#This is twisted wonderland after all :'3
lowkeyclueless5137 · 5 months
Day 5- To Make A Promise
Pair: Malleus x Idia x Azul
Prompt: Handcrafted, perfectionist
Notes: Malleus is silly in this one. Trust U-Ub
Warnings: Book 7 Spoilers! :v
It was a very pretty day. So pretty, in fact, that most students were hanging outside, enjoying this fine day in between classes.
Malleus, for a change, just finished his PE lesson. As such, he had to give his brom to the lockers. Most people were changing in their uniforms, but it was nothing a small spell couldn't fix.
"You heard it? In a week is the culture festival... I heard Tim from 2-E is giving his girl a handmade vase from the pottery club." Malleus perked at that. He didn't know who this 'Tim' was, but by the tones of the students, they seemed to praise his dedication to make a vase.
"Really? That Scarabia first year, Maau, is rumored to make a poem for the Ramshackle prefect. Imagine that!" "Kinda lame, dude... Frederick from 3-A is said to be sewing for his lover a whole outfit! From scratch, dude!" "There's also Eugen... That lonely ass is sending something over to his brother overseas." "I think he's looking pretty happy as a single Pringle..."
Malleus tuned out of it for a hot second. How lovely! So many students put effort in a gift for their loved ones.
"And you? What did you get for your girl?" "Dude... I got some chocolate and maybe get some flowers too, you know, to be fresh..." "That's kinda lame..." "When you put those try-harders next to it, yeah... But she likes when I get her favorite flowers."
Malleus thought about it. He didn't consider the culture festival as a romantic event. But he figured that those with lovers not apart of the school would want to have a beautiful moment alongside their dear ones.
Maybe his lovers will also enjoy this?
But it had to be memorable! Worthwhile! It was the very first culture festival since they were together properly. He should step up his game! He should get a gift that will have the 2 thank him and praise him to others for his caring nature. Something that would show that he's a caring spouse, an attentive lover and, definitely, make others want to strive to his kindness.
But then, the conversation of the 2 students gawned at his attention. Others were crafting items or writing poems. They did so without magic, only putting their raw talent and passion in such gifts.
What would his lovers like? He could do anything if he put some effort in it. And effort seems to be necessary in making a gift memorable.
Well, Azul likes shiny things. The coin collection in his room speaks for itself. And Idia seems to dwelve into fictional likes, such as the ever so elusive video-games or 'anime' as Malleus learned to address the said genre. Azul always restricts himself on food and Idia was a picky eater, so cooking would be an option, but a very unsatisfactory one. He couldn't yet fight against an unpredictable foe such as personal tastes.
Both sides needed to be fulfilled. Malleus wanted to make something that satisfied both of his lovers. But he also wanted to do something by himself. Without magic, without monetary exchanges, without help from outside at all!
"Malleus? Honey, are you alright?" The Fae blinked as he looked at Azul. He ended up at evening, in Idia's room. The firehead was setting up some movie they were going to watch as Azul was setting their snack: a big bowl of pop-corn in between them. Finishing up, Idia snuggled next to Malleus's side as Azul hugged both of them, head rested on Malleus's chest. "You seem out of it... Did something upset you?" He asked with concern laced on his melodious voice. Idia grumbled, resting his head on a pillow next to Malleus's arm. "Did something happen? You can tell us..." He asked.
NO! He couldn't tell! He needs to keep it a surprise!
A surprise that Malleus himself wasn't yet aware of what it could be.
"Nothing." he breathed out. The 2 seemed yo exchange glances, before snuggling closer. They knew Malleus liked to snuggle. And so they catered to this desire when the fae felt it needed.
Now he felt like it needs to be a special gift! He has to make it worth it!
Azul was the first one who fell asleep, his soft snores drowned by the movie noises. Idia smiled weakly as he put a blanked over the 3 of them, the movie rolling its end credits at this point. Setting the bowl on the nightstand, Idia's flame hair already showed signs of dimming down, a sign which Malleus learned it meant the latter was sleepy. "Good night, Malleus..." He mumbled, closing the screen and his eyes as well, snuggling a bit more comfortably in the hold of the fae. It felt right. The 2 by his sides, sleeping peacefully in a quiet room, only worry being of some trivial things tomorrow has to bring.
Yes, Malleus needs to step up on his game. He had now around a week to make something truly amazing and worth it.
So first 2 days of his master plan were all boiled down to 1 thing: researching. He researched costumes of mers and humans, he looked at the peers of his 2 boyfriends, at their habits and at what they seemed to enjoy more than other things.
Lilia told him that this was stalking and that it wasn't a nice thing to do, but it was for research purposes!
"Malleus... I know you are there... Please get out... People are looking..." Azul breathed as he bearly entered the lounge that he saw the fae trying to hide behind a lamp and failing miserably. "I know no Malleus... I am a lamp..." Came the response. "Lamps here don't talk, Malleus..." The mer replied with a groan as he passed by him. "What do you want?" "I am doing research..." "Research?" "Research." "on what?"
Here came the hard part. Malleus had to be smart and craft a good enough answer to steer away Azul's suspicions.
"On human mating calls!" good enough. Malleus internally praised himself for the answer.
Azul looked at him with a tilted head, clearly confused. "Dates? You are spying on dates?" came a nod. "Malleus, that's highly inappropriate... Go home!" The latter gestured with a puff. Malleus pouted in response, which got a tug by the back of the collar and him being dragged like this to Azul's office.
That was his first day. He got grounded on his first day.
On the 2nd day, he was following Idia's tablet around, making sure that the device didn't catch him in its aera of sight. Ortho was also there, but the fae was able to bribe the latter into compliance with the excuse that 'he's researching'. This time he wasn't asked what exactly he was researching.
But, it all came downhill when Ortho abandoned Malleus with the tablet and the thing seemingly died at the end of the class. Malleus was afraid of Idia accusing him of killing the tablet. He didn't even think of homicide, let alone of a technological device, but he felt guilty and so he had to cater to that guilt.
When Idia tried to sneak in the empty classroom, he was met with Malleus, seemingly trying to give a burial ceremony to his tablet. It took a wild back and forth until the fae was explained that the device's battery just died and as such there was no murder implied and Malleus shouldn't burry his tablet in the classroom floorboards.
He still got nagged for his 'research methods'.
After these 2 days of research, Malleus could finally take a paper and draw his conclusions:
Blinking in surprise at his own notes, Malleus frowned. There had to be something! Something that both would enjoy. Something that could be craftable by his hands alone and that they could keep with them forever.
His gaze turned towards the window, but his mind tried to remember every little detail he could about his boyfriends. From their laughs, to how Idia got so fired up with topics of interest, how Azul liked to present himself as clean and organised, how all 3 of them would close the door before fully cuddling in the bed. How there were little to no marks to say 'this is my boyfriend', yet the loyalty remained.
Marks... That's it!
Springing from his place, Malleus almost smashed the door to pieces as he ran out of diasomnia. At this display, the other dorm members assumed it was dinner time, so they followed their leader's action and ran out of the dorm as fast as they could.
"Malleus... For the love of 7... What are you doing?" Azul asked as Malleus happened to find him first, taking his hand and measuring it at all the angles. "Research!" he promptly said. "Your 'research' could also be made anywhere else, but the main hall." The mer exhaled. Really, it seemed like the fae was set on pulling his nerves out.
Azul was at least compliant without much explanation. On the other hand...
"EEEK!" the second Malleus appeared without announcement and touched Idia's hand, the unsuspecting firehead yelped and accidentally punched Malleus's jaw. "ACK! M-Malleus!?! What in the world are you on?!" Idia breathed in and out, trying to calm his woshing flames. "The floor... I am currently standing on the floor if you wonder." he responded promptly, before finally managing to grab the hand in question. Idia didn't protest anymore, rather it seemed like he complied as he now knew who took his hand.
"What are you doing?" "research." "Azul told me about it... But is it really necessary?" "knowing your hand measurements is vital!" the latter declared as he finished. "Thank you." He mused, kissing the back of the palm before disappearing.
Idia surely was wierded out by that interaction.
On his 4th day of the plan, Malleus had to gather materials. Azul almost lost his mind when he saw the fae scouting for something on the sea floor in his dorm. Idia surely was on the verge of a heart attack when Malleus almost got shot by the security system, for trespassing in his search.
"I tell you, he lost his marbles!" Idia whispered to Azul. "You are jumping to conclusions... He's focused on something... You know how he is..." The Octavinelle Dormhead exhaled. "But I wish he would tell us... I'm worried he'll just fall into a ditch at this point and stay there." he grumbled.
"Dears!" Speaking of the devil, Malleus passed by the 2, not without giving each a small kiss on the cheek. He then left, with a smile and a skip in the step as he carried a big cardboard box. Looking in between them, the other 2 didn't even know what their boyfriend intended to do. They wanted to question him, but already Malleus was out of their sight, probably very hurried to do something.
As the culture festival approached, Malleus was even more unavailable. Usually he was retreated, but it was a first when the fae refused an invitation to the lounge or to see some new cliché, sappy movie. Even studying together or maintenance on Gao Gao were postponed by Malleus.
It was concerning at best.
"Where is Malleus?" Azul asked as he looked around. "Well... He did say to wait here..." Idia mumbled, checking the said letter both of them received. Malleus's neat writing was played elegantly in black ink. He told them to wait by the coliseum back, where no people were. Many rushed to see Neige perform at another stage, so the back of the building was deserted.
Malleus also didn't specify the time of meeting, hence why the 2 were nearing the 1 hour mark already.
"My dears!" Finally, the 2 perked at the new voice. Malleus came, hurried, which wasn't in his person at all. He would've simply teleported. But he was holding something in his hands, careful as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. "Malleus! There you were!" "We waited for you..." Idia grumbled, but seeing the excited face of the latter, he couldn't stay mad for long.
"I apologise... But I had to make the last touches." "Touches? Malleus... What are you even talking about?" Azul tilted his head. The Fae smiled as he showed what he was carrying, 2 jewelry boxes. Opening them, both Azul and Idia looked in between them, then at Malleus.
2 braceles made of strings, decorated with colorful beads. They were juvenile at best, but one was predominantly purple, while the other blue. Looking at Malleus's right wrist, he also had a similar bracelet, but more green. "I made these for you! It seems a common costume of courting is having matching jewellery as a form of marking. I made them myself! Without magic!" The Fae proudly puffed.
"It's... Uhhh... It's very pretty, Malleus..." Idia mused as he slipped his on his left hand, looking at it. 5 beads were more eye-catching than the rest. 2 were white, framing the other 3, who were green, blue and lavender respectively. Azul and Malleus both had on their bracelets the same 5 beads, in the same order. "So thoughtful to make this yourself, Malleus..." Azul mused, with a small blush. Malleus tho, puffed proudly as he received 2 pecks on his cheeks.
His hard work was repayed! He won the satisfaction of his dear lovers!
"And! Since the child of man invited me to the VDC performance, I asked Lilia to aid me in this... 'online shopping' activity, so I could purchase these!" The Fae presented the 2 VIP tickets, the 3rd still in his pocket. "Oh, Malleus... You shouldn't have." Azul put a hand on his chest, touched by the gesture, as Idia's hair was gradually becoming pink.
A few weeks later, Azul was closing up the lounge, the twins helping him with a few more formalities.
"Oi! Azul! What's with the silly thing on ya hand?" Floyd asked, pointing at the said bracelet on Azul's right hand. Immediately, he received a smack behind his head. "How dare you. It's not silly... It's a gift... I cherish it a lot..." He nagged the latter. "Fufufu... It is perhaps... Of romantic importance?" Jade asked with a sly smile on his face. Azul simply scoffed, preffering to continue his work. "I... Promised I'll keep it on my hand..." he mumbled.
And that was a promise for sure.
As the overBlot of Malleus walked through the diasomnia lounge, his eyes casted over everyone. They were all asleep. Lilia set on a chair, Sebek and Silver on couches.
And his dears, they fell asleep on the carpet. Poor them... Malleus hummed for himself. Idia made an effort today, to come and support him at the party. So did Azul try to make this day hurt less. The truth was, Malleus wanted it to not hurt. He will make it not hurt anymore. As such, he gently grabbed the 2.
Perking at the sound, Malleus looked at the ground, where a blue bracelet, with colorful beads, fell off. Idia's hands were limp, probably shaken off when he picked them up. Azul had his head rested on his chest, snuggled close for the warmth. Idia was more easy to move around, like a doll one could pose as they wanted. Both were in his arms, safe, peaceful, warm. And he found it enough for him.
So Malleus stretched his hand, where his own beady bracelet was, picking the blue one and setting it on the firehead's wrist. They promised him they'll keep his gift.
And in exchange Malleus will make it last forever.
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tinyfantasminha · 11 months
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guys unfortunately ace trappola has to die I have to kill him
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crystallizsch · 12 days
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AGH happy (definitely-not-late) bday to mr jamil viper 💖🐍 and thank u harveston jamil for coming home as well as two of his bday cards 💖💥
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anbaisai · 2 months
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Happy birthday to @crystallizsch and the lovely Yuusha! May you have another wonderful year full of happiness and currynoodles💜
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offorestsongs · 3 months
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check Vil, choose Vil, vote for Vil Schoenheit
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suntails · 26 days
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(sharing appreciated, 🔗 below! 💛)
my silver artbook will be accepting orders thru the end of september, i expect to ship during november so tell all your silver friends that food has arrived ✨ ALL ORDERS EXCEPT UK:
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clover-46 · 2 months
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best dorm idc what anyone else says (diasomnia is 2nd best)
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twistiraki · 1 year
🎀Headcanons how Twisted Wonderland boys met you and what kind of family you'd have 🎀 Scarabia and Pomefiore
‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ TᗯIᔕTEᗪ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᒪᗩᑎᗪ Characters Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Rook, Epel x F!Reader Warnings none ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
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🦦Kalim Al-Asim
Y/n’s got introduced by Kalim's father as a suitable marriage candidate due to her wealthy family background, Y/n and Kalim began their relationship as friends. However, as they spent more time together, they realized their connection ran much deeper. Kalim's cheerful nature complemented Y/n's intelligence, and she completed him in ways he never expected. They fell in love for who they truly were, appreciating each other's dreams and ambitions, forming a strong and loving partnership.
Y/n and Kalim have a bustling and joyful household with currently five children. They are blessed with three boys named Wasim, Omar, and Amir, and two girls named Laiha and Almira . Currently, Y/n is pregnant with twin girls, and the family eagerly awaits their arrival. Kalim's genuinely friendly and cheerful nature makes him the perfect father, always ready to play with his kids and make them smile. Despite his occasional clumsiness, he is a loving and supportive parent. The family enjoys many joyous moments together, and Kalim encourages his children to pursue their passions, just as Y/n supports him in his role as the head of the household.
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🐍Jamil Viper
Y/n and Jamil met at a lively party. A moment of frustration led to a one-night stand, but little did they know it was the spark that ignited in something more. They might not have been looking for a relationship, but fate had other plans.Y/n was pregnant. As they embraced parenthood, they discovered their connection. With each passing day, their hearts danced to the rhythm of love, and now, their little family was the most beautiful melody in their lives.
Jamil and Y/n have one bright and talented son named Malik. Y/n is the person Jamil trusts the most, and she understands his passion for dancing and his desire to show his true self. Jamil's feelings for Y/n run deep, and though he may be good at hiding them, she can see through his façade. They are a tight-knit and loving family, cherishing the time they spend together and creating beautiful memories.
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🪞Vil Schoenheit
Y/n's first impression of Vil wasn't favorable. When Y/n first delivered flowers to Vil from her flower shop, they seemed like opposites. Vil found Y/n's dungarees and mud on her face a little amusingly messy, while Y/n thought Vil was a bit too vain and egoistic.However, as they interacted more while Y/n delivered flowers to Vil from her shop, they discovered their shared traits of hard work and ambition. Their initial animosity turned into mutual respect, and they began to like each other more. Vil surprised Y/n with flowers and asked her out on a date, forming a special connection between them.
Vil and Y/n have a daughter named Annalise, who inherits her father's beauty and elegance. Y/n appreciates Vil's effort in making their home a beautiful and comfortable place. He values Annalise's opinions and takes care of her with a motherly touch. Vil's forceful nature is softened by Y/n's calming presence. They are both loving and attentive parents, doting on Annalise and supporting her dreams.
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🏹Rook Hunt
Y/n noticed Rook around town and the library where she worked, and soon, she found poems expressing his admiration on her desk. While Rook's initial presence felt eerie, he opened up about his feelings for Y/n, making her curious.  Amidst curious gazes and secret poems, Y/n and Rook's story unfolded in the most whimsical way. One day, Y/n found Rook standing smiling in her garden. Though she found it a tad creepy, his genuine confession of liking her melted her heart. As they spent more time together, Y/n couldn't resist the enchantment of Rook's affectionate heart, and she grew more and more fond of him.
Y/n and Rook have a dynamic family with three children – one girl and two boys. Their daughter is named Odette, reflecting the beauty and wonder that Rook is fascinated with. The two boys are named Orion and Atlas, each having their unique curiosities and interests. Rook's fascination with beauty extends to the curiosity he shares with his children, and they often explore peculiar interests together. Y/n's nurturing nature allows their family to grow and thrive. Rook is a genuine and loving father, always there for his kids and eager to encourage their passions.
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🍎Epel Felmier
During a visit to Harveston, Y/n met Epel through the cousin, from the hairdresser's uncle, who was the neighbor of Epel's grandmother. When Y/n visited Harveston for a family visit, she had no idea that her heart was about to take a wild adventure. She met Epel, who was eager to show her around the town. But as soon as he laid eyes on Y/n, he was smitten! Attempting to be cool and flirty, Epel's accent slipped, revealing his true, country self. Y/n couldn't help but giggle, and her laughter became music to his ears. Their picnic in the apple garden became a delightful chapter in their story of sweet, countryside romance.
Epel and Y/n have two wild and energetic boys named Wiliam and Brody. Y/n appreciates Epel's dainty charm and his desire to be more manly. She encourages him to express himself freely and supports him in solving issues head-on. As parents, they embrace the challenges and joys of raising their boys. Epel's competitive spirit is balanced by Y/n's patience, creating a harmonious family environment where love and laughter abound.
You can find the other parts here! Hearstlabyul Savanaclaw/Octavinelle Scarabia/Pomefiore (You are here) Ignihyde/Diasomnia
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riddlerosehearts · 11 months
thinking about floyd and riddle spending their first halloween as a couple together... i think floyd absolutely loves how varied and lively all of the different halloween traditions he's learned about since coming to live on land are, and he wants to try out as many of them as he can each year. so when riddle tells him that his mother always made him stay in his room studying on halloween, and that the only halloween activities he's ever done were those that NRC students were required to participate in, floyd decides that the two of them are just going to have to spend the day doing everything they possibly can. riddle tries to say he's far too busy for such things, but floyd will not let it go and honestly riddle is only half-heartedly protesting anyway because he secretly did always dream of doing the things that other kids got to do on halloween, and maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal to take one day off and spend time with his boyfriend.
so, riddle never got to make jack-o-lanterns? floyd decides to "borrow" about half a dozen of the pumpkins jade and azul had bought for mostro lounge and takes them to riddle's dorm room. riddle is terrible at trying to carve them at first and floyd can't help but laugh at him a little, but since he knows it's not riddle's fault he's never gotten to do this before, he says he'll show him how to do it. unfortunately floyd isn't nearly as good as he thinks he is on account of having lived in the ocean for almost his whole life and now riddle gets to laugh right back at him. they probably both get the hang of it right as they're down to their last two pumpkins.
riddle never got to go trick-or-treating with his childhood friends? floyd texts trey and convinces him to get in touch with chenya as well so that they can all go together. when they approach the first house, in the costumes they had prepared for each of their school's halloween events, riddle starts to get nervous and asks if they aren't all a little too old to be doing this. floyd shoves several huge handfuls of candy from that person's bowl into his and riddle's pumpkin-shaped buckets and tells him it's not like there's any rule that says they can't, and besides, riddle is such a cute little goldfish that he practically looks like a kid in his costume anyway! chenya stifles a laugh while trey has to stop riddle from committing murder that night.
riddle's never gone to a haunted house before? floyd and chenya both think it would be hilarious to make him go to one, so they do. riddle absolutely hates it, but it honestly does make him happy to see everyone else enjoying it--even if floyd and chenya both keep trying to egg him and trey on and get them to go down creepy corridors and check around corners by themselves, and even if floyd keeps running off to different parts of the haunted house and then coming back and hugging or even lifting riddle from behind knowing full well that he'll get freaked out by it.
riddle never got to play the apple bobbing game that's traditional in the queendom of roses? turns out there's a place right by the haunted house where they can go to do it! predictably, floyd is great at it while riddle ends up drenched without getting any apples, but just giving it a try is more fun than riddle expected.
riddle's never gotten to make candy apples before? luckily, trey knows an amazing recipe as well as what combinations of toppings work the best, and he's willing to teach them both! riddle gets very confused at imprecise directions such as being told to use "a few" drops of food coloring on the syrup or to drizzle "a little" white chocolate over it, and keeps asking trey exactly how much he should use. floyd thinks this is adorable. he also thinks it's adorable when riddle tries to scold him for ignoring half of trey's directions and just doing whatever he thinks sounds good.
riddle's never done a horror movie marathon before, or even seen any halloween movies in general? floyd insists that they marathon at least 3 movies together. after the experiences he had at the haunted house, riddle doesn't think he'll enjoy horror movies, but he tries to keep his cool throughout the first one anyway... which does not work out, because he really can't handle jumpscares or excessive gore. during the first movie they watch, floyd (who loves slasher films so much that he laughs and cheers every time the monster gets a kill) is happy to let his goldfishie cuddle up to him and grip onto his arm to keep himself from knocking the popcorn bowl onto the floor, but you know that once it's over riddle is getting teased relentlessly about how scared he was. floyd decides to be nice and put on something tamer for their next two movies, and riddle actually ends up really enjoying coraline and especially beetlejuice.
by the end of the night riddle realizes that they've stayed up way too late at night and a small part of him wants to scold floyd for keeping him up so late, insisting on having him do all of these silly activities and eat all of these terribly unhealthy snacks. another part of him wishes he could scold his mother for keeping him from doing any of these things as a kid, with his friends and the other kids in his hometown, the way you're supposed to do it... and another part of him still is just incredibly happy and grateful to floyd for finally giving him the chance.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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heartslabyul is in shambles. if u even care.
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llondonfog · 1 year
Hi!! Feel free to ignore, but I was just thinking about kid silver being adorable AND Halloween because of the upcoming event...and this thought was born—
(This is so long I'm sorry 😭😭)
So, Silver gets de-aged (bear with me here lol)—maybe due to a potions mishap or a spell gone wrong, it doesn't matter which. It's during Halloween week, so everyone's kinda frazzled due to everything being set up, etc. Lilia gets called to deal with it while Crewel tries to figure out a counter-potion/spell wears off because nobody can get in touch with Malleus, and therefore goes to Diasomnia's vice to help take care of Silver (not knowing that they're father & son).
Silver spots Lilia and yells "Papa!" while running to hug Lilia—while Lilia tries to cover up what Silver said. Regardless, he still picks Silver up and cuddles him—he's a silly old man who loves his kid, who can blame him?
Anyway, kid Silver hijinks ensue: running off with the animals on campus, taking naps surrounded by deer, birds, squirrels, etc., calling Malleus "big brother" and Lilia "papa" while around other Diasomnia students (they wouldn't say anything, because Malleus looks so endeared by the little human and Lilia glares and hisses *unknowingly* at any of them who DARE to interrupt their family).
Silver sees Sebek and looks back at Lilia. He's like, "Why did you make him so tall?? Papa, change him back, please!" *cue puppy eyes* he genuinely thinks Lilia pranked him. As much as Sebek says that he dislikes Silver's behavior, he's actually the one to take him everywhere. "You shouldn't miss so much school, Silver! I won't let you besmirch Waka-sama's good name!"
OK, but back to Halloween—Silver dresses up as a knight, or a prince. Maybe a unicorn??? DRAGON?? Any of them are cute tbh. Anyway, they end up going to each dorm to trick or treat (on Halloween night ofc) and Silver charms everyone, because he's Silver. Then, you have Lilia behind him just being the creepiest little demon fae you've ever had the misfortune to see...
As they're going to one of the dorms to get more candy, Silver sees another kid pouting at the lack of candy said dorm has, and their meager amount. Silver, despite having only a few more pieces himself, gives the kid most of his, and gives the other kid a hug. "There, there, you can have some of mine."
Honestly, you can do whatever you want with this, but I'd love to see this written out more coherently, if you want lol
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I NEED more kid Silver being cute and adorable and pure!! He deserves to be cuddled by his family and to eat candy :D
oh my goodness, this whole entire prompt was adorable and thank you for practically writing the premise into my inbox!! i'm not sure this is coherent.....or cuddly....but my mood with lilia has been in a pretty introspective place for sometime so i do hope you find something to enjoy :')
(and i did end up keeping that paragraph after so many of you seemed to like it akaldjll what do i know about anything)
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for a fae as long-lived as he, the concept of time is an ephemeral thing. one does not count the years in a decade nor the decades in a century; a fae knows time by the erosion of a mountainside, by the loneliness of an abandoned settlement, or even by the chance meeting of a human wearing the face of another long since passed. 
silver fills his arms, helmet askew and heavy with satisfied slumber, and lilia feels the ache of every day that has gone by since he was last able to cradle his son so tenderly in his embrace. 
he may be the only fae that now minds his days by the sharpening of his son’s features, a change emerging far too quick and now, strangely, unwelcome.
beside him, serene, the heir apparent to the valley of thorns— looking most pleased himself in their resplendent costumes so artfully reminiscent of the admirable long, yet any dignified mysticism is rendered charmed by the plastic pumpkin bucket clutched in his crimson-tipped claws, brimming with brightly wrapped candy. the overflow is nearly double the amount given to the visiting children, even with silver eagerly dispensing his sugary treasures to any who asked, for no dorm had been able to resist his solemn request coupled with those adorably drowsy eyes and plastic sword when he had so politely asked for one piece more so that their prince might experience trick or treating for the first time. not wanting to be the dorm known for stiffing the fae heir on the most magic-blessed night of them all, both toddling knight and noble dragon walked away, tiny hand in careful claw, with a bounty piled high between them and matching smiles on their twin eager faces. 
lilia had been so torn over which to get a photo of first, cheeks aching from stifling his laughter; the vulnerable delight on malleus’ face as silver so kindly presented him with his share of candy, or sebek’s ill-disguised fussing as silver’s sword had slipped from its sheath to drag across the ground. 
what kindness to be able to share such precious memories with them once again.
what cruelty to remind him of what would disappear tomorrow morning, crewel’s antidote ready and waiting for them in the dorm. 
“...i can see why silver enjoyed such a night of festivity and why he spoke on those memories with you so fondly,” malleus’ reflective tone scatters his wandering thoughts, leaving him to pull his focus back to the present with no small amount of difficulty. “I wish i could have participated in the revelry, but i understand now why you might not have invited me, lilia. the presence of their prince would have dampened any carefree spirits, and i would not have wanted to spoil the fun.”
a wry smile tugs at his lips at malleus’ inaccurate assessment, crooked and out of place, and he can feel the prince’s gaze weighty upon him with surprise, brows furrowing and lips parting with the question on his tongue— 
there had been no such festivities, no happily shrieking village children for silver to scamper among, sharing in the night’s delights and trickery with all the innocence of youth. 
there had only been an old fool of a general, taking it upon himself to fumble through the recreation of a human spectacle, for no other reason than he could not bear the sight of the boy’s features even mildly unhappy. 
he might have wondered how far he could have fallen to find himself repeatedly affecting surprise as he opens the door time and time again to a giggling child, but he knows better now; he had always been steeped in a miserable, lonesome darkness, and to nurture the vulnerable child curled into his chest was to bask in an undeserving light. 
without consent, his arms tighten around the slumbering boy in his arms, and malleus is wise enough not to comment. 
“I do wonder if silver will be able to remember tonight’s events,” lilia comments lightly as they continue their walk to the dorm, seemingly apropos of nothing and unbothered by the watchful gaze of his young companion. 
and he wonders which is more selfish; to wish it so, to have his son’s head filled with such saccharine-sweet dreams of a proper halloween as only a sweet and darling boy like none other deserves— or to cling to the lonely truth of the past, in which a bruised and battered soldier finds a purpose too kind for his bloodied hands in protecting that high and clear laughter of his child, delighting over and over again in the simple fact of his father opening the door.
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nrc-asteryn-crew · 1 month
A hard and jagged, yet sort of cylindrical piece of debris rattles down a wall, its puppeteer exerting substantial amounts of force to push it down, yet its sound not seeming quite real under a nearby commotion.
In its trail, is left a faint line, positioned alongside two others, and another ten or so groups of five.
A harsh sigh rings out.
"It don't ev'n bloody mark properly. What a fuckin' waste."
They huff dejectedly, bitterness swirling in their tone, their irritancy palpable in the air. He stays, breathing audibly for a short moment, before he stills.
They breathe out, before crashing to the ground suddenly, legs collapsing out from under them. Tears well up in their eyes and continue to fall, even as they jerk a hand up to wipe at them furiously, before giving up all together.
Sobs continue to wrack their body, continuing to echo out, yet reaching no one.
It was silent and dark by the time they lifted themselves back up again.
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ta-bajna-cerna-okybaca · 10 months
Now that I finally got to play TWST diasomnia chapter 1 myself, I'm gonna need everyone who said Malleus was a baby throwing a tantrum for no reason to pay me 2000 dollars each
#twst#twisted wonderland#yes it did take me until the second to last day of the new chapter event to finish book 6 what of it#in my defense i had no good leona&jamil cards for chapters 66 and 67‚ i'm glad i managed to do it at all. robe malleus carried the team <3#anyways! i haven't seen this take in a while but i remember it popping up a lot earlier this year when we got diasomnia on the jp server#as a member of the malleus defense squad i can't bear all this slander and now i have proof it's baseless#his overblot is one of the most justified ones??? what do you mean no reason#He's already established to be constantly left out and lonely because of it#And now he gets hit with the triple whammy of 1) realizing his fellow students' mortality after book 6#2) learning that his father figure is dying and in one week fucking off to fantasy china to live out his retirement without him#3) his best friend the MC telling him they found a way to un-isekai themself#Maybe he could have weathered one of those‚ but all three at the same time?#Poor guy stood no chance‚ those are hits straight into the trauma#Of course he's gonna have a breakdown! It's not his fault breakdowns in twisted wonderland come with a side of destructive berserking#And to be fair from what i've heard in spoilers all he did was put the whole school to sleep he didn't even destroy all that much#like yes putting everyone to sleep so they can live forever and never leave him is not a healthy reaction#but this is Unhealthy Reactions The School it's not like he's such an outlier in that#leave my boy alone 😭#excuse my ranting i'm just insane about twisted wonderland and malleus specifically
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nemisisnemi · 6 months
hi...it's been a little while? here's a leona im working on
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sorry i haven't been posting, i got sucked into another fandom for a hot sec after playing a new game
hate the laces, it's the bane of my existence
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jovieinramshackle · 7 months
So Tsum Azul ahahhahahaha...
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He is literal perfection he is EVERYTHING who even is "real Azul" I only know tsum Azul
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