#This first fandom I have received hate in which has been experience I guess
Vent post as I'm tired of it and it's now been weeks of this, feel free to vent with me. Inbox open. Will the bad takes from the BT side never end? Tommy's snide remarks aren't dry humour they are just snide. My humor is sardonic but also time and place people. And also not conducive for a good relationship if that's all you giving outside kiss scenes. And don't start with just with just multiship with me either. People can not like ship, you can't force people to settle. And this is coming from a guy who loves to multiship. Got 5 different ships for Obi-Wan alone that I adore. If people don't vibe with it they don't and that should be it, don't clog the tag saying how people should ship it since it canon. ( I grew up when queer ships were fanon alone so that is wild take to me ) Sorry to vent but it never seems to end and I just want to enjoy show in peace but I can't even make posts inquiring what do fans think of XYZ narrative choices without comments saying it's because you are "delusional buddie shipper" and inbox anon hate ( telling a queer person they are homophobic for not liking your ship has been surreal time for me I have mostly found it just funny but seriously it not okay to harass real queer people over your fictional queer ship )
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arithmonym · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
thanks to @accidentallyadorable for tagging me! this was fun. :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30! only 20 are visible from my profile, though. my older fics and drabbles are quarantined to a separate account, and a few things are posted anonymously.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
113,190 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it’s mostly the locked tomb these days. i also have a few old works for the penumbra podcast, the magnus archives, and the adventure zone—and a few even older works for harry potter and percy jackson, but those are on ff.net so i can pretend they don’t exist.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
it’s familiar (but not too familiar) - fluffy griddlehark time travel fic. this was my first attempt at writing them and i could definitely do a better job now, but the prose still holds up.
alive, barely breathing - post-canon griddlehark first time fic that’s fucked-up and sad. sometimes i look at the comments when i want to feel good about my writing. :3
bring your hunger - post-canon griddlehark grief/relationship study. also a WIP. (honestly, this one might go on anon for a bit—it’s vulnerable in ways i don’t want to explain, and i’m shying away from writing the next chapter because the Fear of Being Known got to me a little.)
it’s not unusual - fluffy modern AU where team 69 go to a bar and play catan. palamedes has an oral fixation, because of course he does. this one is campal with background griddlehark getting-together, but i might write a sequel from harrow’s POV someday.
bad idea right? - modern AU chatfic inspired by this post by eskildit. it’s about camilla dealing with the paldulcie situationship™️ & enduring so much dyke drama thanks to the nature of her friend group. it received a podfic recently, which is fun!
(… i also want to write a camdulcie sequel for this one. i’ve been rotating the idea frequently.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
almost always. there are a few scattered comments i haven’t replied to yet, but i like responding! it’s an excuse to drop more lore about the fic and the writing process, IMO.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
the ace cam fic i haven’t finished yet, which will probably be posted on anon. (i feel like people are going to attack me for poor representation or something, but it’s inspired by my own experiences, so. can’t win them all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
something sweet is pure, uncomplicated fluff, so i guess i’ll go with that!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really. i’ve blocked a few people for being rude, but i haven’t gotten hate in years.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
occasionally. i’ve only posted 4 explicit fics, but so far it’s a pretty even mix of f/f, f/m, and other.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i have a tlt/w359 fusion AU i want to pick up again! i need to untangle some threads of the metaplot, though.
(also, the first fic i published on ff.net was a harry potter/rise of the guardians crossover. yes. it was cringe. yes, it’s probably still posted on the internet if you want to find it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! a few of my old hp fics were translated into spanish or chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i wrote a round-robin fic with the campal server once. i also started co-writing a fic with quinn a while ago (before we both got busy with school) that i’d like to return to at some point, because the concept still makes me vibrate with glee.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i’m not sure that i have one, actually? i’m a multishipper to my core.
15. What's one WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have so many WIPs in my google docs that i’ll probably never finish.
i’d like to revisit my fic about necromancers & dysautonomia some day, but my writing style has changed so much since then. i might have to rewrite what i’ve posted.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’m frequently complimented on my worldbuilding. i’m good at examining the implications of things that other people might not think about, so my plots are original even when i’m writing a fandom trope. (i can’t wait to post my harrow nova AU for this exact reason.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
sigh. pacing. i write from very close POVs, but sometimes i get too far into the character’s head, and it drags the story down. i’m trying to write sharper prose, but i’m going through an awkward growth phase as a writer—i know the structure i want, but it’s a struggle to get there concisely.
also, i over-edit instead of writing new words, which does me no favors.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i guess it depends on context? i have a pretty good grasp on code-switching from being bilingual but not quite fluent, but the memory of that one klance fic haunts me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i mentioned my first published fic earlier, but the first fic i wrote was a percy jackson self-insert fic when i was twelve.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
indelible! cam and pal figure out that dulcinea isn’t who she says she is at the fifth’s anniversary party, but it doesn’t change anything. <3
tagging @harrowharkwife @friendamedes @cindthia @logicbutton @thewinterstale @sluggydrabbles & anyone else who wants to participate!
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magicinverse · 11 months
Red team fans some of you need to stop being assholes (I'm not talking about everyone ofc, but if the shoe fits)
Like seriously I get that your team is in disadvantage but some of u are acting like the most annoying people ever, I don't mean when you complain about the team distribution that I get
What I don't get is directly insulting the other teams, look if you are supporting someone great!! I love it, but I've seen people I've never thought I would use swear words against others: cunts, bitches, pussies etc. The amount of people I have blocked that I never thought I needed to it's crazy, some people really flip! "respect everyone and don't insult" apparently that changes now
Going to others chats to send hate, the Sunday multiple times people came to send hate to Roier's, yesterday to Etoiles, bbh and today to Fit (those are the ones I have seen cause I was there, but I don't doubt there is more) "Oh how do you know it's the team red enjoyers" because it's always people complaining about the team red favs "you killed Carre" "You don't deserve to win others have a disvantage and you are killing them" "Fuck u, Go team balls" "Go team red" (while someone is commenting about supporting THEIR team on THEIR chat) come on are you guys 3 years old? Now I'm not saying the other teams fandom don't get toxic on others chat but for some reason is mainly coming from a especific place...
Some are also completely disregarding the effort other teams put! I'm not going to say Red team didn't deserve the win they got yesterday, what I'm saying is that some are acting like Etoiles put his team on the first spot effortless when that's not true at all!!! He was tired and receiving a lot of shit from chat while still putting an effort to make his team win ALONE
"yeah but Etoiles did alone and the red team still needed all their active members to win" THE BLUE ALSO HAD LIKE 5 MEMBERS ON AND THEY STILL DIDN'T WIN!!! By that logic every team who has Etoiles has an advantage and THAT'S TRUE!! But does that mean Etoiles doesn't deserve to play or have his work completly disregarded? No!!!!!
And the first day there where also a shit ton of comments like that!! The fact that other teams have less experience is not the fault of those who have experience and are putting effort in this too!!! Not mentioning how some were assholes to the the blue team when they won
"oh but this is about the eggs lives so it's really unfair" again let me remind everyone that those are fucking npc of a minecraft game and are not hate worth it, that being said I do get that point, but let me ask? What would have been fair? And puzzle and enigma event? No. A construction event? No. A build a machine event? No. All of them in one event? Yeah! That would have been great but I think that's not what most of you wanted is it?
Don't worry guys when this events ends we are going back to the lore/puzzle events while the survival focus players will have to watch from the sidelines helping your lore/rp focus favs and wait another 7 months to have something!! Good luck to you guys who like the mod create and that kind of stuff I guess we will have to see how long it takes for you!!
quackity... SURVIVAL... multi player... ANYWAYS!!! Have a great day those who are not being completely assholes and I hope your team has great day too!! Doesn't matter which color it is
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Hey batman/batfam people, I wanted to talk about something. I know this might not be received well, but...this is my blog. So if you disagree with me, feel free to block me! Literally that's what's great about this site. (I've been trying to do so on my end, but I thought I'd reach out a bit.....idk maybe try to form some understanding?)
I have been a batman fan since like...age 13 or something. Batman as a character means so fucking much to me, as does all his kids and massive extended family. (can't forget Alfred, Kate, Lucius, and Jeff Gordon!!) And I know that they mean a lot to you guys too.
In comic book and fandom spaces we talk a lot about misrepresentation of characters in fandom, but even in "canon" or rather published/produced content. I have beef with a lot of live action adaptions of Batman for example.
The thing with comic book characters, even more than some fandoms/pieces of media, is that there is SO MUCH content out there, that two people can say they like this one character but those two versions might be in total contradiction. But does that make one right over the other? does that make one superior?
Now, I hate Ben Affleck's Batman. And to fans of his, I'd say, you want the punisher, not Batman, because to me, that goes against who Batman is fundamentally. I read the comics, watch a lot of the animated stuff, and formed my own opinion and version of Batman. However, and this seems to be a controversial take, i really enjoy Wayne Family Adventures.
I see a lot of hate on here for WFA (and on tiktok but they're another beast), which, it's not for everyone, that's okay! Not everyone has to like what I like. But what I don't agree with, is that people who like WFA are seen as "not true batman fans", "they haven't ever read a comic". "they only like the flat fanon versions of the characters", etc.
These comments I would like to rebut- some comic readers such as myself might enjoy WFA. There might be people that have never read a comic or even watched anything batman related but like WFA. Are they not valid to enjoy that and have their own fandom for that? Are they not allowed to be fans of Batman?
I also would ask, how much of WFA did you actually read? In it's nature, it's suppose to be the bat family on their time off, or more light stories, but it actually addresses things like Jason's trauma, Duke moving in to the Manor, Damian struggling to fit in at school, things like that. Now if you read pretty far and still didn't like the portrayal of the characters, that's fine, I'm not asking you to change your opinion, however I am asking you to make space for those who do enjoy it, or that WFA is their first introduction or only experience with the Batman and co.
WFA isn't perfect, but it holds a special place in my heart, and gives me more content for Not Perfect but Trying and Cares Dad Bruce Wayne which I am grateful for. And tbh I feel like it just shows other sides to the characters we don't see that often!
And again, obvi people have their opinions, I guess I'm just asking for us to be more aware and create a space where people can feel free and excited to talk about these characters that we all love. I enjoy content and discussions I see in the tags and different blogs but then I see the hate for WFA fans and it just puts a real damper on otherwise really good content.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
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greattemptation · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you @hoko-onchi-writes and @lucifergraced for the tags!
Username: greattemptation on AO3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 4
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 5,606
3. What fandoms do you write for? HP
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Well, of the four, I'll put them in order most to least:
Baggage Claim Pilgrimage A Whole February Morning On the Big, Wide, Pirate Sea
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I love comments, comments are life. I love leaving comments, receiving comments, and responding to comments. We don't get a whole lot of community action over on AO3, so we should take advantage of it. (Not that there isn't community, but that it's not really the platform for community.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Um, probably Pilgrimage. Like, it's a good moment for the two of them, but the whole dynamic is still pretty grim, if you zoom out a bit. Could be On the Big, Wide, Pirate Sea, though! Is Harry a reliable narrator by the end?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? That would have to be A Whole February Morning! Baggage Claim is sweet, but they still have work to do. A Whole February Morning is, as they say, tooth-rotting fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Well, not yet. Let's keep up the good work, everyone! Don't be horseshit to people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Lol, well, up for debate!! Technically Pilgrimage is about sex, and the whole fic is just sex happening, and there are sex tags, but I have had multiple academic conversations with friends about if it really counts as smut. Is it titillating? Is it meant to excite? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't! I can't really imagine it, but I'm not ready to rule anything out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Again, not yet. Let's keep up the good work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but how cool would that be!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I started one time! It rapidly grew to be a WAY bigger idea that we really had time for, but it's an exciting back-burner type of thing I'd love to return to someday.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Drarry. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm not ready to let anyone go at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm good at creating interesting rhythms and cadences in my writing. I have received a few comments that compare it to poetry, and I suspect this is the reason.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I don't do it enough! I want to both practice and just have more output, and not writing doesn't help either of those goals. In addition to that, I'm really trying to experiment writing longer things and being thoughtful of plot and bigger storytelling elements.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? This is the secret reason I have been slowly collecting fandom friends who speak other languages. So far I've got five other languages!
19. First fandom you wrote for? HP! And it's the only one so far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh christ, ummmm. I guess I would say Pilgrimage. And the reason I would say Pilgrimage is that I had an idea, and I wrote exactly the idea I had in exactly the way I wanted to. All of the other ones were more like "let's see what comes out!" which has its place, but it was really exciting and made me feel proud to write Pilgrimage with a lot of intention.
Other people who can play: @alcohen @citrusses @myrtlefics @pl0tty @jtimu @apricitydays-lazynights @sleepstxtic @mallstars @starquestingfordrarry and anyone else!
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deliciouskeys · 7 months
Writer Tag
Thank you for tagging me, @kosmochlor and @saintmathieublanc<3
How many works do you have on AO3?
47 apparently.
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Attack on Titan rated T fic, macro micro (it was part of the canon there lol), blind character element
2) Zinc Molybdate (rising star but very far behind #1)
3) Another Attack on Titan fic rated T. Anime fans are all under 18 I guess.
4) Negan/Rick mpreg lol. I abandoned it when TWD season 8 deeply disappointed me and hopefully that doesn't happen again with the current fandom D: (I don't think it will unless they do something truly idiotic like kill off Ryan in an inexplicable way)
5) The Selfish Gene
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes I do. It's the least I can do when someone takes the time to write something. Plus many of the comments are so thoughtful and sometimes helpful to the writing process. And I just enjoy responding.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Um. Probably an "original fic" set in the holocaust, unfortunately. I've written fics long ago where main characters die, but those are not angsty somehow, just dark/shock value.
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I think it might be Zinc Molybdate lol. First of all it has an ending. And I'd say it's very optimistic about the human spirit and possibilities for change.
Do you write crossovers?
The only true crossover I ever wrote was Alex from a Clockwork Orange x Norman Bates. But I never crossposted it to AO3 from LJ. Can't imagine why XD I'm more of an AU where you recast the characters into a different world girl.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, writing bible fic is controversial apparently. Writing holocaust fic is controversial apparently. Mpreg is controversial apparently, although I have never received hate for mpreg on ao3, only on tumblr.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do..... I wouldn't say it's my forte, despite having it in almost every fic and fic chapter lol. I'd say there's always some element of something being 'off'. Normal people having bad sex, or a fucked up pairing having unsettlingly wholesome sex.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. In small enough fandoms some ideas become sort of communal, but that's usually just fun 'sharing'.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
YES! And it's in a language that I'm pretty fluent in (but maybe not fic-writing fluent) so it was a surreal, amazing experience. I've translated several fics from Russian and one from French which was a stretch for me.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only in terms of translating others' fics. I've always wondered if I'd be able to do it with the right person.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Butchlander. Which probably means my favorite ship is whatever I'm currently hyperfixating on, but I've been on this kick for like 20 months now, so I don't take these things lightly :)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
My very first fic, which I started writing at 18 and abandoned at 19 or 20. I couldn't do it, I couldn't give them a happy ending because the pairing was just too messed up, I couldn't give them a sad ending because that's just not within the realm of what I'm willing to do.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I am all about the Emotional Journey, and thus by extension, characterization. I like writing dialogue, so hopefully that's a strength, otherwise the readers get to suffer lol.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have to remind myself to write even the most basic setting/scenery details. Most of the time I don't think it's very important. I'm probably not a very visual person (although that doesn't mean I don't love art and fanart!). I can write multiple characters outside of the pairing, and those scenes are fun, but I tend to prefer hyperfocusing on just the 2 mains, which is probably a limitation.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Oh god, I did it in a fic, and ... I shall leave it as I wrote it in my 20s, but... it was ill-advised. I'd say don't do it unless it's a language you know, and even then... why.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Uh. Peter Pan. And I don't mean during the Once Upon a Time craze that happened much later.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Within the Boys, I'll also say Starlander. I like it, and honestly the canon leaves much to be desired, so it's fertile ground. Fandomwise, I read quite a bit of Batjokes and Symbrock, but never wrote anything for them.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I'll go with Zinc Molybdate. It's got that new relationship fandom energy that is impossible to just bottle up and deploy when wanted. But I like them all.
Zero pressure tags (and sorry if you've been tagged elsewhere) @phoenixtakaramono @eutz @merry-andrews and anyone who sees this and has ao3!
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dreamylyfe-x · 1 year
I don't know where else to go to complain about fanfic comments, so I guess I'm going to do it here. Because I woke up to one today that annoyed me.
And ironically, I'm doing it on the second day of my summer vacation, which I had set aside anyway as a "day to attend to the fandom things that I need to attend to" -- of which there are several.
The first thing I need to say is that I'm desperately grateful for every single comment I receive on anything I've written -- fanfic or meta -- 99.5% of the time. This is just a vanishingly small sample of what I hear about stuff I've written.
But it's still so irritating.
Some background -- I wrote fanfic, a prodigious amount of it, in my very early 20s. For about three years I posted nearly daily. These were long WIPs and they got a fair amount of attention in that fandom, which means I also got some criticism. And I engaged the criticism fairly cheerfully. It's hard to be too insulted by someone who has still read hundreds of pages of your work, even if they are upset about something. It was also really normal, at the time, to tell a fic writer then their story was annoying you. And even an upset comment was better than no comments -- the absolute WORST thing you can experience -- so I was pretty ok with them.
But anyway -- life happened, I left that fandom and I stopped writing fic.
A good friend of mine still was and one day, in a fandom I never participated in but certainly knew a fair bit about, she had a bad experience. Her fic was nominated for a ship-centric fandom award (this is livejournal era) and some random group of fans took umbrage at the existence of these fandom awards and went through and gave snarky reviews of all the fics that had been nominated. Anonymously. My friend had not wanted this review and let it be known that she didn't like it. That violated some sort of fandom rule at the time and she got dragged for it. Authors were not supposed to object to criticism. Even if it was mean-spirited.
More years pass. It takes a good long while for a piece of media to grab me enough that I get sucked into a fandom again. But when it happens we are long into the Tumblr era. And I discover that the worm has turned and it is no longer considered good fandom behaviour to leave negative or critical comments.
As a fandom old, I find that I little curious. I don't leave negative comments personally, but it's such a shift from the livejournal era that I take note. And I'm not sure I feel all that negatively about receiving critical comments on fic. As I'm writing it for the first time in a decade, I get to test that out -- and I don't actually have a lot of opportunity to do that, because indeed, people tend not to leave negative comments. But ONE TIME, on ONE story, ONE person left perhaps the longest and most detailed comment I have ever received, all about how much she absolutely HATED the story I was telling. And I did, honestly, love that comment. Same principle as before -- I couldn't be mad when they were so passionate about it. It was flattering.
But today I was reminded of the type of comment I really don't enjoy. It is not that it's negative -- though it is. It's that it's withering. It's the type of comment designed to make you feel like this person thinks you're a vending machine that they put a dollar into and then got the wrong product. It's the "I hope you don't think that this thing you put into your fic is actually, you know, The CORRECT way to look at this."
I've only gotten a couple of these because in general I think fandom is nicer these days and certainly the corner of the Gallavich fandom that I occupy is filled with really smart, thoughtful, funny and interesting people who tend to SAY smart, thoughtful, funny and interesting things. And this is something of a void scream, because I don't think people who leave comments like that would ever bother to read this.
But. Like. Just in case.
Fic writers put thoughts and opinions into characters' mouths that are not their personal take all the time. Because they have reason to believe these pre-existing characters think that thing. You can disagree with it. But it's probably bad practice to assume anything about the fic writer because of it.
If you ARE going to leave a comment like that try to say at least one other thing about the story so that your comment isn't entirely just you being unaware of the concept of an unreliable narrator.
If you are STILL going to leave your eye-roll in comment form on someone's story and not even bother to hit the kudos button on the way out, then I will probably respond to you like you're an asshole. I just have no other context to draw from.
If you are still determined to do all these things, could you try not to do it in the middle for the night so that I don't wake up to this stuff in my inbox?
Anyway. I know I'm blessed to even get snarky comments on a two-year-old fanfic, but, you know. I have feelings to share. Happy August.
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midnightrings · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve kept quiet on this blog so far about the shit I had to deal with this past week, but I feel like I need to make a post addressing it – as a reminder that you don’t have to be an asshole to fanfic writers, just because they write stuff you do not like to read.
I’ve been publishing fanfiction since I was 12 years old. I’ve received some nice hate comments through the years, and been in fairly toxic fandoms. Mostly, however, my experience with fanfiction has been calm and friendly. I write a lot about minor characters and ships, and the topics and themes in my stories are fairly mild compared to some of the stuff you can find on AO3. However, none of those fanfic experiences I had over the past decade comes close to the insanity that I had to deal with in the Bridgerton fandom recently. And I tried to laugh it off, but honestly, I might as well go on a bit of rant.
Just to try and summarize what’s been happening: A week ago I started publishing a Kathony fanfiction I’ve finished writing recently. It’s a what-if scenario about what might have happened, had Anthony actually married Edwina. I love to write angst, so this was a perfect fic idea for me, and I also stated in the tags and A/N that it will have a HEA for Kate and Anthony. And, well, people have lost it. I’ve received tons of ridiculous hate comments, insults to me and my writing, and even had a kind anon in my inbox who told me to kms. It’s been absolutely insane. A part of me is laughing about it, but I’m also in shock that such an innocent fanfic idea has provoked such immense hatred.
Now, I never would have expected this kind of reaction. And it’s been difficult to figure out what it was that bothered people so much. Here’s what I gathered from the response I’ve received:
For one, apparently there are a lot of people that believe this fic cannot have a happy ending if Kate ends up as Anthony’s mistress. This type of thinking surprised me, and I guess it’s the result of two worlds colliding. Maybe those people mostly read HR, and considering mistresses and such are usually not treated very nicely in those fictional historical romances, they immediately assume I have the same kind of screwed views on women as they do. They were also bothered by me not tagging it as Anthony/Edwina (even though the fic isn’t about them, and I only tag ships that are actual romantic ships in my stories), and hated that Anthony and Edwina had sex (though I honestly couldn’t have written this fic without them having sex and thought this was kind of implied by them being married). I now added a tag for the latter, so people know about it beforehand. But the thing is, the summary and tags clearly stated that this is a fic in which Anthony and Edwina are married, and that it’s about Kate and Anthony finding their HEA despite it. Everything they were mad about was already stated in the tags, summary, A/N or – at the very least – in the beginning of the first chapter.
Then, people apparently went through my other fanfics and realized I mainly write about Anthony and Siena. And well, that surely made them angry for some reason. I feel like this part is mostly projection – they don’t multi-ship and believe other can’t either. They’ve been accusing me of purposely trying to screw up Anthony and Kate, and basically tried to tell me what will happen in my story they have not even read yet. It’s honestly insane to me how they know that I love Anthony and Siena, yet for some reason believe I am trying to destroy Kate’s character by making her a mistress. Like – Siena is quite literally Anthony’s mistress in the show. If I had any issue with mistresses during that time period, Siena would not be my favorite character, neither would I love her affair with Anthony. Not to mention that the one multi-chapter fic series I’ve written about Anthony and Siena so far ends with their canon breakup and puts Siena through more shit than Kate will have to grow through in my current Kathony fic. I guess they do not care about this as they don’t care about Siena. And considering some of those comments had pretty misogynistic undertones, I’m going to assume they probably wouldn’t be bothered by how I write Siena, considering she’s already basically a courtesan.
Of course, I’ve also received a lot of amazing comments, and I’m extremely grateful for all the support. Nonetheless, this type of behavior is simply not acceptable. If you do not like a fic, don’t read it. If you started reading a fic and realize that you do not like where the story is going, don’t like the writing or the writer’s take on those characters and relationships, stop reading. Fanfic writers don’t work for you, and their content won’t always be perfectly curated to your own personal interests.
Writers will try and explore many different scenarios. They will have different interpretations of the characters and ship dynamics, might want to explore different aspects to a character which you might not agree with, and will purposely create storylines to do so. You do not have to like everything that is published on AO3 – not everything is meant for you. And if you do not like a fic, move on to the next. Or create your own. Being an ass to fanfic writer is just shitty behavior.
I spend my free time writing fics because I enjoy it. I write stories I like to explore for myself, and sometimes I edit those fics and publish them, because you never know who might be interested in reading this as well. I’m extremely thankful to all those amazing writers out there, sharing their stories for free – especially when I’m the only person leaving a kudo and comment. I’m so glad they decided to post stories only a few people are interested in, and I’m trying to do the same with my fanfics. Knowing that there are people out there who enjoy the stuff I write as much as I do, is enough for me to sit down and create those stories in my free time. And it can take a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it. And hate comments completely ruin that experience for everyone.
Mind you, those comments won’t keep me from writing, and they don’t bother me too much either. I’m just a bit tired of them. But I’m sure that I’m not their only victim. And the next writer they harass might be a teenage girl who has just started writing fanfiction and will be completely devastated.
And despite all the lovely comments I’ve received, I definitely don’t have as much fun writing this story as I used to in the beginning. And it sucks, because I know very well that people can usually tell when a writer has lost their passion for a story. I’m sure that this is probably their goal – to harass writers enough so they stop writing. I obviously won’t stop writing this fic – I’ve already written the entire story down either way – but it’s exhausting how comfortable people are with ruining an entire reading and writing experience for everyone involved, when they could easily just not read a story that is clearly not meant for them.
I really do not know what the issue within the Bridgerton fandom is. Whether there are a lot of younger people who have joined a fandom for the first time in their life and simply don’t know how to act. Or if this behavior is quite normal to this type of genre and I simply lack experience in it. But neither of those explanations would make it okay. It’s pure entitlement. Fanfic writers don’t exist to please you.
If you consume fanfiction, you should also respect the writers. People are out their attending university classes while working two part time jobs and then decide to post a 100k word fic simply for other people to enjoy. They don’t earn anything from it. And it’s the caring and supportive community those stories create which is also keeping fanfiction alive. Trying to destroy that community while also still consuming fanfiction is simply egoistic.
So if you like reading fanfiction, be nice to the writers. And if you cannot accept that not every fanfiction is meant for you, and feel the need to be an asshole to writers – well, then maybe you should not engage with fanfiction at all.
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bowlingforgerbils · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @gretchensinister for tagging me!
How many works have you written for AO3?
40 works! I have some older stuff on fanfiction.net.
What’s your total word count?
Do you know that this is the first time I've ever looked at the Statistics on my AO3 account. I didn't know I could see my total word count! Anyway it's 149,665.
What fandoms do you write for?
These days it's pretty much Good Omens. But I have not forgotten my first love, Rise of the Guardians.
Top 5 fics by kudos
"Jackpot", "He Followed me Home", "I wear your grandad's clothes, I look incredible", "Under the Mistletoe", and "I Promise to Take Care of Him."
The first and the third one are Pacific Rim fanfics, the fourth one is a Good Omens fanfic, and the second and fifth one are my two-parter about Charlie and the Scientist, a crack pairing in the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia canon.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes. It's my way of showing appreciation that someone enjoyed my silly little story. And I'm always happy to answer questions or talk about the characters. <3
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Umm.... I don't really do angsty endings... I guess Shakespeare in the Park? It's not a happy ending, anyway.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, this is hard, almost all I write are happy endings! Maybe Co-Habitation, because it ends with Aziraphale and Crowley living in the South Downs, which is my Good Omens endgame.
Do you get hate on fics?
No, although when I originally started posting When You Wish Upon the Moon on fanfiction.net, someone whined at me in the comments about not wanting me to ship Pitch Black and Sandy together. Thankfully, AO3 has a great tagging system, so I assume anyone reading my stories knows what they are getting into beforehand.
Do you write smut?
Yes! Not lately. I should rectify that. :3
Do you write crossovers?
Yes, occasionally, if the mood strikes me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so... I have a vague memory of someone asking, but that might have been on fanfiction.net.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but many of my Rise of the Guardians fanfics wouldn't be what they are without the collective world-building of the blacksand community.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In general? Probably Aziraphale and Crowley. That I've written? Probably Pitch and Sandy.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have a Good Omens pirate AU in my WIP folder that I lost steam in writing, but never say never.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue, and also creating a plot that gives characters a chance to express themselves and hopefully experience some growth.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Moving the characters around in the physical space. I don't know if it's because of my generally weak spatial skills, but imagining where the characters are in the environment and each other is really hard! Fighting scenes in particular give me such a headache.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
It's not something I do, personally, except for a word here and there for flavor. I doubt that adding several lines of badly Google translated dialogue is going to add anything beneficial to my story.
First fandom you wrote for?
The Chronicles of Prydain, although I didn't know it was called fanfic because I was twelve and this was before the internet as we know it existed. It was about a self-insert fairy who was Doli's girlfriend. I liked how grouchy he was!
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
It's a tough call, but probably He Followed Me Home. Not only because it was so much fun to write, but because I've received so many comments about how this story is a "comfort fic" for them, something that they read and re-read to feel better, and if that's not the highest compliment that I can receive as an author, then I don't know what is.
I tag whomever wants to do this!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
IMHO the shipping wars will continue as usual, no matter what happens on screen next season. Why? Because some people just can't accept that other people genuinely like a different ship and lash out using the usual arguments - accusations of self-inserting into the female character, liking incest, misogyny, etc. - things which are bound to get reactions from the opposite side and keep the conflict going. If anything, things have gotten a little bit worse since you "left", at least with Helaemond vs others, like most of the new Helaegon shippers have turned out to be just antis who've joined their Alysmond friends into constantly bashing them. It's also a bit funny considering that, in the beginning, most of the first Helaegons were also Helaemonds, but since then, the ship has been taken over by antis, which made it unpalatable, at least for me. I think though that you did receive some complaints about this new wave of Helaegon shippers just before you closed off your inbox for anons, if I remember correctly. Other than that, I guess there have been some Daemyra vs Alysmond conflicts, at least on Twitter from what I've seen, which involved the former piling on the latter simply because they disliked some theory or interpretation on the text. This is obviously unhinged behavior, but I still support the Daemyras doing this considering that Alysmonds and other green antis have done the exact thing, or worse actually, to fellow greens like Helaemonds so it's a bit hypocritical for them to complain when team black stans give them a taste of their own medicine. Sorry, this got a bit too long lmao, I guess you can take it as an update of how things stand when in comes to the shipping wars.
Hey there, anon, thanks for this very comprehensive recap on the state of the fandom. That's, um, a lot. 😅 I don't know what to say about the helaegon v helaemond thing - for me that is just beyond, bc I also remember people used to ship both with absolutely no issue a couple of months back. I, for one, also ship both + helaegond, so I really don't have any desire to engage with any of that, wow. 🤖
And that is the same advice I would give to anyone else - just stop bothering with the antis and do your own thing. As a general observation, I think that people get sucked into bickering way too often instead of just talking about the things they enjoy & making content for that. I get that, on some level, everyone feels the need to defend themselves when they encounter hate and nasty attitudes, so some level of that is perfectly understandable, but I don't think it's really worth it to let it take up the majority of your fandom experience. As someone who's literally been through hell & back these past months, I can promise you, it's not that serious. ☠️
There is something happening in fandoms of all kinds with the breakdown in communication and just general social norms and manners, where, upon encountering even a slightly different take from their own, people will start losing their shit and engaging in petty fights. They're just some ships, lol. None of these people are real! You can imagine scenarios in which even crackships can make sense. Fans are forming parasocial relationships with fictional characters nowadays - I've lost count of how many "MY Aemond would never do that" I used to see. Girl, what? I mean, it's fine as a joke, but then again you see them getting really belligerent with others, so you really have to question how much of it is truly horsing around and how much is just unhealthy investment and compensation for something else.
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lindszeppelin · 8 months
to the stalkers on my blog, make sure you send over the entire post.
something has been brought to my attention and i cannot keep my mouth shut about this. i will not stand for molly to insult my intelligence on her gossip blog and start a lynch mob against me for something that is not even true to begin with.
the anon that came to me sometime ago who asked me if i wanted to know where she went to law school...as soon as i got that anon in my inbox i knew that person was attempting to bait me. i don't give a fuck about molly to want to know her personal information. hell i don't even know the personal information of my actual friends in the fandom besides basics lol. and while i might despise the scumbag that she is, i would never dox anybody. doxing is serious and has permanent after effects, and it can cause trauma. so knowing that this anon was trying to make me look a certain way and make me fall into their bear trap, i set up a bait for their bait on purpose. I wanted to know who that anon was so i could put them on blast to the community as a PSA. i didn't actually believe they had her personal information. im nearly 30 years old and have been around the internet for a long time, i wasn't born yesterday.
if that anon remotely knew personal information about any one of us and they were to dox someone, that is breaking the law and we do NOT need a person like that in this fandom. so i went to find the rat and lure them into my trap. well the coward came back to me on anon with a "nice try" response, so i obviously wasn't able to get them into a private message and figure out who the user was, which was my goal. and i knew how this would be perceived. but i have nothing to lose by being candid and honest about my genuine thought process. and like i said, no matter how much i dislike molly, i would never dox her as if im some disney channel villain.
as always, all that molly cares about is pointing the finger at me to her followers and inciting a lynch mob against me. and as for the other thing she said about me recently...i have been receiving dozens of anon messages all the time about the crazy things she says about austin and people on anon venting to me about her. but i delete them, and i have done for a hell of a long time. i can't even remember the last time i even mentioned molly by name as a response to someone's message, it must be months at this point. so you are incorrect when you tell your followers that i have started a hate campaign against you and talked about you for the last year. but hey, you basically have done the same to me on your blog, and you actually cannot keep my blog out of your mouth. so in your eyes it's okay to start drama because you're exempt from the backlash. got it.
you are not worth my time, the breath i have in my lungs, or the mental capacity to give a shit about anything you say or do. but when you try to go on your gossip blog and say that i purposefully tried to dox you, you're a fucking moron first of all, and as much as we hate eachother i would never put someone's life at risk like that. but i guess that is just simply out of the realm of possibility for you, because what other thread do you have to go on to hate me besides the fact that i think Austin and Kaia are not endgame? give me a break.
but circling back to one last thing i forgot to mention...after we had our issues with each other where i had to block you because you refused to do something as simple as have the common curtesy of making a separate austin tag so we didn't have to see kaia content in his main tag where you basically said "deal with it"...so many people came to me on anon sharing their experiences with you in the beginning of me turning on anons, and they came to me out of fear that you and your friends would bully them out of the fandom for daring to speak up against you. i am proud to have cultivated a purported safe space for people in the fandom to freely speak their mind and share stories free of judgement. i will never silence anybody for speaking about their personal stories of bullying and harassment. you got an issue, take it up with the many victims you have under your belt. you are not the innocent princess you like to try and portray yourself to be. and while nobody is perfect, there is no excuse for the shit you have put people through in this fandom. on here and on twitter.
that is my truth. whether you choose to take your blinders off and believe me and put this stupid shit aside is up to you. i am not holding my breath because your words are predictable. but i was not raised to be a narc, i was not raised to be a snitch, i was not raised with off-base morals where i would harm people for fun. i speak the truth and i have nothing to lose by being honest. but i was raised to stand up to bullies like you.
i know my intentions and i can sleep well at night knowing i was trying to do the right thing and expose a cockroach in the fandom. clearly that person still is a degenerate, and if they are your friend then you better be careful of who your friends are if they were willing to sell you out to me for shits and giggles. i know you will always believe that i was trying to actually dox you. and while i am not here to break bread with you, i was looking out for a fellow human being, regardless of what my feelings are for you.
oh and by the way, can you say that you ever do the same for me? absolutely not. when i came back to tumblr after a few days break when i had a fucking mental breakdown at the spiteful, venomous anons that came to me to send me hate after a shitstorm that you started, what did you say in response to me coming back? basically "yeah good look trying to block anons babe, they will never stop". if the shoe was on the other foot and an anon sent you my personal information, no doubt you would not share the same cutesy to me of trying to expose that person to the fandom for their snake behavior. you do not take accountability for the horrible things you say to people and how you purposefully start online wars with those that dare to disagree with you about austin. you have a fucking wrap sheet of people you have hurt and offended on tumblr and yet your response is "i don't think i have done anything wrong". just because you think you didn't hurt anybody doesn't mean it didn't happen. it's called taking accountability.
so you're welcome for trying to expose the shit stirrer. while my attempt to expose the person didn't end up working, i gave it my best efforts and i am okay with that. why don't you take your anger out on the person who acted like they were actually going to leak your personal information to your enemies instead of me, the person who was actually trying to expose the shit stirrer? because you never will. my integrity means a hell of a lot to me, so you're dumber than a sack of hammers to think that you can talk about me like this and expect me to not respond to you. you have once again brought this one on yourself.
happy valentine's day, pookie.
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cuillere · 11 months
Thanks so much @trainofcommand <3 You keep tagging me in stuff and it's always a warm feeling for me to receive the mention <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, none. If I was to write some now, It'd be Detroit : Become Human or Stargate. the fandoms I have most written and published for are Star Wars and Dragon age :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wings, which is very surprising since I wrote it for a small fandom fest (Van Helsing - 2004)! I really didn't expect to regularly get more reading from this one :) Is that Blood? A kylux short I wrote as part of a challenge. Found myself reading through it again and I love it :)
A long Mission, another kylux short, with a hangry Ren and Hux knows him too well.
Hux and another. This one made my eyes water as I read through it again!
Promise my only published work for Stargate !!! Mcshep <3
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, unless people specify they don't want me to. I might take some time 'cause I don't always be available, but I will answer :) I feel like it's a way for the reader to be sure that I've read their comments and enjoyed them :) That they have warmed my heart with their words just as I did theirs :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mm, that's a hard one. Hux, mentioned above is definitely a contender! but also What's the matter? I thought you wanted it for Teen Wolf!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh, that's quite hard to say, too! Since my fics are usually quite short, and most of them are just happy or sexy scenes...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate on my fics, luckily :)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I thought I did, but AO3 says I don't ^^ What's sure is that I have som in my (numerous) wips. But also I don't write a lot and smut is rarerly my priority, so I guess it makes sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't think I ever did, though I do read them sometimes :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Neither. Though I have been thinking of some fics I'd like available in both english and french
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Well, I tend to hyperfocus and to change topics of interest every few months / years. I can't think of anything that has been my all-time favourite.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a few of those. One about Jack and Daniel (Stargate) for a soumate AU (which I don't think I've ever done, ever) is on my mind right now, but also an even bigger project for Les lames du Cardinal (which only have one fic, and that fic has 7 hits^^). I don't know If I'll ever take the time to really go through all of the editing, since the first draft is finished... It's from a ttrpg game we did with friends that I enjoyed a lot. Thing is during editing I realized I'd like to change... a lot of things. So maybe it'll neevr happen. it's also in French for the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am weirdly drawn to writing angst, even though I'd rather read happy stories. I think I'm quite good at descriptions and feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogues and length. Dialogues are often a pain for me. I don't mind shorter fics, but when I have an idea that requires a longer fic, it never quite pays off. I've had multiple bad experiences that ended up scarring me and even though I still wanna make some, I'm very scared about them and the amount of work they require.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't think I've ever done it. It can get really messy for some readers, so I'd probably only do it if the dialogue can disappear from the fic and it's not too much of a problem. I think if a pov characters understands it, then the reader has to understand it. If the pov character doesn't, then I'll definitely tend to mention they talk another language, see if there are words or intention that can through, and probably avoid the actual dialogue altogether ^^
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I already mentioned I don't have favourites ^^ I guess the one that has surprised me the most is Wings, because really the prompt Spoke to me so much and I'm quite proud of what I did and of the end result.
As always, feel free to feel tagged :) My thoughts go to @sunwarmed-ash @cyberbullyingandroids @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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bravemikhailo · 2 years
a very late 2022 fic writer’s interview ✍️
thank you so much for tagging me @vintagelacerosette @thisdivorce and @very-sleepy-head 🫶🏻
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
141,535 👁👄👁
3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
forever now
fade into you
never letting you go
warmness on the soul
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do! it’s nice knowing someone took the time to leave a comment so I always try to reciprocate with a response :) also comments just make me happy. a lot
5. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think it might be boys don’t cry — even though it kind of has a hopeful ending, but we all know what happens in 4x12 so 😔
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think warmness on the soul — it’s just a buncha birthday love for mickey as he deserves <3
7. do you write crossovers?
nope, just get a bunch of inspiration from other media and put ian and mickey in that situation lol
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so? not directly at least
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I did write some smut for this year’s kinktober :) existential smut my beloved
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
someone asked to translate one of my fics once but I don’t know if that ever happened (I also once translated one of my fics into my language for fun lmao)
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but I’d love to someday :)
13. what’s your all time favourite ship?
14. what’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
the only WIP I published is wanderers above the sea of fog, and I plan on finishing that, even though it’s gonna take a while. I did start writing a moulin rouge au in march but I never finished it. hopefully I will
15. what are your writing strengths?
I guess vivid imagery? had to go look at some comments on my fics and a lot of them say that I’m good at conveying the emotions, so I think maybe that one sksjs
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
definitely world building because I’m lazy </3 also I tend to forget a lot of what I’ve written, especially when it’s been a while between updates, which I think is a normal thing but still annoying. I also experience a lot of very long writer’s blocks (like right now) so that sucks. shall I keep going? because there’s definitely more
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I actually enjoy it
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
gallavich :) I posted my first ever fic around two years ago!
19. what’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written yet for but want to?
I’ve only written gallavich so far. not sure I could write any other ship actually, but I wanted to write a gentlebeard fic (our flag means death) a while ago. never happened but still
20. what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
it’s gotta be wanderers above the sea of fog, which is also the biggest thing I’ve ever written in my life so far. really proud of this one not gonna lie
I haven’t been here a lot lately and I’m pretty sure everyone’s done this already but I’ll tag my dear friend and incredible writer @oatmilkovich if you want to 💜💫
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drawnaghht · 1 year
just for the record, for Samurai Rabbit fans who do like the show, objectively, the show is pretty good. What's the objective measure here? for me it's usually just much I can enjoy it while watching, but there's always more to it than that. i was a bit bored with the show the first 2 eps, but then it surprised me with a few elements in ep 3. I slowly understood what it was actually going for with the slowness. I kept watching and found things I liked about it. Got all sorts of theories and connections and story ideas. I started re-reading Usagi Yojimbo and went looking for more crew interviews. Saw how much the cast and crew seemed to like it and I'm convinced that it was a good show to work on. Rewatched it in other dubs to get some other perspective for my theories. But that's just one way I enjoy shows.
Of course, there's no real objectivity when it comes to tastes, so I say, if you like it, like it unabashedly. You never know when a show just ends or you'll look back and might feel sad you didn't really let yourself enjoy it, just because others don't. I've watched much trashier shows before this one, (comparably, Samurai Rabbit isn't even trashy at all), and those have gotten much less hate, for being much much more annoying/bad/low quality as a whole x3 You don't have to feel bad about folks hating on the show online. They just have a different taste than you. But if you like it, that's really the only metric you need to judge it.
(this is specifically a thought bc a younger fan wrote to me that they felt sad that the show got so much hate in reviews/online posts etc)
if the show was truly as bad as some folks say, it probably would not have been made. there are just so many factors at play in making a show, i personally just try to go by my gut feeling at this point abt shows and if they're going to be fun to watch or not.
Tumblr media
and lol i don't have the energy to put this into a longer well-articulated post but still wondering i guess why there are so many posts with "oh this show ain't so good, i hate it" etc etc
sorry for sounding harsh or whatever but literally, watch more animation!!!! there are shows worse than this one and if you'd been alive when those aired you would have watched them and remembered them fondly, only to realize one day you were just watching them out of boredom bc there was nothing else animated on
even shows which we lambast as critical darlings within fandoms had their ups and downs during airing
how well a show is received always depends on how much the network loves it, but also a lot of pure luck
or you'd find a good show and see that the network abruptly ended it, not even with a solution or real ending, but just something open bc the creators were hoping the show could come back. or the show would come back, but completely changed, something so unwatchable you wish you could unwatch it
at least, that was my experience watching cartoons as a 20-something or younger, coming back to cartoon-watching because I had time after highschool
maybe the show just came out too late/early, and would have found a different audience if it came out at a different time. I think about how ROTTMNT was received and how now reviewers are coming back to it, with tails between their legs like "UmU this show was not so bad... after all!!!" shut it!!!! i guess compared to how rise was treated by old TMNT fans and critics alike, this one has gone fairly under the radar or remained almost unremarked upon. Well, old UY did complain about it, and youtube reviewers too, so it's sorta the same thing. kids' cartoons will always have adult critics because everyone thinks they know how to run a cartoon/know what a good cartoon is xD
find other things to do!!!! make your own cartoons and see how easy it is. western cartoon/tv is just how it is and it's not bad to expect more of it, but also, it feels weird to go along with hating or reviewbombing etc just because that's become something "in" now. there's worse media than an animated adaptation turned into a kids cartoon, made during the pandemic.
lowkey some of you just seem kind of spoiled with how many good series there are, and you're just putting the bar so high for even shows you like, NOTHING is good for you unless it's extremely perfect or catering to each and every of your expectations xD
yea ok, it's a children's cartoon - whatever! western children's cartoons can run such a wide gamut of quality vs enjoyability, there's so many shows now you can enjoy instead.
if it's good for you, great! if it's not, ok! don't go posting it in the tags as some universal opinion lol xD
again, there are much worse cartoons out there in the past and in other parts of the world. one little animation mistake or even several per episode aren't going to break my enjoyment of the episode or show as a whole xD
the slowness i mentioned experiencing for example, is also subjective. A reviewer on Commonsensemedia, wrote that they found the show too fast-paced, but that their young daugther liked it, and how the messaging came off as good to both them and their child. It's a matter of perspective.
like yeah, it's a bit goofy and dorky at times, I personally do not get some of the jokes (more on that in a proper review) and maybe as an animator, i'm a bit annoyed at some of the things done with the 3D animation specifically. But that's personal! and those are so few things. on the flipside, I was still able to enjoy the rest of the show, because to me it felt like a lot of care and thought was put into it as a whole. Like, many of the visdev team actually asked to be on the show. It can't be that bad if long time professionals around the western animation industry want to work on it.
A show that's truly bad, would not even bother fleshing out some sort of villain or antagonists at all, and mabye would have scrapped Kagehito as a character entirely, when hearing that it was sort of impossible to animate him as intended. But there's a lot of stuff in this show like that. Compromises from the crew, so they could still make the show and focus on aspects of production and story that were more necessary. So for example also, lobbying for more appearances of Miyamoto Usagi, even though Netflix was not on-board with that themselves, the producers and showrunners were.They were pushing for more of him and his backstory in this show.
so eah, idk, this ended up long anyway, but just, if you like it already, it's ok xD you don't have to justify yourself to other fans or people. and honestly, if you dislike it, same thing. you don't have to justify it. you can just dislike things without reason.
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thisdivorce · 2 years
tagged by @energievie @squidyyy23 & @sunoficarus to do the fic interview. thanks all!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
305, 330 😮
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
conflict of interest
change like shifting shadows
want you around
strangers on a train
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! someone took the time to comment, i love that! don’t always reply right away though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
not really a fic but the clover drabble
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
maybe truth or dare. it’s still angsty but ends in a good place
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
no, but i definitely find inspiration from other media (shows, movies, music)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
fuckin’ TERFs. why are they on ao3 of all places? also just general criticism, someone said “your lot are crazy with this priest ian business” LOL. anyways i turned off anon and my experience has been much more positive on ao3. delete and move on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
always! i love writing it! not a specific kind but i will only ever write queer smut. i’ve written m/m (cis and trans), f/f (debbie/sandy) and i love writing soft d/s
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! it’s so fun! strangers on a train and blackout with @breedxblemickey and we plan to finish the series 🤞
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
gallavich of course. they’re my one and only
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i plan on finishing all of them except one or two not published WIPs
15. What are your writing strengths?
depends on the fic, i think. i guess dialogue and having characters say little but mean a lot (at least in my mind lol). also emotional smut.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
repetition (that autocorrected to religion which is also true lol). it’s hard to think of new ways to describe like, body sensations in smut and falling in love. also i really want to utilize metaphors more.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
no opinion on this, i don’t speak another language but if others do, i can learn something new!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
on the podcast i said queer as folk but i forgot i wrote an nsync satire fic when i was 12 haha. i posted it on my nsync geocities website 😬
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
none but maybe one day i will develop another obsession. whose to say?
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
oh gosh, i don’t know. i love them all for different reasons. conflict of interest is really special to me but i’m sure once i complete another multi chap the same will apply.
tagging @xninetiestrendx @mishervellous @whaticameherefor @ms-moonlight-inn @notherenewjersey @grumble-fish @beebabycastiel @flamingbluepanda @crossmydna
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fruityuncleskeletor · 2 months
It's really hard to feel bad for people with several million dollars in their accounts and thats just how the cookie crumbles. Like I know Katy Perry has had a rough going, but then I remember she recently sold part of her music rights for over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS and I can't extend that much compassion anymore.
I could sit here and be annoyed at rich folks of all sorts 24/7. I am THAT salty.
But my takeaway from all this is that: - being financially responsible is very hard and NO fun, because my millennial brain tells me to always give in and treat myself, not caring about tomorrow, but sadly, in my case, I am Kitten and I am Daddy too. I know how empty my wallet is and will be and I refuse to go into debt to be even more miserable in the future than I am now. On one side I am crying because I want nice experiences and fun and on the other side I am crying because I would love to be able to offer myself fun and experiences and I can't. - there is a lot of shame woven into the culture of enjoying things. The whole "buy experiences not goods" can only be a thing if you have disposable income to begin with. I said earlier how I will feel left out because my friends will all get to see SKZ and I won't. But like, that's how it's always been. I haven't been on a holiday since 2009. I use my time off either to recover from work or to travel to my home country and listen to my parents be religious nuts and spew more hate than the previous time. I should be used to it by now (I'm not). I guess I am also like a rich person because I don't like paying for things. They're only nice if someone else pays for me and I don't have to worry about MY money leaving my wallet. - the way I allow myself to enjoy things, SKZ included, is rooted in some very unhealthy mechanisms which stuff like Bubble and fanfic and the fandom itself only encourage. The only reason why I am not suffering more actively is because not a single soul interacts with my writing and your asks are the first not-hate ones I received since joining the fandom one whole year ago. Until now, my writing and I used to be embraced and welcomed in every fandom. Maybe I've finally aged out of that hopeful life stage, and my pessimism is no longer palatable to younger people. Either way, that's been sad too and it's contributed to my overall despair. In the past, I always had friends to commiserate with about whatever hardships came my way, now I have no one who's as isolated and forced to be responsible as me. - the line "gave up my youth for my future" feels like a slap in the face for me because here I am - a straight A student who never partied, never did drugs, never got into trouble, only studied their ass off because the adults GUARANTEED ME that hard work pays off. Nowadays the people hiring are rich fucks who bought their diplomas online and who think everyone's diplomas are just as lacking in substance and therefore worthy of ridicule and dismissal. Earlier today I was telling a non-fandom friend that I feel I will leave my little SKZ group through the back door (heh) and quietly because I will feel too embarrassed being the only one who hasn't seen the boys live. But I am sure I will get used to that discomfort like I get used to a lot of uncomfortable things because I get more serotonin from having people to talk to than "enjoying fandom on my own" (which is some Gywneath Paltrow-level ignorant kind of advice). Honestly, I don't wanna dwell in the middle of anger, but outside of it is depression and that's even less appealing.
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