him?
A half greek student at an Amrican public school
Got a big family
Her two older sister keep setting her up on blind dates
But the fact that she’s blind often turns people off dating her
Someone find her a nice partner
She doesn’t deserve this
Friends with a boy called Heracles who lives down the road from her
She got lost once and he helped her home
He’s actually rather sweet, if a bit short tempered
To bad he has a girlfriend right
Or well that’s how her sisters see it
She doesn’t talk to much
Enjoys scilence
Finds it easier to read
She’s obsessed with Homer’s epics and Greek mythology
It’s where she got her name from after all
She loves kids
Plans to go into child care in the future
His parents are imigrants to America
Their lives were hard but they don’t want his to be so they work so hard
Heracles is very thankful for this
He’s got a bit of an anger issue but he’s been working on it and he’s getting better!
You go baby! you got this
Not the best in schools
He struggles to read and pay attention in class
His girlfriend helps him study so he doesn’t fail
Speaking of girlfriends!
Meg is a sweet girl who’s family are pretty well off
Heracles often wonders why she’d pick a guy like him when she could have had so many guys
It’s a sweet relationship and they end up getting married after graduating
Cu Chulainn:
His parents were obsessed with Irish mythology
And he embraces his name! Unlike some other people we know
That’s right Gil!
Cu is judging you!
His family traveled around a lot when he was younger but they ended up setteling down in the English contryside
While he doesn’t attend school with the trio he sees them in town a lot
Its a small town
Where else will they go
Admires Artoria and Diarmuid and Artoria’s ability to be gentlemen
But also admires Gil’s ability to be a dick and somehow still get the ladies
Sometime he talks to them
Specificaly when they come to his families store
They run a magic/spiritual shop
What you thought this kid was normal?
He’s the rencarnation of the son of the god of fucking light
ain’t no way this kid doesn’t have some magic
On the topic of his magic
I have this headcannon that there is a magic like that we see him use in the anime but most don’t use it anylonger due to it being old and the need for fay blood to use it
Well guess who can use it
That’s right this mage family!
He’s rather talented in it but the style is looked down on most mage families as it’s viewed as primitive
Fuck you he’s gonna brun down your whole hose with one movement!
Cu is actually rather popular with them ladies
He’s a bit of a bad boy, ya know?
But as soon as he’s in a relationship boy is loyal
Although there are many temptations
Oh my pour child!
She needs a break
She get’s one
You don’t have to marry Jason in this life
Aphrodite can’t touch you here
Another mage
She studies at the clock tower and confesses her atraction to Artoria early in her first year of knowing her
Of course Artoria lets her down gently
They stay aqucainted
She’s extreemly talented
Prodogy child
But has a bad habbit of dating guys that are rather cruel
Someone get her a best friend to smack some sense into her
She ends up as a teacher at the clocktower when she graduates
Sasaki Koujirou:
His family runs a sword fighting school in Japan
They’re proud of their linigae
Claiming to be able to trace their family line back centuries
And that it’s full of amazing fighters
He’s a rather talented fighter and proud of his family name
Many of the people he attands school with admire his dedication
Another who get’s many confessions
He’s just so cool and colected
Hard to not get a crush on him
While he’s gone on a few dates with the people who confess to him he’s never felt a spark
he’s sure when he meets the one he’ll feel it
Belives very strongly in soulmates, you see
Spends most of his free time at home
His family are really traditional too, so no shoes in the house
He wears a kimono a lot
They own an old house too
Like the Emiya estate
So he speands a lot of his time doing things most would consider boring or useless today instead of say watching TV
Dude parctices calligraphy for fun
He’s pretty odd in that sense that at home it’s kind of like a diffrent century
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banquetrecords · 8 years
my friend went to Kingston and all he got was this t-shirt, and a cd, and a coffee, and a Nandos, and a beer, and and and...
I was gonna write this tumble in frustration but actually it feels like something positive now i’ve thought about it.
We’re always battling at Banquet. Despite the perception that we’re a successful business (in many ways we are), we’re still always up against it. Bills are always rising, we try to be ethical with suppliers and customers, and there’s very little cash left at the end of it. So as well as the need for trying to make our events good, there’s also a need to make them busy, to get the money back in the till / bank and make this whole thing sustainable.
We had a few events last week.
signed Sum 41 CDs and a taste of the show highlights at https://t.co/IkBQZoQh1L ??: https://t.co/59KH8eCsPj pic.twitter.com/aqQfdEgIOD
— Banquet Records (@BanquetRecords)
March 2, 2017
The big ones were Sum 41, Sleaford Mods and Stormzy. Each event brought 1000+ people into Kingston.  Now when these things happen, the whole town (that’s an exaggeration, but certain parts of it) get a buzz. People rarely go straight to the gig and then home. Before Sleafords people were in O’Neills, Bacchus had it’s busiest Wednesday in years right after Sum 41, the amount of McDonalds rubbish must mean they cleaned up from Stormzy. Ryman sold more sharpies, Krispy Kreme sold more donuts, Sainsbury's more cans of pop...
I get frustrated at the lack of “support” if that’s the right word, from people who should be doing it. It’s no-one’s “responsibility” to help us specificaly, but there’s gotta be an entity which is there to do this for the whole town. Kingston First is bloody good at being a big brother and helping when you need it, and the recycling scheme saves us £££ a year. but come on, an entity which brands itself as Visit Kingston didnt mention any of these events in advance. Two of them were sold out, it’s not about Banquet, it’s about the town. About getting more people into town, to use the other shops and services, and to advertise the whole array of cool shit that goes down here. Kingston Council isn’t the means to do it. Surrey Comet is depleted almost to death. 
What am I doing wrong? should i be making a fancy PDF and having coffees in chain coffee stores to make my case? Maybe it’s time we got an independents’ version of Kingston First. Something that isn’t so focussed on the market place and the river. Why so many obstacles in the co-ordination with Kingston Uni when so much of this is student based?  
Ultimately, i think it’s down to the thoughts from the night time economy walk around.  If you look purely at black and red, i think people would care more about the finance that night-time entertainment brings to the town. But i think it’s all prejudiced. I sat through 32 minutes of the council night time economy “Kingston Conversation” before anything that wasn’t crime-related was mentioned. Crime stats that didn’t even come from the night time it turns out. The thing was a farse. A well-intentioned one perhaps, but a farse nonetheless.  Few of the other Kingston town stakeholders give a shit about so many of the amazing things that happen in Kingston. 
But is this frustrating really?  Well, no!
We the music community (we Banquet are just a small fraction) did this all ourselves. Not via arts funding, or charity... We have a reach that marketing execs could only dream of, if they even understood it. It’s done out of a desire to support the things we love. We the music community - all of us - did this DESPITE everyone else, not thanks to them. We can evolve and react quicker. So let’s keep doing that. Celebrate New Slang, The Fighting Cocks, Bacchus, your mates band, the pub you drink in, the shop you lose yourself in, the podcast, the record label, and keep helping them, help us, help you.
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blog1984705 · 4 years
Lecture 9: Ismailism
This lecture was given about the Arabic neoplatonism in Ismaili thought. The text that we had to read for this lecture was about the creations of God. They believed in an eternity of life caused by transmigration of the soul. Specificaly the migration of the soul between for example prophets or imams, which are spiritual and religious leaders. Other than most Islamic streams of thought they negated the existence of heaven and hell as punishment or reward of the afterlife. They believed in a metaphysical punishment of the soul, rather than the physical ones that are described in the holy scriptures.
Within the text of Abu Ya’qub Sijistani, called ‘Unveiling of the hidden,’ he talks about the assertion of the One and how first things originated. Besides that he talks about six creations which I will discuss a bit in this blog. However just as Maimonides, most Ismaili texts and forms of thought are only for those who are already familiar with philosophy and religion. 
To assert the one, Abu Ya’qub discusses how we must eliminate the thingness from the Creator. He does this, just like I stated in my former blogs, by eliminating all attributes from the creator. Besides that he also eliminates time and being from the Creator. He also states that we must eliminate anything antithetical to the by-names from the Creator.
After that he writes about bringing the mind and thus the Intellect to his first creation. He states that the Intellect becomes one with the command of God when command is expressed as oneness. This is possible of one expresses the command as the Word of God and as knowledge. The second of the creations is the soul, which has come down from heaven with Adam in the form of man. God made the soul capable of sensation, speech and thought. The third creation is the nature, which is a source of materials for mankind. This is for us to produce things and to get our food and water from in order to survive. However nature is more than that because it gives us the ability to enjoy the contiguity with the spiritual beings. This is caused partly by the beauty and adornment of nature.
The fourth creation is about species-being. According to Abu Ya’qub God created the species in a way that they are preserved in their being. This means that species can not for example mix, because one species could not have offspring with another species. All species have their own virtues and the greater of smaller number of individuals does not entail increase or decrease in these virtues.
The fifth creation of God is the prophethood, which was important because prophethood was able to overpower discourse and the professionals of discourse. The Prophets were important to spread the Word of God and to give unbelievers signs to believe. However unfortunately these signs were often denied by the unbelievers. Abu Ya’qub stated that every prophet confirms the truthfulness of the earlier Prophet and that every Prophet announces the following Prophet. He also states thereby that the proof of God is not established with one Prophet alone, so it necessarily takes multiple Prophets to achieve this goal. Every Prophet had his own miracles, as where Jesus (Issa) was able to descent from heaven and to cure the sick. For example, Suleyman was able to talk to animals and djinn’s, Moses was able to make his staff turn into a snake and spread the seas for the oppressed folk to flee from the Pharao. The last Prophet was Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he announced the next Prophet Mahdi, who will appear on the Day of Judgement.
The sixth and last creation mentioned in this text is the creation of ‘The Call to Arise, which according to Abu Ya’qub is coupled with existing. This ‘Call to Arise’ is about the knowledge of truth and information about it is hidden from the soul. To discover this information one must have a full discipline of the soul, which was also a big part to the Sufi’s mentioned in my previous blog. The Call to Arise may lead ill-fated to the religion of Islam, but it also might turn the well-fated away from their religion. This call may be extended over either a long or a short period of time, but every noble action will be of the greatest benefit in view of the Call to Arise.
Every creation has been in order to firstly make mankind and give them reason and intellect besides the ability to feel by giving them a soul. They then needed nature as a location or place to live and to perform their later spiritual duties. The prophets came with the messages and the Command or Word of God so that every other person had the ability to turn their head to the fate or turn their head away from it. I believe that we are now all still busy with the seventh creation. We are all still called upon to arise and the last prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gave us the words and commands of Allah through the Quran. Now we have the choice to either believe in these words or not and therefore have the choice to arise to His call or not. An important thing in Islam is that if one never heard the Call to Arise one could not be blamed for not believing or not arising to this call. The ironic part about this is that the media nowadays spreads the world of Islam by giving the people negative messages about it. However the media still makes everyone aware of the Islam and makes them therefore turn into sinners because most of the people that get these messages choose to just believe them rather than putting effort into actual research of Islam. This makes the progress of people turning their heads away from it go a lot faster and luckily for some people gives them the ability to turn their heads to the faith.
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