#Tinospora cordifolia extracts
ambenatural · 1 year
Ambenatural's Ashwagandha Powder is a premium quality ayurvedic health supplement made with the purest form of organic ashwagandha root extract. Its natural properties help promote physical and mental wellbeing for all age groups. This scientifically-formulated powder is free from any added preservatives or chemicals and is naturally vegan, gluten-free, and Non-GMO. With its superior benefits, this ashwagandha powder is an excellent boost for overall energy, improved immunity, and emotional balance.
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chandigarhayurved · 1 year
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Raised red bumps or splotches on skin that happen when body has an allergic reaction is known as Urticaria or Hives. Allergic reaction happens when immune system comes in contact with allergen. Urticaria last more than six weeks and often return over months or years. The welts often start as an itchy patches which turns into swollen welts varying in size. Urticaria can be uncomfortable and interfere with day to day life and can cause disturbed sleep.
Some of the triggers that cause allergic reaction in the body includes :
Pressure on skin
Allergens like molds, pollens or pet dander.
Scratching the skin
Exposure to hot or cold temperature
Insect like bee, wasp etc sting
Viral infections like common cold etc
Bacterial infections like UTI, strep throat etc
Certain medications like antibiotics, ibuprofen, aspirin etc.
Certain foods like eggs, nuts or shellfish
Raised skin lesions that appears in any area of body.
Severe itching
Reddish, purple or skin colored weals, depending upon skin color.
Rashes of different size and they change shape
Blanching- the hive become white when centre is pressed
Bumps generally last no longer than 24 hours
Lesion appear in batches
Painful swelling around eyes, cheeks or lips
Heat, exercise or stress triggers flare up
Aloe Vera Gel : It has skin soothing , healing and anti-inflammatory properties thus helps to reduce the hives and provide relief from itching. Apply aloe vera gel to affected area 2 to 3 times a day to get relief from itching and redness .
Oatmeal scrub : Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory, skin soothing and skin moisturizing properties. Gently scrub the affected region with oatmeal to pacify the inflamed skin.
Apply Cold Compress : Cold compress helps to calm the aggravated skin . Dip a towel or cloth in chilled water and then apply it on the affected portions.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix 1 tsp of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of warm water and apply on affected area with cotton ball to sooth itching and redness.
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Sheetpitta. Excessive exposure to etiological factors like cold breeze, intake of salty and pungent food, contact with cold substances, improper emesis etc leads to the aggravation of vata and kapha dosha. The aggravated vata and kapha in turn gets mixed with pitta dosha and spread all over the body and there they get lodged into external surface of the body ( beneath skin ). There the vitiated doshas leads to development of the condition.
Green grams
Older rice
Horse gram
Warm water
Sugar and its derivative
Cold water
Milk and milk products
Suppression of vomiting
Exposure to cold breeze
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria
1) Aloe Vera  Gulab Gel :
Aloe Vera Gulab Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
2) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
3) Skin care tablet :
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablets also act as a skin moisturizer, Improves blood circulatio, reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4) Neem Capsules :
NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars  Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsules twice daily with normal water.
5) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
6) Itch Care Tablet :
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or  plasma nourishes the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
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grps1234 · 1 day
Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda offers various herbal remedies to alleviate symptoms and boost immunity during Dengue fever.Papaya Leaf Extract: Papaya leaf extract is widely used in Ayurveda to increase platelet count, a common issue during Dengue fever.Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia): Known as "Amrita" in Ayurveda, Giloy is a potent immunomodulator that helps in reducing fever and boosting
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ayubalwellness12 · 10 days
Is Your Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur Truly Thriving and Excelling?
Ayurveda, Giloy — generally called Amrita or the "supporting of never-ending status" — has been a venerated flavor for a really long time. Known for its amazing clinical advantages, Giloy is utilized in different standard responses for supporting obstacles, further assimilation, and refining the blood. As additional individuals all around mission for ordinary reactions for their flourishing, the interest for sound and surprising Giloy things is on the journey. This is where Ayubal wellness, a confided in Giloy juice transporter in Jaipur, steps into major areas of strength to give for unadulterated, superb Giloy juice to revive your thriving cycle.
The Power of Giloy Juice
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is commended in Ayurvedic texts for its adaptogenic and calming properties. Its capacity to reestablish the body and battle issues has made it a critical fixing in Ayurvedic nuances. Coming up next are a piece of the central advantages of integrating Giloy juice into your customary normal strategy:
1.Boosts Immunity: Giloy is stacked with cell forts that assist with getting out hurts, battle free reformists, and lift the invulnerable framework.
2.Treats Chronic Fever: Its antipyretic properties make Giloy conventional in treating dull fevers, especially those refined by messes like wild fever, dengue, and this season's spoiling.
3.Improves Digestion: Standard utilization of Giloy juice helps making due, decreases acid reflux, and advances overall stomach prosperity.
4.Reduces Stress and Anxiety: As an adaptogen, Giloy decreases pressure and restlessness, advancing mental clearness and loosening up.
5.Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Giloy is basic for individuals with diabetes, as it controls glucose levels.
6.Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Properties:It decreases compounding in the body and gives help from joint desolation, joint disturbance, and gout.
Why Choose Ayubal Wellness as Your Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur?
Ayubal wellness is devoted to giving the best Ayurvedic things to individuals of Jaipur pure and simple. As an essential Giloy juice importer in jaipur, we guarantee that each drop of juice we offer is unadulterated, serious, and stacked with all the fundamental politeness of this boundless flavor. This disconnects us:
1. Sourcing the Best Giloy
Our obligation to quality early phases with getting the best Giloy from confided in like manner properties. We team up with cultivators who practice sensible and eco-obliging making systems, guaranteeing that the Giloy plants utilized in our things are liberated from hazardous pesticides and arranged materials.
2. Cold-Pressed Technology for Maximum Potency
To guarantee that the accommodating properties of Giloy are obtained, we utilize cold-squeezing progress in the extraction cycle. This framework holds the plant's basic redesigns and blends, giving a thing that is as close to nature as could be expected.
3. No Additives or Preservatives
At Ayubal wellness, importance is our need. Our Giloy juice is 100 percent standard and liberated from counterfeit added substances, groupings, or flavors. We see that nature's fixes ought to be consumed in their most flawless course of action to give the most enormous clinical advantages.
4. Rigorous Quality Control
As a carrier, we beat all suspicions to guarantee that our Giloy juice satisfies regular norms of security and quality. Each pack goes through comprehensive testing to guarantee that it is liberated from new substances, promising you get a thing you can trust.
5. Affordable and Accessible
While we spin around quality, we other than handle the significance of reasonableness. We genuinely need to make amazing Giloy juice open to everybody, so you can encounter the clinical advantages without drinking every single dollar.
The Growing Demand for Giloy in Jaipur
Jaipur, a city inundated with Ayurveda and standard recuperating customs, has seen a flood eminent for far reaching flourishing plans. Individuals are actually going to standard things like Giloy juice to cultivate their resistance, particularly not long after the general pandemic. At Ayubal Wellness, we're genuinely glad to fulfill this need by getting first class Giloy juice that stays aware of the best hypotheses for worth and adequacy.
As a perceived Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur, we handle the importance of striving these days. We're not simply getting a thing; we're tracking down an answer for work on your flourishing, by and large.
How to Incorporate Giloy Juice into Your Routine
Organizing Giloy juice into your ordinary timetable is clear. Coming up next are a primary methods for partaking in its advantages:
Morning Boost: Begin your day by drinking 10-20 ml of Giloy juice while starving. This detoxifies the body and lifts your protected construction.
With Honey:For added benefits, blend Giloy juice in with a spoonful of honey to chip away at its flavor and recuperating properties.
As a Tonic:  Drink Giloy juice after occasions to help overseeing and decline causticity other than.
Tolerating that you're looking for a perceived Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur, look no farther than Ayubal Wellness. With our reasoning on quality, importance, and sensibility, we are twirled around acclimating with you the best that nature offers of guaranteed worth. Giloy is an old Ayurvedic fix, and with Ayubal Wellness, you can now encounter its different clinical advantages in the very best improvement conceivable.
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cobaidyanath · 5 months
Purify And Protect: Exploring The Benefits Of Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati In Terms Of Health
Mahasudarshan-Ghana Vati, a panchakarma-specific Ayurvedic herbal formulation of Baidyanath, has a list of medicinal properties. Due to its good reputation, Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati is well-known and might help the body clean its impurities by combining powerful herbs. It’s time to unravel many angles of this valuable botanical juice as we discover how its unique properties can keep us in a state of good health.
The first thing to emphasise is that a Mahasudarshan Gan Vati preparation is a polyherbal formulation that strengthens the immune system. These herbs help the body work at its best as the body can defend itself against infections and other illnesses due to the synergism of these herbs. This medicament acts like a barrier that stops pathogens’ direct penetration into the organism and then fortifies the immune system.
What is more possible is that the power of Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati is acknowledged due to its purifying effects on the body. In today’s world, we constantly observe the expenditure of different chemical products, substances and other pollutants, thus enhancing the need for efficient detoxification. Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati possesses potent components that help cleanse the body by expelling toxins from the body and improving health and well-being. Such herbal extract helps the body stay in a toxin-fighting mode. This means that the organs that help in this activity may work more efficiently.
Unlocking Wellness: Delving Into The Health Benefits Of Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati
The Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati, which has been of Baidayanth for centuries and cherished in Ayurveda, has been keeping many checks on overall health because of its remarkable effects. It’s a mix of solid herbs and plant extracts that create the old-fashioned remedy for many things. It has a holistic approach to your well-being.
Let us now peer into the world of Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati — a climax to its own story about its many healthy advantages. First of all, let’s be aware of the composition of the herbal product. This Ayurvedic formulation is primarily composed of herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Triphala (a combination of three fruits: According to the Ayurvedic classics, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), and Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) are the six preeminent herbs among which three unique and incomparable herbs are also mentioned, i.e.
Amalaki These elements are expected to be used in treating different ailments owing to the concomitant healing effects, making Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati a fortified natural remedy. There is one advantage of Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati, and that is its capability to help the immune system adjust. The powerful blend of herbs in this formula goes together to allow the body to build up effective immunity and fight off illnesses and infections. Mahasudarshan Vati, if taken in proper doses regularly, may contribute to overall immunity, thereby keeping most of the typical late bugs away. In contrast, the medicine Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati is famous for its unique role in digestion and detoxification. Herbs in this grouping are believed to assist in purifying memory, fending off ageing symptoms, and treating the diseases commonly associated with ageing. Thus, using Baidyanath’s Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati, the good detoxification and digestion process is maintained and, accordingly, normal gastric health.
Source Link: https://baidyanathayurveda.medium.com/purify-and-protect-exploring-the-benefits-of-mahasudarshan-ghan-vati-in-terms-of-health-7540a8d04065
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articlesu · 7 months
Chyawanprash: Benefits, Ingredients, and Everything Else!
Chyawanprash, an ancient Ayurvedic formulation, has garnered significant attention in recent times due to its purported health benefits and traditional roots. This herbal concoction, rich in a blend of herbs and spices, has been cherished in Indian households for centuries. From boosting immunity to promoting overall well-being, Chyawanprash has earned a reputation as a potent health tonic. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the depths of Chyawanprash, exploring its ingredients, benefits, and much more!
Understanding Chyawanprash:
Origins and History:
Chyawanprash finds its origins deeply rooted in Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. The formulation is named after Sage Chyawan, who is believed to have concocted this elixir to regain his youthfulness and vitality. Legend has it that Sage Chyawan prepared the first batch of Chyawanprash with the help of other sages, leading to its widespread use in Ayurvedic medicine.
The ingredients of Chyawanprash may vary slightly from one manufacturer to another, but the core components typically remain consistent. Some of the key ingredients include:
Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla serves as the primary ingredient in Chyawanprash, renowned for its high content of Vitamin C and antioxidant properties.
Ashwagandha: Known for its adaptogenic properties, Ashwagandha helps the body cope with stress and promotes overall well-being.
Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi is revered in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties and is believed to enhance immunity.
Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia): Guduchi is valued for its immunomodulatory effects and is often used to support the body's defenses.
Long Pepper: Long Pepper, or Pippali, aids in digestion and respiratory health.
Cinnamon, Cardamom, and other spices: These spices not only enhance the flavor but also contribute to the overall medicinal properties of Chyawanprash.
The preparation of Chyawanprash involves a meticulous process of combining the herbs and spices in specific proportions and cooking them with a base of ghee (clarified butter) and honey. This process is crucial to extract the medicinal properties of the ingredients and create a potent herbal formulation.
Health Benefits of Chyawanprash:
Boosts Immunity:
One of the most celebrated benefits of Chyawanprash is its ability to bolster the immune system. The powerful combination of herbs and spices works synergistically to enhance the body's natural defenses, making it more resilient to infections and diseases.
Rejuvenates the Body:
Chyawanprash is often hailed as a Rasayana in Ayurveda, a term that refers to rejuvenation. Regular consumption of Chyawanprash is believed to rejuvenate the body at a cellular level, promoting longevity and vitality.
Improves Digestion:
Many of the herbs present in Chyawanprash possess digestive properties, aiding in the smooth functioning of the digestive system. From stimulating digestive enzymes to soothing gastrointestinal discomfort, Chyawanprash supports digestive health.
Enhances Respiratory Health:
The inclusion of herbs like Tulsi and Long Pepper makes Chyawanprash beneficial for respiratory health. It helps alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions and strengthens the respiratory system, making it particularly beneficial during seasonal changes.
Nourishes the Skin and Hair:
The antioxidant-rich nature of Chyawanprash contributes to healthy skin and hair. Regular consumption may help combat signs of aging, promote skin elasticity, and strengthen hair follicles, leading to lustrous locks.
Incorporating Chyawanprash into Your Routine:
Dosage and Consumption:
Chyawanprash is typically consumed in small quantities, preferably one to two teaspoons daily. It can be taken directly or mixed with warm milk or water for added convenience. Ideally, Chyawanprash is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
While Chyawanprash is generally safe for consumption, individuals with specific health conditions or allergies should exercise caution. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating Chyawanprash into your daily routine, especially if you have any underlying medical concerns or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Exploring Chyawanprash Variants and Availability:
Chyawanprash is available in various forms and formulations to cater to different preferences and dietary requirements. While the traditional Chyawanprash is made with a base of ghee and honey, there are also sugar-free and vegan variants available in the market. Additionally, some manufacturers offer Chyawanprash infused with additional herbs or flavors to enhance its nutritional profile and taste.
Price Range:
The price of Chyawanprash can vary depending on factors such as the brand, quality of ingredients, and packaging. Typically, a standard-sized jar or container of Chyawanprash may range from a few dollars to upwards of twenty or thirty dollars, depending on the brand and quantity.
Chyawanprash is widely available in health food stores, Ayurvedic pharmacies, and online retailers. It is essential to choose a reputable brand known for its quality and adherence to traditional manufacturing practices to ensure you reap the maximum benefits of this ancient elixir.
Chyawanprash stands as a testament to the time-honored wisdom of Ayurveda, offering a holistic approach to health and wellness. From its origins rooted in ancient texts to its modern-day popularity, Chyawanprash continues to captivate the hearts and minds of health enthusiasts worldwide. As we navigate the complexities of modern living, embracing the wisdom of traditional remedies like Chyawanprash can serve as a beacon of hope for a healthier, more vibrant future.
Incorporating Chyawanprash into your daily routine may be a small step, but its potential impact on your health and well-being can be profound. With its rich blend of herbs, spices, and natural ingredients, Chyawanprash invites us to reconnect with the healing power of nature and embark on a journey towards vitality and longevity.
So why wait? Embrace the goodness of Chyawanprash and embark on a journey of holistic wellness today!
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alicantodrugsinfo · 1 year
Dengue Fever Treatment, Carica Papaya Leaf Extract 1100 mg, Tinospora Cordifolia Tablets, Dengue Treatment Tablets, Goat Milk Powder, Vitamin E Tablet Brand Name :- Carican Tablets Packing :- 10 x 1 x 10 Tablets MRP :- 230/- per strip Uses :-
Treatment of Dengue
Increase Platelet Count
Boosts Immunity
Aids Metabolism
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ayurvedicvanesha · 2 years
Best 3 Herbal & Ayurvedic Supplements for healthy Lifestyle in India
Vanesha focuses on amalgamating the principles of organic medicine with cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best quality, holistic, and 100% safe therapies and treatments. Vanesha was founded with a motive of creating a healthy living in the body, mind, and spirit. We believe in making the best use of traditional medicine to bring a positive change to your life.
. Vanesha Rhumaveda
Rhumaveda: For Joint Pain, Arthritis, Spondylitis (40 Sachet of 5gm Each)
Rhumaveda is an herbal composition with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. With the help of potent ingredients, it controls joint pain, inflammation and degenerative process without any undesired side effects. Being herbal, this products is safe for long period unlike NSAIDS and steroids. It comes in the form of palatable granules which can be consumed with milk or water comfortably. Herbal Supplements for Joint Pain. An ayurvedic treatment to control pain and inflammation. An ayurvedic treatment for joint pain, arthritis, spondylitis, lower back pain. An ayurvedic treatment for pain & inflammation.
Nirgundi ext. (Vitex negundo) 1000 mg
Guduchi ext. (Tinospora cordifolia) 400 mg
Haridra powder (Curcuma longa) 200 mg
Sharkara (Palmsugar) 250 mg
Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 100 mg
Babul gum (Acacia arabica) 50 mg
One sachet (5gm) with one glass of warm milk or warm water to be consumed empty stomach in the morning OR as directed by physician
For bone health, strengthen the integrity of bones.
Supplements for Strong Bones and Joints Vanesha HADJOD is a dietary supplement, source of Calcium for strong Bone and Relief from Osteoporosis, HADJOD Extract (Cissusquadrangularis).
Ayurvedic Hadjod Herbal Medicine helps fortify bones and joints, bone health, strengthen the integrity of bones.
HADJOD Extract (Cissusquadrangularis) 500 mg
One tablet with water twice a day after meals OR as directed by the physician
For Stress, Mental Stress & Physical Stress
Ashwagandha is well known for its anti-stress effect and adapt genic property. It is also well known for its aphrodisiac property. It increases the physical endurance and also helps the individual to tackle the distressing symptoms of mental stress. Due to the virtue of its properties as compared to Ginseng, it is called as “Indian Ginseng”. Supplements for Depression and Anxiety. Ayurvedic Treatment for Stress, Mental Stress & Physical Stress.
Ashwagandha Ext. (Withania somnifera) 500mg
One tablet twice a day with water or milk or as directed by the physician.
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marccurelab · 2 years
G- Don capsule|Buy capsule at best price in India | Marccure
The G-Don capsule  is exceptionally effective in treating dengue. It has extracts of Carica Papaya and Tinospora Cordifolia which helps in boosting platelets. It cools our physique from the high-temperature upward push all through viral infection. It relieves signs and symptoms of the disease & Regulates hematopoietic system.
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How G-Don helps in Dengue fever: 
Increases the platelets rely
Improves digestion
Reduces fever & infections
Vitamin E promotes early recovery
It is a nutraceutical remedy &
Has no sick consequences
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ambenatural · 1 year
Are you ready to take your health and wellness to the next level? Try adding @sennapowder to your diet! With powerful botanical properties and a delicious nutty flavor, it makes a great addition to smoothies or breakfast bowls. Start your day off right and try out some senna powder
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arushisanwal20 · 4 years
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dmpservicesone · 3 years
Are you not bothered about Covid-19?
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10 Facts That Nobody Told You About Eradicating Covid-19 From The Earth And Save The Human Race?.
How to use herbs to eradicate Covid-19 from the earth and save the human race?
# What do you think?  as soon as possible to advice
A global crisis has shocked the world. It is causing a tragic number of deaths, making people afraid to leave home, and leading to economic hardship not seen in many generations. Its effects are rippling across the world.
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And nothing about the human response to COVID-19 will either. The evolutionary arms race between humans and viruses has existed for millennia. Our bodies, packed with nutrients and the machinery of cellular reproduction, are irresistible targets for exploitation by smaller and faster-evolving organisms
Whereas viruses benefit from rapid replication rate and mutation potential, allowing them to quickly adapt to exploit their hosts, humans are not left defenseless. Natural selection has endowed us with a complex physiological immune system
That targets viruses at a cellular level and a behavioral immune system
that modulates human behavior to reduce the risk of contagion. Moreover, our ability to communicate and develop vast repositories of information, paired with intelligence and innate curiosity, allowed us to engineer extraordinary tools such as modern medicine. And, we have developed cultural systems of coordination that can allow us to erect walls for limiting the spread of disease
It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 has been particularly successful because it is highly infectious before symptoms appear. Suppressing the sickness-related behavior of hosts is one way that viruses can increase their fitness. Hosts that are infected but do not feel sick are more likely to go about their usual activities, which allows them to come in contact with others whom they might infect. If they do not display symptoms of infection, the human behavioral immune system fails to activate in others (see Insight 3: Activating Disgust Can Help Combat Disease Spread), silently spreading to new hosts.
Other viruses have been associated with mood disorders, including HIV
 the 1918 influenza virus
and Borna disease virus
although causality is impossible to establish with this evidence. One study administered the influenza vaccine as a proxy for infection and found a significant change in social behavior—for the 48 h after receiving the vaccine (during the time of peak transmissibility), people interacted with others more (from 51 to 101 people) and in larger groups (from 2.4 to 5.5) than in the 48 h before receiving it
This study suggests exposure to viral antigens can have effects on host social behavior and is consistent with what would be expected if viruses alter host behavior to enhance viral transmission.  By understanding how SARS-CoV-2 is evolving and having behavioral and psychological effects on us that enhance its transmission, we will be better able to shape its evolutionary trajectory so it becomes less harmful and less lethal 
he COVID-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives since March 2020, but with about 115,000 new cases a day in the United States and the U.S. death toll at more than 464,000, it remains as important as ever to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself from coronavirus.
Covid-19, Save The Human Race for Know how it spreads
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Scientists are still learning about COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, but according to the CDC, this highly contagious virus appears to be most commonly spread during close (within 6 feet) person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets.
Practicing good hygiene is an important habit that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Make these CDC recommendations part of your routine:
The means of transmission can be through respiratory droplets produced when a person coughs or sneezes, or by direct physical contact with an infected person, such as shaking hands
1. Practice social distancing - 
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The CDC recommends maintaining a distance of approximately 6 feet from others in public places.
2. Wash your hands -
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Practicing good hygiene is an important habit that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Make these CDC recommendations part of your routine:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Save The Human Race, It’s especially important to wash:
Before eating or preparing food
Before touching your face.
After using the restroom.
After leaving a public place.
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
After handling your mask.
After changing a diaper.
After caring for someone who’s sick.
After touching animals or pets
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If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands with the sanitizer and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
In addition to hand-washing, disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
“Soap molecules disrupt the fatty layer or coat surrounding the virus, ” says Dr. Goldberg.“ Once the viral coat is broken down, the virus is no longer able to function.”
3. Wear a mask
Face masks are designed to provide a barrier between your airway and the outside world,” says Dr. Ole Vielemeyer, medical director of Weill Cornell ID Associates and Travel Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medicine. “By wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose, you will reduce the risk of serving as the source of disease spread by trapping your own droplets in the mask, and also reduce the risk of getting sick via droplets that contain the coronavirus.
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4.  Restrict your travel
Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19.
states the CDC. “Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.”
For people at risk for the complications of COVID-19, such as those with underlying medical conditions or those who are older, it’s prudent to avoid travel,
Travel between provinces will be restricted considering the increasing caseload of COVID-19 in the country
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5. Watch for symptoms
Most common symptoms:
dry cough
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
chest pain or pressure
loss of speech or movement
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility 
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.
On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.
Herbal Medicine is Powerful enough to save the Life of a Covid-19 infected person.
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Herbs :
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have been used to treat respiratory infections like the Influenza trusted Source and pneumonia.
Supermarkets and smaller retailers have run out of ginger, coriander, turmeric, yellow vine, and lime, and Ayurveda practitioners warn there may not be enough supplies to produce the wide range of indigenous medicinal products that many Sri Lankans trust over Western medicine.
practitioners recommend the consumption of herbal drinks using coriander and venivel to boost the immune system, a practice that has been strongly advocated amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Particular tradition uses hundreds of medicinal plant extracts to strengthen the immune system. These include commonly used herbs such as turmeric and yellow vine, to lesser-known plants.
A host of other plants are used in Ayurveda to treat common illnesses. These include adhatoda or Malabar nut (Justicia adhatoda), Indian lilac or neem (Azadirachta indica), white or Indian sandalwood (Santalum album), red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus), black pepper (Piper nigrum), bin kohomba (Munronia pinnata), katuwel batu or wild eggplant (Solanum virginianum), suvanda kapuru (Gaultheria leschenaultii), heen araththa or snap ginger (Alpinia calcarata), nelli or Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica), and rasakinda or heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia).
Sri Lanka has at least four established traditional treatment systems: Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Deshiya Chikitsa, or indigenous treatment — all popular methods of treating people.
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Besides the use of medicinal plant resources in Ayurveda, herbs are extensively used in Sri Lankan homes to build up immunity, fight contagious diseases, and in cooking. Herbal drugs play a key role on native preventive care, with many Sri Lankans relying on traditional remedies over Western medicine. Fear of the side effects associated with the latter is one of the factors that drive people to prefer native treatments as the safer option.
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ayubalwellness12 · 10 days
Is Your Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur Truly Thriving and Excelling?
In the space of Ayurveda, Giloy — generally called Amrita or the "supporting of never-ending status" — has been a venerated flavor for a really long time. Known for its amazing clinical advantages, Giloy is utilized in different standard responses for supporting obstacles, further assimilation, and refining the blood. As additional individuals all around mission for ordinary reactions for their flourishing, the interest for sound and surprising Giloy things is on the journey. This is where Ayubal Accomplishment, a confided in Giloy juice transporter in Jaipur, steps into major areas of strength to give for unadulterated, superb Giloy juice to revive your thriving cycle.
The Power of Giloy Juice
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is commended in Ayurvedic texts for its adaptogenic and calming properties. Its capacity to reestablish the body and battle issues has made it a critical fixing in Ayurvedic nuances. Coming up next are a piece of the central advantages of integrating Giloy juice into your customary normal strategy:
1.Boosts Immunity: Giloy is stacked with cell forts that assist with getting out hurts, battle free reformists, and lift the invulnerable framework.
2.Treats Chronic Fever: Its antipyretic properties make Giloy conventional in treating dull fevers, especially those refined by messes like wild fever, dengue, and this season's spoiling.
3.Improves Digestion: Standard utilization of Giloy juice helps making due, decreases acid reflux, and advances overall stomach prospering.
4.Reduces Stress and Anxiety: As an adaptogen, Giloy decreases pressure and restlessness, advancing mental clearness and loosening up.
5.Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Giloy is basic for individuals with diabetes, as it controls glucose levels.
6.Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Properties:It decreases compounding in the body and gives help from joint desolation, joint disturbance, and gout.
Why Choose Ayubal Wellness as Your Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur?
Ayubal Accomplishment is devoted to giving the best Ayurvedic things to individuals of Jaipur pure and simple. As an essential Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur, we guarantee that each drop of juice we offer is unadulterated, serious, and stacked with all the fundamental politeness of this boundless flavor. This disconnects us:
1. Sourcing the Best Giloy
Our obligation to quality early phases with getting the best Giloy from confided in like manner properties. We team up with cultivators who practice sensible and eco-obliging making systems, guaranteeing that the Giloy plants utilized in our things are liberated from hazardous pesticides and arranged materials.
2. Cold-Pressed Technology for Maximum Potency
To guarantee that the accommodating properties of Giloy are obtained, we utilize cold-squeezing progress in the extraction cycle. This framework holds the plant's basic redesigns and blends, giving a thing that is as close to nature as could be expected.
3. No Additives or Preservatives
At Ayubal Flourishing, importance is our need. Our Giloy juice is 100 percent standard and liberated from counterfeit added substances, groupings, or flavors. We see that nature's fixes ought to be consumed in their most flawless course of action to give the most enormous clinical advantages.
4. Rigorous Quality Control
As a carrier, we beat all suspicions to guarantee that our Giloy juice satisfies regular norms of security and quality. Each pack goes through comprehensive testing to guarantee that it is liberated from new substances, promising you get a thing you can trust.
5. Affordable and Accessible
While we spin around quality, we other than handle the significance of reasonableness. We genuinely need to make amazing Giloy juice open to everybody, so you can encounter the clinical advantages without drinking every single dollar.
The Growing Demand for Giloy in Jaipur
Jaipur, a city inundated with Ayurveda and standard recuperating customs, has seen a flood eminent for far reaching flourishing plans. Individuals are actually going to standard things like Giloy juice to cultivate their resistance, particularly not long after the general pandemic. At Ayubal Prospering, we're genuinely glad to fulfill this need by getting first class Giloy juice that stays aware of the best hypotheses for worth and adequacy.
As a perceived Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur, we handle the importance of striving these days. We're not simply getting a thing; we're tracking down an answer for work on your flourishing, by and large.
How to Incorporate Giloy Juice into Your Routine
Organizing Giloy juice into your ordinary timetable is clear. Coming up next are a primary methods for partaking in its advantages:
Morning Boost: Begin your day by drinking 10-20 ml of Giloy juice while starving. This detoxifies the body and lifts your protected construction.
With Honey:For added benefits, blend Giloy juice in with a spoonful of honey to chip away at its flavor and recuperating properties.
As a Tonic:  Drink Giloy juice after occasions to help overseeing and decline causticity other than.
Tolerating that you're looking for a perceived Giloy Juice Importer in Jaipur, look no farther than Ayubal Achievement. With our reasoning on quality, importance, and sensibility, we are twirled around acclimating with you the best that nature offers of guaranteed worth. Giloy is an old Ayurvedic fix, and with Ayubal Wellness, you can now encounter its different clinical advantages in the very best improvement conceivable.
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Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora Cordifolia - Natural immunity booster
Giloy - Amruth - Guduchi - Tinospora Cordifolia
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                                              Giloy Plant
“Amruth is botanically known as Tinospora Cordifolia, is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used  in Indian medicine for centuries ”.
In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita', which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality', because of its abundant medicinal properties in the entire range of medicinal plants.
It is believed that if you take Amruth regularly it increases  the longevity of life.
Amruth  is rich in antioxidants, alkaloids and has an incredible antibiotic
as well as immunity enhancing properties.
Amruth is considered as a Medhya Rasayana (intelligence booster) and is very useful in chronic fevers, liver disorders, diabetes, cholesterol, Cancer etc.
Amruth or Giloy  is an anti-inflammatory (that reduces inflammation) and antipyretic (that reduces fever) herb.
Amruth is very helpful in building up the immune system and the body's defense against infecting organisms.
The stem of Giloy is used in conditions like general weakness, dyspepsia, fevers of unknown origin, swine flu and many urinary tract infections.
The bitter properties present in the drug show anti-periodic (Preventing regular recurrence of the symptoms of a disease, as in malaria) and antispasmodic properties which is again helpful in preventing infectious diseases like dengue, swine flu, malaria etc.
Giloy Juice increases platelet count so it used in Dengue treatment.
Amruth or Giloy raises  the efficiency of protective WBC (white blood cells) and builds up the body's own protection mechanism known as the immune system.
It is used as an immunity booster in  jaundice, hepatic fibrosis and seasonal fevers.
Amruth or Giloy  has proved very effective in preventing fibrous changes and promoting regeneration of the liver. It is a very good and helpful diuretic agent that helps remove renal stones and reduce urea from the blood.
Giloy has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-allergic actions.
Health Benefit of Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora Cordifolia are as follows : -
1 ) Amruth increases the immunity of the body. It fights against infecting organisms. It enhances natural immunity in the human body.
2) Amruth has been used to treat general weakness, fever, dyspepsia, dysentery, gonorrhea, secondary syphilis, urinary diseases, impotency, gout, viral hepatitis, skin diseases, and anemia.
3) Along with other combinations  Amruth  is used  to treat jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.
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                                                        Amruth Tablets
4) Amruth is  used for the treatment of fever due to infection.
5) Amruth  purifies blood and maintains blood pressure normal.
6) Amruth  is a remedy for diabetes.It brings down the high blood sugar.
7) Amruth is anti-inflammatory.It is used to cure rheumatic pain.
8) The leaves of the Amruth plant  cure psychological disorders And are also used for swine flu treatment.
9) Traditionally  the leaves of Amruth  are used to cure urine infection , stomach ulcer , to cure bowel problems and mixed with cow milk Amruth leaves are used to cure leucorrhoea. The leaf extract is used to cure jaundice and anaemia.
10) Amruth increases memory power.It removes the toxins from the brain.
11) The Amruth plant oil is used to cure skin diseases and promote healthy skin.
12) Amruth cures asthma and clears the respiratory tract.13) Amruth helps to bring down bleeding during menstruation.
14) The juice of the leaf, root and stem helps in digestion. The juice is also used in the treatment of the cardiac disorder.
15) Amruth adds strength and vigour to the body and removes the weakness.
16) Amruth is  used in the treatment of cancer.
17)  Amruth is  very very useful in Dengue because it helps to increase the count of platelets.
Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora cordifolia  is known as queen of all herbs.
Amruth is  the nectar of god Indra, that’s why it is considered Amrita (pious liquid or nectar).
Ayurveda authors called Amruth is " Divine Nector" That is "Amrita"
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bodyandherbs360 · 4 years
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i4kopycc-blog · 5 years
Natadrol Assessment - The Organic Alternative To Steroids!
Natadrol is actually a fresh supplement from LG Sciences that is billed as being a phyto predicated solution to andro established hormonal supplements. Natadrol can be just a blend of 4 potent plant based anabolic agents who've some intriguing science supporting them and could possibly be a very exciting alternate to matters including Tribulus Terrestris as well as can contend with andro based Pro hormones. buy sarms Many of the elements in Natadrol are new, however there are a few ingredients that are likewise well recognized at the bodybuilding community because of its exemplary performance-enhancing representatives. The combination of the ingredients to one supplement is quite particular however. Here's a run down of those ingredients in Natadrol:
Tinospora Cordifolia is the first ingredient on the jar and it is specifically known to be the ethanolic extract of this herb. Studies with dehydrotestosterone because the standard, have shown that the ethanolic extract of Tinospora is about as androgenic as hydroxy-testosterone. This helps make it fairly potent for an herbal established supplement. Even the ethanolic extract has been likewise demonstrated not to all be estrogenic, so the ethanolic extract is right for bodybuilders. Anybody wanting to use Tinospora because of the musclebuilding effects needs to make certain that they have exactly the ethanolic infusion in their nutritional supplement to avoid any complications. Anabolic Element
Cissus Quadrangularis Could Be your"anabolic factor" in Natadrol. This component is also well-known as a weight loss representative, joint repair solution and is particularly regarded as an anti-cortisol nutritional supplement. It's hypothesized that Cissus is likewise an anabolic broker within muscle cells plus it's plenty of anecdotal reports because of its use in that manner. It looks like Cissus is a rather potent ingredient for reducing obesity and increasing healing according to the posted studies and also the numerous anecdotal reports. Natadrol wasn't the very first supplement to use Cissus and the reports of curing injuries and raising mass are very well recognized together with additional Cissus established products. The ingredient's nutrient properties really are all portion of a suitable muscle building nutritional supplement application, therefore it is sensible why Cissus is from the goods and it needs to do the job nicely in combination with the other ingredients.
PSARM Cofactors
PSARM or phyto-sarm can be a term used for plant based agents which show a propensity to create muscle through non-androgenic routes or can promote testosterone. Natadrol comprises Hibiscus extract, that was shown in rodents to be infectious into muscle without any needing estrogenic or androgenic side effects. Hibiscus extract is a best regarded like a water established extract along with other anti inflammatory established extracts. Curculigo Orchiodes is a natural infusion which can boost testosterone, increase sex drive and act such as testosterone by itself. Both of these effective phyto-sarms really are a welcome addition into both anabolic and androgenic factors and may push the total amount toward muscle building that is extreme. Both the Curculigo and also Hibiscus have scientific research revealing they have SARM like qualities in androgenic responsive tissue. The combo of the four ingredients covers all the androgenic and anabolic foundations and could certainly be when compared with a fair level of andro based pro-hormones. The best thing about this mixture is the fact that it is totally natural and appropriate for medication tested athletes and employees. This is now a pretty major concern for men and women in the military or in a collegiate athletic software and also is a welcome alternative for people who cannot utilize andro established supplements. The maker urges a mild PCT or article bicycle therapy with Natadrol. Submit cycle remedy is when an individual uses another thing after a cycle to improve testosterone production. This really is something usually reserved to some body carrying andro based nutritional supplements, but using the Tinospora staying shown to be androgenic, it seems sensible why the manufacture will indicate PCT for this particular nutritional supplement.
Natadrol gets got the capability to an upgraded many andro supplements for athletes that are drug tested or normal males that are interested in staying completely pure. It's an interesting ingredient profile and also the preliminary science certainly implies the statements by producer really are valid. Essentially the most exciting element is that the Tinospora infusion. Many natural preparations promise to become androgenic, but many folks are still judging this only by the results in lab creatures, that will ben't quite true. Tinospora differs because it's been analyzed from an abysmal reference standard that makes it very unique between herbal preparations. go here Dependent on the actual world opinions, it certainly appears that Natadrol will offer you effects like andro based supplements as well as even prohibited steroids and united with the right diet regime and exercise should help you accomplish your physical fitness goals!
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