#Tire Curing Press Machine Market Size
vynzresearchreport · 1 year
Global Tire Curing Press Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021-2027)
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A tire curing press is a machine used to cure tires. The process of curing tires involves applying heat and pressure to the tire to ensure that the rubber compounds bond together and the tire takes its final shape. Tire curing presses are used by tire manufacturers and tire retreaders.
Global tire curing press market size and growth
The global tire curing press market is expected to grow at a CAGR of x.xx% from 2021 to 2027. The growth of the market is driven by the increasing demand for tires from the automotive industry, the rising automotive aftermarket, and the increasing use of rubber additives.
Key trends in the global tire curing press market
Some of the key trends in the global tire curing press market include:
The increasing use of automation in tire manufacturing.
The growing demand for high-performance tire curing presses.
The increasing focus on sustainability in the tire industry.
Regional analysis of the global tire curing press market
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the largest market for tire curing presses in the coming years. This is due to the growing automotive industry in the region, the rising demand for tires from the aftermarket, and the increasing focus on sustainability.
Competitive landscape of the global tire curing press market
The global tire curing press market is dominated by a few large players, including Guden Machinery, HF TireTech, Lan Cheng Machinery, and MRF. These players are investing in research and development to develop new and innovative tire curing presses.
What are the challenges facing the global tire curing press market?
Some of the challenges facing the global tire curing press market include:
The high cost of tire curing presses.
The lack of skilled labor in some regions.
The stringent environmental regulations.
How to enter the global tire curing press market?
Companies that want to enter the global tire curing press market can do so by:
Offering high-quality products and services.
Investing in research and development.
Building a strong brand presence.
Partnering with local distributors.
The global tire curing press market is a growing market with a lot of potential. Companies that can offer high-quality products and services, invest in research and development, and build a strong brand presence will be well-positioned to succeed in this market.
About Us:
VynZ Research is a global market research firm offering research, analytics, and consulting services on business strategies. We have a recognized trajectory record and our research database is used by many renowned companies and institutions in the world to strategize and revolutionize business opportunities.
Source: VynZ Research
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On Ao3 here.
Clouds gathered overhead as the two of them trudged down the street.  There was something heavy and strange in the air.  Not the sense of a storm, exactly.  He couldn't put his finger on it, and he was too damn tired to even try.  The two of them had been through more than enough in the past 24 hours. “Some weird shit's goin' down, yanno?”
Rude grunted a reply, eyes hidden behind his shades even in the darkness, though Reno knew the things had night vision.  “Even if it is, not our problem right now.  You heard the boss.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Two entire days of R&R, just for destroying part of the city.  Fan-fuckin'-tastic.”
“You sure you can make it?  We can catch a ride.”
“I can make it a damn block, yo.”  Rude had insisted that Reno stay at his place, at least for tonight.  It was walking distance to HQ, and his partner had made it clear he wasn't about to let him out of his sight until he was certain Reno wasn't going to fall apart.  In truth, Reno felt the same.  Rude didn't show his pain, but that didn't mean it wasn't there.  He wasn't about to leave his partner alone tonight. Not after what he'd been forced to do.  Because of Reno...
The effects of the healing materia were wearing off, and he was feeling it.  The magic had worked well enough to allow them to complete their mission of escorting the new President to his castle, and taking out an AVALANCHE copter or two, but it could only last so long.  Reno could sense the burns resurfacing, myriad little cuts and bruises making themselves known once more.  They wouldn't be as bad, thank Ramuh, but the materia wasn't a true cure-all.  Only rest and time could do that.
They continued in silence, both lost in their own thoughts of the tragedy they'd unleashed.  The heavy clouds overhead opened just as they reached the apartment complex, rain beginning with a vengeance as they ducked into the lobby.  Perks of a Turk salary meant actually getting to live topside and in a fair amount of comfort.  Rude unlocked the door of his unit, and the two of them stumbled in, only slightly damp.  Reno blinked in the sudden brightness as his partner flipped on the lights.  He'd been here on a few occasions throughout the years, but just for an evening of private drinking and the occasional action flick marathon.
“I need a fuckin' drink. Or twelve.”
The apartment was a decent size, with an open kitchen and living room.  A hallway lead off one side into the bedroom and bathroom.  Rude strode to the hall cabinet, pulling out a towel and tossing it over.  “Here. Shower first, while you're still on your feet.  Then we can drink.  Otherwise you'll drown yourself.”  He removed his sunglasses, wiping them down.  Reno glared at him, and he returned the look evenly.  “I'll find something for you to wear.  Oh, and shampoo in the cabinet.  Figured I should keep some around.”
“Yeah... Thanks.”  He rolled his eyes, but didn't have the energy to really protest.  Clutching the towel, he trudged toward the bathroom, retrieving the shampoo as he did.  Once inside, he peeled off the burnt and blackened suit.  The material was meant to offer some protection from all elements, up to a point.  Guess the explosions were a bit too much.  He huffed a humorless laugh as the once-fine material dropped to the floor in an unceremonious pile.  No salvaging that.  His wounds were visible again, purple bruises blooming across his cheeks and chest.  Well, he'd worry about it after he'd washed off.
Stepping into the shower, he let the hot water fall over him.  It stung, and he winced.  Hot, too damn hot.  Steam rose around him like smoke, and he could imagine himself once again surrounded by fire. It was hard to breathe...  Shit.  Gritting his teeth, he turned down the temperature.  The cold water was just as biting, but it jolted him out of his reverie, and at least it didn't carry memories of flames.  He braced a hand against the wall, droplets falling from the crimson strands that fell limply over his eyes.
It was done.  It was past, and there was nothing he... they... could do about it.  Goddamn it.  An entire sector... All of those people... And for what? What the hell had Shinra been thinking?  And he hadn't even seen it happen. The true extent... because he'd fucking fainted. Reno shuddered.  He didn't know if he was crying, or if it was just the steady, cold rain.  It's over, it's done. Thinking about it ain't gonna help.  Don't. You're a Turk.  You don't get the luxury of a conscience.  He sucked in a breath, a tremor running through his slender, bruised frame.  C'mon asshole, clean yourself up.
The body wash smelled like Rude.  Something citrusy, refined.  It felt strange, and just a little bit pleasing, to surround himself with that scent.  Reno focused on it, allowing himself a few moments to bask in the idea of it before remembering that he wasn't the only one in need of a shower. He gave his hair a cursory wash, much quicker than the time he'd normally spend.  Tea tree.  Rude knew him well. Rinsing off, he stepped out, drying his hair as best he could with the towel before wrapping it around his waist.  Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he sighed.  He looked like shit.  Tired, slightly cleaner shit.  The burn on his cheek had returned, as had the one across his chest.  He didn't want to know what his back looked like.
“Alright, partner.  Your turn, yo,” he called as he stepped out.  After a moment, Rude appeared in the doorway, a rather large first aid kit in his hands.  
“First this.”  He held it up.
“Tch. I'm fine.”  He knew it wasn't convincing, given that his full, artful collection of wounds was now on full display.  Rude gave a grunt of disapproval, nodding toward the bed.  Reno sank down with a soft curse, glaring at the wall.  The injuries might not be as bad as they had been, but they still needed care.  He'd been allowed to leave the sick bay only because Rude had insisted he'd look after him.  He hissed as the other began applying salve to the resurfacing burns.  
“Stuff stinks, yo.  I just washed all that shit off!”  He got a noncommittal sound in return.  Rude was trying to be gentle, but the man didn't have the softest fingers.  What wasn't burned was bruised, and what wasn't bruised still felt tender.  Still, he'd rather have his partner's hands on him then the damn Shinra medics.  He trusted Rude, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the sensation of those fingers against his flesh.  Not that he would... or could... admit it.  He felt Rude press something to his back.  Gauze. Yeah, he figured that sore spot was probably bad... But he wasn't as bandaged up as he'd expected.  That was something, at least.   A sputter of protest escaped him when Rude suddenly gripped his chin, albeit loosely, turning his head so he could apply some salve to his right cheek.  Pale blue eyes met warm brown, and Reno's breath hitched in his throat.
“Quit squirming.”
“Mmmph,” he responded, his stomach making some odd sort of maneuver at being caught in that gaze, body stilling as new gauze was set over the injury.
“That's the worst of them.  Not great, but not too horrible.  Definitely better than before.”  Rude set the kit aside and rose to his feet. He nodded his head toward a black shirt by Reno's side.  “You can wear that.  Should be loose enough to be comfortable.  Booze in the kitchen.”
“Damn. Star treatment here, yo.  Bandages and booze.  You're the best, partner.”
There was a flash of something that might have been a grin before Rude turned toward the bathrrom and closed the door.  Reno picked up the indicated shirt, slipping it over his head.  It was a pajama top, and so it was meant to be loose even on Rude.  That meant Reno was nearly swimming in it.  The shoulders were too wide, hanging off his own awkwardly and lengthening the already overlong sleeves.  It hung low enough to easily cover him once he slipped out of the bath towel.
“Damn Behemoth,” he mumbled with a grin, rolling the sleeves up as best he could.  The fabric was silky enough that it didn't hurt against his skin, and … it too held Rude's scent.  How fuckin' domestic. He glanced toward the door, the sound of falling water emanating from beyond.  Outside of that, the room was silent.  Wthout Rude's solid, immediate presence to occupy them, his thoughts slowly started to drift again, back toward the ruins of Sector 7.  The soft smile faded from his lips.
He'd screwed up, overestimated those damn rebels.  He'd gotten his ass handed to him – him, the Turks' 2nd in Command, and because he hadn't been strong enough... And he'd almost lost his partner.  His stomach churned.  He'd almost lost Rude, and then he'd forced him to... To do the unthinkable.  His fingers curled into the supple material of the shirt's hem.  Rude... How could he act so casual about it?  Even for him, it was...  Too much, too damn much.  He hadn't escaped unscathed either, and Reno knew it. They'd both taken their share of hits today.  Dammit, the least he could do was look after his partner the same way he'd been looked after.  He'd love nothing more than to drink himself into oblivion, but he'd survive another few minutes of sobriety. He could do that fucking much.
His mind kept trying to turn itself toward Sector , and he forced himself to look around the room, to find something – anything else to focus on. It was a simply furnished room, all clean lines and uncluttered space.  A dark gray comforter with plum sheets. Sleek black drawers and nightstand, everything in its proper place.  The only things that didn't match, clashing noticeably with the rest of the room, were an odd collection of items from Wall Market that they'd picked up over the years.  Materia pop figures and colorful baubles from the various vending machines, and even a garishly colored fake flower lei from Costa del Sol.  Just a little quirky.  Like the man himself, once you got to know him.  Reno found himself grinning again despite his mood.
The bathroom door opened, startling him out of his memories.  He raised his head, and Rude quirked a brow in question, clad in nothing but a towel.
“What? Thought you were gonna get out of treatment?  Nuh-uh.  Not gonna get shitfaced before I see you bandaged up too, yanno?” Rude's injuries were nowhere near as bad as his own, but just as he'd suspected, the other hadn't gotten away unharmed.  His toned frame bore its fair share of scrapes and bruises, though he hadn't burned as much.
“Hmph. Fair enough.”  Rude dropped to the mattress next to Reno, causing it to dip precariously.  
“Goddamn tank, yo.”  That got an affirmative, and slightly smug-sounding noise.  The most severe injury was a cut along his left arm, though it was nearly hidden by the lines of the tattoo that wound its way around the limb.  Reno carefully smoothed the salve over it, followed by some gauze.  “Dunno how you ya do it... ya got hide like a dragon, yanno?”
“You got speed.  I got defense.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Rub it in, yo.”  He finished up by taping some gauze over the few burns Rude managed to get, mostly along his back.  After carefully pressing the tape along the curve of his muscle, he sat back.  “There.  Now we get to be uncomfortable and itchy all damn night. And now... We need liquor.  Lots of it.”
He padded out to the main room.  Rude followed a few moments later, having abandoned the towel for the matching bottoms to the shirt Reno wore.  There was an impressive collection of alcohol already set on the table. That must have been what Rude was up to while he'd been in the shower “Truly, you're prepared for any situation.”  He smirked as Rude poured them shots.  
“Be a shit Turk if I wasn't.”
For a time, silence hung between them.  What was there to say?  Both of them were thinking the same thoughts, but neither could put them into words.  So they took shots.  A bit of everything from a fancy Costa del Sol rum to some cheap flavored vodka.  Even on the best days, he was a lightweight, and it only took a few burning gulps for the heat to start spreading through his veins.  His thoughts grew fuzzy, but no less dark.  Across from him, Rude was as stoic as always, though his cheeks had a darker flush to them. Eventually they took to just passing bottles between them. How did he do it?  How could he be so goddamn calm.  Like it was just any other day, like these injuries were from any other fucking job? He turned to glare out the kitchen window.
The lights of Sector 8 shone beyond, the rain throwing distorted reflections on every surface.  Nothing looked amiss from this side. No smoke, no fires.  A car would slosh by every so often, and the occasional unlucky traveler braving the elements.  It was hard to imagine that the neighboring plate was simply... gone.  No, not gone.  In smoldering pieces on the ground below, scattered across the ruins of the slums.  Because of Shinra.  Because of them. He snarled wordlessly.
“Reno.” He jumped at the sound, head whipping around so fast he made himself dizzy.
“What?” The other held up a bottle, head inclining in silent question.
“How can ya be ssso goddamn calm?”  He clenched his fists, short nails digging into the soft flesh of his palms.  “I... We... Th' whole fucking plate.  Jusst like that.  Like it was just a nest of wererats, and not a whole fuckin' sssection of th' city!”
Rude's eyes narrowed, and he made a show of staring into the bottle, though a sharp hiss of breath escaped him.  “Like Tseng said,” he slurred after a beat.  “We hadn't done it, someone else would've.” He swirled alcohol around a moment before taking an impressive swig. “We did it our way.  Did what we could.”  He winced at the burn.
“I know that, yo!”  Reno rose, slamming his hand on the table and rattling the bottles.  “Ya think I don' fuckin' know that?”  His breathing came in ragged gasps, bruised ribs aching.  “Doesn't make it better!  This ain't what the Turks do!  We ain't th' best people in th' world but somethin' like that...”  His face was hot, and he could feel the teltale pinprick of tears at the corners of his eyes. Dammit.  When did he get to be this weak?  “What about Zirconiade?  Everyone... They're GONE because of what they did! Midgar.. the world.. It's ssstill here, Shinra's still here makin' shit decisions because they stopped that thing!  Because of the Turks!”  He ran a hand through his still-damp hair.  “They saved everyone.  And what did we do?  We...”  He shook his head.  “No... Fuck that.”
“We didn't even do shit.  You... Because I failed, you had to...” He tried to fight the tears, but it was useless.  He was the second in command.  He'd started the damn thing, he should have finished it.  Instead, he'd allowed himself to get beaten into unconsciousness, and left his partner to do the deed alone.  And that after nearly getting himself blown to hell.  Reno took a step back, swaying uncertainly.  The world was spinning, and he lost his balance.  And suddenly Rude was there, supporting him, strong hands gripping his shoulders.  When did he even..
“Reno. Enough.”
He managed to stand on his own two feet, though still with the other bracing him, as he waited for the room to stop spinning, for his ears to stop ringing.
“Yeah...” His voice sounded strange to him.  Shaky. “Yeah.” Gripping Rude's arm, Reno turned to face him. Or rather, his shoulder.  Goddamn skyscraper of a human.  He sighed, resting his forehead against one tattooed pec.  “'M'sorry...  It was my fault, yanno....”
“Reno.” His name rumbled in Rude's chest like distant thunder.  “It's not. You were down there longer.  And held your own.  Pretty damn impressive from where I was sitting.”
He shook his head.  He hadn't done a good enough job on his own to keep them from taking down the helicopter.  Shit, some superior he'd been.
“Thought... Thought I'd lost ya there for a hot second, yanno?  On top of every other shit thing... I thought...”
“Gonna take more than that.  Gotta be flashier, too.”
“Flashier than a fuckin' flaming helicopter crash?”  He felt Rude shrug in response, and actually gave a small, huffed laugh at that. This close, he could feel Rude's heartbeat.  A strong, steady pulse. His own was fluttering like a caged bird in comparison.  Reno closed his eyes, trying to focus on that rhythm. The only thing keeping him standing, keeping him grounded, was Rude.  That's always how it went.  Ever since they'd first teamed up, so many years ago.  The man was like a pillar, and the irony of that thought didn't escape him.  He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry at it. Rude rumbled something at him, and he blinked, raising his head.  
“Said I'm still here.”  He squeezed Reno's uninjured shoulder.  “And I'm gonna keep bein' here.  And.  You need to get some rest. Now.  It's late.  C”mon, you can have the bed, I'm feeling generous.”
“Wow, lucky me.  Your generosity is astoundin', yanno?”  He kept his tone light, even though he wanted to protest.  It was futile, and his partner was right.  This day had been a week.  But if Rude left him, and if he closed his eyes... what would he see?  What would he be left with?The thought scared him.  He felt Rude start to move... and suddenly he didn't want that.  Not yet...    
“Wait...” Shit, when did his voice sound that small?  “Just... stay like this a little longer, will ya?” I don't want you to leave. I don't wanna be alone.  Damn it, he was being stupid.  He was drunk, his body hot and sore.  He'd been all those things before, but not like this.  Not combined with the storm of anger, fear, and sorrow in his mind.  And Rude... God he was so close.  Shit, they'd never been like this before.  Close.  Just them.  
Stop thinking stupid shit.  You've fucked up enough.  
Reno raised his head, pale beryl meeting deep chocolate as Rude stared down at him, unreadable.
I almost lost him...  
And then, before he could think, he raised up on his toes, crushing his lips against Rude's.  For a few fluttering heartbeats, it was amazing.  And then his whisky-soaked brain caught up with his body and he jerked back, panic buzzing through his entire frame.  Rude blinked down at him, dark eyes wide and lips parted just so.
“I'm... sorry, yo.  I didn't...”  Of all the fucking times.  You're fucking drunk and the world is falling down around you, and you're gonna destroy the one goddamn pillar you got left. Some goddamn professional you are.
Shit, shit shit shit shit-
And then Rude's lips were on his again and all of his frenzied worries collapsed in on themselves.  He closed his eyes, taught muscles relaxing, melting slowly into the other's arms.  When Rude finally pulled away, he left Reno blinking, thoughts swirling fuzzily and bumping into one another.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times without any sound, let alone words.  “Whhh?” he finally managed.
“Wanted to do that for a while now, actually.”
“Y-you did?  But I thought...”  He struggled to nudge his thoughts back in line.  It was like herding cats.  “Thought ya... Shit, I thought ya didn't swing this way...”
“Swing both ways.”
“Then why... Why the fuck didn't ya say something, asshole?”
“Didn't think I was your type.  Why didn't you?  Idiot.”
“I was tryin'a respect you!” “By eavesdropping on my dates?”
“That was one time, yo!”
“So you say.”  But he was grinning.
Reno blinked at him, mouth agape, trying to take it all in.  He gave up, letting his head droop forward to rest against Rude's chest once more.  “Fuckin' bastard,” he muttered into the warmth of his skin.
Rude's frame jerked with what might have been a laugh, if he was prone to such a thing.  “You wanna argue about it more, save it for morning.”  He made to usher Reno toward the bedroom again.  “Now, sleep.  You're practically delirious.  Don't want that.”
This time, Reno allowed himself to be led, dropping to the mattress with a groan.  As soon as he stopped being vertical, his body was more than happy to remind him just how exhausted he was.  Oh, he was going to be in pain in the morning. And have one hell of a hangover.  And... the darkness, the horror, was still there, on the edge of his mind. It would always be there, a part of him now, and he knew it.  But for a little while, at least, he had something to keep it at bay.  Even if whatever happened was just for tonight.
“Hey. You still plannin' on sleepin' on the couch, yo?”
“Hmmm.” Rude made a show of pretending to consider.  “Only if you don't move your scrawny drunk ass over.”
He let Rude slide past him with a sigh of exasperation that was only a little forced.  Once the taller man had settled, Reno lay down again. He felt Rude's back against his, a firm unwavering presence.  He took a deep breath, letting his eyes drift closed.  For now, in this moment, he could breathe again.  Their world had changed. Irreparably.  Soon, they'd have to pick themselves up and step back through the door of Shinra HQ.  They'd have to face the consequences of their actions, and so would all of Shinra.  
They couldn't change the past, they couldn't stop the destruction of Sector 7.  That blood was always going to be on their hands.  He could only hope that the new President would never ask anything so terrible of the Turks again.  Rufus had done his share of scheming, but he seemed to have a cooler head on his shoulders than the old man.  And they still had each other.  He'd screwed up tonight, yet his partner was still here.  Rude was his pillar, the one who kept him from collapsing completely.  He only hoped he could be the same for Rude.
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Tire Curing Press Machine Market - Size, Share, Outlook and Opportunity Analysis, 2018 – 2026
Tire curing press machine is a machine used for giving a final shape to green tires by applying pressure. The machine generates heat that stimulates chemical reaction between rubber and other materials. Tire curing press machine offers several advantages such as precise control and maximum efficiency, quick bladder change, reduced mould damage, increased bladder life, ease of maintenance, and increased productivity of tires.
Increasing demand for green tires, owing to emission control is one of the major factors driving growth of the market
Increasing demand for green tire owing to emission control is one of the major factors driving growth of the global tire curing press machine market. Use of green tire in vehicles offer low rolling resistance and improved fuel efficiency, which further helps in decreasing emission from the vehicle. Therefore, such advantages of green tires is further expected to increase production of green tires in the near future. This factor in turn is expected to inadvertently increase demand for tire curing press machine. Furthermore, tire curing press machine does not require regular maintenance, which helps to reduce overall operational and maintenance cost. Therefore, all these factors contribute to growth of the tire curing press machine market over the forecast period.
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However, lack of awareness among the manufacturer about the benefits of tire curing press machine is one of the factors hampering growth of the tire curing press machine market.
Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Segment Trends
Among product type, the hydraulic tire curing press machine segment is expected witness significant growth with highest CAGR over the forecast period. The hydraulic tire curing press machine offers smoother operation as compared to mechanical tire curing press machine, as it generates less noise during curing process. Moreover, the press is easy to operate, requires low maintenance cost, and less space as compared to mechanical tire curing press machine. Therefore, these factors are propelling demand for hydraulic tire curing press machine segment in the market over the forecast period.
Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Regional Insights
The global tire curing press machine market in Europe accounted for the largest market share in 2017, and expected to retain its dominance over the forecast period. This is owing to the presence of key manufacturers such as Lanxess, Evonik Industries AG, Continental Tire AG in the region, especially in Germany. Moreover, stringent government rules and regulation for reducing greenhouse emission from vehicles is one of the major factors responsible for increasing production of green tire in Europe. For instance, in April 2009, the European government passed EU Regulation No 443/2009, which states that an average CO2 emission for new passenger cars is 130 grams per kilometer and is expected to be reduced to 95 grams per kilometer by 2021. Moreover, in November 2017, the EU set an emissions target for 2020, which is 147 gram of Co2 per kilometer for light commercial vehicles. Silica and Nano materials are used for manufacturing green tires. According to a report published by SciELO, 2017, use of silica and Nano materials results in 20% reduction in rolling resistance of the tire, which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emission. Increase production of green tires, which in turn is propelling demand for tire curing press machine in Europe.
The global tire curing press machine market in Asia Pacific is expected to witness significant growth with highest CAGR over the forecast period. This is owing to investments by key players in the region for increasing production of green tires. For instance, in January 2017, according to the press release of Continental AG, the company invested US$ 289.63 million to start a new plant in Thailand. The plant manufactures green tires for passenger cars and light-weight trucks. Such investments are expected to propel growth of the global tire curing press machine market in Asia Pacific.
Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in the global tire curing press machine market include, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Technology Corporation, McNeil & NRM, Inc., Alfred Herbert (India) Ltd., Specific Engineering Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Rogers Industrial Products Inc., Cima Impianti S.p.a., Guilin Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd., Greatoo Intelligent, and Ling Long Tire.
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kisan0318 · 2 years
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maxmarket99 · 3 years
Global Tire Curing Press Market- Industry Analysis and forecast 2020 – 2027
Global Tire Curing Press Market size was valued at US$ XX Mn. in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.11% over 2020-2027, to account for US$ XX Mn. in 2027. The report covers an in-depth analysis of COVID 19 pandemic impact on Global Tire Curing Press Market by region and on the key players’ revenue affected till July 2020 and expected short-term and long-term impacts on the market. Tire curing press is one type of machine used to give a final shape to green tires by applying pressure. Tire curing press machine provides several benefits like quick bladder change, precise control and maximum efficiency increased bladder life & productivity of tires, reduced mold damage, and ease of maintenance. Global Tire Curing Press Market 📷📷 The global market for tire curing press is expected to gain market growth from 2020 to 2027 thanks to expanding automotive aftermarket and rising investments in tire manufacturing. The growing demand for green tires owing to emission control is also the major factor driving the growth market. Moreover, the tire curing press does not need consistent maintenance, which further aids in dipping overall operational and maintenance costs. This is expected to boom the growth of the tire curing press market globally. Developments in tire curing press provide a technological edge with competitive benefits to the manufacturers, thus attributing to the substantial growth of the global market for tire curing press over 2020-2027. Furthermore, the integration of various functions and easy-to-service design will drive the demand for tire curing presses in upcoming years. However, the global tire curing press market is hampered by the lack of skilled labor to perform essential complex functions and operations. By product, the hydraulic curing press machine segment held the largest market share of XX.56% in 2019 and is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of XX.12% to reach US$ XX Mn. by 2027. The hydraulic tire curing press machine provides smoother operation in comparison with the mechanical tire curing press machine, as it makes less noise during the curing process. The growing demand for cured tires for commercial vehicles, passenger cars, aviation vehicles, and off-the-road equipment around the world is fueling the growth of the global tire curing press market. Likewise, the MMR report will provide an accurate prediction of the contribution of the various segments to the growth of the tire curing press market size. Global Tire Curing Press Market1 The report offers a brief analysis of the major regions in the market, namely, APAC, Europe, North America, MEA, and Latin America. Among these, the APAC region is expected to hold the largest XX.76% growth rate during the forecast period thanks to the rising automotive and tire recycling industry. Additionally, the rapidly growing population in economies such as India and China, the improving economic conditions in India, Vietnam, and Thailand, and the growing investments in the automotive aftermarket is likely to further boost the demand for tire curing press in the APAC. In 2020, the total revenue of Larsen & Toubro Limited was US$ 21 Bn. The Larsen & Toubro RPM Unit provides a complete range of Hydraulic Tire Curing presses for light truck, curing passenger, and truck tires. Hydraulic Presses manufactured by L&T RPM are operative in various economies like the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Likewise, the research study includes the profiles of leading companies operating in the tire curing press market globally. The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Tire Curing Press Market to the stakeholders in the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers, and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic
factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analysed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Tire Curing Press Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Tire Curing Press Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by product, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Tire Curing Press Market make the report investor’s guide. Scope of the Global Tire Curing Press Market: Inquire before buying Global Tire Curing Press Market2 Key players operating in the Global Tire Curing Press Market: • Larsen & Toubro Limited • McNeil & NRM, Inc. • Hebert • Rogers Industrial Products Inc. • Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH • Doublestar • Guilin Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd. • Deshengli • Specific Engineering Corporation Pvt. Ltd. • Gold Hawk • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Technology Corporation • Greatoo Intelligent • Himile • Alfred Herbert (India) Ltd. • Cima Impianti S.p.a. • Ling Long Tire. • Others For More Information Visit @: This Report Is Submitted By : Maximize Market Research Company Customization of the report: Maximize Market Research provides free personalized of reports as per your demand. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with us and our sales team will guarantee provide you to get a report that suits your necessities. About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 20,000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.
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Tire Curing Press Machine Market - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018 – 2026
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Tire curing press machine is a machine used for giving a final shape to green tires by applying pressure. The machine generates heat that stimulates chemical reaction between rubber and other materials. Tire curing press machine offers several advantages such as precise control and maximum efficiency, quick bladder change, reduced mould damage, increased bladder life, ease of maintenance, and increased productivity of tires.
Increasing demand for green tires, owing to emission control is one of the major factors driving growth of the market
Increasing demand for green tire owing to emission control is one of the major factors driving growth of the global tire curing press machine market. Use of green tire in vehicles offer low rolling resistance and improved fuel efficiency, which further helps in decreasing emission from the vehicle. Therefore, such advantages of green tires is further expected to increase production of green tires in the near future. This factor in turn is expected to inadvertently increase demand for tire curing press machine. Furthermore, tire curing press machine does not require regular maintenance, which helps to reduce overall operational and maintenance cost. Therefore, all these factors contribute to growth of the tire curing press machine market over the forecast period.
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Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Segment Trends
Among product type, the hydraulic tire curing press machine segment is expected witness significant growth with highest CAGR over the forecast period. The hydraulic tire curing press machine offers smoother operation as compared to mechanical tire curing press machine, as it generates less noise during curing process. Moreover, the press is easy to operate, requires low maintenance cost, and less space as compared to mechanical tire curing press machine. Therefore, these factors are propelling demand for hydraulic tire curing press machine segment in the market over the forecast period.
Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Regional Insights
The global tire curing press machine market in Europe accounted for the largest market share in 2017, and expected to retain its dominance over the forecast period. This is owing to the presence of key manufacturers such as Lanxess, Evonik Industries AG, Continental Tire AG in the region, especially in Germany. Moreover, stringent government rules and regulation for reducing greenhouse emission from vehicles is one of the major factors responsible for increasing production of green tire in Europe. For instance, in April 2009, the European government passed EU Regulation No 443/2009, which states that an average CO2 emission for new passenger cars is 130 grams per kilometer and is expected to be reduced to 95 grams per kilometer by 2021. Moreover, in November 2017, the EU set an emissions target for 2020, which is 147 gram of Co2 per kilometer for light commercial vehicles. Silica and Nano materials are used for manufacturing green tires. According to a report published by SciELO, 2017, use of silica and Nano materials results in 20% reduction in rolling resistance of the tire, which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emission. Increase production of green tires, which in turn is propelling demand for tire curing press machine in Europe.
The global tire curing press machine market in Asia Pacific is expected to witness significant growth with highest CAGR over the forecast period. This is owing to investments by key players in the region for increasing production of green tires. For instance, in January 2017, according to the press release of Continental AG, the company invested US$ 289.63 million to start a new plant in Thailand. The plant manufactures green tires for passenger cars and light-weight trucks. Such investments are expected to propel growth of the global tire curing press machine market in Asia Pacific.
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Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in the global tire curing press machine market include, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Technology Corporation, McNeil & NRM, Inc., Alfred Herbert (India) Ltd., Specific Engineering Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Rogers Industrial Products Inc., Cima Impianti S.p.a., Guilin Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd., Greatoo Intelligent, and Ling Long Tire.
Global Tire Curing Press Machine Market: Taxonomy
By Product Type:
Mechanical Curing Press Machine
Hydraulic Curing Press Machine
Hybrid Curing Press Machine
By Application:
Ordinary Tire
Radical Tire
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Tire Curing Press Market Technological Growth and Up-gradations 2023
The Tire Curing Press Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2019–2023 report has been added to Acquire Market Research offering. The global Tire Curing Press Market report offers important data to help the firms cope up with the knowledge gap due to the advancements in the industry and effectively utilize the opportunities that present itself into the ever-changing market. Tire Curing Press Market highlights the information about the dominant player's industries and market, technologies, and abilities over the trends and the developments of the industries. After deep research and analysis by the experts, they also disclosed the data about the strong contenders contributing to the market growth and expansion and challenging one another in terms of demand, supply, production, value estimation, revenue, and sales. Click here for sample report@ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/197423/ The latest report offers wide-ranging coverage of several important industry verticals along with key market players. It as well offers consistency on the part of analysis or estimation across a range of coverage areas and geographies. Major Key players of Tire Curing Press Market: Larsen and Toubro, Mitsubishi, HF GROUP, McNeil and NRM, Greatoo Intelligent, Alfred Herbert (India), Specific Engineering Corporation, Guilin Rubber Machinery, Rogers Industrial Products, Cima Impianti, Ling Long Tire The following Types are covered : Mechanical Curing Press Machine, Hydraulic Curing Press Machine, Hybrid Curing Press Machine Applications covered in the report (Market Size & Forecast, Different Market Demands by Region, Main Consumer Profile, etc. Ordinary Tire, Radical Tire Promising Regions & Countries Mentioned In The Tire Curing Press Market Report: North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, etc.), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, etc.), South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa, etc.) Abstract • The report covers the forecast and analysis for the Tire Curing Press Market on a global and regional level. • The report includes the positive and negative factors that are influencing the growth of the market. • The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report. • The market numbers have been calculated using top-down and bottom-up approaches. • The Tire Curing Press Market has been analyzed using S.T.E.E.P.L.E. Analysis (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical, Political, Legal, Ethical). • The market is segmented on the basis of Tire Curing Press Market type, software type, service type, solution type, and application type, which in turn is bifurcated on a regional level as well. • All the segments have been evaluated based on present and future trends. • The report deals with in-depth quantitative and qualitative analyses of the Tire Curing Press Market. • The report includes detailed company profiles of the prominent market players. Click here to get discount@ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/197423/ The global Tire Curing Press Market report conveys the information regarding the précised escalation or decline in market growth due to several key factors. The analysts, using various analytical methodologies such as SWOT analysis, S.T.E.E.P.L.E. Analysis, etc. among others to generate the precise forecast belonging to the growth rate and upcoming opportunities in the market growth at the global level. The global Tire Curing Press Market report represents the complete information of the market in an eye-catching and easily understandable way with examples, figures, graphs, and flowcharts. Inquire more or share questions if any before the purchase on this report @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/enquire-before/197423/ Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report versions like North America, Europe or Asia.
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Tire Curing Press Market Size to 2021 Analysis by Applications, Types
Global Tire Curing Press Market is expected to grow at significant CAGR in the years to come as the scope and its application are rising enormously across the globe. Tire Curing Press Market is segmented based on types, application, and region. Tire Curing Press is also known as Tire Vulcanizer is a tool used for manufacturing bicycle tires, motorcycle tires, and S/C, I/D tires.
Tire curing is a procedure of applying pressure to the green tire in a mold so as to give it its final finishing shape. For tire curing presses, the importance is given on enhancing the process efficacy by reducing the energy consumption. These are equipped with controls to ensemble the technology and requirements of the numerous tire producers.
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The factors that are playing major role in the Tire Curing Press Market are rapid urbanization and growing spending power of people which help to gather steam again, government initiative and funding is raising trend of automation, growing investor interests to have a positive influence on the market.
Tire Curing Press Market is classified, by types into Hybrid Curing Press, Mechanical Curing Press, Hydraulic Curing Press, and others. The toggle linkages are used in mechanical presses to grip the mold, whereas hydraulic oil is used by hydraulic presses as the major agent for machine motion, and lock the mold with a breech-lock mechanism. This is because hydraulic curing press has resetting equipment accuracy, higher concentricity, and parallelism. Moreover, these are most cost-effective, light weight, and appropriate for vulcanized radial tire.
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Tire Curing Press Market is classified, by generic mold types into Two-piece Molds, and Segmental Molds. Tire Curing Press Market is classified, by applications into Radial tire, Ordinary Tire, and others. Tire Curing Press Market is segmented, geographically into North America, Europe (Eastern Europe, Western Europe), Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.
Tire Curing Press Industry key players are, Gold Hawk, HF Tire Tech, Linsheng, Kobe Steel, Himile, MHIMT, BBD, Hebert, Deshengli, Larsen & Toubro, Doublestar, McNeil & NRM, Shenghualong, Alfred Herbert, Sinoarp, Rogers, SCUT Bestry, CIMA Impianti, Linglong, ROTAS, and Guilin Rubber Machinery.
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helatherwhite · 7 years
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The cellulitis and ways to reduce it is a very popular topic for a reason is almost every woman (and some men too) is affected by it at a certain point of their life. And it doesn’t matter if it’s postpartum cellulitis, post-menopausal or youth cellulitis, you still feel bad about the image you see in a mirror. But don’t be as there is a fix for every problem, and this one is no exception.
To cure or at least greatly diminish your bumpy-lumpy look, you need to understand the problem completely. And to do that we highly recommend reading our comprehensive article about the issue.
Click here if you want to know more about what cellulite is, what causes it and how to treat it successfully.
As this article will be focused on actual products, which can help solving this heartbreaking problem.
Cellulite massagers
There are different types of massagers, brushes, and blasters, which marketed too smooth-out orange peel appearance of your skin. They differ in look and performance significantly. Here’s what you need to know to choose the right one for your needs.
Manual massagers
The pros of manual massagers are that they are mostly simple in construction and as result sturdy and reliable. They also can be used in the showers, hot-tubs, saunas and/or away from electricity source without limitation. Lastly, you’re using your arm muscles to perform a massage, what strengthen them as well as make your heart pumping faster and using more calories.
From another hand, it’s a big drawback too. As your arms will get tired much faster than with electric anti-cellulite machines, resulting in shorter massage sessions and potentially inferior results.
Brush Mitts
Round or palm shaped scrubbers that fit nicely in the palm of your hand. Because you don’t need hold tightly on it, but rather press with your whole palm, it’s less tiring for hands than some types of rollers.
They are good for using with creams on any body area, especially for early stage cellulitis.
You can go wrong with this Brush Mitt loved by many.
The difference with brush mitt is that rollers have rolling parts that roll over your skin when you press on it. There are rollers that have pointy fingers that allow more intense deeper penetration in your tissues.
This one is a classic example of roller massager for cellulite removal.
Roller sticks
The advantage of roller sticks is that they can be held with both hands spreading the work load evenly. These are great for back, upper legs and behind the knee areas. A great example of roller stick is this one. There are many wooden roller sticks on the market, but they all made in China with some quality issues.
Octopus massagers
Those are great for smaller areas but for deeper massage, as those “tentacles” can reach deep into your fat deposits. The drawback is that the plastic head attachment tends to break after some time, so you advised to choose “head-less” options like this one.
Fascia blaster
What would happen if octopus massager will mate with roller stick? You will get Fascia blaster sold exclusively by Ashley Black for quite a price of 89$ plus tax and shipping. Though there is something unique about fascia blaster and how deep and thorough it can be in detaching your connective tissue and letting your fat to smooth out.
But don’t hurry to pull out your credit card for this one, as if you feel creative today, you can make your own fascia blaster for the fraction of price and quite an upgrade of the handle grip. Just check the tutorial in here.
Dry brushes
Dry brushing is mainly used for exfoliation and improvement of circulation. But blood and lymph circulation play a crucial role in formation and dissolving of fat pockets. Thus, this product is ought to be mentioned in this article.
Dry brush is a valuable addition to your anti-cellulitis tool-set no matter of what other rollers or creams you have in it. The classic boar bristle brush (without anti-cellulite nubs) would be the best choice, as wooden nubs interfere with proper dry brushing, though it’s a personal choice for everyone.
Vacuum cups
Another way to improve lymph and blood circulation is by using vacuum cups. You can use them in different ways. For general improvement of circulation, you attach them to your skin usually on wet or good lubricated skin and moving up and down in the direction of your heart. To activate circulation in particular spot you suck them on the spot and live for some time there. After removing silicone cup you will bruise on that spot, and it’s what you want. As bruising will cause local inflammation and will signal to the body to improve circulation and bring more nutrients and cleaning crew to that spot.
Different people have different success with cupping. Some like it for some it’s too much bruising. But you can try yourself and decide. Just to be sure to choose better quality cups (like this one), so they last.
Electric massagers
Cellulite Massage machines come in various sizes and forms, but they all electricity powered what allows you to save some muscle energy while giving yourself longer, deeper and more efficient massage.
All electric handheld massage devices marketed mainly for two purposes:
Muscle massage – to provide pain relief and alleviate stiffness
Anti-cellulite effect – to smooth out fat bumps and dimples
However, both types of machines are pretty similar and differ mainly in massaging attachments and intensity of the massage. Different devices also can differ whether they are cordless or corded, do they have heat, and what they use vibration and/or percussion movements.
We won’t go deep into the realm of electric massagers, but rather discuss ones of the most popular on the current market. In terms where to buy it, Amazon offers the widest variety, but Wal-Mart has better prices on some of them. But, what can beat 2-day shipping, right?
So here is our top suggestion for best electrical personal massagers.
Pure Wave CM7
Powerful and well built
Cordless with built-in Li-ion battery.
Has both vibration and percussion.
6 massaging attachments
Has mostly positive customers reviews
Priced higher than average
Li-ion batteries have limited life span.
WAHL 4290-300
4 attachment heads
Reliable 8 foot cord
While cord provides better reliability, it less comfortable to use
Has only percussion
Massaging techniques
Techniques you’re using very dependent on what equipment, if any, you have and what area you are working on. However, regardless of what and how you will be using, it’s always better to prepare the area. As you will see faster and more significant results.
Massage area preparation
Heat the area from outside and inside – You can heat the area from inside by engaging in a cardio exercise of any kind: run, bike, do rebounding on a trampoline, anything you like. To heat your body from outside, you can take hot shower or bath, spend some time in the sauna or hot tub.
Apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oils – cellulite-busting creams could get your bumpy ridges to smooth out much faster, though its effects are known to be short term. So the best way to use fat burning and body firming creams is when you need to get results before a certain event, like a vacation.
Massage oils are a must for all types of massage except dry brushing, as it allows to move fingers or nodes of massager easier, doing better work on detaching fascia and blasting fat, without irritating your gentle skin.
Massage techniques for manual massage
This technique is called kneading as it resembles the process of kneading the dough. You can do finger kneading for smaller areas and the whole palm kneading for larger areas as thighs and buttocks.
The video below is one of the best on how to use this type of massage to reduce cellulite.
Wringing is a movement similar to wringing the water from wet clothes. You grasp your skin and fat firmly and move one hand forward while moving another one backward.
Knuckle massage
Clench your palm to form a fist and press knuckles firmly against your skin and move in upward or circular motions. This technique will provide you with deeper more intense massage which is essential for effective cellulite treatment.
The “S” Massage
Grasp with both hands in line that thumbs are looking at each other and twist in opposite directions forming letter as shape. Use picture number 4 in the diagram by Lotte Tissenkopfa below for clarification.
Stroking and smoothing
This type of massage is good for starting and finishing a massage session as it helps to send blood and tissue fluids back to the heart. Notice how in the video below the massage therapist smooth down and stroke up, meaning that he presses much harder when he goes up.
Massage Techniques for Silicone cupping
The technique for silicone suction cups is very simple. Apply a lot of massage oil suction a silicone cup and start moving it back and forth. Move in the same directions rather than go all around as it works better for fascia detaching and fat cells spreading.
Technique for massage rollers and fascia blaster
You can find hundreds of videos on Youtube dedicated to how to use fascia blaster on various problematic zones. Here’s a couple of them, that are the most informative in a sense of what you should do.
How to fascia blast your stomach
How to fascia blast your booty
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The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin published first on http://wellnessgeeky.blogspot.com
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denisalvney · 7 years
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The cellulitis and ways to reduce it is a very popular topic for a reason is almost every woman (and some men too) is affected by it at a certain point of their life. And it doesn’t matter if it’s postpartum cellulitis, post-menopausal or youth cellulitis, you still feel bad about the image you see in a mirror. But don’t be as there is a fix for every problem, and this one is no exception.
To cure or at least greatly diminish your bumpy-lumpy look, you need to understand the problem completely. And to do that we highly recommend reading our comprehensive article about the issue.
Click here if you want to know more about what cellulite is, what causes it and how to treat it successfully.
As this article will be focused on actual products, which can help solving this heartbreaking problem.
Cellulite massagers
There are different types of massagers, brushes, and blasters, which marketed too smooth-out orange peel appearance of your skin. They differ in look and performance significantly. Here’s what you need to know to choose the right one for your needs.
Manual massagers
The pros of manual massagers are that they are mostly simple in construction and as result sturdy and reliable. They also can be used in the showers, hot-tubs, saunas and/or away from electricity source without limitation. Lastly, you’re using your arm muscles to perform a massage, what strengthen them as well as make your heart pumping faster and using more calories.
From another hand, it’s a big drawback too. As your arms will get tired much faster than with electric anti-cellulite machines, resulting in shorter massage sessions and potentially inferior results.
Brush Mitts
Round or palm shaped scrubbers that fit nicely in the palm of your hand. Because you don’t need hold tightly on it, but rather press with your whole palm, it’s less tiring for hands than some types of rollers.
They are good for using with creams on any body area, especially for early stage cellulitis.
You can go wrong with this Brush Mitt loved by many.
The difference with brush mitt is that rollers have rolling parts that roll over your skin when you press on it. There are rollers that have pointy fingers that allow more intense deeper penetration in your tissues.
This one is a classic example of roller massager for cellulite removal.
Roller sticks
The advantage of roller sticks is that they can be held with both hands spreading the work load evenly. These are great for back, upper legs and behind the knee areas. A great example of roller stick is this one. There are many wooden roller sticks on the market, but they all made in China with some quality issues.
Octopus massagers
Those are great for smaller areas but for deeper massage, as those “tentacles” can reach deep into your fat deposits. The drawback is that the plastic head attachment tends to break after some time, so you advised to choose “head-less” options like this one.
Fascia blaster
What would happen if octopus massager will mate with roller stick? You will get Fascia blaster sold exclusively by Ashley Black for quite a price of 89$ plus tax and shipping. Though there is something unique about fascia blaster and how deep and thorough it can be in detaching your connective tissue and letting your fat to smooth out.
But don’t hurry to pull out your credit card for this one, as if you feel creative today, you can make your own fascia blaster for the fraction of price and quite an upgrade of the handle grip. Just check the tutorial in here.
Dry brushes
Dry brushing is mainly used for exfoliation and improvement of circulation. But blood and lymph circulation play a crucial role in formation and dissolving of fat pockets. Thus, this product is ought to be mentioned in this article.
Dry brush is a valuable addition to your anti-cellulitis tool-set no matter of what other rollers or creams you have in it. The classic boar bristle brush (without anti-cellulite nubs) would be the best choice, as wooden nubs interfere with proper dry brushing, though it’s a personal choice for everyone.
Vacuum cups
Another way to improve lymph and blood circulation is by using vacuum cups. You can use them in different ways. For general improvement of circulation, you attach them to your skin usually on wet or good lubricated skin and moving up and down in the direction of your heart. To activate circulation in particular spot you suck them on the spot and live for some time there. After removing silicone cup you will bruise on that spot, and it’s what you want. As bruising will cause local inflammation and will signal to the body to improve circulation and bring more nutrients and cleaning crew to that spot.
Different people have different success with cupping. Some like it for some it’s too much bruising. But you can try yourself and decide. Just to be sure to choose better quality cups (like this one), so they last.
Electric massagers
Cellulite Massage machines come in various sizes and forms, but they all electricity powered what allows you to save some muscle energy while giving yourself longer, deeper and more efficient massage.
All electric handheld massage devices marketed mainly for two purposes:
Muscle massage – to provide pain relief and alleviate stiffness
Anti-cellulite effect – to smooth out fat bumps and dimples
However, both types of machines are pretty similar and differ mainly in massaging attachments and intensity of the massage. Different devices also can differ whether they are cordless or corded, do they have heat, and what they use vibration and/or percussion movements.
We won’t go deep into the realm of electric massagers, but rather discuss ones of the most popular on the current market. In terms where to buy it, Amazon offers the widest variety, but Wal-Mart has better prices on some of them. But, what can beat 2-day shipping, right?
So here is our top suggestion for best electrical personal massagers.
Pure Wave CM7
Powerful and well built
Cordless with built-in Li-ion battery.
Has both vibration and percussion.
6 massaging attachments
Has mostly positive customers reviews
Priced higher than average
Li-ion batteries have limited life span.
WAHL 4290-300
4 attachment heads
Reliable 8 foot cord
While cord provides better reliability, it less comfortable to use
Has only percussion
Massaging techniques
Techniques you’re using very dependent on what equipment, if any, you have and what area you are working on. However, regardless of what and how you will be using, it’s always better to prepare the area. As you will see faster and more significant results.
Massage area preparation
Heat the area from outside and inside – You can heat the area from inside by engaging in a cardio exercise of any kind: run, bike, do rebounding on a trampoline, anything you like. To heat your body from outside, you can take hot shower or bath, spend some time in the sauna or hot tub.
Apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oils – cellulite-busting creams could get your bumpy ridges to smooth out much faster, though its effects are known to be short term. So the best way to use fat burning and body firming creams is when you need to get results before a certain event, like a vacation.
Massage oils are a must for all types of massage except dry brushing, as it allows to move fingers or nodes of massager easier, doing better work on detaching fascia and blasting fat, without irritating your gentle skin.
Massage techniques for manual massage
This technique is called kneading as it resembles the process of kneading the dough. You can do finger kneading for smaller areas and the whole palm kneading for larger areas as thighs and buttocks.
The video below is one of the best on how to use this type of massage to reduce cellulite.
Wringing is a movement similar to wringing the water from wet clothes. You grasp your skin and fat firmly and move one hand forward while moving another one backward.
Knuckle massage
Clench your palm to form a fist and press knuckles firmly against your skin and move in upward or circular motions. This technique will provide you with deeper more intense massage which is essential for effective cellulite treatment.
The “S” Massage
Grasp with both hands in line that thumbs are looking at each other and twist in opposite directions forming letter as shape. Use picture number 4 in the diagram by Lotte Tissenkopfa below for clarification.
Stroking and smoothing
This type of massage is good for starting and finishing a massage session as it helps to send blood and tissue fluids back to the heart. Notice how in the video below the massage therapist smooth down and stroke up, meaning that he presses much harder when he goes up.
Massage Techniques for Silicone cupping
The technique for silicone suction cups is very simple. Apply a lot of massage oil suction a silicone cup and start moving it back and forth. Move in the same directions rather than go all around as it works better for fascia detaching and fat cells spreading.
Technique for massage rollers and fascia blaster
You can find hundreds of videos on Youtube dedicated to how to use fascia blaster on various problematic zones. Here’s a couple of them, that are the most informative in a sense of what you should do.
How to fascia blast your stomach
How to fascia blast your booty
Post Source Here: The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin published first on https://wellnessgeeky.tumblr.com
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natiashakirkwood · 7 years
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The cellulitis and ways to reduce it is a very popular topic for a reason is almost every woman (and some men too) is affected by it at a certain point of their life. And it doesn’t matter if it’s postpartum cellulitis, post-menopausal or youth cellulitis, you still feel bad about the image you see in a mirror. But don’t be as there is a fix for every problem, and this one is no exception.
To cure or at least greatly diminish your bumpy-lumpy look, you need to understand the problem completely. And to do that we highly recommend reading our comprehensive article about the issue.
Click here if you want to know more about what cellulite is, what causes it and how to treat it successfully.
As this article will be focused on actual products, which can help solving this heartbreaking problem.
Cellulite massagers
There are different types of massagers, brushes, and blasters, which marketed too smooth-out orange peel appearance of your skin. They differ in look and performance significantly. Here’s what you need to know to choose the right one for your needs.
Manual massagers
The pros of manual massagers are that they are mostly simple in construction and as result sturdy and reliable. They also can be used in the showers, hot-tubs, saunas and/or away from electricity source without limitation. Lastly, you’re using your arm muscles to perform a massage, what strengthen them as well as make your heart pumping faster and using more calories.
From another hand, it’s a big drawback too. As your arms will get tired much faster than with electric anti-cellulite machines, resulting in shorter massage sessions and potentially inferior results.
Brush Mitts
Round or palm shaped scrubbers that fit nicely in the palm of your hand. Because you don’t need hold tightly on it, but rather press with your whole palm, it’s less tiring for hands than some types of rollers.
They are good for using with creams on any body area, especially for early stage cellulitis.
You can go wrong with this Brush Mitt loved by many.
The difference with brush mitt is that rollers have rolling parts that roll over your skin when you press on it. There are rollers that have pointy fingers that allow more intense deeper penetration in your tissues.
This one is a classic example of roller massager for cellulite removal.
Roller sticks
The advantage of roller sticks is that they can be held with both hands spreading the work load evenly. These are great for back, upper legs and behind the knee areas. A great example of roller stick is this one. There are many wooden roller sticks on the market, but they all made in China with some quality issues.
Octopus massagers
Those are great for smaller areas but for deeper massage, as those “tentacles” can reach deep into your fat deposits. The drawback is that the plastic head attachment tends to break after some time, so you advised to choose “head-less” options like this one.
Fascia blaster
What would happen if octopus massager will mate with roller stick? You will get Fascia blaster sold exclusively by Ashley Black for quite a price of 89$ plus tax and shipping. Though there is something unique about fascia blaster and how deep and thorough it can be in detaching your connective tissue and letting your fat to smooth out.
But don’t hurry to pull out your credit card for this one, as if you feel creative today, you can make your own fascia blaster for the fraction of price and quite an upgrade of the handle grip. Just check the tutorial in here.
Dry brushes
Dry brushing is mainly used for exfoliation and improvement of circulation. But blood and lymph circulation play a crucial role in formation and dissolving of fat pockets. Thus, this product is ought to be mentioned in this article.
Dry brush is a valuable addition to your anti-cellulitis tool-set no matter of what other rollers or creams you have in it. The classic boar bristle brush (without anti-cellulite nubs) would be the best choice, as wooden nubs interfere with proper dry brushing, though it’s a personal choice for everyone.
Vacuum cups
Another way to improve lymph and blood circulation is by using vacuum cups. You can use them in different ways. For general improvement of circulation, you attach them to your skin usually on wet or good lubricated skin and moving up and down in the direction of your heart. To activate circulation in particular spot you suck them on the spot and live for some time there. After removing silicone cup you will bruise on that spot, and it’s what you want. As bruising will cause local inflammation and will signal to the body to improve circulation and bring more nutrients and cleaning crew to that spot.
Different people have different success with cupping. Some like it for some it’s too much bruising. But you can try yourself and decide. Just to be sure to choose better quality cups (like this one), so they last.
Electric massagers
Cellulite Massage machines come in various sizes and forms, but they all electricity powered what allows you to save some muscle energy while giving yourself longer, deeper and more efficient massage.
All electric handheld massage devices marketed mainly for two purposes:
Muscle massage – to provide pain relief and alleviate stiffness
Anti-cellulite effect – to smooth out fat bumps and dimples
However, both types of machines are pretty similar and differ mainly in massaging attachments and intensity of the massage. Different devices also can differ whether they are cordless or corded, do they have heat, and what they use vibration and/or percussion movements.
We won’t go deep into the realm of electric massagers, but rather discuss ones of the most popular on the current market. In terms where to buy it, Amazon offers the widest variety, but Wal-Mart has better prices on some of them. But, what can beat 2-day shipping, right?
So here is our top suggestion for best electrical personal massagers.
Pure Wave CM7
Powerful and well built
Cordless with built-in Li-ion battery.
Has both vibration and percussion.
6 massaging attachments
Has mostly positive customers reviews
Priced higher than average
Li-ion batteries have limited life span.
WAHL 4290-300
4 attachment heads
Reliable 8 foot cord
While cord provides better reliability, it less comfortable to use
Has only percussion
Massaging techniques
Techniques you’re using very dependent on what equipment, if any, you have and what area you are working on. However, regardless of what and how you will be using, it’s always better to prepare the area. As you will see faster and more significant results.
Massage area preparation
Heat the area from outside and inside – You can heat the area from inside by engaging in a cardio exercise of any kind: run, bike, do rebounding on a trampoline, anything you like. To heat your body from outside, you can take hot shower or bath, spend some time in the sauna or hot tub.
Apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oils – cellulite-busting creams could get your bumpy ridges to smooth out much faster, though its effects are known to be short term. So the best way to use fat burning and body firming creams is when you need to get results before a certain event, like a vacation.
Massage oils are a must for all types of massage except dry brushing, as it allows to move fingers or nodes of massager easier, doing better work on detaching fascia and blasting fat, without irritating your gentle skin.
Massage techniques for manual massage
This technique is called kneading as it resembles the process of kneading the dough. You can do finger kneading for smaller areas and the whole palm kneading for larger areas as thighs and buttocks.
The video below is one of the best on how to use this type of massage to reduce cellulite.
Wringing is a movement similar to wringing the water from wet clothes. You grasp your skin and fat firmly and move one hand forward while moving another one backward.
Knuckle massage
Clench your palm to form a fist and press knuckles firmly against your skin and move in upward or circular motions. This technique will provide you with deeper more intense massage which is essential for effective cellulite treatment.
The “S” Massage
Grasp with both hands in line that thumbs are looking at each other and twist in opposite directions forming letter as shape. Use picture number 4 in the diagram by Lotte Tissenkopfa below for clarification.
Stroking and smoothing
This type of massage is good for starting and finishing a massage session as it helps to send blood and tissue fluids back to the heart. Notice how in the video below the massage therapist smooth down and stroke up, meaning that he presses much harder when he goes up.
Massage Techniques for Silicone cupping
The technique for silicone suction cups is very simple. Apply a lot of massage oil suction a silicone cup and start moving it back and forth. Move in the same directions rather than go all around as it works better for fascia detaching and fat cells spreading.
Technique for massage rollers and fascia blaster
You can find hundreds of videos on Youtube dedicated to how to use fascia blaster on various problematic zones. Here’s a couple of them, that are the most informative in a sense of what you should do.
How to fascia blast your stomach
How to fascia blast your booty
Learn More Here: The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin
The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin published first on https://wellnessgeeky.wordpress.com
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itsworn · 7 years
Whitewall Tires 101: How They’re Made and Why They’re Cool
Trends come and go within our hobby, but there are a few things that stand the test of time. While many hot rodders have changed their opinion about stance, color combinations, and interior fabrics over the years, we’ve noticed that wide whitewall tires have remained a popular alternative to generic black sidewall tires. There is no question that tire and wheel styles have evolved over the years, but we’re going to take a look at the history of whitewall tires and how it has influenced the hot rod community.
Before we concentrate solely on hot rods, let’s take a look at whitewall history in the automobile manufacturing world. Originally, tires were off-white in color, due to the color of the natural rubber formula. Tire manufacturers then added zinc oxide to the formula, which gave the tires a brighter white appearance. White tires were not a status symbol or aesthetic feature—it was just how the tires were produced. The tires would quickly turn to a beige color as they traversed the dirt roads of yesteryear.
It wasn’t until 1910 that BFGoodrich started adding carbon black to its tires, as this ingredient added strength and durability to the rubber. Soon, most new cars rolled out of the factory on black tires, as this updated chemistry resulted in a stronger tire. Since adding carbon black to the rubber was an additional production cost, some tire companies added it only to the tread surface. This resulted in the first tire with a white sidewall quite by accident. The whitewall would later be refined, and it eventually transitioned to a strip of white rubber being added to the tire’s all-black carcass during the manufacturing process.
Though the whitewall tire was not originally a fashion statement, this look caught on quickly and became an affordable upgrade to most passenger cars. New car buyers could elect to spend a few extra bucks and have their car equipped with wide whitewalls; this appearance package was popular for quite some time.
As tire and wheel size evolved through the years, the diameter shrank, while the widths grew slightly. And by the end of the ’50s, most American cars were rolling on 14×5 wheels, with the option to upgrade to tires with a 2.5-inch whitewall. In 1962, a major transition happened, as wide whitewalls were phased out of most regular car options, being replaced with 1-inch whitewalls. These too, would eventually shrink to 7/8-, 3/4-, 5/8-inch, and so on, until the whitewall all but disappeared.
Certain makes and models kept the whitewall tire alive as an option, but this change in original equipment came at a time when aftermarket tire manufacturers were experimenting with new styles and designs. By 1970, the raised white letter tire took a stronghold in the muscle car community, and the sporty looks naturally fit the bill for modified cars of the era. This was also a transitional time for tire companies, as the switch from bias-ply to radial was happening across the country.
Hot Rod Tires If you weren’t around for those initial days of hot rodding, we can simplify the hobby by breaking down ’40s and ’50s hot rods in two very basic categories: race-inspired hot rods and customized show cars. The race-inspired cars typically used blackwall tires, which were often passenger car tires modified for racing or purpose-built race tires. On the other hand, customized show cars had a much more glamorous appearance with slick paint and chrome plating, so wide whitewalls were a natural extension of that high-end styling. These two basic categories have blended and crossed over many times since the inception of the hobby. These days, there is always a battle of blackwall versus whitewall tires when it comes to traditional hot rods, but it started as a matter of preference, and that’s where we’ll leave it.
Early hot rods and customs often used a different tire size to accentuate the car’s features—smaller tires would effectively lower the car’s ride height, while larger tires would fill the wheel openings. It was up to the owner to choose the appropriate tire size for their vehicle, and of course, this created the big ’n’ little craze that is still relevant today. You could find a pair of tires from a Cadillac for the rear and match them up with a pair of tires from an Austin or some other compact car for the front. It wasn’t quite as simple as thumbing through a catalog to pick out your desired sizes, but it led to some creative combinations.
As tire manufacturers discontinued wide whitewall tires in the ’60s, the molds were often sold to foreign manufacturers, or simply placed in storage. Enter Corky Coker, a young man from Tennessee who jumped into his father’s tire business with a huge goal in mind. He went after those discontinued molds, hoping that someday he could put them back into production, in an effort to serve the automotive restoration market. What he didn’t realize was that his efforts would eventually create an industry all its own and reach customers in the hot rod marketplace.
During the ’70s and ’80s, Coker Tire originally catered to the bone-stock restoration crowd. The tire market changed drastically when Coker Tire introduced the world’s first wide whitewall radial tire in 1994, as it was a turning point for classic cars, hot rods, and customs. This was a tire that offered the old-school sidewall with modern radial construction, and it really put Coker on the map. The tire featured a true whitewall radial construction, which required a revised mold and several additional steps in the tire building process, compared to regular blackwall passenger car tires.
The new tire availability in 1994 encouraged hot rodders and custom builders to use wide whitewall tires, and Coker Tire continued to reach the market with custom sizing and additional brands. Of course, Coker Tire still offers the authentic Firestone, BFGoodrich, and other bias-ply tires, but the radial whitewall tire market helped car enthusiasts get the nostalgic look without the finicky handling characteristics of a bias-ply tire. It was a big breakthrough and part of the reason you see so many hot rods and customs with wide whitewalls to this day.
Coker Tire hit another milestone in 2013 with the introduction of the American Classic “bias look” radial tire. This tire is built to replicate the narrow tread design and piecrust shoulder of vintage bias-ply tires, but offer the ride quality, safety, and tread life of a modern radial. Even with all of the advancements and various brands, the folks at Coker Tire tell us that the original Coker Classic wide whitewall radial is still one of its best-selling tires.
Whitewall Tire Manufacturing
The process that Coker Tire employs is lengthy and expensive, and the development process starts with a series of drawings and a specific mold for each tire size, style, and brand. The mold is typically made of steel or aluminum, and they are very heavy and highly resistant to wear and tear. The tire mold is one of the final processes of the assembly line, but it’s what gives the tire its shape and design features.
Manufacturing starts with a little bit of chemistry, as the rubber compound is developed from natural and synthetic rubber, as well as various chemicals and curing agents. This rubber mixture is formed into sheets, which are 40 inches wide and 3/8-inch thick. The sheets are then sent to a calendar, which is a piece of machinery that applies the rubber to polyester fabric to create the ply layers. By squeezing the rubber sheet and a layer of fabric between steel rollers, the tire technicians can determine the final thickness of the material. The sheet then goes to a cutter, which allows the operator to precisely cut it to the desired length, width, and angle before it is rolled into a liner and sent to the tire-building machine.
As the trimmed sheet of rubber moves down the assembly line, its final destination is the tire-building drum, where the first form of assembly can be performed. The number of rubber sheets used determines the tire’s load rating, and the majority of passenger car tires feature a four-ply construction. In the early years of tire manufacturing, cotton was used in the ply sheets, but it is now common to use polyester cord material.
Bundles of steel wire are placed in a bead former, which coats each strand of wire with rubber, so it will adhere to the rest of the tire. This creates a bead bundle and the number of wire strands is dependent on the size and load range of the tire. The bead bundles are placed on either end of the tire-building drum, where the ply edges are turned up around the bead bundle and locked into place. After the beads are installed on the tire carcass, a strip of white rubber is cut to the appropriate length and placed on the sidewall area. Once the carcass is complete, this is called a “Green Tire.”
The Green Tire is then loaded into a specific mold, which rests inside of a curing press. The mold determines the tire’s size, tread pattern, sidewall details, brand names, and DOT information. Each mold features a curing bladder, which is inflated by steam and pushes the hot rubber out into the mold details. During the curing process, the rubber reaches 360 degrees F.
When the curing process is complete, the tire still needs some more work to reach completion. The tire is inflated on a special wheel and allowed to cool, and then sent to its final inspection area. When the tire passes inspection, it continues its path to the cleaning and inspection area. A special attachment, based on the whitewall width, lightly cleans the sidewall of the tire so that the whitewall is clean and white. It is then protected with a blue coating that keeps the whitewall from being damaged in transit, before being wrapped in plastic and sent into the warehouse for shipping.
By this lengthy process, you can easily surmise that Coker Tire’s process is labor-intensive and it’s not quite as automated as one might think. Handcrafted, genuine whitewall tires might cost a few bucks more than your average tire, but true whitewalls are anything but average tires.
Imitation Whitewalls Dating back to the early days of hot rodding, the hobby consisted of low-budget, grassroots guys who cut, stitched, and handmade parts to customize their car. Even though wide whitewall tires were available at the time, many hot rodders couldn’t afford them, so they resorted to imitation whitewalls.
Originally, you had a couple choices for imitation whitewall tires. You could paint the sidewalls white if you were a high school kid on a paper route budget. If you had a couple more dollars to spend, you could buy a set of portawalls, which are whitewall inserts that rest between the rim and the tire bead. Portawalls give the appearance of a whitewall tire from a distance, but you can typically see that it’s not actually part of the tire at close inspection.
Tire customizing has been around for a long time, and it’s not something we’d suggest if you plan on driving your car. Modern-day tire customizers are a little more sophisticated, but the companies that offer imitation whitewalls still don’t have the tried-and-true construction that stands the test of time. Their method involves taking an existing blackwall tire and adding a whitewall to it by grinding the sidewall down and bonding a strip of white rubber to the tire. This is a very similar process to the old days of re-capping tires, but it involves the sidewall instead of the tread. The major hazards with recapping or any tire modification include unnecessary and extraordinary heat cycles, as well as reduced material thickness. If you have a sidewall puncture, even on your daily driver, the tire is typically deemed unfixable, so the idea of grinding on the sidewall to apply an imitation whitewall isn’t exactly confidence inspiring.
Other forms of imitation whitewalls include decals, which is a modern type of portawall. Tire stickers are a common modification for enthusiasts who want the sporty looks of a white letter tire, but these companies are starting to jump on the whitewall bandwagon. While this method may be cheap, it’s not permanent and it certainly doesn’t look as good as a true whitewall tire.
Today’s do-it-yourself imitation whitewall involves grinding the sidewall of a white letter tire. Any white letter tire has a strip of white rubber, just like a whitewall, so grinding the black rubber reveals the layer of white rubber beneath. Taking a grinder to your tire’s sidewall is certainly the sketchiest way to get the whitewall look, so take your safety into consideration and avoid this method.
It’s easy to see why various types of imitation whitewalls have come and gone. None of the methods are comparable to manufacturing a tire with a whitewall from day one. Sure, there may be a price difference, but when it comes to safety, durability, and good looks, it’s hard to argue with the advantages and long-standing heritage of a real whitewall tire.
All-white tires were not a sign of wealth or luxury in the early days of the automobile. Tires were originally a beige color, until manufacturers started adding zinc oxide to the formula to provide a bright white appearance.
In 1910, BFGoodrich was the first company to utilize carbon black in its rubber formula. This ingredient added strength to the rubber, but it also changed the rubber’s color to black. Shown is the Goodrich Silvertown Cord high-pressure tire, a common tire from around 1910 through the ’20s.
As the years went on, tires and wheels evolved, and whitewalls became a form of decoration, especially for American automobiles. By the ’30s, it was a factory option on many cars, and by the ’50s tires like this Firestone 6.70-15 was commonplace in the automotive market.
The hot rod world utilized whitewall tires very early on, but they were typically used on customized show cars, rather than race-inspired hot rods. This highly customized roadster pickup, photographed in 1955, sports a set of wide whitewalls. Our best guess is that the owner upsized to approximately 7.00-16 to get a distinct look.
Many early hot rods used blackwall tires, like the ones on this bare-bones 1932 Ford roadster. The combination offers a sinister look, especially with the black steel wheels.
In comparison to the black-on-black highboy, this very similarly prepared Deuce roadster has a more flashy appearance, with bright red paint, beige steelies, and wide whitewalls. It certainly offers a drastic difference, and it was a common combination in the ’50s.
Even though wide whitewalls were phased out of regular tire production in the ’60s Coker Tire filled the void in the market. In 1994, Coker Tire debuted the world’s first wide whitewall radial tire, which encouraged hot rodders to go back to the nostalgia look of wide whites.
In 2013, Coker Tire made another big leap in the whitewall tire market with the introduction of the first “bias look” radial tire. The American Classic features the looks of a vintage bias-ply tire with the ride quality of a modern radial. This is a genuine whitewall tire and it’s perfect for traditional hot rods and customs.
Manufacturing a tire is a labor-intensive process, and it’s not quite as automated as you might think. After the chemists develop a formula for the rubber compound, the materials are formed into rubber sheets, which contain ply cord material.
Rubber sheets are wrapped around a tire-building drum and mated with one another until the appropriate number of layers are in place. This number of layers is determined by the tire’s load rating. Then, the white rubber is installed on the sidewall area of the carcass, and the rubber coated steel bead bundles can be added.
The carcass slides over a bladder, which fills with steam and pushes the rubber into the mold reveals. This gives the tires its shape, size, and distinct lettering. An easy way to tell a genuine whitewall tire from an imitation whitewall is to look at the sidewall—if it doesn’t have a brand name, siz, or DOT number on the sidewall, it’s not the real thing!
As the bladder fills, it begins pushing the drum-like tire carcass out as the mold closes and heats the rubber to 350 degrees F. The heating process brings the layers of rubber together, and ensures that the white rubber is a permanent part of the tire.
After the molding and curing process, the tire is removed from the mold and sent to the cleaning and inspection area. The tires are inflated on a special wheel and the whitewall is cleaned of any debris created from the manufacturing process.
The end result of the Coker Tire’s whitewall tire manufacturing process is a tire that you can install and trust for many years. This 1955 Chevrolet mild custom sits on a set of Coker Classic bias-ply whitewall tires, and it looks like it just rolled out of a custom shop in the ’60s.
The post Whitewall Tires 101: How They’re Made and Why They’re Cool appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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aniketg123 · 6 years
The research report on Tire Curing Press Machine Market is segmented by Product Type, by Application and by Region - Size, Share, Outlook and Opportunity Analysis, 2018 – 2026
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