#This shall be my one mainly fluffy au
2-sleepy-for-this · 2 years
Our little brother au
Babes wake up, new au just dropped
I know I’ve already got aus I haven’t even written for yet but this one must be added to the list
the main plot is that its Neapolitan bros centric. Techno and Wilbur are twins that live together in an apartment because they’re both in college. They both have normal lives, or as normal as a stressed college student can get, and other than missing their dad, Phil, who lives hours away, life is great.
until they hear the crying.
both curious, the two brothers go check it out only to find a small creature.
it had golden curls and the brightest blue eyes, but what they really noticed was it looked no older than five.
it- they seemed almost completely human, except for size and some other more animalistic features.
and…they were crying, calling out for someone but based on how rough he looked, it seemed that person wouldn’t answer.
Wilbur and techno looked at each other, techno gave a silent nod, Wilbur stepped out into their line of vision.
the creatu- the young boy took notice of him and only seemed to cry harder, backing himself into a corner and curling up.
“hey…it’s okay little guy”
sooo, thoughts? If you have any questions about this or other aus my ask box is always open ! (´∀`)
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
Brooooo a part three AND with Papyruses?! They deserve more love and I shall give it to them✨ (Warning: A little spicy up ahead!)
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o! (Pt.3 with Papyruses✨)
* Ah yes the lazy carrot himself. With his chill nature could he be too lazy to think lewd things?! Well of course he can- he’s the type of…..closeted pervert? Like he is not gonna outright do anything or say anything unless it’s on the down low- other than that, he might be generally too lazy to do it…..or a little shy surprisingly.
* You probably randomly find out when you wore a nice tight shirt. With a whole amount of cleavage that leaves nothing much for the imagination- and he is staring respectfully…..a lot. If you catch him, he’ll just chuckle and shrug like yeah yah got me. Though he does get a little sheepish and looks away blushing.
* In private, he’s actually quite a big snuggle bug. He don’t care if he’s the big or little spoon. Heh mainly because he could either have your tits on his back as the little spoon or tits in his hands like stress balls as the big spoon. Plus he gets cuddles and possible smooches? He’s in heaven✨
* Now does he tease you in public? Ooooh boy. He’ll tease you via puns- seriously he’ll probably make you smack him or laugh. Maybe both- “Hey babe. Am I the breast guy you ever loved?✨” “Babe please-“ “Woah Calm your tits- I just found a cup for us *Shows coffee cup with a honey bee on it* Damn sorry It’s a b-cup-“ “BABE-“
* He’s just a silly guy who loves you very much……and no he’s not going to run out of boob jokes-
* Now NORMALLY I ask if this AU variant is capable of being lewd. But- this guy is so GODdamn HORNY, he broke that continuity in these headcanons- don’t get me wrong! He has his cute moments. But nah we don’t need to even ASK if he does bruh-
* And I highly doubt you take him to public without wearing a baggy sweatshirt- because I know the first time you tried wearing Y’know something regular that shows your outline, he was clinging onto you. Either face nuzzling your chest, or pulling you close by your waist, your chest directly pressed against him. Hell will the sweatshirt REALLY help-?
* In private he’s more like a cute cuddly puppy, snuggling you and asking for headpats. He even whines like one and if you don’t he has the cutest puppy dog eyes. And honestly it’s quite a sweet moment. He’s also the type of guy who requires a lot of trust so to see him unwind and be this affectionate is really rewarding. Though let’s be honest he can turn this from sweet fluffy moment to having you two break the headboard after having fun in the sheets~ If you in the mood? Oh he’ll take you there-
* Teasing? Absolutely. And very blunt teasing too- like from tell you how pretty you’d look with love bites all around……to straight up GRIPPING a booba with no hesitation- mans gives no fucks- might have to drag him to somewhere private before he does something right then and there. But he’ll apologize right after! “Sorry babe….I just can’t resist you. I love you so much!” ……you can’t stay mad at him can you? 😏
* Overall he really is your cute puppy dog✨
Papyrus (The Classic✨in case there is confusion-):
* Well……I’ll be damned. He actually had me stumped- but ok ok. Can this literal ball of sunshine be anyway lewd? My answer? I’d say……surprisingly yes? But very very vanilla- like he’s a grown ass Skellie, of course he’d be attracted. But it’s so damn innocent and sweet.
* Seriously in public he can’t help but smile and compliment you because he thinks you are the most beautiful person he’s ever seen- he tries not to get easily flustered because he’s The Great Papyrus! He’s supposed to make YOU feel flattered! Though the way he stares at your booba and looks away apologizing profusely, I think you feel flattered already.
* In private, nothing is better than cuddling with your S/o after training all day. But please let him know it’s ok to lay on your chest. He always hesitates. But once he gets comfortable, he’ll be a cuddly bean, skull resting upon your booba✨ he even gets curious, wondering why they are JUST like pillows! He also gets surprisingly romantic and leaves praises and kisses all over you, saying all the bits he loves about you. If he ain’t careful, things will take a steamy turn with you two~
* A lovely cinnamon roll who is always ready to shower you in love! And we can all agree: very adorable✨
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Okay okay okay okay
Explain how this upper and lower class district stuff works. Are people like hybrids considered higher on the social scale or is it that you have money therefore you are higher up?
And you said that sbi are like sorta famous? TELL ME HOW AND WHY!!! I need detailsssssssssssss!!!
And you said Wilbur was working on a device when he got shrunk. What device 👀
And are borrowers known in this world? If yes am assuming they're just considered to be like pests as you said but I'd like to clarify
And what are the borrowers like in your world? Are they more human or animalistic? Which I follow with when Tommy shifts does he retain any of his borrower features?
and will Tommy ever remember where he got the size shifting device from?
Yes yes yes yes let’s see here
The world is falling apart. Moon’s been used for stellar energy, and the planet this takes place on is a trading hub for a lot of stuff. Everyone poor wants to get off, everyone rich can, but doesn’t because they are doing just fine.
Lower districts are where all the stealing, fighting, black market trading, etc, happens. It’s dangerous to live there.
The higher districts are orderly, safe, high on protection, though you can only live there if you have enough money.
Thing is, sbi thinks everyone is doing just fine. That the lower districts are being protected and are perfectly safe.
There are two different kinds of hybrids. The ones who look like animals entirely, but have human intelligence and walk on two legs, etc, and the ones who only have distinct hybrid traits, but a more human body. Philza is type two as a crow hybrid, Techno is type one as a Piglin hybrid, and though you can barely tell, Wilbur is type two as a phantom hybrid.
Hybridity is discriminated against in some parts of the world, though not all, and then it’s especially type one, making it harder for that type to get jobs and money. Techno was lucky with Phil.
There’s also a lot of demand in the black market for rare hybrids, like mythical creatures, because of their… parts. Hybrids have a special thing inside them that combines their human and animal traits. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less of one or the other, which sums up how there’s two different types.
People want that stuff, it can be used in lots of valuable potions, spells, experiments, etc. And the more powerful hybrid…. Yeah.
So it’s more money based, I suppose.
The sbi are very powerful, having loads of money and being very strong hybrids. Phil was born into the rich life, and made a very very successful company that was supposed to help people everywhere on the planet, though he may have gotten gaslighted…
The poorer districts also think he’s helping them, therefore he’s famous there as well as the upper class districts.
Wilbur was trying to replicate a device he gave to a friend…. work it out work it out work it ou-
Borrowers aren’t exactly open knowledge, though many people (especially in the lower districts) know, or have at least heard of them.
They mainly live in the lower districts, because it’s messier, there’s more chaos to escape into, the odds are more on their side.
It is very likely you will get something stolen from a borrower in your time in the lower district.
Like all my borrower designs, it depends. It matters on the breed, place, etc. Some have sharper claws, are more furry, and have tails or animal like ears, or have sharper eyesight, or have wings, or a combination, or etc.
Tommy is like Munchkin! :D love me some big fluffy ears and tail
And maybe he shall... Yes he will work it out spot the hints
Taglist under cut! :D (it’s really short but if you want to be added tell me!)
@i-am-beckyu, @brick-a-doodle-do, @da3dm thank you for wanting to be tagged!!
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theweirdestroller · 6 months
Headcanons Pt 2 - Star Sanses
Part two of this headcanon saga! If anyone here knows me from my time on Wattpad, a lot of this may be new to you. I actually used to favor this trio before I looked deeper into Ink and Dream. I would like to say my opinions on the Apple Incident now look less like "wtf Dream, why weren't you a better brother???" and more like "wtf village, those are six-year-olds. Leave them alone." To be fair, I typically write the incident with the twins nearing their teens. So, y'know. But canonically, they're both like, six. Anyway! Stars, you're up! It's your turn on the headcanon chopping block! (they're all sympathetic btw)
Really good at drawing but can't write a simple story to save his life
Actually pretty good at sewing. He can not only repair clothing, but make his own
Uses he/they pronouns but doesn't really understand gender. Blue has tried to explain it, but Ink just can't grasp the concept. Or forgets. It might actually be that he keeps forgetting
Despite being horrible at reading others' emotions, he's very good at making and keeping friends. It could be the general joy and carefree attitude he has, but people just really like him
So, with the paints, Ink is supposed to have a bit of each. And most of the time he does. But much like some people ignore certain feelings to cope, Ink will refuse to drink blue or red on certain days because he doesn't want to put up with those feelings if something happens to make them flare up
Has a severe case of leukophobia. He likes painting on his and his friends' bones because of this, but does not explain why
As much as he loves animals, he's scared to have a pet because he thinks he'll forget to take care of it
Despite all his fear of having a pet, he has raised multiple generations of butterflies! And has a pollinator garden
Much like Nightmare, Dream forgave Nim for everything. Much like the Gang, Ink and Blue don't agree
Doesn't know how the modern world works. Nightmare remained awake for the 500 years Dream was in stone and it shows. Dream doesn't understand modern tech, modern clothes, or modern slang. Barely understands what a laptop is much less how it works. Never seen a hoodie before, but now he must have ten. "And what, Ink, in the multiverse is a yeet?!" Nightmare likes teasing him for it. Nightmare watched technology and style and weird slang grow. He has a smartphone and regularly shows other people all the pictures of stupid things the Gang did
Can't stand the taste or smell of apples. Which is weird, because Nightmare can, but the Gang thinks he can't
Can't talk to people. If he gets past his nerves, he's really charismatic, but he'd rather die than approach someone first. This was not an issue when he was little, or even newly freed
Likes climbing things, mainly mountains and other tall landforms, but he'll join Cross in scaling random buildings or people sometimes
His magic feels like someone injected cotton candy into your soul. It's sweet and fluffy, sugary, but you know too much is bad for you
Okie dokie! The one normal one. He is the best cook out of the Stars. Just really good at following recipes
Has a pet, it's just Toby. Toby likes stealing Blue's attacks.
He has 20 HP, and it took so much training just to get there. He's also pretty good at dodging, but compared to other Sanses, he's not particularly skilled
Feels like he doesn't belong in the Stars. He'll walk into an AU next to literal gods and everyone's cheering. For all three of them. Doesn't really know what to do about these feelings
So, Blue's best friends are some of the strongest Sanses alive. And he regularly has to battle with their stupidity. This makes him incredibly intolerant to stupid/arrogant/idiotic people. He will call people out on rude behavior, bullying, or other such things. A lot of people love him for this. A lot of people, who I shall refer to as Karens, hate him for this.
I need to stress, Blue isn't mean to people, but you can't be a prick around him. He just won't put up with it, whether it affected him directly, or it just occurred near him
Despite being the only Sans out of the Gang and Stars that was younger than his Papyrus, he probably acts more like a fun yet responsible big brother than anyone else
And there are the Stars! I realized I never spat my stupid Hogwarts Sorting list and reasonings behind it, and I must do that next. Because Blue is a Gryffindor. And he's the only one of these three. So I'll do my sorting next, before moving on to other Sanses.
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huntingrays · 3 years
i love making headcanons about fic ideas i have that i will eventually get around to writing
like my metamorphmagus!harry, seer!ron, and veela!seamus au
gonna post my headcanons so people get interested and urge me to finish the first chapter of the fic yeye
- harry always thought the power to change appearance was something all wizards and witches have (he was wrong)
- he can’t control his powers very well so his appearance mainly changes based on his emotions
- the only disguise he can really pull off is a kid with brown eyes, fluffy brown hair, light freckles, and pale skin
- when in this form, he pretends he’s a hufflepuff named soot (everyone somehow believes it)
- he learns how to control his powers from a fellow student who is also a metamorphmagus (an oc of mine) and from tonks
- they also teach him how to be an excellent prankster
- ron is a seer but only gets visions in his dreams
- he had a lot of bad dreams when he was younger and always went to percy
- percy researched it when he got to hogwarts and found out what he was
- he ended up telling ron in his third year
- dream seers are very rare, and he’s only one bc one of their ancestors was one
- but ron still also has normal dreams. and after finding out has had fake prophecy dreams
- some of his prophecy dreams are dreams about movies muggles will end up making. which make him freak out and his friends have to calm him down (really, there’s going to be no sharknado and they don’t even live in busan so why would they have to worry about train zombies there?)
- he accidentally gives dean and hermione muggle movie spoilers all the time (“my parents said we can watch star wars after i’m done with third year” “did you know they darth vader is luke skywalker’s father???” “… hermione hold me back-”
- the worst prophecies are the ones where there are two different outcomes and he doesn’t know how to get the better outcome
seamus (i have a lot about him buckle up):
- seamus is half veela, with his mom being one. she died giving birth to him so seamus never met her
- he has some trauma from his father, so he can’t control his veela fire powers, which is what causes him to light things on fire and blow stuff up. it’s usually caused by strong emotions
- when he was five, he blew up his house, which ended up with him meeting his new mom. after hearing his story, she immediately adopted him and took him home
- he’s gay and also trans bc i said so hah (he realized he was trans at a very young age, his magic body pointed out something was wrong and that was what it was. he was very happy when his letter used his new name)
- his mom looked through his mom’s side of the family and often took him to meet veela relatives. he and fleur became quick friends and she pretty much adopted him and told him all about veela powers
- veela only have biologically female children, it’s very rare to have a male veela child. nobody knows why
- veela have fire powers but also charm powers. however, these powers only work according the the user’s sexuality. so straight females will only attract female attracted males, lesbians will only attract female attracted people, and so on
- also the charm powers are wild until you learn to control them, which is usually at the age of maturity. seamus always had a hunch he was gay, especially when his childhood friend (yet another oc) kissed him on the cheek before he left
- however, charm power’s have absolutely no effect on your soulmate. sure, they find you attractive, but you can’t just get them to do whatever you wish through your powers. bill is fleur’s soulmate and seamus was very pleased to find out and go to their wedding
- however his own soulmate caused him problems. because it ended up being dean but he just thought the other boy was straight
- he accidentally ended up being harry’s bi awakening
- he has fluffy sandy blond hair with white streaks through it (and also very pretty blue eyes and light freckles bc i said soooo)
- he wants to be healer and is actually incredibly good at healing magic
- he and harry end up dating for a bit in sixth year (bc if the whole ginny dean thing. they break up after the other two do. they actually became really close friends bc of it)
- seamus knew he liked dean all the way back in third year but it took so long for dean to realize he liked seamus
- seamus’s mom ended up splitting with his dad a bit after he was adopted. in the fifth year, he got close to blaise but that ended up being bc their moms were getting married, so they wanted to get to know each other better. blaise is v protective of his new step bro
- listen… i love seamus… ik he’s just a side character… but not to me!!!
- it takes them having eighth year for dean to finally realize he has feelings for seamus. and he only realized bc they were having a tri wizard tournament and he got jelly bc of seamus getting close with his old childhood best friend
okay that’s all i got hah
ik it long… but i like this idea and have had it for like… a few years? if i finish the first chapter, i shall post
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stonerbughead · 3 years
writing tag game
finally getting around to this! thanks to @acenancy @thetaoofbetty @iconic-ponytail @imreallyloveleee and @satelliteinasupernova for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19! when did that happen?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
555,869 holy yep
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
on AO3, only 2–riverdale + my one nancy drew cw nace fic! however back in the ~day on FF.net I wrote for Harry Potter and I def wrote a Zoey 101 fic too L O L
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Exhale (stoner bughead college AU with demi jug)
if it feels like a home (canon divergent bughead getting back together fic with a SEVEN YEAR TIME JUMP I DID IT FIRST @ RVD WRITERS)
betty, it’s legitimately cold outside (snowed in bughead christmas oneshot. aww this was my first holiday bughead fic)
do you like or like like me? (my class of ‘12 high school bughead field hockey AU)
love in the time of coronavirus (the omg they were quarantined fic I wrote from march-june 2020)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yesss! comments make my heart soar, and i love to reply to them and especially to take the time to respond in depth to longer comments. also, as a comment-leaver i like seeing replies when people get around to it! which leads me to my next point...often it takes me forever to reply but i always get there eventually!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i don't do angsty endings bc i personally am writing fanfic for happy endings tbh but i WILL say the biggest angsty cliffhanger i've ever left my readers on was the end of ch 3 in do you like or like like me? i intended to go only a week between ch 3 and 4 but then didn't...so that's probably the angstiest i've ever left bughead if that makes sense lol
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
hmm, i feel like all my stories have happy endings! but maaaaaybe a merry little retail christmas, since they end up with their own bookstore and jughead proposing to a very surprised betty in said bookstore as he reveals they own it?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
does my riverdale O.C. AU count as a crossover? bc if so then yes. also i really want to do a nace/bughead crossover at some point. @heartunsettledsoul and i have discussed this a tiiiiny bit but nothing specific.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not hate exactly, but i have gotten people kind of bluntly asking me to include particular characters in a fic that are either a) already in the tags or b) not in the tags for a reason, and that's not...my favorite thing, ngl.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes, yes i do! i guess i'm usually solidly in the M side of things rather than the E side, and it's typically equal parts horny and fluffy since it's always between characters who are ~in loooove! i did write a kink week oneshot entirely as an ode to the Satisfyer, a sex toy i highly recommend to anyone who owns a clit.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of! so god i hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
bughead, for sure. see the 18 fics / thousands on thousands of words i've written about them. and the podcast (@bodysuitsforbughead) i put their name in the title of!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
eek okay so it's ~possible~ i'll never finish love in the time of coronavirus bc idk if i want to/am capable of going back to that headspace of early pandemic but A L S O i maybe will? chapter 8, the only unfinished chapter, is supposed to be a time jump epilogue so you never know, an idea might inspire me to write it at some point in the future! maybe it's meant to be written at a point in the future that's ~actually post pandemic, you know? we shall see.
What’s your writing strengths?
oh god, this is a hard one. i feel like i'm good at dialogue? it's hard to self evaluate!
What’s your writing weaknesses?
describing people!!! why am i so bad at it? i'll never know. however i do think it's part of the appeal of fanfic for me, bc everyone kinda already knows what characters look like so you can get away with the least amount of physical character description more so than original fic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't really know any other languages besides English besides some rudimentary/faded italian and the amount of spanish you get in middle school, but if the character calls for it, like a stray Lodge family "mija" and such, i do that? but i think it's super cool when others who are bilingual, multilingual, etc. incorporate other languages!
What’s the first fandom you wrote for?
WAIT lmao @iconic-ponytail my answer is identical to yours: Harry Potter on fanfiction.net. For me, which is apparently unpopular in our fandom, it was all about Romione.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
hands down, do you like or like like me? it just captured a lot of things i've always wanted for high school bughead in that fic AND the process allowed me to get out a lot of angst and nostalgia about my high school years, which was super cathartic. and the fact that i seem to have produced something that a lot of people could relate to as former nerdy teen girls makes me really happy. Exhale is a close second favorite, and probably mainly because i have a lot of anxiety attached to Exhale bc i never update it as fast as ppl want me to.
i'm late to the party so idk who has or hasn't done this yet, but i guess i'll tag some writer friends who *didn't* tag me? lmao @heartunsettledsoul @literatiruinedme @bugheadsextape @sullypants @fallout-mars @go-ldy
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fact-fictionx · 3 years
Tumblr media
Bridgerton University AU by @hallownight89 [A03] & @fact-fictionx [girlwiththeredballoon AO3]
Oxford University is a Bridgerton hub; for as long as they can remember, every Bridgerton went to Oxford. With Edmund and Violet's children beginning to grow up and settle into their future, join them as they follow in their parents footsteps and attempt to navigate family, friends, studying, and love.
Character bios: [Anthony] [Benedict] [Simon] [Kate] [Sophie]
*disclaimer. we are not latin speakers, the title is up to interpretation from many different google searches and reddit forums, but we like it. Q&A with the authors Ash & May under the cut 🥰
When are we getting it?
A: our boys birthday!!! M: SUNDAY 4TH JULY!!
I'm a Benedict sucker/lover/obsessed so...how much Benedict?
A: Have you met us…? Like 90% of our blogs are Benedict 😂 M: You and me both… so ALL OF IT. lol jk jk in all seriousness, Benedict will be in one of the main couples that we will explore in the first story.
Will the storylines be a little like the books?
A: the core essence of the stories yes but it’s modern so expect some changes and expect the unexpected M: somethings will be inspired from the storylines, other things taken from our chaotic brains. We have taken liberty with some ages & age gaps, and maybe given Violet a few less pregnancies 👀
Whom that mainly focuses on?
A: little bits of everyone one. The bios you’ve already seen will be the main focus to start with… M: Bit of everyone really. It’s a series, the first story will focus mainly on those we’ve already introduced.
Will there be other ships too? Like saphne, Polin or are they going to be just backstory?
A: it’s hopefully going to be a lovely nice mix of everything as we go through the ages... M: Yes, we have currently (partially) planned all couples up to Francesca, but they wont all appear at once (you guys do know it’s all just gonna be Benophie right < thats a joke)
Can’t wait to see your university AU - please say there will be a university ball or something similar where Kate will blow Anthony’s mind with her amazing outfit
A: it’s something that if it fits with the story we’d look to do…so maybe 🤷‍♀️who knows M: maybe, it’s not something we’ve really thought of, but will definitely look into it. Can’t say there was many stunning people at my sports ball but 👀
How many chapters are you doing?
A: ha given our planning document and ideas… god knows. M: no idea - but the plan is to currently split the university years into separate fic, all going under one series, so it hopefully will be easier to navigate for the future.
Will each sibling have a separate story?
A: stories will be told and weaved but it won’t be separate. They will intermingle M: if you mean like the books, no.
Who is your favourite character by now?
A: oooooo now that would be telling. M: Someone I cannot disclose…
How often chapters will appear?
A: once a week at a minimum we both work full time. May has Uni and I have a PT job and we have other series we do separate and prompts so… depends on how we are feeling but at least once M: Hopefully once a week - maybe twice if we’re feeling nice, maybe none if we’re completely bogged down
Will we see more characters than the ones you have already introduced us to?
A: definitely… like I said… expect the unexpected 😂😂 M: ALL OF THEM (well not all… but there will be more characters)
Hey when is your new fanfiction (the one you collaborated) is coming? Will it come after you've completed your All Fair and Wildest Dreams ?
A: As we’ve said above its coming 4th July so no. I shall still be working on All’s Fair and Wildest Dreams annnnd Baby Bridgertons and the prompts I get (i’m insane I know) oh and the other little pices of work I have on my “to write” list… AF is starting to come to a close anyway and WD will be winding down as well… but i have little one shots planned May will still be working on Poison and Wine and The Core of You as well, which if you’ve not read I highly recommend!
What are somethings you'd like to say about your fic?
A: If you all hate it… and don’t get all soft and squishy in parts then well I’m just gonna quit writing. M: if you guys all hate it, I’m going to be sad, so just pretend to like it ye?
Like are Saphne already a couple or will they be but the fic won't mention it
A: All will be revealed as we go... M: let’s just say there’s only one couple when we start off
Are the dad's alive?
A: We’re doing flashbacks, adorable cuteness and all the rest of it… M: they’ll be featured in our story, flashbacks and all that jazz
Will your new fan fic be very angsty?🥺
A: this is us… it’ll have a bit of EVERYTHING M: um maybe, fluffy, angsty, smutty, all of the above
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doveriathegoddess · 3 years
The following fic is from @chiquitabanana5 NSR Beauty and the Beast AU, which has her oc Valentina involved in this fic interacting with my ocs if they were part of the AU. This is not canon in her au, but rather something I made for fun since I like her au so much :3
This was also inspired by @i-used-to-wear-the-fedora and their current writing of the NSR Beauty and the Beast AU fanfiction, so be sure to go check out their blog :D
Anyway with that being said, it's time for some:
Magic of Nature
This takes place shortly after the Enchantress bestowed her curse upon the half of Vinyl City and NSR, so now we see the start of the aftermath, where some animals of the forest consider the curse to be a bit much...
The Enchantress made her way out of the area she just cursed to the forest, looking a bit pleased at what she had done. At least the corrupt individuals that ran NSR would be taught a valuable lesson that was for sure. A group of animals looked on in awe, before going over to the Enchantress in excitement as they yipped and chirped.
"That was so cool Valentina!" A maroon colored porcupine known as Singel by her animal friends happily spoke as she looked up at the Enchantress, "You gotta show us how you did that!"
"I'd say, these NSR Artists or whatever you call them get what they deserve. Hoarding survival necessities so that lesser beings end up fending for themselves, at least we animals have decency." Percy, a wolf with light grey fur with sharp blue eyes spoke as he was sitting, using his hind leg to scratch at his ear.
Axle, a dark purple owl fluttered and landed on the Enchantress' shoulder, before she gave the bird soft pets on her head. "Now I can finally fly around properly at night. Those lights from that city were bright enough to almost make me sleep at night, and I'm nocturnal!" The owl spoke as the Enchantress giggled, before she bent down to pet Gypsy, a magenta colored raccoon with black stripes that didn't speak much but liked being with her friends nonetheless.
"Yippee!" A large, fluffy, pink nine tailed fox tackled Valentina to the ground as Alxe quickly flew away to Percy, before gently licking her face as she giggled. "Olive- you're always energetic are you?" The Enchantress asked as she petted the creature's head, while Olive nuzzled her hand before getting away so she could get up. "My work here is done for now, so I'll see you all around." Valentina said as the group of animals watched starting to leave, before a voice spoke up.
"Aren't you being a bit harsh on the city and it's people Valentina?"
The Enchantress paused in her tracks before she and the other animals quickly turned around to see Artemis, a large white grizzly bear that was also soft of fur, and at heart too when it came to creatures from outside the forest. "What are you on about Artemis? You know they deserved it for their corruption." Percy spoke up as he looked at the bear, while she only gazed back at the Enchantress even though her fur covered her eyes, "Even if they did deserve it for their corruption, it leaves another half of the city without any main source of power, and that half will only weaken until everyone and everything there fades away."
"I don't want the humans to die!" Olive cried with a whimper as her 9 pink fox tails all flapped around in distress, her violet eyes close to crying. "Calm down Olive, no human is going to die." Valentina said while patting the 9 tailed fox on the head to reassure her, before looking over at the great white bear as she made her way over to her.
"My curse is nothing to powerful, but it does require a strong force to break it, which is love of course. If it makes you feel any better, then perhaps you could help me guard the forest and this half of Vinyl City from outside forces that might attempt to bring harm to it, which may or may not happen, but it could give you all something to do in the meantime until the spell is broken." Valentina spoke, as the bear took it into consideration before agreeing to the suggestion. "I'm sure it will ease my nerves a bit about the whole thing." Artemis replied a moment later, much to the unease of her other animal friends as they all looked at each other, wondering what Valentina had in store for them guarding the forest.
"Very well then. I'll even use my magic to make it easier for you to further interact with the forest and the other half of the city." Valentina said before her eyes glowed, as she casted her special spell on her animal friends.
"I give you the power to go even further, and perhaps further with feeling
As you shall be indeed your animal self during the say, but at night you shall become somewhat human
With your beastly traits lingering about to aid your nightly self,
While this spell with break once the curse does, a word of warning I do advise:
For if you ever fall in love with a human creature and your love is received back, then your wild self will cease to exist as you become human too,
But only love will determine your true form by the time the sun rises in the dawn the next day,
Now my animal friends come hither and help me,
Protect this very land which I have cursed until the ones with love for those who have none break this solemn spell."
The spell of the animals the Enchantress casted upon became true as they remained their wild forms in the day, but at night became human with their animal traits lingering as part of their bodies. From there they watched as the roamed freely, waiting until an indie rock duo came by in the hopes of saving their home from possibly no power...
And that's it for this small fic :3
I hope you guys enjoy! I may consider writing more of these in the future, but for now we have a group of (technically cursed) animals from the forest now under the Enchantress' spell to become human at night, with the exception of them having animal ears, feathers, and fur too-
Like I stated before, this is not canon in the NSR Beauty and the Beast AU, this is mainly something I did for fun so if anything about this is inaccurate with the AU, don't flood my asks and DMs thanks-
Anyway that's all I gotta say, happy reading everyone!
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
I request a fluffy barbarian au where Bakugou is crushing on this thick, badass viking lady and shes like I will only marry you if you can beat me in a fight.
A/N: Anything for you bb(; I enjoyed writing this request, and just so y’all know I did some rough google translates for the words so don’t sure me if something’s wrong haha
Title: The Barbarian King
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
“Another weak man, who thinks he can beat our (y/n).”
The giggling females behind him as he passed only served to fuel his anger, the raging roses blooming across his cheeks causing their giggles to increase. These women didn’t care that he was a king, that didn’t matter to them here. Here was a town counted as a free for all trading market, and in the district, mainly vikings and other Nordics took place in this residence for trading and sales. Status here didn’t matter, your value as a tradesman and the quality of your products were the only things that did.
Katsuki had walked towards your area, seeing the way your broad back moved as you helped load a wagon of goods. He glanced at your face and saw a bead of sweat drip down your neck and below your collarbone down your shirt. However his gaze traveled back up to your face as you looked up at him through your lashes from your crouched position, you gave him a smirk as you looked away from his stare.
“What is it now, your terribleness?” You spoke out in the common language, lifting a large vase into the cart before smacking your hands together to get off the dust.
You turn to the man behind you, that teasing smile still on your face as you glanced over him. He was flashy for a Barbarian King, but you assumed that was the whole point. Furs lined his cape and boots, fine leather lined his legs for his pants as well as his belt and arm bands, and while he remained shirtless, his chest was covered in battle scars and intricate tribal tattoos. He was a fine man, maybe not as built as some of the men in your home village, but he was a sight to behold for sure.
“You know why I am here, leubh.”
“Is that so, Aldrnari? And what did I say about calling me leubh, hm?” 
Bakugou clicked his tongue at the nickname of flame in your native tongue, your teases doing nothing more but rile him up enough where he felt the burning of desire dance along his skin. 
That’s why he was here after all.
“I do not like to repeat myself, leubh. You are going to accept my bindan, yes.” 
You hummed while you turned away from him, speaking in your tongue to the trader who you were making the sale with before getting your dirhems. You thanked the trader once more for his business before he walked off, and only then did you turn back to the adonis ruler, who had only starred as he awaited your response. 
“Your terribleness, I already told you I am not your love, your leubh. I have my rules-”
“Then I am willing to do what it takes, leubh. You shall be mine.” He growled out lowly, muscles twitching in anticipation to hold your toned body against his own.
Even if he had to beat you first.
You were packing your leather satchel with whatever little belongings you had brought, considering you had only come today with the items for your trade, and were preparing to endure the trek home. 
“Are you now, Aldrnari. I do not think you have what it takes to challenge me for my hand.”
Bakugou, now annoyed, snatched your wrist to make you face him as he was ignoring the constant flow of people walking by. You only stared at him in amusement, knowing you could break his wrist if you really felt threatened. 
This King wasn’t as fearful as everyone made him out to be, you could see the kitten soul underneath the lion’s exterior. You were interested in the man, surely you didn't know what lady wouldn’t be, but you had rules, morals. You had to keep true to yourself, and that was a man who could triumph in battle. You had no room for a man with a weak will. 
“I will challenge you because that is what you ask of me. I bow to no one but my kwoeniz, my queen, and that is what you shall be.”
You bite your lip to hide a smile, merely removing your wrist from his hold and placing your hand upon your waist instead. 
“You are certain of yourself, kǫttr.”
“Koh-tah?...” Bakugou blinked at you in confusion, eyebrows furrowed at the word he hadn’t heard you use before, butchering it with his dialect.
“Kǫttr. Baby cat, that is what you are.”
“Huh!? I am a kuningaz, a King. Not a kattuz. Wōd wíf.”
You laugh at his face, which was pulled into a frown, before walking down the path once more. You heard the rustling of his cloak and the clanking of his tribal birthright, the necklaces of fangs that hung from his neck as a warning, a name, an indication all at once. 
“I may be a ‘crazy woman’ as you say, but it is the truth. You are soft, sweet like a babe with the heart of a león, a fierce cat.” 
You both walked side by side as you walked down the path, enjoying the creek beside you and the whispering willows along the way. The sun would be setting shortly, giving you enough time to head home.
If it wasn’t for your stalker hot on your trail.
“I am fierce, yes. Loyal and true. It’s shall be my duty to protect you-”
You stopped suddenly, a snarl pulled at your lips as you pushed him away.
“Am I not able to protect myself, veslingr?” You hissed an insult in his face.
“That is not-”
“I may be a woman, but I am no means unable. Understand this well, Bakugou, I am not meant to be bound and be made a slave.”
He sighed, overall agitated with your stubbornness and failure to understand.
“Dúfa, you are as free as that in which I call you, Dove.”
“Gjof ser ae til gjalda.” 
“I do not understand, leubh.”
“A gift always looks for a return. You shall expect a service far lesser than what I deserve, Víkar.” You called his title in your language as you spit on the ground, a bit disrespectful but he had insulted your pride.
You would not let that go.
His glare did not waver, as neither did yours. The tension was thick, you swore there were sparks in between the both of you, bright enough to blind and hot enough to scar. 
“Let us settle this then, (y/n), we shall fight. When I win, you shall accept bindan, our binding. No going back on your word.” 
You looked up at his towering form, staring down through your nose with narrowed eyes.
“I never go back on my word, that I can say with honor. You know how I feel about honor, Aldrnari.”
“Yes, to be without silver is better than to be without honor. You have said so many times, leubh. Come now, I have not all day.” His wickedly cocky grin spread across his face as he crouched low, preparing to strike.
You only clicked your tongue back, going into your own fighting stance. The wind blew by, and your eyes narrowed in signal. You jumped up, landing powerful blows onto his large arms as he staggered back from the force. You grew annoyed however, only seeing the powerful man defending.
“You are not attacking, Bakugou! Do you think so little of me!?” 
You kicked his stomach, sending him flying back as you tried to regain control of your emotions FIghting with anger was like fighting with the intent to die, and that’s what you were trying to avoid. Hell, with how many times you have won over a man who had asked for your hand, you should just become a part of the wise Volur! A woman married to that of her magic and healing than to a man.
“I think too highly of you, that is my problem.” 
Bakugou got behind you faster than you could have anticipated, securing you from behind. You thrashed, but he held tight, leaning in close to your ear.
“(y/n), I have won. You have said that all I needed to do to win your heart was to fight you, so be it-”
“You have been running and defending, not attacking!”
“I have never once said I would attack you, my eardlufu beorht, dear light. I have respect for you as a woman, as my kwoeniz, as a fighter. I shall protect you, as I hope you shall protect me.” He maneuvered in front of you, kneeling on the ground as he still held your hands tight. 
The smoldering look on his face made your breath catch in your throat. He was serious, as serious as you could see. There was no falsehood, no games, just pure honesty pouring from his soul. 
“The eyes of a maid, tell true, to whom her love she has given..” You whispered softly to yourself.
“Huh!? Maid- I am trying to be honest, yet you call me a maid?” His exasperation was clear, and it caused you to bark out a laugh.
“You are not the maid, you fifl! Fool! I am saying the eyes are a gateway to the soul, and while you are not a maid, you have the eyes of one. An honest opening to your heart, elskan mín.”
His stare did not waver, but instead of rage it held compassion. It held that of a caring man who you knew you couldn’t hide from, yet that would not stop you from teasing.
“However, it is that you have not won against me. How shall one win if he does not fight, hm?”
He flicked your forehead as he stood, causing you to huff in response to the surprise attack.
“Now I have, I have attacked yet not hurt you. Because for the rest of my days I shall be at your beck and call for your safety, as you will mine. We shall be equals, I will not be above you. I will give my heart, my life, my title, and my own safety to insure yours. As you will mine. We shall fight hand in hand, love hand in hand, and be hand in hand for forever until eternity. You said it yourself, I am elskan pín, your love.”
Your cheeks grew warm as you heard the words spilling from his mouth, he knew you had called him your love?
“How did you know what I had said? How do you know those words-”
He placed a thumb over your lips as he held your chin with his hand, a soft smile forming as he stared into your eyes. 
“It is as you say, Inn matki munr. ‘The mighty passion’ that we share gives me the incentive to learn your native tongue, as I hope it does for you.”
“You leaned into his touch, not wanting to fight off your feelings any longer. It was true, while he may not have attacked you, he fought for your love countless times. You knew what he was capable of, and Bakugou was a man who was not fearful of heart. He was a passionate man who made a great King, who would make a great husband.
“It shall, well it has. I accept your offer, Víkar. With my life in your hands and yours in mine, I accept it all.”
He let out a loud yell of victory, startling you further as he lifted your large frame off the ground and spun you around. You were by no means a small woman, proving further of his strength. 
“It is settled!”
“Unhand me or else, Katsuki!”
The sound of his name leaving your lips caused a shiver to run down his spine as he did what you told, gently placing you on your feet. He kissed you eagerly as you did the same, before he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. 
“Að unna, Katsuki.”
“Ic lufie þē, (y/n).” 
And you both did, love each other very much, the soul never lies.
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softowlhours · 4 years
by the lakeside
bokuto koutarou(horror!AU)
it should’ve been the perfect summer getaway. you were both in need of some down time away from your busy careers. but things get a little eerie when there’s a voice in your head that isn’t yours and you find out that you’re not alone in that pristine white house on the hill.
genre: horror, angst, fluff if you squint
tw: descriptions of drowning, asphyxiation, strangulation. suggestive sexual situations.
a/n: i promise i’ll proofread this later and also write an epilogue but until then please enjoy this story it took me way longer than necessary to write. i’ve read it so many times that i don’t find it scary anymore. but i hope you do! :)
word count: 6k
my body feels like an empty shell sometimes, a carcass I am dragging around. when I look into the mirror I don’t recognise myself. i don’t recognise him, either.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
bokuto’s hair gleams silver in the glorious morning light. wind blows through your own strands as you zip past the lush green meadows. you could see the sheep dotted on the grassy planes like puffs of pure white clouds. far away, there stood giant mountains. their high peaks looked like they were breaching the baby blue ceiling of the sky. you only notice your gorgeous surroundings with half a mind, because your eyes keep trailing back to the man besides you. you admire his profile, the sharp slope of his nose, the chiselled cheek bones and jaw line. you zero in on the plush of his lips and it is then that you notice his teasing grin.
‘admiring the view?’ he asks.
‘mhmm. a sight for my sore eyes.’ and he truly is. your gaze drops a little lower. his toned chest peeks from where the buttons of his shirt have come undone. his biceps flex and strain against the fabric as he manoeuvres the steering wheel. he looks like a movie star, straight out of the golden age of film. the red vintage convertible he drives only adds on to your day dream. you can’t help but feel like a heroine starring in your own block buster romance. heat rises to the tip of his ears and the back of his neck at your shameless appraisal. bokuto notices the way lust is barely concealed on your face. he fucking loved the way you looked at him, like he was the guiding star you were always attuned to. the one for whom you’d always search for in an endless night sky.
‘your eyes are sore from staring at your computer screen all day everyday.’ he  ignores your attempts at flirting,  and instead addresses what has been eating away at his mind lately. he’s been worried about you. you often called him out for pushing himself to the point of breaking when it came to volleyball. but, you never noticed how you were inclined to do the same when it came to you own work; buried under papers and ink, day after day as your work ethic kept you confined to your study room. you being a best selling author, him a pro volleyball player; you truly were the power couple worthy of everyone’s envy and admiration, but your lives could get stressful at times.
‘kou, I’m sorry ‘m dragging you away from your routine. the game season starts in two months. you should be hitting some balls right now.’ you withdraw your hand, and he instantly misses your touch. you appear a little crestfallen as you opt to idly fiddle with the lace bordering your sundress.
‘hey,’ his voice is silky, tone slightly chastising. ‘don’t apologise. this was my idea anyways. we need some time away. from everything.’
‘you know that,’ he continues, ‘i’ll never be too busy for you, right? it makes me feel lonely when you just withdraw from me... shut me out.’ his face eyebrows furrow a little. ‘for you I’ll always carve out  time.’
bokuto had a way with words that always left you stupefied. they weren’t embellished and gaudy, like yours. all you ever did was spin fairy tales. Yes they were beautiful, but they were also false. unlike you, he always spoke from his heart, and you wonder if that was why his sentiments without fail reached others.
‘oi- don’t fall asleep.’
‘i’m not sleeping!’ you snap out of your reverie. ‘i’m sorry i… never realised you’d feel that way’ puffing out a sigh, you lean back lazily on the leather seat. ‘i haven’t been feeling much inspiration lately, and when i do write i just hate every word of it.’ 
‘maybe I should retire,’ you muse. ‘never write a word again. let people remember me as the genius author I’m not.’
‘but you are a genius writer!’ bokuto insists. ‘give it a fifty years and they’ll be teaching your work as a part of the curriculum. i’ve never read anything better!’
‘that’s because you rarely read!’
‘i am a picky reader,’ bokuto shrugs, cocking an eyebrow as he looks at you haughtily. ‘so congratulations that your writing actually piqued my interest.’
snorting, you pinch his thigh.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
it’s almost evening by the time you drive past a small sleepy town. the few houses have their curtains drawn. there’s a small supermarket and a polyclinic but you notice how the streets are mainly empty, save for a couple of children who play seven tiles on the roadside. fifteen minutes and more grassy meadows and sheep later, you arrive at what looks like the edge of the world. surely you’re being a little dramatic calling it that, but the road winds up the gentle slope of a hill and on top of it sits a pristine white house. bokuto pulls up the car in front of massive wrought iron gates, a chain holds it shut.
‘okay, but when nori said ‘vacation home’, this is not what I had in mind. Is he actually the heir to a conglomerate or something?’ you observe, definitely appalled.
‘uh- knowing his stingy ass, i’m not sure?’ bokuto sounds and looks puzzled as well, so you know he wasn’t expecting it either. he reconfirms the address konoha had messaged him. ‘do we climb the gates? because he never gave me a key or anything. he said the place has a caretaker who’d-’
‘how can I help?’
your heart leaps to your throat, and both you and bokuto snap your heads to your left to look at a man who stands on bokuto’s side of the car. neither of you had seen him approaching and it  was as if he were a magician, materialising out of thin air. old, sinewy and dressed sharply in a suit, he’s hunching to be at your eye levels. upon closer look the fabric of his clothes looked worn out and they fray at the edges. his hair is slicked back and he wears gold rimmed spectacles, its lenses the shape of half moons. his smile is serene, demeanour dignified but there’s shrewdness in his tone.
‘um- hi.’ bokuto greets recovering first. ‘i am konoha’s friend. i assume you’ve been expecting us?’
a beat passes.
‘indeed. allow me to show you around.’
bokuto parks the car under a shed close to the gates and you walk down the stretch of the garden. it is immaculately kept, and roses of all colours bloom neatly in rows. a giant sycamore tree stands close to the house, its branches brushing the roof. when you stand on the porch of the house the gate seems miles away. bokuto wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close to his side. he sneaks a soft kiss under your left ear as the caretaker opens up the door for you.
the inside of the house is splendidly furnished and it leaves you awestruck. simple but gorgeous, a modern castle of sorts. a cream colored leather sofa sits in the centre of the living room, the rug in front of it is white and fluffy. There is a box television- the kinds popular decades ago, and you wonder if it actually works or if it’s just for show. the chandelier above is a million crystals and an open kitchen makes up the far end of the living room. a stair case winds its way up. but, what truly catches your eye are the massive french doors which open up to the stretch of a green lawn. calling it a backyard would be a bit inadequate; for the trimmed grass meets the surface of a great lake, its water like molten lava reflecting the evening sky. you can see the outline of ducks waddling away, probably on their way home. the lake stretches out for almost a mile and after that you see nothing but the thicket of the woods. it is almost the end of july, so while the days are warm, the temperatures tend to dip quite a bit at night. you shiver a little and snuggle closer into bokuto’s side. the caretaker, in his monotonous voice,  explains to you how your room shall be upstairs,  the one to the right. there were four other rooms which were mostly empty and locked for the sake of easy maintenance. you tune him out when he moves on to the instructions regarding the heating and locking systems.
you’re entranced by the house, and standing there in its magnanimity you feel like you’ve been drawn into a picture book. you can imagine breakfasts every morning on the front porch. afternoons spent lolling on the grass besides the lake. you would keep a vase filled with freshly cut roses from the garden, in the centre of the kitchen table. spend the nights sitting in front of the fire place when winter laid its thick blanket of white snow outside. your high flying careers felt like a distant dream. your laptop back home could collect all the dust it wanted to. you could just stay here forever wrapped up in each others arms.
i’m lonely. i hate how you’re always away from home because of volleyball.
bokuto notices your distant look , the slightest way your lips are set in a grimace. it tugs on his heartstrings. makes it difficult for him to breathe.
bringing his mouth close to your ear, he whispers your name bringing you out of your head. you blink, biting back the ugly realisation that had just intruded your brain. you had never felt that way before, you had forced yourself not to. it was long ago when you had decided that you’d never make him choose between you and volleyball. or maybe that loneliness was something you’d always felt. but because you were afraid of it; you had hidden it under your skin, in between your bones.
if i could, i’d steal you away and keep you all to myself. in a cage just for me and you.
too afraid that he’ll somehow read your mind, you step away from him, disoriented by the venomous voice of your subconscious as you look around for the old man.
‘he left while you were zoning out, princess. said he’s going home.’ he pulls your back against his chest, long fingers begin snaking up a well known trail up your thighs. your cute little sundress does little to stop him. ‘he’ll be back by noon tomorrow, to tend to the garden and all that.’ bokuto speaks in between the kisses he’s placing along the side of your neck. ‘apparently, he lives in that town we drove by earlier.’
‘want to live in a house like this someday.’ he asks you, his voice hushed.  you rest your head back on his chest, as love and lust pools in your stomach and clouds your thoughts.
i’m scared someday you’ll leave me behind.
“me. you. maybe a dog. maybe… children?” he continues and your eyes widen at that.
‘you want all that?’
‘with you? yes I want everything. i’ll take everything that you can give me.’
you turn around and pull bokuto into a heated kiss. his chapped lips meld into yours and your teeth clack a little from the suddenness of your movement. by now it is completely dark outside and the living room is dimly lit by a lamp. bokuto seems unaware, too lost in you to be notice space and time. but, a weird sensation surrounds you. you feel the whisper of a cool breeze, a murmur disturbing the stillness of the house. with one hand, bokuto cups your behind. the fingers of his other rake through your hair. it’s a buzz now, like a thousand bees hovering over your heads. you feel dazed, you’re needy, you’re confused.
there’s someone else here. the two of you are not alone.
‘ow,’ you yelp in pain.
bokuto jumps away from you, but his hands are badly tangled in your hair.
‘I told you to tie your hair in the car!’ he is laughing. ‘it’s a nest in here!’
the buzzing dies down. the silence that follows is deafening. you wonder if you’re delusional with the lack of sleep.
as bokuto carefully weaves his fingers out he places a chaste kiss on the little crease in between your eyebrows. he finds you so cute, it physically hurts him.  
‘don’t worry, babygirl,’ his voice drops a few octaves. ‘windswept looks sexy on you.’
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
later that night as you are lie under the drapes and canopies, you notice how the bedroom is much like the rest of the house- fit for royalty. bokuto snores softly, but you lie awake with your head on his chest. his heartbeat is a mind-numbing rhythm. a thin sheet of sweat covers your bodies and you try to ignore the wetness in between your legs. you should probably change the sheets as well, but your body refuses to move and you don’t know where to find any new ones. sleep evades you so you let Bokuto’s question roll around in your mind. a forever with him. of course you would say yes. there was nothing more that you wanted than that. but the dread from earlier which you had managed to keep at bay with lust, slowly begins to resettle in the pit of your stomach.
he promises you an eternity now, but he’ll leave you behind soon.
you somehow clamber out of bed, making sure not to awaken bokuto. picking up his shirt from where it lies on floor, you put it on. the bedroom has identical doors from the living room, made of glass, and they open onto a small balcony. you draw open the lacey curtains and step out into the chilly night air. the sight that awaits you makes you gasp.  a fine mist rolls over the water, but the lake itself is still.  its surface is like taut cellophane. beyond the lake where the woods begin, it is pitch black darkness and you cannot tell where the woods meet the moonless sky. it’s a new moon night, but where you expect to see the stars is an empty hollowness. its eerily silent. too silent. no insects trill. no wind blows. you stare intently into the water for so long that you swear you see something lurking just underneath its surface.  the mist that hovers slowly inches towards the house, coiling like endless bony fingers.
that pool of velvety darkness, i wonder what it’d feel like against my skin.
come to me then. feel it for yourself. your voice, no, her voice purrs.
you whirl around to see bokuto. he’s standing a feet away from you, rubbing sleep from his eyes. 
‘whoah! easy,’ bokuto exclaims, surprised by your jumpiness. no way it had been him who had spoken moments ago. ‘what are you doing outside?’ he asks. ‘i nearly got a heart attack when I saw someone standing out here.’ 
you look back towards the lake, and you’re utterly confused. the mist seems to have instantly vanished. you can even hear the water now, softly undulating. it appears akin to a creased sheet of silk.
had you been hallucinating? dreaming with your eyes open?
you fight down the growing panic and instead walk over to him, squishing his cheeks. you softly kiss his pout. ‘aww. baby’s scared?’ you coo.
he grumbles something about you catching a cold but tugs you inside and you decide to let it all go. you’re tired and tomorrow will be a new day.
had you turned around, you’d notice how the stars were glittering like cold hard gems in the night sky.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you were pleasantly lazing about in the sun. the lake was a glittering blue and the woods looked benign during the day. they weren’t as dense as they appeared to be in the absence of light. from where you lay, the house looks like an entity of its own. imposing and regal. bokuto is dressed casually in a t-shirt and sweatpants as he plays around witha volleyball, tossing and spiking it all by his lonely self. you didn’t remember seeing him pack a volleyball, but then again somehow he always seemed to miraculously have a one at his disposal. today,  he hasn’t gelled his hair up in its usual style, so it flops onto his  forehead in a way you wished he’d leave it more often.
‘y/n! nice receive!’ he hollers at you.
he spikes the ball aiming straight for your stomach and you somehow manage to block his assault. thank god he hadn’t used a quarter of the strength he usually puts into his spikes.
your strong and annoying man.
‘you trying to murder me or what?’
he pulls you up to your feet. ‘i’ll be teaching you how to spike, drama queen. it’s insane how you’ve been with me for all these years and haven’t learnt a thing or two about volleyball. people would die for a one on one training session with me.’ he brags as he fetches the ball from where it had rolled off to.
you try to copy his motions, but what he can effortlessly pull off is an impossible feat for you. you send the ball upwards and jump as you try to match your timing to spike it. but before you can hit the ball it lands on your head.
bokuto is losing his shit, doubling over with laughter. and you try to look angry but end up giggling with him.
‘i give up!’ you complain. plus my boobs jiggle since i’m not wearing a sports bra,’ 
‘babe, thats kinda the point!’ he beams.
a perfect spike lands on his face.
‘owww, that’s foul play, y/n! ’ he yells. rubbing his nose, he walks over to you.
‘you should be punished!’ he scolds you, but places a kiss on your temple. his hands wander downwards to unzip your dress. he lets it fall to the ground. you know where this is headed. you think he’s going to kiss you so you close your eyes and lean towards him but before you can react, he’s bending down and suddenly you’re being lifted. he has you over his shoulders and your peals of laughter warm his heart. he hadn’t heard that sound in a while.
bokuto marches straight into the lake and dumps you in. the water is cool and refreshing, just as you had imagined it. it’s shallow enough so you’re chest deep in the water when your feet are planted at the bottom. his body glistens with dampness, hair a floppy wet mess. he was so beautiful, that even though it was irrational you felt a little bit shy. you’re splashing each other with water, the atmosphere’s light and bubbly with amusement. bokuto tries to catch you but you slip out of his reach. he is being his loud and  dramatic self as he falls face down into the water, complaining as he comes up with his eyes screwed shut. 
‘i swear i’d rather be blinded by your beauty than this water.’
you shake you head, feigning disdain and then you’re swimming away from him, towards the safety of the house. it must almost be noon, and you vaguely remember its time for the care taker to come around. you did not want to be seen in your wet underwear. bokuto calls out to you, apologising. there is water in your ears, it laps all around you as you swim. it dulls all sound and every other sense until the only thing you hear is your thumping heart. when you come up for air, you can see the blue sky, when your face is in the water you can see the stones and pebbles littering the bottom.
but, when you come up for air again, the sky is overcast. laden with dense gray clouds.
the water runs icy, lead flows through your veins. your body is sinking like a ship. it feels like you’re trying to move through viscous jelly. when you try to pull up for air you cannot break through, the surface traps you like its the cellophane you remember seeing the night before. a tight grip on your waist, abruptly pulls you under. your flailing hands try to grasp at nothing in particular. you wonder if its bokuto just messing around, but you know it isn’t. you don’t feel his presence anywhere. your fingers suddenly entangle into something. your eyes burn when you try to open them and look. jet black strands of hair, a bone white face, a mouth that is open like a gaping wound. you scream and nothing but gurgles and air bubbles escape you. you try to pull back but your hands are stuck in the weedlike hair. Funny you think of the evening before, when bokuto’s fingers had entangled in your messy hair the same way.
‘kou…koutaro!’ you try calling for him. you hear your disembodied voice, feel the water flood your mouth, your nose. but you feel all alone with that woman straight out of nightmares. fear has you in its grip, your minds a mush.
you hate him so damn much. you hate him, you hate him, you HATE him.  a voice repeats the same words in your head. you wonder if it sounds like your own or someone else’s. you cannot tell the two apart.
you feel a hand wrap around your arm, its large and warm and it feels like home. as it drags you out of the water the ashen face seems to quiver and distort. her eyes flicker open. they roll in their sockets but when they fixate on you, you see eyes just like your own. but they are transparent like marbles; burning with betrayal and accusation.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you wake up with a start to screams piercing the air. they are shrill and blood curdling. your hands are on your ears as you try to block out the sound but it only gets louder. it takes you a moment to realise that the screaming had been you. bokuto holds you in his arms, you can feel him shaking underneath your palms that grapple at his back.
he’s crying.
no! why is your bokuto crying? you pull away a little just enough to look at him, but the way his features are twisted in melancholy punctures a hole through your heart.
‘y/n, babe… babe,’ his lips quiver stealing away speech but he forces himself to speak. ‘ i looked everywhere in the water but I couldn’t find you. you were swimming and then you just stopped. i thought you were fooling around but you were down there for too long. so i come over but... I couldn’t see you anywhere at first. i panicked! holy shit... i was panicking.’ he shifts away from you, an arms length away. leaning back on the sofa, he stares up at the ceiling. ‘You weren’t even struggling, just stopped moving. Do you remember what happened?’ bokuto drags a hand down his face. he’s visibly distressed.
‘i don’t know what happened,’ you croack. ‘it felt like I was stuck. my feet wouldn’t come lose. as if someone was there with me in the water, holding me down…’ a sob escapes you.
bokuto pales a little at your description. but there had been no one but the two of you in the water. hell he hadn’t even seen any fishes.
he had pulled you under in the first place hadn’t he. there’s no one here but the two of you.
you remember not being alone in the water. you remember the heaviness. but nothing else.
bokuto opens his mouth to say something, but you cannot concentrate. the urge is too strong. before you can think, before you can answer. you are bending over and puking your guts out.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you spend the rest of the day, clinging to bokuto. and he doesn’t mind. he seems to be craving that constant feeling of your skin on his. something to remind him that you were okay, that you were here now. he makes his way around the kitchen with you stuck to him like a little koala.
“sit down on that chair just for a minute, y/n. i can’t find the plates!” he tries to loosen your chokehold on him but you only tighten it and bokuto booms out a laugh.
‘i swear you’re lucky you’re cute.”  
‘just consider this weight training.’
bokuto had put together a light meal. you reckoned you’d be unable to stomach anything too heavy.
‘we were supposed to be having fun. i feel like i’ve ruined everything.’ you mumble gloomily. you’re sitting on the chairs you pulled up around the kitchen island. a make shift dining table.
‘it’s okay. its enough to just be together.’
‘oh no been away from you for a five whole minutes.’ your expression is of mock worry as you rush over onto his lap. you immediately bury your head in the crook of his neck, his familiar scent calms you down. he chuckles at your antics.
‘do you think we can just go home?’ you ask apprehensively, still feeling bad about having spoilt your perfect little getaway.  ‘i don’t feel like staying here anymore.’
‘sure, baby girl .’ bokuto replies in a heartbeat, and you wonder if he feels the same unease in remaining here any longer.
‘we can leave tomorrow morning.’ he suggests. ‘it might be a bit too late to leave now. plus, caretaker-san didn’t even show up today.’
‘is it okay to just leave?,’ you ask.
from where bokuto sits on the dining table in the kitchen, he can see the doors in the living room that open up to the porch. it’s around three in the afternoon. the weather was beginning to turn awfully gloomy.
clouds slowly fill the sky eclisping the sun that had shined all day. it leaves everything in shades of gray.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you wake up alone in bed. the remnants of an eerie dream still lingers in your mind. you had been combing your hair, which was unusually thick, dark and long. you kept brushing the silky smooth strands, on and on and on, until they started coming loose in your hands. shuddering as you recall it, you turn around to see the wall clock read nine p.m. where was kou? at some point you had fallen asleep although you did not remember coming upstairs to the bedroom. he must’ve carried you from where you and him had been lying on the sofa downstairs, idly chatting.
your body is still heavy with exhaustion but you force yourself to sit up. hearing the water running in the bathroom, you call out to bokuto. ‘kou?’  you pad your way over to the bathroom. when you open the door there is no one inside. water drips from from a leaky tap into an empty bath tub. strange. where had the sound been coming from then?
you find yourself mesmerised by your reflection in the mirror right across from you. when you step inside the bathroom, the tiles are dry and frigid underneath your feet. the lights are off, however, the bathroom is faintly lit up by the light filtering in from the frosted windows. the bags under your eyes are dark and puffy, your lips look ashen. you look like you had lost a tonne of weight over the span of the past few hours. tracing a finger along the outline of your reflection, you notice how your eyes were a forlorn abyss. hollow like the dead.
mine. stay with me. don’t leave me alone. a voice whispers to you and you listen, enchanted.
you see the corners of your lips quirk up in your reflection. your expression twists into that of deranged happiness.
so, you’ll stay?
you don’t feel the smile on your face.
you’re backing away slowly. a scream dies in your throat.
that isn’t you. it’s her.
you’re running full speed out of the bathroom and you make it just in time as the door slams shuts behind you. the edge of your thin white slip gets caught in between but you yank it loose with enough force. bursting out of the room like a bat out of hell you’re hurtling downstairs. you have to look for bokuto. you must leave. now!
you’re me, i am you. he doesn’t love you, so just stay with me. I’m lonely.
you try to call out to bokuto but you cannot find your voice.
and then you see him. sitting on the sofa. the relief you feel is momentary. the old television is on, and the screen is grainy with static but bokuto’s eyes are intent on it. he’s still as if he were carved out of stone. he doesn’t acknowledge your presence just keeps staring ahead with an owlish gaze. you place a shaky hand on his shoulder and he finally turns to look at you.
his eyes that usually are like pools of golden honey are dark and murky like cheap kerosene. his features are sharper, more cunning. a devil in your lover’s skin. the mist outside thickens, appearing as if they were pale white walls surrounding the house.
i told you to just stay with me. you should’ve stayed with me in that cool dark water.
he doesn’t love you, i do.
suddenly bokuto is stalking towards you, his movements hypnotic like that of a panther, sinuously fluid, predatory. a feral look glints in those foreign eyes. he slams you against the nearest wall, his hands tightening over your neck. your head meets the hard surface with a thud. those large arms that have always felt like home suddenly feel empty and cold like a prison cell.
you’re just a prisoner in his cage. he doesn’t love you like I will.
black spots fill your vision, as your air supply is slowly being cut off. ‘kou- please don’t.’ you whimper. a flicker of recognition flashes through those eyes, but the grip around your neck only tightens. ‘kou-’ you call again softly. tears fall freely down your face. your hands go limp by your sides and in the process you knock over a vase that had been on table besides you. it falls to the marble floor with an obnoxious crash. the ceramic splinters into a hundred pieces. bokuto’s eyes widen and the darkness from his face lifts. it is as if a thick patch of clouds obscuring the moon had drifted past, letting its pure light fall to the earth once again. he’s your bokuto once again.
horror struck he lets go of your neck and catches a glimpse of the angry red fingerprints left behind like a morbid necklace. you collapse to the ground.
a door bangs shut somewhere in the house, startling you both. bokuto is about to crouch down next to you when suddenly the volume of the television is cranked up. the harsh static sound grates your ears, like a drawn out growl. there’s thumping coming from behind every surface of the house- the walls, the floors, the ceilings. every door, every window  swings open only to shut back with a bang, over and over until shards of broken glass lie like a carpet all over the floor. the house is alive with the breath of countless souls that live in its every crack and crevice. you both look on with horror as heavy mist begins to pour into the house. bokuto’s teeth chatter with fear, and he tries to get you to stand. he follows your gaze which is fixed to where your bedroom had been. and he sees it then. on the door which opens into the room, there’s a shadow of a woman. he can discern the long straight hair which she combs on and on and on.
‘f-fuck!’ he spits.
he harshly pulls you over his shoulders but transfixed you crane up your neck to continue looking at the shadow. hastily he manages to grab the keys which he had hung on a hook by the main door.  the shadow grows darker, more defined as if  whoever it belonged to was coming closer. he feels you struggling and you scream to be let down.the main door to the house is already open so with one last glance at the chaos behind, you are both bolting out of the house.
‘y/n, run! to the car. hurry, hurry, hurry!’ he shuts the door, hoping it would buy you some time. he’s not really sure what he’d just seen or what any of it meant. but thinking would come later. he grabs your hand as you start the mad dash across the front garden. you notice despite your compromised vision due to the mist, how the roses look wilted. the grounds gooey and wet underneath, and your feet sink into the soft mud making movement sluggish. but you don’t stop. moments later, the door behind you flings open with enough force that it comes loose from its hinges. the whole house seems to be angry.
come back here.
don’t leave me alone.
an overgrown root coils around your calf and yanks you back. your hand slips out of bokuto’s and he turns around, horrified, to see you being dragged into the ground. like you were falling into quicksand.
‘hold on to my arm,’ bokuto bellows, ‘and just don’t. let. go!’
the circulation in your leg is being cut off and you cry in pain. you can feel the disgusting way the soft earth keeps parting further to let you in. you want to let go, give in to the struggle. maybe it’d be better to just lie buried here, decomposing till you forget whats fear, whats pain.
your name is rolling off bokuto’s tongue like a chant. his muscles burn with strain. the sweat and slick makes his grip on you weak and he notices how you’re  letting go. he reads the resignations on your face. but why are you letting go? why are you trying to leaving him alone?
bokuto loses his footing and falls backwards and almost loses you, but he manages to interlock your fingers. he’s grunting with effort, and roars with frustration when it doesn’t seem to be working. it is then when you see the blood covering his feet, the glass splinters buried deep into his soles. in your haste to get away you never noticed how he had walked all over the shards with you over his shoulder. the ache in your heart swells. you know he’d never leave you behind. it was the two of you, or none of you who’d make it alive out of here.
the thought of bokuto buried deep into the ground, lips blue and crusted with mud gives you a renewed conviction. with the last spurts of energy you hold tight onto bokuto’s arm with one hand. the other digs into where you find soft but solid ground. you attempt to claw your way out and fight the drag of the noose around you ankle that tries to pull you in the opposite direction. away from bokuto. bokuto is inching backwards, his voice hoarse with all that screaming as he does his utmost to haul you out. 
rain begins to pour in heavy cascades even though there hadn’t been a single cloud in the obsidian sky. and suddenly you feel earth’s hold on you go slack. bokuto and your efforts come to fruition as your foot comes loose and you tumble straight on top of bokuto’s body. but its too early to celebrate. a loud thunderclap spurs you both into action and you run and run, fighting the burn in your lungs until you reach the car. bokuto, is grateful, infinitely grateful that the keys had remained in his pockets during that struggle. he hands you the keys and with no time to waste you’re  running to the car, afraid that something inauspicious might happen again if you didn’t hurry. bokuto notices with relief that the iron gates are not chained shut like they had been upon your arrival, and with some effort he swings them open.  bokuto clambers into the passenger seat and you floor the gas as you drive straight out of the gates, into a calm quiet night. 
it takes you a moment to notice that the rain had stopped. 
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
the two of you are covered in dirt, in blood. absolutely shattered with exhaustion. bokuto finally feels the pain that had been dampened by adreneline. it now ignites like an inferno. he almost tears his lip trying to bite back a whimper. in the rear view mirror, you catch a glimpse of the house. it looks regal and imposing, as it had when you’d first arrived. you can see the dimly lit bedroom, the curtains billowing gently in a slight breeze. the glass on the doors is intact. the garden is immaculate once again and you can see patches of soft grass spread out where the mud had almost eaten you up alive just a few moments ago. a shaky laugh escapes Bokuto, and before you know it, feeling delirious, you’re laughing with him. 
bokuto’s phone rings and the sound cuts short your hysteria. with some effort he retrieves it from the dashboard where he’d left it two days ago. he had planned on not letting anything distract him from you on this short getaway. he puts it on loudspeaker.
‘they picked up!’ you hear Konoha say to someone and the collective sighs of relief are audible.
‘dude, where have you both been? we’ve been calling you all day. ms. nakamura told me that you never made it to my vacation home?’
‘ms. nakamura?’ bokuto rasps.
‘yeah, the caretaker I told you about?’
‘the caretaker was a man!’ you snatch the phone with from bokuto with one hand while other remains on the steering wheel. you’re yelling at the receiver like a mad woman. ‘we came to your villa, but that man opened the gates. listen, there’s something wrong with the house and lake behind it is-’
‘what lake? there are only corn fields behind my house. which is, by the way, a traditional japanese one. where the fuck have you both been?!’
you and bokuto look at each other in confusion, and you hit the brakes. you glance back at the house which is now far, far away. if you squint your eyes you can see the outline of a man at the gates. the lamp in his hand glows golden like a distant star.
a woman’s shadow is dark and lonely against the delicate lace of the bedroom’s curtains.
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thatoneitaliangirl · 4 years
Obey Me! Soulmate AU!~ Diavolo
Came out faster than you expected, huh? I only slack off most of the time- 
Here’s Diavolo’s first chapter! While the others are going to be mainly focused on fluffy love and angst (sad times), Dia’s is going to delve a little bit deeper into the meaning of all of this. Why is God doing this for demons? And why for everyone else? How grande are his plans? He likes to experiment, what if he changes his mind? All well, we’ll have to find out later!~ Happy reading, friends. ^^
The letter's white paper stands out against the dark mahogany of his desk, blindingly so. Its faint glow illuminates the dark corner of his study with angelic persistence and divine enlightenment. 
It's true that Lord Diavolo has received letters from the Celestial Realm before, but not one from such a . . . Powerful individual. The letter had formed in front of the demon prince in the span of a second, with such holy energy he could feel himself get weak. It was obvious who it was from . . . But why exactly? 
Even when the brothers received their important information, it was given by Gabrial the Archangel. He had shown up, dramatically unannounced, to inform the brothers of their soulmates.
 This had made Diavolo quite upset, considering had he showed up there without prior notice, a war would break out. But, this letter was not about that . . . It was about him. 
His name is written across the back in delicate cursive letters, so neat and perfect. Turning it over, the envelope is sealed with a dark red wax imprinted with the seal of God. Whatever is incased in this envelope is a big deal. 
Diavolo takes a deep breath, grabs his letter opener, and cuts seamlessly across the top in one swift movement. "Lord Diavolo," He jumps at the break in his stressful silence and nods at his loyal butler. 
"Sorry to bother you, my Lord, but Lucifer is here to see you. Shall I tell him you're busy?" Diavolo nods, his words caught in his dry throat. "Yes," He manages to get out.
"Tell him I will leave my office to greet him in a minute. I have a very important document to look over." "Yes, my Lord." Dia sighs again, finally pulling out the letter from its glowing prison. 
'Lord Diavolo, Prince of the Devildom,' the letter starts. He can feel his hands shaking as he reads each carefully chosen word written in the same perfect cursive as his name. As he reads, his head becomes filled with more and more questions with no given answers. Just vague statements and unclear motives. 
"What . . . ?" He scans over the letter, again and again, each time understanding it less and less. What is the meaning of this? Why would he do this . . . ? The brothers are understandable, but him? 
They were born in the Celestial Realm, they're only demons because they fell. He was born a demon right here in the Devildom. The only connection he has to the Celestial Realm is the brothers! And these conditions? What does all of this mean? Diavolo places his head in his hands and runs his fingers through his hair. 
He can already feel the powers mentioned in the letter flow through him. The feeling of being incomplete, as if he's missing his other half . . .  And he is. And he knows exactly how to find her. A knock on the door pulls the prince out of his thought as the door opens revealing the exact person he wanted to see. 
"I'm sorry to barge in here, my Lord, but I'm afraid what I have to speak with you about is urgent." Dia smiles at his dear friend and motions for him to sit in the chair across from him, gently moving the letter out of sight. 
"Actually, I was just going to get you." He flicks his wrist, a purple magic smoke wisping around it, and soon Barbatos is walking through the door. "Yes, my Lord?" 
"Barbatos, I think it's only right that we help our seven rulers find their soulmates." Barbatos smiles, bowing slightly. "You would do that for my brothers?"
"Of course!" He lets out a hearty chuckle. "Anything for my dearest friend! But, I do have one condition," Lucifer straightens his back and nods. "Yes, my Lord?"
"Help me find mine."
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
If I may one last director's cut: And the Nightmare Collapses? 👁️
Ask as many as you want i dont mind.
Oh my monster au, what to say? I had this in the backburner for a few months now. Originally i was going to make a series of one shots from different characters perspectives.
So first it was going to be Jon waking up from the coma and realizing that everyone were monsters but him sort of like a walking dead scenario. I had the clear picture of him seeing Georgie in her hald deaf state being like, what the fuck happened???
Now the entire idea came to mind with how pissed off i was at everyone in season four acting like Jon was the worst for no discernable reason. Like, Melanie, Basira and Georgie, all treated him in different levels rather cruely. Georgie wasnt so mean, but she was playing blind eye to the whole thing being fucked.
So Jon is the only one who remains human because he tries so hard to keep his humanity despite everything. While everyone else becomes more monstruos, Basira and Melanie in particularly were much more affected, i had a clear vision of a slaughter Mel. But had to keep it brief since Georgie wouldnt want to dwell on her becoming a monster, since now she had no way to deny it. Daisy gets a pass because while on the coffin she regains her humanity by her regret of what she became, its why her changes are minimal in the text.
The other one shots were supposed to be from Elias and Peter perspective with the last being them reuniting.
Now my original idea had no reasoning as to why they were monsters all out sudden. Its not until i realized the potential of the entities just dropping in a world similar enough where they already existed and they end up overcharging, while still carrying the vestigies of the apocalipse that i went like-
Hoy fuck.
Ultimately i am happy with the one shot the way it came out, with Elias being able to see, he was capable of tying up those little threads i wanted to make and make the reference to having an anchor. Anchors tie you to humanity, people are fundamentaly capable of good if they wish too, kindness even in the face of despair, destroys the horrors of the world.
The world wont fix itself, but you adapt and grown and try to make it better.
Now as for the story itself? I just wanted to go buck wild with the scenery of reality fracturing itself and Elias just losing it while perceiving the horrors and understanding far more than possible.
I like eldritch horror i just dont use it enough, or horror shorts in general, maybe i should put up the small ones i made in tumblr they are like a paragraph long each.
For realsies, I really like the idea of monster Elias for several reasons and i wanted to go with it. I have another different take on this verse of how things pan out too, but i will see eventually if i want to write it. There is... also the horny aspec of Peter being, as the fic implies, a monster fucker, not really he just loves Elias whatever shape he comes even if its some weird owl spider thing. If i ever feel brave enough to go thought it in an extra will shall see.
Anyways Jonah goes through life replacing people while manipulating them and toying with their sanity like he did to the ogElias in his interview. Despite being beholding, as per the soup theory, at this point he also represents the stranger, web and spiral fairly well. I have a soft soft for him losing the ability to recognize himself after a while. Because as i pointed out? He kept sort of a more or less stable life, sure, but it must be jarring having to go from one face to another, to have to pretend to be someone else, at least enough that its not glaringly obvious that something is wrong.
So he loses it. The fears overcharge and it all stacks up on him, causing his transformation to be so strong, it ends up consuming him. Not only that but he is vain too, so to be changed into something so horryifing it breaks something else in him, it gives him the idea that no one could want him now, he cant make people do as he says like this, he doesnt know himself and now no one would want to know him anyways. The more he changes the more he loses his sense of self, its not only him, he was so many people it feels weird to be just him, it doesnt fit anymore, so through the story he starts to use they until its what he mainly uses at the end, because he grows and its happy with it by the very end.
His body changes when he doubts himself, the more time it passes the more he forgets. Now the main reason he didnt become a puddle of ink and die, was because as i mentioned he thought about being alone, and it made him think of Peter, that was his last connection, the last thread to a humanity he wasnt sure he still had. When he thinks that he loves him, even if a little, its enough to let him move.
That small lifeline is what actually saved him and what kept him more or less stable for longer that he would have otherwise. Same goes to Peter whos last action before becoming one with his siblings was pick up the phone, the same though went through him, its why even if he was already at the brink of being melded he kept himself alive for longer.
Then there was the idea of copies.
Because, eyes? just the eyes?? I know it works with supernatural energy but, the doubt, the idea or posibility that Jonah Magnus actually died the moment he transplanted his eyes the first time and that Beholding merely put the copied memories of Jonah that it reatained into the new body was such a good concept, i have a special love for it, to not be sure if you are you, but ultimately chosing to live your life despite knowing that you may not be the real one.
I like to point out at the end that he does, that he is the original and that he is not a copy but... its not really proof, Jonah wants to believe it is. Wether is true or not? Thats up to anyone.
Also his monster concept, i toyed with a few options, and ended up adding it somewhat in the final product, originally he was going to be sort of an owl monster sort of mixed with a cat, no not for the joke, i saw really nice fanart of owlcats and i was in love. But as it is i went with something similar to his body in the afterlife beach party.
Instead of tar it was the ink of the letters he wrote, the static remains because he doesnt know his face anymore and he wont again. The fur... i just wanted something nice for later when Peter made his appearence, less sticky more fluffy. 8 arms like a spider, more eyes because of beholding- you get it.
Speaking of Peter!!
Here is the deal, i know or at least believe that the curruption? Is the oposite of the lonely and viceversa. Wanting to be alone vs being consumed by what you love? Perfect.
So the Lukases become amalgamations of fog trapped in a hive mind that they cant escape from. Forced to be together and then to be alone once someone manages to impose themselves like Nathaniel did. Peter could have theorically left his siblings become him, after Elias saw them, but in this, the closenes they shared was enought that he could not do it. <3<3
I wanted to play with the fact that being stuck with so many people, mainly his sisters while slowly melding into one, made him switch from pronouns feeling comfortable in all of them. Lydia, Judith and Clara were all nice and accidentaly he wanted to feel that nice, so he switches more often to her. It too, because at one point he was litreally nothing since the rest were rather happy being one.
Reality check comes and they all realize that, oh shit we fucked him up. Hence the road trip, unfortunately the melding was inevitable, either they became one or someone took charge. Still it gives them time to bond too, which adds to the decision to let them stay with him despite everything. Peter plays into a similar idea, but from a different perspective, you lose yoursef but become a different person. Luka is all of them being at peace with being one, being happy and wanting the same thing, but still mantaining some way to be apart. If i was being sappy i would liken it to a fusion in Steven Universe.
It wasnt as such at first, but later once Peter is the main body they can do it with less fear of dissapearing. It is also true that his feelings bleed out onto them and likewise to him. Its hard being a single being while simultaniously be 5 people in one.
They do love Elias, except for Clara who is mostly just enjoying the company while judging everyones tastes. It is also true that if this hadnt happened they would never have tried it. But life works oddly. Plus they are happy.
The world cant be fixed, but life sort of goes on and people adjust as they can.
Final note? I really, reeeeally wanted to have JME corpses just drop and have everyone freak out. There was a brief idea of having them alive and react to what they did to the world, but i did not want to deal with that many explanations. So yeah, they are dead.
If you want to ask something in particular go ahead i have the ideas still fresh for this one in my head.
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Lonely Paws
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Genre: Smut, Cam boy AU, FWB AU, College/University AU
Pairing: Cam boy!Namjoon x Reader
Warning: sub!Namjoon, male masturbation, impregnation kink, Namjoon is bad at sex, pet play (wolf pup play... ah dinnae ken, is that a thing?), sweater paws, unrequited love, allusion to unsafe penetrative sex (ALWAYS do it safely, lads and lasses!), exhibitionism, voyeurism, mild swearing/cussing
Summary: When a wolf pup carrying around a heart that is only sometimes loved is left alone, fantasy provided by the owner belonging to another forms a great escape to being appreciated.
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Relationships are easily influenced occurrences, sometimes even so much so it is hardly possible to ascribe a certain status to it. Break-ups made undone only to become a steady rhythm of separation and reunion between two people, friendships flowing over into romance after bravely asking for a date yet acting so much so the same it makes one wonder when the connection deepened.
As became the case on the edge of the bed one night three years ago, tipsy on wine and whiskey but likely having ended up there anyway with the same wish even without booze. The same trust required to put into another for scary though rememberable first experiences, something we were not able to put into anyone but each other.
Sighing praise for wanton whimpers after tasting soft lips scented with grapes as bodies collided over and over, Y/N became the first woman to ever truly get exclusive attention despite the plethora of girls at high school and currently at university. Only her digits are allowed to run through ashy chocolate locks, caress round cheeks intentionally or without cause, wander lower and lower to stir up emotional storms that hold no significant meaning to anyone but a wisened spirit.
A mere sex buddy.
But, fortunately, also something of a more important nature.
Her pet wolf.
Because beneath a learned consciousness studying philosophy mainly out of pure interest but also due to not knowing what else to do, goes a persona seeking refuge in the ability to please others over digital highways while having a certain steady direction in the shape of a gorgeous owner.
As is the case during one’s youth, many new experiences are explored mostly out of curiosity and sometimes simply for shits and giggles. Porn is a discovery which combines the sentiments, the former becoming more and more dominant after filming a personal pleasurable session while continuously muttering the name of the wonderful woman who has put a boy in love in the friendzone and eventually putting it online afterwards. The desire to get to know the sensual field grew even more after seeing the positive comments, finding a sense of accomplishment in them.
Something that has never followed the sex with Y/N, who always returns to Jisung, a young producer she met on a holiday in Malaysia. Thus, the strangely deep yet shallow friendship repeatedly ascends and descends, acquiring and losing statuses.
Fortunately, howbeit perversely and sadly, a form of recognition came one day during the cleaning of the bedroom in the house shared with six other men with whom a brotherhood has been established. Save to say, none of them knows what their trusted companion does as a job on the side to make ends meet. 
The pretty lady was cleaning under the bed when fingers traced out the fluffy shape of the recently acquired stone grey tail plug, which was gifted by a long-time viewer after proposing to try something new.
‘Uhm, Joon? What’s this?’ The toy in hand, the secret crush looked questionably at a mortified face caught in a war between Truth and Lie.
Choosing for the righteous side with a soft-spoken voice because it seemed the only way to save a precious unrequited love. ‘I- I can explain. Can we talk for a bit?’
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And that is how the revelation of the weekly cam shows came to be, though the detail of doing it out of an urge to be seen as a lover was kept hidden and has been up till now.
 ‘So you do this as an extra source of income?’ This is all she was allowed to know. The truth, albeit the censored version. The familiar voice heard speaking in tones that should be preserved for the busy boyfriend yet were heard by a pup sounded questioning, although there was a weird preluding tone in it as well. 
‘Y- Yes. I hope it doesn’t-’ The attempt at gaining an estimate of the damage the information would inflict upon the sturdy friendship was cut short by a paradoxically misplaced inquiry. 
‘Who’s your biggest patron?’ A question that fully showed the identity of the strange emotion floating beneath the surface just a second earlier, hand clenching the freshly washed navy bedding as teeth gritted in curious animosity directed toward something unknown.
Or, rather, someone. 
Y/N had actually turned emerald in envious despair.
Which was incredibly out of place for the love of a man for a gorgeous best friend had been unrequited until then. Until the sun sets in the west. However, failing to see that among the sheets the reality is different, fierce protest came against the then deemed absurd demeanour. ‘Does it matter? Y/N, it’s not as if we- ah!’
Out of the blue and as fast as lightning, a familiar small palm held many times while mindlessly fucking or on the rare occasion of genuine lovemaking - at least it was sincere for one party - enveloped denim heated with shameful images of what could be done with the discovered toy. Especially when surrendered to the woman who inherently belonged to another. ‘Nobody claims my wolf for themselves.’
‘Y- Your wolf?’ A slight squeeze awakened the submissive persona within that always surfaces when similar circumstances occur, reducing a baritone voice to needy whining. 
‘Yes, Joonie. Mine.’ A whimper fell from full stunned lips, paralyzed by the digits that had slipped past the rim of jeans and underwear to act upon the primal urges overtaking demeanour, enjoying the sensation of sinning soft skin encouraging release. A mischievous grin began to grow from the snarl on my new owner’s lovely face, continuing to contrastingly sweetly caress the right cheek before petting chocolate milk strands as the knot in the pit of the stomach kept building. ‘My beautiful honey wolf.’
‘Y- Yours.’ The acknowledgement was spoken in the broken manner which has always been a loved aspect of a boy in love and has never failed to make Y/N happy.
The priority of every pet.
Of every man loving their significant other.
To delight the person the heart belongs to. 
‘What’s that?’ Regardless of having heard it clearly, the statement allowing the enchanting mistress to claim full possession of a wolf boy wanted to be heard again if only for personal satisfaction.
The knowledge to be better than the biggest sponsor.
Because she was there first.
Always had been.
Always will be. 
‘I- I’m y- yours.’ It came out on a squeaky breath, the pooling heat below having grown painful and turned even more agonizing when being encouraged further. A kiss on the neck went paired with a careful lick, testing the waters to discover how much this alternative animalistic personality was truly liked despite every instinct urging to act and chase a release into blinding bliss. ‘Let m- me m- make you f- feel good.’
And it was liked. Very much so, judging by the firm grip on whimpering locks driven further to the edge by fingertips sneaking towards the most sensitive part and suggestive tone in the whisper that definitely changed the relationship. ‘Then put on your pretty tail, Joonie, and let’s see how good my wolf really can make me feel.’
Being driven too much to edge already, everything went blank when connecting unprotected after the swift disposal of clothes covering the lower body but not being allowed to recuperate before being forced into moving by the firm grip on the behind and thus left mewling in overstimulation.
However, it is the duty of a pet to satisfy its owner.
The duty of a wolf to satisfy its bitch.
So the warm orange afternoon carried on into lilac twilight, breathing laboured while trying to perform to the best of capability despite clumsy movements that at some point no longer were given feedback but gone along with and thin spurts of gratitude.
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Luckily, the pretty owner did not seem to mind it just like the audience tuning in weekly to see a stuttering baby boy did not mind the transformation into a submissive wolf pup which is owned. In fact, it sparked encouraging perverse cooing alongside sincere comments about the innocent sweetness of the situation, praising loyalty and looks.
A bond that remains even when Y/N is absent, keeping up appearances of a normal friendship by readily agreeing to Jisung’s plan to go on a holiday together and thus basically forcing a pup to be left behind. Withal, the wonderful mistress has found a way to make her baby wolf remember who adopted it, who it should remain in service to despite a prolonged absence.
Everything is set up for tonight’s broadcast, the camera set up just at the right angle to capture any increase of sensual excitement illuminated by the few additional not too brightly shining ring lights kept out of the screen. The vague scent of peach hangs in the air among linen and figs, stemming from the liquid aid supporting the transformation from a man into a boy in unrequited love. Furry chocolate ears protrude from same-toned locks and match the fluffy tail gifted recently after visiting the hairdresser together to return from icy platinum to warm brown, quickly falling into sinful teasing - as has become a habit between us - whenever nobody was looking.
To complete the outfit or, rather, the lack of clothes, hands are buried in the oversized sleeves of the striped sweater that was also given as a present because I behaved so well.
No, not me.
The persona.
The pet within.
Because I behaved and even trained to become a better lovable cub though the clumsiness shall never fade, no matter how many hours are spent on endeavours to improve performance. Notwithstanding, as long as nothing is said to indicate evident dissatisfaction, perhaps the way we are is the best despite being stationary.
Clearing the throat a few times to naturally fall into the cute demeanour concealed beneath a wise exterior, fingertips already slightly tease sensitive skin after pulling up an innocent picture of the beautiful woman turned into more than a friend. Slowly, sanity loses itself over the coy smile holding out a fork with a bite of homemade matcha cake, liking it only if she has made it. However, Reason can be prevented from getting completely lost in sensual limbo by stopping all movements before it starts to feel too incredible and fancy conjures an imitating spirit. 
A deep longing sigh escapes at the view on agitated desire, twitching with the need for more yet having to wait in unwanted refraining until tonight’s plan is put into motion. ‘Ok, here we go.’
For the last time, all equipment is checked as well as the connection to the streaming platform. All is well.
Time to begin.
‘H- Hey, everyone. I- It’s me, J- Joonie.’ As soon as the record button is pushed, the stuttering alternative personality who loves wearing oversized sweaters and knows only to obey in order to please takes over fully. ‘M- Mistress is a- away on a h- ho- holiday and I c- coul- couldn’t come with her.’
The first comments about what a shame it is and filled with wonder how Y/N, nicknamed Mistress for privacy reasons, could do such a thing start to flood the chat window. Seeing the pity makes a warm flush spread throughout that rises to caramel cheeks which are swiftly covered by a sweater paw as the other continues to hide the twitching longing beneath. ‘Th- Thank you for your k- kind words. I- It’s a- al- alright, though. My pre- pretty owner has l- left a m- me- message so I’ll re- remember who I belong t- to. It’ll b- be like she’s h- here.’
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More viewer reactions, this time praising the adorable stutter and loyalty of a good wolf pup.
All that the gorgeous best friend with benefits cannot fully give to the philosophical mind always walking on the sideline, close yet far away. Lies down on the other pillow in the two-person bed after ensuring the heart belonging to another is cherished despite not being owned outside of the agreed-upon relationship.
The lover is inherently and undeniably hers.
Both the man and the wolf.
I am Y/N’s.
‘L- Let’s have a l- look at wh- what Mistress sent.’ From the side, the silver iPhone protected by a transparent case decorated with pastel pink paw prints is retrieved and the messenger app opened, my beautiful owner’s last message being the video meant for tonight.
One hand is already firmly wrapped around hardened heated skin once the recording commences, trying to control the throbbing a little longer. Already sets a cheeky slow pace at the first second showing a beloved bare body of which every inch has been kissed, especially on the days when everything felt futile. 
Speeding up a bit when interest is perked by a fuchsia and twilight purple wolf dildo and the alabaster mess between spread thighs.
‘Joonie~‘ Ears perk up at being called by a familiar beloved voice, breathing accelerating and curiously tilting chocolate milk locks in anticipation of what will follow. ‘You’ve made quite a mess, haven’t you?’
A fake memory replays itself, repeating the moment of placing a wolf’s gratitude inside Mistress after tethering on the edge without being allowed to fall as nails etched beautiful long carmine trails over honey skin to mark territory. She looked more gorgeous than ever among the pale blue sheets, so much more wonderful than a common bitch.
And the mere thought of seeing it again fuels the growing and slowly becoming painful heat between muscled legs. 
‘I know you’re on your rut.’ Impatiently, the wanton hardened shape glides suggestively among the ivory sticky mess, wanting to act on primal desire again but also be a good pup and wait for consent. ‘And I wish I could be there to help you with it.’
‘B- But you a- are here, M- Mistress.’ The delirium already starts to take over fast as the pleasurable pace accelerates yet is not fast enough to completely lose control. The word would have to be given first for that to happen. A good pet waits and obeys, does not come undone before it is allowed. Nevertheless, that does not mean whimpering is not allowed. ‘Pl- Please, I wa- wanna fuck. Kn- Knot you.’
‘But let’s pretend I’m there with you.’
A familiar hand moves the artificial plaything, no, real heated sensual craving closer to where a thick unclear stream flows languidly to coat it in the fluid. ‘You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you? Rutting against my leg all day. Fucking needy.’
‘Y- Yeah.’ It could not be helped because to a barely human mind Mistress looked incredibly alluring and smelled so sweetly of summer figs. And a fortunate oversized clumsy cub was allowed to indulge in the temptation. ‘You l- look so pr- pretty.’
Feeling impatiently brave, an attempt is made at a bodily connection without being given explicit consent. However, the start is quickly nullified and punished with a firm squeeze below that coaxes out a whine hanging somewhere between pain and delight. ‘Bad boy. Did I say you could put your thick throbbing cock in?’
Lips purse into a pout, ears flat against the scalp as a fluffy chocolate milk tail hangs low, speaking softly in apology. ‘N- No. S- Sorry, Mistress.’
‘So impatient.’ Again, all that is allowed is agonizingly teasing gliding among the mess already made, restraint becoming harder and harder to maintain. ‘Not even wanting to do foreplay.’
Slender fingertips move to the most sensitive part which is swollen in agitated red bordering on plum, reducing speech to simple-minded whining not very shy of wanton sobbing. ‘B- But you, ah, d- don’t like th- that. Al- Always, mhm, use j- just lube.’
‘Are you getting desperate, Joonie? Leaking?’ The mischievous palm moves away to give attention to parts left in neglect, a pleased smirk on the mouth kissed many times before in the way it wants. ‘Shit, look at those veins, how thick you are. You’re a big boy.’
‘Y- Yes!’ The mere sliding continues, edging a gradually fleeting soul further to the edge of ignorant bliss. Henceforth, only simply repeating is practically all that is possible in the way of talking. ‘I- I’m a b- big boy.’
‘We’ll use your cum as lube, Joonie. Now- What a shame.’
Nonetheless, consciousness is kicked off into the abyss anyway.
A disappointed sigh obviously stresses the severity of the made mistake. ‘You really can’t behave, can you? Bad boy.’
Luckily, a floating mind can come down rapidly enough to offer sincere apologies for the misbehaviour, trying to nuzzle the neck to strengthen the show of remorse but being denied to do so. ‘I- I’m sorry, Mistress. I di- didn’t, n- no, w- w- wait! I- I’m sen- sensitive. P- Please. G- Give me a- a- ah!’ 
A novel assault on the part which is the utmost susceptible to touch quickens breathing to short shallow breaths, nerves being forced into overdrive by the hurtful overload of contact. ‘I thought you’d be better than this, but it appears I have to teach you manners again.’ A thumb presses hard against the angry reddened skin, tail swishing in sensual panic. ‘I don’t care if you can’t handle it, you’re going to put your dick inside me and keep going until your knot makes my stomach bulge with cum. So, be a good wolf and... and- fuck, Namjoon~’
Accepting the punishment like a good pet, ignoring the pain of overstimulated nerves, the bodily spell is established again after being helped in lining up. Clearly to the delight of my pretty owner, who hums in breathless satisfaction. ‘Fuck, I’m clenching your hard thick cock. Feel your knot already forming, pressing against my pussy.’
The connection is exploited as much as possible, reaching the point of utmost hypnosis when seeing the lewd outline of sensual craving create a little bump in a soft stomach. And that could become so much more if the wishes caused by the rut are seen to fruition, but only if Mistress wants them to be as well, of course. ‘Wa- Wanna give you p- pups, em- empty inside.’
To worsen the chastisement and please the gorgeous woman beneath, hips snap at a rapid pace in the chase to a second shot of white ignorance. Tail high and swishing back and forth in sexual agitated delight, fluffy chocolate brownie ears perk up to zone in on the background noise accompanied by the symphony of skin on skin and barely audible praise mingled with gasps while expanding the mess already made. ‘Listen to that. How slick my pussy is with your thick cum inside. You’ll definitely make me pregnant.’
‘Y- You’d look even pr- prettier ca- carrying our children.’ The mere image of creating our own little pack drives the frenzy for release, imaging Y/N’s stomach rounded and beautiful breasts swollen with milk for our cubs. Finally, we would have something to proudly call our own. ‘I- I love you, lo- love you so so much.’
Determined irises suppressing the equal desperation for blissful blinding make contact, nails digging into the back of the neck and the pain adding to the pleasure of being the sole one for a gorgeous woman. For my pretty owner. ‘You gonna knot me again, Joonie? Make me your bitch, your only bitch?’
The rapid sweeping of the full tail signals being incredibly close to the long-chased climax, a wonderful state of being only the marvellous woman beneath can push her pet to. ‘Yes. Yes, yes! Y- You’re my, um, hmm, o- only bitch. The only, ah, o- one I wa- want.’
The only one I want to bring me to this point.
The only one I feel safe with.
Only her. 
‘Oh my God, oh my God! Joonie! Shit, it’s so big.’ Familiar locks throw themselves into the pillow as a wolf’s gratitude slides in, laughing breathlessly in a moment of selfish pride, ears perked up. After all, a cocoa and honey wolf is the sole being which is allowed to do this, to be more of a lover than Jisung. 
Make Mistress’s belly swell with cubs. 
‘God! Yeah, stretch me open, big boy. Mmm, good pup. Love your cum flowing out of my pussy, the way you make my stomach bulge. Shit~ I love your wolf cock.’
‘Y- Yours. I- I’m yours. Only y- yours.’ Teeth bite down on the bottom lip, the barely aware mind utterly mesmerized by the show of pleased satisfaction. ‘You l- look perfect, M- Mistress.’
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For a few seconds, the world slowly begins to turn as breath is regained and composure restored. Happy giggles fill the silence, soft caresses gliding over muscled arms in the aftermath and soothing the impact of the spell when it is nullified. 
‘Fuck, look at how open you fucked me.’ Gaze wanders downward, humming bordering on whimpering at the sight. Richly and languidly, a thick alabaster stream flows between thighs, increasing the arousing mess between them. 
A finger hooks beneath the chin, forcing a lock of gazes. ‘You’ll solely do this to me, understood? As soon as I’m back from my holiday, you’ll actually use me again as your bitch for the remainder of your rut and the ones to come. Do I make myself clear?’
The view causes a loss for words so that frantic nodding will have to substitute the strength of a promise that cannot be formed vocally. ‘Y- Yes, Mistress.’
The mirage fades away with the dawning realization there are comments on the screen, cooing at the fantasy of a lonesome pup which has its paws covered in a sensual mess.
‘R- Right, she isn’t h- here. Heh, how st- stupid of m- me.’ Voice reduces to whimpering, feeling the torn open gap that will not be filled. Left behind in the heart forevermore, even as a farewell is said to viewers sitting distantly behind a screen. ‘I m- miss her. But sh- she’ll be back. M- Mistress always c- comes back. Thank you f- for your kind w- words and keeping m- me company. Paw kissies from Joonie! Bye bye!’
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But it is all just a fantasy.
The camera is turned off. 
Just like the belief I shall ever be Y/N’s.
A pillow shielding a deepthroat cup is placed between muscled thighs.
And the preferred method of slightly healing the wounded part of a philosophical mind very easily twisted into a simple animal is given into.
The self-made noise mingling with the lewd sucking takes away the meaning of the burning tears streaming down. 
Because all we have is this unrequited cruelty.
A wolf pup and its owner.
The truth untold.
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mars-barssss · 5 years
LAMP Mermaid!Au HCs
Virgil was an eel-like merman. His tail was a mix of silver and purple scales on his thin tail.
That, and his retractable teeth, much like an eel, separated him from others.
Most merfolk feared that merfolk like that were feral, and avoided them at all cost.
Beneath the water, Virgil only had a small group of two to be with, Remus and Damion (Deceit).
Remus was octopus merman, and Damion was like an angler fish with his tail and light that hung above his head.
The trio lived on the edge of a reef, near a small beach town.
They were just barely adults but they still often played just out of view of the main merfolk populations. (EX. through the kelp on the edge of town, or swimming into the deeper waters.)
(They were really close, Damion, the oldest, found Virgil when he was abandoned at a young age, and Remus when he was stuck in a fish trap.)
(No one knew where Damion came from or his story.)
One day, they were swimming somewhat close to the surface, when Damion heard some enchanting singing from above. When Remus dashed to flee Virgil, He grabbed Virgil’s arm, and pointed towards it.
“Don’t go up there-! That’s dangerous, you know that-” Virgil tried to convince Damion. When Damion decided to go up anyways, Virgil followed him, just because he didn’t want him getting hurt.
“For being the type to lure others in and trick them, you sure are a dumb*ss!”
They surfaced inside a cave on the beach. The sun was just dipping beneath the water.
(They knew not to go up to the surface at day time, they could get caught!)
Two legs were dangling from the top of the mouth of the cave.
The song echoed into the cave, letting the eel-like merman hear it.
Damion thought it was pretty on inspection, but Virgil thought it was incredible.
Eventually, another voice joined the other, and the boy’s singing ceased. The other voice went on for a bit, before they say the boy scramble up from the edge of the cave and leave.
In an amazed silence, the two mermen dove down and went home.
Remus was pretty mad they left him behind, but did take interest in the singing human they told him about.
The next day, Virgil headed out on a tall mound of rocks, looking up through the water towards were the cave was the previous day.
Damion swam over to him, concern etching on his face, before he realized why he was there.
“I was wondering if he would sing again. That’s it. I’ll be down there soon, I promise Dee.”
Damion didn’t look convinced, but nodded. “Virge, we’ll be going down to the sea bed later, are you going to come with us?”
“Yeah, of course!”
The merman dived down lower, leaving Virgil with his thoughts, and as Virgil looked up to the surface, a few other merfolk caught his eye.
Sparing a glance at them, he noticed them seeing him. He noticed their concerned glances. The lead one, one with an orange shark-tail, ushered the others back. Their fear and disgust were definitely there, and it made Virgil grow angry.
Just as Virgil was going to dive back down, to where he belonged, he heard something again.
The singing.
Instead, he made his way back to the cave, surfacing in the cave’s waters.
This time, the boy had located himself right in front of the cave, singing along with another person. Another boy.
(With how similar their languages were, Virgil could make out a bit of what they were saying. He just couldn’t speak it that well, because he had eel’s teeth, which causes him to have a bit more problems when talking to others of either kind.)
The other boy spoke up. “Roman-! You should totally be in the talent show!”
Then, the boy Roman spoke. “You think-?"
“Yeah! Of course!” The other boy shuffled a bit, soon deciding to sit down. “Trust me, Logan would say yes too! Although, I bet he’d be more like, ‘yes, that is a correction assumption of what turn of events you shall take~!’“ The other boy’s voice grew monotone, although Virgil didn’t understand why.
All of a sudden, the air erupted with the most beautiful laughter Virgil had ever heard. Roman curled in on himself, laughing without a care. Soon, Virgil faded out of the conversation thinking about it.
Eventually, the other boy left, and Roman began to sing another song this time.
Slowly, Virgil coaxed himself to quietly join.
And when Roman left, Virgil remembered one thing about himself.
When he fell in love, he fell hard.
It seemed like the others knew it too, Remus holding back snickers as Virgil told them.
“Virge, it’s ruining your dark persona-!” Remus wiped a tear, blending in with the water as he finished his laughter.
Soon, Damion spoke up. “But Virgil, you are the one who is always warning us about stuff like this? Isn’t this bad?!”
“Yeah, but-! Trust me, I’m just there for the music, nothing...”
That was such a lie.
Every day, he’d wait beneath the water for Roman to sing again. It seemed like he always did.
Every day, he’d hide in the cave and sing along.
To Roman, it felt like the cave always sung along with him, but he never checked.
Some days, he’d learn more about the singer. Others, it was just the normal music.
Some days, others came to say hi to him.
One day, Virgil went up in the cave, and didn’t hear any singing.
But he knew Roman was there, his legs dangling over the edge again.
And he was sobbing.
Tears hit the water beneath him every so often. Small splashes.
And each of the impacts hurt Virgil to hear. He was devastated, with all that he knew, Roman was an incredible person, someone he always wished to meet.
And suddenly, without his best judgment, he tried something.
Edging near where the tears fell, he hummed a song. One that Roman had sang happily days prior.
A haunted echo followed it, but it was still the same song.
The hiccups and sobs stopped, only followed by silence.
Soon, Virgil realized something. He was listening.
Stuttering a bit, he continued, until the sun dipped all of the way beneath the horizon, and the boy got up and left.
But Virgil could hear no more tears fall.
Every day then on, he left the most beautiful shells on the beach side, where Roman sometimes sat.
Every night, no more shells were there.
A few weeks later, he went into the usual cave. A bit earlier, though, the sun was still up.
And this time, he was terrified of what he saw.
Today, there was already someone in the cave, for some unknown reason-!
Virgil recognized him. The same kid from before with Roman. Short, fluffy brown hair, large rounded glasses, and freckles on each cheek. He was holding a collection of shells.
He turned his head at the sound of Virgil reaching the surface.
“Oh-! I didn’t know anyone else was here! Hiya!” The boy waved excitedly at him.
Crap. His voice is pretty hard to do in the air like this, especially with his teeth. Oh god this is a human, he’s going to talk to a human, oh dear oh no-
“You okay? Don’t talk much?” The boy sat down on the edge of the ledge he stood on.
Virgil nodded slightly, making sure he was in a spot the boy couldn’t see his tail.
“That’s okay! My name’s Patton, you?”
“V... V-Vir-gil...”
“V...Virgil? Is that your name? It’s a nice name!”
He nodded again, a slight smile on his lips, although a bit of a nervous one.
They talked for a while, mainly Patton working through a conversation with his new mute-ish friend.
When Patton left, Virgil had a whole new thing to think about. This time though, he didn’t think he’ll tell the others.
It’s just one time, right?
It was actually just the first time.
Now, Patton seemed to always be in the cave, as if it summoned the other, despite never seeing Virgil enter.
Virgil grew attached to the Patton, he was so nice to him, for no reason. The only others that were nice to him had only been the other two. This was new.
They usually talked about animals surprisingly. And a bit about music, and other things.
Patton was surprisingly understanding about his voice problems.
He figured out a spot under the ledge to hide his tail from him too.
And always, after Patton left, Roman arrived. Eventually, Virgil didn’t just come for Roman, but Patton too.
God, they were just so wonderful, both of them!
At the end of another singing session with Roman, he heard the boy run off again, and what he knew now as Patton’s voice called him over.
That night, Virgil was just planning to sit around for about five minutes. He wanted to look at the ocean come in from above, instead of below this time.
When he spotted someone just outside of the cave.
It wasn’t Patton, nor Roman.
It was someone new.
They were stargazing, laying down on the sand. Their black hair blending into the sand. They wore glasses like Patton, but...
They had like an aura.
He swan slowly over, the sound alerting the person.
When they got up, Virgil got a better look at them as he hid his tail.
The boy was taller than Patton, actually. Glasses were just as big, but square this time. He stood with presence, and he was looking right at Virgil.
“I didn’t know anyone swam out here this late. Hello.” The boy stuttered slightly, but otherwise seemed calm, almost without emotion.
Virgil shrunk back slightly, waving at the boy. He was intimidated, but also nervous again. What if he saw?...
“Yes, hello. What’s your name, if I may?
Virgil shrugged slightly under the eyes of him, looking away.
“You don’t seem to speak much, is that correct? Alright. I am Logan. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
He raised his hand towards the other, and Virgil nervously put his hand in his, surprised to have it shaken.
Logan then explains that he was out there to see the stars, and asks Virgil if he was. Virgil shrugs, managing to say that he likes them, but he came out to see the ocean, although with some difficulty.
Eventually, the both of them begin to talk about stars, and the longer they speak, the more excited and happy Logan gets. And Virgil finds it adorable, or cute.
He wasn’t sure which was more fitting.
When Logan left, the small wave towards him made Virgil’s cheeks flush.
Weeks later, after coming home late again after talking to Logan, he was met with a very angry merman.
"Where have you been-?! I thought you went missing! For being the cautious one, why are you trying to be out there so much?"
“Chill out, Dee. I was just looking at the stars-”
“Chill out?! Hah, you are such a hypocrite! You are trying to tell me to chill out, when you’re trying to sing with a human!”
“Humans, actually, cause you know what?! I’m sick of lying, just so I can live my life out there! Down here, there is nothing! If I go slightly too shallow, everything hates me because of what I am, but them!
“Yes. And you know what Dee? They are freaking nice to me. For once. They are.”
“Do they even know what you are?!”
“N-No, but-”
“They will toss you out the MOMENT they know what you are! Do you understand me? Do you?! They will tell the fishermen, and then you will be dead-!” With those words, he widens his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth.
“Dee-!” Virgil’s teeth were also bared, no longer held within, and sharp and furious.
“And you act as if I want you dead! I CARE ABOUT YOU HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND-” Damion’s light glew brighter with each word.
(It wasn’t the first time they had fought, either.)
Immediately, both voices drop. Their eyes jump to the sound, their mouths agape. Remus was crying, curling in on himself. His tentacles tightening around himself. Their moves to try to intimidate each other fell in that moment.
“Just... stop... please...” He wiped furiously at his eyes, his tears spreading around in small bubbles. “Stop fighting.”
“Remus...” Damion mutter quietly. His voice sounded oddly choked. “Virge, I...”
Virgil, who was already crying, just shook more. He looked out of the cave, and scrunched up his eyes, trying to stop the tears. He swims backwards for a moment, tears in the forms of bubbles being left behind. “Y-You... hate...”
In moments, Virgil swims away, deeper and deeper, anywhere to avoid the others.
Remus just sobs. Damion...
He couldn’t even shed a tear.
(It was just the first that got stopped.)
After that, Virgil was almost in the cave all of the time. He didn’t go under during the day, or home at night.
Early in the day, he saw Patton run in, apparently play a game called, “tag”, with somebody. When Patton turned back to where he was running, he spotted the crying merman by himself, his body shaking with sobs and his tail visible.
His train of thought just stopped at the sight.
The person he was playing with went in, and he was shocked as well. Logan stepped gingerly beside Patton, looking at Virgil with awe and then concern.
One, mermaids have just been a myth. Two, they were rumored to be evil, and would drown you. Three, avoid the ones that look like predators, they’re worse. Four, they had both talked to this boy before.
Five, this one was crying.
Virgil heard hushed whispering from the two of them, too emotionally vulnerable to care anymore. The one person who took care of him his entire life told him that he hated him. And crushed his whole darn world.
The whispers were about how they both knew him. And about what to do.
Patton approached first, nervously touching the merman on the shoulder. “Hey, uh, Virgil?...”
That’s what surprised Virgil. The sudden touch. He jumped back, turning around and slipping away from the in the water.
“I-It’s okay Virgil! It’s just... it’s just us!” Patton waved his hands around nervously. He trusted Virgil, he was kind for the months he knew him, but this was new.
“Yes, Virgil. It’s alright, you don’t need to be scared.” Logan said calmly beside him. He sat on the ledge, and gestured for Patton to do the same.
“W-What happened? Are you okay?” Patton kept his questions about being a merman inside for a while. He didn’t want to overwhelm him! He was still the guy he met months ago.
“I-I-I...” After stuttering, Virgil merely shook his head at them. “M-M-My f-family, t-they... h-h-hate me...”
“Oh... kiddo, I’m so sorry, I...” Patton didn’t know what to say, looking at Logan. “You’re still a wonderful person kiddo! I know you, I just didn’t know about that...”
After a bit more of the conversation, Patton eventually convinced Virgil to come closer, and after Patton got into some shallow water, he pulled Virgil into a tight embrace, which surprised him, and he fought it for a second.
He wasn’t used to being hugged.
Eventually, it felt so nice and comforting, he melted into it.
Surprising both of them, Logan joined in as well.
As days passed on, Patton and Logan were there almost everyday.
They asked about how it was like being a merman when Virgil cheered up.
Virgil mentioned about Roman’s singing, which made both of them perk up.
“Roman always says that when he sings here, that the cave sings with him. That was you, wasn’t it?”
Logan was excited about anything mythical, so he kept notes. Not anything bad, but he was just happy, and who could blame him?
(Also now that Patton knows Virgil is a merman, let’s just say he made several fish-based puns, including Vir-gill!)
After Virgil told them everything over a few weeks, both of them looked at each other, in understanding. As time passed, they appreciated their aquatic friend even more than they already had.
Logan leaves early one day, not leaving behind much of an explanation. Patton shrugs it off.
While Logan was gone, Roman comes by to sing again, and with approval of Virgil, Patton calls Roman down.
Roman is confused, but he went anyways.
He’s amazed once he spots Virgil. A merman-!
“Shhh-! Roman!”
He’s also amazed that this one knew his name.
Patton explains Virgil to him, and he’s got this shocked expression.
But it’s not bad.
“You-! You were the one who always sang with me! I noticed the other voice, but I didn’t want to scare you off...” An unsaid sentence fluttered between them. You sang for me when I sad, right? And left shells for me?
Quickly, Roman became a part of the normal group to show up for Virgil every day. While he was the last one to know Virgil truly, they weren’t any less of friends. If anything, Roman was pining for Virgil a bit, unknown to Virgil.
Every day that passed, the closer they became, until they were almost family. No, until they were family.
They were all the same age, or close to. (18-21 range, Virgil being the youngest.)
Logan finally brought up what he went to look for that one day.
A myth, but if all of the myths about mermaids were true, this one could be too.
It was about a mermaid who became a human.
An irreversible change, but Virgil was desperate. He had nothing left here... and because in only three weeks from then, the three of them would move away in a house, miles and miles away.
They didn’t want to leave Virgil behind either.
So they read into the myth, Virgil pushing himself onto the land, to read it without damaging the words.
It read that a mermaid or merman had to take off two scales of their own, find a pearl, attach them together, and create a necklace of it. Mark a certain symbol on it, and sever the ties one had with the world undersea. Upon wearing it, the mermaid’s scales would fall away, giving them new legs and the chance to be human.
The scales were pretty painful to remove, but he had gotten a gray and purple scale in his hands. He marked the symbol on it, while the three of them tried to find a pearl and a small thread to use.
They only found the thread. There were no pearls.
That left Virgil with one place he could get it. His old home.
He snuck down there the next day, his nerves and guts twisting. When he entered, he swam to Damion’s chest. Opening it, he took the small pearl, holding it close. Remus, who had been taking a nap, awoke to him.
“R-Remus-!” Virgil gasped, holding the pearl, which Remus looked at nervously.
“Isn’t... Isn’t that Dee’s? Wait, are you trying to-”
“Y-Yeah, Remus. I’m leaving, and... And it’ll be for good this time.”
Virgil cradles the pearl. “I’m going to be human.”
“... Are these humans really good to you?”
“Y-Yeah. They make me feel loved. And... I care so much about them.”
Remus looked sadly at the ground. “If they make you happy, then go, okay Virge?”
“Thank you so much, Remus. Don’t tell Damion I was here, okay?”
“W-Why?” Remus shudder nervously. Virgil felt guilt climbing up his back.
“I don’t want him to be sad. He’ll get over me leaving one day, I know.”
“Virgil.” Remus hugged Virgil tightly, as if he’d disappear. “Don’t leave us...”
“I’m... sorry Remus. I have to leave the nest one day, right?” Virgil tried to joke, only getting tears from Remus.
“We love you Virge, don’t go...”
“I need to go. I need to.” Virgil squeezed Remus slightly, before breaking away, tears floating out of him. “I need to, I’m sorry. T-Tell Damion I’m sorry too, okay?”
Virgil gave Remus one last wave, before bringing the pearl to the others. If he stayed too long, Damion would come home and see him. The pain of leaving the past was great, but the love blossoming in Virgil’s chest was so much more. The guilt and love mixed together in a strange way. After a quick ritual, Virgil tumbled into the water with new legs.
And after being thrown some clothes, He stumbled upwards to stand. And almost fell again, if it wasn’t for his new family that caught him. And all that could be heard was laughter in the cave.
He had a family. And he had another. And no matter how much he blamed himself for leaving, the others held him close. Before moving away, Virgil swore he saw two silhouettes in the water, from where his home used to be. From where arguments came fast and harsh. From where love was held, through the fights. From where it got too much for many involved. From where lies were held close to someone’s heart. From where a merman tried to leave one day, only to be guilty. To where people who didn’t fight, who cared about him, found him.
And it was going to be okay.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Ok so. Oscar as Nene (got drag to supernatural stuff like Os got drag to become a huntsman) Ruby as Hanako (playful, deeper than you think, family issue🤣😂) Jaune as Kou Pyrrha as Mitsuba GO BRAINSTORM NOW YA KNOW THE STORY OF HANAKO KUN🤣😂❤️❤️❤️
Hehehe,indeed I do know the story of Hanako-kun,Ly. Especially now that I’m all caught up with both the anime and the mangaseries. Although I will say this though, theanime adaptation of the Mitsuba chapter was one hundred times moreheartbreaking to see play out in animated form. I mean it was alreadysaddening to read about in the manga when I first started but to see it now infull living colour…my heart. Dem feelsman!
Andto imaging Pyrhha Nikkos being Jaune’sMitsuba in a RWBY-inspired Hanako universe is so tragically fitting thatit’s bloody perfect. Y’know it was actually @mojo72400 who first suggested thepotential of a Rosegarden AU based on Hanako-kun. However at the time, I ridiculouslythought that Toilet-Bound Hanako-kunwas about a anime girl who had to survive the social ladder of highschool witha terrible condition that forced to suffer from infrequent trips to the toilet.That’s what the title made me think the story was about. I know that soundssilly in hindsight but can you blame with a title like that? Now imagine howpleasantly surprised I was to realize that TBH was definitely better than I canever imagined.
Anyways,that being said, now that I’ve familiarized myself with the Hanako-universe(and have officially joined its fandom community---Whaddup my toilet-bounddudes!) you can bet your bum that I’m definitely game for a Barn- Bound Ruby Rose RWBY Rosegarden AU and I second the idea of Oscar Pine being the Nene ofthis universe.
Oh!But instead of Oscar being afflicted with the Mermaid’s Curse, let say…that Oscar’s curse is called the Pumpkinhead curse.
 Likeimagine…Oscar being a farm-bred countrypumpkin who had to move to the city to attend high school and becauseof this, he’s affectionately been christened the nickname of “country pumpkin” by his peers.
Let’s say…that much like Nene, Oscar’sstory was that he had a crush on one of his upperclassman and wanted to make awish to change his appearance so that his crush could finally notice him andmaybe become his girlfriend. Let’s say…that having grown up on a farm far outin the countryside, Oscar has always dreamed of living in the city and hadbasically dreamt up this little fantasy of what his dream “highschool experience”would be and for the sake of this AU, one of his ambitions was somehow becomingthe proud lovingly devoted boyfriend of the most popular girl at school.
Nowaccording to rumours around the school, Oscar’s crush liked “tall handsome city boys” so unfortunatelyfor Oscar, his small, cute farm boy look wasn’t going to cut it for him inwinning over the affection of his future girlfriend.
Atfirst Oscar thought that his luck with his crush might not change until heheard a rumour about one of the schools Seven Mysteries. Mystery No. 7---TheRuby Rose of the Abandoned Barn house in the back of the school compound.Basically the deal was that the Ruby Rose was supposed to be some kind ofsupernatural jinn who grant one wish to anyone who is able to successfullysummon it.
Longstory short, Oscar goes to the barn in hopes that he could successfully summonthe Ruby Rose. But to Oscar’s surprise, rather than summoning a super imposingmystical genie of the magic arts here to grant him any wish he so desired likehe had imagined in his impressionable overactive farm boy imagination, Oscarinstead finds a ghost girl dressed in a red hood who addresses herself as RubyRose.
Basicallythe idea I’m having here is that before making the choice to go live in thecity, Oscar lived a rather sheltered life in a small town where the only thinghe had to connect with were books that his aunt would lend him. So because ofthis, let’s say Oscar has a skewed,child-like impression of what the real world is. In a nutshell, he’s very naïve. Not stupid. Just gullibleenough to believe a silly school rumour about a supernatural being who cangrant him his wish to make him desirable enough for his crush to love him.
(YesI know that sounds silly and totally out of character for Oscar but since Oscaris meant to be Nene here I tried to give him the key Nene-isms---her thirst for the love of the oppositesex--- while maintaining some of his canonical RWBY traits).
Anyways;like I said---Oscar successfully summons Ruby: He didn’t really have to domuch. Just leave a plate of chocolate chip cookies and milk in the centre ofthe room while say “Ruby Rose” three times.
Howevershenanigans happen which result in Oscar failing to get his wish from Ruby who,as it turnt out, can’t really do anything to change Oscar’s appearance.
Thisthen leads to Oscar eating a cursed cookie that he took off of Ruby.Let’s say…the cookie is heart-shapedwith red velvet icing and strawberry hearts on one side while the other side wasdecorated like a Halloween pumpkin face.
Let’s say…the idea behind thecookie---the Cursed Pumpernickelcookie--- is that should two people share the cookie, they would be boundedtogether for all eternity and live a lifetime of love, happily ever after.However should the pair’s love not be mutually reciprocated with only one halfof the cookie being eaten, the recipient of the eaten half shall fall prey tothe Pumpkinhead curse.
Thisis what ends up befalling poor Oscar. The idea I had was that, much like Nene,Oscar pilfered Cursed Pumpernickel off of Ruby while she was sifting throughher pocket for another token to help him “woo” his crush.
Whenasked about the cookie, Ruby harmlessly informs Oscar about the “power” of thePumpernickel cookie, not thinking that Oscar would ever be so foolish enough to actually eat itknowing the details of its curse. However, unfortunately for Ruby, Oscar wasthat foolish and eats one of half of the Pumpernickel cookie with the intentionof giving the other half to his crush to bind them together forever.
Let’s say…in this AU, Oscar’s crush is Neon Katt. Like Oscarhas had a crush on her since his first day of high school, falling head overheels in love with her just because she and her friends were close with Oscar’supperclassman pals and Neo was always super nice and affectionate withOscar---y’know like your best friend being nice to your kid brother who has anobvious crush on her type of scenario.
SoOscar goes to give Neon the other half of the Pumpernickel but as he does,their moment is interrupted by Flynt. Let’ssay…in this AU, Flynt and Neon areclose childhood best friends who’ve secretly had feelings for each other foryears. (Because in the squiggle shire, we still ship Funky Cat or whatever the name of Flynt x Neon’s ship is). So Flyntconfesses his love to Neon and much to Oscar’s heartache, Neon reciprocates hisfeelings. She even forgets that Oscar was even standing there before Flyntreminds her of his presense.
Butas Neon goes to take the reaming half of the Pumpernickel that Oscar was aboutto offer her, Oscar, doing his best to hide his sadness, makes up some cock andbull story about the cookie being bad and no longer good enough to give Neonanymore. He then congratulates Flynt and Neon on their newfound relationshipbefore running off; claiming to be returning to class.
Assaid, Oscar is heartbroken---realizing how foolishhe had been for pursuing Neon. But before Oscar could lament on hisfoolishness, he is suddenly overtaken by the Pumpkinhead Curse. Oscar is turned into a pumpkin. Thenext thing Oscar knows he opens what he assumesto be his eyes, looking up to find Ruby standing over him. However for some oddreason, Oscar could no longer feel his hands or his legs. He suddenly feels very, very different.
Itis then when Ruby holds up a mirror to Oscar to show his new pumpkin body---asmall bright orange pumpkin with a fluffy head of leaves and vines which Rubyhad been kind enough to carve out his eyes and mouth so he could see and talkto her. She even took the liberty of carving out tiny holes where Oscar’sfreckles would be on his face.
WhyI like the concept of Oscar’s curse being the Pumpkinhead curse is, not justbecause it was inspired by the Oz character of the same name but mainly becauseof a quote that Jack Pumpkinhead said after he had first come to life:
“…It will take me alittle time to discover whether I am very wise or very foolish…”
 Ilike the idea of Oscar winding up cursed because his affection for Neon and hisdesperation to have her return his feelings had made him foolish in his pursuitof love or something along those lines. I like this idea just as much as I likethe idea of those afflicted with the Pumpkinhead Curse ending up becomingpumpkins to be added to the patch of a supernatural entity known as the PumpkinKing.
Y’knowhow in Hanako, we had the Mermaid Queen apparition who told Nene that if shebecame her servant she would be loved by her and her fish people? Well for thisAU, my idea is that Oscar would become apumpkin in the Pumpkin King’s Patch to be marriedoff to one of his literal spoiled rotten pumpkin-headed children. Sobasically by being cursed, Oscarunintentionally set himself up to become the future groom to the Pumpkin King’s eldest daughter whose been knownto eat her husbands, much to the farm boy’s dismay since not only did henot want to be a pumpkin for the rest of the life but he certainly did not wantto be married off to a pumpkin either at the tender age of 14.
Soto avoid becoming the Pumpkin Princess’ latest snack and umpteenth deadhusband, Ruby makes Oscar a deal he couldn't refuse. Much like Hanako did withNene, Ruby binds herself to Oscar and becomes his "girlfriend" as a means of keeping the Pumpkin King fromclaiming him for his daughter (which basically becomes like a sort of runninggag with the Pumpkin King and his minions constantly trying to persuade orstraight up kidnap Oscar into becoming the future little Pumpkin Prince).
Andto seal to deal that they were now bound together, Ruby eats the other half ofthe cursed Pumpernickel Cookie before kissing Oscar while he was still inpumpkin form which turns him back into a proper human boy.
Sobasically Oscar also ends up losing hisfirst kiss to Ruby; much to the farm boy’s embarrassment.
Butbottom-line, Ruby and Oscar were now bound together through the PumpkinheadCurse. However, because she had went out of her way to help him, Oscar beingbound to Ruby almost meant that he owed her indefinitely.
Andconsidering that Ruby was now Oscar's quote unquote "girlfriend", she pretty much make lives up to that titleby ensuring that Oscar played the part of her so-called lovingly devoted“boyfriend”, wading on the jubilantly childish yet mysterious apparition handand foot while additionally assisting her in her maintenance of the balancebetween the living and supernatural world. Because in Oscar’s case, it waseither that or being a talking pumpkin head turned pumpkin groom married to hisgiant pumpkin wife in constant fear of being eaten for the rest of his life.And that’s my idea for Oscar’s Nene-inspired story for this AU which I guess canwork as a nice little basis for it. Y'know do something similar to the originalHanako series but with a squigglytwist to it, in a sense. Besides I love the concept of Oscar being a cutelittle pumpkin more than him being a fish like Nene. But that's my idea.
Asfor the rest of the RWBY cast as Hanako-inspired characters---Well... as Imentioned before, I really dig your idea of Jaune being the Kou of thisuniverse. We can even maintain the same idea by having him come from a longline of spirit warriors dubbed the Arc-Angels or “Arc Knights” (see what I did there) with his older sister Saphronbeing a more experienced one watching over her brother’s development whilesimultaneously acting as a teacher at his high school along with her wife:Terra Cotta who is the school librarian. I like the idea of Terra beingcompletely oblivious to her wife and her family’s connection to thesupernatural world due to Saphron wishing to keep both her wife and their toddlerson away from that kind of life style. Perhapsyou can even have an idea where Saphron abandoned her duties as an Arc Knightbecause she desired a normal life with a family of her own.
Perhaps…you can have somethingwhere the Arc Knights, being the only spirit warrior family within the mainsetting of the story, were the sworn protectors of the land of the living;working to exorcise any wayward apparitions.
Let’ssay Saphron estranged herself from her family, choosing to work more closely withthe apparitions to focus on maintaining better peace between the two worlds. Butbecause Saphron had left, her baby brother Jaune was forced to take her placeand the two share an interesting dynamic where Jaune wants to prove that hecould be a great spirit warrior who won’t quit like his sister did and Saphronhas to look out for him while feeling guilty for partially making Jaune thewarrior that he was now. That’s one idea.
Nowthat I think about it. This type of story could also work for Weiss and Winter. Like I can easilypicture Weiss being an alternate version for the Kou character of this universewith Jaune being her Mitsuba. OR…perhapsin this AU, the Schnees were a rival spiritwarrior/ exorcist family to the Arcs?
Perhaps…unlike the Arcs who were open to working inharmony with the apparitions, the Schnees were not. Instead the Schneesused their family power to enslave apparitions and use them as their pawns incombat.
Let’ssay, while the Arc Knights adhered to the old school spirit warrior code, theSchnees were necromancers---summoningthe dead to fight their battles for them with little respect their pasthumanity when they were alive which the Arc family greatly frowned upon. (Imean the Schnee family semblance is practically the RWBY equivalent ofnecromancy so in this case it works)
Perhaps…you can even have athing where Jaune and Weiss are rivals coming from strong spirit warrior/exorcistfamily bloodlines or clans so the two basically grew up opposing one anotherfrom birth.
Howeverlet’s say… Jaune secretly has feelings for Weiss and at first Weiss didn’tcare much for Jaune; choosing to focus mainly on maintaining her family’s honouras encouraged by her older sister Winter.
Howeverlet’s say…Weiss ultimately shows asofter side to herself, taking an interest in Jaune’s wellbeing as a “friendwho knew him” after he gets himself involved with a ghost girl named Pyrhha (whowas resurrected by darker apparition) and started committing some questionable acts. Or something alongthose lines.
Idefinitely dig the idea of the Arcs and the Schnees being rival clans whomaintain balance in the supernatural and living world---but while the Arcscoexist in harmony with the apparitions on parlayed allegiance with theMysteries (such as Ruby Rose), the Schnees have a different way of doing thingsdespite fighting for the same cause. And this rivalry is reflected in thecharacter dynamics of Weiss and Jaune (who are students of Oscar’s highschooland his fellow upperclassman) and also their older sisters---Winter andSaphron. I’m going to change my earlier concept. I’m going to make Saphron theschool librarian along with her wife Terra while Winter Schnee is the homeroomteacher of Oscar’s class. Yeah that’s better, I like that better.
Movingalong, I definitely like the idea of Norabeing Oscar's version of Aoi-chan. Since Oscar is the focal character herein Nene’s role, I think Nora can work really, really well as the person acts asthe closest thing to a best friend he has.
Or….maybeJaune can be Oscar’s best friend in this AU but Nora is still his Aoi-chan? Maybeyou can even add a little detail where Nora is Oscar’s foster sister. Like perhaps…in this universe, the Arcs arelong-time friends of Oscar’s family (meaning his aunt and uncle in the farcountry) who were more than willing to allow him to live under their roof whilehe’s in the city pursuing his high school education.
Sobasically let’s say, in this AU, Oscar lives with Jaune who is staying withSaphron and Terra. Baby Adrian alsoexists in this AU too so Oscar and baby Adrian interactions and hijinks canensue.
Ialso like the idea of Nora and Ren also beingtenants of the Cotta-Arc household. Let’ssay…Ren and Nora are basically Jaune’s best friends and adopted siblingswho were taken in by the Arc family when they were kids and ultimately movedout with Jaune to live with his sister.
Soin a nutshell, in this AU, Team JNPR 2.0 or ALPN live together with Jaune, Renand Nora maintaining their roles as Oscar’s surrogate big brothers and sisterand the closest thing to friends he has at school.
Let’s say…in this AU, due to hiscountry upbringing and his introverted demeanour, Oscar has been having a hardtime adjusting to the city and making friends in his new school and class. Butat least he had his big brother Jaune and friends to look out for him.
Asa matter of fact, I love the idea of Ren and Nora being the Aoi and Akane ofthis AU only with a small difference. Much like Aoi and Akane, Ren and Nora arechildhood best friends with Nora having an obvious crush on Ren.
Butrather than Nora being revealed to be one of the Mysteries like Akane, I'm moredigging the idea of Ren being partapparition and the first time he reveals this is to protect Nora. Like imagine…Nora constantly being the onepursuing Ren making her feelings for him obvious just like in RWBY but we don’tknow how Ren feels for Nora. We know he definitely cares for her but we're notaware of his love for her until he reveals himself as one of the Clock keepersto save Nora. 
Likeperhaps Oscar, Ruby and Jaunebelieved that Nora might’ve been masquerading as one of the Seven Mysteries dueto her mysterious dark past sharedwith Ren only for Ren to intervene and reveal himself as the true supernatural.I think that can work.
Asfor who I think the Mysteries in this AU could be, that's definitely tricky---Iknow I definitely want Ozpin to be part of the Three Clock-keepers alongsideRen. Oz can be the Clock-keeper of the Past, Ren the present but I’m not surewho the Clock Keeper of the Future would be to stir up trouble. I kind of low-key want to make Zwei theClock Keeper of the Future. Why? Having a sentient doggo control the futureand wreak havoc? Sure why not XD  
Asfor Mystery No. 2, I’m thinking maybe Blake? Perhaps her mystery could be called “The Staircase of the Beast”?Perhaps this title was shared by her and her “lover” in this universe beforethings turned Grimm when bad rumours started to spread about her lover whichturned them into a beastly monster as a result of it. 
Likeyou can say that originally Blake’s mystery was called “The Belladonna Staircase” and it used to be a sort of romanticspot that blessed couples until the rumours turned her mystery into the“Staircase of the Beast” which only preys on couples.
Ithink that can work swimmingly. As for who would play Blake’s lover in this AU,I don’t care. I’ll leave that for you or anyone to insert whoever you shipBlake with, Ly. I’m not touching that can of worms =_=);
Movingalong, since we established that Pyrhha is the Mitsuba in this AU, she willbecome Mystery No. 3.
Asfor Mystery No. 4, I think Penny works excellently here. I can definitelypicture Penny P. as one of the Seven Mysteries. Not to mention that herpersonality certain reminds me a lot of Shijima Mei.
Thesame can be said for Qrow Branwen as Mystery No. 5. His personality definitelymatches Tsuchigomori the most, at least in my opinion.
Asfor Mystery No. 6, well since the manga is now getting to touch base on hischaracter and storyline as one of the Seven Mysteries, I don’t quite know muchabout him as yet. So I’ll hold off on my choice on who could play his role fromthe RWBY universe.
Lastly,as for who will be our broadcasting clubtrio in this AU; well I think it should be obvious. In my eyes, I’mthinking Cinder Fall could play a goodequivalent to Tsukasa Yugi. While she may not share the family relation asTsukasa does to Hanako/Amane Yugi, I still think that Cinder can work as Ruby’santithesis given their connection from the canonical series.
Notto mention that Cinder Fall is the one character who can match Tsukasa’s eerilymalicious nature, in my opinion. So with Cinder as Tsukasa, this puts EmeraldSustrai and Mercury Black as her versions of Sakura and Natsuhiko with Emerald,of course, being the one bonded to Cinder like Ruby is to the Oscar.
Ithink that aspect of it definitely works a lot. But again these are just only my ideas I’m spouting. Nonetheless, letme know what you think Ly?
Didthis squiggle meister deliver well onserving up enough good brainstorming food for ya ;) I hope I did. Cheers fam!
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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eggjorp · 5 years
A/N: THAT GODDAMNED TONGUE IN THE GIF shfishdfisfhijdfis ok I edited the bulleted scenario that I submitted to @nctdoingthings my lovely best friend instead of doing my homework skksdkjskskjdksjdksjskks
Warning: I swear a whole fucking lot
Idk how long it is but it is pretty fluffy and cute! Enemies to lovers! My no.1 au
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Ok so you and Mr Kim Doyoung go to the same school/uni idk bro its your imagination I’m just a guideline okay
Y’all generally smart, he’s not in all your classes, just some
Neither of you are TOP of the class like this ain’t some no.1 in the school rivalry I don’t— bitch I don’t have to motivation to even TRY to be no.1 we gotta make this attainable ok?? Y’all just pretty high up there
He sits the table behind you and gets kinda pissed when you laugh obnoxiously with your friends (this is a personal attack @ myself ok)
You try to get along with him but sometimes he just gives you that Look™ where u can tell he’s judging you and thinking ‘damn she dumb wow ok’ (he’s probably not) (maybe a little)
Eventually you gave up because you got exams and fuck I forgot where I was going with this
Oh yeah so y’all just don’t speak. Like you acknowledge each others presences but you just— don’t speak to each other and give each other distasteful looks, you’re not each other’s cups of tea ok fuck it not everyone’s gonna like u suck it up u lil bitch ok I’ll stop
You go to the library to revise for the exams, only free space is next to him so you plop your butt down n get cracking uno
You get stuck on a question and you try textbooks, you try handouts, you try google, you try everything and you just?? Don’t??? Get it???? So you suck up your damned pride and you tap his shoulder like
“Yo so u see this question that we had for homework yeah I don’t understand it, like at ALL, so would you mind helping me please?”
And he just kinda stares at you for a few seconds because he just didn’t,, expect you to actually uno, talk to him never mind like ACTUALLY ask him for help
So he’s like ‘um sure’ ‘okay yeah so you blah blah blah bc the blah blah and the blah blah?’ And you just stare at him for a few seconds back like ‘um what?’
So he takes a deep breath and turns in his seat so he’s facing you more directly and takes the handout from that lesson and explains the whole thing. It kind of seems like he’s getting pissed at your ??? Faces but you don’t say anything because your grades are too important lol
You fiNALLy understand it and say thanks and then continue working
Then it happens agAIN (another day) excEPT ;))) he’s asking yOU for help
I’m making this up as I go along somebody help me
And you really wanna smirk and be all smug but your like to yourself ‘yn, no you gotta CHILL you don’t wanna piss him off’ and you help him anf all is good
THEN the 2 questions you helped each other in came up in the exam and when you get to class you high five because,, uno,, fun!!
So y’all are on an acquaintance level now, and it’s cool, you don’t really speak much but no more distasteful looks thank GOD
Aight so the library stuff doesn’t happen again because, uno, this ain’t to all the boys I’ve loved before ok
We gonna make it kinda realistic
So both of y’all are ill which sucks since y’all did wanna go to school but whatever so you go to your teacher during lunch to get the handout and catchup
Your teacher is like ‘it’s an easy topic I’m sure you guys will get it but how about you sit down and work through it together and if you have questions ask me, ignore the people on the other side of the room they have detention’ 
Your like aight yeet so you mainly work in silence apart from just checking your answers with each other’s until there’s a question where you both got differing answers so you ask the teacher and they’re like ok let’s go through it on the whiteboard and your and Doyoung’s differing points get him rEally confused 
y’all kinda riled up and angry at each other thinking ‘you’re being such a dickhead’ but at each other, with your eyes, idk fam
So the teacher is tryna work it out and you and Doyoung are lowkey/highkey because the passive aggressiveness ain’t subtle insulting each other it was aLL GOING GOOD UNTIL THIS ONE DAMN QUESTION FFS DOYOUNG WHY YOU GOTTA RUIN IT
then one of the kids in the detention are like ‘oooh lovers quarrel’ and snicker so you turn around like ‘bitch come at me do you wanna fight? Like legit I will fight you right now let’s fucking go I’m not joking let’s fucking gO IM READY SQUARE UP MOTHERFUCKER’ ok but obviously less agressive that’s just me and my 4 fire signs
Doyoung is kinda like “?? Why you so sensitive do you like me or something lol and you just give him the bIGGEST EYEROLL LIKE BITCH NOT EVERYTHING’S ABOUT YOU PERHAPS I’M STRESSED BECAUSE IM NOT GETTING THE QUESTION RIGHT DON’T FUCKING FLATTER YOURSELF” and he gets kinda embarrassed and the kids in detention are like ‘oooooh bro you better say sorry or she’ll break up w you’
So you roll your eyes agAIN and mumble ‘just when I started thinking you were actually cool but no you became an arrogant dickhead again, fucking wanker’ y’all I’m sorry I swear too much but there’s nothing I can do
Y’all just sit quietly and the teacher’s like ok start of the next lesson I’ll go through it because I need to ask the other teachers but if y’all are done you can go
So you angrily but quietly pack your shit up and go and Doyoung’s eyes follow you but ofc you don’t notice, you’re angry as shit
When you leave he walks after you and goes “hey y/n Im sorry for pissing you off, but seriously it’s not that deep?” and you just,,,
Because this bitch really hit you with the ‘it’s not that deep’ so you just kinda puff your chest out and walk up to him like ‘excuse you? “It’s not that deep” who do you think you are?’ and he’s just staring down at u 
He doesn’t reply, you’re looking him in the eyes but his eyes are a little lower uno ;))) HE’S STARING AT YOUR SOFT LIPS
So you and your filterless mouth decided to say the first thing that pops in your head and go “Kim Doyoung do you like me?” and he fucking snAPS like his eyes widen and he takes 3 steps back
He has the dumbest face like ‘pshh no where’d you get that idea from?’ 
And you smirk you are sOoooooo smug right now because it all cLICKS NOW
He made a joke saying “do you like me or something” because he wanted to see if you would be up for it and kinda gauge how you feel about him
So you’re like “oh my god Kim Doyoung has a crush on the dumb obnoxious girl who sits in front of him”
And he reddens and quietly says ‘no’ because he wants to deny it but bITCH ITS TOO LATE YOU CAUGHT ON
So u smirk (for the 17th time) and say “we shall see, Kim Doyoung”
And you leave and he’s like scARED SHITLESS BC HE HAS N O IDEA WTF YOU’RE GONNA DO
Y’all roll up to class the next day all chill, neither of you say anything but he’s watching youuuuu and you’re very aware of it so you’re thinking hmm maybe I’ll tease him a little it’d be fun so you go up to ask the teacher a question and as you’re walking back, everyone’s got their head down working uno, you wink at him cheekily and it sends him fucking wiLD like he jumps in his seat and the person sitting next to him is like bro you good???
So he just has to play it off like oh yeah I just thought I saw a spider
Meidbddhsid you love playing with kdy bc you’RE in control now
You maKE the library thing happen again (basically you just willingly sit next to him) because you wanna see him flustered again like when you winked because it’s funny but like,, also,, kinda cute? Shdidbdj Maybe you kinda like him too?? Shut up no you dONT (u totally do)
The ppl who sit closest to you guys in class have kinda noticed this weird energy where y’all don’t speak but you make a lOT of eye contact so they might perhaps bring it up Doyoung and he’s like “whAT no I just- she’s annoying so I- And the lesson- the, Yeah.” 
They just ignore him like fuck it whatever it’s his life
After that class he decides to confront you because he’s a little tired of being teased so he pulls you out of the corridor and into another one after class
He says ‘hey look, yes I like you, I think you’re cute and smart and funny and you might not like me back but I need some kind of answer I’ve been waiting for a while for some kind of answer you know’ 
Suddenly you feel kinda bad for teasing him for such a long time so you go ‘ugh Kim Doyoung you big dope I might kinda maybe like u too? But idk yet? Plus you know school is really important and idk if either of us have time for a relationship…’ and he nods ‘yeah I understand and you’re right actually, wanna walk to the bus stop together?’ 
So you do that but you’re both mainly silent, it’s kinda awkward
Next day you take the seat next to him in the library and maybe just maybe your hands touch a little and you end up going to the library together like everyday almost like a study date
You guys don’t speak you just work together quietly next to each other
And then perhaps get some food after
Maybe even watch a movie every now and then
Perhaps kiss a little ;))
You might not have time for a full relationship but what’s wrong with a little fun??
A/N: I might do a little bonus cutesy scene where y’all hold hands in the library and kiss while having a coffee break
Feedback is very much appreciated and welcomed, or even just a reblog💚
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