#Thinking Out Loud para
floueris · 25 days
College boyfriend! riki
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College boyfriend! Riki x stem gf
genre : crack, fluff
summary : Riki as your college boyfriend
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College boyfriend! riki who is a history major
College boyfriend! riki who was so excited to finally be able to join his hyungs in uni
College boyfriend! riki who you met in high school (self promo but classmate! riki fic is here)
College boyfriend! riki who is smitten with you his stem major gf!
College boyfriend! riki who always makes it a point to try to have breakfast together before either of y’all’s first class (GUYS ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS OKAY, I’m screaming bye, me when)
College boyfriend! riki who tries to have at least lunch, dinner or supper with you if he isn’t able to meet you for breakfast that day
College boyfriend! riki who if he isn’t able meet you that day would always try to leave things in your bag the previous day for a little surprise as he says
College boyfriend! riki whose favourite thing to leave in your bag is a cute love notes telling you how pretty you are or how smart you are and it’s because you always gets extra affectionate after you find them
College boyfriend! riki who is in the dance and baseball team (i KNOWWWW so many people would say basketball but like have u seen that vlog with him and jake, bro has a mean pitch)
College boyfriend! riki who gets extra clingy when tired he is tired (he thinks you are his battery pack, being clingy with you only recharges his energy)
College boyfriend! riki who is a very hardworking person and juggles his time well
College boyfriend! riki who loves to go on study dates with you after school (only because you make studying less tiring when you are there with him)
College boyfriend! riki who enjoys the peace and comfortable silence during these dates (also because he thinks you are really hot like REALLLY HOTTTT when you are focusing on something)
College boyfriend! riki who is elated when he found out that you want to minor in history
College boyfriend! riki who basically becomes your tutor the moment you have a history related module
College boyfriend! riki who is such a good tutor, only because of the rewards that he gets after you do well on a test (his reward being kisses LOL)
College boyfriend! riki who sits beside you during these tutoring sessions
College boyfriend! riki who has an arm around your chair
College boyfriend! riki who feels that you are too far and grabs the base of your chair to pull you closer to him (PLEASEEEEE I NEED HIM SO SO SO BAD, honestly if someone did this to me I would fold SOOO BAD)
College boyfriend! riki who gets a little all up in your face when he is trying to explain an important concept
College boyfriend! riki who does it on purpose because he wanted to see your flushed ears
College boyfriend! riki who then tucks your hair behind your ear and gives you a loud smooch on your cheek
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but giggle when you smack his sturdy chest in shock and embarrassment
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but look at you with a love struck expression as you clear your throat and compose yourself
College boyfriend! riki who thinks your the cutest, kindest, most gorgeous, most perfect person he’s ever met
College boyfriend! riki who just can’t help loving you more and more as the days goes by
College boyfriend! riki who always get a warm feeling, like how a hot drink feels on a freezing day every time he sees you
College boyfriend! riki who is so utterly and helpless in love with you even though you guys have been together for a while
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A/n : someone save me please , I’m TEWWWWWWW DOWN BAD FOR RIKI OMFGGGG, I literally need to start dating him or else I’m going to start crying ( guys in all seriousness this is a joke🙏 para-social relationships aren’t healthy 🙏🤫) also self projecting a little because STEM IS CRAZY
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luveline · 1 year
If you have any interest, how about a Spencer blurb where he's off on a case and gets or misses a late night call from the reader and is super worried, only to call them back and find them drunk and missing him. And of course the team rags on him after.
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
Spencer looks down at his phone and goes ghostly white. 
"What?" Emily asks. "They had a sale at Waterstones and you missed it?" 
Spencer clicks a bunch of buttons on his phone and brings it to his ear, crushing limp hair to his neck. "Seventeen missed calls," he says. 
Derek comes to the rescue, though the lightness in his voice is slightly forced, "Don't panic, wonderboy. Who wouldn't be eager to talk to you at… two AM?" 
"Is that the time difference?" Emily asks, leaning forward in concern. 
Even Hotch puts down his pen. The team listens to the phone ring. It loops, loops, loops, and everybody breathes a sigh of relief when you finally answer. If something happened to you Spencer wouldn't survive it. Nor after everything he's already been through. 
"Hey?" he says. There's a gap of silence. "Y/N, are you there?" 
Spencer turns away from the table they've congregated at and looks through the open window at the parking lot, police cars roaming in and out of spaces. "What's wrong?" 
"I miss you so much." 
Spencer's nose wrinkles of its own accord. "Yeah? You sound odd. Are you– are you drunk?" 
Derek laughs. Like marionettes held tight with strings suddenly cut, the team stop their stressing and send each other knowing, amused looks. 
"Just a little bit!" you promise, clearly lying. Your voice catches on the syllables like they're coated in sticky honey, the slightest slurring tripping you up at the end. "We went for– to Chilli's. I had a blooming onion and seven margaritas!" 
"I can tell." 
"I'm really sorry, Spence, I know I'm not s'posed to call when you're away," you begin. 
Spencer glances back. Rossi and JJ have returned with coffee and a late dinner, neither of them bothering to act as though they aren't listening to the conversation. 
"No," Spencer says, turning back around and hunching inward, "that's the opposite of what we talked about, isn't it? You can call whenever you want to, but I can't, you know, always answer. I thought something bad happened. Maybe next time you could text me?" Rather than call almost twenty times and give him a heart attack.
Laughter echoes from behind. They team act like a teasing family sometimes, Spencer their teenage son who's never dated. 
He would fluster if you weren't talking to him in loud but loving tones, "I can barely walk, texting wasn't happening. I'm para-spelgic." 
"You're not," he says, firmly at first. "Are you? Who's with you? Is Rebecca there?" Rebecca being your best friend. Spencer trusts her to take care of you.
"She was, but she said that I– uh… She said I talked about you too much and made her nauseous. I feel kinda sick, too, but I just needed to talk to you, Spence. I miss you. I miss you, are you home soon?" 
"Is Rebecca really not there?" he asks. He thinks about the room full of special agents he's standing in and drops his voice to a murmur. "I miss you too." 
"She's making toast or something." 
"That's good. It'll soak up the margaritas." 
"I don't want toast, I want you! Please come home safe, angel. I really wish you were here to do that thing with my ear." 
Spencer has to give in. You're speaking so loudly it's impossible the team hadn't heard it, but he can't find the will to be embarrassed any longer. You're drunk and ridiculous and all you can think about is him.
"I wish I was home, too. Do I need to worry about you? Make sure you're drinking water, okay? Alcohol makes you dehydrated, you'll get a bad headache." 
"It makes me miss you," you whine. 
He smiles fondly. "There's no cure for that." A door opens over the line. "Is that Rebecca?" 
"Yeah." Murmurings. "She says sorry for letting me get so drunk, but she didn't let me do anything. It's like you always say, Spence, I can do whatever I set my mind to." 
"And you set your mind to getting drunk at Chili's." 
You talk a little more before he hangs up. He knows you're getting taken care of. 
A gaggle of smiling faces greet him as he turns around. "Everything okay, 'angel'?" Derek asks. 
Spencer puts his phone in his pocket. You'll text him in the morning with a hankering for Tylenol and sore eyes, but you'll be fine. "Everything's great." 
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Wrong Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles pranks Y/N by calling her the wrong name to see how she would react, it did not go well
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: inspired by @23victoria post “what did you call me” also I figured Y/N put Charles through two TikTok pranks, it’s only fair Charles pulls a prank on her. Same universe as “say it back” and “can you get out?” Also, super sorry if your name is Romina.
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Charles was on TikTok because he couldn’t sleep and saw a video where a girl called her boyfriend by the wrong name. He decided to take it upon himself to pull this prank on his girlfriend. He just hopes she doesn’t get angry.
“Muñeco, im getting groceries for dinner, I’ll be back soon!” Y/N calls out.
“Okay, Mon ange.” Charles said, getting off the couch to say goodbye to his girlfriend properly. “I love you.” Charles kissed Y/N.
“I love you too.” Y/N said before leaving. Charles decided to play video games and when he heard the door open 30 minutes later, that’s when he decided to put his plan into action. Y/N was putting the groceries away in the fridge when…
“Hey Romina, what did you buy?” Charles said and Y/N closed the fridge and the bags that were on the counter were long forgotten because she was now in front of the TV.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked.
“I said ‘hey Y/N, what did you buy?’ Are you feeling alright?” Charles asked, pausing his game. He felt so guilty for the gaslighting.
“The hell you did, you just called me Romina. Who the fuck is Romina?” Y/N asked in a louder tone.
“Romina, calm down.” Charles said and that’s when he knew he fucked up.
“First of all, you never tell a woman to calm down, have you learned NOTHING from watching TV or having other girlfriends? Second, you just called me Romina AGAIN! So please, calmly tell me…” Y/N said as she went to their bedroom to get one of her chanclas 🩴 “who the hell is Romina before I become like my mother and beat your ass with this chancla.”
“There’s no need to get violent, Y/N.” Charles said.
“Really? Then tell me why did you call me Romina.” Y/N said.
“It was a prank.” Charles said. “I saw a TikTok of girls calling their boyfriends by the wrong name and I wanted to see how you would react.” Charles confessed shyly.
“You chose THAT prank, specifically THAT one, to pull on me, a girl who has been cheated on before?” Y/N asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I didn’t think it through actually.” Charles admitted.
“Menso, i was actually gonna hit you.” Y/N said.
“You love me too much to hit me.” Charles said.
“That’s true. Anyway, I have to finish putting the groceries away because someone decided to be a pendejo and prank me. Like why would you prank me? I’m a freaking delight.” Y/N said, walking save to the kitchen
“You pranked me twice, ma Belle!” Charles exclaimed, following her.
“Okay but those were cute pranks, that prank would have ended up with me in jail.” Y/N said, putting the groceries away on the fridge, freezer, and pantry.
“I would never let you go to jail.” Charles said,
“Hey, so while I’m cooking dinner, I’m gonna put on some music, okay.” Y/N said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” Charles said and they kissed. Y/N out her phone on full volume to CUIDADITO by Becky G and Chiquis, singing out loud and specific part.
“Yo no soy celosa pero si eso pasa me transformo en otra. Te poncho las llantas dormirás afuera y esa misma noche le marco a mi suegra para que recoja a la cochinada que un día parió. Te rayo el carro te quiebro los vidrios y voy a llamar a todos mis amigos para que me ayuden que en un pisteada lo arregló yo. Nomas cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno que todo eso lo hago y hasta más me atrevo y no mas te advierto que cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno de la que te salvaste da gracias a dios que nomas fue una broma.” Y/N sung, changing the last two words (which are originally ‘un sueño ’ which means ‘a dream’). I’m not a jealous woman but if that were to happen, I become a different person. I’ll slash your tires, you’ll be sleeping outside, and I’ll call my mother in law that same night to pick up the piece of shit she gave birth to. I’ll key your car, break your windows, and I’ll call my friends so they’ll help me, I’ll handle it in one good beating. If you cheat on me, just be careful because I would do all of that and even more, I’m just warning you to be careful if you cheat on me. You got lucky, thank god it was only just a prank
“Mon ange, what’s that song about?” Charles asked curiously.
“The song is about a women who dreamt that her husband cheated on her. She would have done some crazy shit if he actually cheated her so he’s fucking lucky it was only a dream.” Y/N said with a smile.
“But you sang ‘broma’ and that’s means ‘joke’…” charles said,
“Or prank.” Y/N said,
“You sang that for me?!?” Charles yelled.
“Yes I did so you know, cuidadito.” Y/N warned.
“I Don’t know whether to be scared of you or attracted to you.” Charles confessed and Y/N laughed.
“Both work, mi Amor. You want lomo saltado or tallarines saltado?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the difference?” Charles asked.
“Lomo has French fries and is served with rice, tallarines is pasta.” Y/N said,
“Pasta please.” Charles said,
“Of course, muñeco.” Y/N said, chopping the steak into little strips while humming the music to CUIDADITO and Charles stared at her because he found himself humming too.
“You know I would never cheat on you, right Y/N?” Charles asked just to make sure.
“Of course I know you’d never cheat on me. But the song is so catchy.” Y/N commented and that made Charles feel so much better. He walked up to Y/N and hugged her from behind as she continued to chop the steak, he kissed her shoulder.
“I love you,” Charles said,
“I love you too.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it! A silly little one shot for giggles 🤭
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monarchberrysblog · 2 months
Imagine dbf Miguel…
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art credit to a lovely moot here @gltzpzy your art gives me life 🙂‍↕️
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Wearing one of his undershirts, you stand idly at his door. You shake your head in disbelief, feeling childish at the idea of you being at his bedroom door at four in the morning. With a fist, you raise it to knock on the door but fail. You didn't want to interrupt his seven hours of sleep.
“This is stupid…” You think as you slowly back away from the door.
The floorboard under your feet creaked, creating a loud groan from your heavy weight against the sensitive wood. You scrunch your brows and close your eyes shut.
“¿Princesa?” His voice sends vibrations down your spine. “Yeah?” You croak out, your tone cracking.
“Are you having trouble sleeping, princesa?”
The silence was enough to tell you that he raised a brow from skepticism, and you could feel it through that wooden door.
“Okay, maybe I am. I keep hearing the neighbors singing drunkardly. And I wondered if I could sleep in your room tonight.” Silence sags the cold air, but the sound of the bed creaking from the other side of the door is enough to sink a sense of guilt into you.
The door swings open, and the smell of his cologne lingers in the air before the sensation of his hand ruffling the crown of your head. “C’mon in,” he sighs before gently tugging you into the room.
The sight of his messy bed, mostly bedsheets, indicated that he was enjoying a good night's sleep before you interrupted.
“Get into bed. I warmed it up for you…” he grumbles, a half-ass attempt at a joke. He combed his bed hair back before he took the left side of the bed, allowing you to take the right side.
The moment your body landed on his mattress, the softness and warmth enveloped you like a crispy burnt marshmallow on an autumn evening. “Ven para acá, princesa.” He waves his hand over after he settles down on the bed.
“¿Just get some sleep, m’kay?” He sighs, pulling you closer to his chest while rubbing a gentle hand on your arm. “¿Duérmete, okay?”
You nod before you snuggle closer to him. “Es hora de dormir, ignora los vecinos.” He sighs, his lips resting against your temple. “Duérmete…” He mumbles.
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The shock of waking up to 300 pounds against your chest is enough to scare anyone, especially if this 300 pounds embracing you close with no escape, especially with a loud snore filling your ears at eight in the goddamn morning.
“Dammit, Miguel.”
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diejager · 9 months
I'm back with my guilty taste (not so guilty actually) stepdad! König and dbf! Horangi....I like to swim in deep and dangerous waters. I'm sorry.
¡Sí, padrastro! König hierve crudo cuando salimos con Horangi sin él... Lo puedo adivinar. Tenemos una pijamada/fiesta con un amigo, que realmente lo es, con el consentimiento de nuestra madre. Ella conoce a nuestro amigo, confía plenamente en él, sin ningún motivo para decir que no a querer pasar la noche en su casa. Incluso admite que con nuestro regreso haríamos una linda pareja, en comparación con König y Horangi.
I leave the idea there.
(Tiemblo de sólo imaginarlo, ¡Dam! No puedo tener suficiente, ayuda)
I’m gonna be honest with you, I had to use google translate for this and the translations were uh… going left and right, but I think I understood the gist of it. cw: NON-CON/DUB-CON, DARKFIC, STEPCEST, rough sex, manhandling, creampie, p in v, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, blood kink, marking kink, wound, jealous stepdad!könig, tell me if I missed any.
König saw red when he heard that you were sleeping at a friend’s house, a boy’s house at that. Childhood friends, your mother told him, growing up together and having shared the same class until college when you went your separate ways while still keeping in touch since he lived right across the streets.
He knew the boy, he’d seen Kevin wave at your mother and you when he saw you, strutting up for a quick conversation; he’d heard Kevin talk to you on the phone and saw the smile growing on your lips and that bubbly laugh he wanted to own; and he’d seen you hang out with Kevin, waving him goodbye from your doorstep.
His blood boiled the whole night, making dinner with his wife awkward and his bedroom more heated, fucking up your mother with rough and mean sex, taking out a part of wrath on her until he had his hands on you.
He kissed his wife goodbye that morning, watching her limp out to her car and hiss as she sat down, but he didn’t feel guilty, anger still simmering under his skin. He waited for you in the living room, seating in the recliner that faced the door with his arms crossed and face scrunched up.
The moment he heard the knob turn, he surged forward, gripping you by the wrist and pulling you to your room, over the stairs and down the hall, shutting the door behind him loudly. He tore through the your clothes, ripping your panties with a shift of a hand and had you spread open for him. He was less than lenient with you, spitting on your hole and fingering you roughly, thick fingers pumping in and out of you and rolling your clit with his thumb.
He only did the minimum, stretching you out slightly so that you could feel every inch of him when he pushed in, wanting to hear whine and cry as he fucked you. He wasn’t teasing or playful like he usually was, in his haze of anger and jealousy, König was rough, domineering and mean. He split you in half on his cock, pounding into you with loud and hard thrusts, his balls slapping loudly against your slick-coated ass.
He had you folded in two, legs pressed to your chest, feet hanging off his shoulders as he towered you, his shadow looming menacingly over you. He bent forward, lips wrapping around your neck and shoulders, teeth biting into your skin, digging into your supple flesh and bleeding it, rivulets of ichor rolled down your fresh bite. He hissed and growled, spitting degrading insults, names, in your ear, relishing in the tears that fell from your lashes, sweet and salty drops that he lapped up with a bloody tongue.
He fucked you until he grew oversensitive, the leaky tip gushing ropes of cum inside you and his blood pumping through his bulging veins. He shuddered every time he came, watching your stomach bloat with his cock and cum, your pleasure painting a thick, white ring around the base of his shaft. Your room smelled of sex and sweat, your near unconscious form laying limp on the bed, fingers still grasping onto the sheets and legs spread over his elbow, eyes zoned to your heat.
“No more sleepovers, understood, Schatz?” Your stepfather growled, hand tilting your chin up to stare into his red-rimmed eyes.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia @notspiders @velvetsoulweaver @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake
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gomu-fer · 7 months
One piece men hear you speaking Spanish for the first time
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Ft. Sanji, Law, Ace and Zoro
SFW, swearing in spanish ;), drinking, gn reader
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“MIERDA!” (Shit) your scream was followed by a loud thud of the pan hitting the floor
Sanji immediately directed his attention to you running while holding his breath
“Are you o-“ he was interrupted by you mumbling something he couldn’t quite understand
“Puta madre esta demasiado caliente” (holy shit it’s too hot) you hissed while holding your hand close to your chest eyes shut together tightly at the sensation of the sudden burn
Sanjis worried look was replaced by a intrigued one as he realized everything that you were saying was in fact not english, it was something he couldn’t understand
“Let me see that, dear” he offers you his hand and you allowed him to look at the burn, he examines it throughly, being very familiar with this kind of injury, then he lightly touches the harmed zone of your hand making you squirm again
“AY IDIOTA” (you idiot) you remove your hand from his hissing in pain yet again
Sanji fetches the first aid kit as you stand still in your place blowing at your hand in hopes the pain will suffice, he asks you to sit down and you follow his instructions as he cures your burn cautiously
“So” he speaks after a while “What was all that you were saying earlier?”
“Oh…” you realize you had never mentioned that English is in fact not your first language “It’s Spanish, mostly curses” you answer a little ashamed at your behavior
Sanji felt himself fill with excitement at his new discovery “You never mentioned you knew other languages” curiosity itched him at the thought of hearing your voice say things he couldn’t decipher
“You never asked” you offer him a smirk knowing exactly what was going trough his head
“Could you tell me something else that isn’t curses? My dear?” You think for a second before obliging
“Gracias por cuidar de mi, mi principe” (thanks for taking care of me, my prince)
Sanji’s face was completely flushed, hands shaken and mouth dry, the way your voice and confidence shifted as you spoke your native language left him breathless and falling for you all over again
“I could really use some spanish lessons”
You watched the doctor who sat at his desk flipping trough a medical book, his brows furrowed, you couldn’t ignore his annoyed huffs and puffs he had been making for a while now, you decided to interrupt whatever he had going on
“What’s with you, captain?” You giggle at the way he’s basically assaulting that poor book flipping it harshly
“This stupid book it’s not in English I don’t understand a damn thing” he answers still looking for a page, a title, a sentence he could read, anything
You come closer and peak above him looking at the words filling the book, you stop Laws hands for scavenging the pages as you start to read, your touch making him shiver
“La anemia provoca síntomas como fatiga, reducción de la capacidad para realizar trabajo físico y dificultad para respirar”
Law looks up at you surprised before you explain “This is basically explaining what Anemia is” you flip the page “And in here it talks about the flu” you point at the book smiling kindly at your confused captain
He would never admit it but he was really impressed and a little star struck at the way your voice sounded in a foreign language
“What were you looking for in here anyway?” You ask while flipping the pages
Law had to pull himself out of whatever spell you had casted on him before answering
“I bought it two islands ago but didn’t check it until now” his statement made you giggle, specially as you noticed the big title that read ‘Enfermedades y sus Síntomas’ (sickness and their symptoms) in the front of the book in gold bold letters
“I can translate it if you want” you kindly offer which pulls at Laws heartstrings, you were always taking care of him, he answers by shaking his head
“Do what you want” you roll your eyes at your dismissive captain before taking some paper and a pen from his desk
“Didn’t know you were bilingual” the doctor says still a little taken aback at this new information about you
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me” you wink before walking towards his couch, but you were stopped by a tatted hand holding your wrist and a playful smirk
“What about you read it to me instead?”
Red settles in your ears and cheeks before your eyes run aways from Laws and smiling shyly
“Don’t think you can handle all that Captain” you were obviously referring to all the information that the book offered, but the implications of you speaking another language and making Law nervous was obviously there, making him also blush immediately and his hold falter, but he wasn’t gonna let you have this one
“No no” he says before making you sit on his desk “Think I’ll do just fine”
“ACE DETENTE” (Ace stop) you screamed at the freckled pirate that had tossed you over his shoulder and threatened to make you fall into the ocean at the beach the Moby Dick had docked for the day. What once started as an uneventful aternoon in the beach turned into a wrestling match between you and the commander to see who would fall into the water first, and you were loosing
“What was that now?” He maneuvers you making you land on your feet as he smiles ear to ear intrigued about what you just said
“I said stop” you answered him as you catch your breath
“I don’t think that’s what you said” he starts approaching you slow and steady making you walk backwards as to avoid another attack, you return the playful smile plastered on his handsome face
“Dije Ace detente, sordo” (I said Ace stop, you deaf) you allow him to hear your Spanish once more gaining an even wider smile
“You sound soooo attractive like that”
You aren’t good with flirting, Ace’s smooth talk always manages to make you blush and stumble on your words and he loves it
“Stop it” you say pushing him back now
“I didn’t really understood that can you say it like the first time again?” You knew he wasn’t gonna let this newfound thing live down, you roll your eyes at the back of your head before obliging in hopes he’ll let you scape the danger of the water at your feet. You stop pushing him before standing on your tip toes allowing you to whisper in his ear
“Si me dejas ir te doy un beso” (if you let me go I’ll kiss ya) his breath hitched and a shiver ran down his spine freezing him in place. You stand back to meet his gaze as he stays ogling you, red blush painting his delicate freckles. Taking advantage you tackle him making him fall flat on the ocean
Your laugh explodes meeting Aces ears, still in shock by your teasing he lays on the water admiring your beaming smile that shines brighter than the sunset behind both of you. All he ever wanted was to make you laugh, there was no better price.
You offer him a hand to help him stand up, he takes it before pulling you down to meet the oceans salted water, squeaking at the coldness meeting your body
“You got me” you beam on top of him as he keeps drinking your beauty, wordless and enchanted
“You gotta keep speaking more like that y’know?” This man was absolutely lovesick, everything that had to do with you he loved, it was concerning
“Like what? Spanish?” You asked still surprise at his persistence on the matter
“Oh so that’s what it is” the comment makes you laugh once more making Ace’s heart swoon in pride, he is the only one that makes you laugh like this and he wouldn’t have it any other way
“I can teach you some”
The strawhats found themselves drinking another bar dry, stretching your legs after weeks on end at sea and giving poor Sanji a break of having too cook yet another night. You were seated next to Zoro as you watched Usopp tell yet another over the top story about your adventures in the grand line to some locals, the ambience was so warm and welcoming allowing you to indulge in drinking at peace, or so you thought that’s how it was gonna be
A man drunk out of his mind stumbles to your side slurring his word and babbling about kissing you or something, at first you try to laugh it off but the man persisted. The swordsman catches your annoyed and uncomfortable face as you try to keep the wondering hands of the drunken away from you, anger building up in him at every stupid word that left his mouth, but before he could intervene he sees you stand up
“Dije que no! estúpido, aléjate!” (I said no you idiot, go away!) You scream at the man before pushing him, making him fall onto the nearby table
Zoro lets go of the hold on his swords as he watches you fix your clothes before muttering “Maldito idiota” (Fucking idiot)
Whatever you were saying it was in a language he had never heard you speak, he thought you only spoke English like almost everyone else in the crew. There was something in how your voice shifted that left him wanting to hear more. You speaking a completely different language was something that had never even crossed his mind
As you sat back down and took another sip of your drink the swordsman founds himself intrigued
“So now we’re screaming in different languages?” He asks smirking at you, the alcohol pulling his big walls down allowing you to climb them right up
“You know I love screaming” Zoro lets out a deep laugh, thinking what to ask as to make you say another thing in that beautiful tongue he had heard you speak
“Where did you learn that anyway?” You raise an eyebrow at him, surprised at the way he was making conversation with you, something he never did
“It’s my native language actually” he hums in response happy to know more about you before becoming a pirate
“Why so curious?” The question makes him stutter, caught red handed
“‘Just had never heard that language before” he lies trough his flushed face which you immediately catch and makes your heart clench, a smile tugging at your lips
You sit closer to him before you whisper, lips brushing his golden earrings tickling you “No me digas que no conocías el español, verdecito” (Don’t tell me you didn’t know spanish, greenie)
You giggle after feeling every single muscle on his body clench at your words as he now shone bright red. He takes a big swoon of his sake trying to drown the shyness out of him
You lay back enjoying the rest of the night, Zoro not being able to keep the way you spoke out of his mind ever again
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Of course I had to do this! RAAAH 🦅🦅🦅🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽 Also ty for more than 1k on my first one of these, ly guys enjoy
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vendrea · 2 months
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Who’s on the Phone?
◖◗ pairing: nika muhl x fem!reader
mentions of alcohol
i’ve been feeling a little angsty | ib: Ring by Cardi B (feat. Kehlani)
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drea speaks! i like to incorporate latina influence in my work so that’s why “amor” is mentioned y pq es para mi gente so chicas lo hago por ustedes ! #laslatinasparanikamuhl 😸
“I just love to know you wanna spend time with me instead
Now you all caught up, yeah”
◖◗ You play for the Aces, and your girlfriend, Nika plays for Seattle Storm. This is your first attempt at a long distance relationship and it’s harder than you thought.
wc: 1.6k
It’s been 17 days since you returned to Las Vegas after playing in seattle against their WNBA team. You’re holding a post-dub kickback at your apartment with your teammates; Kate and her girlfriend, A’ja, Kelsey, and Kierstan.
After an unkept promise of daily FaceTime calls with your girlfriend, missing one or two the last two days, you see your phone flashing from the corner of your eye.
With your blurred vision and clouded headspace combined, it took you a moment to realize it was Nika. You pick up the phone with no hesitation, “Oh my gosh, heyy baby.” You say, your words a little slurred, the shot you downed before starting to hit. Although, you didn’t receive a pleasured response from the girl on the other line.
Nika’s face drops at your tipsy state, irritation and concern written all over her face. She narrows her eyes as she looks at you, “Are you drunk?!”
Taken aback from her exclamation you attempt to shush her, “Shh. You’re so loud, and no, i’m not drunk. If I were, so what?” You roll your eyes, because you really weren’t in the mood to be told off like a child by their mother. Nika’s irritation rises as you answer her question with an attitude, her face contorting in annoyance as she stares at you through the screen.
“So what? We’ve talked about this before! You know I don’t like it when you get drunk, especially with all those pretty girls around you.”
You can’t help but laugh at the helpless Croatian’s frustration. “Oh my gosh, babe. You’re being dramatic, they’re my teammates. And it’s my house so it’s not like i’m at a bar, i’m safe. I wouldn’t bring anyone I think you’d disapprove of through that door” You try to reassure her, but you seem to speak to soon. Your teammate Kierstan comes in the picture, wrapping her arm around your neck with a slurred ‘Heyy!’
Nika’s eyes widen, her eyes darting across your screen. Her expression hardens, her jaw clenched as she spoke through gritted teeth, “Babe… who is that?”
“This is my teammate Kierstan, say hi Kier.” Nika’s hairs stand up at the way your nickname for the girl beside you rolls off your alcohol-laced tongue, infuriating her even more.
She bites her lip, trying to keep her anger under control but failing as she speaks “And why is she clinging onto you like that?”, deadpanning.
You feel the color draw out of your face, trying to shrug Kierstan off which she does compliantly, before she moves out of frame into the living room with your other teammates. “Sorry babe, she’s a little drunk.” You try to defend the situation, feeling kind of nervous on Nika’s reaction.
Nika’s anger doesn’t subsiside at your words, feeling like you’re not taking the situation as seriously as you should be.
She lets out a frustrated huff through her nose “You should tell her to cool it then… and maybe she should go home, ‘cause I don’t want to see her back again at yours”, she barked.
Her possessiveness would’ve been more of a turn on if you weren’t in frustrating turmoil with the brunette.
As you relocate to your bedroom for privacy, Nika can’t help but bring up the lack of communication between you two the past couple of days, adding it to the long list of things pissing her off at the moment.
You rub the temples of your head, “Can we not do this tonight? I said I’m sorry baby, what more can I say? I’ll make it up to you.”
Nika lets out an exasperated scoff, not satisfied with your half-hearted apology.
She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at you through the phone screen, her annoyance and hurt evident in her voice, “I don’t know, Y/N… maybe you could start by actually picking up my calls when you say you will?”
“I mean I picked up this call? I’ve just been busy with my team on court and off. You should be able to understand that Niks.” You start defensively, but waver your defense as you continue to explain. Nika furrows her eyebrows in irritation, your dismissive words only adding fuel to the fire of her hurt and anger.
“I know you’ve been busy, but you don’t think I am as well? I’m busy too, but I still make time for you… and you know that’s the only time I get to talk to you since you’re all the way in Las Vegas now!”
A pang of guilt hits your chest, leaving you two in silence for a few moments, there was nothing to argue against that. She was right. “I’ll try harder for you amor, I swear.” You say softly, fully processing your contemplation around Nika’s words.
Nika's anger ebbs slightly as she sees the look of guilt on your face, knowing that you finally realize the effect your lack of communication has on her.
She lets out a sigh, her shoulders slouching slightly as her expression softens "just... try harder, please. I don't like going a day or two without hearing from you, especially after you promised me all those Facetime calls. It’s hard enough when I can’t see you for another two and a half weeks.”
You nod, your mood completely shifted from the unraveled events of the call, paired with the lingering alcohol. A wave of sadness hitting you, you quickly try to dismiss exchanging conversation with your girlfriend any further.
"Goodnight, I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow." You let the girl across the screen know you’re saying your goodbyes.
Nika's heart aches at the sudden change in your tone, sensing the sadness and guilt in your words.
She nods and musters up a small smile, trying to hide her own hurt and disappointment from your words "Yeah... goodnight. I love you too...", her accent slipping out
She's about to end the call, but pauses at the last second "Hey... um, can I ask you something before you go?"
Your shoulders tense up, you don’t know whether you can mentally take another ounce of this conversation, but you give your girl a confirmation with a subtle head nod.
"Yeah, what's up?"
Nika's eyes dart down away from the screen for a moment before looking back up at you, her voice slightly shaky as she speaks
"Um... I just wanted to ask... when's the last time you went to the club while in Las Vegas?"
You're taken aback from the random and unlikely question, as your girlfriend’s always had a confident and quite cocky attitude. "Uhm, maybe like the other week? My team likes post celebrations, Why?"
Her eyes dim slightly at your answer, a slight frown forming on her face.
She tries to brush off the erupting feeling of insecurity in her chest as she asks her next question, "And um.. are there a lot of girls there?"
"Niks," You say softly, before continuing,
"If you're worried about me eyeing other girls or doing some sneaky shit, trust me, I only have eyes for you." Nika's frown deepens and her eyes flicker downward again as you say her nickname, rushing guilt hitting her for even questioning your loyalty. She looks back up at you, trying to keep the worry and insecurity out of her voice "I'm sorry... I know, it's just... I can't help but worry when you're in that environment with all those pretty girls. Especially whenever you don't talk to me for days at a time..."
"You're my pretty girl baby. None of those other girls matter. And again, i'm sorry for not taking the time to call you these past two days, I really don't know what else or more you want me to say, I've said i'll make it up to you..." You say in defeat, the constant mention making you more upset than you realize.
Nika feels her anger melt away as you speak, your words soothing her worries and insecurities, but at the same time making her feel guilty that she's upsetting you.
She lets out a sigh and runs a hand through her hair, her voice quiet and sheepish "I know, and you don't have to say anything else. I guess I just get a bit jealous sometimes... I mean, these girls get to see you and talk to you and be around you all the time..."
"But I don't talk to them babe. I'm only ever with my teammates or my friends.
Any other girl that isn't you isn't even a thought that comes across my mind." You say sternly, you truly wanted the girl to believe your words. “Nobody can compare to you."
Nika feels her heart flutter in her chest at your words, your reassurance and adoration for her washing over her like a wave of peace and comfort.
She nods, a small smile forming on her face as she looks at you through the screen, the worry and jealousy gradually fading from her eyes
"I know, I know... I just really miss you y'know? So sometimes I get all insecure and I'm so sorry for acting the way I did. I should've been more understanding and I trust you, I really do."
"It’s okay baby, I get it when your states away. Don't stress about it okay? I love you the same, that'll never change.
Goodnight babe."
Nika nods and lets out a long sigh, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders
She gives you a little smile and bites her lip, looking down then back up at you through the screen
"Okay... I love you so much... goodnight.
Get some rest, alright?"
"I will baby." You return a smile, and blow her a kiss before hanging up. Before you hit the hay, you order Nika a bouquet of her favorite flowers with a box of chocolates that'll arrive on her doorstep when she wakes up.
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mj0702 · 9 months
The other Bronze - Part One
Here we go again 🤣 Thank you (as always) to Crush and Bubs
(the bad Spanish is courtesy of Google and if you find typos or anything please point them out to me 😉)
You finally walked the last steps towards the door of your Sisters small house at the Outskirts of Barcelona. What you're doing in Barca on a random Friday Night? You wanted to surprise Lucy for her Birthday. It took a lot of begging to Mum and Dad to let you fly all on your own from Manchester to Barcelona and when you turned your phone on after landing, you had 26 missed calls and 15 messages already, the last one from your older Brother Jorge telling you to text him if the Plane crashed and you died – real Clown that one. You phoned Mum, telling her that the Flight was just a little delayed and that your still very much alive and not Shark food in the Ocean. You knew Lucy had training, so you stayed a little longer at the Airport, watching people, drinking Coffee. You found some nice company in a Girl, who waited for her Girlfriend and surprisingly spoke English. So know you're currently walking up the steps towards Lucy's front door, her spare key (which you got from Mum, in case Lucy wasn't home), my Earplugs blasting Music and you opened the door – boy what a mistake.
„Luuuucccyyyy!! Happy Birth... OH MY GOD MY EYES!!! OH EW!!“ you started to yell out in horror before spotting my Sister on her Couch. Naked. With another Girl on her knees in front of her, her head buried between your Sisters legs. You turned around as quick as you could, shutting the Door behind you. A few minutes later, some shuffling and swearing from the inside, said door got ripped open again.
„What are you doing here?“ Lucy asked you and you couldn't tell if she was pissed off or just annoyed.
„Surprise??“ you say, your back still facing her.
„Why do you have a Key to my Apartment? You can turn around by the way“ she sounded annoyed, which was good – annoyed is better than pissed off.
„Mum... I just saw things I never wanted to see ever“ you shrugged like it was self-explanatory. „Dear bloody Jesus“ your Sister huffed out, before grabbing your Arm, starting to pull you inside, as you tried to stop her by holding on to the Door frame
„I'm NOT going back in there again“ you say, gagging for good measure.
„Stop being difficult“ Lucy said, putting her arm around your Shoulders instead, having more leverage. Back inside you were sat down at the Kitchen table, the Girl from earlier just making some Coffee.
„I hope you sanitized that Table“ you mumbled, before looking at your Sister „No way you haven't fu...“
„If you finish that Sentence, I'll call Mum telling her that you broke that ugly Vase at Christmas three years ago“ Lucy narrowed her eyes at you, before turning to the Girl „Ona... this is my overly annoying baby Sister y/n... devils spawn... this is Ona, my Girlfriend“
You just looked at the Girl with a blank face nor knowing how to react to these news.
„Manners“ Lucy growled at you and slapped the back of your Head
„Hola“ you said to Ona, not really knowing what to think of her.
„Hola“ Ona smiled back, putting a cup of Coffee in front of you, which Lucy took away the instant it touched the Table „No hay café para ella“ she said to Ona, while ignoring your frustrated „Oi!!“.
„Por qué?“ the dark haired woman asked.
„Look at her.... she's already a pest, I don't need her caffeinated up“ Lucy answered, finally in English, while pointing at you.
„Aye you Arsepiece“ you huffed out, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
„You're English, not Scottish, ya wee shite“ your Sister grinned at you, but finally came over, ruffling you Hair, which is Lucy language for „I love you“.
“I was born in Scotland therefore I’m Scottish” you grumble out.
„I don't understand a word you two say“ Ona said confused, her spanish accent thick as she speaks english and Lucy laughed out loud
„All good...“. She then looks at you again „But seriously... what are you doing here?“.
„Wanted to surprise you for your Birthday... haven't seen you since the Euros“ you mumble a little embarrassed
„You... missed me“ Lucy smirked
„No... how could I miss your annoying Ass?“ you answered quickly and she KNEW she hit a nerve
„I missed you too, Devils Spawn“ she said, pulling you into a side hug
„You never told me you had a younger Sister, Lucia“ Ona said, smiling slightly at our interaction
You just raise an eyebrow at Lucy „Lucia? What have you done to fuck up so badly, that she uses your actual name?“
„Lucia is more common here, you daft punk...“ Lucy rolled her eyes at you still holding you to her side before answering her Girlfriend „I try to keep her away from the Spotlight“
„Oh...“ Ona said, like she understands, which you doubted „I'll leave you two to catch up, I'm going to go...“ she smiled
„Weren't you about to come a little while ago?“ you blurted out, which earned you a very hard punch to the shoulder courtesy of your lovely Sister
Ona just look confused, which causes you to laugh „You can explain that one, Kneeless... Bathroom that way?“.
As you renter the Kitchen, you see Lucy and Ona kissing in the Doorway. You comment it with a loud dry heaving sound. Lucy blindly throws a shoe at you, which misses by miles and you snap a photo of her. You can only see Lucys back and Onas Hands around her Neck, so it's obvious that there's someone else, but you can't see who. You sit back down at the Table, your Stomach starting to growl and you realize just how late it is. You shot up and run up to Lucy, grabbing her shirt, pulling hard successfully ending the make out session
„You have to phone Mum that I'm here, otherwise she'll send a search party and I'm already dead, because I didn't text her that I arrived safely“ you stumble over your words, because nothing is more scary than Mum Bronze in Mum Mode. Lucy rolled her eyes, pecking Onas lips again for a final goodbye, before pushing you back into the Apartment again
„You realize what I just gave up for you?“
„Multiple Orgasms, I know... I don't want to know, but I know... can I post a picture, saying I'm with you?“ you murmur the end of your question, knowing Lucy is very picky with private Pictures and even more, when you're involved
„Let me first call Mum, then let me check the Picture, then we decide what we get for dinner, okay?“ she pressed a Kiss to your temple, already her Phone in Hand, dailing Home.
She was on the Phone to Mum forever, apologizing telling her she was so happy to see you that we forgot to call her. Straight A+ lie, but if someone can pull it off, it's Lucy
„You owe me, Smol“ she said after ending the Call „Now show me that picture, so I can say No and we can go finding food, since my fridge is empty and I planned on eating something else tonight“ she grinned, as you start to dry heave again.
„Please... i REALLY don't want to think about it“ you say pained
Lucy laughed out loudly and you smiled. You really missed her.
„Show me the Picture“ she said, encouraging you, a smile playing around her lips, as you show her.
„That's a good one“ Lucy said after a minute of looking at it closely handing you the phone back „You can use that one... Just don't tag Ona please“
„I don't even know who she is“ you said looking apologetic „but I think she's nice“
Your Sister laughed again „She is... haven't felt like this since Keira“
„Why did you and Keira split up? I really liked her“ you said and Lucy looked at you for a second, really looked at YOU before answering
„We just fell out of Love... nobodies fault... it just happened and it wasn't fair to either of us to keep pretending“ Lucy said carefully, yet seriously, knowing that Topic was difficult for you
„As cliche as it sounds, but we're still friends and I know, Keira will be over the Moon seeing you again“. Truth is, when Lucy and Keira split up you refused to talk to your Sister for weeks, not grabbing fully why she would leave Keira. Keira who was a mixture between a big Sister and a Mother to you. Keira, who made you laugh, when you where sad. Keira, who carried you to bed, when you fell asleep during a Movie. Keira, who held you when you came crying into Lucys Bedroom, just woken up from a Nightmare. In the End, you was just too young to grab fully what was happening. Maybe not too young but you couldn’t understand the feelings behind it.
„Was it my fault?“ you whispered, always the nagging feeling at the back of your Head, that it was your fault they split up.
„What?“ Lucy asked confused „No... of course not! Y/n listen to me... it had NOTHING to do with you“
„But if I would have acted more grown up and not come running nearly every night..“ you stared and Lucy immediately knew what it was about
„Y/n... it had nothing to do with that... nothing! You went through something traumatic and we were honestly glad you trusted us enough to come to us or let us calm you down when you had a nightmare“ she said insistently, holding your look „You had nothing to do with what happened between Keira and I, do you understand me?“
„I just... I feel like it's my fault“ you look down, playing with your fingers
„It's not... and if you don't believe me, you can ask Keira...“ Lucy said, grabbing your Hands in hers, holding them tightly „It just happened“
You let her pull you into a hug and for the first time in a long time you felt safe and home.
„Thanks Luce“ you mumbled against her shoulder
„Always ya wee shite“ she said and you felt her smiling into your Hair.
Yes, even at 16 years old, Lucy is a whole Head bigger than you were. Your stomach growled again and Lucy laughed „What do you want to eat, I'll order“
„I'm in Spain... obviously I want Fish and Chips, Idiot... I want authentic spanish food“ you said sarcastically
„Smartass“ she rolled her eyes „We could also go out, whatever you want“
„It's YOUR Birthday... why do I have to choose? “ you said, honestly confused
„I was trying to be nice... I know a small little Restaurant, not too far from here“ she grinned at you
„Do I have to change for it?“ you asked, looking down at your button down shirt, ripped jeans and the baby blue chucks
„Other shoes and you're good to go“ Lucy said as she threw a pair of NIKEs your way „I'll just go change, don't do anything stupid“ she pointed her finger threatenly at you
„Never, my beloved Sister“ you say sarcastically.
While Lucy is changing, you decided against posting the picture of Lucy and Ona kissing online. You know your Sister values her privacy and even she gave you the ok, it didn't feel right – but that doesn't mean you couldn't send it to someone else... Keira.
Y/n: ~ inserts picture ~ It finally happened Kei... I walked in on her... thankfully I haven't eaten today, otherwise Lucy would have to clean that up too
Keira: You're in Barcelona, Bitsy?! Why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: Sure am... wish I wasn't tho... ehm... surprise?
Keira: I hope you didn't plan to fuck off without saying hi... and don't kid yourself, Bitsy... that definitely wasn't the first time you walked in on your Sister ;)
Y/n: of fucking course not... and how would you know that, Ms. Walsh?
Keira: Because I was there :p
After you read Keiras last Text, you threw your Phone to the other End of the Couch with a loud „EW!!“.
Lucy came running from the Bedroom, looking at you shocked „What happened?? Are you okay?“. „I walked in on you and Keira???“ you cried out in agony.
„What?“ Lucy looked at you confused. You showed her your Phone, which caused her to laugh – full on belly laugh „Oh yeah... I forgot about that“ Lucy laughed.
„I WALKED IN ON YOU AND KEIRA???“ you screeched horrified.
„Yep... multiple times actually“ Lucy grinned.
„Oh god... I think I need to throw up? When... wait no... don't answer that“
Your Sister laughed again, throwing a coat towards you, silently telling you that you were leaving. „Is it okay, if I invite some people?“ she asked you, as you leave the Apartment.
„It's your Birthday, Luce – you can invite whoever you want“ you shrugged your Shoulders. „Whomever“ Lucy corrected you automaticly, before she pulled out her phone and send some texts. „Smartass“ you mumble as your Sister put her Arm around your Shoulders, manoeuvring you through the City.
Just as you rounded a corner into a small side road, someone shoulder checked you, turning around, yelling something in spanish at you. You looked at the guy confused, feeling Lucy going into protective Mode, making herself bigger by your Side. Before she could say anything, you looked at the Guy, yelling at him „Cállate la Boca, matildo hijo de puta!“
Your Sister looked shocked at you as does the Guy. You put on your best Bronze-Fightingface, before making a step towards him. Just as the Guy made up his mind and also took a step towards you, a Woman pushed right in between you two oozing confidence and started talking calmly to the Guy. She was pretty but damn – she was intimidating. The Guy talked back twice, before turning around, leaving the little alley
„What the Hell, Y/n??“ Lucy yelled at you „What the hell did you say to that guy? I understood ONE word and know it wasn't a compliment – and since when do you speak spanish?“
She then turned to the Woman „Hola Alexia... Gracias por interferir“
„Ningún problema“ the woman smiled at my Sister
„And you“ she turned to you „Where did you learn that?“
And there was that intimidating look again, which made you gulp. You grew up with Lucy Bronze, but this woman scared you. You pushed yourself behind your Sister, trying to hide
„Answer her“ Lucy pulled you out from behind her.
You just shook your Head and mumbled „She scares me Luce“
„Good“ your Sister mumbled „now answer her“
You shook your Head again. The woman looked at you and smiled slightly
„Excuse me. Hi, my name is Alexia, I'm a teammate and friend of your Sister“
You're still careful, not to stand to close to her „Hi... Y/n... I'm.. the Sister of my Sister“
This actually made her laugh, while Lucy groaned and started to rub her forehead embarrassed
„So... now that we know each other, where did you learn to offend spanish people? As much as I gathered, you don't speak spanish..“ Alexia said and immediately she got all scary again
„I... no... yes?“ You looked at her and tried to hide behind Lucy again, who groaned again. „Cariño.... my patience is wearing quite thin... you better start talking” Alexia said sweetly, but you knew it was a fair warning
“A girl at the Airport taught me... I just tried to order a coffee, which is SO hard in your country and the Barista didn't understand me and she kinda took over and ordered for me... as a thank you, I paid for hers... and we sat together as she waited for her Girlfriend and since we had time, she taught me some spanish” you stutter out
“Do you even know what you just said?” Alexia looked at you shocked
“ehrm... no... but the girl said I have to put on a Bitchface after saying it... she was cool...”
“Y/n... you just can't throw around spanish phrases, because SOMEONE told you” Lucy pressed.
“She look trustworthy” you defended yourself
“Cariño...” Alexia said softly “... don't EVER say that again, because you will get hurt in the process”
“Is it bad?” you ask unsure
“It is...” the Spanish woman said “... and if I ever find that Girl, that taught you, I will have a VERY serious talk with her... in spanish” she winked at you
“What are the Odds” you mumbled and Lucy looked at you
“What odds?” she asked you confused
“That girl just turned around the Corner” you said, pointing at a Girl, laughing loudly with some other girls
“I should have known” Alexia groaned out “María Pilar León Cebrián!!! Nosotras necesitamos hablar!!!” she yelled out
The Girl in questions Head snapped towards Alexias angry Voice, her laughter dying in her throat. She made eye contact with you, her eyes went comically wide and you could swear, you saw her mouthing the word “Fuck”, before slowly starting to walk backwards
“Oh please do” Alexia sneered, while walking towards Maria “Please start running, so I can chase after you because after I caught you, I'm gonna drag your sorry Ass up to Nuo and let you run Laps until Training is over and then some more...”
You turned towards your Sister “Isn't Nuo Egg?” you ask confused
“Huevo is Egg.. Nuo is the Stadium where we train and play” Lucy explained
“Ah... and why is Alexia calling me Cariño ... is that some weird spanish name?” you said, still confused
This Time Lucy laughed out loud, while Alexia is “actively” having a word with Maria – she was outright yelling at the poor Girl. You actually did feel sorry for her. Maria looked very guilty, trying to explain, but not getting a word in.
“Cariño is a form of endearment... something like Honey”
“Excuse me?? She could have at least taken me out on a Date first” you huffed, but smiled.
“Are you causing trouble already?” a voice behind you said amused. You turned around and sprinted off, throwing yourself in the Womans arms.
“I missed you, Keira” you mumbled into her neck, while she's hugging you tightly
“I missed you too, Bitsy” she kissed your Hair, not breaking the contact
You felt safe in her arms. Lucy came over after getting over her initial shock of you just sprinting off
“For once, it wasn't her causing the Trouble... it was Mapí” Lucy said, nodding towards a still yelling Alexia with her head
“What a surprise – Mapí causing trouble... these two would absolutely cause havoc” Keira laughed, not letting go of you
“Take a guess, why Mapí is getting yelled at... they have met already” your Sister grinned
“Oh god” Keira groaned laughing “What has Mapí done?”
“She taught me spanish” you said proudly
“What did she teach...” the other english woman started before getting interrupted by Lucy “Don't!!!! Don't ask!”
Keira was a little taken aback, but didn't ask any further
“She taught me a phrase... apparently it's a bad one and I'm not allowed to say it again, otherwise the scary Woman will have my Ass” you said, still pressed into Keiras side
“Scary Woman?” Keira raised an eyebrow at Lucy
“Alexia” your Sister answered shrugging her shoulders
“Mapí would like to say something” said Woman stood behind you three, her hand grabbing the back of Marias neck, who looked like a kicked puppy
“Lamento mucho haberte enseñado algo malo” the smaller Woman mumbled, clearly not happy or comfortable with the situation
“En Inglés” Alexia rolled her eyes “As you maybe remember, little Bronze doesn't speak spanish”. “Su hermana lo hace - ella puede traducir” Maria said
“Maria” Alexia warned “Deja de ser difícil y discúlpate correctamente”
“I'm sorry for teaching you bad spanish” the younger woman huffed out annoyed
“It's...” you started, before Alexia interrupted you “And now we try to say that, like we really mean it” she said to Mapí, grabbing her neck a little tighter
“I'm sorry” the younger girl winced
“Very good” Alexia smiled, but everyone saw it was fake, before getting a stern face again “You still will run laps tomorrow”
“What??? I apologized” Mapí said shocked
“Still doesn't change the fact, that you nearly caused a fight – if I hadn't stepped in, she most like would have end up in the Hospital with a broken nose... or worse” Alexia said
“Oi!” you yelled out “I may be small, but I can hold myself, thank you very much”
“We” Alexia looked at you sternly “Will talk tomorrow”
You gulped again, making yourself smaller at Keiras side, who had watched the whole interaction with an amused grin on her face.
“Can we get food now?” you whispered into Keiras side
The Midfielder laughed loudly “Let's go” she said as she pulled you into the small Restaurant, everyone following you. You sat between Lucy and Alexia, Mapí to Alexias right, next to her her Girlfriend Ingrid, Keira was to Lucys left with one seat free in between them for when Ona would join.
“What's edible here?” you ask to no one particular, studying your menu.
“Should I order for you, Cariño?” Alexia ask, wanting to make you feel welcome and comfortable “If this is you aassuming that this is a date, then no...” you say distracted, still try to figure out the menu.
Alexia was taken aback, while your Sister laughed.
“But what is... potatoes braves?” you asked, looking up confused.
Mapí clutched her heart dramatically “My heart... my Heart burns... I think I have a heart attack.. is this what a heart attack feels? My poor Heart”
“What is her deal?” you asked your Sister, who already had tears in her eyes from laughing
“You just absolutely BUTCHERED her language and food” Keira said, her tone dry as usual still looking over the menu.
“But it says there...” you climbed on top of Lucy, your Knee pressing into her thigh, causing her to groan out in pain, to show Keira on the Menu “Potatoes braves... or something like that”
“Patatas Bravas” Keira corrected you “It is potatoes, but it's not called Potatoes and definitely not Braves..”
“Look at you, all fancy spanishing” you rolled your eyes at her, but she knew you didn't mean it.
“Could you please finally get off me?” Lucy groaned out, pushing you back on your chair “When did you get so heavy?”
“Are you calling me fat, Arse biscuits??” you challenged her by raising an eyebrow
“What if I do, Twat McFuckknuckle?” Lucy taking your bait, raising her eyebrow as well
“Stop it! Both of you, we have company AND in public” Keira said sharply, successfully interrupting your interaction “God the two of you – always trouble”
You kicked Lucys ankle lightly under the Table, she shoving you, pushing you successfully into Alexia.
“Sorry... she pushed me” you mumbled out, while shoving Lucy back.
Alexia looked at Keira “Are they always this violent towards each other?”
“Oh this isn't violent – this is actually them behaving” Keira smiled fake, watching you two shoving each other “Just wait till there's food on the Table – THEN it gets violent”.
Just as they were about to order, Ona joined the small Group, pressing a small Kiss to Lucys lips. You watched that interaction with a frown on your face. You cared deeply for Keira and assumed it wasn't easy on her watching her Ex and her new Girlfriend kissing right in front of her. You carefully looked at Keira, but saw her laughing with Ingrid, who changed seats for conversation purposes.
“What's this dark look on your face, Cariño?” Alexia whispered in your ear, unknowing to you, she always had an eye on you.
“Nothing” you said flatly, not wanting to start a scene “I'm just hungry”
It was your Sisters Birthday after all and she looked very happy with Ona.
“Dinner will be served soon, don't worry” the Barca captain said lightly, putting a hand on your bouncing knee.
“Ale?” Mapí asked from Alexias other side.
“Si?” the woman in question looked at her younger Teammate
“Can we swipe seats?” Mapí asked hopefully.
You look at her confused “You want to what?”
“Swipe seats... I take Alexias, she sits in my seat” the young spanish said
“Oh... OH... you mean swap...” you say as you realize what she wants “and they say I butcher a language”
“No” Alexia said sternly “before you ask, you two won't be anywhere unsupervised”
“Oi” you exclaim “I'm very capable of looking after myself”, while Mapí exclaimed something in spanish.
“No idea what she said, but she's right” you say, pointing at Mapí
“Enough” Alexia said sternly, both of you stop complaining immediately.
Keira looked impressed at Alexia, trying to hide her smirk. Lucy was in her own world with Ona, ignoring everything around her. Finally there was Food on the Table and before the Plagrabfor everyone even were placed on the Table, you and Mapí already starting to grab whatever you could reach. Alexia watched in horror, as you two just loading food on your own plates without waiting for the rest “Excuse me? María León... I know for a fact that you have manners and won't just load your plate with food without WAITING for everyone else – especially for the Woman who celebrates her birthday today... isn't that right, María?”
Mapí looked down on her plate guilty, before starting to put the food back.
“I thought so” Alexia said, still a mad undertone in her voice
You on the other Hand didn't care one bit. You grew up in the Bronze household. You snooze, you loose. You threw a little fried something into your mouth, chewing happily. That was until the spiciness kicked in. Your eyes went wide, tears starting to form in your eyes and you started to have problems to breath. As always, you turned to Keira for help, throwing food at her to get her attention.
“Y/n please... I didn't raise you for years so you start throwing food in public” the Woman said, turning to you before realizing what was happening. Once she saw you in your distressed state, she immediately came over, pulling you out of your chair and out of the restaurant. Lucy finally noticed her surroundings, as Keira pulled you outside. She jumped up, following the two of you outside
“What happened?” Lucy asked worried, seeing you having difficulties to breath and tears streaming down your face.
“I don't know. She suddenly started to throw food at me, I actually was about to tell her off, but saw her having problems to breath and got her out” Keira gave Lucy a rundown, while keeping you upright
“It's okay, Bitsy... calm down” Keira started to talk to you in a low, soothing voice “Take a deep breath for me”
You tried to follow her instructions, but with no luck. Lucy finally sprung into action grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at her
“Did you eat something?”
You nod, still trying your hardest to breath.
You nod again, thankful that your Sister keeps a cool head.
“You're doing good, Bubs... Do you know what you've eaten?”
You shake your head.
“Okay... we can work with that” Lucy said, a small reassuring smile on her lips, turning to Keira “Could you get something dairy.. milk... yoghurt... whatever”
“Sure” Keira smiled before disparaging inside the Restaurant.
“It's okay, Bubs... it's going to get better soon, I promise – just... don't shovel everything into your gob without asking next time.. these guys here are absolutely unholy when it comes to spicy food”. Just as your Sisters calm voice started to work on your nerves, Keira appeared with a glass of milk AND yoghurt
“Drink Bitsy” she smiled assuringly at you, pushing the glass of milk into your hands.
You took a sip and immediately felt your tight chest loosen up. Greedily you drowned the whole glass, feeling better with every gulp.
“Fuck” was the first word, that left your mouth after you regain your breathing again.
“You okay now, Bubs?” Lucy asked concerned.
“Getting there” you said, leaning forward, your hands on your knees “But I think I need to throw up”
Lucy pulled you upright quickly “Are you serious?”
“Yep” you breathed deeply, your stomach on a wrath for torturing it
“I'm getting you home right now” your Sister said seriously “Spicy is one thing, but your stomach is normally made of steel, that's not normal”
You just groaned
“Stay” Keira said to your Sister “It's your Birthday – I'll take her to my Place and have an eye on her... you stay and enjoy your evening, okay?”
“I can't ask that of you, Kei” Lucy said softly
“You're not asking... I'm offering” Keira smiled softly “If she feels up for it, we can meet for brunch or lately at training”
“Thank you” Lucy whispered, hugging her Ex-Girlfriend before turning to you “You behave... be good for Keira”
You nod before Keira wraps you into a hug, leading you away.
As soon as you're out of earshot and view, Keira let go of you and grinned knowingly “You can stop pretending now...”
You looked at her shocked “How did you know?”
“I was always able to tell... your sister is right, you have a stomach made of steel... your whole face changed after you drank the milk and I knew you're alright again... what I don't know is why you put on a show” the english Woman smirked at you, as she called you out
“Didn't want you to put up with Lucy and her new One being all lovey-dovey all evening... and I didn't want to put up with it either” you mumble caught.
Keira started to laugh loudly “Oh Bitsy... I see that lovey-dovey every day... it's okay for me... Lucy deserves to be happy...”
You looked at Keira and she knew there was more to it.
“What's wrong, Bitsy?” she ask lovingly
“I feel like it's my fault you broke up...” you mumble, having a hard deja-vu
“Oh sweetheart... no it's not... Lucy and I just grew apart. It happens and it's nobodies fault, especially not yours... but there's more, isn't it?” Keira said softly
“I don't like the new one” you mumble out, looking down embarrassed
“Why? Ona is a good person, she's good to and for your Sister”
“She looks like she doesn't even need to shave” you exclaimed.
Keira bursted out laughing “You're one of a kind, Bitsy... trust me... Ona is a good Person and she's good for Lucy... I know you're always struggling with change, but please.. give Ona a chance, she'll surprise you”
“M'kay” you mumble.
You arrived at Keiras Apartment, she let you both in before setting up her guest room for you. You went on exploring Keiras home. You were about to open a cabinet as she called from the guest room “Don't you dare open my Cabinets... I love you but you're a clutz”.
You quickly let go of the handle, looking at the pictures hanging on the wall instead. You spotted one of yourself and Lucy, sound asleep on your Couch in Manchester. You laid on top of Lucy, while she was sprawled out under you, her right arm over your back, holding you safely, her knee carefully placed on some pillows, her glasses askew on her face, your hand fisted in her shirt.
“I love that picture” Keiras voice soft behind you “I came back from training, wondering why she hadn't answered my texts about dinner... I walked in and both of you were softly snoring on the Couch. Your leg was so close to her freshly operated knee, that I was afraid you'd hurt it, if you move and I tried to lift you off her, but both of you started to stir as soon as I moved you. So I just let you sleep – after I took a picture. I think Lucy slept for another hour and you slept for nearly three more hours”
Keiras voice was soft and full of love, that you started crying silently. Another picture showed Lucy and Keira in a park, you asleep in between them. You pointed at the picture, your back still facing her.
“London” Keira said understanding you even without words “Our first anniversary.. She planned this whole Weekend to the brim, with fancy Restaurant, Musical Show, Sightseeing... everything... then your parents got so sick with the flu, that we took you with us... her plans went so fast out the window” Keira laughed quietly “but we improvised and instead of fancy restaurant we did pick-nick in Hyde Park – and I wouldn't change it for the world. You were so done after a day of exploring the city and all of the sights, that you were out like light as soon as you sat down”
You pointed at the next picture, again the three of you.
“You can't remember this one?” she asks you surprised.
“I do” you whisper “but... please”
“Paris” Keira said softly “Third anniversary.. Lucy just joined Lyon and invited me over to France for our anniversary She told me, she has the weekend off and wanted to take me to Paris – I honestly thought she would propose... Somehow you heard Lucy talking to your mum and begged her to let you come as well. It was the first time you two were separated and everyone could see that it was so hard on you. Lucy said as long as I'm okay with it, you could come. I remember you being so over the top with your nerves, that you ran around the Airport like a maniac... I lost you twice” Keira chuckled “and as soon as we started, you were out like a light again. In Paris, I had do carry you off the Plane, because you wouldn't wake up – and I still had to get our luggage AND carry you. It took me forever and Lucy was starting to panic that I bailed until she saw me, packed like a Donkey holding onto your sleeping form, dragging our bags behind me. And what did she do? She first smiled and then laughed – but it was the most beautiful sound in the world to me”
“Do you miss her?” you asked quietly.
“Of course I do” Keira answered honestly.
“Do you still love her?”
“I love her, yes... but I'm not IN love with her” she said.
You finally turned around, hugging her tightly.
“I miss you at home... so much” you mumble into her shoulder, tears rolling down your cheeks. Keira held you tightly “Oh sweet girl.. I miss you too – I really do”
You stayed like this for a moment, before your eyes grew heavy and Keira carefully walked the two of you towards the Guest bedroom, not letting go of you. You held onto her for dear life, letting her guide you.
As Keira kicked the door of the Guest room open, you mumble into her shoulder “Don't wanna sleep alone”
The english Woman chuckled lightly “I thought so... I just thought I'd offer, just in case... being a good host and everything”
She guided you towards her own Bedroom and sat you down on the Bed. You already were half asleep and whined tiredly as Keira let go of you. She smiled at your hunched over form
“Hush you... I need to change and get ready for bed – you too by the way”
You whined again “too much effort”
“Come on” Keira pulled at your Shirt “Teeth, Face, Change”
You felt like being Seven all over again.
“Nooooo” you whined out.
“Don't start... I'm not Lucy, I'm not a push-over... seven years of me in your life should have taught you that” Keira said severe.
You huffed heavy-hearted, before pushing off the Bed, shuffling towards the bathroom.
Keira smiled to herself “Still a big baby”.
After both of you went through your nightly Routine, with Keira basically brushing your teeth for you and changed your button down shirt with a normal shirt to sleep in, you made it into bed, where you immediately cuddled into Keiras arms and closed your Eyes. The older Woman kissed the Crown of your Head as she mumbled sweet nothings into the dark room, knowing you'd fall asleep in an instant.
Part 2 follows... at some point 😅
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aauroraxia · 3 months
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐨
A. Aretas
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*ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆ | synopsis: part 2 to ‘Chico Celoso’ if you haven’t read it I advise you to | warnings: hardcore sex, Armandos very rough, choking!, slight dumification!, | pairings: Armando x black reader | Authors note: There’s lots of Spanish! I dont usually write smut so please bear with me😩, enjoy!
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 ride home was silent. Armando wouldn’t take his eyes off the road.
His jaw was clenched and he was gripping the steering wheel pretty hard. You knew what you were in for.
You walked to your bedroom sitting on your bed, Armando trailing behind you.
He closed the bedroom door and stood in front of you, looking down in your eyes.
“¿Lo disfrutaste?” He asked.
“¿Te gustó coquetear con él?”
“No, of course not baby!”
His hands traced up your shoulder, pulling the straps of your shirt down, then taking your shirt all the way off
“Did you like his hands all over you?“ He asked tracing his thumbs over your nipples.
You let out a slight gasp from the small but ecstatic sensation.
“¿Quieres que te toque?” Armando asked you sliding down his pants and rescuing his hand under you skirt, pulling it and your panties off.
“Yes pl-“
Before the word please could fall off your tongue he pulled you into a heated but passionate kiss. This turned into a heated make out session between the lovers.
He sat down so you were no longer in front of him.
He pushed you down so you were now laying down, before moving on top of you.
He gripped your thighs to help position you under him.
He broke the kiss and immediately slammed into you.
You let out a shocking loud moan.
He chuckled to himself hearing your scream.
"Oh my GOD "You screamed hissing at the pleasurable pain he caused
You dug your nails into his back dragging them down trying to take your mind from the pain.
"You'll regret getting that close to another man, even if it was for your job." He spoke constantly slamming into you.
'Why the hell did I agree to this mission. You cussed internally at yourself realizing the predicament you were in.
The room echoed with the sounds of your moans and profanities.
Your breathing became heavy and your legs seemed like they were giving out.
His tight grip on your thighs and the constant slamming was the only thing reminding you that your legs weren't completely numb.
"Armando please."You let out in a whisper trying to speak as you felt yourself tighten around him
"Shh solo correte para mi.“ He said picking up his pace.
Your head fell back on the pillow as you tried to calm your breathing.
He kissed up your neck to your ear and lightly nibbled on it.
You thought he was finished.
Jokes on you.
"You can't rest just yet I'm not done"He spoke as he pulled out of you and you felt yourself moving higher
"Inclínate para mí mamá.”
He flipped you over and waited for you to move.
You struggled to get up screaming internally at the pain coming from your legs.
As soon as you got in position he wasted no time and once again slammed inside. Instantly your legs gave out. He grabbed your waist and held you in place.
"You're supposed to stay on all fours Y/n"
"I-I can't"
"Then I guess I'll make you"
He went at a steady pace repeating earlier.
Ramming himself in you with every thrust.
You closed your eyes not having the energy to keep them open.
You gave into any and everything he was doing.
It didn't take long for you to reach your climax.
“Nunca vuelvas a hacer una mierda así.” He said between his panting.
He grabbed your neck, choking you from behind.
“I- I- I won’t.” You babbled.
You barely could get your words out, the pleasure was overwhelming.
He sped up his pace before pulling out and cumming on you back.
You fell completely on the bed, breathing heavily.
Armando layed down beside you, analyzing you in your fucked out state.
After you rested for a few minutes, you figured out why Armando did all this.
“You know, I think I know why you did all this.”
He looked at you curiously “¿por qué?”
“Porque estas celoso” You said laughing.
He glared at you which made you laugh more.
“mi chico celoso.” You said cupping his face and kissing him.
“De qué tengo que estar celoso, soy el que está a tu lado.”
“I don’t know maybe you were threatened by Jackson.” You replied
He got out of the bed without saying another word, heading towards the bathroom
“Come back! I was joking!” You said running after him.
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*ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆ | Translations
Chico Celoso - Jealous Boy
¿Lo disfrutaste? - Did you enjoy it?
¿Te gustó coquetear con él? - Did you like flirting with him?
¿Quieres que te toque? - Do you want me to touch you?
Shh solo correte para mi - Shh cum for me
Inclínate para mí mamí - Bend over mamí
N unca vuelvas a hacer una mierda así - Don't ever do shit like that again
¿por qué? - Why
Porque estas celoso - Because your jealous
mi chico celoso - my jealous boy
De qué tengo que estar celoso, soy el que a tu lado - What do I have to be jealous of, I'm the one next to you
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Hey Guys! I’m starting a tag list so comment ‘🩷’ if you want to be added to it also I’m taking request! See ya😉!
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silverisfuzzy · 5 months
Make Them Hear Us - NSFW
i wrote this a long time ago and i dont remember if i wrote it well but i dont feel like fixing it so you get what you get,,, anyway
miguel o'hara x reader (+18)
interact on ao3 too if ya wanna :)
warnings: masturbation, dick riding, still dont know if this counts as voyeurism, biting, miguel uses his talons, belly bulge, mildly desperate reader, miguel whimpers, no use of y/n
Miguel has always been so sweet to you, he took such care in making sure you were loved. Of course, this behavior translated to bed just as much and while the sex was amazing, you knew he was holding back on you. You have tried sending a message to get him riled up, making him jealous, or wearing all kinds of lingerie but nothing changed. You were starting to get desperate, which brought you to tonight.
You were reading in bed waiting for Miguel to come home when you heard noises coming from the other side of the wall in the apartment next door. A loud bang rang against the wall followed by loud moaning. You groaned, trying to tune it out but that became impossible when the banging on the wall started to quicken into a rhythm while the moaning and screaming grew louder. Setting down your book, you sighed lifting up Miguel’s shirt that you were wearing, and slipped your hand past your underwear. You slid your fingers through your folds, sighing as your wetness grew. You pressed your fingers against your clit, rubbing in circles as you laid your head back. Listening to your neighbors moaning, you dipped your fingers into your heat, thinking about Miguel fucking you as hard as your neighbors were. Focusing solely on your pleasure, writhing and moaning under your own touch imagining that it was Miguel, you failed to hear the keys unlocking the apartment door. It was not until heavy footsteps entered the room that you opened your unknowingly closed eyes, that you nearly jumped out of your skin. 
You quickly pulled your hand from your underwear, sitting up on the edge of the bed tugging the oversized shirt over your lap, “Miguel! I didn’t hear you come in, I’m sorry… Uhm, h-how was your day?”
The silence was almost deafening if your neighbors weren’t still screaming on the other side of the wall. He walked over, caging you between his arms on the bed, and whispered in your ear, “Why did you stop?” Your breath shook as you stayed silent, “You’re listening to them, aren’t you?”
Your breath hitched as he pressed his lips to yours. He held your face as you kissed him back holding on to his forearms, licking your way into his mouth. Miguel sighed against your lips as the kiss grew messy, he moved his hands back to the bed nudging you to lay down. Pressing his body to yours feeling him hard against your thigh as he crawled over you. Your hips shot up aching for friction, his hand moved to your hip to hold you down, and you whined against his lips. Miguel pulled away, trailing kisses from your jaw to the crook of your neck, feeling his breath and fangs brush your skin. You had dreams about him sinking those sharp teeth into you.
Your hands traveled down to the back of his shirt pushing it up and softly dragging your nails across his skin. He groaned and sat up to pull his shirt over his head, you stared per usual, it was impossible not to. His broad shoulders were just begging to have your nails digging into them as you rode him. You were pulled out of your trance as a bang was heard across the wall and the moaning somehow became louder.
You caught Miguel’s gaze as a smirk spread across your face, “You want to try being louder?” He laughed and leaned in close to you again.
“Let’s give them what we got,” he purred, sliding his hand between your legs, brushing over the fabric of your underwear slick from your arousal. “ Para quien es esto? ” he hums, pushing aside the fabric and slipping a finger into your heat.
Your mouth hung open, his finger stretching you farther than your own. Miguel slowly pumped into you and you felt like you would lose your mind when he slipped a second past your lips. You moaned loudly when he picked up the pace and pressed his thumb to your clit, circling in rhythm with his fingers.
“Oh fuck,” you cursed, head thrown back and hands gripping the blankets, your chest swelled as a knot began to tighten deep in your core. Miguel sensed this, curling his fingers to hit that sweet spot deep within you to draw out your orgasm. Your hand flew to his hair, “Fuck, Miguel, I’m close,” panting as the sound of your slick began to become more apparent. Miguel watched your face intently, shortening his movements deep inside you keeping the pressure on his fingertips. “ Muérdame ,” you begged, tugging his hair.
“What?” his hand slowed and you whimpered from the lost sensation as your orgasm wavered.
“Bite me, Miguel, fuck please please please,” pleading as you pulled his face towards your neck. You felt his heavy breath before he closed the distance from your skin, his hand’s pace quickened once again as he sunk his teeth into you. The combination of his fingers and the piercing sensation was enough for the knot in your core to finally snap. You leaned your head against Miguel’s, moaning loudly into his ear as you rutted against his hand. You groaned as he removed his teeth from you, kissing and licking over the wound, you released your grip on the blanket to hold his face close. His pupils were blown, “Fuck, thank you, Miguel,” you smiled, pushing the hair from his forehead, “I wanted you to do that for so long.” Miguel surged forward to capture your lips, you moaned into his mouth as he removed his fingers from between your legs. He sat up sucking your slick from his fingers, you sat in disbelief at the sight, before he reached for his pants and pushed them off. In the midst, you take off your underwear and are about to remove your shirt when Miguel stops you.
“ Déjalo , I love seeing you in my clothes,” he hums, running his hand up between your breasts before settling back down on your waist as he leans forward to gently suck and bite the skin on your neck without his fangs. He positions himself at your entrance, the neighbors are still moaning and banging against the wall as Miguel looks you in the eye, “Are you ready?” he asks and you nod before he slowly pushes into you. You’ve had sex plenty of times since you’ve gotten together and you are never used to how ungodly he stretched you out. Your mouth hangs open, broken moans spilling from your throat. Miguel’s breath hitches as he glides in easily, not making a sound until he is flush with you. Moaning against your neck as he is fully seated but still patiently waiting for you to adjust to his girth. As much as you loved how careful he was with you, you desperately needed him to use your body however he pleased.
“God, Miguel, I need you to move! Fuck me until I can’t walk anymore, you don’t need to be gentle with me,” you moaned.
“Are you sure?” He groaned, breathing heavily. 
“Yes, Miguel! Fuck, I need you so bad. Fuck me, Miguel, fuck m-” Miguel quickly sat up, gripping your waist, pulling back, and slamming into you. You yelp from the sudden movement, the both of you are moaning as Miguel sets a quick pace, thrusting deep into you. He groaned as he watched where you connected, the sound of skin slapping gaining volume.
Miguel held your waist tightly, enough to leave bruises later, and pinned you down to the bed as your hands scrambled to tangle themselves into the bedsheets. The force from his thrusts rocked the headboard sharply against the wall, a battle raging with the couple next door. Miguel released his grip, leaning over you to capture your hands in his, entangling your fingers and trapping them next to your head. You dug your heels into the small of his back to keep yourself grounded as Miguel shifted his hips to hit your spot directly. You could have sworn that you saw God for a moment. 
“Take me how you want, papi ,” you beg, so fucked out and desperate that you do not even realize that your bodies have now been flipped over leaving you straddling Miguel’s hips. Taking advantage of the position, you pin his hands against the sheets as you lift your hips, feeling the thick veins slide along your walls. Miguel stared up at you, his jaw slack, and tightened his grip on your hands as you dropped yourself back onto his cock. The motion was quick to punch a strung-out moan from both of your mouths. You sat up and leaned back, releasing your hold on his hands, and placed them against Miguel’s thighs behind you, lifting your hips and dropping them once again. This time hitting your spot sharply, you practically screamed as your head fell back and your legs trembled. He groaned as his hands flew to your thighs, guiding your hips onto his cock. You felt his talons stick out slightly poking into your skin, drawing a bit of blood but not deep enough to shred your legs. They kept you tied to his grasp, unable to escape the harsh rhythm that he set forth. You felt him deep, not realizing how far until one of Miguel’s hands glided over the lower part of your stomach. It took all of your strength to lift your head and stare down at where his hand pressed, your heart pangs heavily in your chest as you notice the skin bulge out in rhythm with Miguel’s hips.
“Oh fuck, Miguel, you’re so deep,” you gasp, dropping your hips harder, the squelching, slapping of skin, and loud moaning filling your apartment. There is a faint knock against the wall behind Miguel’s head and somewhere in the back of your fucked out brain you realize that the neighbors have been quiet for a while. The thought left your mind as quickly as it entered when Miguel pulled you to his chest, pinning your hands behind your back, planting his feet, and fucked up into you at a blinding pace. Your voice was beginning to crack and break, small gasping sounds were the only thing making it out of your tightened throat. At this angle, Miguel was slamming into your spot head-on, your fingernails dug into your palm and you mouthed at the crook of his neck as your orgasm neared. After a couple more harsh thrusts, the heat in your core erupted sending you to let out a final yell against Miguel’s skin. Your walls clenched involuntarily around his cock as he continued to pound into you.
“Shit. Fuck.” Miguel groaned, pressing his head back against the mattress, “You feel so good.” His voice eventually dissolves into short breathy whimpers as his hips begin to stutter, releasing his hold on your hands to grip your hips. You bring your hands up to hold Miguel’s face between your palms, planting your lips on his, moaning into each other.
You pull away from him, speaking against his lips, “Cum for me, Miguel.” The words are barely out of your mouth when you feel a warmth spill into you and Miguel is moaning across your face. He thrusts slowly through his orgasm as you both try to catch your breath. Your legs are trembling from the overstimulation while you are lifting yourself off of Miguel to collapse on the bed next to him. You shutter slightly feeling the cum drip out of you, you hum as you reach your hand between your legs to coat your finger in the substance. You turn your head to look at Miguel, bringing your hand up to your mouth and wrapping your lips around your cum coated finger. It was hard to decipher his emotion after an orgasm but the slight widening and dilating of his eyes said enough to warm your chest. You chuckle softly and speak with a raspy voice, your throat officially giving up for the time being, “So do you think we won?”
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Could you elaborate more about the fight Miguel had with your family that was mentioned in the soccer family proposal imagine?
Ayyy! It's the perfect chance to get the angst out of me jsksj. And of course, no relationship is perfect 💔.
What caused the fight Pt3
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Gabriel's eyes settled on the both as you entered Miguel's apartment. Solemnity and listless faces dragged inside.
Gabriel was as perspicacious as his elder brother. A habit rubbed on him through the years of sharing the apartment and drunk in mezcal and tequila talks.
You were teary eyed, unable to look him for more than a couple of seconds before acknowledge him with a lip tight smile and follow Miguel to his room like a scolded puppy. The room felt smaller, crumpling around you, almost suffocating. A couple of your belongings scattered around the place.
So far the only indicators that a woman occupied a spot in his life. Silence felt so deafening it crawled and bit on your tremorous skin. Dread had made itself comfortable in your guts along anxiety ever since you left your old house. Cause you'd certainly wouldn't able to call it home.
And after all these years the little to no improvement had only made you oath to yourself that you'd stay as far as possible from them.
You'd notice the white of his knuckles gripping so tightly at the wheel, that when you tried to get a hold of his hand, his hand recoiled from yours. An appalling contrast from hours ago where he'd held you and gave gentle touches to ease and relief your nerves.
You had warned him, and still the both got burned. Him specially. It felt like the person you had as a mother figure was doing it on purpose to upset you and him.
It couldn't be that bad between the both, right? If he was honest, at first he thought that nothing but a small fight had ensued and that you were a little immature about it. But as your relationship kept growing you'd tell him just the highlights of your mother's behavior.
Something that he actually related way too well. He knew that speaking of your family was still a sore point, something you were treating with therapy.
"What's wrong, Miguel?"
"Nada." (Nothing)
"Mentiroso. ¿Qué te pasa?" (Liar, what's wrong?
Silence. You were done with it.
"You haven't spoke much ever since we got back from my old house. You're not... even looking at me!"
"Your family thinks I'm a freak."
You frowned and shook your head.
"And I apologize for that. I warned you about them-"
"Thanks for the fucking late warning"
His massive back heaved with subtle anger as it turned to you. His hands in his waist.
"Miguel..." Your eyes went wide at his words, head buzzed with his hurtful words.
"I bet you didn't even tell them about me."
His accusing tone was certainly tugging too hard at your heart seams. "I barely keep communication with them, Miguel. You out of everyone knows it!"
"Are you ashamed of me?" His self doubt threw daggers at your heart with each syllable that formed the question.
"¿Qué no oyes? Te avergüenzas de mí o qué?! (Didn't you hear, are you ashamed of me or what?!)
"Le bajas a tu tono que no eres mi papá. No le permití jamás levantarme la voz para que tú lo hagas ahora." (Chill your tone down, you're not my father. I never allowed him to do so for you to come at me like that now.)
"And now you're scared of me"
"Listen to yourself, Miguel! Pull your head out of your ass for a second and listen to how you're talking to me! Haven't I been there for you and with you since last year?"
Gabriel gave a silent whistle as your fight grew loud enough for him to hear everything outside Miguel's bedroom door. He retreated to his room out of politeness.
"Yeah, we've been-"
"Then why you act like I'm being a burden to you all out the sudden? Why are you acting like I'm the one that hurt you?! You know that I'd never do that!. I'm not my family, Miguel."
Your voice cracked.
He shook his head. He had seen the way everyone stared at him when he tried to open the beer with his teeth. Fearful, disgusted.
The exact way he was looking at you.
To say it hurt was an understatement. He was deliberately prying open your chest and ripping your heart out while showing off and marveling at the process of such act.
"You... You don't wanna be with me anymore?"
The question sent a painful jab to his chest, but his wounded ego had taken all the controls on his rational side.
"Maybe it's time for you to get someone that's fucking normal. I'm clearly not. So why staying?"
A hiccup.
"Because I love you, you fucking idiot!"
A sob, and his heart sunk deeper.
Apologize. Now.
His mind chanted but his pride joined in the maneuvering of his spilled and jagged emotions. Adding more dry bones to the fire.
"But clearly this... this isn't working out, isn't it?"
Your head nodded as your arms braced your quivering form. A meek protection from his cutting words.
"Sorry to have wasted your time then." You spoke in between angry sobs as you removed the necklace he once gifted you and shoved it back to his hand.
His bottom lip pursed as he saw you picking up the little traces of you in a haste. He went for your shoulder gently.
"Mira, yo-" (Look, I-)
You recoiled away from him as silent tears kept rolling down your face. Some watered the carpet underneath your feet.
"You've said enough."
A way too polite 'Don't Touch Me"
You picked up your things in your arms, messily. The room was clutching at your throat, cutting bit by bit your breaths, but Miguel's indifference was the one that made your head spin from the sudden lack of air. He was killing you with his suffocating coldness.
You hadn't mind the little brostbites he'd gave you, but this one had been too bad for you to keep holding it up. The burn had been too much. Too fast and too deep for you to properly process. All you knew is that you needed to get out.
Bundling up the things in the cardigan, you went out his bedroom's door.
His steps followed you, but this time he was the one unable to catch up. You were already closing the main door with a quiet close.
His hands trembled as they found their way on each side of his hips. Gripping and provoking enough pressure to at least feel a fraction of the pain he just put you through.
The necklace in his hand still warm. His own heat dulling yours. Just like your smile. Just like you. Just like every damn thing that made him feel good and happy.
Self sabotage was his best trait. Something he clearly forgot to warn you. But it was late.
The texture of the metal chain crunched underneath his fist.
Too late.
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cosmicluvcore · 5 months
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To be human part 2
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, himbo Leo (?), one sided pining
Part 1 here, Part 3
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Idk if you can tell but this is kinda Aladdin inspired
Also I wasn't sure abt posting this since it has no Y/N interactions umm so sorry if you're dissapointed
I promise the next one will have fluffy moments between Y/N and Leo!! Sorry this is short
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney
"¿Qué hice para merecer esto?" Is what the disgruntled Señor Hueso muttered under his breath, as he watched Leo come crashing into his restaurant.
Of all the times that mutant decides to show up, it had to be on a good day. A loud sigh left the skeleton's mouth as he watched the turtle bump into one of his waiters, knocking all the dishes out of her hand.
"Señor! Señor!" Leo called out eagerly as he approached, "I have a really, really important request and you have to-"
He was interrupted by Hueso placing his hand up, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.
"Instead of disturbing my guests, Pepino, let's talk in the staff room."
Leo was still wiping spilled spaghetti off himself as he spoke. Amazingly, that didn't stop his excited flow.
"Señor, bone head, buddy! Long time no see, right?" Leo asked in an overly friendly manner, offering Hueso a hand.
Hueso glanced at his hand, which had marinara sauce on it, before glancing back at Leo with an unimpressed expression.
"Uf hijo, did you just come here to cause trouble?" He asked rather bluntly.
Leo chuckled to himself, "Of course not! I just came here for a little... help."
"Help?" Hueso repeated, tilting his head as he watched Leo's over excited behavior.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me get my hands on a cloaking brooch." He explained briefly while wiping away the bit of sauce that was on his shoulder.
"A cloaking brooch?" Hueso repeated raising his brow, "Why would you need one of those? I've seen you walk among humans like it's nothing."
"It's not for that."
Leo bit his lip unsure whether he should let the truth spill, no one knew of his little crush and he was afriad if he started talking about them he wouldn't know when to stop. So he took the easier route.
"It's for uh- You know... science." He lied, smiling awkwardly as if that made his reply more believable.
Señor Hueso simply shot him an unconvinced expression.
"Este idiota..." The skeleton muttered under his breath, "Why don't you just say why you really want it? It would save you from the embarrassment of lying to my face."
Yeah, Hueso wasn't buying it. Figures.
"Okay okay, I'll admit that wasn't my best performance," Leo said with a grin, although his trade mark smirk faded into a small frown as Hueso stared back at him with narrowed eyes.
"Truth is I'm trying to impress someone..." He admitted quietly, his gaze darting to the ground, while he fidgeted with his hands sheepishly.
Hueso blinked in surprise at the turtles sudden shyness, "Trying to impress someone?" He repeated curiously, looking back to the blushing turtle for futher confimration.
Leo bit his lip, his heart fluttering at the thought of them, "A human." He confessed softly.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before, they're just perfect in every way!" He explained brightly, though his happy expression faultered, "But, I don't think they'd be interested in, this whole situation." He frowned, gesturing to himself.
Hueso nodded slowly as he listened, "I see," He hummed in reply, looking thoughtful as he considered Leo's situation for a moment, "So you want to pretend to be human and lie to them?"
Leo frowned at the skeletons blutness, "It's not a lie! I'm just... bending... the truth," He said, his brow furrowing as he spoke.
Even he didn't believe himself this time.
"Alright it's kinda a lie, but what other chance do I have?"
"I don't know, tell them the truth?" Hueso retorted, Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes as he was lectured on the obvious answer, "If you really think this person is worth it, then you should be honest with them."
"The last thing I need to be is honest." The turtle insisted stubbornly, his expression souring at the idea of even attemping to tell his crush how he felt.
Leo hated to picture it, he hated that he knew his voice would tremble as he would try his best to convey to them how deeply he felt.
He hated how he knew he would stammer over his words as he scrambled to find the best way to express his feelings.
And then he would have to wait impatiently for their reply, fearing the worst, after this new discovery.
Not like he could blame Y/N.
Who wouldn't turn down a nervous idiot? And why would anyone ever be interested in someone who looks like him?
"I don't want to risk losing them." Leo finally said, sighing before meeting Hueso gaze again with a serious expression.
"Look, all I need is a brooch. I just want a chance to be with them and make them happy. Please, Señor?"
As Hueso watched Leo's sad expression he was still unsure how to reply, he knew this was an awful idea yet Leo seemed so attached to it. The puppy dog eyes that the blue masked turtle was giving him eventually casused a defeated sigh escape Hueso's mouth.
"Fine, I have a spare somewhere around here," Hueso muttered reluctantly, too tired to keep pushing, turning to his desk and opening a drawer, "Just don't blame me when things go terribly wrong."
Leo's expression immediately brightened.
"Really?!" He leaned over Señor Hueso's shoulder, eagerly watching as the skeleton searched.
Eventually, Hueso found it, a gold gemstone-adorned brooch.
As Leo looked at the badazzled brooch, excitement began to bubble in his chest, the glamorous item really did make this whole situation seem a lot cooler. This was his key to being Y/N's perfect romantic partner, something he'd dreamed of for far too long that was now finally a possibility. His heart soared at the thought.
"Here," Hueso said, handing him the brooch, "Try not to get spaghetti on it, Pepino."
Leo was practically vibrating with excitement as the brooch was placed into his hands. He nodded at Hueso's words despite not really hearing them.
"Thanks Señor! I can keep this right?" He asked.
"Just don't damage it." Hueso warned in reply, "If you do, it could stop-"
But before he got the chance to finish his words, Leo had disappeared into another blue portal.
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gavisimmaculaterizz · 6 months
original request: “Can you write a gavi story where he cheats on his gf and he regrets it and does everything for her to not find out and she does after a while and he loses her and has to work to get her back”
— regret / pablo gavi.
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summary: gavi can’t lose you after what he did.
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating
gavi knew he messed up after leaving the local night club. he regretted even going to the club, feeling remorse for the shitty actions he had just made..
it all started at the local night club in barcelona.. gavi and his teammates had just won an important trophy for the club, and they decided to celebrate their victory. out of any other place, they all settled and decided on going to the club to have some drinks to ease off the victory night.
upon arriving to the club, the boys got started on their drinks, already feeling excited after the win.
drink after drink, gavi was soon full of so much adrenaline, not in the right mind to properly think straight. that boy was deep in the drinks, not even caring about what he did..
which led him to making out with a girl..
he obviously didn’t know her name, and her face was a blur to him. all he knew was she randomly got close to him, and initiated the heated kiss..
but if it wasn’t for his best friend pedri who was still aware of his surroundings, he would’ve taken her home and slept with her..
pedri couldn’t believe what he was seeing. you were such a nice girlfriend, he knew you loved gavi with your heart, but at this moment he knew gavi really fucked up. he knew he had to speak up..
“hermano! que estás haciendo!”, yelled pedri, pulling the girl off gavi’s lap. (brother what are you doing)
gavi quickly looked at his best friend, angered at the distraction, and saw his disbelieved look on his face.
“que? que paso?”, gavi said, trying to find out why his friend interrupted him. (what, what happened)
“estabas besando a una chica.. estás loco o que hermano?”, pedri said, anger quickly rising to his voice. (you were kissing a chick.. are you crazy or what brother)
gavi’s face soon turned red at the words that came out of his best friends mouth. he couldn’t believe it!
“no me digas eso tío.. en serio?”, gavi said quietly..
all pedri could do was nod. he had no words for what he had witnessed his best friend do.
“mira, no le digas a tu novia, si le dices será un infierno para ti.”, pedri said, speaking his thoughts out loud to him.
gavi quickly obliged to his friends words, worried about your future relationship with him.
he didn’t want to ruin your relationship, but surely he didn’t want to hide it from you.
once gavi had arrived home from the club, he was welcomed with your light snores coming from your bedroom. he quickly went to the room, once he entered the room, he saw you and his heart melted. he looked at your relaxed expression, signifying you were deep in your sleep.
he couldn’t help but look at your face, only thinking about his actions he did earlier. he didn’t want to hide it from you, but his consciousness was starting to eat at him.
when you woke up in the morning, you felt your boyfriends big arms on you. you knew he went to the club to enjoy their victorious night, but you couldn’t help feel a little bit scared, not knowing if your boyfriend did anything that could affect your relationship with him..
but oh he definitely did something, and is hiding it from you..
you woke up and got ready for the day, having plans with your best friends at some local cafe later in the day.
you quietly did your skincare, and changed into some nice leggings and a sweater you had stolen from your boyfriends closet.
you got yourself ready, leaving your apartment and heading to your car.
you couldn’t believe the weather in barcelona, it was a nice and warm day, perfect weather for going out with your friends.
you arrived later at the coffee shop, waiting for your friends elena and victoria, who you knew always ran late.
while waiting for your friends outside the cafe, something scared you…
“estamos aqui hermosa!”, said your friend elena, catching you off guard immediately. (we are here beautiful)
“me asustaste estúpida! no me hagas eso para la otra vez!”, you whined. (you scared me stupid, don’t do that to me next time)
“pero hola!”, you said, kissing both your friends on the cheeks. (but hello)
you were having a fun time with your friends, catching up on the latest drama. but it went silent, and victoria suddenly brought something up..
“oyes y/n,” your friend victoria started. (hey y/n)
“miraste las fotos en twitter de tu novio?”, she said with voice a little bit shaky. (did you see the photos on twitter about your boyfriend?”
“no.. can you show me them?”, you said worried.
were the pictures bad? when were this pictures taken?
thoughts started to race through your head, possibilities were endless in this case, he could be cheating, it could’ve been anything..
you began to feel a bit nervous, you didn’t know if these photos were going to surprise you..
and it surely did surprise you..
once victoria turned her phone around, you immediately saw your boyfriend. but he just wasn’t alone..
he was with a girl..
throughout the post, there were multiple photos of them making out, with the girl on his lap. one specific photo caught your eye though..
pedri was pulling the girl off his lap..
you heart broke into pieces, you really loved gavi, everyone knew you did, and still he threw all your love to the ground like it meant nothing.
you couldn’t hold back any tears after the photos your best friend showed you.
“are these photos real..?”, you said, voice cracking from the tears running down your face.
“yes hermosa, i just saw it earlier this day.”, victoria said lowly.
“well,what are you going to do about it?”, your friend elena said.
well what else could you do but it cry?..
“no se chicas, la verdad es que me está doliendo mucho esto..”, you said, unable to breathe with how much tears were coming down your face. (i don’t know girls, the reality is that it is hurting me a lot)
your best friends quickly got up, not wasting any time to console you.
you were broken, nothing to say, nothing to even feel.
“break up with him amiga. you don’t deserve a cheater..”, your friend elena said..
“bueno, i guess i can do that..”, you said, breathing rapidly..
you loved gavi so much, but at that moment you felt nothing for him..
it was like your spark ended..
you never thought he’d do such things.. but he had such a platform, it should’ve been obvious he was going to screw around with you..
once your cafe date was over, you drove home, awaiting to have a conversation with gavi.
when opening your door, you were met with a stressed out gavi, roaming around your kitchen, seeming like he was going to explode any moment..
“gavira, may i talk to you for just a moment?” you said dryly with no emotion.
he could tell something was up, his heart was racing thinking about his actions and if you’d found out.
“yes mi amor, what happened?”, he said nervously, picking at his fingers.
“tell me why there’s pictures of you kissing another girl at some damn club?” you yelled, not being able to contain your anger.
“i-i can’t explain y/n!”, he replied nervously. he knew he fucked up, and now his relationship could be broken at this moment.
“i don’t need any explanations or nothing gavira! this what we have, it’s over.”, you yelled at him, voice rasping.
gavi’s mouth dropped. he couldn’t believe what even came out of your mouth.
with him processing what you said, you took your chance and left the apartment. saying goodbye to where you thought home was.
although it was sudden, it was really over for you two.
sometimes love can get you feeling so many things, but once you find something out, it’s like a bunch of pieces of your heart break.
that is what you felt right now..
regretting ever being in a relationship with him…
a/n: i kinda rushed this so it’s not proofread, ill read it again tomorrow and make updates! thank you so much for the support 🫶🏻
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ticklygiggles · 29 days
Teacher and student, god and devotee | HuaLian [n$fw]
Happy birthday @ppystkposts!
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A/N: Feliz aniversário minha linda garota ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Desejo o melhor sempre para você, obrigada por ser quem você é. Eu te adoro muito! Enviando abraços e beijos MWAH 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ E espero que você tenha um dia muito bom e que eles te mimem muito ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Summary: Xie Lian has a very, very naughty student.
Words: 2k+
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“Huh?! S-San Lang, did- did you write this yourself?!” 
Hua Cheng chuckled. “Why, of course, gege. I think your teachings are finally working on this lowly one.” 
With a look of surprise, Xie Lian took the scroll and brought it closer to his face, discovering the perfect calligraphy that adorned the poem that Hua Cheng so hated to practice. It was even much better than Xie Lian's perfect handwriting. How was it possible that yesterday Hua Cheng's handwriting was a complete disgrace, but now it was probably a national treasure?! 
Xie Lian was such a good teacher?
“O-Oh.” Xie Lian lowered the scroll again and looked at Hua Cheng who was looking back at him, he smiled mischievously, his eye shining with a playful glint in the dim room, illuminated only by the soft light of a few candles. “I'm- I'm sorry, San Lang. I was just… surprised. You've been improving a lot lately, but this is…”
Way too much. Xie Lian narrowed his eyes, looking at the scroll and then at Hua Cheng. The scroll. Hua Cheng. The scroll. Hua Cheng- ah, there it was. 
Xie Lian's ever-watchful eyes quickly caught the way a corner of Hua Cheng's smile twitched, as if he was trying to hold back a laugh. Hua Cheng had almost fooled him, but there was no way Hua Cheng would learn to make such beautiful calligraphy overnight. This was definitely one of his tricks! Well, two could play this game. .
Xie Lian nodded, smiling sweetly. “Wow, San Lang. You've really learned quickly. I think you're a genius!” 
Hua Cheng let out a chuckle and lowered his head, hiding his eye. “It’s not like that, Your Highness. You are simply too good at teaching.” 
“No, no,” Xie Lian said, sitting beside Hua Cheng, looking excited as he picked up a paintbrush. “I think you're even better than me now, San Lang. Please show me how you did this, can you?" 
That surprised Hua Cheng and Xie Lian tried his best not to laugh at the horrified sight in his eyes. Hua Cheng blinked and then laughed awkwardly.
”How could I teach gege what he already knows?" 
“Oh come on, San Lang,” Xie Lian insisted, placing a brush in Hua Cheng’s hand. “Don’t be modest! One can never know too much!” 
It was really hard not to burst out laughing when seeing the panic in Hua Cheng's eye. If there was a heart inside his chest, it would surely be beating loud enough for Xie Lia to listen to it. It seemed like even his hand was shaking, but Xie Lian thought it was just an effect of the candle flames. 
“Well... I…”
“Yes? What's the first step, San Lang?” Xie Lian asked with a wide smile and Hua Cheng could only sigh, putting down the brush and looking at Xie Lian regretfully, with that face that he knew perfectly well Xie Lian could not resist. 
“Your highness, I… I lied… I actually used a little bit of magic, you see…,” he said, snapping his fingers and immediately filling another scroll with a poem written in beautiful calligraphy. 
Xie Lian gasped. Looking at the scroll with fake surprise on his expression. “I see… so you lied to me, San Lang.”
“G-Gege, don't take it so seriously, please. I was joking a little and- ah! Wait, I- ahahaha!” 
Hua Cheng's sudden laughter lit up the room, and Xie Lian felt enveloped in its warmth. 
“Took you long enough to admit your tricks, don't you think, San Lang?” 
Hua Cheng's laughter echoed through the room as Xie Lian launched at him, straddling his hips and tickling him under his arms. His elegant fingers wiggling and digging into the hidden spot, making Hua Cheng shriek with unrestrained and surprised laughter. Xie Lian couldn't help but giggle along with him, surprised that Hua Cheng still believed he couldn't see through his tricks… to be fair, he actually almost got him there, but he knew perfectly well that Hua Cheng’s calligraphy was a lost case, for sure. 
“Did- Dihihihid you k-know?!” Hua Cheng asked between laughs, squirming underneath Xie Lian and trying to push his hands away from his underarms. 
“Of course I did, and this gege is quite disappointed in you, San Lang. How could you lie to me? You'll have to suffer the consequences.” 
Hua Cheng shook his head. “A-Anything but thihihis, gege! S-Sahahan Lahahang will be good!” 
“Hmm… I'm not sure, I'm not sure. San Lang was very mean, wasn't he?”
Xie Lian giggled mischievously. His fingers kept tickling Hua Cheng's armpits, feeling the pressure of his arms trying to crush his hands, but achieving nothing. Xie Lian took the liberty of observing his husband as he laughed uncontrollably. It was rare to see him laugh like that, usually his lips were curved in mischievous and playful smiles, but now, his mouth widened into a beautiful open smile, showing his perfect teeth.
There was no beating heart in his chest, so there was no blood running up his face to make him blush, but Xie Lian thought he would have looked adorable. His eye was closed tightly and Xie Lian could almost see a tear glistening on his long, black eyelashes, but maybe it was a play of light again. 
A bubbling joy spread within Xie Lian, and as he laughed alongside Hua Cheng, he felt his cheeks redden and his heart swell with love. 
“Ahahah! Not there! Not there!” Hua Cheng begged as Xie Lian’s hands moved down to his hip bones. The Ghost King's hands desperately followed Xie Lian's, but he had no strength as he wrapped his fingers around Xie Lian's wrists, the contrast of temperatures feeling nice against Xie Lian's warm skin. 
His laughter was wonderful. Endless. Like an eternal whisper, a constant melody that seemed to have no end and Xie Lian loved it. He adored it; he could start a religion that worshiped Hua Cheng's laughter only. He just couldn't get enough of it, after all, Hua Cheng didn't need to breathe, so I could tickle him until the end of time and listen to his sweet laughter.
“This S-San Lang will behave!” He tried again, making Xie Lian laugh. “I prohohomise! I promise, Your Highness, plehehease!” 
“Is that so?” Xie Lian hummed in thought, his fingers stopping to let Hua Cheng rest a bit. His body collapsed and he took a deep breath as if he needed it. “How can I believe San Lang, hmm? He lied to me in my face,” he tried to sound stern, but his smile was too bright for that. 
“I- I'll work extra hahard, gege,” he said between giggles as Xie Lian's fingers tapped his hips. “This- This lowly one promises to never prank His Highness aga-a-hahahain! Plehehease! Please!”
“It's hard to believe you, San Lang,” Xie Lian said, his voice calm and collected as his fingers squeezed Hua Cheng's hips. “Especially when you're like this.” 
“Angh, gege!”
Hua Cheng's eye widened and Xie Lian smirked down at him, grinding against his arousal. He didn't know exactly when it happened, he actually thought not even Hua Cheng had noticed, but he was fully hard right now. 
“I think San Lang really likes it when I punish him, hmm?” 
“N-No, gege, I- ngh!” 
Xie Lian shuddered slightly when he felt Hua Cheng's big hands grasping his waist and squeezing him slightly to stop him from keep rubbing his ass against his cock. Xie Lian looked at him and he flushed at seeing Hua Cheng's face, his bow was furrowing and the playfulness of his eye was long gone, replaced by lust. 
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng looked into each other's eyes for a moment and the entire atmosphere in the room changed. The room was lit by soft candlelight, but it was darkening as the candles died down. The candles cast their dancing shadows and the laughter and little pleas faded into sounds of pleasure and ecstasy as Xie Lian moved more against Hua Cheng, making him grunt and gasp. 
“Y-Your Highness, I- 
“Shh,” Xie Lian covered Hua Cheng's mouth. “This teacher is about to teach this misbehaving student a lesson.” With a gentle flick of his wrist, Ruoye flew out from Xie Lian's wrists, straight to Hua Cheng's, pulling his arms up, high above his head. Hua Cheng let out a whine and his back arched slightly. 
“Gege, if we're going to do this, can we at least- ack!” 
Xie Lian slid further down Hua Cheng's legs, taking a seat on his thighs as he pulled down his pants and underwear in one go, freeing his erection. Xie Lian barely heard Hua Cheng calling him in a flustered gasp, he was too busy staring at the Ghost King's dick. Thick, hard, painfully red and even wet with precum at the tip. Xie Lian's cheeks felt on fire and his hand trembled as his heart raced within his chest.
He certainly had changed, in the past he would even be scared of seeing such a scene, but now… his mouth was watering and without thinking, he grabbed the base of Hua Cheng's cock and shoved it into his mouth. 
“F-Fuck, gege! Don't d-do that, I- ngh!” 
It seemed as if his throat was already molded to the shape of Hua Cheng's dick. At first, Xie Lian had trouble taking his huge cock, but now he could get it all the way into his throat with no problem. He didn't know whether to feel proud or terribly bewildered by this fact. But he could worry about that later, or the next day or in ten millennia, now he just focused on moving his head just the way Hua Cheng liked it, the tip of his cock touching his throat again and again.
“Y-Your Highness!” Hua Cheng's moans and small cries made Xie Lian's ears get hot. He looked up and Hua Cheng was staring back at him. Their eyes met and Xie Lian felt a delicious chill sneaking up his spine. “Y-Your Highness, ple- ah! Please!” 
The cock was pulsating in his throat. Hua Cheng was close, so Xie Lian took him out of his mouth. Hua Cheng arched his back with a loud whine, his hips thrusted, but he couldn't reach that peak that was slowly fading away. 
“Y-Your Highness! W-Why?” 
Xie Lian's lips curled in a mischievous smirk. “Oh? I did say I was going to teach my naughty student a lesson, didn't I? You weren't expecting a prize, right, San Lang?” 
Hua Cheng whimpered as Xie Lian lightly circled the tip of his dick, precum spurting out. 
“Pleah- please, gege. I swear I'll be good, I- ahahaha!” 
“Stay still,” Xie Lian told him as if his fingers weren't digging into Hua Cheng's hips, tickling him again. Hua Cheng laughed and moaned, arching his back and digging his heels into the carpet as he tried to do as he was told, Xie Lian chuckled and kissed Hua Cheng's glans. “If this student of mine can keep this hips still, I will let him cum.”
Hua Cheng shook his head, laughing nearly in hysterics. “N-No! I c-cahan’t, Your Highney! Please, s-stop tickling m-” 
“Will you disobey not only your teacher, but also your god?" 
The laughter didn't stop, but Hua Cheng's hips stayed as still as he could as he laughed wildly. Xie Lian felt something warm and fuzzy in his chest; he had never spoken to Hua Cheng like that before, but he couldn't lie, being in control felt... different... good. 
His light, elegant fingers kept tickling Hua Cheng as he took him into his mouth again. Hua Cheng moaned before falling into laughter one more time. 
“Ah! G-Gege! This l-lowly one is s-sohohorry! I've learned m-my lesson s-sohoho-” he made a small suction noise as he tried to push back the saliva that threatened to come out of his mouth. “S-Soho please- AHAHA!” 
Xie Lian chuckled softly with Hua Cheng's cock still in his mouth. He gave him a few squeezes to his hips and Hua Cheng couldn't help but jump at each one as he threw his head back in laughter; Xie Lian felt tears clinging to his lashes as he dug his fingers into the sensitive skin and pushed Hua Cheng's cock deeper into his throat.
“O-Oh! G-Gege, please, please don't stop! D-Dohohon’t stop, I'm g-gonna- agh!” 
Xie Lian almost choked on Hua Cheng's load, and he stopped the tickling. Some of his cum escaped from the corners of his mouth, but most of it was consumed. Xie Lian licked clean Hua Cheng's cock, feeling it tremble and twitch as he enjoyed the intensity of his climax. 
Xie Lian smiled and kissed the tip of Hua Cheng's dick before he moved back. He had barely cleaned the corner of his mouth when he felt Ruoye tightening back around his arms. In the blink of an eye, he had his back pressed against the carpeted floor and he was looking up at Hua Cheng; his red eye glinting.
“San Lang, what- ngh!” His words turned into a moan as Hua Cheng's huge hand cupped Xie Lian's erection. He covered his mouth and arched his back as tingles of pleasure rushed up his spine.
“This lowly student has learned his lesson, Your Highness,” he said, his voice was like a deep abyss, full of desire that seemed to caress Xie Lian's skin, making him shudder. “Please, let him correct his mistake and show his teacher that he will never disrespect him again.”.
While Hua Cheng's cold lips brushed a kiss against his warm neck, in that tender spot by his throat, Xie Lian felt his cold fingers under his clothes, like unruly butterflies that explored his sensitive skin. It tickled, but not enough to make him laugh, enough to make him let out sounds of pleasure.
Xie Lian smiled, his arms wrapping around his neck. “Hmm? I wonder what this student of mine has in mind.” 
Hua Cheng's lips curled up. “Leave everything to him, Your Highness~.”
To be in control felt amazing, but being worshiped by his best student and loyal devotee was even better. 
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fairlyang · 8 months
El perdedor 🕷️
finding your ex at the club
w/c: 2.7K
pairing: ex!miguel x latina!reader
tags: rebound, dancing, a lil gay if you squint, shaking ass, jealousy, delulu ex, slowly folding
notes: i posted this shit back in june and when I was reposting everything I really didn’t wanna repost this one but I think there’s more latinas here entonces para ustedes mis amores <3 (only thing I changed from this was the pov bc it was so bad LMAO but it was my 4th fic of mig)
You roll your eyes at your new fling's friend after making a nasty joke of a girl who just walked past you. He takes notice and tells you to stop being so uptight. "Then stop being such a dick." You say and he snorts.
You roll your eyes and look away from him. Having to deal with this bullshit just for some mediocre dick with alright dirty talk? Probably one of my worst decisions to date.
Next to breaking up with Miguel.... But your ego will never let you admit that you miss him and his won't either, clearly since it's been two months. But you couldn't wait around to find out so you’ve been fooling around a bit. Nothing serious since you’re not in the right headspace for that and Daniel knows that. Just here for the drinks, alright sex, and decent conversations.
You’re in line to get into a club but as it's almost midnight it's the hot hour of everyone wanting to get wasted. "Why can't we go to another club? This line is so fucking long-" a girl from fling's friend group asks.
"This is the only one with incredible strippe-"
You groan and shake your head. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"
"It's none of your business actua-"
"You two didn't break up though, Y/n kinda has a point....." Daniel speaks up and he pretends to cry.
"Whah whah- so what? She thinks she can still be friends with her ex while being with me? Then I'll just have my own fun." He says with a smirk and you have the most disgusted look on your face ever.
The other girl does as well and just shakes her head. The lines finally starts moving and at a fast pace actually until it stops with the people in front of you showing the bouncers their ids. You get your out from your bra making the annoying asshole smirk. "Fuck off."
He holds up his hands in defense and Daniel moves to stand next to you. "Soon as we're in there he's gonna be out of our hands alright?" He whispers and you just nod.
The people in front of you finally show them and you step forward. You give it to the bouncer to the left and he looks at it and feels it for a few seconds before handing it back and nods. You move forward, putting it in your phone case, and wait for Daniel to get his checked and you step into the first set of doors. You both wait for the other two and you can instantly smell all the sweat and alcohol. Amazing.
They both finally join you and walk ahead of you, not caring you guys waited. You give Daniel a look and he shrugs. Asshole goes straight to where there are indeed strippers and home girl was nowhere to be seen. That was fast.
"So drinks?" Daniel asks and you nod following him to the main bar.
You walk through people just standing around by booths and table and other who are just making out. You make it to the bar and Daniel says something you can't hear because of the loud techno with pop music. The bartender takes out two shot glasses and fills them to the very top. Daniel picks them both up and gives you yours.
You raise it up and bring it to your mouth and swallow it fast. You gag a little and he laughs. "You fine with just one?"
"For now yeah I think." You say and put the glass back on the counter nodding to the bartender.
You turn back around and watch as Daniel is looking over at a booth almost near the entrance. How can he even see that far.....
You squint but know you have fucked up eye sight so you just stop. "Oh shit- wait here I think I just recognized someone-" he says and starts walking away.
You blink and call out after him, "you're leaving me like that??"
"I'll make it up to you." He turns to look at you then walks away making you roll your eyes. The audacity.
You let out a sigh and shake your head. Dickhead. You turn back to the bar and take a seat. "Another shot please and can you put it on my friend's tab?" You ask with a slight smirk.
He laughs and nods taking out a clean shot glass and once again filling it to the brim. You smile and grab it, then swallow it faster than the first. You don't gag too bad this time and put the glass down. Then your head snaps to the speakers within hearing one singular second of Gasolina by daddy yankee.
You make your way to the dance floor and move in towards the middle where there's a group of girls just dancing with each other. You smile and just dance next to them when one of them grabs your hand and dances with you. You laugh and move your hips to the beat while singing the lyrics with the other girls. All the girls are dancing with each other and taking turns with each other.
You ended up swapping places with another girl and she had the brightest smile while shaking her ass a bit on you. Which was fine because who doesn't like dancing and shaking ass with the girlies to this song?
Zúmbale mambo pa' que mi gata prenda lo' motore'
Zúmbale mambo pa' que mi gata prenda lo' motore'
Zúmbale mambo pa' que mi gata prenda lo' motore'
Que se preparen que lo que viene es pa' que le den (duro)
The first girl you were with found you again and stands in front of you and grinds against you to the beat. You held her hips and she grabs your other hand to hold it. So cute.
You switch off with her, dancing on her then shaking a bit of ass on her, and she hypes you up, screaming and smacking it playfully. You turn around and start laughing which makes her do so as well. "Girl give me your number immediately!!" She screams and you nod as she passes me her phone.
"I love making new girlfriends cuando sale gasolina. Todas las hermosas salen y se tan divertido!" She screams and you nod. (I love making new girlfriends when gasolina plays. All the gorgeous girls come out and it's so much fun!)
"Rally up all the baddies with just one song." You scream back and she laughs.
"I'm Y/n by the way!"
"I'm Rosa! I gotta go but we should do this again!! You're an incredible dancing partner!" She exclaims and you grin.
"Anytime!!" You say and wave goodbye as she leaves.
You dance to the beat of the chorus of Perra by tokischa with the leftover girlies as you all scream the lyrics and one girl even got on all floors and crawled her way to her friend. You all screamed and you just burst out laughing until your stomach starts hurting and you have to stop to breathe.
Then you hear El Perdedor by Maluma start playing and you get excited because you love singing it.
Baby (¿Pa' qué me estás llamando?)
"Pa que me estás llamando???" You scream with the two other girls that were left from the little circle.
Dime si es verdad que él te trae loca
(Y ¿ahora es que te importa?) ¿Ah si?
You sing the lyrics but notice the girls already left so there's no more circle or a triangle and now you’re just surrounded by couples. Unfortunate.
Aún no lo creo, que en tan poco tiempo y ya besas otra boca
(De mala) ¿Qué?
You listen to the lyrics and widen your eyes. Seems a little too close to home....
Dime cuál fue mi error
Si mi único delito solo fue amarte
Hoy soy el perdedor (Bebé, no)
Él me ha robado el truco para enamorarte
You feel a pit in your stomach suddenly unsure of what it is until you feel a person's presence standing behind you. Their hands grabs your hips bringing you closer to them and you widen your eyes.
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
No puedo negarte, los celos me están matando
They move your hair from the left side of your face and sing the lyrics to you. oh shit-
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
Me parte el alma no volver a verte
"Al fin me toca verte...." He whispers directly in your ear leaving shivers down your spine and arms. (Finally I get to see you)
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
Sabes que no hay nadie como yo
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
No te engañes, no me olvidarás
"I know for you it isn't a lie... and have you told your new man you haven't forgotten about me?" He whispers as those lines play, leaving the lightest kisses below your ear. You pull away slightly pushing him off and turn to look at him.
Está claro que tú mereces alguien mejor
"And you're gonna tell me I deserve better than you?" You ask with a scoff staring right at Miguel O'hara's eyes making him smirk.
No sé en qué fallé, pero no hay otro como yo
Oye ma', dame otra oportunidad
Bien sabes no soy así, solo tú me haces rogar
Mirándome al espejo y peleando con mi ego
Si entre más me alejo, más te pienso
"There's no better than me sweetheart. But you really are the only one I'll ever beg for..." he says his hands slipping to your waist and bringing you as close to him as as possible.
"And I have been fighting my ego trying not to contact you...." he says and you can't believe he's just repeating the lyrics for you and them making complete sense to your situation.
Dime cuál fue mi error
Si mi único delito solo fue amarte
Hoy soy el perdedor
Él me ha robado el truco para enamorarte
He whispers the lyrics softly to you then gets kind of annoyed at the last line making you snort.
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
No puedo negarte, los celos me están matando
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
Me parte el alma no volver a verte
"You have no fucking idea how badly the jealousy has been eating me alive..." he growls and you bite your lip.
"So did you tell him about me?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
Sabes que no hay nadie como yo
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
No te engañes, no me olvidarás
"Don't be st-stupid-" you say, not even able to keep a straight face or manage to keep the eye contact.
He scoffs and lifts your chin with two fingers to look up at him. Jesus.
Y si te da la gana de volver a verme
Estaré disponible para contestarte
Y yo sé que, por tu parte, no sientes rencores
Quizás mañana vuelvas pa' que te enamore (More')
"I'm actually not sure if you regret it.. but I know deep down you do." He says and you bite your tongue.
"Y envés de mañana," he whispers and moves his face to leave wet kisses on your neck, "tal ves quieres que te enamores de mi otra ves, ahorita mismo." (And instead of tomorrow, maybe you want to fall in love with me again, right now.)
Cuando tomábamos, lo hacíamos
Fumábamos, y reíamos
Éramos dos locos sin saber pa' dónde íbamos
Pero son cosas del destino
Al pasar el tiempo, tú cogiste tu camino
"E-estas loco- no ha- no hables tonterías." You say as your breathing is suddenly all over the place. (Y-you're crazy- don't ta- don't talk nonsense)
He comes up and nibbles on your ear, his hands dangerously near your ass while yours are on his chest. 
Está claro que tú mereces alguien mejor
No sé en qué fallé, pero no hay otro como yo
Dime cuál fue mi error
Si mi único delito solo fue amarte
"Pues porque te pones tan nerviosa?" He whispers and you sigh. (Then why are you getting so nervous)
You feel like you can't even move but you’re not going to admit shit- you can't break that fucking easily.
Hoy soy el perdedor
Él me ha robado el truco para enamorarte
"Porque creo... que yo voy a ser el ganador. Ahora dime en donde está tu otro galán?" He pulls away and looks deep into your eyes. Fuck. (Because I think... that I'm going to be the winner. Now tell me where's your other hunk?)
"Just abandoned my ass- wait- MIGUEL- did you do something to him?!?" You mutter.
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
No puedo negarte, los celos me están matando
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
Me parte el alma no volver a verte
"I'll answer your question if you tell me you love me." He says with a smirk making you groan.
"Miguel I'm not doing this shit with you right now-" you say trying to wiggle out of his grasp fast which you successfully do now trying your best to leave the dance floor.
But he catches up to you, grabs your arm and brings you close to him. Your back against his chest, your ass on his crotch. You bite your lip and shake your head. "Por que apenas vienes a encontrarme?" You look up at him and ask. (Why are you barely coming to find me?)
Y dime que me amas, aunque sea mentira
Sabes que no hay nadie como yo
Y dile en su cara que aún por mí suspiras
Que por mí suspiras, que no, que no, que no
Yo', baby
(Solo fue amarte) Y te hablo claro
He shifts uncomfortably for a second and looks around. "I haven't even been in our universe since the break up love...."
You turn to face him and widen your eyes. "Did something happen?" I ask with a worried expression.
¿Sabes qué?
Él no te hace el amor
No te trata bien
Y que yo fui el primero en tu vida
"I'm not telling you any more. I-I just didn't want to put your life at risk- and well I still don't." He says but it doesn't stop your heart beat from calming down.
"Y-you- can we leave?" You ask and he quickly nods. You hold onto his arm while you try to move past the crowds of people and to the exit.
You walk past the booths by the entrance and Danny was actually there- taking shots off some girl's tits. You roll your eyes and make a mental note to block his ass on everything. "So you really didn't do shit to him...." you mutter and he scoffs.
"You actually thought I did?" He responds sarcastically.
"You're insufferable." You say shaking your head trying to hide your smile.
You walk out the doors and you sigh. He takes the lead in walking you a couple blocks before he pulls up to an alleyway and you furrow your brows. He then makes sure no one is near and pushed a button on his watch so his suit can appear onto his skin. "Really? Instead of an Uber?" You tease and he rolls his eyes.
"Es más fácil." He says and motioning for you to step forward. (It’s easier)
"Claro! Lo que digas codo." You say laughing and holding onto him. (Of course! Whatever you say cheap-stake)
You do so and he suddenly has your legs wrapped around his waist by the side. "You know the drill cariño."
You nod and wrap your arms tightly around his neck. He swings you out and we're high up in the city. All the lights made the city look even prettier especially from up here. Though you never got use to it, the first few times you threw up after. You laugh at the memory and lean your head against his shoulder. You hear him sigh and you do so as well. You’ve missed him.
translations (lazy to drag em up)
Baby! (Why are you calling me?)
Tell me if it's true that he makes you crazy
(And what's important to you?)
I still can't believe that after such little time you're already kissing someone else
What the hell?
Tell me where I messed up
If my only error was loving you
Today I'm the loser
They've stolen my trick to make you fall in love
And tell me that you love me even if it's a lie
I can't deny you, this jealousy is killing me
And tell it to his face that you still breathe for me
My heart is splitting in two and I won't ever see you again
and tell me that you love me even if it's a lie
You can already see there is no one like me
and tell it to his face that you still breathe for me
Don't trick yourself, you know you won't ever forget me
It's clear that you deserve someone better
I don't know where I messed up but there is no one like me
Listen babe, give me another opportunity you know I'm not like this...you're the only one who can make me beg like this
Looking at myself in the mirror and fighting with my ego the further I get from you the more I think of you
Tell me where I messed up
If my only error was loving you
Today I'm the loser
They've stolen my trick to make you fall in love
And tell me that you love me even if it's a lie
I can't deny you, this jealousy is killing me
And tell it to his face that you still breathe for me
My heart is splitting in two and I won't ever see you again
And tell me that you love me even if it's a lie
You can already see that there isn't anyone like me
and tell it to his face, that you still breathe for me
Don't trick yourself, you won't ever forget me
and if that makes you want to come back to me
I'll be waiting to answer you
I know that for your part you don't feel any resentment
Maybe tomorrow you'll be back to fall in love
When we used to drink we smashed, we filmed it, and we watched it
We were two crazy people not knowing where we were going
But that is talking about destiny
As time went on you chose your path
It's clear that you deserve someone better
I don't know where I messed up
But there isn't anyone like me
Tell me what my mistake was
If my only error was to love you
Today I'm the loser
They've stolen the trick to make you fall in love
And tell me that you love me even if it is a lie
I can't deny you, the jealous is killing me
and tell it to his face, that you're still breathing for me
My heart is splitting in to, I won't ever see you again
and tell me that you love me even if it's a lie
You can already see that there is no one like me
and tell it to his face that you're still breathing for me
Because of my breaths, you're not, you're not
And you know what?
He doesn't make love to you, he doesn't treat you right, and I was the first man in your life
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your-girl-mj · 1 year
morning after [1610!miles × f!reader]
summary: morning after with hangovers and your sweet boyfriend miles
warning: mama rio in early mornings /jk
note: she/her for reader, he/him for miles. aged up!miles and reader <3
created: august 10, 2023
published: august 15, 2023
first part | second part.
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[name] woke up feeling wasted the night before, which is true. she blinks the lights out until she gets used to it. looking around, she just figured out she's in miles's room.
she was scooted to the far corner of the bed, blanket neatly tucked her in, with an empty side of the mattress.
the girl slowly sat up, and she was hit with a major headache. hammering into her brain. a groan left her lips before she lay down again to make it stop.
[name] was rubbing the side of her head when miles came into his room. "hey. morning, baby." he was holding a bowl of freshly made soup, with a towel hanging on his arm. he spoke so softly to her, scared that any loud sounds would make her hangover worse.
"hi," matching his tone, she looked confused at the bowl in his hands as miles gave her a peck on her crown. "what's this?"
"breakfast, i made it." he grinned proudly. with a twip sound, he shot a web to glass of water at the table across the bed. when he retrieved it, the water spilt and wet the floor, "oh shoot—!" he was quick to send a sheepish beam
a giggle erupted from her throat, "you're such a dork." miles laid the towel on her lap and put the bowl in her hands.
"don't eat it yet," then taking off to get towels on his drawers, muttering; "didn't think that one through."
"¿mijo, estás bien por ahí?" mrs morales' voice is heard from outside the room, [name] peak at the agape door she saw her cleaning the kitchen. she's cleaning the mess miles made. [son, are you okay over there?]
"buenos dias, señora." the girl greeted, slowly sitting up again, as mrs. came in the room. not noticing miles hanging the now wet towel by his window sill next to his newly washed jacket. [good morning, mrs.]
"¡buenos dias, mija!" her voice made a slight knock on the brain, but [name] smiled warmly at her mother-in-law. "¿ya te lo comiste? miles lo hizo solo para ti." [good morning, daughter!] [did you already eat it? miles made it just for you.]
"not yet, but i'm sure it's good—" the girl was about to sip, but mrs. morales stopped her before she could get a taste. the spoon full was frozen in mid-air as she waited for the woman's words, thinking she did something wrong.
"ah!" a single sound makes it feel like you did something you should've. "mijo, feed her. i'm getting her some aspirin." with that, she left the room, leaving the door open for reasons.
"i was gonna before you came in," miles muttered a comment, rolling his chair closer to the bed, smiling at his girl who mirror it back.
"what did you just say?" mrs morales swiftly turned to face where his room is. her tone is blaring enough to be heard loud and clear. hands rested on her hips with a deep frown.
"i said, i was already planning to, mama!" miles cupped a hand over his mouth, not wanting to make [name]'s hangover worst. "sorry 'bout the noise, [nickname]." he sends a sheepish grin, stirring the soup, then scooping a spoon full and feeding her.
the two can hear mrs. morales muttering along the lines of, "if i heard one bad mouth, i'll ground him for three months. mummbling and muttering, i will woop his—" and the rest is mystery.
"its okay," she replied once swallowed, "i like lively mornings with you," [name] rested her hand over his, a beam never seems to left her features, "any morning with you, to be honest. it's been a while since i stayed over." with that, she continued to eat as he fed her. mrs. morales order's.
miles feel the same warmth in his heart at his girl. thinking about it, it's been a while since they spent the night together, and it's because he's busy being spiderman, a son, and a student all together. he only has a little time to be her boyfriend.
he soon feels guilt in his chest once again, the same one he felt last night. he now knows what she meant when she said he cancelled another date. sober [name] said it was fine while drunk [name] is saying she feels unloved.
they do say drunk words are sober thoughts.
before miles can bring up the topic, his dad already there to join the chaos. "what's the fuss all about?" he gave his wife a bear hug from behind. he's already in uniform, ready for work.
"my daughter has a hangover," mrs. morales stated, she finally found the medicine, and strolled her way back. those words never fail to make [name] melt on the spot.
"kidnapping is illegal." mr. morales reminded her, making himself a cup of coffee. his wife ignored his words and set water on the table as well as the aspirin the girl needed.
"drink this once you're done eating. miles, you're in charge of her." she gave him a firm look before pulling the door to only a few inches open.
"i'm starting to think she loves you more than me," miles shrugged, taking a few sips on the soup as well before feeding his girl. his eyes are literally heart-shaped as he looks at her lovingly.
"sorry, you have to find it this way, babe," [name] matches his tone, drawing a chuckle from her s/o. after a short moment, she leaned to his headboard with a sigh. "sorry, i got drunk. you probably had a hard time getting me home," she refused to meet his eyes, playing with the helm of the blanket on top of her.
"nah, it's cool. you're adorable when you're drunk." he kissed her on the nose, which she crunched up in process. "do you remember anything yesterday?" thinking she might be able to recall what she said to him.
as miles fetch her water and medicine, she couldn't help but get curious. "no. did we swing to your room?"
"if we did, the streets in brooklyn will be close for major clean up." his hand was fast to catch the thrown book at him, just seconds after his spider sense activated. he spun to face her, dorky beam is present to his face.
his girl only narrowed her eyes at him, "i don't know if i should be pissed or attracted to you right now." miles only shook his head with a laugh.
he thought back what her words were about last night. he wanted to make things clear and apologise for cancelling his dates with her more often than he intended.
she did say she doesn't drink, but why change that last night? he thought about it. clogs working on his brain before he was hit with reality. but he wanted to confirm it before assuming.
"is there any reason why you..drink last night?" miles asked gently and worried at the same time, not wanting to make her taken back with the sudden question.
"uh.. i kinda wanna know what it tastes like and... i guess i lost track.." it was the hesitancy in her voice that made his assumption higher. "this thing tastes amazing, by the way. i didn't know you had a chef dna in your blood." [name] smiled lightly, holding the bowl up then setting it to his bedside table.
changing the topic, he thought. "what can i say? i'm a genius," he hid his flustered expression with a smirk. miles hand her the aspirin, sitting beside her on his bed. miles watched her chugged up the water. once she was done, he started, "y'know, you can tell me anything, right?" taking her hand in his. miles' other hand put the cup away, right next to the bowl.
as the heat of his palms envelopes hers, it made her lean her body to him, swallowing the heat of his body, head on his shoulder. miles gladly accepts the gesture, wrapping his arms around her. "i know you basically know all my secrets." chuckling, she played it cool.
miles rest his head on top of hers, breathing out a sigh, "not all of them.." pulling her to his lap, just letting her rest. he peaked the crown of her head. "¿Por qué bebiste hermosa?" [why did you drink, beautiful?]
[name] can tell he was worried, she also feels a little guilty. miles let her play with the helm of his shirt, folding and unfolding, tugging it, wrinkling it. whatever made her to process her words to say. "i don't know.."
"you don't know?" his hands tapping on her thighs, before drawing — doodling on her back with the tip of his finger. they're completely relaxed to each other, to the point they didn't see mrs. morales sneaking a picture of them, then letting them be.
"i was... feeling kinda lonely, i guess.." she crumbled the bottom of his shirt, "i don't really know.." she whispered, dancing around the truth. she's too embarrassed to admit that she misses him dearly,
they've been like this for almost a year. few months after miles became spiderman, he's always there for her.
they still have time together, but after a few times of miles missing a date or hangout... those few times became often. and she feels like she's his best friend again, just.. hanging around for a short while before he leaves.
"y'know, you told me you feel unloved because i always cancelled our dates..." miles feel her hands stopped fidgeting, her state completely frozen. "is it true?"
when [name] only stayed quiet, he suck his teeth. "hey, it's okay if you do. i won't cancel on you again, i promise you."
"...i—" she took a breath, "i don't want to feel like a priority to you..." miles frowned at that, "you're already busy being spiderman, and with your studies not to mention with your parents, i don't want to squeeze myself in there—"
[name] was unable to finish as his lips pressed into hers, miles pulled away from a second, looking at her briefly before locking their lips in a kiss again.
once pulled away, the girl is in awe for a short amount of time before hiding into his neck. miles gave her ear a kiss, whispering. "you don't have to squeeze yourself in. you're already in it." sighing, disappointed to himself, "it was my fault.."
"miles..." she shook her head, ready to deny his words.
"no, don't deny it." he pulled away, looking at her beautiful face, cupping it in his hands. "I've been a bad boyfriend to you for so many months now... and i'm really sorry, sunflower.." [name] feel her heart skip a beat at the old nickname he always call her when they started their relationship, where everything was perfect.
the nickname brought both nostalgia.
"i wanna make it up to you, and not just flowers, chocolates, and some drawings." holding her hands in his, he kisses each and every finger and knuckles, "i want to make it up to you in a real date, without any interpretations. just me and you." his eyes held hope and determination. he doesn't want to mess this up.
[name] feel a smile crept to her lips before it was wiped out and worry was replaced. "but miles, what if—"
"dad can handle it." miles immediately answered, but her expression didn't change, she feels like she would be the reason why someone would get hurt because spiderman didn't show up. "they'll be okay. it will only be once in a while. there are no super villain on the loose for them to need me. dad can handle a few criminals."
the smiled he adored came back, making him mirror it. "okay," she nodded, pulling him into her once again, "i missed you."
"i missed you too, sunflower."
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sorry for not posting sooner, writer's block beat me like miguel beating miles (child abuse /jk) 😔
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