englishmoribund · 2 years
A Word to Describe a Boastful Person: Thrasonical
Have you ever encountered someone who brags excessively about their accomplishments? If so, then you have met a thrasonical person. The word "thrasonical" is derived from the character Thraso in the ancient Greek play "Eunuchus" by Terence, who was known for his boastful behavior.
Thrasonical people are characterized by their excessive bragging and boasting. They love to talk about their achievements, wealth, and success to make themselves look better than others. Here's an example sentence to showcase a thrasonical person's behavior:
"He was so thrasonical that he claimed to have personally taught Leonardo da Vinci how to paint."
The term "thrasonical" has been used in English literature since the 16th and 17th centuries to describe boastful and arrogant characters. In modern times, it's still used to describe people who are overly boastful.
An example of a thrasonical character can be seen in the anime series "Chillin' in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army." The character Gashita starts off as thrasonical but changes as the story progresses, growing as a person and learning the importance of humility.
In conclusion, the word "thrasonical" is a rich and humorous term that refers to people who are excessively boastful and love to show off their accomplishments. So next time you encounter a thrasonical person, just remember to use the word to describe their behavior in a comedic yet precise manner. And always keep in mind that true success lies in being grounded and humble.
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syrcus · 7 months
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mneme's bf
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nihiliensis · 2 years
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i-c-a-r-u-s · 2 years
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strifeincarnate · 2 years
@ofviolentdeath continued from [here]
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"That is exactly what it means. You're in this as deep as I am."
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ofviolentdeathmuses · 4 months
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name: Thrasos
what: Personifaction of recklnessness
age: appears mid 40’s
birthday: March 14
occupation: Causing trouble
location: Nomadic
faceclaim: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
status: Single Verse
relationship: Cam
parents: Eris
siblings: Ponos, Lethe, Limos, and more whose names he doesn’t feel like remembering
kids: Leander and Maren
Thrasos is not one to think before acting, choosing to just throw himself headlong into any situation without a care for the outcomes. He prefers to stay upbeat and is a little on the flirtatious side. Aeschylus, Agamemnon 763 ff (trans. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : “But an old Hybris (hubris) tends to bring forth in evil men, sooner or later, at the fated hour of birth, a young hubris and that irresistible, unconquerable, unholy spirit (daimon), Thrasos (Recklessness), and for the household black Ates (Curses), which resemble their parents. But Dike (Righteousness) shines in smoke-begrimed dwellings and esteems the virtuous man.” Thrasos was married for a time but after the loss of his husband and all but one of his children, he threw himself into his duties as hard as possible. For the longest time, he was barely checking in with anyone as he tried work through his grief.
Eventually, he got to a place where he realized just how lonely he had become and has since started spending more time with Cam, the two eventually developing a relationship. Up until Thras came across Maren, that had been his lifeline.
Other Info Threads Face Drabble
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ofviolentdeath · 1 year
I love coming home from Pam's and having a three-footed shadow winding around my ankles and purring his ass off.
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herpsandbirds · 7 months
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Southern Sicklewing (Eantis thraso), family Hesperiidae, found in Mexico and Central America
photograph by Mauro Augusto Massaro
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yuesya · 3 months
Chief Scientist Polus squints at the numbers on his holographic screen. Reaches out with a mechanical hand to readjust the values slightly, then continues down the rest of the page.
The lab is quiet, save for the subdued whirring of background machinery. If he were to close his eyes and relax for a moment, he could almost pretend that this was just another late night overseeing ongoing experiments in the labs. He’d be able to head home in the morning, give his wife a kiss, then promptly collapse into his bed and knock out for a solid eight hours. Then, he’d wake up in the afternoon –his lovely wife would laugh and call him a sleepyhead, then ask if he wanted to grab groceries with her. He’d say yes, and they’d walk to a grocery store together beneath the lazy afternoon sunlight.
It’s a nice dream.
His wife is dead, had been one of the civilian casualties in the initial incursion of the Swarm that descended upon Glamoth from distant stars. There had been no time to grieve. The military’s weapons and fortifications had been enough to turn back the insectoid aliens the first time, but it had only been a short reprieve –barely even a full week, before the vanguard of the Swarm arrived, following what must’ve been their scouting party.
The Swarm was truly a plague among the stars, killing and devouring everything in its wake like locusts. Multiplying, spreading decimation across the stars. For they were beloved by the Aeon of Propagation, the Dread Tayzzyronth, whose only goal was to reproduce and replicate endlessly.
The sheer number of casualties that Glamoth suffered, the horrifying hell that the Republic had been reduced to–!
Glamoth’s military power was not enough. It wasn’t enough. The Council had screamed themselves hoarse, while people continued to die, but it wasn’t until news of neighboring nations being completely overrun by the Swarm came that they finally came to the difficult decision–
We must adapt to our enemies.
Alter the essence of humanity.
It’s the only way for a chance of survival.
… No matter how heinous and reproachable the means, it does not change the truth of the matter: We must fight. Surrender is not an option! To accept defeat is to accept the extinction of our race.
And thus, Glamoth gathered its remaining scientists and set before them a task: Create soldiers. Create vast numbers of expendable soldiers to wage war against the Swarm, ones who could pilot a far more destructive version of the military’s mechanical battle suits. Numbers versus numbers.
Polus was one of the scientists who answered the Council’s call. How could he possibly turn away, when the fate of Glamoth was at stake?
Polus sighs, standing up from his seat. He stretches out his stiff body, and turns to head deeper into the labs –nearly tripping over Thrasos’ comatose body, from where the other man had collapsed over a half-finished spreadsheet and was currently snoring quietly. Polus grabs the lab coat slung over the back of the man’s chair and drapes it over him like a blanket, before continuing on his way.
The clack-clack of footsteps against the tiled ground seems almost unnaturally loud, with none of the other scientists accompanying him. But it doesn’t take long before Polus arrives at his destination, and he cranes his neck back to take in their creation.
Their answer, to the task that the Council had entrusted to them.
Suspended within the X-819 formula, there is a facsimile of a girl. Countless wires are attached to her body, a sign of her inhumanity –as if the hard, blackened limbs with a chitin-like gloss and antennae sprouting from her head weren’t a clear announcement of it already. White hair flows out behind her, a cosmetic effect of the C-71 injection from the earlier development cycles.
Polus looks up at their creation silently.
… Their weapon. One that was created using materials scavenged from the battlefields, using the corpses of the insectoid aliens of the Swarm. As reprehensible and stomach-turning as it was, it was also necessary if they wanted to be able harness the ability to manufacture soldiers en masse. To propagate their weapons, in order to defend Glamoth and fight the Swarm that was the avatar of Tayzzyronth’s Propagation.
Soon. Soon, the first soldiers would be ready, and the Iron Cavalry would prepare for combat. And this one here would be the key to it all –not a soldier, not a fighter, but far more important; she would be the nexus commanding all the soldiers to be manufactured in this war that Glamoth could not afford to lose.
After all… they had nowhere to retreat to anymore. The majority of the Republic's territories had already been decimated by the Swarm.
“Titania,” Polus whispers, a quiet prayer that’s a mixture of fear and desperation and tremulous hope. He raises a gloved hand, touching it to the cold glass of the living weapon, then presses his forehead against it. 
Polus closes his eyes. “… The first of the Iron Cavalry. Our final hope. Please… be the Queen that we need, and end this nightmare for us.”
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facioleeknow · 7 months
Stray Kids as Greek mythological figures
Which heroes/ creatures/ gods i think are similar to Stray Kids.
Wc: 470 Genre: AU
Tw: talk of mental health, not proofread
I was thinking of expanding these into full fics, let me know what you think
Bang Chan
Heracles, demigod, son of Zeus and Alcmene. The most famous hero of all Greece and the one most appreciated. His death was commemorated through an official festival. Very strong and brave, I think he suits Channie perfectly. Charismatic just like our leader and very respected and feared.
Lee Know
Hades, god and king of the underworld. Eldest of three sons. just like Lee Know can seem quite cold and scary on the outside but is actually a good person. In myths Hades is never depicted negatively and always preferred to maintain balance. Technically entering the underworld was forbidden for mortals but there are many stories of heroes going back and forth and Hades did not raise a finger and let them be. A scary looking man with a good heart like Lee Know.
Atlas, titan of endurance. Punished by Zeus and condemned to hold up the sky for eternity. Really strong and muscly and could probably throw people around like they weighed nothing. Changbin said he bench presses 150kg roughly, which makes him able to lift the average person and I think he could totally hold up the heavens.
Adonis, human. The most beautiful man in the whole Greece and the blueprint of what a man should have looked like back then. Lover of Aphrodite, the literal goddess of beauty and love. Could pull men and women, which is perfect for Hyunjin because that man is so beautiful inside and out that nobody can resist him.
Alchys, personification of sadness and desperation. I know what you’re thinking about, Han is a very generally bubbly person on the outside but we all know he struggles deeply with mental health and anxiety. As somebody with the same struggles I can say that this fits pretty well. ( I am not saying in any way that he is defined by his struggles)
Apollo, god of the sun, music, poetry and art. One of the younger gods, a little spicy and definitely queer. Was said to be so bright that looking at him was like looking into the sun. Couldn’t not think of our sunshine Lixie, our shiny baby who is definitely more than a little mischievous.
Thrasos, personification of courage and insolence. Like Seungmin and his sharp tongue, this deity is not afraid to speak even when they shouldn’t. Courageous in a reckless sense, which fits perfectly because I would never dare to back talk Bang Chan when he is mad but I have a hunch that Seungmin would.
Dionysus, god of wine, fruits, insanity and fertility. Very sensual and mischievous, like our maknae lately. Widely appreciated in the whole of Greece, his parties were very alluring and freeing in way. Able to “hypnotize” you with his charisma which explains why everybody loves Innie so much. 
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sugutoad · 6 months
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After 2 years, I have lost and gained many followers but here I am, aren’t I? I have been meaning to do this for a long while but among many things in life, I didn’t have time to do anything for everyone who actually finds me interesting and enjoys what I enjoy (bonus points to those who interact with me!) But I finally decided to do it! Here are some thing you can choose from:
Intro Post:
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Gowns: I’ll pick an outfit fit for a noble ball based off your blog aesthetic — specify gender
Masquerade Balls: Send me some information about you + a fandom of your choice and I’ll make a moonboard after selecting a romantic match 
Castle Walls: I’ll design a moonboard based after your blog or and aesthetic/prompt of your choice
Secrets: Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll answer truthfully
Royal blood: Ask any question for any of my own characters and I’ll answer 
Eleanor Cadell, daughter of Eros (Pjo)
Irene Cadell, daughter of Thrasos (Pjo)
Lucien Heifcourth, son of Hecate (Pjo)
Aurora Corbin (Aot)
Kamiko Sumeragi (Jjk) 
Secret Letters: I’ll write a little letter for you! (Close mutals only)
The Chosen Life: Similar to Masquerade Balls, send me some information about you + a fandom and I’ll assign you your lover + enemy + best friend + anything else suitable for that specific fandom (Pjo would have a cabin and Harry Potter would have your house etc.)
Crown Jewels: Send me a prompt or basic idea + a character of your choice and I’ll write a short Drabble (Mutals Only)
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— Thank you! And please be respectful and patient. I have lots on my plate right now and may take some time to complete your request. 
Tagging a few mutals: @nicosavior456, @nandosango, @averagetoyakinnie, @fourtyfourcatss, @m1ckeyb3rry, @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent, @darkskvll, @24-primaveras, @wiispywitch, @stargirl-exe, @riordanness, @kamesama, @percabeths-blue-cookies
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Slugtember Day 6: Shadow Clan
Decided to do semi character lore with Thrasos babysitting a younger kid Mira. He's such a great uncle, dancing with his niece.
I wish I could've spent more time on this, but brain said to rush
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dimdiamond · 2 years
hi im the person who asked about your greek handwriting and i want to say thank you so much for taking the time to give me such a thought-out response with translations and everything! it made my whole day 🥰 🥰🥰ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ!
Παρακαλώ, φίλε μου 😊
I am glad it helped you and it made my day too! I thought that it was a good chance to show you handwriting on paper so I made this little comic with our dear Rasta!
Hope you enjoy it! Warning lots of Greek swearing!
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Script and translation under the cut
Rasta: Once again you fell victims of my genius mind! How pitiful!
Tintin: ΣΚΑΣΕ, ΓΛΟΜΠΕ! [SKASE, YLOBE!] (SHUT UP, BALDHEAD! The literal translation is lightbulb but is used also for making fun of bald heads.)
Tintin: Έχεις μεγάλο θράσος να λυπάσαι εσύ εμάς, μαλακισμένε καπιτάλα του κερατά! Τράβα να δεις αν ερχόμαστε και παράτα μας, αρχίδι! [Ehis meyalo thrasos na lipase esi emas, malakismene kapitala tou kerata! Trava na this an erhomaste ke parata mas, arhithi!] (You have a big nerve you pitying us, some asshole capitalist! Go and see if we're coming and leave us, ball! Ok, this is difficult to translate to English swearing because the vibe is different. So μαλακισμένε comes from the famous μαλάκα which we use for calling someone asshole/jerk but literally comes from the word μαλακία meaning jerk off so the swearing refers to that action more or less. Του κερατά is a usual swearing when we want to lower the other, it literally means someone with horns aka of someone who is cheated {a typical expression of someone being cheated by their partner is growing horns on their head, the bigger the more cheated} so we're referring to someone/something of low importance. Τράβα να δεις αν ερχόμαστε is a famous way to tell someone I'm not intimidated by you/ You're not fooling me, I can't translate precisely the vibe but that's somewhat the meaning. Αρχίδι is the ball you all understood.)
Some time ago...
Tintin: Hullo, mine-workers! I'm Tintin, a journalist!
Tintin: So... you are Greek immigrants, right...? (Fun fact: in the 20th century many Greeks left the country to find jobs and have a better life in many countries, mainly in Europe, the USA, and Australia. Many went to Belgium and worked in mines, my grandpa did too!)
Anyway hope this translation makes sense and it is funnier for you now know the meaning behind Tintin's swearing!
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neopronouns · 3 months
I hope your having a good day. I really like your blog and am amazed by how much you do and how you help so many people.
I have a question about a question. I noticed that on your DNI you specify a few of the points being triggers for you. I had a question about one that does not have any such warnings and I already tried Google. If you don't want to or don't feel comfortable answering I completely understand and I mean no harm.
May I ask my question?
- Thrasos
ye that's fine, go ahead
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Achelois (Kingdom of Ichor
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Nicknames- Lo by her family & friends
Age- 12 (immortal)
Location- Elis, Olympius
Personality- She's a sweet sensitive soul. Observant & intuitive, she's deeply affected by other people's moods and highly empathetic. She has a tendency to cry often, especially when reacting strongly to criticism.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. She shares some abilities similar to her mother's on a limited scale. As goddess of the moon & comfort, she's innately stronger at night. Her other powers/abilities include night vision, odynokinesis (being able to absorb, numb, & transfer physical pain), and vitakinesis (healing) through use of moonlight.
Achelois is technically the second oldest child of her parents. She's the first however in a set of fraternal quintuplets. After her there's Cressida (Cress) (goddess of the crescent moon), Esmeray (Esme) (goddess of the half moon), Mona (goddess of the new moon), & Orani.
She takes a lot after her father Endymion with her paler skin and facial features. Achelois sometimes wishes she took after her mom's looks like a few of her other siblings like Pandia (goddess of the full moon) & Ersa (goddess of morning dew).
She has her own room complete with silver-white wallpaper that has various moon and star patterns. Instead of a "traditional" bed, there's a giant comfy bean bag bed. She has sewn her own pillowcases as well as knitted her own throw blankets and comforter. Achelois has a pet of her own- a chartreux cat named Marty (named after the goddess Artemis).
A go-to drink of hers is hot chocolate. She has her own recipe & will usually make a cup every morning and night. She also likes iced tea, mint infused water, lavender tea, ginger ale, & lychee juice.
Achelois loves being in a family full of sisters! She views it has having built in best friends. She absolutely dislikes whenever there's a fight or argument between them. When a situation like that arises, Achelois will run to her room in tears, hide under her covers, and cuddle with Marty or listen to music. She finds herself spending more time with Orani, so she doesn't feel left out about the fact that she's the only one of the quintuplets that's not a goddess. Achelois loves doting on her youngest sisters, especially Aurora (goddess of celestial light) who recently celebrated her 2nd birthday.
Evening primroses are her favorite flowers!
Because she's a highly sensitive person, Achelois isn't the biggest fan of really loud noises or strong smells. There's this favorite perfume of hers (with scents of shea & warm sugar) that she loves to spray herself with.
She loves whenever her aunt Eos (Titaness of dawn) comes over to visit! A favorite activity is when Achelois helps her out with making mangalore buns. She also likes going fishing with her Pappoús Hyperion (Titan god of heavenly light) whenever she visits her grandparents in Rhodes.
A favorite frozen treat of hers are coconut ice pops!
Achelois is currently on break from school. When it resumes, she'll be returning as a seventh grader. She attends middle school in New Olympus, with two of her favorite classes being literature & art. Achelois has quite the talent in art with one of her assignmets being a part in her grade's art showcase.
She's friendly with Philia (goddess of freindship), E.B, and Krysothemis (Kristy) and is aware of the other godly students like Thespios (god of acting), Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness), Dysis (goddess of the sunset), Epidotes (god of purity), Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness), Telete (goddess of prayers), Pompe (goddess of rites), and Thrasos (god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage).
Aside from her sisters, she has her own close group of friends- an oread named Hermione, a satyress named Aspen, Philia (goddess of friendship), and a mortal boy named Jace. The only classes they all share are Art & P.E and they coincidentally share the same lunch period.
She has a secret crush on her schoolmate Deucalion. Instead of acknowledging this with her friends, she shares her feelings on the pages of her diary. They don't really talk much aside from a brief greeting while passing through the school's halls. Achelois knows he's been having a hard time since his father's punishment term in the Underworld. She once left a heartfelt note in his locker and he surprised her with a box of amygdalotas afterschool.
For her recent birthday, her "Titi" Theia gave her a beautiful gold & amethyst bracelet as a gift.
A guilty pleasure for her are large onion rings from Olympic Chef.
In the pantheon (aside from her mom, aunt, & grandma being her greatest inspirations), Achelois admires all the goddesses associated with the moon like Artemis (goddess of the hunt & moon), Hecate (goddess of magic & witchcraft), Lykos (goddess of wolves), Urania (muse of astronomy); is a member of her stargazing club, Phoebe (Titaness of prophecy, the moon, radiant intellect, & mystery). She also likes Alectrona (goddess of the sun & morning); a close family friend, Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Auge (goddess of first daylight), Philyra (goddess of perfume, paper, & beauty), Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), and Hestia (goddess of the hearth). There are plans for her to mentored by Epione (goddess of soothing pain) when she's older.
Achelois gave her mom a self portrait as a mother's day gift.
Her favorite music artist to listen to is O. She also likes M9 & Eclipse.
Aside from mangalore buns, she also likes the bougatsa and amygdalotas from Hollyhock's Bakery.
In her free time Achelois enjoys knitting, sewing, embroidery, reading, listening to music, working on her art, football (soccer), horseback riding, cooking, and spending time with family.
Her all-time favorite meal is lamb souvlaki with lots of pita bread!
"I find the most comfort underneath the moon's glow."
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whitecrossgirl · 2 years
34. Thrasos -spirit of boldness
It's New Year's Eve and as midnight approaches, Aaron and Emily discuss their resolutions. With these mutually pining idiots, you can guess how this ends.
Tag list: @sequinsmile-x, @ssa-sparks, @denvivale317 @ms-black-a
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