#They're just trolling the ninja
localguy2 · 2 years
Zane and PIXAL get bored so they decide to play chess together
It ends up going for 17 hours and no one is able to checkmate the other
So as to ease the bordem they take it to the Sam-X cave and set the board down next to a broken mech
And let's say Zane moves a piece, now he gets up and starts fixing the mech until PIXAL moves a chess piece herself, in which case PIXAL gets up and starts fixing the mech while Zane thinks about his next move
Eventually the mech is fixed and they move on to building new vehicles, WHILE THIS DAMN CHESS MATCH IS GOING ON
So the days ends and everyone goes to bed, but upon waking up the first thing Zane and PIXAL do is immediately go back to the chess board again which is STILL THERE WITH THE SAME PIECES FROM LAST NIGHT
And the only times they stop is when the others need them for something like a mission or cooking or cleaning, etc
Eventually they take this to a whole new level when they decide to continue the chess match while on missions
The ninja get captured?
"Fuck gotta wait for rescue, in the meantime please excuse me and PIXAL, we're gonna continue our chess match" Zane randomly says while they're all in a cage
So he just sits next to PIXAL and connects with her and they continue the chess match in their own heads
And when they get back to the monastery, they go to the chess board and set the pieces exactly the same way they left them when they continued the match in their heads
It's now been 6 months and the match is still going
Everyone is this close to losing it already with these 2
Meanwhile Zane and PIXAL are genuinely really interested in this and they're having way too much fun
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orobeori · 9 months
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A collection of my Trolls fan art. Did I watch all three movies back to back because of a 20 second clip I saw? Yes, yes I did.
They are such silly creatures and they brought me out of my art block funk 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
Hey I know this isn't on-topic for an Eridan blog but you're the best HS theorist I know <3 so do you happen to have any theories about WHY Gamzee faked god tier? I always see theories about how he could be a real god tier too, or about how he manages to be immortal even though he's not god tier, but I cannot find any discussion of WHY he bothered with that ruse in the first place!!! He didn't even fool anyone, unless we count Caliborn for like 2 secs before Hussie told him the truth, and all he got for his trouble was shot!
I think it's mostly a gag, but this is the Analyzing Homestuck blog, so: I think it's because Gamzee wants to look like an adult to impress Caliborn.
Gamzee's lusus is physically neglectful.
But you were never taught that on account of a lousy upbringing. Your custodian was always out to sea.
And several things stem from that neglect - the first, his indoctrination into the Clown Cult, the second, his extensive and all-encompassing drug usage, and the third, his poor social skills, which leave him ostracized by his teammates.
Let's first take a look at what, exactly, that religion entails:
You belong to a RATHER OBSCURE CULT, which foretells of a BAND OF ROWDY AND CAPRICIOUS MINSTRELS which will rise one day on a MYTHICAL PARADISE PLANET that does not exist yet. The beliefs of this cult are SOMEWHAT FROWNED UPON by those dwelling in more common lawnrings.
TC: I PeEpEd oN A PlAcE Of 6 tRiLlIoN HeMoS TC: AlL Up aT OnE RoCk, BlEeDiNg aS EqUaLs TC: It's eAsY To sEe iF YoU SeArCh aLl yOuR FeElInS TC: ThAt pEaCe hApPeNs fIrSt, AnD MuRdEr's tHe sEqUeL TC: It's tHe bEaUtY Of tHe cArNiVaL, tHe mAgIc's iN TeNtS
TC: all my life i believed at a fuckin paradise to come what held the most baller, darkest of carnivals to join. TC: AND A PROPHECY TC: to tell all about a band of rowdy and capricious minstrels steeped in the good harshwhimsy. TC: THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS WERE FORETOLD TO BE CRASHING THAT FUCKING PIE STAND AND BRING THE HOLY RUCKUS. TC: like a giddy fuckin ninja one wheeling head long at the hugest fuckin horn heap shangri la's got to see. TC: I'M TALKING ABOUT THE VAST HONK, YOU BLASPHEMOUS MOTHERFUCKER. TC: what i believed in it to be was so beautiful, us and them all mellowing in tents, bumpin sounds, tossing back the faygo and soaking the miracles up our faith sponges, while the special stardust rained down at our elixir sticky faces, like a bunch a fuckin fairy powder from religion space. TC: IT WAS GOING TO BE US AND MOTHER FUCKING THEM. TC: them and mother fuckin us. :o(
In essence: Gamzee's cult believes that there will be a Vast Honk, which will kill all trolls; however, "a band of rowdy and capricious minstrels" will usher in/create a new paradaisical planet of nothing but good vibes and chill times, where the "mirthful messiahs" will get to enjoy eternity.
There's pretty clear parallels here to the Christian concept of the Rapture, which fits in with the Garden of Eden/Original Sin themes of the Dancestors and the Second Coming thing Karkat's got going on. But, more importantly, it's also pretty directly just... what SGRUB/SBURB are all about. Their original population all dies, but a bunch of kids band together to create a new universe, with new planets, where theoretically live out the rest of their godhood in peace and happiness.
Were it not for the casteist influences as a result of being a cult largely followed by highbloods, there'd pretty much be nothing inherently objectionable about Gamzee's belief system - it's fundamentally hopeful, and, in fact, when he raps about it to Tavros, part of it is outright about "equalizing" the hemocaste (they all bleed as equals, see). Tavros agrees:
Next, we'll look at the sopor usage and ostracization together, because I think they're interlinked. People on Gamzee's team are friggin' mean to him.
CG: MIRACLES ARE LIKE POOP STAINS ON GOD'S UNDERWEAR. TA: eheheh makiing fun of people2 reliigiion2 i2 the be2t thiing two do.
CT: D --> What you do appear to know is e%actly how to ma%imize my livid contempt for you CT: D --> With your revolting language and your sense of decorum CT: D --> At such breathtaking odds with the richness and perfe%ion of your b100d CT: D --> I just hate you so much
CA: that is the wworst fuckin advvice CA: wwhat an awwful thing a you to say CA: MAGIC ISNT REAL STUPID STOP BELIEVVIN IN IT
On the whole, the team treats him as the party joke, if not outright worthy of derision. The one person on his team who IS nice to him, Tavros, ghosts him after Gamzee is too forward and asks to make out with him. He's deeply lonely, and what's more, his introductory narration is littered with pessimism.
You'll be doing one thing then something else hits you just like that and you roll with it. That's what you do when life hands you lemons. You sure as fuck don't make lemonade because who the fuck knows where that fuckin' shit comes from?
Someone is bugging you. This is exciting. You're always down for shooting the wicked shit with anyone that who'll put up with you.
That last one makes it clear that Gamzee is also aware of how much people on the team don't like him.
I'm also of the opinion that "Soft Gamzee" was always fake and never existed, which is outright stated by Hussie from the book:
The best explanation for why Gamzee says he's scared of Vriska, in my opinion, is this: he's flat-put lying. It's a good way for him to maintain his cover as 'Soft Gamzee.' It also provides some ammunition for those who, against all sense of good taste and judgment, want to continue to believe and assert that Gamzee is a decent guy with sensitive emotions and vulnerabilities before he undergoes his Muderstuck awakening. He was none of those things, ever.
But there's evidence for this - Gamzee has actually always been kind of casteist:
He's trying to be affectionately so here, but given Tavros's "whoa, haha," reaction, it seems like it's still a pretty out-of-pocket thing to say. Especially in light of GamRezi, it's pretty easy to read him as making passive-aggressive digs to Terezi here:
TC: I'm OuTsIdE kEePiNg An EyE oUt HeRe FoR tHe OlD gOaT. TC: yOu KnOw HoW iT iS wItH fAmIlY. GC: NO, NOT R34LLY! GC: 4DURRRR DURR DURP TC: Oh YeAh...
TC: hAvE yOu EvEr EvEn SeEn ThE oCeAn? TC: oR i MeAn SmElLeD iT... TC: SoRrY. GC: >:[
His reaction to Eridan is also "indulge emotional theatrics," but depending on whether you believe Eridan killed his lusus, it's debatably justified. I'm just going to mention that that's also there.
His constant assertion that Karkat is his best friend, which isn't reciprocated until after murderstuck, also kind of reads as a palecrush to me. This is supported by the fact that Nepeta has always had pale GamKat on her shipping wall - which I believe is more representative of how people feel and what they want than whether a romantic pairing is viable, as part of her Heart (and NOT Blood) powers.
He won't stop referring to Karkat as his best friend, really awkwardly changes the topic when the conversation has led to him having to acknowledge that Karkat is closer to Sollux (whom Karkat calls his best friend):
TC: yEaH mAyBe BuT hE's YoUr BeSt FrIeNd ThOuGh So It'S aLl CoOl. TC: AnYwAy I tHoUgHt ThIs SoUnDeD lIkE a PrEtTy BiG mOtHeRfUcKiN dEaL mY mAn. TC: aAaUuUhHh... CG: WHAT. TC: Aw BrO nEvErMiNd, I jUsT fUcKiN dId LiKe To ScArE tHe ShIt OuTtA mYsElF hErE. TC: tHeSe DaMn HoRnS.
(Sidebar about the usage of "best friend," Karkat pretty much outright says he's unreliable when it comes to who his best friend is at any given moment LOL - he spends pre-murderstuck insisting Sollux is HIS best friend. King of mixed signals.)
If we take Hussie's statement that Gamzee lied when he chased Vriska (whom he doesn't like) away from his horn pile -
GAMZEE: VrIsKa hEy yOu wAnT To uH… VRISKA: What? GAMZEE: ShIt, I WaS AlL GoInG To aSk iF YoU WaNtEd tO HoP In tHe hOrN PiLe fOr a bIt oF MoThErFuCkIn sHuTeYe, BuT… GAMZEE: I DoN'T ThInK I WiLl cAuSe i'm pReTtY MuCh sCaReD Of yOu, SoyEaH. VRISKA: Aww. ::::)
Then it stands to reason he's also lying about being scared of Jack so he can prevent Eridan from providing Karkat with emotional support:
CA: this is a lot a pointless fuckin rubbish and isnt no emotional help to him or me either for that matter CA: put kar on TC: UuUuH, i cAn't rEaLlY ThInK AbOuT InTeRvEnInG, tHe bLaCk fRoWnInG MoThErFuCkEr kInDa sCaReS Me
So, personally, signs point to Gamzee always having been a lot shiftier and meaner than he let on.
Naturally, that begs the question of why he's pretending to be nicer and higher than he actually is (not that he isn't high, but he's definitely more cognizant of what's going on than people both in- and out-of-universe give him credit for). Well, the answer to that is pretty simple: it's because he loves his friends and wants to get along with them.
You like to chat a lot with your pal Karkat, who is usually pretty cranky, but he is your BEST FRIEND. You have a lot of OTHER GREAT FRIENDS who you also like a lot.
Gamzee's story pre-murderstuck is a pretty tragic one about a kid who never got to learn proper socialization and has whacked-out religious beliefs, whose neglect from his lusus has left him with deep loneliness, who desperately wants to fit in with his friends, especially the lowbloods, and therefore feels the need to hide how pessimistic and angry he actually is under the guise of drug usage and not retaliating against the constant digs they make at him.
I also feel like I have to specify that Gamzee was already a pretty angry, mean, troubled kid prior to Murderstuck, because it helps to clarify his actions after being influenced by Lil' Cal. The nonlinear nature of the story kind of confuses the sequence of events, but it seems to be as follows:
Dave blasphemes against Gamzee's religion so hard that Gamzee has a total crisis of faith.
Gamzee has a breakdown and gets so pissed off that he oopsie-daisy'd a jester puppet into John's room on Prospit.
Gamzee, with his faith lost ("and now i don't know what to think about the spiritual fantasies i had"), Tavros dead, and thus in a very emotionally fragile state, is contacted by Doc Scratch and given instructions (likely to kill his friends and paint his wicked pictures in their blood). At some point during this, he falls under Lil' Cal's influence, too. As every person we've seen under LE's sway has very compelling, natural reasons for acting the way they do, I think it's better to see Lil' Cal's influence as influence and not mind control. It brings out the worst in its victims, but only what was already there.
This seems to give Gamzee a new belief system to replace/supplement the old.
TC: i've been kicking the wicked ignorance on this shit. TC: BEEN MOTHERFUCKIN SLAUGHTERING THE WICKED IGNORANCE, BRO. TC: all up in lifelong denial about my calling. TC: AS A DESCENDANT OF THE HIGH MOTHERFUCKIN SUBJUGGLATORS. TC: we are higher than you, brother. TC: WE ARE HIGHER THAN MOTHERFUCKIN EVERYBODY. TC: honk. CG: GAMZEE CG: PLEASE NO TC: and now i'm the last one, so i finally motherfuckin understand. TC: I FINALLY GOT MY MOTHERFUCKING UNDERSTAND ON TO WHO THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS ARE. TC: they were always both me. :o) TC: AND ALSO MOTHERFUCKING ME. Do:
Remember, his original belief system actually emphasized equalizing the castes - in death, anyway. It also never specified that the Mirthful Messiahs would be specifically highbloods. The hint that Gamzee had internalized casteism was always there, but now that his belief system has been supplanted by this new one, delivered by Doc Scratch (the story's Devil figure), his casteism becomes full-blown:
GAMZEE: heheh. GAMZEE: CHECK IT THE MOTHERFUCK OUT. GAMZEE: it's the peasantblood. GAMZEE: HEH HEH. GAMZEE: fuckin heh. EQUIUS: D --> Peasantb100d EQUIUS: D --> Is that a joke GAMZEE: if your blood. GAMZEE: IS A RUNNING MOTHERFUCKING GAG. GAMZEE: then soon. GAMZEE: IT WILL BE RUNNING. GAMZEE: through my motherfucking fingers.
Basically, the religious boy had a crisis of faith and was tempted by the Devil into becoming his servant - into desiring utter oblivion for everyone except his own continued existence within the one doing the destroying, rather than a paradise of love, friendship, and hope. And this new faith is what carries Gamzee through to the end of the comic:
So where does that bring us WRT the fake god-tier ensemble? Well, god-tiering in general is kind of a metaphor for becoming an adult - SGRUB/SBURB sets out for its player a quest directly tied into their maturation into adults, and god-tiering is (normally) supposed to sit right at the end of that questline, a semi-permanent state achieved at the end of adolescence. Characters who DO manage to god-tier without having naturally reached that point in their questline, especially Vriska, Dave, and Rose, have struggles that deal directly with "growing up too fast" - Vriska with the expectation that she be a vicious murderer, Dave with having never addressed his trauma and abuse, and Rose with having missed out on a loving relationship with her mother because she insisted on being more mature than her.
Gamzee's relationship to Caliborn is that of a parent:
ARANEA: It is just as well that cheru8 parents a8andon their offspring. Raising such a child 8y the familial standards of any race would 8e a monumental challenge. ARANEA: Nevertheless, it would seem there were those who tried. ARANEA: Details in my research suggest our villain had a num8er of acolytes oper8ting in the shadows, preparing for his arrival.
Kurloz also directly states that Gamzee's role in their religion is to serve and mentor their young lord:
And even beyond the religion aspect, Gamzee would take this job mother fucking seriously...
... Because his own parent failed him. See, we tie it all back to the beginning! Gamzee putting together a shitty fake god tier outfit is because he wants to be a good parent to Caliborn, an adult figure he never had in his own life, and god tiering is symbolic of that. And I think the saddest part is, he still didn't really manage to do that... because, perpetuating the neglect he faced from his own lusus, he wound up locking the two in a room and leaving them alone - possibly out of exasperation.
ARANEA: We will pro8a8ly never know who these scurrilous conspir8tors were. 8ut it is evident that at some point the cheru8 was locked in a room, either out of exasper8tion, or for its own good, until it was old enough to enter the session.
Like, I feel kind of bad for Gamzee, y'know? Especially since, alongside Eridan, he's one of the trolls the fandom seems to understand the least, and his story is also one of being failed by his family, society, and friends. This winds up turning him towards the worst parts of himself - the religious fundamentalism, the casteism, the emotional isolation - and away from the good - the fact that he loved his mother fucking friends, enough to wish upon them eternal paradise.
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mixelation · 8 months
i will also share with u the absurd toxicity (reborn au au (tm)) rpf lore developed with @waffliesinyoface
point one: obito would not be naturally drawn to fandom, but he IS a troll who likes absurd things, and it's important to him to know what's up with the people in his life. he has read the entirety of icha icha (more than once!) for the simple pleasure of sniping kakashi with a well-placed reference. when tori gets fixated on ninja rpf, he also obviously starts reading it so he can have fuel to tease her.
unlike kakashi's brand of obsession (which is PRIVATE, obito, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS), tori's obsessions crave interaction. you want to talk rpf with her? she is going to drag you down into a terrible vortex of rpf fixations
obviously "driven to making insane decisions for petty reasons" tori is obito's favorite tori. he is SO supportive of her ongoing war against the sasori girls.
obvious outcome of point one: obito becomes a kakashi girl
tori is SO supportive of his psychosexual kakashi obsession. she thinks him working through his feelings like this is good for him. also she likes reading fic
obito is not well-liked in kakashi fan circles when he's writing in under a pen name because he keeps writing kakashi as a damsel in distress in constant need of rescuing due to chakra exhaustion. fangirls hate this because kakashi should be cool and badass all of the time???
point two (horrible realization): in this au, obito retains his uchiha pretty privilege. he's also the infamous loose canon of the yellow flash's students. there's ABSOLUTELY insane fic about him
obito's favorite ship is obviously him/kakashi, but NO ONE writes it right???
yes he and tori are dating. no she doesn't care he keeps looking up kakashi/him. she knows what she signed up for.
in fact, tori inspires him!! if tori can go hunt down a random sasori rpf writer to argue with her, OBVIOUSLY he can go have a converastion with some obito writers and gently push them in the right direction!!
but he has to do it cool and mysterious, see, so they get him. he shows up in the dead of night in his super dramatic madara personality. he just wants to talk. he gives a dramatic speech and throws in some killing intent for Effect
obvious outcome of point two: everyone stops writing obito fic because they're terrified.
tori: realizes there's still READERS for obito fic but no writers
tori: that's free real estate
she's converting. she's an obito girl now. (obito: babe that's SO sweet of you)
NO ONE likes her obito fics either because she writes him as a deeply pathetic whackjob who cries during sex. she gets multiple replies that are like "when will obito show up to murder THIS writer"
instead of being normal she's like "FYI he DID show up in my bedroom but that won't stop me because I AM NOT A COWARD"
third, miscellaneous point: obito is shunned by fandom when he's a faceless person writing in. at in person meet-ups, people love him despite his rancid opinions because he is hot. :'(
obito in kakashi cosplay??? with kakashi's real clothes he stole???
i thought about writing a joke about them going to an in-person fic exchange and people not realizing they're together to mirror the ANBU Party Debacle. however i do not think this is the mood for Torito because they cannot physically resist bothering each other for more than 90 seconds at a time. obito shows up holding her hand so he can swing their arms like literal children. if he doesn't pay attention to her for long enough, tori WILL tug his hair/loose clothing/etc. he attempts to sit in her lap at least twice. they're both super into the other person's rancid headcanons. they are so fucking obnoxious
no one ever matches obito-in-person with obito-showing-up-to-harass-fic-writers because of the insanely different personalities
people are okay with obito in person despite his personality because he is. hot. and a man. and they're a group of mostly women who are attracted to men. do you see? but they still fucking hate tori
a rumor starts that the reason tori can write bonkers obito fic without him murdering her is that when he showed up to threaten her over it, she slept with him. so not only is she annoying, but she cheated on her hot boyfriend (obito) with famous ninja uchiha obito! she doesn't deserve either of them!!!
(obito: that's exactly what happened tho. i gave you my super cool and scary "write better fanfic" speech and you slept with me. <3 / tori, who will never EVER admit she found his stupid "madara" personality kind of hot: (tea kettle noises))
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sunnylighter · 7 months
What is Movie wu's Relationship with Movie morro Really like
Above all, they have a father-son relationship and love each other.
That said, Morro is the one person in both Ninjagos who can read Wu like a book and knows exactly when he's full of shit. The mysticism is completely gone for him, and whenever Wu is playing up the wise and cryptic mentor, Morro can tell if his father is trying to avoid the truth or just trying to sound knowledgeable when he's just as clueless as the rest of them. Morro is the one person Wu can never lie to because Morro can tell and will call him on it. As such, Morro is often Wu's confidant in things he doesn't want to talk about, especially once Morro becomes old and mature enough that Wu doesn't feel like he's just dumping his traumas on a child, but instead, he's a non-judgemental listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. They trust each other implicitly.
They're also both trolls who love to mess with people and will trade tips and tricks on how to best tease the Ninja or Garmadon.
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Thrifted a grab bag of items, and this was the best stuff in there. Most got redonated, though I did keep a few other bits for customs.
The best find was Skeletor imo, he is in amazing condition. Not a scratch or scuff on him.
I'm not a Ninja Turtle person, but they're pretty neat too. Gonna see if my bro wants them, but if not I might pass them on to another collector.
And we have a lesbian troll doll couple. Not super into trolls either tho, so again, might pass them on.
I mostly bought the bag for Skeletor lmao. I would've paid the four dollars just for him honestly.
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Master Eon: (frantically flipping through books in the Academy library) Come on... It wasn't this hard when I was invisible last week... Where's the Core-
Master Eon: (noticing Wind-Up and Countdown, quickly hiding the book) *cough* Greetings Skylanders, isn't it great being so noble and just?
Wind-Up: Uh, sure Master Eon. You okay?
Master Eon: Yep, just a regular day doing my usual heroic nonsense. Nothing unusual here!
Countdown: Alright, if ya say so... Let us know if ya need anything, I guess.
(Countdown and Wind-Up walk away)
Wind-Up: Well, that was weird.
Countdown: You're telling me...
Master Eon: (wipes forehead) That was a close one.
Master Eon: (flipping through books again) Alright, there's gotta be a map...no...nO-
Master Eon: (tossing a book to the ground) Ah forget it! I can't find anything in this stupid library!
Master Eon: (spots Boom Bloom having a conversation with Tri-Tip and Chain Reaction)
Master Eon: Uhh, Ambush, come here and help me find something in this library.
Ambush: Alright, alright, I'm here, for Ancients sake! No need for hostilities, what is it you need Master Eon?
Master Eon: Wait... I didn't call Ambush?
Ambush: ...You did? There was no mistaking who you were calling, and here I am.
Master Eon: Hang on, you're Ambush? Then whose that?!
(Master Eon points to Boom Bloom)
Ambush: ...That's Boom Bloom, sir.
Master Eon: Let me see if I got this right, You two are both Life Skylanders, you're a knight, she's a ninja, but you're Ambush, and she's not??
Ambush: Wha- Are you jesting, Master Eon?! My fighting style focuses on suprise attacks and quick strikes, I ambush my enemies, that's my name!
Ambush: (storming off) I'm not even the same type of plant as her...
Aurora: Uncle, you of all people should know how sensitive the Skylanders get when you mix up their names...
Master Eon: How is this my fault?! Should we just rename Trolls and Chompies to "stupid green thing" and "bitey green thing"?! Would that make everyone happy??!!
Aurora: (confused) Why would we-
Master Eon: Ah, to Darkness with this!!
(Master Eon suddenly explodes himself)
Kaos: (stopping his illusion spell) I don't know whose been naming these Skylosers, but they're a bunch of thumb-sucking morons!
Kaos: (releasing Eon from his restraints) You're free to go, Eon. You've got enough on your plate without me interfering. I'm surprised none of them have gotten you killed yet!
Master Eon: Thank you, Kaos. It's nice to know that someone finally understands the burden I bear. Same time next week?
Kaos: Wouldn't miss it!
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Hello, Little Starlings, Welcome To The Housetree! ^w^ [ Last Updated: August 14th, 2024 ]
Follows come from @clovrplayz which I plan to post agere writing on, but isn't entirely fully safe for little ones (though I will tag accordingly and you can check the tags and figure out what to block, but I don't have a lot written so there's not much there.)
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My other boundaries and socials can be found in my Rentry.
Hello everyone! My name is Clover, but you may also call me Miss Clover, Miss Starling, sis, or Mama if you'd like to! I'm 19, my pronouns are she/they/star, and my timezone is CST.
I've been a regressor myself for- a little over a year, now, if I remember right. I've learned a lot- especially through the community- and how it's helped me over the years, and seeing as how I've always loved helping and caring for people, I've decided to start a caregiver blog!
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Fun little "character" description if you'd like to interact with that as well: I'm a human and border collie hybrid with dove wings, so I have soft ears, a soft tail, and soft wings! Be gentle and very careful with the wings if you'd like to pet them, they're fragile!! Otherwise, I absolutely LOVE pets! Try not to bite if you can, though, please!
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My current interests are:
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I'm only a few episodes in, but I LOVE Donnie and Mikey!!!)
Animal Crossing (I've played through New Leaf, New Horizons, some of Wild World, some of City Folk, and a good chunk of pocket camp. I love Isabelle and Leif, and my favorite villagers are Marcie and Bob!!)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I've seen practically all of it, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are my favorites!!!)
Paw Patrol (I've started watching it when I regress, and am halfway into the first season. I LOOOOVE Rocky so much!! I wish he and Zuma had more screentime... :( )
Pokémon (I've played through Omega Ruby (Hoenn), X (Kalos), some of Black (Unova), and Ultra Moon (Alola), and seen a good chunk of the show! My favorite Pokémon is Oshawott!!)
Sanrio (I love Pompompurin!!!)
Please absolutely feel free to ramble and babble away, I love learning new things, and I'm a much better listener than I am a talker! ^^;
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Some Rules and Boundaries:
♥ Please only interact if your blog is kid-safe!
♥ DNI/DNF: Pedophiles, zoophiles, proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, NSFW/kink blogs, people who sexualize regression, ableists.
♥ Any arguments/troll posts/hate will be blocked from my blog and/or deleted.
♥ Any and all age and pet regressors are welcome!! I'm still learning every day as I go along, please feel free to help educate me as well! I want to be here to help people out, so any way I can do that, I'd be more than happy to.
(For example, I'm not entirely that knowledgeable on DID or systems/system regressors, so those of you that fall into that category that may have some knowledge or tip to share that might help me out in giving y'all the support you need, please feel free to share.)
♥ I prefer we don't cuss, just to keep everyone comfortable. (I mean, c'mon, there's little kids around here, y'know? ^^;)
♥ Please be kind and respectful, and obviously keep things kid-friendly.
♥ If you need to vent, please tag accordingly!
♥ I struggle with tone, so often-times I'll use tone tags, or clarify what tone I mean something in in parentheses.
Example: "I like your shirt! /gen" / "I like your shirt! (genuine/compliment)"
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archon-maenad · 10 months
the bell test with taylor hebert reincarnated as naruto would really be a wholeass circus of insanity. girlie is unhinged enough to make ninja double-take and it shows.
when kakashi says to come at him with deadly intent you know she would ask for it in writing. "it's generally frowned upon to kill superiors," says taylor, who is pretty sure she would have heard by now if promotion could be earned through murder around here. "in case we succeed I'd like a guarantee we won't get in trouble."
homegirl is only preoccupied with the political backlash and completely unphased by the idea of yknow. killing a dude. and since they're literally being trained to be child soldier mercenaries she doesn't think that anyone else would see it as weird. but kakashi obviously does because uh, hello, she is a fresh graduate in peacetime? why is this kid so chill?
tay also spent the entire morning trapping the training grounds to high heavens with poisoned wire. so you know sakura is convinced by now that all those rumors about uzumaki being a dangerous maniac are 110% true. sasuke is just hnn-ing to the side in agreement of taylor's perfectly sensible request of their sensei, because he is also his own brand of fledgeling unhinged.
kakashi would then pull out like an old receipt or something and scrawl messily on the back of it, because trolling is 30% of his personality (the other 70% is trauma). and as soon as taylor grabs the note, confirming she indeed has permission to go all out, she's all *mentally cracks knuckles*
mans said lethal force? aight bitch lets play.
ten minutes later kakashi has a newfound hatred of tay's specialized stinkbombs and a healthy respect for flashbang tags. girlie did her research the night before and brought an arsenal to target sensitive noses and magic eyes, alongside the usual oodles of poison because her reaction to learning she was immune to most kinds had even the endbringer-equivalent in her stomach feeling wary.
ofc taylor wasn't able to actually kill kakashi. but because she is a totally sensible and sane girl her reaction to not being able to defeat a former black ops captain at twelve years of age is to be disappointed. the fact she couldn't even lightly maim him has tay wondering if she's destined for failure and death, because that is of course a very normal thing to think after you put a jounin on the back foot in battle. I love her.
kakashi is now wondering how on earth he's going to wrangle this feral child and jokes on you mfer the answer is you won't.
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skylerskyhigh · 2 years
So... this is either gonna be a terrible idea or a great idea.
Hear me out. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x How to Train Your Dragon.
The turtles messed with of Draxum's mystic stuff and got sent into another world where dragons exist. Depending on the time, either during the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd movie, the turtles would be both revered and terrified by the Vikings. They'll probably be treated as cryptids or trolls or something. And it's not like the turtles couldn't handle the Vikings.
But can you imagine Leo riding one of the faster dragons? He would love to ride a dragon. Or Raph happily taking care of dragons cause they aren't as scared of him as animals are. Or Mikey riding with a flock of dragons, just being wild in the air. Donnie would be fascinated by it all- and also losing his mind due to the lack of technology.
But what would the turtle's dragons be?
Leo would probably have a Strike class dragon. I can just imagine him with a Skrill. Befitting for someone who's powers of teleporting can leave off arches of electricity. Plus, I'm sure he can keep up with the Skrill easily. Powerful, intelligent, quick, and extremely mistrusting of other people and dragons. However, they're also very loyal. I can see Leo saving a Skill's life and they just begin to bond. Plus, those two together? With the Skrill's power and Leo's teleporting? Terrifying.
Raph would have a Boulder or Tracker class dragon. I can see him with a Rumblehorn. A large dragon capable of doing a lot of damage but who's also very loyal and kind. Plus, the tracking ability helps when his brothers are lost.
Mikey would have a Stroker class dragon. Maybe a Typhoomerang since that dragon would fit Mikey's powers and his razzmatazz. Also, it'll be terrifying to see this small turtle ride on the back of a giant dragon. A Monsterous Nightmare could work for him as well.
Donnie would either be Sharp or Mystery class dragon. I can see him with an Armorwing. Kinda fitting that a dragon that doesn't have protective scales, one that needs to make armor using melted metal, would bond with Donnie. A softshell who uses a fake metal shell as protection.
There are probably better fitting dragons but that's what I can come up with.
Their adventure would probably be surviving in a world without modern tech, filled with dangerous dragons, and being the only mutants in the entire archipelago. And if they find the main cast, probably a language barrier too, but that depends.
It'll be interesting if the Vikings thought that the turtles are able to control the dragons when in actuality they just befriended them. Their existence is shrouded in mystery, yet they are rumoured to be very powerful and strange. Creatures of myth they were told as children, but never seen up close. Maybe they'd be terrified, staying away from areas where they are spotted. Maybe they'd give offerings to appease these strange creatures. Or maybe they'd hunt them down to prove that they are stronger than these creatures, for fame and fortune to bring its body back.
The turtles would have to find a way to get back home in a world where they don't understand anything. A world with no yokai or even a hint of mysticism to help them find a way back (maybe there is, for an AU where magic exists).
Maybe they'll be split apart, each on their own and finding a dragon to bond with. Raph might have an issue with that due to his Savage side. Or maybe they'll be together and trying to find a way to get back home.
Maybe the httyd gang find them and help them find their way home. They've helped dragons, why not these strange creatures?
I'm very tempted.
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mademoiselle-cookie · 11 months
About the Red team trolling the Green team
It's just a game, made to have fun, and it's survival mode, so this kind of behaviors are common. Etoiles is level-headed, calm and kind enough to understand the Red team circumstances. And it's not his way to go full rage bloodthirsty mode. It would especially suit the Federation and the weirdos in charge of Purgatory.
But I want revenge. I want the Green Ninjas to make the Red team scream, to make them cry, to make them fully realize they shouldn't have done that.
(In their state, going violent will probably do nothing to them. They know they have no chance, they have nothing to lose. So even if I know it will never happened, I hope the Green will think of the silent treatment. Don't talk to them, don't talk about them, don't attack them. If they attack you, kill but don't talk. If they try to talk to you, ignore them or leave. If someone tries to talk about them to you, change the subject or ignore what was said. It will either be extremely funny or extremely boring. No in-between.)
Can't you tell i'm salty that absolutely everyone is only talking about Bolas? All the talks, all the fanart are about them. There's 2 other teams guys. I watched the Green team, I know barely nothing that happened to the Blue team but I know now probably more about the Red than the Green. Don't tell it's bc they're more agreable to follow, the Bolas' beginning was apparently a nightmare and Cellbit wanted first to not come back after this event is finish. It's not like anything happened with the other. Aypierre killed his ex-boyfriend, the Green make the most preprations, fished together like old grandpas instead of survivors, get lost bc they didn’t know where to submit the global missions, they have ElQuackity the traitor among them, at least 2 on the group are bloodthirsty when the leader is surprisingly sane and pacifist... And it's just on the first day. The Red Team is not the main character of the server, it's so frustrating
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sillyturtlesblog · 9 months
˗ˏˋ⋆ Masterpost ⋆ˎˊ˗ ━━━━┅━━━┅━━━━
〖 Welcome to our system blog !〗
Hello! We are The Silly System-
This blog is mainly run by our host so the majority of the posts are reblogged/made by them!
Our host:
.˚ [🐇💝]┊.- Pink/Ollie | They/She/Him | 13-17 in headspace
Other Frequent Fronters:
.˚ [💜🪻]┊.- Donnie | He/They | 15-16
.˚ [🌀]┊.- Leonardo | He/They | 15-16
↳ More information!
✩┊ We are bodily 17 (so pls don't be weird)
✩┊A Traumagenic system of 70+ alters
✩┊ Self-diagnosed DID
✩┊Self-diagnosed Autism and OCD
✩┊ Our collective pronouns are They/Them! (Or if you know who is fronting, you could use that alter's pronouns)
✩┊If you don't know who's fronting, you can just use the host's name
Pink's main blog-
[ @pinkatint ]
(Mostly of TMNT stuff <3)
◣ Boundaries ◥
- We prefer if people didn't DM us unless you're friends of ours
- We're okay with asks about the system! Just as long you're respectful and NOT inappropriate
- Please be kind to us <3
(Very much appreciated)
DNI (do not interact ) ❌:
- P3dos / inc3st
- Proship
- transphobes / homophobes
-System discourse
- System fakeclaimers (y'all just because a system is different than yours doesn't mean they're not a system. Just a reminder ALL systems are going to be different with different issues. No one is going to be the exact same smh)
Please Interact! ✅ :
- LGBT+ peeps
- Therians
- Systems
- Singlets who are curious
- Peeps who use neo pronouns
- People who are into our interests
(We love getting asks and talking to new peeps. So don't be shy:3)
- Neurodivergents
- Age regressors
◣Some of our interests◥
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, MLP, FNAF, Trolls, Hazbin Hotel, TADC
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mixelation · 11 months
In the new AMAZING au, what does Kakashi think about obito? Is Kakashi....okay?
i think it's more fun if by the time tori's around, they're like.... friends. they have fun banter. kakashi is actively relieved when obito shows up to stressful situations when the stress is someone threatening kakashi
this time around obito is ~technically a genius~ but he's even worse at following orders. so early team 7 kakashi views him as a rival and respectable opponent but also as like... a fuck up. like what is obito even DOING 90% of the time. he's late all the time and he talks back to authority and he ignores orders and ugh ugh ugh
obito 4D chesses his way around the kannabi bridge incident so there's no singular moment of "and now we are bonded FOREVER" even though obito has considered just sticking a sharingan in kakashi to force that moment, and also like, offered it to kakashi a couple times. so i think it's a process of many years of forced into close proximity by shared missions where kakashi very gradually comes around to him. he gets used to obito being.... obito.... and sometimes views obito's hinge-free lifestyle as a boon. like, yeah kakashi WANTED to do something horrible to the guy who hit rin in the face with a kunai, he's not going to complain if obito hunts him down and sets him on fire even if the platoon captain said no??? sometimes he has to talk him down from doing something completely insane (like giving him his eyeball) but it's been ten years and obito hasn't hurt anyone kakashi actually cares about. so by the time they're both 22 kakashi is like "actually sometimes being a troll gets you want you want" and "yeah obito is a violent unhinged freak, but he's OUR violent unhinged freak" bc being violent and unhinged is MUCH less of a red flag for ninja. like no obito is not allowed to babysit naruto solo but also kakashi would trust him with his life
he IS kind of concerned about obito's interest in team 4? like, um. sensei...... do you know obito is uh........ like that................
(minato has been VERY CONCERNED about obito's sanity several times. but also obito is, you know, comically OP and Minato has spent over half his ninja career at war. he's not going to do an intervention, because why would you do anything to nerf one of your best guys? but obito's file does have seven thousand notes on it, and rin and kakashi's files also have notes about obito. for example that one time with kiri taught them that rin's safety has to be a priority on field missions because otherwise obito will go insane as our resident ultra talented medic-nin, just normal policy about saving the medic first folks nothing to see here)
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jinxed-ninjago · 10 months
One thing I don't think we speculate/theorize/discuss/whatever enough is how Plundar would interact with the team on a more casual basis and vice versa (I'm specifying Plundar because with Wyldfyre's existence I feel like we can get a loose idea of how Korgran would interact with the team on a more casual basis and vice versa because I think Korgran and Wyldfyre have similar attitudes [although Korgran is definitely more chill than Wyldfyre], and I don't think Fungus would be much different considering how he interacts with the rest of the Upply, Cole, Wu, and Vania casually).
So Plundar interacting with the rest of the ninja:
We know Kai was likely jealous that Cole "had a crew" when Plundar introduced himself as "part of Cole's crew" so if we go off of that, I feel like Kai and Plundar would have a rivalry going on. Would it be one-sided on Kai's end? Probably, let's be honest. The idea is really funny. BUT I also really like the idea of Plundar finding worn out daggers and swords in the mines under Shintaro Mountain when he goes spelunking with the Upply and taking them to the monastery for Kai to restore. Still rivals but Kai appreciates Plundar giving him weapons to restore in the monastery's forge. Maybe Plundar even takes the weapons to Kai for him to restore in an attempt to demonstrate that the one-sided rivalry he has going on is fucking dumb lol.
Everyone else is gonna be significantly harder just because they don't really interact with Plundar canonically (Jay's only interaction with Plundar is screaming when he sees Adam then questioning who the Upply are, Nya's only interaction with him is asking who he is, and Lloyd and Zane don't interact with him at all). I will do my best however because the idea of Plundar interacting with these goofs is great.
Lloyd would probably be more skeptical of him at first, just because that's how Lloyd is. Statistically speaking, even if one of the ninja makes a new friend or ends up with a love interest who is briefly evil but ends up on their side in the end, they're still on the villain's side at some point to an extent, and I don't doubt that Lloyd would extend this sentiment to Lloyd. It happened with Zane and Pixal, it happened with Kai and Skylor (and there it resulted in Kai getting briefly corrupted), it happened with Lloyd himself and Harumi, basically you can count on ninja love interests starting out in league with the villains/villainous factions so I wouldn't doubt that Lloyd would be distrusting of Plundar, especially since Plundar's a thief. Cue Plundar trying way too hard to gain Lloyd's trust, and Cole trying to explain to Plundar "you're fine, he's just like this, he'll come around eventually as long as you aren't horrible."
I feel like Plundar would probably troll Jay all the time. Plundar's a thief who probably aces his stealth checks every time AND canonically Cole brought him on a stealth mission, you can't tell me he wouldn't tease the shit out of Jay using his stealth. It's probably more in an "I see you as a little brother so I'm gonna tease you relentlessly" way and not from a place of malice. Jay, who is used to getting this kind of shit but from a meaner verbal place from Kai, probably doesn't mind and tells Plundar when he needs a break from it.
Plundar and Nya would probably do a lot of sparring. Canonically, Nya's always looking for ways she can improve her skills, and having a stealthy thief around to help combat stealth would probably lead to a lot of sparring between the two. Outside of that, Plundar would probably be in the same spot as Cole and see her as a younger sister.
Plundar's been underground for YEARS, bro would be absolutely fascinated by both Zane and Pixal and I think they'd both be 100% down to answer any questions he has, whether it be about their mechanics, their programming, or really anything. Even if the question would be something the others would call invasive, they're patient and understanding because they understand it's new to Plundar.
I think Plundar should've interacted with the rest of the team more, I genuinely feel like we were robbed of some interactions that could've been pure gold (ESPECIALLY with Plundar and Kai) lmao
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fowlham (where Randy and Teresa walk in the park and drink coffee and then watch the sun set ) randy and theresa they no love LGBT ( they heterosexual and Straight ) a at the end of the fanfiction, you can make an art where Randy confessed his love to Teresa and made her a marriage proposal when the moon appeared in the sky
okay, so- first of all: i cannot draw which means this isn't getting art and well, i don't take art reqs, but sure let's write this puppy up (/lh) and see what we can make of it!
Headcanons for Domestic Fowlham (at the Park)
Randy is the one who would invite Theresa to the park. For what it's worth, he knows his role as the Ninja takes up a lot of his time and he wants to make it up to her
I don't see Theresa as a coffee drinker, but she does enjoy hot chocolate and you know Randy would buy some for her
Honestly, the way I see it: they decided to take an evening stroll during the weekend. Things have been settling; McFist and Viceroy have started leaving the Ninja alone and Randy takes it as his chance to spend time with his girlfriend
Randy's crush on Theresa didn't fully start until sometime after he rescued her. He'd get incredibly flustered, but this seemed to happen with both boys and girls- (it was his first bi awakening, but he's completely smitten for Theresa right now)
Theresa would likely provide snacks and just talk for a little while about the stars in the sky; she seems to be really interested in constellations, something which Randy gets enthralled by whenever she talks about it
They're enjoying the silence- Theresa wants to voice her deeper thoughts - how she wants to have a life with Randy, but she feels as if the words are stuck even as she attempts to voice it- (she used to have a small crush on Debbie, though Randy's a sweet kid- although Theresa has two hands-)
In the end, Randy is the one who breaks the silence- he confesses, deciding he can't just not tell Theresa how he feels. He can't help but wonder about their future and he begins talking about the place he'd want to live in with her
Theresa is taken by surprise but she hangs on to his every word- her cheeks are heated in a blush and she finally chuckles, "do you really mean that?"
They're not old enough to be married yet, but Randy holds out a promise/couple's ring for Theresa; he's smiling brightly, "I couldn't imagine a life without you-"
hahahah, okay- in all honesty, this ask was a brilliant example of what not to do when sending something to my inbox! this is not the page you want to go to if you're going to be spewing ant-lgbtq+ behavior, but also!! if people would actually read what i want to be sent- we wouldn't be having this kind of situation!
i am not an artist- i'm a novice artist and do not have enough skills to be creating artwork but i'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt this time
i don't know whether this was sent by a troll or a kid trying to get a reaction out of me, but either way- at the end of the day, this is my blog. with my rules and an ask like this isn't going to be tolerated. this is not to say i won't write a straight ship, but please i reblog and write and share PRIDE CONTENT (that's a lot of what i've been reblogging lately-)
that being said, if i do continue getting these kinds of asks - i'm either going to have to turn off anon or i'm going to be responding and just being kind of a menace about it
(for the record, my hc for randy is that he doesn't care in the slightest about gender if he wants to date someone; theresa would more than likely be bi, at the very least but we can talk that more in-depth later)
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mislamicpearl · 17 days
I literally just realized after being obsessed with it for over a year that Ninjago is the first of my longest hyperfixations to break my "somehow related to trolls" streak; Homestuck, half the cast are trolls - Trollhunters, I mean it's in the title, 'nuff said - and Moomins, this one is a bit of a stretch but he's called Moomintroll and the characters are canonically about 3 ft tall so yeah you could say they're a kind of troll.
Dang. Maybe I'll fixate on another ninja thing after this? I mean I do love TMNT 2012 and Rise. Haven't been that impressed with Tales so far though (granted I only watched the first two episodes).
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