#This choice is inspired by my cousin who hates sweets
jtl-fics · 1 year
What’s smithy’s favorite food other than pepto bismol?
Kevin's Smoothies
I KID. He tolerates those because food made specifically for him is always going to be his favorite food. He associates someone making something with him in mind as like the NICEST THING. So he'll drink / eat without a single complaint
It's hard to pick a single thing XD
#1 is his Grandma's pies.
You may say 'well that's dessert' you would be correct but also WRONG.
GS has range and she makes a mean Shepherd's pie and an even meaner Chicken Pot Pie.
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127-mile · 3 years
For all the wrong reasons.
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Pairing: Doyoung x female reader.
Genre: Exes, enemies to lovers | Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Strong language, brief non-explicit mention of suggestive content.
Plot: Filing for divorce was probably the best decision you ever made with Doyoung. Having to marry him a second time for an inheritance wasn't on your post Doyoung to-do list.
Word count: +7.1k.
A/N: This is part of the Be your enemy collab hosted by @treasurehobi​. | I wish I could remember where I saw the original prompt I used as an inspiration.
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"What the fuck are you doing here?" you spit when you see Doyoung outside of the building where you work. "You know I'm working, why the fuck would you ask me to come out?" Doyoung rolls his eyes, and you see the way he clenches his fists. It is so easy to rile him up, even though he probably already was before you joined him. "We need to talk."
"Talk about what? If it's not about all of the shit you still have in the garage, then I don't want to hear a word about it." he nibbles on his lower lip, an habit he always had when he is nervous, or ready to explode. You witnessed it way too many times. "You are rambling, you idiot!" you do not have the time, or the faith to keep up with him, so you turn on your heels, and when you put your hand on the doorknob of the heavy glass door, he calls out for you. "Wait."
"Doyoung, I have to go back to work, what do you want?" you ask in a long sigh and he mumbles something you can't quite understand. "Can you repeat, I can't hear anything you say when you mumble between your teeth." he takes a step closer, because he doesn't want to have to yell for the whole world to hear. "My aunt is dead." oh, that was not was you were expecting.
"Which one? The sweet one, or the old bitter bitch?" you ask as you turn to face him once again. "The sweet one." that's too bad, because this was probably the only member of Doyoung's family that you always liked, also the only member of his family that liked you from the minute you stepped inside of the house when you were 15. "I'm sorry, I know you loved her."
"I thought you deserved to know, she always adored you," he starts, and you cross your arms over your chest, maybe you should have taken your jacket before going out. "but this is not the only reason I came here." You do not try to think about why he is here, so instead, you prompt him to keep talking. "She left a will, and you know how all of her children were assholes so she gave them the bare minimum, and she gave me the rest."
"Good for you, I guess, you always wanted the lake house." he shakes his head, because yes, the lake house is a sweet addition, and he can only dream of the weekend he is going to spend there for the rest of his life, but this is still not why he is here. "You have to know, that if I had the choice, I would not be here, trust me, you are the last person I wanted to see." alright, that hurts. "Then what do you want from me?"
"We need to get married."
Your eyes open wide, and you throw your head back to laugh heartily. "Doyoung, we got divorced last year." he rolls his eyes, and you follows the movement of the tip of his tongue wetting his lips with your eyes. "I know, this was the best day of my life. But my aunt believed in us, she believed in our relationship, in our marriage, and the will stipulates that if I want to inherit everything, we have to be wedded."
"That's a joke, right?" you ask and he shakes his head. You know it is not a joke, you have known his aunt for many years, and to be honest, you are not even surprised to hear that. You do not know how many times she reminded you that your marriage to Doyoung was the best thing that has happened in this family. "I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your inheritance."
"Oh come on, I'm not asking you for the fucking moon! I never asked you for anything, can't you do me one fucking favor!" he exclaims and you look around, you do not want any of your coworkers to see what is happening, because you'll never hear the end of it. "And if I do it, what do I get in exchange?" you ask in a sigh.
"Her car, money, that necklace she promised you, I don't know, whatever you want." the corner of your lips curl into a smirk, and he takes a step back. He knows you better than anyone else on this stupid planet, so he knows that this smile doesn't bode well. "Everything?" he knows he shouldn't, but he nods nonetheless.
"I want the lake house."
"What? You will never get the lake house!" he says, almost offended that you would have the audacity to ask for the only thing he ever wanted. The house where he grew up, the house he spent so many vacations in with his aunt and his cousins. The house where he proposed to you. "I'm not asking for the fucking moon, Doyoung." you imitate Doyoung, but unlike him, you speak in a much softer voice.
"I hate you." he mutters when he understands that you are making fun of him, and you shrug. "Tell me something I don't already know." you stay silent for a moment, and Doyoung, still waiting for his answer, shifts from one leg to the other. "If I do it, will I finally get rid of you?" Doyoung doesn't show anything, but hearing this does something to his heart. He doesn't know if it's relief to finally be able to move on after this, or the closure that it'll bring. "Yes, you won't hear from me after that."
"Alright," you start in a huff. "Let's get married. Again."
What a stupid idea, you both think as you part ways.
You know you should not be doing it, you know you should not get close to Doyoung again, and he knows it too, you both suffered too much before, and even after the divorce, that it will not bring anything good. You got married because of love the first time, and you are going to get married because of all the wrong reasons, the second time. Hopefully, this time, divorcing won't hurt as much.
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"You look fucking stupid, who knitted this sweater, your mother?" you say as soon as Doyoung steps inside of the café. Doyoung does look stupid, but not because of the pink sweater, but because of his messy hair and the crooked glasses on the bridge of his nose. "My girlfriend made it for me," he says in a low voice as he sits down on the chair in front of you. "and it's not stupid, it's a pretty sweater. She spent a lot of time working on it."
"Your girlfriend? Poor soul. Does she know you are currently having coffee with your ex wife?" you ask, straigtening up on the chair. You did not know he had a girlfriend, and maybe it is for the better, because you would have told him to fuck off last week when he came to see you. "Yes, he does know." you hum sipping on your cup of tea. "And fo I have to expect a crazy girl banging on my door at three am, asking me to stop sleeping with her boyfriend, or did you finally find someone normal?"
"Do you always have to remind me of my past?" he asks, but you know it is a rethorical question, that he is not waiting for an answer, but there is no way you are missing an opportunity like this one. "Doyoung, we took one break in our relationship, and you found a way to date the most jealous girl on campus. She was fucked up, and she tries to push me down the fucking stairs, so yes, I have to remind you of your past mistakes."
"You are the worst." he brings his own cup to his lips, and he sips on the coffee he just drowned in milk and sugar like a kid who never had caffeine before. "So, I contacted the town hall, and we can have the ceremony there tomorrow at 2 pm." oh, how romantic, the complete opposite to your first wedding. So big, luxurious and filled with love and laughter. "Sounds like a dream. Do we have to get dressed, or what?" he shrugs. "I don't know. Wear something nice, not that ugly hoodie of yours."
"Fuck you. You were happy to steal my hoodie when we were still in university." he sighs with exasperation, he did not come here to be reminded of his youth. Of the time they could still hold a conversation without cursing at each other at the first opportunity, without wishing the other was somewhere else, or worst, dead. Of the time you did not hate each other as much as you do now.
"Do we need witnesses?" you ask and he seems to think about it, or to recall everything the town hall secretary told him on the phone earlier. "Uh, yes, I think we do, to sign the papers." that's where it will get complicated, you think. "Amazing, I can't wait to ask Yuta to sign the wedding papers. A wedding I put an end to last year." he is going to be so mad at you, and you can already hear him yell. "Eh, don't act like you are the only one who'll have to get yelled at! I have to ask Johnny, and you know how he gets when we do something he does not approve of."
"Why don't you ask your girlfriend to marry you for the inheritance?" you ask with genuine curiosity and Doyoung tilts his head to the side, and he looks at you like you just said the dumbest thing he had ever heard in his entire life. "Are you stupid, or are you trying to waste my time? The notary will not accept to give me anything if it's not your name on the marriage certificate." yes, you expected as much.
"Why does he even need a marriage certificate? That's stupid, there is no proof that we are not married anymore." he shrugs, putting his cup back on the old wooden table. "He is a notary, he is probably going to do some research to be sure we are not going against my aunt's will." you drink the last of your tea, and you stand up under Doyoung's gaze. "Alright, I have to go and talk to the Devil. If you don't see me at the town hall tomorrow, it's because he sent me straight to hell."
"Same goes for me. Good luck."
When you find yourself in front of Yuta's door, you try to muster everything you have to push the door. This is not going to be fun, but it has to be done, you can't ask some stranger to be your witness, because you probably need the signature of the same person who was by your side during your actual wedding. What were you thinking when you asked Yuta? Well, maybe because at that time, you did not think you would file for divorce, and get married to him again, a year later.
"Oh, hello, pretty stranger." Yuta says when he sees you in front of the door, lost in your thoughts. But his voice is enough to bring you back were you are, and to remind you of what you have to do. "Yuta, we have to talk." you whisper, and he heads for the living room. "Do I need to sit, or can I stay up?" he asks with the shadow of a smile on his face, he thinks it is not that serious, but it is, and he is in for a surprise.
"I think you should sit down." oh, his smile fades right away, and you nibble on your lower lip. You should have rehearsed what to say, because you find yourself stupid in front of Yuta who is waiting, nervously playing with his fingers. "Can you please start to talk before I start thinking all type of crazy things."
Before you can open your mouth to say anything, Yuta speaks again, and he asks the dumbest question he could have asked. "Oh my god, are you pregnant? Yes, that's it, you are pregnant! Am I the father? No, it's been too long, and we were careful every time. Wait, we did it last week? Isn't that too short to know? Oh my god, I'm going to be a father!"
Your eyes widen at his words and you shake your head furiously. "Yuta, what the fuck? I'm not pregnant, and we did not even sleep together last week!" he heaves a sigh of relief, and you roll your eyes. He gets excited really easily, but hecan also calm down as quickly. "Oh. Then who did I sleep with last week?" you should file for divorce with your friends too. "I don't know Yuta, I do not live here to see who you bring home every day."
"Are you calling me a slut?" he cackles and you shake your head, at least, the tension is way less tense. "Yuta, I did not come here to slut shame you or anything, I do have something important I have to tell you. And to ask you too, if you are willing to listen to me until I'm done before getting mad."
"Why would I get mad? I never get mad!" he says, offended, and you grab a chair to sit in front of him, you can't stay up for that, your legs are already shaking.
"Doyoung and I are getting married tomorrow, and I need you to come to the town hall at 2 pm to be my witness and sign the papers." you blut out and you cover your mouth with your hand, because you wanted to explain the situation before coming to this part, but you apparently do not have a brain to mouth filter.
Yuta stands up so fast that he almost trips on his own feet, he opens his mouth a few times but no sound comes out. You did expect as much. "What the fuck!" he says first, and you were expecting him to start yelling, but no, his voice is barely above a whisper. "You are back with Doyoung? Why would you do something like that? Are you masochist or just plain stupid?"
"Call me stupid one more time, and I swear to God that I will kick you in the balls right here and there!" you mutter and he rolls his eyes as he sits back down. "Listen to me, understand everything, and then you will be allowed to judge me."
When he stays quiet, you start talking again.
"Doyoung's aunt passed away, and she decided to give him pretty much everything she ever had, but it is stated in the will that if he wants to get the inheritance, we still have to be wedded. So he came to me the other day, asking me if we could get married again, so he could get the inheritance."
He hums and he crosses his arms over his chest. "And what will happen after?" you shrug. "We did not talk about it just yet, but I guess we are going to divorce. Again."
He heaves a long and deep sigh as he stands up, only to pace around the living room this time. "I understand what he is asking you. If he is doing it, it is because the inheritance is worth it. But have you thought about the consequences? Do you think you are emotionally strong enough to go through another divorce?" he asks in a soft voice.
"I don't know, Yuta. But I guess I will be? I mean, this time there will be no problem with separation of property, or anything. It's just a wedding of convenience, nothing else. No feelings involved." he stops in front of you, and he puts a hand on your shoulder. "Are you sure about the last part?" you hate when he asks this question. "Doyoung is my first love, and despite everything that happened between us, he will always have a special place in my heart no matter what I say, or show, but this is over. And he has a girlfriend."
"If you promise me that you won't let your heart get broken again, then you can count on me, I will be there tomorrow to sign the papers. Again." you wrap you arms around his waist, burrying your face against his toned stomach. "I promise." you whisper, and if you had your fingers crossed behind his back, this is nobody's business.
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"Look who's here."
You turn your head when Yuta speaks, and your eyes meet Doyoung's. He is closely followed by a clearly annoyed Johnny who does not look up from his phone, and you wonder how bad it was yesterday. You would give everything you have to be able to witness what happened in the confine of Johnny's apartment when Doyoung asked him to come today. Did he punch him? That probably did not happen, but it's a thought that warms your heart.
"Are you wearing the fucking suit?" you ask and he stops, a bright smile illuminating his face. "Well, it is a wedding, it's only fair to wear the suit of our first wedding." what a little shit, he told you to dress nicely, but to not go all the way like it was real fucking wedding. "I wanted to burn it a few weeks after our break up, and honestly, I'm happy I didn't do it. Maybe I'll do it during the first weekend I'll spend in the lake house to celebrate my inheritance and our second divorce."
"What if I punched you in the face?" Yuta asks, stepping out in front of you, and you have to grab his wrist to be sure he is not taking another step. "I'm sure the suit will look way better with your blood on it!" you meet Johnny's gaze and he smiles, he has no intention to step in between them, and because you know it, and won't do it either, you smile back. "What's up Y/n, it's been a while."
"I'm getting married to my ex-husband for money, you know, the usual." he chuckles and you let go of Yuta's hand when him and Doyoung seem to relax. "I almost punched him in the face when he told me. "Johnny adds, and yes, it is basic Johnny's bevahior. "You should have done it, but I guess you still have time. Maybe you could do it when we get out of the town hall, as a wedding gift?" Doyoung looks at you, and at Johnny, in time with a frown. "That's a great idea! I'll do it, and I'll give you time to take a photo."
"Maybe I should marry you instead of Doyoung." you concede, when you enter the town hall. "Maybe you should, but it's not like I never asked you before." Doyoung stops, and you almost bump against his back and he turns on his heels. "What do you mean, it's not like you never asked her?" he asks in between clenched teeth. "Why do you care man?" Johnny answers and you chuckle.
Johnny is Doyoung's best friend, and yet, he loves pissing him off as much as you do, and that's probably why you get along so well. He puts an arm over your shoulders as you climb the stairs to the right room. "You should not touch her like that, we are supposed to get married." Doyoung says in a breath, and Johnny takes a step back. "It's a fake marriage, I can do whatever I want with the bride."
"Come on kids, right now is not the right time to fight." you say before the doors open on the mayor. "You can do it later." you enter the room, Yuta on your heels and with a pretty angry Doyoung beside you.
You come out half an hour later, your old wedding ring around your finger, and Doyoung with his. You are surprised he did not throw it away. "Well, that sucked." you mumble so as not to be heard by the mayor you smile at.
"Your first wedding was more fun. Taeyong got drunk and fell into the pond." Yuta says and you laugh at the memory. Yours and Doyoung's families left pretty early, so it was only the newly neds and your friends for the whole night, and things got out of hand pretty quickly, you probably will never forget any of it, even though you should.
"So, what are we doing?" Johnny asks, burrying his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "We have an appointment with the notary tomorrow morning, so we have the rest of the day." Doyoung says with a shrug and you turn your head to watch him. "Shouldn't you go home to your girlfriend, tell her everything about how you said "I do" to me for the second time of your life?"
"Fuck off, Y/n. Do you always have to ruin everything?" you try to stay quiet, you really try, but you can't. "Do I have to ruin everything? You are the reason we got a divorce, Doyoung! Our relationship turned to shit because of you, and you have the guts to tell me to stop ruining everything? You did it first, so suck it up."
"You do whatever you want, I'm going home, I'm tired of seeing his face." you say before kissing Yuta's cheek, thanking him for being here, as always, and before disappearing in the corner of the street, you look at Doyoung one last time. "You have the certificate, you can go to the notary on your own tomorrow. Good riddance, asshole."
You know this is not part of the deal, but you really do not want to see him for something you do not have to actually be there. The certificate will be enough for the notary to understand that you are married, and Doyoung, oh all mighty stupid Doyoung will find a good lie for the date on the certificate, you do not doubt that one bit. He is a good liar after all.
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It is around 2 o'clock when someone knocks on the door, and nuzzled in a blanket on the sofa with an horror movie playing on the television, you do not feel like moving to open the door. Whoever it is, they can wait, or call you if it is urgent.
You heave a sigh of relief when the knocking stops, but then, it is your phone who starts to rind and you whine loudly. You pout, but when you see Doyoung's picture on the screen, the pout turns into a frowns and you pick up. "What do you want? Another wedding?" you hear him sigh from the other side of the line. "Open the door." oh god, now you have to stand up, and for who? For Kim fucking Doyoung.
You hang up, and after a minute or two of weighting the pros and cons, you stand up, and head to the front door that you open slightly. "What?" without saying a word, he hands you a letter and you look at him without taking it. "What is that?" he rolls his eyes, arm still stretched. "A letter for us, from my aunt, that the notary gave me earlier. I didn't think it would be nice to open it without you."
"You can come in, but I want you gone in five minutes." you mumble as you push yourself from the door to let him in. "Where is the carpet my mom bought you?" he asks as he takes his jacket and shoes off. "I unfortunately dropped a few glasses of red wine on it, and it became impossible to wash out, so I threw it away. What a shame, a beautiful carpet." of course you did, he knows you never liked anything coming from his mother.
"If you have the letter with you, I guess the appointment with the notary went well?" you go back to the living room and you sit down on the armchair. "He was a bit hesitant to accept the certificate as it was dated from yesterday." that was expected. "And what did you tell him?" he heaves a long sigh as he sits directly on the ground, like he used to do when he still lived here.
"I told him we had a flooding at the house, and that our certificate got ruined. I also said that the town hall lost some files, so we had to ask for a new one." that's smart. "You should open the letter, you only have 3 minutes left before I kick your ass out of this house."
He opens the letter and he looks at the words, written prettily by his aunt probably a few years ago, when she was still here, when she had hope about their relationship.
"My loves," Doyoung starts to read out loud. "if you are reading this letter, it means I am no longer in this world, but fear not, I will always be close to you, no matter where I am. You must have been surprised when you learned about the will, about the inheritance, but let me explain. My children, well, you know them, you know how they are and they do not deserve even half of what I have. Well, had. But you, you do deserve it. You are young, full of love, and ready to start your life together. As I am writing this, you are about to get married, Y/n is also in the room with me, she is getting her makeup done, and Doyoung, she is absolutely beautiful, you are the luckiest man."
Doyoung either takes a break to catch his breath, or to let the words settle.
"So, as I was saying, you are about to start your life together, and you only deserve the best. This is why I decided to give you everything I had. Doyoung, you grew up in the lake house, you even proposed to your beautiful wife there, it is only normal for you to get it. My car, that Y/n always loved, you can have it, as well as the necklace I promised to give her when my time would come. And the rest. You can keep what you want, you can sell the rest, or give it away, make someone else happy, I trust the two of you to do what is good."
You cross your arms over your chest, lowering your head when Doyoung starts to speak again.
"You two fell in love really young, and unfortunately, the families were not supportive enough, and made you feel like what you felt was not real, that you would get over it at some point. Y/n, I want to apologize for everything they ever said, or done to you, you never did anything to deserve any of this. You both never deserved the treatment they gave you. You only deserve the best, and all of the happiness the world can give you. I hope I will help a little bit on that. Be happy, always, be there for each other, and never forget that you should never go to bed mad. Doyoung, you are stubborn, so please, take the time to listen to Y/n, and turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking, you would not want to lose her. The love of your life. I love you both so much, thank you for always being by my side."
When Doyoung puts the letter back inside of the envelop, you sigh. "I did not even notice her writing back then." you say in a whisper. "But now, I understand her decision, she really was rooting for us, uh?" Doyoung nods, and he is touched by the letter, if the way his eyes are shining is anyhing to go by. "She was the only one who believed in us. She would be incredibly disappointed if she knew."
Because yes, if the situation is this tricky is because you did not tell her when you decided to break up. It was only supposed to be a few days/weeks break, but it turned into a divorce, and you were so busy with the divorce in itself, the lawyers, the moving and everything that you both forgot to tell her, and maybe it was a good thing, at least, she did not pass away sad or disappointed. Because if she knew, she would have changed her will. And to be honest, you are not even sure Doyoung's family knows.
"She would be, yes." you stay silent for a minute and when Doyoung stands up, you look up at him. "What are we doing now?"
"We should go to the lake house, so you can get whatever you want from the house, the necklace, and the books you loved so much, and then I guess we'll call the lawyer." what does it hurt so bad to hear him say that? You did not want to see him again, but after hearing what his aunt thought about you, about the relationship, it feels different, you head and your hearts are a mess.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow around 8am, so we won't come home too late, alright?" you nod, and without another word, Doyoung leaves the house, leaving behind him a heavy silence and a lot of things to think about for you.
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"I hate you."
Doyoung's eyes widen at your words, and he turns his eyes but being the one driving, he can't watch you for too long. "What have I done? I did not say anything for over an hour!" he exclaims and you shrug as you look at the landcape behind the window. The city long gave way to the country side, and you have to admit that it is way prettier than all of the buildings of the city.
"The music sucks, and I still don't like your sweater."
"You need to stop hating on my sweaters, because you did not complain about them when you were cold!" he answers and you stick your tongue out at him. "Yeah well, maybe if you had agreed on letting me keep them, then maybe they would not look so ugly." he chuckles as he shakes his head. "You are impossible."
"Can I ask you a question?" he nods. "Did you tell your parents, about the divorce?" well, that was not was he was expecting. "I did, a few weeks ago." a few weeks ago, when you have been divorced for a year now, yeah, sounds valid. "They were probably very happy to learn the news." well, you were not happy about getting a divorce at such a young age, but you were definitely happy to get rid of his parents. So it's only fair that they felt the same.
"You know how they are, they told me it was for the best, that we were not made to be together, you know, what they always told us." you can hear his mother's voice in your head, and you wince at the thought. "At least I succeeded on making her happy once in my life."
You stay silent for a few minutes, but you open your mouth mouth. "And now I'm mad, because I promised myself to never do anything to make her happy! Fuck me!" Fortunately, he is at a red sign, because Doyoung starts to laugh to the point where his vision becomes blurry with tears.
"Stop laughing idiot!" you say when you hear the horns of the cars behind Doyoung's car. "Don't yell at me, it's your fault!" you can't help but to laugh along with him and it takes you a few minutes to calm down, and it's been a long time since you laughed with Doyoung, and it makes you feel.. light? And definitely happy.
"Oh my god, I don't remember the last time I came here." you say as you get out of the car when Doyoung stops the engine. The lake house is typical of a lake house, made of wood, old and yet beautiful. The flowers are blooming and it makes the entire area colorful and it is hard for you to close your mind to the memories that come with the view. "Honestly? I don't remember either."
Doyoung opens the door, and he starts to cough when it moves a cloud of dust around him. "Oh wow, I don't think my aunt came here for a long time." the house used to be clean, and smelling of fresh flowers and laundry, but today, it smells of nothing but dust and wilted flowers on the coffee table. "I have a few days off, next week, we can come to clean, if you want." you propose.
"We?" you shrug as you nudge him to enter the house, and even if it's not what it used to be, it still feels like home. And you know Doyoung feels the same, he told you so many times that he wanted nothing more than to finish his days here, with a family, and a dog. "I spent as much time in this house as you did, it's normal that I help you. But you can refuse, and clean by yourself, I don't mind."
He rolls his eyes and without another word, he climbs the stairs only to come back a few minutes later with a wooden box. "Here, take it." you take it, and you smile when you see his aunt's jewelery. She had incredible taste, and she never wanted to leave the house without wearing them.
"I'm only taking the necklace. You should give one of these rings to your girlfriend, I'm sure she would love it." you put the box on the coffee table and you take out the necklace you had fallen in love with at the second you saw Doyoung's aunt wear it. "What did you say?" you ask when Doyoung says something, but with the way his teeth are clenched, it is impossible for you to understand something.
"I said, I don't have a girlfriend." you do something you should never have done, you flop down on the couch, waving your hands to get rid of the dust around you. "What? But you said you had one the other day." he heaves a long sigh as he sits down on the ground, grimacing when he realizes how bad of an idea it was. "I know, but I did not think, I only wanted to piss you off, I guess." you roll your eyes. "You guessed right, because it did piss me off."
"For real?" this is the conversation you wish you did not need to have, but you also know that Doyoung is stubborn and he will keep hasking until you give him the answer he wants. "You know it well, I don't need to explain."
"Please, do." of fucking course.
"Doyoung, you are my first boyfriend, my first husband, and of course, my first love. And you will remain my first love, no matter how much we hate each other. No matter how much we hate each other, I will still love you." you could say, no matter if you are married or not, you will still love him, but you do not see yourself married to someone that is not him, honestly.
"I don't hate you, you know." Doyoung says, and you tilt your head to the side. "Well, you do act like you hate me, so it is a bit hard to believe what you are saying." he brings one of his leg against his chest, his chin on his knee. "It's true though, I only act like that because you hate me, and I don't want to give you another reason to hate me even more."
"So you are telling me, that you only pretend to hate me, because I hate you?" he hums. "When I only act like that because you hate me." his eyes open wide, and it is almost comical, especially when he understand what you are saying. "So you don't hate me?"
"The last months of our relationship, and of course, the divorce, it hurt me a lot, way more than I thought it would, but that never meant that I hated you. Of course, I did hate you, for a while, but like I said, you are my first love, and I always wanted you to be my only love. So no, I never hated you as much as I tried to show you for the past few months."
Doyoung chuckles. "We are idiots." but his smile slowly fades. "By the way, I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day, when I said you always found a way to ruin everything." oh yes, that hurt like a bitch, and it still hurts, thinking about it. "It's fine, Doyoung, I know you only said that because you were mad at me, but please, don't say something like that again, because it hurt. And also because I'll punch you in the throat next time."
"Threats, threats, you always threaten me, but you never do anything about it." he says in a sigh, and you gasp. "Don't push me, Doyoung, because I will act on one of the threats."
"You're all bark and no bite."
You stand up, and you pounce on Doyoung whose mouth opens in a silent scream, he was not expecting you to act on your words. "I'm not going to punch you, because you still have to drive us back home, but I will do it, one day, trust me." you say, straddling his lap.
You only realize your position on Doyoung when he stops breathing. "Oh." you could move, stand up and sit back down on the couch, but something tells you that you should stay here. You meet Doyoung's gaze, and your eyes close when his fingers brush against your cheek. "What are you doing?" you ask in a whisper and you feel him shrug. "I don't know. But tell me if you want me to stop."
You wonder what he means by that, but soon enough, you feel his lips grazing against yours and your breath hitches in your throat. Don't do it, you want to scream, you are going to ruin everything, but you find yourself unable to speak. Why? Because you are dying to kiss him. You have been dying to kiss him for so long now, you were just stubborn, and too hurt to stop denying the truth.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks in a soft voice, and you open your eyes. You can see so many emotions in his eyes, so many emotions you had not seen in a long time. And you know you shouldn't, you know you should stop whatever is happening, get your stuff and ask him to drive you back home, but something is stopping you. Your heart is taking over your brain. "Please."
The feeling of his soft lips against yours is enough to bring back so many memories. The nights you spent in this living room, in front of the lit fireplace, kissing and giggling like teenagers trying to not wake up his parents and his aunt. You were in love back then, and the world did not exist around you. It was the two of you and only the two of you.
And it still is the same no matter what happened the past few months.
"I love you, I always loved you, and I will always love you." Doyoung says against your lips.
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Four months later.
"What the hell are you doing? There are people around!" you explain when you see Doyoung kneeling on the ground, in front of all the friends you had invited for a weekend at the lake house. "Doyoung, come on, get up!"
He shakes his head, and he takes out a red silk case, the same one you have seen so many times placed on his aunt's dressing table. The one her husband proposed to marry her when she was barely 18. The same age you were when Doyoung first proposed to you. The conversations around stop, and you are pretty sure you heard a gasp.
"I know we've done it twice already. Once for love, and once for this house, but I want this time to be the one for eternity. This past year without you has been the worst, since you weren't by my side, for the first time since our teenage years. Life without you makes no sense, and I intend to take this second chance to redo everything, and to redo everything perfectly. My aunt said we deserved it, and you know what? I agree with her. That's why I would like to ask you to be my wife. Again."
He takes a deep breath, and he almost loses his balance but you are quick to put a hand on his shoulder to help him out. Even though it is not the first time, it does feel like it, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and your heart is pounding in your chest. "Of course I want to be your wife, Doyoung." you say and his smile is so bright that you almost have to look away, but you do not. This is the smile you love more than anything in the world.
This is Doyoung's smile. And you always loved him. And you know that whatever life throws at you, you will overcome everything, as long as you are together. And as long as you communicate.
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HSMTMTS 2x11: Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents... the reason for my next mental breakdown
I can't believe myself, honestly. Oversleeping on the one day of the week that I've got something exciting to wake up for? Oh well, I'm up now and I'd better go ahead and do this before my dashboard has showered me with spoilers. I mean, I have never really minded spoilers, but when it comes to this, somehow I do. Though I do wish something had forewarned me about last week's snap ending (get it, 'snap'... I'll see myself out). I'd better dive in already.
Yes, Mr Mazzara, that's what I've been saying for a while! Ok, maybe I haven't been very vocal about it, but it was in the foreground of my mind that they should have asked for Mr Mazzara's help re: transformation! I'm just glad he pointed it out. Not that he could have done much while he was busy playing therapist for his beloved Miss Jenn. Oh well.
Were those Ash and Ricky doing actual paired-up warmups? That is what they should have been doing for weeks now. That and having actual off-stage interactions, too. But I still subscribe to the theory that the gang had some good rehearsals off-screen — otherwise there's no way they could have been this good on stage as we saw in the previews. I said it last time and I'll say it again — not everything is for us to see.
Wow. The one time our leads are in unison, and it is about both being injured. The East High drama club must be cursed — they can't have one production run smoothly and without what can only be described as pure unbridled chaos.
They don't have any understudies? That explains some things... but also how? But also, I'm so happy Ashlyn is going on. No way she would have missed her first (first of many, right?) chance of being the lead because of some 'minor' injury.
Ricky and Nini still can't talk to each other properly. Oh well. Take your time. It's not like I care about this pairing anymore.
Did EJ just use the word 'dig'? Boy, the boy's got it baaaaaad. Also, what is it going to take for these two to realise they're in love? For all we know, they might have that big kiss we're all dreaming of and still be like 'nah, it's nothing, we're buddies'... give me a break! But I mean, at this point they might just be turning into Redlyn 2.0, where even a kiss doesn't define things. But hey, if they do follow in Redlyn's footsteps, that only means good things in their future, right?
What did that fake French git do to my boy Carlos? He's not supposed to look this inanimate until right before the climax of the play! Well, I mean, at least Seb serving as his interpreter means that Seb gets more lines for a bit. Too bad he can't go on for someone with more lines in the play.
Miss Jenn's 'words of inspiration' were less than inspired... yeah, this show's going down. Or it would, if it depended solely on her. Let's hope the kids do better. I mean, I know for a fact they will... at least for about 5 minutes of the thing. There is still room for things to go wrong and I'm scared.
Oh, my sweet boy... I wish I could jump in there and do something to help him feel less nervous. Thing is, if I were there, I'd probably be the most nervous of them all, even if I were playing Townsfolk #3 or something, and everyone's nervousness would rub off on me, and I would be making things worse instead of helping. So yeah, I'm kind of glad I'm not there.
Ahhhh who called it? @redlyncentral was it you? Ash got flowers for her Biggie! And there's a card whose contents we've yet to see. But that doesn't seem to be helping either. My sweet, sweet Reddy... I hope and pray he'll be alright.
Well this is awkward! Who told Mike to show up and shake everything up right now? Miss Jenn is literally on the brink of exploding, and now she's stuck in this completely unnecessary love triangle. She needs some space. And a quiet place to breathe, thanks Mr M for suggesting it.
'Did we forget to build a mote around the school or...' Yeah, you tell her, Rick! That girl whose name I never want to pronounce (because it makes me think of much nicer people and she's making me hate it) has no business being there. She's not... being given a redemption arc, is she now? Some people just don't deserve it. And if hating her is an unpopular opinion now, well, I never did care much about having popular opinions. I can live with that.
'Lily, scram!' Yes, thank you, Natalie! I've always wanted someone who would voice my thoughts in a way that the characters can hear them. Make this girl a main next season, won't you? (Just so we're crystal clear, I mean Natalie, not the other one.)
OMG Mr M is in the play! In a way... I love that!
I love, love, love the way they did the prologue. 'Repulsed [the prince makes an over-the-top gesture of repulsion] by her haggard appearance [the witch shows off her face to the audience]...' I love this. I would pay a lot for a chance to see their entire play, you know?
Oh dear, somebody give my boy Reddy some sort of... medical aid against all the throwing up! I've got a nice pill that helps me with my bad cases of motion sickness. Hey, so maybe I could have helped if I were there after all. Great, now I feel bad. But also, is all the throwing up an excuse on the writers' part to keep my boy off-screen for the majority of this episode? Because it's a really lame excuse.
Gina's 'Many questions' continues to be a mood. What exactly is Miss Jenn expecting from the kids? Last-minute adjustments? No way. This spells disaster.
Was Carlos on vocal rest or something? Because he shines like the star he is... despite all the very obvious nervousness backstage. I mean, I wouldn't have it any other way, but... oh well, I wouldn't say it's unrealistic. In my personal performing experience, the most nervous ones perform the best. (So... what is that saying for my boy Reddy? Good things only.)
I've already had the opportunity to geek out about Be Our Guest yesterday, but... I mean, just look at them! Carlos doesn't need actual candles to be on fire, Ashlyn is stealing the scene without any lines in it, Gina is absolutely gorgeous, and don't even get me started on EJ and Big Red looking at their girls in absolute awe! This is everything!
Aww, look at them! Gina and Ashlyn dancing together, I mean. They're sisters and it really shows. And I love them both so much.
Kourtney is an absolute show-stealer! I'm still upset about some casting choices (one of them is in this scene, doing his absolute best with the crumbs he has been given), but she is absolutely perfect. I think I'll rewind and watch this entire scene again before moving on with the rest of the episode.
I'd just like to point out that Frankie's voice in his lower register is everything!
'You absolutely dusted that stage'... Not EJ making a pun so punny even I could not have thought of it... boy is absolutely smitten!
Not me tearing up when Jordan Fisher appeared as Gina's brother... like, I knew it was happening — I knew it even before it was announced. And I still teared up because, well, it's emotional in-universe and out.
Awww, my boy Reddy is so in love with Ashlyn... I mean, who wouldn't be... but — not Ricky saying Lily might not be as mean as they thought. Especially not to Big Red of all people. To him, she was just as mean as they thought.
'Side hustle project in the south hallway'? Ooh, what is it, I want to know now!
Why do I feel like things are a bit too awkward between Kourtney and Howie? Not that I'm too invested in their relationship, but if it bothered me, imagine how it must feel for the stans.
No, Ash, you absolutely do not need to add any fancy riffs to the song! Especially not just because L... well, that girl did it. You're unique and lovely and a literal Disney princess inside and out. That girl? She's just a wolf in a sparkling golden dress.
Awww... Big Red literally lowers Ash's blood pressure! Those two are such an amazing couple! (Full disclosure, though, he kind of does the same for me too; the other night I had this horrible nightmare, and I woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, and then... ok, getting too personal there.) The point is, if even the fantasy of a Big Red hug makes me feel better, imagine what his actual presence would do for Ash at that moment. Where is my boy? Everyone seems to be looking for him.
Oh... guess they took my advice to give the poor boy something for his vomiting issue. Good for whoever thought of it.
And we're back to the Porter siblings... forgive me if I still can't wrap my head around calling Gina's brother Jamie. I don't know about you guys, but thanks to my lovely new friend Paz he will always be Theodore to me. I guess we can headcanon that as his middle name. Anyway, I love it that they made a joke about the hilarious height difference between him and Gina because, well, it's the only thing I can think about when I look at the two of them. It reminds me of me and my little cousin who has been taller than me since she was 10, and is still growing taller now at 13. But, I mean, it's not very hard to be taller than me, since I'm so, so short... ok, this is not about me. Moving on.
Was I the only one who actually laughed out loud at Ricky drinking from the bowl as the Beast? I mean, that part has always made me laugh in the original movie, but something about Ricky's take on it makes it even funnier.
Meanwhile, my girl Ash is absolutely killing it as Belle. Not me having the very same expression as Big Red while watching her... gosh, I love both of them so much! Also, no offence to the rest of the cast, but Julia really is the best vocalist out there. Out of all of them. I said what I said.
My apologies to Ricky, but his voice is just not it when it comes to playing the Beast. Still, with the other option being him putting on that fake deep voice from the audition, I'm glad he didn't.
Ahhhh Portwell nation you ok guys? Since we didn't get them singing Something There, this is very much the next best thing... and boy, is it good!
Those glances between Kourtney and Howie, on the other hand... what on Earth is happening there?
Ok, so you all know just how strongly I feel about Seb's casting as Chip, and yet... boy had one line and absolutely ate it up! Give him an actual singing role next time, Miss Jenn!
EJ being starstruck by Jamie not because he's a big music producer, but because he's Gina's brother... excuse me while I sob!
Excuse me, what!!!! 'A big brother figure'? Boy, this didn't turn out the way I thought it would... now I'm scared.
Way to ruin things, Jamie! And I don't even mean the fact that his name is not Theodore. It doesn't matter what his name is anymore. He might just have put a spanner in the works of Portwell, and they were just doing so well! Ugh, I'm so frustrated. I wish I'd never boarded — what did I call it — 'the majestic S.S. Portwell'. What if it doesn't set sail now?
And there goes another disappointment... Carlos' 'the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since Bop to the Top' line had nothing to do with Seblos, and everything to do with what might still be the downfall of this show. I am not ready.
No. Miss Jenn did not just say that. She did not just tell Ricky — who, may I remind you, not that anyone's forgotten, just fell off of a high place last episode — to 'jump off of something high'. I realise she's under all the pressure, but that is not an excuse. Well, at least she heard herself.
Oh my gods... Nini — well, Nina, actually — did not just call him 'Richard', did she? That's it, that's the point of no return. And well, I kind of wanted them to reach it.
Told you, didn't I? I told you that-girl-who-must-not-be-named was evil! I always follow my intuition and it has not once deceived me. Redeem that, if you can! Guess what? You can't. We've just reached another point of no return.
Wait, a bloody cliffhanger? I cannot handle this. I physically cannot handle this. If you need me, I'll be sitting on my bed in shock, trying to process everything that happened. I'll need a while to get a grip on myself.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Five boys the Batfamily scared off (And the one boy who helped Marinette get revenge on them all)
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This is actually based off a prompt/ask I got by #vixen-Uchiha
Okay, believe it or not, I’ve in history of all my days writing fanfiction (I just turned 27 and have been writing since I was sixteen); I started when Twilight was still at the height of its popularity. (All that work has been deleted, burned, and doused with holy water; don’t ask questions) But even with almost a decade of writing fanfiction, I never even considered approaching this fanfiction classic.
Until now.
Wish me luck. And don’t judge me too harshly.
Note this was also inspired by a poem I loved called To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter by Jesse Parent
 Marinette always knew Tom was her step-father. Sabine and he married when she was three after all. And while she considered the great cuddly bear to be her dad, she still had a great relationship with her actual father: Bruce Wayne. And all her brothers and Sister.  She spent every summer with them and every other Christmas in Gotham. She loved her family. She just wished they take a chill pill.
And stop scaring away her freaking boyfriends.
Lê Chiến Kim: The Boy who swears Marinette’s related to the Boogieman
           If anyone asked Marinette now if she would ever date Kim, she’d have died of laughter. Kim was like a goofy cousin. They were great friends. Their moms were best friends. She just didn’t see him like that.
           However, it wouldn’t have been so funny to six-year-old Marinette who ran from school with a Daisy in her hair and a big smile her face.
“Daddy, Daddy,” She’d squeal to her Papa later that day. She barely noticed he was still wearing bat uniform, except the mask. Or all her brothers were with him.
“Hey Sunshine,” Bruce smiled lovingly at his youngest daughter. “You have a good day at school.”
“Give ‘em hell, firecracker,” Jason called from the background.
           Tim and Dick laughed. Bruce just shook his head amused.
“I got a boyfriend!”    
           That day would forever be known as the day all the smiles died. Seven-year-old Damian just blinked in confusion. He didn’t know what had happened but he knew it was bad. And that it involved his sister. Was she in danger? Did she need help?
           Before Bruce could process or respond to his precious, baby girl, who was way too young to date (And what the hell was Sabine thinking?). Dick literally pushed him out of his chair like it was nothing. “What’s his name? Who are his parents? Where does he live? And where can I find him right now?”
           Marinette, being too young didn’t notice the threat in her eldest brother’s voice and the look of murder in his eyes, had no problem telling Dick all about her best friend Kim, who was super nice, and gave her a Daisy, and kissed her cheek.
           When the call ended, Bruce brought up the picture of the boy in question. A nice-enough looking boy to most, but he knew the truth. He knew the evil in his heart.
I have been waiting for you, Bruce thought, not just to Kim but to all the boys who would day date his daughter, since before she was even born. Before you took your first steps, I was preparing to make it so you’d never walk again.
           However, Kim was still just a child. He needed a kinder touch. He looked back at his children: Dick, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, and Damian, and made his choice.
           When Dick showed up to walk her to the school the next day, Marinette didn’t think to question how her brother got from Gotham to Paris so quick. (Cough, misuse of Zeta beam). Or why he was dressed in all black with a scary biker jacket on. She just shrugged and let him help her tie her shoes and carry her bright pink, hello kitty, and backpack.
           He held her hand the entire way to school, where Kim and his dad were waiting by the doors. Kim had another daisy in his hand that he gave to Marinette.
“This is Dick,” Marinette introduced her brother. “My biggest brother. This is Kim, my boyfriend,” Kim preened. “Look, Dick, Kim got me another daisy.”
           Dick beamed at his sweet little sister, “I see. Hey! Isn’t that you’re friend Rose? Why don’t you go show her?”
“Okay!” And she ran off.
           As soon as she was gone, Dick’s smile quickly disappeared and he glared at the little Casanova, and his father, who felt like someone had just walked over his grave.
“My sister is a little young for a serious boyfriend,” Dick hissed. “Don’t you think? Don’t want her to grow up too fast, right?” The two could only nod in fear. “Good. Don’t hurt her. Don’t make her cry. Because I’d hate to have to have another talk with you, Chiến. It might not go as… nicely.” And with that, he left to go find his sister, leaving two terrified people in in wake.
           That conversation would be the reason Kim broke up with Marinette over recess but to the girl’s dismay and why the boy wouldn’t allowed to date for another ten years.
           Looking back Kim would swear darkness and shadows started to fill the schoolyard. That Marinette’s older brother’s voice got deeper and his eyes turned completely black. He had been a living nightmare, one that would haunt his dreams for years.
Marinette wouldn’t get another boyfriend for years.
 Chat Noir aka Adrien Agreste; The Boy who just didn’t want to Get Neutered
           Marinette never considered Adrien or Chat Noir her boyfriend. He had been her best friend, her partner, and for a long time, her crush. However, before Marinette found out who was behind the mask, and he earned the title of her best friend in the whole world.
Chat Noir had the title of Guy who can’t take a hint.
           They had been just thirteen at the time. Chat had been spending for more and more time flirting with Ladybug and joking around then actually taking the fight seriously. And when he wouldn’t get the response he wanted from his Lady, he’d pout or throw a tantrum and storm off. It had been getting to be a real hassle. And as much as she liked Chat, she had been seriously considering Master Fu’s offer of getting her a permanent partner to replace him.
           Then one day if all change. All the silly behavior, most of it anyway, and the constant flirting all stopped and never started back up. It would take Marinette months to find out why.
           Unbeknownst to Marinette, her Papa, Bruce had been keeping a watchful eye on the deteriorating situation. The flirting, his daughter’s frustration, the lack of care. It had to be stopped. Chat Noir had a few lessons to learn.
           Bruce glared harshly at the image of the cat-themed Superhero. He was proving to be a useless partner for Ladybug. And a prime example for a sexual harassment claim. “You’re sure you can handle this,” He asked son.
           Damian scoffed, “I will teach that alley cat the true meaning of fear.”
           When his son was gone and Bruce was once again alone in the Batcave, he smirked darkly at Chat Noir and all other boys who would come and go. “When you were still playing war in the school yard, I was perfecting headshots. You can’t catch up at this point.”
           One night, after a particularly hazardous fight with an Akuma, Chat Noir had been running home when suddenly everything went dark.
           He woke up, tied upside down, and gagged. For a few moments he thought Hawkmoth had finally gotten, wondered if this was the end.
           When a sword pressed against his throat, and a chilling voice whispered in his ear, “Care to find out just how many lives you really have, fleabag?”
           At the moment, Chat Noir no longer wondered if it was the end. He knew it was.
           A boy, Robin, he realized glared fiercely at him.
“I should kill you,” Robin sneered. “I should rip you limb from limb and leave your head mounted on a spike to show the next fool who thought he was worthy of my sister’s hand. Ladybug is too good for the likes of scum like you.”
           Chat Noir gulped. Sister? Ladybug was Robin’s sister. Adrien’s eyes widened, that meant Ladybug was Batman daughter. He was going to die. He was just going to disappear and his father, or most likely Nathalie, wouldn’t even notice until he failed to show up for his next appointment.
Gorilla would notice though, Adrien thought, he’d miss me.
           Robin pressed the tip of the sword to Adrien’s face until blood was drawn. “You will cease your incessant flirting with my sister. You will train harder for your battles. And you never, ever, leave Ladybug to fight alone again. Am I clear?”
           Adrien nodded his head earnestly. He’d never flirt with anyone again, he swore. He wouldn’t even celebrate Valentine’s Day. Or anything.
“And if for some miracle,” Robin hissed, “My sister deems you suitable to date, you will treat her will respect. You will never touch her without permission. And if you hurt her, Consider my genes a mark of Cain; you will suffer seven times whatever you do to her.”
           Chat Noir whimpered.
           A smoke bomb later. Chat Noir’s bonds were released and Robin was gone.
           It took a long time for him to stop shaking.
           He never flirted with Ladybug again. He worked harder and became the partner she deserved.
           And when Adrien discovered Marinette was behind Ladybug’s mask, he only managed to stumble a little.
           However, when Marinette told him that her brothers was coming for a visit; she couldn’t understand why he paled and stuttered out excuses for photoshoot he never mentioned before in far, far away countries. That same day, Adrien had his father taken them to Australia for vacation under the threat of Adrien dying his hair pink. He wouldn’t return for a month.
Jon Kent: The Boy who, in retrospect, really should’ve known better.
           Marinette’s first real boyfriend was the son of her father’s best friend, Clark Kent, otherwise known as Superman.  She had been only fourteen and it had been a summer romance while she stayed in Gotham. She had thought Jon was perfect; handsome, kind, funny…
           Invulnerable to most weapons and had amazing healing factor.
           Plus it’s not like her papa would kill the son of his best friend, right?
           It had all been going great… until it wasn’t.
“I welcome you in my home,” Bruce hissed at the picture of Jon Kent on the bat computer. “I trained you. I trusted you. And you betrayed me.”
“Let me speak with him, father,” Damian demanded. “He is my friend. He will listen to me.”
           Bruce shook his head, “That’s why I can’t send you. You’re too close to the situation. He snuck past all our defense. Now I have no choice but to do same. J?”
           The Asian girl smirked, “Little Superboy will know dread.”
           Jon had been visiting the fortress of Solitude when… it happened.
           Before that day he had never dreamed the place would be anything less than safe, anything other than secure.
           His dad had just flown off to help someone in Brazil. Jon waited patiently for him to come back while he dreamed of his beautiful new girlfriend. Marinette was amazing, perfect, and the nicest, sweetest girl ever.
           When suddenly he felt a tickle in his throat, and he tried his best to clear it but it just got worse and worse. Until Jonathan Samuel Kent, Superboy (now that Connor was going as Krypton), fell to his knees as he struggled to breath.
           No matter what he did, the more breaths he took, the worse he felt. It was like his lungs were on fire.
“Do not struggle,” A voice said. Jon looked up see Blackbat, Cassandra, standing above him. How did she get into the fortress? Not only could only a Kryptonian open the doors but only a member of El could be let in. It was impossible. “Struggling makes it worse.”
           Jon coughed, “What?”
“The air,” Cassandra waved her hand around. “It is filled with dust. Green dust of Kryptonite. It has disable you and your powers. It’s concentrated. You will not die. The alerts of the fortress were disabled. No one is coming to help you, villain.”
           Jon shook his head frantically. He wasn’t a villain. He wasn’t a bad guy. This had to be some mistake.
“No, not villain,” Cassandra corrected. “Not yet. A thief who thought he could earn my family’s trust and then steal away our most precious jewel; our princess. And do it without consequences. I am here to teach you better.”
           Superboy flinched at her words.
“You will not pressure my sister,” Cassandra hissed. “You will be the gentleman we believed you to be. If you cheat on her, I will ensure you never have children. If you strike her, I will know. She will not keep your secret. You can’t make fire feel afraid. And I will come for you. Do you understand?”
Jon nodded, fear in clear in his eyes.
“Good.” She leaned forward, right into the young superhero’s face. “Some say you and your father, your cousin Kara, and Connor, are invincible. That you can’t be stopped. That you are gods among us.” She scoffed. “Let me make this, if you break my sisters’ heart, you will learn, boy of steel, that even gods bleed.”
           And then she was gone, and with her all traces of kryptonite. It didn’t stop the chill that filled Jon to the core.
           It was to no one’s surprise when Superman showed up at the Batcave not long after. “Bruce,” Clark asked with his arms out. “What the fuck?”
           Marinette’s relationship soured when suddenly Jon was too scared to hold her hand, her be alone with her, or kiss her. She got the hint that he just wanted to be friends and broke it.
           She found out a year later what really happened.
Luka Couffaine: The Boy who decided he didn’t want to sing his tune yet.
           Luka had been Marinette’s first serious boyfriend. She was sixteen. They had been together for months and were getting to the ‘I love you’ stage.
           He was cool. He was funny. He was a budding Rock star. He had dyed green hair, tattoos and earrings. Luka went onto tour with his band every summer. He was older than Marinette by two years. He had quite a few previous girlfriends. And he hadn’t been scared off by the normal attempts by his other kids.
           In other words, he was Bruce Wayne’s worst nightmare.
           And the nightmare got worse, when for the first time ever, Marinette was bringing a boyfriend home for Christmas. It was all the confirmation he needed that the things were serious.
           It was why he knew he had to send the greatest soldier he had. Luka Couffaine would rue the day he decided it was good idea to ask his princess out. “Are you ready?”
           Tim nodded. “I’ve done my research,” he declared. “I know what makes him to tick. I. Will. Break. Him.”
“Excellent,” He drawled out the word like it he tasting fine wine. Not caring at all that he sounded like a superman.
“You really think he’s a threat, dad?” Tim asked. “Because I can take care of it. I can have him eliminated. Ra's al ghul owes me a favor. It’ll look like an accident,” He promised. “It’ll look like he just… disappeared.”
A sense of pride filled Bruce. Tim was his most capable and resourceful soldier. He would make a great batman. Any of his kids would.
Batman stared the picture of the boy on his phone as he fought the urge to crush it in his hands. “No,” he finally answered. “I’ve known plenty of rock stars and so called bad boys in my day.  Angel’s smart,” he said using Marinette’s codename. “I have been routing out indifference apathy from her life, her childhood was filled with love and affection. There are no daddy issue for his teenage talons to latch upon. Just… make sure he understands who he is dealing with.”
“Understood.” And then call ended.
           He looked up and saw all the other Justice League members staring at him with expressions of awe, fear, and confusion.
“…Marinette’s got a new boyfriend, huh?” Diana asked when the call disconnected. Amusement in her tone, she knew Bruce would never seriously hurt a kid.
“Poor guy,” Barry said with a shake of his head.
           Clark pinched his nose, “You can’t keep scaring guys away from her forever. Eventually, she’s going to find one who isn’t afraid of you.”
“And then she’ll marry him out of spite,” Dinah added.
           There were snorts from the other league members.
“Like that’ll ever happen,” Oliver said with a shake of his head. “That kid would have to be the biggest moron in the universe. I’ll pity his family.”
           Marinette had constantly warned Luka about how overprotective her family was. Luka hadn’t thought much of it. He dealt with overprotective fathers and brothers before. Eventually they grudging begin to like him. Or realize that if they actively hated him, it would just make the girl get attached.
           He was excited for Christmas, excited to prove himself to the girl of his dreams, and impress her by dealing with her entire family. Luka didn’t understand why Adrien looked so afraid when he told him. Or why he asked what type of flowers he liked.
“For the funeral,” Adrien shrugged. “I need to know what to buy.”
           Luka had laughed, thinking the blond was joking. He had already met a two of her brothers; Dick and Damian. They had been growls and threats but nothing he couldn’t handle. But Adrien didn’t laugh. He just shook his head and promised he’d be there for Juleka. Luka thought he was overreacting.
           However, nothing. NOTHING. Could have prepared Luka for the first time he met Tim.
           Luka had been walking home with Kagami, his long-time friend and one-time rival for Marinette’s affection. It was board daylight, there were tons of people around, and then they had made the apparent mistake of walking by an alley, when suddenly they were pulled into the back of a van, hoods thrown over their heads, and their hands bounds.
           He didn’t know how much time had passed. Or where they were being taken. All he saw was darkness. All he felt was fear. Was this how died?
           When the hoods were finally removed, the two teenagers found themselves in what looked to be a deserted warehouse, bound to their chairs, with a teenage boy not much older than they sitting across from them, looking absurdly comfortable given the situation.
My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne. I am Marinette’s older brother,” He said. “Let me make something clear before we begin. The last hour never happened. This conversation never happened. We never met. And if you say otherwise,” Tim’s eyes narrowed.  “No one will believe you. I was just by dozens of witnesses in Mexico with my boyfriend less than two hours ago. But if you do tell anyone, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
           They nodded not daring to say a word.
“Luka, Luka, Luka.” Tim smiled an eerie grin that should look more at home on the monsters from Horror movies, and not on such a handsome face. “I hear you’ll be visiting us over the holidays. Must be so exciting for you, meeting your girlfriend’s family. Are you excited, Luka?”
           Luka swallowed hard. He never thought he’d hate the way his own name sounded. “I was- I mean I am. I am.”
“Good,” Tim said. “I just wanted to offer you a bit of advice. So you can know to expect. You see it call all be a bit… daunting to newcomers. Some people don’t understand the Wayne family’s unique tastes. Okay?”
           He nodded.
           Tim still smiled. In fact he never lost his smile the entire time. Yet his eyes were empty like there was no real life in them. “When you first come to my home, you will see the bone carving over the doorway. It will be hard, but try not to imagine your own femurs so expertly carved.”
           At this Kagami’s eyes widened. She had done her best to remain calm but somethings were too much.
           Tim smile widened, “There are one or two rooms you will not be allowed in. However, accidents happen and we understand. But we do ask that you pay no attention to our… ample crawl space. Or the smells that can sometime come from it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Luka stuttered. “Sure, no problem. Man.”
“Try not to go into Father’s playroom,” Tim continued on. “It will be easy to spot. It’s mostly empty, apart from a rubber mat and a drain. He gets so testy when stranger go in there. You’ll hear strange noise from time to time but just ignore them. That is just father… playing.”
           The green-haired boy just stared. Because what the fuck.
“Just follow that advice, and you should be fine,” Tim promised. “Though you are a pretty one.  You both are. And we like pretty ones. Oh the things we do to pretty ones”
Luka whimpered. Kagami felt tears build in her eyes.
           Tim laughed, “Now, now, none of that,” He said channeling his inner Brucie. “We’re not going to hurt. We’d never hurt Marinette’s friends.” He promised. “We would hurt people who hurt Marinette because people who hurt Marinette are not her friends.”
           Red Robin looked over the two, “What I’m trying to say is. Break my sister’s heart, and we will kill you. I will kill you. You won’t see if coming. You won’t know we’re there. And if you’re lucky, you might not even feel it. Clear?” They nodded. “Excellent. Now you’re going to leave the same way you came. Remember not a word.” He smiled got even bigger.
           They felt hands on their shoulders.
“Oh and Kagami,” Tim’s voice rang. “Should romantic feelings spring to life between you and Marinette again, just know our sister Cassandra is much scarier than I. And a much better shot.”
           Then the black hoods and complete darkness came gain.
           When they were finally let go, in the exact same place they had been taken, neither Luka nor Kagami spoke for what seemed like forever. Their minds still wrapping around what had just taken place. However, it was Kagami who finally broke the quiet.
“Well, it appears I dodge a bullet, huh,” She shrugged, her face not betraying the fear she still felt. “Sucks for you. I’m going to go propose to Chloe. I know can I take her mom in a fight. And that she’s not a serial killer.” Kagami then gave him a grave look. “Happy holiday, Luka. I’ll send best flowers to your funeral.” And the she was gone, literally fleeing down the crowded street, leaving Luka alone with his thoughts and sense of his impending doom.
           He broke up with Marinette an hour later.
           It would take weeks before he would willingly be in a room with her again.
Kaldur'ahm: The Boy who regretted ever walking on land.
           Marinette had met her next boyfriend through her brother Tim. Ironic, considering she had just found out what he did to Luka. She had gone in for some extra training with the Black Canary when she spotted him. Kaldur; aqualad. Marinette had never talked too much with him before but found he was a very calm person and level-headed. A good leader, no matter how much Tim complained.
           They had spared together one day. And another. And Another. Then he asked her out. It was sweet… While it lasted. And it didn’t last long.
           Batman had looked at Kaldur’s picture, scoffed, and said, “Jason?”
           The sound of a gun clocking was heard, “Little Mermaids going down.”
           Unlike his brothers, Redhood had no time for mind games. He went for the quickest route.
           Aquaman burst into room where the justice league meeting was, “He shot Kaldur,” He roared to Batman. “The Red Hood shot Aqualad!”
           Bruce didn’t bat an eye, “Is he alive?”
“Yes,” The King of the seas said quickly. “But that’s not point.”
“Seems like it is,” Bruce said and went on with the meeting leaving a stuttering, red-faced Aquaman still standing there.
It was to one’s surprise when Kaldur dumped Marinette and was gone. Disappeared to the safety of Atlantis. And when he came back, Marinette was barred from Young Justice Headquarters.
It was on that day, that Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne decided enough was enough.
 Roy Harper-Queen: The Boy who should start making better life choices
           It was weird to say but Marinette met the boy who would turn out to be the love of her life when she was ten-years-old. And then sometime after her eighteenth birthday, she would team up with his clone to go rescue him. They became friends, went on missions together. It was a year later that he asked her out.
           Roy was pissed at the world, ready to die for anything if it meant he’d went fight, had a rude mouth, feared nothing and no one, and didn’t play by anyone’s rule but his own. In other words, he was perfect.
           Marinette just never meant to fall in love. She certainly didn’t expect to say yes when proposed.
           They had been keeping their relationship a secret from both their families for over two years. They were happy together. They loved each other.
           But more importantly, they could plot revenge together.
           And revenge was sweet.
           It all played out during a Justice League meeting. Roy, Red Arrow, and Ladybug had been full members for quite some time. The meeting was just about to close, when Roy stood up, “I have an announcement to make,” He said. “Red Arrow will be withdrawing from missions for the perceivable future. As will Ladybug,” He looked at Marinette who nodded firmly.
“What’s going on, Roy?” Oliver asked his once wayward son, with a frown.
           Batman eyed them suspiciously. As did the other members of the batfamily, all were present. Apart from Alfred because Marinette liked Alfred.
           Wonder Woman frowned, “Are you going solo again, I thought you were happy.”
“We’re fine. We’re very happy,” Roy said slowly before taking a deep breath and doing the bravest thing he ever would in his entire life. “Ladybug’s pregnant and I’m the father.”
           A few seconds passed before the words were processed in the Superheroes mind.
           Bruce’s eyes widened, his mind stopped working, and then a snarl ripped form his throat as he moved to attack. The batkids joining him.
“Alpha Code Angelbug” Flash shouted.
           That was all the other league need to go into defensive positions around Roy, against the batfamily. Marinette remained where she was with glee in her eyes. Superman stood in front of Roy, blocking him from view and potential danger.
           The Flash, Cyborg, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, and the Green Arrow stood in front of them. Oliver aimed at arrow at Batman, “Don’t move!” He yelled. “Don’t you dare move, Bruce. I’ll do it. Roy’s my son. And I won’t let you hurt him.”
           Batman growled, “He. I. My daughter!”
“Get Roy out of here, Superman,” Wonder Woman ordered. “We’ll hold him off but we can’t do it for long.” She stepped towards Bruce. “Marinette’s a grown woman. She makes her own choices.”
           Dick shook his head, anger clear on his face, “Dude, you were my friend.”
           Damian snarled, “Harper’s a sneak and a coward.”
“No honor,” Cassandra agreed.
           Jason just looked at his best friend, “I love you…. But you’re dead.”
           Tim just growled.
“No one’s dead or dying,” Marinette said as got up. “Because I’m not pregnant,” She said loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. She walked to her boyfriend and pulled him out from behind his shield. “But Roy and I have been dating for almost three years. And we’re getting married. You can be happy for us. Or I can never talk to you again.”
           Roy grinned, “Pops,” he said to Oliver, whose face was torn between relief and fury at it was prank. “We thought you and Bruce could be the main wedding planners. With the rest of the Queens and Waynes helping out; you know now that we’re going to be family. ”
           With that the two lovebird left the room, leaving the chaos they had created.
           Silence filled the room as Batman and Green Arrow stared at the other.
           Oliver gulped. He let out a breathy chuckle, “So I think a wedding in Star City would be great. Lots of Lilies. The Queen family loves lilies.”
           Batman’s eyes narrowed, “Gotham, roses.”
           Black Canary crossed her arms, “Star City would be safer.”
“Gotham is far more beautiful,” Tim snapped back.
           And just like that, battle lines were drawn. Justice League members’ face turned weary.
           Whether they knew it or not, that was Marinette and Roy’s last act of revenge.
           Forget Batman vs Superman.
           Try Bruce Wayne versus Oliver Queen: billionaire against billionaire, father against father. Elsewhere, thousands of journalist, photographers, florists, and caterers trembled and they didn’t know why.
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drwcn · 4 years
Think lan zhan and jiang yanli could be friends like wei ying and wen qing are friends? If they had the chance I could see it. Totally imagining lan zhan being bewildered at first, but than actually seeing why wei ying loves his sister so much. Also totally see them silently judging idiot people together and working together to keep wei ying mentally safe. Yanli teaching him how to cook and things about her brother.
YAS! LWJ and JYL judging people together is Mood. I will die on this hill.
(and bc i hate sleep, i got inspired by your ask and wrote this brain vomit from my btsf!verse that no one asked for, and yet i shall shamelessly impose on the world. It’s a different take on jiang yanli chewing out jin zixun and lan wangji being there and being generally awesome. ) 
Jin Zixun is causing a scene. 
In broad daylight in the middle of one of Jinlintai’s gardens no less. The Jins had planted lovely peonies, which are all in bloom now. Jiang Yanli had intended to enjoy them for an hour or two, but it seems her morning plans are about to be ruined. What she initially dismissed as a minor nuisance is quickly becoming an irritating fixture in her life. She has half a mind to be rid of this no good Jin cousin for good, and for that matter, she can count a good number of people who would oblige her. 
Standing toe to toe with Jin Zixun, Wei Wuxian is shaking with fury from whatever the other man had said. Not that anything even remotely tasteful has ever been produced by Jin Zixun’s mouth. It’s only productive function is eating, as that seems to be the only time he’s quiet and therefore marginally tolerable. 
Jiang Yanli already feels a headache looming just from the reminder of his mere existence. 
Lan Wangji is the first to notice her. He has one hand wrapped around Wei Ying’s wrist and another around Bichen’s sheath, pressing it across Jin Zixun’s chest to deter him from taking another step closer. Upon seeing her entourage approaching, he steps back and bows respectfully. 
“Sect Master Jiang.” 
Like wise, Jin Zixun reluctantly gives a half-hearted bow. She ignores him. For now. 
Remembering himself, Wei Wuxian flinches and quickly follows suit. “Zongzhu.” He greets her quietly. [zongzhu = sect master]
He doesn’t call her shi-jie anymore, at least not in public. 
Since the day she declared herself Sect Master of Yunmeng Jiang, A-Xian has been on his very best behaviour. Every word, every conduct, has strictly been adherent to what is expected of someone in his status and station. But Jiang Yanli could only frown. True, he is her left hand man, her lieutenant, her zuo-hufa, but he is firstly her brother, and she will not stand for him being pushed around by some second rate cultivator just so she could be spared “conflict”.
Turning her head slightly over her shoulder, she makes a small motion for Binghu (冰湖) and Shuangxue (霜雪) to stand down. Dealing with a gnat like Jin Zixun is too menial a task for upstanding cultivators like her personal guards. No, A-Xian is her brother, so Jiang Yanli will deal with this herself, and those who crosses her will only ever be sorry. 
“A-Xian, what’s going on?” 
“Nothing, zongzhu. A minor disagreement is all.” Clearly lies. 
Jiang Yanli looks to Lan Wangji. The younger man does not let go of his betrothed’s wrist, but he does lower his eyes out of deference to her. “Zhangjie, Jin Zixun-gongzi suggested that your brother Jiang-gongzi should be disqualified from tomorrow’s hunt on account of his unorthodox cultivation method. He said that he who could not protect his own golden core has no place amongst cultivators.” [zhangjie = a formal way of saying older sister]
Zhangjie. Rather bold of him to call her that, seeing he and A-Xian are not yet legally wed. But perhaps his choice of words is deliberate, used to remind her that Wei Wuxian is not just her subordinate, but her family. She’d be offended if the gesture isn’t so genuinely endearing. Lan Wangji is a quiet one, but so fiercely protective of Wei Wuxian. Out of this wretched war and all the underhanded maneuvers she’s been forced to take, nothing has pleased her more than this marriage alliance that she and Lan Xichen arranged.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian frowns and admonishes him quietly.  
“I spoke the truth.” 
Jiang Yanli casts Jin Zixun an aloof side glance, then says, “Perhaps I have confused the rules. Clarify for me, Wangji, is spiritual cultivation required for the hunt tomorrow?”
“Does cultivation affect the participant’s performance and ability?”
“No. Not if they follow the rules of conduct.”
“The Hunt is a strictly skills based competition is it not?”
“It is.” 
“Well then, I think that settles that. A rather simple mistake, Jin Zixun-gongzi, but I wouldn’t fret too much if you didn’t remember. This has been trying times for us all.”Jiang Yanli’s smile is bright but scorching, like the desert sun. 
Colour rises in Jin Zixun’s cheeks. He turns up his nose and huffs, “Has Yunmeng Jiang fallen so low that there’s no one left but deviants, servants, and women?”  
Wei Wuxian starts towards him, fully intending to throttle the man, but Jiang Yanli calms him with a gentle hand. Unflustered, she turns her full attention to the Jin cousin. The smile on her face does not dim, but her eyes are glacial. 
“Deviants, servants, and women. It’s true. We are that. But what can be done? It is unfortunate that there’s not enough reliable cultivators to count on, that even deviants, servants, and women must be forced to take up arms against a tyrant. How tiresome that we must not only fight our own fights, but you cultivators’ fights too.”
“How dare you -” Jin Zixun bristles, which is about as intimidating as an angry ferret, in Jiang Yanli’s considered opinion.
“Shall I remind you when you led your troops into enemy territory last winter in a bullheaded attempt to boast your ego, whose squadron came to your aid when you were trapped, starving in the snow? Whose food fed your men’s bellies, whose blankets and tents warmed your bodies in that storm?” Jiang Yanli does not raise her tone, but holds nothing back. “And who, after you so pitifully grovelled, omitted your incompetence from the report to your uncle and Sect Master.” 
“I -” Jin Zixun darkens from red to purple, unable to come up with a single word of refute. Typical. 
Jiang Yanli plows on.
“If we deviants, servants, and women are not befitting polite company and the gentlemanly sport of hunting, then you sir, with so little grace and gratitude for the people who saved your life and the lives of your kinsmen, are not fit to even stand in our presence.” She takes a step closer, forcing him back. “You’re right. I am a woman, but Wei Wuxian was raised along side myself and Jiang Cheng, as close to us as flesh and blood. That you have called him a servant is untrue and a grave offence, which I will not accept. So remembering that, Jin Zixun-gongzi, you will apologize to my brother, Yunmeng Jiang’s zuo-hufa Wei Wuxian. Immediately.”
It is Jin Zixun’s turn to shake, too humiliated and furious to say a thing. It’s clear that he’d rather the ground swallow him than apologize, but as servants and disciples start to crowd around them, whispering and pointing, it seems he has no choice. Jiang Yanli is still a sect master, and Wei Wuxian is a much respected hero. 
“Apologies, Wei-gongzi.” 
“What’s going on here?” Behind Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixuan and Qin Su can be seen making their way towards them from the other end of the lang. The latter of the two dips in a proper courtesy of a gentlewoman, but the former only manages an awkward cultivator’s bow without meeting Jiang Yanli’s eyes.  
“Nothing that needs to worry you, Jin-gongzi. Just a small misunderstanding, all cleared up now. Is that not so, Zixun-gongzi, Wangji, A-Xian?”
“Barely a tiff.” Lan Zhan lies with a straight face. Wei Ying says nothing. 
Jin Zixun forces himself to nod once. 
Jiang Yanli quickly forgets that such a person ever existed. Stepping up to the two that just joined them, she offers her usual sweet smile. “I don’t believe I’ve had the opportunity to congratulate you both on your upcoming nuptials. Such wonderful news! Qin-meimei, Madam Jin has asked me to consult on the design of your fengguan, I hope we shall see more of each other so I can make better judgement of your preferences.”
Qin Su blushes. “Jiang-jiejie - eh - Jiang-zongzhu, you tease me! There’s been so much to do lately, we’ve not had time to send out the invites. I - Congratulations to your family too, Hanguang-jun, Wei-gongzi.”
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian return her well wishes politely, though somewhat with a stiff back. Jiang Yanli internally frowns, wondering perhaps things aren’t going as well she is led to believe… A matter she needs to think on later. 
“Well, I must be off now. I wish I had the endurance of a cultivator, but alas the summer heat is somewhat getting to me. Do enjoy the peonies though, Qin-meimei, Jin-gongzi, they are lovely this year. Wangji, A-Xian, come.”
Jiang Yanli leaves the garden at a leisurely pace, her head held up high, followed by her brothers and her entourage. As she turns at the round archway, she spares a discreet glance towards Jin Guangshan’s son and his future bride, a pairs of unfortunate siblings trying to fit into each other’s lives and unknowingly heading towards a disaster.
She decides to let that one stew a little longer. For now no real damage is done - Jin Zixuan is far to awkward even if Qin Su finds him handsome. The marriage won’t go through; she’s not so cruel that she will actually let that runaway carriage go off the proverbial cliff. However, the key to every offensive strike is timing, and now is not the time to reveal the truth to them. As long as Madam Qin is medically incapacitated, the secret holds, and she will stay that way for a while yet. Jiang Yanli muses that she rather likes the landscape now the way it is, and longs to see the day Jin Guangshan and Qin Cangye gets what’s coming to them.
1. zongzhu = sect master2. zuo-hufa =  the “zuo - left” hand man of the sect master. Their function is to serve and protect the sect master, as the word hufa literally means protector. 3.  Binghu (冰湖) & Shuangxue (霜雪) - YJL’s bodyguards. Binghu means ice, lake, Shuangxue means frost, snow. 4.  zhangjie = a formal way of saying older sister.5. lang =  A long, belt-like structure, Lang, the covered corridor is a roofed passage usually with low railings and long side benches. 6. meimei = younger sister. jiejie = older sister. When used in conjunction with last names, this is a way for women who are familiar with each other to address each other. I7.  fengguan 凤冠 = it’s the term for the headpiece that brides wear on their wedding day. 
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Been having a weird/off week. But you know what’s made it better?
Spending some more time in Midvale with Supergirl Ep. 6x06, “Prom Again!”
So! Last week was the fun shenanigans/set-up, THIS WEEK we get the emotional pay-offs and oooooh. So good. So good.
Historically, Supergirl kinda struggles to stick its landing when it comes to paying off its set-ups, but I think this episode is really solid in that regard.  
And thus, we begin! With the forest showdown! And I love it. Love every part of it. Love Kara flying in and freeing Nia and Brainy with her heat vision, love that one of Kenny and Kara’s go-to plays is called ‘Speed Racer’, love Brainy’s whole, ‘my buddy’s gonna BLAST YA if you don’t cooperate’ and Kara just. Threatens the bad guys from the shrubbery.
She’s supposed to be scary and intimidating with the heat vision eyes but dagnabbit...it’s just kind of cute.
Last week I completely forgot to mention how much I love that Kenny and Kara have go-to plays WITH NAMES. (NERDY names at that!) And also that Alex is so exasperated by it.
Fast forward to the Fortress and everyone’s happy! The day is saved! The timeline is restored! Alex apologizes for being a bit of a grouch!
*cough* understatement *cough*
And Brainy doesn’t get the fist bump, d’awwwww. XD
Nia has a lovely chat with Kara wherein SHE is the elder hero who inspires the youths. Nice. NICE.
And THEN, the first of some good Danvers Sisters scenes...we’ll call this one ‘the mini-van chat.’ 
Kara apologizing about the ‘Zookeeper fight-y thing’ and the GLASSES FIDGET.
Shout out to the writers, who were ON-POINT with the dialogue for both parts, and shout out to the young actresses as well. It’s...honestly uncanny, how well they nailed playing Kara and Alex. 
(I mean, we knew this already, of course, but GOSH. What a wonderful showcase. So, so glad, that we got such a large Midvale story in the final season.)
Right, so, another dialogue highlight from the mini-van chat (but like, not in a silly way. More in a, ‘oh wow that’s very sweet’ way) Alex, to Kara about her choice: ‘It’s the right one because you made it.’
Then we go to Nia and Brainy on the Legion Cruiser!
Nia’s outfit? Outstanding. Brainy’s mask? Admittedly a little distracting because it didn’t look like it was fitting quite right.
But A+ song choice for their dance, show. 
(Really, A+ song choices across the board. You can tell they were absolutely LOVING getting in all those needle drops.) 
Cat Grant has released the aliens! And she has been captured! And yet she remains heckin’ fearless!
Love that she calls Mitch ‘Mr. Blue Sky.’
It took me a while to warm up to this ‘new’ version of Cat Grant but this episode really gave her some fun stuff to do and yep, I dig it. Great stuff. 
Meanwhile, back at the prom...
I'm taking this moment to applaud the Supergirl folks for their very nice workarounds for ‘crowded’ locations this season thus far. The episodes have never felt like, overtly obvious in terms of Covid protocol impacts (I mean there are a few scenes here and there where you’re like, ‘oh, yeah, this is set up in this specific way to probably account for some production changes) but I’ve never felt that the episodes are losing anything, you know?
Case in point! Two episodes, set in a crowded high school! But most of the stuff takes place before/between classes, or outside!
(Specifically enjoyed all the outdoor stuff and natural lighting. It’s not quite the same as that LA sunshine, but. Still nice.)  
Anyways, in “Prom Again!” the action/discussions are set in the hallways/classrooms outside of the actual Prom. Inobtrusive! Makes sense for the story! Doesn’t compromise!
Gold stars for everyone. 
Kara and Kenny are BOTH unrelentingly cheesy--Kara even says as much--and it’s wonderful.
‘Hey Stargazer.’ Kara, you smooth operator you.
Shout out to Kenny’s bowtie, it’s great.
...Shout out to Kenny in general.
(Like, Will is great, but he’s got a lot to live up to, now.)
So FURTHER PROOF THAT THE TIMELINE IS BUSTED: Kara is going to stay in Midvale!
Me, knowing full well that Kara has to go to National City, but also being...just a liiiiittle bit team Kenny: 
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And then...THE METEOR!
That Kara just. Body-slams.
It reminded me of another Danvers, who also body-slams some space stuff:
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But UNLIKE Kara’s cross-company cousin, this particular move does not end well!
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(Well, okay. It’s tonight but you get the idea.)
Poor, sweet Kenny. Who feels WAY out of his depth as he’s imprisoned alongside Cat on the alien ship...but it does bring us one of her patented ‘tough love pep talks.’ Wherein she calls Kenny brilliant.
And also, Kendall.
Never change, Cat. Never change.
Also, “Go, go.”
Okay, some more rapid fire specifics that I enjoyed so that this list doesn’t get...too? Long? ...No promises.
Smol Kara squaring her shoulders in that classic Kara Super Pose! 
Alex being able to pick a lock!
Kara using the reflected sunlight from the moon to heal!
‘That’s an 80% failure rate’ ‘Oh yes it’s terrible.’
The scene where the police have Kara, and Alex comes rushing out all, ‘that’s my sister!’ and Kara’s gonna just RISK EVERYTHING to fix this?
100/10, excellent, love to see that Danvers Sisters angst in the Worst Timeline. Also? Alex’s desperate little headshake, silently pleading for Kara to NOT DO THE THING???? Devastating. In the best way.
‘The world will know that name...Keira.’ 
No Plutonian Landshark sightings!?!? Not even a graphic on a computer screen? FOR SHAME!
(Personally, I’m imaging that they look like Jeff, pictured below.)
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Kara stowing away on the Cruiser, and her very cute, ‘Don’t be mad!’
Her entire speech about her future--She’s just seventeen! She doesn’t have her driver’s license yet! Eliza’s only let her do the laundry once! She’s not even sure she can make rice!
(Eliza, I love you, but for Pete’s sake, let your kid do her own laundry.) 
Brainy and Kara trying to play it cool upon being discovered by Kenny and Alex! 
Their story involving an excess of formal wear!
Nia inspiring Cat to start CatCo, and telling her she’s CAT FREAKIN’ GRANT!
“If you say Lois Lane I will expire.”
Wait, did I mention the lucid dreaming power yet? ...Nia’s lucid dreaming power!
The entirety of Kara and Kenny’s talk in the gym!
Kara in the Worst Timeline tell Alex, ‘you don’t have to shout’. And then in the Fixed Timeline: ‘inside voice please.’
And she quotes Monty Python that lil GOOBER.
THE WHOLE EPISODE(S) was a GOSHDARN DELIGHT, I TELL YA. (Did I say that last week? I might’ve said that last week, but I don’t care.)
And now, some slightly more in-depth, overall thoughts:
So, How ‘Bout Them Danvers: Not surprisingly, the girls end up in, if not the exact same place as the end of “Midvale”, then pretty darn close. I’m trying to avoid, like. All of fandom, these days, but unfortunately, the bad takes are numerous, and often untagged. So I did see a bunch of people insisting that Kenny living ‘ruined the Danvers’ relationship’ and that the show is ‘taking away everything that makes Kara Kara’
To which I say:
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In the broadest terms, what needs to happen by episode’s end to match up with “Midvale”, and prep the kiddos for the stuff that happens in the Pilot - Kara needs to put the aspirations of super-ing on the backburner, and Alex needs to like. Not hate Kara, but also be committed to helping Kara keep her secret, you know...secret. 
All of these things are set up. I repeat: All. Of. Them.
And Kenny didn’t have to die!
(I will admit, I chuckled that they so blatantly teased an untimely demise for him...because I know it will annoy select corners of fandom.
But anyways, back to those key ingredients for making a ‘Danvers Sisters in the same emotional place they were in @ Midvale’s end’ soup: Alex deals with that simmering resentment. Seeing Kara handle herself well in a super-ing context gives her that little, ‘hey, this isn’t so bad!’ outlook.
BUT INTERESTINGLY, in the Fixed Timeline, Alex and Kara don’t have that chat in the supply room, where Alex is like. ‘You CANNOT reveal your powers, BAD THINGS will happen if you do.’ 
That is saved for the Pilot!*
MEANWHILE. The Kara ingredients! She puts super-ing on hold. 
Her chat with Kenny functions as a replacement for her chat with J’onn-as-Not!Alura, in the sense that it’s here that she reveals that she didn’t choose to come to Midvale, she didn’t choose these powers. 
(...I can already sense fandom using those lines to prove their end-of-series theories and like. Ugh. Ugh.) 
But anyways. It’s also here that we get shades of Pilot!Kara, what with the season one conflict of being Super vs. being normal. 
Fandom needs to like. Chill. 
And their (fake) concern for Kara’s characterization is entirely misplaced, because this was a really wonderful showcase for Kara in particular.
Like. The first episode was really Nia’s time to shine, and we still got solid Brainy and Nia action in this episode!
But man. That good Kara content.
So speaking of good Kara content in particular, I LOVED Kara’s prom dress. It's got both a SKIRT. AND PANTS!
I know nothing of fashion, but it was very cute, very girly, and okay. Though I hate the comic, the one thing I actually liked about Future State is Kara’s costume. This was similar!
(Thank goodness it looked nothing like the prom dress from Rebirth. That...was a bit of a train wreck.)
(Look, not all comic artists are great clothes designers, it’s just how it is.)
We see the empowerment theme come up with Kara inspiring Kenny; he describes her as ‘an amazing light in a world of darkness’ and tells her that, ‘you changed me, Kara Zor-El.’
We love to see it. 
They also agree that stargazing and Monty Python make for the perfect prom these absolute NERDS I love them.
*Quick wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey note WRT making this episode ‘fit’ with the Pilot: I’m not saying that it 100% does. There’s already the change with the Kryptonite, and the added info/awareness of the DEO. 
Those little changes, though, don’t really impact the overall arc of Kara and Alex, the way the emotional stuff might. 
Thus! The ‘Pilot’ of Earth Prime, and in fact, the ENTIRETY of the show’s run thus far most likely involved little differences throughout, but the emotional core is very close, if not the exact same.
BUT EITHER WAY, it doesn’t matter, because our Kara and Alex are still our Kara and Alex thanks to the multiple sets of memories! 
(So all of fandom’s freaking out is for naught. As it almost always is.) 
I bring this up because, again, as much as I talk about setting stuff up for where we find Kara six years from now--this Kara is a little different! She comes across as more confident, something Izabela Vidovic mentioned in an interview, when discussing her approach to playing Kara this time around. 
And now, Alex: Admittedly, she gets less focus as like, a solo-entity in these episodes--she really is there to serve the more Kara-centric plot. Personally, it didn’t bother me too much because outside of these flashback episodes, Alex has had some solid development and screen time, so. It balances out.
And the scenes we did get with those 2? Solid. Top tier. There was even a couch scene! Like, technically. Because there was a couch in the supply room. XD  
Spotlight on Kenny: fandom kinda loves to insist that all the men on Supergirl are trash, because, ya know. 'Feminism’ or whatever. It’s ships, it’s always ships. But, in fact! The dudes on Supergirl? Are actually wonderful! And Kenny is another example of a guy who isn’t afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, who 1000% supports Kara, but is also like. His own person. 
Brainy too, had some really nice stuff in terms of dealing with his emotions!
And it’s Brainy who gives us our closing line, as Nia asks him how he’s feeling now that they’ve accomplished their mission:
In conclusion! “Prom Night” and “Prom Again!” were EXCELLENT! They had heart! They had stakes! They had the promised time-travel do-over alluded to in the titles! Outstanding performances from the entire cast! Tthe ‘young’ versions of characters in particular! And I WILL be watching these episodes on repeat throughout the three-month hiatus! XD
But before the Super Friends take their break: NEXT WEEK! The Quest for Kara Concludes!!!
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Drop of Paradise - Part 2
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Note: Bridgette and Sabine speak a little English in this part, but since I’m writing this in English, all of the “English” is really badly translated French. I’m so sorry for the badly translated French. Edit: Thanks to @dargeon-lissa the French is now significantly less badly translated.
“Hi, Marinette!”
Marinette turned her head to look at the door of the bakery and smiled when she saw Rose coming through it, followed closely by Juleka. Unfortunately Juleka was followed closely by Lila, and the smile dropped from Marinette’s face before it even had time to fully form.
Rose skipped up to the counter, happy and cheerful as always, and beamed at Marinette. Juleka gave Marinette a much more sedate smile. Lila, behind the other two, gave Marinette a downright nasty look that Marinette was kind enough to ignore.
“Hello, Rose. Hello, Juleka.” Marinette took a moment to swallow her pride and put on her customer service face. “Hello, Lila. What are you doing here?”
Had that sounded too demanding? Too rude? Marinette sent a look to her mother who was tending the register, but she didn’t seem to be paying attention to Marinette’s conversation with her friends. Or rather, her friends and Lila, but Sabine didn’t know about that.
“Lila knows a producer in Japan who works with Babymetal!” Rose said. “He’s looking for a new sound and Lila said that Kitty Section would be perfect! We called an impromptu band practice so Lila can send him a recording! Isn’t that just fantastic, Marinette?!”
“It would be fantastic if you guys caught the attention of someone like that in the music business,” Marinette agreed. “But don’t get your hopes up, okay?”
Rose’s excited smile dropped off her face and Marinette hated it. She hated seeing her friends upset, and she hated being the one to upset them. More than that, though, she hated Lila for offering out fake opportunities like she did. Winding Marinette’s friends up like puppets when she knew eventually the strings she had them dancing on would unravel, along with every lie she’d ever told them.
“Why shouldn’t she get her hopes up, Marinette?” Lila asked in a sickly-sweet voice. “A little optimism is good, right?”
Not when it gets them to believe liars like you, Marinette thought, biting back the words and glaring at Lila. Rose and Juleka shifted uncomfortably.
Marinette forced herself to stop glaring and instead focused on Rose and Juleka. “So, are you guys here to get some snacks for practice?”
“Yup!” Rose chirped. “It’ll be just the five of us, so I was thinking we’d get a box of twenty assorted macarons? And maybe a bag of croissants. Is that alright?”
“That’s just fine,” Marinette said with a smile. “Any preferences on what flavor of macarons?”
“Surprise us!”
“You know,” Lila began as Marinette turned her back to begin the order. “My great grandfather used to own a bakery back in Italy.”
“Really?” Rose asked, already on the hook.
Marinette heard the door to the bakery open as Lila continued. “Oh yes. He taught me how to make the best tiramisu in the world! Of course, I have a hard time baking now with my arthritis and everything, so I have to settle for buying baked goods nowadays.”
“Oh,” Rose crooned. “That’s so terrible.”
“That sucks,” Juleka mumbled.
“Mom,” Marinette called out. “Do you know if the new batch of strawberry cheesecake macarons is done yet?”
Marinette’s mom didn’t respond. Marinette dropped the fifth croissant into the bag and then glanced over to see why her mom hadn’t said anything. Then she nearly dropped the bag.
Standing across from her mother at the counter was none other than Marinette’s favorite cousin, and she was quite the spectacle. Bridgette was wearing a gorgeous gradient blue-to-purple cheongsam that Marinette was dying to get a closer look at, along with a big, floppy sun hat and novelty Eiffel Tower sunglasses. She also had a duffel bag slung over her shoulder and a huge grin on her face.
“That’s a… look,” Lila said in a rude voice. For once Marinette didn’t even mind her comment, too surprised at seeing Bridgette.
“Bridgette!” she called out, and Bridgette turned to look at her. Her grin widened even further upon seeing Marinette and she strode over.
“Ah, et Marinette. Je ne veux pas sonner comme une vieil dame très sentimental, mais tu as tellement grandi depuis que tu as quitté Eden. Tu es presque une adulte maintenant!” Bridgette said in what Marinette recognized as English, but couldn’t understand.
“Oh, Bridgette, Marinette ne sait pas encore parler anglais,” Marinette’s mother said, also in English.
“My bad,” Bridgette said in much more understandable Eden-dialect Chinese, and grinned at Marinette. “Hello Marinette. It’s very nice to see you again.”
“Yeah!” Marinette agreed, switching into Eden-dialect Chinese as well with only a little difficulty. “I’m happy to see you too, Bridgette!”
Bridgette laughed sweetly. “Thank you, Marinette. I see that your sweetness hasn’t changed with your age. But, ah,” Bridgette cast a look in the direction of Rose, Juleka, and Lila. “Don’t let me interrupt you and your friends.”
Bridgette waved at Marinette and headed back over to Sabine, and Marinette turned back to Rose, Juleka, and Lila.
“Wow, Marinette!” Rose exclaimed. “I didn’t know you spoke a language other than French! And who was that? She’s so pretty!”
Marinette smiled at Rose. “That’s my cousin, Bridgette. She came to help me with my presentation for multicultural week.” Marinette set the bag of croissants down on the counter. “I’m gonna go check if Papa has finished with the new batch of strawberry cheesecake macarons. I know they’re your favorite, Rose.”
“I can handle that,” Marinette’s mother said, coming over to them. “Marinette, why don’t you show Bridgette upstairs to your room? I know you have a lot of things you want to talk about with her having to do with your upcoming presentation.” She gave Marinette a knowing look, and Marinette blushed.
“Okay, Mama, but call me down if you need any more help.” Marinette turned to Bridgette. “C’mon, I’ll show you upstairs.”
Bridgette blinked at her uncomprehendingly.
Marinette’s cheeks heated even further. “Ah, sorry. I guess you don’t understand French. Mama suggested I show up to my room, so…”
Bridgette nodded. “Of course. Thank you Marinette.”
Marinette ushered Bridgette through the gap in the side of the counter and lead her into the back. It looked like the new batch of strawberry cheesecake macarons were indeed done, so Rose would be happy.
“I actually wanted to ask you about something,” Bridgette said as they reached the stairs at the very back of the bakery. “Like you said, I don’t speak French. I decided English would be a better language to learn considering how broadly it is spoken across the world. That, and it was easier to learn in Eden than French was.” Bridgette laughed into her hand as they reached the top of the stairs. Marinette began to take her shoes off, and Bridgette followed her example.“I was told that giving my presentation to the French President and Parliament in English would be fine, but I doubt your classmates will understand it as easily. So, I wanted to ask you if you’d be okay with acting as a translator during the presentation at your school?”
“Of course!” Marinette agreed easily. They reached the steep stairs leading up to Marinette’s room. “Watch your step.”
“Thank you, Marinette,” Bridgette said. “For the warning and the future translation.”
“Of course,” Marinette said again. She lifted the trap door and climbed through it before holding it open so Bridgette could do the same. “This is my room. We figured you could sleep in here for as long as you’re in Paris. You can take the chaise or the bed, your choice.”
Bridgette smiled at her. “The chaise seems just fine, Marinette, but thank you.”
Marinette smiled back. “Yeah, of course. Now, ah, do you want to get settled in, or…”
“Actually,” Bridgette said with a sly smile. “I am quite interested in hearing what you have to say. Aunt Sabine mentioned you have a great many ideas on things to do for your presentation?”
Marinette flushed. “Ah, yeah. I guess I got a little enthusiastic. I’m just… really excited.”
“You should be excited!” Bridgette exclaimed. “Eden is finally revealing itself to the world. It’s all very exciting! Now, tell me more about these ideas.”
Lila Rossi was the daughter of an important Italian diplomat who brought her daughter with her wherever she went. From Venice to Barcelona, and London to Paris. With so many changes in location over the course of her short life, Lila had developed some very specific abilities. Among them the ability to fit in at any new school by telling people what they wanted to hear, and the ability to say those things in many different languages. Including English.
Eden. Of course that little brat was from Eden. The biggest news story of the century, and of course Marinette Dupain-Cheng was at the center of it. She was at the center of everything Lila deserved to be at the center of, wasn’t she? And come next week, she would be the center of everyone’s attention for weeks to come.
Lila shook her head, well-concealed rage coursing through her veins as she exited the bakery behind Rose and Juleka. Not if Lila had anything to do with it.
“Have you guys heard about Eden yet?” Lila asked as the three of them began to make their way down the street.
“Of course!” Rose exclaimed. “It’s so amazing! A secret Chinese city hidden in the mountains, a secret for millennia? I’m getting inspired just thinking about it! Maybe we can write a Kitty Section song about it!”
“That would be awesome,” Juleka mumbled. Ugh, Lila hated the mumbling.
“I could help you with it,” she offered. “I know a lot about Eden that most people don’t. I actually volunteered there for a whole year when I was younger.”
“Really?!” Rose squealed, and Juleka looked at Lila with interest. Lila hid a smirk. Too easy.
Translations (what I meant for the translations to say, anyway):
Ah, and Marinette. Not to sound like a sentimental, old woman, but you’ve grown so much since you left Eden. You’re almost an adult now.
Oh, Bridgette, Marinette doesn’t know very much English yet.
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kim-lexie · 4 years
‘start up’: week-by-week playback
here is a week-by-week playback of events from ‘start up’ and my unfiltered feelings. hope you enjoy! if you want to see somewhat cohesive thoughts on ‘start up’ check out my official review. here :) 
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*spoiler alert*
ep 1
ladies and gents it’s going to be a good one. i loved being able to see this backstory to lay all the groundwork for the future of the drama.
his story is devastating as a young individual unable to make his way into the world and then making a way to find it isn’t how he expected and lost a real thing he had with the relationship with the her grandmother. but the redemption when he goes to see her again.
her family becoming broken. her sister severing the relationship and chalking it up to being ‘oh i made the better choice’. and her father dying while getting her chicken and trying to get an investment to not let his daughter go hungry and to bring his family together.
to him making up a character that got her through hard times. and then trying to find him again. this is going to be great. and i know i’m going to be devastated bc she fell in love with the other man to begin with, and now she will see this new person.
soooooo much happened and i’m clearly not ready.
ep 2
why? why do we lie? we know nothing good will come of it. if anything this jipyeong is who she loves. but why lie? literally you can own up to it and start over boo.
disappointed in our sweet grandma for lying to dalmi for so long.
her sister is awful. and so is this ‘mother’.
this man just wanted to start up his start up but he was like nah don’t want to help you even though i need you. feel in love with the girl in the letters and showed up bc of the goodness of his heart. hope he doesn’t get lost in the fantasy of it.
their business, samsan tech, is going to be wild and great and he missed his opportunity.
ep 3
her mother saying she is the same as her dad not having a plan is so wack, and makes me want her to slap her.
aren’t you curious? why aren’t you asking why i am like this? because that is my concept the quiet good looking type. i can’t with him hahaha
i love that he asked about the music box. i wish it was really him that wrote the letters, because this will be heartbreaking when she finds out.
‘it wouldn’t be bad to sail off without a map even if we got lost, if it’s with you.’
this kid, dosan, is too funny.
i cannot believe her ‘father’ just throw her under the bus and had her oppa takes over the Korean branch of her company that she formed.
dang it. girl quits her job because he started his own company
they got first place. is that enough inkling for you?!?!?
they both like her. but only one of them will admit his feelings so he will win in the end. i’m so excited to see all of their relationships develop.
the cringe level of the edit of her winning her award. i cannot even. they’re charming everyone loves it.
ep 4
him learning how to be a hot shot ceo. i can’t. the placemats he is struggling.
his friend breaking the 3rd wall and telling us how dosan drives away all the ladies in university.
poor guy the only things she likes about him aren’t him at all but jipyeong.
she is going to be their ceo isn’t she. bc he said that he can’t be ceo. she’d kill it. what a queen.
yes boo! there it is we know who you’re going to pick. bc she wants them to recruit you not the other way around.
ep 5
this was a stellar episode. from both teams using the same data set and coming up with wildly different ideas to samsan tech almost crashing down. but setting a fire to dosan to do better and be more ambitious. i’m so excited.
our girl killed her presentation yes queen. you got this. the fact that the boys created a whole new software. these folks would be crazy to not invest.
this alex guy really believes in them i’m excited to see if there will be rivalry between the two hot shot ceo’s
the fact that her grandma doesn’t regret not sending her to college but rather regrets not meeting him earlier to support and encourage him made me cry.
ep 6
this was a great episode. so much happened in the development of their little company. disorder and disagreements led to stronger relations within the company.
i love how she picked the mentor. like yup i know alex is the biggest deal since slice bread but you’re our homie.
the fact that dosan was ready to come clean about the letters but overheard the grandmother get a sad report from the doctors and wanted to protect her and her granddaughter. so sad.
ep 7
i really need more than a second male lead for this man. i can’t stand the way he looks at her. he loves her and is trying so hard to shut off his heart to her.
i love the bickering between the two male leads. like seriously hilarious.
i love the sweet relationship that nam dosan will now have with her grandmother. and i love the idea concept he had for their business. a beautiful heart behind the machine.
dosan standing up for her and standing against this horrible man out to exploit their talent.  
this ending scene i can’t. they’re cute too. and precious.
he kept the plant and is going to give it nutrients to keep it well. please do the same with your relationship with her honey.
ep 8
i really love jipyeong and need them together.
i cannot with their ceo step dad. like isn’t this too much.
i want the boss lady at sandbox to know that dalmi is the sandbox girl!!!
ep 9
the wind turned into a heavy storm that destroyed his self esteem. he feels himself falling apart bc of his secret.
she was attacked!
‘i made a wrong turn and stumbled upon fireworks’ nam dosan.
he brought them to the beach after reading that review of wanting to see more beauty that the world has to offer. i need him to own up to his feelings and make a move.
don’t lie bro we know you like dalmi. and of course it’s raining. bc that’s how it is.
we still get a scene with them running through the rain the chul-san and yong-san.
my heart is crumbling into a million pieces. jipyeong’s there and dosan isn’t. what are we going to do. this ain’t the moment of revelation we wanted.
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ep 10
jipyeong is so great. 10 out of 10.
i don’t know what it is but i really am not about dosan’s character for some reason. i really just want jipyeong to be honest from the start and he could have ended up with her.
my heart. our dalmi.
‘i wanted to be the person you wanted. but it was too hard to bear.’
‘the person i want. i don’t know who that is.’
is the sibling of the member that died in their group?
do-san can’t leave his boys!!
‘does my dream have to be success. can’t it be a person?’
he just confesses to liking her while he was mixing their noodles. i can’t with him. love that he’s finally being honest. now it’s all up to dalmi.
everyone encouraging her before she has to promote their company. she did this. she is the ceo. she’s got this.
what the even?!? jipyeong was the one that was harsh to him. and it led his brother to commit suicide. oh no. and now they’re in the elevator together what’s going to happen?!?!
now she has two plan b?!? one from the investor and one from dosan and the big tech company.
they both confessed to the nice lady at the bar. hahaha i love these epilogue moments.
ep 11
yong-san’s brother story is so sad.
his dad standing up for the present he desperately wants to keep. and being the bridge for innovation.
their software worked on alex’s scheme!!!
and they won demo day.
oh no but alex isn’t as great as we thought he was...
chul-san and sa-ha are dating. i cannot even. this is the best!!!
they’re such a good team. brainstorming after their win. they cannot disband them.
i thought our man was going to get to them
in time to stop them from signing. but he didn’t.
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ep 12
bro. alex is awful i hate this man.
the moments between. hjp and mrs. choi you are brilliant and heart breaking. i really want them to continue to grow into a better person and end up with dalmi.
why y’all got to fight why is dosan doing this. bro you’re not getting any brownie points by being like this dude.
i really love this side story with chulsan and saha. they’re cute. well we can share the vanilla latte. cute!!!!  
chulsan made her a video of numbers to help her fall asleep. he’s too cute i want her to admit that she likes him. ahhhhhhhhh
the fact that they ended up going and we’ll have a three year gap errrrks me. like our boy jhp is going to finally start making moves and dosan is going to run in and save the day. like bro you’re a mess.
i hope they were able to save the app for her grandmother.
her applying to her sisters company i’m excited.
ep 13
lolol they used his cousin for the commercial and injae looks sooo cute. frozen inspired.
i love how she had /iced vanilla latte lover’ as chul-san’s contact name and the vlogs!!!
hjp our man saved her from the insurance guy.
now they all play go stop together!!!!
she tucked him in and he gets to stay
youngsil calling him out to just swing the bat and don’t hesitate or he’ll lose. is this foreshadowing our man losing dalmi?!?
they finally got to eat at the bbq restaurant that was below their original building
frick my life. why is his timing always wack.
at least chulson and saha can sail.
the whole gang is back together!
it was the twins that hacked it wasn’t it?!?
he stopped him. come on baby.
ep 14
i love his man listening to her cry. hiding her because she didn’t want her staff to see. and telling her to chill until she is ready. i love this man.
that’s right honey. don’t answer that phone move on.
their little photoshoot was faboulous, them as RGB
yes queen. she went to confront her family. and be like boo you thought i didn’t chance. honey you’re in for it.
her mother wanting to pay back her mother-in-law for raising her daughter in her steed.
dosan turned her down her offer to be their AI specialists at her company.
i love that his father saved the baseball.
me finally accepting my ship won’t sail when their girl walked 5 hours in the woods to get to dosan.
yong-san apologizing for saying that jhp killed his brother. they both are apologizing.
they all end up joining her company!!!!
ep 15
their self driving car passed the test. they’re too cute in their celebration.
she doesn’t want to lose her team again if they lose their bid.
sa ha is finally falling for chulsan. he’s so precious. him being like oh wait you’re asking me out.
of course it would be this trip getting stuck in an elevator together.
sailing off without a map. never will regret it. -dosan
injae absolved her adoption after seeing her grandmother.
he tired to out so all their memories with that one thing alone his big hands. hahah oh do san.
my hjp finally let go. he took his losses and kept the money tree and letters. it isn’t enough honey boo.
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stop feeling inferior to me. work on your self esteem and look at dalmi again. then you’ll know who she really likes. with those hands alone, you beat our memories. -hjp
because it’s you. you’re the reason. that’s it. -dalmi on liking dosan
i really don’t like them together. but whatever i shall not have my way in this. it’s fine hjp is mine.
i love the sisters together. they’re precious talking about the sandbox girl.
is this article going to frick up their bid?!? but it was his hackers that did it the twins!!!
is hjp going to save the day?!?
ep 16
dalmi and dosan are a dream team. and they just served that reporter one great tell all.
i still can’t process bc i love hjp.
i feel like it hit mrs. choi when they were all talking dosan and dalmi when are finally saw dosan after a few years that her good boy would feel alone. TT
‘don’t become any lonelier jipyeong...’ their relationship makes me cry. i love that
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i can’t everyone saying what they’ll do if they win. PROPOSE. say who their boyfriend is?!?!
i’m excited to see this start up to connect orphanages with a sponsor to help them in that transition. it’s a perfect fit for him. ‘i like your voice’, because it sounds like young-sil the voice of the app/help device. he’s going to personally invest and help them with their business plan. and then sponser kids!!! he is seriously a dream.
chulsan and saha are too cute. i love that she introduced him as her boyfriend. he was not expecting that. she finally found someone who she’s been looking for!
was that their goodbye? he isn’t the dosan from the letters? huh?
in jae is such a queen serving those papers to her dad at the q and a session, that no one showed up to. 
them all crying in their old rooftop office. they’re such dorks i love them
his father took the sign to replace it with the one from the math competition.
dalmi and injae’s relationship is too precious.
he’s going to invest in their company. and dosan accepted hjp’s investment.
i want to change the world. follow your dream.
i liked this one.
i wonder if they won.......oh the epilogue!!!
they got married. and they kept the baseball. chul-san and saha revealed they were a couple. chul-san shaved his hair! i loved that we saw it all though pictures on their desk!! that was a creative way to fit everything in!
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shareholders meeting!!! the gang taking over the world!
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richincolor · 4 years
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January's New Releases
2021 told 2020 to hold it's beer and what a month January has been! Publishing YA also came out swinging with a slew of new books (many already bestsellers) in what we hope will be another banner year for BIPOC stories. Click below to find books for your TBR list. 
Week of January 5th
The Life I’m In by Sharon G. Flake Scholastic Inc
My feet are heavy as stones when I walk up the block wondering why I can’t find my old self.
In The Skin I’m In, readers saw into the life of Maleeka Madison, a teen who suffered from the ridicule she received because of her dark skin color. For decades fans have wanted to know the fate of the bully who made Maleeka’s life miserable, Char.
Now in Sharon Flake’s latest and unflinching novel, The Life I’m In, we follow Charlese Jones, who, with her raw, blistering voice speaks the truths many girls face, offering insight to some of the causes and conditions that make a bully. Turned out of the only home she has known, Char boards a bus to nowhere where she is lured into the dangerous web of human trafficking. Much is revealed behind the complex system of men who take advantage of vulnerable teens in the underbelly of society. While Char might be frightened, she remains strong and determined to bring herself and her fellow victims out of the dark and back into the light, reminding us why compassion is a powerful cure to the ills of the world.
Sharon Flake’s bestselling, Coretta Scott King Award-winning novel The Skin I’m In was a game changer when it was first published more than twenty years ago. It redefined young adult literature by presenting characters, voices, and real-world experiences that had not been fully seen. Now Flake offers readers another timely and radical story of a girl on the brink and how her choices will lead her to either fall, or fly. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant Balzer + Bray
Sixteen-year-old Tessa Johnson has never felt like the protagonist in her own life. She’s rarely seen herself reflected in the pages of the romance novels she loves. The only place she’s a true leading lady is in her own writing—in the swoony love stories she shares only with Caroline, her best friend and #1 devoted reader.
When Tessa is accepted into the creative writing program of a prestigious art school, she’s excited to finally let her stories shine. But when she goes to her first workshop, the words are just…gone. Fortunately, Caroline has a solution: Tessa just needs to find some inspiration in a real-life love story of her own. And she’s ready with a list of romance novel-inspired steps to a happily ever after. Nico, the brooding artist who looks like he walked out of one of Tessa’s stories, is cast as the perfect Prince Charming.
But as Tessa checks each item off Caroline’s list, she gets further and further away from herself. She risks losing everything she cares about—including the surprising bond she develops with sweet Sam, who lives across the street. She’s well on her way to having her own real-life love story, but is it the one she wants, after all?
One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite Inkyard Press
ISN’T BEING HUMAN ENOUGH? When teen social activist and history buff Kezi Smith is killed under mysterious circumstances after attending a social justice rally, her devastated sister Happi and their family are left reeling in the aftermath. As Kezi becomes another immortalized victim in the fight against police brutality, Happi begins to question the idealized way her sister is remembered. Perfect. Angelic.
One of the good ones.
Even as the phrase rings wrong in her mind–why are only certain people deemed worthy to be missed?–Happi and her sister Genny embark on a journey to honor Kezi in their own way, using an heirloom copy of The Negro Motorist Green Book as their guide. But there’s a twist to Kezi’s story that no one could’ve ever expected–one that will change everything all over again.
Roman and Jewel by Dana L. Davis Inkyard Press
If Romeo and Juliet got the Hamilton treatment…who would play the leads? This vividly funny, honest, and charming romantic novel by Dana L. Davis is the story of a girl who thinks she has what it takes…and the world thinks so, too.
Jerzie Jhames will do anything to land the lead role in Broadway’s hottest new show, Roman and Jewel, a Romeo and Juliet inspired hip-hopera featuring a diverse cast and modern twists on the play. But her hopes are crushed when she learns mega-star Cinny won the lead…and Jerzie is her understudy.
Falling for male lead Zeppelin Reid is a terrible idea–especially once Jerzie learns Cinny wants him for herself. Star-crossed love always ends badly. But when a video of Jerzie and Zepp practicing goes viral and the entire world weighs in on who should play Jewel, Jerzie learns that while the price of fame is high, friendship, family, and love are priceless.
The Awakening of Malcom X by Ilyasah Shabazz & Tiffany D. Jackson Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Byr)
In Charlestown Prison, Malcolm Little struggles with the weight of his past. Plagued by nightmares, Malcolm drifts through days unsure of his future. Slowly, he befriends other prisoners and writes to his family. He reads all the books in the prison library, joins the debate team and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm grapples with race, politics, religion, and justice in the 1940s. And as his time in jail comes to an end, he begins to awaken — emerging from prison more than just Malcolm Little: Now, he is Malcolm X.
Here is an intimate look at Malcolm X’s young adult years. While this book chronologically follows X: A Novel, it can be read as a stand-alone historical novel that invites larger discussions on black power, prison reform, and civil rights.
When You Look Like Us by Pamela N. Harris HarperCollins
When you look like us—brown skin, brown eyes, black braids or fades—people think you’re trouble. No one looks twice at a missing black girl from the projects because she must’ve brought whatever happened to her upon herself. I, Jay Murphy, can admit that, for a minute, I thought my sister, Nicole, got too caught up with her boyfriend—a drug dealer—and his friends.
But she’s been gone too long now.
If I hadn’t hung up on her that night, she’d be spending time with our grandma. If I was a better brother, she’d be finishing senior year instead of being another name on a missing persons list. It’s time to step up and do what the Newport News police department won’t.
Week of January 12th
Chlorine Sky by Mahogany L. Browne Crown Books for Young Readers
She looks me hard in my eyes & my knees lock into tree trunks My eyes don’t dance like my heartbeat racing They stare straight back hot daggers. I remember things will never be the same. I remember things.
With gritty and heartbreaking honesty, Mahogany L. Browne delivers a novel-in-verse about broken promises, fast rumors, and when growing up means growing apart from your best friend.
The Meet-Cute Project by Rhiannon Richardson Simon & Schuster
Mia’s friends love rom-coms. Mia hates them. They’re silly, contrived, and not at all realistic. Besides, there are more important things to worry about—like how to handle living with her bridezilla sister, Sam, who’s never appreciated Mia, and surviving junior year juggling every school club offered and acing all of her classes.
So when Mia is tasked with finding a date to her sister’s wedding, her options are practically nonexistent.
Mia’s friends, however, have an idea. It’s a little crazy, a little out there, and a lot inspired by the movies they love that Mia begrudgingly watches too.
Mia just needs a meet-cute.
Concrete Rose (The Hate U Give, #0) by Angie Thomas Balzer + Bray
If there’s one thing seventeen-year-old Maverick Carter knows, it’s that a real man takes care of his family. As the son of a former gang legend, Mav does that the only way he knows how: dealing for the King Lords. With this money he can help his mom, who works two jobs while his dad’s in prison.
Life’s not perfect, but with a fly girlfriend and a cousin who always has his back, Mav’s got everything under control.
Until, that is, Maverick finds out he’s a father.
Suddenly he has a baby, Seven, who depends on him for everything. But it’s not so easy to sling dope, finish school, and raise a child. So when he’s offered the chance to go straight, he takes it. In a world where he’s expected to amount to nothing, maybe Mav can prove he’s different.
When King Lord blood runs through your veins, though, you can’t just walk away. Loyalty, revenge, and responsibility threaten to tear Mav apart, especially after the brutal murder of a loved one. He’ll have to figure out for himself what it really means to be a man.
Angel of Greenwood by Randi Pink Feiwel and Friends
Seventeen-year-old Isaiah Wilson is, on the surface, a town troublemaker, but is hiding that he is an avid reader and secret poet, never leaving home without his journal. A passionate follower of WEB. Du Bois, he believes that black people should rise up to claim their place as equals.
Sixteen-year-old Angel Hill is a loner, mostly disregarded by her peers as a goody-goody. Her father is dying, and her family’s financial situation is in turmoil. Also, as a loyal follower of Booker T. Washington, she believes, through education and tolerance, that black people should rise slowly and without forced conflict.
Though they’ve attended the same schools, Isaiah never noticed Angel as anything but a dorky, Bible toting church girl. Then their English teacher offers them a job on her mobile library, a three-wheel, two-seater bike. Angel can’t turn down the money and Isaiah is soon eager to be in such close quarters with Angel every afternoon.
But life changes on May 31, 1921 when a vicious white mob storms the community of Greenwood, leaving the town destroyed and thousands of residents displaced. Only then, Isaiah, Angel, and their peers realize who their real enemies are.
Week of January 19th
Thirty Talks Weird Love by Alessandra Narváez Varela Cinco Puntos Press
Out of nowhere, a lady comes up to Anamaría and says she’s her, from the future. But Anamaría’s thirteen, she knows better than to talk to some weirdo stranger. Girls need to be careful, especially in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico—it’s the 90’s and fear is overtaking her beloved city as cases of kidnapped girls and women become alarmingly common. This thirty-year-old “future” lady doesn’t seem to be dangerous but she won’t stop bothering her, switching between cheesy Hallmark advice about being kind to yourself, and some mysterious talk about saving a girl.
Anamaría definitely doesn’t need any saving, she’s doing just fine. She works hard at her strict, grade-obsessed middle school—so hard that she hardly gets any sleep; so hard that the stress makes her snap not just at mean girls but even her own (few) friends; so hard that when she does sleep she dreams about dying—but she just wants to do the best she can so she can grow up to be successful. Maybe Thirty’s right, maybe she’s not supposed to be so exhausted with her life, but how can she ask for help when her city is mourning the much bigger tragedy of its stolen girls?
This thought-provoking, moving verse novel will lead adult and young adult readers alike to vital discussions on important topics—like dealing with depression and how to recognize this in yourself and others—through the accessible voice of a thirteen-year-old girl.
Your Corner Dark by Desmond Hall Atheneum/Dlouhy
Things can change in a second:
The second Frankie Green gets that scholarship letter, he has his ticket out of Jamaica.
The second his longtime crush, Leah, asks him on a date, he’s in trouble.
The second his father gets shot, suddenly nothing else matters.
And the second Frankie joins his uncle’s gang in exchange for paying for his father’s medical bills, there’s no going back…or is there?
As Frankie does things he never thought he’d be capable of, he’s forced to confront the truth of the family and future he was born into—and the ones he wants to build for himself.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo Dutton Books for Young Readers
“That book. It was about two women, and they fell in love with each other.” And then Lily asked the question that had taken root in her, that was even now unfurling its leaves and demanding to be shown the sun: “Have you ever heard of such a thing?”
Seventeen-year-old Lily Hu can’t remember exactly when the question took root, but the answer was in full bloom the moment she and Kathleen Miller walked under the flashing neon sign of a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club.
America in 1954 is not a safe place for two girls to fall in love, especially not in Chinatown. Red-Scare paranoia threatens everyone, including Chinese Americans like Lily. With deportation looming over her father—despite his hard-won citizenship—Lily and Kath risk everything to let their love see the light of day.
If I Tell You the Truth by Jasmin Kaur HarperCollins
Told in prose, poetry, and illustration, this heartrending story weaves Kiran’s and Sahaara’s timelines together, showing a teenage Kiran and, later, her high school–aged daughter, Sahaara.
Kiran is a young Punjabi Sikh woman who becomes pregnant after being sexually assaulted by her fiancé’s brother. When her fiancé and family don’t believe her, she flees her home in India to Canada, where she plans to raise the child as a single mother. For Kiran, living undocumented means constant anxiety over finances, work, safety, and whether she’ll be deported back to the dangers that await her in Punjab.
Eighteen years later, Kiran’s daughter, Sahaara, is desperate to help her mother, who has been arrested and is facing deportation. In the aftermath, Kiran reveals the truth about Sahaara’s conception. Horrified, Sahaara encourages Kiran to speak out against the man who raped her—who’s now a popular political figure in Punjab. Sahaara must find the best way to support her mother while also dealing with the revelation about her parents.
We Free the Stars (Sands of Arawiya #2) by Hafsah Faizal Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The battle on Sharr is over. The dark forest has fallen. Altair may be captive, but Zafira, Nasir, and Kifah are bound for Sultan’s Keep, determined to finish the plan he set in motion: restoring the hearts of the Sisters of Old to the minarets of each caliphate, and finally returning magic to all of Arawiya. But they are low on resources and allies alike, and the kingdom teems with fear of the Lion of the Night’s return.
As the zumra plots to overthrow the kingdom’s darkest threat, Nasir fights to command the magic in his blood. He must learn to hone his power into a weapon, to wield not only against the Lion but against his father, trapped under the Lion’s control. Zafira battles a very different darkness festering in her through her bond with the Jawarat—a darkness that hums with voices, pushing her to the brink of her sanity and to the edge of a chaos she dare not unleash. In spite of the darkness enclosing ever faster, Nasir and Zafira find themselves falling into a love they can’t stand to lose…but time is running out to achieve their ends, and if order is to be restored, drastic sacrifices will have to be made.
Lush and striking, hopeful and devastating, We Free the Stars is the masterful conclusion to the Sands of Arawiya duology by New York Times–bestselling author Hafsah Faizal.
Week of January 26th
Written in Starlight (Woven in Moonlight #2) by Isabel Ibañez Page Street Kids
If the jungle wants you, it will have you…
Catalina Quiroga is a Condesa without a country. She’s lost the Inkasisa throne, the loyalty of her people, and her best friend. Banished to the perilous Yanu Jungle, Catalina knows her chances of survival are slim, but that won’t stop her from trying to escape. It’s her duty to reclaim the throne.
When Manuel, the son of her former general, rescues Catalina from a jaguar, a plan forms. Deep in the jungle, the city of gold is hidden, home to the fierce Illari people, who she could strike an alliance with.
But the elusive Illari are fighting a battle of their own—a mysterious blight is corrupting the jungle, laying waste to everything they hold dear. As a seer, Catalina should be able to help, but her ability to read the future in the stars is as feeble as her survival instincts. While searching for the Illari, Catalina must reckon with her duty and her heart to find her true calling, which could be the key to stopping the corruption before it destroys the jungle completely.
The Knockout by Sajni Patel Flux
If seventeen-year-old Kareena Thakkar is going to alienate herself from the entire Indian community, she might as well do it gloriously. She’s landed the chance of a lifetime, an invitation to the US Muay Thai Open, which could lead to a spot on the first-ever Olympic team. If only her sport wasn’t seen as something too rough for girls, something she’s afraid to share with anyone outside of her family. Despite pleasing her parents, exceling at school, and making plans to get her family out of debt, Kareena’s never felt quite Indian enough, and her training is only making it worse.
Which is inconvenient, since she’s starting to fall for Amit Patel, who just might be the world’s most perfect Indian. Admitting her feelings for Amit will cost Kareena more than just her pride–she’ll have to face his parents’ disapproval, battle her own insecurities, and remain focused for the big fight. Kareena’s bid for the Olympics could very well make history–if she has the courage to go for it.
Wings of Ebony (Wings of Ebony #1) by J. Elle Denene Millner Books/Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
“Make a way out of no way” is just the way of life for Rue. But when her mother is shot dead on her doorstep, life for her and her younger sister changes forever. Rue’s taken from her neighborhood by the father she never knew, forced to leave her little sister behind, and whisked away to Ghizon—a hidden island of magic wielders.
Rue is the only half-god, half-human there, where leaders protect their magical powers at all costs and thrive on human suffering. Miserable and desperate to see her sister on the anniversary of their mother’s death, Rue breaks Ghizon’s sacred Do Not Leave Law and returns to Houston, only to discover that Black kids are being forced into crime and violence. And her sister, Tasha, is in danger of falling sway to the very forces that claimed their mother’s life.
Worse still, evidence mounts that the evil plaguing East Row is the same one that lurks in Ghizon—an evil that will stop at nothing until it has stolen everything from her and everyone she loves. Rue must embrace her true identity and wield the full magnitude of her ancestors’ power to save her neighborhood before the gods burn it to the ground.
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Softest Fire (Part 17)
Prompt: Rosaline Vaughan had it all: fame, money, power, glory, a high status job. Until, one day, she woke up, and realized something was missing from her life.
Word Count: 1597
Warnings: None?
Notes: First Fantastic Beast fic! I could NOT have done this at all without @arrow-guy. They have created a counterpart to this fic, writing it from Nora Vaughan’s perspective (Rosaline’s cousin/adopted sister). Fic aesthetic done by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​.
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I told Theseus and his team everything I could remember about Grindelwald. Where we stayed, who we had got to convert, who was on his side, who his connections were, what I thought his next plans would be. I told them what I felt his weaknesses were. 
This took most of the day as they peppered me with questions until finally Nora came in and asked that they give me some room to breathe.
“I’m fine,” I assured with a cool air, as the last auror left the room.
“I know you are,” she scoffed as she sat down. “But I want to talk to you.” She sat a wand on the table between us. “This belongs to you.”
“I can see that,” I remarked, peering down at my wand, taking in all the tiny nicks and marks it had gained over the years. “What do you want me to do with it?” 
“Well, it’s yours. It should be in your possession. You practically bit my head off when I didn’t give it to you before and now you’re saying you don’t want it?”
I shook my head. “I…”
She peered at me, concern in her eyes, but like when I was a schoolgirl and she knew something was wrong. “What is it?” 
“I… You can keep the wand, I don’t want it.” 
“You’ve been obsessed with magic since you could walk. Since when don’t you want your wand?” she pressed.
“Since the very reason I was captured was for that right there.”
A look of understanding washed over her face. 
“I did a lot of damage with that wand,” I informed. “I don’t intend on repeating that.”
“So let’s get you a new wand. One without any reminders.”
I sighed heavily as I stood up and began to pace. “It’s not about the wand, Nora, it’s about the one wielding it.”
“What about you?”
“All Grindelwald wanted me for was my magic, my power, my connections. If I didn’t have any of that, if I was an average witch, that never would’ve happened, and Grindelwald wouldn’t have the numbers he does now.” 
She got up from her chair and rounded the table to stand before me. “You can’t really mean that…” 
I did nothing but look at her.
“You’re going to give up your passion for that pile of erumpent droppings?” she spat, angry with me. I knew she would be. She doesn’t like people who give up, least of all me. 
“Nora--” I began, sighing but she cut me off.
“No! I won’t let you do this! This is just idiotic!”
“Well it’s not exactly your decision, now is it?” I venomously questioned. 
“You can’t let him win,” she argued in a softer, more sorrowful voice. 
“I’m not letting anyone win. I’m ensuring no one can use me as a tool to gain what they want. I’m doing the opposite of letting someone win, I’m making sure everyone loses.”
She sighed. “Alright… Well the Ministry has agreed to let you go. Did you have an idea of where you wanted to stay?” 
“Could I stay with you? I don’t… I don’t trust myself to be alone right now,” I confessed, choking down a threatening sob. 
She smiled kindly at me. “Of course, sweetheart.” She put her arm around my shoulder and we made our way back to her apartment. She got me settled in my room, and I thanked her. 
She started to leave before I stopped her. “Nora?” I said from my place on the bed. She spun, putting her hand on the door. 
“Do you think Newt can ever forgive me for what I did? Can he ever see past me and Grindelwald and the things I did?” I asked, scared to death of her answer. 
“Darling, he already has.”
Her words should’ve calmed me, but in my heart, I wasn’t sure if she was right.
A few days went by and everyone gave me space. Nora checked in on me, morning and night, but I didn’t see any of the others. I was worried they came to their senses and hated me now. Newt had started to pop in, and he was upset by my choice to give up magic as well. 
“But who will be my assistant?” he asked.
I laughed. “You’ll find someone. Isn’t Bunty caring for the creatures now? Hire her full time.” 
“I don’t want her to be my full time assistant. She was just supposed to be temporary. I hoped that when we got you back you’d return to work for me.”
“Then you assumed wrong,” I evenly shot at him.
This went back and forth for some time, until eventually, they gave up on trying to convince me. The wand sat untouched in my room, as did my meals and drinks. I never left my room except to grab a book to read from Nora’s library. I think they were worried, but so was I. I didn’t know how to touch magic again, I didn’t trust myself or anyone around me. What if touching magic sent up a beacon to Grindelwald and he chased me down for betraying him? Or worse, he re-cursed me.
One day, Newt came by, he spoke to Nora for a good bit then he came into my room. 
“Hmm?” I hummed, looking up from my book. 
“I have something for you.” 
“If it’s something to do with magic--”
He raised his hands in defense. “I know, you won’t touch magic, but I’ve got some friends here who have missed you for quite some time.” 
My gaze grew curious as I eyed his case. “Newt…” I began with a sigh.
“All you have to do is visit them. No care, no note taking. The mooncalves especially have missed you.” 
Twisting my mouth to the side, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. 
“They have?” I questioned, hopeful.
“Absolutely, come.” He held out his hand and I took it before he snapped open his case and we went down the ladder. When I got down there, I remembered the first time I ever went in, how awe inspiring it was. Before I could get fully lost in the memory, the mooncalves were running up to greet me and I dropped to my knees to say hello and nuzzle them. 
“I’ve missed you too,” I admitted, hugging their necks. After spending some time with them and even giving them treats, I went around and visited with all the animals. The bowtruckles, the nifflers, the occamies, all of them. Each one seemed to miss me as much as I missed them. 
“This is incredible. Merlin, I wish I was back in your basement, to see the rest,” I commented as I stroked the head of the demiguise. 
“We can you know,” he reminded. “Just say the word and we’ll be there. I have another kelpie, I’m sure you’d love him.” 
“I bet I would,” I agreed.
“Then what are we waiting for?” he asked as he held his hand out yet again.
“I… Newt,” I started, incredibly unsure. This was a dangerous, slippery slope. 
“It’s just creatures, Rosaline, what are you so afraid of?” 
I looked up at him with tears springing to the surface. My god, I’d cried more in the last couple of weeks than in my entire life. I didn’t like this version of myself. 
“I’m terribly afraid I’ll fall right back in love with you,” I noted. “I’m terrified love will capture my heart again and for some reason, I won’t have you again.”
“Why would you not have me?” he asked, oblivious, as if he didn’t know.
Laughing while I wiped my eyes I said, “Throw out a reason. Another woman, an evil wizard, work? Something in this universe is telling us we shouldn’t be together.”
He took a step closer to me, grabbing my hands and holding them together between his. “Rosaline, the only thing telling us we can’t be together is us, we control our fate, nothing else.” 
“I wish I could trust that,” I whispered. “But what if you start to see the darkness in me? What if you begin to see me as nothing more than what Grindelwald saw?”
“Don’t ever compare me to that man,” he cautioned. “I’m nothing like him. I’d never use you that way. I see you for more than some powerful witch.” 
“And what about the crimes I’ve committed? The evil I’ve unleashed? The harm I’ve done? Can you look past all of that?” 
He put a hand on my cheek, cupping my face. “Of course I can.”
“How?” I asked, barely above a whisper. “How can someone as kind as you want someone like me?” 
“Because despite your flawed thinking, you’re just as kind, if not kinder, than me. Whether you see it or not, is not the issue.” He moved hair away from my face. I’m sure I looked awful, but I appreciated his sweet words nonetheless.
“And what if I turn into what I was?” 
“Then you can be rest assured I’ll be there to bring you back to the light.” 
“I’m trying to protect you,” I informed quietly.
“I don’t need protecting. I need you.” 
I placed my head on his shoulder, shaking it as I did so. “I don’t deserve you, truly I don’t.” 
He wrapped his arms around me and lightly laughed. “It is I who doesn’t deserve you.” We stood like that for several minutes, as he stroked my hair and comforted me from my self loathing.
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emptymasks · 5 years
Can you do something like is the first Third Sunday and Yancy is like "nah they forgot about me" and then reader really goes to see him and what's his reaction, sorry I just need more him 😪
first visitation // yancy x reader
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So How About That Date? ( A Heist With Markiplier x Reader Collection [SFW])
Pairing: Yancy / Gender-Neutral Reader
Words: 1808
Rating: General Audiences
Read on Ao3
Tags: gender neutral reader |  Hurt/Comfort | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Comfort | Fluff and Hurt/Comfort | Hugs | Everyone Needs A Hug | Fluff | POV Second Person | Alternating POV
Notes: got my first request done! got another 14 more to get through, it’s a little overwhelming but it gives me more material and inspiration for hitting that 50k for nanowrimoand you can keep those requests coming in, i’m also taking ones for yancy x illinois because that’s a thing i ship now
November 17th.
The datestood out on the fairly plain calendar that hung on your bedroom wall, you’dcircled the square containing the date vigorously in blue highlighter that wasprobably seeping through the shiny paper, but that didn’t matter. In fact you’dcircled every third Sunday starting from the thirtieth of October onward,perhaps with the occasional hearts and stars doodled there as well.
Threeweeks, three whole weeks since Yancy had single-handedly gotten you out ofHappy Trails Penitentiary and if someone had asked you if you’d ever be happyto go back there you would have laughed. That someone would have probably beenMark. But he was off god knows where now. When the guards had gone through thewall to recover his injured or possibly dead body, he was nowhere to be found.You decided not to dwell on your old partner, and focused on your new friend…who maybe you wanted to be more than just a friend.
You wouldhave never thought you’d be so happy and excited to step back in that prison,but the thought of seeing Yancy again crushed any dread you felt about theplace. That last exchange you’d had through that steel gate… He’d been sogleeful as he’d led you out and then had looked to dejected when you’d asked ifhe was coming with you, clearly not thinking he was worth anything out in therest of the world. But then he’d told you about visitation, he’d mentionedparole. You’d heard from the other inmates that whenever parole came aroundYancy would get himself in some trouble or mess around to avoid being grantedparole. He’d even said to you (or sang to you) he was praying he wouldn’t getparole. It broke your heart to think he wanted to be stuck in there forever. Itbroke your heart more that you couldn’t be with him. He was right, you didn’tfit in there, but you’d been missing him terribly over these last few weeks.They’d passed so slowly but now the third Sunday was finally here!
You’dalready gotten everything ready and laid out the night before, you didn’t wantto spend the morning fussing over what to wear or what to bring and end upbeing late. It felt like time whip-panned around as you got dressed, grabbedyour bag and made your way to the bus stop, and in no time at all you werefidgeting and intertwining your hands in a waiting room scattered with otherpeople visiting their friends and family and loved ones. You kept your head lowunder your hat but no one seemed to recognise you the slightest… you’d questionit if it wasn’t far from the strangest thing that’s happened to you.
As you wereall ushered through into the visitation room the realisation of what wasactually happening and oh god what if he didn’t want to see you? I mean, it wasa pretty stupid though, you two had become friends and you hoped started tocare about each other. And he told you to come, hadn’t he? You sat down andthat little bit of anxiety bubbled through you but you just focused on keepingyour gaze fixed on the door.
It wasvisitation day, huh… Not that Yancy had been keeping track or nothing, no ofcourse not… But he’d never really even had an inkling of when visitation daywas before you came along had he? And here he was probably getting his hopesall up over nothing. God, why’d he have to be so stupid to tell you whenvisitation was? You were out now, in the big outside world. You could be doingall sorts of things, hell you could have moved away and hopped on the first busaway from here. It’s not like you had any reason to stay… And even if you werearound, it’s not like you had any reason to remember him, you’d probablyforgotten all about him by now.
Shit, he’deven thought about trying harder for parole. He wondered if you’d even heardhim mumbling that he’d maybe try for parole, he’d said it so quietly with hishead bowed, as if afraid to admit to himself that he was fond of you,incredibly fond of you, fond enough that he was considering giving up thisprison life, this family he’d found, just to be out there with you. Not thatthe outside world was any more appealing… but the thought of getting to spendall his time with you, especially in a place where it was just the two of yous…
He wassnapped out of his thoughts be a clanging against the bars of his cell.
“Yancy, getup,” There was a guard at his door. Why was there a guard at his door?
“Hey,what’s this about? I ain’t done nothing, I’ve been behaving myself-”
“You’ve gota visitor.”
Yancy feltlike time stopped for a second. A visitor? It couldn’t be you… but whoelse was there? Perhaps this was just done mix-up and someone had dome to visittheir dear cousin Jancy and the guard has misheard… that was plausible right?Jancy was totally a name right? It felt more plausible than you actually comingback here.
He followedthe guard anyway, he didn’t really have a choice, and tried not to hold hisbreath and hope.
You watchedas a steady stream of prisoners came through the door, some of which yourecognised and they looked at you with a surprised or confused look, apart fromSparkles McGee who gave you a wink and a grin and you wondered if he knewsomething you didn’t. Yancy hadn’t been talking about you had he? I mean…perhaps you hoped he had been. You were hoping he’d missed you as much as you’dmissed him. Hell, if he’d only missed you half the amount that you’d missed himthat would still be a hell of a lot.
Finally yousaw him, shuffling at the back of the line, eyes staring at the ground. Heseemed a mix between confused and like he just wanted to dart back to his cell.The guard poked him in the arm and then pointed at you. His eyes met yours andthey widened and he blinked as if checking he really was seeing you.
“Get onover there then,” The guard prodded Yancy again, starting to push him towardsyou to get Yancy’s legs moving.
He slowlywalked over to you in a daze and stopped at the bench opposite you across thesmall table. He didn’t sit down, he just kept staring at you.
“Yous…really came?” His voice sounded so small.
“Of courseI did, you said visitation was every third Sunday, remember?”
“Well yeah,but I didn’t… think yous would…” He trailed off, mumbling into his chest andyour heart broke.
“Yancy, whywouldn’t I come?” You tried to peer up and get a better look at his face. “Whywould you think I wouldn’t come?”
“I don’tknows… There’s just a lotta stuff out there, don’t know why yous would wannacome back in here, especially if you got caught after we bust you outta here… Iwouldn’t want yous getting in any trouble over me…and yous must have plenty ofbetter things to be doing out there and I’m not…”
Oh youcouldn’t bear this. He looked so forlorn and you hated that he thought youcould ever forget about him. You stood up and in a few steps you were pullinghim into you, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I couldnever forget about you, Yancy. The best thing I can think of to do with mytime, the thing I want to do the most, is spend time with you. I missed you somuch.” You hoped that didn’t come off too strong but you just needed him toknow that you cared.
“Missed youtoo, doll.” He murmured into your neck and finally seemed to relax.
You couldhave stayed there forever like that, but you remembered you were not the onlytwo people in the room and you reluctantly pulled away.
“Oh,Yancy,” There was some wetness around his eyes and you brushed it away. “Comeon, sit down.”
You went towalk back around the table, but he held onto the sleeve of your jacket. Itseemed like he wanted to curl himself into you, the poor boy was probablytouch-starved. You twisted your hand in his grip so you could link yourfingers, before going to sit opposite him, pulling on his hand to get him tofinally sit down and earning a laugh out of him.
Youlistened to him as he relayed all of the latest antics that had been happening,Bambam stabbed the newest guard, someone heard the Warden finally say ‘fuck’(although no one knows who it was too as they all had their ears pressedagainst the door), and a pigeon got stuck in the mess hall for three days andthey named him Ritchie.
It was hardto hear that visitation was over and you had to part ways again. Determined notto let him leave without another hug you brought him back into your arms.
“Just threemore weeks, then you’ve got to deal with me again,” You smiled. “And hey, Ithink I’m allowed to bring you gifts, right? Anything you want? That you won’tget in trouble for having, of course.”
“Yousreally don’t gotta do anything like that for me.” He smiled and shook his head.
“But I wanttoo! I can smuggle you in sweets and books and uh…” You thought about how muchhe didn’t seem to want to let go of you. “How about I bring something for youto cuddle when I’m not around? If, uh, if that’s not weird…”
“S’notweird… Yous would really want to do something like that… for me?”
“Of course.I care about you, Yancy-”
“Yancy!Tell your sweetheart you’ve got to go, come on back to your cell.” The guardfrom the back of the room called out.
Both of youflushed at the word ‘sweetheart’ and the implication that you were his.
“Yousshould probably-”
“I shouldprobably get back-”
Both of youchuckled as you talked over each other. You were aware of your face feelingwarm and god you hoped you weren’t blushing too much.
“I’ll seeyou in three weeks, Yancy. I’ll miss you.”
“Yeah, I’llmiss you too.”
As you leftyou were already making a mental list of what you could bring him as gifts.That boy was about to get some sort of stuffed animal whether he wanted one ornot.
 @thehalfdemonwitchfromamestris @rats-this-username-is-taken 
let me know if you also want to be tagged in my heist x reader fics and/or yancy x reader fics
also if you could spare the time, to help me out and reblog my promo post for all the heist with markiplier pins, stickers and charms i’ve been making
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acioo · 5 years
( PART TWO HERE ) & ( PART THREE HERE ) here are NINE CHARACTER BASES ( label & background & personality ), all of whom i have played out in the past. they expand beyond ‘ the bad girl ‘ and ‘ the prince ‘ because i think as a community we’re all tired of the cliche bull, so have some of my most fun & most subversive times. these are for inspiration purposes as well as admin purposes. if you are going to use these in an rph setting, i request credit, but otherwise, it’s not necessary. ( all details viable to change ; pinterest board links available for all of them - if you are interested in my characters, see my muse page )  TW : death, alcohol, drugs, foster care, gun, blood, abuse, ( parental ) emotional neglect
001.    THE SUFFERING PSYCHIC — your father’s a shadow of a man you see in your dreams and your mother never stopped running. leaving you with relatives is the right thing to do, she thinks. they are the people she was running from, she forgets. you’re just like your mother, but you’re asthmatic and afraid and you won’t get as far as she did ( how many countries ? your cousins count with careless whispers when they think you’re asleep, but you can’t bear to ). you’re just helpless. they can’t see you in the way they see your best friend or older sister, and when they do, they try to ignore the way your eyes pick up the minor details and the power that’s an angry, divine throb in your veins.
002.   THE GHOST — you are the royal child who flourishes in the light. you look just like your mother, a golden beauty, but you speak and all they hear is your crisscrossed father. morally questionable at best, but no one can notice. have they seen the way you glitter in the light ? the sparkle in your smile ? they heard from a friend who heard from a friend that your magic is a beautiful white. all you were was good, but now everyone speaks of you as the ghost in the room. at least you died doing what you loved, which no one will talk about because it’s not something that a royal does. now that you’re back it’s hard to see anything but the haunted look in your eyes. you still love to smile. you just won’t smile for them.
003.   THE PRINCE OF HIS OWN MAKING — you’re the richest kid in town and you act like it. your father built the house you and your dozens of friends party at on the weekends and your mother’s shady mafia ties are something you and your first ( and only ) girlfriend ( now best friend ) are the only ones that know about. you’ve hooked up with half your small town and your fists have callouses from long nights outback the local convenience store because you never learned to think before you speak. no one cares that you speak four languages or that your stanford acceptance letter is on the fridge because they just want to know about where you got those pretty green eyes from and how you learned to look so good in dark clothes. and you’re fine with that. aren’t you ?
004.   THE UNWILLING VICTOR — you live in the shadow of your older sister, but you’ve never minded. the light blinds your eyes and you crack, finely and an ugly shade, when people look too closely. you’re barefeet on grass and bubblegum chapstick. and maybe you don’t know what’s under the cracks, either. but even though people would love you peel you apart like the wrapper on a piece of candy, you’re used to avoiding the spotlight and you’ve never liked surprises. because outside the peach sweet softness and perfectly white smile, the truth is that you’re not so pretty underneath it all. your fingers know how to load and unload a gun from muscle memory and the things you say have a sad song playing under them. maybe that look your older sister gives you isn’t pity. maybe it’s something else, something scary that you can’t look in the eyes.
005.  THE PUNK — you’re born with fire in your blood. you’re not the first in your family to be great, but rather one of the many, and isn’t that worse, somehow ? knowing that you never really had a choice in this life ? knowing that your story was already written and played and annotated ? they speculate that maybe you’re like this because of it all. the pressure made you a diamond and you hate that. you drink like you’re dehydrated and vodka’s pedialyte but you’re always awake for six am ballet and ready for 12 pm ice skating. and, hey, you might scare off the press with your loud mouth and your angry curses but they’re still going to follow you from apartment to liquor store to your fwb’s house because you’re the prettiest face they’ve seen in a while and you’re lightning on your feet. all you want is for it to stop but your family raised you to skate, not to live.
006.   THE CASSANDRA — you’re an accident. the sixteen-year-old heiress can’t be having a child. especially not with all the nights she spends out with her friends drinking like her life depends on it. you’re raised by your grandparents and all you know is their strict, unloving voice. you learn what it’s like to be a pawn. you can’t make them happy but you will try with all your might. from the ballet lessons to the ballet recitals to the ballet rehearsals, you’ll crack the code to their affection somehow. when you start having the visions, you don’t tell them the truth. they blame it on that time of year where all the recitals line up, leaving you an irritable, sleep-deprived mess. when you breathlessly pant about death and blood with words that aren’t yours, they turn elsewhere. but when your mother who was not your mother dies they look right at you. the foster system is a dark place until you walk with a compass based on that thing inside you into your new parent's upper east apartment. you grow up there. learn to laugh again, learn soft hands and a gentle heart, but the rooster of lovers and paint stains can’t hide the fact that you don’t know what to do with all this power that’s thrust itself onto you. you know the truth. this power is going to swallow you whole.
007.  THE ACCIDENTAL PROTAGONIST — you’re the baby of the family and by the time you’re born, your parents are out of love to give. your older siblings try their hand at raising you but the truth is they’re babies too, and they don’t know how to handle you. you with the different eyes and the different, quiet temperament and all the different problems. you don’t talk a lot but your eyes are big and wide and they see too much. you spend your days going from your fancy school to your fancy penthouse to your fancy therapist until your fancy parents uproot you to a new town. you don’t do feelings and you don’t do bonding, but when people look past everything that other people made you into, you feel like you’re finally starting to be someone and it’s freeing in the best way. you have something underneath all that. you like to yell sometimes. and you can snap. and that’s okay too.
008.   THE JERSEY DEVIL — you’re the cool kid. your cool house. your cool name. your cool parents. but it wasn’t always like that. your biological parents can’t handle one child, let alone the baseball team they have. your twin sister who you never know has your same warm brown eyes, but you find that out later, older, a pack of files in hand. and you think that’s when you first learn heartbreak. when it settles into you a cold, unruly presence. you don’t know how to get it out so you learn to adapt to it. your adoptive parents like to gloss over all the things you picked up over the years. your diagnoses, your bloody fists, your knack for troublemaking. besides, when you get arrested it’s forgotten about a news cycle later. the rumors still stay there though. about all your conquests and about all your foster homes and how your friends all have that same dirty designer look to them. you’re happy the way you are even if your pr team isn’t.
009.   THE MIDDLE CHILD — you’re the poster child for middle child syndrome, even if it’s only by eleven seconds. you aren’t like your siblings, princess and basket case. you’re angry in a way they can’t be. you like classical music at prolific volumes and you like driving your car too fast and you like making people regret believing in you. your mother scoffs. says you’re just like your grandmother who she moved countries to get away from, who drank vodka like orange juice, who never could stand the way her daughter liked to lie to herself. your father glances away. asks you to please turn that down, or please show your ‘ friend ‘ out, or to please stop ruining dinner. when you’re home alone again at age fifteen you make them regret treating you like this. and when you’re seventeen when they leave the keys to the porsche in your eyesight. and when you’re eighteen and you and your siblings can’t even make it up the steps in the penthouse because you’re so wasted new years eve. you’re angry and vicious and that makes you really fucking happy in a way that nothing else does.
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation (Gen II) - Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 - Larcei, My Love
T/W: Cousin incest and brief rape mention.
“I don't want to fight.”
Iuchar, King Danan's middle son, said to himself over and over again as he prepared for battle.
Iuchar was well-known as a brave axe knight, and wasn't the type to hold back in a fight. However, this time, he found himself feeling hesitant.
He checked that none of his soldiers were near him, then muttered once more, "I don't want to fight."
He repeated those words over and over, trying to ascertain how he really felt...
He had two reasons not to fight. The first was that he was completely against the child hunts his father, Danan, had ordered, and the second was that Larcei was a member of the liberation army.
Danan was every bit like his father, Lombard: cruel, arrogant, greedy, and quick to become infuriated when others didn't agree with him.
When he received the news that Ganeishire Castle had fallen to the rebel army led by Seliph, Danan summoned all of the commanding officers serving as castle lords to Rivough Castle and ranted at them, as he always did.
"Ganeishire was taken by a ragtag rebel army of peasants!? What is the meaning of this!? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Even you, Iuchar! Your castle is the closest one to Ganeishire! Why didn't you try to send reinforcements!?"
'I did, but by that time, the castle had already fallen!' He started to say, but stopped himself. He knew that saying his thoughts aloud would just add fuel to the fire.
"My reputation is ruined! If the empire were to find out about this, what would His Majesty think!? Listen up, Iuchar, Iucharba! I want you two to deploy immediately, and fight with all you've got. Their numbers are small. If you surround them in a field, then it should be an easy win. Don't show them any mercy! Kill them all! Especially those I am about to call out now. They are the instigators of this rebellion. Whoever kills them will receive a bounty. You must come back with their heads!"
After starting with the traitor Sigurd's son, Seliph, he called out seven more names: Shanan, Oifey, Diarmuid, Lester, Ulster, and Larcei.
'Larcei!' The moment he heard her name, Iuchar's heart skipped a beat. 'So she's part of the rebel army?'
He'd first met her two years ago at a summer festival that he snuck out to attend. 
A beautiful girl with gorgeous black eyes dancing in a circle with several others caught his attention, so he started talking to her. While her response was blunt, it actually made him fall in love for the very first time. Her masculine way of speaking was very fresh and new to him.
After talking to her for a while, she finally told him her name, and they made plans for their next meeting.
Since then, they'd met up about once every two months. But although they met, it didn't mean that Iuchar realized how he felt about her. They simply went on a picnic when the weather was nice, or to a restaurant in a random village when it was cold, and talked for two or three hours.
Her behavior never once changed. Whenever his words were even a bit sweet, she was relentless in pointing it out. Strangely, he didn't find it unpleasant.
'Whenever Father's words are harsh, he's angry, so why isn't it the same with Larcei?'
Once he thought very carefully about it, he realized the reason why.
His father only ever thought about himself. In contrast, Larcei's thoughts were never about her own personal gain. Her words may have been sharp, but they had no ill will. Rather, there were even times when she spoke like that for his own good.
For example, when he first learned about the child hunts, he simply thought "They're bad!" and left it at that. He didn't feel that they concerned him. However, when talking to Larcei, she explained that such acts would destroy society, and he came to be firmly against them.
As the son of a king and lord of an Isaachian castle, he'd always seen the world through that lens, but thanks to Larcei, he was now able to think from the standpoint of each and every parent and child.
While traveling home to Rivough Castle, he was accompanied for part of the way by his younger brother, Iucharba, lord of Sophia Castle.
"This battle is pretty serious, huh?" Iucharba muttered.
"You think so, too? I have the same feeling."
"Larcei was one of the names amongst the instigators, right? I know her, actually."
His brother's words startled Iuchar, but he didn't know how to respond right away.
"I think I have a crush on her, so please, Big Brother, don't kill her. Spare only her. I’ll beg Father afterwards, and tell him I just want to save her life, whatever it takes.”
Iuchar missed his chance to speak his true feelings, and only responded by silently nodding.
'Maybe Larcei likes Iucharba back. But if she does, then why did she spend time with me?'
The two parted ways, and as Iuchar continued back to Rivough Castle, that was the only thing he could think about.
'If she does like him…' Every time he had that thought, his chest burned with jealousy.
'Then why did she hang out with me?' That thought gave him a bit of hope.
'Or maybe she met with us to change our minds?' That last thought filled him with the sinking feeling that he'd been led on.
'But, if she did lead me on, then what? Do I fight her?'
In the end, he decided that he didn't want to fight her.
The members of Iuchar's cavalry unit met up at the place they'd agreed upon and prepared for battle.
As they marched, several of his soldiers broke away from the group to pillage a nearby village, but he didn't have the energy to stop them.
Late into the afternoon, one of the soldiers rushed up to him and reported, "A person carrying a white flag is approaching us!"
"Are they an enemy?"
"We believe so. They appear to be a woman."
'Could it be… Larcei?' He immediately thought. 'I want to meet her and see what she has to say.'
"Alright then, I'm going to meet her. I'll be fine on my own. Stay here, everyone." Iuchar said, and galloped ahead.
The closer he got, the faster his heart pounded in his chest.
'That silhouette… it has to be Larcei's! I knew it! It is her!'
He stopped beside her, and while still on his horse, asked, "Larcei, have you come to surrender?"
"Don't be stupid! We would never!"
"Then what is the white flag for?"
"To try and stop the fight, so we can make a proposal."
"We're trying to change this world, where child hunts are carried out every day. Our final goal is to topple the empire and the Loptr Church, but first, we must defeat your father, Danan, here in Isaach. But I do not want to kill you, so I am requesting we call a ceasefire."
"So you're telling me to disobey my father's orders?"
"You are half Isaachian."
Those four words dredged up the memories he'd buried deep within his mind.
His mother had not been a princess, but a woman Danan found and kidnapped from her village.
In about three months time, he’d gotten bored of her. He would no longer look at her, and treated her as a common maid. All Isaachian women were beneath horses to him.
She died during childbirth, so Iuchar had no memories of a mother's kindness.
Whenever he cried as a child, he was immediately told, "Your mother was always crying! That's why you're a crybaby!"
He hated it, and learned to hold back his tears. He was even inspired to become a soldier because he didn’t want to be used as an example proving that his mother was weak.
'Mother was just forced to suffer a horrible fate because of Father! She wasn't weak. I am proof of that! How am I weak!?' Iuchar had thought to himself when he once won a horseback riding contest.
"I'm taking that as a yes. We'll continue down this path tomorrow morning.”
Larcei's words snapped him back to reality. 
“W-wait. You’ve met Iucharba, haven’t you?”
“I have. I wanted to teach Danan’s sons what is right. But…”
"But what?"
"I came straight to your unit. Do you know what that means?"
Those words confused him. 'What is she trying to say?'
"I'm heading back now. See you."
"W-wait! What if I don’t agree to the ceasefire?"
"Well, I can't do anything about that. I'll come leading my soldiers tomorrow. If you say you approve of the child hunts, then you and I will fight one on one, understand?" She said, then turned around and went back the way she came.
That night, he couldn't stop thinking about what she meant.
'I've always felt refreshed after meeting with Larcei, but today was somehow different.’
After feeling lost all night long, he finally reached his conclusion.
‘That’s it, that’s what she was getting at! Larcei knows that if I was that confused, she was able to convince me. But that doesn’t mean that I came to my own conclusion. If I agree to a ceasefire with her, I'll be turning my back on both the empire and my father. In other words, I'll be throwing away who I've been until now. If I threw it all away only because I was convinced by her, I might regret it later. But if I made my choice all on my own, then...’
With that thought, he fell asleep, though he hadn't yet decided what to do. 
He woke up the next morning feeling completely refreshed.
After breakfast, he saw the rebel army marching towards them in the distance.
"We still have thirty minutes until we fight! You can get ready without having to panic." Iuchar said to his subordinates while walking between their tables.
After cleaning up from breakfast, they got into formation, and began to march.
The rebel army was marching in one big group, while Iuchar and Iucharba's units were in "Crane Formation," a vertical line shaped formation that looked like a crane's wings spread out wide.
'If we stay like this, we can attack by surrounding them from both sides, and claim an easy victory.' Iuchar thought, but then realized that Larcei probably knew that's what he would do.
Larcei was leading her unit, walking ahead of them on her own, as she'd promised.
'She must know, and that's why she's been risking her own life like this since yesterday.'
He was overwhelmed with feelings of how beautiful she was. It was a different love than he'd ever felt for her before. He was seeing her not only as someone of the opposite sex, but also as her own person.
Iuchar halted his soldiers, and walked ahead alone.
He and Larcei stopped about ten meters from each other.
She was clearly nervous. The sight of that expression on her face made him realize how lovely she was all over again. 
"Oh, Larcei… My love!” He called out loudly, sounding almost as if he was singing.
Larcei stared at him, completely dumbfounded.
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"The day our fate is realized has finally come!"
"What are you talking about, Iuchar!? Did you eat something funny?"
Your voice is like the song of a small bird
Your eyes sparkle like the stars
Ah, I think…
I can no longer live without you…"
"Stop it! You're making me sick! This is a battlefield. Have you gone mad!?"
"No, I am quite sane. I made a poem for you, though you didn't seem to like it very much. My words are no lie, though. I will show you the proof right now." Iuchar said, then turned around.
"Everyone, from now on, we will fight alongside the liberation army, and put an end to the awful child hunts! Starting today, we fight for love, justice, and Larcei!”
His soldiers all cheered in unison, surprising Iuchar, as he thought he'd have to join the liberation army on his own. However, his soldiers were mostly Isaachians, and agreed with him.
'Just about everyone finds the child hunts unacceptable.'
Seeing Iuchar try to team up with the liberation army made Iucharba go wild with jealousy and rage.
"Dammit! How dare Brother run ahead and ally with Larcei!? Now I can never forgive her! I'll kill every last one of them! All soldiers! Attack!"
Iucharba led his soldiers, and ran not for the rebel army, but Iuchar's army.
The battle immediately became harsh. Both armies were made up of well trained soldiers, so neither side was superior or inferior to the other. However, once the liberation army joined in to support Iuchar's army, the outcome was quickly decided.
Afterwards, the main force of the liberation army continued to march, as they'd decided they wanted to make it to Isaach Castle that day.
Around two in the afternoon, they saw a pillar of smoke coming from the direction of Isaach Castle. And when they got even closer, a cloud of dust rose up ahead of them.
"What do you think that’s about, Prince Iuchar?" Oifey guided his horse next to Iuchar's and asked.
"I think General Schmitt and his cavalry are responsible."
"Are they strong?"
"Yes, and quite so."
"Then we should probably retreat for now, I'm guessing?"
"There's a village atop the left hand side of the hill.  I think we should go protect it."
The liberation army decided to take Iuchar's advice and retreated, then barricaded themselves within the village. The town was surrounded by a steep slope, so as long as they guarded the village's entrance, the enemy wouldn't be able to invade.
Schmidt's cavalry unit soon came to attack the village. They took turns charging the entrance and throwing javelins inside. The cavalry seemed to be well trained in this maneuver, as they put up a consistent, stubborn fight. If they had attacked in an area where they could put their horses' mobility to use, they probably would have been able to do a lot of damage. 
However, Oifey's and Iuchar's units took turns protecting the entrance, and did not let the enemy invade the village. Any of Schmidt's soldiers that traveled the village perimeter looking for another entrance were met with Lester's arrows and Arthur's meteors.
As the calvary took more and more damage, both the soldiers and their horses started to look tired. When the time was right, Seliph shouted,"Okay, counterattack now! Everyone, chaaaarge!"
With their speed greatly hampered, the cavalry no longer had any strength left. The course of the battle changed so quickly that it was as if the two sides had never been evenly matched at all.
While the liberation army was resting up after the battle, Seliph approached Iuchar and said, "Prince Iuchar, thanks to you, we were able to save our allies. Thank you."
"Don't mention it! We're allies! And by the way, I'm not a prince anymore. I threw that title away earlier today."
"I understand, Iuchar. I look forward to working with you."
"Yeah, same here!"
They spent the night at the village, and arrived at Isaach Castle the next day around noon.
What Iuchar saw was there was a castle in ruin. The areas made of stone were left intact, but the rest was destroyed, torn apart, or on fire. Everything of value had been stolen.
'Father must have gotten angry and ordered this in response to my betrayal. But I actually feel relieved.'
Rivough Castle was surrounded on three sides, so the liberation army decided to wait for a while before carrying out a full attack on it. They were hoping that upon seeing their numbers, the Isaachian soldiers would come to surrender. As they'd predicted, over the course of five days, many of the soldiers snuck out of Rivough, and joined the liberation army.
When it came time to finally start the attack, they broke down the castle gate, and Iuchar led the front line into the castle. The remaining enemy soldiers didn't try to fight, instead rushing towards the main building, dismounting their horses, and running inside. 
Iuchar’s father was sitting on the throne, encased in a full suit of armor.
Iuchar readied his battle axe and slowly approached him.
"What is this? Are you trying to turn your blade against your own father?"
Iuchar didn't answer.
Danan stood up and grabbed his own axe.
Iuchar walked up to the staircase leading to the throne. The three sets of stairs his father was standing atop of made him look very tall.
'In our current positions, I'd lose the fight for sure.' Iuchar thought. 
His father didn't seem interested in giving up the high ground, so they glared at each other for a while longer.
His father's gaze made him try to remember what their relationship had been like until now. He'd been a person Iuchar couldn't possibly compare to, and tried to make him obey every order without question.
'I must forget the past, and think of what he's done! To the children, and the villagers, and my mother!'
However, it was hard to keep the exact same thoughts in his mind. Still, he tried his hardest to endure, and not give up.
He didn't know how much time had passed. Sweat broke out on his forehead.
He heard someone scream.
It was just for a moment, but he looked away from his opponent.
That was when Danan jumped.
He tried to swing his axe at Iuchar's torso, but Iuchar was a split second faster, and dashed towards his chest.
Iuchar swung down his axe, smashing his father's helmet and lodging his weapon into the top of Danan’s head.
Iuchar heard his father's axe fall on the floor.
"Iuchar!" Larcei rushed up to him.
He slowly turned around.
"Iuchar! Thank goodness you're safe!"
After that, she tried to avoid him. He wondered why, but the look of relief on her face told him everything.
"I'm sorry, Iuchar. When I realized just how much you'd been forced to throw away, I couldn't bring myself to look at you. But then, when I saw you rush into the castle…"
"Don't worry about it, Larcei. The things I threw away meant nothing to me. What I gained is worth so much more."
A small smile lit up her face.
It was the first time Iuchar had ever seen her make such a kind expression.
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sixqueendom · 4 years
One-Shot: All My Love, Catherine
This one-shot was inspired by this drawing by the talented Zara (@you-need-a-jello-shot). It depicts a sleeping Anne and Kitty in front of a laptop in bed, however before I read the caption the drawing automatically made me think of Cathy and Kitty, so I decided to roll with it! Side-note: I know from doing research that Thomas had apparently asked for Elizabeth's hand in marriage within a month of Henry's death, before being rejected and going on to marry Catherine. I decided to overlook this fact for the sake of this fanfic, wanting to keep focus on Cathy's feelings for him (it's not clear whether she ever knew about Thomas's proposal to Elizabeth). A huge thank you to Blue (@pen-and-a-microphone) for being my dedicated Beta-reader for this fic and for all your help and support throughout! She deserves full credit for Cathy's love letter, which she helped me write in a mix of modern/Tudor script, through looking into Catherine Parr's actual letters. As always, the link to read on AO3 is included below if you’d prefer to read on there.
Fanfic Masterpost
Cathy had known it would be a bad idea.
 And yet, here she was, wide awake at 3am, engrossed in an online article. Realising she wasn’t getting much writing done, she’d had every intention of going to sleep, resigning from her desk to the warmth of her bed. That was, until she’d let her mind drift momentarily to the past once more and flipped open her laptop, spurred on by a silent yearning to see their name, to read those familiar words and remember. As if those words would be enough to satiate her grief, to bring her some comfort. Oh, how she regretted her decision now, as a solitary tear trailed down her cheek; that ever familiar ache, that hollow emptiness, forming in her chest.
 It was then that she heard a hesitant knock at the door, as the youngest of the Queens tentatively poked her head in. Kitty knew that she could always rely on Cathy to be awake at this ungodly hour of the morning, and occasionally sought out the writer for solace when she was struggling to fall asleep, not wanting to disturb Anne. 
 “Hey,” Cathy said softly, giving a weak smile as she quickly brushed away the tear, praying Kitty didn’t see. “Can’t sleep?”
 The younger girl shook her head as she approached the bed. 
 “I have never understood how you can sit up reading and writing at this hour…”
 Eyes wide, her heart skipping a beat, Cathy frantically closed the article she’d been reading. 
 But not quickly enough.
 She didn’t miss the flash of concern in Kitty’s eyes.
 But already, even with her head bowed, Kitty could see the writer’s lip trembling, her hands clenched into fists as she struggled to fight the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. As she let out a sob, Kitty immediately slipped into bed beside her, wrapping her in a hug. 
 “I can’t help it. I just…”
 Cathy felt like a schoolgirl, caught in the act. What a disappointment she was. An immense sense of guilt suddenly weighed down on her shoulders and she squirmed slightly at Kitty’s touch, feeling disgusted with herself. 
 “It’s okay,” Kitty reassured, rubbing her arm. “You don’t need to justify anything to me. You have every right to miss him.”
Cathy had to admit she was surprised by Kitty’s mature reaction. Sure, the girl was an adult, but she’d only ever experienced men as predators. Cathy didn’t think Kitty would be able to comprehend how she felt, not about Thomas. But the reaction, though calming, did nothing to quell her disappointment in herself, her frustration.
 “Do I?” Cathy’s face twisted into a grimace. “After everything he did?”
 It was somewhat of an emotional tug-of-war for Cathy, something she found herself constantly fighting with. Of course, undoubtedly she missed him, her true love. Nothing could ever dispel the love she had for him. Yet, that love was something she’d always felt guilty about. It felt wrong, disrespectful even, to yearn for him. Despite showing such care and compassion for her, he’d also committed some admittedly wicked deeds, earning him an egregious reputation with her fellow five Queens, all of whom despised him to varying degrees. If they knew what she was doing, they would be appalled. How could she possibly still harbour feelings for a man who was so cruel, particularly to one specific girl in his care? 
 Yet, despite all that, here was sweet Kitty, being so understanding and impartial. True, she had never had any involvement with him, but surely she felt some discomfort on the subject, given it had concerned Anne’s beloved daughter? Everyone knew she would come to her cousin’s defence. 
 Realising how selfish she was being, Cathy made a feeble attempt to compose herself, exhaling shakily. After all, it had been Kitty who was seeking her comfort.
 “I’m sorry,” she sniffed, wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks.
 The younger girl only nuzzled in closer, resting her head on the writer’s shoulder.
 “Don’t be silly. Your feelings are valid, Cathy. You’re allowed to miss him just as much as you do Mae. You’re allowed to grieve. Just like Jane is about Edward, or Catherine about Mary.”
 Cathy noted how she’d carefully missed out Anne and Elizabeth in a bid to be sensitive.
 “But they were innocent.” Cathy gripped her bed cover, balling her hands into fists once more, gravel in her voice.
 Even soft, kind words couldn’t douse the burning resentment in her chest.
 Kitty took a moment to contemplate. She couldn’t forget that, despite the events that had transpired later, Cathy had been devoted to Thomas well before Henry appeared on the scene. She had fallen head over heels in love with him, yet, upon Kitty’s execution, Henry had found himself requiring another Queen. And that honour - if you could ever call it that - fell to Cathy. She’d had no choice in the matter, unless she wanted a swift exit via the executioner’s axe, in which case, there’d have been no hope of reuniting with Thomas later on whatsoever.
 She’d married Henry to survive. 
 After the King’s death, Cathy had finally been reunited with her love and her life seemed so much brighter, filled with so much promise. They’d started making plans for their future together. But fate had other ideas. Just days after delivering their beautiful daughter, Cathy would succumb to what would later be known as childbed fever, the very same fate that took Jane. Once again, Cathy had been ripped away from Thomas. Only this time, it had been permanent.  
 It was just never meant to be. Life could be so cruel and twisted like that.
 Despite all of this, Cathy hated herself for missing him and their potential future together, all the “what could have beens”. So, she locked herself away in her bedroom, where she searched tirelessly for any information on her little girl, and, like tonight, anything to remind her of Thomas.
 Kitty rested a gentle hand on hers.
 “He may have done some bad things in the past, but it’s not like you condone his actions. Besides, you can’t keep dwelling on what happened; it’s done now and there’s nothing that you can do about it. It was almost five hundred years ago! This is meant to be our fresh start.”
 When the Queens had initially been reincarnated, relations with Anne had been stiff and difficult. Cathy had tried to avoid contact with her as much as possible, distancing herself and trying not to initiate unnecessary conversations, fully understanding her bitter resentment. From the corner of her eye, she’d often caught Anne casting a sharp glare at her, and she’d always thought she deserved it. Eventually, Anne had confronted her, throwing all of her feelings about Cathy and Thomas out into the open, tearing open old wounds. Cathy had acknowledged all the terrible things that Thomas, and she, though unintentionally, had done. Much to her relief, they had called a truce and decided to put their differences aside. Now they had a rather amiable friendship, although deep down Cathy knew Anne would never be able to fully trust her. Not that anyone could blame her. How could she expect her to after what had happened to Elizabeth? What Cathy had allowed to happen?
 That autumn day still haunted her; she could still see Thomas struggling with Elizabeth as they fought over one of her dresses. It hadn’t taken long for him to overpower her, snatching the dress from her grasp and cruelly shredding it into pieces, all whilst the girl sobbed. It made her feel sick now, having stood and witnessed it all, restraining Elizabeth as her husband ruined her favourite gown. She could still hear the girl’s distraught cries echoing in her ears. 
 She’d never forgiven herself.
But it didn’t stop her from missing him. How, when she had served in Princess Mary’s household, they’d exchanged love letters; how’d she’d look forward to receiving them, her heart fluttering as she carefully opened each one, reading his sweet words, over and over. The letters inevitably stopped once she married Henry. Thomas was consequently removed from court and sent away to war. She had desperately wanted to write to him, but it was just too risky. Any hint to suggest promiscuity and she’d be next in line to be executed; she’d learnt that lesson from Kitty’s unfortunate demise. Yet, Thomas had still waited for her. He waited four years for King Henry’s death, to be reunited with her.
 Despite Kitty’s reassurances, Cathy found it impossible to forget, to put what happened aside and focus on her, in the here and now. It was true: they had clearly been reincarnated to have a second chance at life, since each of their previous lives had been corrupted by Henry and his abuse. But with a new life came old memories. They had never faded. Everything remained vivid, as clear as if they’d only happened recently. And Cathy clung to them dearly; she didn’t want to forget. She never wanted to forget the beautiful daughter she’d brought into the world, but never got the chance to see grow up. She never wanted to forget Thomas, his kindly face and sweet letters. She didn’t want to forget the blissful life they had started to create together, before her untimely passing. How could she, when it all made her who she was today? Thomas had shown her what it was to be a true wife, to be loved unconditionally. Mae, her sweet little girl, ultimately made her a mother, albeit for the shortest of time, but also drove her motivation to write and research. With Thomas, she had finally been able to breathe. For too long, she had been silenced by Henry, stifled. Unable to be herself. But Thomas had loved her for who she was.
 Exhausted, Cathy released a weary sigh.
 “I just wish it wasn’t so hard,”
 After a moment, she wriggled free from Kitty’s comforting touch, delving underneath her bed. She lifted up a loose floorboard, revealing a stash of neatly folded papers. Letters.
 As Cathy clutched one in her hand, slumping back on her bed beside Kitty, the girl recoiled a little. She’d already guessed what they were, who they were to and how personal they would be. But to her surprise, Cathy offered her one.
 “I sometimes write to him or Mae when I can’t sleep,” she admitted, her lip twitching. 
 When Kitty didn’t move, Cathy gave a reassuring smile.
 “It’s okay. You can read it.”
 Kitty tentatively took the letter and unfolded it carefully. As she began to read Cathy’s elegant writing, she felt a lump form in her throat.
My Dearest Thomas,
 As Lord Tennyson once wrote: “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. I make likeness with him when it comes to my feelings for you, for I regret not one moment we were together. I was truly blessed by the time we had, though it may not have been as long as we desired. Though, I do ask myself, would forever have been long enough? I don’t think so. I am, therefore, eternally grateful for the time we had, to have been blessed with your love and kindness for so long. 
 Every day I awake to birdsong, and I think of you. How I would rise eagerly as early as the sun, waiting for your letters. Your words, written not only in ink but most truly impressed on the heart, were treasured by me.
 Now, I wake and realise, with most wondrous sadness, that you are no longer with me.
Some comfort I may take through these letters, as they impress upon me a sense of calm, a grounding force amongst a chaotic world. The 21st century is breathtaking and frightening, somehow all together. How fast, loud, and massive the world has become cannot be written, nor relayed in terms you might understand. Yet, the sun still rises and falls, and the stars still shine. I only wish you hither, in my arms, to share in these beauties. 
 I can only pray we are reunited again. This time, I hope it is for eternity.
 All my love, Catherine
 As she read the last sentence, Kitty sniffed loudly, moved to tears. Cathy’s words were so eloquent and beautiful, resonating deeply with her. Quite frankly, it broke her heart. Was this true love?
 She finally got the courage to glance up at Cathy, who was still staring, glassy eyed and longingly, at the letter in her hand. As if she thought reading her words would make them become real. Kitty solemnly rested her head on Cathy’s shoulder.
 “You’ll see him again, someday,” she murmured. “I know you will.”
 At that, she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. 
 In the darkness, Cathy nodded, nuzzling close as she finally found peace. 
 She found herself running through sunflower fields, the sun streaming down upon her, the warm heat of summer on her skin, a little girl’s squeal of laughter in the air. Every so often, she caught a flash of a white dress billowing in the breeze; black curly hair in pigtails. 
 “Can’t catch me!” the girl cried with a giggle. 
 As she reached the edge of the field, Cathy stopped in her tracks, holding her breath. Only now, in the stillness, could she hear the birdsong. And there, in front of her, their little girl atop his shoulders, was Thomas.
  Her family.
Finally, she was home.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x02: Raising Hell
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Cousin Oliver’s Cousin Oliver makes his grand entrance, and we love him
The ghosts of Harlan, Kansas are contained, and most of the townsfolk are corralled in the high school 5 miles away. One daring resident, Nan, decides to check out things herself, and armed with nothing but her pashmina scarf, she scouts the town. Her neighbor, Rob, is there and, let me say, if he was that much of a weirdo in life, I would have moved across the country to get away from him. EEEk. 
*Gratuitous Buckleming Bullshit Alert*
Nan is stabbed repeatedly by the ghost possessing Rob. And then the ghost makes a spelling bee funny. 
And we laughed and laughed. 
At the high school, Cas worries that they’re benzine cover story isn’t going to last much longer. One woman already disappeared. Chief!Sam steps up and makes an inspiring speech to the frustrated townspeople.
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It’s kinda awkward? I think Sam is nervous about leading (and it breaks me a little to think about the trauma that he’s processing when he made this decision to lead again.)  
FBI!Dean and Belphegor are patrolling the perimeter of the ghost circle. We learn that the ghost in the opening is Francis Tumblety, a.k.a. Jack the Ripper (*Boris puts on Sam Winchester nerd glasses*: No one actually knows who Jack the Ripper was, and he’s not “cool” Dean. Anyway, go read The Five, y’all.) 
Some vigilante townspeople decide to take matters in their own hands and make a plan to go back to their houses. 
*First Quarterly Meeting of the Harlan Ghosts Alert*
Francis Tumblety, President, opens the meeting with an announcement that they were all kicked out of Hell by God himself. Is it just me or did Hell make all these former people WAY dramatic, like they’re all taking part in a small town theater production? 
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Two of the vigilantes sneak past the quarantine zone barrier and are almost immediately greeted by two ghosts. Wherps. 
Our favorite witch, Rowena, interrupts Sam and Cas arguing about how to handle the restless townsfolk. Rowena throws her usual love towards Castiel. I think Cas is getting used to it. (And way to deflect your real desire to just chit chat with Sam, Rowena.) Sam asks Rowena about building another soul bomb. They need something to collect the ghosts in.
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Before too much flirting can happen, they’re interrupted. There’s a situation. 
Sam rushes to Dean and Belphegor. They’ve found the two possessed townspeople. Sam starts talking to them like they were just totes normal staring at them. Their eyes start bleeding black goo and our intrepid heroes realize they’re possessed. Francis Tumblety pops up and demands to be released. The people possessed are tortured from the inside --and Sam and Dean just stand there. Shoot the ghost, dudes! Make him go away! Ah, that’s for HERO Ketch to do instead! Yay, Ketch! (I feel dirty just writing those words as a joke, and will now burn both my computer and my fingers for typing them.) 
Back at the high school, the brothers discuss the AMAZING and COMPLETELY HELPFUL appearance of Ketch. Ugh. Rowena asks Sam for a Scotch (I mean, she says “Dear”, that’s Sam, right?) Ketch tries to set things right with the witch, but she “hasn’t forgotten” their past. (KILL HIM, QUEEN). 
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Ketch learns that Jack is dead and now we’re Team Belphegor. It seems that Ketch has been tasked with assassinating Belphegor. Awkward. 
Meanwhile, in Reno, Amara’s living her best life. She’s getting a massage, when her derpy asshole brother makes an appearance. (Sidenote: I’m supposed to hate Chuck, but wtf? I can’t hate Rob! It’s physically impossible to not be charmed. Aagh. Oh, wait, he liked the ending to Game of Thrones. BURN HIM. But seriously, that’s some lovely shade, and it renews my faith that they’re going to stick the landing with Supernatural.) 
Cas has to handle customer service for a bit, and quite frankly, he’s a fucking saint. 
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Rowena and Dean talk ingredients for her soul bomb spell, and Dean plays matchmaker for her and Sam! Specifically, he tells her to “find another boy toy” when she asks about Ketch, but she was just asking to learn what’s the best angle for killing him. Dean doesn’t know that though. Dean might be going through a messy break-up but he’s still making sure his brother is happy. 
Cas finds Dean in a room. Cas makes an awkward sports reference (HE’S JUST TRYING TO FIT IN, DAMNIT --also, I like to think he’s trying to throw a little levity into their awkward exchanges.) Dean’s pretty mad, and I’m pretty sure I read a few dozen coda fics with this exact dialog last week, lol. Dean’s mad about everything --his whole life has been a lie. Cas bites back, angry about Chuck killing Jack, but he makes it clear to Dean that what they’ve done over the years isn’t a lie. 
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Dean can’t believe they’ve ever had a choice in anything. Brb, crying in the corner. I’ll just leave this here for now:
Cas: Dean, you asked, “What about all of this is real?” We are.
(I can’t find it now but someone on sm compared this to “You idiot. You asshole..” and I am compromised.)
Later, Dean and Ketch walk the perimeter. Dean gives Ketch an iron chain to wear to keep ghosts away. They head to a Meat Packing warehouse, where the F in Dean’s FBI jacket disappears. Wherps. Ketch gets tossed around a bit, AND I’M HERE FOR THIS. Dean gets tossed a bit too so, no thank you. A voice tells the ghost to back off. KEVIN!
Dean tries to wrap his brain around Kevin, who was unfortunately sent to Hell instead of Heaven by good ol’ Chuck. Kevin reports that the barrier is fading, so they’re running out of time. He also boasts that he has a “bad boy rep” in Hell. You do you, I guess? 
Chuck continues to be THAT GUY, hanging out in Amara’s hotel room and channel surfing. She tries to do yoga. 
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When he tries to convince her to jet off to another dimension, she refuses. “I am running a hot streak in craps. I like Reno. Everyone here is so not…you.” Amara senses that Chuck is…off. When she discovers his injured shoulder, she tells him that he’s weak and afraid. 
Sam and Dean (and bonus Belphegor) assess the state of the barrier. Belphegor insists that the Winchesters can’t just shuttle Kevin off to Heaven. Once he’s been in Hell, he’s destined to stay there. (Can I just say, we’re basing this all off the word of a hinky demon? So IS this really canon truth, is what I wanna know?) (Boris: That wasn’t true for Bobby?)
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In Reno, Chuck touches his bullet wound and hisses in pain. Sam cries out at the same time. Oof, TIED TOGETHER. Sam lies to Dean and tells him that he’s feeling better. Dean does his best inquisitive face.
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The ghosts, meanwhile, are still hanging out in their weirdly vanilla home base. I can’t believe nobody’s painted viscera on the walls yet! Other Colonel Sanders stalks around, grandstanding about the failing warding and their plan to attack the weak points. Kevin flashes in. Our dear Kevin tries to act tough, but gets bullied by a bigger…ghost. (Suggestion: a ghost’s power isn’t inherently proportional to their size in life, but to their intelligence and mastery of their ghosty powers.) But WHATEVER the big, bully ghost puts a halt to Kevin’s plan to infiltrate the group pretty much immediately. 
Rowena flirts (apparently, ugh) with Ketch while mixing potions in a science classroom. 
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As much as I love and support Rowena and want her to GET SOME whenever she damn well pleases, I find Ketch to be a tool through and through. It’d be different if she wanted something from him but…alas. There they are. They flirt with awkward magic versus science innuendo. Ketch strips a plug and jolts her potion. (Boris and I wander off, our hands shielding our eyes in second-hand embarrassment.) 
 Rowena races through the neighborhood with her soul trapping bespelled crystal. Other Colonel Sanders zaps in. He once had a relationship (ReALly?) with her and is appalled that she’s working for the Winchesters now. Ketch pops up and shoots the ghost while Rowena runs off. As Ketch stares off in the distance feeling very smug, the ghost zaps in behind him and knocks him out.
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The Winchesters head in to the very beige suburban home to talk to the ghosts. Other Colonel Sanders threatens to kill Kevin, then sticks his hand in Kevin and starts to suck away his soul. Um. Okay, is this a ghost power now? Or is that how demons are made? Rowena uses that moment to suck several ghosts into her crystal, but it’s not enough. She’ll have to catch them one by one, practically. Kevin tells them about the barrier-busting plan, and they head out to survey it. 
The ghosts manifest as little red balls of flame as they hit the barrier. Dean shoots at them like he’s playing a carnival game and is DESPERATE for the red cowboy hat at the top of the booth. Shooting them one by one is pretty fruitless, so Rowena’s called to the plate. Ketch escorts her to the front and I kinda want to punch him as he gestures for her to go ahead. Like, go eat a lemon and die, Ketch. 
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Rowena lets loose her ghostbuster ray and starts sucking in ghosts (through…the barrier?) but Ketch knocks her out. It turns out, he’s ghost-possessed! Sweet Dean Bean’s out of salt rounds and Ketch has the crystal now. He boasts about its power and how it’ll be the most perfect thing to break the wall. Dean shoots Ketch, knocking the ghost out of him, and Rowena sucks ‘em in.
Later, Ketch is getting loaded up into an ambulance (glad to see these random first responders are helping out right at the border of this freak gas leak). Cas tells Sam quickly that he tried to heal Ketch, but failed. Ruh roh, Cas! 
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Dean holds a conciliatory conversation with Ketch (to sad music) while Ketch gets hauled away. Ketch exchanges mournful glances with (EXHAUSTED SIGH) Rowena. Dodged a bullet there, Rowena. 
Dean and Sam bid farewell to Kevin, who believes Belphegor’s line about Heaven’s no admittance policy. Kevin’s going to wander the world as a restless spirit, rather than head back to Hell. Belphegor zaps the warding, opening up a door-sized hole for him to go through. See you soon, we hope! 
For Kevin Looks FINE Science:
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Back with the gods, Amara heads out on her own. “I am willing to coexist with you, brother. …In the universe! Just not anywhere near you.” She tells him that he has little power against her now. Furthermore, he can’t leave the world without her help. “I’ve become the better me. And you are still the same. Petulant, narcissistic…” Amara is pleased that she’s been able to trap Chuck on the very world he’s trying to escape right now. 
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At the barrier, souls continue to whir towards the weak point. Dun dun DUN!
These Quotes are Real:
A town full of ghosts? Messy even by Winchester standards.
Can you boys do nothing on your own.
We ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly we did well with that.
Dean, you asked, “What about all of this is real?” We are.
Turns out, God’s a dick.
I like soul catcher.
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 10
til death do us part by @apprenticedmagician ​[requested by @leahlisabeth]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
this is a fantastic post-canon fic which follows neil as he ropes aaron along into joining him in visiting his mother’s grave in california. this fic does a great job of demonstrating the growth that both characters have experienced.
i might just be partial to fics that deal with neil’s past and reconciling mary’s abuse with how he remembers her, but i really enjoyed ‘til death do us part’. it’s a fic that i reread semi-regularly (basically anytime i come across it on ao3). i think that you do a great job with the characterization, and this feels like a really genuine and realistic fic. it’s interesting and sad and angsty and that’s everything i look for when i want to read. 
some parts that i particularly liked:
oh my gOODness of course neil went all the way to the medical university of south carolina without knowing how to get in contact with either aaron or katelyn or where to find them
”(she had never left scars though - neil had a habit of only remembering his lessons when they lingered under his skin.)” woAh this makes me shiver
”but neil was already so much of a wreck in body, mind, and soul; he didn’t care all that deeply about letting andrew know how ruined neil was without him” nooooo. as much as i hate the idea of andrew and neil having such a hard time with long-distance, it’s really fitting. for so long they have been used to being on their own and fending for themselves, that this must feel a little more normal (but worse)? their relationship has foundations on unspoken trust shared between them, care that is shown through actions instead of words, and body language, things that are so so hard to have when you’re living apart.
oo great rationalization behind choosing allison to call! also bless her for making neil check in with photos. so smart!
i am really interested in this trump card that neil has, i’d love to see you explore what would push neil to use the identity of jackson and what he would do with it
neil, my poor baby, it’s heartbreaking to hear of him waking up from nightmares and not being able to call andrew
”wanted to cling to him and never let him leave - just the way mary used to do with neil. but neil remembered how suffocating that was… he’d never risk drowning andrew just to make him his anchor” what amazing word choice you have here, the imagery is so nice and i love hearing neil’s justification for not wanting to speak with andrew
i really like this scene with katelyn. even though i’m kind of annoyed neil being so upset with her (although this is a reread so i know her reasoning behind why she’s so worried for him) it’s understandable given the strained relationship between andrew and katelyn (and really andrew with a lot of people). i’m proud of her for asking. i imagine that it must have been scary, and rightfully so, given neil’s reaction
SIR FAT CAT MCCATTERSON VS THE CACTUS I WOULD LOVE LOVE TO SEE FANART OF THIS (and i would draw it myself but am terrible at art) what a cute idea!!!
aaron and neil dynamics are so interesting. i’m finding more and more that i really enjoy fics where they have a better relationship than in the books, because they really do have some things in common. 
oh my goodness i love the phone call between andrew and aaron so much. the silence from andrew when he realises what neil has done, everything that is unsaid but understood between them, “the problem then had been that every biting remark he threw at andrew left a sting on his own body, like every cut he inflicted copied an identical twin injury on himself” what a great line
medical student aaron vs the mess of trauma and old injury and exhaustion that is neil,, yes my favourite. (i read this fic where neil teaches aaron all these medical facts that he’s learned from injuries inflicted on himself/his mother and i really livEd for that even it’s also like,,,,, woah neil are you okay there how are you alive)
katelyn is sooooo sweet! we really don’t know that much about her from the books (at least, not that i can remember), but i think your characterization is so good. in this fic you show her how good of a match she is for katelyn, not just because she is sweet, but because she supports him, loves him, reminds him that he’s not what his mother said he was
this beach scene is definitely one of my favourites in this fic. aaron’s logical approach trying to calm him “you were on the run, it would’ve been stupid to mark her grave”, calling andrew, neil holding on to aaron while on the phone, aaron carrying neil!! neil being so skinny ahhhh “andrew was going to rake him over hot coals for this” THIS SCENE IS SO GOOD
”neil almost cried again and hid his face when he saw it wasn’t andrew” oh my goodness neil, baby, makes me feel so soft. just want to wrap him up and tell him everything will be okay
dr aaron minyard has arrived and is ready to take care of neil!!! feeding him!!!!!! ahhhhh
i like that you include that aaron doesn’t feel the same way about tilda and neil feels about mary. aaron is older now and has had time to work through both his complicated relationship with his mother and with what andrew did. you did a great job exploring aaron’s thoughts around this (and also neil’s about mary, that was a good POV change)
”aaron passed him a napkin. for a horrifying moment, neil was worried he had wept without noticing but then he realized some condiments had fallen from his burger onto his pants” i love how you manage to incorporate humour into this fic!! the lightheartedness provides much needed breaks from the seriousness of the topics being dealt with and make it an easier read
ahhhh bless you for giving some much needed closure, i think we all know that that boy dearly needs it. 
i liked the switching between aaron and neil’s perspectives. i find that it helped with the storytelling and made certain scenes more understandable and fluid. aaron is such an interesting character that i’ve realised i’m drawn to fics with his POV. fanfics take him in so many directions and i really like how he has seemed to grow and mature as he has aged. it’s really easy for me to forget that in the books he was, what? 19? 20? he may come off not the greatest in the books, but he is so. young. of course he still has issues expressing his thoughts and emotions and doesn’t have good communication skills. he’s basically still a teenager and a stressed teenager at that. trying to get into med school (so needs perfect grades and to have a decent course load to get all the required credits) and playing a varsity sport and having to come to terms with the fact that your brother killed your abusive mother for you and now you have to hide your girlfriend from your brother otherwise he might kill her too and your cousin has custody of you and said brother is also dating the son of a mafia guy who is being hunted by the mafia which also has ties with the varsity sport you are playing?? and i’m not even mentioning everything???? like boy that dude has some serious repression skills but alsO if he didn’t have them i have 0 idea how he would have coped through university. anyway, enough about my thoughts on aaron minyard
this was such a wonderful fic. the interactions between ALL of the characters was great and written in a really interesting way. of course, i love love love the plot that you have. this idea of neil asking aaron to go with him to say goodbye to his mother?? you’re a genius for having come up with it! what inspired this? you broke my heart and put it back together with this fic. thank you so much for writing this!!!
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