#Thor O.
lavend3r-stardust · 11 months
"hOLY SHIT- a lot is happening . . ."
"uuhhh . . . hi :3"
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bones4thecats · 6 months
May I request Poseidon, Thor and Hades with a sweet, female s/o who's a god of destruction, hunting, and nihilism?
If Their S/O Was The Deity of 'Evil'
Type of Writing: Request Name: If Their S/O Was The Deity of 'Evil' Characters: Poseidon, Thor, and Hades Requester: Anonymous
A/N: I've been reading so much on Norse Mythology it's insane... to sum it up I'm a nerd, and it's fun, ngl🤣
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🔱 Poseidon never leaves his kingdom unless it was necessary
🔱 That did bode well with who you were. As the Greek Deity of Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism, you had helped raise multiple Gods into their roles, such as Ares, the Greek God of War, and Heracles, the Human-turned-God of Fortitude
🔱 Because of how violent Ares grew to be and how impulsive Artemis had been instead of regal, as many viewed a woman to act like that, many viewed you as a mixture of them
🔱 But, you were quite the opposite. At least to Poseidon and his main allies, that is
🔱 You, to your husband, was the complete opposite as what you were rumored to act like. Instead of a cold-hearted and blood-thirsty deity who lived off of the pain and harm against other living beings, you were a sweet and adoring S/O
🔱 And whenever your husband would get pissed off about something, you could just rest your hand on his shoulder and calm him down like nothing... much like what he can do for you
🔱 Poseidon, despite what he says, enjoys it when you take his nephews, Heracles and Ares, out of the main meeting room and would take them to do some things so that they wouldn't get caught in the middle of a sibling-driven argument (mainly Adamas and Poseidon)
🔱 It makes him feel at least some kind of connection to his family, even if he isn't fond of many members (unless you consider his relationship with Hades to be somewhat healthy)
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🌩️ Thor always liked you, but since your father, Þjazi (Thiazi), had obviously caused a massive incident when it came to the Gods and your older sister, Skadi, he had pushed it all behind
🌩️ You on the other hand, had evolved your relationships with the Norse Pantheon, specifically you had welded a bond with Thor and his father, Odin
🌩️ Odin was very weary about you being alone with his son at first, but when Thor had come up to discuss his emotions towards you, the head God had just sighed and told him about how he had felt about the God of Thunder's mother when they first met centuries ago
🌩️ Thor was obviously shocked to hear that he was in love with you, a mixture of Goddess and Jötunn, but he did accept it and admit his feelings to you, shocking your sister, Skadi, and brother-in-law, Njord
🌩️ When you guys married and became each other's other half, many began rumors about you, since you began to represent Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism in the Norse Pantheon
🌩️ Thor was not amused when those rumors had reached his ears, in fact, he was extremely pissed when someone had compared your actions to your father's. You were far from your father in his eyes
🌩️ While your father was hailed for his threatening and domineering nature with certain beings, while you were either quiet and polite or sweeter than a cup-full of sugar
🌩️ The God of Thunder, despite his wishes, doesn't go after those who speak bad of you, as he knows you'd be upset, along with your sister, who has been working hard on keeping your bonds in the family perfect
🌩️ He doesn't want his precious S/O mad, now does he?
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💀 Hades himself doesn't have the best rumors being thrown around about him, so he understands how you feel when a new one arises
💀 Many think of the God of the Undead to be a very cold and manipulative being, but to you and his family and closest allies, Hades is a very caring and loyal brother/friend/husband
💀 Your husband was one of the first people to accept you inside of the old group of Deities, and he was by-far the most welcoming Gods, alongside Heracles and Aphrodite
💀 He adored how you represented such 'horrible' things, that being; Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism, yet you were one of the nicest divine beings that he had ever both laid eyes on and given his heart too
💀 Hades and you had one of the best marriages hailed throughout the Heavens, from the Norse to the Shinto, everybody would agree on how amazing you guys held each other's hands through every single endeavor that threatened your relationship
💀 Despite what many believe, you are very kind to your husband's family. Many other Gods and Humans believe that you and his brothers hold a deep resentment for one another
💀 When in reality, you bond with them all very well. For Adamas you would help him train and keep himself in gear. Poseidon and you sit in silence and read whenever you don't want to speak, to him you're a decent divine being. And for Zeus, you're an ideal older sibling, you have had to hold him back from doing something that would either cause a war or Hera's anger... so basically just another kind of war...
💀 Your husband loves to see you bond with his family, especially Poseidon, since the God of the Seas isn't very fond of many. To Hades, he seems like he only tolerates him. So, seeing you guys actually bond in a way is nice
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 1 year
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We Stan Rachel House on this blog.
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syntheticavenger · 3 months
Splinter - Two
Hehehe. Worlds are COLLIDING.
Dark! Alpha! Thor x Omega! Female Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, world building, Alpha/Omega dynamics, intimidation. This is probably the last tame part for a while.
Summary | Your dream job provides prestige, security and a chance to shape your future. When one little mistake leads to Thor saving you in a time of crisis, his past promise comes back to haunt you.
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“It was a star-studded night as two of the Avengers attended a charity gala for the Omega designation. Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes made their red-carpet debut with Captain Rogers’ ever elusive wife attending. Though she was not pictured alongside her husband, eyewitnesses report that Captain Rogers may just have a new role on the horizon: becoming a dad,” the reporter says with a cheerful smile.
Your slingback heel falls to the ground from your hand when you see Steve Rogers, posing with Bucky Barnes, unable to tear your eyes away from the screen before another clip of the gala is shown, Steve giving a speech.
“It is my duty, my one guiding principle in life, to stick up for those who can’t. I hope that I have done so thus far,” Captain Rogers says, charismatic smile on display.
“Do they know how you found your wife?” you mutter, picking up your shoe and slipping it on your foot, reaching for the remote and turning it off, Steve’s smug face disappearing.
You could never prove it, of course. Little whispers that the most advanced surveillance specialist had just given away her career was unheard of, even in your circles. No one questioning why, to this day, the position had never been filled.
Too many unspoken rules, too many hushed conversations that hid the truth.
Forcing yourself to file it away for later, the notification that the car has arrived pops on your cell, grabbing your purse and coat to head outside, locking the door and verifying that its closed. The half-run, half-walk to the waiting car is purposeful and with good reason.
Your first opening comments as a National Advisory Council Member of Intergalactic Diplomacy. Despite your sweaty palms, you’re prepared, going over your remarks at least five times since you had opened your eyes this morning.
“As a reminder,” your assistant Paloma interjects over the phone. “There will be Asgardians in attendance. I know you probably won’t mind but with the Intergalactic Alliance, there is a chance that he -”
“Thank you, Paloma.” Your hand grips your phone tighter. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s been months since you’ve seen him, since that fateful afternoon when you had ordered him out.
He had obliged, leaving you alone to pick up the pieces, rumors swirling that he and Jane had found their way back together. The nuisances of their relationship did not concern you, throwing yourself headfirst into work, learning all you could for it to lead up to this moment.
Asgardians or not, it doesn’t matter. You’ve worked hard to find a seat at the table and no one, not even an Asgardian God, is going to take that away from you.
“T-minus forty minutes until we go live,” Paloma reminds you. “You’re going to do great.”
Paloma was right.
Asgardians clamor to be in attendance in the hall, their eyes on you when you walk past them.
They whisper your name, hushed voices fading once you reach the podium. You’d visited Asgard once in your life, when you were deep into wanting to know everything about Thor and his people. It was a world so much alike and unlike Earth that it unnerved you to think that one day he was planning to come back and rule as king.
You’d never be a queen.
You aren’t even sure if you ever wanted to be one as a child.
The audience quiets, multiple cameras on you, not a hair out of place when you finally lift your head to speak after being announced, applause quieting after a few moments.
“Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, your Excellencies, and ladies and gentlemen in attendance and beyond. I am here today to discuss our worlds and our role in creating an open dialogue of trust,” you begin, taking another breath. “With the newly formed Intergalactic Diplomacy Division, I am pleased to be a part of such an important agency as we recognize that our world is unique. It presents many challenges as we all work toward an understanding of what intergalactic diplomacy looks like in an ever-changing universe. It is crucial that we listen to understand, to listen for solutions and not to listen to react.”
The door opens, Thor strolling in his Asgardian garb, his red cape flowing out behind him, cameras panning to him as you swallow, ignoring him and the delectable scent that reaches your nose.
He keeps his attention on you, the cameras panning back to you.
“It is my hope that we share our strengths, our challenges and our opportunities for a bright future ahead. For us to be strong together, we must first be vulnerable with what we do not know, be willing to be educated and to open our minds and hearts to others that we may not readily understand. Our future is bright and will only become a reality when we work together. Thank you for your time.”
Thunderous applause erupts, with Thor standing up, Asgardians following suit.
Paloma’s voice is in your ear, telling you that you did a fantastic job, multiple people surging forward to shake your hand, the room slightly spinning with how often you have to greet well-wishers.
You try to block Thor’s never fading smile out of your head and his direct eye contact that seemingly burned into your soul when you’re ushered into a conference room for a talk through.
“I didn’t expect the future King of Asgard to be in attendance,” Robert chuckles, looking up from his notes. “It’ll do wonders for media. You know Thor can’t be bothered to show up to these events.”
“I think I know why,” Susan says with a wink in your direction. “Did you tell him you were speaking?”
“No,” you reply through gritted teeth. “I did not.”
“Well, it worked out for us. Great job with the pace. I could really feel your passion in the message,” Robert praises, sitting back in his chair. “You aren’t with him anymore, are you? I think he was dating that physicist, Dr. Jane something, I believe? Whatever happened with you and him?”
“I’m sure she doesn’t want us in her business,” Susan answers for you, noting your discomfort. As Omegas go, she’s astute. “You did a great job today. You should be proud.”
“Now that it’s over, I can relax.”
Robert laughs at your comment, shaking his head.
“Not by a longshot. You embody our cause. Your journey is just beginning. I hope you’ve dusted off that passport.”
Paloma meets you outside the conference room, beaming with pride as you walk out together. 
“The Asgardians being present? That was wild!” she exclaims. “How did you pull that off?”
“I didn’t,” you respond, seeing her confusion.
“So then… Thor…”
“That was all him.”
“Romantic,” she sighs, clutching her clipboard.
“Romantic that he broke up with me months ago to stare me down during my first media spot? I think we differ on what romantic means.”
“Oh, I just, I didn’t,” Paloma mumbles, her cheeks going red. “I didn’t realize how that sounded. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’ll be better when I’m in the car.”
“Then let’s get you there.”
By the time the door opens, Paloma’s steps halt at the sight of Thor, surrounded by throngs of his people.
“Ah,” he says with a wave of his hand. “There she is.”
The Asgardians begin to applaud, Paloma looking over as you force a polite smile,
“I wanted to extend my appreciation for your comments today. It is my hope that we come to a strong understanding of interstellar people and Midgardians as well,” Thor continues, cameras flashing as he smiles, giving you a sly up and down gaze. “We are in your ever capable hands.”
“Thank you,” you respond quickly, Paloma ushering you into the car, seeing Thor watch you as Paloma waves for the driver to take off.
Looking out from the backseat, Paloma picks up her phone, dialing a number.
“I think it might be helpful if you have some security, don’t you?” she asks nervously.
You don’t have the heart to tell her that it’s pointless to fight against a god.
Your phone rings twice, enough for you to answer it, a towel wrapped around you when you answer.
“Thor,” you respond, unable to hide the irritation from your voice.
“I wanted to ask for a truce.”
“We weren’t fighting.”
“Is that the wrong word? Bruce told me to ask for a… branch?”
“Olive branch,” you respond tersely. “You already showed up to my media spot.”
“You needed support. Asgardians are excited for the news. They were happy to come.”
You feel a ripple of guilt for being irritated when he frames it that way, remembering the little children in attendance. 
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it.”
“And I wanted to ask about the olive branch. Have dinner with me.”
“Dinner?” you repeat, chewing on your lower lip. 
Dinner means a chance to relive the memories – good and bad – and make small talk about things you know either of you won’t care about. He’s moved on and you have too, in your own way. Dating hasn’t been an option, neither has even thinking about uploading a picture of a dating site, let alone signing up for one.
It seems harmless, this ask, to have one dinner and have it be done. Your confidence from the media event makes you wonder if you’re allowed to ask him questions about things you’ve only wondered about.
Maybe you shouldn’t wonder anymore.
Maybe you should demand.
“Okay,” you reply.
“Perfect. I’ll meet you around seven? I’ll give the details to your assistant.”
“Seven sounds fine.”
“See you then.”
Gone is the red cape, replaced with a black sweater and black pants, his blond hair tied in a loose bun as he listens intently on what you’ve been working on.
You’ve tried to keep it light, ignoring the ways he sneaks in comments of how he misses you.
“I saw Steve on TV,” you continue, trying to change the subject. “The news says his wife is pregnant.”
“Hmm?” you press gently, Thor taking a bite of his dinner. 
“Hmm as in… hmm. Interesting.”
“So you will not confirm or deny.”
“It is not my business to share. That is Steve’s.”
He has a point. You try another angle, hoping to get some traction from it.
“I’m sure you’ve seen her. Does she ever miss her old job?”
Thor sighs, looking at you as he swallows.
“Why does she interest you so much all of a sudden?”
“All of a sudden? She was on TV, they mentioned her.”
“She’s Steve’s wife, why wouldn’t they?”
“She allegedly gave up her job for him? She was the surveillance director! That’s a big deal.”
“Is it?” he asks. “Or was it that she rearranged her priorities? Maybe Steve came first and then work fell to wayside.”
Frowning at his assumption, you shake your head.
“Didn’t seem like the sort.”
“Well, she was.”
You both eat in silence for a moment, background conversations taking over while you seemingly retreat from asking any additional questions about her. There’s no point if Thor is going to be so tight lipped, which only makes you more suspicious.
After a moment, he sighs, placing his knife and fork down.
“I want to talk about us.”
You sit still, waiting for him to continue.
“I don’t like being apart. I know I hurt you and I hurt myself in the process. I think we need a fresh start.”
“A fresh start,” you repeat, nodding at his words. “A fresh start before or after you were seeing Jane?”
“I wasn’t seeing Jane until we were completely done.”
“And what changed?”
“She’s a Beta, for Gods’ sakes. We were incompatible, you know that.”
“Didn’t exactly stop you from dumping me.”
You can see the flash of anger in his eyes, quick but palatable. He doesn’t like your tone – you can tell that by the tick in his jaw – but that doesn’t stop you from feeling free enough to speak your mind. You aren’t his anymore and there are no boundaries you need to be mindful of.
“I didn’t dump you, you left me no choice but to leave a once fulfilling relationship because you wanted to chase a dream. A dream that has come true and while I am happy for you, you know that you and I belong together.”
“You could have thought about that before you cleared out your things.”
“I need you to listen and understand me clearly,” Thor counters, his tone low. “Listen to me very carefully.”
At your silence and the set of your jaw, he lifts his head with a smile.
“You have made your point. I hear you loud and clear. I want a reconciliation. You and I make sense. You need me, especially with this job you’ve decided to take on.”
“I did need you, once,” you agree meekly. “I appreciate the dinner, Thor, I really do. I’m glad we had a chance to catch up and I wish it was under a better circumstance. But I can’t go through that again. I’m sorry.”
You can see his eyes darken when you stand, placing your napkin on the table.
“Goodnight,” he bids tersely, seeing you walk away.
Smiling to himself, he cuts into his steak, popping a piece of meat into his mouth.
“As if you have a choice in the matter,” he muses to himself.
Paloma seems pleased with herself when she enters your hotel room with a paper drink tray filled with coffees.
“You’ll never guess what I managed to do,” she greets you excitedly, plopping down on a chair.
Packing the last of your things, you stop for a moment.
“I got you twenty-four seven, around the clock security.”
“From where?”
“After you left, I was able to talk with some security agencies and before I knew it, they were able to offer three names. I have them on retainer but we can move onto a contract since it’s covered. They’re on their way up to be interviewed. I figured you’d want to have the final say.”
The knock at the door sends Paloma running, looking through the peephole before she flings the door open.
Your phone rings at the same time, Thor’s number popping up as something tells you to answer it.
“I was hoping to catch you before they arrived,” Thor says, your eyes going to the opened door. “But I forgot to tell you. Inked a security detail for you. Robert and Susan were overjoyed to know you would be in such great hands.”
You recognize them, the burly and massive men standing in a straight line.
Fandral, Volgstagg and Hogun.
“I trust you won’t be looking for any additional security since they know how important their job is to protect you by any means necessary.”
Paloma turns around, nodding her head excitedly as you swallow hard.
“What do you think? They’re great, right?”
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worstloki · 26 days
Jane: [slaps Loki in the face] That was for New York.
Jane: [pulls him in for a kiss] and that... was for everything else ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆🌌💫✨🔭⋆。。˚☽˚。⋆
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nostalgia-tblr · 22 days
had an idea for a sifki fic, have spent several days not writing any of it cos i don't know how angsty i want it to be
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shakapuffin · 4 months
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Two Aussies: Alex and Chris Hemsworth
circa 2009/2010??
i forgot this picture existed so i thought that i would bring it to light again.
it’s a historical moment really…. Thor and Steve McGarrett meeting😂
the hottest picture to exist tbh
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killiru · 4 months
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O-Yei takes up so much space in this bed. If I were Cher, the first thing I would do would be to push this giant right into the corner and try to get some SPACE.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
The hammer (7)
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Summary: Thor is not the alpha you would never accept in your life. He’s also not the kind of alpha settle down. What happens when your worlds collide… 
Pairing: Alpha(Biker)!Thor Odinson x Omega!Reader
Characters: Steve Rogers Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, language, pack dynamics, a/b/o dynamics, idiots in love, slow burn, a tiny hint of fluff, arguments
The hammer masterlist
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
<< Part 6
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“You haven’t eaten all day,” Thor follows you inside the clubhouse. “We got some leftovers and I can make you a sandwich.”
“I had something at the hospital and a coke,” you mumble. You’re too tired to argue with Thor and just want to sleep. “Steve got me some cookies and a chocolate bar.”
“Steve,” the alpha snarls. “He’s got no clue what an omega needs. They are soft and weak. An alpha must make sure you eat enough to stay healthily. Feeding you sweets and cookies, he should know better.” Thor huffs.
“He only tried to be nice,” you snap at Thor. “You would’ve let me starve.” You grit your teeth and glare at Thor. “I liked the cookies.”
“I just offered food to you,” he’s in your face, breathing heavily. “Please excuse me that I was worried sick about my brother and forgot to offer biscuits and tea, my lady.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“You’re such a bi—” he bites his tongue. Loki made him promise that Thor won’t be an ass as long as you are around. “Do you want a sandwich now or not?”
You huff.
“Omega, don’t make me lose my temper. I promised my brother to have an eye on you and not yell at you. Don’t make me break that promise.”
“I want a sandwich and freshly pressed juice. Do you have fruits too?” you furrow your brows. “Do you even have a kitchen here?”
“Of course, we have a kitchen, woman!” he grunts. “We’re not some cavemen eating our food raw. We can cook our food.”
“They made fire, you moron,” you snap back.
“I know!” Thor growls loudly. His hands twitch and you fear he’ll just grab you and kick you out of the clubhouse.
“Five on Y/N,” Steve snickers as the pack enters the clubhouse only to watch you and Thor bicker again.
“Ten on Thor,” Clint grins as you poke your index finger into Thor’s chest.
“Twenty on Y/N,” Bucky gets his wallet out. “I bet she’ll go for his balls next. Do we have popcorn? This is the best show ever.”
“Shut up,” Thor snaps his head toward his pack. “What are you doing here? I told you to leave me and…” He swallows thickly as you roughly fist his jacket.
“You told them what?” you snarl. “That you want them to leave the clubhouse so you can get your knot wet? Did you think I’ll spread my legs for you only as you showed an ounce of decency today?”
“That’s not…fuck…little one,” Thor groans as you storm toward the staircase to walk upstairs and hide in Loki’s room. “I offered food to you! How can you turn this into something bad?”
“She’s an omega,” Clint shrugs. “Whatever you do is not good enough. You fucked up big time and now, she’s going to let you bleed until you made everything up to her.”
“I can’t wait to watch,” Bucky snickers. “Do we have popcorn or not? I need food for round two.”
“Punk, stop with the popcorn. Y/N is nice, and we don’t want her to get hurt,” Steve sighs as Thor storms toward the kitchen. “Great, now he’s mad again. I hope he doesn’t wreck more shit at the clubhouse. I just repaired the door.”
“So…fifty on Y/N?” Bucky asks, looking at his pack members. “Come on, guys. Let’s make this bet a little more interesting.”
“Fifty-five on Thor,” Clint offers, “and not a buck more.”
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“Little one, open the door. I made you a sandwich,” Thor harshly knocks at his brother’s door. “Y/N don’t be stubborn. You need food. Loki will kill me if—” he huffs when you finally unlock the door to look at the plate in his hand.
“I’m not hungry,” you wipe your eyes. “Why don’t you eat it? I bet you spit on it and just wait for me to eat it.”
“You believe I’m the worst, huh? I only tried to be nice. For Loki. I don’t know why, but he likes you.”
“You’re an ass.”
“You’re still a brat but I won’t leave before you ate the sandwich and the fruits.”
You eye the plate again. He placed three strawberries next to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You’d like to giggle at his awful taste in food. 
“I’m not a kid. I hate peanut butter.”
“You’re not a kid, but are acting like one,” he grits his teeth. “Eat!”
He steps closer to push the plate into your hands. “EAT!”
“No! I want…something else.”
“What do you want?” Thor is just done fighting. He rubs his face with one large hand, groaning as you keep on muttering. “Please just tell me what you want.”
“You said something about leftovers,” you mumble. “What do you have?”
“Bucky ate it all,” he shrugs as you whine. “He’s like a breathing food destroyer. If you think you got some food left, Bucky already ate it.”
“What else do you have?” you press on. 
“I got some snacks in my room. Nothing healthily, though,” he looks at the sandwich on the plate. His stomach rumbles and you remember, Thor didn’t eat anything at all today.
“You can have the sandwich and I’ll have a look at the kitchen,” you push the plate back into his hands. “But hands off the strawberries. These are mine.”
You point a finger at the tall alpha.
“I stole them from Natasha,” he sheepishly admits. “She wanted to make strawberry daiquiris. I snatched a handful.”
“You stole three, not a handful.”
“Some got…damaged,” Thor mutters. “I squeezed them too hard.”
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“You got nothing in your fridge,” you sigh deeply as there is only beer, butter, and a half-eaten apple inside the huge fridge at the clubhouse. “What do you eat all day?”
“I told you, if you have Bucky around, your food will be gone before you can blink. He doesn’t eat food, he inhales it,” Thor opens the fridge to poke his head in. “There’s a glass of pickles and a cucumber.”
“It’s rotten. You should throw the cucumber away. And,” you make a retching noise, “the pickles don’t look better.”
“Okay. Then we got no food left,” he sighs and closes the fridge. “We could order food. I know some nice restaurants.”
“I need something light, but tasteful,” you hum. “It’s already so late.”
“Crab cakes!” he blurs out. “I’d kill for some crab cakes.”
“Crab cakes,” you lick your lips. “Maybe some sliced fennel too.”
“I’ll order…wait…” 
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“HANDS OFF!” you were about to put your food on a plate when Bucky sneaked inside the kitchen to steal a crab cake out of the food container. “You got your own food, Barnes!”
“I’m still hungry,” he looks at the food again. 
“Take your hands off her food or she’ll stab you with a fork,” Thor grins. “Never underestimate a hungry omega, Bucky.”
“Shut up and help me bring the food to Loki’s room,” you eye Bucky warily. “I do not trust this man with my food. He already stole one crab cake!”
“I only stole one,” Bucky happily munches the stolen food. “Free food is the best…”
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“Come in,” Thor grumbles. “It’s open.”
“Hi, uh—I didn’t want to disturb you,” you poke your head in. “You’re not masturbating, right?”
“No,” he rolls his eyes. “What’s wrong? Do you need anything? Did Bucky steal more of your food?”
“I looked at the bookmark again,” you clear your throat and look at the bookmark in your hands. “On the front stands my name in flowery letters, but on the back stands little one…” you close your eyes and huff. “Why did you say Loki bought it?”
“I-uh…I accidentally walked into that bookstore the other day,” he doesn’t look at you. “They make those. I asked them to make one for you.”
“Why?” you closed the door behind you and step further inside his bedroom. “You don’t like me. All we do is fight.”
“I don’t know,” he watches you step toward his bed. Your eyes drop to the free spot next to him and you whine as your omega is drawn to the alpha. “I just wanted them to make it.”
“Why?” dipping one knee into the mattress you look at Thor. “Thor?”
“I said—” the alpha mutters. “I don’t know. You frustrate me and arouse me at the same time. I want to strangle and kiss you. It doesn’t make sense!”
“It doesn’t make sense,” you kneel on the bed to look at Thor. “You’re an ass…and I don’t like you but…I…”
“I know little one. I know…”
>> Part 8
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inwantofamuse · 7 months
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bones4thecats · 28 days
What If Their S/O Died During Ragnarok?
Characters: Thor, Odin, Loki, and Heimdall Inspired By: My wish to write angst A/N: I have nothing to say so read the angst. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Death, fighting, details in death, murder, and just pure angst no fluff. ⚠️
Disclaimer: F! Reader in Odin's part because of Thor being his son
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╚═════ Thor ═════════════════════════════════╝
🌩️ Thor always adored your strength. You weren't as strong as him but you were quite a threat when you needed to be, so when you were called for Ragnarok, he wasn't surprised
🌩️ You stood before the human named Julius Caesar, and if you were being honest, his cunning nature was starting to annoy you even before your fight began, but now that you were far more advanced into it, it was beginning to make your anger come out
"I'm gonna tear your arms off your body and use them to beat you senseless!" You screamed, raising your weapons to strike him down.
"Bring it!" He yelled back.
🌩️ As you swung downwards, the male disappeared, making your eyes widen and you feel a pain hitting your midsection. Staring downwards, a large gladius blade poking through your body
🌩️ The sound of everyone gasping made Thor look up from his hammer in the private room. His eyes locked with the screen and his grip tightened around the handle, launching up from his seat, he began to practically run outside to the ring
🌩️ Thor ran as fast as he could go up the stairs, his sudden stop between you and the former Roman dictator causing a mass amount of sand to fall upon him. He looked back at you and saw how you fell to the ground
"I love you, Thor... after death does us part..."
🌩️ Your body began to shatter as your husband kept his grip on your body, trembling as you died. You, the love of his life, died in his arms
🌩️ He turned around as your green-shattered body began to float away, he then dug his fingers into his weapon, it almost shattering the object he held onto. Thor then looked back at the human, rage in his eyes as he let out a deep warning as thunder wrapped around them all
"You'll pay for this, human."
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╚═════ Odin ═════════════════════════════════╝
🪶 Vlad the Impaler, former Voivode of Wallachia, well-known blood-thirsty monster, and current-opponent against the co-leader of the Norse Pantheon, Goddess of the Afterlife, Y/N stood before one another, weapons drawn as Heimdall yelled for the round to start
🪶 Thor watched as his mother walked to the human, shook his hand, and readied to fight. Normally he would be just as calm as his father, but after the loss of Poseidon in the third round, it was worrying that they could possibly lose another God, specifically his own mother
🪶 Odin, his father and your husband, just sat there with a blank face as saw how your weapons clashed, leaving sparks behind as you danced around him
🪶 During your time ruling over those who have passed on in Valhalla, Hel, Fólkvangr, and Landscape, you would be able to move around their wispy-like forms with ease, as if you were a dancer. And while it was beautiful in those times, right now it was helping you survive
🪶 Odin's eyes narrowed as Vlad lifted his kilij and sent it smashing down onto your own spear, successfully smashing it in half while you flew back and sent attack after attack at the human who tried killing you multiple times
🪶 It only lasted 20 minutes when you knocked Vlad the Impaler down, causing him to cough up blood and see his blade get smashed underneath your foot. While he did have a Völundr, it was of no use, your skill in battle rose far above his own
🪶 Holding your blade to his throat as he pressed against the wall, he took the final attempt at hitting you by throwing his blade at you, though you dodged and allowed it to fly past you. You scoffed and chuckled at the action of the human
"How amusing, even after so long of trying to stay alive you still don't understand that I cannot and will not allow myself to be taken down by a man with longer hair than my nutcase-nephew. Now, accept your fate. Any final words for your fellow parasites?"
"Yes... I made sure I got my final head."
"Y/N, look out!"
🪶 In the matter of a second, time stopped. A large mount of black hair launched in the air with shock while the rest of the beings all froze in fear. It was the leader of the Norse Pantheon, it was Odin who had gone blind in rage so quickly
🪶 Jumping down from his seat, Huginn and Muninn swarmed around your body, now holding a blade within the head and squawked in agony. Loki and Thor stood in complete shock as Odin held his hand up and sent a blast at the human male, killing him slowly and painfully while he picked up your body without any emotion and carried you away
🪶 All Gods watched silently as the humans just looked down or stayed with their eyes glued on the events. The Gods felt ashamed at the loss, yes. But seeing such a kind and loving part of their society fall in such a hurtful manner broke some hearts while Humanity just shook their heads with either shame or pity for the Norse Family
🪶 When Odin fought soon, everyone knew that he wasn't going to go down easy... not after this...
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╚═════ Loki ═════════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Loki and you have been amused watching the humans and Gods fight. At first, the fights went by smoothly, the loss of Lü Bu and Adam not fazing either of you, but as the humans began to rise in power, resulting in the loses of Heracles, Poseidon, and Hades, your nerves slightly grew when your name was called
🐍 Walking around the ring amusing yourself was easy, but standing in front of those they called 'History's Greatest Military Mind', did bring your ego down slightly, much to his surprise
🐍 As you clashed in the arena, your husband of many years, Loki, floated around and laughed at the futile attempts against you. It was pointless, with your mindset and similar, to his, abilities, you were practically invincible
🐍 Loki smirked as you fought, ignoring the calls of his Uncle Odin's birds. And while they were annoying, if he had to endure them to see his lovely spouse win, then so be it
🐍 His face only began to darken the Alexander began to advance with his Valkyrie-bond. Now his attacks were starting to land more often, and that was not good at all
🐍 You were a Deity who has fought in many wars, you knew how opponent's thought, but every time you knew what he was going to do, he'd switch it up on the spot. Now you understood his nickname to the fullest
🐍 Loki's eyes narrowed in worry as you lunged forward to stab him in the head, only for him to dodge, go behind you, wrap his legs around your neck, pin you to the ground, and speak his final words to you
"You were an amazing opponent, Deity of Order. And I wish you no pain."
"Why you-"
🐍 Dead silence.
🐍 With one blow, you had died. A stab wound to your heart, causing your once glowing, glimmering eyes to drown in a pool of darkness. Loki watched as your arms slumped down and as Humanity cheered for their heroine
🐍 But what he didn't know is that the Trickster God from the Norse Pantheon was standing right behind him, ready to make him feel the same pain he made his lover feel a couple seconds ago
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╚═════ Heimdall ══════════════════════════════╝
📯 He has seen all either fall or stand in this tournament, but there was one that he did not wish to witness end with a Gods' non-victory, and that is Round 5 of Ragnarok, Hannibal Barca vs Norse-Deity of the Sound, Y/N
📯 You two have been together since the very beginning, growing from friends to full-on romance in just a matter of a couple thousand years, which is fast for any average Deity-relationship, which normally appears after around four-times that!
📯 He watched you two look at one another blankly, but he knew how you thought. You were coming up with every angle you could hit this guy and he could go down like a fly, and he hoped those plans worked
📯 Heimdall blew into his horn and the match began, the sound of metal clashing and grunts being all he could hear whilst everyone else conversed and made their own sounds in reaction to everything
📯 You could hear everything better than anyone, and using your daggers, you tossed them in the air before they came flying down, making the loudest screeching anyone could ever hear. After doing this many times and having Hannibal come back with his own attacks unique to himself, which made you smirk and laugh
"If you believe such minor attacks with a Valkyrie could kill me, you're wrong human."
📯 Hannibal smirked and raised his weapon once again for an attack set like a joust. You just scoffed and aimed your sword for his heart, but before you could hit him, a pain was felt the back of your head... a shield had come flying down and smashed your head down
📯 You fell to the ground in pain as he grabbed the shield and hit you once again in your head, making you wail in agony from the pain. Like mentioned earlier, your hearing was exquisite, so having this crashing your head while he hit it with his sword wasn't very nice
📯 He then pierced your head with his sword, causing everyone to freeze slightly. Humanity then broke out into a cheer of celebration while the Gods stood in shock... how did he bring you down in a matter of 32 minutes?! What had he done?!
📯 Nobody was more shocked than Heimdall. He had just witnessed his spouse of over four-thousand years die before him. Everyone knew he wasn't going to speak, so, in an effort to help the man, Zeus came down and yelled out the rounds' results
📯 While Humanity celebrated and the Gods just stayed silent with either rage or pain for you, Zeus looked back at the Norse God and spoke gently as to usher him into a room to relax
"Heimdall, wait for me in the room with a soundwave on it. I'll be there in a little bit and we can speak of this."
📯 Heimdall nodded as he rushed away, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he ran. Why did you have to die... why did Zeus have to choose you... why was life such a pain...
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imperfekt · 8 months
Theo não via muito sentido em ter comparecido aquela reunião idiota, noa tinha pessoas queridas para rever, muito menos o que comemorar já que a sua vida não poderia estar pior do que ja estava naquele instante e por isso, foi um alivio poder deixar tudo aquilo para trás enquanto dirigia de volta até o hotel que havia alugado próximo da faculdade. Tinha bebido um pouco, mas nada explicava o porque se sentia tão cansado e nada faminto apesar de ter passado quase que o dia inteiro sem comer absolutamente nada. Theo estacionou o carro na garagem e subiu diretamente para o quarto que tinha alugado, tomou um banho rápido, vestiu seu pijama, que consistia em uma cueca e se jogou na cama, dormindo logo em seguida o que pareceram apenas dois segundos antes de acordar mediante gritos de espanto. Primeiro pensou que aquilo poderia ser um sonho, mas apertou os olhos algumas vezes, se virando e encarando as pessoas desesperadas ao seu redor. - What the f... - Quem eram aquelas pessoas e porque ele estava de volta ao campus, aquilo era por acaso alguma pegadinha de mal gosto?! - Ei, você ai... - Apontou para a pessoa a sua frente, chamando-lhe atenção. - Que merda que ta rolando aqui?
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curlytsunamiart · 2 years
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playing through my first smt game with nocturne n i've been having a great time, so heres some stuff i drew rlly quick
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worstloki · 1 year
To be clear Thor and Loki are BOTH the team baby
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dathen · 11 months
If Gold King Gibson doesn’t win the Worst Client bracket I’m doing I’m going to disown this webbed site. Holy shit.
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron (apart from I skipped some overly long action sequences) and I am not sure so can someone tell me whether or not Tony Stark was the baddy in that film? Because about halfway through I was sure he was but then it was maybe just an evil robot after all and I am confused because either this film was surprisingly subversive or it was about robots hitting each other.
#I CANT STAND THE CONFUSION IN MY MIND#also i get why people wrote wanda/sylvie. they should go on a wholesome chick-flick revenge-quest together. and also they should kiss.#also i am now only *half* joking about thor being in love with mjolnir#it kept doing Christianity Bits which was quite awks.#not sure why it used the bit about building the church on a rock for some metal i mean wasn't jesus making a pun there? about peter?#i think Vision might be Jesus? or else he's Dr Manhattan who's done a first year philosophy course. could go either way on that tbh.#BUT TONY WAS THE BADDY RIGHT? WAS HE? WAS TONY THE BADDY OR NOT????#with the homocidal glitches in what he thinks is his winning personality?#and all the weapons he's made and is in fact still making but now he only sells them to The Good Guys?#except look how easily they fall out with each other and also don't a lot of innocent bystanders die in their overly long action scenes?#also i need to write fic about whether mjolnir does in fact obey some unknown code that can be cracked if you set your mind to it#she does like Robot Jesus so apparently we can rely on her to make the major decisions from now on#the ending's a bit ominous - apparently someone's collecting those TVA paperweights to do... something? Oh no! :O#yeah i watched the MCU in the wrong order shut up this was inevitable and Marvisney should just embrace that at this point#(i know 'Marvisney' will never catch on but that will not stop me using it)#the loki series ending is but the latest installment of “unlimited power with no oversight is fine as long as the Good people have it”#UNLESS TONY WAS ACTUALLY THE BADDY. WHICH AS I MENTIONED I AM NOT AT ALL CLEAR ON.#maybe what i mean is was tony stark the baddy *on purpose*?#i only picked this one to watch next because tumblr gifsets told me thor wears a nice coat in it#which he does! but only for a small fraction of the film :(#journey into the mcu#the avengers (the marvel ones not the other ones)
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