#This is sl sweet and stunning I love it!!!!
zyonsay · 9 months
can you write a fic with toto?? cuz it's A NEEED FOR ME
Bustling Night TW
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You and Toto go on a date!
Reader: Male
Warnings: Toto del Rey?!
Now playing: 'Lolita' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey there dear Anon! Thank you for the request! When i first read this request, this reel came to my mind immediately haha
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So for this one i only made a one shot because im not really a Toto person (he's precious tho), but nevertheless i hope you enjoy. I accidentally wrote it for a male reader, until i realized you didn't specify the readers gender- I hope this isn't a problem, otherwise reach out and i'll make it genderneutral!
Also, i always thought his german was SO WEIRD and just a few minutes ago i found out that Torger Christian Wolff is in fact austrian. I was so convinced that he's an Alman (European Slang for 'german person') , but it makes sense that his german sounded silly to me lol. Austrians are so unserious and i can't get over it lmao
His big hand was snaked around your waist, as bright flashes danced before you. You and your husband Toto stood on a stunning carpet while being photographed for the press. The FIA had planned an extravagant Gala Event for all the Formula One associates.  
Your hair was combed nicely, and your dress shirt hugged you perfectly. Toto was smiling sweetly while he secretly gawked at you from time to time. A loose strand had made its way on his forehead, you gently brushed it back and pressed a quick peck to his cheek. The city was alive, and you couldn’t wait to get out and about after the event. Of course, you would’ve liked to stay longer and enjoy some drinks and maybe embarrassingly dance when the party started, but you and your beloved partner made a reservation at a fancy restaurant.
Before anyone could notice, you two had snuck out of the building, breathing in the fresh night air. A few Cars were rushing by, and it felt like the nightlife was breathing and bustling. The valet handed Toto the keys to his steel grey Mercedes Benz 300 sl, nodding gratefully he handed the young man a suspiciously high tip.
He opened the passenger door for you, before hopping behind the steering wheel. He glanced over at you, still smiling like a schoolboy. The Austrian slowly snuck a hand on your thigh, making small talk with you, as the car swiftly rushed through the lit-up city streets. It didn’t feel overwhelmingly lit like New York, but homier and more romantic. The windows of the car were fully open, and the wind played through his dark hair.
The moon hung in the sky like a sweet melody and its light accentuated Toto’s sharp features, his eyes seemed to shimmer with adoration.
Once you arrived at the restaurant a smell of delicious stone oven pizza hit you. The walls of the restaurant consisted almost fully of big, beautiful windows and on the inside, there were stunning Bordeaux red curtains. There were various nicely dressed couples sitting on the terrace, while sipping coffee or chatting the night away.
Your lovely partner pulled you inside, checking the reservation with the hostess. She was a short, sweet looking woman with curly blonde hair. The lady then guided you two towards a table next to one of the big windows, telling you that your server would be with you shortly. Toto gripped your hand with his bigger one, giving you a gentle kiss on the knuckles.
“I love you, Schatz”, a sweet grin spread across his face as you chuckled.
“I love you too.”
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log No.30__Waxing Gibbous
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Lately Wav and I have been getting our foundations reset on the grid. We lost our settlements from before and decided to try something now and different this time around. Working and connecting with the Meroe team has been a dream! I honestly couldn’t have imagined that i’d actually get to work with the people that created such an amazing place. Ive not felt this excitement in my heart on SL since living in Commune Utopia back in the day.
They had a sweet little gathering for all the Meroe volunteers recently, it was so nice chatting about Pan African efforts and building on our individual experiences being in the diaspora. & dancing to my favorite afrobeat and amapiano music! Meroe really got the DJs that play that full diaspora music that you dont hear often on the grid! Its really amazing that we have made it this far as a collective and I am so excited about the next phase of the movement. I can feel the ancestors and freedom fighters before us smiling down and laughing because they never would have guessed the movement would continue in such a way, over the metaverse! But here we are!!
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They offer housing for volunteers and its absolutelt stunning modern villa by the sea. Its our very own Wakanda and its like we are living on the outskirts of the  palace XD. I chill here while I write up scripts and practice for tour guiding in the near future! Its a long time coming but all in divine timing.
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Bae and I have also been putting in work editing our music video commission we’ve been working on. This being the final leg has been so rewarding and we have been juiced up with creative spark. We have an assignment to make this video in the vibes of 90s rock video, and we went back over some big ones from back then like Nirvana, No Doubt, Smashing Pumpkins, Red Hot Chili Peppers and we noticed that the way we shot our video is literally spot on. Thats given us way more confidence the editing is going to take it to the next level. This will be our best work yet and it will only get better from here! We are learning how to flow with the editing aspect now that we’ve figured out our shooting styles. All I want is to be included, I think Wav gets it now. XD
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The Beach at Jamrock City which is the sim Meroe is housed in, is so peaceful and just a dream. It reminds me of the histories about beach towns here in Cali that were owned and inhabited by Black people only. So many of our communities and villages were just burned to the ground, Jamrock city is bringing back the spirit of the lost black townships. I chill on the beach and do work there now. I dont know why but somehow logging into SL makes me motivated to finish RL work... its like making it into a game to finish tasks because im RPing it through Foxey. Just a random psychological observation. Cpme find meh at Jamrock beach: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Battersea%20Land/215/113/22
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Of course I had to put up an altar for Jimi in our Meroe villa. Its such a cute space and Gigi lightly sprinkled it with furni already and allowed us like 100prims. We are super grateful and want to invite our SL friends to hang with us at Meroe now at our little space. I feel like this land should be one of those places that you just go and chill at because you know youll find like minded, open minded peaceful people there. The vision is manifesting!
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Took bae to Bassline Junkies turntable, which is a really amazing stage that is actually a table in a music producers room thats full of weed. So basically you are standing on the  laptop and DJ decks but as a miniture. Its scaled like “honey I shrunk the kids” vibes. This was MFCyte, he really went off with the DNB vibes and I love the avi! I have been going to bassline since I first started on SL, its really amazing that after 11 years I can still come here and find the same vibes and share the experience with bae. I wont show the whole room because thats something you gotta look up and explore yourself! Its worth it! Bassline Massive Table Uber: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Clearwater%20Shores/41/87/1009
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We also got our dream beach house in Fakrava, they added a whole other sim of more high end mansion like beach homes and we HAD to tap in... Especially because our girl Shayla hooked us up and built a custom home for us. We are so ready to entertain, next phase is inviting people over and spending more time! I think initially in SL there is a fear about talking to people because a lot of times they straight up dont respond or have some strange attitude about meeting new people. So you have to keep trying and allow your heart not to get hardened by those kind of interactions. The open and vulnerable are still around and thats why Im super grateful whenever I meet real down to Earth and easy-going people. Meroe is the spot where them vibes will converge. Inshallah!!
0 notes
xmalereader · 4 years
Thomas Shelby X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Requested: Heya, can i request a thomas shelby one where the reader is new to the gang and Thomas starts getting feelings for him but tries to suppress it until they have to go on a dangerous mission and the reader gets hurt? Love your writings and hope you have a great day❤
Warnings: Language, blood, slight angst, some fluff, reader being sweet, Thomas being protective.
Tags: @ravnulfjohansen
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“Protection?! We don’t need any bloody protection!” Ada shouts at Thomas, slamming her hand on the table as she glared at her older brother.
The Shelby’s were having a family meeting, lately things have been getting dangerous. Thomas has been making deals with other gangs and he may or may not have betrayed a few, so now he needs to focus on his family’s safety.
“Ada this is for your safety,” he glanced at Polly and then back at ada. “Polly will also have protection.”
Polly chokes out a laugh. “I’m sorry? I can protect myself Thomas, I don’t need protection.” She clarified, taking Sip from her drink as she frowns deeply.
Thomas sighs deeply as he rubs his temples. “He’ll only be following you and keeping a close eye, I trust this man and I know that he’ll complete this job.”
“Who is this man?” Said Polly with a raised brow.
Thomas gives her a look before sitting back in his chair, he knows that he shouldn’t have said anything. Not only is he trying to protect Polly and Ada but he’s also putting someone that he cares deeply for in danger.
“An old friend.” He simply says as he stands up from his chair and collects his cigars. “Tomorrow morning you’ll be meeting him here, he’ll be around to guard you two and he’ll report to me in case anything is to happen.” He explains to his sister and aunt who only huff in annoyance.
“Until tomorrow.” He repeats hismelf and leaves the room. He adjusted his cap and steps outside where he takes in a large inhale of fresh air.
“I wouldn’t really breath in this disgusting air, it could kill you.”
Thomas turns his head to face the source of the new voice, his lips slowly twitch up into a smile. “Y/n.” He says in a soft voice.
“Thomas.” The other replies as he approaches him and stands close to his side. His eyebrows raise as he examines Tommy’s face and hums. “I take it that your sister and aunt didn’t like the idea of me being around, huh?”
Tommy’s smile fades away into a frown. “No.”
Y/n lets out a deep sigh and rubs his hands together. “Don’t worry, I know they hate this idea but maybe I can get on their good side? It’s my job to protect your family, I promised you that I would.” He gives Thomas shoulder a pat, smiling widely at him.
Thomas could only stare at the younger man. He knows that y/n can protect his family but he’s mostly worried about him. The two have been friends for years and no one in his family knows about it! He was afraid of getting him involved with his family problems.
But he can’t refuse y/n when he needs his help.
“Why are you packing?” Thomas suddenly asks as he enters y/n’s flat, taking notice of the packing as y/n bites his lip nervously and moves around his room, grabbing small stuff and putting them inside his suitcase.
“Do you remember my job back at the post office?” He asks as Thomas nods, tossing his coat on the bed and taking a seat.
“Well, turns out that they didn’t need me anymore so they decided to fire me.” He explains his situation to Thomas who sat quietly on the bed. “I still had some money left to pay off for my room but I slowly started to run out, I’ve been looking for a new place and a new job for awhile now but I’ve gotten nothing!” His voice starts to raise. “I don’t have a choice but to move to the country side...I called my brother and he said that he had an extra room for me, told me that I could stay their until I find a job.”
“So, you’re leaving?” Said Thomas as y/n stops mid pack, turning to look at Thomas. He notices the sad look in his eyes, causing him to give off a small sad smile. “Tommy...” he approaches him and places a hand over Thomas’s bigger ones. “I can’t stay here, I can barley afford this place.” He whispers out.
“Stay with me, I have enough room back at my place.” Thomas suddenly says as y/n shakes his head. He didn’t want to be a bother and he defiantly didn’t want to surprise Tommy’s family with him being around. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You won’t be.” Thomas pulls him close, wrapping an arm around his waist as he pulls him onto his lap, causing a dark blush to appear on y/n cheeks. “Thomas, even if I stay with you—id still need to find a job.”
“I’ll give you a job.”
“W—what?” Y/n eyes widen.
“You know what I do and I trust you, I trust your loyalty and I know you’ll be perfect for it.” Thomas lies his head against his chest as y/n ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to be honest, I’m not really good with money.” He chuckled out tiredly as Thomas smiles against his chest. “You won’t be doing that.” He muffled out as y/n rasies a brow. “Then what will I be doing?”
Thomas lifts his head up. “You Can become my sister and aunts guard, keep them safe while I’m gone doing business.”
“Oh, Tommy I don’t—“
“I’ve seen you fight, you’ve taken down people twice your size and you know how to handle a gun.”
Y/n blushes a little and sighs deeply. “Fine, but I make my own rules.”
This causes Thomas smile to widen a bit more. “Deal.”
He remembers that night clearly, the two planning out everything in case anything bad was to happen. All y/n was suppose to do was keep a close eye on his aunt and sister and not get in the way of any of their little ‘activities’.
“Promise me you’ll be safe.” Said Thomas while y/n chuckles. “I can handle myself and a pair of girls Thomas! No need to get worried.” He gives Thomas a smile. “Things will be okay, I promise.”
But things were not okay.
The day that y/n was meant to guard the girls was the same day that a few of Tommy’s own men decided to betray him and use the girls as bait, but of course the first thing they had to do was get rid of the guard, which was y/n.
On that same day he actually got to know Polly and Ada a bit more and the two actually liked him in return. He was a stunning man and a caring one, he spoke softly to the two and offered to carry their things when they bought new stuff. He was a gentleman and the two adored it, they thought he was special since most men weren’t like that anymore.
The girls decided on having some tea outside the shop where they can enjoy their day while y/n stood next to the small table, smiling at the girls as he listens to them gossip about their family. “Thomas is always making us stay in the shop, do you know how frustrating it is having to deal with cranky men?” Said Ada To her aunt as she rolls her eyes and lights a cigar. “Men are always rude when it comes to betting.” She says in return.
Y/n chuckles to himself which catches pollys attention. She looks up at him and smiles, “of course not you y/n, your different.” She points out as y/n shakes his head. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” He quickly apolgizes but Polly waves her hand. “Dont apologize!” She says. “To be honest, I wonder why tommy chose you as our personal guard? He said that he trusts you.” She sits up in her chair, leaning forward as she rests her elbows in the tables. “Theirs something about you that tommy likes.”
Y/n feels himself grow anxious, both him and Thomas have been friends for years and the way they first met was very weird and childish, you could say but through out the years he’s grown to love tommy. But of course he couldn’t tell him that, he didn’t want to lose the friendship they had.
“Tommy’s a good friend...he helped me when I needed it the most and I’m greatful for that.” He’s quick to tell Polly. Hoping that she doesn’t figure out about his unrequited love.
Polly can only stare, letting out a puff of smoke as she grins and slowly sits back. “Whatever you say, darling.”
Y/n rasies a brow and tilts his head. What was that suppose to mean?
He opens his mouth to ask something but is cut off by a car approaching. He looks up to see Thomas and his brothers exiting the vehicle, his eyes scan the brothers and notices the hint of blood smeared in their clothes. Once his gaze turns to Thomas the two make eye contact, causing y/n to smile a little at Thomas. Glad that he’s okay.
Smiling at Thomas, he notices a strange man approaching them from behind. It causes him to squint his eyes a little, noticing the gun the man was holding as realization hits him. His eyes widen in fear as he takes a step forward.
“Thomas.” He calls out softly as the man raised his gun up and aims at tommy from behind.
Y/n has no time to process things as he sprints towards Thomas, grabbing him by the arm and shoving him to the side. Causing the other to stumble back as a gunshot is heard.
It takes Thomas a few seconds to notice y/n’s limp body in the ground. His fears becoming a reality. “Y/n...y/n?!” He shouts out in worry as he crawls to his side and slowly turns him on his side to see a gun wound on his shoulder. “Fuck!” He curses out in anger as he looks around.
His brothers were dealing with the man that shot him while Polly and Ada rush to side. “Oh my god.” Polly tries to take y/n from Thomas but he wasn’t letting go, he couldn’t.
“Thomas we need to lie him down and stop the bleeding, you have to let him go.” Said Ada as she stares at her older brother, noticing the fear in his eyes as she slowly pried him off y/n. “Finn has already called for an ambulance, they’ll be on their way.” She explains, using a part of her dress to apply pressure onto the wound.
Thomas can only stare in horror, “is he—is he breathing?” He asks, his voice shaking in fear. Ada takes notice of that as well and makes a quick check, “he’s still alive...but he needs a hospital quick or else he won’t make it.” She turns to her aunt and brother.
Polly looks anxious as she turns to Thomas only to see him sitting back, he was growing dizzy and faint. His vision was slowly going dark as he hears his aunts cries, feeling her hands on his shoulders as she tries to keep him up but that didn’t seem to work. “Y/n.” He looks over at his friends limp body as Ada begins to scream his name, trying to bring him back to reality but it was alreayd too late. His vision suddenly goes dark as he falls back on the floor.
He can hear his name being called.
He’s quick to open his eyes, staring at his aunt who stood Over him. A drink in hand as she sighs in relief, “finally you’re awake.” She says as Thomas groans. He slowly sits up from the couch and asks. “Where’s y/n?” He remembers everything that happened today, all of the anxiety that he had suddenly comes rushing back.
Polly sits next to him and hands him the drink. “In the hospital, doctor said that he’ll be awake soon, Just needs time to rest and to heal.” She explains as tommy takes the drink from her and chugs the whole thing down.
Polly watches Thomas closely as she takes the empty glass from him and sets it down on the coffee table. “Y/n.” She suddenly says, catching Tommy’s attention. “That boy, he’s caring and loving.” She mumbles out. “He told me that you two were friends, but I know that’s a lie.” She slowly turns to give Thomas a look that he knew far too well.
“So tell me, what is y/n to you?”
Thomas can only look away, not wanting to answer his aunt but he knows that he’ll have to tell her how he really felt or else she’ll force it out of him. The two have been friends for as long as he can remember, the two helped each other out. Y/n taught him how to be free without having to fear, he taught him what love really was. He was their when Thomas needed someone and when he had breakdowns that no one else knew, He was special to him he’s—
“—my everything.” He randomly blurts out.
Pollys eyes soften as she stands up and collects her things. “Then you tell him that, he’s a sweet boy and I can tell that he means a lot to you, Thomas.” She approaches her nephews side and placed a hand in his cheek, stroking his cheek like a loving mother would. “When he wakes up, you tell him how you feel and be happy.” She whispers, placing a soft kiss on his head. “Now rest, will visit the hospital Tomorrow. I told John and Arthur to stand guard at the hospital in case anything were to happen.”
Tommy’s eyebrows knit together. “Do they know?” He asks Polly who shakes her head. “I doubt your brothers know a thing, hell they could barley figure out that Michael was their cousin when they first met him.” She says, a bit disappointed that her own nephews couldn’t recognizes their own cousin.
“Get some rest Tommy, I don’t want you out of this place until morning.” She warns with a pointer finger as tommy groans, leaning his head back, he was still worried for y/n and he wanted to see him and make sure that he was really okay.
He hears his aunts voice and looks up to see her with a soft look in her eyes. “He’ll be okay.” She says, Immediately knowing what he was thinking as she gives him one last smile and leaves the room.
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janeyseymour · 3 years
Jane’s Journey- Chapter 2
prelude.   1.  
There was something about the third queen that drew Katherine in. What it was- well she couldn’t quite tell you, but there was something about Jane that made her want to... befriend, or maybe just get closer to (?) the third queen. It made sense really... Jane was missing a child, and Katherine was missing a mother. Of course, Catherine, Anne, and even Parr had been mothers in their past life too, but Jane was different. The others had taken her under their wing already. They were already well on their way to becoming a found family, but it just wouldn’t feel complete without the blonde- that much she knew.
She had tried to reach the blonde on many occasions, but it was starting to feel as though it would never happen. She would invite the older woman on outings, ask her how her day was, do anything to try to make some sort of connection with her, but it never seemed to work. Oftentimes, it would start out nicely enough, but then something inside Jane would flip like a switch, and she would revert back to the woman with the stony eyes who couldn't be reached.
The skittish queen knew she was taking a risk trying to bring the silver queen a platter after everyone had gone to bed, but she knew had to try. After the door had been slammed in her face, she tried calling out to the third queen once more. Jane had been listening, and she knew she could ultimately try to win her over with a heartfelt monologue about how she wasn’t alone in the world, and her and Katherine could take on the world together- how she knew what it felt like to live in this strange world alone, because for the first few months of being back she was the same. She hardly spoke or could look at the other queens. She wanted so desperately to tell Jane that the situation would ameliorate, if only she would stop distancing herself. But, much like the blonde on the other side of the door, she understood the feeling of wanting to be alone. Or maybe not wanting to be alone but feeling as though it was the only thing she could do. So, eventually, she quietly stepped away from the door, leaving the dish full of food outside her door.
It would be late into the night that Katherine would wake up, a sense of panic stricken in her- a feeling she felt often. Nightmares plagued her sleeping brain often, but they were always just as scary and left her feeling awful when she woke up. Her arcane habits when this would happen would often take place. Simply take a lap around the house, making sure she could hear all of the other queens sleeping breaths, before making her way into the kitchen to get a glass of water and heading back to bed.
Something stopped her silent footsteps as she passed the grey door. The plate was not where she had left it. And what she could hear wasn’t the quiet breathing she usually heard when she passed. No, it was quite clear that Jane Seymour, the one who went to bed the earliest, was not in a restful slumber like usual. When she pressed her ear to the door, she could hear quiet murmuring.
“Come on Jane, get over yourself. This is pathetic,” the blonde mumbled to herself. “Just go back to sl-” her words were cut off by a soft knock on the door. The third queen’s eyes widened, but she allowed herself to slip out of bed and open the door.
“Hi,” Katherine found the floor interesting once again. “I uh, I heard you up.”
“Hi,” Jane sighed and stepped out of her room. When she stepped into the light, it was made very apparent the third queen had been crying. “Your room is down the hall. How could you hear me? What time is it anyway?”
“I uh, was making my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water and uh...”
“I couldn’t hear you,” Jane stated.
“I’ve figured out how to make it through the house silently. There’s certain floorboards that are set in place and don’t squeak when you step on them. I don’t really know how I figured it out, but I managed to. It’s much like when,” the fifth queen stopped her rambling when she saw Jane stifle a yawn. “I’m sorry. I just,” she shrugged. “I know you’re usually sleeping at this time, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“That was very kind of you, but I’m just fine. Just having a night, I suppose.” She crossed her arms across her chest.
“Well, I guess I’ll be off to get my glass of water now. You’re more than welcome to join me if you would like.” Katherine waited with baited breath. Something not so deeply inside of her wished Jane would agree to accompany her on her journey to the kitchen.
“I-” Jane started before briefly mulling over the offer in her head. Something told her she could. Nobody else was awake- just her and Katherine. In a best case scenario, the two would bond a bit, and maybe the part of Jane that wanted a child would find one in- no. There was no way she could replace her sweet and angelic Edward. In the worst case scenario, well... she would close her out, not something new for the others.
“It’s not a big deal if you do or don’t,” the fifth queen said with a false certainty in her voice. She was hoping the blonde would follow her. “I just probably won’t be going to bed for a little bit if you’d like the company.”
“I- I think I’d like that.”
“Follow me,” the pink haired queen smiled as she turned and began to make her way through the house in noiseless fashion.
“Wait,” Jane hissed, steps behind her younger housemate. “I know you guys all probably think I’m a bitch or something who doesn’t care about you all, but I do. Show me how you walk through the house without making a noise. Just so I, uh,” Jane felt a sudden sense of vulnerability, admitting that she cared for the other women in the house. “Show me,” she demanded before adding on a shy, “please?”
Katherine nodded before making her way back to the blonde woman and stepping on the right boards to make it through the area in silence in a slower maneuver to make sure Jane saw exactly how she was doing it.
When the two got down to the kitchen, the third queen let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you. I’m sorry I was harsh earlier. Would you like some tea instead of water?”
“I-” Katherine was stunned. Jane had never offered to make anyone else tea before. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
The woman dressed in grey nodded and made her way through to the kitchen and made the tea- Katherine at the doorway watching with undivided attention as the woman who seldom made appearances in the house waltzed through it, easily finding what she needed. After a few minutes, the fifth queen noticed Jane had plucked out two of her favorite mugs and poured the tea in them.
“Well, are you going to sit or not?” Jane placed the mugs in two spots next to each other, but she made no move to pick a mug or take a seat.
“Oh.” The woman in pink looked between the two mugs and chairs timidly. Was this a test? Did Jane want her to pick which tea was hers? As she continued to stare between the two places, the third queen's eyes softened a bit. It was as if she realized Katherine’s internal battle with herself.
“Katherine, it’s not a test. Either one that you pick, I won’t be upset.”
The youngest queen blushed, quickly taking a seat in the chair that was closest to her. Jane slid into the seat next to her, sipping on the tea she had made.
“Sorry. I just figured you used your mugs for a reason, and I wasn’t sure if there was one you favored over the other or if you fixed your tea in a special way or-”
“Don’t apologize. I picked out both of my mugs because...” Well, Jane had known she had picked one of her mugs and not Katherine’s because it felt as though she was able to share something of hers with her child, but she couldn’t say that out loud. “I heard you up too. I figured it might bring you some sort of peace. It’s silly, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Katherine smiled back. “I think that was very sweet. Thank you.”
“Of course. Let me know if you’d like it a different way.” Jane took another sip of her drink while making a gesture for the pink queen to try it. Hesitantly, Katherine lifted the mug up to her mouth, immediately feeling a warm feeling as the sweet and soothing taste of Jane’s tea danced around her mouth.
“Is it alright?” Jane looked at her expectantly.
“I think it’s delightful. Thank you.” It was the blonde’s turn to be shocked. “Why do you look so shocked?”
“It’s just that,” the third queen hesitated for a few seconds.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” Katherine desperately wanted to place a gentle hand over Jane’s, but something told her she was lucky enough to be having this moment with the woman in the first place. A move like that would be a risk she wasn’t quite willing to take this late at night. Instead, she kept her hands wrapped around the warm mug, but she hoped that her facial expressions were getting across what she had hoped.
“No, no. It’s okay. I probably need to start talking about this sort of thing if I ever want to heal my heart of stone. It’s just that... I’ve always liked my tea this way, even back in Tudor times. Hen- He always thought it was ridiculous. “That’s too sweet, you ninny,” he would say. But, I- I liked it. And I was queen, so why shouldn’t I have gotten to enjoy it the way I liked it? Black tea was never quite my style. I guess I never quite expected anyone else to enjoy it the way I do. I don’t know... it seems silly I suppose.”
“It’s not silly. He would say similar things to me when I would wear my pink gowns.”
“What’s so wrong with the color pink? I think it looks lovely on you,” Jane had begun to warm up to the younger one next to her.
“He thought it was childish, and I was-”
“You were a child,” Jane’s eyes turned stony again, but not towards Katherine. Rather, the glass had begun to crack on her view towards her dear husband.
“Not back then though. Then, I was queen.”
“You were a child,” the blonde repeated. “You still are a child. I mean, I know you’re technically not, but you’re still so young.”
“I-” The fifth queen didn’t quite know what to say. “I’m sorry.”
Jane’s eyes once again softened before “You have nothing to be sorry for, love.” The term of endearment slipped out before she could stop herself. She tensed immediately, fearing that the slip of tongue would scare Katherine. If Katherine had noticed though (she did. Of course she did.), she hadn’t said anything.
“Are you okay?” the pink queen asked, noticing the uncomfortable way Jane was looking at her now.
“I’m sorry. It’s just... I don’t think I ever realized how young we were until this very moment. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Jane. You did nothing wrong.”
“I died. That’s what I did wrong.”
“You couldn’t help that?”
“But I died. I left my son. I was never a mother. I could’ve stayed married to him, and he wouldn’t have subjected you to all of that... torture. I’m so sorry.” Jane began to cry silent tears.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Katherine didn’t know what to do. The woman who was supposedly unbreakable... here she was letting her mask slip and showing the unhappiness in her heart. “Can I touch you?” Jane didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no, so the fifth queen gently laid a hand over the third queen’s. With this movement, the blonde didn’t move away, but she did quickly take her other hand and wipe her tears, and laughed bitterly.
“God, you must think I’m a disaster.”
“I don't think that.”
“How couldn’t you though? I’ve been nothing but a bi-”
“Don’t say that. You’re just dealing with coming back a bit differently than everyone else, and that’s okay.”
“How can you say that though? I’m still in love with him!”
“That’s okay,” Katherine whispered.
“But it’s not!” Jane smacked the table, startling the already skittish woman. “And now I’ve scared you! It’s probably for the best I died before I could hold Edward,” she tried to let out a bitter laugh, but it got caught in her throat. “Henry was a horrible, horrible man who treated you, a fucking child, so terribly for things you couldn’t control, and yet I still,” she cut herself off as a sob wracked through her body. “God, I’m a terrible person. I’m so sorry you’ve been subjected to this. I’ll just go.” She made her way up the stairs quickly and wouldn’t return. Katherine sat there stupefied.
It didn’t go unnoticed that she couldn’t hear Jane make her way through the house.
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botheredbuck · 3 years
Hello lovely ! ☺️ I hope you're alright ! I wanted to tell you that I really love your blog and I absolutely love reading your thoughts and hc on Ballum ! Are you enjoying their current storylines and their scenes at the moment ? And is there any other storyline you wish to see for them in the future (as a couple or as individual characters) ?
hey!! im doing a little better today, thank you!! i'm so happy you like my blog though, that's really sweet of you to say, thank you <3
honestly, ive been having a bit of trouble keeping up w ee of late, between the olympics being on almost constantly and life being busy, but some of the scenes ive seen have definitely been so so wonderful - namely some of the stuff around paul's killer getting released. i think the scene between phil, callum and ben (do you think he'd be proud of me?) is probably up there with one of my favourite scenes. i genuinely just think it was so beautifully put together, and the script was absolutely stunning. that combined with max bowden's absolute masterclass in emotional acting and i was sobbing on my sofa. genuinely, was completely in love with that scene. i've written a post or two about it already because i was, ahem, rather emotional after watching it, but yeah genuinely i just thought that scene was stunning.
in terms of the future, like a lot of people have said i desperately want them to move out and get their own place. like, desperately. sure, i love the flat bc of all the memories it has, and yeah, in an ideal world stuart, rainie and vi would move out and they would just keep the flat and redecorate it (is that an unpopular opinion? i just really love the flat and like the significance of the housewarming callum had with whit compared to him making a home there with his husband would mean a lot to me. also i just think it's got a nice layout and like its pretty, if you strip the awful wallpaper. is that just me? idk) but as long as they get their own place, they could literally live anywhere. i have hope that, with the new set coming in - whenever that is - they're maybe going to be making use of some of the unmentioned houses around the square, and giving us a completely new set/house for ben and callum (and honestly lexi and lola bc where tf are they actually living right now im so concerned???) because i think that would make sense, and they're likely to be bringing some new places in with such a big revamp of the set, so why not give ben and callum their own place?
and, just because it would satisfy my angst-loving heart, i would love to see how they deal with more institutionalised homophobia as a couple. like, if they deal with it getting their new place or something like that - like, homophobia aside from the obvious slurs and judgement at a bar, or on the street. they've both experienced that and im glad ee have showed it, but i would love if it was something they explored as part of a more long term sl, especially now that they would be dealing with it as husbands, and as a stronger family unit. i just think that could be interesting.
and sure, it wouldnt happen, but if ballum could talk about adpoting/fostering another kid i would... lose my mind (ik it wont happen but just... imagine)
(yes this is just me asking to see tony clay holding a baby pls and thank you)
also, for them as individual characters, i would always love for ee to explore both of their seperate traumas, and the mental health issues that they both deal with. tony and max are both such incredible emotional actors and i think a sl like this would always be incredibly well done by them, so it's always something i would welcome with open arms
(also ee if u fancy doing me a favour... maybe... paramedic callum??? for me??? pls???)
anyways this was really fun to answer thank u sm anon!! <3
send me asks <3
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anzuivt · 3 years
Oh my god.
Look, I’m sorry for the wall of text, but... I just hope you all know how grateful I am. October 6th was my first stream as an affiliate and my mind was absolutely BLOWN away. I don’t know what to say. I’m honestly, speechless. Long post in coming...
I’ve already been feeling great - I just hit 500 followers on twitter, and had just gotten affiliate a few days ago, I’ve been on top of the world. I never thought I’d get something like affiliate at all, if you’ve known me, my attitude with streaming has just been, “whatever happens, happens!” and boy, has stuff been happening. I feel like none of this is real. “Tonight wasn’t real, it was all fake.” I thought, but I was wrong. I’m sure it doesn’t seem like a lot for some, but to me it means so so much.
See, I love to make things for people. It’s why I do art raffles, and it’s why I’ve been doing assets lately. I know that not everybody is as fortunate as I am and can afford art, so I try to give back in what few ways I can, to the community, and the community has given me so many things. I’ve made friends, I’ve gotten better at art, I’ve found... just a place where I feel like I’m truly flourishing. Life is stressful, there’s A LOT going on, but honestly... just knowing that I have at least 5 people minimum joining me in my streams to sit there and talk with me is just... meaningful. Like, you take the time out of YOUR day, your busy schedule, to come sit with me, and give me the most precious resource you have -- your time. That’s already giving me so much, but then to receive donations and subs from people is just extremely flattering and, appreciated.
The gratitude you are giving me is letting me know this is all worth it. That, even though I may not be the BEST artist, the BEST vTuber, the BEST person... you all still appreciate me. It lets me know that I do not have to be the best, although I will always be striving to become better so I can deliver better content, like art and all, to you. 
I couldn’t even cry. My face was stunned, I was having my mouth wide open like a trout, if my avatar didn’t show it well enough;;;. I just... wasn’t expecting this, at all.
And I NEED you all to understand, that I am super fucking grateful, and I don’t deserve a single one of you watching me, supporting me, just saying nice things to me. I may be incredibly small in comparison, but I honeslty feel like a true fucking queen tonight. You’ve all made me feel so happy, so wonderful, and motivated. I want to keep working hard to make my artwork and whatever else I choose to do, better for you. I will do better and make things look nicer. I will practice more and do more art raffles so that everyone has a fair shot at getting something nice. Sure, what I do may not be much, but still, I hope it at least puts the same smile on someone’s face that’s put upon mine.
This was my FIRST stream as a Twitch Affiliate, and I’ll never forget it. I got subscriptions and a donation, and people were kind enough to be gifting OTHERS subscriptions. Money is an afterthought but, it’s still insane. The way I see it is, what you give me, even if it’s just PENNIES , or MINUTES of your time, it’s you, investing in me. I will not stop, I will keep growing, to not let you feel like you’ve wasted your time and resources on me. 
Thank you. And now, for some personal thank-yous.
Thank you Keida, for being my mentor with all things Twitch and OBS, you know a lot and I want to grow side by side with you. I appreciate your “real” personality. 3
Thank you Martinni, for being there since I was small, and being a good, and funny friend to me. ♥ Thank you Ichiban for being a generally sweet person, you’re a great conversationalist and I hope to see you stream even more nowadays. ♥ Thank you Adonis, for lending an ear when I need you, and making sure I am never alone in a stream. Thank you for interacting with nearly every post I make, and supporting me through everything so far. ♥
Thank you Glitchy, for your incredible generosity and interacting with me a lot through twitter. You were literally the MVP of the stream, I don’t even know how I can properly thank you for everything you’ve done.  I know you’ve made not only me, but so many other people immensely happy. ♥
Thank you Animation for making me laugh and always talking to me in my streams, you help to keep it from becoming lonely. ♥
And for even more personal thank-yous,
Thank you Misa, for always helping me and taking care of me. Back in SL together, there was a period of time... I think a year, where I’d log on and you would be one of the ONLY people messaging me. You always waited for me, and never judged me for how long I was gone. I am so glad that I met you and you are in my life. Please never leave it. ♥ You have a heart of gold and must be protected.
Mizu, we’ve been friends for a very long time and well, you know me! I’m happy to call myself a part of your friend group. You and I have both had our share of issues (with other people) and yet never with others. I love how creative you are and when we share our ideas with each-other, it feels like some new crazy idea is always born. You’re incredibly motivating and imaginative and I love that about you.
And of course, my love, my man. Thank you Brian for putting up with my dumb ass. I know I have my moments, where I can be crazy and irrational, but you’re always there to bring me back down to reality. You’ve done so much for me, and sometimes I wonder whether or not I am worthy of being loved by you and being yours. You’re special, I would do anything for you, and I just hope you know that. You’re beautiful inside and out. I know I can be a pain. You’ve always been incredibly patient with me, and gentle. I never thought I’d meet somebody that I would actually “click” with, I always just thought I had to settle, but you actually understand me. I’ll love you, forever.
I know there are many more I did not say a personalized thank-you to, if I missed you I am very sorry, my brainfog is immense with joy and love right now. 
Thank you for listening to me. 
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dingdonghun · 5 years
Monsta X - Who owns what era?
I did BTS even though they aren’t at the very top of my list of ult groups, but do you know who is?... Monsta X and A.C.E. sO GUESS WHO IS DOING THIS WITH MONSTA X BECAUSE NOBODY IS AWAKE TO TELL ME THAT THIS IS GOING TO KILL ME? THAT’S RIGHT. ME.
This got long as fuck since they are my ult group. I can't put it behind a "keep reading" because then it gets rid of all of my colored text, I'm sorry 😭 you just have to see me going feral I guess
Hero - Lmfao I get to the very first music video and I am already discouraged because this is going to be so hard. All 7 of these boys have my entire heart. Fuck. Okay. Uh... I want to say Jooheon because this was my very first Monsta X song I ever heard, and it was because him and his red hair drew me in. But I know I will pick him for many other songs, so I am going to try to get strict. I think it has to be Changkyun for this one. His rap verse kills me every single time I hear it. It is SO...SO GOOD. He drew my attention every single time I saw it, before I even know who the boys were.
Runner up: Shownu! His vocals in this song are put out there for all to see, and they really are so beautiful. His high notes are so pretty, his REGULAR notes are so pretty. Astounding.
Jealousy - I am trying not to pick Jooheon for every single era. This one goes to Wonho, he KILLED the vibe of this song. He looked amazing in the video. He made my heart race because we all know how jealous he can really be.
Runner up: JOOHEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. The growls and snarls and the enunciation of his words? I’m horny for Jooheon it’s not a fucking secret alright? but also Kihyun’s vocal runs in the background? Beat my ass vocal king
Shoot Out - OKAY IT’S JOOHEON. Orange hair, muzzle, the suits they put him in, the verses, a god, A GOD, A GOD--
Runner up: I think Hyungwon is incredibly overlooked in this. He looks like a fucking KING on that throne. I would be terrified to oppose him. Changkyun looks hot af too and his verse is fire. I will never pick only one runner up when it comes to MX you’re gonna have to prepare for that rkjdfngfnd
Versace On The Floor cover - Listen... I know it’s just a cover but... It isn’t going to stop me for including it because we CANNOT OVERLOOK.... JOOHEON’S VOCALS. JOOHEON. HIS VOCALS. HIS EXPRESSIONS. THE WAY HE IS STILL RELAXED WHILE HITTING THOSE NOTES. I’m sweating. Again.
Runner up: ... The way Minhyuk moves his body to this song.... is a fucking sin. I hate you Minhyuk, I don’t deserve this. Also Shownu’s lyrics and outfit? Stunning.
Tresspass - I think it has to go to Shownu. His dancing here is phenomenal, his vocals once again are AMAZING and he looks g o o d in ballcaps
Runner up:  Honestly I had to really think about this and I think Minhyuk! He looked amazing in the mv, he had a lot of charisma, I was incredibly drawn to him
Rush - Idk man... Shownu or Hyungwon? Shownu is just so cute in the music video lmao. But Hyungwon’s vocals AND charisma are amazing here to me, so probably Hyungwon~
Runner up: Kihyun looks so good are you kidding me? Stop, rewind, pause, observe. 
Middle Of  The Night - I have to give this one to Changkyun or Hyungwon. Their voices were MADE for this song. Vocal Hyungwon SHINING THROUGH. I think I will give it to Changkyun though
Runner up: Kihyun. Because we are “kithing” in the car. But also Jooheon because the “Back to our own ways in the middle of the night” he does at the end of the song really fires up my oven.
Who Do U Love? - Me, trying not to let my hormones take control and say Jooheon: I think it-- Fuck I can’t do it, it’s Jooheon
Runner up: LITERALLY ALL OF THE REST OF THEM. Wonho? oh my god. Minhyuk? Fuck. Kihyun? Hhhhhhh. Shownu? aaaaaaaAAAAAAA. Changkyun? reeeeeeee. Hyungwon in black hair? please end my misery. I don’t fucking know who I love alright? leave me alone
Play It Cool - Finally, Kihyun’s much deserved throne. His beautiful voice was so, so good with this. It’s always good tbh. He deserves the world
Runner up: Jooheon, for obvious horndog reasons, and Hyungwon, also for horndog reasons.
X-Phenomenon - Lmfao it’s Jooheon again I am sorry, he is just too attractive sounding and looking in this music video. I really am only finding out how much of a filthy sl*t I am for Jooheon right now.
Runner up: Changkyun lookin’ and soundin’ real hot.
Livin’ It Up - Minhyuk, it is finally your time! Step up, king. You slayed this song. Your vocals? Gorgeous. Please accept this forehead kiss as an award.
Runner up: *Pretending Jooheon doesn’t exist* It’s Hyungwon. Witness him. Witness his vocals. Also I would put Shownu here but I hate that super baggy button up shirt he is wearing with a passion.
Follow - WONHO, TAKE YOUR THRONE! I got to hear his voice crystal clear in this song, he looked AMAZING in the video, his charisma was FIRE. I have this thing where my brain protects me from the pretty boys of groups because I know they will absolutely destroy me. So people like Wonho, Jaehyun, Jungkook, don’t affect me. Eventually they all break down my walls though, and Wonho has done that recently. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you sooner, my angel. Come back soon.
Runner up: TIKKI TAKKA, TIKKI TAKKA, TAKKA. But also Hyungwon lookin’ really good doing that dance... damn.
Alligator - Ah... We had to come to this song sooner or later... Listen, Jooheon. It’s Jooheon. The black hair, the black clothes and that trenchcoat, the bat on fire, the duality of his rapping, the snarls, genuinely I cannot handle it and I cannot choose anybody else I am SORRY.
Runner up: Wonho is SO beautiful in this mv. He does an amazing job, he deserves his props. But also Kihyun makes me sweat in this mv. And then he has the nerve to switch it up and wear glasses and have sweater paws. Filth.
Stuck - WONHOOOOOOO. Listen... The blonde hair, the choker, the possessed demon head roll thing, I mean come on... For once I don’t have to struggle to look past Jooheon
Runner up: Absolutely Kihyun. He looks amazing with the undercut what can I say. Also in all black? Fuck. He out here showing some skin from those pants too eye---
Beautiful - I think Minhyuk takes this one! And no it isn’t because red hair is my weakness and his promo pictures for the comeback murdered me... Though those factor in ldfjfdkhgufdh. Do you hear his voice in this song???? It’s so light and sweet, just like him. I can’t get enough.
Runner up: Wonho! He really pulls off blonde somehow??? And the blue suit? And his voice paired with it? Pure. Bliss. Kihyun as well, his vocals hit deep in my soul. And he looked SO handsome here.
Someone’s Someone - Wonho. “We all wanna be someone’s someone, Someone we can’t live without” I found out the hard way that I can’t live without Wonho lmao. Nooo don’t leave Monsta X, you’re so sexy haha ;) ... *Quiet crying*
Runner up: Kihyun again! Vocal angel. Handsome gentleman. Want to kiss him forehead. 
Gone Bad - I know it’s a B track but it has a music video technically so you can’t fault me. This one goes to Kihyun too! He looks amazing, he sounds amazing, his Charisma for filming self-cam music videos is sexy, what can I say?
Runner up: I want to **** Jooheon’s ********
Unfair Love - This one goes to Minhyuk, our soft and sweet boy. He looks beautiful here and he sounds beautiful here and he really does deserve more love. I think people should go listen to his covers and osts.
Runner up: I’m in love with you Shownu
Need U - Another absolute BOP of a B side. Sorry this goes to Jooheon too, his soft loving verse stole my heart and I’d die for him on sight
Runner up: Wonho, Minhyuk or Changkyun? Honestly everyone did SO well on this song it is hard to choose. Every member’s vocals stand out and are so beautiful
Tropical Night - Changkyun! I forgot the word for the noises you make in the background that don’t mean anything because it is 12am and I am exhausted, but those are sexy. And his verse is sexy too. It’s amazing. I am a little delirious right now. I’m so tired lmfao
Runner up: Ignoring the fact that Jooheon has white hair and I want to go feral, I will go with Kihyun, because I am ALSO going feral over him, but his voice is really pretty too. Where am I? What year is it
Special - ... Jooheon said he feels good when he feels me. He also said “brrrt, brrrt, HAH” and I think that’s so beautiful
Runner up: Changkyun has black fingernails CHANGKYUN HAS BLACK FINGERNAILS-- Also Minhyuk’s vocals??? Wonho’s vocals??? Kihyun’s vocals??? wowwie zowwie
Breathe For You - I'm tempted to pick Wonho just because of how cute he is in the music video soxjdjd but I have to pick Jooheon again because of how he told me he's falling in love and bitch, me too, tf?
Runner up: Kihyun vocal legend, bow down to his feet
Perfect Girl - *shields Wonho from my line of sight with my hand* this one goes to Kihyun, he sounds so pretty the whole time and his voice is the only one I can focus on here
Runner up: Jooheon because every time I hear this song I remember him standing on stage and forgetting the lyrics because the members confused him by singing with him, and the way he waves his hand to stop them from teasing him before he quickly starts rapping again makes me cry
Okay I could keep going but I am going to black out on the floor now goodnight
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kdramaxoxo · 6 years
‘Romance is a Bonus Book’ - My Ji Seo-Joon Problem
Kang Dan-Yi has two really sweet romance options. Eun-ho is a really good guy despite sometimes playing a few mind games early on (I really don’t like negging/teasing). He is finally being honest about his feelings and I LOVE THAT. He won my heart when he described falling in love with her like the changing of the seasons. I can see the allure of being with someone who truly knows her and has cared for her for a long time.
This is the first time I have experienced EXTREME SLS (Second Lead Syndrome). I’m not into love triangles and normally I’m just a little put out when the second lead seems like a better fit than the main ship but this time it’s serious!
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Ji Seo-Joon is my STYLE.
He is:
Extremely soft. He took in a gorgeous golden retriever (ok - this is a plot hole. No WAY that stunning fluff of a dog was homeless but whatever lol), and apologizes to onions before he cuts them!
Extremely beta: He does have strong opinions  but is very deferring to Dan-Yi and likes being with her just to hear her thoughts (though i mean, she’s adorable so). He never considers her age or really cares about the things in her past that she feels other people would judge her by (though, if I’m honest, she has a kid and this show just totally forgets that she’s a mom - it’s kinda silly).
Extremely thoughtful: He designed Dan-Yi a one of a kind onion plush (!!!). He truly cares for her and wants to be around her. He knows Eun-Ho likes her and is standing his ground as best he can without being overbearing.
Intelligent and intuitive & A Really Good Listener: When he tells Dan-Yi that her old book didn’t change, but she is the one who was changing…I loved that! He can also tell when she isn’t having a good day or when someone needs a friend (Hae Rin after being dumped).
A Talented Artist with Ethics: I love me a person who takes their craft very seriously and loves what they do. Seo-Joon finds inspiration in everyday things and paints gorgeously too? He is not a pushover about his opinions or work either and stands firm with what he believes in.
Extremely CUTE! I mean LJS is also adorable so it’s a tie for his but everything else stacked on top? *hearteyes*
note to writers: don’t you even *think* about giving this boy a villain edit regarding that missing writer. I have my eyes on you,
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Questioni in sospeso.
Prompt: Penelope is forced to change team.
Warning: none.
Genre: drama, family, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, O.C.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 53 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏😘🔦🎈.
Song mentioned: Quando ritornerai, Tiziano Ferro.
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She can't believe it, but there is no room for any uncertainty, no doubt. The e-mail, with a lot of official virtual "stamps", seems to make fun of her with all those high-sounding and cold words. But... but it could be a joke of some technician colleague.
The blonde woman moves away from the screen, as if it possessed an evil spirit, had a life of its own. Almost. She starts browsing her phone contacts, discarding them one by one. In the end, she decides to open the door and head towards Prentiss's office. She doesn’t have time to knock that her friend, as well as chief of the unit, is already there, standing with a pained look. Penelope then understands how sadly real it all is.
-Garcia...- says the brunette, inviting her to come in with a wave of her hand. The blonde drops into the chair on the other side of the desk.
-So that's true. They are really doing it, as with JJ eight years ago.- she only says, with a resigned and not too depressed tone, not how much anyone would have expected from one who hates (hate to say the least) changes.
Emily takes a moment before nodding, only in the eyes can one sense the anger at the helplessness she is forced to bear despite her high position, which she also detested so many times, precisely because of the decisions she was forced to make... and now she can't even use it to prevent the team from losing an important piece of their chessboard, so that the family doesn't loses the glue that holds them together. -Penelope, I'm sorry, I tried to do everything, but...- the friend shows her that there is no need to justify herself, she already knows.
-How long have you known?- she asks her rather, sensing, despite her naivety that it is part of her charm, far more than Prentiss would like.
-A week.- she admits, in a guilty tone, lowering her eyes for a moment to a stack of papers on her desk. The most prominent cases. Cases that she won't be able to solve, Penelope thinks, sighing.
An awkward silence follows, something that between the two women hadn’t happened since the time of the attempted murder of the brunette.
-We have to tell others.- it is the latter who breaks it. For the first time, the informatic technician seems really shaken by the news. She shakes her head, vehemently denying, silently protesting with those dark yet strangely unclear eyes. -I know, I understand what you're thinking. But they have the right to know, don't you think?- turned this way, the question is different; the friend can only agree. They stand up almost in sync, Garcia waits for the one with the highest position to come out first. Prentiss overlooks the balcony and immediately meets Rossi's eyes. -Guys, we need to talk.- she announces gravely. JJ can't help staring at her two best friends, passing from one to the other all the time. It is clear to everyone that their IT has something to do with it, but how specifically, how much does it involve them personally, this cannot yet be said. -Meeting room in five minutes.- the woman turns, placing a hand on Penelope's shoulder and the two start to walk, turning their backs to the others. They don’t therefore notice how each one quickly abandons their activity, saving documents, putting the cap on the pen and hurrying to reach them. The last to enter the round room is Matt, less than a minute later.
-We are all here.- says Rossi with a warm and calm voice. -Talk.- he takes matters into his own hands, because he understands that Emily is in trouble. She has the same look as when they unjustly arrested Reid.
-There is no painless way to say it.- she begins, making them fear the worst. -Garcia, Penelope- she corrects herself -will be transferred to another unit next week.- six mouths open up almost simultaneously. Then, six pairs of eyes rest on the shapely blonde, who can't stand all those looks and feels faint. She tightens her wrist, planting her nails in the flesh, without the others being able to notice it. It was a method she had discovered to manage anxiety when panic seized her after Battle had shot her. She hadn't used it for a while, since the last anniversary.
A few seconds of silence, full of disbelief. Then a storm of questions is unleashes, more or less all together; overlapping words, different voices all united by the same pained tone.
-How?- JJ. She already has tears that press at the corners of the eyes to get out. Penelope sees her again, in a kind of deformed flashback, while she tells her for the first time that she considers her as part of her family, shortly after having shot the killer policeman; while they are accessing the CIA's encrypted files and fails to take possession of Prince William's phone number; as she walks, beautiful in her mother's white dress, heading for Will, on the lawn of Rossi's house.
-Why?- Spencer. The youngest of the team, immediately looking for a reason, a motivation, which however was not there. Or rather, it was there, but it was certainly not the one he wanted to hear. Penelope remembers perfectly the day he entered her office, bringing her a brioche as a gift and she declared her eternal platonic love; or that time he made a dollar appear from behind her ear, astonishing her almost more than Henry and Jack; and again his look of gratitude when she had shot a false nurse, Baylor, and when he had got out of the elevator, after he had risked becoming the three hundredth and last victim of the Believers, despite the past years.
-When?- Tara. The psychologist and university professor with whom she had been in love at first sight (as with Kate). How forgetting the enthusiasm with which she had received her arrival and the joy she had felt when Hotch had confirmed that the research was completed, there was no need to conduct other interviews; or when she had given her that carrot, which she had decided to keep and not to eat.
-Where?- Matt. That man as intelligent as he is charming and likeable. Penelope revisits various moments in a disorderly way: the phone call in a panic when the team had not responded to her numerous calls and the car ride to the accident; the friendly malice when he asked her if she had a tattoo and where; finally the sweet sensation of tranquility when they danced together at the wedding of Krystall and the older agent.
-Who?- Rossi. He himself, who has always detested the bureaucracy, wonders who the culprit is, who is behind what he perceives as a real crime against the whole unit. Losing Garcia would be as if the team's heart were rudely torn off. The young blonde remembers perfectly how the Italian-American treated her in the beginning, and feels something stirring at the thought of how he is now a real father to her, and he even told this to her.
Only one remains silent, quiet, doesn’t open his mouth. But his eyes are screaming, his eyes are the only one that really pierces her. Luke. Oh, Luke. Thinking of him as agent Alvez would be much more convenient, because when he becomes Luke, he makes her think of Roxy, the kitten-shaped anti-stress that he gave her, his jokes and provocations, the way he had kissed her on the cheek before hugging her, or he had taken her hand in Bradenton, or he had stolen her remote-control, he had consoled her in court, in front of the SUV with the body of Walker, he had involved her in the gift for Phil. Phil... No, better think of him as Alvez.
Emily leaves them a few seconds to recover, so she begins to answer their questions as much as possible. -It's a direct order from the Director.- she explains. -It hasn’t yet been specified the destination, in fact, in all likelihood they will come to take her directly from here and we will never know.- even worse than what had happened with JJ. Who was there at the time, catches the connection and winces. -There is not a how, nor a why. Or, like the rest, we cannot know it.- the brunette crosses her arms, considering the matter closed. There is really nothing else to add.
Everyone seems to understand it, yet, they each struggle to control themselves. A familiar sound awakens them from the trance they had fell into. Garcia grabs the phone and reads the message. -There is a case.- she says, trying to sound normal, but she just can't.
Everyone thinks the same thing. Their last case with her.
* When, will you come back? Tell me when, will I can see you...
It is a case that doesn’t require the use of the jet, fortunately. So, they can take care of it by staying close to the base. They work sitting around the round table, like the time they were been awake all night to find a proof that had exonerated Spencer and allowed them to simultaneously save Diana.
The atmosphere is tense, Penelope feels eyes on her about every ten minutes, but ignores everything to concentrate on her work. She rejects the thought that this time it's really over, that it won't be just for two weeks, like with that witch (Barnes). Her fingers beating on the keyboard mark the thoughts of many of her colleagues. They all speak less than usual; they only open their mouths when they have something concrete to say.
On the second day Prentiss is forced to separate from them for other "pending issues", so she defines them. Bureaucracy, surely. She locks herself in her office. Rossi and Dr. Lewis have already drawn the right conclusions; perhaps the others too, but one just can't get it. That's why, when he leaves the room after hours to go to the toilet, Agent Alvez is stunned to stare at a line of people, mostly women, mostly blondes, queuing outside the office of the chief of the BAU. When another woman, who looks like a clone of the others, comes out, without knowing how, he manages to precede the next one and slip inside.
-Luke!- Emily exclaims, in truth not too surprised. She doesn't even ask him what he does there. She waits patiently for the outburst.
-Who are all these girls?- he begins to ask, but inside he already has the answer, he just needs to have the courage to take it out. -Are you replacing Garcia while she's still here with us?- here it is, as she imagined. Indignation, anger, disbelief and disappointment.
Prentiss gives him a particularly maternal and understanding look. -There is no replacement worthy of Garcia, Luke.- he nods, immediately agreed. -But life goes on unfortunately. It doesn't matter who dies, or who goes away. How important it is.- the woman just shudders. -The leaders want a name by Friday. Someone else will have to find the addresses of the unknown subjects.- she tries a joke, but with little conviction.
The man remains silent. He's trying to get over it. But he can't do it.
-Alvez, listen to me well, because I will say it only once: don’t behave with the person who will take the place of Penelope...- seeing his shocked gaze, she hastens to add: -…yes, it is so, however bad it sounds. I've replaced Hotch, you've replaced Morgan, and someone will replace Garcia. Not in our hearts, it is obvious.- another nod of assent. -But professionally, it's so. So, I repeat, don’t do to this person, who has no fault, what Garcia did to you. Don't make her feel in the wrong place. Penelope did it as self-defense, to protect herself, and she didn't last long.- a slight smile grazes the lips of the Latin. -I have my doubts about how it would work with you.-
 ** When, will you be with me? Tell me when, tell me if... inside you, I also live a little, or not...
They solved the case, but the week is not over. Theoretically, there are still two days. Garcia made the decision, perhaps a bit selfish, but justified, to shut herself up in her bunker, to breathe a little. She knows that the attentions of her colleagues are irrefutable proof of their affection, but... but they are suffocating her. They make it all that much more difficult.
The worst thing is not go away. But staying and seeing the others disappear, she thinks, shaking her head, struggling with herself.
She jolts when she hears a knock on the door, the outer one, but she recovers quickly. -Forward, human.- she says aloud, while the first of the two armored doors closes behind her. -Speak and reveal your identity.- she stills to type words and codes and doesn’t divert attention from the main screen. But from the sound of footsteps she understands that it is a man. Ankle boots. She restricts the search to two subjects. Simmons or Alvez.
A large hand rests on her backrest. Then a voice, strangely weak. -Garcia...- she so surprised that she stops for a moment, but doesn’t turn to look at him. An awkward silence follows, which forces her to say something, any bullshit is better than that deafening nothingness.
-Luke? If you need some information I warn you that I am already off duty...- it sounds like one of her usual jokes, but lacks intensity. -Although I could make an exception, if it's just a small thing...- she can see him evaluate her words and move to the left, leaning on her desk, like Derek did.
The man takes a breath, clears his throat, procrastinates in every possible way. -Yes, well, I wanted to talk to you about... your transfer.- this time Penelope takes her hands away from the keyboard and can't avoid showing a hint of fear. Of all the subjects she could face and seem calm, indifferent, he went right to hit that. The woman holds her breath until her head begins to turn.
-Huh.- she strives to avoid at least looking into his eyes, convinced that he would be able to read them inside everything. Indeed, she is sure of this. Practically from the beginning, since they met and did this not push her to curl up like a hedgehog more?
He opens his mouth without saying anything, spreads his arms. -Is there anything you can do to avoid it?- he asks, finally. It could have been much worse. She sighs with relief, a little too noticeable. Luke watches her for a moment, finally deciding not to venture too much.
-Of course, I could hack the system and create a thousand slowdowns...- she replies, immediately lighting a smile on his lips. -I could go on like this for months, but they'd find out right away, who's behind it, I mean- once again she escapes his gaze -and in the end, I'd still have to go away.- her tone is a little too tough, but it is the only way left to save herself. -So I don't think it's worth it.- she folds her arms, waiting for his reply.
-But it's not fair.- it's the big phrase that comes out of him. The man feels stupid, but it is certainly not the first time that this happens when he is with her. -They can't treat us this way.- she merely stares at him, doesn't go to him in any way, doesn't make it easier for him. -Do they know that we are not just a group of people working together? We are a family and...- he hesitates for a moment, perhaps realizing that it is the first time he has said it aloud, even if he thought of it often and especially when Barnes tried to make him say something to discredit his colleagues and he realized how much he was willing to fight for the team -and we need each other-- he spits it out in the end, surprising her positively. Even if she would have preferred the opposite.
-Alvez, really, I appreciate your interest, but... it has already been decided.- she feels the need to release his anxiety in some way. -Nothing can be done to change things.- if he doesn’t leave by himself in a hurry, she will be forced to throw him out with badly manners. She knows perfectly the movement that runs through her belly, she knows what the consequences will be.
-It's not possible, I refuse to accept it.- but Luke behaves incredibly stubbornly. -How can they not realize that without you the percentage of cases solved will be reduced?- this time she doesn’t resist, she bursts into laughter with some bitter nuance, given by the inability to believe in the veracity of his words, which for a while she eliminates the risk of collapsing in front of him and ruining everything.
-Don't you think you're exaggerating now?- she realizes that her lips have folded into a grimace similar to the one he made when she called him "Newbie" or treated him "badly”. -Of course, I'm good, but...- he interrupts her. For him it is not conceivable that there is a but after such a statement.
-You are more than good, you said it yourself, no?- he blushes slightly, remembering that day, not long ago, in fact, that he had expressed his appreciation for her abilities, without hiding behind a joke , this time; and the way she had answered. Dios, it shouldn't be legal to flirt so subtly. -You're great.- Penelope is silent, barely closing her mouth, always red, always inviting. -And in any case, we have seen in those two weeks in which it seemed that the BAU was destined to disappear and also in those days when you were in San Francisco...- he begins to argue, as a perfect lawyer. His father would be proud of him.
-I'm sure anyone who chooses Prentiss will be worthy of occupying my place.- the woman replies, taunting herself. -And that you all  will make it through this.- he nods, but gets a little closer to her chair, perhaps not quite consciously.
-But managing it and running like a train, they are two different things.- the man is not intentioned to give up. It tilts slightly downwards, always unaware, under the terrified look of her.
-What is it, Luke, why do you care so much?- she decides to go straight to the point. She will not be able to get rid of him with the good ways, now it is clear. -Did something happen?- she hopes to turn the matter around him, his problems, anything to keep him away from her.
Luke opens his mouth, considering whether to say directly the first thing that went through his head. -You ask me why I care?- it sounds like a question, but it really isn't. His tongue passes over the teeth. -I told you, we are a family and... no one will ever be at your level.- it's not all what he wanted to tell her, but one step at a time, something is better than nothing.
At least he gets a smile not too much felt, certainly not comparable to her true smiles full of joy, like the one when she had seen Roxy for the first time, when he had shown her his gift... -Thank you, I'm flattered.- it sounds so... fake. -But now, if you allow me, I need to finish this job.- actually they are just paperwork that she could complete even from her house, because they will take away her access tomorrow. -I don't want to leave anything... unfinished.- he further reduces the distances and stares her with such intensity as to paralyze her. Leaving it, you will still leave something unfinished. You will leave this story in abeyance, what is between us, it will remain forever undefined, we will never know how it could have gone. You're not just abandoning the unit, you're letting go of your family, the people who love you... me.
But, of course, he doesn't say anything of what's on his mind.  -Ok.- almost neutral tone. -Even if I can't understand how you can have took it so well...- he chooses to be magnanimous. It's late, Roxy is waiting for him, maybe a midnight walk will help him clear his head. -... good night.- he whispers in a slightly sweeter tone, wishing to place a kiss on her hair, or even on her cheek, he could be satisfied with it.
-Night.- she echoes him, and as soon as he is out, she bursts into tears, overwhelmed by the wave of pain that has done nothing but go up and down her body since she received that damn e-mail.
 *** Tell me about you, when you are alone at night and you never sleep...
She didn't even try to sleep. She knew it would be completely useless, she would "wake up" the next morning (or a few hours later, because when she went under the covers the first lights were already visible) with a terrible headache, more tired than she had just stayed up late, as she had actually done.
She preferred to try to take her mind off, reading a book, one of those that usually obliged her to finish it, no matter that she had other commitments, that she should go to work or eat. It worked, but only briefly.
Here, she is parking her Esther for the last time, pressing the elevator button and go down to the fourth floor. She caresses every detail with her eyes, every fragment that manages to capture about those places where she experienced so many different emotions...
She came very early, to avoid meeting the others. She knows it is a cowardly, unjust thing, but she just can't make it to greet them, to live a moment like that. No, she would burst into tears, flood the bullpen. Better to avoid. Better this way. They will forgive her, perhaps, a day not very close.
She crosses the desks area, deserted; she observes them one by one, recognizing the owner of each with affection. She tries hard not to dwell too much on the one with dog statuettes, her gifts, of course. She sighs and continues down the stairs to Prentiss' office. She is the only one already present. She opens the door without knocking.
-Are you already here?- asks the other woman, but she has already understood everything. Damn profilers. Why is it so easy to love them and fall in love with them?
-Yes, I... I'm sorry, Em', I can't do it.- she shrugs. -You know I hate goodbyes. Will you explain it to the others?- the brunette just nods, not particularly convinced. When Penelope comes out, she understands the reason.
They are all there, standing, waiting for her. She feels a hand caress her shoulder. She turns to Emily, who smiles slightly. Together they go down and join the rest of the team. No one talks for a few minutes, then the hugs begin. JJ, sobbing, hugs her tightly, whispering -How could you think of leaving without saying goodbye?- but not demanding an answer. Tara waits for her turn, but is dragged into a female hug. Men observe in the background. The BAU women promise to remain friends and sisters, no matter what happens. And they know that they really mean it.
So, after at least fifteen minutes of giggles, interspersed with tears and anecdotes, they leave her free. And the first one she meets is Spencer, the man who didn't love hugs. He has changed his mind, deeply. They don't exchange a single word, because they don't need it. They have always been kindred souls. They remain hugged for a long time, it seems that there are no other people besides them. To the point that someone starts to feel far more than a pinch of jealousy, and doubts and uncertainties resurface.
When, finally, with the enormous joy of that someone, they separate, it is the latecomer that welcomes her in his arms. Theirs is a patently friendly and fraternal gesture, there is no room for ambiguity, not even trying to strive. Matt strokes her hair and feels her trembling. For this reason, he holds her a little longer.
Then it's Rossi's turn. Not even when Morgan left, he felt all this pain. Because he knew it was the best choice, he didn't want Hank to grow up as Joy, without a father, and as bad as it was, it was pretty easy to accept. But not this time. No, it was all so wrong. -Kitten, oh, kitten...- he sighs, almost in a rattle that suddenly reveals his age.
Only one remains. Why does she always end up putting him last? It is so obvious that he feels as the fifth wheel on the wagon. Fortunately, he doesn’t know that she is used to keeping the best, especially when it comes to food, but also to reading, lastly, to be able to do it... to enjoy it better. In fact, she tries to avoid everything, knowing that she is just fooled herself. Luke drags her in a hug that can be defined with a single adjective: tragic. After a second of stiffness, Penelope abandons herself to his grip and deflates like a balloon, pouring all the tears on him, that she was able to hold back up to that point. It was his fault. His hand that caresses her back so delicately, like her mother did when she was little. And the heat emanating from his body. Its natural scent, which also reminds her of Roxy. And then simply because it's Luke. Luke, and not Alvez. For his part, the man rocks her as if she were a child, making her sway more or less like when they danced slow at Rossi's wedding. In his head he confesses everything. In his head he pleads with her, on his knees, tearing his hair as in Greek tragedies, to not go, because he can't live without her. He wouldn’t even have joined the BAU if he hadn't known a colorfully dressed computer technician, terribly sexy in body and spirit.
It is the sound of a cell phone to revive them. The others would never have had the courage to separate them. What was between them, of whatever specific form it was, was so obvious. Emily pulls out her cell phone and sighs. Everyone knows what it means.
There is a case.
This time they won't have Garcia's abilities at their service.
The woman breaks away from him (and it hurts, without the almost, it hurts her body) and looks at her family one last time. She starts to walk towards the elevator, but they follow her and stay there, staring at her, until the doors close and lead her away, away from her family.
 **** When will you return, when? Or will you always be away?
The months pass, so fast and anonymous that, if he stops to think about it, it's almost scary. Garcia is regularly in touch with them, at least once a week, especially through the chat she herself created on WhatsApp. Of course, it is not the same thing, but again, it is better than nothing.
This is what Luke repeats every morning to force himself to get out of bed, he, who had always been an early riser, super active even at dawn. Roxy tries to console him, but this time not even her can help him.
He finds himself more and more frequently re-reading her messages. He caresses the words with his fingertips, smiling with melancholy sweetness. He doesn’t allow himself to think of a single thing: that he misses her (here, he has just done it). He tries to settle for something, but it's hard.
Everything loses its importance when he sees her (it is she, she has no doubts, his heart has recognized her first than his eyes) walking in the park, in flesh and bone, not a fucking message, even a vowel or a short call. He heads towards her feeling like being reborn. It's Sunday, there are no cases to solve. He smiles, just before she notices his presence.
-Hello.- he says, containing himself slightly. She looks at him strangely.
-Hello.- she repeats. The man notices with pleasure that she is wearing one of her floral-themed clothes. He feared that in the new place (whatever it was, since she could not say anything, extra top secret mission) they had forced her to completely change appearance, to homologate her to the mass. Not that he wouldn't find her beautiful, this never.
-How are you?- he asks her. The woman understands that he is really interested in her answer.
-Pretty good.- she seems sincere, the man thinks. -And you?- she doesn’t give him time to reply. -Few days ago I met Lisa and... she told me that you two are no longer together.- silence. -Since six months.- she doesn’t mask in any way the accusatory and disappointed tone. Does she believe that others know it?
-Yes.- he shrugs. -It’s happened.- Penelope opens her beautiful brown eyes and glares at him. -I'm fine, really. Did she tell you it was a common decision?- they start walking again, a little too far for Luke's taste.
-Something like that.- she grants to him.
-Do you want to take a cup of tea with me?- he asks her, even to force her to stop mulling over his relationship with Lisa. She nods. In truth, she accepts only for get real information about the girl who replaced her. The man keeps the door open, making her passing first and enjoying a certain view accordingly. He is able just to avoid helping her sit down. If they had been in a restaurant though, he would surely have done it. They order and he doesn't notice at all the attempts of approach of the waitress, a beautiful curly woman. His former colleague is convinced that it is because he is still in love with Lisa.
As soon as they are alone, she throws herself away. -Then, let's not talk around it. How is she?- but he plays the role of the naive, a part that he does very well.
-How is who?- he asks, frowning.
Penelope shakes her head and sighs, annoyed. -How is the new girl.- she precises.
-Oh.- a shadow passes into his eyes. -You mean Sophie.- Sophie, repeats the woman in her head. Even the name sounds sweet and nice. Luke understands that he won't get away easily. He should say everything. -Well, she is very young, I think she is about the age of Spencer.- he starts to explain. -She graduated in computer science at MIT.- that is, like her, if she hadn't given up everything after her parents died. -It is very organized, precise... nice.- still not enough. She wants more. -Smart.- he adds then. Of course, Emily wouldn't have chosen any unprepared.
-Well.- she sounds like a demanding professor who expects more details to give 30/30 and laudation. -I'm happy for you.- the curly maid comes back, who serves them, almost pouring the contents of Penelope's cup on the table, as too intent on staring her partner. But it is only a dilation, a temporary suspension. -And then?- she asks him, in fact, almost malignant and pleased to put him in difficulty.
-Then what?- she doesn’t understand if he is really so stupid.
-How she is... aesthetically, I mean.- she gestures, pointing herself. It is destined to end badly, there is nothing to do. Needless to oppose fate. -Physically.- she adds.
-Oh.- another embarrassed pause. -She is blonde.- to this adjective, he suddenly starts to giggle, without a sensible reason. Penelope doesn’t catch the fun side. -High. Thin.- ok, this is too much. True, she asked it, but...
-Fantastic.- she comments. She stands up and risks to overturn the entire table. -Now... I have to go.- he grabs her quick hand like an iguana's tongue when sees a prey to catch. What a beautiful image that came to his mind.
-But we haven’t yet drunk our tea.- he says, quietly, rationally. Perhaps he thinks that this is enough to keep her here, to make her hear the praise of Sophie, blonde, thin, tall, smart... She is behaving like an idiot, even if only in her head.
-It doesn't matter, some other time then.- she instead replies, with a sad and resentful tone.
But he doesn't let her go. -Penelope.- he never calls her by name. He manages to capture her attention.
-What?- she snorts, falling back into her chair. The patrons who followed the entire scene as if they were shooting a famous Argentine soap opera, immediately stop, pretending to be very busy.
Luke is still holding her hand, but he has moved to cover her fingers. -Sophie is smart, nice, pretty, but it's nothing comparable to you.- he declares with tone and above all an intense look. That look. She slips her hand from his.
She stares at the amber liquid in front of her, almost hoping to see the answer to her problems inside. -Uh, I appreciate the attempt, but you've always been a bad liar.- the man bangs his fist on the table. Give to this cup of tea a medal, it has survived more attempts than those to assassinate the president of the United States in any VHS action movie.
-It's not a lie, I'm serious.- the man insists, trying to catch her eyes; but she doesn’t grant him. She is not so stupid as not to know how it would end. -She can’t fill the void you left.- he continues undaunted. -She will never replace you.- does he not understand that every sentence of it is like a stabbed in her stomach? Why is he not silent? -It’s clear?- he asks her instead, suddenly being hard.
-Yes, clear.- she teases him and it's a good feeling. He was no longer used to it. -But now I really have to go...- she stands up and leaves him alone, shaking his head; actually in the company of Abraham Lincoln.
 ***** When will you return? Just tell me if, only if, if you're still just here...
It's ironic. It has been another three months since he last met her, that she only let him in that bar, and he had a thousand reasons to do what he is only now finally accomplishing. And yet, it was enough to talk about the thing with someone totally foreign to the story. Sophie, dear Sophie. Prentiss was naturally right. It wouldn't have been right to blame her. No, not really. Also, because she helped him. Without her, not as good as Garcia, but... in short, without her he wouldn't be here.
He wouldn’t be able to spy on the woman he is in love with while she is working, she exchanges a few words with her colleagues, she looks for a second her phone and smiles. Perhaps another wouldn’t have been able to observe her so comfortably, but he was a former hunter of men. This was his bread and butter. He missed that thrill.
So different with those normal clothes, from mere mortals, exactly as she had imagined, but always she, always sexy. Sometimes the content of a book is so strong that it doesn't matter which cover it represents. She looks like a manager, her hair straight and without frills, her wardrobe completely gray. Better than beige, he thinks, smiling. Even the glasses are dark, black, though. Above all he observes the way she interacts with colleagues, how her smiles are forced and fake. She seems so fragile and lost, like a fish out of water. He stays in his post so long as his back is in pain.
But it's worth it and every pain vanishes when he finally sees her come out of that door, immersed in a multitude of anonymous people. Even in this costume she stands out like a butterfly in the midst of moths. He leaves his hiding place and walks to meet her. -Garcia.- hearing her name, she jolts, bringing a hand to her chest.
But she has recognized the voice. -Alvez, you made me take an heart attack.- she reproaches him with familiarity, immediately putting him at ease. -What are you doing here?- what she doesn't ask instead is how the hell did he get here since her work place is a secret assignment.
But Luke looks different from last time. Stronger and more aware. Yes, really aware. She begins to tremble, and not just from the cold. -I came to surprise you.- he smiles, but it's not one of his good, sweet, tender smiles. -See, it's a bit 'that I don’t hear from you...- there is malice in his voice, malice of those who want something more than just having fun flirting.
But she tries to ignore it. -I have been very busy.- any sentence, the first one that came to her mind. It looks like it's out of a bad movie. -I'm not yet used to the rhythms of the office...- but she doesn't last long. At the end, she falls into those eyes. -Why do you look at me like that?- the man tries to contain himself, but it's too hard, a losing game.
-Nothing, just... you're so different that I almost don't recognize you.- so spontaneous, so devoid of filters. So damn Luke. Shit. Shit. Shit.
She's clever enough to hide the battle that's happening inside her. -Even!- she exclaims in a somewhat exaggerated and shrill tone. -I only wear ordinary mortal clothes.- just the same words he had used in his head. -So... how are you?- she only asks him to change the subject, and he understands it.
-Do you mean me or the team?- this time he's too smart, the right opposite of naive. She shrugs her shoulders.  -Both are pretty good, Sophie is integrating, but, you know...- he had to name her, yes, he just couldn't help it. Blonde, smart, skinny, MIT graduate...
She speaks to block the destructive flow of one's thoughts. -Yes, "she can’t replace me" and bla bla.- she sighs. She's tired, she hates this job, she really hates it, it's worse than the other to the cybercrime unit. Much worse. -Listen to me, Luke. I know she won't replace me, there's no need for you to insist.- a yawn escapes and she doesn't try to hold it. -As Rossi said once, there are many agents who have entered and left the team, and everyone has had their own identity, a role of their own.- this time it is she who looks him in the eye. -An own path.- and she manages to put him in difficulty.
-Yes, but...- she shakes her head.
-I'm tired.- she says then, since he really doesn't want to get there. -Tomorrow it will be another very heavy day.- silence. -If you came here for another reason, then, talk. Otherwise...- it sounds like the last warning before declaring two people husband and wife. But what damned thought is this? Luke inadvertently shakes his head to chase it away. If he begins to imagine Penelope in white dress, is over. -...I would like you to let me go home.- she concludes.
Luke understands that he must jump in, now or never. -Penelope, you don't understand. I'm not here on behalf of the team, I'm not here because the pace of case resolution is slowed down, despite all of Sophie's efforts.- a selfish thrill of pleasure in hearing him say it. What kind of person has she become? She wasn't like that before. -I didn’t come here as a former colleague.- she focuses on his words, to forget what she feels.
-No?- she looks around. It is getting dark. The night falls quickly in this part of the city. Quick as a killer on his victim. -Then, I just don't get there.- the man nods, confusing her if possible more.
-I don't miss you just as a colleague.- he starts to talk freely. -I miss you as a person. I miss hearing your voice, your jokes, seeing your smile, meeting your eyes... I miss your presence at O'Keefe and... I miss you so much.- Penelope opens her eyes, mentally listens again to what he has said, convincing herself that she has misinterpreted, then accepts it, but with some premises.
She approaches his face, but only to smell his breath. -Luke, did you drink before you got here?- she asks. -Are you sure you feel good?- she places a hand on his forehead, which is not warm. She's not teasing him, maybe; she really believes it.
-Yes, fuck, I'm fine, and no, I'm sober.- he bends over her, but with other intentions. - Do you need further proof to believe it?- her expression is like a yes. He doesn’t let her respond and gives her a short kiss. She doesn’t even have time to realize that it has happened, that it is already over.
But nothing, her fears are much stronger than he could imagine. -I think I understand what's going on, you're a little dazed because you haven't accepted the situation yet.- she explains in a perfectly reasonable tone, unable to eliminate the sensation of the man's lips on her body. She will never forget it. Oh, Luke, why did you do it? -It happened to me too with Derek.- he looks at her as if she had three heads, so he slaps his forehead, having to vent his frustration.
-According to you I would have kissed you just because I'm in the denial phase?- he tests her and she nods.
-Yup. I probably would have done it too, except that Morgan was married and that was the reason he had to leave...- he is almost tempted to silence her with another kiss, a little longer, a little longer and explicit. But he wants her to kiss him back the next time. He wants to feel her completely immersed in their gesture.
-Enough.- he exclaims with an authoritative tone, what he had when he was head of a team of recruits in the rangers. -Don't say another word. Did you come here by car?- he grabs her by the arm, not very gently.
-Yes, because...- without needing to say anything she understands and leads him to the car. Not even a second to take a breath, he pushes her in, but instead of the passenger. He sits behind the steering wheel and closes the doors. The car is not Esther, so she can't run away. It is one of those minivans that companies lately love to give to their employees.
He turns to her. -Penelope, I didn't kiss you because I'm confounded, crazy or unable to accept reality.- he allows her a moment to metabolize. -But simply because I'm in love with you, and if I can't have you in my workplace... I want at least have you in my life.- he has said, he has really said it. He is not so stupid as to believe he can find a way to bring her back to the BAU. But there is not only that way to see each other.
He sees from the way she looks at him that she is beginning to believe him. -Luke, you're not serious...- she's challenging him to deny. And he is in.
-You really need another demonstration...- he leans forward to grab her chin between two fingers and kisses her again, longer, then taking her hands to rest them on his chest, so she can feel the beat of his heart, while his hands hold her face. This time Penelope kisses him back, passing a new level, passing the baton to their tongues, until both of them are in oxygen debt.
-Did you come on foot?- she asks, and her whole attitude has changed. Luke nods. -Then I'll give you a ride to your house.- but she's sitting on the wrong side. He grabs her hand and places a kiss on the back of it. An ancient gesture that suits on him terribly.
He turns on the engine, but after a few miles he breaks the silence, which in this case is not due to embarrassment, as in the previous ones. -What are you thinking, honey?- a nickname is enough to make her vibrate like a jackhammer. She can now stop denying having wanted to hear it from the first time he called her chica.
She tells him the truth, instead of censoring herself like she would have done less than five minutes ago. -I still can't believe that you... It seems absurd to me.- she is not talking at all about only the physical aspect, and the man understands it perfectly. It is as if, after kissing her, her mind was cleared. Now he sees everything with such lucidity.
-There is nothing absurd.- he places his hand on the gearbox to down shift from third gear to the second and after a few moments feels a sweet weight. -You are a wonderful person and I am sure that your new colleagues have already noticed.- she accepts the compliment, but doesn’t want to talk about work.
-I don’t know. It is very different from the BAU...- how could it not be? She feels stupid for having expressed such a foolish thought. But the way he looks at her, as soon as they find themselves at a busy intersection, it reassures her that he doesn't think it at all.
-I know, baby- a new nickname, it sounds so different from those coming out of Derek's mouth -but you don't have to feel alone. You will always be part of the team and you can come to the evenings at O'Keefe... as my girlfriend.- he blushes to the tips of his ears, but he is satisfied with himself as never before.
-Luke Alvez, are you really asking me that?- it is at this point that the man understands how it is necessary to go to phase two (or three). He puts the arrow and approaches a clearing lit by a single lamppost. She watches him, his every move, trying to figure out what he wants to do. He gets out, slams the driver door, goes around, opens the passenger door and gets her down too. Then he sits down, taking her in his arms, intertwining their legs and starting to kiss her again from the point where they were interrupted. At one point, Penelope opens her eyes and leaves his mouth. A loud pop is heard. -Oh, Luke, I feel something solid, and I don't think it's the gearbox.- yes, from her position it would be a little impossible.
He nods, staring at her intensely. She lets herself melt, she doesn’t oppose. -Yes. Now do you believe it?- because there is something presses against her thigh, it's a bit hard to ignore it or consider it as her hallucination.
-I think I do.- she throws all the air out and a little cloud forms between their faces. -It's a good thing that this is a company machine, otherwise you would have already laid me on the back seats, right?- it's a joke, but she is also profoundly serious. The mix between candor and malice is decidedly explosive and it is only thanks to twelve years of Catholic school if Luke doesn’t concretize the words of his girlfriend.
-Touché.- he says, moving back to his seat. The rest of the journey continues in silence. When they see the apartment building where his apartment is located, they both feel their heart skip a beat. He parks, she goes down, but not to take his place. He grabs the keys and sets the alarm on, blocking all the doors, including the trunk. She accompanies him to the door. This gesture, which usually belongs to males, excites him even more. He smears her against the jamb, but the handle planted in her back prevents her from letting go completely. -Are you sure you don't want to stay?- he asks her between kisses. Penelope is really tempted. A little more pressure in the right places...
-Mmm, no, I really can't, there's Sergio alone and then...- a spark in her eyes -on the first date you shouldn't even kiss your pretender, you don't know?- he catches all the hints and bends the face in a pout childish.
-Then, I have to give you the good night.- he sighs, but instead of bending down to catch her lips, he opens the door. -Listen, Roxy, how disappointed she is...- the dog is actually staring at her as if asking her what she is doing there, outside, in the doorway.
-You are a bastard, Alvez.- and so they enter the house. Roxy searches her, as if she hasn't seen her for a year (well, almost). And when the dog finishes, the owner starts again, precisely from his gray blouse.
-I always wanted you to wear one to remove it...- he whispers in her ear. Here, everything has its positive sides, she is able to think. -If you want me to stop, as hard as it is, literally hard, if you understand what I mean... I'll do it.- ruined, with these last words Penelope is ruined. -If you don't feel ready...- she grabs him by the neck and overturn the situation.
-What the hell.- now he too is bare-chested. -But remind you that tomorrow I have to get up early.- the echo of Luke's laughter accompanies her up to the moment before sleep catches her. How peacefully you can rest, when nothing is pending.
TAGS:  @arses21434​​​​​​​ @martinab26​​​​​​​ @reidskitty13​​​​​​​  @thinitta​​​​​​​  @garvezz​​​​​​​ @mercedes-maldonado​​​​​​​  @shyladystudentfan​​​​​​​ @criminalminds14​​ @pegasus-scifichick​​​​​​​ @paperwalk​​​​​​​  @inlovewithgarvaz​​​​​​​ @the-ellen-stuff​​​​​​​ @astressedwriter​​​​​​​ @kdramanmore​​​​​​​ @kamieshep​​​​​​  @sk1l4targ​​​​​​ @badrwadan​ majo0803 @ilovecatswwehp​​​​ @isaurebnnd​​ @symphonyashley​​​ @jess-the-introvert​​​ 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
When a God Finds a Girl (part 5)
A/N: I’m having a lot of fun with this one guys.
Thor dotes on you, making a fuss over you and staying close to you. Traeger accepts his interference but only just. He won’t allow Thor to touch you and will actively knock his hand away from you, putting himself between you and the god. Natasha catches your eye and you give her a look, silently pleading for some backup. You aren’t used to this much attention and it feels awkward. Natasha gives you a small nod, “YN,” she asked, “Is that guitar inside yours?” 
You smile, nodding. “Yeah, my brother taught me to play when we were kids.” Sam stands, “I’ll go get it,” he said, “You can play us something. It’s been too long since I heard you play. Or sing for that matter.” Sam heads to the house and you swallow the rest of your beer feeling decidedly not drunk enough to do this. In the firelight, Thor watches your face and feels a pang. He’s heard you sing. Just being silly in your car but still. Your voice is lovely. “Traeger, grab me another beer, buddy,” you say to the dog. The dog trots to the cooler and pulls out the beer, trotting over to you, tail wagging. “Good boy,” you say scrunching his ears and kissing his nose before taking the drink and opening it. “That’s impressive,” Steve said laughing as you tipped a little beer into Traeger’s waiting dog dish. You smile, “Thanks. I taught him some service dog commands. The only problem is sometimes he just does them whenever he wants.” Bucky has a look of realization, “Oh. That’s why he’s a chaotic good boy.” Before you can answer, Sam hands you your guitar. It’s old, scratched and well loved. It’s your first guitar in fact. Like so many sentimental things, you keep it here because you know it’s safest here. 
As you take the guitar from Sam and tune it, the chatter from the others fades away. There is nothing but you and the instrument in your lap. You don’t even know what you are playing as you start. It’s just a warm-up while you wait for a direction to go. Sam leans against a tree, starting to roast a Marshmallow and half shouts, “Free Bird!” You don’t look up from the guitar but you do answer him, “Get Fucked, Sam.” Bucky snorts and Steve laughs, “Someone certainly needs to or the combined sexual frustration in that tower is going to kill us all.” The spy pouts prettily and winks at you, “Speak for yourselves boys.” You stay quiet. You’ve not had sex in so long you aren’t really sure you would know how. You remember what Natasha said about Thor having a crush on you and you’re suddenly thankful your hair is covering your face as it flames red. 
As it has so often before, Hallelujah comes to your mind and you start playing the opening chords.
You heard there was a Secret Chord that David played and it pleased the lord/ But you don’t really care for music do you?/ It goes like this/ The 4th/ The 5th/ The minor fall the major lift/ The baffled King composing Hallelujah/
You were so engrossed in the music that you didn’t notice that every bit of banter, every movement around the fire had stopped. Except for Traeger who was unimpressed and gnawing on a bone. The words soared from you, raw and searing. Thor sat motionless, his mouth going dry. This. This was your heart. This was pain and joy and fear and longing all surging forward as if you had cut open a vein and in front of them. As you sang the last notes the silence was deafening and you looked around self-conscious, “Sorry,” you murmur, starting to set the guitar down, “I must be out of practice.” You can feel tears welling up and you blink them away. Sam stills your hands and tilts your chin up gently, “Damn, Baby girl. Mama Cheri would be so proud of you right now. She always knew you had a gift and look at you... You made that one Cry.” He jerks his head towards Bucky who was hastily wiping away tears. “Play some more, baby girl. Please,” he said. A look passed between you, both of you remembering other nights like this. Long ago. Nights so long ago you almost only remember them the way you a do a dream. Hazy and slow; misted at the edges. But your mom and Clay are gone and Sam is here. Sam is pleading his own heart just as broken as yours and you nod, picking the guitar back up.
“Any requests?” you ask shyly and Natasha’s hand shoots up. “Oh Oh Oh! Do Journey. Do don’t stop believing please?” she asks, hands clasped. “Oh lord,” Sam sighs, “We’re about to get white girl turnt in this bitch.” You laugh and start playing, “Sing along if you know the words... No one needs to listen to me all night by myself.” you say. That song is you and Natasha duet. that ends in both of you giggling so hard you almost can’t finish it. A few songs later you take a break for a beer and Thor watches you. He could see you reeling back in all the emotions that you felt, carefully hiding behind a joke and a big smile. You were so afraid of being vulnerable. You can feel Thor’s eyes burning into you and you can’t help but feel he’s found you wanting that he’s disappointed in you. The thought stings and you try not to consider why. Bucky watches you as you make a s’more for yourself, “Okay, so how?” he asks. You look up confused and he smiles, “How did you learn to play and fucking sing like that?” You blush modestly, “My mom was really passionate about music. She went to Julliard once upon a time but then she had to drop out because of Clay, I guess... It never stopped being a passion. She made sure we could both play and read music and I took voice lessons for a while. Until she died anyway.”
“Mama Cheri was a boss on a stage. Any stage.” Sam said smiling at the memory, “Even if it was just in the kitchen. You, Clay, and Mama Cheri rocked it the fuck out.” You smile at Sam and shake your head, “I was mostly too young to have any real hand it that.” Sam knows better than to press. It had been a long time since you thought of yourself as a performer but, he remembers it. Very clearly. Your small voice like a sparrow against two powerful hawks. Pure, sweet. Adding innocence and clarity. “So if your mom never finished at Julliard, what did she do?” Steve asked, curious. You smile, “She went back to school and got her nursing degree eventually but to make ends meet in the meantime she taught piano.” Sam smirked, “And instead of doing that to make money in college you were a Dominatrix.” he teased. Thor and Steve both choke on the drink they’d been about to take and you blush a little but shrug, “The money was right, and I was good at head games.” Natasha high fives you, laughing, “Yes, girl. Get it.” You laugh lightly feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable. Luckily it’s late. You stretch and sigh, “I think it’s past my bedtime.” you say, “Traeger doesn’t have a snooze button and he likes his walks early.” The others move to start packing up and you hold up a hand, “No, no it’s fine. Enjoy. You don’t have to come in on my account.”
You walk towards the house and Traeger follows you, tail swishing. Thor watches after you, desperate to follow. To tuck you into bed and hold you. Once you’re out of earshot Natasha looks at Sam and glares, “What. The. Fuck. Sam?” she asked, “Why would you just say that?” Sam winced, “I got used to teasing her about it in private.” Steve blinked, “Sam this isn’t private. She doesn’t know us that way.” Thor slips away to follow you to the house, leaving the others behind to their bickering. You lean on the sink, head down, feet apart, and he just watches you for a second. You radiate all your feelings, everything you try so hard to hide. The god coughs and shuffles his feet and after a moment, when you’ve pulled yourself together you turn, smiling politely at him, “Thor, can I help you with anything?” you ask. Thor keeps his heart skip a beat. Even your social smile is heart stuttering. “I-I I thought I might help you, my lady.” He smiles at you and starts to cross the floor to you but when you drop your eyes and pull into yourself he stops. “Lady Y/N,” he says softly, “Please don’t hide from me. I-I- I mean you no harm. I just, ever since the first moment I saw you I can’t breathe when I think about the way you smiled at me.” He sits down, careful to stay relaxed. Careful not to push. The ball is in your court now and all he can do is wait. You still can’t look at him. You can’t. You just can’t. 
Thor wants to plead. He wants to put you on the counter and kiss you until you can’t think straight. He wants to tickle your sides until your breathless and helpless with laughter naked on his bed and then learn every inch of you until he knows the curves of your body better than he knows the back of his hand. As you brush past him, bare feet padding past him he’s too stunned to catch your wrist and stop you. Traeger on your heels, he hears the first quiet sob before the door closes and his heart shatters. All the raw feelings and emotions he’d tried so hard to soothe away burst forth and Thor just wants to kick himself in the head. The god walks out of the house with a bottle of whiskey as a cover but it’s no good. The others read his striking out in his face and no one tries to take the bottle. Thor stares at the sky until long after the others have drifted to bed, praying to Valhalla for guidance. Praying that somewhere your mother and brother aren’t too angry with him for making you cry in this place. 
When Natasha slips into the room quietly and sprawls out on her side of the bed, she doesn’t say anything. The silent tremors of emotion are palpable. She takes your hand gently and squeezes, offering what little support she could. And that’s how you finally fall asleep Traeger asleep behind your knees and Natasha’s fingers laced through yours.
In the morning you wake up first and start the coffee before taking Traeger on his run. Thor is asleep in the yard, half-finished bottle of whiskey in his hand. You wince but head down the drive, keeping Traeger on a good pace. Thor hears the happy yips and the sound of feet on gravel and it stirs him slowly. He watches you disappear down the drive, half admiring the swell of your ass and the thickness of your thighs as you jog away. He hauls himself up from the chair, stretching and groaning as he headed up the steps. “How are you doing, big guy?” Natasha asked, looking up from her phone and handing him coffee. “I feel like an ass,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Natasha made a sympathetic noise, “I’d imagine she’s not feeling much better,” she said. Thor sighs, “She’s just so beautiful,” he said. He took his coffee and walked around the living room, studying pictures on the walls and seeing you grow up through them. Natasha settles on the sofa, watching him but saying nothing. The others drift out for Coffee and breakfast slowly, sleepy-eyed and hung over. When you come inside, sweaty and panting Thor stops, his heart racing. Gods, he thought, shoving his desires for you down. He knew he could seduce you and draw you in with his powers alone but he wanted you to come to him on your own.
“I think I need a swim after that,” you say, smiling as if you didn’t feel like falling through the floor. You go to change into a swimsuit and Natasha follows, “That’s a great plan. I can’t remember the last time I swam just for fun.” Soon you both come out in your suits, cute bikinis and Thor chokes on his coffee, coughing and fumbling to keep his grip on the cup and turn so you can’t see the sudden rise in his sweats. He drops the mug he’s holding and it shatters. Bucky and Sam both laugh and you blush, slipping out the door quickly. No one had ever had a reaction to you like that. It made you feel like you may as well be naked. On the porch, Natasha grabs your hand and the two of you, hands clasped, run laughing into the water, jumping off the dock with shrieks and giggles at the cold water.
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anagentinwriting · 6 years
To Catch a Thief - Part 6
Summary: Being an FBI field agent was your dream job but having been stuck behind a desk for most of your career you’ve almost given up. Fortunately, a series of robberies with minimal evidence forces you to assist a team in the field to help solve the case. But when the only thing left behind is a series of song lyrics, will you be able to find the perp? Or will the number of obstacles and lack of evidence keep you from solving the case?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 4302
Warnings: Swearing
To Catch a Thief Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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After seeing Peter in the red jacket, you went straight to the office to check his name in the database. Sure enough, Peter Jason Quill had a record including petty theft, fraud, and public intoxication. He even spent a few months in jail.
You ran another search to check for any notes left behind by Star-Lord. To your surprise, a few pages showed up and you clicked on the first case. It involved a convenience store robbery about 17 years ago, but the theft left behind a written note wedged between two boxes of candy bars. You opened the image attached to the file and inside was an IOU:
½ gal milk
peanut butter
candy bar
IOU $3.85
  -Sorry Star-Lord
Going back, you clicked on a few more realizing all the notes were from small retail stores 13 to 17 years ago. The IOU’s listed the stolen items with a signed apology from Star-Lord. All the stores dropped charges when they received money from Star-Lord along with a written thank you for keeping him fed. Forensics ran tests on the envelopes and notes, but no DNA was found.
Why would Star-Lord be stealing food and leaving behind IOU's? Isn’t the whole point of stealing not to get caught? If Peter was this Star-Lord it might’ve been the same time his mom got diagnosed with cancer. Did her treatments force her to stop working, leaving Peter/Star-Lord to fend for himself?
You scanned over the last page showing his most recent crimes. The last crime documented occurred a few years ago involving Halfworld Research and Sweet Dreams Cosmetics; this was the case Luis mentioned. Star-Lord exposed and shut down these companies for their involvement in illegal animal testing and animal cruelty.
Somehow, he got a hold of documents and recordings showing the mistreatment and the insane experiments happening to these animals.  It was graphic to look at the screenshots from the footage. One image had a raccoon with his back shaved and some sort of mechanism attached to his back. How could someone do this to a living thing? These companies also deceived their donors by putting on the front about how they were against animal testing. Luis was right, this was a complicated case, but the only connection this case had to Star-Lord was the note he sent both companies:
You know what you did A-holes.
    -Sorry Not Sorry, Star-Lord (SL)
“Whatcha doing?” Gamora asked, making you jump in your chair. She rested her chin on your shoulder staring at the computer screen. “Did you figure out what SL stands for?”
“Yes, I think I did,” you replied, staring at the signed note.
Oh, Mama I can hear you a-crying', you're so scared and all alone
Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long.
- Sorry SL
“Isn’t this renegade by Styx?” Kraglin asked you.
“It is. Gold star, Kraglin. Gold star.” You flashed him a warm smile giving him a high-five.
“Does this mean SL has mommy issues?”
“Or his mom could be in trouble?” You chewed on your bottom lip glancing over the written note. “SL steals for a reason, so if his mom is in trouble, he might be committing these robberies to keep her safe.”
“Hmm...” Kraglin nodded, squinting his eyes as he tried to put something together. “This doesn’t explain why he’s committing these crimes? What’s his motive? Why would his mother need protection?”
“My theory is someone put a price on his head. He’s not only running from the police but someone else like the hangman in the song. SL has to do what they say or they’ll kill him or his mother. He doesn’t want that to happen so he follows orders. His mother may be the only family he has left and he doesn’t want to lose her,” you said, pressing your lips into a tight line.
“Makes sense,” Kraglin agreed, following along as you continued.
“When he sings to his mother in the song it’s in a softer tone compared to the rest of the song. It’s almost like he’s apologizing to her. It’s like he knows his end is coming, but he isn’t afraid of his impending doom anymore.”
“He wants us to feel sorry for him, but not feel sorry for him?”
“I think it’s more like feel sorry for his mother like she’s innocent in all this.”
“He’s a criminal, YN. His mother raised a criminal. I don’t see how she would be innocent.”
“I just have this gut feeling she’s innocent,” you added as the door to the conference room flies open and in walks a bright-eyed Gamora.
“The lyrics aren’t the only thing we have this time.  We got a picture of a plate fleeing the scene. This could be our guy,” Gamora announced, kicking the door shut behind her.
Gamora pulls out the photo from her file.  The license plate reads PZM-569.  This was Peter’s car. This further proves the red jacket he was wearing links him to footage from the cameras, and his nickname Star-Lord connects him to SL signed at the bottom of the written notes.
Peter’s stealing the Infinity Stones necklaces, but why? Are him and his mom in that much trouble they have to commit these robberies? Were they in debt from Meredith’s medical bills? Was it about the money or was it something more? You were suspicious of Peter but you would’ve never pegged him for a thief.
“The car is a blue Ford Mustang II King Cobra with orange stripes.  It's registered to one Peter Jason Quill. The son of J’son and Meredith Quill.”
“That’s interesting because J’son Quill was the infamous Ego,” Kraglin informed, nodding his head at the random fact he blurted out.
“Wait, what? Is that true?”  Gamora inquired, raising a brow.
“Yeah, how could you possibly know that?” You stared at him stunned. If this was true, why weren’t you able to make this connection sooner? You lived right next door to Ego’s son.
“It was in my file I wrote up the other day. Did you two not read it?”
“Kraglin, you sourced it all from Wikipedia.”
“Your point is…” He gave a half shrug, holding his hands out in front of him like he didn’t know what he did wrong.
“Sometimes that site isn’t totally reliable.”
“But it’s true. I checked the database and public records to make sure.  J’son Quill and Meredith Quill are the parents of Peter Jason Quill.  Ego and J’son Quill are the same person. It was never disclosed to the public, but every crime with Ego’s River Lily trademark traced him back to J’son Quill after he was murdered. His fingerprints closed 53 unsolved cases.”
“Seriously,” you exclaimed. Holy crap! Ego was Peter’s dad. Peter was Ego’s son. This makes perfect sense why he was so close to his mother, and why he hated talking about his dad. Ego was with The Collectors crew, did that mean Peter was a part of it now?
“Nice work, Kraglin,” Gamora praised him with a pat on the back.  “That’s even better news because YN may have linked Peter Quill to SL!”
Gamora requested Peter Quill and his employer, Drax, to be brought in for questioning. Before they arrived, you briefed Gamora and Kraglin in on how you knew Peter. Starting with him being your neighbor before he turned into a close friend.
You stood on the other side of the mirror watching Peter twiddle his thumbs. He seemed calm showing no signs of distress at all. Does he know what he’s about to be accused of? You still couldn’t believe it, but the evidence pointed to him. He was behind this, but you wanted to believe he wasn’t. Fuck, why didn’t you put it together sooner? He matched the description, his nickname was similar, had the same taste in music, and he owns the red jacket.  Why didn’t you see it? You lost your trance when Gamora walked in.
“Are you doing okay? I mean, finding out one of your friends is involved in this must be hard to process,” Gamora speculated, squeezing your shoulder.
“Sure, I’m pissed off, but there isn’t anything I can do.” You shrugged. “He made his bed and now he has to lie in it.”
“Did he seem like the type of guy that would do something like this?"
“Honestly…..no. He’s a good, caring guy, and has grown to be one of my best friends. I mean, once you get past his ego and dirty gentleman like personality.”
“Is this the nameless boyfriend? The one you won’t tell us about because if you ask me it sounds like you have feelings for Quill.”
“WHAT? NO,” you scoffed, turning to her in shock. Yes, you may have developed some romantic feelings towards him, but you weren’t going to admit it to anyone now.
“Look, it’s okay, I’m not going to judge you for it.  You didn’t know what was happening, and clearly, he knew what he was doing. Besides, you said he’s a good guy and from what you’re building about SL’s profile, he’s been through hell and back. Do you think he will talk to us?”
“He loves to talk,” you breathed, earning a soft chuckle out of Gamora.
“You’re going to question Drax, then you can watch me interrogate your friend.  It’s good for him to squirm for a little while longer,” she smirked.
You entered the interrogation room to find a big muscular man sitting there staring at the two way mirror almost like he knew someone was on the other side. He had tattoos covering both his arms and looked pretty intimidating, but you’ve dealt with worse before.
“Good morning, Drax. I’m Agent LN. May I call you Drax?” you asked, sitting down across from him.
“Yes, I don’t know what else you would call me.”
“Right,” you cleared your throat, “do you know why you’re here?”
“Shouldn’t you know, you’re the ones who brought me here?” He asked, folding his arms across his chest.
“I do. It’s just routine questioning to see if you had a clue to why.” He glared at you not saying a word, so you continued. “How do you know Peter Quill?”
“Quill. He works for me. He’s a friend, but I like to call him family….sometimes.”
“You must know him pretty well then. Can you tell me anything else about him?” You knew a lot about Peter, but you wanted to see what others thought of him. Did they see him as a good guy like you did? Or did he come off different to other people?
“Quill mixes a mean drink, which keeps the customers happy. He’s a quick problem solver, which is nice to have on the job.  He’s a smart imbecile,” Drax stated with confidence. “Quill’s protective of his friends and those he considers family. He has been speaking highly about his female neighbor and believes he has a chance with her.” Drax let out a booming laughed as he shook his head. “But he has no chance with her.”
“Is that so?” You smirked, glancing back at the window with wide eyes. You shouldn’t continue this interview alone especially if he knew who you were. This could compromise everything.
“Can they see me through the mirror?” Drax pointed to the glass behind you, and you nodded. “What if I sit really still can they still see me?”
“Yessss,” you dragged out, narrowing your eyes at him. Drax comes off all brooding and serious, but underneath he seemed childish and lighthearted.
“Dammit,” He grumbled, folding his hands together on the table in front of him.
“Can you tell me anything about his female neighbor?”
“No. I stop listening and think about something else when he speaks of her. He needs to be with a woman that is pathetic like him. This woman is not.”
“At least Quill has you to keeping an eye on him.”
“He is hard to spot in a crowd sometimes, and I don’t follow him home. But, when he is at work my eyes are on him,” he nodded, forcing a smirk to your lips. Quill had some interesting friends, but behind Drax’s hard demeanor he was a big softy.
“Has Peter gone anywhere recently for work? Like to a conference?”
“Yes. He went to a mixology conference in Miami. I stayed home to care for my wife and daughter.”
“Of course. Do you remember what the conference was called?”
“Tales from the Galaxy,” he answered, waving his hands in front of him like a rainbow. You write down the name so you can look into it later.
“Thank you. I have a few more questions before you can leave.” Gamora told you to treat Drax like a suspect, but your gut was telling you he was innocent. Nothing he said made him come off guilty. He was an everyday working class man providing for his family. Simple, but your gut wasn’t enough to prove his innocence, you needed his alibi or his confession. “Drax, where were you last night?”
“Working, but then I went home to read my daughter a bedtime story before I went back to work till closing.”
“Do you have anyone who could verify this?”
“Yes. My employees. My wife. My daughter. Why do you need to know this information?”
“We have suspicions you may have involvement in a heist that happened last night, but since you have witnesses it’s likely your name will be cleared.” He gave you a stern nod. “Have you ever heard of the Infinity Stone necklaces?”
“Yes, Quill told me about them,” he blurted out without missing a beat.
“Really?” Your mouth dropped open at his confession.
“I mean no, I don’t know what those necklaces are, what a mystery this is?”
“But you just said you knew what they were,” you questioned as your face scrunched up.
“No need to get personal,” he huffed out, folding his arms back across his chest.
“I’m sorry.” You flipped through your notepad before closing it. He wasn’t going to tell you anything else, so might as well end it here. “I have everything I need right now but thank you for your time. You’re good to go.”
“This way,” Drax pointed to the only door in the room and you nodded with a kind smile.  He pushed the chair back as it skidded loudly across the floor and left the room. And he’s the dude who runs the most successful bar in the city. Interesting.
You returned to the other interrogation room and watched Gamora take a seat across from Peter. She introduced herself before setting up the camera beside her. Peter seemed confident and at ease showing no sign of any discomfort.
“State your name for the camera please,” She instructed, pointing to the camera lens.
“Peter Jason Quill. I enjoy listening to music, hot women, and watching Footloose, the greatest movie in history,” he grinned, shooting a wink at the camera. You rolled your eyes at him from behind the glass.
“That’s not necessary but we do need you to clear up a few things for us. Starting with what you were doing last night?”
“Last night, let’s see.” He scrunched his eyebrows together trying to think it over. “I was having dinner with a friend but ended up leaving early when my mom called with an emergency.  She needed a refill on her meds, so I had to go to the pharmacy for her,” Peter stated with a slight shrug.
“Did you get a receipt?”
“You bet, one second.” He held up his finger pulling out his wallet and handing it to her. She glanced it over before slipping it into the file on the table. It must’ve been timestamped for last night because she didn’t say anything else about it.
“Answer me this, if you had to go to the pharmacy for your mother. Then, why was your car spotted fleeing a scene of a crime last night?”
“Beats me, I needed to get the meds to my mom. She needs to take them at a certain time otherwise it could mess with her other meds and make her feel worse. She has cancer.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He nodded as she pulls out four pictures of the Infinity Stone necklaces from the file and slides them over to him. “Quill, do you know what these are?”
He sat up in his chair, leaning over to look at the photos one by one. “Hmmm.….the president's rubies?”
“No, these are four of the six rarest necklaces in the world from the Infinity Stone Collection. Each is worth more than $300 million dollars but as a set of six the price skyrockets.”
‎Peter whistled, “Wow, that’s a huffy price tag. I can't afford them if you're selling them.”
“I’m not selling them. Someone stole them,” Gamora growled through clenched teeth, pointing at the photos. “All four of these.”
“Oh, and you think I had something to do with this?” Peter asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
“I do.”
From the tension in Gamora’s back, she was getting annoyed with Peter. His answers were vague and it wasn’t getting her anywhere. Peter did this to you sometimes and it frustrated you, too.  He would only share the tip of the iceberg of information, but never what was hiding beneath the surface. You always read the situation before going any further with him. If he seemed content and calm you would continue to pester him until he broke.  If the situation felt uncomfortable you would stop and change the subject.  Right now, at this moment, he seemed almost too prepared to talk.
“Hate to break it to you, agent, but this wasn't me.” He twirled his fingers around the photos before pushing them in Gamora’s direction.
“Is that so?” She asked with pursed lips.
“Yes, what would I do with these necklaces? Wear them? They would look pretty ridiculous on me,” Peter chuckled, shaking his head.
Gamora starts to question him about his whereabouts when the other robberies happened. She started with the Las Vegas robbery, followed by the Norway heist, and ended with the break-in at Strange’s residence.
“What a weird coincidence? I was in Vegas at the time, but it was for a bachelor party. Check with my buddies, they’ll tell you I was with them the whole time.
“Ah...that week, I went to Florida for the Tales from the Galaxy mixology conference. You can ask my boss or look on their website or ask the other attendees they will prove my attendance.
“I had a lady friend over and we were participating in extracurricular activities, if you know what I mean,” he winked, flashing his signature smirk.“If you don’t believe me, ask my neighbor. She was banging on my door telling us to shut up because she could hear us through her walls.”
“I find it a little weird you remember the exact date you got laid. It’s almost like you were looking for an alibi,” Gamora scoffed, crossing her arms as she leaned back into her chair.
“I only remember because it’s the last time I brought a girl back to my place. Lately, I have been busy hanging out with my neighbor. She’s a lot of fun.” A grin graced his lips as he glanced at you through the two-way mirror before returning his eyes back on Gamora. Did he know you were behind the glass or was he just assuming you were?
“Who is this neighbor of yours? I may need to contact her to verify your alibi. Or if I could get the unlucky woman’s name who spent the evening with you.”
“I don’t remember the woman’s name per say--” Peter scratched his head with a tight smile“--but my neighbor is YN LN.  She works in the FBI, too, you might know her.”
“There’s a bunch of us. I don’t know every agent in the city,” she replied, writing down your name for show.
“Shame, she’s a pretty awesome woman,” he smirked at the tabletop, forcing a tingling feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Seems like you might have a thing for this--” Gamora peeked at her notepad “--YN? Is she the reason you haven’t brought any woman home recently?” Gamora eyed him as he ran a hand through his hair, showing his first sign of distress.
“Too personal, Gamora. Get back to the real issues,” you said to yourself in the empty viewing room. You harbored a  small crush for him, but you’ll get over it at some point. You enjoyed his friendship too much and wouldn’t want to ruin it with your unspoken feelings given the current circumstances.
“That seems like a personal question don’t you think? Is it even relevant?” Peter questioned, sitting up in his chair and scratching the top of his head.
“I have to protect my fellow agents from a possible criminal,” she smirked, cocking her head to the side.
“Good thing I am no criminal.”
“Your record says otherwise.” She opened another file in front of her and slid it over to him.
He flipped through the file, rubbing the scruff on his chin. “Most of this was when I was in my rebellious years. I grew out of it. Got a mentor and went straight.” He shut the file and pushed it back to her.
“Hmm, okay.” Gamora remained silence for a couple minutes watching him crack under the pressure. “Your father was the infamous Ego, correct?”
“Yeah, so what? It’s not like he cared about me, I barely even liked the guy.”
“But, he did teach you a few things, am I right?”
His eyes shot to her before reverting back his hands resting on top of the table. He hunched his shoulders before nodding his head.  “Yes, a few, but like I said I don’t do that anymore.”
“Do the letters SL mean anything to you?”
“SL? No, why would they?”
“What about Star-Leader, Space-Legend, Sun-Lens, or Star-Lord?”
Peter’s eyes flickered to the window for a brief second after hearing the last name. The look on his face told you everything; he felt betrayed. You could see it in his eyes, even though it only lasted for a second. Did he figure it out? Did he know you were on the case?
“What? No! This is ridiculous,” he chuckled with his confidence slowly deteriorating. “What type of interrogation is this?”
“A pretty normal one compared to others I’ve been in.” Peter leaned in his chair crossing his arms in a defensive manner. “You see SL, whoever he is, calls himself a legendary outlaw. Every robbery he commits he leaves behind a note, and we suspect he used to go by the name Star-Lord. We came across this name when we discovered written IOU’s to convenience stores he stole from as well as a couple companies he exposed a few years ago.  On one of the notes, both names were written, so it was an easy connection to make. The only thing we don't have are photos of the assailant."
“Wow...this guy must be pret-tay good,” Peter replied, dragging out his words.
“Some would say so, I think he gets lucky, but his luck will run out.  And when it does, we will be there to catch him.  But, we can protect him if he decides to come clean, and  tell us what is going on and who else is behind this?”
“I will be sure to let him know if I ever run into the guy.”
“I want to cover all our bases, so would you be open to doing a polygraph test or are we going to need a warrant?” Gamora waited for him to answer and once Peter looked up all the worry in his eyes was gone.
“Not at all. I have nothing to hide,” he smirked, putting his hands behind his head and his feet on top of the table.
Gamora asked you to look into each of his alibis while Mantis gave Peter the polygraph test. You started with the first necklace and discovered he was in Vegas but he never left the group according to his friends. You knew he couldn’t have stolen the second necklace, because well you were there and heard everything.  When SL stole the Space Stone, he was in Florida at the conference. There was photo evidence of him every day on their website and his passport never left Florida until the day he came back to New York. Then you got to the latest theft, and like the others, Peter told the truth. He went to the pharmacy, which happened to be close to the museum, and the security camera was timestamped at the same time the necklace was stolen.  All his alibis were rock solid.
Results from the polygraph test came in and he passed. He was telling the truth. Mantis was one of the best forensic polygraphers in the country, and she would’ve known if he was lying if not mentally then by sheer body language.
You didn’t understand. Peter fit SL’s description perfectly.  He’s athletic, strong, and fit the age bracket. He can pick a lock like it’s his job, and bullshit his way out of anything in a moments notice. Peter’s music tastes were similar to SL’s, and he was even singing some of the songs left behind at the heists.  He even owns the same red jacket from the camera footage. Peter had to be the guy, even the nickname Meredith gave him connected him to SL.  His alibis were rocked solid, but what if they were staged to appear that way?
A/N: Thanks for reading :)
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taotrooper · 6 years
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
For Akayona: Zeno/Kaya, the Happy Hungry Bunch, Hiryuu and his dragons, Hiryuu/Zeno, Yona/Lili, the Wind Tribe. I have too many platonic ones to list.
For MDZS: Wangxian, the cute Wens especially Wen Ning+Sizhui and WN+WQ, Sizhui+his dads, Yunmeng sibling trio before disaster (people need to include Yanli more gdi), junior trio (although I’m not into zhuiling), just any sibling dynamic, XXC/SL, XXC+A-Qing, I don’t seek for JZX/Yanli but I can read it, WQ/Yanli. In fact I’m all for all combinations of LWJ/WWX/WN including threesome, preferably non-zombie but I’m resigned now
Besides that, I’m still enjoying the BOTW!Zelink fanart. All my FMA ships (Ling/Lan Fan, EdWin, RoyAi, the Curtises)and friendships and families still apply forever. Hyakkimaru+Dororo. I’m curious about Hualian from Heaven Official’s Blessing because it’s all over my twitter timeline and the aesthetics are stunning, but I’m slow reading that one.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
MDZS: Why yes, I have ruined Celine Dion (I still love it. It keeps getting notes here and on twitter. I’m proud of this dumb overdramatic baby)
Akayona: I was a prolific contribution to the text post shitposts fad and wrote some comedy pieces, my favorite being the drunk broriginals collab with Buri.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I’ll argue that you’re not on Tumblr long enough if you’ve never had a fandom ruined. Hmmm, let’s see. I’m not going to say they ruined Und.ertale as a game because they didn’t, I still think it’s a neat thing on its own and I use its OST to study. But you know… I just… walked away slowly. And I feel embarrassed to say I liked Sans because of their horny weird asses. It’s definitely their fault I don’t feel like checking the sequel/AU/whatever, Deltar.une.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Okay, time to get my shuffle.
And I got
The Killers - Human
LMAO I sure got a cliche. I’ll always relate it to my sweet boy Kid Loki since I put it on my FST back in the day. If I have to pick a character from a current fandom, I’m going with Wen Ning.
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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A Month of Nocturne Alchemy Samples: Week Four
Originally published on 4/8/2019
Ahhh, my last week of samples! This has been a fun foray, and hopefully it will make me keep on wearing these more frequently.
Dream Bottle: Goddess Dreams: Bastet Amber, SL Crystalline (Egyptian Vanilla Orchid stigma Resin), Frankincense & Myrrh, Snow Musk and Blue Sandalwood NAVA Accord. The Dream Bottle Collection was released in December of 2015. There were six bottles in the exclusive set, four of which were reimagined perfumes from the PC, and two were brand new "Dream" blends. Goddess Dreams was one of those. You could order the four individually, but the only way you could get the exclusive two was to order as a set. The other exclusive is Nag Champa Dreams, and I found that in a full size one day in the NA Marketplace group on Facebook. Lucky break! Anyway, I've never seen Goddess Dreams come through, so yeah, I hoard my decant. These were my introduction into sleep scents, and it's no surprise I now love those, they have a special spot in my collection. Goddess Dreams feels slightly familiar to me now that I have Love Of Bastet: White Sandalwood Vanille. I'm not quite sure why, but I suspect it's got something to do with the sandalwood, although the notes are mostly different, except for Crystalline. This is a white, soft scent, very dreamy and lifted, if that makes sense. It puts you in a different space - takes you away from your everyday cares. There's serenity here, peace. It doesn't quite knock me out the way Sleepyceratops or Sleep Elixir does, but it helps me to put away my worries, and that helps me a lot. Love it! I've always kind of hoped they'd bring the set back one day, but no luck yet.
Plumeria Sapphire: Egyptian Plumeria, Hawaiian Spring Plumeria, White Jasmine amidst the gem of Amber and Musk (Nokturne:Sapphire). This is a now discontinued scent from the PC subcollection Bastet's Garden, and I hoard it rather than wear it usually. It's so beautiful. It starts out with an almost candied burst of plumeria, sweet but not too sweet. That mellows into a lovely, lush floral, with the base of Sapphire's golden, rich amber musk. Unfh. It feels so warm, tropical, and summery. Absolutely adore it. There's almost a little floral/spice to this in long drydown, it's such an interesting blend. They've said a while back that Bastet was working on a viable replacement, something that the components wouldn't be so expensive to acquire. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Kiskah Kashmir: Aged Kashmir Red Musk, Bittersweet Cacao, Kiskah Incense Smoke, N3 Musk, Black Incense, a drop of blood from a Black Pungent Rose and Sugar Vapour. This was from the Halloween 2014 LC release! Okay, it's no secret, I absolutely adore this. The cocoa starts out strong, but within minutes is reeled in by the other notes and becomes a soft, supporting note. It's perfect against the warm, deep red musk of Kashmir. This feels so gothic and velvety. The rose is STUNNING. Easily my favorite rose I've ever tried. It's balanced perfectly with the other notes, none of them overpowers the others. And the sugar note. TO. DIE. FOR. It's as if you dipped a lush, dark rose into a little sugar syrup and it hardened to a crust - and the sugared rose playing against the red musk is just right. Unfh. Absolute perfection.
Crystalline Burning Jack: Indian Ajowan, Pumpkin Skin, Pumpkin Seed, Zucchini and Pumpkin Bread, Cinnamon Stick, Smoke, Nutmeg, Clove and fallen leaves of the old oak tree. Adding a smattering of White Fig absolute, Lychee Oil concentrate and a big kiss from Crystalline Vanilla. This was a sample a few years back from NAlloween - Bastet made these for us, but they've never made a full bottle of the scent, so I hoard my sample. I absolutely love it. It's warm and cozy, and such an iconic fall scent. Very evocative. The pumpkin and zucchini breads are delicious, and the Crystalline adds almost a sweet vanilla "glaze". It's the perfect addition. The spices are not overwhelming, but add the perfect support needed. I would for sure buy a big bottle of this, if it were ever offered!
Dragon Rain: NA Tibetan Musk, Nokturne: N3 Egyptian Musk (a softer Egyptian Musk), Egyptian and Arabian Dragon's Blood Resin, Dragon's Blood Resin (from Africa), the ethereal Bastet Amber, White African Musk, Roman Amber, Egyptian Sandalwood, Seville Orange e/o, sweet Egyptian Styrax and aged Nokturne: Crystal (Vanilla Musk). This one is a Vault from June of 2013. Because it's had so much time to age, it's very hard to pick out individual notes. It's a light blue, serene musk, a little sweet, almost watery. Very lovely!
Day of the Dead: In the cemeteries, the living clean the graves of their loved ones and celebrate with music, dancing, drinking and eating things their loved ones can enjoy 'through' them. It is a time of celebration and this is our honouring of the dead by creating a perfume of Horchata, a drink made from ground up rice along with sweet cinnamon sugar infused with almond milk and blended into Nokturne:Crystal as our ode to sweet Vanilla Musk celebrations! This is from the All Hallows' Eve section of the PC, one of my favorite sections. My friend Heather actually gave me this sample, and I love it. It smells just like the Horchata drink, and it's very appealing. The sugar and milk almost has a little dark smell, like carmelized a bit? And it's so appealing. It's a little musky, and I love the rice milk. For me this is one of the easiest gourmands I've ever worn. I love it and will definitely be upgrading it when my sample gets low.
Sacred Scarab: Black Fig, Raw Pumpkin and Black Egyptian Sugar. Renewal, eternal youth and resurrection. A sweet earthy scent. This is from the Egypt and Her Wonders section of the PC. This one is a simple scent, the fig is brown and a little spicy, the pumpkin is warm, and the sugar adds a little crusty sweetness. It's easy to wear. I've got a somewhat similar scent from the Pumpkin Library, so I probably won't be getting a full bottle of this for a while, but I really like it!
So that's it, a full four weeks of samples! I hope you've enjoyed this look into my sample box. It almost feels like Mary Poppins' bag, I don't even know every treasure I have in there. It's been a fun challenge. I will probably do my Vaults next month, but because I don't have a full month's worth, I won't be regularly publishing. It will probably be every other week. Thanks for following along with me, y'all.
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rukihimeweek · 7 years
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Hello, everyone! It’s almost two months ago that our little event took place - how the time flies! - so we figured it’s enough of the waiting for the late entries and a good opportunity to finally say “thank you” to all our talented participants. So here it goes! Many, many thanks go to:
@art-heavenly-knight  - for a wonderful & super sweet drawing for the AU day
@ayinvui  - for a gorgeous & full of happiness entry for the start of our event
@bibi-loves-books - for a beautiful & touching edit for the Angst day
@ohsoverylittlehoneybee - for truly amazing edits for multiple days of the RH week. Thank you for your enthusiasm and hard work!
@rinusagitora - for a fantastic & very cool picture for the Fashion day
@salzrand - for a stunning & full of grace portrait for the Fashion day
@sls-scifiandart  - for excellent entries for EVERY day of our event! We’re very happy to have had such an active participant! Thank you for your energy & work!
@way-beyond-stars - for an awesome & really cute art for the Fashion day
I’d also like to thank my dear co-admin, @wijnruit, for making our little dream project come true and working hard with me on the RukiHime BR/OTP week. You’re the best and making this event wouldn’t be possible without you!
Finally, a “thank you” goes also to all the people who helped spread the word about the RH week and motivated us (especially to dear @sera-shirato) and also to fans who reblogged and commented with lovely tags on the entries. I’m sure I’m also speaking for the authors of the entries now, when I say that your support is greatly appreciated!
And remember, it may be an official “it’s over” post, but everyone is still very much welcome to make entries based of our prompts anytime they want! :) We’re still watching the tags.
See you - hopefully - next year!
- admin Citruya
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ellocentipede · 5 years
Nocturne Alchemy Holiday 2019 Limited Collection Review
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There are some stunning scents in Nocturne Alchemy’s Holiday 2019 limited collection. Fan favorites Vanilla Copal and Sandalwood were rereleased, along with many of last year’s delicious ice cream scents. Standouts for me in this year’s limited collection were Eternal Ankh Snow (a beautiful wintry vanilla), Sandalwood Chai (a warm, woody spice and resin), and Vanilla Dreams (a pillow, dreamy vanilla).
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Eternal Ankh Snow
Scent description: White Amber, Powdered and reconstructed oil of Egyptian Vanilla Husk, Vanilla fleck, African White Vanilla, White Amber, Roman Blue Chamomile, White Pine essence, Bay Leaf, White Musk and a drop of pure Peppermint infused orange skin
This is a beautiful, wintry take on Eternal Ankh. It really does smell like Eternal Ankh with snow. It’s fluffy and pillowy, with hints of cold, bracing ozone and pine. It reminds me a lot of BPAL’s Go to Sleep, Darlings scent—pillowy vanilla snow. I love this one so much!
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Scent description: Smoked Orange Zest, Benzoin, Lavender Absolute, Ginger, Vetiver, Orange oil and Sweet Clove absolute with a beautiful dry down of soft spice, orange zest and eNVie saphir
A hint of orange zest (freshly grated), benzoin, and ginger, that dries down into a fresh ginger scent (like a freshly cut slice) with just a bit of citrus. It’s very relaxing—a non-traditional calming blend. I tend to not love perfumes that have ginger, but this one is so fresh and lovely. I can see myself reaching for this when I don’t feel well or am exhausted.
Vanilla Dreams
Scent description: Bastet’s Ice Cream absolute, Tonka Bean concrete, Bourbon Vanille absolute, White Patchouli, Pear, Pink Grapefruit essence, Raspberry essence, Muguet flower, Vanilla Orchid and a rich creamy Egyptian Musk to scent your dreams
Fluffy, dreamy vanilla bean ice cream, softened into a gentle cloud by the musk. The other notes hover in the background. I can barely pick out the rich muguet and a gentle pop of grapefruit. This is a beautiful and relaxing scent that’s a nice change from typical herbal bedtime scents. It reminds me of a lulling linen spray that L’Occitane used to make about a decade ago.
Incense Chai
Scent description: Creamed Incense accord, Chai Black Tea and spices of Allspice/Clove/Nutmeg, Sweet Myrrh Resin, Vanilla dust, Vanuatu Santal, Bastet’s Musk
Ooh this incense is smooth. It reminds me of Alchemy Bazaar, which is one of my very favorite resin blends. It is smooth, golden, a bit warm and dry, and wears elegantly. It blends effortlessly with the chai and nutmeg spices. With wear this becomes a bit fuzzy on me, like a cloud of incense or a fluffy sweater.
Sandalwood Chai
Scent description: Chai Black Tea with spices of Allspice/Black Clove/Nutmeg, Santalum Absolute and Vanilla Beans
Cardamom Chai Sandalwood is one of my favorite scents ever and I only have a tiny sample of it, so I ordered this scent as soon as it was released. It is really lovely. I get a good amount of chai tea, though it is not at all milky. There is a lot of dry clove and nutmeg as well, and they are a touch sharp. Luckily the sharpness fades fairly quickly and I begin to smell more of the warm, dry sandalwood. It’s now ultra smooth sandalwood and fuzzy chai spice. A gorgeous blend!
Garden Rose Bee
Scent description: Orange Blossom Honey accord (creamy honey – this is a new honey we’ve created that is not like previous Black Honey accord), Black Rose, White Garden Rose, Bastet’s Amber Absolute and Eternal Ankh Absolute
Though a lot of people love it, I’ve had poor luck with NAVA’s honey blends in the past. They tend to go super funky on me. This new orange blossom honey accord is much better for me than the black honey accord, but alas it also goes a bit funky on me in the end. It’s a shame, because otherwise this is a lovely blend! The rose notes are beautiful—gentle, smooth, and soft.
Moonstone Nag Champa Seahorse
Scent description: NA Studio Nag Champa blend of Patchouli/Sandalwood/Dragon’s Blood/Champaka/Frangipani and Crystalline Vanilla Absolute with Moonstone Absolute and Copal Resin
Beautiful, airy Nag Champa (like a fresh, unlit incense stick) with a slight kiss of smooth vanilla from the Moonstone. I haven’t tried the original version of Nag Champa Seahorse, but I do have Tibetan Crystalline Creme, and Moonstone Nag Champa Seahorse has much less vanilla and creaminess (as one would expect). NAVA does Nag Champa very, very well and this is a beautiful blend.
Private Universe
Scent description: NA Oudh agarwood, Santalum sandalwood absolute, Cardamom, Teakwood, Cedarwood, White Patchouli, Black Clove and eNVie saphir amber musk
I have terrible luck with oudh blends, but I grabbed a decant of this one because I read a review that compared it to BIC Teak & Sandalwood, which is one my favorite scents. Alas, I get a fair amount of stinky oudh (think barnyard and band-aids). I do smell some lovely woods in the background, but they are all outshone by the oudh.
A Kiss Upon Her Shoulder
Scent description: Mimosa Flower, Gardenia, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Lilac, Eternal Ankh absolute, Skin Musk, Peach skin and eNVie saphir amber musk
A pretty, mild, musky floral. Gentle and will probably work for those who tend to not love florals. Well-blended—it’s hard to pick out individual notes, but perhaps I get more lilac than anything else. It’s not heady—I surprisingly can’t discern the jasmine. I smell a good bit of the peach skin. With time the peach skin becomes more prominent on my skin and becomes a bit sharp before settling in. A clean, elegant scent.
Peppermint Candy Cane Cotton Candy
Scent description: Cotton Candy Accord, Peppermint Pure, Violet, Marshmallow accord, White Lily, Peach essence and sugar accord
This is a very bracing peppermint candy! At first it’s a bit overwhelming, but it quickly mellows into a glittering white candy cane scent. Surprisingly, I don’t really get any of the cotton candy. I do get a bit of the pungent violet and peach, which make this more interesting than a simple candy cane scent. The use of peach in this is like BPAL’s Snow Angel—like a ripe fruit crusted with a thin layer of sparkling ice. The cotton candy does come out on drydown.
Vanilla Snow Cotton Candy
Scent description: Cotton Candy accord, Bavarian Crème accord, Malted Vanilla Bean, Vanilla Custard accord, Marshmallow accord, Vanilla Sugar and Bavarian Vanilla Bean
Oof—this one is very, very sweet! It’s too sweet for me, alas. It’s like sticky sweet cotton candy and the sweetened, custardy condensed milk topping on snowballs in New Orleans.
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Frosted Japanese Cherry Blossom
Scent description: Asian pear skin, White Bulgarian Rose, Japanese Cherry Blossom, Mimosa, Cotton accord, Vanilla Whole, Bastet Amber and a drop of blue mint
A pretty, breezy cherry blossom blend. It’s a little too breezy for me at first, like clean laundry. The fresh, just-bloomed cherry blossom and mimosa sit beneath the cotton accord. The pear skin sharpens and peps up the blend, keeping it from being overly floral. There’s just a peep of vanilla lending some sweetness, but this is primarily a fresh and airy floral scent.
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Vanilla Copal
Scent description: Peruvian Copal EO, Copal Resin, Crystalline Absolute, Kobalt Absolute, NA Studio Snow Musk (sweet wood-infused musk), Vanilla Bean extract
I wasn’t sure that I liked this one at first—and I think that it was just that I was expecting something different. This is not a sweet, rich vanilla scent. It is primarily a copal scent. That said, the copal is beautiful. It smells like an actual lump of copal that is lightly smoking in a censer. It’s sweetened a bit from the vanilla, but it’s a bit smoky and a bit soapy as well. This scent is addictive to me and I keep sniffing it. It fills a hole in my collection that I didn’t know that I had.
Sandalwood Copal
Scent description: Venezuelan Copal EO, Copal Resin, Sandalwood, Tibetan Sandalwood (future SL), SL Crystal Absolute, Skin Musk, SL N8 Musk and Crimson Musk Absolute
I love NAVA’s sandalwoods, so of the two copal scents, this one is my favorite. The sandalwood note is beautiful—dry, clean, warm, resinous. It’s a bit soapy, but in a pretty, clean way. It’s an elegant and effortless scent.
Warm Amber, Sandalwood, and Vanilla
Scent description: Sandalwood, Patchouli, Vanilla Bean Extract, Tonka, White Cinnamon, Clove, Kobalt Vanilla, Amber Resin, Bastet Amber, Labdanum, Benzoin, Rockrose and Egyptian Sugar
This is an elegant resin blend. The sandalwood is warm, smooth, and dry, and the amber is sparkling. I get a hint of dry clove in the background, like an open jar of the powdered spice. I also pick out something like a fresher version of labdanum (not like a resin), which must be the rockrose (cistus). This is a nice, classy, well-blended scent, reminiscent of a fine perfume.
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Pink Sugar, Patchouli, & Cotton Candy Sweater
Scent description: Red Sandalwood, Pink Sugar accord, Gold Patchouli Essential Oil, Cotton Candy accord, Egyptian Sugar, Spun Vanilla infused Sugar, Bastet Amber and Santalum White.
This review is for last year’s version of this scent. My track record with NAVA’s patchouli has unfortunately not been great (none of the bats have worked for me, alas), but this scent is beautiful! I think the sweetness of the cotton candy makes this wearable and beautiful on me. This does smell like a fluffy pink sweater. It’s warm and fluffy and comforting. It is not a sweet or gourmand scent. There’s just enough sugar and cotton candy to tame the earthiness of the patchouli for me without turning it into a confection. A beautiful, comforting scent for the cold months.
Sugar Cookie
Scent description: Buttery Sugar Cookie accord, Vanilla, Bastet’s Délicieux blend, extra Crystalline Absolute
When first applied, this smells like the sugar cookies that they sell at the grocery store for every holiday—heavily coated in thick, sweet icing and seasonally-appropriate sprinkles. The sprinkles are so sweet that they have a Lush Snow Fairy quality—almost like peptol bismal to my nose. Luckily the sugar calms down pretty quickly, and I am left with a perfect buttery (but not too buttery), sugar cookie, with maybe just a thin sheen of icing on top and flavored with a few drops of vanilla. It’s a beautiful gourmand scent that’s not overwhelming. I’m so glad that I picked this one up.
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Bastet’s Ice Cream: Original
Scent description: Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar
This is well and truly the perfume that began my collection of NAVA scents. I received a very old decant of this in a swap, dabbed it on my wrists (because ice cream!), and was blown away. It is a rich, creamy vanilla ice cream. It even smells a bit frothy as if it has been churned like actual ice cream. This is a comforting blend for me, and I wear it whenever I need a warm hug or a pick-me-up. It’s truly lovely and I recommend it highly.
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Bastet’s Ice Cream: Cardamom & Tahitian Vanilla Creme
Scent description: Tahitian Vanilla Bean Absolute, Honduran Cardamom essential oil and pods, Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, aged Tahitian Vanilla Bean whole
This scent is rich and warm and lovely! The cardamom is so fragrant, but not overwhelming. It’s very present—dry, full, and rich. I get more butter with it than vanilla, making this to my nose more like a warm cardamom bun slathered in butter than ice cream. The cardamom remains the dominant note for me with wear, and with time I do get a bit more of the ice cream.
Bastet’s Ice Cream: Marzipan & Rum Vanilla Creme
Scent description: Almond accord, Mimosa, Marzipan accord, Rum, Vanilla-Benzoin, drop of Cassis, Coconut Milk, Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean
This blend is potent! It smells of rich, almond marzipan and sticky-sweet rum and warm caramel. It’s more gourmand than Pistachio & Almond Vanilla Creme. The marzipan eventually disappears for me and I am left with an incredibly rich caramel rum scent.
Bastet’s Ice Cream: Pistachio & Almond Vanilla Creme
Scent description: Pistachio, Almond, Vanilla Custard accord, Heliotrope, Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar
I don’t always love almond and pistachio blends, but I do love this one! This is a very realistic pistachio pudding blend. It smells like pistachio flavoring (not like actual pistachios) and almond extract, which I personally adore. It’s a little sharp, but in a good way, like actual almond extract. This reminds me of my very favorite cookies in the world—my grandma’s bright green almond flavored Christmas tree cookies.
Bastet’s Ice Cream: Rice Milk & Vanilla Creme
Scent description: Delicate and creamy Basmati Rice crème, Rice Milk accord, a touch of brown sugar, Vanilla bean fleck, Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar
This one is beautiful—soft, mildly creamy, addictive. Surprisingly it’s not very sugary. It’s a bit like Lush’s Snowcake scent—creamy and comforting. The rice note is almost like the almond in Snowcake in that it is a bit like Play Doh, but in a good way. The Play Doh-ness dissipates with time and this starts to become a true rice pudding scent—warm, gently fragrant, and not overly sweet. This sits close to the skin on me.
Peppermint Crystalline
Scent description: Exclusive gift for NA Store Customer Holiday orders: Peppermint Pure, Crystalline Absolute, Apricot essence, Marshmallow, Sandalwood Light, Strawberry and Lily accord
This is another bracing peppermint scent! That peppermint pure must be strong stuff. I get mostly cold peppermint with some sweetness from the Crystalline and a light touch of fruitiness from the apricot and strawberry. This is similar to the Peppermint Candy Cane Cotton Candy, but is closer to smelling like an actual candy cane since it doesn’t have the cotton candy drydown. A nice scent for peppermint lovers.
Nocturne Alchemy’s scents may be perused and purchased at https://nocturnealchemy.com
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
27 Unique Stones & Crystals To Use In Your Magic
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SL Bear
Everything about stones is fun. They’re fun to find and be surprised by. They’re fun to place around your space to make it look great. They’re fun to carry with you and refer to throughout the day. Perhaps the most enjoyable thing about stones and crystals is that you can custom pick which ones you want based on their meanings. This article will be a guide to help you decide what stones to use in your witchcraft depending on your needs. There are a lot of these beauties to cover so let’s jump right in!
In reading about agate, there are many references to weather and especially calming thunderstorms, lightning, and surviving nasty storms at sea. Agate is also a go-to stone for gardening, perhaps because the moss agate and dendritic agate appear to have forest and tree scenes in them. Agate is a good luck charm, increases personal strength, and ensures victory. Agate is also said to bring sweet dreams and calm the mind. While agate has a lot of uses, again and again it is shown to be a strong stone for green witches and those seeking to “calm the storm” be it literal or figurative. Place agate in your herb gardens, sleep with one in your pillowcase, and keep a special agate on your person to stay at peace throughout the day.
This stone is linked with the sun, and because of its fascinating origin (turning from a liquid into a stunningly bright stone) this is a stone of vitality and strength. Amber is also a protector and a promoter of confidence. In essence, amber shares characteristics with the sun and Fire element, and in spells, should be called upon when performing magic to increase personal power or in Fiery Wall of Protection spells.    
I’ve heard conflicting stories about amethyst, however, luck, protection, and cleansing are usually attributed to it. What I find most interesting is this stone’s relationship to addiction and overcoming negativity in your life. Amethyst is a stone of sobriety and staying on the right track, but can be used in any spells focused on breaking bad habits, cutting out obsession, and becoming more balanced.
This pretty blue stone has ties to the sea and water in general, and is a protective stone for travellers. Aquamarine can be used in spells that call on the water element or can be used as a substitute for water altogether when you’re performing quick spells without a lot of tools. Like water, aquamarine is intuitive, emotional, and can be used in divination, especially any sort of divination that relies on water.
This is a stone of luck and is a favourite among gamblers. Perhaps because of its bright green colour, it is also a stone of wealth. One of my favourite things to do is hold an aventurine while making a decision, or placing three stones on a bill to encourage my bank account to increase threefold!
While the name sounds a little ominous, bloodstone is actually used to promote health. It is said to improve circulation and ease childbirth. Lore abounds when it comes to this stone, but my favourite story about bloodstone is its use by soldiers in battle, who called on it for courage. It’s said to guarantee victory against insurmountable odds, so I turn to bloodstone when I’m involved in any conflict. Hold this stone in your hands while sitting in the sun or before a red candle, and envision yourself victorious. Dreaming of battle while invoking bloodstone’s gift is a portent of success.
A stone of confidence and focus. Use carnelian when you are afraid of a new endeavour or need to stand up for yourself. I’ve also heard that carnelian can make wishes come true, so place one on top of the Star tarot card when you need mystical assistance!
A positive stone! Citrine will bring good things to you, so whatever you’re lacking, citrine can help. It is said that this stone works best for the generous and gentle, so kind witches will find this stone especially successful when used in their manifestations. Also promotes joy and removes negativity.  
A stone of truth and intelligence. Not only a good companion for students, but all philosophers, writers, poets, and journalists. This stone can be used when you lack inspiration, or to fuel your motivation. If you believe you are being deceived, use fluorite with a blue candle and meditate on how to proceed or unlock hidden truth.  
Increases spell power. Add garnet to your altar or include in any spell to give your magic a boost. Garnet is loyal and protective of its owner, so carry one on you, especially during travel or when moving amongst a crowd. Although associated with love (like most deep red stones) I find garnet most useful when I ask it to work for me alone.
Jasper comes in many varieties, all of them gorgeous and distinct. While each different type of jasper can be utilised for more specific purposes, all jaspers will have a grounding effect and keep one calm. They are wonderful talismans and can keep you balanced and stress-free. Indulge in some self care by bathing with jasper stones set along the rim of a bathtub, keep a stone in your left pocket to attract good fortune or to ease suffering during times of grief.
The iridescence of these stones give them beauty, and also strong links to the soul and a connection to the mysteries of the universe. They can assist in divination, astral travel, and transformations. They also facilitate the imagination so witch artists should use them to stimulate ideas and unlock hidden wells of creativity.
Lapis Lazuli
Said to have the ability to open psychic abilities, lapis lazuli is another stone useful in divination and sleep magic. Lapis lazuli can also be used to immediately put a stop to something. Light a black candle and write on a piece of paper what you’d like to bring to a stop or end, then burn this paper in the candle. Roll the stone in the ashes before blowing the ashes west. Afterward, cleanse the stone with smoke or set it outside on a clear night.
A spell and energy booster. Because of their magnetic properties, lodestones are the stones of attraction and bringing to you what you want. Shop owners keep them in their stores to attract customers, for example. The lodestone was instrumental in creating the compass, so it’s a good stone to use when you need help making a big life choice. Lodestones attract, among other things, both wealth and money, but they need maintenance. “Feed” your lodestone bits of iron, keep it on your altar, and charge by leaving out during lightning storms.
A protective stone against physical harm, especially for children. This is also a transformative stone, changing negative energies to positive ones. Malachite has a high copper content, which is also protective, so use this pretty green stone in protective spells for children or to calm tantrums.  
This stone was once believed to hold a moonbeam within its core, and embodies many of the same qualities of the moon itself. Pearly moonstone heightens intuition, calms emotions, and will work well with the Water element. Moonstone is used for protection by those who travel by night or by sea, and in spells it can be paired with all stones with ties to the sun to create a balance.
This stone has many purposes due to its very conflicting history. Some say this is a very unlucky stone that can cause depression, and sardonyx must be carried with it as a guardian against onyx’s negative energy. However, others believe onyx is stabilising, and enhances strength and self-discipline. In magic, onyx is used for scrying and especially grounding, helping the user relax.  
A stunning, gentle, and healing stone. Opal possesses the power of all the elements and can be used in spells to represent any or all of them at once. Because of its exquisite beauty, opal is associated with artists and can be used to aid inspiration. Opal is also believed to contain hidden mysteries and will enhance a witch’s psychic powers!
Petrified Wood
Symbolises a long, healthy life! Petrified wood is associated with memories and survival. It is a fossilised plant, wood turned into stone, and is perfect for magic that involves time — past lives, understanding, and strength in moving forward. It has strong ties to earth magic, especially wood and trees, and is also a great grounding stone.  
This shiny, golden mineral was used to fool prospectors into believing empty mines were still packed with gold, hence it’s famous nickname: Fool’s Gold. Pyrite can be used for scrying, as well as an attractant for wealth and luck. Gamblers carry pyrite with them to win big. This stone can also be used in spells of trickery when you want to deceive a foe.
Quartz is an amplifier for all other energies. Program quartz by cleansing with smoke or leaving out in the sun, then making a personal connection with the stone. Meditate on your intention while holding the stone, including a personal ritual to reinforce the intention if you wish, then charge with moonlight. Voila!
This is a stone of kings, and was at one time the most valuable stone, even more so than the diamond. Naturally, ruby is associated with passion and wealth, but also banishing. This is a very intense stone and can impart courage and leadership skills. If you sleep with a ruby, you can chase away nightmares, while wearing one can attract lovers. However, adorning yourself in rubies too often is said to make one vain.
Among other things, this is a stone of wisdom. Because of sapphire’s deep blue color, this gem is said to hold hidden mysteries and is associated with calmness and, of course, water. This will be a good companion for those seeking truth and knowledge, but also enlightenment and a connection to the divine.
Tiger’s Eye
Ferocity. Helps with communication, though is associated with the earth and sun. Great for grounding and magic using the Earth element. Invigorates the user and restores energy. Witches can carry Tiger’s Eye to protect against psychic attacks and as a protective talisman during travel.
A very protective stone during spells and while performing any magic. Tourmaline absorbs negativity and keeps the wearer safe — even from themselves. Think of tourmaline as a little guardian angel promoting serenity from within, boosting self-confidence, and helping prevent self-destructive behaviours.  
Fun fact about me, I grew up in a world of turquoise because I lived in Arizona where it is everywhere. So, I’m a little biased, and I think this stone is one of the most precious. Although its symbolism varies from tribe to tribe, this is a very important stone to many Native American cultures. Turquoise can represent the sky or water, so this stone should be used to reconnect to your true self, hidden psychic powers, and your family. Also a wonderful aid in meditation.  
Unakite is a symbol of harmony between two people, friendship, and can be used in any spell that strengthens these bonds. Incorporate unakite in talismans and mojo bags to be shared among friends. Additionally, unakite is a powerful aid to spellcasting and can help you mentally manifest when you’re on the go and don’t have a full array of tools.
There are so many other amazing stones and crystals that you can use in your witchcraft. If you haven’t found one to meet your needs in this list, don’t let your research stop here!
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