#Top psychic readings in London
psink · 1 month
Saiki Kuusuke and Teruhashi Kokomi guidebook full pages translation:
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(left side) Disaster element: Unsuccessful attempted triggering of the World War.
Kusuo's older brother and a genius inventor with an IQ of 218. The eldest son of the Saiki family, currently studying abroad at Cambridge University. A genius who spoke his first words at 1 month old, but due to an inferiority complex because of his psychic younger brother, he ran away to London. ↑He takes pride in his top-class academic abilities even within the prestigious Cambridge University. ? To avoid encountering・・・・・・ Don't get caught on the surveillance cameras!! Kuusuke can hack into all of London's surveillance cameras in an instant. Isn't Japanese security a piece of cake in his hands? Let's find a place without cameras.
! If you happen to encounter・・・・・・ The topic of his younger brother is not allowed!! Because of his "younger brother complex", talking about his younger brother is strictly forbidden. If you do, he'll psychologically corner you. (right side) Ecological information: 【Name】 Saiki Kuusuke 【Height】 179cm 【Weight】 64kg 【Birthday】 June 16th 【Blood type】 B
Disaster Status: Intelligence S, Physical Strength B, Obsession S Genius ◎ Cambridge University Kuu-kun Extreme masochist 0 wins 4254 loses Dr. KU-SUKE
Overall disaster difficulty: 80% (C) You're safe in Japan, but be careful when travelling to London!
[Kusuo:] It seems that is such thing as a younger brother who surpass his older brother.
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Main appearance spots Having left Japan at the age of 14, his current base of operation is mainly London. Almost never returns home.
(top left) Relaxing tea time Elegantly enjoying tea time while looking at his personal computer in a luxurious hotel room. He has amassed a massive wealth thanks to his patents! (bottom left) This is the best place to concentrate He goes to the library at the same time every week to read. Everyone knows that reading in this place is part of his daily routine. (top right) There is no such thing as a younger brother who surpasses his older brother・・・・・・ Due to studying abroad at Cambridge University, he is currently living alone away from his family. (bottom right) Reunion through the monitor You shouldn't feel safe just because he's not in Japan. Various machines can immediately turn into his cameras. There's no room for carelessness or weakness.......
Asou-sensei's idea memo: I indented from the beginning that Kusuo would have an older brother, and I also decided that he'd be a scientist who competes against Kusuo. However, it was difficult to find the right timing to introduce him. The only foreshadowing is on 2nd panel of page 12 of volume 2, where 3 fingers are held up.
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(left side) Disaster element: The world revolves around Teruhashi-san.
The most beautiful girl in the world, loved by God. She is the idol of PK Academy and prides herself in such beauty that even God is captivated by her. Teruhashi-san is aware of this, which, frankly speaking, makes her invincible. →Even naturally formed clouds take shape of Teruhashi-san's wings.
? To avoid encountering・・・・・・ Avoid the crowds!! A crowd of onlookers gather around Teruhashi-san. So if there's a crowd, it's a warning sign.
! If you happen to encounter・・・・・・ Offu-ing! In case of encountering her, that'll bring you happiness, so there's no such thing as an avoidance technique. If you want to leave quickly, just say "offu".
(right side) Ecological information: 【Name】 Teruhashi Kokomi 【Height】 171cm 【Weight】 ?kg 【Birthday】 August 6th 【Blood type】 A
Disaster Status: Intelligence A, Physical Strength C, Appearance S 7 billion people's love A kind and perfect girl Children × Captive [of love] Offu Life on easy mode
Overall disaster difficulty: 75% (B) Since Teruhashi-san has an impressive number of followers, she is quite dangerous.
[Kusuo:] Even God obeys her.
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Main appearance spots The reason Teruhashi-san goes out, is to show people her appearance!! Truly noble!! (top left) Bringing happiness to Hidariwakibara-chō by letting people see her On days off, even though she doesn't have much to buy, she strolls around the main street of Hidariwakibara-chō as an eye-candy for the purpose of enjoyment of people around her.
(bottom left) I only accompanied my brother Her brother is a super famous celebrity. They often go to the cinema together to watch the movies he's in.
(top right) If I wear it, it'll fly off the shelves, you know? Being a perfect beautiful girl, anything she wears will suit her. Therefore it's fine for her to shop in an ordinary clothing store in the town.
(bottom right) After-school girl talk. Lately, her way of enjoying herself has been talking about love with Yumehara and other classmates at cafes and dessert shops. Asou-sensei's idea memo: When you think about what person would be able to oppose Saiki, it has to be a "perfect beautiful girl", right? And if she's a perfect, beautiful girl, I think she'd definitely be aware of her charm, right? The reason she doesn't have any ribbons, a unique hairstyle or other prominent feature is because, being perfect, she doesn't need them.
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psychics4unet · 2 months
20 Simpsons Psychic Predictions That Came True 🚀
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Hey there, fellow Simpsons fans! 🎉 If you’ve been following The Simpsons, you know that this iconic show isn’t just about laughs and donuts (though we love those too). It’s also about some eerily accurate predictions that have left us all scratching our heads. 🤔 How did this cartoon get so many things right about the future? Grab a seat, grab a donut 🍩, and let’s dive into some of the wildest psychic predictions from The Simpsons that actually came true! 🚀
🌟🔮✨ Curious about what the future holds for you? Just like The Simpsons predicted some mind-blowing events, you too can uncover what’s in store for your life. Click the link below for your own personal psychic reading and get insights that might just amaze you:
1. Donald Trump’s Presidency 🇺🇸
Season 11, Episode 17 (“Bart to the Future”)
In this episode from the year 2000, Lisa becomes the president and mentions that they inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. Fast forward to 2016, and Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. What the what?! 😲
2. Smartwatches ⌚
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
During a future vision of Lisa’s wedding, her fiancé uses a watch to make a phone call. This was in 1995, way before smartwatches became a thing in the 2010s. Talk about being ahead of the curve! 📱
3. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox 🏰🦊
Season 10, Episode 5 (“When You Dish Upon a Star”)
In 1998, there’s a scene showing the 20th Century Fox sign with a subtitle “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney actually bought 21st Century Fox. Coincidence? I think not! 🎬
4. Video Chatting 💻
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
Again in Lisa’s Wedding, we see video calls being made. This was years before Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom became part of our daily lives. The Simpsons were definitely on to something here! 🖥️
5. The Shard in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
In the same episode (wow, it’s like a crystal ball!), we see a skyline that includes a skyscraper eerily similar to The Shard, which wasn’t built until 2012. 👀
6. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance 🎤
Season 23, Episode 22 (“Lisa Goes Gaga”)
In 2012, The Simpsons showed Lady Gaga performing at a concert, suspended in the air. Fast forward to 2017, and Gaga did exactly that at the Super Bowl halftime show. Fly, Gaga, fly! 🎇
7. Nobel Prize Winner 🏅
Season 22, Episode 1 (“Elementary School Musical”)
Milhouse predicted that Bengt Holmström would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. And guess what? Holmström did win it in 2016. Way to go, Milhouse! 📊
8. Ebola Outbreak 🌍
Season 9, Episode 3 (“Lisa’s Sax”)
In this 1997 episode, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Years later, in 2014, there was a significant Ebola outbreak. Chills! 😬
9. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack 🐅
Season 5, Episode 10 (“$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”)
The show depicted a white tiger attacking entertainers similar to Siegfried and Roy. Tragically, in 2003, Roy was indeed attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance. 😥
10. U.S. Wins Olympic Gold in Curling 🥌
Season 21, Episode 12 (“Boy Meets Curl”)
Homer and Marge compete in curling and win a gold medal. In real life, the U.S. men’s team won the gold medal in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Sweep that, skeptics! 🥇
But wait, there’s more! Let’s keep this prediction train rolling with some honorable mentions that didn’t make the top 10 but are still pretty mind-blowing. 🚂💨
11. Horse Meat Scandal 🐴
Season 5, Episode 19 (“Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”)
Lunchlady Doris used “assorted horse parts” in the cafeteria food. In 2013, a scandal erupted in Europe when horse meat was found in various beef products.
12. FIFA Corruption Scandal ⚽
Season 25, Episode 16 (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”)
The episode features a storyline involving corruption in the World Football Federation. In 2015, several FIFA officials were arrested amid a corruption investigation.
13. Farmville 🚜
Season 9, Episode 12 (“Bart Carny”)
In this 1998 episode, kids are seen excitedly playing a yard work simulator game. Fast forward to the 2000s, and Farmville became a massive hit on Facebook.
14. Faulty Voting Machines 🗳️
Season 20, Episode 4 (“Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
Homer tries to vote for Obama in the 2008 election, but the machine keeps changing his vote to McCain. In 2012, there were real reports of voting machines changing votes.
15. Beats by Dre 🎧
Season 8, Episode 14 (“The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”)
In a scene from 1997, we see a character wearing what looks like modern-day Beats by Dre headphones, years before they existed.
16. Mutant Tomatoes 🍅
Season 11, Episode 5 (“E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)”)
Homer grows mutant tomatoes after using nuclear power on his crops. In real life, scientists created genetically modified tomatoes that glow in the dark.
17. NSA Surveillance 🕵️
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
The movie depicted the NSA spying on citizens. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was indeed conducting mass surveillance on American citizens.
18. Shard Building in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
We see a tall building in the London skyline that resembles The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
19. Michelangelo’s David Censorship 🗿
Season 2, Episode 9 (“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”)
The episode shows Springfieldians protesting against Michelangelo’s David being exhibited. In 2016, Russian campaigners did try to cover the statue.
20. Autocorrect Fail 📱
Season 6, Episode 8 (“Lisa on Ice”)
Dolph writes a memo that says “Beat up Martin” which gets autocorrected to “Eat up Martha.” Apple’s iPhone autocorrect has had many such hilarious fails.
It’s wild, right? How does a cartoon get so many things right? Well, it’s probably a mix of clever writing, sharp observation, and maybe a bit of that Springfield magic. ✨
And it's not just us hardcore fans who are intrigued. Thanks to the internet, more and more people are discovering the spooky accuracy of The Simpsons' predictions. Social media platforms are buzzing with theories and speculations. Reddit threads are filled with fans dissecting episodes, and YouTube is packed with videos analyzing every prediction. It's like a virtual treasure hunt where every frame might hold a secret clue to our future! 🔮
Some folks even believe that the writers have a time machine or some sort of psychic ability. While that’s probably a stretch, it’s fun to think about! One thing’s for sure – The Simpsons will keep surprising us with their uncanny knack for predicting the future.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or just curious about the show’s “psychic” tendencies, it’s clear that The Simpsons is more than just a TV show. It’s a pop culture phenomenon that continues to influence and amuse us, while also making us think twice about what might come next. So, next time you’re watching, pay close attention – you might just be getting a sneak peek into the future! 🕵️‍♂️✨
Stay curious, my friends! And remember, the truth is out there… or maybe just in the next episode of The Simpsons. 🌟🚀
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kennysbirthday · 7 months
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A Cot3 travelling circus au, with a touch of magic ✨ (Written for the Lockwood & Co. Big Bang 2023/2024!)
The living and the dead have always spoken equally to Lucy, and she doesn’t know where to focus any more. When disaster strikes at Jacob’s Travelling Circus, Lucy flees to London. There, she stumbles upon the world famous Fairfax Carnival, and falls back on an old con that her mother made her do as a child; swindling punters as a fake psychic. Lucy is content to blend into the background and be just another carnie, but when Annabel Ward, the trapeze star, disappears overnight, Lucy is forced into the spotlight in to a role she told herself she’d never do again. Add to that Lockwood's unhappiness about her getting a star act over him, and stopping the inspector investigating Annabel’s disappearance ratting her whereabouts to Jacobs; Lucy’s too distracted to even notice that the voices in her head are leading her right to the heart of the problem. She can’t ignore the signs forever, and when the mysterious figure lurking inside her crystal ball starts giving warnings about George and the Carnival’s secretary, Joplin, she and Lockwood must work together to figure out the dark secret behind the carnival’s popular attraction; the Hall Of Mirrors.
Welp, it's here, my fic posting day!! Chapter one is up, and the remainder of the fic will follow very soon (when work and health issues stop kicking my ass this week)
I want to give an absolutely massive shoutout to my teammates, @radishwizard and @ayeaye-capn. You two have both figuratively and literally been my rocks thoughout all of this. Without you two, this fic would not be possible. Thank you 💕🎪✨ The lovely tent illustration is what you'll see at the top of every chapter on ao3 with the chapter number, and was made by Radish, who also made a spectacular poster for the Fairfax Carnival!
And as always, all the love towards the organisers of @lockwoodandcobigbang2023, whout whom this event wouldn't have been possible. As I've mentioned in my art posts, you guys dragged me kicking and screaming out of an art *and* writing block, and I'll forever be grateful for that 💕
To anyone reading this; feel free to come yell in my dm's with me about this fic if you so wish. I've put so much love into creating this au and world, and I'm so excited to share it with y'all. I hope you all like this weird, niche, and oddly specific au as much as I do!!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 7 months
Day 17 - Prompt: Embrace @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 595 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
As they approached the psychic’s impromptu tent, Lily’s curiosity turned wary. The pricing written on a chalkboard propped against a stump was smeared and had obviously been rewritten a few times. £45 for a half-hour reading was rather steep, in her opinion.
Pandora was entirely unfazed. She strode through the tapestries without hesitation. “Madame Trelawney?”
Lily followed her, curiously eyeing everything inside the stall and attempting to embrace her former commitment to open-mindedness again. There was a small square table and four stools in the centre with baskets of crystals, candles, and anything that could be printed with constellations on it stacked on a table nearby. A rack of keychains announcing, “My psychic knows more than you,” “I know I’m psychic, my shirt says medium,” and “It’s not in the stars, it’s in your head” stood near the doorway.
“Welcome ladies! So good of you to stop by,” a willowy woman greeted her as she lifted from her stool. She reached for Pandora, then gasped when her gaze caught on Lily. “Oh! You’ve found your cardinal, I see.”
Pandora froze. When the young woman with thick glasses nodded toward Lily, Pandora’s head whipped around. “My card-cardinal?”
“Yes, yes! You must be so pleased!” The woman looked up and beamed at Lily. “And you!”
Lily was startled by the sudden shout and jumped back. “Who, me?”
Madame Trelawney rushed forward and clasped her hands around one of Lily’s. “You’ve never had a reading, have you? I'm your first!”
“Oh, I suppose so.”
Pandora quickly rearranged her expression as she perused the crystal basket with her hands tucked behind her back. Her fingers twitched and twisted together anxiously.
“Come, come. Sit with me,” Madame Trelawney said, tugging Lily forward. “Now, would you like a one card reading or a full reading?”
“One card,” Lily decided.
Madame Trelawney handed her a thick stack of cards. “As you shuffle the deck, think about the question or problem you wish to resolve. Then, cut the deck and stack it however feels right.”
Lily did as she was told while repeating, “Is London meant to be?” in her mind. She tried to clear her thoughts and focus solely on London: the busy streets filled with voices and traffic, bright lights and air thick with possibility, and the intense pull to the city that blossomed into a full blown obsession the last few months. The occasional dreams she’d had of exploring Leicester Square with…someone.
The figure was never fully formed in those dreams. It was always a soft hand in hers and a sense of belonging that she chased every morning after. Lily had never felt the need to have a partner before now, only a vague wistfulness that it would be nice.
She set the deck in the centre of the table and looked up at Madame Trelawney expectantly. The psychic tipped her head to the side and pursed her lips as she studied the tidy pile of cards. Second-guessing herself, Lily reached out and spread the deck into a fan shape.
“Ah! There we are,” Trelawney said, clapping once. “Now, pull whichever card appeals to you.”
Lily was tempted to pick up the top card out of spite, but decided to play along for Pandora’s sake. This was important to her and Lily would be damned if she slipped up again. She held out her hand and closed her eyes. After a few slow passes over the cards, she pointed to one at random. When she opened her eyes, the psychic was grinning like a well-fed cat.
“Turn it over.”
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x-lucifera · 21 days
So I finished Rouge (S14E06)
Spoiler alert, for those who had not seen it yet.
You have been warned.
This will be an extremely unpopular opinion but I did not like this episode. Nor the character whose name is in the title.
I mean the episode - alright. I loved the idea of aliens cosplaying the world. I liked it a lot, and I liked the villains - their design mostly, because their motives were never really deepened during the story. Like, okay they wanted to destroy London, but WHY? Still, liked them. I loved the psychic earrings xD With the Battle Mode (TM). That was brilliant. And most importantly we had this tiny peek into the Oncoming Storm. Can't WAIT to see more :>.
And my fav moment - when finally we see the Doctor who is so tired of losing his friend for the "greater cause" of saving the universe so he refuses. My dear Loki, that was actually painful. Liked that a lot.
What I did not like was the too-fast pace of the episode. I had this awfully strong feeling that if it was during the 10th run or 11th this would be a two-part episode. I had a hard time getting into the mystery before it was all revealed.
And Rouge. I did not like him at all. Unfortunately, I've seen some spoilers and read some opinions on this character and I was actually pretty hyped, but no. I don't like him. I was glad that this marriage part was an act (from the spoiler I got it looked different and I was terrified). I don't know why but he was just... Like he noticed that Doctor was vulnerable and decided to just use it. It felt like everything he did was a deliberate act. Nothing true was there. I was glad my girl TARDIS had her objections about him too. Speaking of her - his reaction to seeing the ship also felt weird. One good thing about him? He was there on a mission to kill some shapeshifters and was fully in for that mission. And he did after all.
I'm sorry but as a love interest (romantic I mean) he is not even close to Rose, River, Yaz, hell even Jack or that Cheem Tree-lady. And in terms of platonic things not even close to anybody else. He is not even close to Martha and, as we know, they had a pretty weird relationship. Just no. And, as a woman myself, I don't care this character was created by another woman. Sorry. I'm so, so sorry honey but I really hope this was just a one-time fling.
Oh and disclaimer - I have no problem with Rouge being a guy. If it was a girl I would say the exact same thing. It might have actually been worse.
Another thing tho that is absolutely great about this episode is the amount of shitstorms it caused. I loved how some people went and just said "It is all ruined!!", "They have to put these homos everywhere!!!" So funny. XD Especialy here in Poland. Our local IMDb-like portal called filmweb is just filled to the brim with comments like that. People have no chill. I laughed so hard.
But anyway, all things considered, the episode is like... 7/10 tops. It was better than Space Babies but worse than 73 yards, and frankly, I am disappointed.
On to the next one!
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astrovivekswamy · 2 months
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Astrologer Vivek in London Call Now +44 7448856335 💫 Astrologer Vivek is a renowned Indian astrologer in London, dedicated to making people's lives easier through his top-notch astrology services. His expertise includes palmistry, numerology, gemology, and love psychic readings. He offers expert advice on love and relationships, compatibility checks, and specializes in the Vashikaran Mantra to bring back lost love. For spiritual guidance and life resolutions, Astrologer Vivek is your go-to expert. #westbromwichastrologer 🌠🔮#astrologyinwestbromwich 🔯🌙#westbromwichhoroscope 📝🔮
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talentforlying · 1 year
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01. write & read music. not that punk band mucous membrane was churning out grammy-winning material, mind you, but knowing where all the notes go on a sheet of staff paper, which ones sound good together, and a handful of things about tempo and rhythm aren't half-bad skills to have. of course, constantine's process for writing music would make professional composers cry, but these days he most often puts this skill towards creating new spells, since he finds the principles remarkably similar, so the music world is spared his endeavors for now. ( underground single venus of the hardsell excepting. )
02. miniature-scale arts & crafts. he's really gifted with his hands, and with any activity that requires fine motor skills: intricate ritual-carving, cutting his own hair, braiding other people's hair, restringing an instrument, rolling insanely long joints, fixing jewelry, sewing, threading a corset, building a detail-accurate small scale model of a chair out of matchboxes for an ex-girlfriend's miniature house.
03. electrical work. another useful application of his excellent fine motor skills. he's lived in enough shithole apartments and had to hot-wire enough cars for friends to know his way around a wiring issue or two, not to mention the fact that electricity can be a handy supplemental power source in certain spells and it's helpful knowing how to get to it wherever you are. it stands out because he's pretty terrible with most other forms of household maintenance; there's just something uniquely mind-boggling about a guy who can't unclog his sink but can install a circuit breaker like a pro.
04. tie a cherry stem with his tongue. natch.
05. get anywhere in london, and cite almost anything in its history, from memory. a big bloody city with a big, bloody history attracts a lot of unearthly creatures with a lot of different emotional, spiritual, psychic, and physical fancies; it's been useful for him to know where significant events have happened, and when, and why, in case something starts up and the symptoms strike a chord. it's also useful to know where to go when he needs to gather specific kinds of information: the seedier pawn shops, gang territories, high-end clubs where celebrities and politicians go to hide from the press. on top of the strategic reasons, he's also spent a significant amount of time being homeless under a few different circumstances, and keeps his accumulated knowledge of last-ditch shelters, times that the police patrol the sewer tunnels, and safe places for a meal close at heart.
06. gamble with a 100% win rate. two of his best tricks are synchronicity wave traveling and probability manipulation, where he basically feels out the flow of luck in the space around him and shifts the current to go his way. it's incredibly dangerous on a larger scale, since it can cause a butterfly effect — too risky to use on avoiding a hit that would have killed him or sabotaging a villain's scheme, for example — but as long as he sticks to small-scale, short-term events like horse races and poker games, he cleans up easy. it's his primary source of income, since he doesn't have an actual job.
07. melt the face off a vampire. specifically the former king of the vampires, but supposedly any. demon blood is a nasty thing to have in your veins, and incredibly corrosive upon ingestion/absorption, for unknown reasons. if anyone wanted a snack they'd have a bad, bad time.
08. semi-fluently sign in & understand BSL. he credits his reason for learning to a deaf ex-boyfriend he dated in the 90s and has continued to brush up on his skills over time, although his preference to learn languages from the people who use them, lack of consistent lessons, and geographically-wide variety of friends has resulted in a . . . frankly nightmarish hodgepodge of dialects that can make him harder to understand.
09. play electric guitar, bass guitar & harmonica. he was lead vocalist and bassist for mucous membrane, and although they were only together a year before the newcastle incident, he'd been learning both electric and bass for a year or two before. it took him a long, long time to pick it up again, given the circumstances, but he managed to get his hands on a fender 1962 jazz bass a few years back and has been slowly but steadily working on getting the old feel back. the harmonica started as a joke gift from gary after constantine and chas got arrested for a pub fight in '77, so they could play it to pass the time when they inevitably got shafted by the system ( they didn't, constantine talked their way out ) but he became quite genuinely good at it, and now it's his shameful secret.
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sneakymystique · 1 year
Some old headcanons, posted here to archive them.
Sleep: Mystique can use her control over her cells to minimise the need for rest. She usually sleeps with her eyes open and remains a higher degree of awareness than someone who sleeps normally.
Body: The Brotherhood boys are teenagers and therefore Mystique is used to having her breasts and other parts ogled. She encourages this when she wants to manipulate them, tolerates it for most of the time, but when she’s in a bad mood…that’s when the Brotherhood get their bruises.
Eyes: Yellow and serpentine, Mystique’s eyes grant her superior vision which is why she often retains them when using the forms of animals.
Skin: Raven’s clothes are an illusion produced by her powers-they’re just reshaped skin. She can take them off-it’s like shedding a layer of old skin, there’s some pain but it’s very minor. It amuses her to donate these husks to charity shops or leave them in people’s wardrobes, she thinks it a delicious irony that humans are unknowingly wearing the unwanted cast-offs of a superior species.
Horseman powers: From what I can tell Mystique was the only mutant to retain her enhanced powers from Magneto’s machine. Therefore I theorise that her x-gene is malleable enough to accept and retain changes made and that this includes the changes wrought by Apocalypse. However using these abilities is physically and mentally taxing for her, so she uses them sparingly.
Probing her mind: In her natural form Mystique’s mind is like a blank space to a telepath, no matter how hard they press they won’t be able to break in. This is because her grey matter is ever changing and grants her a natural immunity. When wearing other people’s forms Mystique usually creates a kind of psychic blanket to go around her mind. The top layer is a number of surface thoughts that she pushes out to match what she thinks her mark would be thinking. Under that is a layer of chaotic mental static, still flavoured like the person she’s disguised as thoughts, but it hurts to stay there long. Beneath that a place only the nosiest telepaths go is where Mystique’s tell-tale mental blank lurks.
Ronnie Lake: In 616 verse Ronnie Lake was an identity Mystique created when she got bored. Ronnie was the ‘model of the millennium’, and was considered to be one of the most beautiful women who’ve ever lived until a tragic yachting accident off Florida, her body was never found. Mystique smiles every time she sees Ronnie’s face on posters or in commercials, knowing that if people knew who was lurking underneath, they wouldn’t stare at that perfect face so dreamily.
Children: Mystique loves her children in her own twisted way, and their rejection of her is one of the most painful things that have ever happened to her. She really only wants what’s best for them, and what’s best is something a woman of her experience can best decide. Consequently she is working on plans that will bring them round to her point of view…big plans.
Fatherhood: Mystique is secretly Rogue’s father, Irene Adler is her mother. Rogue knows it which was why her nervous breakdown on discovering the truth was so severe. Mystique generally prefers the label ‘mother’.
Sherlock Holmes: Mystique was posing as a detective in London when she met Arthur Conan Doyle. Her ability to read body language and razor sharp memory was what inspired Conan Doyle to create Sherlock Holmes.
More headcanons here
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 month
Discover the Power of Psychics in London with Gail Keenan Psychics
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In today's fast-paced world, many people seek guidance and insight to navigate the complexities of life. Whether it's understanding a challenging situation, finding clarity in relationships, or exploring future possibilities, the wisdom of psychics London can be a transformative resource. One of the most trusted names in the field is Gail Keenan Psychics, offering a range of services that cater to your spiritual and emotional needs.
The Growing Demand for Psychics in London
London, a city known for its rich history and diverse culture, has a thriving community of spiritual practitioners. Among them, psychics London stands out as a popular choice for those looking to connect with their inner selves and seek answers to life's pressing questions. The demand for psychic readings has surged in recent years, as more people turn to these gifted individuals for advice on everything from love and career to health and personal growth.
Gail Keenan Psychics has been at the forefront of this movement, offering a variety of psychic services to meet the unique needs of their clients. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, you can access their expertise through online psychics UK, making it easier than ever to find the guidance you need.
The Convenience of Online Psychics UK
In our digital age, the availability of online psychics UK has made it possible for anyone, anywhere, to connect with a trusted psychic reader. This accessibility has revolutionized the way people seek spiritual guidance, offering a convenient and private way to explore life's mysteries. Gail Keenan Psychics provides a platform where you can connect with experienced psychics from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that you receive personalized readings tailored to your specific situation.
Whether you're dealing with a challenging decision, looking for insight into a relationship, or simply curious about what the future holds, online psychics UK can provide the clarity and direction you need. The psychics at Gail Keenan Psychics are known for their accuracy, empathy, and deep understanding of the human experience, making them a top choice for those seeking spiritual guidance.
Exploring psychic Light Readers with Gail Keenan Psychics
Among the various types of psychic readings available, psychic light readers offer a unique and powerful way to connect with your inner self. These specialized readers use light energy to tap into your aura and reveal hidden truths about your life. This form of reading is particularly effective for those seeking to understand the deeper aspects of their personality and life path.
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Gail Keenan Psychics features some of the most talented psychic light readers in the UK, providing clients with profound insights that can lead to meaningful life changes. Whether you're new to psychic readings or have been exploring them for years, a session with a psychic light reader from Gail Keenan Psychics can be a transformative experience.
The world of psychics offers a wealth of opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, Gail Keenan Psychics is your trusted partner in this journey. With their expert psychics London, convenient online psychics UK services, and skilled psychic light readers, you can find the guidance and clarity you need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and peace of mind.
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 year
Top Psychics In The UK
The Creme de la Creme of Psychic Talent: Top Psychics in the UK
The realm of psychic phenomena has intrigued humanity for centuries, with individuals claiming to possess unique intuitive abilities to perceive information beyond the ordinary senses. In the United Kingdom, a land steeped in mysticism and folklore, there are several remarkable psychics whose reputations transcend borders. Let's delve into the captivating world of these top psychics, celebrated for their remarkable insights and uncanny abilities.
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Top psychics in the uk
Sally Morgan: With a career spanning over four decades, Sally Morgan is a well-respected name in the psychic community. Known as "Britain's Best-Loved Psychic," she has mesmerized audiences with her astonishing mediumship and clairvoyance. Sally's warm and compassionate approach has won her a massive following, including celebrities and royalty, seeking guidance and solace from her abilities.
Derek Acorah (In Memoriam): The late Derek Acorah was one of the most famous mediums in the UK. His appearances on popular television shows like "Most Haunted" brought him into the spotlight, where he showcased his exceptional skills in communicating with the spirit world. Derek's charm and genuine desire to help others made him a beloved figure in the psychic community.
Psychic Sisters - Jayne Wallace: Jayne Wallace, along with her team of gifted psychics, founded the Psychic Sisters. This London-based psychic haven has garnered a reputation for providing accurate readings and spiritual services. Jayne's diverse skills in tarot reading, crystal healing, and mediumship have earned her a loyal clientele, including numerous celebrities.
Gordon Smith: A true mediumship maestro, Gordon Smith is renowned for his ability to connect with departed loved ones and deliver evidential messages from the other side. His down-to-earth nature and unwavering dedication to his craft have made him a cherished mentor to aspiring psychics, ensuring the continuation of his legacy.
Michele Knight: With a vast online presence, Michele Knight has captivated audiences worldwide with her insightful readings and astrological predictions. As an accomplished psychic, astrologer, and tarot card reader, Michele's warm and uplifting demeanor has earned her the trust of many seeking guidance in their lives.
Sally Buxton: Known for her innate ability to communicate with animals, Sally Buxton has carved a unique niche in the psychic world. Referred to as the "Pet Psychic," she has helped countless pet owners understand their furry friends better and provided closure for those who have lost beloved companions.
Kim Alexis: A gifted clairvoyant, Kim Alexis, possesses the rare talent of remote viewing. Her accurate descriptions and detailed insights into distant locations and events have earned her a reputation as one of the UK's most intriguing psychics.
Read More Info :- Top Psychics In The UK.
These top psychics in the UK have demonstrated their extraordinary abilities time and again, captivating audiences and offering guidance to those in need. It's essential to approach psychic readings with an open mind, understanding that each practitioner has a unique style and expertise. While the allure of the psychic world remains ever-present, these gifted individuals continue to inspire and provide comfort through their exceptional talents, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch.
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astrovivekswamy · 1 month
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guidance and life resolutions, Astrologer Vivek is your go-to expert.
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chiefpasca · 1 year

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How Can A Psychic Reader Help You in Changing Your Life?
If you have been stuck in your life for a long time and you don’t know how to switch to the right path for the life you have always dreamed of, then you can seek guidance from the Top Psychic in London – Pandit Prem Kumar as his readings are more accurate. For more you can read this informative post or visit our website now!
Know More At: https://newsnext.co.uk/2022/02/09/how-can-a-psychic-reader-can-help-you-changing-your-life/
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mastershivaastro · 1 month
Are You Looking For The Best And Top Love and Relationship Problem Solutions
Are you looking for love relationship problem solutions in London, UK? Master Shiva is on the list of love problems in astrology in the United Kingdom. He solves all problems in astrology like evil spirit removal expert, love relationship problems solution, negative energy removal expert, love back specialist astrologer, health problems astrologer, husband and wife problem solution, jealously and curse removal, powerful love spells, psychic reading, removing witchcraft, spiritual healing, stop cheating partner, stop separation, and voodoo spell caster in your life.
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psychicreadingsuk · 2 years
Top Psychics In The UK
Psychics are people who have an exceptional ability to sense, analyze and predict the future or other unexplained phenomena, beyond the usual sense of perception. They are often sought out for their insights and guidance on matters such as relationships, finances, health, career, and personal growth. While there are many psychics in the UK, some stand out for their accuracy, experience, and reputation. In this essay, we will explore the top psychics in the UK.
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Sally Morgan is one of the most well-known psychics in the UK. She rose to fame as the “Psychic Sally” after appearing on numerous television shows. Morgan has been practicing as a psychic medium for more than 45 years and gained a reputation for her accuracy and authenticity. She has done readings for various high-profile clients, including members of the royal family. Morgan has also performed several international tours, filling venues such as the London Palladium and the SSE Hydro in Glasgow.
Another top psychic in the UK is Julie McKenzie. McKenzie has been working as a psychic for over 20 years and was awarded the title of “Best Psychic UK” in 2019. She is known for her ability to connect with lost loved ones and deliver detailed and accurate messages from the spiritual realm. She has a loyal following of clients who praise her empathetic and caring nature.
Read More Information :- psychic text.
Jayne Wallace is the founder of the Psychic Sisters, a chain of boutique stores located in Selfridges, London. She has been practicing as a psychic for more than 20 years and built a reputation for her unique and personalized approach. She has worked with many celebrities, including Kim Kardashian and Kylie Minogue. Her readings are insightful, uplifting, and delivered with a warm and friendly approach.
Judy Hall is an author, healer, and psychic who has written more than 40 books on crystals, healing, and psychic development. She has been working as a psychic for over 40 years and is highly respected in the spiritual community. Hall is known for her accurate readings and her ability to connect with the spiritual realm through the use of crystals.
Finally, Craig Hamilton-Parker is a psychic medium and author who has been featured in many television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Richard and Judy Show. He has written over 20 books on psychic ability, prophecy, and psychic development. Hamilton-Parker has a reputation for his accurate predictions and insights, providing clients worldwide with guidance on their future and spiritual journey.
Visit Here For More Information About This :- phone psychic.
In conclusion, there are many talented psychics in the UK, but Sally Morgan, Julie McKenzie, Jayne Wallace, Judy Hall, and Craig Hamilton-Parker stand out for their accuracy, experience, and credibility. Each of these psychics offers a unique and personalized approach to their readings, and their insights and guidance have helped many people find clarity and peace of mind. Whether you are looking for guidance on love, career, or finances, visiting one of these top psychics may provide you with the answers you seek.
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