#Things Galen needs.
icannotgetoverbirds · 4 months
I am no longer consumed by bloodlust!
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Back to Rosario talking about how Ezra and Ahsoka will have a deeper conection and relationship that will be important to the show, we can all agree that this is most likely a Daughter and Son of Mortis thing right? Everyone can agree on that right? Or at very least they will be parallels to Baylan and Shin
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alixennial · 1 year
🌱 Indie Von Galen ⭐️ Seeker Of Hidden Truths
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The only things I'd decided up front for Indie was (1) that she'd have A Past (not necessarily traumatic, but definitely a learning experience that she'd carry into ARR - oops sorry Indie, I did intend to be gentle) and (2) some basic stuff about her character--she's positive, optimistic, and kind. She may not be the prettiest, smartest or most talented in the room, but she's resourceful and adaptable and she always tries her best.
I didn't know much about naming conventions when I created her, but the 'Von' thing gave me a fun opportunity to invent some backstory about how she might have had some Garlean involvements whilst ticking the 'Has A Past' box.
Indie was born and raised on a small crop farm in a quiet backwater outside of Ala Mhigo. She grew up in isolation; a home-schooled only-child of ageing parents. For the first few years of her life her family was pretty much self sufficient, but then the Garlean invasion brought about an end to their way of life. With no strength in numbers, Indie's family submitted to Garlean rule in the hope that they could somehow peacefully retain their livelihood.
"'Tis better to bend with the wind than stand tall and be broken. Therein lies… hope. Therein lies freedom."
Before long, Indie's father was removed from the farm and forced to work in an imperial factory. Indie's mother continued to home-school her and work the farm, but this increasingly became a struggle, especially in times when soldiers would regularly pay them a visit to claim their lot.
Indie had to step up at a very young age to ensure the farm covered enough for them to survive as her mother's health deteriorated. What she lacked in knowledge, in education, she made up for in strength, practicality and resourcefulness. This continued for many years until her mother passed away when Indie was a young adult, her father following just a few weeks later.
"People are pragmatic creatures at heart. They hold on to hope only until they taste true hardship. Then comes fear and regret. Safer not to dream, they conclude at last. They learn to abide the indignities and injustices, the pain and shame."
The farm was taken from her, and with few neighbours remaining, she turned to allies her father had made - a faction of imperial soldiers that had been ensuring the dignity of Ala Mhigan factory workers as well as keeping her village suitably stocked with provisions - one of which, the ringleader Christos van Galen, she later married. (Indie's title of Von was a gift from her husband which he claimed meant Princess - a position earned rather than born into)
Indie continued her endeavours to provide for the ever diminishing community whilst her husband worked on rallying like-minded Garleans and ~whatever else he was doing that he kept Indie firmly away from~, but when the group's activities were discovered, Christos was executed by way of an example. As conditions became less safe for Indie, she journeyed to Ul'dah in search of Ala Mhigan refugees and to find out what became of the Resistance.
She carries the title "Warrior of Light" with some trepidation. She doesn’t feel special but while it gives people hope she will embrace it. She has certainly struggled with imposter syndrome in the past.
As Indie learns more about her abilities and blessing of light, she wonders how much her late husband knew of them and whether he was protecting her, or protecting everyone else from her.
Age: 27 when she travelled to Ul'dah, 29 now.
Race: Highlander Hyur
Home world: Seraph, Dynamis
Hair: Red with highlights of Red
Eyes: Dark
Height: 5 fulms 11 ilms
Distinguishing marks: None?
Common Accessories: HAT
Profession: Monk
Hobbies: A very keen gatherer and crafter, allowing her to make good use of her more practical skills. She also enjoys having a small garden plot to grow crops, it reminds her of home in less complicated times.
Birthplace: Arse end of nowhere, Gyr Abania
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Fears: A return to isolation
Spouse: Deceased
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None
Other relatives: Unknown
Indie's Tag
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oc references I made for my artfight!! rubbing my hands together evilly
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toxictoad · 3 months
Starlight (Dawn/Galen) is a fell first + fell harder thing. Galen has been in love since they were teenagers and Dawn had one single moment of selflessness about him and then decided that he was immediately in love right now and that the dark side is stupid and he wants his boyfriend >:(
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 months
I Read The Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Seven
Previous part.
Chapter 18: Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin In which everything goes to hell. Again.
Remember the Siege of Angband? Yeah, that’s still going on. It’s been roughly two hundred years since Morgoth’s last attack (the first appearance of Glaurung the Dragon), and in all that time, the Elves haven’t made much progress. Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor, considers launching another assault on Angband; his people are strong, and now they have the Men on their side. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
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Fingolfin by Insant
The other Noldor are less enthused by this idea. For once, things are pretty great. Why risk the peace and prosperity that the Elves currently have for the chance at defeating Morgoth, when there’s bound to be massive loss of life either way? Only the Elven lords who live in the far north — on Morgoth’s doorstep — agree with Fingolfin, since they can’t ignore Morgoth as easily. They’re shot down by everyone else, so, there’s peace for a little while longer.
That’s when Morgoth makes his move.
Morgoth has been steadily gathering his forces throughout all of that time, and he’s also grown more and more spiteful. He doesn’t just want to defeat the Noldor, he wants to defile their homeland. But his hatred has also made him impatient.
One winter, on a dark night, without any warning, rivers of lava suddenly come pouring down the Thangorodrim, which belch poisonous gases into the air, rendering the whole plain of Ard-galen a barren wasteland overnight. Also, unlike with natural volcanoes, the damage is permanent — Ard-galen becomes known as Angfauglith, which means “Gasping Dust.” Instant Mordor, Just Add Lava. Many poor Elves are swallowed up by the lava before they can react.
As if that weren’t bad enough, Glaurung returns, accompanied by Balrogs and entire armies of Orcs — more Orcs than the Noldor have ever previously seen. The ensuing battle lasts all winter, as Morgoth’s forces return fire on the Noldor. It becomes known as Dagor Bragollach, the Battle of Sudden Flame.
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Battle of Sudden Flame by Jovan Delic
There are many casualties. Angrod and Aegnor, the brothers of Finrod and Galadriel, both die in the battle. Finrod himself gets cut off in the Fen of Serech, and almost dies, but he’s rescued at the last minute by a Man named Barahir. Finrod escapes with his life, barely, and manages to make it back to his palace in Nargothrond. Finrod pledges undying friendship to Barahir, promises to help him and his family in return if they should ever need him, and gives him his ring as a token of his promise. It’s a ring shaped like two intertwined snakes, set with green stones, and it becomes known as the Ring of Barahir.
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Finrod in the Fen of Serech by pansen1802
Incredibly, Fingolfin and co. manage to hang on to their land of Hithlum, but not without heavy losses. Hador Lórindol, one of the Kings of Men who was Fingolfin’s thane, dies in the battle. In the East, Fëanor’s sons aren’t doing great, either — Celegorm and Curufin are both defeated, but not killed; they retreat all the way to Nargothrond and hide there with Finrod. Caranthir’s land is ravaged, too.
Maedhros, however, “burned like a white fire.” He’s been dying to get his revenge on Morgoth for having strung him up on Thangorodrim, and personally slaughters so many Orcs that they start to run in fear of him. He manages to hang on to his fortress, and many people rally to him, including his brother Maglor.
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Finrod, Fingon, and Maedhros by star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Overall, the battle is really bad. Fingolfin stares out over the ruined lands, sees his family scattered, and realizes the Noldor are done for. He’s filled with rage and despair, but he isn’t ready to give up yet. There’s only one thing to do. He mounts his horse, Rochallor, and rides straight to the gates of Angband. Those who see him think he must be Oromë, the Vala of the hunt, because he burns with fury and his eyes glow. He blows his warhorn, bangs on the gates of Angband, and challenges Morgoth himself to a duel.
That may be the ballsiest move of any Elf so far (and yes, I’m counting Fëanor going up against an army of Balrogs).
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Fingolfin’s Challenge by Jenny Dolfen
Now, throughout all this, Morgoth has spent most of his time hiding in his fortress. Sure, he’s a Vala, and technically the most powerful being in Middle-earth, but he doesn’t fight his own battles. Fingolfin calls him a coward who’d rather send out all of his evil minions to fight for him than come and face him like a man. Morgoth can’t ignore that. So, to the surprise of everyone, Morgoth actually comes. And we get this badass description, which I’m going to transcribe, because I can’t do Tolkien justice:
Therefore Morgoth came, climbing slowly from his subterranean throne, and the rumour of his feet was like thunder underground. And he issued forth clad in black armour; and he stood before the King like a tower, iron-crowned, and his vast shield, sable-blazoned, cast a shadow over him like a stormcloud. But Fingolfin gleamed beneath it as a star; for his mail was overlaid with silver, and his blue shield was set with crystals; and he drew his sword Ringil, that glittered like ice.
Oh, it is on!
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Fingolfin vs. Morgoth by Marchesi
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The Fall of Fingolfin by Wavesheep
The battle is epic. Morgoth tries to smash Fingolfin with his hammer, called Grond (GROND! GROND! GROND! GROND!), but Fingolfin is too quick. Every time GROND hits the earth, it creates a volcanic cleft in the earth. The battle is compared to a thunderstorm, with the strikes of Morgoth’s hammer being the thunder and Fingolfin darting around being the lightning. Fingolfin actually manages to wound Morgoth, seven times! Each time, Morgoth howls so loud that all of the Orcs cringe in fear.
Fingolfin can’t keep it up forever, though. He’s mortal, and he’s going up against something near to a god. Three times, Morgoth crushes him with his shield, and three times Fingolfin is able to pick himself back up again. He doesn’t have much space to move anymore, because the ground around him is full of holes. He stumbles and falls, and Morgoth presses his foot to Fingolfin’s neck. It’s like getting an entire hill dropped on top of him. Fingolfin isn’t going to go peacefully, though — with his last bit of strength, he cuts deep into Morgoth’s foot.
Fingolfin dies, and thus passes the strongest and most valiant of the Elven kings. The Elves are so sad to lose him that they don’t even sing about the battle. The Orcs don’t gloat about it, either, even though Morgoth won — it was kind of a Pyrrhic victory, because it’s embarrassing that a mere mortal was able to do so much damage to Morgoth. The reason why we know what happened, despite the lack of songs about it, is because Thorondor (the King of the Eagles) brings the news to Gondolin and Hithlum.
Thorondor also saves Fingolfin’s body from being desecrated by Morgoth. Morgoth goes to throw Fingolfin’s corpse to the wolves, but Thorondor swoops down and claws him in the face. Thorondor brings Fingolfin’s body to Gondolin, and Turgon builds a cairn for his father in the surrounding hills. For a while, Fingolfin’s tomb acts almost like a charm that keeps the Orcs away. (But not forever though. Because, in case you forgot, Gondolin is doomed.)
Morgoth’s wounds are permanent. His seven initial wounds never heal, he now limps everywhere he goes because Fingolfin damaged his foot, and his face is also scarred where Thorondor got him.
All of Hithlum mourns Fingolfin’s death. Fingon, in his grief, becomes the sole High King of the Noldor.
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Fingon by Moimq
There’s an interesting note here: Fingon sends “his young son Ereinion (who was later named Gil-galad) […] to the Havens.” This is an outright inconsistency. In other sources, Gil-galad is the grandson of Angrod, Finrod’s brother. So, it’s legitimately unclear who Gil-galad’s father was. Oh well. Distant legendary past, oral tradition and all that. I’m sure the songs disagree on whose parents are whose all the time.
And, the “Havens” referred to here aren’t the Grey Havens, either. They’re two cities in the southwest of Beleriand. But they’re ruled by the same Elf, Círdan, who would rule the Grey Havens later.
Morgoth is now in control of most of northern Beleriand. Barahir, the Man who helped save Finrod, keeps fighting for some time, alongside his wife Emeldir. But Morgoth destroys their land little by little. That land becomes so dark and evil that even Orcs avoid it, and it gets a new name: Taur-nu-Fuin, “The Forest under Nightshade” (which is cool as hell). This forest is like a proto-Mirkwood. Its trees become tangled with claw-like roots and branches, and it becomes full of angry spirits that can drive travelers mad.
The situation gets so dire that Emeldir leads her people away. They end up in the Forest of Brethil, which is where Haleth, another badass warrior-queen of Men, led her people in a similar moment of desperation. All of Barahir’s men are killed fighting Morgoth except for a small handful (whose names are all listed, of course). The Elves don’t come to help them, so they become desperate, hunted outcasts who live in the wilderness. One of these outcasts is Beren, Barahir’s son, who’s about to become very important.
The Elves managed to maintain control over Minas Tirith, the tower that guards the pass separating Morgoth’s lands in the north from the rest of Beleriand. This tower is maintained by Orodreth, Angrod’s son and Finrod’s nephew. But after two years pass, the tower is besieged by Morgoth’s lieutenant, Sauron.
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Sauron by Wavesheep
(Oh yeah I’ve been waiting to dip into my self-indulgent collection of Sauron pictures.)
At this point, the Elves call Sauron “Gorthaur the Cruel.” He has become…
a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled; his dominion was torment.
He’s basically like Morgoth 2.0, and there’s very little left of him that is still Mairon, the Maia smith that he once was. Still, Sauron and Morgoth aren’t interchangeable; while Sauron is certainly very evil, he doesn’t think the same way that Morgoth does. If you’re familiar with the D&D alignment chart, Morgoth is pure Chaotic Evil — he doesn’t have a motive beyond fucking things up as much as possible. Sauron is more Lawful Evil, more like an evil dictator. Morgoth wants to watch the world burn (and just did, a moment ago); Sauron wants to rule over the ashes.
Sauron’s assault on Minas Tirith is successful. (If Sauron had a nickel for every time he besieged a tower called Minas Tirith, he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.) He conjures a cloud of pure terror that causes Orodreth and his men to panic, and flee to Narthothrond. Then, much like Sauron would corrupt Minas Ithil and Osgiliath eons later, he transforms Minas Tirith into an evil watchtower. Tol Sirion, the island where it’s located, becomes known as Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves.
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Lord of Werewolves by Dracontessa
After that, things only get worse. The Orcs spread across Beleriand, kidnapping Elves and desecrating all the land around Doriath. Morgoth sends out a bunch of spies to sow discord in every kingdom, hoping to win a psychological battle. Because of the Curse, most of the Noldor believe the sugary lies. The dirtiest trick that Morgoth pulls is setting free some of the Elves that he took captive, while keeping them under his control. This causes the Noldor to distrust even their own families.
With Men, Morgoth tries a different tactic. He attempts to turn them against the Elves by pointing out that the Men are inferior to Elves, and that the Noldor are inherently untrustworthy and untrusting. He promises the Men that if they come and join him, “the rightful Lord of Middle-earth,” then they’ll have honor and rewards and yada, yada. The Men don’t fall for this, which makes Morgoth even more spiteful towards them.
The Three Great Houses of Men are in complete disarray at this point. The house of Bëor —Barahir and his people — is basically destroyed, with the remainder barely surviving in the wilderness. The House of Hador are all stuck in Hithlum, and Hador himself is dead. The only remaining Men in the rest of Beleriand are the house of Haleth — the Haladin — who live in the Forest of Brethil. They’re one of the last lines of defense between Nargothrond and Morgoth’s onslaught. Hador’s grandsons, Húrin and Huor, are camped out in the Forest of Brethil with the Haladin. Halmir, the current leader of the Haladin, sends for backup, and a small army of Sindar Elves from Doriath come to help defend the forest. With the Elves’ help, the Men drive back the Orcs.
Húrin and Huor are some of our major players among the Men. They’re brothers, and they’re currently teenagers. Back before the battle, their father married Halmir’s daughter, so they’re members of the Haladin on their mom’s side. During the battle, they are separated from the rest of their company, but Ulmo protects them with a magical mist from the River Sirion, and then Thorondor rescues them when they wander near his mountains. Thorondor sends two eagles to pick them up, and the eagles bring them to Gondolin. Húrin and Huor become the first Men to ever see the secret Elven city of Gondolin.
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By Mysilvergreen
King Turgon receives them well. He’d gotten a prophetic dream from Ulmo, telling him he’ll need the Men’s help when things get bad, so he takes them in as his honored guests. Húrin and Huor live in the mystical Elven city for a year, and they learn a lot from Turgon in that time. Turgon wants to keep them in Gondolin, not just because of his proclaimation that no one can ever leave it, but also because he genuinely loves them. Eventually, though, they want to go home.
Remember how well that went the last time, with Aredhel?
Húrin reminds Turgon that Men don’t live very long, so he and his brother can’t just wait until things cool off, especially with their family thinking they’re dead. Also, they were carried into the city by eagles, so they have no idea where the entrance is and probably couldn’t find it again on their own. Turgon thinks that this is reasonable, and agrees to let them go, so long as Thorondor is willing to let them leave the way they came, by eagle-taxi.
But Maeglin — remember him? He’s the edgy Elf — Maeglin is happy that Húrin and Huor are leaving, because they’ve been soaking up all the king’s attention. Maeglin snidely tells Húrin that Turgon wasn’t so lenient in the past, like that time he threw Maeglin’s father off the walls.
To pacify Maeglin, Húrin and Huor swear an oath not to reveal anything about Gondolin. As you’ve probably gathered by now, oaths are serious business. I almost guarantee that this is going to bite them in the ass.
When Húrin and Huor return home, their family is overjoyed to see them, because they all thought that the brothers had died in the wilderness. Their father, Galdor, asks where they’ve been, and why they look like princes instead of like they’ve been living in the wilderness for a year. Húrin tells him that the only reason they were allowed to return at all was if they swore not to speak about it, so… don’t ask.
Meanwhile, King Turgon learns that the Siege of Angband is officially over, and Morgoth killed Fingolfin. Turgon doesn’t want to involve himself in the war, at least not yet — Gondolin is a secret safe haven for now, and he wants it to stay that way for as long as possible. It’s like the Wakanda of Elven cities.
However, Turgon also realizes that this is the beginning of the end for the Noldor, unless they can find some outside source of help. He sends secret bands of Gondolin Elves to sail to Valinor. That’s a truly desperate move, since the Noldor are exiles, and Valinor has wanted nothing to do with Middle-earth for centuries. Unfortunately, none of Turgon’s emissaries make it; the western sea has become much more dangerous ever since Valinor cut itself off. The sea is full of enchantments and illusions, and Valinor itself is hidden. There’s no way to get to it. With every failed mission, Gondolin’s doom inches closer and closer.
Guess who hears about it? Morgoth. Morgoth is very interested to know what happened to Finrod and Turgon, because Elven kings don’t just vanish off the face of the earth. He knows they must be somewhere, probably plotting a new scheme to take him down. He knows what Nargothrond is, but not where it is, and he knows nothing about Gondolin. In the Battle of Sudden Flame, he made the mistake of underestimating the strength of the Elves and Men. Although he won the battle, they managed to hit him back just as badly. He’s not about to make that mistake again.
Morgoth attacks Hithlum again. King Fingon is outnumbered, but rescued at the last minute by ships full of warriors sent by Círdan. The Elves win the battle, but King Galdor, Húrin and Huor’s father, dies in the same spot where his own father fell during the Battle of Sudden Flame. Húrin becomes the new patriarch of his house, and serves as Fingon’s thane. He marries Morwen Eledhwen, a woman of the house of Bëor, who fled the Forest under Nightshade for the Forest of Brethil alongside Queen Emeldir.
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Húrin by Steamey
The House of Bëor is by this point reduced to only one man, Emeldir and Barahir’s son, Beren.
Chapter 19: Of Beren and Lúthien, Part One In which we hear the greatest love story ever told.
This is the first of what Tolkien called “The Great Tales,” some of the oldest stories in the Legendarium, all of which were ultimately unfinished. To put into perspective just what a big deal this story is, Tolkien and his wife Edith have the names “Beren” and “Lúthien” written on their respective headstones. The version here in the Silmarillion is the most complete, but it’s also an abridged version. This is how Tolkien introduces it:
Among the tales of sorrow and of ruin that come down to us from the darkness of those days there are yet some in which amid weeping there is joy and under the shadow of death light that endures. And of these histories most fair still in the ears of the Elves is the tale of Beren and Lúthien.
Most of my retelling here is paraphrased from the Silmarillion, but I’ve included some details that appear only in the Lay of Leithian, Tolkien’s unfinished poetic telling of the story. It’s really worth going and reading the Lay of Leithian; it’s extremely vivid and evocative, it perfectly imitates the medieval poetic form.
The story doesn’t actually start with Beren. It starts with an account of what happened to Barahir and his remaining men after they fled the Forest under Nightshade. They ended up camping out beside a lake called Tarn Aeluin, which is beautiful and reflects the stars. It was supposedly blessed by Queen Melian, and her magic repels the evil creatures that took over the rest of the forest. Barahir and co. are well hidden there, but Morgoth commands Sauron to find them.
One of Barahir’s people is a man named Gorlim, who has a wife, Eilinel. They love each other even despite the war, but when Gorlim returned home one day after a battle, he found his house empty and Eilinel gone. He still follows his people and hides out near the lake, but he holds out hope that maybe his wife isn’t dead. He periodically leaves the secret safe haven and returns to the empty house, hoping that his wife will be there. One time, he sees the lights on and hears her voice, but it’s a trap — Sauron found him. Sauron tortures Gorlim to force him to reveal the location of Barahir’s secret camp, but Gorlim holds out. That is, until Sauron tells him to name his price. Gorlim asks to see his wife again.
Then Sauron smiled, saying, “That is a small price for so great a treachery. So shall it surely be. Say on!”
Poor Gorlim reveals the location of Barahir’s camp. Then, with a mocking laugh, Sauron reveals that Eilinel is dead, and that he cast an illusion to ensnare him. “Oh, but don’t worry, I’ll still send you to her,” he says, and then kills him. They don’t call him Gorthaur the Cruel for nothing.
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By @ayaosguqin
See, this is one of the things that makes Sauron different from Morgoth. Morgoth is spiteful and enjoys sewing discord and causing destruction for the sake of it, but we haven’t seen this kind of calculated sadism from him yet. (There’s not much that’s subtle about busting in with a giant spider and killing trees.) Sauron, having been a Maia of Aulë, has an appreciation for subtlety and craftsmanship. Sauron likes to stick the knife in and twist it. And as The Lord of the Rings makes clear, he’s a master of psychological warfare.
Now that Sauron knows where the secret camp is, his forces attack the men at Tarn Aeluin. They massacre everyone, save Beren. Beren is out on a spy mission when the Orcs attack, and he has a dream in which Gorlim’s ghost appears to him to tell him what happened. Beren rides back, but it’s already too late. He finds his father and everyone else dead.
Beren builds a cairn for his father and swears vengeance. He hunts down all the Orcs, slaughtering them by himself. He sneaks near their camp, where they’re gloating and holding up his father’s hand as a trophy. On the severed hand is a ring, the ring that Finrod Felagund gave to Barahir. Beren swoops in, steals the hand with the ring, and runs off before the Orcs have a chance to react.
Beren lives by himself in the wilderness for some time. He befriends the animals, and becomes a vegetarian as a result. He manages to perform many heroic deeds just in that time, so that he becomes famous. He’s already such a legend that Morgoth puts a price on his head, just as high as that of King Fingon himself, but the Orcs are so afraid of Beren that they avoid him instead of hunting him. Morgoth resolves to send an entire army after Beren, and not just any army — an army of werewolves, captained by Sauron himself.
The werewolves are enough to chase Beren away from the land where he buried his father. He heads south, towards Doriath. He resolves to pass through Queen Melian’s magic wall, for some reason. (Maybe because it’s the only guaranteed safe place?) He travels along sheer mountain cliffs, and through the spider-infested wastes that had been twisted by a combination of Sauron’s magic and Melian’s magic. That land was basically the Mordor of its day, and no one knows how Beren got through it; whatever he experienced there was terrifying enough that he never spoke of it again. When he arrives at the magic wall, he passes right through like it isn’t even there. This event had been predicted by Melian herself: ‘because the power of that Man’s destiny will overcome her own. People will sing about that event until the distant future, when Middle-earth is unrecognizable.’
He finds himself in the north of Doriath, a forest called Neldoreth. He’s exhausted and harrowed, having spent years traveling through a cursed land. But everything in Neldoreth is beautiful, it’s summertime, and Beren sees a beautiful Elf maiden dancing on the grass. It’s Lúthien, the daughter of King Thingol and Queen Melian themselves. Lúthien is the most beautiful person alive. (Like, metaphysically.) Being the child of a Maia, she is more or less a demigoddess.
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Encounter of Beren and Lúthien by Elena Kukanova
Beren is instantly smitten. In fact, he’s literally enchanted by her — just watching her casts a spell on him. When she suddenly vanishes, he literally can’t speak. He wanders the woods like an animal, searching for her. He doesn’t know her name, so he calls her Tinúviel, which means “Nightingale” in Sindarin. A whole year passes, and he sees her in the beauty of nature around him, like she’s a ghost and he’s fondly recalling her memory. A whole winter later, she reappears, and sings a song so beautiful that it brings spring back to the woods:
Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed.
When he hears her song, Beren can suddenly speak again. He calls out to her, using the name “Tinúviel.” Luckily for him, Lúthien falls just as in love with him upon seeing him. The narrator says that “doom fell upon her” as soon as she loved him back, which could mean either that she met her destiny or that she is going to die for her love. Probably both.
Beren goes to embrace her, but she vanishes again as soon as day breaks. Beren immediately feels a mixture of ecstasy and anguish. He falls into a coma, and has nightmares about groping through the dark to find the
vanished light. (I’m starting to note parallels between Lúthien and the Two Trees, and also the Silmarils.) But Beren’s anguish is nothing to Lúthien’s. Now that she’s fallen in love with a mortal, her fate is inextricably intertwined with his. She’s no longer free.
Lúthien returns to Beren and wakes him from his coma. They walk through the woods together, blissfully in love, throughout that spring and summer. Presumably they talk and actually get to know each other in that time.
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A sudden in love by breath-art and aglargon
There’s another person who loves Lúthien, an Elven bard named Daeron. He spies on Beren and Lúthien in the woods. Jealous that Lúthien loves Beren instead of him, he goes and tattles to Thingol about their relationship. (In the Lay of Leithian, Daeron — in his envy — is able to cast a spell of silence upon Beleriand, so that there is no music or even birdsong.) Thingol is immediately furious, because he’s extremely overprotective of his daughter, and he hates Men. He confronts Lúthien about her new boyfriend, but she refuses to say anything until Thingol promises that he won’t hurt or imprison Beren. Lúthien personally leads him before her father’s throne.
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Beren and Luthien in the Court of Thingol by Donato Giancola
Thingol demands to know who Beren is, but he’s so intimidating that Beren is stunned into silence. Lúthien answers for him. Thingol tells Lúthien to back off and let Beren speak for himself. What’s Beren’s excuse for entering the forbidden realm of Doriath? Beren’s response is very poetic and eloquent, but basically boils down to “I want to fuck your daughter.”
There’s pin-drop silence in the hall as the assembled Elves wait for Thingol to smite Beren. Thingol immediately regrets his promise not to harm him. Thingol’s response is to fold his hands, smile coldly, and say,
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(I mean, it’s not these exact words, but it’s close enough.)
Thingol accuses Beren of being a spy and a thrall of Morgoth, at which Beren takes offense. Beren isn’t afraid of death, but he won’t allow himself to be insulted by any Elf, even a king. His father was a lord of Men and he deserves to be treated like a prince! He has a ring given to his father by Finrod himself, for Eru’s sake! He holds up the ring, and all the Elves see it. This is the Ring of Barahir, which will eventually get passed down to Aragorn. The jewels set in it were originally cut by the Noldor in Valinor itself.
Melian whispers to her husband that he won’t be the one to kill Beren. Beren has a lot more stuff he’s destined to do, but his destiny is still intertwined with Thingol’s. Whatever Thingol does next will seal his own fate, too. Thingol proceeds to choose the stupidest thing possible.
Beren wants to marry the Faerie King’s daughter. So, as is common in fairy tales, Thingol sets him an impossible task that he must complete to earn Lúthien’s hand: He must steal a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth. Thingol feels like this the nearest thing to a fair price for his daughter. Of course, like most mythological kings, he’s hoping that Beren will die in the attempt.
You can just hear Melian’s facepalm through the page.
As is hopefully clear by now, the Silmarils are like a bomb waiting to go off. Everything about them is fraught — from the fact that they contain the last light of the Trees, to Morgoth’s obsession with them, to the Curse laid on all Fëanor’s sons for their unbreakable oath to get them back, etc. etc. Thingol’s choice to get involved in that shitshow was a dumb fucking idea. It’s not really his place to say or do anything concerning the Silmarils, and he effectively dooms his own kingdom by involving himself with them. In fact, by doing so, Thingol subjects himself to the same Curse that affects all the Noldor — you know, the reason he banished them from his kingdom and banned their language in the first place.
But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s get back to Beren, who responds to this by literally laughing it off and calling it easy:
“For little price,” he said, “do Elven-kings sell their daughters: for gems, and things made by craft. But if this be your will, Thingol, then I will perform it. And when we meet again my hand shall hold a Silmaril from the Iron Crown; for you have not looked the last on Beren son of Barahir.”
I like the parallelism here: Both Beren and Sauron call something that’s extraordinarily valuable to someone else a “little price” or “small price.” Obviously, we’re supposed to side with Beren in this instance, but I wonder if his pride will be his fall.
Having received his main quest, Beren leaves Menegroth.
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Menegroth by David Gresit
Melian tells Thingol what an idiot he is for involving himself in the Main Plot and forsaking his kingdom’s safety in isolation. She can’t protect him from whatever happens next. Thingol is pretty confident that Beren’s going to die, which proves that he’s not Genre Savvy enough to make good decisions from here on out. He should really listen to his wife.
Lúthien doesn’t quite enter “but Daddy, I love him!” territory, but she does stop singing. All of Doriath is eerily silent.
Beren travels west, towards the River Sirion, and then to Nargothrond. Being alone and with no resources, he doesn’t have any other option but to go to Finrod for help. He wisely holds up the Ring of Barahir as he enters Finrod’s territory, because it was originally Finrod’s ring, and his Elf snipers would know not to shoot. Knowing that he was being watched by an army’s worth of hidden Elves, he randomly yells out “I am Beren son of Barahir! Take me to your King!” in the middle of a field in the hopes that someone will hear him and decide not to kill him. After doing this several times, he’s apprehended by the archers and taken to Finrod.
Finrod receives Beren warmly. Privately, Beren tells Finrod about his father’s death and about meeting Lúthien. He cries more over remembering Lúthien than remembering his father. Remember, Finrod promised to help Barahir or any member of his family in need, because they had saved him. So, he has no choice but to help Beren retrieve a Silmaril, even though he knows it will not go well.
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Finrod by yidanyuan
He tells Beren, ‘Well, it’s obvious that Thingol wants you dead, but if anyone so much as mentions the Silmarils, the sons of Fëanor are on them like a pack of wolves. Celegorm and Curufin are powerful lords in my court, and I can’t risk antagonizing them. If they find out you want a Silmaril, they’ll kill you. But I made a promise to your father, so I have to help you. In short, we’re all screwed.’
For some reason, Finrod decides that the best thing to do is to be as transparent as possible. So, he summons his court and stands before his people. He tells them all about the promise he made to Barahir, and how he is therefore obligated to help Beren. He asks his lords for help. Celegorm’s response is predictable. He repeats the Oath of Fëanor, reaffirming that the sons of Fëanor will hunt down anything alive that dares to seek a Silmaril. He goes on a tirade as impassioned as the one that Fëanor originally gave to the Noldor back in Valinor. (Like father, like son, I guess.) Then Curufin speaks, more quietly. What he says boils down to: ‘Nice kingdom you’ve got here, Finrod. Would really be a shame if something happened to it.’
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Celegorm and Curufin, by Julia Reizen
Curufin’s speech scares the Elves of Nargothrond so much that they avoid open war for decades, preferring guerilla warfare with arrows, poisoned darts, and magic. According to Tolkien, this is less valorous than open combat, and diminishes their whole society.
Say what you will about Fëanor and his brood, they’re damn good at public speaking.
The Elves of Nargothrond begin to murmur amongst themselves that Finrod can’t tell them what to do as though he’s a Vala (even though he’s… y’know… the king), and all of them refuse to help him. The Curse is in full effect: Celegorm and Curufin realize that this is a golden opportunity to send Finrod alone to his death, and take over Nargothrond for themselves.
Finrod reads the room. He takes off his crown, and throws it at his feet, renouncing his rulership of the kingdom that he built. He looks directly at Celegorm and Curufin and tells them that while they may be faithless bastards who will break their oath of loyalty to him, he will not break his own promise to Barahir. He addresses the rest of the room — there’s got to be at least a few people who haven’t been affected by the Curse, and who will follow him, so that he isn’t pathetically driven out of his own kingdom. Right? A grand total of ten people stand up for him. One of them, Edrahil, picks up Finrod’s crown, and says that it should be given to a steward instead of being left for Celegorm and Curufin to snatch. Whatever happens, he says, Finrod is still the true king of Nargothrond. #IStandWithFinrod.
Finrod chooses Orodreth, his nephew (or youngest brother; sources differ), as his steward. Celegorm and Curufin just smile and withdraw from the room, which isn’t creepy at all.
Finrod and Beren leave Nargothrond with their ten loyalists. They travel north, come upon a band of Orcs, and kill them all. Finrod uses a magical illusion to disguise his company as Orcs, and they sneak through the mountain pass towards Angband. Sauron finds them anyway, and intercepts them. Sauron and Finrod engage in — of all things — a singing competition. It’s very similar in principle to “the oldest game” from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, in that it’s a battle between dueling concepts that are instantaneously manifested as the singers describe them. Sauron sings about treachery, betrayal, uncovering secrets, piercing through things, and sorcery. Finrod answers with a song about resistance against evil, keeping secrets, maintaining trust, standing strong, and gaining freedom.
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Finrod and Sauron by rami-fon-verg
There is something simple, almost childish, about this back-and-forth. I feel like I’ve seen several different children’s shows in which a good character and an evil character sing at each other instead of fighting, with the evil character extoling the virtues of power and the good character singing about the importance of love. (The one that comes to mind is Barbie and the Diamond Castle, in which the two heroines and the villain play good/evil music at each other, and the good music overpowers the evil music, resulting in the villain’s defeat.) I wouldn’t be surprised if several anime have a scene like this, as well. And yet, it is primordially powerful, like Gaiman’s “oldest game.” In Tolkien’s universe, singing was what created the world in the first place, and singing is therefore a direct and powerful means of manifestation.
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By Wavesheep
Unfortunately, it does not end the way it would if this were a Barbie movie or an anime. Finrod is a great singer, but Sauron is better — he is a Maia, one of the Ainur, meaning he was there when the original Music of creation was sung. It’s impressive that Finrod manages to hold out as long as he does, but in the end — much like Fingolfin and Fëanor before him — he loses.
To tell this part of the story, Tolkien randomly switches to verse; he quotes a section from the Lay of Leithian. Medieval texts actually do this; lots of them will randomly switch between prose and verse. Texts that do this are called “prosimetric.” For example, in the Volsung Saga (which reads very much like The Silmarillion), when Sigurd meets Brynhild, the text abruptly switches into verse as she lists all the different types of runes and their uses. There’s several other instances in that text when it randomly switches between prose and verse. It prefaces the verse parts with something like, “So saith the song of Sigurd,” referencing poetic versions of the same story that otherwise don’t survive. Tolkien evokes that same structure here, right down to saying “as it is told in the Lay of Leithian.”
The Lord of the Rings is prosimetric, too, but most of the songs are diegetic, meaning they’re actually being sung by characters in-universe. That’s not what’s going on here. The verse part describes the singing contest between Sauron and Finrod, it’s not the actual songs that they’re singing. But it’s really clever of Tolkien to switch to verse to describe this scene, because it sets the vibe! It’s like you’re listening to a distant echo of their songs, passed down through generations of oral storytelling. It wouldn’t be nearly as evocative if he just described the scene flatly in prose.
Thank you for indulging me in that tangent! Moving on: Sauron throws Finrod and co. into a dark pit, and threatens to kill them if they don’t tell them who they are and why they’re there. Periodically, he sends a werewolf to eat one of them (which, I’ll bet you anything, is a direct reference to the Volsung Saga). Still, none of them talk.
Meanwhile, back in Doriath, Lúthien intuitively senses that something is wrong, and asks her mother what has happened to Beren. Melian tells her that Beren is in Sauron’s dungeon. Lúthien resolves to go and rescue him by herself. She goes to ask Daeron for his help, but Daeron refuses to risk his own neck for Beren’s sake. He’s been afflicted with full-on incel syndrome, so out of spite, he snitches to Thingol a second time. (Thingol is so grateful that Daeron keeps tabs on his daughter for him, that he names Daeron a prince. Make of that what you will.) Thingol can’t imagine anything worse than letting his daughter waste away in a dark pit, so he builds a house in a giant beech tree, called Hírilorn. Because the best way to keep your daughter safe from one prison is to put her in another! Logic!
Well, it’s a common trope in myths and fairy tales: The king is overprotective of his daughter and puts her in a tower, or a box with a hole in the roof, or some such. Lúthien, however, is proactive. She doesn’t wait for someone to rescue her from her treehouse. Instead, she tricks her guards and Daeron into sending her a golden bowl of wine, a silver bowl of water, a spinning wheel, and a loom. Then she sings a spell that mentions all the tallest and longest things in the world, which causes her hair to grow extremely long. She mixes the wine with the water, then sings a song of day over the golden bowl, and a song of night over the silver bowl. Finally, she sings a song of sleep. The singing enchants her hair, filling it with corresponding ideas that shape the way Lúthien wants it to behave. (Similar to Sauron and Finrod’s magic songs, singing about an idea causes it to manifest.) She weaves a robe out of her hair, a robe that’s described as being misty and shadowy, like it’s woven from clouds at night. Lúthien weaves a rope out of what’s leftover, and puts a sleeping spell on it. Then she just throws it down onto the guards at the foot of the tree, and they go to sleep, allowing her to climb down the rope and escape.
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Lúthien prepares her escape from Hírilorn by Anke Katrin Eißmann
As she leaves Doriath, she comes upon Celegorm and Curufin, of all people. They’re out hunting, hoping to learn something about what happened to Finrod (and probably plotting behind his back the whole time). Among their hunting dogs is a particularly large wolfhound called Huan, who actually came with them from Valinor. Oromë himself, the Vala of the hunt, gave the dog to Celegorm long ago. Huan loyally followed Celegorm into exile, and therefore became automatically subject to the Curse. He’s foretold to die, but only after he faces the biggest and baddest of big bad wolves.
Spoiler alert, the dog’s gonna die!
Huan finds Lúthien, because he’s immune to her enchantments, and brings her to Celegorm. Once she learns that Celegorm and Curufin are enemies of Morgoth, Lúthien decides that she trusts them, and reveals herself to them. Celegorm (or, in the Lay, Curufin) instantly falls in love with her, because… of course he does. He offers to help Lúthien, making a point not to say that he already knows about the quest. Lúthien goes with them to Nargothrond.
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Celegorm and Curufin find Lúthien by Elena Kukanova
As soon as they get there, Celegorm and Curufin show their true colors. They imprison Lúthien, take away her magic cloak, and forbid her to speak to anyone else but them. Lúthien escaped one trap, and fell right into another. Now that the brothers know from Lúthien that Finrod and Beren are in Sauron’s prison, they figure that it’s easiest to just let them die. Nargothrond is as good as theirs. And now that they have Lúthien, they have leverage over Thingol — they can force him to give Lúthien’s hand in marriage to Celegorm. That would make Celegorm and Curufin the most powerful princes of the Noldor! [Insert evil laugh here.]
Huan, however, is the Goodest Boy and is too pure-hearted to follow Celegorm (even though Celegorm is his beloved master whom he’s been serving for literally centuries). Huan also fell in love with Lúthien upon seeing her for the first time, but in a decidedly less creepy way. He comes to her prison every night to keep her company, and Lúthien tells him all about Beren.
Huan decides to help Lúthien break out. He brings her magic cloak to her, and speaks to her (he’s only allowed to talk three times before he dies). He shows her a secret passage out of Nargothrond, and they escape together. Huan even swallows his pride enough to allow Lúthien to ride on his back.
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Lúthien riding on Huan by Meraclitus
I mean, if you’re gonna be a damsel in distress, a dog is a pretty awesome thing to be rescued by.
(Stopping there, because I'm running up against the max number of images. More to come!)
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Okay, fair enough. D, E, M, N, O, Z for Chibby boy
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D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?) 
He is definitely the more dominant one in the relationship but he’s not overwhelming with it. It comes out to play if he’s passionate about something, the way you look in a certain item of clothing, a heated exchange, a man paying a little too much attention to you. It comes out in the form of him pleasuring you, for him it’s about showing you how good he makes you feel, that no other man can love you the way that he loves you.
Sometimes you need to take control, he understands that especially with everything you’ve been through, he will willingly to submit to you. It’s about you for him, about fulfilling your needs.
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
Chibs has always kept himself distant from women before you. Yea, he’ll fuck them, show them a good time but he’ll never get emotionally close. That changed with you, after everything that happened with Galen, you are the only woman he has ever given himself too entirely and the intimacy of that heightens everything.
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?) 
I think Chibs has experienced too much pain in his life to equate it with pleasure and vice versa. If you leave marks it’s always in lipstick never bruises. Sometimes you get a little bossy and he kinda likes it. Very much a “darling I’ll do whatever the fuck you want” approach.
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?) 
More likely to overstimulate you. He will never deny you anything because he knows your history, he has no interest in exerting control over you because he knows it’s triggering.
You tease him a little when he’s on the road, when you send a picture you know he can’t do anything about it until he gets to the motel and it heightens things a little for him, gets the both of you off, knowing you have that aspect of control.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
Chibs 100% has with other women. With you he’s more careful due to your reputation.
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?) 
He loves it when you kiss the scars on his cheeks, it makes him feel so loved, so wanted. Kissing down his neck and biting down just a little on his earlobe, sends him 0-60.
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
WIP Introduction
Y'all voted so here it is I decided to do both since they were close in the results plus sketching takes forever when I can not decide.
The pirate king of deaths redemption
(book one of the pirate's cursed god series)
Where to find it? Once it's finished I'll post it on ao3
Genre: dark fantasy, kinda enemy/rivals to lovers, queer, drama, secrets, (might have what some would consider horror elements not sure if there will be enough to add the genre)
Tag to find it by: TPKODR or TPCG usually I will also add the longer name to the tags but not always
Status: wip editing.
Triggers: Torture,Violence, Death, past sexual assault, trauma, PTSD, phycological horror, flash backs, nightmares and panic attacks, implied past suicide (not main pairing) , major character deaths (not main pairing), one kinda wacky suicidal character in later chapters, human sacrifice, lore
Tags so far: Tags:pirates, fae, found family, violence, betrayal, secrets, gore, dark fantasy, LGBTQ themes, slavery, mentioned human sacrifice,Psychological horror,bl,corrupt royals, drama, gods, smut,lore, Death/murder. Kinda enemies to lover
warning:There will be increasing darkness levels as the series goes on.
The next book gets into the political aspects of the kingdoms and pirate culture and the third gets into the assassins and religious aspects of the world
Current summary: needs work because the romance is a subplot and the rest the stuff going on is the main plot but I really suck at summary's lol (perhaps it will come to me when the story is done)
pirate king Daimhín Heorot: antagonizes the Royal's of Tarak by going after their vessel's. Usually leaving the cargo vessels alone as they had minimum defense and usually didn't have the good cargo. Until he crossed paths with Oisìn Mallory then things slowly change.
Tarak fleet captain Oisìn Mallory: has a past he is haunted by and a distrust for royalty. Has to accept aid from a pirate and to make it worse it's not any pirate but the pirate king of the bioluminescence sea.
secrets revealed, royals exposed and something dark stirring in the shadows. Will they survive the manipulations of a seer with good intentions or will their enemies get them first?
series summary: (at the moment It needs some work) the gods of old are still interfering in the world. One is trapped within the shadow realms will he be set free or will he die? The fae royalty are not quite what they seem. Will the pirates find out about their cursed god and change the world or will it burn to ashes?
Other Charaters with a intro: prince jade, Morana, Braith, Amon, Galen
World tour tag game.
Snippet I'm just going with the opening scene below the cut
Pirate king and captain of the ship Death's Redemption, Daimhín Heorot was looking out across the dark reddish wood that made his ships deck, at the small fleet they were approaching. The Jolly Rogers flag with crimson blood stained on it from the last fight they had been in a few days prior, flying high in the sky warning of their imminent arrival.  Eric hadn't gotten to cleaning the flags yet as he had other repairs to get to first. 
Daimhín said to Galen, his second in command and quartermaster of the ship, “They are skittish.” Watching as the crew of officers aboard the other ships started to panic. They were running around the decks gesturing at them. It was rather amusing to watch. They were still a little ways out but the larger Tarak Fleet ships had little chance of escaping them. 
Turning to face his second in command, he saw that Galen had forgotten his hat again so his brown hair was flying around in the wind crazily.
 Shaking his head he held out a leather band to pull it back. 
“Ay, they be scared, it not be everyday that ye see a king ship.” Galen reminded him with an amused look in his brown eyes as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail. 
He asked, “Is it that noticeable?” He didn't think that they stood out all that much from the other pirate vessels. Perhaps he was wrong. Assumptions were a pirate's enemy after all, Daimhín mused. 
 “Nay, their captain be the one who noticed us.” Galen answered as he moved to grab a spyglass from the helm.
He raised an eyebrow. It had been a while since  anyone had realized that this was the king ship, most people kept their mouth shut after a run in with them. Wondering what exactly gave it away to the other Captain or rather how he had known, perhaps they had been aboard the ship before. 
He gave an order to the crew, “All hands to battle stations. Recon team help the crew down below until the signal is given.”
@the-letterbox-archives here's the intro post
Updated TAG list + @bookwormclover let me know if you want removed
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
@mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @dnd-and-insanity @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
Snuggling with Their S.O. (BAU Headcanons)
HUGE s/o to @ithebookhoarder for the format/inspo on these! I ✨love✨ your HCs!
*Also, PS, this lil exercise has made me abundantly aware that I am super super gay. Like, I had a hard time writing the men because imagining myself/reader snuggling with a man was so weird to me. Sorry, men of the BAU (and men in general)! I'm sure you are great, you're just not for me! So that being said, I want to clarify that I still don't write for the Criminal Minds men. I'd only do them for HCs. - love illdowhatiwantthanks (and what I want is to not write men x reader)
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Aaron Hotchner
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Surprisingly gentle, as if he's afraid you might break
Very soft, a side of him that not many people get to see (and even you don't get to see it that often)
Hands everywhere, not even necessarily in a sexual way, he just can't keep his hands off you
He gets a lil shy and sometimes has a hard time making eye contact
Lowkey obsessed with the smell of your conditioner and loves to bury his face in your neck
Big spoon, always
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David Rossi
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Will tickle you until you're practically begging for him to stop
Playful, loves to make you laugh
Plays with your fingers, soft touches that make you shiver
I mean the man is a writer, will whisper either the dirtiest or the sweetest things you've ever heard into your ear depending on the mood
Insomniac, but doesn't even care because he loves to watch you sleep
Big spoon 85% of the time, except after one of his nightmares about the Galen parents' murder
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Derek Morgan
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Soft, but somehow sensual and passionate at the same time
Will snuggle with you just to snuggle, but also is never mad if it leads to more...
Likes to keep his eyes closed and just feel you
Traces every part of you like he's drawing a map in his mind–curves, freckles, ribcage, shoulder blades, all of it
Prefers snuggling sans clothing–not for sexual reasons necessarily, just because he likes the feeling of skin-to-skin contact
Prefers face-to-face to spooning
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Emily Prentiss
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Snuggles hard, as in deep pressure, as in holding you very tight, as in wants to be as close to you as humanly possible
Loves to tuck your head in the crook of her neck
Never not playing with your hair
Seriously has a gorilla death grip on you, good luck if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night
Will kiss your neck whenever she can't resist–which is always
Big spoon always because she likes to make you feel safe (and she likes to feel that you feel safe with her)
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Jennifer Jareau
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Gentle and very sweet, a part of herself she doesn't get to show at work
Lots of very cute, very innocent kisses all over your face–forehead, cheek, eyelids, tip of your nose
Stares at you so long it makes you blush
Not usually very forthcoming with "I love yous" but will say it again and again while snuggling
Prefers face-to-face so she can watch you
But will want to spoon after a hard case–if it was one where she was scared for you (usually physically similar victims) she'll want to be the big spoon, if it was one where she was scared she'll be the little spoon
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Penelope Garcia
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Worships the actual ground you walk on, will make you feel absolutely adored
Makes sure you have everything you need to be comfy–weighted blanket, favorite pillow, stuffies or security blanket, white noise if you need it
Will hold you, of course she will and she will love it, but her favorite is when you hold her
Will tell you the sweetest, randomest, dorkiest things while you're snuggling
Feels almost like falling asleep and into a really good dream when she snuggles into you
If you have any pets, they are 100% invited to snuggle, too
Prefers face-to-face snuggling or little spoon, but if you've had a bad day she will not hesitate to scoop you up
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Spencer Reid
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Very, very shy at first, like he's trying so hard to be respectful that he lays there like a plank of wood
Makes eye contact only to look away and blush beet red
Plants small kisses on your shoulders every few minutes
Likes to hold your hands and play with your fingers
Foreheads pressed together while he tells you about his latest hyperfixation (it becomes his favorite part of the day)
Will always, always take care of you and hold you when you are having a hard day but secretly loves being the little spoon best
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brandyllyn · 3 months
Silk from their soul (24)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: T Words: 2k Summary: A kiss
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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It’s been a hell of a long while since he had the faith of a good woman in his holster. It’s a heady feeling, putting a spring in his step. He could probably wrestle half of Vault-Tec bare handed right now if someone let him. The only problem is that they’re not letting him near her.
Oh, she’s still in sight. Walking a few steps behind that fuckwit scientist. But when he’d tried to fall in next to her those rank goons had intercepted. Instead, he’d dropped back to walk with the three bounty hunters. 
“I don’t suppose you’ve worked with our malodorous friends here before, have you?”
Sancho shakes his head, chewing on his lip. “No. And I don’t like it.” Cooper waits and the man shoots him a look. “Starting to get the feeling I won’t be getting my bounty.”
“I’d be mighty surprised if you did.”
Sancho frowns but doesn’t say another word and Cooper doesn’t press the issue. He can see a structure in the distance and he squints as it comes into view.
Nero’s palace is a piece of shit.
With as many caps as the man had put out for her, you’d think he’d be able to spare a few on his defenses. Or even a some fucking paint. But the buildings are falling down, bits of sheet metal propped haphazardly together to form other structures. As they get closer a small party comes out to meet them.
“You have the merchandise?”
Galen frowns at the man, using one hand to shield his eyes from the sun. “I have the subject, yes. Please stand aside.”
The guard exchanges a glance with Galen’s bodyguards before stepping to the side and Cooper makes a note of it. There are people peering out as they walk through the slanted doors, most of them sad and bedraggled - not a one worth half a fight. When they get closer to the central building he starts to see some real muscle, but no one who’d give him a lick of real trouble.
“Feel like the four of us could take the place out,” Sancho mutters.
Cooper doesn’t even look his way as they pass inside. “There ain’t no us.”
Nero’s younger than he expected, and about a foot shorter. Hell, his girl’s probably got at least half a foot on the bastard. He’s balding too, with a bit of paunch and lips so thin they disappear into his red face. He’s got his feet kicked up when they enter the room, a sneer on his face.
“This her?”
She steps forward, head high, and a soft smile on her lips. Cooper feels something in his jaw crack at the way she’s walking towards that asshole, hips swaying and eyes making promises - even assuming she has no intention of keeping them.
They probably should have planned things better last night. He’d had every intention to. If she wanted to go in guns blazing then he was down for that. And if she was going to play some game with the assholes he was fine with that too. He was her hired gun, paid for with the cum likely still dripping out of her.
He’d need to keep an eye on that - be sure her healing could keep up with his radioactive spunk.
But the way she’s walking, the way she’s smiling, she had some plan in mind and Cooper has no fucking idea what it is.
“You must be Nero,” she breathes, tilting her hands out in supplication. They’re still bound and she gives them a slight frown before smiling again. Her breasts are doing something bordering on obscene, heaving in her dress until every eye in the room must be stuck on them.
Too bad Cooper was going to have to blind them all for it.
“Dr. Galen told me how handsome you were,” she’s taking a step closer and her breasts are almost in the man’s face. “I thought he must be lying, no one could be…” she stops abruptly, a hitch in her breath that she lets out in a masterful piece of acting, “so lovely.”
God, the cretin is eating it up with a spoon.
“Why is my future wife tied up?” he yells, almost snarling. “If there’s so much as a scratch on her I’ll cut your damn dicks off.”
The smile she gives him is dazzling and Cooper is about to eat someone’s fucking face.
“It’s understandable, a big, powerful, strong man such as yourself,” her fingers reach out, wrists still bound together, and gently trace the buttons on his shirt, “can never be too careful. What if I was dangerous?”
Someone appears next to her and cuts the binding on her wrists and she steps even closer, leaning over him and resting a hand on his thigh..
Nero shakes his head for a moment. “They say you ran away.”
“I got lost,” she pouts, “I wanted to get here sooner and I… I did something silly. Can you forgive me?”
The man’s eyes sharpen and suddenly he’s gripping the back of her head. “Get on your knees.”
There’s only a slight hesitation before she lowers herself, tilting her head up with lips parted. Cooper had imagined the same thing a hundred times, only he was never standing across the room for it.
“You’re mine,” Nero grunts, twisting his hand and forcing her towards him. “You understand that?”
“Of course I am.”
“And you’ll never run again.”
“Never,” she breathes, leaning into his grasping hand. “I couldn’t possibly. Not after seeing you.”
“Did anyone touch you?”
“I would never,” she sounds so vehement Cooper almost believes her, even though he knows for a fact there’s a perfect impression of his handprint on her left asscheek.
“Good,” Nero grunts. He glances up at the doctor, “How does this work?”
She answers first, “You don’t need to ask him. No more questions. Just kiss me.”
He does, thin lips crushing against hers and it takes everything in Cooper to not go into a full berserker rage. They part and Nero gives her a predatory smile.
“Now suck my cock, show them all what an obedient little slut you are.”
With determined nonchalance she turns her head and spits, glaring at him with a small smirk. “I don’t think I will.”
Nero reels as if someone hit him. He glares over her head, eyes narrowing on one figure slowly backing away. “What the fuck, Galen,” Nero hisses. “You fucking said-”
“I did,” Galen holds his hands up. “It’s supposed to - she must have imprinted on someone else.”
“Which one of you fucks,” Nero rounds on the bounty hunters who immediately take a step back. Cooper doesn’t, tilting his head thoughtfully as he stares at her.
“I said,” she turns slightly, meeting his eyes, “no more questions.”
No more… oh shit that was his cue. In one motion he lifts the revolver of the man next to him, putting a bullet between Nero’s eyes even as he spins to take out the next guard. The room erupts into chaos, people running every which way as shrapnel starts to fly his direction - something hitting him in the shoulder.
“Hit the deck,” he barks at her, grunting in satisfaction when she does so, covering her head with her hands. Someone bumps into his side and he whirls on them, eyes narrowing as Sancho takes a shot past him.
“Take them out and split the loot?”
Cooper doesn’t agree but he doesn’t shoot him either. That’s a problem for later. Right now there’s a host of ill-equipped idiots who think he’s an easy target just because he ain’t ducking for cover like everyone else.
Three more bullets through three more eyes put a stop to that real fast. There’s a pause while Cooper and the three bounty hunters eye each other over the bodies around them.
“Parlay?” a voice asks with a shaky tremor.
Cooper grunts, looking for the source, protectively standing over where she’s still laid out on the floor. “You even know what that word means?” he asks the air.
The frowning face of one of Nero’s men pokes out from behind a wall. “It means I don’t want you shooting my dick off.”
Tilting his head Cooper doesn’t try to hide his grin. “And why would I refrain from such a thing?”
“Cause I don’t give a shit about you, or your girl.” The man eyes him a moment before stepping out further. He’s armed, so not a complete fool, but not aiming it at anything important.
“That doesn’t exactly endear you to me.”
“Leave,” the man says quickly, “you ain’t got a reason to be here, right? Y’all leave, we can all move on with our lives.”
“What about the bounty?” Sancho asks, stepping forward with a frown. Cooper ignores him, turning to crouch next to her and holding a hand out to help her up.
“You okay?”
She shakes her hands out, a bit of someone’s brain sliding off and splattering to the floor.“I’m fine. Gross, but fine.”
He picks a piece of skull out of her hair and tosses it to the side. “You ready to go?”
“No.” Stooping she pulls the revolver from Nero’s body, checking the chambers before clicking the clip into place. “We need to find Galen.”
Cooper frowns at the room, suddenly realizing the scientist isn’t there. Sancho and the man are squabbling and he doesn’t bother to be polite when he interrupts, “Where’d the egghead go?” Both men stop to stare at him. After a moment he prompts them with a slight wave of his gun. “You know, Doctor Shit for Brains.”
“I think he went that way,” someone says, pointing back out the main door. Next to him she nods, holding the revolver loose in one hand and stepping over the blood smears. She doesn’t seem concerned with what is going on in the room so Cooper isn’t either. With a touch of his glove to his hat brim he gives them a smile, “Pleasure,” and then follows her out.
They find Galen not far away, arguing loudly with someone about supplies.
“Nero promised me enough to get back to the facility.”
“I don’t give a flying shit what-”
The trader blanches when he sees Cooper and backs away, leaving Galen gaping at thin air.
“Seems you might be having a bit of a problem.”
The scientist turns so suddenly he nearly falls over. “Oh! Ella come here, you’re not safe with that… thing. We need to get back to safety. It will all be okay.”
“I’m not going with you.”
Galen frowns, glancing at Cooper but this isn’t his fight. He stands sentinel instead, ready to defend her if need be.
“Ella I-”
“Don’t call me that. I’m not… I’m not Ella - I’m an Ella. Some woman you created.”
“Now El-” Galen flinches when he sees her gun. “My dear, you know there was no point in encouraging any individuality - it would all be moot once you…” his gaze shoots to Cooper for a moment before he finishes, “grew up.”
She’s barely listening to him. “I’m not a person to you am I? None of us were. Just another number, another ella.”
“Please, you know I loved you. That I cared for you. All of you.”
“You never even gave us names,” she tells him softly, raising the gun to his head. “Even dogs have names.”
When they leave, they both have blood on their hands.
☢ ☢ ☢
For updates follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
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cheerleaderman · 20 days
“Have you really found me or am I a fake?”
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[SSR] Yuya Florence- Pumpkin King
Yes I made them another card Here’s the first one
Event by me
Also Yuya threw Crowley in the dungeon for 30 minutes as their first decree as King also hope his majesty doesn’t have anything personal against you
I think I’ll use this one to make voice lines about the participates (Oc or any one who makes something for canon characters)
Voice lines under cut
Hopper B has been smashing up my pumpkins! But the one with my face got juice in his eyes ha!
Joseph being a detective is pretty on brand for this event but just what is in that suit case…I need to be careful
Look at all those webs must be from Flori M., I heard she also loves Halloween too! I’ll try to talk to her when the party starts
I can see Reese is dressed up as a butterfly…what are they doing with Kalim?? better stay clear.
Sophie is starting to get frustrated on finding me, Mal had to stop her from pulling her pigtails out after running into another fake
Team Jack-o-lantern has been wearing Sylvie out, why can’t they just have one of them take a break with her while the others run around a bit
Team witches might as well be the winner ugh, I swear finding where I’m at is Kalmia’s sixth sense!…she’s looking my way right now I can feel it.
Malleus has been pretty amused by my tricks, who knows what he has in store for me… I think I been rubbing off on him
Galen has been looking for me in the pumpkin patch, haha to bad many of them have my face on them
Hopper O spotted me earlier but luckily I managed to blend in with the crowd before he could get to second glance
Yumi H is dressed up like a plague doctor, just look at that mask I saw her scaring Riddle a couple of times too
Yumi Y said in her home country that there’s a legend that some objects that are over 100 become Youkais, I’ll ask more about it at the party
Swallow has been eyeing some treasures, he hasn’t pocketed anything yet but if he does it’s to the dungeon with him! It’s one thing to steal from me but not my citizens
Hebe has been more interested in jump scaring people than finding me, don’t tell them this but I had to pretend to be scared when they were scaring people around me
I was just behind Flurin earlier haha I disappeared before he could turn around better luck next time prince
We actually have another chaperone joining us this time he’s name is Zayn, unfortunately for him there will be no finding me quickly
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reflection-s-of-stars · 4 months
👀 i'd love to hear about tha aurora modern au!
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[ID in alt text]
@anthonynotgreen @djpuppy @falst @jewishdainix and anyone else who wanted to hear about my modern AU: here it is! All image descriptions will be in alt text :)
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Name: Kendal Fairblade
He/him, probably a cis dude but who knows for sure, aroace
18, college freshman (first year of college)
Architecture major
Roommates with Alinua
Erin’s study buddy
Childhood friends with Dainix
Prized possession is his dad’s old car, which is bright blue and in horrible shape. Designated driver of the squad
Absolute god at arcade games (skee-ball etc.)
Blue eyed stare™️
The only member of the squad with (diagnosed) autism
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Name: Alinua Parra
She/they/it, agender girl, ace lesbian
19, college freshman
Biology major (specializing in botany)
Roommates with Kendal
Erin’s study buddy
Falst’s former foster sister
Has so many plants and somehow finds time to keep all of them alive. Would kill for them probably
Bees love her also. Particularly her hair
The nicest person you’ll ever meet. She’s full of rage also
Claims she has her shit together but will see a butch and go weak in the knees
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Name: Erin Ruunaser
He/him, transmasc, bi + aro
19, college sophomore (second year of college)
Pre-med, physics minor
Study buddies with Kendal and Alinua
Tess’s adoptive younger brother
His dad, Galen, owns the university he goes to. This is a fact that does not make him friends easily
Thinks he’s better than coffee drinkers but is addicted to chai
Usually dresses like he’s on his way to an interview, with the exception of finals week, during which he wears exclusively a Les Mis sweatshirt
Always sick but never misses class
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Name: Falst. Falst what? Just Falst, thanks.
He/him but don’t ask about his gender, gay
18, works at a mechanic shop
Former foster siblings with Alinua
Other than her nobody knows anything about him
Exclusively wears jeans that are way too big on him
Has a stray cat that hangs around him. It does not have a name but it always gets fed somehow
Will growl at you. It absolutely doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you
Thinks redheads are hot
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Name: Tess Ruunaser
She/her, butch lesbian
21, “professional wanderer and student of life” (unemployed)
Erin’s adoptive big sister
Ran away from home at sixteen and hasn’t seen her adoptive family since then (she and Erin do text though)
Girl magnet but can’t keep a relationship to save her life
Has lived in eight countries and will make it your problem. “This is pretty good, but in Greece…”
A match for Kendal at skee-ball. Their confrontations are epic
“Knows a guy” for everything
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Name: Dainix Cruces
He/him, trans man, gay
19, taking a gap year and planning to go to culinary school
Childhood friends with Kendal
Has the best hair in the squad (it’s a ginger thing 😌)
Has a different story every time you ask about his eye
Best cook in the squad but everything he makes has So Much Goddamn Paprika
Literally has anything you could possibly need in his pockets
Thinks short people are hot
That’s the gang! LMK if you have questions about backstories, other characters, ETC
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colleybri · 27 days
Andor and Rogue One: Sacrificing love and sacrificing for love
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I often contemplate Luthen’s monologue from Andor episode 10: the full meanings and implications of what he has sacrificed. The clues to what his backstory might be and how his future might unfold. Perhaps the most intriguing item on his list of what he has given up is ‘love’. The difficulty of analysing this one is that the word has so many different meanings, and once again I’m rueful that in English we didn’t keep the Ancient Greek tradition of having different words for the many different types of love that we can experience. There are separate words for romantic/sexual love, the love between parents and children, between siblings and between good friends. There’s love in the sense of a strong liking (as in “I love chocolate”) and the love that develops over time in a relationship that needs a lot of work (as in an arranged marriage).
Luthen might mean one or all of these, but he might well also mean a very specific type of love: the one often called ‘universal and unconditional love’. The Greek word is Agape, (pronounced Ah-ga-pay). It’s the selfless love felt for humanity as a whole, and is that behind the willingness to do anything for someone without expecting something in return. It’s the biggest question Luthen will have to face. Is he ready and willing to die for the cause - and if so, will this kind of love be the motive? The problem is that in doing what he feels he needs to do for the greater good he thinks he is ‘damned’ as his actions are anything but loving, at least on the surface. He threatens babies, sacrifices innocents and plans to kill a man at his mother’s funeral. Perhaps he is a long way from ‘agape’.
Cassian is a little easier to track as we have at least the start and end of his story - Season 2 will fill in the remaining gap. The excellent Rogue One novelisation makes explicit that within the film Cassian has an epiphany and it’s made really clear in the extract below, which is from just after where he and the others volunteer to go with Jyn to Scarif (knowing full well the huge personal risk involved).
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The novel earlier emphasised the ‘need’ in Jyn’s eyes, which is ultimately linked to her love (denied at first) for her father and her faith in his message about the Death Star. Cassian couldn’t go ahead with killing Galen and it’s interesting that here he now shares that ‘need’ to act: ‘He tried to imagine executing another coldly elegant mission for Draven and finding nourishment in the stale, momentary thrills of danger and triumph… He couldn’t survive that way anymore. …Jyn was changing. And through her, he would do what was required of him. They all would”. Interesting choice of words: ‘Coldly’.. ‘stale’. This will be the Cassian of the end of Andor season 2… Needing to find his fire again. It’s no doubt why we will want to watch the film again immediately afterwards, as Diego Luna has been urging us to do. I think we’ll need the ‘redemption’ part of the story.
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With apologies to some of my Cassian x Jyn loving friends ;), this for me is the main canon ‘love story’ in Rogue One. Putting faith in Jyn’s own faith in her father’s message is for Cassian a kind of re-dedication to the cause - a renewal, perhaps, of something like the ‘vow’ that Luthen speaks of. But the motive this time seems to be something positive. In his monologue Cassian speaks of all the awful things he’s done on behalf of the Rebellion. Walking away now, as the Alliance wants to do, would be unthinkable. Making the ultimate sacrifice eventually becomes the only ‘choice’ left but I think it’s so important that Cassian makes it with a clear head and for the right reasons. It’s why I think that any heavy personal losses that Cassian might experience in S2 won’t come in the final arc, which takes place in the days just before the film - I don’t think Tony Gilroy would want us to think that Cassian is acting from any sense of ‘Oh well, my life is so shitty I might as well do this as I haven’t anything else to live for!’ That wouldn’t even be a sacrifice, which means giving up something you value. Instead, Gilroy explicitly says of Cassian that he is “someone who will consciously, open-heartedly sacrifice himself for the greater good”. In other words, he has a clear mind and is doing this for the ‘right’ reason. And the reason is love, I think - and in the ‘agape’ sense. In other words it’s not for love of Jyn or even love of himself (although I think he is genuinely and justly respectful and proud of himself when he dies) but for love of all those theoretical billions of strangers who might possibly be saved because of their sending the Death Star plans.
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Cassian, Jyn and the rest of the Rogue One team make the final sacrifice for love. Unconditional love of strangers. The most selfless act of all. It makes me cry every time I rewatch, but the beach scene is a perfect visual representation. Cassian and Jyn are united in a platonic hug, comforting and literally supporting each other. No doubt thinking about all the loves and losses they have experienced in their mirror-imaged traumatic lives, war-torn from such an early age. They don’t want to die but are accepting of their approaching doom and the knowledge that in doing this they have helped each other to rediscover purpose and hope. They have “tried” as Nemik would put it. And finally, being swallowed up in bright transcendental light - recalling the sunrise Luthen knew he’d ‘never see’. Imagery of death but also of hope for ‘someone else’s future’, their sacrifice being the most selfless love of all.
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So you can absolutely see the ending of Rogue One and the ending of Cassian’s story as hopeful, transcendental and inspirational as in that sense he is indeed ‘messianic’ as Tony Gilroy has described him. Not because he is a religious chosen one or a mystical figure - he’s an ordinary average man, who started out as a ‘loser.. .a nobody…’ who has done something extraordinary, for love. It’s a fully secular spiritual journey but no less powerful for that. His bible, as it were, has been Nemik’s manifesto.
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As for Luthen himself… his fate is unclear. I’m not sure what might be coming for him, but I hope it does the character justice. Perhaps he will get some kind of glimpse of sunrise or perhaps his ending will - in contrast to Cassian’s - be in a totally sunless space.
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“Tell him he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel, and when the day comes and those two pull together he will be an unstoppable force for good.”
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warrioreowynofrohan · 11 months
Summary - Who Is and Isn’t Allowed Into Doriath
I wanted to make this post because I’ve had some things drawn to my atttention that I hadn’t noticed before, and I see a lot of misconceptions around this. Doriath is not nearly as closed off from the rest of Beleriand as is often assumed.
Who Is Not Allowed In
The starting point for this is Thingol’s statement to the Noldor:
“Into Doriath none shall come to abide but only such as I call as guests, or who seek me in great need.”
This is often taken as meaning that no Noldor except Finarfin’s children are ever permitted into Doriath, but the latter part specifically does allow for the possibility of war refugees ‘in great need’ entering Doriath, and as we will see, this is followed up on later.
Men are also forbidden from entering Doriath, and this is a blanket statement. However, Finrod does later convince Thingol to let the Haladin settle in Brethil, which is considered part of Doariaty but is outside the Girdle of Melian, and Doriath provides military support to the Haladin during the Dagor Bragollach.
We have, that I am aware of, only one specific described instance of an elf seeking entrance to Doriath and being refused: Aredhel.
Aredhel seeks to travel through Doriath to reach the lands of the sons of Fëanor so she can visit them. She is not allowed in, as being used as a cut-through for people to visit people who, the Doraithrim already dislike is really not considered sufficient reason. Now, Aredhel has other options - either go the long way around to the south of Doriath, or go north and cross Ard-Galen or northern Dorthonion. The latter is how the Men of what will later be the house of Hador get into western Beleriand:
Most of these took the long road northward, until the ways became well known to them…some came to Hithlum, but Magor son of Aradan and many of the people passed down Sirion into Beleriand and dwelt a while in the vales of the southern slopes of the Ered Wethrin.
Aredhel instead chooses the most direct but much more dangerous route through Nan Dungortheb. But that isn’t a decision Doriath is forcing on her, and they in fact warn her of its dangers.
Likewise, Haleth leads her people through Nan Dungortheb “without help or guidance of the Eldar,” and thus may not have known that there were safer routes available.
Who Is Allowed In
Doriath is open to all of the Sindar (Círdan’s people come and go freely, and it’s from them that Thingol first hears the rumours about the Kinslaying); to Dwarves, who trade with the Sindar; to the refugees of Nargothrond; as well as to the children of Finarfin and to the family of Húrin and any househokd retainers who come with them. Additionally, there is no mention, anywhere that I am aware of in The Silmarillion, of elven refugees of war, Noldor or Sindar, being refused admittance to Doriath, and the examples from both the Bragollach and the Fall of Nargothrond indicate that refugees who came there were admitted.
Dwarves continue trading with Doriath throughout the bulk of the First Age. In the years after the Nirnaeth:
In those days the Dwarves came still on their journeys into Beleriand from their mansions in Ered Lindon, and passing over Gelion at Sarn Athrad, the Ford of Stones, they travellee the ancient road to Doriath; for their skill in the working of metal and stone was very great, and there was much need of their craft in the halls of Menegroth. But they came no longer in small parties as aforetime, but in great companies well armed for their protection in the perilous lands between Aros and Gelion…
So the Dwarves have been coming to Doriath over a long period of time, in small companies during the Long Peace and in larger groups after it ended.
Refugees specifically come to Doriath after the Dagor Bragollach. I know there’s material in HoME about Thingol mistrusting the Northern Sindar, but irrespective of that, it is very clear that they were allowed in:
The most part of the Grey-elves fled south and forsook the northern war; many were recieved into Doriath, and the kindom and strength of Thingol grew greater in that time.
There is no mention, anywhere, of the Fëanoreans seeking entry to Doriath after the Bragollach, and given their pride and their open contempt for it, it would be rather uncharacteristic of them to do so. Instead we are told Celegorm and Curufin went south and west, suggesting first south, and then west, around the south borders of Doriath. They could have joined up with Caranthir and the twins on Amon Ereb, but for whatever reason chose to go to Nargothrond instead.
There don’t appear to have been many in the way of elves of Dorthonion, Angrod and Aegnor’s people, left to seek refuge anywhere; it was sparsely populated (their people were few, “Of Beleriand and its Realms”) bore the brunt of the attack, and few survived.
After the Nirnaeth, Elves who participated in the battle (apart from Mablung and Beleg) seem to fall into three groups: those who died on the battlefield (the vast majority), those who retreated to Gondolin (Turgon’s forces, and any remnants of Fingon’s forces they could gather), and the Fëanorean forces who fled south to Ossiriand. There’s not really any Elves who would be seeking admittance to Doriath; certainly not the Fëanoreans, who have openly threatened to murder them all!
And after the Fall of Nargothrond, refugees from there come to Doriath and are admitted - it’s how Thingol (and Morwen) learn of the kingdom’s fall in the first place:
Now new tidings came to Doriath concerning Nargothrond, for some that had escaped the defeat and the sack and had survived the Fell Winter in the wild, came at last to Thingol seeking refuge, and the march-wardens brought them to the King.
This is even more significant given, well, Nargothrond’s complicity in the whole kidnapping-and-attempted-forced-marriage-of-Thingol’s-daughter thing.
So in sum, the idea of Doriath turning away Elven refugees of the wars is pure fanon, and all the canon evidence that we have points to the direct opposite. The cases where Doriath did turn people away who directly sought entry involve people in peacetime who wanted to travel throught it but had the option of other, and relatively safe (if less direct) routes, even if they did not take them.
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lunarlianna · 11 months
Medical astrology
This article draws inspiration and is based on information found in two notable books: "Complete Practical Astrology" by Edward Lyndoe, published in 1938, and "Complete Herbal" by Nicholas Culpeper, dating back to 1652. It's not uncommon for individuals with a stellium in a specific zodiac sign to experience health issues associated with that sign more prominently compared to those with just one planet in that sign. The concentration of planetary energy in one sign can intensify the characteristics and tendencies associated with it, including health-related aspects.
The history behind it
In early-modern Europe, people held a deep fascination with the connection between celestial bodies and our well-being. This belief traced back to ancient notions of the Four Elements and the Four Humors, forming the basis of humoral theory in medicine. Originating with Hippocrates and evolving through Galen, this theory centered on balancing bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Men were seen as hot and dry, while women were considered cold and wet. Dietary choices and flavors were believed to influence humor balance.
These ancient ideas were intricately linked to Zodiac signs, seasons, cardinal directions, qualities, temperaments, and life stages. People believed that our health relied on maintaining a delicate equilibrium among these factors, shaping a complex system that demanded precise language to explain.
As interest in astrology grew in the 16th century, printed books, such as "Planetary Books" and "Folk Calendars," became popular sources of knowledge. These texts provided valuable insights, bridging the gap between celestial and earthly realms. They aimed to empower readers with wisdom about their place in the universe.
Aries: rules over the head, face, eyes, and the brain's cognitive functions, influencing the distribution of both mental and physical energy. This sign is associated with health concerns like headaches, fevers, neuralgia, eye issues, skin eruptions, inflammations, wounds, and accidents. Individuals born under Aries may have an abundance of energy, often exceeding their mental and emotional balance. Many health issues can be traced back to factors such as excessive physical exertion or bouts of intense anger. It's advisable for Aries individuals to prioritize maintaining a sense of balance and inner poise to promote their overall well-being.
Taurus: you should know that your sign is linked to certain areas of your body like the neck, ears, throat, larynx, and tonsils. These body parts might need a little extra care. Your sign is also associated with your ability to recover from health issues. However, it's important to be mindful of diseases that can specifically affect your throat. One thing to keep in mind is that Taurus individuals often have a love for indulgence and comfort, which can sometimes lead to health challenges. Additionally, your tendency to dwell on problems might make you more sensitive to minor health issues. So, remember to strike a balance and take good care of your well-being.
Gemini: For those born under the sign of Gemini, certain areas of the body require attention. Gemini influences the arms, shoulders, muscles, and bones, as well as the respiratory system, including the trachea and bronchi, and even the hands. People with this sign may be more prone to health issues like bronchial complaints, lung conditions such as pneumonia and pleurisy, nerve-related diseases, asthma, and anemia. These health challenges can often be traced back to nervous reactions and restlessness, which are characteristic of Gemini individuals.
Cancer: you have an influence on various parts of the body, including the stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, and the upper portion of the liver. These areas are closely tied to matters of nutrition and digestion. Health issues that commonly afflict those born under Cancer often originate from emotional factors, triggered by mental irritants. These emotional disturbances can lead to nervous reactions and a general decrease in vitality. Interestingly, it's been suggested that more often than not, the health of a Cancerian is affected by external factors and the actions of others rather than self-inflicted harm. So, it's important for Cancer individuals to prioritize their emotional well-being and maintain a harmonious environment to support their overall health.
Leo: you have a special connection with the heart, spine, and vital forces carried by the blood. This makes you particularly susceptible to issues like heart troubles and poor circulation. Remember, many of these health challenges can be linked to overexertion or pushing yourself too hard. So, take good care of your energy levels and avoid unnecessary strain to keep your health in top shape.
Virgo: you have a unique connection with your own digestive system, which encompasses your intestines, alimentary canal, and the lower part of your liver. However, it's essential to recognize that individuals born under this sign might also be more prone to experiencing digestive issues and complaints, especially concerning the intestines. For you, these digestive troubles could occasionally stem from nervous causes, potentially leading to discomforts like acidity and other digestive challenges. It's a part of your unique astrological makeup, emphasizing the importance of taking extra care of your digestive well-being and managing any stress or anxiety that might contribute to these issues.
Libra: you are associated with specific areas of the body, including the kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae, and the skin. These are related to the body's liquid processes. Health challenges that often affect Virgos include kidney problems and issues related to the spine. These troubles are frequently linked to nervous exhaustion. To maintain your well-being, it's crucial for Virgos to manage stress and avoid situations that lead to nervous strain.
Scorpio: your zodiac sign governs several vital areas of the body, including the organs of reproduction, bladder, gallbladder, colon, and rectum. These parts are closely tied to procreation and reproduction. Health issues frequently associated with Scorpios involve the organs mentioned earlier. Problems may arise due to excessive worrying and the influence of others on the individual, which can break down resistance. To maintain good health, it's important for Scorpios to find ways to manage stress and emotional pressures effectively.
Sagittarius: you have a  connection to certain body areas like the hips, thighs, and sciatic nerves. These parts are linked to your senses and how you perceive illnesses through your nerves. Health issues that Sagittarians often face include conditions like gout, rheumatism, and sciatica, as well as accidents. Restlessness can be a contributing factor to these problems, and individuals under this sign may have a propensity for accidents and injuries. Therefore, it's essential for Sagittarians to cultivate a sense of caution and mindfulness to prevent such mishaps and maintain their well-being.
Capricorn: you have an influence on the knees, joints, and hair. These are connected to processes related to preservation and conserving energy. Health issues commonly associated with Capricorns include skin complaints and diseases affecting the parts of the body influenced by this sign. Such ailments often have their origins in inhibitions. Therefore, it's important for Capricorns to focus on finding a balance between preserving energy and addressing any emotional or mental inhibitions that may impact their well-being.
Aquarius: your influence goes to the lower legs (calves and ankles), teeth, and blood circulation. These areas are interconnected with the body's circulation and eliminative processes. Health issues often associated with Aquarians include accidents affecting the ankles, as well as complaints related to this part of the body. Conditions such as varicose veins, blood poisoning, and certain nervous diseases may also be relevant. Many of these health challenges may have nervous causes, often tied to the highly sensitive nature of those born under the Aquarius sign. Therefore, maintaining emotional balance and managing stress is crucial for overall well-being.
Pisces your zodiac sign influences specific areas of the body, including the feet and toes. These are related to perspiration and the lymphatic processes within the body. Health challenges often associated with Pisceans include conditions like influenza, colds, and diseases accompanied by mucous discharges. Many of these complaints may have their origins in an overactive or overheated mind, possibly with perceived injuries from others. Additionally, individuals born under the Pisces sign tend to exhibit a high level of physical and mental sensitivity, which can contribute to various health issues. Therefore, it's important for Pisceans to manage stress, maintain emotional balance, and address any perceived injuries to promote overall well-being.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
Hurt - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @anime-weeb-4-life @chaoticqueenie98 @thatonesexycancerian @fanfic-n-tabulous @wakeama @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @msjava1972 @thelonewolfwillsurvive @thanossexual @nu1freakshow @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @@lora21 @darqchilddaydreamz @ankhmutes @goblinenby @just-a-girl-who-wrytes @lexondeck @adaydreamaway08 @keyweegirlie @poppyrose33 @belovedbastardremus @crimeshowjunkie @theeyesofthestag @trublu2u @thebaileybugle @ambassadortotrilliusprime @yvette22 @legally-a-bastard @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @joyfulfxckery @justreblogginfics @multiflixshelves @luvvstvrkeyy
Companion piece to Bad Things and Persuasive and Dirty
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There’s silence when you step inside the house. It fills you full of apprehension because both Chib’s and Tig’s bikes are parked up outside and usually that makes your home boisterous and full of laughter. There’s something wrong you can feel the thrum of tension in the air as you remove your high heels and set them down alongside Chibs and Tig’s motorcycle boots. You’ve had this heaviness sitting in your chest since Jarry turned up this morning and it refuses to shift.
When you step into the kitchen the two men are sitting at the table, both nursing a beer. Filip turns his head away from you, the line of his jaw tensing. You look to Tig for a clue but his gaze lowers before he clears his throat and raises to his feet.
“I’m gonna check in on Suzie.” He says softly, tipping his head towards your front door.
“Give her my love.” You tell him as he leans in close, his lips brushing over your cheek.
“Take care of him.” He whispers before he pads to the hall to reclaim his boots.
You wait until you hear the front door close before you make your move, because even now FIlip can’t allow himself to show weakness, not in front of his brothers. Not even to his oldest friend. You drop to your knees in front of him, your thumb chasing along the scar on his cheek softly.
“Filip.” You murmur. “Filip, will you look at me?”
He sighs, before he turns his head to look at you and that’s when you see it, the bite mark on the left side of his neck. It flips something inside of you, your entire body stiffens as you take it in. He sees the turn and something inside of him cracks because he knows that this is the end, that this is something you can’t forgive.
“Did she do this to you?” You ask him, a tightness in your voice as your fingertips trace over the mark. “What else did she do?”
He holds out his wrists and you look down to see the purple bruises already starting to blossom across his skin. Your thumbs chase along the lines, because you recognise them from your own injuries back when Galen…
Suddenly Tig’s behaviour makes sense, the quiet way in which he stood guard over Filip, relinquishing his post when you stepped through the door to give the two of you some space.
“Did she...” You murmur, meeting his gaze.
He shakes his head, swallowing hard against the ache in his chest.
“Close.” He says, his voice rough. “I took care of it.”
“Good.” You say fiercely because if he hadn’t taken care of it, you certainly would have. You would love nothing more right now to resurrect that bitch and put a couple of bullets of your own in her chest but that’s not what Filip needs right now.
You wonder if this is how he felt when he found you strung up in that barn, that fury because someone has hurt the person you love and you couldn’t protect them from it.
None of that had spilled over in the aftermath. You remember how tender he had been, how soothing, how gentle. You shove down that anger and instead wrap your arms around him because you’ve been on the other side of this too. You know what it’s like to endure an assault, how it takes something away from you, fractures something deep inside.
He clutches you close, burying his face into the curve of your shoulder. He breathes you in, there’s something so reassuring about being in your presence. He needs this right now; he needs the comfort that comes with being with you because it feels like he’s being flayed alive and you’re the only person he can show that too.
“It’s going to be alright.” You whisper to him. “I promise you my love, it’s going to be alright.”
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