ace7librarian · 10 months
I will update it at any event
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
should I do this for other starcanwrecked actors? 👀
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magpielark · 8 months
Tangled the series wizard of oz au where varian is dorothy and quirin is glinda the good witch
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dreamlight-violet · 2 years
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Who is that one the far right?! Is it Eric or someone new?!
The rolled up sleeves and folded over boots are right for Eric but the hair just seems off.
There IS another Disney prince who wears rolled up sleeves and folded over boots though... and the hair style seems more fitting for him...
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james-is-nasqueer · 8 months
I can already tell my social movements class is gonna be Something
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humanoidhistory · 5 months
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Control room at a tin smelter in Freiberg, East Germany, 1976. Photo by Eugen Nosko.
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pansy-picnics · 3 months
Unknighted dream marriage. Go
Okay so. new dream wedding is exactly what it says on the tin. No notes. EXACTLY the same as it was in after ever after. cass DID make it btw, but because of Hijinks and Shenanigans she manages to just barely miss the absolute disaster that goes down at the ceremony. varian wasn’t there because he was preparing the perfect fireworks display for the evening and kiera and catalina were “Helping” him. lance was in the kitchen helping with the cake and the catering for the event. at the end of the day once cass is there with everyone else varian’s fireworks display goes off and promptly blows up in everyones faces.
CASSUNZEL WEDDING. Completely different scenario. doesn’t happen for another couple years. like i think after ever after is about one and half years post-canon, cassunzel wedding would be more like four. they don’t have a huge party or anything because cass doesn’t want the attention, they just do a small ceremony with them and their family at the lagoon. (Cuz. Yk. the lagoon was used for herz de sonne and shampanier’s secret wedding?) Since it’s not really formal and they have no rules whatsoever theyre just making shit up as they go. Eugene wants to be the priest? Yeah sure whatever. varian and the girls are makeshift “bridesmaids”but nobody got any matching outfits for them. Once again pascal and owl are the flower girl/ring bearers because Obviously. Only thing they really planned were the brides’ outfits and SOME of their vows. Otherwise they just said fuck it we ball
of course cass and rapunzel already Basically got married at the end of the lost lagoon but like they do it for real this time. Herein lies our treasure bonded with an embrace let it not be disturbed. Etc. Eugene joins them too ofc. Anyways then they have a little party just for themselves and the boys all get fucking wasted (Mostly varian though)
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Btw i had them get married once in the sims and at the end of the ceremony lance just started making out with the priest. idk what that says about anything but it felt like it was worth mentioning.
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months
Chapter 9-It Ain't Over
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Summary: Easy is tasked to dismantle German outposts across the river and were to return with prisoners for interrogation. The mission is successful but not without another loss. When the Colonel tried to send the men back in, Winters unconventionally goes against the grain, allowing the men a night of rest instead of risking more unnecessary deaths.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, Post Bastogne, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, A League of Their Own Movie References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German language with English translation, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FOREVER FLUFF
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
February 1945/Night of POW Mission
American side of the river
Liebgott sits behind his M1919 Browning machine gun with his assistant gunner on a bombed-out landing at battalion headquarters right off the water, watching the rest of the platoon load into the boats on the riverbank. You sneak past the AG and sit next to Joe.
"Gams?? What the fuck are ya doin'?" he chided at you.
You roll your eyes, "Just checking on you two and seeing where the guys are." you respond quietly.
"Yeah, well, they ain't even crossed yet so get back downstairs, will ya? I don't want you out here if shit starts poppin' off." he scolded.
You sigh, "Fine, Joe, I just wanted to see you before anything happened, that's all."
You turned to leave but then hesitated. You looked over your shoulder at him with his back towards you. You return to him swiftly, grab his chin and plant a hasty peck on his cheek.
"Ich liebe dich, Joe Liebgott (g)(I love you, Joe Liebgott)." you say in a quick hush before you scamper off inside.
Joe grunted at you not knowing whether to be irritated or entertained,
"Du verdammte Füchsin (g)(You goddamn vixen)." he called after you before you could reach the stairs.
Basement of Battalion HQ
You and Doc sit together in the cellar of HQ, waiting and listening intensely for any gunfire exchange outside. Minutes feel like hours sitting there, as you sip on a tin cup of coffee.
Your leg is bouncing from anxiety, waiting for something to happen. Eugene reached across to you and grabbed your knee to stop your leg from jumping. You look up at him startled.
"You're too jittery. Lay off the coffee, Y/F/N." he said in his low soothing Cajun accent with a gentle smile.
You nod then smile back, placing your cup on the table next to you.
German side of the river
The patrol crosses the river in the inflatable boats. When they reach land, they strategically approach the building where German soldiers are posted. As Easy makes entry, Jackson rushes into the building too soon after throwing a grenade and is severely wounded.
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The rest of the guys then rush the building and captured three Germans. As they retreat with their prisoners, the remaining German forces open fire. One of the prisoners is hit and is left behind on the riverbank.
American side of the river
Joe sees his platoon scattering towards the boats as smoke and gunfire erupt from the German side. He shifts his line of fire, anxiously waiting to pull the trigger.
"Jesus Christ, come on. Blow the goddamn whistle!" he yelled.
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The sound of the whistle finally reaches Joe's ears. He lays heavy suppressive fire at the windows where he sees flashes from German MG-42s. He peppers the buildings back and forth, in hopes he's nailing each one dead center of their foreheads.
Basement of HQ
You and Doc hear an eruption of gunfire and shells dropping through the garden windows of the basement. You stand next to the little window listening hard for the yells and screams from your boys. Just then, you suddenly hear the faint call from the riverbank on the American side...
Alarmed, you look back at Eugene with wide, panicked eyes.
"No, Y/L/N." Doc said sternly.
He knew damn well what you were thinking, and he wasn't going to allow it. Not again.
You began to protest, "But they-"
"Y/F/N, NO!" he barked, "I'm not lettin' you run to danger again. Remember what happened in Ardennes?" He reminded you angrily.
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You look down shamefully at your boots. Suddenly the basement door abruptly swung open as the platoon started scrambling in.
"Wounded! We got wounded, come on!" Ramirez bellowed.
You swept papers and utensils off the nearest table to clear it for Jackson who was being carried in.
"Set him right here!" you call out.
Johnny Martin entered, "Get the Krauts back there, shake them down! Move! Move! McClung! Get on over to CP, let them know what we got!" he ordered.
Jackson lying flat on the table, his face bloody and raw from the neck up, began gagging on his own blood.
"Jesus, what the hell happened to him over there?!" you ask overwhelmed by the soldier’s appearance.
"Grenade went off right in front of him." Ramirez reported.
"Shit, his lungs are probably hemorrhaging. He can't breathe right." you confirm aloud.
Doc gently pushed you aside and lowered his ear to Jackson's mouth.
"Light. I need some light. Give me some light." Doc requested urgently.
Grant took his lighter and flipped it on. Doc held Jackson's mouth open by the chin, observing and listening for a few seconds as the poor soldier gurgled and whimpered.
"All right, look at the flame. Look at the flame. Ok, that's good." Doc instructed Jackson.
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The room became eerily quiet as they all watched Doc work.
"All right, let's get him outta here." Doc directed.
"I don't wanna die!" Jackson cried out.
He repeated these words tearfully over and over again as the platoon started to move him towards the door on a litter. Jackson started to grab at Doc, kicking off the surface as his choking worsened. The men set him down.
"He's gonna die!" one of the guys shrilled in horror.
"Hey, shut the hell up! You're upsetting him more!" You hiss over the sea of bellowing soldiers, while Jackson started to flail and kick in terror.
"Please help me, I don't wanna die!" He wallowed.
Doc tried to hold him steady on the stretcher, "Jackson, you're not gonna die! I need you to hang on!"
Jackson continued to bawl and throw an agonizing fit out of fear until the life drifted from his tearing eyes and his body fell limp. Doc sat up, dropping his helmet to his side with a huff of defeat leaving his mouth. He sat there, lost in his thoughts then looked up at you with frustration painted all over his face.
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You look around the room at rest of the guys until you see Martin. You shake your head, confirming he didn't make it. You take Babe's wool blanket he wrapped himself with and covered Jackson.
The following morning, the platoon hung out in the barracks, resting up after a long night. Webster entered the room with LT Jones.
"Jackson is dead." Webster announced.
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"Yeah, we heard." Joe replied from his bunk sitting above you.
"Yeah, well, they want another patrol tonight." Perconte added.
Joe shifted onto the mattress and laid against the pillow. You stood up angrily and walked out the room, down the stairs, and out the door to head to the basement back at HQ to be alone.
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With most of Easy at HQ later that day, Winters, Nixon and Speirs address the same patrol from the night before to discuss the next mission for that evening. You're in attendance once again, across the room where you can see Joe as you stood next to Eugene.
Winters opened the brief by stating how proud he was of the good work the platoon did last night then added that Col Sink was proud as well.
"-In fact, he's so proud he wants you to do another patrol across the river tonight."
The men remain resentfully silent. Joe lights a cigarette then shoots you an unamused glance as Winters continued.
"Any moment now, the outpost we hit last night will go up in flames. Means we have to venture farther into town this time. Captain Speirs, you have the map, please."
Speirs passes the map to Grant to display across the table.
"We have enemy movement here and here," Winters began as he pointed on the paper, "Which means this is our new house target here. We recovered all the boats. So, we'll be setting off from the same place we did last night."
"We're not changing the plan any, sir?" Martin spoke up.
"No. The plan is the same. It will be 0200 hours instead of 0100. Is that clear?" Winters asked.
The men shifted in discomfort, "Yes sir." they acknowledged collectively.
"Good, because I want you all to get a full night's sleep tonight. Which means in the morning, you will report to me that you made it across that river into German lines but were unable to secure any live prisoners-" he instructed as he looked around the room to see if the platoon was tracking what he was saying.
Everyone looked at him in disbelief. The man was really ordering you to disobey Col Sink’s orders.
"Understand?" he pushed cautiously as he scanned the room making eye contact with each of his men.
"Yes, sir." The men replied in unison. (Some of their responses sounding like a question, unsure this was actually happening).
"Good. Look sharp for tomorrow. We're moving off the line." Winters finalized as he left the room.
The guys all breathed their first sigh of relief since Holland. A few exchanged handshakes. Joe stood up from the table to rush over to you.
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"Did you just fucking hear that, Gams!?" His smile stretching from ear to ear revealing your favorite dimple on his left cheek.
You beam at him, "I did. He's a good man."
You wrap your arms around the back of Joe's neck, pulling him into a tight hug. He pressed you against him, burying his face into your neck. A couple of happy tears stream down your face.
"Can we just hold each other for the rest of our lives?" you utter softly in Joe's ear.
Joe chuckled, "That's my plan."
As the sun set that evening, Cobb distributed bottles of liquor he found in the cellar at HQ. Each man happily accepted the offer, taking hearty swigs from the bottles.
Luz hacked, pounding on his chest to soften the sting of what he just swallowed.
"Shit! *cough* What the hell is this Cobb?? Jesus Christ!" Luz choked.
"What's wrong, George? A little too strong for ya?" Cobb teased.
"This stuff will knock ya on your ass." Malarkey confirmed as he took another drink.
You walk into the room, and the entire platoon cheered. You stop in your tracks, almost alarmed by their response to you entering the room.
"What are you miscreants doing now?" you ask looking around the room at them.
"Nothin' we're just happy to see our songbird!" Babe yelled across the room.
"Hey, Y/F/N, sing us a little somethin' yeah??" Luz pleaded.
"No, George, I'm not-" you contested before all the men groaned and boo-ed expressing their disappointment.
"-I'm tired, guys! It's been a rough few days for all of us." you defended.
"Hey, Joe, come on. Get her to sing!" Babe resorted.
Liebgott hopped off the top bunk and approached you with his bottle. You deliver a look of skepticism to him as he closed in on you. He raised his eyebrow as he smiled mischievously at you.
"No, Joe." Is all you say.
"Gams, the boys just want you to sing a little lullaby so they can get a good night's sleep like the captain said." Joe justified.
"Winters never said anything about me singing you to sleep." you pointed out.
"True," Joe started, "but Webster didn't get to hear ya yet, and l’ve been tellin’ him how sweet my girl’s voice is. I wanna show you off."
You shake your head at him, "You're unbelievable."
"I know." Joe replied confidently.
You look around the room at all the expectant drunk faces of your boys.
"One song so you can sleep. Just one." you compromise.
"Don't get on a chair this time!" Luz called out.
You glare at him, then smile.
"Get comfortable you idiots." you say as you dim the lamps to set the mood.
"What are you gonna sing, Gams?" Joe whispered in your ear over your shoulder as he snaked his arms around your waist from behind.
"A piece from Laurel and Hardy's The Bohemian Girl. Thelma Todd was always one of my favorites.”
Joe hummed as he pecked your cheek. You smell the whiskey on his breath.
“Hm, ir hot aoykh a bisl shlogn di flash, tsi nit? (y)(Hm, you’ve been hitting the bottle a little, too, haven’t ya)?” You ask Joe, smiling at him skeptically.
Joe only grinned, his face glowing and his eyes droopy, sauced from drink, exhausted by the mission, and completely entranced by you.
“Ok, settle down, boys." you project through the room.
"Hey, Liebgott ain't in bed." Perconte protested.
You guide Joe to your bed and have him sit. You stand in the middle of the room so everyone can hear. Every pair of eyes and ears focus on you, waiting patiently for you to begin.
🎶 “I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With vassals and serfs at my side,
And of all who assembled within those walls,
That I was the hope and the pride.” 🎶
You serenade to your platoon, watching their heads lull and their eyes flutter. You make a round around the room to each soldier, touching a shoulder here or patting another on the head over there, making a personal connection to each one to bring a sense of comfort amongst them as you near the end of the song.
🎶 “And I dreamt that one of that noble host
Came forth my hand to claim.
But I also dreamt, which charmed me most,
That you lov'd me still the same...”🎶
You come back to Joe who is laying across your mattress zeroed in on you with adoration behind his eyes. He beamed up at you from your pillow when you start combing your fingers through his hair as you finish your song just for him.
🎶”That you lov'd me, you lov'd me still the same
That you lov'd me, you lov'd me still-“🎶
You seat yourself on the side of your bed next to him.
🎶”-the same.“🎶
The room is quiet, with the gentle snores and breathes of the guys sound asleep in their bunks. Joe took your free hand and started to pull you towards him as he sat up to meet you half way for a kiss-
“That was incredible, Y/L/N.” You hear Webster compliment from the bunk across from Liebgott’s.
You look over at him and smile, “Thanks, Web. Get some sleep, buddy.”
“Yeah, can’t you see we’re busy over here?” Joe sneered.
Webster chuckled and turned towards the wall to make his back face you.
You look back to Joe, whose face was a hair away from yours.
“That wasn’t very nice.” You giggled.
Joe nudged his nose against yours, “Any second I can get with my girl is precious, I don’t want to waste it.” He purred.
You lean forward, kissing his lips softly. Joe’s faultless ability to lock onto your lips as he tilts his head to deepen his kiss always left you craving for more. You try to pull back but he holds you in place so you don’t go too far.
“We should sleep, too, Joe.”
A devilish smirk appeared across his face, “One of these days, Gams-“ he started without finishing.
You smile coyly and laugh, “I don’t mean to get you riled up. But we’re not getting away with anything in a room full of people.”
Joe shook his head and sighed, “Komm her, du Füchsin (g)(Get over here, you vixen)."
You scoot onto the bed laying across his chest as he enveloped you in his arms. He kissed the top of your head as you nuzzle into him.
"Liebe dich sehr (g)(Love you so much)." Joe uttered to you.
"Liebe dich mehr (g)(Love you more)." you whisper back, squeezing him.
@wordsaresimple-imnot @mrs-greenside @skiesofrosie 🪖♠️🦅
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Tangled agere except Rapunzel is the CG to Flynn.
Slowly she hears more about poor orphan Eugene trying to take care of all the littler kids in the orphanage - "imagine you are so small and cold and scared but there are others who are smaller and colder and more scared" etc etc - and how he never really had a proper childhood. Because Rapunzel had books and paints and toys and things to do, but Eugene had very little to his name. Not even someone who claimed to love him.
So she takes him onto the castle grounds and lets him play with some of the old castle toys she never got to play with when she was born, porcelain dolls with pretty silk dresses and tin soldiers and marbles and hoops.
They climb in trees, and play war and play house, where she is finally mother, and both are healed immensely through it. Flynn sleeps in the grass and eats grapes from a clean plate, and he splashes in the river and laughs until he's about to pop. And Rapunzel could not love him more.
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justforbooks · 16 days
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James Earl Jones
American actor hailed for his many classical roles whose voice became known to millions as that of Darth Vader in Star Wars
During the run of the 2011 revival of Alfred Uhry’s Driving Miss Daisy in London, with Vanessa Redgrave, the actor James Earl Jones, who has died aged 93, was presented with an honorary Oscar by Ben Kingsley, with a link from the Wyndham’s theatre to the awards ceremony in Hollywood.
Glenn Close in Los Angeles said that Jones represented the “essence of truly great acting” and Kingsley spoke of his imposing physical presence, his 1,000-kilowatt smile, his basso profundo voice and his great stillness. Jones’s voice was known to millions as that of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars film trilogy and Mufasa in the 1994 Disney animation The Lion King, as well as being the signature sound of US TV news (“This is CNN”) for many years.
His status as the leading black actor of his generation was established with the Tony award he won in 1969 for his performance as the boxer Jack Jefferson (a fictional version of Jack Johnson) in Howard Sackler’s The Great White Hope on Broadway, a role he repeated in Martin Ritt’s 1970 film, and which earned him an Oscar nomination.
On screen, Jones – as the fictional Douglass Dilman – played the first African-American president, in Joseph Sargent’s 1972 movie The Man, based on an Irving Wallace novel. His stage career was notable for encompassing great roles in the classical repertoire, such as King Lear, Othello, Hickey in Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman Cometh and Big Daddy in Tennessee Williams’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
He was born in Arkabutla, Mississippi, the son of Robert Earl Jones, a minor actor, boxer, butler and chauffeur, and his wife Ruth (nee Connolly), a teacher, and was proud of claiming African and Irish ancestry. His father left home soon after he was born, and he was raised on a farm in Jackson, Michigan, by his maternal grandparents, John and Maggie Connolly. He spoke with a stutter, a problem he dealt with at Brown’s school in Brethren, Michigan, by reading poetry aloud.
On graduating from the University of Michigan, he served as a US Army Ranger in the Korean war. He began working as an actor and stage manager at the Ramsdell theatre in Manistee, Michigan, where he played his first Othello in 1955, an indication perhaps of his early power and presence.
The family had moved from the deep south to Michigan to find work, and now Jones went to New York to join his father in the theatre and to study at the American Theatre Wing with Lee Strasberg. He made his Broadway debut at the Cort theatre in 1958 in Dory Schary’s Sunrise at Campobello, a play about Franklin D Roosevelt.
He was soon a cornerstone of Joseph Papp’s New York Shakespeare festival in Central Park, playing Caliban in The Tempest, Macduff in Macbeth and another Othello in the 1964 season. He also established a foothold in films, as Lt Lothar Zogg in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove (1963), a cold war satire in which Peter Sellers shone with brilliance in three separate roles.
The Great White Hope came to the Alvin theatre in New York from the Arena Stage in Washington, where Jones first unleashed his shattering, shaven-headed performance – he was described as chuckling like thunder, beating his chest and rolling his eyes – in a production by Edwin Sherin that exposed racism in the fight game at the very time of Muhammad Ali’s suspension from the ring on the grounds of his refusal to sign up for military service in the Vietnam war.
Lorraine Hansberry’s Les Blancs (1970) was a response to Jean Genet’s The Blacks, in which Jones, who remained much more of an off-Broadway fixture than a Broadway star in this period, despite his eminence, played a westernised urban African man returning to his village for his father’s funeral. With Papp’s Public theatre, he featured in an all-black version of The Cherry Orchard in 1972, following with John Steinbeck’s Lennie in Of Mice and Men on Broadway and returning to Central Park as a stately King Lear in 1974.
When he played Paul Robeson on Broadway in the 1977-78 season, there was a kerfuffle over alleged misrepresentations in Robeson’s life, but Jones was supported in a letter to the newspapers signed by Edward Albee, Stephen Sondheim, Arthur Miller, Lillian Hellman and Richard Rodgers. He played his final Othello on Broadway in 1982, partnered by Christopher Plummer as Iago, and appeared in the same year in Master Harold and the Boys by Athol Fugard, a white South African playwright he often championed in New York.
In August Wilson’s Fences (1987), part of that writer’s cycle of the century “black experience” plays, he was described as an erupting volcano as a Pittsburgh garbage collector who had lost his dreams of a football career and was too old to play once the major leagues admitted black players. His character, Troy Maxson, is a classic of the modern repertoire, confined in a world of 1950s racism, and has since been played by Denzel Washington and Lenny Henry.
Jones’s film career was solid if not spectacular. Playing Sheikh Abdul, he joined a roll call of British comedy stars – Terry-Thomas, Irene Handl, Roy Kinnear, Spike Milligan and Peter Ustinov – in Marty Feldman’s The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977), in stark contrast to his (at first uncredited) Malcolm X in Ali’s own biopic, The Greatest (1977), with a screenplay by Ring Lardner. He also appeared in Peter Masterson’s Convicts (1991), a civil war drama; Jon Amiel’s Sommersby (1993), with Richard Gere and Jodie Foster; and Darrell Roodt’s Cry, the Beloved Country (1995), scripted by Ronald Harwood, in which he played a black South African pastor in conflict with his white landowning neighbour in the 40s.
In all these performances, Jones quietly carried his nation’s history on his shoulders. On stage, this sense could irradiate a performance such as that in his partnership with Leslie Uggams in the 2005 Broadway revival at the Cort of Ernest Thompson’s elegiac On Golden Pond; he and Uggams reinvented the film performances of Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an old couple in a Maine summer house.
He brought his Broadway Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof to London in 2009, playing an electrifying scene with Adrian Lester as his broken sports star son, Brick, at the Novello theatre. The coarse, cancer-ridden big plantation owner was transformed into a rumbling, bear-like figure with a totally unexpected streak of benignity perhaps not entirely suited to the character. But that old voice still rolled through the stalls like a mellow mist, rich as molasses.
That benign streak paid off handsomely, though, in the London reprise of a deeply sentimental Broadway comedy (and Hollywood movie), Driving Miss Daisy, in which his partnership as a chauffeur to Redgrave (unlikely casting as a wealthy southern US Jewish widow, though she got the scantiness down to a tee) was a delightful two-step around the evolving issues of racial tension between 1948 and 1973.
So deep was this bond with Redgrave that he returned to London for a third time in 2013 to play Benedick to her Beatrice in Mark Rylance’s controversial Old Vic production of Much Ado About Nothing, the middle-aged banter of the romantically at-odds couple transformed into wistful, nostalgia for seniors.
His last appearance on Broadway was in a 2015 revival of DL Coburn’s The Gin Game, opposite Cicely Tyson. He was given a lifetime achievement Tony award in 2017, and the Cort theatre was renamed the James Earl Jones theatre in 2022.
Jones’s first marriage, to Julienne Marie (1968-72), ended in divorce. In 1982 he married Cecilia Hart with whom he had a son, Flynn. She died in 2016. He is survived by Flynn, also an actor, and a brother, Matthew.
🔔 James Earl Jones, actor, born 17 January 1931; died 9 September 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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rookfeatherrambles · 7 months
So many ideas. Dumping them here for a pinned comment to keep track. When these have AO3 links, I'll list them here The Angel that Cries Ink (Jmart, Jonelias) Jon has been locked under the Magnus Institute for 200 years, waiting for one person. Martin Blackwood. IN PROGRESS)
Bound by Spider's Thread (Jmart, time travel, somewhat fix it, No sex, Annabelle asks Martin to kill a bitch for her in exchange for saving Jon's life somewhere else) WIP)
The Beast in your Heart (La bete dans coeur) Jonelias, Eventual jmart, Hunt!Jon, Kai!jon. Jon finds out about the watcher's crown ritual and chooses the nuclear option. To throw himself at another fear. He is subsequently transformed, and elias is not nice to jon when he finds out what he's done. Dead dove, very dark, very smutty WIP)
Chiaroscuro (Jmart, timsasha, Artist/Muse au. Jon is a infamous artist who paints the most captivating art but has remained out of the spotlight. A medical diagnosis makes him decide to retire, but he's going to do one final piece. Enter Martin, and Jon's inevitable falling in love with his final muse, no sex, ace jon (WIP
Under skies and sea (Vast Jon. No sjhip. Jon is becoming a sea bird. this is problematic for many reasons) WIP)
Sable Island AU (Jmart, Foggyskies, Jon is a low profile environmental researcher that takes a job on a remote island studying seabirds. He starts to become one, and chronicals his journey. Then Martin, the sun of Peter Lukas, one of two men that are wagering over Jon's life, crashes the supply boat onto the island. They reflect on life, and death (WIP
The Storm Singer : (Jmart, Jonpeter, Foggyskies) Jon is the last siren in the bay and he's sworn to destroy the man who ruined his life. Peter is the fisherman turned monster hunter that massacred Jon's people. He wants Jon dead because he killed his wife. Martin and Simon are also there and they are in love! (not with eachother) Sirens and Sailors! Smutty (WIP
The Lonely Bride: Jonpeter forced marriage. Martin refused to run away with jon in s4 and Peter offered him an alternative way out. Dark, exactly what it says on the tin. smutty (WIP
The Hunter's Stag (Jonpeter, fantasy au. Faerie au.) Jon is a magic white stag that was cursed by a faerie king, to run until he's caught and killed. Peter is the hunter that doesn't want to do that. They become friends. And then more. (WIP
Wintergreen AU: (noship. Jon is 8, has a boat, and is going to america. he gets caught in bad weather and picked up by the Tundra. Now there's a child on board his ship and Peter Lukas doesn't know what to do with him. Silly, lighthearted fun i guess. WIP)
I'm not your Protagonist (I'm not even my own): Jmart, Jonelias) Jon wakes up somewhere else and realizes he's not happy. He does his best to figure out why. (EVERYONE HAS TRAUMA AND GETS THERAPY FIC) WIP)
YEOMYTIM (Your eyes on mine, your Teeth in me _Jondaisy, WIP)
The Hearthwitch's Cat (Jmart, Fantasy) Jon is a powerful arch mage that learns a terrible secret and for his safety, becomes a cat. Martin is the hearthwitch he chooses to adopt as his owner. Fluffy, romance, silly fantasy shenanigans (WIP
The red strings of fate (Can go fuck themselves) Jonelias, eugenics au) Jon is someone who never ever wanted to have a partner, but the system matches him to some bastard name Elias Bouchard. Jon's only way out of having children (legally) is to be a holy terror of a wife. Shenanigans ensue. Smutty, fluffy, light hearted i guess. Elias is not evil and Jon is ace spec WIP)
Non TMA stuff:
Dawn of Shadows (Wip, fantasy)
Everyone loves Fucked Up Houses :) (wip, horror)
That weird creepypasta thing, (wip, horror romance)
A real War (wip, Everymanhybrid)
Mabel vs the Grim Reaper (wip, Gravity Falls)
Grimoire Falls (horror fantasy, gravity falls au)
If I think of more of these, I will add them!
ALSO IF YOU ARE CURIOUS, SEND ME AN ASK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT! Seriously yell at me about my ideas please im desperate :))
EDITED 3/29/24
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covenofthearticulate · 6 months
Have you decided what your fav characters’ favorite plays are?
NO I'M TOO OVERWHELMED LMAO HELP!! Okay but here are some thoughts about what sort of theatre I think they enjoy:
Lestat: Obviously since he got his start doing commedia dell'arte I think he'll always have a soft spot in his heart for those old comedies. (Honestly, I think Lestat is one of the only vampires who enjoys "lowbrow" comedy and I love that for him.) The style of traveling street theatre Lestat would've been performing during his time as Lelio was largely improvisational, and though it moved into a more scripted form over time, I think Lestat is an improv queen. I also get all giddy and happy thinking about his reaction to the fact that commedia dell'arte is still performed today! Like, I did a production of Servant of Two Masters in college lmfao it's still viewed as one of the foundational tenants of theatre to this day and I think that would really tickle him.
He's also a Shakespeare fan but historically speaking we know Lestat would've had to have read French translations which of course weren't impossible to come by, but given all of Lestat's circumstances in his early life (poor, uneducated, etc) it's definitely worth noting that he would've had to have worked hard to get at Shakespeare. I think it's so funny that his favorite play in canon is Macbeth and that he sees himself as Macbeth, whereas Louis and Claudia totally saw him as Lady Macbeth (which is why I wrote a lil ficlet about it LOL)
Okay LASTLY I also just want to say I think Lestat loves loves LOOOOVE restoration comedy and the comedy of manners that was a little before his time but just really focused on like. Outrageous comedy and satire. Lestat likes to laugh, okay!! He loves Moliere just as much as he loves Shakespeare! Tartuffe and She Stoops to Conquer are definitely plays he can quote by heart.
Armand: Shakespeare, yes, but very specifically: Jacobean Revenge Tragedies. These were a lot darker, a lot more hardcore and angsty (as the title suggests!). One day I'll have to get Armandblr's input for some meta and psychological background as to why Armand would be obsessed with plays where the protagonist is wronged so egregiously that they go down a path of murder and (gruesome, often cannibalistic) bloodshed and rage-induced hysteria that ultimately ends in their own demise. But for now I'll just say that I feel it in my bones. I think he staged The Spanish Tragedy at least a few times at the Theatre des Vampires.
Also I think he'd definitely be into theatre of the absurd, especially in his Devil's Minion era! He goes through phases where he really leans into the existentialism and finds it amusing and thought-provoking, but sometimes it also majorly fucks him up (similar to Lestat)
Louis: He's a Romantic at heart, and certainly he loves the classics, but we've already been over Shakespeare so I'll say that I also think Louis has a soft spot for the American canon. Think Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neill, etc. He's a modernist girlie, and I think those plays would be a good guiding light into understanding modern America for Louis. I think Louis often sees middle class America as a fascinating subject to study (rather than, like, a reality that real people live), and I think modernist plays are really good at toe-ing the line of like, being deeply humanizing and beautiful and tragic if done right, and also still being somewhat performative and maybe even a bit artificial and contained behind a fourth wall. I think that dichotomy would be fascinating to Louis. His favorites would be A View from the Bridge and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Marius: Unfortunately there are like 0 Roman tragedies that survived in writing, but we know that they existed and were actually slightly different than Greek tragedies in that the characters actually voiced more of their internal psychological conflict, and also apparently the playwrights were influenced by the development of new rhetorical theory, so a lot of the writing incorporated like public persuasion. So I do think Marius would've been into those but listen I also happen to know for a fact that Marius' favorite play is Shakespeare's Coriolanus. He told me himself. I just read over the wiki synopsis to refresh my memory and I'm losing my mind over this line: "The two tribunes condemn Coriolanus as a traitor for his words and order him to be banished. Coriolanus retorts that it is he who banishes Rome from his presence." like PLEASE that's so petty I love it. Real talk though Marius loves a good political drama and look I know I've brought up Shakespeare a lot in this post already but no one is doing it like him, especially with the Romans!!
Daniel: he's a theatre of the absurd queen <3
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topazy · 1 year
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.02
The last twenty-four hours have been hard. Your group was low on ammo, food, and water, and everyone was exhausted. Everyone was on guard for any survivors from Terminus. Glenn told you how messed up the stuff they saw inside when they were taken was. A butchery full of human corpses and a room full of the belongings of the things they stole from the people they killed. It was extremely messed up.
While trekking through the woods, careful not to make too much noise, you hear a man scream for help in the distance. You all freeze until Carl urges his dad to follow him and help. Cautiously, you follow behind, wanting to be extra careful since you were holding Judith.
You find a man clinging to a rock surrounded by walkers. Carl shoots the one, grabbing the man’s foot in the head, while Carol, Daryl, and Rick bash the other walkers' heads in.
You look up at the man who’s shaking in fear; on closer inspection, you can see he’s a priest. You call up to him, “It’s safe to come down.”
Slowly, he brings himself to the edge of the rock and slides down. He still looks petrified as he takes in the appearance of your group. His eyes land on all the blood, and seconds later he’s vomiting, “Sorry, and thank you. I’m Gabriel.”
“Do you have any weapons on you?” Rick asks.
Gabriel chuckles nervously. “Do I look like I have any weapons?”
“We don’t give two short and curly what it looks like,” Abraham says sternly.
“I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need. I called for help, and help came.”
You hold Judith closer to you as she starts to fuss. “Shh, it’s okay.”
After a brief conversation between Rick and Gabriel, which mainly consisted of Rick informing the priest, he revealed that he had a church, which meant you’d have shelter for the night.
He leads you to a white church built further into the woods. As you check the premonitory outside with Carl, you begin to wonder what the catch was. “I wonder what happened to his flock?”
“What do you mean?”
“My daddy used to take me to church, and priests and flocks are usually tight-nit. I find it hard to believe he’s had this church himself the whole time, and none of his people came to her for sanctuary.”
Carl stops walking and leans his fingers over to touch the wooden panel on the outside of the church. “You see this, claw marks?”
“I don’t think so; it’s too deep. It looks like someone clawed at it with their fingernails and knives.”
You spot something almost completely hidden by overgrown plants that makes you let out a small gasp, unintentionally grabbing Carl's arm. “Oh my god, are you seeing this?”
Someone had carved ‘You’ll burn for this’ on the outside of the church. Father Gabriel wasn’t as innocent as he seemed.
After Rick, along with others from your group, went to an overrun store and took out the walkers plaguing it, they were able to stock up on trolley loads of food, along with other supplies. With a small kitchen based in the church, you, Maggie, and Carol were able to make a pretty good feast from the selection of pasta and tin foods brought back.
“I’d like to propose a toast,” Abraham says, gaining everyone’s attention. “I look around this room... and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To the survivors.”
“Is that all you want to be? Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forage for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse, and repeat? You can do that. I mean, you have the strength. You have the skill. The thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that’s just surrender. Now, we get Eugene to Washington, and he will make the dead die and the living will have the world again. And that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip.”
You had a feeling Abraham’s speech was aimed more at Rick than anybody else.
“Eugene, what’s in DC?”
Eugene gulps down, “Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this magnitude. That means food, fuel, and refuge. Restart.”
Abraham smiles at him and says, “However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. Safer than you’ve been since the whole thing started. Come with us. Save the world for the little ones. Save it for yourselves. Save it for the people out there who have nothing left to do but survive.”
The room is silent as everyone contemplates the redhead's words until Judith makes a loud noise. “What was that?” Rick asks his daughter playfully, “I think she knows what I’m about to say. She’s in. If she’s in, I’m in. We’re in.”
The room fills with laughter and cheers, but you can’t shake the feeling that something is off. Like you’re being watched. Maggie sits down beside you and says, “Hey, did you know Tara was at the prison?”
“Yeah, she told me.”
“How do you feel about it?”
You shrug. “She didn’t know who the governor was, plus Tara and Glenn saved me, so she’s with us now.” Maggie hugs you, but thinking about what happened to your father at the prison makes you emotional. “I’ll just be a minute.”
Not wanting to seem weak and shed tears in front of the rest of your group, you head into the kitchen and begin washing dishes. You enjoy the solitude and focus on nothing except cleaning.
“Hey, you okay?” Carl asks, placing his hand on your back.
“Yeah,” hearing your own voice, breaks your eyes well up. “I’m fine, just tired.”
Carl pulls you in for a hug, wrapping his arms around your back. He holds you tightly and says, “We’re going to be okay.”
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kaidans-alenko · 2 years
The thing I hate the most about how Virmire is handled by the fandom is it’s so rarely treated like the tragedy it is. Luckily I hang out in the more…emphatic part of the fandom because for me Virmire isn’t finally getting to let go of a character I don’t like all that much. I like them both quite a lot. It’s a hard decision but I resonate with Kaidan more, I romance Kaidan it’s not a matter of getting rid of a character I don’t like(cause if it were Liara would bye bye but that’s not what this post is about). And unfortunately that’s not the popular view point.
For a majority of the fandom it’s just which one you can tolerate more until bioware lets you kill them in me3. And unfortunately I believe that was added because that part of the fandom was more vocal, bioware agreed or else they wouldn’t have included it. Which is sad because Ashley and Kaidan are great characters but their time is cut way too short for people to see that.
A tin hat theory I have is that the only reason people feel so strongly regarding who they let die is because they feel like they need some justification for letting one of their squad die. It makes it easier on them and they feel less bad for it even tho it’s a choice bioware doesn’t let you escape. You have to choose and it’s easier if the character you’re leaving has some sort of flaw you can justify. “Kaidan is boring I let him die” “Kaidan is whiny I let him die” “I believe in eugenics and decided to put Kaidan out of his misery” “Ashley is racist I let her die.”
Like they’re superficial reasons that make no sense but they’re reasons and that’s all people like that need.
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ninetimesbluedemo · 6 months
thank you eugene @planetwaving for tagging me to put my On Repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs that play :)))
1. Tin Can Alley - Pt. 1 by Eric Andersen
2. Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel
3. You Don't Have To Cry by Crosby, Stills, and Nash
4. Burn Your Hatred by Cass Elliot
5. Lonesome and a Long Way From Home by Delaney & Bonnie
6. Everybody's Been Talkin' by The Mugwumps
7. My Little Town by Simon & Garfunkel
8. I Ain't Got No Home in This World Anymore by Sammy Walker, Sis Cunningham, and Phil Ochs
9. A Cowboy's Hard Times by Bill Staines
10. America by Simon & Garfunkel
tagging @sgt-celestial @swallow-wind @mobanjaree @theydoctor (and anyone else <3)
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bookclub4m · 4 months
45 New & Forthcoming Indie Press Books by BIPOC Authors 
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Weird Black Girls: Stories by Elwin Cotman (AK Press)
False Idols: A Reluctant King Novel by K’Wan (Akashic Books)
Sister Deborah by Scholastique Mukasonga, translated by Mark Polizzotti (Archipelago Books)
Bad Land by Corinna Chong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
These Letters End in Tears by Musih Tedji Xaviere (Catapult)
The Coin by Yasmin Zaher (Catapult)
Cecilia by K-Ming Chang (Coffee House Press)
Fog & Car by Eugene Lim (Coffee House Press)
We’re Safe When We’re Alone by Nghiem Tran (Coffee House Press)
A Woman of Pleasure by Kiyoko Murata, translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter (Counterpoint Press)
Bad Seed by Gabriel Carle, translated by Heather Houde (Feminist Press)
The Default World by Naomi Kanakia (Feminist Press)
The Singularity by Balsam Karam, translated by Saskia Vogel (Feminist Press)
I'll Give You a Reason by Annell López (Feminist Press)
Tongueless by Lau Yee-Wa, translated by Jennifer Feeley (Feminist Press)
Outcaste by Sheila James (Goose Lane Editions)
Silken Gazelles by Jokha Alharthi, translated by Marilyn Booth (House of Anansi Press)
Dad, I Miss You by Nadia Sammurtok, illustrated by Simji Park (Inhabit Media)
Secrets of the Snakestone by Pia DasGupta (Nosy Crow)
The Burrow by Melanie Cheng (Tin House)
Masquerade by Mike Fu (Tin House)
The World With Its Mouth Open: Stories by Zahid Rafiq (Tin House)
I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall (Soft Skull Press)
RAPilates: Body and Mind Conditioning in the Digital Age by Chuck D and Kathy Lopez (Akashic Books)
All Our Ordinary Stories: A Multigenerational Family Odyssey by Teresa Wong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
Dispersals: On Plants, Borders, and Belonging by Jessica J. Lee (Catapult)
My Pisces Heart: A Black Immigrant's Search for Home Across Four Continents by Jennifer Neal  (Catapult)
Beyond the Mountains: An Immigrant's Inspiring Journey of Healing and Learning to Dance with the Universe by Deja Vu Prem (Catapult)
Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance by Victoria Blanco (Coffee House Press)
Thunder Song: Essays by Sasha LaPointe (Counterpoint Press)
Born to Walk: My Journey of Trials and Resilience by Alpha Nkuranga (Goose Lane Editions)
Jinny Yu (At Once/À La Fois) by Jinny Yu (Goose Lane Editions)
Log Off: Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix by Katherine Cross (LittlePuss Press)
Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian’s Journey Home by Chris La Tray (Milkweed Editions)
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments  by Aimee Nezhukumatathil (Milkweed Editions)
Opacities: On Writing and the Writing Life by Sofia Samatar (Soft Skull Press)
The Story Game by Shze-Hui Tjoa (Tin House)
Black Meme: The History of the Images That Make Us by Legacy Russell (Verso Books)
i heard a crow before i was born by Jules Delorme (Goose Lane Editions)
We the Gathered Heat: Asian American and Pacific Islander Poetry, Performance, and Spoken Word edited by Franny Choi, Bao Phi, Noʻu Revilla, and Terisa Siagatonu (Haymarket Books)
A Map of My Want by Faylita Hicks (Haymarket Books)
[...] by Fady Joudah (Milkweed Editions)
A Witch’s Guide to Burning by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Oba Electroplating Factory by Yoshiharu Tsuge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Lost at Windy River by  Jillian Dolan, Trina Rathgeber and Alina Pete (Orca Books)
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