#Tony x you
thinkinginpen · 1 day
Every Free Moment
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a/n: Sometime's wannabe writers have a little baby fever, okay? pairing: husband!tony x wife!reader w/c: 2.1k warnings: romance, hinting, love, talking about kids, etc. summary: You have been married for awhile now so Tony was thinking about kids and you were ready to plan
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In the warm glow of the evening, Tony Stark and his wife, you, sit curled up together on the couch in the privacy of their home. The soft hum of technology in the background is a comfortable constant, and you can hear the occasional sound of city life from outside. Tony's fingers idly trace lazy patterns on your back as he gazes at you, a mix of love and thoughtfulness in his eyes.
"You know, we've been married for a while now," he begins, the corners of his mouth curling into a soft smile.
His gaze drifts for a moment, as if lost in thought, before returning to focus on you. "We've been busy with our lives, our careers, our adventures," he continues, his voice a gentle rumble, "but there's something I've been thinking about lately."
He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, then looks directly into your eyes. "I've been thinking about the future, our future. And it got me wondering," he says, his smile widening slightly, "Have you ever thought about having kids?"
The words hang in the air, heavy with meaning. You can feel your heart skip a beat as you look up at him, surprise and wonder in your eyes. "Children?" you reply, your voice soft.
Tony nods, his smile growing a bit. "Yeah, kids. Little bundles of chaos and joy, the whole nine yards." he replies. He's trying to sound nonchalant, but there's a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "What do you think?"
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, your mind swirling with the implications of his question. The noise from outside seems to fade away, just for a moment.
"I think… it sounds incredible," you reply, a smile blossoming on your face. "And a little bit terrifying."
Tony lets out a small chuckle, his hand coming to still on your back. "Welcome to the club," he says, a touch of sarcasm in his voice. "I've been thinking about it, and I can't help but imagine little feet running through the penthouse, little hands messing with the tech in the lab… and your face every time I try to give them a suit."
The image brings a small laugh to your own lips. Imagining tiny hands tinkering with Stark technology, little children zooming around the penthouse under the watchful eye of their parents, it's a picture that simultaneously fills you with joy and anxiety.
"I can see it now," Tony muses, a playful gleam in his eye. "Kids with Stark brains, wreaking havoc on the world and stealing the show at every Avengers event."
You poke him lightly in the chest, a mixture of mock offense and amusement on your face. "And your humility. Can't forget about passing that one down."
Tony feigns an expression of hurt, his hand coming up to his chest. "Me, humble? I thought everyone recognized my genius and innate greatness." He smirks, his eyes sparkling with humor.
You poke him again, rolling your eyes. "Of course everyone does," you reply, "It's just you that needs to be reminded of that all the time."
Tony grins, his expression lighting up at your playful response. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "See? You know me too well," he says with a chuckle. "Our kids are gonna have it all: brains, looks, charisma… and a healthy dose of smartass."
You lean into him, feeling the warmth of his body as you continue the conversation. "And what about you, Tony? Are you ready for late nights, midnight feedings, endless toy battles?"
Tony pretends to consider this for a moment, a dramatic pause. "Eh, how hard could it be? I've handled aliens, super soldiers, and an AI that tried to take over the world. A few children? Piece of cake."
You can't help but laugh at his blithe confidence. "Right, right. Because managing a business empire and saving the world totally prepared you for the trials and tribulations of fatherhood."
Tony grins, enjoying the banter. He knows you're right, but is always up for a challenge. "Hey, if I can handle being Iron Man, I can handle anything," he asserts. "Besides, I'll have you to keep me in line, right?"
You smile, leaning your head against his chest. "Of course. If you start teaching them about circuit boards and repulsor tech before they can walk, I'll be there to rein you in."
"Spoilsport," he mutters affectionately, nuzzling his chin on top of your head. "That's no way to treat the next generation of Stark intellectuals."
"It's called letting them be kids, Tony. Kids have time for all the Stark-level genius when they're older." You reach up and give him a light smack on the chest.
Tony lets out another small chuckle, holding his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, I get it. We'll start with the basics first. Like how to build a robot that can fetch a beer."
You roll your eyes, but there's fondness in your voice as you reply, "And there's the Stark genius shining through. How could I forget the most important lesson: beer-fetching robots."
"Hey, a skill they can use for life," Tony quips, grinning widely. "Besides, when I've built an army of beer-fetching robots, it'll revolutionize parties. No more having to get up and get your own drinks. The future is now."
"Oh yes, because what every child dreams of is building an army of robotic assistants to satisfy their father's every whim." You can't help but laugh at his plan, imagining the inevitable chaos that would ensue.
Tony simply shrugs, the picture of nonchalance. "What can I say? If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for them." He then pulls you closer, his smile softening. "In all seriousness, though, I'm excited. I never thought I'd even have a family, back when I was too busy making weapons and partying nonstop."
You nod, understanding the deeper layers of his words. The man who once seemed too fast-paced and self-absorbed to even consider commitment is now talking about building a family. The change is stark in more ways than one.
"I'm happy we found each other then," you say, your voice quieter now. "I can't imagine anyone but you being the father of my children."
Tony's expression softens at your words. He reaches out to run a hand through your hair, a gesture both affectionate and contemplative. "Yeah," he replies, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and awe. "Who would've thought I'd end up here, building a future with the person I love more than anything?"
"Certainly not the media," you joke, grinning a little. "You were always portrayed as the eternal bachelor. The last person anyone would have picked to settle down."
"Well, they always did get me wrong," he says, flashing a cheeky grin. "The media doesn't understand the complex and layered being that is Tony Stark." He pauses, a gleam in his eye. "That, and you just tamed me. Nobody else could manage it."
"Tamed, is that what we're calling it now?" you tease, raising an eyebrow. "I thought I just distracted you with enough science and sarcasm that you forgot how to party."
"Distracted, tamed, same thing," he replies, a hint of a smirk on his face. "And speaking of distractions, I do recall a certain someone who always has my attention." He pulls you closer, his voice dropping to a huskier tone. "Distract me a little more, why don't you?"
You laugh lightly, pretending to consider it. "Hm, I don't know…" you say, deliberately dragging it out to tease him. "Distracting you sounds like a lot of work… I might be tired from the day…"
Tony's eyes narrow, sparkling with a familiar competitive gleam as he senses you're enjoying this a bit too much. He leans in, his voice low and seductive. "Oh, I can think of a way to wake you up."
"Oh really?" you reply, feigning nonchalance even as a shiver of anticipation runs through you. "And what method would that be, Mr. Stark?"
Tony's lips curl into a sly smile. "Oh, I think a practical demonstration would be far more effective than words," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper.
You can't help but laugh at his audacity, even as your heart starts to race a little. "Ah, the hands-on approach. How very scientific of you," you tease.
"I am a man of science and innovation," he replies, his hand tracing the outline of your cheek. "And I believe in testing all theories thoroughly." The words are spoken lightly, but the heat in his gaze tells a different story.
You pause, suddenly feeling a wave of realism wash over the playful banter. "Wait, wait," you say, stopping him mid-sentence. "We need to think about this practically. What about your career, Tony? Stark Industries is your life."
Tony stops, taking a moment of surprise at the abrupt shift in tone. He pulls back a bit, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Well, yeah, Stark Industries is important to me," he admits, "but so are you. So would be any children we might have."
"I know, I know," you reply quickly, trying to placate him with a reassuring smile. "It's just that… being a public figure, the CEO of a huge company… that brings a certain level of responsibility. And there will be media scrutiny, not to mention the changes to your reputation…"
Tony lets out a breath, understanding your concerns. "Yeah, I get it," he says, his expression more serious now. "The press would be all over us. And there's no way to hide a pregnancy or a couple of kids when you're one of the most high-profile couples in the world."
"Exactly," you reply, feeling a bit relieved that he's seeing the issue. "And as for Stark Industries… can you afford to devote less time to it? Having kids is a full-time job in itself, it's not something you can just juggle with running a business empire."
Tony scrubs a hand over his face, a flicker of frustration in his eyes. "I know that." He admits. "I've thought about it, trust me. But are you suggesting that we put our family planning on hold because of my career?" His voice is a blend of defensiveness and genuine curiosity.
"I'm not suggesting anything," you counter, your voice gentle but firm. "I'm just pointing out the reality. Being a parent is a huge commitment, and it will change your life - our life - dramatically. And part of making sure we're ready isn't just thinking about how it affects us, but how it will affect your work and reputation."
Tony lets out a sigh, leaning back against the couch. He knows you're right, but it clearly isn't easy to hear. "You're always the voice of reason," he mutters, though there's a hint of affection in his tone. "It's a pain in the ass sometimes."
"Somebody's got to keep you grounded," you reply, your tone light. "Otherwise your ego will inflate even more and the world will drown."
Tony lets out a laugh, shaking off his minor pout. "Right, right. Without your influence I'd be insufferable." He then leans back in, a devilish gleam in his eye. "And what better reason to get the baby-making started now than to give the press something to talk about?"
Your heart skips a beat at his blunt proposition, your mind spinning to keep up with his swift shift in mood. "Just… start trying?" you stammer, the idea both thrilling and terrifying. "Just like that?"
Tony nods, his eyes fixed on you, his determination unwavering. "Just like that," he affirms. "We don't need time to think about it. Neither of us is getting any younger. We've got our lives mostly together. We love each other. We'd make great parents."
You take a deep, steadying breath, trying to process the idea he's throwing out. "It's not that simple, Tony," you reply, though your voice waivers a bit as your mind starts to spin with the implications. "Even if we decide to go ahead and try, there's no guarantee we'll get pregnant right away."
"I know that," he counters, a slight impatient edge in his voice. "But that's no reason to delay or hold back. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll know. And I don't want to wait anymore. I want to start a family with you. As soon as possible."
"No more excuses," he says, his hand coming to rest on your knee. "No more worries about work or the media or what people will think. From now on, every free moment we have, we're working towards this. Every chance we get, we're going to try for a baby."
Your mind is still spinning with the enormity of it all, but you can't deny the effect his words are having on you. His determination and desire are contagious. "Every free moment…" you repeat faintly, feeling a rush of anticipation mixed with trepidation.
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romanoffshouse · 3 months
Tony: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Natasha: Screw that, I'm not kissing any of you.
*Y/N walks in*
Natasha: Fine I'll do it. Rules are rules you know.
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rxmqnova · 8 months
*Avengers meeting*
Tony: Remember, if you ever get captured, no matter what they do, don't talk!
Y/N: What if they torture us?
Tony: Just don't talk!
Y/N: Can we scream a little?
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vilentia · 11 months
Shadows of New York
Tony Stark x reader
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Author’s note: I have been lacking motivation and inspiration to write something lately. I'm trying to get back into it a bit.
The penthouse was bathed in the gentle hues of twilight, casting the room in a warm glow. The expansive windows showcased the lights of New York City, but for Tony Stark, they sometimes served as a haunting reminder of the battle that had taken place there.
Tony stood by the window, his fingers lightly grazing the cool glass. The weight of his memories pressed heavily on his chest, making every breath laborious.
From behind, he felt a pair of arms gently wrap around his waist. It was you, his pillar of strength amidst the chaos that often threatened to engulf him. "Lost in thought?" you whispered, resting your head against his back.
He closed his eyes, taking comfort in your touch. "The memories," he began, his voice faltering, "they sneak up on me, even when I least expect them."
You tightened your grip around him, offering silent reassurance. "You don't have to face them alone, Tony."
He turned around, ensnaring you in a tender embrace. His face buried into the crook of your neck, he whispered, "I never thought I'd find someone who understands. With you, the weight feels... bearable."
You gently cupped his face, forcing him to meet your gaze. "We all have our shadows, Tony. But together, we can chase them away."
He smiled weakly, drawing you in for a gentle kiss. The world, with all its complexities and scars, faded away as they found comfort in each other.
In that moment, amidst the sprawling city that held so many haunting memories, Tony Stark found his sanctuary in you.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Admission Of Interest
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Pairing: Tony Stark x scientist! female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 5034 words
Outline: How long does it take for true feelings to come to light and for an old flame to be rekindled? Tony's about to find out.
Author's Note: Requested here. Discussed here and here. This took a lil' bit more than usual and is my longest fic to date but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless! Kept the reader's bf faceless and nameless for story canvas reasons and there's zero cheating involved.
Warnings: swearing, daddy kink, spanking, markings, pet names, dirty talk, finger sucking, fluids exchange, penetration, fingering, condoms, roughhousing, jealousy, possessiveness, slight dom! tony, not beta-read.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Tony Stark Masterlist
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Fourteen years.
That’s how long you knew Tony Stark. The brilliant scientist, the philanthropist, the playboy, and now Iron Man.
Fourteen long ass years and he was still the cocky bastard that you always knew. Even worse now that he was the protector that he was and an avenger. It had only been two months since the battle of New York and Tony amongst the other avengers was deemed a hero.
Tony Stark, is a hero.
The most famous man in the world and most desirable and he got on each one of your last nerves. You scoff as you push the button on the remote control to turn off the tv that broadcasted his face long and wide. How much could your poor heart truly take?
Fourteen years since you first met him back then in college, alongside James Rhodes, playing pool together at an afterparty. Back then you were all eighteen and ready to take the future together, full of life and hormones. 
You introduced yourself to him in that very way that set the tone for your friendship. By beating him in a pool game. Five times in the same night. He never saw it coming. The girl with a checkered shirt and the most mischievous smile and the biggest heart.
James could not stop laughing and oh the topping jokes were too much. But it worked fantastically. You both took an interest in each other and started hanging out after that incident. Tony was preoccupied with making sure he never lost to you again and Rhodey simply because he liked talking to a logical person for once. You seem to balance their company very well. 
You matched them well in interests, science, cars, even the same teams, lunches and drinks, and most importantly the college itself. You loved staying up all night working on projects, secretly staying in the lab and searching for things, and coming up with a way to debunk every single theory that existed. 
Through accidental touches and hands brushing on each other bodies and hidden words and even worse hidden meanings, you never managed to meet each other halfway. It was always through a different game, whether it was physical or on the computer or…anywhere else.
Yet back then no one could have predicted how life would turn out. 
Funny how time works.
You knew you liked him back then when you woke him up early for an exam one random Friday morning, his heavy dark and curly eyelashes looking up at you with his cheeks all fresh and red and that stinging feeling when he pulled the sheet over to show you the girl he had slept with. That sharp stingy feeling of jealousy cut through your soul like a knife and it never recovered. Just an open wound. 
It was over for you before it even began.
One thought in your brain and then you had pushed it out.
Strong, resilient, and in control of your feelings and emotions. 
But you kept it together and promised yourself you’d get over him since he most likely would never know or could ever feel the same way about you and he’d love you as a friend.
After the incident, it seemed that the girls just kept coming and coming and coming until you honestly couldn’t remember any of them anymore.
A few weeks after that, you have a chance to that one volleyball teammate that had asked you out last week, and soon enough it was forgotten. Or more accurately buried deep inside. Never to come to the surface again.
As for Tony you never learned if he shared your feelings or if he perhaps thought you liked Rhodey. Conversations never came up and even though holidays came and went, all spent together and in between, it wasn’t until Tony’s parent’s died that turned your friendship scarce. He withdrew from the public eyes, the college, the dorms, attended only the most important exams until you all graduated and of course, he didn’t attend the graduation. 
However, he left you a letter congratulating you and offering you a position at Stark Enterprises much to your surprise, thank you for your friendship and all these years. It didn’t feel sincere, didn’t feel like him at all. 
And that wasn’t your plan of life anyway. Being someone’s employee. You had big dreams and even bigger wings.
You were also wealthy cause of your parents (both renowned scientists) and your father had many connections in the biotech world. In eight years, you had your own thriving innovative company, hopeful of a bright future, with many departments opening across the globe and a growing life just ahead of you.
All these years you had kept in contact with Tony and Rhodey, attended grand openings, and expos, and observed Rhodey’s brilliant military career which made you feel very proud of your friend. When you learned that Tony was Iron Man it didn’t surprise you at all. 
Brilliant as per usual. 
Now here you were getting dressed for a gala in his private villa in Malibu where you’d celebrate the newly changed Stark Tower to Avengers Tower to establish the place where all the team members would be living soon enough, and celebrate one last hooray in the mansion attending among esteemed guests. 
You chuckle as you look at the red velvet invitation written in gold calligraphic letters. That one truly felt like him and you set it aside as you open the drawer to look at your necklaces. 
And then came the beautiful romantic feeling of your boyfriend kissing your shoulder and asking you which one you’d prefer to wear.
All was right in the world. In this future. 
He squeezes you close before releasing you and heading to the shower. Would be the first time you’d bring him to the party and he was by far the most serious boyfriend you had. Even though you had only been dating for three months, there was something about him that felt almost familiar. Too familiar. Like he reminded you of someone you knew long ago.
A fellow scientist, of course, worked in thermodynamics and also taught at college, and you were focused on your job. Your company was thriving, was eco-friendly, full of diverse and hard-working staff, and wore your surname as its brand cementing you in the world of science.
It was time for you to reap what you had been sowing. 
You put on your dress last, your boyfriend clicking his blouse buttons shut and looking at you with a smile. 
Little did you know that this would be the last time he’d be in your room. 
The drive was both long and short at the same, memories of college creeping inside your head and you didn’t know whether it was your pre-period emotional taste, a distaste for your date, or the impending doom of the previous alien invasion that clouded your head. 
The short elevator ride is silent as you are going to where the party was held and when he reaches out to touch your hand you flinch but then hold him, excusing yourself. 
The doors open and you make a note of how many people are there while walking inside the vast room. 
“Hey!” The sound of Rhodey’s voice fills you with joy and you immediately turn around to greet him, you hug him tightly both of you excited to see each other. 
Then once you pull from his hug the sound of your boyfriend coughing brings you back to reality. You introduce him to your friend and then Rhodey leads you to some other old college friends.
Your boyfriend has strategically placed an arm over your shoulder smirking as the crowd parts while the name of the town makes his way towards you.
Of course, you don’t notice at first, as you are in a deep conversation but then you glance at him and the image of him in fluffy black hair, so elegantly brushed, his well-tailored black tuxedo and the champagne flute that hanged loosely between his fingers had your breath cut short.
Evidently, he still had that very effect on you. You knew well how to always avoid him and keep the conversations short. 
But so did you. 
When he saw you walk inside the room with that man who dared to have his hand around your shoulder it filled him with pure hatred. Something he hadn’t felt for years. Or something he had felt but thought it had been long lost for him. 
Whether it was him coming face to face with all of his demons after going to space and coming back and perhaps seeing your face in his mind as he wished for things he could have done better. Maybe lately you were all he could have thought of. 
Maybe because you'd rejected five previous invites since that incident because you were preoccupied with your gran project at work and that’s when he could finally see you. 
Or maybe today was when that string of fate decided to pull you two together. 
And he greets you. His voice was soft yet stern full of confidence and laced in velvet. 
“Fancy running to you here.” Oh, he didn’t mind you were in front of so many people, everybody knew he was flirty by nature, no big deal.
“Hello, Tony.” You say politely, and he offers you the glass from his hands. You nod your head as you take it, the grip on your shoulder from your boyfriend getting tighter. 
Tony only smirks as he winks at you and then leaves heading further inside the crowd and momentarily you want to ask him not to leave. 
“God, he’s so full of himself.” Your boyfriend complains and rolls his eyes and you look at him confused. And that’s when it clicks for you. Why has your boyfriend always felt familiar to you? Because you never truly wanted him.
Well, ten minutes later and a very heated conversation that managed to stay low on tone to save you both your privacy, your now ex-boyfriend was leaving the floor, scorned and burnt simply because he didn’t respect your old college friends. 
“He’s a loser, anyway.” Tony’s velvet voice is heard from behind you, one glass brushing your hand slightly. “Your favorite.” He smiles, as you turn to look at him. “Long island tea.” The smile seems to fade away as his confident stance takes place again and he winks at you again. 
It has been a long time since you had a cocktail like that and even longer since you last declared this one as your favorite. But it was an old warm memory of your college days. 
You take the glass in your hand, not wanting to know how he noticed, and frankly, you didn’t want to make a bigger deal out of it. You take a sip from the glass and watch him in silence. He doesn’t seem to want to break eye contact this time around. 
“It should have been me.” He whispers looking directly into your eyes.
“Pardon me?” 
“It should have been me, walking by your side.” He flares his nostrils almost as if he wanted to stifle a cry or scream. 
“Tony?” You look at him confused, completely in shock. There was no way he could have been feeling this way. After all these years?
“Space.” He chuckles. “You learn a lot of things about yourself when you almost die.” He rolls his eyes and looks around the room. “ And plus you are not an easy girl to get a hold of. Always disappearing and never replying to any text or call. Almost thought you wouldn’t show up here tonight.”
He watches your movements as you are still in shock, breathing slowly trying to comprehend what is happening right in front of your eyes. You slightly lose hold of the glass and he catches it for you, bringing it to his lips for a sip.
“Maybe we should get out of here?” He looks around again. “Crowd’s getting a little too loud for my taste.” He grabs your arm close to him and slowly leads you away from the living room of the mansion and close to the stairs. The music is getting less loud as he walks you up the stairs and into the rooftop. It all goes by both fast and slow at the same time. 
“Fancy night.” He smiles as you walk outside, the hustle from the party downstairs loud and clear. 
“Did you mean it?”
“You are out of your shocked state, I see.”
“Tony, did you mean it?”
“Every word of it.”
You sigh and shake your head slightly looking at him. 
“How long?”
“A long ass time.”
“Tony, tell me how long.”
“First night at the dorms.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried. You always seemed to want to include Rhodey in every plan I tried to make and when I thought about making you jealous to see if you’d take the bait, you never seemed to be interested at all. I never wanted to push you away. ”
Flashbacks of past memories go through your mind, analyzing and thinking of all of your behaviors and reactions to him. You never allowed yourself to be alone with him at all in fear of him knowing. That was the truth, unfortunately.
“I am not here to pressure you into anything. I just wanted you to know. Especially seeing you with that jerk tonight.”
“He’s not a good person.”
“You don’t know him.”
“I know everyone who works around the globe.”
“You can’t possibly know everyone.”
“I know a bastard when I see one.”
“I get pissed. I wanted it to be me. It should have been me. All these years.”
There are now tears forming in the corners of your eyes, thoughts of how you cried when you thought he was dead two years ago, the thought of him potentially dying three months ago. It was getting too much, you didn’t know what to do, how to feel, how to mend your heart, how to confess yourself. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not.” You mumble, trying to take a step closer to him. “I thought you didn’t-”
“So you did?”
“Way back then.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Thought you liked your variety.”
“I thought you’d never pick me out of a crowd.”
“Oh, I never expected you to.”
“Fall in love with you?” He smiles softly.
“Yeah. Thought you were destined for greater things.” 
He scoffs. “Maybe you’re the greatest thing.” He takes one step forward touching your face and his touch feels warm and familiar, almost like coming home. You can’t believe you have been living in denial for so long. 
“I love you.” He continues and presses his lips against yours and it feels like the most real thing in the world. You were here, becoming his, enticing your world with him. At long last. 
You press your lips as well, sealing his words with your kiss, wanting to share and confess and declare your love to him, hands begin to wrap around his back and next you feel the air getting thicker. 
“How about a ride?” That did sound like the man you knew back then. Tony chuckles inside his iron man suit, and you chuckle as he holds you tightly, flying you across the Malibu coastline. It was beautiful on this starry night. 
“I couldn’t live without you.” Tony declares as he sets you down back on the rooftop again. “I love you, too.” Smiles are getting stronger as he takes off the suit and leads you down the stairs back to his bedroom. The party’s getting quieter and relatively you have no idea how long you were flying for. 
“You sound like a very sappy man.” 
“Maybe I am. Maybe just for you.”
“No, I think that’s your default.”
“Well, maybe you’re right.”
He leads you to his bedroom and the bed is covered in rose petals with tons of candles lit across the room.
“I told Jarvis to set it up for me. Against other allegations, I am not actually omnipresent.”
“Hmm, something tells that you could be if you wanted to.” 
“Really, do tell me more of your brilliant brilliant ideas.” 
One touch leads to another as your bodies are getting wrapped around each other, hands freely exploring bodies and long-forgotten secrets. 
“Well, my first brilliant idea is this one.” He chuckles as he pushes you against the bed and climbs on top of you kissing you again and again. 
“Not bad, I would love to hear more.” You muse as your hands are exploring his hair, diving deep between the fluffiness of it. 
“How about this one?” He tilts his head as he settles his body on your side and kicks off his shoes, followed by his hands on your ankles carefully taking off your shoes. “Brilliant legs, I gotta say, congratulations to your parents.”
You are laughing out loud while he drops your shoes to the floor followed by his hands tracing up your legs to your inner things. 
“I think I am about to discover my new favorite place.” He smirks as his hand squeezes your inner thigh and a moan escapes from your lips. 
“Might think about buying a whole season ticket.”
“Oh, I’m planning on it, baby.”
“Price’s really high.”
“Ah, looks like we can share the place.” His hand reaches for your panties, but he only traces it slightly underneath your dress before sneaking it out and in the back grabbing your ass.
“Lots of favorite new places.” He pushes your dress up your waist as your hands are fumbling with his bowtie gripping it off him and then unbuttoning his shirt. 
“You don’t want me to take off my jacket?” He chuckles as he bites his bottom lip. “Not really, no.” You grin and reach to the last button loosening it up. 
“Whatever you prefer, miss Y/N.” 
“Well, I’d like you inside me.”
“Cutting straight to the chase, I see.”
“I do always prefer the main course.” 
“Hm, superior taste as per usual.”
His hand reaches for the back of your dress loosening it up for you to better breathe as he is then exploring your front. Your fingers are fumbling with the button of his pants and he hisses when you touch his crotch a little.
“It’s not like you’d last a long time either. You seem very hungry.”
“Oh, you have no idea just how much.”
You push the zipper down and watch his erection still confided by his boxers and you softly palm it, lips hanging open at the sight. 
“You seem very goal-oriented.”
“Oh, always. Can’t get enough of good goal orientation.”
“Might as well cover our bases, shall we?” 
He moves away from your side, searching around his drawer for a minute or two till he pulls a condom out. then he takes off his jacket and his pants, throwing them on the floor as you watch him, his muscles glistening off the dim light coming from the candles. He pushes down his boxers, his cock springing against his stomach and you can’t help but lick your lips at that sight. 
“Don’t spoil your appetite,” Tony warns you as he rips off the condom with his teeth and then places it on his cock. 
“I’ll have it later.” You grin at him positioning yourself on the backs of your hands on the bed. 
“Oh, only if you say pretty please.” He is climbing on top of you once again, kissing you deeply as his hand palm your very soaked cotton panties. 
“All this for me?” He laughs between kisses as his fingers are getting wetter before pushing your panties to the side and then inserting one finger inside you. 
“And even more…”
“Are you gonna be tight for me?” 
“Oh, I’m a very tight girl, daddy.” 
Tony’s eyes light up as he presses his finger further in, twisting it around your velvet walls, a moan leaving your lips as he begins to work you well. 
“I’ll squeeze myself right in, don’t worry, princess.”
Your nails are digging into his muscles, as his arms are moving to grab his cock and stroke it a few times while he is entering a second finger inside you. He groans at the tightness and then scissors his fingers around while his cock is twitching in his grip. 
“I’m gonna ruin you so bad.”
“First you gonna have to get in, daddy.”
“Oh, you’re about to scream so much, baby.”
He pulls his fingers and you groan at the loss of them as he brings them close to his mouth to taste you. The way he so sinfully sucks on his own fingers moaning at your taste has your pussy clenching for him. 
“Daddy, please.”
“Shh.” He cuts you and then he lines up the cock to your entrance, stroking it up and down watching as your pussy lips ache for him. He liked teasing you now that he knows how much you want him and the way your mouth hangs so open, so obedient and pliant for him. 
“Take a deep breath, baby.” He pushes the tip inside and your mouth turns into an O shape at the sheer girth of him. It feels so good, he feels manufactured for you as he gives you a few moments to adjust. 
Your nails are now moving to his back digging their way there as he adjusts himself inside you pushing one slow inch after another slow inches looking deep into your eyes. 
“I don’t ever want to forget this moment.” He smiles as he grips your thigh and pushes his cock further inside, steadily setting a slow pace, thrusting his cock inside you. 
“Oh, daddy, it feels so good.”
“This pretty pussy is taking me so well. Look at her. Shallowing it all in, what a good little girl.” 
It feels like heaven, the way the room is lit, the rose petals around you, his body so strong above yours, the dress barely hanging off on your breasts as it slowly is slipping away. His hands are on each side of your face, his lips hanging above yours and your nails scratching his back, trying to devour him and convince him to go harder. 
Then he goes faster, the sounds of slapping skin on skin filling the room as his cock is now fully inside you.
“God, you’re taking me so well. Jerk boy didn’t know how to fuck you, huh?”
“He-fuck!” You try to speak but Tony picks up the pace, raising up his body and wrapping his arms around your thighs, your fingers barely hanging on his hair.
“Oh, we’re not starting a conversation about him.” He says almost vehemently and your grip his hair tightly trying to hold on as he seems to fuck you hard and possessively, a different kind of twinkle in his dark eyes. 
“Tony, Tony!” You shout as you begin to feel the coil inside you tightening. “I’m close.” You breathe out.
“Oh yeah? Give it to me baby, come on daddy’s got you.” His one hand moves to your pussy, sneaking inside to find your clit and furiously rubbing it once found. 
“Daddy!” You moan out as your feel your body shake and tremble underneath his touch, your vision getting blurry until you are soaking his finger with your juice screaming his name, your back all arched out, your fingers gripping on his hair for dear life. 
“I got you, I got you.” He repeats as he slows his movements, unhooking your body from him as he is caressing your face delicately, full of love. 
It feels so intimate so romantic and somehow behind his eyes, you don’t see the playboy, the mogul, you just see your old friend Tony, who pushed raw spaghetti in his nose to make you laugh. 
The memory makes you laugh in the haziness of your orgasm and is only interrupted by Tony pushing his cock out of you. He is manhandling you with weak hands as he switches you around and you dutifully try to steady yourself on your hands and knees. 
“Be a good girl for me, baby, keep still.” He whispers against your ear before kissing the top of your head and his breath feels hot and needy, needy for you and your body. You try to steady yourself at his command, his lips now leaving kissing on your shoulders as he lines up his cock once again. 
“Look at how well you’re doing for me, baby.” He palms your pussy once or twice, and then he pushes his cockhead inside your pussy, watching as you’re greedily swallowing him in. 
“Looks like once is not enough for you. You’re already getting so spoiled.”
His hands are gripping your ass now as he is pushing his cock inside and then he quickly slaps both of your asscheeks. 
“Tony!” The tingly feeling of his hand leaves your body in a jolty alarm state, wanting and dripping for more.
“You liked that?” He chuckles and then spanks your asscheeks again. You only gasp as you moan out and your pussy greedily clenches his cock. 
“Oh, dirty dirty girl.” He laughs. “You like it when daddy takes control, huh?”
“D-daddy!” Then he repeats the motion again and again until you are falling on your elbows and he only fucks you hard, moving all of your body just for him, using you on his cock. 
“Oh, I can’t wait to find out about all of the things that you like.” He slows down, as he is gripping your ass, looking at his cock almost slipping away from you. 
“You like getting fucked? Rough and dirty?” He asks you and looks like he is waiting for a response as you try to nod your head for him, angling your head to look at him. 
“Like it when daddy cums inside you?” 
“You on the pill?”
“Spiral.” You breathe out and he grimaces.
“Nice. Want daddy to cum deep inside you, fill your right up like his little dirty whore?”
“Y-yes. Y-yes, god yes, please, daddy, please!” 
Tony slips out of you and then takes off the condom, hissing as he does so. He then grips you once more, tossing you around and bringing you closer to him. 
“Are you sure?” He asks you once again for reassurance.
“Yes, daddy, I am. Please finish inside me.”
He doesn’t lose any more seconds before he is lining up his cock once again, your pussy practically drowning him inside. His hands caress your face tenderly before rising up once again, to place them on your sides. That’s when he begins to thrusts and now it feels intimate, sensual, romantic, like a promise and a homecoming all at once. 
“I love you, Tony.”
“I love you, too, baby.” 
His thrusts are getting stronger, and harder, deeper until you watch him lose control, his cock is twitching inside you and soon enough he is shooting strings of cum deep inside you. His orgasm triggers yours as you watch him so beautifully shake from up above you, repeating your names like a prayer and his own mantra.
Insane that you had to thank an alien invasion for this. 
“I love you.” He repeats again as he brings you closer, kissing your forehead and your hands are naturally wrapping around his body, pulling him closer, never letting him go. 
“I love you too.” You repeat and you feel like these new words will become your mantra. The truth is you never spoke about love before, never confirmed your feelings like this. And now you had him, you were here in his bedroom, having made love to him and could hear his hot breath on you. 
“You liked this?” 
“Yeah, I did, Tony, you were perfect.”
“Was I too hard on you?”
“No, I don’t mind it a little rough.”
“Good to know.” 
“What do you like?”
“Anything that makes you scream.”
“Well, I do like to scream.”
“I want you. In every way you are willing to give yourself to me.”
“You’re too sweet.”
“Only for you.”
“That I do believe.”
And you both laugh at the serenity of the starry night. 
“Wanna explore the pool? It has heat.”
“I don’t have a swimming suit.”
“Oh, you are never wearing clothes in my house again.”
“Assertive, I like that.”
He rolls off the bed and then he casually picks you up half dressed as you were and places you on the counter. First, he cleaned you off him and then he stripped you naked, kissing tenderly every inch of your body as he did so. Then he carried you to the pool, to the aftermath of the previous party, and descended the stairs slowly, with your hands wrapped around his neck. 
“I do like the view here.”
“You’re literally staring at my tits.”
You both laugh as you completely sink under the heated water, the starry sky reflected on the deep blue water of the pool. The image was truly beautiful. You sitting on Tony’s lap, his lips never seem to be leaving your skin for more than a second.
Then you talked, about your work, your projects, your company. He sat and listened to you talk and gesture and get passionate about your work. Tony loved watching your eyes light up like that, watching the pride in your eyes and the way you carried yourself. 
Eventually, you both got hungry and you got out to rummage the kitchen for any leftovers. There you sat on top of the kitchen counter while he sat on a chair and placed his head on your lap, one of your hands buried deep within his fluffy hair, the most precious conversations of them all happened. 
“Miss Y/N, I only got one question left.”
“All right, shoot.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Oh, Tony, I will have to ask my mum, first. 
You both laughed as you reached down to kiss him softly.
And from now on everything was right in the world. 
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on post notifications!
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wild-lavender-rose · 9 months
Guardian Angel Part 1
Pairing: Professor!Tony Stark x fem!reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You are a grad student who has been selected by Stark to take his course at your university. Little does he know, there is much more to you than meets the eye. You are hiding your ability to create force fields in a desperate attempt to live a normal life. But when Stark's daughter Morgan is put in danger you step in to save her without hesitation. Now you're weak, injured, and your secret is out.
Warning: Cannon typical violence, swearing, description of injuries
Note: Part 1 is a flash-forward scene after reader has been injured. The following parts will be the events leading up to this scene/moment.
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You woke in the middle of a hospital room unlike anything you’d seen before. Black marble floor, lots of windows, an assortment of medical instruments that looked like they belonged on an alien space ship. There was a steady beeping next to your head. You looked, watching as your heart rate increased according to the monitor closest to the bed you were laying in. What was going on? Where were you? 
You sat up slowly, wincing at the awful stiffness in your back. The thin blue blanket you had been covered with slid off, revealing a black sports bra and a pair of black sports pants. Stark Enterprises was written in silver on the pants. 
Stark. The beep on the monitor quickened as you looked wildly about you. The events of earlier came flooding back to you. Where was Stark? Had he brought you here? Where was Morgan? 
You flexed your hands, feeling your power rise to the tips of your fingers. The monitor became frantic as you created a force field the size of a dinner plate, assuring yourself that your powers were still intact before allowing it to dissipate. Next you turned to the monitor, sliding out of bed with a soft groan so you could stand before it. You assessed the screen and was able to understand the basic premise of its design and functions within a few seconds. Tapping the screen, you deactivated the monitor. The beeping stopped. 
Taking a breath, you rubbed at your aching neck. You were only faintly aware of the pain in your legs. The memories were still coming, your foggy brain attempting to piece the sequence of events together. Where had Stark taken you? Hadn’t there been others at the accident? What of their fates? 
It wasn’t until you resolved to leave the hospital room that reality came stabbing through you. At the first few steps a sharp pain made you gasp. You grabbed at the bed for support and looked down at your legs. It was only then that you noticed the outline of bulky bandages underneath the sweatpants. You tried another step, biting back a whimper as the pain worsened. You remembered everything now. All the monitors had sprung to life, alerting you to the pain you were already very much aware of. 
“Shut up.” You hissed, squeezing your eyes shut against the pain. “Damnit it, be quiet.” 
“Hey,” a new voice caused your head to jerk up. It was Bruce Banner, better known as the Hulk. 
“What are you doing?” The question was sharp but his tone and eyes were worried and kind. “You should not be up.” 
You ignored the fact you were talking to a literal Avenger in exchange for the pain that had begun to overwhelm you. “I need to see Stark. Where am I?” 
“You’re in the med bay of Stark Enterprises, now get back into bed.” Bruce’s touch was gentle but resolute as he took you by the arm. 
“How’s Morgan?” You grabbed at Bruce’s shirt when he started to move you, giving a strangled cry as your legs felt as if they were stabbed again. 
“She’s just fine,” in one smooth motion Bruce had you sitting down, guiding your head back before easing your legs onto the bed. 
“Stark,” you grabbed at the sheets under you. The pain was making you helpless and frantic. Your power was bubbling under the service, harder to control as your fear took over. 
Bruce turned on the monitor you had deactivated only moments ago, expression becoming tight as he input a new command. “Your energy is becoming unstable. You need to breathe for me, okay?” He turned to you, his tone soothing. “Everything is okay, you’re safe. Just give me some deep breaths.” 
“Hurts.” You squeezed your eyes shut again, trying to escape your reality. “Oh god,” 
“Jarvis,” Bruce put a hand to your arm. “Get Stark.”
“But you just sent him away.” Jarvis replied, a male voice that seemed to come from all around you. 
“Tell him I made a mistake and get him in here.” Bruce felt your forehead with the back of his hand. “Shit,” he muttered, adjusting the monitor while keeping a hand on you. “Breathe. Just breathe.” 
“Knock me out.” You opened your eyes, breath stuttering as you realized that your vision had gone blurry. That couldn’t be a good sign. “Please, before I, I can’t control my fields when I’m, I’m, in this much,”
“Say no more.” Bruce was already inputting the necessary commands into the monitor. “Hold on.” 
“You rang?” Stark’s voice made you feel equal parts relieved and embarrassed. He was lacking his usual cocky swagger as he crossed from the door to the other side of your bed, looking down at you with such honest concern that you couldn’t meet his gaze. “How’s our patient?” 
“Panicked. I increased her morphine.” Now that Stark was there Bruce removed his hand. “She’ll be asleep in a few minutes.” 
“What can I do?” 
“Talk to her. She’s been asking for you.” 
“Morgan?” Your breathing had begun to slow as the morphine took effect. “She’s okay?” 
“Yeah, just a few bumps and bruises.” Stark smiled at the question, but his eyes were tainted with worry. 
“Why am I here?” 
“Couldn’t leave you there in the rubble. Besides, I thought we should have a talk.” 
“I’m…I’m not interested.” You gave your head a feeble shake, the movement making you dizzy. “Didn’t want anyone to know,” 
“Did a damn fine job of hiding it.” Stark touched the back of your hand, fingers faintly interlocking with yours. “Does it hurt? The energy fields.”
You nodded slightly. It hurt every time you felt your powers rising to your fingertips. 
“We can fix that. Right?” Stark looked to Bruce. “We can fix that.” 
“Let me fix her legs first, then we’ll go from there.” Bruce nodded between the two of them. “Keep talking to her.” 
“Hope this means I get an a in your class.” You couldn’t help but smile even as your eyes began to droop. 
Stark’s grin would have made your heart stutter under any other circumstance. “I don’t know. I haven’t read your last essay.” 
You huffed a laugh. “Professor,” 
“Call me Tony.” 
“No, I can’t.” Your brow furrowed as darkness began to take over. “Don’t want to be an Avenger.” 
“What about a friend?” 
You tried to think the question through. To reflect on the events of the past weeks. Stark was still holding your hand, the sensation warm and gentle. As you fell asleep your hand shifted and fully interlocked with his. A quiet plea for him to stay. And then the morphine fully washed over you and you were gone. 
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animealways · 2 years
Im sorry i wasn't a good dad
tony x stark!reader/mention of peter, morgan and pepper (wrote this as father to his daughter fic but reader gender is never revealed so make of that what you want)
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morgan yelled as she swing her plastic lightsaber while peter blocked her with his lightsaber. you watch the 2 fool around and it remind you of your dad messing around with you.
''here you go kid''
tony stark, the infamous iron man, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. no one ever thought he would settle down and live the simple life. after all even after having his first child he never slowed down and clearly wasn't going to anytime soon but you knew different. as his first child you saw those moments where he showed his true feelings. those glimses of kindness, wanting to do right and that longing for peace/happieness.
you took a sip of your drink as did your dad. both of you calmly watching the younger starks playing. peter recently got adopted into the family after the incident with mysterio killed his aunt. he is now legally apart of the family but honestly he was that way before your dad plopped the adoption papers infront of him.
peter was doing some schoolwork while you taught him. he still got his school work but didn't go to school for the past 3 months cause of the whole ''spiderman is just a kid and he murdered mysterio'' drama with the media. morgan was watching something on her tablet.
your dad and mom came into the room with some paper and threw it infront of peter. '''guess what?'' peter looked up to tony then you unsure of what going on. you just gave him a smile knowing whats gonna happen next.
''we're adopting a kid!''
''thats great si-''
''and you're the kid!''
you and your dad said in unison. peter eyes widen.
''w-what...? is this a prank?'' this has to be a joke, right?
pepper put a hand on peter shoulder as she sat next to him.
''no peter, it isn't. we all talked about it and all of us want you to be part of the family offically on paper.''
''yeah all you have to do is sign here and your offically a stark.''
peter looked utterly shocked and tears started to form in his eyes.
''i-i don't k-'' you cut him off before he finished his scentance.
''then don't, just let it all out. you're safe here.'' you gave him a headpet and all the emotions spilled out. something you and peter shared was the dealing with the fear of losing people, parents in particuliar. you knew exactly how it felt to be in the dumps and being picked up pieces by pieces and the overwhemling feelings it came along with it.
pepper let him cry on her shoulder, rubbing his back while morgan ran over trying to dry his tears to no availe. ''why are you crying?'' morgan asked worried she thought peter be smiling. ''sometimes emotions get so big we don't react the way we usually do'' you explained to morgan. she just nodded and hugged peter.
-end of flashback-
now peter parker is peter stark things slowly got better bit by bit. you couldn't help but smile at the memory. you wouldn't leave the kid alone even if it ment dying and your father felt the same.
his head however was somewhere els though. the sight infront of him remind him of you as a child. the good and the bad. and man were the bad memories horrible. he remembers the times to disneyland, builing tech, the parties, the missions and so much more but alot of them had a bittersweet taste to them.
disneyland was always fun, building tech was fun until something exploded and sent you flying almost giving tony a heart attack every single time it happend but it was one of your fav things to do so it happen alot, the parties were fun until he got drunk and you had to drag his ass out of there before it got out of hand and the missions man were you stubborn about that. the only reason he allowed it to happen was because your a supersoldier and under the condition he would always tag along.
but alot of them had 1 thing in common. tony doing crazy shit and putting you in danger. he couldn't help but feel guilty for that. all the time he acted reckless and you having to deal with the aftermath, being completely helpless to all of it as a child. the stress he must have put you under for all those years. no wonder you wanted to join the avengers so badly. back then he just thought it was you wanting to become a superhero and nothing more but looking at how you are now. apart must of you felt like if you joined the avengers you have more controle over your life and be able to make a name for yourself instead of being in tony shadow.
''im sorry (y/n)'' you looked at him confused as you took a sip.
''for what exactly? did you blow up something?'' you immedaitely looked at the garages. he chuckled at your antics knowing exactly where they came from.
''no, no don't worry. its just... i could have been a better dad to you...''
''dad, you did your best. sure you fucked up a bunch of times but... you still mean the world to me. i wouldn't be half the person i am without you.'' tony smiled hearing your feelings towords him but he bite is under lip knowing he could have done better.
''it doesn't change the fact i put you thru alot. i should have protected you from the danger instead of dragging you into it.''
''to be fair dad, i wouldn't be a real stark if i wasn't a magnet for danger.'' he chuckled knowing goddamn well that is true. its seems to be a trait that somehow runs in the family.
''just do me a favor and don't blow up half of this house for morgan and peter sake.''
''i won't.'' he looked at the 2 pretending to be in the star wars movie.
''i promise to do it right this time.'' you smiled at him.
''i know you will, dad.'' you stuck out your fist to him and the 2 of you did your handsake. something the 2 of you started to do ever since your 12.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Just A While - Tony Stark 
Summary: Your boss Tony Stark absolutely hates insubordination or disrespect.
Pairing: CEO!Vampire!Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: main kink: authority, not canon compliant, smut, p in v, oral fem receiving, blood drinking, vampire stuff, d/s dynamics, nicknames - pet, kitten, thigh riding, spanking, fingering, cockwarming, edging, praise kink, mild degradation kink?, MINORS DNI.
A.N: tony stark, ceo tony stark, ceo vampire tony stark, ceo vampire tony stark with an authority kink 🫠
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Your feet are killing you, the damn heels are painful and if one more time anyone questions you about the xeroxes you’re going to lose every ounce of self-control.
“Hey, where are we on those xeroxes?” The words grate on your being.
“Oh my fucking hell, they’ll get to the conference room when their done.” You snap, “It’s taking the copy machine ages it isn’t my fucking—,” you pause, swallowing down the remainder of the sentence.
“By all means complete that thought, kitten.” Tony’s voice is devoid of its usual teasing.
“I um, T-Tony—,” You fumble.
“Ah, ah, ah, Sir.” Tony steps closer, holding up his index finger for emphasis.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” you look down at the floor.
He tsks, stepping closer, grasping your chin in the gentlest of ways.
“You will be sorry, pet. My office, assign an intern for the task.” Tony brushes his thumb over your bottom lip, “Shame, I didn’t think I’d have to punish you this week.” 
“Sir I’m sorry—,”
“No, pet, you’re going to apologise in the way I know you would have learned your lesson.” He cuts you off, moving away and heading to his office.
You scurry past the interns desk, quickly instructing them and leaving a hasty email with probably incoherent instructions. 
Knocking on Tony’s door hearing his voice beckoning you inside, you open the frosted glass door, he stands with his back to you gazing out at the city that never sleeps. He turns, undoing his cufflinks one by one. Rolling up the sleeves of his blue shirt. 
You swallow as his flesh is exposed, those arms that have cradled you as well as pinned you down. Fingers that have brushed the hair out of your eyes, and been wrapped around your throat.
Tony licks his lips, sitting on the couch, arms across the back, legs spread.
“Take a seat, pet. I’m very hungry.” He smirks, then you see the fangs exposed, your thighs clench. Tony chuckles, “Such an eager little pet.” two fingers gesture for you to walk towards him.
“Clothes off, only want those pretty maroon panties on your body.” He instructs, “Oh and crawl.”
Your cheeks heat, you begin to undo your clothing while taking steps to him, then as your clothes drop you crawl to him, kneeling by his feet. His palm grasps your chin making you meet his eyes, red tinged.
“Such capabilities to be a good little pet, but you want to talk back, delay my meeting, and then have the audacity to complain about your job?” He tuts, his grip tightens you whimper.
“Aw does that hurt?” He questions, soon your core is flush against his thigh, his strength making you weightless. 
Head tilted his nose brushes along the column of your neck, you shudder when he hums appreciatively.
“A creature of the night wants a taste of you and you’re getting slick. Oh little pet.” Tony chuckles, one hand on your hip making you grind on his thigh, your thighs clench, as your clit pulses in response to the stimulation.
“S-Sir—,” you whine when he lets you continue without his hold, circling your hips you moan, Tony’s nose brushes over your sternum, over your breasts, hands cupping them and tugging on your nipples as they harden for him.
You jolt when his fangs sink into your skin, the sensation leaves a slight buzz, thrumming under your skin. 
“Sir, please.” You beg, your hips moving as he drinks, you can feel yourself draw closer to the edge. The smack on your hip has you rub harder against his thigh. You whine, Tony pulls away licking the puncture wounds.
Another smack to your left cheek, you shift, the fabric rubbing deliciously over your clit.
“Cup your tits pet, play with those nipples.” Tony smirks as your lips part, he spanks you again.
“What do you say?” he chastises.
Fangs sinking into your neck, 
“Th-thank you, Sir.” your voice breaks into a moan, he spanks you yet again, he contracts the muscles of his thigh, feeling the way your clit rubs over him, he knows you’re close the way your breath quickens, on the fifth spank,
“Sir, please, please, Sir,—,” your orgasm shatters through you.
“Such a messy little pet. So pretty though, so pretty when you beg.”
Tony lays you back on the couch, legs hooked over his shoulders, teeth ripping the soaking fabric, he nips at your clit, lapping at your entrance, then his lips move to your inner thighs fangs sinking into the flesh, he hums, thumb rubbing at your clit as he takes his fill.
You begin to thrash in his grip as the second orgasm comes barrelling into you, Tony’s tongue now lapping at your entrance. He groans, kissing his way up your body. 
“Now you’re going to be a good pet, and sit on my cock while I feed from you.” He chuckles when your eyes widen, he knows you don’t last when he’s inside you and drinking, it makes you every bit eager and needy.
“But, but Sir, Sir please—,”
“Oh pet you thought the spanks were your punishment?” He coos, brushing your hair back, tracing his knuckles from your temple to your neck. Then his fingers wrap around your throat, he undoes his pants with fluid movements, you moan at the stretch.
“For, for how long, Sir?”
“Just a while, my pet.”
“That’s it pet, take it like a good little girl, fuck such a tight bratty little cunt.” 
“Yes, Sir.” You pant, his thrusts gain momentum, your walls clench around him, pulling him back in, Tony angles his hips stars dance in your vision, he nips at your sweat sheened flesh.
“Sir, please, Sir, Sir, Sir—,” You preen he stops, carrying you still inside you, each step has you feel him deeper, your hands move to his hair, tugging on it nails leaving scraps along his neck and chest, they tinge pink already healing.
“Oh pet,” he caresses your cheek, slowly easing out of you then thrusting inside you again, he places you on his desk, each time you’re at the brink he stops, you’re gaze is hazy.
Facing his desk you can see him scroll through spreadsheets on his laptop.
“Sir,” you plead, he shifts, cock brushing over your walls.
“No can do pet,” his fangs sink into your flesh again, you clench around him, “you need to learn your lesson.” he pinches your clit.
Every few minutes he either shifts or drinks from you, one hand gripping your hips so you don’t move, you’re whimpering, preening, pleading yet nothing works.
Through glassy eyes you see it’s been an hour, Tony finally shuts the laptop, you hold your breath.
“What do you want kitten?” he rubs a soothing hand along your back.
“Want you, Sir,” you sniffle.
“My kitten wants me?” He repeats, you nod.
His index and middle finger rub at your clit, you moan head thrown back, eyes rolling as the sensations take over, he watches your mouth part, every fibre of your being alit, you don’t last long and cum all over his cock.
Tony pushes you down against the table, thrusting into you, chasing his own orgasm, the cold glass soothing your heated skin, but your nipples hardened rub agains the glass.
Stomach tightening as Tony groans your name, “Fuck Kitten, such a pretty cunt, gonna stay buried in it all night.” he spills his seed inside you, your walls spasm as you cum undone for him yet again.”
He pulls you towards the couch again, snug against his chest. You rub your face against his chest, seeking more of his intimacy.
“Rest kitten, we’ve got a long night ahead of us.” He presses his lips to your forehead as your eyes flutter closed.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Her secret Santa
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Summary: You believe in miracles, the good in people and yes, Santa Claus.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Card Number: 6054
Rating: Mature (due to angst and daddy kink)
Warnings: age gap (undefined), daddy kink, reader is a little special (she still believes in Santa), Christmas fluff, angst, arguments, secret Santa
Square A1 filled for @tonystarkbingo​: Apology
Square 9 filled for Lulu’s Winter bingo: Angst
Square 2 filled for Lulu’s XMas Bingo: Secret Santa  
Words: 1,7 k
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“Darling, can you please stop wiggling and giggling?” Tony sighs deeply as you wiggle on top of him. “Y/N, I mean it. I need some more sleep. The last fight is still in my old bones.”
You giggle at his words.
“Baby, you’re not that old,” you peck his lips, but won’t stop wiggling. “It’s just, Christmas is close, and it always makes me giddy. I love it. The tree, the lights, baking cookies, waiting for Santa.”
“Waiting for Santa?” Tony watches you straddle his lap. You place your hands on his chest, tickling him. “You mean you are playing secret Santa or something.”
“No, Tony. I’m excited to see if Santa will like the new cookies I’ll bake for him,” you smile dopily. Your eyes are glassy, just like when you slip into your favorite headspace. The one only Tony can help you find.
“Aw, you want me to play your secret Santa, huh? What do you want, baby?” he lets his eyes wander to drink your naked body in. “I know a thing or two I want Santa to help me come true.” He bites his lower lip.
“What? No, daddy,” you slap his chest playfully. “I don’t need you to play secret Santa. I’ll be waiting for the real Santa to find me at my new apartment. It will be perfect. I got the best ingredients and he’ll love the cookies. I was a good girl too all year.”
“Darling?” Tony cocks his head. He tries to find out if you are joking or not. “You are not serious. Right?”
“Of course, I’m serious, Tony,” you lean over his body to peck his lips. “Don’t you want something from Santa too? You’re a hero and a good man. He’ll bring you all the gifts you want.”
“You are serious,” Tony gasps. He can’t fathom that you believe in Santa Clause. “But Santa Claus is for children and you are a grown woman. How can you still believe in him?”
“Daddy, you are flying around in speaking armor. One of your friends is an alien, and another one has superpowers and turns green. The doctor can use magic. After all the things you saw and did you don’t believe Santa is real?”
You sit back up and stare down at Tony.
“Baby doll, you can’t believe in fairy tales. You’re too old…I mean…Y/N…” he stammers as tears well up in your eyes. “I didn’t mean to offend you, darling. It’s just, you’re a smart girl and…”
You get off his lap to look for your clothes. Tony tries to grab your wrist, but you slap his hand away.
“Smart people can believe in magic and wonders too, Tony,” you snap back while hurriedly throwing your clothes back on. “You witnessed wonders and the impossible. You met Gods and dark elves. Hell, you walked the line between life and death and still don’t believe in miracles?”
“Miracles. No. It was Doctor Cho, modern technology, and the help of my friends bringing me back,” he huffs as you pick your bag up. “Come back to bed, Y/N. We can talk about your fantasies later.”
“Last night you weren’t against my fantasies,” you grit your teeth. “You loved them and all the kinky ideas. The handcuffs and my sexy Mrs. Claus costume.”
“I loved it, sugar doll,” Tony hastily leaves the bed to follow you out of the bedroom. “Baby. Wait. I’m sorry, okay. We don’t always have to agree, Y/N. Please wait.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’ll go home and prepare for Christmas. You can stay here, in your world filled with logic and no magic. Forget we ever met. Lose my number and look for someone who’s just like you.”
You turn around to glare at Tony. “Baby? Darling…what do you mean someone like me?”
“A dream destroyer. A grump who doesn’t believe in magic and the good in this world. I can’t be with someone belittling me for believing in something magical…”
You are gone before Tony can react. He stands in the hallways, panting as he realizes you just left him for good. “Uh-Friday. Can you find out if there’s any trace of Santa Claus being real?”
“Sir, I’m afraid I don’t have reliable data about Santa Claus,” the AI replies.
“Call Strange. Maybe he knows if the big red guy is real,” Tony runs one hand down his face. “I just fucked epically…”
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You whine as a loud thud wakes you from your peaceful slumber. While you turn around to have a look at your phone, groaning as it’s eleven pm, a noise catches your attention.
“Who…what?” you grab your phone and silently slip out of your bed. “Friday.” You whisper. “Can you check if anyone broke into my home?”
For the first time, you are thankful Tony insisted on taking care of the security at your apartment.
“Miss Y/L/N, I can assure you that you’re not in danger. No stranger broke into your home,” the AI replies. “Merry Christmas from me.”
“Merry Christmas,” you chuckle as you sneak out of your bedroom. “Maybe it’s…no…this can’t be. Right? I used bad words and wasn’t nice to Tony.”
You silently tiptoe toward your living room.
“Santa Claus is coming to town,” you hear a deep voice sing. You hold your breath as a man with a white beard dressed in a red suit with a black belt and white fur trim, black boots, and a soft red cap with white fur trim is busy putting gifts under your tree. “Perfect. Now let’s have one of those cookies.”
He huffs and sits on your armchair to take one of the cookies you placed on a plate on the small table next to the armchair. “Hmm…very good. Cinnamon and chocolate chips.”
“I made them for you, Santa,” your eyes are wide and wet as you carefully approach Santa. “I-uh…do you like them?”
“Very much,” he turns his head to not give his features away. “Thank you, Y/N. I’ll be on my way now. But…”
“But? Is something wrong, Santa?” you stop in your tracks. “Are you mad at me?”
“No-no,” he clears his throat. “I just wanted to thank you for still believing in me. Faith is hard to find these days. So, thank you Y/N.”
“No, thank you, Santa,” giggling you watch Santa get back up from the armchair. He nods, bows, and turns around to make his way toward the window. “You can use the door if you want to. Sorry, I don’t have a chimney, Santa.”
“No problem, darling,” he opens the window to jump out, making you gasps.
“SANTA! Be careful,” you run toward the window only to find him gone. “Phew, I bet he parked his sleigh under my window. I just wonder why he called me darling too…”
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You went back to bed to sleep some more after Santa left.
Opening the presents before Christmas morning is forbidden so you decided on dreaming about Santa and all the gifts he brought you this year.
“WAIT!” you jolt up on the bed, gasping audibly. “He called me darling! No—no. This wasn’t Santa.”
Your heart does somersaults as you realize your own secret Santa visited you tonight.
“Friday, can you tell me who entered my apartment tonight?” you wring your hands. “It’s important for me to know.”
“Miss Y/L/N, the information you need is not available. I’m sorry.”
You sigh deeply. “Friday, did Tony instruct you to not give me the specific information I was looking for?”
“Miss Y/L/N, the information you need is not available. I’m sorry.”
“Friday, can you tell me where Tony is right now?”
“Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Stark is waiting outside your apartment. His heart rate is a little too high and he hasn’t slept well.”
“Well then, let him in,” you jump out of the bed to run toward the door.
“Opening the door now,” the AI replies as you already jump at Tony to pepper kisses all over his face.
“Daddy,” you wrap your legs around his waistline and your arms around his neck. “I knew you believe in Santa too.”
“Uh-I don’t know what you are talking about,” he pecks your nose. “I got some gifts for you, though. Darling, will you forgive me for being a Grinch? I love that you still believe in miracles and magic.”
“I mostly believe in you,” you greedily kiss Tony, whining as he cups the back of your head to deepen the kiss. “I love you, Tony.”
“Love you too, Y/N,” he carries you inside your apartment, wondering what made you forgive him so easily.
Tony was awake all night to find a way to earn your forgiveness. He doesn’t know someone already did the job. “You can play my secret Santa next year too.”
You grin.
“Secret Santa?” Tony furrows his brows. “I don’t know what you are talking about…”
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Later that day you and Tony unwrap the gifts under your tree. “There’s something for you too?” you wonder aloud. “Odd.”
Tony stares at the gifts in his hands. It’s a handwritten letter and a toy he always asked Santa to bring him. Every year. Until he stopped believing in Santa Claus.
“Dear Tony. I brought you this gift to make up I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. I know it’s not much but you already got the biggest gift. A gift I wasn’t able to give you. Hold her close and cherish the love she has for you in her heart.”
He looks up from the letter signed with Santa Claus, swallowing thickly. “Tony what’s wrong?” you ask as he starts to cry. “Baby? Daddy?”
“I-I think I was mistaken,” his voice cracks. “You were right. He’s still out there.”
“He is?” you jump onto the couch to have a look at the letter. “But it was you last night…right? You came and brought the gifts.”
“Darling, I was at home and tried to find a way to get you back,” he stammers. “It wasn’t me.”
“If it wasn’t you…”
Your eyes grow wide, and you look at the letter again. You wrap your arms around Tony’s neck, sniffling silently as he wraps his arms around your trembling body.
It’s hard to believe in the good, love, and magic in a world trying to drag you down all the time.
But sometimes you just need a little faith…
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lesliecabj-blog · 2 years
Nobody Agent- Chapter 3
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A.N: word count is 4.1k words. I kinda got carried away but I really wanted to move the story and our relationship forward. Hopefully we’re not moving too fast. I also apologize for the lame ending. I didn’t know where to stop it. 
Reblogs, comments, messages and likes are always appreciated. I hope you enjoy my loves 
Chapter 3
Grabbing your bag from the bed and taking one last look in the mirror before leaving out to your first Avenger mission. You had waited for this moment too long and it was finally here. One last deep breath and you made your way out asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to lock the door before heading into the take off area. 
Waking up probably too early this morning, you were hoping to maybe get a quick nap before having to get into the mission. You knew you would be moving into the suburbs in a small town in Texas and that you would have to pretend to be married to Tony. You weren’t sure how you would pull that off, the man couldn’t stand to be around you it seemed like. 
Tony walked in a few minutes after you. He seemed to not be in a good mood. Heavy bags under his eyes made his lack of sleep apparent. You give a shy “hi,” as he sets his bag down in one the compartments of the quinjet. 
He looks up at you almost as if he hadn’t noticed you at first. He doesn’t say anything but give a curt nod at you. “How was your date last night?” 
“Oh, um,” you hesitate. You weren’t expecting that question. You were sure this had been the longest sentence he had said to you that didn’t involve talking about the mission. “I didn’t get to go. I wanted time to get ready for the mission.” Its true. After failing to get to Tony and ask him what you needed to get ready, you decided to play it safe and pack anything you could possibly need. No matter how small the possibility of you actually using it. You were pretty sure you weren’t going to need your hairbrush that doubles as a knife. 
Hearing you say this, Tony felt his mood lighten up. He had unintentionally kept you from your boyfriend and at that time nothing made him happier. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He had Pepper. He was engaged to Pepper, but Tony was drawn to you. Your smell, your voice and smile. The way he would find you cooking at any hour of the day, made his heart beat just a little faster. 
The ride to Texas had been quiet so far.  Tony had taken over flying the quinjet. He had not said anything to you after you had told him that your date had been cancelled. He didn’t think he could hide the smile he felt creeping up on him after hearing your confession. You didn’t sound upset when you said it and it made him wonder if you were not actually sorry for missing your date. 
Tony looked back at you admiring you sleep. Smiling at the soft snores that passed your lips. You had fallen asleep almost immediately after Tony had taken over piloting. He really had to stop this, he thought. He could not fall for you. It would be absurd, he is engage and why would you be attracted to someone his age at all. 
“Wake up, agent,” Tony said. He turned around before you got up, he didn’t want you to know that he had been watching you. “We’re here.” 
After leaving the quinjet, Tony had gotten into the car you could only assume was the one you were going to use for your mission. 
“Is the house near here?” You asked Tony.
He ignored you. 
“When should we start acting as husband and wife?” Ignoring the fact that he had obviously ignored your first question. This was starting to make you mad. He hadn’t said a word after waking you up from your nap. You knew he didn’t want to be here and would much rather prefer to be back home with his fiancee. Or at least doing this mission with his fiancé but Pepper was not an agent. She acted as a secretary to the team. 
“Look, I know you’re not happy you’re here—“ but you didn’t get to continue with your small rant because Tony had turned and moved his face so close to you, you could feel his breath on your face. His breath smelled like mint, his woodsy expensive cologne hitting your senses and you felt lost for a moment. 
“You know nothing agent.” He said. He felt like he shouldn’t have gotten this close to your face not knowing if he could keep himself from your lips.“If you have to ask me all these questions about the mission, then I question your capability of being on this team. We will finish this mission as quick as possible and you can finally stay away from me.”
You could feel the hatred on his last sentence. Tony took one last look at your lips and then adjusted himself back to the drivers seat. The rest of the drive was quiet. You were angry and upset he would demean you that way. You were a well trained agent, top of your class. Otherwise why would be here and why did Tony hate you so much. 
Once you arrived to the house you quickly got out of the car. Tony’s eyes followed you as you passed by the front of your car. He was regretting going off on you like that but the more you hated him, the farther away you would stay. 
“Hey honey can you—“ Tony didn’t get to finish his sentence as you had already walked inside and slammed the door. “Starting off our marriage the right way,” he said to himself. 
Tony saw you in the kitchen as you tried to familiarize yourself with the house and the setting. Looking at any of the pieces of technology that Fury had written down on the mission files in case you were to need them in an emergency. 
“Look, we have to act like a married couple and that stunt you pulled out there is not gonna help if people are watching,” Tony said as he was walking up behind you about to hug you. You turned around before he was able to and it caught you off guard that he was so close to you. 
“Married couples fight Stark, that’s what it looked like to anyone else out there. In here I don’t have to pretend anything. So you don’t have to hug me, touch me or even talk to me. When the mission is over, don’t worry I’ll stay out of your way Stark,” you said as you walked by him bumping him in the shoulder. You needed to leave before the tears that were threatening to get out would spill over. 
Tony couldn’t stand to see you sad, as you walked by him, he grabbed you by the shoulders. Your face didn’t show sadness, it showed anger and hatred. He knew that he deserved it by the way he had been treating you. Tony opened his mouth to say something to you but nothing would come out. 
“The great Tony Stark is actually speechless?” You scoffed, “Never thought I’d live to see the day.” You released himself from his grip and went upstairs to one of the bedrooms. 
That night you didn’t come out of the guest bedroom. You really didn’t know how you were supposed to complete this mission with someone that hated you and for no apparent reason. You decided to stay professional, you weren’t going to ruin your career for one person. 
In the morning you woke up when you heard the doorbell ring. Looking at the clock you saw that it was 8:00AM sharp. Cursing whoever was at the door you reluctantly got up and put on a silk robe to answer the door. You hadn’t heard from Tony since your discussion and wondered if he had even slept in the same house. This mission was already to a bad start. 
As you opened the door you saw a short older lady that had a casserole dish covered with aluminum foil. She had one of the biggest smile you’ve seen and you wondered how anyone could be so happy this early on a Saturday morning. 
“Hiya neighbor!” She gleefully said. 
You brought your hand up to cover the sunlight that was hitting you directly in the eyes and squinted to see her a bit more clearly. “Hi there,” you said. Your voice still low just waking up. 
“Oof, I see I woke you up. It wasn’t my intention,” you wanted to roll your eyes at this. Who else would be up this early on a weekend. 
“No problem,” you said. “I had to get up anyway.—“ 
“M’names Rose, darling,” she interrupted as she brought her hand up to shake yours. 
Shit. You couldn’t remember what your name was supposed to be for the mission. 
“Emily,” you quickly said picking the first common name that came to your head. You needed to remember to tell Stark later. Rose kept looking at you as if she was still waiting for you to finish. You realized she was waiting for your last name. 
“Jones. Emily Jones,” you shook her hand and smiled at her. 
“Rose, Rose Calvin. I’m the neighbor on your left side. You’ve got the Munsons on your right and right across the street are the Schulers.” 
Of course, you already knew this from the mission files. The Schulers were the reason you were here in this mission of hell. They were smuggling the super soldier serums across the country and was causing a major problem for the O.S.S and the Avengers in keeping the Enhanced Humans in check. Not to mention that most people who took this serum ended up dead within a week. From what they had discovered, it was extremely poisonous to the heart. 
“I am throwing our annual end of summer barbecue tonight and we would love to have you and your husband over. They will all be there of course. It’d be a great chance to get to know you” She said as she side stepped to see into the house hoping she would be able to catch a glimpse of him. 
“Yes, we would love to come.” You said. She looked at you expectantly and when you didn’t continue she rolled her eyes and asked, “Well, don’t keep him a secret. What’s his name?” 
“Robert. Robert Jones.” You weren’t sure if Stark would be happy with the name you gave him but that’s what he got for not being here when the neighbors literally came knocking. 
“Speak of the devil,” she chimed in and you looked towards what she had just pointed at. Stark had come into the entrance hallway in sport shorts and a navy blue shirt, his hair messy from sleeping. You couldn’t help but stare and admire how good he looked when he wasn’t being a complete ass. He looked so domestic your insides fluttered and you wondered if you would ever be able to get something like this. 
Focus Y/N. This is not the time to be fantasizing. 
“Hey babe,” you walked up to him and hugged him around his waist lifting up his shirt slightly in the back. Tony doesn’t flinch and just kisses the side of your head back. “Hey sweetheart,” he said back. 
“This is our neighbor Rose,” you said bringing your hand up to point to Rose at the doorway. She was smiling towards you and clearly checking out the interaction between you two. 
“I just brought you my famous potato casserole and to invite you to our annual end of summer tonight. Your wife here says you’d be able to make it,” she says as nods to you. 
You look up at Tony expectantly. His beard looked freshly shaven. He had to disguise himself for this mission and having his signature Tony Stark facial hair would’ve been too recognizable. You can’t help but notice how good he looks and you can already see his five o’clock shadow coming in.
“Uh yeah, yeah we can do that,” Tony said clearly still groggy from waking up. 
“Great! Well listen I’ve gotta go, otherwise my husband will kill me,” she said throwing her head back in a shrieky laugh. “He just can’t function without me, but you know what I mean. I saw the way he was looking at you.” She winked. 
You chuckled slightly and tried to change up the conversation. “Did you need me to bring anything, Rose?” You asked hoping she would say no but she looked delighted that you had offered.
“She makes the best pineapple upside down cake,” Tony said. “Just exquisite,” he finished by bringing his hands up to lips and doing a chefs kiss. 
“Well if it’s not too much trouble Emily we would love to try it,” Rose giggled as she walked away.
“Not at all!” You yelled out to her. 
Slamming the door shut you looked back at Tony who was looking at you with an amused expression. He raised an eyebrow and said “Emily?” 
You rolled your eyes and sighed as you walked to the kitchen. “Yes, Tony. Emily. I forgot what name I was supposed to use and I just chose the most common name I could think of.” You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms over your chest. You weren’t going to let him bully you today. 
“You’re Robert by the way,” you said with a small chuckle. Tony scoffed at this, “Robert? I don’t even look like a Robert.” 
“Well you do now,” you said as you turned around to start making yourself breakfast. You made a mental note that you had to go grocery shopping as Tony had volunteered you to make a pineapple upside down cake. “Thanks for volunteering me by the way,” you said sarcastically. “How would you even know what my cake tastes like?” 
Tony stepped towards inching your face like he had yesterday in the car. You could smell his minty breath on your skin. How did he always smell so good?
“I don’t. But I would love to try it someday,” he said as he licked his lips. You didn’t miss the way his eyes went to your lips for half a second. Your cheeks flushed at this. You were conflicted. Did Stark mean for this to be an innuendo? You pushed him away, or at least tried to. HIs muscular frame didn’t flinch against your attempt. 
“For someone that can’t even be around me, you’re standing awfully close right now Stark.” You said as you turned around to start on your breakfast.
Tony quickly left the kitchen. He didn’t mean to step into your personal bubble, but talking to you that close felt so right to him. He needed to get himself in control. It was only the second day and already he had two occasions of being so close to you.
That afternoon you and Tony headed out to Rose’s house party. You were wearing a summer dress, similar to the one you had worn when you were going to see Brock. Tony was wearing a dark gray shirt which was probably one size too small for him. It accentuated his abs and a V-line that left little to the imagination. Dark jeans too but you were too distracted by his shirt. 
You both arrived and Rose immediately started introducing you to everyone. You met people that were not on your file but the spy in you told you it would be to the best interest to remember their names and faces. By the end of the introductions you had met at least 30 different people, thankfully Tony had hidden a camera on your single diamond necklace he had insisted you to wear. 
You stuck close to Tony until he started making conversation with the other men about what he did for a job. Tony’s cover was that he was software developer and you were a stay-at-home wife who loved to cook. Fury had decided to stick as close as possible to your hobbies to make your fake lives as easy to remember as possible. 
As Tony was conversing with the men you made your way towards the wives. They were all sitting in a circle each with a drink on their hands. 
“Emily, darlin’,” Rose chimed in. “Please come join us.” 
You sat next to a younger woman. She had been introduced to you as Rachelle Collins. She was tall and slim and looked like everything you wished to look like. She was the wife of an important surgeon in town who was talking to Tony at that time. “Yes please, come join,” she said. 
“Well Emily, we’ve all been dying to know more about you. Especially our little exchange from this morning.” Rose spoke up first. 
“Figures you would’ve already taken your potato casserole, Rose,” smiled Rachelle. “So tell us Emily. How did you manage to climb that tree.” 
You looked at her confused. You could only assume she was talking about Tony. He was tall around 6’ and there was no denying he was handsome. “I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean” 
“Oh come on, your husband. He’s handsome.” She replied. You tried not to look too surprised. These people were bold. You barely had met them and already they were ogling at your husband. 
No. He was your pretend husband. So why was the fact that she was checking him out bothering you so much? You wanted to think it was because you knew of him and Pepper. Yeah, that’s why. You were only jealous because you were protecting Pepper. 
“Oh, we met through mutual friends—“ you were trying to keep your answers short and simple but there was no need to. Rachelle would interrupt you anytime you opened your mouth to speak. 
“Mutual friends? He’s got what 15 years on you. What kind of friends do you have?” She asked snappily. 
“It’s 10 years, and I’ve got friends of all ages.” You snapped back. You were not getting good vibes from her already and where did she get the audacity to ask you questions about your husband like this. You had already decided that you did not like Rachelle. 
In an attempt to lighten up the conversation, Rose moved the subject to the annual bake sale that was coming up. You spaced out when the conversation started but were glad to not have to endure any more questions from Rachelle. 
Rachelle however was not done with you. “So can you tell us about your sleeping arrangements?”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. “Wh-what are you talking about?” Usually you were quick on your feet to think of a comeback or reply but you didn’t know what she meant. Had she been watching you? Did she know that you and Tony had slept in separate rooms?
“Well we were gonna go and say hi yesterday but we saw you slam the door on your husbands face and then saw 2 different lights on at the same time. One can only assume that you slept in separate rooms, and seeing him. I have to ask why?” 
You were speechless. How did she know that? Clearly satisfied with your silence and shock she turned to Rose, “so Rose, about that bake sale, huh?” Rose looked at you clearly just as uncomfortable as you about the situation and gladly changed the subject as fast as it had come up.
You spent the next 45 minutes trying to learn about your neighbors. Rachelle had gone to the dessert bar and had found herself, not by accident you were sure, speaking with Tony. You didn’t miss the way she would touch his bicep as he said something funny and surely sarcastic. 
“I would do something about her,” someone came up behind you. You turned and saw Mrs. Schuler holding a martini glass in one hand and the olive from the drink on the other. “She flirts with all the husbands and her husband sits there and just takes it.” She sounded bitter. 
“I assume she flirted with yours too” you said as you brought a water bottle to your lips. 
She scoffed. “Flirted? I found them on my bed the week after my 15th anniversary.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and she went to answer the question you hadn’t asked, “I forgave him. He said it was a mistake. A one time thing, but the doubt still lingers.”
“Linda, sweetie, I think you’ve had enough,” you heard Rose say as she took away the martini glass away from her. Rose looked apologetically at you and you smiled at her, letting know that it was no problem. Truth be told you wished Rose hadn’t interrupted at all. One of your main suspects was more than willing to talk as long as she had alcohol in her system. You made a mental note to invite her over to for dinner and drinks. 
You felt Tony’s hands wrap around your waist as he hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. As if it was second nature you brought your hand up to his jawline as you turned around to face him. He kissed your cheek and asked, “are you ready to go, sweetheart?” 
Dumbfounded by how easy those movements had been you simply nodded your head. Tony smiled at you, and you could feel his face moving closer. Was this his way of acting for the mission? As you started to lean into the kiss—Rose interrupted. 
“You guys make such an adorable couple,” she clapped her hands together and brought them up to her chest. Tony sighed heavily as he was brought back to reality and smiled at her without showing his teeth. 
Rose’s comment also brought you back to reality. You tried to step away but you could feel Tony holding you close to him with his hand on your waist. You also smiled at Rose, “actually Rose, we were just leaving. Thank you so much for having us.” 
You walked away from Tony and from the party. Once you were in the sidewalk you could hear the Tony’s footsteps catching up behind you. 
“Get away,” you simply said. 
“Wait, Y/N,” Tony yelled after you. 
You whipped around quickly. “Shut. Up. You could compromise the whole mission,” you whispered. 
“Who cares!” He yelled after you, “I know you felt that back there too. Don’t deny it,” still jogging to catch up with you. 
You didn’t respond him. You didn’t want to admit it but you weren’t about to deny it. You knew that people were watching and listening to your conversations based on what Rachelle had said back at the party. You cursed the fact that the properties were so big it took you this long just to get to your house. 
As you opened the garage door, Tony still followed behind you. He finally grabbed your wrist as you both walked into the kitchen. His touch was soft and he barely made an effort to turn you towards him. You could feel his arc reactor against your chest. The closeness made your cheeks flush and you could feel the heat rising to your face. 
“I know you felt it too,” he was inching his face closer to yours. He was bringing his hands up to your face holding it steady as he started to lean in. You weren’t fighting back and you hated yourself for it, you knew you couldn’t get involved with him. It was prohibited among the Avengers. It was literally in the contract you signed. 
“You have a fiancé Tony, and I have a boyfriend,” you argued. If you moved less than an inch forward you would be kissing. You were trapped against the counter.
“I don’t care,” he said as he kept moving towards you. “I’ve wanted this since the first time I saw you.” 
You shouldn’t. You shouldn’t. But you couldn’t stop yourself—
Ding. Dong.
The doorbell rings. Tony drop his forehead to your shoulder in defeat and he sighed heavily. “I’ll get it.” 
You heard Rose at the entrance explaining how she had brought back the pan that you had taken your pineapple upside down cake. After hearing a few apologies and Tony’s it’s ok’s you headed up to the bedroom before he got a chance to get back into the kitchen. Tomorrow you would wake up and pretend nothing happen. You could only hope that this mission was completed as fast as possible. 
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noobichan-blog · 2 years
*At a speed dating event*
Tony: Oh wow, people are really shallow.
Y/N: Consider it a background check. Do you have a death certificate?
Tony: *Checks their pulse* Sorry, not yet.
Y/N: Good, I´m not fucking a ghost again.
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romanoffshouse · 4 months
Natasha: What time is it?
Y/N: I don't know, pass me that saxophone and we'll find out.
[Y/N blasts the saxophone]
Y/N: It's 3 am
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my-helping-hand · 1 year
If I have to choose one, I’d choose you.
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Y/N was a mysterious and powerful individual who had developed the ability to manipulate emotions. With her powers, she could make anyone fall deeply in love with her. Recognizing the potential havoc she could wreak, the Avengers deemed her their biggest enemy.
Y/N used her powers to sow chaos among the team, causing rifts in their unity and distracting them from their mission. The Avengers, usually a cohesive force, suddenly found themselves infatuated with Y/N, unable to resist her charm.
However, Y/N had a change of heart. She realized the damage she was causing and decided to use her powers for good. She resolved to find her forever love, someone who could see past her abilities and accept her for who she truly was.
As Y/N spent more time with the Avengers, she discovered their individual strengths, weaknesses, and unique personalities. She formed deep connections with each member, understanding their hopes, dreams, and fears. But she knew she had to make a choice.
Y/N found herself torn between several Avengers, all of whom had fallen under her spell. She considered Captain America, who embodied honor and integrity, and Thor, whose passion and power intrigued her. She also felt a connection with Black Widow, who shared her past of secrets and redemption.
After much contemplation, Y/N realized that her true forever love was none other than Iron Man himself, Tony Stark. Despite his flaws and ego, she saw the vulnerability beneath his confident exterior. She recognized that he needed love and acceptance more than anyone else.
Y/N revealed her decision to Tony, who was initially skeptical. He had been hurt before and was wary of falling into another trap. However, as Y/N spent more time with him, showing him the genuine love and care she had for him, Tony's walls slowly began to crumble.
Together, Y/N and Tony worked to mend the damage caused by her powers. They helped the Avengers see that their emotions had been manipulated and forgave Y/N for her past actions. With her powers now under control, Y/N and Tony embraced their love and began a new chapter together.
Y/N's power to make the Avengers fall in love with her became a force for good as she used it to heal and strengthen their bonds. Their shared experiences and newfound trust made them an unstoppable team, proving that even the greatest enemies can find redemption and love.
I hope you enjoy this: I do now except request🤎
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vilentia · 2 years
Flirtatious Intentions
Tony Stark x reader
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Summary: Will Tony finally gather the courage to confess his true feelings and pursue a relationship with you, or will he continue to hide behind his flirtatious facade?
Tony Stark, the genius inventor and playboy, is used to getting what he wants. However, when he meets you, he finds himself completely smitten. Despite his reputation as a flirt and a ladies' man, he's never felt this way before. He's never been so drawn to someone, and he's never been so afraid of being rejected. So instead of being straightforward with his feelings, he tries to win you over with his humor, charm, and flirting.
At first, he tries to impress you with his wit and humor, cracking jokes and making you laugh. He compliments you on your intelligence and your beauty, and he shows a genuine interest in your life and your passions. He's always one step ahead of you, making you feel like you're the only one in the room. Despite his initial efforts, however, you remain somewhat aloof, and Tony realizes that he's going to have to work harder if he wants to win you over for good.
You assume that Tony is just like all the other men you've met in the past – confident, charismatic, and only interested in a good time. However, you soon realize that there's more to him than meets the eye. Despite his reputation, he's kind, thoughtful, and always puts your needs first. You notice how he goes out of his way to make you feel comfortable and cared for, often anticipating your needs before you even realize them yourself. He remembers small details about you, like your favorite food or your preferred method of coffee, and he uses that knowledge to surprise and delight you. You also see how he treats the people around him with respect and kindness, even when they don't necessarily deserve it. Over time, you realize that Tony isn't just putting on a show for you – he's genuinely kind and caring, and he's been that way all along. This realization deepens your feelings for him, and you start to see him in a new light as you fall for the real Tony Stark.
As Tony and you spend more time together, Tony becomes increasingly nervous about revealing his true feelings. He's afraid that if he tells you how he feels, you'll reject him. He's afraid of being vulnerable and putting his heart on the line. He's been hurt before, and he's afraid of putting his heart on the line and risking rejection. He's used to being in control of every situation, but when it comes to his feelings for you, he feels completely out of his depth. He's afraid that if he tells you how he really feels, you'll reject him or see him as weak. He's also afraid of losing you as a friend, since he values your company and companionship so much. So instead of being upfront with his feelings, he tries to win you over with his humor and charm, hoping that you'll pick up on his subtle hints and signals. He knows deep down that this approach is risky and might not work, but he's too afraid to take a bigger risk by telling you the truth.
As the days go by, you begin to notice a pattern in Tony's behavior towards you. He'll flirt with you one moment, making your heart race and your stomach flutter, and then suddenly pull away or become distant the next. You're confused and frustrated by this hot-and-cold behavior, and you start to wonder if Tony is just playing games with you. You begin to question whether he's really interested in you or just looking for a fun distraction. Your feelings for him grow stronger every day, and the uncertainty and ambiguity of your relationship begin to weigh on you. You want to confront him about his behavior, but you're afraid of what he might say or how he might react. You're stuck in a state of limbo, not knowing how to move forward and feeling like your heart is on the line. You're falling for Tony more and more each day, but you're not sure if he feels the same way, and the uncertainty is starting to take its toll on you.
One day, you and Tony have a particularly confusing interaction that leaves you feeling frustrated and hurt. Tony had been acting especially flirty with you all week, sending you suggestive texts and making comments that made you blush. You thought that this might finally be the moment when Tony would open up about his feelings for you. However, when you finally meet up in person, Tony acts distant and aloof, barely paying attention to you and seemingly interested in everything but you. You're hurt and confused by this sudden change in behavior, and you finally decide to confront Tony about it.
You arrange to meet him at his lab, and as soon as you walk in, you confront him about his behavior. You tell him that you're tired of the mixed signals and want to know once and for all what he wants from you. Tony is taken aback by your directness and honesty, but he knows that you're right. He's been struggling with his feelings for you for a long time, and he knows that he needs to be honest with you. He takes a deep breath and begins to open up about his true feelings.
He tells you that he's always been attracted to you, but that he's never been able to express it properly. He explains that he's been burned in the past and is afraid of getting hurt again. He's also afraid of putting your friendship at risk if things don't work out. But as he speaks, he realizes that he can't keep playing games with you either. He knows that he needs to take a chance on love and that he wants to be with you.
You are surprised by Tony's admission, but also relieved. You've been wondering for so long what he really feels for you, and now you know. You're also moved by his vulnerability and honesty, and you know that you feel the same way.
In response, you open up about your own fears and insecurities. You admit that you've been struggling with your feelings for Tony too, but that you've been afraid to make a move because you're not sure how he feels about you. You tell him that you've been hurt in the past, and that the idea of getting your heart broken again is terrifying. You're also worried about ruining your friendship if things don't work out.
Tony listens attentively, and as you speak, he begins to understand you better. He can see that you've been struggling with the same issues he has, and that you both need to take a chance on each other if you're ever going to be truly happy.
As you talk, you both realize that you want the same things. You want to be together and make a real go of it. You both know that there will be challenges and obstacles to overcome, but you're willing to take the risk. You promise to be honest and open with each other, to communicate your feelings and fears, and to work together to build a strong and lasting relationship.
After your conversation, Tony takes you in his arms and kisses you. You both know that it's just the beginning of your journey together, but you're ready to take the next step. From that moment on, you're a real couple, with all the ups and downs that come with it. But you're both ready to face whatever comes your way, together.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
I thought something with college and shy Tony × female reader. First Valentine's Day together, Tony is trying his best to plan the perfect date, and of course he succeeds. After the date, they spend the night together
Patio Love
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Pairing: college! Tony Stark x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1200 words
Outline: Tony has planned a lovely surprise for you but not everything goes to plan.
Author's Note: thank you bb for this request! I wanna wish everyone a happy valentine's day and remember there is nothing a fictional man cannot do for you <;3 this might be a month late but it is here!!!!!! and that's what matters!!!!! aye!!
Warnings: tony is a horny slut :( involuntary exhibitionism, penetrative unprotected sex, biting, marking, breast worship, swearing, pet names, and dirty talk.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Tony Stark Masterlist
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Tony was nervous.
He had no right to be as nervous as he was but this was the first Valentine's day you'd spent together and the first he'd celebrate with a girlfriend. So everything had to be perfect. For a week he'd spent his time after school trying to come up with unique ideas for your special date.
At first, he had thought of hot air balloons which Rhodey had sat down as it's very cold and you'd probably freeze, Happy had suggested a nice Italian restaurant and a romantic walk downtown but he felt that was too pedestrian for his liking.
Finally he'd come up with a plan, of various letters and clues that would determine you to a location where you'd have a lovely dinner.
Much to his dismay though, your roommate accidentally throws out the first clues and therefore the game is lost before it even starts. In the end, he settles for a card handed to you by a semi-functional robot covered in pink glitter.
Now as for the dinner plans? His plan was to set up a table on the patio of their shared apartment while he made sure they were all gone so you could enjoy your time together. What he didn't expect though was for you to show up in that well-fitted dress that hugged around your body just right making his eyes pop out the moment he saw you coming up the stairs.
The rose bouquet in his hands was quickly taken by your hands trying to smell them before he gripped you tightly and pulled you in a feverish kiss. "Tony, the roses!" You try to mumble between his needy passionate kisses and his wandering hands. "I need you." He mumbles in return, his hands squeezing your ass while he was practically moaning at your ear, his lips tracing your neck.
"What about the food? Tony, focus!"
"I got my meal right here." The way he bites down your neck, sucking in a bruise to mark this special occasion has you shutting your eyes. Maybe the food could wait for later. Evidently, you will need it.
You don't protest anymore, it's not like you didn't know the affect you had on him, you let him suck and bite on your neck, tracing his lips down to your breasts, hoping the low light of the candles and the street lights would keep you safe from any prying eyes.
If only you knew...
He pushes down the strap of your dress with his teeth looking up at you with his sparkling eyes, his passion shining through as his hands squeeze your ass, his free hand trying to find your zipper. No matter how much he loved you in that dress he wanted you out of it. Your hands are playing softly with his fluffy hair, you loved watching him worshipping you like that, wanting to taste every inch of your skin like you are all deliciously his.
Once he pushes the zipper down, he can finally free your breast and he immediately brings his hands forward to squeeze them and place the flat of his tongue all over them, toying with your nipples with the tip while lovingly gazing up at you. He looked happy, content, blissfully, in his right place one could say.
It's not long till he reaches further down leaving a trace of kisses down your stern and your belly, until the dress is falling off you, leaving you in just your tiny little cotton thong right there on the patio, he places sweet kisses down the line, mumbling how much he loves you, while his hands are caressing your thighs.
"Tony...my sweet pretty boy..."
You giggle as he seems to get drunker and drunker on you by the moment, it's hard for him to stop and he starts anyway but he had gotten you far too wet and he could eat you out another time, for now, you need to get properly fucked.
"Please, fuck me against the railings."
And he fucking snapped his neck to look at you, taking no longer than half a second before he is grabbing you and pushed you against the railings, quickly flumping with his pants and undoing his shirt before ripping it off at the floor. His poor cock looked so strained inside his boxers it made you almost feel bad for him. You stroke him once and twice clothes as it is and he curses as his cock twitches for you.
"You fucking driving me wild, baby."
He whispers and a couple of minutes later, he is inside you, your breaths getting short as your lips hang off of each other and your hands holding his chin to look at him. Your one leg wraps around him as he slowly begins to push his cock inside, allowing your pussy as he liked saying to swallow him in willingly because that's only how much he could know how you wanted him to fuck you.
Moans and groans and all in between fill the cold air, his hands holding on to the railings to protect you from injuring yourself, as his cock almost synchronized with his breaths. The shortest he inhaled the quickest he fucked you. Almost like a breathing exercise.
He only slipped out of your for a moment just to rub his dick on your pussy lips to feel the way you mewled when he did that, arching yourself in a way to make you get inside him again. It felt romantic, intimate like you were becoming his and him all devotedly yours. He kisses your lips when he enters you again, your wetness ailing him to hit your sweet spot fast and precisely. None of you would last long, not anymore, not as you are getting lost inside each other eyes like this. He slows a little, preferring the slow sensual type of fucking for an occasion like this.
His hands come up to your face holding up your chin for him. "I want to hear you cum on me. I need you please, baby, you have done so well for me." He pleads with you and your hands try to hold on to him as you let go, a loud moan following your action as he spills his seed inside you, filling you up.
The moment was too beautiful, him inside you, you're getting lost in each other, your bodies becoming one, that's until a loud applause was heard and you horrified and looked at the source of that noise as the image of five of your classmates were pressed on the window looking at you both and cheering.
The embarrassment would soon be replaced by pure exhilaration as you felt Tony getting harder immediately inside you, knowing very well you just discovered one of his most secret kinks.
Happy fucking valentine's day indeed.
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I’ve had this thought in my head ever since End Game....Professor AU Tony Stark who’s a single father raising Morgan...who seems to genuinely enjoy getting on the nerves of our grad student reader...only to have everything turn upside down the day reader saves Morgan using powers she’s been hiding her whole life...getting injured in the process...and then waking up to find herself in Stark tower surrounded by the Avengers, Tony included...
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