#Tim Bradford x oc
newwritergirl · 7 days
The mistakes we make
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|One Shot- Tim Bradford x OC|
Summary: Tim and Grace has been neighbors and best friends nearly since the day she moved to LA. But one mistake drives them apart. When Grace is attacked in her own house will Tim be able to help her?
Trigger Warnings: Tim x OC, mentions of past bad relationship and cheating, mentions of miscarriage, woman attacked at home, violent assailant, moody Tim, unfair Tim, tears and sadness, fluff?, no Chenford!, no Lucy Chen!
Word Count: 13k+
A/N: Okay, that escalated quickly. I just wanted to get this idea out of my head and write a one shot, but it got longer than I wanted but I got carried away. Well here it is, enjoy (if you like). Reblogs are, as always, the reader-writer-love-language <3
With a sigh Grace lets herself fall back into the soft cushions of Tim's spacious sofa. Countless nights she has spent in the cozy house of her friend Timothy and today is no exception. When she first literally stumbled into the grumpy cop's life she would've laughed if someone told her that day that Tim is going to become her best friend, her rock or just her helpful neighbor. Grace was just about to carry another heavy box into her new home when the sweaty tornado of this attractive man took off for his regular morning run with his adorable dog Kojo. Deep in thought with a big box crushed into her ribcage she didn't pay attention to the upcoming runner on the pavement. Not only the heavy carton full of all her collected magazines dropped with a heavy thud on her front yard, no, the blue eyed stranger also found himself laying in a tangled mess of limps on the soft meadow of the woman's new home.
Instead of checking up if his master is alright Kojo happily greeted the new addition to his neighborhood. Laughing at the tail wiggling dog she asked the stranger if he's alright, but she got nothing more than a grumped mumble and some curse words. Just as Grace wanted to introduce herself the unfriendly stranger grabbed the leash of his dog and took off. Great first impression.
Some days later she was more than surprised to see the same unfriendly grump opening the door to the house right beside her. With a huge batch of homemade baked goods the woman wanted to introduce herself to her next door neighbor, not expecting to see the attractive but moody man she knocked down on her moving day. Fortunately his dog was still on her side.
Nowadays she can't imagine her life without Tim. Over the last three years she helped him through a lot of rough patches of life, he dried her tears and the two, no the three of them were inseparable. Of course Tim and Grace are only good friends and neighbors, but deep down she harbors feelings for the cop since the first day he was somewhat friendly to her.
Tim on the other side asks himself everyday why he deserves such a good and supportive and attractive woman in his life. After the whole disaster with his ex-wife he swore to himself to never fall in love with someone ever again. But here he is, in love with his best friend.
"Come here, baby." Grace pats the unoccupied place beside her, "Good boy, aren't you?". With a content huff Kojo lays his fury head on the woman's thighs, fully aware that Grace is going to scratch his head until he is fast asleep on the usually prohibited sofa.
Patting the soft fur is always some kind of therapy for Grace, she loves to pamper the dog.
"Why is it always Kojo who gets the most loving attention from you?" Tim says in his usual sassy tone. Grace feels her cheeks redden. She would love to give Tim the same loving attention as she gives his dog, but she knows that he is just her friend and neighbor so she bottles up her feelings one more time and even deeper into her already broken heart.
It's one of their cozy nights they spend together with Kojo in Tim's home and she loves every second of it.
 "All I'm saying is that I'm not sure if she is the right one, Tim." Grace tells her friend while shrugging her shoulders.
"You told me to get into the dating game and now I found some decent woman I want to be romantically involved with and now she is not good enough for me?"
Yes of course Grace encouraged her friend to get back on the horse so to speak, to have some proper dates and not meaningless one night stands. She knows that Tim is the relationship type he just wants to play the hard emotionless guy who doesn't need love and affection in his life. But Lisa, she's not the type of woman Grace would call relationship material. Weeks ago they were out to celebrate Angela's birthday. It was a nice evening in their favorite bar and later that evening this girl Lisa started to flirt with Tim. She was more than drunk and very unfriendly to all of them but Tim must've seen something in her that Grace and their friends didn't see and still don't see now weeks ago.
"I'm just worried, Timmy. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't know…she doesn't seem like the woman who… I don't know…" Grace tries to explain her concerns but before she gets any further the blue eyed LAPD cop interrupts her harshly.
"You tell me she's not good enough to be my girlfriend but you don't know why?" Tim huffs. Of course she knows why Lisa is far away from being good enough for Tim. Lisa is a good-time girl, always on the search for the next party. Every weekend she's out with her girls, drinking, partying and who knows what else. Tim on the other hand, well he is Tim. A disciplined man with a stressful job. How many times he told Grace in the last years how grateful he is for the quiet and cozy evenings they had together. He needs a shoulder a to lean on, a solid home to come to after a stressful shift on the LA streets. Not another woman who is intoxicating herself in the countless bars around the city.
"I just mean, she is always out partying with her friends, drinking and…" but Grace doesn't get any further with her attempt to explain herself. She feels that Tim's mood is getting worse and the situation out of hand.
"Ooooh, now I know," his voice growing louder which leads Kojo to let out a whine and burying his fury head further into Grace's shins, "you think I'm going to make the same mistake I did with Isabel. Got a thing for addicts. You think I'm stupid enough to let myself being dragged into another bad relationship?"
"Tim," Grace takes step towards her upset friend, "that's not what I mean. I just want you to be happy and yes, I'm worried that Lisa can't give you what you need…"
The taller man lets out another huff and takes a step back as if he can't stand to be near the smaller woman in front of him.
"And you think you know what I really need?" he lets out a sarcastic laugh which seems to stab right into  Grace's heart, "YOU are the one with relationship issues, not me. You're the last person who can give hints and tricks for healthy relationships." Seconds after Tim spits out his last sentence he immediately regrets his words. Since the day Grace told him he should've take part in the dating game once again he was pissed off. He doesn't want to date, well except for his best friend. But now the only woman he has real feelings for is telling him he needs to start dating again, why is the universe so cruel to him?
He looks deep into his best friend's eyes, he sees the emotional turmoil he triggered with just two sentences.
Grace feels like she is stabbed with a hot iron directly into her heart. How dare he brings up her failed relationship, the reason why she started all over three years ago in a new city all alone. How dare her best friend opens up her old wounds one more time. Of course he is right, since she left her life behind her and started over in LA she didn't even flirt with a guy even if there were countless occasions. She is an attractive and kind woman, men turn around when she walks along the streets, they would line up if she would give them the chance. But after her last relationship, the betrayal, the physical and mental pain she endured she is still not ready to open her heart for another man. And of course there are these deep feelings she buried deep down inside her broken heart for her best friend Tim. 
Without another word she gathers her mobile, her keys and her purse and runs out of Tim's house.
"Gracy…" he whispers into the now silent room. Kojo lets out a growl and trots away, even the dog can't stand him anymore. He fucked up royally. Angela is going to kill him and justifiably so.
The weather fits just perfectly to Grace mood. Big cold raindrops are falling on her head like pebbles when she exits her car and steps out into the parking lot of Mid-Wilshire. She feels her heart picking up its pace, she doesn't want to be here, the danger of stepping right in front of Tim Bradford is too big and intimidating. But there is no way that she is going to knock on his door, ever again, after what he said to her last night. So there's no other way than to deliver him his wallet to the precinct. The moment she found his wallet in her bag sent a painful jolt through her system. They ate dinner at their favorite restaurant yesterday and Grace some kind of stole his wallet because she wanted to pay for their meals and otherwise he would have found a way to pay the bill so she just hid his wallet in her bag. But unfortunately their evening took a turn she never would've prospected. So here she is, stepping out of the cold into the Mid-Wilshire in great hope to just drop his wallet at the front desk without seeing Tim.
"Hey, our famous best-selling author. To what do we owe the honor of this visit?" a familiar voice rings trough the entrance hall of the district. Grace feels like a thief surrounded by a whole bunch of cops. Well she is surrounded by a bunch of cops but she is far away from being a thief. Either way she turns around and is greeted by a cheerful looking Angela. Out of all people she knows from the Mid-Wilshire it has to be Angela who catches her. Before she knows what is happening Angela envelopes her into a bone crushing hug.
"What are you doing here? Come on I take you to Tim, he is in a very bad mood this morning and I guess you're the only one who can cheer him up…as always." The female officer makes her way further into the station but soon notices that her friend doesn't seem to catch up.
"Ehm, no…I- I just wanted to drop off Tim's wallet. Can you give it to him, please?" Grace tries to sound as normal as possible but her voice breaks at the end of the sentence.
Angela immediately notices that something has to be very wrong especially when she sees Grace's tired face. Her normally bright and shiny eyes are now dull and held unshed tears, circled by dark rings.
"You look horrible, Gracy. What's wrong? Is there a connection between Tim's extraordinary bad mood and you looking like death warmed over?"
The young takes a deep breath when Tim's hurtful words are playing in her head once again.
"Just tired." Grace answers in a steady tone even if she knows she can't fool her way out of the situation, "He just forgot his wallet and I'm in a hurry." She pushes the deep brown leather item into Angela's hands.
"Yeah, sure. I tell him you said 'hi'." The female officer says with a smile.
"Probably not a good idea." Grace mumbles and turns around quickly before Angela can see the tears spilling over.
The door to the breakroom opens with a loud thud which leads Tim to spill half of his coffee. The rookie who waits to get his chance with the coffee pot looks into a very stern looking face of Angela Lopez. The poor young man exits the break room as soon as possible afraid to get into the bad book of Lopez.
"Are you out of your mind?" Tim asks while shaking the hot coffee from his hand, clearly annoyed that he spilled the hot beverage over his hand.
"Why didn't Grace wanted to give this to you personally? What did you do?" Angela shoves Tim wallet into his still wet hand.
He takes a deep breath. His wallet, Grace brought his wallet to the precinct. Shit, and seemingly got caught by none other than Lopez.
"Maybe she's busy. I'm not her secretary." Tim rolls his eyes, he doesn't want to have another argument with one of his friends and he knows that his reaction is leading him straight into exact that but he can't help himself and be the asshole he is supposed to be.
"Busy? Mhh, sure. That's why she looked like hell and was on the verge of tears when I mentioned your name. Don't fuck with me Bradford." Angela pokes her forefinger into her friends chest.
Tim feels a migraine settling down into his skull and Angela is not helping with it. He pinches the bridge of his nose before answering his female friend.
"Yeah. Maybe we had a tiny argument yesterday?!" The taller man answers uncertain because he knows that 'a tiny argument' is the understatement of the year. Out of wounded pride he brought up Grace's latest failed relationship and opened old and still not healed wounds. How could he have been such an asshole? Why did he brought back his best friend's saddest memories, memories she trusted him with. He is well aware that there are only two persons who know the real extent of pain she stored away in her heart.
Over three years ago Grace thought her life couldn't have been worse. Emotionally caught in a bad relationship she found out that she is pregnant from the man who she recently learned cheated on her. It all started with him getting more secretive about phone calls or text messages he got on his mobile. Until Grace accidently read an obvious message on his phone. He pleaded her to stay with him and promised her that this was a one-time thing, stress got the better of him he needed to blow off some steam. But it wasn't a one-off.
The day she wanted to finally break free from her emotional abuser also was the day she found out about her pregnancy. She just came back from the OBGYN who confirmed her suspicion when she found him and her best friend red-handed. But the two made her responsible for that situation and when she packed her bag and shouted in panic, pain and rage that he will never see his child the whole world stopped. She has never ever seen her ex in such a rage. He screamed at her to have an abortion immediately. He got physical, dragged Grace by her hair out of their bedroom where she was packing her bag to leave this hellhole. The young woman ended up at the foot of the stairs, shoved by the man she once loved. Her unborn child didn't survive the fall. Neighbors called the cops when they heard the commotion. Oliver was dragged away screaming and kicking, spitting insults all the while Grace was miscarrying their unborn child.
And Tim? He held against her that she has relationship and trust issues but coaxed him into the dating life. He was pissed from the moment Grace coaxed him into dating again. He never really wanted to start dating women. Deep down he always has wanted to show his best friend that she deserves a good man. Show her how he loves her. But his insecurities always get in the way. Why didn't he ask Grace out for a date? Why is he always fucking up?
Angela sees the turmoil in her friends eyes. She knows that Grace is the last person you can have an argument with. She is kind, collected, lovely and not the hot tampered soul you can argue with passionately.
"What did you say to her?"
There she is, alone in her home, alone with her thoughts and again alone with her pain. She trusted Tim, he was her best friend after all. From the grumpy stranger he became her nice neighbor with an adorable dog and finally he became her friend, her best friend in her new life. Now she is once again alone. The betrayal weights so heavy that Grace can feel it deep in her bones. Everything feels so heavy. But life has to go on. After crying for what feels like the whole day after returning from Mid-Wilshire she finally finds the strength to sit in front of her laptop and starts working on her latest article. Even if Angela always calls her 'best-selling author' Grace calls herself a journalist. She writes articles for several magazines and has some columns she has to keep alive regularly. Oliver always held her small even if she has a huge knowledge in a lot of fields, which makes her a rather popular journalist for umpteen magazines.
Grace loves her job and due to the fact she can work from home it was easier for her to move states and start a new life in LA without hunting for a new job. She finally feels like she has found a new home with people she can trust, friends. But now Tim told her what he really thought all the time.
Is she really that broken? Probably he is right, she is broken and destroyed from her trust and relationship issues. And even if she often regrets that she hides her feelings she has for Tim, today she is more glad than ever.
Tim was relieved when he finally could leave the district. The day was the longest he's ever had. His thoughts going wild and there wasn't a minute he didn't think of Grace. Angela nearly killed him when he confess what he said to Grace last night. He is definitely in her bad book now. And now Kojo. Usually Tim's furry friend greets the male cop when he comes home. A wet tongue and a wiggling tale is always the first thing Tim is greeted with when coming home. But today he's greeted with silence. No clicking paws on the hard wood floor. No wet nose that is poking his hand to claim some much needed cuddling. "Kojo?" Tim calls in the silent living room while getting rid of his boots. No answer, no movement nothing. His heart picks up its pace. Where is his hoggish roommate?
"Kojo? Come here." He tries again but immediately sees the dog laying in his basket. Just an unfriendly grunt can be heard from the chubby bulldog.
"You too, huh? Yeah give me the cold shoulder, I know I'm an idiot." Tim talks to Kojo while letting himself fall on his spacious sofa.
The last days were filled with the same routine: Grace stumbles out of her bed after another nightmare filled night or she didn't slept at all. Wrote some of her articles or columns, but most of the time is filled with being in her own head. The conversation with Tim, rather his harsh words are playing in her head over and over again. This morning is no exception. After taking a much needed shower to refresh herself after a night of tossing and turning she puts on a whole pot of coffee she looks out of her window to see that Tim's car is already missing in his driveway. So it was safe for her to get her mail without seeing the man she secretly loves but hurt her so bad with his words. The crisp air makes her shudder when she steps out of her front door, dark clouds are hiding the sun and the first drops of yet another rainstorm are falling on the pavement.
With a stack of mailing Grace hurries back into her warm home. "Bill, junk, junk…what the hell, do I look like I need a nurse at home?" Grace mumbles to herself while sorting out the mail, but stops dead in her tracks when she sees an envelope with her name and address written in a scrawly handwriting.
"No…" the young woman whispers.
Some weeks ago she found nearly every day one of those mysterious envelopes. Some didn't even have content. But last week she got the first letter with an actual message, followed by one letter a day. The messages developed fast from strange to threats. Grace started to get concerned and made the decision to tell Tim, he is a cop after all. But then they had this nasty argument and she stormed out of his house without getting the chance to ask him for help with the threats.
Grace's hands start to shake when she reads today's message:
You would look so much better 6 feet under.
Stop writing your lies!
Whoever sends her these letters knows where she lives, they have her address and now they escalate quickly. She knows she needs to tell someone but Tim is the last person she wants to see or talk to right now.
The days went by without any more disturbing mail and Grace is finally able to distract herself with work. Writing has always been a safe haven for the talented woman, so she was able to finish some articles over last days. Unlike her work she feels like the rest of her life is once again in shards. She can't stop thinking about Tim and his words. The situation is slowly starting to affect her health. She is running on caffeine and water. Nearly every try to get some decent meal into her body ended with her feeling sick. So after the fourth day of feeling sick after eating a small handful of something she found in her home she resigned to get down a full meal. Dizzy spells and a headache are now her constant companion. In stressful situations it has always been difficult for Grace to look after herself and especially feed herself properly but the current emotional pain is a whole new level of escalation.
After finishing her latest column the young woman decides to take a much needed break and get some fresh air as long as the sun is warming the crisp LA air.
Clothed in her favorite jumper, which now already hangs loosely on her malnourished body she exits her house to clear her head.
It is a nice day but in the distance dark clouds are already forecasting another rainstorm. Grace looks at the sky at the clouds piling up like dark cotton candy, the fresh air streaming into her lungs.
Distracted by the twirling thoughts in her head she doesn't notice the tall man sprinting on the pavement making his way directly over to her.
Running should clear his head but the exact opposite is currently happening. Tim notices today more than ever that he can't run away from his problems. He needs to apologize, he knows that this is the only way to get his friend back. Heck to get back the woman he secretly loves. But just a cheap apology is not going to fix the situation. He had hurt Grace deeply, his own heart hurts when he replays his words in his mind. In what amount of pain is Gracy now when he feels he is suffocating?
At least it's not raining when he decided to take a run with Kojo this afternoon after he ended his shift. Kojo is not the biggest fan of running and he often trots some meters behind Tim when his master forces him to go on a jog.
The soft and rhythmic taps of Tim's running shoes and the steady bouncing finally occupies his brain and he feels light for the first time in days. Concentrating on the ground he doesn't pay attention to the woman slowly walking in his direction until it is too late and he crashes into the smaller body.
Grace doesn't know what hit her when she lands on the cold pavement with a painful thud, at least it's not wet from the rain anymore but this is the only good thing. She lets out a surprised yelp and she immediately feels her heart picking up. Has the stranger who sent her the threads finally made a move? Did he shove her to the ground to deliver his next message? She tries to keep her panic at bay until she feels a familiar wet nose poking into her right hand. She opens her eyes and looks directly into the warm eyes of her favorite dog.
"Fuck, Gracy. I didn't….I'm sorry. I didn't pay attention. Are you hurt?" Tim stumbles over his words when he finally realizes wo he hit while running along the pavement of his neighborhood. In front of him is Grace laying on the cold ground just as shocked as him. The only one who is able to react seems to be Kojo who is on the woman's right side licking and poking her hand to get attention.
Grace lifts her head further and is greeted with the blue eyes she fell in love with a long time ago. The same eyes who looked at her with disgust and rage days ago.
It takes her some seconds to answer Tim's question but it feels like she is mute for hours until she can form the right words.
"I'm okay." Her answer is short and not honest. She landed hard on the ground and she can already feel a bruise building on the shoulder she landed on. But being vulnerable in front of Tim Bradford is not an option. So she tries to bring her body into a sitting position but Tim is faster and kneels on her left side pushing her torso up. She swallows the wince when Tim touches her bruised shoulder blade.
"I help you up, Gracy." Tim says in a soft tone.
"I don't need help." The young woman says in not more than a whisper. She turns around and focuses on Kojo instead of Tim.
"Good boy…" She says while petting the excited dog. He lets out a whine and nearly pushes her back into a laying position out of loving excitement.
"He misses you…" Tim tries but stops himself to go any further. Is this the right time to apologize for being an asshole out of Hell? As if Kojo wants to emphasize his master's words he lets out a short bark.
"Good boy, Kojo. I miss you, too." Grace can't hold back her emotions for any longer when she feels her eyes watering up. A huge lump is forming in her throat, unshed tears wanting to spill over. She hastily kisses the adorable dog on his furry head and stands up as fast as she can. She has to go, she can't sit there any longer, in front of the man she loves and who hurt her just days ago.
A dizzyspell attacks her the moment she is back on her feet. The ground beneath her feet feeling like a wobbling floe. The last days without a decent meal is now giving her a hard time. She feels Tim's hands grabbing her elbows steadying her waving form. When her vision clears she takes a step back, shaking her arms free out of Tim's firm yet soft grip.
The very short moment Tim is finally close to Grace he takes the chance to study her features. Dark circles are surrounding her usually bright and friendly eyes. Now her expression is empty. Her face is sunken in, she clearly lost some weight. Tim wants to kick himself for bringing her into this situation in the first place. But before he can scan her any further she takes a step back.
"I should bring you home, you don't look so good." Tim says in an attempt to help the woman who he had hurt now two times in barely a week.
"Always the charmer, Bradford." Grace scoffs, she knows she looks like death warmed over with the little she ate the last days and the poor attempt to have a decent sleep, but she can't hold back the witty comment.
"That's not what I meant…Gracy. Let me help you." The blonde cop tries to rescue the bad situation but fails miserably when he sees his former best friend, the woman he loves, turning around. Her last words ringing in his ears: "I don't need your help."
Turning around to make her way back to her house the tears finally spill over, wetting her pale face. Not because of the pain in her bruised shoulder but the pain in her broken heart.
Grace is on the edge. Every stranger passing by her house could be the psycho that sent her the letters and the threats. When it started she thought it has to be a joke. Just some strange fan mail, someone who likes her work, well now she knows they obviously dislike her work, but either way she didn't think that these letters would escalate to the point that she is afraid to stay home alone. Now, with the sun slowly setting down, darkness is around the corner. She was never a fan of lonely nights, so she was thankful for the countless nights she spent with her best friend Tim. But now alone at home tiptoeing in her house listening to every noise, watching every shadow on the streets.
Tim is restlessly laying in his bed, Kojo at the end of the bed still mad at him, but who could blame him? He loves Grace just as much as Tim and with her gone for over a week and just the short encounter he had when he ran her over while jogging, the faithful dog seems to miss her more and more every day.
When Tim finally closes his eyes, exhausted from the day and the emotional turmoil the last days, the deep growl from the fur friend brings him back from his taking over slumber.
"Kojo! Stop it!" Tim groans, but his dog has other plan when he jumps up from his cuddly position at the end of the bed and runs out of the bedroom barking loudly.
"KOJO!" Tim jumps out of his bed to stop the outraged dog. His barking only got louder when Tim finally catches Kojo scratching at the front door. The tall man is out of breath when he finally can get a hold of the bulldog. "What's wrong with you?"
But Kojo only gets more agitated and starts to whine when Tim tries to pull him away from the front door. Something has to be in the front yard and definitely more than a rabbit or a cat. Cautiously and ready to fight a possible intruder Tim opens the front door.
"Oh my God, Gracy…" He gasps when he sees the real reason for Kojo's reaction.
A loud shattering noise wakes the young woman who just fell asleep on her sofa. She wanted to proofread one of her latest articles when finally sleep took over only one hour ago. Now she is wide awake her heart hammering painfully at her chest. Disorientated she jumps up from the sofa. Where did the noise came from? But before she can investigate any further something surprises her from behind, covering up her mouth and holding her body in place in a bruising iron grip. She shrieks and tries to wiggle herself out of the arms of the taller stranger who just broke into her house.
"You should've been more cautious. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME AND STOP YOUR LIES!" A deep male voice shouts into her right ear. He is here. The man who sent her the letters broke into her house. She feels panic bubbling up inside her chest, blood rushing in her ears and her heart once again increasing its pace in a fight or flight modus. Without thinking she bites down hard on the hand that is currently covering up her mouth.
"You bitch…" The man screams in pain. Grace can free herself the second the stranger is disturbed with his hurting hand. She stumbles two steps forward but her right knee catches the corner of her coffee table with a painful thud. Too surprised she can't catch herself or brake the fall and her head collides merciless with the small table in front of her sofa. White hot pain is radiating from her temple into her skull, blinding her. She knows she has to stand up again but the sudden impact leaves her dizzy and dazed on the hardwood floor. A strong hand encloses her left ankle and pulls her whole body over the floor. Away from the coffee table and the sofa. She tries to fight the violent pull on her ankle, but her hands are scratching effortlessly over the floor until the stranger stops his action just to turn her body over. Grace tries to catch her breath when she feels a sudden pain in her thigh and then in her stomach. The pitiless stranger kicked her over and over again, producing big bruises on her thighs, stomach and ribcage. Grace's soft skin is slowly transforming into a painful landscape of bruises and bumps. She needs to act now, otherwise the brutal assault would soon lead to unconsciousness or even her death. The stranger suddenly stops and kneels beside the wounded woman.
"You finally able to cooperate?" He whispers directly into her face. Grace can feel his foul breath on her face. She smells cigarettes and alcohol, he is clearly intoxicated. Despite her spinning head and the excruciating pain in her limps and torso she knows it's now or never. She pinches her eyes shut, ready for the next pain when she headbutts the disgusting face in front her own. Even in her weak state she can be proud of herself when she hears the sickening crack of broken bones. The man falls right on his butt cradling his broken nose. Grace immediately turns on her side ready to bring her aching body into a standing position. The dimly lit living room is spinning and she needs the backrest of her sofa to pull her heavy body up. The backdoor is her only way out without running into the offender again, who is still sitting dazed mere meters away. Without looking back Grace stumbles in the direction of the backdoor which appeals further away than usual. But before she can reach the saving exit the weak woman once again tumbles to the floor directly into the thousand glistering glass shards of the broken window which the man probably uses as an entrance. Ignoring the pain from slicing open her right arm from breaking the fall Grace stands up and runs into her backyard. Barefoot and clothed in nothing but some skimpy silk sleep shorts and a top Grace runs straight over the still wet meadow to the dark house of her nearest neighbor.
The last thing Tim expected when he opened the door seconds ago is the sight of the woman he secretly loves bloody and beaten kneeling breathlessly on his doormat.
Her eyes are staring unfocused, her blood-smeared hands falling from their position on the door onto the floor. Her head now hanging low like she is about to pass out. The shocked man doesn't waste another second and kneels down in front of the wounded woman.
"What the…hey come here, I got ya…" Tim catches the woman's body before she can sink further down on the cold floor. Her bloody face now pressed into Tim's bare chest. He immediately feels the warm sticky liquid on his chest.
He needs to bring her inside and that fast. Before he scoops her up into his arms he takes a look behind her. His cop instincts kicked in immediately when he opened the door. The picture of her injuries, her being in nothing but her sleep clothes, barefoot out in the cold, she must've been attacked in her house. Did the assailant follow her? Does he need to defend himself and Grace because he was right behind her? But Tim can't make out a single soul in the dark neighborhood.
A scream of pain tumbles out of Grace's mouth when Tim tries to scoop her up. Her arms, legs, her chest, hell her whole body is in agony. Tears are wetting her checks and are mixing up with the blood which is smeared over her face.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry…" Tim hushes her. His heart is breaking for the woman in his arms he doesn't want to hurt her any further but he has to take her inside as fast as possible. Not only because he is afraid that someone might lurk in the shadows of the dimly lit neighborhood but also because he needs to get her cold body inside and get an overview of her injuries.
"T-Timothy…" he hears her soft voice moaning into his chest when he has her finally secure in his arms, taking her straight to bathroom due the blood she has all over her body.
"Yeah, it's me. You're safe, Gracy." Tim presses a soft kiss into her hair while he carries her into his warm  master bathroom, cautious of his dog wiggling nervously around his legs.
With a skilled handgrip he pulls the big towel from the towel radiator and lets it hit the floor before he crouches down and lowers the trembling woman down onto the warm and fluffy fabric.
Finally safe and in the warmth he starts to take stock of Grace's injuries. Angry red and blue bruises are already littering her whole body and he's certain that there will appear more in the next hours. While he cradles her head in his chest he has a good view of the bloody cut on her temple, even with the huge looking amount of blood on her face it seems like the cut is not as deep as to need stitches. Good. His eyes travel further down from her tear soaked face to her chest where she cradles her right arm. The sticky red liquid has also soaked her silk sleep shirt. He has to find the source of the blood.
"Gracy, let me see your arm." Tim tries to coax the still trembling and crying woman in his arms to show him her obvious lacerated right arm. Even if he wants nothing more than to kill the person who did this to her he first of all has to make sure if his friend needs a trip to the hospital or even an ambulance.
"H-hurts…" Grace chokes out between painful breaths. Her ribcage feels like someone pokes it with hot iron such as her arms and legs. She wants to curl further into herself to safe her body from more pain. When the attacker comes back she needs to make herself as small as possible, give him as little surface for his attack as possible.
"I'm sorry, Gracy. I'm sorry. But I need to take a look at your arm…" Tim breathes out cautiously untangling her injured arm searching for the source of the amount of blood on her shirt and her shorts. He makes out some cuts under the layer of blood, most of them not deep enough to require stitches. He slowly turns her right arm and finds two deeper cuts with shards of glass still embedded into the wounds.
Apparently the woman is not in danger to bleed to death any minute. Tim knows he has to call the District, Grey and he should probably inform Angela about the situation which just unfolded in their friend's house.
Tim tries to bring Grace into a more stable position on the bathroom floor. Shifting both their weight in the direction of the bathtub he leans the trembling woman against it. He needs to get his mobile from his bedroom table in the adjoining room.
When Grace feels Tim untangling himself from her shaking body she feels immediately panic resurfacing. Tim's leaving her. She will be alone, the attacker could come back and finish what he started. She whimpers and grabs one of Tim's hands squeezing his wrist like her life depends on it. Her unfocused eyes looking directly into the male cop's eyes. He's never seen his friend in such a state of panic, fear and pain.
"D-don't leave…he's c-coming back…" Grace breathing picks up with the thought of Tim leaving her to her fate.
Tim cautiously puts both his hands on her shoulders to bring her in more upright position while leaning her body against the bathtub. "Grace, look at me. I just need to get my mobile. Kojo is here, he will look out for you, but you're safe here. We'll keep you safe…" He looks into her tear filled glazed over eyes.
"Just one second. I'm right back."
Actually Tim wanted to make the call without Grace listening but just as he promised her he was back in mere seconds making three short calls while sitting back onto the cold tiles of his bathroom to be near his friend.
Tim's phone calls were a blur for Grace. Her head pounding painfully feeling like a jackhammer was planted right behind her eyes. Her cut open arm throbbing in the rhythm of her still racing heart. With her uninjured left hand she strokes over Kojo's velvet fur. The faithful dog laying still beside the injured woman with his head on her thighs.
When Tim finally ends his last call in which he informed a very sleepy Angela about the things going on in his house he is glad he can apply his whole attention back to the blood-smeared woman in his bathroom.
"Grey send several patrol cars to search the neighborhood for possible suspects and they search your house. We gonna get you cleaned up now, sweetheart."
With a wet washcloth he starts to clean up the now dried blood on his friend's face. Focusing on the warm fury body beside her rather than the panic still bubbling in her chest helped Grace to get more coherent by the minute.
When Tim strokes the warm and wet cloth over her forehead a painful hiss tumbles out of her plump lips.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. You have a huge bump on your forehead and a cut on your temple. I don't want to hurt you but we need to clean up the blood. Okay?" Tim cringes when he hears Grace whimper in pain. The last thing he wants is to hurt her further but he needs to clean up the remaining blood from her head and her body.
"I-I hit my head…" her explanation is once more interrupted by a painful whimper when Tim starts to clean up the cut on her temple. "…on my coffee table. A-a-and I.." Grace shudders when she thinks about how the attacker caged her body on the floor, his breath on her face, "I gave him a headbutt, b-broke his nose…"
Tim stops for a moment and looks into his friend's eyes, definitely proud of Grace. "That's my girl. Do you remember anything else?" He doesn't want to elevate her stress level once again now that she is somewhat calm but he needs some more information about what happened in general and now she seems to be willing to share her memories.
"TIM!" a familiar voice calls through his house. A very agitated Angela gains entry into Tim's house with the spare key he gave her years ago in case of an emergency.
"Oh my God, Gracy. Are you okay?" Angela breathes out when she finally finds her two friends still sitting on the bathroom floor. Tim just finished cleaning up Grace who is still in a state of shock.
"Tim, are you both hurt? I thought…" The female cop panics when she sees the blood on Tim's bare chest.
"Hey, calm down. It's hers. It's Grace's blood. I cleaned her up. She had some cuts on her arm and a laceration on her temple. I sealed the deeper ones with steri-strips." Tim explains while he still cradles Grace in his arms. He wants to clean up the itching blood from his bare chest and wants to give his friend some clean clothes but his first priority was to keep her calm and safe. Now with Angela in his house and the neighborhood full of cops he can finally breathe again a bit lighter.
"She is resting in my bed now." Tim breathes out when he enters his living room area where he sees Grey and Lopez talking silently with two other cops from their Division.
"Good. Let her rest some more. We will be back for her statement tomorrow. Did she tell you what happened?" Grey pats Tim on the shoulder to give him some comfort. He knows how hard it is when family or friends are involved. And Grace is definitely more than just a friend for Bradford. She saved him from his demons Isabel left him with, she somehow made a new person out of the grumpy cop. Seeing her injured because she was attacked in her own home just mere meters away from him must've been more than difficult for Tim and Grey knows that now the whole situation slowly sinks in. Tim is blaming himself for allowing his friend getting hurt on such a brutal way.
"Not much. She was still in a state of shock when I finished patching her up. She just told me some bits and pieces. How she thinks that she broke this bastard's nose, that was the moment she took the chance to flee." he pinches the bridge of his nose, pictures of her bloody and beaten laying on his doormat are making a cruel reappearance in front of his eyes. He is sure that he will never forget the picture of Grace bleeding in his arms on his bathroom floor, whimpering an crying from pain.
"Fuck…" how he wants to lay his hands on the bastard that broke into Grace's house.
Angela takes a step towards her friend and squeezes his arm. "Hey, it's not your fault."
Fortunately Grey and Angela left him shortly after their short talk. He needs his peace and quiet and when he is honest he more than anything he wants the peace and quiet for the sleeping woman in his bedroom. Before Grey left, Tim announced that he will take the next days off to take care of Grace, heck he would take the entire year off to take care of the woman. He thinks about their argument which is now more than a week old. No, it wasn't an argument. Grace looked out for him, told him she's worried for his well-being and what did he do? Betrayed her trust with reopening her old wounds. With his head in his hands he knows that sleep is not going to get him the rest of the night so he makes his way over to the kitchen to get himself a water. When he passes by the closed bedroom door he hears whimpering and rustling of his sheets.
He is back. The stranger back and whatever he wants he came to take it. Six feet under, she would look better six feet under. He's back to finish her off. Big hands are closing around her delicate neck. Squeezing all the air out of her heavy lungs. She wants to fight back but her head feels fuzzy and her feet seem to be glued to the spot. She squeezes her eyes shut, she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her fear, pain and panic in her eyes when he strangles her to death with his bare hands.
With a gasp Grace wakes up from the haunting nightmare which felt so real that even now that she is awake she can feel the stranger's hands around her neck. She tries to kick the tangled sheets away from her hurting legs but in her still panicked state the fabric seems to wriggle around her legs further like a big python does with its pray. She shrieks when she feels the mattress dip beside her. But instead of another threat she feels a warm and wet nose poking into her left arm and a bulky furry head softly plopping down her thighs. Kojo. She is safe. She is at Tim's. Slowly the memories of the night come back to her. She stumbled rather than running over to Tim's house. Thank God her cop friend was home and opened the door. He cleaned her up, patched up her injuries and helped her changing in one of his Academy shirts and a various numbers too big sweat pants which he rolls at the waistband to create a little bit of support on her slim waist.
Despite the knowledge that she is safe and the support she feels of the dog laying beside her, her chest feels tight, too tight to take a proper breath. She knows the upcoming feeling. Panic settles deep into her lungs, into her bones and into her soul. Grace feels a tear rolling down her cheek. She hates that feeling, the feeling of helplessness. Her body is betraying her, suffocating itself. No strong hands are choking her, its her own body which produces so much fear that the panic in her chest is palpable. Desperately she claw at the collar of Tim's T-shirt. But every attempt to loosen up her tight chest is not successful and slowly her vision is filled with white spots.
Another silent scream dries up in her throat when the bedroom door slowly opens, creating a halo of light around the person who's intruding her.
"It's me. You're safe. I heard you…ehm… I just wanted to check on you." Tim sees Grace sitting in his bed Kojo's head in her lap when the light coming from the living room illuminates his dark bedroom.
"Can I come in?" The worried cop asks cautiously. It takes some seconds for him to realize that Grace is Having a full blown panic attack. Kojo nervously poking his wet nose into the woman's side.  He sees his friend in all desperation just to get some oxygen in her already weak body. Tim is now in a rush to close distance between him and Grace. Kneeling beside her as near as possible he takes both her hands into his warm ones placing hers on his broad chest.
"Sssh, I got you. I'll keep you safe. Feel my heartbeat? Feel my breathing?" He whispers into the bedroom which is filled with the noise of Grace's ragged breathing.
"C-c-can't…" Grace chokes out, her vision slowly turning black.
"Gracy, look at me. You can do this. I got you…" Tim tries to get her back to focus on him and not on the upcoming unconsciousness.
She is safe here. Tim always meant safety for her. His heartbeat under the tips of her fingers creating a steady rhythm.
"You're doing good, honey. Some more deep breathes." Tim praises her when he notices her breathing slowly improving. 
I takes her nearly ten minutes to calm down from her breakdown. Her head now hurting like never before and her vision still fuzzy, dizziness slowly creeping back into her vision. She slowly lifts her head from Tim's shoulder, "Thank you." she whispers while looking Tim directly into his eyes which seem to held some unshed tears.
He tucks her back into his chest, cradling her head into his warmth. He has never regretted something in his life this much than the day he hurt Grace. The day he couldn't control his rage, the rage he had against himself for not being brave enough to tell the woman he loves, his best friend, how he feels about her. He could've lost her today. Lost her while the last words he said to her were disgusting and hurtful.
Tim notices Grace's body growing slack and her breathing deep and calm. She fell asleep in his arms. How he wishes this was his new normal, Grace sleeping in his arms. Sleeping peacefully without pain and fear. Just her and him sleeping in each other arms. But the reality was different. She fell asleep in his arms out of exhaustion and pain and the fear of being alone in the dark once again, threatening shadows lurking in every corner about to her hurt again.
Tim softly brings them both in a comfier position, laying her head on his chest while he envelopes her in his arms, keeping her safe from the outside world, giving her shivering body his warmth.
The pain of bruised skin, bones and soul is always worse after the shock of the events slowly faded away. Grace feels every bruise the stranger inflicted on her more than 12 hours ago. Just walking or sitting back down is a debilitating task but giving her statement was worse than every physical pain she currently feels. Seeing Tim face during her run-down of the events changed from rage, pity, sadness to what she would interpret as pure disappointment. She came to the point where she had to tell Angela, Grey and Tim from the threat letters she received weeks ago and how they escalated quickly to the point of no return. When Grace explained that she wanted to tell Tim the evening he lost it in front her, the cop couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of his house. Grace knew when she shares this information her (former?) best friend would be pissed at her but his reaction scared her none the less.
"Hey, he will calm down, Grace." Angela stayed after Grey went back to the District after he got all information from Grace.
With trembling fingers the young woman tries to dry her tear soaked face. "I-I…I wanted to tell him. Wanted to get help because the last letters really scared me…But then he was so mad at me that evening…" Grace shakes her head, breathing deeply to calm herself down. Another embarrassing panic attack is the last thing she needs right now.
"He's not mad at you. He is mad at himself. He blames himself for what happened to you." Angela envelopes the other woman in a hug, "You're going to be okay."
The stress from giving her statement, the memories which brought it back and Tim running out on her is making her dizzy and she knows she is due to another round of painkillers and at least some rest.
With a pounding headache Grace lets herself plop down on Tim's cozy sofa. Fortunately Angela had to drive back to the District. They all working hard to get the man who broke into their friend's apartment.
Even after taking the much needed painkillers Grace's head is still throbbing painfully and her whirling thoughts are not helping. With her head in her hands she feels a furry head and a warm nose poking into her shin. At least Kojo is here and keeping her company.
Four long hours. Four torturing long hours ticked away since Tim left his house without further explanations. Only five minutes ticked away since Grace made the decision to pack her few belongings Angela brought her over from her house since it's still a crime scene. Some toiletries, clothes she would need for the next days and her mobile. Fuck, her car keys are still in her house, so she would have to call an Uber to get to the next hotel in town. She feels fear and dread pooling in her stomach at the thought of being completely alone in a hotel room at night but staying at Tim's is no longer an option even if she feels safe here. Grace doesn't want to stress the cop any further with her presence. She grabs her back hissing from the pain of her various big bruises the maniac inflicted on her body and stumbles in direction of the front door. Kojo never left her side since they were alone in Tim's home and now that she has packed her bag and is seemingly about to leave the dog lets out deep growls. Not threatening noises but clearly noises of disagreement.
"I'm sorry buddy, but your daddy is not happy with me here anymore." Grace crouches down to the growling dog but lets herself down on her knees due to severe dizziness.
"Okay, just one minute…" Whether she convinces herself or the dog, she doesn't know. White noise is filling her ears and she feels her heartrate picking up from the stress and painful position on the floor.
Yepp, Tim fucked up once again. Angela gave him an earful when he makes an appearance at the District later that day. Why did he leave Grace home alone? Why did he storm out of his home while his friend reliving her memories of the night she was attacked in her own home? Why is he always a fucking moron? He had no answers but of course Angela had.
"YOU HAVE TO FIX THIS, TIM! Jesus Christ help me…" Tim still hears her words on his way home. "You know, I know, EVERYBODY knows that you two idiots like each other…more than friends. Why are you destroying not only your friendship with Gracy but also destroying the tiny chance that this wonderful woman will hear you out when you are finally going to confess her your feelings?!"
Confess his feeling. Should he confess his feelings after he hurt her that bad over a week ago and after he just hurt her one more time today when she needed him the most. He remembers how content he felt last night when he was finally able to hold her in his arms. "Man up Bradford!" He mumbles when he parks his truck in his driveway. When he nears his front door with his keys in hand the first thing he hears is Kojo's agitated barking. Is the scumbag back ? Did he find Grace at his home? Immediately his cops instincts are on high alter when he enters his house. Clearing the hallway Tim is surprised when he doesn't see any signs of a fight or even any evidence of invasion. He steps further into his house nearing the noise of his barking dog.
"Oh no…" The cop breathes out when he sees his friend kneeling awkwardly on the living room floor. Immediately Tim falls down on his knees beside Grace and lays his hands on her shoulders.
Startled by the sudden touch her head shoots up and a shriek leaves her plump lips.
"Easy, it's me." Tim tries to catch her when Grace falls backwards not able to catch herself because of her swimming head.
While holding the young woman up and preventing her from falling further Tim examines her environment. Why is she on the floor? Did she hurt herself? His eyes fall on her duffle bag and her mobile directly beside her on the floor.
"Let's get you up, Gracy. Come on…" Before he interrogates her what her plan was with her packed bag and her mobile in hand he picks her up bridal style and carries her to the sofa. The young woman buries her head into his shoulder clearly seeking comfort.
Cautiously he lets the trembling woman down, sitting beside her to hold her up.
"Did you hurt yourself, honey?" Tim tries to bite his tongue. Honey? She is not your 'honey' you moron. But Grace doesn't seem to notice him calling her pet names.
"D-dizzy…Wanted to go…" Grace stuttered when she slowly lifts her head to take a look at the man who holds her in his warm embrace.
Tim is dumfounded by his friends words. She wanted to go, leave the safety of his home and go?
He shifts his body to get more distance between him and Grace but soon lifts his hands to cup both her cheeks, cradling her head in his soft yet big hands.
"You wanted to go? But…Grace, you're hurt, this scum is still out there. Why…?" Tim whispers with more emotion in his words as ever.
His hands on her cheeks with his thumbs softly stroking her cheeks feels so calming yet they are going to have a serious conversation right now. Grace wants just to stop the clicking clock at the far end of the living room wall to just preserve that intimate moment with Tim Bradford. But she knows he is waiting for her to talk. She closes her eyes, his deep blue eyes too distracting to form a coherent sentence.
"I wanted to be out of your hair. You were so mad at me…I'm sorry for not telling you sooner…" her voice breaking at the end of the sentence and it takes Grace some seconds to get her voice back.
"And I'm sorry for…for giving relationship advices."
Is he dreaming? Grace just apologized to him. TO HIM. To the moron who is responsible for the mess his friend now finds herself in. He looks into Grace's face. He sees her pinching her eyes close the crease on her forehead a clear indication that she feels unwell. He notices her trying to calm down her breathing and ground herself but her trembling body is giving her away.
"Grace, please look at me." He talks in a calming voice but instead of opening her eyes the young woman in front of him tries to shy away from him. "Please, Gracy. Open your eyes, look at me." He tries again and with soft but firm touch he tilts her head up. Her big eyes are full of fear and unshed tears when she finally manages to open them and looking deep into Tim's ocean blue eyes.
"I was- I am an idiot. It's me who has to apologize. For everything…" he takes a deep breath while stroking his hand softly over Grace's pale cheeks, "I was not mad at you for not telling me, I stormed out, because I couldn't take it anymore. I am to blame for this whole mess. For you being hurt, for every nightmare, for the pain you're in. I should've protected you, instead I hurt you. I AM SORRY. Gracy!"
A big tear is making its way down Grace's face. Tim said sorry. Those words she needed to hear so badly for over a week, instead she blamed herself because this is what she always does, how her ex taught her. She has never heard an apology which she believed so easily. She knows Tim is not a man who shows his emotions that easily. But his eyes spoke for him while his mouth formed the words.
"Please, say something. Please forgive me. I can't lose you, Gracy." Tim starts to get worried. No he gets fucking nervous. The woman in front of him stays silent. His heart is hammering. It feels like a jackhammer is trying to open his ribcage to free all his built-up emotions he feels for his best friend. Grace's head is swimming, the room is spinning and she tries to build up the courage to say something to the blue eyed cop in front of her. Of course she forgives him, he is her best friend after all and she loves him with every fiber of her body but that fact is going to stay inside her head.
Tim feels his friend swaying in the sitting position on his couch. His hands wander from her head to her shoulders to steady her further.
"Are you still staying with me, Gracy?" Tim asks. He knows she needs to rest. Her body is slowly shutting down and the emotional stress is just adding up on her plate right now.
Grace slowly nods her head but she has to shut her eyes because the room is just spinning faster with the motion of her head. But she gathers all her strength to give Tim the long-awaited answer.
"I want to stay. I've never felt safer than with you." With that minimum of confirmation Tim closes the distance between the two and finally envelopes the trembling woman into a hug, cradling her body into his.
After some minutes of them hugging each other Tim felt her body growing weaker so he didn't waste any more time and carried his friend back into his bedroom.
Feeling the warm comfort of Tim's bed and her exhausted body is giving the chance to rest Grace let's out a small sigh. While opening her eyes she feels the mattress beside her dip.
"So you wanted to take it on the lam and steal one of my sweater on your way?" Tim chuckles softly when he sees Grace still wearing one of his LAPD sweaters with his Name embroidered on it. He could get used to seeing Grace in his in his clothes.
"It's comfy and warm…smells like you. I like your smell. Love…love your clothes." Grace says in a slight slur clearly deteriorating by the second. 'And I love you' was on the tip of Tim's tongue. His heart still beating rapidly. A blush creeps up from his neck all the way up to his cheeks warming his face further.
"Get some rest, Gracy." Tim says after clearing his throat awkwardly. But before he can stand up he feels a small and clammy hand gripping his. He looks back down on the woman who is laying in his bed, even on his side of the bed where he normally sleeps, but he couldn't care less. He would sleep on the floor for the rest of his life just to ensure that Grace is safe.
"Can- can you stay? Lay with me…afraid." Grace opens her eyes once again getting lost in the blue ones which are watching her intently. Her voice is nothing more than a whisper, her last word nearly not audible.
After discarding his clothes hastily on the chair beside his wardrobe Tim crawls into the empty space beside Grace but keeps a safety distance. He lays on his back staring at the ceiling of his bedroom until he feels the woman on the other side of the bed turning around.
"Tim?" He hears a small voice whispering into the dark. "You asleep?"
He chuckles lightly at her question. Even if he would've been asleep by now her question would have woken him up as the light sleeper he is. "No, Gracy. No I'm not." He also turns on his side to look at his friend.
"Can- can I come closer to you?" She asks shyly, almost embarrassed. But her hazy mind is craving comfort. Whenever she closes her eyes she sees images of her being attacked at her home mixing up with the horrible night she had years ago when her ex shoved her down the stairs .
Grace closes her eyes afraid to look at Tim when he turns her down. But despite her fear of his rejection she feels him coming closer and finally pulling her into his broad chest. Her head instantly settles over his heart, hearing his thrumming heart she wonders why it's beating so fast. But rather sooner than later the exhaustion makes her eyes falling shut, in the arms of the man she is so deeply in love with.
Her smaller body fits perfectly into his arms. With her head resting on his chest he smells the intoxicating odor of her hair. It always smells fresh but sweet. And now so close to her he takes a deep breath as if he wants to breathe in every shade of this smell to remember it later.
He always felt a dangerous pull, like some invisible power makes it impossible for him to stay away from his friend.
He places a feather light kiss on Grace head and now he can't hold his tongue and whispers a small 'I love you' into her silky hair. He feels her hand fisting his shirt tighter after he mumbled his confession. She couldn't have heard it, could she? She is asleep, isn't she?
"She is still asleep." Tim explains to his cop friend while pointing in the direction of his bedroom. When he woke up in the early morning hours still feeling the smaller body of Grace pressed into his side he felt the great urge to lay there and just enjoy the feeling of her warm body beside him. But the buzzing of his phone indicating that he has a text message.
So now here he is, with Angela in his kitchen preparing coffee himself and her.
"So, she is asleep…in your bad? You have a guestroom haven't you?" The young woman teases her friend, knowing exactly which buttons she has to press to make Tim squirm.
The male cop takes a long breath turning around to face his female friend.
"Angela…" he breathes out,"we had a small incident yesterday?"
"Is this a question, Timothy?" Angela laughs, totally happy with Tim' creeping blush.
"When I got home I found her in a bad shape, kneeling on the floor. On her way out. With a packed bag and all." Tim massages his temples to get rid of the tight feeling in his head.
"Oh my God. Is she okay?" Angela gasps, not aware that Grace is feeling that bad actually.
"Yeah, I had the chance to apologize. I just wanted her to be safe and the best shot was my own bed and not just dumping her in my guestroom."
With a painful groan Grace slowly opens her eyes immediately blinded by the soft glow of daylight which filters through the closed curtains. The young woman closes her eyes in a second taking a deep breath now greeted with more pain spreading from her sensitive ribcage in every fiber of her body, a clear reminder of the brutality of her attacker. But there's also something which she notices the second she inhales deeply. The strong yet familiar odor of fine wood and masculine musk and some sweet fruits, a hint of citrus. Grace slowly turns on her side away from the windows and the harsh light which would hurt her pounding head only further. Burrowing her head into a soft pillow she gives it another try and opens her eyes. She is in Tim's bed. She immediately notices that this is not his guestroom. So last night wasn't a dream. She was really carried into Tim's bed and asked him pathetically if she can snuggle up.
It took her more than ten minutes to get her aching body out of the bed and even more time to fresh herself up in the bathroom. On wobbly legs Grace makes her way out of Tim's bedroom, using the wall or turned up furniture to steady herself. The kitchen and the adorning living are quiet. No sign of Tim and no sign of Kojo. Grace freezes in the middle of the living room. He went away again. Snuggling up to him last night must've been too much for him. Why was she so stupid and let her emotions get the better of her? For God's sake he has a girlfriend, or so Grace thinks. Last week he made it clear what he sees in her and what did she do? harassing him her sleeping in his bed and snuggling up.
Grace hugs her arms around her trembling body like she wants to shield herself from what is to come. She feels the blood draining from her pounding head, making her dizzy. But she doesn't know what she to do. Is Tim coming back? Is he waiting for her to move out? Is he telling her when back that he wants her so leave? To let him have his happily ever after.
When the front opens and a tail wiggling Kojo leads Tim into the house Grace is completely zoned out. She doesn't hear Kojos paws clicking on the hardwood floor, she doesn't hear his soft bark and his nose softly poking into her shin.
"Hey, you're up." Tim greets her in a light tone. There's no answer from the woman standing in the middle of his living room.
"Gracy?" He takes a step further into room after discarding his shoes and Kojo's leash.
When Tim is standing directly in front of his friend he immediately notices her ghostly pale face, her trembling arms hugging her torso and the empty look in her eyes. The cop softly touches Grace's shoulder afraid she would collaps any second.
"Gracy? You with me?" He asks now louder.
Finally the woman in front of him comes out of her trance-like stupor but before she can react in any way her kneels buckle.
Tim is fast to catch the still trembling woman, thank God for his cop instincts.
He leads her slowly to the couch and tucking her into his chest but still having a close eye on her face.
"Hey, Grace. Look at me." Tim tilts her chin to emphasize her to look at him properly.
"Timothy, I'm…I need to apologize…" her heart starts to beat painfully fast in her ribcage.
"Grace.." Tim tries to interrupt her. Why would she apologize. She did nothing wrong.
"No please let me finish. I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have force you to… I shouldn't  have ask you to hold me. I'm sorry, I didn't want to make uncomfortable and with Lisa…"
Tim can't believe his ears. She really thinks she made him uncomfortable with her wanting to be close to him? With Grace in his arms, safe and warm, it was the best night he had in a long, he's ever had maybe.
He softly starts to caress Grace pale cheek. His thumb tracing a line under her eye. The contact makes her shiver even if she doesn't want to show a physical reaction to the touch she craves for so long.
"Gracy, you didn't make me uncomfortable…" Tim starts. Man up Bradfort, he hears Angela shouting in his head at him.
"I wanted to hold you. I…I want you close to me, like I want you even closer to me." He looks her deep into her eyes. A sweet crease is building between her eyebrows in confusion.
"What…what do you mean?" Grace feels her heart running away and her lungs to cramp up like someone holds it in a vice grip.
Tim's sight wanders from Grace's eyes to her plump lips back to her eyes.
"The only thing I've ever wanted is to hold you close since the day I landed on your front yard. It sounds cheesy, fuck. I can only be a grump or a cheesy idiot." He chuckles while his eyes wander one more time to Grace now slightly open lips.
"I like a grumpy cheesy idiot…" Grace whispers, still not sure if this is a dream. The man she is secretly in love with just told her that he only ever wanted to hold her close. What does this mean? He likes her? But before she can spin further into an insecure mess she feels soft lips touching hers. He is kissing her. Tim is kissing her. Tim Bradford is kissing her and the only she can mumble is: "Lisa?" and with a gasp the kiss ended sooner than one of them wanted.
"I never really dated her, because you was right all the time. She is not the right one for me." And with this twenty words Tim once again closes the distance and places a kiss on Grace's lips.
"Go on a date with me and I show you how sorry I am for what I said to you." The blonde cop says slightly afraid to hear the woman's answer.
"Just to show how sorry you are?" Grace answers in a trembling voice.
"No, to show you how deeply I fell for you and what an idiot I was for not telling you sooner."
He sees a small smile forming on Grace's kissable lips.
"Okay…" She whispers still afraid she would wake any moment.
"But first of all, we're nursing you back to health."
After feeding her some breakfast and painkillers he finally told her the good news Angela had for him during her visit this morning.
They were able to get some handprints from the attacker and fortunately he was already in the system.
"He threatened two other journalists in the last year but there wasn't enough to charge him with something. But now he's in custody." Tim explained to Grace wo was now laying on his comfy couch, with Kojo resting happily by her feet. Even the dog has the huge urge to protect his female neighbor.
"So a poor lunatic living in some weird tinfoil head theory didn't like my articles and thought it would a good idea to break into my house?" Grace says clearly irritated by the new won discovery but she is also glad that the man is in custody. "That means I can go back into my house… I mean it's safe out there again."
Tim takes in a sharp breath, he doesn't think that far. Of course she can go back, there's no thread anymore. But she is still injured, yes she NEEDS to stay at his.
"It never safe out there, sweetheart." Sweetheart? Is he allowed to call her that, when he just confessed his feelings to her. Well, she doesn't protest so Tim continues, "And you're injured. I…please stay here, Gracy. Just until you're back on your feet. And then I'm going to pick you up at your front door for a proper date." He grins mischievous.
"That sounds like a good plan, nurse Bradford." Grace softly replies in between a small yawn, despite the pain and tiredness that has settled deep into her bones she feels happy and safe and when Tim cautiously lays her head in his lap and starts to stroke her hair she falls asleep, a conent sigh is the last thing Tim hears.
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icameforthefics · 4 months
“A Private Channel for This?”
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Tim Bradford x Fem OC Aurora Steel
Warnings: no Tim x Lucy, fluff, a kiss or two maybe
Word count: 2141
About: Tim’s partner confesses her feelings for him.
Everyone knew Tim was rough around the edges, especially after his divorce with Isabel. His attitude and sass never phased me. That’s what happens when you’ve known the guy since middle school. The Bradford family lived a couple houses down from mine. I was friends with his younger sister, Genny and Tim was friends with my older brother, Johnny. Tim and Genny spent most of their time at our house, their dad wasn’t the greatest to be around and our parents wanted to be their safe haven. I didn’t mind one bit. Genny was like the sister I always wished for and Tim was my live-in crush. 
I never told anyone about the crush, I didn’t want to ruin my friendship with Gen and he would never look at me that way. Plus he was with Isabel by their senior year and married the first year he graduated. 
Gen never understood why I wanted to be an officer. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I wanted to help people because of what her and Tim went through growing up. Tim was also someone I looked up to and inspired me to follow my dreams. I never expected to be working with Tim when I became a cop, it was just a happy coincidence. 
It was always strange seeing the work side of Tim, even 4 years into working together. Boot after boot, department after department and we were finally riding together. For some reason, I was nervous when Grey told us we’d be riding together after the hits on cops started. No one was to ride alone, no matter how long you’d been a cop and no matter what rank you were. I felt safe with Tim and hated riding alone, it was boring. Both stemmed from growing up with Tim and Johnny always being the overprotective older brothers and never letting us go alone anywhere. 
“Hey boot, ready to go?” Tim had a shit eating grin on his face as he asked me the question. 
“Timmy, if anyone is the boot, it’s you. Grab the war bags, let’s go.” I sassed back to him. 
“Alright, alright. Neither are the boots and I’ll be a gentleman and grab the war bags. But I am driving.” He said. 
“That is more than fine with me, I will happily be your passenger princess today,” I responded while turning to grab the bodycam. Tim just laughed as he grabbed the bags and his own bodycam. 
“Alright Ro, let’s go. Maybe I’ll even let you pick where we eat lunch.” 
“Have I died and landed in the best part of heaven? Did I just hear Tim Bradford agree to let me, Aurora Steel, pick where we eat?” I was shocked. 
“If you question it too much, I’ll change my mind about the food and the driving,” Tim laughed to himself.
I held the door open for him that led to the garage where our shop was. I started to run to the passenger door but stopped as I saw Grey watching me. 
“Hey Sargeant Grey! How’s your day going?” I asked, trying not to act like I got caught doing something I shouldn’t. 
“Steel, can I ask why you’re running to the shop?” Grey had a skeptical look on his face. 
“Well you see, Tim agreed to drive so I get to be his passenger princess today. Very exciting day for me,” I explained. I’d never seen someone look as confused as he did. 
“Don’t ask Sarg,” Tim said as he shut the tailgate. Grey walked away from us, shaking his head. I looked over at an amused Tim and shrugged.
“Okay so would you ever get married again?” I asked Tim. We were three hours into our shift and we were bored out of our minds so naturally I started asking random questions. 
“If I met the right person, I’d definitely consider it. Especially if she wanted to get married.” Tim replied, he sounded so mature. 
“Wow, that’s very “I’m healed and ready to move on with my life” of you Tim,” I said back. 
“Yeah, yeah. After seeing Genny thrive after her divorce, I was inspired. Seeing her happy after everything that she went through makes me believe I can achieve it too.” 
“Okay. First you offered to get the gear and drive. Then you told me I could pick where we eat lunch. Now you’re telling me you’ve moved on and are inspired by your sister? Who are you and where is the Tim I know?” I asked him, looking around.
“I don’t know. Lately I’ve just been feeling like letting go of more stuff instead of letting it affect me so much. I don’t want to be alone and miserable my whole life. I’m getting old ya know.” He explained. 
“Oh don’t I know it,” I smiled as I glanced at him. 
“That was supposed to be a joke and you’re only two years my junior so that makes you old too,” Tim said as he poked my side. 
“Hey! No poking on duty. And I like to believe those two years are kind to me and that I don’t look nearly as old as you,” I stuck my tongue out at him. 
“Okay, Miss almost-thirty-year-old.” There was no way. 
“How dare you remind me that I am going to be that old. That’s just rude.” It didn’t bother me that I was almost thirty, I just loved messing with Tim about his age. The radio interrupted our conversation.
“Bradford, you got ears?” Nolan said over the radio.
“Go for Bradford.”
“Head to channel 13. Lopez, Harper, Chen and Thompson are already on it.” He asked.
“What’s up guys?” Tim asked after switching channels.
“Thompson is wondering how everyone feels about family friends and crushes. You two were the first people we thought of.” Lopez said over the radio. 
“And why did we come to mind?” Tim asked over the radio while looking at me with what looked like horror. I laughed to myself. Now or never I guess. I grabbed the radio from Tim. 
“Depends on the situation, really. Sometimes it just happens and you can’t help it. But just know what’s at stake if you tell the person,” I replied back to Lopez. 
“So what exactly do you mean by that?” Harper chimed in this time. These guys were gonna be the death me, the cop killers wouldn’t have a chance. 
“I mean that you have to weigh everything out. If you tell them, you risk them not feeling the same way and you ruin the friendship you’ve had for a lifetime. Or they can feel the same and you guys make the steps to change your dynamic. OR you stay quiet, too afraid to admit it out loud and especially too afraid to admit it to them.” I explained to everyone over the radio. Hopefully Tim didn’t catch how well versed I was on this topic. 
“Sounds like you have experience, Steel.” Shit. Lopez really had a way with her words. I chanced a look at Tim to see his reaction. His brows were furrowed and he looked lost in thought.
“Um, I read a lot of romance books. It’s a common trope in them,” I stammered out, starting to get nervous and sweat. 
“So this is why you guys asked for a private channel?” Grey cut in. 
“Sorry sir,” we all said at the same time. 
“Very smart input tho Steel. Tim you should take her advice,” Grey responded. I froze. Time froze. Everyone ooh’d and ah’d over the radio. “Back to the main channel everyone, there’s still people hunting us out there.”
Tim and I didn’t say another word for what felt like an hour. I couldn’t take the silence anymore. 
“Tim, I’ve had a crush on you since I was 11 and you were 13. It was obviously innocent at first. And then when you got with Isabel I moved on and didn’t acknowledge the crush at all. Then you started the process of divorce and I nurtured the crush again. Now we work together so much that I wish I didn’t have feelings for you but that’s just not the case. We pretty much spend all our time together and that makes it hard to not like you in that way. And I don’t want to ruin what we have and I don’t want to ruin my relationship with Gen or your’s with Johnny. And I’m sorry and I regret everything I just said so please forget it and let’s just do our job, okay? Okay.” I’m not sure anything I just said was understandable. 
“Did you just say crush and then switch into feelings?” Tim asked. That’s what he got from that? 
“Not sure what you’re talking about. We haven’t said anything to each other in over an hour,” I said as I looked anywhere but his face. 
“Ro, look at me. Please.” Tim all but pleaded with me. So I looked at him. “Did you just say you currently have feelings for me?”
“Depends… why are you asking that?” I inquired. 
“Ro, please.”
“Yes Tim, I just told the man who’s been in my life for the last 19 years that I’ve had a life long crush on him and that when he was the most hurt, that crush started turning into more. And before I knew it, I had developed very real and very deep feelings for him.” It felt like he was looking into my soul as I admitted my one secret to him. 
“Oh thank god.” Wait. What? What did he just say?
“Excuse me? What?” I asked. 
“I said thank god that’s how you feel because I feel the same way you do Ro. I’ve always kept quiet about it because I never thought you’d see me that way. I also never found the right time to do it. I think that’s why Lopez was getting at. She knows about my feelings for you. I got drunk one night and ranted about it. She must’ve told Harper. Grey I think is just too smart. And the boots love a good imagination. But it’s very real. I very much have feelings for you too.” Tim had never opened up like this before.
“Bradford, Steel, respond to channel four. There’s been another attack on cops. This one is the worst it’s been.” Grey said over the radio. 
“Copy,” I said back. I needed to respond. I just had Tim confess to me what I’ve felt for him and I didn’t know how to respond. 
“Ro, I know that was a lot, especially right now with everything going on. So let’s focus on getting to the bottom of these attacks and we’ll talk. Okay?” Tim suggested. 
“Yeah, that works.”
Three days, 4 gangs, 2 cops and a lawyer later, we’d finally figured out who was behind the attacks and it was worse than expected. Now it was up to the DA to figure the rest out. 
I tried my best to not think about what Tim had told me before things really kicked off but I had to find him before going home and sleeping for the next 24 hours. I made my way out of the locker room and towards the garage we always parked in. Tim found out where I parked the first day I showed up for work and made sure to park next to me everyday. He said it was a habit, him protecting his sister and I since we were kids and all. Now it brought a different sense of comfort since the other day. I was watching my feet as I walked, lost in thought, thinking about what I was gonna say to him once I found him. 
“Ah there she is, finally,” I heard Tim say from in front of me. 
“Oh thank god,” I ran into his arms. I’m not sure why I did but it felt like the right thing to do. He happily hugged back and squeezed.
“You don’t know how bad I needed this Ro,” Tim whispered in my ear.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said,” I started to say. “I want this. Whatever you and I turn into, I want it. But I want us to be honest with Genny and Johnny. And I want us to promise, to our best abilities, that if this doesn’t work out then we will try our hardest to stay friends for the sake of everyone around us. I also can’t imagine a life without you in it.” I continued.
“Ro, you stole the words out of my mouth. Now that we both agree, can I kiss you?” Tim asked.
“I never thought you’d ask.” I got on my tip toes and kissed Tim like I’d always dreamed of.
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rp-partnerfinder · 11 days
🌪🚓 TWISTERS/THE ROOKIE RP!! 24+ looking for 18+ writers!
Elloo! Searching for these characters against my ocs! I'm am willing to double so it's fair!
-Tim Bradford x Oc
- Tyler owens x Oc
I'm willing to hear any plotlines you'd like to try too!
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ummm-okay · 10 months
a new part of you are in love is posted!!
oc x tim bradford
by @ okay_ig on wp
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cacker01 · 1 year
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do you think you can ever write Ava a little bit older (maybe 11-13ish) who becomes very interested in crime docus like her mama and one day stumble into a very poorly written docu about Caleb and Rosalind? Maybe it's in school and suddenly she just become inconsolable that Tim had to pick her up from school because Lucy was busy but only when Ava sees her she starts to calm down? I know everyone loves ans adores dadford esp. with your little Ava but I hope you can do more Lucy x Ava too 🙏🙏🙏
I got inspiration for this one in the middle of the day at work. It will also be my 200th fic on AO3 😌
do you think you can ever write Ava a little bit older (maybe 11-13ish) who becomes very interested in crime docus like her mama and one day stumble into a very poorly written docu about Caleb and Rosalind? Maybe it's in school and suddenly she just become inconsolable that Tim had to pick her up from school because Lucy was busy but only when Ava sees her she starts to calm down? I know everyone loves ans adores dadford esp. with your little Ava but I hope you can do more Lucy x Ava too 🙏🙏🙏
Tim gets the call from Ava’s school at noon, he’s sitting in his office looking through the files when his phone buzzes. Ava’s school flashing on his phone and he snatches it up.
“Hello?” He answers his eyes scanning the paper, there’s a noise in the background that sounds like crying and then the woman on the other line is speaking.
“Mr. Bradford?” She asks. “This is Mrs. Wilkins the principal from John Burroughs Middle school. I’m calling about your daughter Ava. We tried calling your wife.” Tim sighs Lucy was out on a case and probably couldn’t get to her phone.
Tim sits up immediately. “Is she okay?” He asks panic rising in his chest, the schools rarely called about the kids but when they did it was usually something serious.
There’s a pause and then Ava’s shaky voice comes over the line. “Daddy.” She says and his heart sinks even more. Ava is 12 now and in 6th grade, she rarely calls him daddy now unless she’s upset.
“Hi baby. What’s the matter?” He asks. Ava takes a deep breath and let’s out a shaky one.
“I-I watched this crime documentary last night that one of my friends told me to watch a-and it was about mom. And e-everyone was asking what happened b-but I-I didn’t know and I just couldn’t think. T-they kept asking and singing that song. A-and I-I feel like I-can’t b-reathe.” She sobs and Tim is already out of his chair and grabbing his keys.
“Sweetheart what did I tell you about watching those documentaries at night?” Tim asks softly. Ava hiccups and her breathing gets faster. “I-I’m sorry. I-It w-as stupid. I’m stupid.”
“Ava breathe. You are not stupid.” Tim says softly. Ava doesn’t answer and then Mrs. Wilkins is back on the line.
“She’s really upset. Nothing we say or do is calming her down. Can you come pick her up?” The principal asks.
“I’m on my way.” Tim says. “She’s having a panic attack. She needs to breathe. Tell her to breathe. Think happy thoughts.” Mrs. Wilkins hums in acknowledgment and tells her he will be there in five minutes.
He makes it to the middle school in four and half minutes and he’s in the office in two minutes. The secretary leads him back to the principal’s office where is daughter is sitting her knees pulled up and her face buried in her knees.
Tim sighs and kneels down and lifts her head. Her eyes are red and puffy and she has tear stains on her cheeks.
“Hi sweetie.” He says. She lets out a sob and falls into his arms burying her face into his chest. “Where’s mom?” She says her voice muffled. “I want mom.”
Tim’s heart breaks as he stands up pulling his distressed daughter with him. Her backpack is on the chair next to where she was so he grabs it and slings it over his shoulder. “She was busy Aves.” He says. Ava cries some more and shakes as she looks up at him.
“Is s-she okay?” Ava asks. “Is she—” She buries her face back into his chest.
“Yes Ava. She’s okay.” Tim says leading his daughter out of the room. “She’s okay.” Ava lifts her head up.
“W-why did that man do that to her? W-why did she have to go through that?” Ava asks. Tim sighs not really knowing how to answer that. He doesn’t even why Lucy had to go through that, it still made him queasy thinking about Lucy suffocating in that barrel.
“I don’t know Ava. I don’t know. But your mama’s a survivor and she’s the strongest person I know. She made it through.” He says as he signs her out.
“I hate that man.” Ava mumbles. “I’m glad he’s dead.” Tim couldn’t agree more with a statement, he just hates that his twelve year old was the one who said it.
“Why did your friends suggest this documentary if they knew it involved your mom?” Tim asks. Ava turns red and looks away from him tears welling up in her eyes. “Not my friends more like my bullies.” She mutters. “They didn’t tell me.” Tim takes a deep breath and let’s it out.
“Ava..” He starts but his daughter shakes her head, her breathing becoming fast again.
“I-I know. I know. I just want mom. Please.” Ava says through her tears. Tim sighs as he leads her out of the office, he already has his phone out. Ava walks next to him her hand slipping into his. He looks over at her and presses Lucy’s name. She answers on the first ring.
“Hey.” She says. “Where are you? I came to your office to have lunch but you weren’t there.” Tim sighs and glances over at Ava who has her other hand over her chest as if willing her heart beat to slow down.
“I had to pick up Ava.” He says quietly. “Are you at the station?”
Lucy sucks in a breath. “Yes I am. Is she okay? Is she sick?” She asks.
Tim sighs. “She’s not sick.” He answers. “Can you meet me in my office?”
“Tim what’s going on? Is Ava okay?” Lucy asks her voice becoming frantic.
“Luce. She’s just a little freaked out. Okay? I will explain but she needs to see you.” He says. “Just meet us in my office.”
“Okay.” Says Lucy and he knows she’s not completely calm and neither is Ava who is staring at the ground.
Tim hangs up and nudges Ava forward. “We are going to see mom sweetheart.” He says softly. “Just breathe.”
Ava is shaking again by the time they get to his truck. And he wonders why she kept watching the documentary when she realized it was about Lucy. Ava had a curious mind, she was extremely smart but sometimes never thought things through.
“Do you hate me for watching it?” Ava asks as he backs out. Tim shakes his head and looks over at her.
“No! Ava, I could never hate you. But why did you keep watching it?” He asks. Ava shrugs her shoulders and looks out the window.
The ride is silent all the way to the station and Tim knows the only thing that will calm down Ava down at this point is Lucy.
Lucy paces the length of Tim’s office nervously wondering what the heck happened to Ava that freaked her out so much. She hates when her kids are upset, and Ava her ever brave child who always puts on a brave face even when it hurts. Something must have really triggered her for her to be so freaked out.
The door opens and Lucy looks up to see Ava, tears pooling in her blue eyes as she stares at Lucy. She seems frozen and then Tim appears behind her, his hand on her shoulder.
“See Aves? She’s fine!” He says. Lucy gives him a look but before she can question it, Ava is rushing towards her and is in Lucy’s arms in seconds. Lucy hugs her tightly and gives Tim another questioning look over her head.
“She uh watched a crime documentary about…” He begins but stops when Ava starts sobbing. Lucy could only guess what it was about. Her daughter got her love for crime documentaries from her and it was only a matter of time before she stumbled across what that was about Caleb and Rosalind and her.
“Oh baby.” She mumbles. Ava hugs her tighter as she calms down her fingers gripping her shirt.
“T-these girls told me to watch it, they said it was good but it wasn’t. I had to see…you and it just.. they painted him in a good light like he was..” Ava cries. Lucy rubs her back and she’s not sure if she’s more angry at these girls or who ever made this documentary.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry.” Says Lucy. “Why did you continue to watch it?”
Ava hiccups and looks up at Lucy. Her eyes red and puffy, “They said if I didn’t they would tell everyone who I like.” She says. “And they would spread it around so it gets to him. I didn’t know it was about you mom. I..And I know you have talked to me and Daisy about it before but I didn’t know how bad it was.”
“Baby why didn’t you tell us about these girls?” Asks Lucy soft brushing some hair out of her eyes. “We could have helped. We will help.” She knows Ava protects everyone around her, she has stood up for her and Tim more than once. And she’s especially protective over her siblings, she would go to war for any of them. She has never had a problem with bullies before.
Ava takes a deep breath and shrugs. “I thought I could handle it myself. I used my words like you and dad taught me. But they are so mean. They make fun of me. A-and today t-they kept asking. And singing that song. And I couldn’t handle it. I hate it! I hate that you went through that.” She starts sobbing again and Lucy pulls her tighter. Her heart breaking into pieces as she holds her daughter, being in that barrel was the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to her. But holding her still innocent daughter in her arms she felt like she was experiencing it all over again.
“Oh baby.” She says. “I hate that you even know about this. Let alone saw anything about it. But you know what your dad told me?” Ava shakes her head against her chest still sobbing.
“I survived. It was the first day of the rest of my life. And he was right. I survived. I fell in love with your dad and we had you Ava Rose, you saved me even more. You and your brother and sisters are the best things that have ever happened to us.”
Ava looks up at her and Lucy cups her face. “You are beautiful Ava. And brave and smart. I know you protect everyone you love but sometimes you got to protect yourself and stand up for yourself. I know you can do it baby, but daddy and I will help okay?”
Ava nods and hugs Lucy again, sniffling as she does. “I’m glad you survived mom. You have taught me how to be brave. And to survive.” Ava says softly. Lucy smiles at her and then looks over her shoulder to see Tim reappearing in the doorway. She hasn’t even noticed him leaving.
“You are still so young Ava.” Lucy says. “I don’t expect you to understand everything that has happened. But your dad—your dad saved me. He didn’t give up, he did whatever he had to do to get to me.”
Tim makes a noise from the doorway and they both look at him. “I don’t know what that documentary said or what it showed. But your mom saved herself Ava.” He looks at Lucy his eyes soft. “She’s right I did get to her because I didn’t give up. But your mom was smart and left a clue for me. I saved her because of that. And that is the truth, your mom is amazing. She is my hero because of that.” Ava looks at Lucy, and for the first time since she had come into Tim’s office Ava smiles. And it’s a real Ava smile one that Lucy knows and loves.
“You are my hero too mom.” She says quietly. “You always have been.” Lucy chokes back at sob as she hugs her daughter and she realizes there’s nothing better than this. She feels Tim’s lips on top of her head muttering how proud he is of both of them.
They would figure out the problem at school later but for right now Lucy wants to hug Ava and Tim because it’s comforting and it’s everything she needs.
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The Rookie: Echoes of the Past - Chapter Three
Synopsis: From oldest rookie to T.O., John Nolan takes on training the newest rookie, Officer Ellie Moore. In her first 6 months on the force, an unresolved case catches up to her, putting her survival to the ultimate test. A tale of mentorship, resilience, and facing one's demons head-on.
Read Chapter One & Chapter Two! Check out the Spotify Playlist - The Rookie: Echoes of the Past.
         “I want answers and I want them now.”
Ellie's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery beyond the passenger window, her demeanor revealing no sign that she had registered Nolan's words.
"Officer Moore," John began, his voice cutting through the uneasy silence.
"I heard you the first time," she responded, her tone hushed but firm. "I'm in shock, not comatose."
"May I remind you of the gravity of what just unfolded in front of our fellow officers, including Bailey and myself."
"Yes, and I'll provide you with the answers you're seeking. Just... give me a moment," Ellie's voice quavered, her struggle to contain her emotions evident.
Nolan picked up on the tremor in her voice, his mind recalling Bailey's earlier caution. "I'm sorry. Take all the time you need."
A heavy sigh escaped Ellie's lips. "I've spent so many years burying this. How much have you looked into my personnel file?"
"It seems not nearly deep enough."
"Those children—Laura and Patrick's kids—they will never experience a normal life again. Destined to be placed with another family member, probably an aunt. Laura, if she avoids arrest, will secure her settlement. What she sees as her blood money," Ellie paused, struggling to rein in her anger. "And my younger brother and I? We were those children."
She turned to face Nolan, tears tracing a path down her cheeks. "At the age of thirteen, I witnessed my father's suicide. My parents' marriage was a constant battleground, marred by infidelity on my father's part. My stepmother harbored a deep resentment toward him, a desire for his demise without incurring the consequences of a murder charge. She believed that regardless of how he died, she'd receive the life insurance payout. It turned out that no one had clarified to her that suicide nullifies such claims," a tearful, ironic chuckle escaped her.
"I'm so sorry," Nolan murmured, his voice subdued, his own shock palpable.
"My stepmother harbored an intense hatred for us. I did my best to shield my brother from the worst of it – endured the beatings, absorbed the verbal onslaught. I arranged for my brother to live with our father's sister, all in the hope that he might escape that toxic environment. And yet, despite my efforts, he spiraled into a life of drug dealing and addiction. He's currently incarcerated in an Ohio prison, convicted of possession and murder."
"Ellie, you cannot bear the weight of his choices. You understand this, don't you?"
"Do I, though? Could I have altered the course he took by continuing to shield him? I stayed behind, and look where I am now. I sent him away, and it feels like I've shattered his life," Ellie wiped her tear-streaked face. "I have to accept that."
"No, you don't. It never was and never will be your responsibility," John's voice was resolute. "Where is your stepmother these days?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe still in Ohio? Hopefully rotting in hell. I left when I graduated."
A brief silence enveloped them.
"I ended up being the confidential informant in my brother's case," Ellie revealed, her words weighed down by a mix of emotions. "I, uh, was approached by a narcotics team back in Ohio. They connected me to my brother and sought my assistance in taking him down. It wasn't a path I wanted to tread, but considering the decision I'd made to become a police officer, well, I felt compelled. So, I met up with my brother. To my astonishment, he had become a leader of a gang. They were involved in drug trafficking and even carried out contract killings.”
"Let me take a guess – things didn't exactly unfold as planned?"
"You've got it. I was wired up, and everything seemed to proceed without a hitch. Turns out, I miscalculated, and they saw right through my cover. Their contracted victim was neutralized, and I took a hit myself – though the bulletproof vest came through, but not without a few broken ribs and nose, courtesy of the other members," she shrugged nonchalantly, a wistful irony in her tone. "In the end, I turned on my own brother and his crew. They were apprehended. Some have served their time and been released, while the rest remain behind bars."
"So, that's the sum of my fucked up history. If only I could have buried it all deep down, maybe Patrick wouldn't be dead. He might never have had the chance to pull that trigger."
"What transpired in that house is not your weight to bear, Ellie. I assure you, if it hadn't been today, it would have happened another. Laura was driven by a purpose, and she executed it. Now, our focus is to ensure Patrick faces the justice he deserves," Nolan affirmed, his arm resting comfortingly on Ellie's shoulder.
"Please, don't let this revelation alter your perception of me. I've kept this locked away, and I mean absolutely no one knows. Usually, it doesn't weigh on me this heavily, but lately, with the sleepless nights and the anniversary of it all... I couldn't take time off to cope, given my rookie status. I apologize for being preoccupied and for not..."
Ellie paused, collecting her thoughts. "I promise it won't become a recurring issue. You won't be let down, I swear."
"I understand. Ellie, it's alright. Thank you for sharing this with me."
A nod from Ellie, and she suggested, "Maybe we should return to the station and get our reports in order for this case."
John agreed, his tone steady. "7-Adam-15, show us returning to the station.”
“7-Adam-15 copy.”
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Aaron and Lucy had returned to the station, immersing themselves in the files pertaining to Victor Martin and Anton Yelkavich, looking for any clues that might help their case.
"Sureno 13, renowned for drug cartel involvements and murder-for-hire operations. Though it seems the emphasis has been more on narcotics than actual killings," Aaron commented as he perused the documents before him.
“Not now, anyways. It's turned into a bit of a free-for-all since Yelkavich's demise," Lucy chimed in, her eyes focused on Anton's profile. "According to this, Ellie made the arrest. Pulled him over for speeding, then discovered drugs in the backseat, somewhat concealed. Once he realized she had seen the stash, he brandished a gun at her and Nolan."
"...and let me guess, once he realized he was caught, he tried to strike a deal. Offering up the ringleader and other gang members in exchange for his own freedom."
"Bingo. It would be wise to touch base with Moore and Nolan on this. They might be able to provide insights that the file doesn't have."
"I'm on board with that," Aaron nodded in agreement. "I'll give Ellie a call and see if they're available for a chat."
"No need for that," Lopez interjected as he entered the bullpen. "By the way, any clue about who's in with Grey?"
"Officer Hernandez. She mentioned having some bodycam footage to discuss with him," Aaron replied with a casual shrug.
"Hey, everyone," Nolan greeted, walking in alongside Ellie. "Ah, I see Officer Hernandez is already here. I'll head to Grey's office," he glanced at Ellie, a hint of concern in his eyes. "You should dive into the report. Time is of the essence, especially if Laura follows through on her threat."
Ellie nodded, watching Nolan's departure toward Grey's office.
"Hey, are you alright? What happened?" Lucy inquired, her tone laced with genuine worry for her friend.
"I, uh, had a confrontation with the victim's wife. Apparently, she's got connections in high places, and I just earned a spot on her hit list. Officer Hernandez kindly offered her bodycam footage as potential evidence for my defense, just in case things escalate," Ellie explained, taking a seat with a file before her and commencing her report.
"What the heck happened? What was the altercation about?"
“Murder by suicide. The couple had a prenuptial agreement that stipulated she'd receive nothing in the event of a divorce. But here's the kicker: there's a clause that grants her everything if he were to pass away. Money, assets, the whole deal. She managed to deceive him into believing she was not only seeking a divorce but also sole custody of their two children. And with her influential connections, he felt trapped, convinced he had no way out. The thought of losing his kids drove him to the point where he took his own life," Ellie explained, her voice holding a mix of sadness and frustration. "It was instant. Laura, his wife, or now, widower, approached me while I was outside their residence, alone. She started confessing, revealing all the details. I thought my bodycam was recording, but it seems it somehow got turned off in the midst of trying to de-escalate the situation. So, I'm facing two major strikes against me now. At this juncture, Nolan might decide to blue-page me and suspend me."
"Nolan won't make that call. If he was planning to, you'd be gathering your things already," Lopez assured her, radiating confidence.
"She's got a point," Aaron chimed in, his agreement unwavering.
"Thank you both, but even if Nolan doesn't, I can already see Grey considering it. We'll have to wait and see," Ellie concluded, her tone tinged with uncertainty.
While Ellie diligently composed her report, the remaining trio exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to proceed. They recognized the urgency of discussing the case with both Ellie and Nolan, yet they realized Ellie had to complete her report before they could delve into the matter.
Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy observed John emerging from Sergeant Grey's office. Swiftly, she exited the room and approached him.
“Please tell me you guys aren't planning to cut Ellie from the program."
"Ellie is not being cut," Nolan assured, his attention fixed on his rookie stationed in the bullpen. "I'm guessing she confided in you about what transpired?"
"Yeah, she seems to think either you or Grey might decide to pull her."
"Rest assured, we're not doing that. It could've gone worse, and Grey will definitely have a talk with her, but she's staying put."
“Good. On another note, I need to discuss something with you."
Nolan cringed. "Why does that sound bad?"
"It's regarding the case we got earlier today. It has connections to both you and Ellie."
"How so?"
"Ellie's name is on the arrest record. Does the name Anton Yelkavich ring any bells?"
Nolan took a moment to ponder. "He was pulled over for speeding, had drugs in the car, pulled a gun on us, and then offered to cooperate by giving up his gang's leader and other members, right?"
"That's the one," Lucy confirmed.
"Anton Yelkavich was murdered. Our alarm call turned into a homicide. We need to sit down with you and Ellie to discuss the details of the arrest and everything that followed."
"Of course. Can we do this after Ellie finishes her report? I just need to get everything squared away with Grey before Laura carries out her threats."
"Absolutely. In fact, let's sit down and chat while Ellie wraps up. I'll inform the rest of the team. Meet me at Lopez's desk," Lucy suggested, leading the way toward the bullpen.
Nolan gave a nod and made his way to the detective's area, positioning himself to await Lucy's arrival.
"Hey everyone, I'm going to have a chat with Nolan about the case while Ellie wraps up her report."
"I'll come with you," Angela promptly responded, turning to Aaron. "You good to hold the fort here?"
"We'll manage just fine, go ahead."
"Ellie, give us a shout when you're done with the report. No pressure, take your time," Angela assured.
"Thanks, Angela."
"No worries."
Angela and Lucy approached her desk, where they found Nolan engaged in studying a picture of Jack.
"He's growing so fast."
"You can say that again," Angela replied with an affectionate smile. "Lucy told you about the case?"
"Just that you guys had some questions," Nolan answered, his attention shifting between the two. "How can we assist?"
"Could you share if anything unusual occurred during your traffic stop and subsequent arrest of Yelkavich?"
"Not much beyond him pulling a gun on us. Ellie managed to disarm and cuff him quickly," Nolan replied, pondering if there was anything noteworthy he might be overlooking. "By the time we got back to the station for booking, he was already offering intel on his gang."
"That brings us to Sureno 13. The gang's leader is Victor Martin," Lopez chimed in, projecting Martin's mugshot onto the screen. "He had previous convictions, drug-related offenses. Served time in Ohio for a deal before possibly moving here."
Nolan felt the blood drain from his face.
"Hey, are you alright?" Lucy inquired, her hand gently resting on Nolan's shoulder. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
Nolan turned his gaze to the bullpen, where Ellie was immersed in her report detailing their recent encounter.
He looked back at Lucy. "I think our case just got a lot more personal. Which facility was Martin incarcerated in?"
"Uh, it says London Correctional. What's going on?" Angela inquired, her concern evident. "Fill me in."
Nolan sighed, grappling with his thoughts. "This isn't my story to share. Excuse me for a moment, I need to talk to my rookie," he declared, rising from Lopez's chair and making his way toward the bustling bullpen.
"Moore," his voice carried a firm urgency as he called out. "We need to talk."
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Alright, lemme hear your thoughts! I LOVE feedback!
I'm going to try and finish/upload chapter four this evening!
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alaskagirl1130 · 2 years
What if Tim had a teenage daughter
Sneaking into the house when your dad is a cop is an art form all on its own. Navaeh was coming up the driveway trying to keep her dad’s truck as quiet as possible. She even turned off the headlights before turning into the driveway just so he wouldn't see them. She was coming home from a party that had gotten a little too rowdy for her liking. The cops got called so she left as soon as she could. She couldn't risk one of the cops recognizing her because if her dad found out he’d kill her. Figuratively of course but still.
She came up to the door and quietly took out her keys and unlocked it as silently as possible. As she was shutting the door behind her, the light all flipped on and she let out a startled yelp. “ Navaeh Nicole Bradford. Where have you been?” Navaeh froze. And all that ran through her mind was well her mister party pooper. “ Umm I was just out with a couple of friends.” Navaeh answered wondering why her dad had to be such a buzzkill. “ It’s 3 in the morning, Navaeh.” Tim said coming to stand in front of his daughter when he caught a whiff of the unmistakable smell of alcohol. “Have you been drinking?... Navaeh you are Fifteen-years-old what were you thinking.” Navaeh was now annoyed. Why did her dad have to be so strict all the time? So what if she wanted to go out and have a little fun. “ What’s the big deal dad? We were just having a little bit of fun.” “ What’s the big deal? The big deal is you are fifteen years old, you're not even old enough to drive, much less old enough to drink. By the way I guess you're stealing cars now? Do you have any idea how dangerous drinking and driving is?” he asked rhetorically
“Wow dad you know you really do know how to suck the fun out of everything. You go out and drink with your friends. How is that any different?” Navaeh asked, getting frustrated with her dad, why couldn’t she have a cool dad like everyone else. “You know what Nevaeh just go to your room.You are grounded until I say otherwise.You Have school in the morning but make no mistake young lady we will be continuing this conversation tomorrow” she had this shocked look on her face “ But Dad..” Tim didn't let her finish “Navaeh.” was all he said and that coupled with his dad look, which is closely related to his T.O. look, was enough to make Navaeh turn and head for her room but not before shouting the most overused teenage phrase in history. “Ugh oh my god dad you're ruining my life.” before slamming her door.
That next morning sitting in the shop Lucy noticed that Tim was a lot quieter and a little more broody then normal. “You okay Tim, you seem quiet.” Tim glared at her although there was no heat behind it “ I’m always quiet.” Lucy just gave Tim a look that very plainly said cut the crap. And with a huff that's exactly what he did.” Navaeh snuck out last night and stole my truck to go to what I assume was a party where she got drunk and proceeded to drive home at three in the morning.” Lucy quickly showed a face of concern, “Is she okay?” Tim sighed “ yeah she’s fine although I did find a dent in my front fender this morning.”
Tim paused for a moment “ I'm trying not to be too upset with her. I was a teenager once. I know how it is but she was driving drunk. I don't even care about the truck. She could have gotten hurt or worse but she doesn't even seem to care. She just thinks I'm trying to cramp her style or whatever.” Lucy burst out laughing “Cramp her style really Tim.” Tim rolled his eyes but he secretly was trying to hide the smirk. “ You know what I mean , it was dangerous and stupid. And..” Tim trailed off, not really sure how to put into words how he was feeling “ And it scared you” Lucy said it was more of a statement then a question and Tim only nodded in response.
“Did you talk to her?” Lucy asked “I tried to last night but it just turned into a screaming match and then this morning she would barely look at me much less talk to me. Her mom was always better at the whole talking thing .” Tim said and it was true Isabelle was always better at talking. Navaeh was really close with her parents, especially her mom, up until Isabelle left three years ago and that's when Navaeh started pulling away. Her grades slipped, she started skipping class and now she was stealing the car to go to parties. Tim felt like he was failing at this whole parenting thing.
“ Look you and Navaeh have been through a lot in the last few years and that coupled with teenage hormones doesn't help matters. Uou ‘ve got to sit her down and have a real conversation about this or it’s only going to get worse.” Tim looked at Lucy again as he drove be for sighing once again and replying ‘ I know”
Towards the end of shift Lucy was headed towards the break room to raid the snack machine before she finished some paperwork when she saw Navaeh sitting at the table scrolling away on her phone “Hey Vaeh what are you doing here?” Navaeh looked up at the use of a nickname that only Lucy used. “ Oh hey Lucy. My dad had my aunt Genny bring me here.you know cause he still treats me like a kid who can't be trusted.” Navaeh had a look of annoyance that mirrored that of her father so well it almost took Lucy’s breath away. “Well can you blame him after the stunt you pulled last night?” Lucy asked, raising an eyebrow in the teens direction while taking a seat next to her.
Navaeh just rolled her eyes “Not you too Lucy. You're supposed to be cool.” Lucy grinned before getting serious again “you know what is not cool underage drinking.” Navaeh throws her hands in the air with a huff. “ I still don’t understand what the big deal is. My dad goes out with you and Aunt Angla to drink and that's fine. What's the difference.” Lucy dead panned Navaeh “You dad is thirty-nine not fifteen and your dad would also never drink and drive. You know you could have gotten hurt or even worse you could have gotten yourself killed.” Navaeh hung her head “ So what it’s not like he would’ve cared anyway.”
Just hearing that broke Lucy’s heart “ What are you talking about? Your dad loves you with all of his heart. When he realized you were gone it scared the crap out of him. He would do anything to keep you safe.Where is this coming from?” Lucy asked as she took Navaeh’s hand ”Umm… I don't know. It just seems like he never has time for me ever anymore.” “ Look I know you have been through a lot but your dad is working to support the two of you on his own ok so you’ve got to give him a break okay … and maybe tell your dad that you want to hang out more I think he was just trying to give you some space but he won't know what you want till you tell him… Oh and just a suggestion, if you want your dad to trust you probably shouldn't dent his car.” Lucy whispers that last part while chuckling, causing Navaeh to smile. “ You're right, I'll be better and I’ll talk to him.”Navaeh says but Lucy can see she is not totally convinced,'' Come on, I want to show you something.” Lucy said standing up and Nevaeh followed.
Tim was in a meeting with Sargent Grey so she made her way to the men’s locker room. “ Are we allowed in there? We’re girls” Lucy smiled “ Well no not really but your dad is in a meeting and the Locker room will be empty for about another hour till next shift change so come on.” Lucy said walking into the Locker room with Navaeh following close behind. She walked up to a Locker that Navaeh assumed was her dad’s and started undoing the lock.” You know his locker combination?“ Navaeh was confused there is now way Mr. Private Pants would tell anyone his locker combination, “Wasn’t hard to guess it's your birthday” Navaeh was shocked she had never known her dad to be a sentimental person.
When Lucy opened his locker Navaeh gasped and her hand shot up to cover her mouth. Covering the inside door of the locker was a collage of pictures. Pictures of Navaeh to be specific. There were pictures of her as a Baby all the way up until now. There was one of her on what looks to be her first birthday covered in cake and staring up at the camera. There was one of her Kindergarten Graduation while she was making a silly face at her dad and he caught a picture of it , one of her learning to ride her bike. There was a picture of her and Tim in the front seat of his truck smiling into the camera in a selfie that Navaeh convinced him to take before texting him a copy.There picture of her in her homecoming dress. And a picture of her father holding her as a baby with a smile on his face. There were so many “ I had no idea he had all of these.” Navaeh said, still taking in the sight in front of her.” Wait, how did you know he had all these?” Navaeh was genuinely curious because there is no way he told Lucy himself “ I was hiding Booties in his locker as a prank. It doesn't matter what matters is do you really think your dad would do this if he didnt care about you. Your dad loves you. You should hear the way he talks about you all the time. The way he brags about you. The way his face lights up when he gets to talk about your latest accomplishments no matter what they are.. That man would move heaven and hell for you.” Navaeh now had tears rolling down her face. “ You're right, I've been a shitty daughter and he doesn’t deserve that.” “You're not a shitty daughter, you're just a teenage daughter. However, an apology would go a long way.” Navaeh just nodded and after closing the locker and locking it Lucy and Navaeh left the locker room and were headed for the break room.
Tim intercepted them at the stairway. “Hey what are you two..” but he didn't get the chance to finish before his daughter had her arms wrapped around him in a tight hug, “I’m sorry dad.” Tim gave Lucy a Look that was a cross between confusion and concern but he gladly hugged his daughter back just as tight. “ It’s okay I forgive you but we are still talking about this when we get home. But maybe we knock the grounding down to two weeks.” Nevaeh looked up at her dad “ Really? What about your truck? I dented it.” “ Well how about while we have that talk I show you how to fix it. How does that sound?” “Thanks dad.” Tim hugged his daughter for a few moments while Lucy looked on with a smile. Tim kissed Nevaeh’s head and sent her to get her stuff while he changed out to go home and once she was gone Tim and Lucy headed back to the locker rooms. “ What did you say to her?” Tim asked, “ Nothing much just reminded her that her dad loves her and that what she did was stupid.” “ Well thank you.” “It was no problem really,” Tim stops and looks Lucy in the eye “ No really thank you.” Lucy just smiles “ Your welcome Tim.”
That night Tim talked to his daughter.they talked about everything from school to her mom. She told him that she wanted to “Hang out” more with him and he told her that he was still trying to get a handle on this whole single parenting thing. They fixed the truck's finder which Nevaeh thought was super cool. And then they moved their talk inside. By the end of the night they were laughing while eating pizza and Neveah promised to never sneak out or drink and drive again and Tim promised to make more of an effort to be home more and work less now that he was a Sargent. Although things weren't perfect the two were close again and They both knew no matter what they could get through anything together. As a family.
~Some of the picture from Tims locker~
(These were all public photos on google)
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epicy0n · 1 year
Ok, I had a strange idea that I think, despite how it might sound, has some potential
So my mind tends to imagine crossovers all the time, and I had quite an interest idea a few days ago. Just hear me out
A cross over between “The Rookie” and Cod:MWII
Idk I think, despite how different they are, it has some interesting potential, and I’m thinking about making a small fanfic about it
(I may or may not have already started using Chatgpt to get some ideas)
Also it would probably be a König x OC fic (likely established relationship)
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Better Care
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!teacher!reader
Summary: One of your students is absent, and you worry about her until you return home and see her with your husband, Tim Bradford. He's taking care of her following the death of her parents, but neither of you want it to be a temporary arrangement.
Warnings: angst, parental death (OC Lilliana), fluff, adoptive girl dad Tim Bradford
Word Count: 3.1k+ words
Picture from Pinterest (ignore the jack-o-lantern and focus on the handsome boy)
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Your classroom is one of the most welcoming places you’ve ever stepped foot in. You and your husband Tim worked tirelessly over the summer to make your classroom feel like a second home to your students. Being a teacher is your dream job, something you worked for throughout college, and you continue to strive to do better each day. Teaching second grade can be challenging, but the rewards outweigh the bad days and the tiring students. Being in your room early like this is one of your favorite things; it’s quiet, the day is full of potential, and you have time to prepare for your day and your students.
While you put your things away and begin placing morning worksheets on each desk, you put a personalized sticky note beside each and hope for a good day. This year has been good so far, but your students can always benefit from a little reminder that they’re doing well.
Meanwhile, Tim is seated in roll call and mentally preparing for a good day. He doesn’t have quite as much faith in people as you do, but he knows that what you do is important, so he supports you in all you do. Visiting your class has also become one of his favorite pastimes, and whenever Wade asks for someone to do community outreach, he finds himself sitting beside you and talking to your class. Your students love him, too, and ask about him often. As Wade greets the officers, Tim decides to drop by and surprise your kids (with your permission) soon.
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“Good morning,” you greet with a smile as you walk to your desk.
“Good morning, Mrs. Bradford,” your class answers together.
“Who’s ready for a good day?”
They cheer, and you chuckle at their excitement to learn. Though you wouldn’t admit it to many people, this is your favorite class so far. After they silence, you give them directions to complete their morning worksheets as you fill out your attendance report.
When you reach the bottom of the list, you look around the room with your lips pursed.
“Where’s Lilliana?” you ask.
“She isn’t here, Mrs. Bradford,” one of the girls in the front row replies.
“Her backpack isn’t in her cubby,” another student adds.
“Okay. Thank you,” you reply.
You mark her as absent but hesitate before you input the report into your computer. Using the paper before the computer is unnecessary, but you like being able to walk around and actually see your students as you fill out the attendance. Not seeing Lilliana unsettles you. She loves school, to the point that she cried in your arms once when she was checked out early to go to a doctor’s appointment. Maybe she’s just running late or not feeling well. You make a note to check with the officer later before returning your attention to the students who are present and nearly done with their worksheets.
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“Bradford, Chen, we need you at my location for a double homicide,” Angela radios. “The neighborhood’s blocked off from the main streets, so come in from the east side.”
“10-4,” Tim answers.
He sighs as he returns the radio to the dash. There are plenty of ways he could be spending his day, but babysitting a crime scene doesn’t sound like the most exciting or the best use of his time. But, this is Tim’s job, and he’s good at it, so he hits the sirens and drives to the entrance Angela directed him to.
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“Hi, Marsha,” you greet when the school secretary answers. “My student Lilliana is absent today, and I wanted to check if her parents have called. I’m just worried about her.”
“Oh, yes, sweet Lilli,” Marsha says. You can hear her keyboard click as she types. “I haven’t received a call about her, but I could call them if you’d like.”
“That’s okay. Thanks for checking, Marsha.”
“She has perfect attendance. Strange that she isn’t here today.”
“I thought so, too. Maybe she’ll be here before lunch.”
“If she isn’t, let me know, and I’ll reach out for you, hun.”
“Thanks, Marsha. Enjoy the rest of your morning.”
“You, too. I’ll see your class when they head to recess.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You end the call more distraught than you were before. It’s completely out of character for Lilliana to miss school, but for her parents to not call and explain why is even stranger. When she left forty minutes early for a doctor’s appointment, her mom told you two weeks in advance and insisted that it would be okay to give her more homework for anything she may miss. As your class returns from their extracurricular, you tap your fingers on your desk to expel your nervousness before beginning a math lesson. You’re tempted to call Tim and let him calm you down, but he’s busy too. You’ll just have to worry about Lilliana later.
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Tim closes the shop door behind him and waits for Lucy. They approach the crime scene together, and Lucy whispers about how many people are surrounding the house.
“Double homicides usually require a lot of hands,” Tim informs.
“And that’s all we are today?” Lucy inquires.
“Welcome to police work, boot.”
“I’m not a boot,” Lucy grumbles.
“Bradford!” Nyla yells across the front lawn.
Tim nods as he raises the crime scene tape. Lucy goes under first, and he surveys the bullet holes littering the front of the house as he walks across the grass.
“What happened?” Lucy asks.
“The caller said-“
Someone yells Tim’s name, though the fear and tears mumbling it make it sound like “Off’cer Bra’ford!” He turns quickly and sees a young girl running toward him. She jumps toward him, and he bends to catch her easily.
“Lils,” he says as he pulls her against his chest.
She cries harder in his hold, her face pressed to his shoulder and her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Tim recognizes her from the number of times he’s visited your class, but seeing her here, like this, during a school day, concerns him.
“What is she-“ Tim begins, looking toward Angela.
He realizes quickly. Between her presence at this specific house and the look Angela gives him, it’s easy to deduce. Her parents are inside.
“Lils, do you want to go sit in my police car?” he asks kindly, rubbing a large hand over her shaking back. “We can turn on the sirens.”
She nods before she pulls back. Her face is streaked with tears and a deep frown starkly contrasts her usual smile, the one that is on her face from the moment she steps into your classroom until she leaves.
“And the lights?” she whispers.
“Of course.”
Tim nods toward Angela and Nyla before he shifts Lilliana to his hip. He positions her so she can’t see the house as they walk. When she points to the firetruck waiting down the street, Tim takes a quick detour to see it. He sits in the driver’s seat of his shop with her on his lap. She lays her hands on the wheel and giggles before he shows her where the switch to turn on the lights and sirens is. Tim considers calling you, but you’d leave work, and he isn’t sure of the full story yet, anyway. So, for now, he’ll try to comfort her and distract her until they have more answers.
Back in the house, Lucy follows Angela through the rooms and looks at the damage caused by the murderer.
“Did she see anything?” Lucy asks. “The little girl?”
“We don’t think so. She was in the backyard when we got here. Definitely heard it, though. We’re not sure of anything. The woman is her mother, and there’s a male victim as well, but…” Angela trails off. “Until we get more answers, we’ll have to trust child services to get any answers she may have.”
“She knows Tim, maybe she’d talk to him,” Lucy suggests.
“Yeah, she’s in Tim’s wife’s class. That’s why I called you two. I was hoping you’d be willing to help secure the scene while Tim helps us work the case from a different angle.”
“Of course,” Lucy agrees.
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Tim pulls Lilliana back into his arms when he arrives at the station. She hadn’t wanted to sit in the backseat until he promised to turn on the lights and stay with her the whole way. The moment he opens the door, she raises her arms toward him and clings to him.
“Use my office,” Wade says when Tim enters. “There’s some stuff in there I thought she may want.”
“Thank you,” Tim calls over his shoulder.
He closes the door behind him and sits in Wade’s chair. Tim expects Lilliana to climb out of his hold to search through the coloring sheets, a large bin of crayons, and toys littering the desk, but she only twists to sit in his lap.
“Which one?” Lilliana asks.
She pulls two coloring sheets toward her; one is a cop with a police dog and the other is a police car. Tim moves the chair closer to the desk so she can reach it to color as he taps the picture with the dog. She nods once before raising her chin to look through the different crayons. Tim unconsciously raises his arms by her sides to keep her steady as she leans over the desk. He watches her color and smiles at her enthusiasm.
“What color is this part?” she asks, pointing to the vest on the dog.
“Blue, black, or dark green,” he answers. “Since he’s brown, maybe do blue or green.”
“Can you help me?”
“Of course. With what?”
Tim leans forward and looks over her shoulder. She draws a line over the blank area at the top of the picture.
“There’s nothing here.”
“Well, you could draw a rainbow, or write your name…” Tim suggests. “Maybe even add another picture.”
“Rainbow,” she decides with a nod.
Someone knocks on the door, and Tim looks up. Wade shakes his head before he gestures toward a woman from child protective services.
“Grey,” Tim begins.
“It’s protocol, Bradford. I’m sorry,” Wade interrupts.
Tim takes a deep breath before he gently takes the crayon from her hand.
“Do you want to finish this later? We have to go see some people,” Tim explains.
“You keep it,” she answers.
Tim thanks her quietly before he stands. She lays her cheek against his shoulder, and he hugs her tightly before he sets her on the floor. Lilliana takes his hand and holds it firmly as they follow Wade out of his office.
“Hi, Lilliana,” the woman greets. “I’m Karen and I’ll be taking care of you for a while. Can you come with me, and we can talk?”
Lilliana shakes her head and tightens her grip on Tim’s hand.
“It’s alright, Lills,” Tim says. He squats beside her and adds, “She needs to make sure you’re okay.”
“I don’t want to,” Lilliana whispers.
“It’ll only be a few minutes, Lilli,” Karen says with a disarming smile.
Lilliana looks up at Karen and Tim sees tears building in her eyes even as she agrees. Tim reluctantly releases her hand and watches Karen lead her into a private room. Lilliana looks over her shoulder at Tim, her lip wobbles, and Tim hopes that she’s okay in there alone.
“What happens now?” Tim asks Wade. “Foster care?”
“Not today. They’ll take her to a shelter for tonight and push the paperwork through in the morning for foster care placement,” Wade answers. “You’ve done all you can do and more, Tim.”
“No, I haven’t. She’s gone through enough without having to move in with strangers who will never understand what kind of trauma she just experienced. You know that she won’t even be able to grieve in foster care,” Tim argues.
“It’s the way it is, Tim.”
Tim shakes his head, prepared to argue that there has to be a better way, but is cut off by Lilliana yelling before she begins crying. He stands up straighter, letting his crossed arms fall to his sides, and watches the door. Her crying grows in intensity before Karen pulls the door open and steps out.
“Officer Bradford?” she calls. “I could use your assistance in here.”
Tim nods but turns to Wade to say, “Let me take her home. We’ll take better care of her than any shelter.”
He rushes into the room and Lilliana immediately calms. As she calms down, Wade knows that Tim’s offer to take her home is more than just seeing a kid in need. Tim is the man for the job for more reasons than Wade can count.
“Karen, a word?” Wade calls.
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“Bye!” you call with a wave as your last student is picked up.
The moment your classroom is empty, your smile falls. You move quickly on autopilot as you clean up today’s mess. Lilliana’s desk is untouched, your heart-covered sticky note still adhered to her name tag. As soon as everything is tidy, you gather your things and walk out. There’s too much on your mind to hang around this afternoon. Though an empty house doesn’t sound much better than an empty classroom, at least you won’t have to look at an empty desk with no answers about where its usual resident is.
When you pull into your driveway, you’re surprised to see Tim’s truck. He’s supposed to be at work for a few more hours, but you certainly won’t complain about his early return. You rush inside to tell him about your day and hug him tightly, but you stop short when you see the living room.
Dozens of bags, an oversized coloring pad, and a dismantled police car model litter the room. Tim is leaning back on the couch with none other than Lilliana asleep in his lap. Your eyes widen at the sight, and he sends you a close-lipped smile as he waves for you to come over. After you set your bag in its proper place, you sit beside him on your knees. Lilliana looks peaceful, you think, but you have so many questions that you don’t dwell on it long.
“She wasn’t at school today,” you whisper.
“Lucy and I got called to a double murder,” Tim explains. “She was there when we arrived and ran straight to me. Child services was going to put her in a shelter tonight, then foster care in the morning. I- uh, I couldn’t let her go through that, too, not with everything else she’s struggling with right now.”
“So, her parents were…”
“As far as we know, yeah. Her mom was ID’d at the scene, but Angela and Nyla are still working.”
You raise your hands to cover your mouth as your eyes water. Tim extends his arm toward you, and you twist to sit beside him. The movement jostles Lilliana, and you freeze as she stirs. Her eyes open briefly, and she smiles when she sees you. She moves so she’s between you and Tim, but drifts back to sleep quickly.
“You’re amazing,” you whisper to Tim.
He shakes his head and rubs your shoulder in response. You can’t imagine sending her to a foster home, where she’s just another temporary resident who gets the parents a government paycheck each month. Especially after what she just went through.
“Are you working tomorrow?” you ask.
“I took the day off,” Tim answers.
“I will too. I feel terrible, Tim. Maybe if I had called her parents earlier-“
“Don’t,” Tim interrupts softly. “Don’t think like that.”
“Sorry, Mrs. Bradford,” Lilliana says as she rubs her eyes to wake. “I wanted to come to school today.”
“That’s okay, sweetheart,” you assure as she climbs into your lap. “It was boring without you, anyway.”
She giggles before asking you to color with her, and you happily agree. Tim watches you interact with her and knows that he can’t do it. He can’t let her go.
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“Tim,” you say as you stand beside your bed. “Did Lills see it?”
Tim moves his head to gesture for you to join him. When you’re in bed beside him and wrapped in his arms, Tim kisses your forehead.
“We don’t think so. She’ll have to talk to a psychiatrist and the detectives soon, but she was in the backyard when they arrived. At the least, though, she heard it,” he answers.
You ignore the tears running down your cheeks, the result of sympathy and concern for the young girl sleeping across the hall from you. Tim wipes your cheeks gently and whispers that everything will be okay. You trust him, but you know it won’t be okay for Lilliana if she has to acclimate to an entirely new life just hours after her parents were killed.
A small knock on the door draws your attention away from Tim. Lilliana stands in the doorway holding the police dog stuffed animal Tim bought for her on the way home.
“What’s wrong, Lilli?” Tim asks.
You move out of Tim’s hold and walk toward her. She hugs you tightly and mumbles that she missed you, and you close your eyes to keep more tears from leaking out. Tim smiles when you look back at him and moves so that there’s more room in the bed. As you set her between you and Tim, he mouths I love you over her head, and you waste no time in replying.
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The following morning, as Lilliana eats breakfast and watches Paw Patrol beside you, you look toward Tim. Beginning the conversation about not sending her into foster care is harder than you anticipated. You hesitate, but Tim smiles as his eyes meet yours. 
“I know,” he answers before you begin.
You smile, glad that he knows you so well, and Tim pulls you close as he nods. You kiss him quickly before Lilliana calls for you. She raises a coloring of a cop, a woman, a kid, and a police dog.
“It’s us!” she cheers.
Tim smiles as you applaud her work. He’s as attached to her as you are, and he loves you so much that he knows exactly what you are thinking. This may not be exactly how he planned to become a parent, but he would do anything with you, even adopting one of your students. Seeing you interact with Lilliana in your home like this, though, makes Tim confident that he wants to have a child of his own with you, and Lilliana does seem like she would be a good big sister.
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newwritergirl · 6 months
Top Gun: Maverick
Starting over (ongoing)
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
Y/n once lived in hell, until she gets to know that there’s another life for her, far away from pain and tears.
Jake and Bradley living their bachelor life in a cozy house in Miramar, until a young woman and her baggage falls into their life.
TW: past abusive relationship, hurt/sick reader, angst, protective Jake and Bradley, maybe polyrelationship in the future
Chicago PD
On the brink (ongoing, not abadoned, I'm just in the flow with my Topgun fic right now)
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
When a case hits too close to home, is Jay able to keep it together or is he going to lose everything.
TW: best friend Jay, OC Lilian Grace Harper, asthma, protective Kevin, Adam and Antonio, Jay being and asshole at some time, friends to enemies to lovers, idiots in love, canon divergence!
The Rookie
The mistakes we make |one shot|
Tim Bradford x OC
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icameforthefics · 4 months
May or may not be writing a Tim Bradford oneshot.. scared to post tho because everyone loves chenford (me af) so much but this isn’t with her aaaaaa
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Just a Little Guidance
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whumptober day 6: forced to hurt someone
pairing: tim bradford x reader (oc last name: blake)
characters: tim bradford, y/n blake, zoe andersen, jackson west, john nolan, lucy chen, thane riggs (oc villain)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, blood, fighting, stabbing, mentions of SA, being held captive, forced to hurt someone, forced to hurt partner, crying, quitting, if i missed anything please please please let me know
word count: ~1.8k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
also also, i do want to apologize for getting this up late got distracted while writing it so i finished it later than i had hoped
whumptober 2023 masterlist
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You stood in front of Captain Andersen’s desk, hands shaking as you listened to her tell you about everything that would need to happen before you could return to duty. 
Tonguing your split lip, you shook your head. Tears gathered in your eyes as you looked at your trembling, still blood stained, hands as your shield and gun rested in them
How could they let you back to work after everything that happened? Tim was still in the hospital, you got to leave after just a few days. But what you saw, what you and Tim experienced over those two weeks… you couldn’t trust yourself.
“I-I’m sorry Captain… but I can’t,” you said softly, your bruised and busted hands curling around the items in your them.
She tilted her head, “I’m not sure I understand.” 
You sat your shield and gun on her desk, “I’m not coming back… I’m sorry… but I quit.”
Zoe nodded, giving you a sympathetic look as you avoided her eyes. “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” You shook your head before she was even finished. “No, I’m sorry Captain… but I can’t. I’m quitting, I’ve made up my mind. I’m sorry.”
Without giving her a chance to reply, you turned on your heel and left.
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You sat curled up in the hospital chair, just staring at Tim’s unconscious form laying there in the bed.
There were words stuck in your throat. It was like they were coming up sideways, choking you before coming up in broken fragments on your tongue.
What the hell could you say? Tim was laying in a hospital bed because of you. You had put him there. An apology just wouldn’t make that go away. Make what you did go away.
You sat in the uncomfortable chair, picking scabs and prodding at bruises as your mind replayed everything. Never giving you a chance to rest or forget what you did.
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“I’m sorry, Tim… I’m so so sorry,” you sobbed, looking down at your blood covered hands. 
“It’s okay, baby,” Tim winced at the way your hands tried to patch him up from the wounds you had put there that day. “You’re doing this to protect yourself and for us to survive. I’m not mad.” 
You shook your head, “I should be stronger than this…” 
“Thane is a fucking psycho, do not put this blame on yourself,” he grunted as he sat up. “Hey, look at me.” You sniffled and looked up, “I’m hurting you, Tim. I shouldn’t hurt you, under any circumstance… even this. I should have let him–”“Don’t say that, don’t you dare say that.” 
“You were ready to take a bullet for me!”
“Because you don’t deserve to die!”“And you do?!”
You panted a little, “I shouldn’t be hurting you… I don’t want to hurt you.” He grabbed your hand, not caring about his own blood slicking up his hand. “I know that, and I can handle it. They’re coming, I know they are. I can hold out until then.” 
“But what if I can’t?”
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After that conversation it was eerie silence as you both tried to sleep.
It was hard for you to fall asleep. The copper scent of Tim’s blood on your hands made you sick to your stomach . The substance was sticky and drying to your skin. Thane wasn’t allowing you to wash your hands, letting Tim’s blood dry on your hands in layers.
And when you woke up the next day it was your turn.
You were simply a punching bag. Though Thane would call it a ‘boxing match’. If you won, the next day you wouldn’t have to hurt Tim and you both got a decent meal with fresh water.
But you couldn’t win. 
You had gotten close the first few times. But Thane was an ex-Navy SEAL so he could take you down like it was nothing. And as time went on, you got weak. You didn’t have the energy to put up a decent fight and even give yourself hope. The only reason you still attempted was to keep Tim safe.
That night you sat on the floor with your head down and an arm clutching your side as your ribs ached. 
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. Tim grunted as he turned to look at you, “Why are you sorry?” You sniffled, “I can’t win…” “You’re not supposed to win. He just likes to give you hope…” 
“I can’t keep doing this Timmy… hurting you, I can’t…” 
“If you don’t-”
“Yeah, I know. But I’m not going to kill you… I couldn’t live with myself if I did.” 
You didn’t give him a chance to respond and just got in your bed and tried to sleep.
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The next morning, Thane woke you up with gentle caresses on your face.
“Time to wake up,” he said gently, pulling you up and to your feet. “C’mon we have a big day ahead of us.” 
You whimpered as he pulled you over to a table, gun pressed to your lower back. “Pick your first weapon.”
You shake your head, tears spilling over, “No.” 
Thane growled and pulled harshly on your hair, making you look up at him. “You pick or I do, I won’t tell you again.” The gun digs into your back, “And you won’t like what I pick.”
You gritted your teeth as he pulled your hair harder, “I’m done playing your game. Shoot me.”
“Y/N, it’s okay…” Tim said, but his words were breathy. “I-I can take it.” 
“You hear that? He can take it,” Thane smirked before kissing your forehead. “Pick up the knife.”
“I said, no.”
He growled before slamming your face down on the table.
Tim looked away, jaw clenched as you cried out a little. You don’t blame him, you’d look away too. 
This position hadn’t been unfamiliar. 
Often after those boxing matches, Thane would use your weak state to release other frustrations. 
So you just closed your eyes and braced yourself.
“Oh look at you,” he cooed, his hand rubbing your back. “Mmmm you’ve learned. But right now isn’t about us. It’s about you and Tim. So pick up the knife or I will fuck you as you look your boyfriend in the eyes. Pick. It. Up.”
“Pick up the knife, Y/N…”
“Okay! Okay…”
Thane smirked and pulled you back up to stand. “Good girl.”
Your hand shook as you wrapped your fingers around the blade’s handle. The thought of turning and plunging it into your capture’s stomach flashed in your mind but you knew better. You weren’t fast enough and his trigger finger was quick.
Eyes filling with tears, Thane guided you forward.
“Stab him.”
Your eyes widened and you turned your head to face him. “W-what?”
“You heard me, stab him.”
“That wasn’t-”
“Do it or I'll shoot him in the head.”
You closed your eyes, sobbing as your hands shook violently. “It’s okay Y/N. It’s gonna be okay,” Tim reassured, kissing the top of your head.
But you didn’t believe him.
When it was just cuts or burns, it was easier to believe that he would be okay. But you could see that he was weak. He was shaking from blood loss and he could barely keep his eyes open. His voice was tired and breathy so he desperately tried to put authority in it.
But it wasn’t working.
You shook your head, crying openly as you brought up the knife.
He gritted his teeth and braced himself as you found a spot on his torso and pushed the tip of the blade in.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you whispered tearfully, pulling the knife back out. 
You watch horrified as blood leaks out of the new wound and down his side. You had hurt him, again. It made you feel sick.
Suddenly, Thane’s right in your ear, his eyes on the bare half inch of blood on the blade.
“Oh, come on now. Don’t waste my time,” he growled. He wrapped his arms around you and put his hands on top of yours. 
“No, no please,” you begged through your tears, trying to fight him.
But your resistance was used in Thane’s favor as he used your combined force to plunge the knife into Tim’s stomach.
You gasped, feeling the sickening warm feeling of fresh blood coating your hands.
Tim couldn't hold back his shout of agony, gritting his teeth as tears came to his eyes. 
Thane leaned in, laughing in your ear as you sobbed, “Look at that, seems like all you needed was just a little guidance.” 
You covered your mouth, smearing blood on your face as your eyes stayed unmoving from the knife handle. You could have collapsed to the floor in a sobbing heap if Thane hadn’t had arms around you.
“Ooooh not so fast there Y/N. One’s not going to cut it, sweetheart. Take it out and do it again.”
When you hesitated, Thane took your hands and wrapped them around the handle, “Take it-”
You sobbed in relief as Thane turned to who you recognized to be John Nolan, Bishop’s rookie.
“Put your weapon down and kick it over to me.” 
Thane followed his instructions, smart enough to know that he was cornered. 
You held Tim’s face, “It’s gonna be okay baby. They’re here, just like you said they would be.”
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Tim had been unconscious when you said that, finally succumbing to the pain.
“Officer Blake?”
You jumped at the call of your name, being pulled from your memories as you looked up to see the three rookies. Jackson was the one to address you.
“You don’t have to call me that anymore Officer West…”
He nodded and swallowed, “Right we’re out of uni-”
“No, I quit… I’m not an officer anymore.”
The rookies’ eyes widened and they shared a look when your eyes moved to Tim.
“But you’re great at your-” 
You cut John off, bitterness in your tone, “If I was good at my job he wouldn’t be in this bed…”
You took a breath, finally letting yourself touch him and grabbing Tim’s hand. “I should have been stronger…”
“Thane’s a psychopath, who knows what situation we would be in had you held out longer,” Lucy tried, watching your glass eyes as they looked over Tim. “That doesn’t make you a bad cop…”
“I don’t trust myself… and being a good team requires trust. I can’t go back out onto the street if I do not trust myself, that’s how people get hurt.”
You shook your head, letting it fall between your shoulders. “It took just a little guidance and I plunged a knife into the man I love…”
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mayhemmanaged @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @cassiemitchell @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
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Requests are opened!
This Masterlist does have 18+ fics in it so please heed the warnings.
All fics are separated but I do:
9-1-1 Lone Star
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Criminal Minds
One Chicago (Chicago Med, PD, and Fire)
The Rookie
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
I will do:
x Reader
A/N: All fics not underlined means that they are planned and a wip this just helps me to keep track of what fics I need to do.
A/N 2: All fics are fem!reader unless stated otherwise or requested otherwise.
My Daughter, My Heart (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Elizabeth Taylor x Daughter!Reader)
Here Comes The Storm (Tyler Owens x Harding!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Reader x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Bill Harding x Daughter!Reader, Jo Harding x Daughter!Reader)
(Discontinued) I'm Already There (Bradshaw!Sister)
Whisper in the Wind (Natasha Trace x OC!Benjamin Bradshaw, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Winters)
Storm Warning (Javi Rivera x OC!Wife!Olivia Owens, Javi Rivera x Daughter!Reader, OC! Olivia Owens x Daughter!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Sister!Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens x Niece!Reader)
A Forever Home (Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder)
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Tim Bradford)
Blizzard (IceMav x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman)
Firecracker (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader)
Little Birdie (Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Littlest Halstead (Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader)
Little Nash (Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader)
Lil' Severide (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
Mini TK (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes)
Our Little Girl (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw)
The Firehouse Miracle (Eddie Diaz x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
x Daughter!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Rookie
x Sister!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
Top Gun
One Chicago
The Rookie
9-1-1 Lone Star
Fight to Survive (9-1-1 x Criminal Minds) (Evan Buckley x Nash!FBI!Reader)
Burning Jealousy (One Chicago x The Rookie) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Love in the Danger Zone (One Chicago x Top Gun Maverick) (Bradley Bradshaw x Halstead!Pilot!Reader and Kelly Severide x Halstead!Pilot!Reader)
Operation: Mischief (9-1-1 x 9-1-1 Lonestar) (Owen Strand x Wife!Reader)
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yourlocalgayfrogboy · 9 months
Disaster Tim Bradford x firefighter! Reader
(As of recent ABC got the rights to 9-1-1 a first responder tv show created by Fox Network. This is a crossover between The Rookie and 9-1-1 none of theses characters besides the oc's are mine.)
Pairing: Tim x reader
Characters: 9-1-1 and The Rookie characters.
Warning: Talks of serving in war and slight injuries. Events taken from season 2 of 9-1-1
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It was a busy morning at the 118, calls were answered, people were saved, fires were put out. I walked out of the locker room noticing the team around someone. I stride over to the group, noticing someone I hadn’t seen in a long time. I smiled and stood in front of him. “Holy crap, why if it isn’t Eddie Diaz, I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?” Eddie smiles and brings me in for a hug. 
“Good to see you Corporal. How are you doing?” I shook my head with a smile at the old nickname. “Oh wait, you aren’t a Corporal anymore.” I took a step back and looked him over. 
“I’m good, thank you. How’s Christopher and Shannon?” I then noticed the drop in his face when I mentioned Shannon. “You guys are divorced? I’m so sorry. Everything has been so goo-” The ground began to shake and I got down low to the ground. I get up after the ground stops shaking and I check if everyone’s okay. “That was only the baby after the shock is the problem.” That's when the station radio rang. 
“Alright we’ve got to a hotel to respond to multiple injuries and unstable vantages. Police and fire have been sent out.” This must be a huge disaster to have police sent out. Well I guess it makes sense. “Y/n you were in the army correct?” I nod my head when Bobby asks this. “I want you to command this since you were a high ranking officer in the army.” I understood my assignment. We all got to the hotel and I looked it up and down. Bobby talked to the police commander and fire chief who was in charge and talked since everyone was in panic and they agreed that I’d command the scene.
I grabbed the megaphone and turned it on yelling into it, “Everyone listen up this was just the start of the earth quake, we can expect an after shock. Hen and Chimney you’re on triage duty. Paramedics, I need you stationed at each triage center. Fire, extraction and evac, if they don’t have a pulse leave them, your main focus is to get anyone with a pulse out. Police, we need blockades on the highways and freeway 12 mile radius to make it easier for ambulances to get to the hospitals. All hospitals have been notified that the trauma center and the ER will be flooded. Head injuries, open wounds, and suspected internal bleeding are immediate transport. Other officers there will be chaos and raids make sure you calm down those so we don’t have to have any of these resources used up. All right, break and get to it!” I go into the command tent and watch as everyone goes their ways. This was going to be one hectic day. 
It was a 6 hour operation, we got everyone out, minimal casualties, one brother down. I walked into the hospital checking on Hen. “Hey Hen, how are you feeling?” Hen had gotten hurt as they needed an extra hand in the disaster zone. 
“I’m all right, just a minor head gash.” I nodded and told her to get well and then walked out of the hospital room. That's when I ran into someone I worked with in the army, Tim Bradford. He never really changed, the only difference was the slight aging, but it made him look good. 
“Hey, it’s been awhile Anderson. How are you doing?” I smiled when he asked me. 
“I’m doing okay, had a busy day commanding a disaster zone. Police and fire command put me in charge since I had more experience dealing with bigger crowds from being in the army.” Tim nodded and walked with you. “How’s everything going?” Tim rubbed his neck and sighed.
“It’s been quite a  challenge, I’ve got a rookie that I’m training, she’s nice and all but she sees the world as this happy thing and the truth is, it’s not. We’ve seen things when we served in Afghanistan. You started real young, straight out of high school.” I nodded while he talked, walking alongside him. “I’m giving her a whole different side of me since she’s not seen half of what we’ve seen. I better get going and check on her. Nice seeing you Anderson.” He walked off to check on his rookie. 
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Married chenford talk about their relationship
Married chenford talk about their relationship
Chenford + Ashley was an distraction for my feelings for you!
This is fluffy, fluff and more fluffiness. And there’s a surprise at the end 🥰
And we'll build this love from the ground up Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you
“Hey.” Says Tim climbing into bed. “How do you feel?” Lucy shrugs and places a hand on her stomach. She’s just starting to show and she is still having morning sickness. All day.
“I just wish it would go away.” She says. She leans her head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of her head softly.
“Did you ever think we would be here?” She asks quietly. Tim turns to look at her a questioning look on his face.
“What do you mean?” Tim asks her curiously. Lucy sighs and lifts her head up and turns to face him.
“Us. Married. Having our first baby. Thriving in our careers.” Lucy says playing with the blanket. “Did you ever picture it this way?”
Tim thinks about that for a moment because once upon a time he pictured this life with Isabel before it fell apart. But then Lucy crashed into his life and wormed her way into his heart and his whole world changed.
He never thought he would actually have this after Isabel. He just thought it was some pipe dream.
“Honestly?” He says turning to look at Lucy. “I didn’t think I would ever have this. I thought after Isabel it wouldn’t be possible.” Lucy smiles at him and he reaches for his hand. He squeezes it and then brings it up to his lips so he can kiss it.
“What changed?” Lucy asks him. He leans forward and gives her a small kiss.
“You.” He says softly. “You changed everything for me Lucy.”
She smiles at him again and cuddles closer to him but she doesn’t say anything she just looks at him waiting for him to continue.
“I know we had a rocky start. I know I was a hard ass. I know I made you.. frustrated.” He says.
“You were definitely a pain in my ass.” Lucy says teasingly. “You still are.”
Tim rolls his eyes at her. “And you are a menace.” He says kissing her nose. “Anyway. Despite our rocky start you still managed to help me. You got me out of a dark place.”
“I didn’t—” She starts but Tim shakes his head.
“You did baby. Despite how annoyed I was when you came to Isabel’s apartment. It opened my eyes a little.”
“I’m glad.” She whispers. He kisses her again and then pulls back.
“And then when you didn’t put in the report what I said at the quarantine house.” Tim says.
“I was trying to protect you Tim. I just didn’t.. but I was also terrified you were going to die. I-I even then you were important.”
“I know.” Says Tim. “I know. I was a jerk.” Lucy reaches out to cup his face.
“It’s okay.” She says. “I understand where you were coming from.”
“Yeah.” He whispers. He lowers his hand to her stomach and then closes his eyes for a moment before opening them.
“Caleb.” He says. “Caleb took you. And I felt like I—” He says and he moves his hand to where he knows her tattoo is.
“I felt like the ground was going to swallow me up.” He admits. “I wasn’t okay until you were.. saved.” Lucy closes her eyes now and runs her fingers through his hair.
“I love you.” She says quietly. He smiles and then goes down and kisses her belly softly and breathes her in. Thanking the heavens she was here with him, carrying their first baby. If she hasn’t left her ring out…
“I love you too.” He whispers into her skin. “I’m so glad you are here.” She pulls him back up and then looks at him waiting for him to continue.
“And then the aftermath of Caleb, god Lucy.” He reaches over and grabs her moonstone ring and holds it in between his fingers.
“You brought me back to life.” She says. “And that day when you gave me the ring back.. it felt like I started living again.”
“I’m glad.” He mumbles. There is a long silence and then Lucy talks this time. Her voice low and a little sad.
“You helped me after Jackson.” She says. “You being there really helped me, more than you will ever know.”
Tim smiles sadly at the memory and tugs Lucy closer. “Jackson would be so proud of you Luce. And happy for you. Maybe not about me.” Tim says and Lucy chuckles.
“I don’t think he would be surprised.” She says. “The way you looked at me at Angela’s non-wedding..”
Tim smirks. “You looked beautiful. I mean it Luce. I really wanted that dance.” He says.
“You didn’t look too bad yourself Bradford.” She says.
Tim smiles at her. “You helped me with my dad and the house. I will forever be grateful for that.” He says. “It was nice having you there. Even if you called me an idiot.”
“I’m glad I was there.” Says Lucy. “You know I still need to bug Genny for stories when you were younger. I have a few but..”
Tim just shakes his head at her. “What going to tell our kid all my embarrassing stories?” He asks her teasingly.
She gives him a smirk. “I already have been.” She says.
“Well good thing your aunt Amy loves me because I have a few embarrassing stories of you.” He retorts back.
“Like the double date?” She asks. He blanches at just the mere mention of that night.
“More like Gerald.” He says. She shakes her head and throws one leg over his leg to pull him closer.
“That night was interesting.” She says.
“I’m surprised Ashley didn’t break up with me then.” He says. “I spent the whole night focused on you.”
“I did too.” Says Lucy. “And I was with Chris for almost a year after that?” Tim grimaces at her ex boyfriend’s name.
“To be fair, I didn’t realize how I felt about you yet.” She says. “Did you?”
Tim shakes his head. “No.” He says softly. “I didn’t. I think they was something but I didn’t know what.”
Lucy nods in understanding. “And then you said you—did you want to marry Ashley?” She asks a little shyly looking away from him.
Tim turns her back towards him. “No baby. I mean at the time.. in that moment but no I didn’t actually want to marry her.”
“At all? You didn’t picture blonde haired, blue eyed babies running around you.” Lucy asks.
Tim sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know Luce. I mean she told me she didn’t even want to get married or have kids. And after that I just knew. I just knew our relationship wasn’t going anywhere.”
“Then why did you stay with her? Why did you “propose to her?” Lucy asks. “I know it was a joke but—”
“Because after that she was just a distraction Lucy. Because after the kiss in your apartment.. I just knew.”
“Oh.” Says Lucy softly. “I-I didn’t. I thought after we danced at Nyla’s wedding things had changed.”
Tim sighs. “It was stupid. But for the record baby, I meant every word I said at the wedding. Just because I was an idiot and did that stupid prank doesn’t mean I didn’t mean every word. You deserved, you deserve to be recognized.”
“I know you meant it Tim.” Lucy says quietly. “I was being annoying that day. I kept pushing you.”
“It’s okay.” Tim sighs. “You cared about me.” Lucy nods and lays her head on his chest.
“The kiss.” She says. “That’s when you realized your feelings for me?” He shrugs his shoulders and combs his fingers through her hair.
“More or less. It was more like a wake up call for me.” He admits. “But then the airplane kiss happened and then you said it was basic biology.”
“I’m sorry.” She says closing her eyes. “I was confused.”
“I was too.” Tim says and she opens her eyes to look at him, he’s looking at her with such love and adoration. And she really hopes their baby gets his eyes, because staring into his eyes makes her feel safe and loved. “I didn’t know what to do after that. And then Chris. And UC school. It was all a lot.”
“I know.” Says Lucy. “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.” He says. She swallows and looks up at him again. She feels safe and secure in her relationship with Tim now. But back then…
“I was heartbroken when you told me to move on.” She says softly. “Watching you walk away killed me.”
Tim let’s out a big breath. “I was looking out for you.” He says. “I was Luce. You meant the world to me. I didn’t want to get in the way.”
She nods and closes her eyes again. “I get it.” She says. “We both were in relationships and we almost..”
“But we didn’t.” He says repeating his words from that night. “We didn’t.”
“No matter how much we wanted to. I’m glad we didn’t. I like how we got together much better.” Lucy asks.
He smiles and kisses her. “Me too. It worked out so much better.” He says. She nods in agreement.
“And then.. Ashley broke up with you.” She says.
“Yep. And you took my radio hostage.” He says smiling.
“And you stole the idea from me. And led me on a wild goose chase to find my radio.” She says and she leans on her elbows so she can look at him.
“To propose to you.” He says. “I think mine had a better outcome.” He plays with her fingers.
“Oh it did.” She agrees. “Even if I was pissed at you the whole day.”
Tim let’s put a chuckle. “Worth it.” He says bringing her ring finger up to kiss it. “And you didn’t leave with another man.”
She smiles. “It was worth it. All the bumps, all the heartache.” She says. “It led us here.”
He puts his hand on her belly again. “It led us to our happily ever after.”
“It did.” She agrees and there’s a long silence before she speaks again. “I actually have something for you.”
He looks at her curiously and she climbs out of bed and goes to their closet and digs through it. She pulls out a small bag, and comes back over and hands it to him.
He looks up at her. “What is this?” He asks. She smiles and motions for him to open it.
“Open it and you will see.” She says. He sighs but he takes the tissue paper out and reaches it and pulls out a tiny pink onesie. He looks up at her and she bites her lip.
“There’s more.” She whispers her eyes filling with tears as he clutches the onesie. He feels like his heart is about to burst open. He reaches in again and pulls out a bear with a pink shirt on it and on the back says Bradford.
“Lucy.” He says clutching the bear in his hands. Are— we— are we having a girl?” He asks and she nods.
“I found out a week ago. I wanted to do something special and I was just waiting to get that shirt in.” She says her voice shaky.
Tim pulls her in and brings her down so she is on top of him and he squeezes her. “My girls.” He whispers. “My girls.”
Lucy let’s out a sob laugh and hugs him tightly too and peppers him with kisses.
“Your girls love you very much.” She says. Tim hugs her as close as possible and then she rolls off looking at him.
“You are going to be such a good dad.” She says softly. “Our little girl is so lucky to have you as a dad.”
He leans over to kiss her on the cheek. “And so so lucky to have you as a mom.” He says against her cheek.
He then goes down to her belly where their daughter grows and sleeps. “I love you baby girl.” He whispers. “Goodnight.”
Lucy pulls him back and kisses him softly. “Goodnight.” She whispers and he watches as she slowly closes her eyes. He does the same pulling Lucy close. And this is all he needs right now. Just him and his girls.
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