#Tickletober day 8
amazingmsme · 1 year
Under the Table
AN: Was worried I might not finish since I was leaving my nana’s house today, but I was able to get it done pretty early! Here’s day 8 with the Shelby sibs ganging up on Tommy!
Perhaps the only time the Shelby family behaved like a normal, proper one was when they sat down for dinner. The sound of silverware clanking and scraping against plates could barely be heard over soft chatter. Talks of what they did that day, requests to pass the potatoes, and compliments on a delicious meal well made. You didn't make a scene at dinner, unless you wanted to face the wrath of Aunt Polly. Dinner was when they all behaved like civilized people and held conversation. Everyone knew that, especially Ada. Thomas shot her a glare, which she returned with an innocent grin.
He felt another squeeze on his knees and swore under his breath just as he hit the underside of the table. A loud bang startled everyone, jostling plates and causing glasses to slosh precariously. Polly gave a stern and unamused look from across the table, arching a brow.
"Everything alright Tommy?" she asked, though it was clear it didn't come from a place of concern. He gave a curt nod, staring intently at his plate.
"Yes, everything's fine."
"You sure? 'Cause that's about the fifth time I've had to catch my glass before you knock it over," she said accusingly. "So what's got you so damn fidgety?"
"I assure you, I'm fine," he insisted, making Ada stifle a laugh. Tommy fixed her with a look as Polly shifted her attention. Ada beamed from ear to ear as she scribbled her nails over her brother's kneecap, making him spasm and fight back a laugh. Unfortunately for him, his family was accustomed to the sight and slowly put two and two together.
"And you? Mind sharing what's so damn funny?" she asked, cocking her head expectantly. Arthur bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, glancing at Tommy across the table.
"What, I can't be in a good mood?" she asked, leaning forward not so subtly and latching onto both of his knees. Thomas couldn't hold back the bark of laughter as he curled up, kicking the table so hard it hopped off the ground. Arthur stopped his and Polly's plates from sliding off. She was trying hard not to appear amused.
"Not if it's going to ruin our dinner," she said curtly.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with me. Tommy's the one flailin' about!" What had been one off squeezes turned into relentless ones, and he found himself sinking down in his chair as loud hysterical laughs echoed through the room.
Everyone was amused, eyes fixed on the scene before them. Arthur at this point was laughing along and managed to catch one of his brother's kicking legs. Tommy's eyes went wide and his chuckles kicked up a notch, morphing into nervous giggles as he tried in vain to stop him from taking off his shoes.
"NO! Arthur, Ihihi'll kill you!" he threatened, even holding his butter knife in a defensive position to add weight to his words, but it still wasn't enough to negate the effects of his rarely heard laughter.
"Well there's a sight you don't see everyday," Finn joked, a wide grin in his face as he watched from across the table. "Ada, don't forget to go for his ribs!"
"Nohoho, dohon't you dahahare!" he growled through gritted teeth, desperate to hold back but breathless snickers continued to push through the barricade of his teeth. He looked to Polly with pleading eyes. She was the only voice of reason in this madhouse, and the only one who wouldn't outright turn on him.
She knew she should put an end to this, to save Thomas from the wrath of his siblings and turn their attention back to their food, where it should be. But it's been so long since she's seen them all get along like this. And when was the last time she'd seen Tommy actually laugh and enjoy himself. So she really couldn't stop the fond smile that found its way on her face, or the warm feeling growing in her chest.
"Pohoholly! M-make thehem stohohohop!" he pleaded, but she saw something sparkling in his eyes and she knew: he was having fun.
"If you make him flip the table, you're all cleaning up." He scoffed indignantly at that response before chuckles and snorts overtook him once more.
"Except you Thomas,  I'm sure this is already punishment enough," she teased, shooting him a wink from across the table. She grabbed her plate and glass of water and left them to their devices.
And when she heard a telltale crash followed by Tommy's smug voice, "That's what you fucking get!" she just smiled to herself. She peeked in through the doorway to see Arthur, Ada and Finn picking up scraps of food and china from the floor. Thomas stood in the corner, brushing himself off and glaring at the lot of them, fighting off his grin.
"So, was it worth it?" she asked.
"No," Tommy answered the same time the rest answered with an enthusiastic yes.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 8: Trapped
Ft. Simeon, Lucifer & Reader
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"You guys took this haunted house to the extreme, huh?"
You gasped, flinching and bumping against Lucifer when you heard that sudden voice coming from a corner of the room.
"Simeon?!" Both you and Lucifer asked in surprise when you found Simeon laying on the floor; body tightly wrapped in cobwebs, looking exactly like a very large cocoon.
Hurriedly, you kneeled beside Simeon and tried to free him from that fake cobweb trap.
"Are you okay, Simeon?" You asked with concern, sending a quick glance to Lucifer. "I told Mammon these were too many cobwebs!"
Lucifer hummed, also trying to free the trapped angel. "Yes, I remember I told Asmo the same. I apologize, Simeon."
Simeon, as calm and gentle as ever, simply chuckled charmingly and shook his head. "Don't worry. It was a little fun, but then I couldn't get out," he said, trying not to move as you both helped him out. "I was waiting for someone to come, but when noone did, I found myself wondering if I would ever be able to see the daylight again."
A soft giggle escaped your lips, you felt terrible about this, but couldn't deny it was a little funny seeing him like this. Besides, his sudden voice when you and Lucifer entered the room was also a bit hilarious.
Lucifer seemed to have read your mind, for he suddenly snorted a little laugh out too, trying to hide his smile from Simeon.
"N-Now!" Simeon said, his cheeks turning pink. "Are you guys laughing at me?"
"Yes. You can laugh too," Lucifer said and you saw him gently skittering his fingers against the bit of skin that was already uncovered from the cobwebs.
The angel let out a bright giggle and he squirmed away from the touch.
You gasped and beamed, "what? What? What was that? Is Simeon ticklish?"
"Plenty, if I remember correctly," Lucifer said, smirking as he poked the same spot, it seemed to be Simeon's hip.
"Stahahap! Weheheren't you hehelp-"
"Where is it?" You interrupted him, quickly tearing the cobwebs to uncover that place on his other side. "Here?"
"GAHAhaha! Y-You guhuhuys ahahare not hehehelping! Lehehet gohoho!"
Simeon's giggles soon turned into loud laughs and then into cackling as you and Lucifer found your own rhythm to tickle the angel's hips. From scratching to pinching to squeezing and clawing against the sensitive bones, all worked very well to drive Simeon crazy with laughter.
"Y-You guhuhuhuys ahahare so mehehean! Plehehease!" He shrieked, his body hilariously squirming like a worm.
You laughed, "Simeon, we are trying to help you, look how you're almost out!"
That was truth. With all his struggling, Simeon was slowly ripping his tramp himself as his saviors tickled him to pieces. Watching him almost break free, you and Lucifer shared a knowing smile and started tickling him faster.
"STAHAHAP!" He cackled, finally freeing his arms and latching his hands to yours and Lucifer's side. He squeezed and your laughter mixed with his. "How's thahat?"
You both stopped tickling him and got up as Simeon started to completely rip the cobwebs off his body with his own hands.
"Just you wait," he said with a playful glint on his eyes. "Don't think I'll let you go that easily."
Lucifer and you shivered and he gently pushed you so you could quickly exit the room, hearing Simeon quick steps behind you, ready for a good vengeance!
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 8 - Death Spot
Fandom: MCU
Characters: Steve/Tony
Summary: Tony attacks Steve’s death spot.
Words: 566
[Tickletober prompts]
Steve had three tickle spots that Tony was obsessed with.
The first one was his giggle spot, which meant a particularly light touch to his neck would have him giggling for minutes after you’d backed off, resulting in Tony laughing his head off too. It was very useful when it was late and they were both tired. Tony only took advantage of it when he needed some relief.
The second one was his jumpy spot, which involved Tony having to prepare to duck lest a flying limb came toward him. This was technically several spots, but Tony’s favorite was to poke his fingers into the skin where his ribs met his armpits, making Steve’s whole body recoil with a shriek that Tony adored.
His absolute favorite though was the death spot located just at Steve’s inner thigh, which could disarm him no matter what. There was squirming and howling and begging, even though Steve could push Tony off so very easily, but something about that spot weakened him and turned his mind into mush enough for Tony to keep tickling.
Getting that spot was harder, naturally. It wasn’t as if Steve spread his legs just anywhere at any time, and usually Tony had other things in mind when he did.
That particular day he found him on the bed, in shorts, cooling down after a shower which Tony had had the privilege of joining him in. He stalked up to his sprawled out figure, eyes already on the death spot when Steve looked up at him and saw where his gaze was at.
Tony had just enough time to pounce before Steve would accidentally knock him out with his knee, but his hand managed to grab a hold of Steve’s inner thigh just in time for him to clamp his legs shut and ultimately trap him there.
The laughter was instantaneous, booming, desperate, panicked words lacing into it just enough to make it choppy and bubbly and lovely. Tony was laughing too as he squeezed and wiggled over the skin as best as he could. Steve would start thrashing soon and Tony would inevitably lose his grip and would have to make do with another spot, unless Steve decided to get him back first of course. That happened more often than not, unless Tony managed to stay put for long enough to turn him into a giggly mess even once he was finished.
He felt it difficult that day, feeling Steve was one particularly hard pull to the side away from dislodging him. Tony realized he was fine with it, that only a moment of watching him fall apart was enough. Perhaps he was longing for the revenge that was sure to come. Perhaps that had been his motive all along, which Steve would most definitely see through once he had him pinned and begging.
But for now he kept tickling the ridiculously sensitive skin and relishing in the laughter, which was louder now, with Steve turning to the side to try to get away, arms flailing around uselessly and head thrown back, nearly all of his teeth on display. Beautiful surrender, Tony thought just as Steve finally knocked him off with his knee, ending the moment so abruptly that Tony was still tickling the air when he set his gaze on him, eyes narrowed although he was still giggling. “Your turn.”
Tony didn’t even run.
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 8: Haunted House
~A/N  - I thought of this fic for day 8 pretty much immediately after creating the prompt list so I'm super hyped for you guys to read it! It's kind of an avengers fic but mostly centered around Peter being the lee.
- Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
Rotten floorboards, creaky hinges, musty smells and the screams of patrons. All part of the joyful experience of a haunted house. There's something rather amusing about the fact that it's safe. There's literally nothing that can hurt anyone (unless there's a particularly jumpy customer who just so happens to take a swing when they get spooked).
And yet there's still something so ominous about them. Something that evokes such primal fear but we can't get enough of it. Peter, Steve, and Bucky were three such adrenaline junkies. Well...
At least Steve and Bucky were.
The youngest of the group was less than pleased with the activity they had chosen for the day. Peter scared easily and he scared BAD.
With the various 'KEEP OUT' or 'DANGER' posters plastered next to the queue, or the repeating signs warning pregnant people or those with heart conditions to avoid the experience, his nerves certainly weren't at ease.
They entered the doorway, instantly hit with a blast of cold air. Goosebumps rippling down their backs, and without even a moment to recover from the deep chill, a violent groan echoed from behind them and two hands reached to grab at the three.
Peter let out a squeal, collapsing in on himself in the clutches of a blood-soaked zombie. Bucky shrieked at the sight, with Steve locking his eyes on the young boy to make sure he was ok.
Instead of the expected wide-eyed traumatized look, Peter had a blush across his face and a smile teasing at the corners of his lips.
The zombie, slightly breaking character after being half-squished by a small superhero, let out another moan. Reaching his hands out to grab at Peter when-
"Nohoho wahahait!" Peter giggled.
The zombie cracked, breaking into a grin.
"Ticklish, huh?" He teased in a very human voice for the costuming (which, if Peter was completely honest, was more odd than the makeup itself).
"Oh he's super ticklish." Bucky teased, tweaking Peter's side sending the boy into adorable giggles. "Give it a try! It's great fun."
"Buhuhucky stahahap!" Peter pleaded, doing his best to hide his face. "This was supposed to be scahahary!"
"Oh there's nothing scarier in a haunted house than a tickle monster!" The zombie smirked, clawing at the kid's ribs and massaging under his armpits.
"But isn't this better than being scared Pete?" Steve chuckled. "At least you're having fun!"
"It's in my nature buddy!" Zombie man laughed, letting his fingers gentle spider around his ears. "I want braiiiiiiiiins!"
It was an odd sight, watching Spiderman get tickled to pieces by a zombie while captain America and the winter soldier watched. And Peter wasn't escaping any time soon.
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tickle-page · 2 years
Donatello’s revenge Part 2
🎃Tickletober Day 8- Trapped🎃
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Lee: Raph
Ler: Donnie
A/N: I couldn’t skip this day since it’s the only day I imagine Raph in, so I’m posting it today and hopefully day 9 as well.
Using this post👇
What had happened was Donnie had placed pizza behind the couch. Purposely for his oldest brother to get caught in his trap, and it worked. Raph had his whole upper torso upside down behind the couch, while his lower torso was just hanging upside down above the couch. It’s just a moment of waiting for Donnie to come along, and he did.
“Guys…? Anybody…? Can someone help me?” Raph was a little muffled, but was still audible to the human ears, or turtles, if they have any.
“Hohoho, Dear big brother~ u just walked right into my trap, ain’t that unfortunate?” Donnie pounced on the sofa, making the red ninja turtle shudder.
“Donnie?! Listen, we can talk about this, right?”
“No way, I’m here to make u suffer~”
“AGH!! HELP!!”
“No one’s inside, Raphael. I told them that they’re was a new restaurant selling pizza and that me and u will meet them half way.” Donnie started squeezing his big bulky calfs.
“AGH!! DOHHOHOHOHONNIE!!! PLEHEHEEHEHASE!!” Raph squirmed w/ little room he has left.
Donnie scraped and scratched all over the turtles thighs and calf’s, teasing along the way, “For someone who looks tough, u can be taken down by me just squeezing these meaty calfs alone.”
“U can scream, u can yell, u can shout, no one w/in a 10 mile radius will hear u. No matter how loud U are, it’s just me tickling u for however long it takes for Dad, Mikey, and Leo to continue to find a restaurant that doesn’t even exist.
“What part, that I tricked u into being tickled against ur will? Or I sent our dad and brothers on a wild goose chase?”
“What ever do u mean? I thought u liked being tickled.”
“Well, for starters, u never told me to stop~”
“Dw, I think it’s cute u like being tickled.”
“Nah, Idt I will.” Donnie started rapidly squeezing his thighs.
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 8: Death Spot
A/N: Thank you for requesting this fic, @hotshot624! I don't know how well I characterized the guys, but I tried! And I know it's late, I'm gonna be uploading a few more fics I think a couple days late, I just got too busy. Hope this fic is good! <3
Fandom: Jackass (Film & TV)
Characters: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera
Bam's always been ticklish. Since he was a kid, it was just a known thing to everyone around him that 'hey! bam is ticklish! let's get him!' and that's just how it was.
Even into the sets of Jackass, pestering Bam with pokes, jabs, flutters among the other tortures the guys administered to each other as pranks, it all just became normal practice. And it was hilarious because no matter how often they did it, Bam would always jump or scream or run away from his attacker. He always had a reaction, thereby making the bit funny.
But Johnny Knoxville had been on a mission for these past few weeks on set. He'd been trying to come up with a bit where Bam was absolutely wrecked with tickles, but no one thought it was funny enough or worth filming. So back to the drawing board it was.
And then the idea just spiraled into Johnny wanting to wreck Bam's shit, regardless of cameras or plans. Bam had been especially dickish with his pranks on set recently anyway, so this was all well-justified.
During the lunch break, some people left the set to eat out, most everyone stayed in the outdoor cafeteria to eat, and some ate in their cars or another safe place in fear of typical Jackass shenanigans. So Knoxville waited until after lunch, when everyone would be called back and they'd usually have a good period of down time while crew set up the next shoot. Knoxville watched as Bam pulled back into the parking lot and got out of his car, immediately walking into the air conditioned offices.
Knoxville stalked Bam and followed him inside, making sure he didn't notice him. He watched Bam go into the men's room and that's when Knoxville knew he would strike. He positioned himself just outside the bathroom door and waited for Bam to come back out. He shushed anyone who walked by and tried talking to him to keep up the sneaky attack. And boom, when Bam emerged and started walking the other way, Knoxville jumped out and tackled him to the ground, the two men rolling around on the carpeted floor for a few seconds.
"What the fuck!" Bam cursed immediately, trying to fight off Knoxville. But the guy had the element of surprise on his side and Bam wasn't prepared to be fighting this hard. Knoxville maneuvered himself so he was straddling Bam and had both his hands pinned under his knees on either side of him.
"Bam, I've been trying to put this together for far too long," Johnny sighed, "It's about time I've caught ya."
And then that signature Knoxville grin spread across Johnny's face and he wiggled his hands in the air up by his head, "Coochie coo, Bam!" and he dove his hands down, scribbling all over Bam's belly and sides.
Bam screamed and he kicked his legs violently, "AHA fuhuhuck you! Fuck you fuck-- stohohop!" he was trying to not laugh to maybe not give Knoxville some of the satisfaction he was getting from this. But it was damn hard, man! Especially when you were as sensitive as Bam was.
Some crew had come by at all the noise to watch the scene, all wearing smiles.
"You see, I wanted to make this a bit," Knoxville was talking as if he wasn't currently tickling the shit out of Bam, "But no one let me. Isn't this fun?" he asked Bam and then looked at the crew around him, "Isn't this fun?" he repeated with more energy and got a few cheers and claps.
Johnny's fingers worked their way up to Bam's ribs and stayed there for a while as that seemed to get deeper laughs to come out of Bam's mouth.
"And the point of the bit was that we'd be finding your Death Spot," Knoxville continued, "Which I don't think any one of us knows. You wanna tell me now and just get it over with?" he smirked.
"NAHAHO! Fuhuck YOU!" Bam slammed his heels against the carpet, "Thahahat's never gonna fucking happen, you prick!"
"I expected that," Johnny let himself giggle gleefully, "Welp, then I guess I'm just gonna have to figure it out on my own!"
Johnny slid his fingers up Bam's ribs and tried to get into his armpits, but Bam was making it hard. Even with his pinned wrists, his arms weren't like pulled way out to the side or anything, so Bam was still able to squeeze his upper arms to his sides.
"Let me in there, Bam, c'mon," Johnny voiced, "Come onn, you little shitbird," he laughed and Bam groaned, "What do I gotta say? Open sesame! Please! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!"
The last few teases got Bam to blush and Johnny fluttered his fingers by Bam's neck and ears, which got the young man giggling and tossing and turning his head. It got him to scrunch his shoulders up to fend off Johnny's fingers, which was part of the plan.
"Bingo!" Johnny dove his hands in with some extra force and Bam was cackling once more, "Is this your death spot? That's why you wouldn't let me in?" he asked and didn't really expect an answer. But the longer Knoxville tickled under Bam's arms, the more he was realizing that no, this couldn't be his worst spot. He felt like he could get Bam laughing louder, harder, and longer.
"Alright, back down we go," Johnny wrenched his hands free and wiggled them back down Bam's torso.
Bam was in hell during this ordeal. No one was helping him because everyone was a dick. And here was Knoxville having the time of his life, airing out all his secrets and sensitive spots for the whole set to know. And damn, the guy knew how to tickle. Bam kept trying to get his arms free but he wasn't able to, and Johnny was using the exact perfect tickling speed and pressure to get him laughing anywhere he touched him. And now Johnny was back by his belly and even snuck his hands up under his shirt to tickle him. God, he sucked. Bam snorted at the lighter belly tickles on his bare skin and Knoxville burst out laughing at hearing that.
"Youhuhu snorted! I didn't know you could snort, Bam!" Knoxville was giddy.
And then he moved his hands even further down, sliding around to Bam's boney hips that were showing clearly above his low-rise jeans and hiked down boxers. Bam took a sharp intake of breath and he shook his head, "No! Knoxville, stop, I mean it! Stop it right now. I swear, Knoxville, I swear to god!" Bam was gritting his teeth and pulling to free his arms even harder.
A grin spread across Johnny Knoxville's face like the Grinch. Christmas had indeed come early.
"What's that? Stop before I get to... here?" he poked his two pointer fingers into both Bam's hips at the same time. He felt Bam's entire lower body jerk roughly to one side at just the poke.
Knoxville let out an evil and excited, "Ohohoho..." before he cracked his knuckles and situated his hands so they gripped both of Bam's hips, his thumbs poised and ready for the attack. Aaannnddd...
Yeah, let's just say Knoxville ended up with a bloody nose and a whole target for revenge slapped onto his back. Hips. Definitely Bam's Death Spot. And wouldn't you know it, someone had a camera out and recorded the whole thing.
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thebest-medicine · 1 year
Day 8: Truth
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Caleb
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: (based on the idea from this post that I'm going to find and link at some point) The Nein are drinking late one night at a tavern when Caleb drunkenly admits to Yasha that he doesn’t mind when the others tickle him and that it’s kind of fun and nice to laugh and smile openly and be close to people. Yasha isn't the only one who hears.
[read on AO3]
Words: 1.2k
“Ah, ich weiß nicht, it’s-” Caleb slurs a bit between languages. “You all- there’s, you have a way about you all, or- or we, maybe, have it- and it.. It always pushes, challenges… subverts what I am expecting.” 
Yasha watches him, listening intently and nodding along. “I get that..”
“Sometimes it’s- frightening or, not comfortable right away but-” Caleb’s mouth twists at the corner, his brow furrowing. “But- but good, too.” 
“Yeah? Like what?” Yasha tilts her head curiously, smiling gently in a tipsy haze. (She is much bigger than Caleb, and she was already starting to feel something. So. She tries to do the math. Caleb’s probably pretty drunk.)
“Like, how um.. I guess..” Caleb trails off, a blush coming to his cheeks as he reminisces. “I’m not used to this much…” He pauses, eyes and mind searching for the right word. “Kindness, lightness. It’s, it’s nice being around people who go out of their way to make you happier.” His smile quirks up to one side, and he glances over at the tieflings. “Sometimes literally.. by force.”
Yasha chuckles at that. She understands exactly what he means having spent as much time as she has around Mollymauk, and now Jester too.
“They’re quite persistent, aren’t they.” Yasha acknowledges, talking in her hushed tone to the wizard. He nods, and she laughs, bumping shoulders with him and clinking her drink to his. She’s smiling when she reaches out and tweaks gently once or twice at his side. Caleb’s resulting laugh blends in harmoniously with the happy, amused noise coming from every seat at the table. His elbow twitches downward on instinct, a little delayed by the alcohol.
When she pulls her arm back, she runs her fingers over his neck. He lets out a sweet little giggle, scrunching up a bit. Unbeknownst to Caleb, this picks up the admiration and attention of more than just Yasha.
“Aww, that’s pretty cute.” She grins. “I can see how Jester and Molly get carried away. But, it’s kind of fun, huh?” 
“Oh, ja it’s- ha, it’s- it’s really not that bad, but- it also kind of makes me want to teleport away sometimes.” Caleb sits back in his chair a moment, laughing. He takes another swig of his drink. “It’s not so bad - well, it was the first couple of times,” he laughs again, “but I think I’ve started to grow… more tolerant.” He shakes his head. “It’s- it’s kind of nice… Light, you know? It’s also terrible. But it is- it’s fun.” Caleb smiles sheepishly, ducking his head as he takes another drink. 
“You don’t mind it?”
“Ah, no, like I said, it’s not so bad.” He pauses for a second to think, hiccups, and laughs a little. “It’s kind of fun to put up a bit of a fight though, a ruse. Heh, regardless, it’s- it’s new and.. nice to feel so light afterwards.” 
Caleb startles at the feeling of warm breath near his ear opposite Yasha. “Is that so?” 
Caleb turns, and in a drunken daze makes as though he’s going to just answer honestly. He starts to reply. “Ja, heh- there’s a lot I- um.” He stops. Molly is grinning at him. “Uh..” A shiver runs up his spine as his heart works double time to pump blood to his flushed cheeks. His eyes flicker between other members of the group, and he spots Jester and Beau looking his way with silly grins as well. “Um. I’m-” Caleb nearly leaps out of his seat, knees hitting the table as he bolts to a stand. “I’m- uh, I have to- I’m going to bed.” He spins on his heels as the sound of reassurance and protest breaks out behind him. 
“Caleb, wait!” He hears Yasha call out, but he’s already halfway across the tavern room, the stairs up are in sight. He speed walks past and makes his way up the stairs, only stumbling a little in his drunken stupor. 
Finally, he gets up to the bedroom he and Nott are sharing for the evening. He drops his face into his hands, sliding down the back of the door after having hurried it shut. 
He takes a few deep breaths, tries to remember what he said, who heard him, how long they were listening. While at the same time, he tries to ignore just how embarrassed he feels. What was he thinking, talking to Yasha about something like that- and right next to everyone - exposing secrets, however mundane or silly. He sighs, letting out a weak groan. “Scheiße..” 
Caleb jumps when there’s a quiet knock on his door. It’s quiet for a few long moments before Jester’s voice, soft and quiet, comes through the door “Hey, Caleb…” 
Caleb groans into his hands again. “…Ja?” 
“…Can I come in?” She asks, and her voice is gentle, hesitant. 
It’s quiet for a long moment. “…Is it just-”
“Just me.” She adds quickly.
Caleb sighs, wipes a hand over his face, and gets up to open the door. 
“Ja, what is it?” He tries to banish the heat from his cheeks as he runs a hand through his hair.
Jester looks kind of wilted, and it makes his heart ache just a little bit. 
“I-” She bites her lip. “Look, I don’t want you to come up here and be all sad and alone. - we weren’t trying to eavesdrop. And like, I get it- I looooove being tickled. So, I- we don’t think it’s embarrassing or anything so don’t worry, okay?” She perks up and watches him anxiously like a nervous cat. 
He fails to stop the blush from growing on his cheeks as she speaks. He tears his eyes away to look at the floor. “Um.” He swallows. “Okay.” He says slowly, a bit dizzy from the drinks. He moves out of the doorway and gestures, inviting her into the room. Jester leads him over to sit down on the bed and takes his hands in hers. 
“Will you come back downstairs with me?” She asks after they sit for a little while. “I’ll buy you a drink, and we can get some water?” She giggles, rubbing her thumb over his hands. 
Caleb groans out a bit of a whine, letting his head fall back. “Verdammt- I don’t think I should..” He sighs. 
“Come onnnnnnn.” Jester sing-songs, trying her best to tease but encourage. “Or I can try convincing you some other way, hmm?” 
Caleb pulls his hands out of her grasp and wraps them around himself. “Heh, nooo-” 
Jester wiggles her fingers at him and Caleb lets out a crackle of a laugh. “Come on, Caleb. Come with me.” She says as dramatically as possible. She starts poking at a few spots along his middle that he tries to protect but keeps up with very poorly. They’re both giggling within a few seconds. 
“Okay, okahay. Fine.” Caleb pushes at her shoulder. “Let’s go.” 
“Yay!” Jester claps her hands together and stands with a little jump. Then, she leads him back out of the room and down to their friends. 
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 8 - Trapped
Siren!Wilbur/Apollo!Tommy PLATONIC
Tommy’s Clinic for Supervillains AU
“Wihihilbuhuhur! Nohohoho!” Wilbur was currently spidering his fingers over Tommy’s tummy, while the smaller squirmed around on the floor, trying to get away. Wilbur clicked his tongue, “You’re so squirmy…Oh! I know what’ll help!” Tommy shook his head, “Nonononohohoho I knohohow whahat yohohou’re thihihinking!” Wilbur smirked, “Put your arms up~” Wilbur’s words were dripping with honey, and next thing Tommy knew, his arms were up against his will.
“NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!” Tommy shouted. Wilbur snickered, “Ohhh Tommyyyy~ you know what would be even worse?~” Tommy looked up at Wilbur and saw the devious glint in his eyes, and immediately shook his head, “NONONONONO!” Wilbur smiled, innocently, “Now stay still~” Tommy’s squirming almost immediately ceased, “Wahahait Wihihilbur, dohohon’t!” Tommy giggled in anticipation. Wilbur’s final warning was a mischievous giggle, before Wilbur’s fingers descended back onto Tommy’s tummy.
Tommy then shrieked and fell into loud laughter, “WIHIHILBUHUHUR!!! NOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” Wilbur cooed, “Awwwweee~ aren’t you just a cute, ticklish little thing~ tickle tickle tickle Toms~” Wilbur next blew a long raspberry on Tommy’s stomach, and he squealed, “NONONONOHOHOHO NOHOHIT THAHAHAT!!! SOHOHOHO MEHEHEAN!” Wilbur giggled, “Oh really?~ You wanna know what would be even more mean?~” Tommy shook his head, “NONONONOHOHOHO WIHIHILBUR DOHOHON’T!”
If anyone heard the loud shriek of laughter that resounded from Tommy, nobody mentioned it. But as his loud laughter rang through the Soot house, it brought a smile to Phil’s face.
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august-anon · 13 days
i want to write more tickletober ficsso bad. but what if i am Stupid though and writing is Hard sdkjfhf
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 8 - trapped
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Ace and Deuce
- Deuce! Remove your boiler immediately! - Ace was lying under the cauldron, which was conjured by his classmate.
- I'm trying, but it doesn't work.
- You are kidding me?! - redhead began to beat his hands on the floor and wiggle his legs to try to get out of the trap, but nothing came of it.
- You're trapped.
- Thank you, I can see it without you. - Ace rolled his eyes. - Help me!
- If you ask nicely. - dark haired folded his arms.
- What? Are you kidding?! - but still the redhead sighed. - Deuce, dear, please, can you help me get out of this cauldron that you have conjured and cannot remove. - he speaks in a mock voice.
Deuce rolled his eyes.
- Okay. It is better. - dark-haired squatted down and grabbed his leg.
- I don't think it will help. - redhaired said skeptically.
- Do you have other options?
- Hmph
Deuce began to pull him to the side.
- Ow ow ow, it hurts!
- Be patient.
- What does that's mean?
- That's what it means.
Dark haired's hand touched the side of the trapped one, and he heard giggles.
- Hm? Ace?
- N-no, shut up, don't say anything! - redhead covered his mouth with his hand.
Deuce chuckled.
- Are you ticklish?~
- I'm not! - he began to wriggle very strongly.
- Hmmm - Deuce began to quickly tickle Ace's sides.
- Nohohohooho! I'll kihihihihill yohohohohou
- First stop laughing and get out of the trap~
- Yohohohou ahahahare tehheheherrible.
- Hehe, no, you're just being very ticklish. - he began to tickle faster, from which the redhead did not scream. - Wow, that's the reaction.
- Stohohohohop stohohohohohop! Okahahahay, sohohohorry me for swehehearing at yohou. Juhahahast stohohohop, I cahahahahahahan't.
Riddle appeared in the hallway.
- Hmm, what are you two doing?
- Oh, dorm leader. - Deuce stopped and the cauldron instantly disappeared. - I tried to help Ace get out.
- You know this spell perfectly. - said Riddle and went on.
- Perfectly?! - redhead looked at him.
- Um, I'll explain everything.
- Better run!
And the chase began throughout the academy.
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comfytickles · 1 year
Tickletober // DAY 8: TRUTH!
With my OCs Loretta and Michael!
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"You have to be honest... for science of course."
For context, Loretta is able to see where exactly people are ticklish hence why Michael is drawn like a diagram.
Also hi guys I'm doing tickletober (probably only a few days lmaoo)
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amazingmsme · 2 years
AN: Another day down! I love the blackwidow sisters, hope you enjoy the fic! Here’s tickletober day 8: death spot
Natasha remembered the way Yelena used to be so carefree and happy. She remembered the way her dimples adorned her cheeks when she smiled and the bright, cheery sound of her laugh. She was reminded of all of this when she walked by the living room and saw her sister stretched out on the couch, her feet dangling over the edge. They'd always been her worst spot.
She smirked to herself as she crept up behind her, fingers poised and ready to strike. Yelena was completely unsuspecting, watching a movie on the tv. By the time she noticed Natasha near the arm of the couch, it was too late.
“You still as ticklish as I remember?” she asked with an evil smirk. Yelena’s jaw dropped and she quickly tried to dash from the couch. Before she could move, Natasha already had an iron grip around her ankle and she plopped down in the seat next to her.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” she growled, tugging on her legs. Natasha threw her head back with a laugh.
“Oh I dare.” She raked her long, sharp nails down her soles, eliciting a shrill squeal from her sister. Her laughter was loud and free flowing as she flopped around on the cushions. “Seems to me like you are,” she noted casually, scratching along her arches.
Yelena squealed, hiding her face in the crook of her arm. Natasha worked a finger between each toe and she arched her back with a ticklish wail of agony. She scrunched her toes, but that only trapped her wicked fingers where they were.
When Natasha started targeting each pinky toe, Yelena snorted loudly before falling into a fit of wild hysterics. Cackles erupted from her and coated everything in the room with a bright cheer that hasn’t been present in years.
Yelena pounded a fist against the couch, her laugh going silent. Natasha raked her nails up and down a few more times before she eased up, fluttering softly over the soles of her feet. Bubbly giggles and snorts continued to slip out as she curled into a ball. Natasha wrapped her arms around her in a warm, comforting hug.
“Glad to see some things never change.”
“Oh shut up. I should go for your pits for putting me through that,” she snarked, but the smirk softened the threat. Natasha giggled, pressing her arms to her sides.
“Yeah, but you won’t.”
As it turns out, Yelena wasn’t bluffing.
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fluffomatic · 1 year
Tickletober Day 8, Truth
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Gonna be honest, this one and the next one stumped me for a bit. It took me a good while to come up with the concept and even longer to figure out what characters I was gonna use. Luckily, Silver came to my rescue and picked out Cackle and Zayne for me! Turned out pretty good too of you ask me~ :)
All you gotta do is fess up there, Zayne~ Think you can beat the doctor themself?
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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fluffyweeby · 1 year
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Tickletober day 8 - Truth
Prompts by @tickletober
Go go batfam! Also the lasso being perfect for this prompt >>>
Happy tktober! 💜
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 8 - Haunted
Howl x Sophie
A/N: We don't have a cute picture of this couple because I didn't queue this and now I'm suffering djdkkd I hope you enjoy it!
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"Aaaagh! I'm going to die!"
"Didn't you say you had everything under control?"
"I'm trying my best here, Sophie!"
Sophie covered her mouth and giggled. Only a few minutes ago Howl had appeared back from his business with a big mirror in his hands. It was very beautiful, adorned with a frame made of pure, shining gold and with figures of flowers and wild animals. Very beautiful, but it made Sophie feel a little uncomfortable.
Howl had explained that it was a haunted mirror. An old lady living in a rather old house had asked him to fix it, Howl had accepted, thinking that it was something easy to do, after all he was the great Wizard, Howl Pendragon Jenkins, but now he was in this situation. 
"Let me go!" 
A pair of ghostly arms had come out from inside the mirror and had grabbed Howl's wrists in a tight grip. Sophie's poor husband had tried desperately to free himself, but no matter how hard he pulled and how many spells he muttered in different languages, the hands holding him wouldn't even tremble. 
"Howl, I think this is not working."
"That I can see, Sophie!" She giggled again as her husband kept struggling. "Uugh! I hate this!"
Thankfully for Sophie, the mirror hadn't grabbed her, but she was getting a little worried about Howl. She didn't know much magic and she doubted Markl could help them at all.
"This is troublesome, Howl. What will we do?"
"Aaagghh!" Another pair of hands reached out from the mirror and latched to Howl's waist. "Let me go, dammit! I'm gonna-a-ah! W-Wait n-no, nahahahat thahahat!" 
Sophie widened her eyes as Howl giggled brightly, squirming and trying with renewed force to pull himself free as the new pair of hands started tickling his sides? What was going on?
"Did that old lady mention anything like this- oh!" One more hand sneaked out from the mirror and gave Sophie a beautiful red rose. "Oh, thank you! Hey, Howl, I think it likes me!"
"Sohohohophie! Hehehelp mehehehe!" The hands holding his wrists lifted his arms above his head and the other set of hands moved to his ribs, making him cackle as he threw his head back, his feet stomping against the ground. 
"Ah, but I'm kinda liking this mirror! Look, they're giving me a massage!" Sophie said, nearly melting as an extra pair of hands gently massaged her shoulders. "Ah, so nice."
"PLEHEHEASE, nohohot thehehere!" Howl laughed hysterically as his ribs kept under attack. Little tears of laughter were running down his cheeks and even though Sophie was enjoying his laughter very much, he knew her poor husband was too ticklish for his own good and a quick break was needed already.
"Hmm, hey, kind mirror. Could you maybe stop tickling Howl for now? He's very ticklish, you see, I think-"
"-he won't be able to stand more tickling, poor thing."
And with that, the tickling stopped and the two pairs of hands holding Howl disappeared inside the mirror again, but the ones massaging Sophie stayed. 
"You are really kind, Mirror," she said, seeing her husband collapsing on his knees, giggling softly.
"I'm g-gohonna tahake th-this mirrors back."
"No. I want it."
Howl lifted his face. "What?!" 
"Can we keep it?" 
"Are you crazy, Sophie? This thing is a menace! What if- N-Nohoho! Ahahaha!"
"We're going to keep it," Sophie said. She had launched at him and was tickling him, the hands massaging her moved to grab Howl's wrists. 
"Ahahahahokahahay! Okahahay! We'll keheheheep it! I'll buhuhuy it frohohohom the old lahahady! Plehehease!"
"You are too kind, Howl! Welcome to the family, dear Mirror!" 
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so i’ll just…*whistles and runs away*
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edit: the paring for day 8 and 30 are swapped out
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